Educational Research in Sweden 1971-72. INSTITUTION National Library for Psychology and Education, Stockholm (Sweden).; National Swedish Boardof Education, Stockholm
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 073 925 SE 015 803 AUTHOR Overby, 011e, Ed. TITLE Educational Research in Sweden 1971-72. INSTITUTION National Library for Psychology and Education, Stockholm (Sweden).; National Swedish Boardof Education, Stockholm. PUB FATE [72] NOTE 148p. EERS PRICE ME-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Curriculum; *Educational Research; Instruction; Learning; *Research; *Research Projects IDENTIFIERS *Sweden ABSTRACT One hundred eight Swedish educational research projects in all fields are 'summarized.Project title, location, project leader, number of researchers andother personnel, starting and completion dates, financialsources, background and aims, scope, methods, main findings, and-bibliographicreferences are listed for each project. ,0)10 CONTENTS Introduction Page Department of EducationalRe'searc Gothenburg Schoolof Education Institute of Education, University of Gothenburg 11 Department of EducationalResearch, Linkoping School ofEducation Institute of Education, University of Lund Department of Educational andPsychological l:Research, Malmb School ofEducation Department of Educational and PsychologicalResearch, Stockholm School ofEducation 55 Institute of Education, University of Stockholm 72 Pedagogical Centrein Stockholm 73 Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm 79 Department of Education, University of Lime& and Lima, Schoolof Education Department of Sociology University of lime& 109 Department of PoliticalScience, University of Umea 111 Department ofEducational Research, Uppsala School ofEducation 112 Institute of Education, University of Uppsala 129 Subject Index 141 Index of Researchers 144 INTRO') TION The Council of Europe's ad hoc Committee'or Educational Research, which was set up by the Council for CulturalCo-operation in 1968, has the task of promoting information on, co-ordinationof, and co-operation in educationalresearch at the European level. Under the guidance of tne Committee, the DocumentationCentre for Education in Europe carried out and published EuropeanSurveys on Educational Research at two-year intervals.
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