4 INVENTOR 16%/6/S G
May 21, 1968 F. G., NEUBECK 3,384,326 AERODYNAMIC STRAKE Filed Aug. 24, 1965 - E - - 4 INVENTOR 16%/6/s G. MazMayaea ... it is ATTORNEYsa 3,384,326 United States Patent Office Patented May 21, 1968 1. 2 bination of parts involved in the embodiment of the inven 3,384,326 tion as will appear from the following description and AERODYNAMC STRAKE accompanying drawings, wherein: Francis G. Neubeck, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. FIG. 1 is a front elevation of the airplane showing the (94.67 Somerset Lane, Cypress, Calif. 90630) 5 angular relationship of the strakes in relation to the ver Filed Aug. 24, 1965, Ser. No. 482,304 tical axis of the airplane; 1 Claim. (CI. 244-13) FIG. 2 is a side elevation of the airplane showing the longitudinal position of a strake; FIG. 3 is an enlarged view of the rear portion of FIG. ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE 2, and showing with greater clarity the relationship be An elongated aerodynamic strake for use on an air 0 tween the aerodynamic strake and well-known airplane plane, and being in the form of a pentahedral prominence elements; and in plan and joined to and extending from each lower FIG. 4 is an enlarged plan view of the strake only. quarter aft section of the fuselage between the trailing The aerodynamic strake 10, constituting this invention, edge of the wing and the leading edge of the horizontal 5 is joined to the exterior of the fuselage skin on airplane stabilizer to be in the upwash area for improving overall 12, as shown on FIG.
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