~omt 4,Ftotts on tltt J!familits of ~nnnings.


The South Lincolnshire Family of Hunnings was a fairly typical one of the middle class. They were for many centuries landowners, and held a good position in the County. They resided in and Fosdyke and inter-married with the W el bys and other leading local families. Like too many other Lincolnshire families, who made that County their home, times in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries told hard against· them, for the County suffered severely, not only from the ,vars of the Roses: but even more so from the rule of Henry VIII, who hated the County because the inhabitants let him know, they not only did not approve of his conduct towards his first Queen, but detested his brutal robbery of their beloved monasteries, and his cruel overthrow of their religion. The Parliamentary Wars completed the ruin of a large number of the old landowning families, who in very many cases became farming tenants of land they had previously owned, or they had to migrate to London and enter into trade, or went to America, where they formed a God-fearing and industrious population, who frequently named the towns they formed after the places they had left and loved so well in Lincolnshire. What has been 's loss has been Canada's and the United States' gain. When we lose sight of the Hunnings of Algarkirk in the seventeenth century, there can be little doubt that they settled at and in the first instance, and soon after­ wards a member of the Holbeach branch, Edward Hunnings, went to live at Moulton. His family soon afterwards left Moulton and went to reside at Boston, where members of it held many public posts. From the Boston branch the Hunnings of Tottenha1n are descended. For nearly a century the Hunnings family has died out in Lincolnshire for want of males. The only known repre­ sentatives on the female side are the Clarkes, of Snaith, York~hire, formerly of The Goddards, Moulton; the Fosters, of Moulton and Aldershot ; Mrs. Price, of Spalding~ descendant of the late John Tatam, of Moulton. There are other descendants of John Tatam, but none reside in Lincolnshire. W. E~ F. Aldershot, September 14th, 1912.


Page 15, line 16, for '' Abraham Rigs," read "Abraham Riss.' ,, ,, ,, 35, for ".t\..ngers," read "Myers."






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PART I. The Huning, Honing, or Hunnings family, who probably derived their name from the parish of Huning in Norfolk, may certainly be ranked as one of the older Lincolnshire families, having been resident in the neighbourhood of .Algarkirk, in the Holland division of the county, from at least the time of Edward II, until the early part of the nineteenth century. · In the seventeenth century the family appears to have gradually moved from .Algarkirk and Fosdyke, and, so far as Lincolnshire is concerned, divided into three branches: the Holbeach Family, the Whaplode Family, and the Moulton Family. The latter family left lfoulton in the next century and went to reside at Boston, where they took a leading part in the municipal and other public affairs of that borough. In the next century the family left that well-known eastern county seaport and went to reside in London. This branch is now a very numerous one-a skeleton pedigree will be given from information furnished by one of the family. The Holbeach and Whaplode branches, so far as I can ascertain, are extinct, through the failure of male heirs. The last male being John Frotheringham Hunnings, a solicitor, who was born at Holbeach in the year 1789, and died at Donington in South Lincolnshire in the year 1823, leaving four daughters by his wife Susannah (Procter), whom he had married in London (St. Martin-in-the-Fields) in the year 1812 :- .Ann Saunders Hunnings, who married Charles Hanslip, of London, solicitor, at Holbeach. Dorothy March Hunnings, who married William Simpson Clarke, of "The Goddards," Moulton, a captain in the South Lincolnshire Militia. Susannah Mary ij:unnings, who married, at Holbeach, Thomas Foster, of the l\ilanor House, Moulton.· Margaret Elizabeth Hunnings, who married Newcome Rogers, of , surgeon. John Frotheringham Hunnings, through the marriage of his grand­ father, Thomas Hunnings, of Whaplode, with .Anne Newcomen, of .Authorpe, in the county of Lincoln, claimed royal descent. This marriage took place at the parish church at , co. Lincoln, on the 1st January 1751, but I have been totally unable to ascertain the reason of its having taken place in a parish, with which neither fa.milies were in any way connected, nor is it believed any member of either family resided there at the time. B 2 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. This royal descent-eight lines from Henry III and Edward I-was first pointed out to me by the Rev. W. G. Dymock Fletcher, F.S.A., a well known authority and writer on royal descents, and is given in the appendix to these Notes. . There is another branch of the Hunnings family to which I s4ould here like to call attention, that of London and Sufiolk, which during the early Tudor period rose to wealth and position, and which I believe were connected with the Algarkirk branch of the family ; for the reasons I have given in the account of that "stem." For over four centuries the Hunnings had their principal seat at Algarkirk, holding properties at Kirton and Fosdyke, but like too many of the old Lincolnshire families they had to part with their estates during the troubles of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. They gradually migrated from the Algarkirk and Kirton district into the parishes of Holbeach and Whaplode, in the Elloe division. In these two places the family became somewhat numerous, and spread into Moulton parish, where members of the Hunnings family had lived two centuries previously. The first mention of the name of Running I have met with is in the Pipe Rolls, in the year 1176 (23 Henry II):- Co. Salop. De placitis Bertranni de Verdun et sociorum ejus. Hunningus redd. comp. de xxs pro habenda recognitione versus Warinum Senem In thesauro liberavit et quietus sit. Vol. 26, Pipe Roll Soc., p. 38. Whether this Hunningus was an ancestor of or in any way related to the Hunnings family of Algarkirk it is impossible to say, all we can speak with any certainty is that the name of Hunnings is rarely met with, that in the days of the early Plantagenet kings several of the great Shropshire families owned large estates in Lincolnshire, and married into Lincolnshire families. liay it not under these circumstances be probable that a men1ber of the Shropshire family migrated with some noble family as a military retainer, or even in some fiduciary position in relationship with some of the large manors or estates. The Hunnings family does not appear in any of the Heralds' Visitations for the county of Lincoln, nor were they of high enough rank for any genealogist to trace their descent through the time of the war of the Roses ; indeed, few families, even of the highest rank in the kingdom, can satisfactorily trace their pedigree during that dark period of English history-they have to be content with many "missing links " i~ the family tree, or rely only on the early Heralds' Visitations. The first member of the family we meet with residing in South Lincolnshire was John Hunnyng, of Algerkirke, and "Senicla," his wife. This was in the year of 11 Edward II (1317-1318) when John Hunnyng of Algerkirke and Senicla his wife were deforciants in a suit in which Richard son of Sarra de Welleby claimed 6 acres of NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 3 land in Multon against John Hunnyng of Algerkirke and Senicla his wife, William Prest of Spalding and Nichola his wife, Matilda and Margaret daughters of Athelard Welleby. De Banco Rolls, 11 Edward II, m. 337. It would appear that Senicla, the wife of John Hunnyngs, was a daughter of Athelard de Welleby. . The next member of the family of whom we find mention is Alexander Hunnyne~ who was bailiff of property at Kirton (near Boston) in 47 Edward III (De Banco Rolls, 47 Edward III, 452, m. 337). He, like John Hunnyng, must have occupied a good position in the district. In the More collection of charters is a deed dated 13 Richard II :­ " Doms John de Warre miles to Alicia late wife of Alexander Hunnyng, Rendeltoft, 4 acres for 7 years, rent 20s." There is a seal attached to this charter. This John de Warre was lord of Swineshead. From the reign of Richard II we find frequent mention of the family of Running residing at Algarkirk and the adjoining parishes of Fosdyke and Kirton. The names of various members of the family are of con­ stant occurrence, either as parties to or witnesses of deeds relating to land and houses in the locality until the eighteenth century. One is inclined to think a considerable number of the family must from time to time have been lawyers, and as such to have had not only business but social relationship with most of the leading South Lincolnshire families-they had with the Welbys, the Pulvertofts, and Pinchbecks. Their social position certainly appears at those times to have been a good one, and the widow of Alexander Running married the lord of Swineshead. Johanna Hunnyng, the daughter of Simon Huning of Fosdyke married a Welby, and there is no disputing the Welbys were in those times the most influential family in the Elloe division of Lincolnshire. And not only could the family, as will be seen, indulge in a chancery suit, but by will made in 1553, Edward Hunnings of .A.lderkirke we learn, had a " swan mark," a no mean honour in those days. The wills of members of the Hunnings family, both in the principal registry in London and in the district one at Lincoln, all point to the family being a prosperous one, either following the law or farming their property in South Lincolnshire. The names of members of the family appear from time to time as jurors on Inquisitions Post Mortem, and also on the jury rolls as living at Algarkirk. To a deed (in the possession of the Earl of Warwick) dated at Algar­ kirk St. Margaret, 19 Richard II (1395), we find Roger Pulvei:toft, Thomas Welby and John Hunnyng as witnesses. The deed was a demise of a meadow at Fosdyke from Thomas son of Richard de Pulvertoft to John son of John Raynaldsone of Fosdyke. By a gaol delivery return of 17 Henry V, we find Thomas Honnynge of Algarkirk was returned as a juror. In the Additional Charters (8402) there is an interesting deed in Latin-it is dated at Algarkirk, Tuesday after the feast of St. Cuthbert, 2 Henry VI (1424). By it John Cock of Boston and Richard Perry of Fosdyke conveyed to Lambert Haning some land at Fosdyke, lying 4 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

between lands formerly of Thomas Huninge, Senr., etc. Among the witnesses are John Huning and William Huning of Algerkyrk :- " Know, etc. That we, John Cok of Boston and Richard Perry of Fossidyke, have granted & enfeo:ffed & by this present charter do confirm unto Lambert Hunnyng, his heirs & assigns, one plot or ·piece of land with the appurts. lying in .A.lgarkyk called Fenlands, lying between lands of Thomas Hunnuyngs, senr., in the south and land formerly of Edward Granmer (?) on the north & abutting on the common sea ditch & a certain ditch of the said Edward on the east & certain land on the west. To have & to hold the said plot with the appurts. with free ingrets & egrets from the common road to the aforesaid plot. To the use of the said Lambert, his heirs and assigns of the capital Lord of the Fee by the services thereof due & of right accustomed for ever. Witness, etc., Rico Polneresen (?) de Algarkyk. John Hunnings de Algarkyk. John ...... (?) de Algarkyk. William Hunnings de .Algarkyk. And others. Dated at Algarkyk, Tuesday after the feast of St. Cuthbert, 2 Henry VI." In the Record Office there is a deed dated 8 Henry VI, conveying land at Algarkyk to Lambert Hunnings. A John Hunnings and a William Hunnings are witnesses. In the Earl of Warwick's muniment room at Warwick Castle is a deed (398, B. No. 4) dated at Algarkyk Sunday next SS. Peter and Paul, 7 Henry VI (1429), by which Lambert Running of Algarkyk demised with Hugh Ordying of Fordick to Adlard Welbie of Algarkyk, son of Thomas Welbie of Fosdyke, 4 plots of land called Brown~forth, 1 aire called Squappeharte, a plot called Dewell, and half-an-acre of meadow called Belham green. Among the witnesses are Thomas Running, John Running, Wm. Running. From the Additional I\IS., 24,914, by a final concord dated the Morrow of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 3rd February 1432, Richard Perry and Agnes his wife surrendered lands in Alderkirk to Thomas Baldyng, clerk, Lambert Running, and others. 1432. By the Early Chancery Proceedings, Record Office, 38/293, we get a short pedigree of the Hunnings family:- Thomas Hunnings.T··· r------,-~------I Symon.T··· Thomas. Hoger.

I I J ohane.=Thomas Welbie. Thomas Welby and J ohane his wife, daughter of Symon son of Thomas Hunnyng, i,ersus Richard Pynchbek, Esq., feoffee to uses of the will of Thomas Hunnyng. The bill states that Thomas Hunnyng had enfeoffed defendant and others, now dead, of lands, etc., in Algarkirk, co. Lincoln, to the NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. intent that they should perform his last will, in which will it was con­ tained that the same Richard Pynchbek and his co-feoffees should 1nake estate of the said lands to Simon the eldest son of said Thomas Hunnyng and to the heirs of his body, for default of issue of the said Thomas the son, the said lands should remain to Roger another son of the said "fader" and the heirs of his body, which Symon had issue the said J ohane, now one of the said " beseechers." And that your beseechers have often times required the said Richard (Pynchbek). to make estate of the said lands to the said J ohane which to do the said Richard (Pynchbek) hath at all times refused. In the Early Chancery Proceedings, 41/269, Thomas Hunnyng the younger petitions against the previous suit. By a deed, in the Earl of Warwick's possession, dated at Algarkirk, 7th May, 5 Edward IV (1466), William Wilcockson conveyed land at Fosdyke to . . . . It is witnessed by Roger Hunnyng and Thomas Welby; and by another deed dated 24 May, 12 Edward IV (1473), Thomas Gryme, of Algarkirk, and others demised to Lambert, son of Robe-rt Field of Algerkirk, and others 2 acres of land called Collerholme, abutting on land of Richard Hunnyng. This deed was witnessed by Thomas Welbie, Thomas Hunnyng, John Hunnyng, and Richard Hunnyng, all of Algerkirk. In 1472, Thomas Hunyng and Elizabeth his wife, of Fosdyke, were taxed. We learn by Lady Elizabeth Cust's work on (' The Family": In 1436, Thomas Thakker of Pinchbek, granted certain lands in Fosdyke to Lambert Hunyng, gentleman, and that William Rand.son, of Byker, by his will dated Sunday after the Annunciation, 1479, declared "I also wiU- that Elizabeth Hunyng have vi kye & vi yowys." The Early Chancery Proceedings for 1480 (Bundle 61, No. 249) give us certain further information relating to Elizabeth Hunnyne. Her husband, Simon Hunyng, was then dead and she had married a John Thompson. The case related to a house in Algarkirk. And by another suit (Bundle 16, No. 418) in Chancery we gather that Roger, brother to Katherine Bale, gentlewoman, of Lincolnshire, had enfeoff ed lands to Richard Welbie, Richard Berghton, and Lambert Hunyng, and that Roger and John, sons of Roger deceased, petitioned to have their lands. By a deed (in the Earl of Warwick's collection) dated at Algerkirk 21st November, 20 Edward IV (1480), John Pulvertoft and John Hunnyng with others, being witnesses, John son of Henry Parker of , demised to William Gryme and others 3 acres of land in Algerkirk. By a deed (Earl of Wa-r:wick's collection) dated at Algerkirk, 25th October 1490 (6 Henry VII), William, son of Thomas Nevill of Algarkirk, demised to John Pulvertoft and others 2 plots of land in Middlemarsh lying adjoining land of . . . . Richardson of Thomas Hunyngs, senior, on the south, and another piece of land called Callendarrygge between land of Thomas Kirketon and that of Roger Hunynge, junior, son of Thomas Hunyng, senior, and land of 6 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. Thomas atte Cross, son of Thomas Hunyng, senior, of Hiptoft end on the south. Among the witnesses were Thomas Hunyng, William Hunyng and T. atte Cross. In the Feet of Fines, 15 Henry VII (1499) file_, 158, No. 28, appears the name of Thomas Hunyng. In 1499, Roger Wilkinson, of Swyneshead, yeoman, left Roger Hunyng, son of John Hunyng, land and property by his will. (Gib hons' "Early Lincoln Wills," Bishop Smith's Registers, 1496-1515, fo. 61.) Will not dated, but proved 26th January 1499. Roger Wilkinson, of Swyneshead, yeoman. To be buried at St. Mary's Church Swynes­ head. Bequests to Lincoln and Swyneshead Churches ; to four orders of Friars at Boston. Residue to Thomas Lacy of Kyme and John Hogh and Edward Benson of Swyneshead. Supervisor, Sir George . . . . ., Knt. Masses to be said at the altar of Kyme Church for my soul and for the soul of Sir William Tailbois and Elizabeth his consort. My godson, Roger, son of John Hunyng, when he comes of full age, to have my principal messuage and meadow called Gasetoft and a piece of hempland called Brad . . . , and another piece of salt marsh, to him and his heirs entail, they keeping my anniversary in Swyneshead Church. The testator also left his godson land in Gose­ toft. John Hunyng of Algarkirk is mentioned in the Feet of Fines in lO Henry VIII (1510). In 1529, Thomas Hunyng enfeoffed half-an-acre of land in Kirton. The names of several members of the Hunyngs of Algarkirk and Fosdyke from time to time appear on the jury list in the gaol delivery rolls for Lincolnshire during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The name of Richard Hunyng appears among the jury on the inquisition on the death of Henry Cust, 38 Henry VIII. During the reign of Henry VIII we find mention of members of the Hunyng family at Moulton. In the year 24 Henry VIII (1532), Lord Boston's muniments at Hedsor show that at that date there was a husbandman at Moulton named Simon Hunyng, son and heir of Robert Hunyng then lately deceased. He conveyed a messuage and a " holte " containing 1 a. 1 r. 0 p. in Moulton to Antony Irby, Richard Ogle, and others to the use of Richard Pulvertoft, Esq., of Boston :- 20 July Grant in perpetuity made by Symon Hunyng 1532, of Molton in the county of Lincoln, husbandman, 24 Henry VIII. son and heir of Robert Hunyng of the same place, late deceased, to Antony Irby, of Gosberkyrke, Nicholas Robertson of Boston, Esq., Thomas Robertson of Boston, Richard Ogle, junior, of Pinchbek, gentleman, Symon Culzer of Moulton, husbandman, their heirs and assigns, of a messuage and a "holte" with their appurts., etc., containing 1 a. 1 r. 0 p., lying in lioulton aforesaid, to be held by them to the use of Robert Pulver­ toft of Boston, Esquire, his heirs and assigns, with a power of attorney given to Gilbert Male and Robert Thacker to enter into the said premises and remove the farmers, tenants and occupiers thereof and to deliver seizin thereof to the persons abovenamed. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 7 On the same day Simon Hunyng entered into a bond with Robert Pulvertoft to pay £4 on the feast of St. Laurence next coming. The condition being to perform the covenants in the conveyance of the 20th July 1532. . There is a further deed between the same parties with the Hedsor documents relating to the messuage and holte. Turning to the Moulton Parish Registers, we do not find any entries of births or deaths relating to the Hunnings until the seventeenth cen­ tury, but there are two entries in the marriage register: Robert Brass­ brege married on the 26th April 1562 Ellesebeth Huning (in the Lincoln record it is entered as Robert Bracebridge and Elizabeth Huninge), and on the 11th November 1568, Robert Webster and Dame Huningham. The next entry we find in the Moulton registers is the burial of Robert Hunyng on the 24th November 1658, a period of ninety years having elapsed since the previous entries. I think we may fairly assume that during that period the family had ceas·ed to reside at Moulton, and again resumed their residence there about the time other members of the family left Algarkirk and came to reside at Holbeach and the neighbouring village of Whaplode. In the Return of Lincolnshire Freeholders in the year 1561, two members of the Hunnings family are returned : Thomas Hunnynge of Fosdyke, yeoman, and Francis Hunnynge of Fosdyke, yeoman. In the two Lincolnshire Assessments, 1661-5 and 1676, we do not find the name of Huning in the Kesteven division, but in that of Holland we find in the Lay Subsidy of Charles II, in the year 1661 : Algarkirk: Roger Hunings, 2 hearths; Bicker: Humphrey Hunings, 2 hearths ; and in that of 1676-Whaplode : George Hunnings, 3 hearths; Algarkirk: W. Hunnings, 2 hearths; Bicker: Widow Hunnings, 2 hearths. In the Calendars of Feet of Fines, from 4 James I to 32 George II, we find the following relating to the Hunings family :- M'mas, 11 James I. Thomas Middlecot and another v. Thomas Hunnings and others, and relating to tenements in Kirton. Hilary, 11 James I. John Procter and others v. Thomas Hunnings, tenements in Kirton. Trinity, 12 James I. Richard Justice v. Thomas Hunnynge and another, tenement at Frampton. Hilary, 14 James I. Thomas Middlecot v. Thomas Hunnynge, tenement in Algarkirk. Easter, 15 James I. Thomas Houghton, gent., v. Thomas Hunnynge, tenement in Algarkirk. Easter, 11 Charles I. Richard Westland, gent., v. Thomas Hunnynge, gent. Tenement in Boston. Trinity, 18 Charles I. Simon Hunnynge and another v. Francis Cooke and another. Tenement in Leake. Easter, 29 Charles II. Thomas Hunnings v. Roger Hunnings. Tenement in Algarkirk. Hilary, 33 Charles II. Robert Wilson and William March v. ·Thomas Hunnings and Katherine his wife. Tenement in Holbeach. 8 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. Trinity Term, 34: Charles II. John Stukeley, gent., David Green, and William Durlingdale, v. William March, Thomas Hunnings and Katherine his wife, Samuel Awmunson and Elizabeth his wife, and · William Bennett and Elizabeth his wife. Tenements in Holbeach, Gedney, and Whaplode. In Gibbons' Lincoln Marriage Licences, there are the following notices of the Hunnings :- 1603 (March). John Hunninge and Jane Brocklespie. 1614. July 23. Henry Fowler, of Langer, co. Notts, Esq., ret. 50. Ursale Honying, ret. 20, daughter of Henry Honying of Dunsby, Esq., application by George Burmote of the Close, Winchester, Notary Public. Before we treat of the wills of the Hunings family it will be well here to note that the last will of any member of the family residing at Algar­ kirk is dated 30th December 1660. At that time we find entries relating to the family in the registers of Holbeach, Whaplode and Moul­ ton. These entries clearly show that the family must have been fairly numerous in those three parishes, and as the first entries in the Holbeach and Whaplode registers record baptisms, it would seem to point to the conclusion that the parents had but recently come into the district, particularly as the registers in each place commenced more than a hundred years previously. The first entry at Whaplode is the baptism of Ann, daughter of George Hunnings, on the 21st January 1670, and in the same year there is the entry of the burial of Thomas, the son of George Hunnings, on 23rd November 1670. The first entry we have in the Holbeach registry is the baptism of March, son of Thomas and Catherine Hunnings, on the 12th April 1680. One would be disposed to think this Thomas Hunnings may have migrated from Algarkirk to Holbeach about the time he married Katherine March, a daughter of William March of Holbeach, a man of considerable wealth and influence in the place and· a member of a very old Holbeach family.1 On the 8th November 1680 there is recorded in the Holbeach register the burial of a Richard Hunnings, but the~e is nothing stated as to his age or parentage. The Moulton register is the exceptio:Q.. : there the first entry is the burial on the 24th November 1658 of Robert Hunnings. Judging from the register, I believe this Robert to have been a man of some importance, as I think the Richard Hunnings of Holbeach was, but there is nothing in the bald entries in the registers of the three parishes nor in the wills that are subsequently given to enable one with any certainty to state the parentage of the earlier settlers of the Hunnings family in Holbeach, Whaplode and Moulton. As showing the connection between the Holbeach and the Moulton branches, the wills of Edward Hunings of Holbeach, husbandman, dated 3rd January 1702-3, that of John Hunnings of Holbeach, grazier, dated 4th April 1746, and that of Edward Hunings of Moulton, grazier, dated 10th December 1733, give the following pedigree :-

1 Further information of the March family is gh-en in Macdonald's "History of ·Holbeach" and in "Notes of the .l!.,oster Family of aud Moulton," published by Mitchell, Hughes & Clarke, London. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 9

H nnnings. T ... I r--- Edward Hunnings, of Holbeach.TSarah. Thomas Hunnings,TKatherine ,vill dated 2 Jan. 1702-3. \ of Holbeach. \ l\Iarch. .

I I I I EdwardTElizabeth Deborah. 'MarchT··· ThomasT··· Hunn- Butter, of Hunn- Hunn- I ings,of Hol- ings, of Spalding. Ann. rngs. mgs. beacb, gra- Moulton. I zier. "Will Will Elizabeth. dated 4 dated 10 Apr. 1746. Dec. 1733. i - _j t I r -,----,1-----i r- Butter Hunnings. Catherine. J uhn. Thomas. Ruth. l\1arch=Ann. Hunn­ Elizabeth. ings. We are unable to give more information concerning the Holbeach branch of the Hunings family than the various entries in the Holbeach and Whaplode registers. They were closely connected with the branch of the family who made Whaplode their home ; indeed members of both branches seem to have resided at Whaplode and Holbeach almost indiscriminately, and to have had their members baptised and buried in those two parish chUI'ches.

THE WHAPLODE BRANCH. We obtain considerably more information relating to the Whaplode branch of the Hunings family than we do that of the Holbeach branch. The first mention of a member of the Hunings family in the Whaplode register is that of the baptism of Ann, the child of George Hunnings, on the 21st January 1670. As the register dates back more than a hundred years prior to 1670, we may fairly assume George Hunnings was the first of his family to make Whaplode his home, and we do not think he could have been then a long resident there, for the Lay Subsidy Roll of 1665 does not mention a Hunnings as living at Whaplode or Holbeach, but in that of 1676 we find George Hunnings of Whaplode returned as having three hearths. He was churchwarden in 1679, and judging by the entries in the Whaplode books he must have been a leading parishioner, and took great interest in parochial affairs. I have been unable to discover any wills of members of the Whaplode branch, but fortunately, in addition to the entries in the Whaplode registers, have obtained legal documents to guide me in preparing a pedigree of this family. From these papers we learn the singular fact that every eldest son of the main line of this branch took the estates of his father by heirship and not by devise; indeed, it seems to have been a tradition in the family to die intestate. A March Hunnings was churchwarden at Whaplode in the years 1712-13, and a John Hunings was Vicar's churchwarden in 1723, and 10 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. during that period both March and John Hunnings were frequent attendants at the Whaplode vestry meetings. One is struck when searching the Wha pl ode register by the few entries of baptisms of members of the Hunings family who were born in that parish; one would imagine the family were not churchpeople. There is no entry of the baptism of Thomas Hunings who was buried on 25th March 1695~ though one would have thought there would have been, as the death of his elder brother, also named Thomas, is recorded in 1670. Nor do we find the baptism of William Hunings who was buried at Whaplode on 3rd September 1727, nor of his son William who was buried there in 17 43, nor of his son Thomas Hunings who married Ann Newcomen at Surfleet on the 1st January 1751, nor is there any entry of Ann Newcomen's son, John Hunings, who was after­ wards a solicitor at Holbeach, who married Elizabeth Sanders of Spalding at Holbeach Church and died in the year 1801. I propose to give pedigrees showing Ann N ewcomen' s royal descent and also Elizabeth Sanders' descent. The tombstones in the churchyard of Whaplode have been carefully searched to find, if possible, any memorial to the many members of the Hunnings family which the registers show were buried there, but the only one remaining is a fine altar tomb on the south side of the tower of the church, to the memory of John Hunnings, who died at Holbeach in 1801. In this tomb lie the remains of John Hunnings, Elizabeth his wife, and her second husband, a Mr. Harvey who was a solicitor at Holbeach. It is singular that there is an entry of John Hunnings' death and burial in the Holbeach register as well as in that at Whaplode. He died without a will, leaving one child surviving him, John Frotheringham Hunnings, who was a solicitor at Donington, and he dying in 1823 leaving four daughters, was the last male of that branch. This John Hunnings was buried at Whaplode at midnight. The funeral procession started from his residence at Holbeach and passed through lines of men with lighted torches, which must have presented a weird scene. The funeral is mentioned in the Spalding Magazine for the year 1801. John Frotheringham Hunnings married Susannah Procter, a member of the Procter family who resided at near Boston, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, in the year 1812. He died at Donington and was buried there in 1823, where there is still a monument to his memory. He had one son, John George Hunnings, who predeceased him and is also buried at Donington. John George Hunnings' death was caused by injuries he received to his eyes by being hit with a stone thrown by a schoolfellow at the Wisbech school where he was a scholar. The four- daughters of J. F. Hunnings were all born and baptised at Donington, and were all married at Holbeach church. Ann Sanders married Charles Hanslip, of London, solicitor. She died at Fulham, leaving issue. Dorothy March married Captain Willia1n Simpson Clarke, of Moulton, and she died without issue and is buried in Holbeach cemetery. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 11

Susannah Mary, married Thomas Foster,1 of the Manor House, Moulton.1 She died and was buried at Moulton, in 1900, leaving issue. Margaret Elizabeth married Newcomen Rogers, of Grantham, surgeon. She died at Leighton Buzzard, leaving issue, and is buried in Holbeach cemetery. Letters of administration were taken out at Lincoln to the estate of John F. Hunnings by his widow. She afterwards married, as her second husband, Thomas Ayliff, solicitor, of Holbeach. He died in the year 1847 and is buried in Holbeach churchyard with his widow, who died in 1868. There is a tablet to their memory in the north aisle of Holbeach church. The mother of J. F. Hunnings died at Holbeach in the year 1844, and is buried at Whaplode. By her v.--i.ll, which was proved at Lincoln, she left her property to her four granddaughters.


We have previously seen how the Moulton branch of the Hunnings family was an offshoot from that of Holbeach: how Edward Hunnings of Holbeach, whose will was dated the 2nd January 1702-3 was the brother of Thomas Hunnings of Holbeach, who married Katherine March, and how Richard's son, Edward, whose will was dated the 10th December 1733, resided at Moulton. Richard Hunnings' will is subsequently given, and also Edward Hunnings' will. By Richard Hunnings' will we learn he had one son, Edward, and three daughters, Deborah, Ann and Elizabeth, and a wife named Sarah who proved his will at Boston, 16th April 1703. Edward Hunnings is described as a grazier at Moulton. He married Elizabeth Butter, the daughter of a wealthy merchant, Robert Butter, of Spalding. Edward Hunnings, by his will dated 10th December 1733, mentions his wife and his cousin John Hunnings of Holbeach Marsh, guardian for his two children, his son Butter and his daughter named Elizabeth. The will was proved at Lincoln on 9th May 1734 by the widow, the two children being under age. There is a memorial in Moulton church to Edward Hunnings. Edward Hunnings December 18, 1733 aged 36 years. I An infant son I Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Butter of Spald­ ing, merchant & wife of the above named Edward Hunnings & Charles Holland both of this parish on Nov. 18, 1780, aged 77 years. ) Frances Susannah, daughter of James & Elizabeth Sneath of Spalding and granddaughter of the above Edward & Elizabeth Hunnings an infant. A son of Edward Hunnings, also named Edward, became a grocer and settled in Boston. He married Martha Clarke, the daughter of Matthew Clarke, who resided at Goddards Hall, Moulton. She died young; her tablet in Moulton church is as follows:-

1 See notes on " The Foster Family of Dowsby and Moulton." 12 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. Martha wife of Edward Hunnings of Boston in this County, and daughter of Matthew & Elizabeth Clarke of this parish, grazier. Dec. 11, 1787, aged 25 years. Her will bears date the 12th October 1787. She mentions a bond given on her marriage, dated 12th August 1786, and. as she had no family she gave her husband £500. She mentions her brothers Matthew Clarke and John Clarke, her mother Elizabeth Clarke, ·her late father Matthew Clarke, and l\irs. Hunnings, her mother-in-law. The will was proved at Lincoln, 17th February 1788. There is in the Lincoln registry the will of Butter Hunnings, of the city of Lincoln, Esq., dated 19th July 1802. He mentions his sister Elizabeth Sneath, widow, his late mother, Elizabeth Holland, widow; he mentions his son Edward, to whom he gave his estates at Whaplode, Moulton, \Veston, Spalding and Pinchbeck, subject to an annuity of £40; he mentions his granddaughter Elizabeth Clarke, his daughter, Elizabeth Simpson, the wife of Richard· Simpson, of Moulton, grazier, and his daughter Mary Banks, the wife of Rev. John Banks, of Boston ; he mentions his property in the city of Lincoln. The will was proved at Lincoln, 20th March 1804. There is a slab in I\Ioulton church to Elizabeth Simpson, as follows:- " Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, relict of Richard Simpson, and formerly of Matthew Clarke of this parish, elder daughter of Butter and Mary Hunnings. Born at Lincoln, J anry. 23rd 1762. Died at Doncaster, O~tober 23rd 184:0." From this branch the present family of Hunnings of Tottenham are descended.

THE HUNNINGS WILLS. There are several interesting wills of members of the Hunnings family, both in the principal and in the local registry at Lincoln, though, as I have previously remarked, a great number of the family died intestate, and as the )..lgarkirk registry only begins in the year 1690, it is very difficult to prepare a reliable pedigree. What wills there are, clearly show the family to be "well to do," in the Tudor period, and gradually parting with their property during the troubles of the six­ teenth and seventeenth centuries. The first will of a member of the Hunnings family is in the Lincoln registry : it is that of Robert Huningham, who resided at Kirton, and is dated 16th December, 1541. The document is an interesting one, but unfortunately there is no mention of any of the Hunnings family. The testator directed his house to be sold and part of the proceeds to be spent in making a road. It was proved at Lincoln on 11th- January 154:1-2. The next will in the Lincoln registry is that of Richa?d Hunnynge of Boston. It is dated 22nd January 1543. He was evidently a farmer, as he leaves his "cattell" to his son Thomas, and his household goods to be equally divided, one quarter to his son Thomas Hunnynge, one-half to his son's two children, and one-quarter to his servant Agnes Parkyn. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 13

The next will in the Lincoln registry is that of Thomas Hunnings, of Algarkirk, and is dated 3rd March 1550. He gave to his wife Agnes his dwelling house and 8 acres of land for her life, she having out of the rents to pay Peter Hunnyng, Christopher Hunnyng, and William Hunnyng, £5 each. At the widow's death the property was left to his son Nicholas, and the heirs of his body, and on failure to other sons in succession. He left £5 each to his daughters, Cecilia, Agnes, and :Margery, on their attaining the age of 19 years. To his son Thomas he left 12 " yewes " with their lambs. The next will in the Lincoln registry is that of Johanna Honyng, the wife of John Honyng of Fleet, husbandman, and is dated 28th May 1550. There is no mention in the will of any member of the Hunnings family. The will of Edward Hunnings, of Algarkirk, yeoman, dated the 18th July 1552, is in the Principal Registry. He appears to have been a man of means and possessed of a "swan mark," which he gave to his wife Alice for her life, and then to his son John Hunnyng and his heirs. Alice, his widow, proved the will 5th August 1552. The next will is in the Lincoln registry : it is that of Sishe Hunnyng, of Alderchurch, and is dated 28th April 1565, but beyond giving the names of his brothers and sisters it is of no interest. Brothers Thomas and Nicholas, sisters Margerie and Agnes. The will of Francis Honyng of Algarkirk, yeoman, dated the 24th August 1570, is in the Lincoln registry. He gives to his "1-ife Jannett certain household furniture, and leaves his houses and lands to Agnes Barfote, his sister's daughter. No Hunnings are mentioned in the will. The next will is at Lincoln : it is that of Thomas Huninge, of Kirton Holme, and is dated 1st July 1570. He was a farmer. There are no Hunnings mentioned in the will. He mentions his wife Rose. The next will at Lincoln is a most interesting one, that of Thomas Hunnyng of Algarkirk, and is dated 10th December 1570. It shows the testator to have been a prosperous farmer and landowner. He mentions his daughter Cassandra, and his sons Richard and Roger. The most interesting paragraph in his will is his leaving the piece of land at Fosdyke which h.e bought of 1.lir. Huninge of London. Richard Welbie and Richard Tunnard were among the witnesses to the will. V The will of Nicholas Hunnings of Algarkirk, yeoman, dated 13th January 1597, is in the Lincoln registry. He was a farmer. He men­ tions his wife Marie, but does nor leave anything to any member of the Hunnings family. The will of Roger Hunings of Boston, gentleman, dated 29th December 1611, is in the Lincoln registry. He mentions his son Thomas, his wife Ann, and gives her for life his houses and lands at Boston. To his son Thomas for life, lands in Fosdyke, Algarkirk, etc., then to his son Roger. The will was proved at Lincoln, 20th April 1612. The last of the Hunnings (of Algarkirk) wills in the Lincoln registry is that of Thon1as Hunnings, of Algarkirk, yeoman, dated 30th December 1660. He mentions his son Thomas, to whom he gave a cottage and land, " which he bought of his brother Roger," and £40 when he 14 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. became 21 years of age. He gave small legacies to Thomas and ~fary Hunnings, and to ;Elizabeth Hunnings, Richard Hunnings, Roger Hunnings, and William Hunnings, children of his brother Roger Hunnings. He appointed his wife Margaret executrix of his will, who proved his will on the 20th March 1660-1.


Fosdyke. Baptisms. October, 1571. .Agnes, daughter of Nicholas Hunnings. October, 1607. Lyon, son of Thomas Hunnings, of .Algarkirk, was baptised at our Church of Fosdyke. June 5, 1608. William, son of Roger Hunnings, of A.lgarkirk, was baptised in the Church of Fosdyke. Feb. 6, 1613. Edward Hunnings, son of Thomas, of .Algarkirk, was baptised in our Church of Fosdyke. June 29, 1615. Thomas Hunnings, son of Thomas, of .Algarkirk, was baptised at our church of Fosdyke. July 28, 1624. Humphrey Hunnings, son of Thomas, of .Algarkirk, was baptised at our church of Fosdyke. May 27, 1627. Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Hunnings, baptised. Marriages. 9 July 1560. Thomas Tunnard & .Alice Running, married. 1 June 1623. Thomas Running & Elizabeth Stokol, married. April 21, 1659. Roger Running & Margaret Oldam married. Burials. 9 June 1560. Roger Hunnings, buried. 22 April 1566. [blank] Hunnings, buried. 22 Nov. 1570. Katherine Hunnings, buried. 21 Dec. 1570. Thomas Hunnings, buried. 26 Dec. 1582. Roger Hunnings, buried. 20 April 1614. Eddward I-Iunnings, son of Thomas Hunnings of Algarkirk, gent., was buried...... 1620. Jane Running, wife of Lyon of .Algarkirk, gent., was buried. 27 Nov. 1653. Thomas Hunnings was buried. 9 Oct. 1676. Margaret, wife of Roger Running, was buried. H olbeach Reg-isters. Baptisms. 1680, April 12. March, son of Thomas & Katherine Hunnings. 1681, Feb. 14. Thomas, son of Thomas & Katherine Hunnings. 1684, Jan. 15. Deborah, daughter of Edward & Sarah Hunnings. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 15

1686, Jan. 25. Ann, daughter of Edward & Sarah Hunnings. 1687, Jy. 28. Edward, son of Edward & Sarah Hunnings. 1718, Ap. 14. Ann, daug. of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1719, June William, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1720, Feb. 20. Thomas, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1722, Sep. 28. John~ son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1724, Feb. 17. William, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1726, Jan. 13. Thomas, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1729, Ap. 8. Thomas, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1731, Feb. 25. Ruth, dau. of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1737, March 24. Ann, dau. of John & Ann Hunnings. . 1740, June 9. Elizabeth, dau. of John & Ann Hunnings. 1769, March 15. Jeremiah, son of March & Dorothy Hunnings. 1770, June 21. John, son of March & Dorothy Hunnings. 1771, Oct. 9. March, son of March & Dorothy Hunnings. 1774, Aug. 10. Abraham Rigs, son of March & Dorothy Hunnings. 1787, Oct. 22. James Sanders, son of John & Elizabeth Hunnings. 1788, Sep. 7. Ann Ayliff, dau. of John & Ann Hunnings. 1789, Ap. 18. John Frotheringham, son of John & Eliza beth Hunnings. 1790, July 16. Edward Newcomen, son of John & Elizabeth Hunnings. 1792, Jy. 15. Elizabeth Ann Sanders, dau. of John & Elizabeth Hunnings. 1793, March 13. March, son of John & Elizabeth Hunnings. 1794, Dec. 5. Ann, dau. of John & Jane Hunnings. 1805, Dec. 1. John, son of John & Elizabeth .Hunnings. Marriages. 1682, Feb. 18. Edward Oldershaw (1) & Susannah Hunnings. 1683, l\iay 21. John Faulkner, widower, & l\'.lary Hunnings. 1684, July 6. Edward Hunnings & Sarah Beckett. 1689, May 3. Thomas Woodburne & Anne Hunnings. 170-!, April 19. Edward Stubley & Deborah Hunnings. 1717, Dec. 17. John Wilkinson & Elizabeth Hunnings. 1735, May 29. John Hunnings & Anne Angers. 17 46, May 29. Joseph Skelton & Catherine Hunnings. 1786, Oct. 12. John Hunnings & Elizabeth Sanders (by licence).

Burials. 1680, Nov. 8. Richard Hunnings. 1692, May 30. Humphrey, son of Edward Hunnings. 1702, Jan. 9. Edward Hunnings, householder. 1719, Dec. 23. William, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1721, Feb. 15. Ann, dau. of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1724, Feb. 17. William, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1725, Aug. 4. William, son of Thomas & Dorothy Hunnings. 1726, April 23. Thomas, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1727, Oct. 4. Thomas, son of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 16 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

1731, Dec. 11. Ruth, dau. of Thomas & Ruth Hunnings. 1731-2, Jan. 10. Mr. Thomas Hunnings. 1745, Jan. 13. John Hunnings. 1771, l\'1arch 28. March, son of March Hunnings. 1777, Sep. 5. .A.nn Hunnings, widow. 1784, Ap. 15. Dorothy, wife of J\Iarch Hunnings. 1786, Ap. 23. March Hunnings. 1793, April 13. Elizabeth .A.nn Sanders, dau. of John Hunnings. 1793, Aug. 11. Edward Newcomen, son of John Hunnings. 1795, Oct. 18. .A.nn, daughter of John Hunnings.

1796., Julv~ 16. Mary Ann, daughter of John Hunnings. 1798, Dec. 1. Mary, wife of John Hunnings. 1801, Feb. John Hunnings, at \Vhaplode. 1803, April 24. Ann Ayliff, daughter of John Hunnings. 1803, July 29. Dorothy, daughter of Abraham Hunnings. 1810, l\farch 21. Abraham, son of Abraham Hunnings, from Whaplode. Holbeach. Tombstones to memory of :- 1753, April 5. March Hunnings, aged 50 years. 1777, Sept. John Hunnings, aged 71 years. 1784, April 12. Dorothy, wife of March Hunnings, aged 64 years. 1786, Aug. 20. March Hunnings, aged 50. 1796, Jan. . . Jane, wife of John Hunnings, aged 28 years. Two children, infants. 1798, Nov. 28. l\Iary, the wife of John Hunnings, aged 36.

Whaplode Registers.

B apulSIUS.+· 1670, Jan. 21. Ann, daughter of George Hunnings. 1671-2, Feb. 12. Dorothy, daughter of George Hunnings. 1678, Oct. 27. Dorothy, daughter of George Hunnings. 1708, Oct. 10. John, son of Thomas Hunnings. 1709, Sept. 23. Ann, dau. of Thomas Hunnings, by Ann. 1711, Jan. 16. Elizabeth, daughter of March Hunnings, by Ann his wife. 1711, April 27. Ann, daughter of William Hemings, by Ann his wife. 1760, March 20. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Hunnings, by Ann his wife. 1762, Feb. 10. Ann, daughter of Thomas Hunnings, by Ann his wife. 1767, March 2. Ann, daughter of Thomas Hunnings, by Ann his wife. Marriages. None registered from 1650 to 1679, nor from 1680 to 1688. 1700, June 30. Robert Watson & ye widow Hunnings. 1712, May 8. Thomas Stennett & Elizabeth Hunnings. ·1716, Jan. 21. Thomas Hemings & Elizabeth Wilsford. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 17

17 44, Oct. 24. John Spanton & Mary Hunnings. 1753, May 21. By license, Thomas Ayliff and Ruth Hunnings. Burials. 1670, Nov. 23. Thomas, son of George Hunnings. 1670-1, Jan. 2. Ann, daughter of George Hunnings. 1671-2, Feb. 14. Dorothy, daughter of George Hunnings. 1695, March 25. Thomas Hunnings. 1707, l\iay 25. Elizabeth Hunnings. 1715, 1 Jan. 30. Elizabeth Hunnings. 1719, Oct. 24. Ann Hunnings. 1722, Nov. 18. iiarch Hunnings. 1727, Sep. 3. William Hunnings. Susannah Hunnings. 1736, Feb. 20. '-' 17 43, May 20. William Hunnings. 1764, Dec. 23. Ann Hunnings. 1767, l\fay 7. Thomas Hunnings. 1777, Oct. 14. Elizabeth Hunnings, daughter of Thomas Hunnings, aged 17 years. 1801, l\'.larch 2. John Hunnings, attorney, Holbeach, aged 43.

Moulton Reg-isters. Baptisms. 1725, Oct. 21. Elizabetha, filia George & Hana Hunges. 1733, Dec. 1. Elizabetha, filia Edwardi et Elizabethre Hunnings. 1823, liarch 28. Abraham Hunnings & Eljzabeth Hunnings. Wedding3. Edward Hunnings, of the parish of Boston, bachelor, and Martha Clarke, of this parish, spinster, married in this church by license this ... 24 day of August 1786, by me Thomas Maugha111. The witnesses signing the register were Butte-:- Hunnings, Mary Molson, Ann Whitdale, Henry Holland, l\Iat thew Clark.

Burials. 1654, Nov. 24. Robert Hunnings. 1728, April 18. Edward, son of Edward & Elizabeth Hunnings.

1733, Dec. 21. Edward Hunnings... , 1787, Dec. 15. Martha, wife of l\'.lr. Edward Hunnin'gs, of Boston. 1797, June 18. Butter, son of Mr. Edward & :Mary Hunnings, of Boston. 1813, Jan. 9. Mary Hunnings, of Boston, aged 46. 1840, Oct. 27. Elizabeth Simpson, widow.

1 There are two entries in the Register of Burials of:­ Oct. 21, 1708. John Hemings. Feb. 25, 1709. Ann H emings. In l>oth these cases Hemings is prol,ably a mis-spelling of H•u.nnings. C 18 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.


H olbeach Registers. Mary Hunnings, who married John Faulkner on 21st May 1683. William, son of Thomas and Ruth Hunnings, baptized 17th February 1724. March, son of John. and Elizabeth Hunnings, bap. 13th March 1793. John, son of John and Elizabeth Hunnings, bap. 1st December 1805.

Whaplode Register. John, son of Thomas Hunnings, bap. 10th October 1708. Ann, daughter of William Hunnings and Ann his wife, bap. 23rd Sept. 1709. Thomas Hemings, who married Elizabeth Wilsford, 21st January 1716. Mary Hunnings, who married John Spanton, 24th October 17-14, Ruth Hunnings, who married Thomas Ayliff, 21st May 1753. Elizabeth Hunnings, who married John Franks in the year 1761. Elizabeth Hunnings, buried 25th May 1707. PEDIGREE OF 'l'HE 1--luNNINGS FAMILY OF 1-\LGAHIURJC AND FosDYICE.

'l'homas Hunnings, of Algarkirk. 1650; proved at Boston 1551. Will dat: 3 Maroh,Agnes . . . T ~ 0 T 7 ~ 'l1homas Huuuiugs, bur. at=,= ... Poter Christopher vVilliam Nicholas Hunnings.,Mary. Cecily. Will Agnes. Margery. 00 Fosdy kc 21 Dec. 1570. Will Hunn­ Hunnings. Hunn­ Will dated 13 Jau. dated28 April 0 dated 10 Dec. 1570; proved at ings. ings. 1597 ; proved at Lin- 1565 ; proved ~ Lincoln 5 March 1571. In 1561 coln 4 March 1508. 28 Jnn. 1566. returned as a '' l!1 reeholdor " L-7 t-3 at Fosdy ke. Agnes, bap. at Fosdy ke 1571. l:I:I ~

r 7 ~ Richard. Roger Hunnings, of Boston, gent. Will dated 29 Deo. Am1. Cassand1·a. z 1610; proved 29 April 1611. z1-4

r 1 7 ~ Thomas Hunnings. Will dated 30 Dec. 1660; proved atTMargaret. Roger Hunnings, ofT .. ·· 00 Lincoln 5 March 1-661. Algarkirk. 1-zj ~ r 7 ~ 1 t

buried at Holbeach 8 Nov. 1680, an

. . . Hmmings.T ... z r----.------...... ------L------I 0 , 8 Edward Hunnings, of .AJga.rkirk,TAgnes, lfrancis, "my brother;" mentioned in the Michael, t:cJ yeoman. ·will proved in London l" my return of Freeholders of 1661 as 15,rancis " my brother." 00 5 Aug. 1552. wife." Hunnings, of Fosclyke, yeoman. 0z 7 8 John," my son." ;j l:Q ~ 1-1z PEnH:R11;g OF ·r1ig I-IuNNJNGS FAMILY OF Ho1,n1•~ACH. z ~ 00 b;J Richard Hunnings, bur. at Holbeach 8 Nov. 1680. [Note.-I believe this to be the1··· Richard Hunnings, son of Roger Hunnings, of A lgarkirk. See previous pedigree.] 1-1~ tof ~ • r T rl'homasTKatherine, dau. of \Vm. Ann Hunnings, mar. Edward Hunnings, bur. at1··· Hunnings. March, of Holheach. 'l'homas Woodhouse. Holbeach 9 Jan. 1703. See pedigree infra., p. 24. A P1~DIGREg OF 'l'HE lluNNINGS FAl\IU,Y OF Hor..n1~Acn-contin.:ued.

A r 1 March Hunnings, hap. at Hol-TAnn ... , 'fhom11s Hunnings, hap. at,Ruth John Hunnings, bur. at Holbeach 13,Ann Myers, mar. at beach 12 April 1680; bur. at bur. at Holbeach 14Feb.1681; bur. . ... Jan. 1745-6. \Villdated 17 Oct. 1745, Holbeach 29 May vVhaplode 18 Nov. 1722. He ,vhaplode at 10 Jan. 1731-2 proved at Lincoln 4 April 1746. 1735 ; bur. there z was Churchwarden at Wliap- 24 Oct. as Mr. 'l1homas Hunnings. His cousin Bdward, of .1\louJton, ap- 5 Sept. 1777. 0 t-3 lode 1712-3. 17H). pointed him guardian of his children. l.:cj I 00 0 r T --7 r ,------,--- March Hunnings, born 1703 ;TDol'othy. Elizabeth Cathcrino, March H nnnings, Ann, bap. nt Elizabeth, bap. at Holbeach z stated on tomb in Holboach Hunnings. mar. Joseph mentioned in his Holbeach 24 9 June 1740: not mentioned 1-3 Churchyard to have died 5 Skelton at father's will. Ma.rch 1737. iu her father's wil I. April 1753, aged 50 years. Holbeuch. ~ I ~ ------~ r --,- T --7 z March Hunnings,TDorothy, Ann, bap. at William, bap. 'l'homa.i:;, hap. John Hunnings, 'l1honrns, bap. 'l'homas, hap. Ruth, hap. at 1-tz Btated on tomb at died Holheach 14 at Holbeach at I-lolbcach bap. at Hol- at Holheach at Hollleach Holbeach 25 z Hol beach to havo 1784. April 1718; J·une 1719; 20 Feb. 1720; beach 28 Sep. 13 Jan. 1726; 8 April 1729; ]'eh. 1731; ~ died 20 April 1786, bur. there 15 bur. there bur. there 23 1722. bur. there bur. there bur. there 00 aged 50; bur. 23 Feb. 1721. 1724. April 1726. 4 Oct. 1727. 1745. 11 Dec.1731. lzj April 1786. >. ~ ______,______1-t r T 7 ~ Jeremiah, bap .. Jane ... , d. Ja,n.TJohn Hunnings,,l\Iary ... , d. at March, bap. Abraham Riss Hunnings,,-E1izabeth. .I,< at Holbeach 1796, agcrl 28 (tomb Ihap. at Holbe1tch Holbench 28 at I:t:olheach bap. at Holbeach 10 Aug. 15 March 1769. at Holheach). 21 June 1770. Nov. 1798, bur. 9 Oct. 1771. 1774; bur. there. there 1 Dec.

r r r Ann, i d . f t A dn.u. d. an infant . Abraham Riss Hunnings, .,. , . 111 an s. ~ 1,1 ary, ) bur. at Moulton 1818. ,...... PEDIGREE OF THE HUNNINGS FAMILY OF WHAPLODE. t:-.:) t-,:,

George Hunnings, Churchwarden of Whaplode 1679. In=;= ... the Lay Subsidy Roll 1676 he is returned as of Wha.plode and having three hearths. z 0 ~ t:z:J r -,- [/J. 'l'homas Hunnings, bur. 'rhomas Hunnings, of ... Aun, bap. at Whaplode Dorothy, bap. at Whap­ Dorothy, bap. at Whap­ 0 at Whaplode 23 Nov. Whaplode, bur. there 21 Jan. 1670; bur. there lode 12 Feb. 1671-2; bur. lode 27 Oct. 1678. z 1670. · 25 March 1695. 2 Jan. 1671. there 14 Feb. 1671-2. ~ ~ t:z:J 1 1.J William Hunniugs, bur. at Whaplode 3 Sept. 1727 ;IElizabeth .... ho died intestate. ; zH r I 7 z ~ William Hunnings, bur. atTMary Ann, bur. at vVhaplode Ann, bap. at )Vhaplode Ann, dau. of vVilliam and Eliza- [/J. Whaplode 20 May 1743; died 16 Sept. 1707. 27 April 1710. beth Hunnings, bap. at Whap­ intestate. lode 4 Feb. 1716. T , ; Susannah, bap. at Whaplode 1 May 1733; Ann Hunnings, bur. at Whaplode 7 March ~ bur. there 20 Feb. 1736. 1762. . • r------1 Thomas Hunnings, of Whaplode ;!Ann Newcomen, of Au-:-=Joshua Crowdrey, of=.... Gouldray, of==GeorgePalmer,of Whap­ mar. at Surfleet I Jan.1753; bur. at thorpe and South Lin- Whaplode, 2nd hus- Whaplode, 3rd hus- lode, 4th husband. Whaplode 1767 ; died intestate. colnehiro. She had a Royal band. band. Descent, see infra.. A PgnIGREE OF 'l'HE HUNNINGS FAMILY OF ·\VIIAPLODE-continu,ed

A .I r T 7 Elizabeth, hap. at Whaplode 20 March 1760; Ann, hap. at Whaplode 10 Feb. 1762; bur. Ann Hunnings, hap. at Whaplode bur. there 14 Oct. 1777. there 24 Deo. 176--t. 2 March 1767. z r 0 John Hunnings, of Holbeach, solicitor, buried at Wlmplode by torchlight-Elizabeth Sanders, of Weston, co. Lincoln, mar. ~ on 24 l!-,eb. 1801 ; he died intestate, buried in altar tomb in Whaplode by license at Holbeach Church 12 Oct. 1786 00 churchyard, with his widow and her second husband John Ha.rvey; she (see Sanders, of Weston, "Fenland Notes and 0 died at Holbeach. By her wilJ, which was proved at Lincoln, she left her Queries") ; she married as her second husband estate to her four grand-daughters, the children of hor ·son J·ohn Frother- John Harvey, of Holbeach, solicitor, by whom z ingham Hunnings. John Hunnings died intestate. she left no issue. 1-3 ~ r ,·------+·--7 ~ Edward Newcomen, bap. at Holbeach Inlizabeth Ann Sanders, http. at, Hol- I ,Tames Sanders Hunnings, hap. at Holboach 22 16 July 1790; bur. there 11 Aug. beach 15 J au.1792; bur. there 13 April Oct. 1794; died in infancy. ~ 1793. 1793. z t-1z r .J z John l!-,rotheriugha1n Hunnings, hap. at Holbeach 18 April 1789; marriedTSusannah Proctor, of Boston; G'.) 00 at St. ·Martin in ] 1 ields, London, 1812; solicitor at Doniugton, where he was born 1794; buried at Holbench buried in 18:l3. 'l'here is a n1onument to his memory in Donington church- as the widow of 'l1110mas Ayliff, bj yard. 1868.

r T 7 i1-:>· Leaving issue. Cemetery ; leaving issue. cc pgDIGRltE OF THE Mour~TON AND BoS'l'O~ BRANCH OF THE Hu~NINGS FAMILY. ~ ~

r 7 Edward Hnnnings,of Holben,ch.TSarah rrhomas Hunnings,TKathcrinc Robert Butter, of Spa.Jd-TJ~lizabeth, Will dated 2 Jan. 1702-3. I .... of Holbeach. I March. ing, merchant. j his wife. z -+ 0 r ~ Edward Hunnings, of Moulton, bap. at MoL11bon 1.()89 ;TElizabetb Hutter, of Spalding,==Charles Holland, SusanButter,bur.==Henry Bol- rn. mar. 1723; d. 18 Dec. 1733; bur. in ofoultou Church. J d. 14 Nov. 1780, aged 77; bur. of Moulton, 2nd 14 Nov. 1749 in ton, of l\Ioul- 0 Will dated 10 Dec. 1733, proved 9 May 173,_t at bincoln. in Moulton Church. hush. (no issue). Moulton Church. ton, gent. z 1-3 ~ r ,--1 T --- 7 t,tj Butter Hunnings, of City of Lincoln,Tl'vfary Edward, bap. and bur. at John, bap. and Lm·. James Sneath, 1Dlizabeth, hap. at Moulton Esq. Will dated 19 July 1802, proved I . . . l\ioulton; an infant. at Moulton. of Spalding. 1 Dec. 1733. l:r: at Lincoln 20 March 1804. d z r------,------7 1L ______~ Ma,ry TEdward Huuniugs,==lVfartha, Clarke, Matthe\'V Olarko,Tl•]lizabeth Hunnings,==H,iehard Simp- Ma,ry H.unnings,of li,rances z .... , of Boston, mar. at of Moulton, 1st of 'l'ho Godda,rds, I born nt Lincoln 23 son, of i\foul- Boston, mar. Rev. Susannah, rn.~ 2nd Moulton 24 Aug. wife; cl. 11 Doc. Moulton, Ja,n.1763; cl. at Don- ton, 2nd hus- John Banks; bur. d. an in­ wife. I 1786; Mayor of Bos- 1787, aged 25, 1st husband. lcaster 23 Oct. 1840; band. in MoulLonChurch fant (see ~ ton 1801. s.p. bur. in :Moulton 9 Jan. 1813, ag·ed Moulton ~ Church. 4•6. ~ tomb). t" ~ r..L ____,_,______---..---- 7 -----,------·----7 • Edward Hun- ButtcrJohn George Hardy,===Elizabeth l\lary Capt. Matthew Clarke, D.L.=,=Rliza ElizabethTJolm nings, Judge Hunnings, Mayor of Bos- Hunnings, Hunnings, for Lincolnshire, of rl'ho God-1 Sophia, Clarke. I 'l'atn,111, of Admiralty, of Boston, ton, d. 28 d. 12 l\'.Iay d. 22 Dec.

From the Moulton and Boston branch has sprung a very nu1nerous family, residing in London and the adjoining counties, a skeleton pedigree of which is given below ; it has been prepared from information given me by l\ir. Arthur I-Iunnings, a well-known authority on the Law of Rating, and in the service of the I-Iackne:y Corporation. I have not in any way verified the correctness of Mr. I-Iunnings' infor1nation . z 0 . . . Hunnings (brother to Rd ward Hunnings, of Iloston, ... co. Lincoln), bur. at Waltham Abbey, Essex: ~ 00 r ---- 17 0 March Hunnings. Samuel Hunnings. ,villiam JohnT ... z Le.ft no iss·ne. Left no iswuc. ______nuuning-1::1. J 8 r ---- ,----·---- T ·- l;3 March Hunnings. Samuel Hun-T... ,villiam Butter Hunnings,T Mary Offord, died at Left no iss'll,e. nings. born and died nt'l1ottenham. I ~rotteuham. ~ .J z z T T ----,--- _!_ --7 1-4 r lfllizabeth, Willian1 John Hun-,Henrietta lPrederick Alfred Hun-T... 'l'he Rev. Henry Hunuings,T ... z Edward Hun-I ... ~ nings, residing mar. and nings: born at 'l'ot- Goodman, Hunnings, nings, born J M.A., born at 'I1ottenlrnm rn at H.ochford, left issue. tenham 11 July mar. at born at at 'l'otten- j 25 July 1834; died at South- Essex. 1829; d. at 'l'otton- 'l'otte1thnm. l'tj 'l'otten ham. ham 1832. ampton, oo. Hants. ~ A J ham. ~ (See p. 26). . 1-4 t-t r------,---.J r.--.- -,---,- 7 i<: Frederick WilliamTMary Ann Ellis, mar. Emily lillorence Hun­ Ada. Arthur H un-1... Percy Hun-T... Edith, born 'l\vo • Hunnings, born at at Sutton, Surrey, 26 nings, born at Totten- - uings, born nings, born 1875; mar. children. Tottenham Jan. 1887. ham 24 Dec. 1865. Mary.. 1871. 1873. and hns 19 Nov. 1861. issue.

r 7 r---- ,---1_-,----7 L------7 Ernest Ifrededck John Horbert Henry Hunnings, William Arthur M.abel. Jessie Dorothy. Percy. ~ Hunnings, born at 'rot- born at 'I1ottenham 1 July Huuniugs (dead). Edith. c..n tenham 11 March 1888. 1890. HUNNINGS OF LoNDON-aontin'U,ed. l:..:) 0).

A r ,----·------,---·---1.------·T------~------,------March Hunnings, Samuel Hen•r~-- Harriet, mnr. Edward Hun- Jane Hunnings, mar. 'l'hOmas Hunnings, no issue. nings. and left issue. 1tiugs. .:. and has 5 children. no issue, . z 0 . ·---, --TT 7 1- T - --, "T7 ~ S~muel Hun-T ... Florence, 'l'homasT ... and ~dward J~ue Hun- Edward ... March=;= ... Matilda,!11ar.and rn. n1ngs. mar. and March Lily, both Hun- mugs, mar. Hun- Hun- has 1 clnld Eva. I I 0 has 2 H.1111- mar. a.nd uings, and has nings. niug·s. 1 ~ children. ning·s. have issue. 110 issue. issue. I Olive, mar. L l 1-3 i:ci t_l:-1 r--,-_l___ __, ------,--- 7 ....--- -7 L---7 Alice. Samuel Sydney 'l'homas March Samuel William Samuel Edward :March ~ Hunnings. Hunnings. Hunnings. Hunnings. Hunnings. Hunnings. Hunuings. Hunnings. 0z 1-1z T T --- z r . Q Arthur Hunmngs,T ... Alfred Hunnings. T.. . ll obert Hunnings. T.. rn. died at I bj _J 1 r l r------,,--,7 1 T7 r-..L--.,-----7 MabeJ Huth Herbert. Violet Hunnings, Daisy. Alfred. Percy. Herbert Leonard. Hobe1·t \Villiam Rose ~ Hunnings. Hunnings. mar.; 1 child - -- Hnn- - Hun- Hun- Hun- Phillis. Alice. Sydriey. nings. l!,rank. ni11gs. niugs. nings. •~

r T T Frederick Hunuino·s Kato, no issno. Charles Huuniuge,T ... ~ ' no issue. r -r T J Charles Hunnings. Percy Hunnings. Frederick. Arthur. William. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 27 WILLS OF MEMBERS OF THE LINCOLNSHIRE BRANCH OF THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

From the Lincoln Registry. Reference 1541-3, fo. 42. Dated 16th December 1541. I, ROBERT HuNNINGHAM, of Kirton in Holland. To Izabell Pakeys, my servant, one red kyrtyll, one kyrchyff, &c. To Kat'in Hardy, one lytle bras potte, &c. To John Rodwell, one payre bedstoks, &c. To J enytt Hardy, my best chyste save one. To J enytt Patyner, one form and ij stoolls. To Willm Rogersonne & Willm Gybson, my whypp saw. To Richard Hardy, my best cote and his wife one kyrtyll. To John Hardy, my bukskyn dublytt. To Willm Hardy, one gren jerkyn and my jakytt. To Thoms Clay one payre of hardyn shetts and one puter plattr, to Elizabeth his servant ij putr platters, to Richard hys servant ii putr platt's. To Anthony Richemude, one hey stoulle. To Richard, servant to Phelype Clay, my molke hatt. To Agnes Fooll, ye dowghtr of Thomas Foolle, ij candelstcks, &c. To Edward Heglyngton, one tawny jerkyn. To Dorothye Clay, ye brod forme by my bedde syde. To John Edgose, Willm Rogerson and Wyllm Gybson, my carving toolls. My house with ye grownde thereto annexed wth ye appurtenances, my toulls and goods &c. to be soulde by ye hands of Thomas Masson and Phylype Clay, and ye payment thereof takyn to pay my debts, &c. The residewe of ye said money to be expended in makyng a cawsey in hey way betwyxt ye churche and m'kidstedebryge by ye hands of Thomas Masson & Phylipe Clay, my Exors. Witnesses, Richard Broughton. Thomas Fooll. Thomas Peirson. Richard Gelson. Proved at Lincoln, 11th January 1541-2, by Thomas Masson, one of the Exors.

From the Lincoln Registry. Reference, 1543-5, fo. 28. Dated 22nd January 1543. I, RICHARD HuNYNGE, of Boston, Co. Lincoln. To Thomas my sonne all my cattail, all my howshold [goods] be devyded equally in 4 parts, one parte to Thomas my sone, and other ii pts. to Roger and Alice my sons childer, and the fourte parte to Agnes Parkyn my servant, ... Thomas, my Son, my sole Exor. Wit., Bryan Sandford, Vicar of Boston, John , & John Dey, of ye same. Proved at Lincoln, 12th March 1543, by the Executor. 28 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

Fr01n the Lincoln Registry. Reference, 1551 and 1552, fo. 169. Dated 3rd March 1550. I, THOMAS HuNYUNG, of Alderkyrke . . . . To Agnes my "\Vife my dwellinghouse wch I dwell in and 8 acres of pasture grownd . . . condycyally yt my said Wife- shall give unto three of my children the sum of £15, yt ys to say To Peter Huning 1ny son, £5. To Christopher Ronning my son, other £5, and to ,villia1n Ronning my Son other £5. . . . to ran1aine to my Wife the terme of her lyfe and after her decease then I will yt ye said house and 8 acres of pasture grand shall remaine unto Nicholas Huning my son and to the heyres of his body, & in default to Peter Ronning my sonne, & yf he a.ecesse w t11 owte eny heires of his body lawfully begotten then to ether of my other two sonnes, Christopher & William. And if that thei dept this worlde witho,vt enny heires the said house & 8 acres to remaine to Tho1nas my sonne & the heirs of his body, and in default unto my Daughters. To Cycely Ronning, n1y daughter, £5. To Agnes IIonning and Margery Ronning, my dawghters, the some of £5 between them. My three daughters shall have there money when thei come to the ages of 16 years. .. To Thomas my Son, xij yewes with their lambes. To Grace my dowghter, one blake meyre and to Peter her son, one lame. Residue of all my goods to Agnes my Wife, whom I make my full Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. Witness, Edward Howster. Henry Greene. Robert Clarke, . Richard Tonnard of .A.ldarkyrk. Also I will Christopher Pasmor to be Supervisor. Proved at Boston, 1551, by the Executrix.

From the Lincoln Registry. Reference, 1551-2. Dated 28th May. JoH'N HoNYNG, wife to Jhon Honyng of Fleet, husbandman. To Jane Sootr, one countr, &c. To Katerine Holden, one petycot, &c. To Thomas Lawes, my husbands best russet cote. To Wyllm Sootr, one acre of land wych is called town acre. To Bettresse Basson, a payre of flaxen . . . To Margaret Weast, one plate of flaxen clothe. To J ohfi Rede, do. do. To John Basson, one black kyrtle. To Jnon Eure, yongr, one great brasse pott, &c. To Wyllm Basson, ye best two yr olde mayre. To Barbara Grayne, one bullock. To Wyllm Andertons Wy:ffe, one newe petycot. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 29

Residue of goods & cataylls . . . my husband's will performed ... I give them hollye to Jhon Eure & Elesabeth hys wiffe (Exors.). Wit­ nesses, Wyllm. Coonay, J effera clarke, Wyllm Sootr, Rogere Thyssyl­ whyte. Proved 8th August 1550, at Lincoln, by the Exors.

From the Principal Registry. Copy Will of Edwarde Hunnyng. Dated 18th July 1552. (P.C.C., 31 Powell.) In the name of God, Amen. The xviij day of July in the yere of our Lorde God a thousand five hundreth fiftie and two. I, EDWARDE HuNNYNGE of .Algarkirk in the partis of Hollande, in the countie of Lincoln, yeoman, being whole in mynde and goode memorye doth constitute & ordeyn this my testament wherein is contayned my last will in manner and forme followinge. ffirst I bequeath my soule to the Holye Trinitie beseaching all the faithfull in Christe to pray for me-my bodie to be buried within the Church of Alderkerk aforesaid. And also for my mortuarye as the Kings lawes at this day doth require. Also I bequeathe to the psonne of .Algerkerk for tithes forgotten. xxd. Item, I give to the poore mens boxe there xijd. Item, I give io the psonne & vicar of Kirton for tithes forgotten, xijd. Item, I give to Hugh Clamond & Alice Clamond his sister, four score poundes of Englyshe money of & for the discharging of the last will and testament of Philip Clamond the father for the discharging of my executors for all the bequests before to them given in the aforesaide will And for the discharge of a swann marke called Clamond bronde being the Boundell the croise and a hoke and a gape on the farre side. Also I will that Agnes my wife have the swann marke the terme of her life. And after her decease I will that John Hunnyng my sonne have the said swann marke to hym and his heires for ever. Item, I will that John Gibbons of Algerkerk & John Burdyng of Sutterton have the foure score pounds to the tyme that they may be discharged by Clamonds will or by the lawe sufficient the whole foure score poundes. I will that three score pounds and xviij 8 be taken as the sume money which the saide John Burdyng doth owe unto me which is due to me the viij 0 daye of April next to come. Also I ,vi.ll that iiij1 xiij 8 iiijd be taken of Robert Bernand of Byesam in the county of Suffolk, Clothier, due to me at Holyroode masse next to come. Item, I will that iiij 8 iiijcl be taken of the said John Gibbon which is due to me at Martimas next to come. Also I will that vijli be taken of John Stookes of Swynes­ hedd. Also I will that the residue of the lxxxli be taken of the vij that William Bellit of Swyneshed doth owe me due to me at l\Iay daie next to come. Also I give to Nicholes Bray viij 8 iiijd with the money I owe him. Also I will that John Gibbon & John Burdynge have the viij 8 p' eel of the lx1i & xviij 8 equally between them for their paynes. Also I will that ffrances Hunnyng & Michall Hunnyng my bretheren have the one half of the residue of my debts which ar .... to receyve And Agnes my wife to have the other half after my debts have been 30 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

paid myself honestlie brought forthe and all things discharged equally between them. Also I give to John Hunnyng my sonne xls. I give to my weif all whom I make executrix. Thes being witnesses, John Greswytt, Nicholes Bray, Willimn . . . . ., with others. Proved at London, 5th August 1552, by Alice (sic) widow of deceased.

Froni the Lincoln Registry. Reference 1565, fo. 14. Dated 28th April 1565. I, SISLIE HuNYNGE of Alderchurch, Co. Lincoln. To my Brother, Thomas Hunynge, 50/. ,, ,, Nicholas ,, 25/-. To my Sister, Margerie, a cow. ,, ,, Agnes do. To my said two Sisters fower pair of sheets, two pillowes, two bolsters, &c., two candelsticks of latten, two chestes, &c. To Agnes B-arnbie, a russett fuocke and a red peticote. All the residue of my goodes and cattails . . . to my father in law, Willm. Rutt, whome I make and ordeine my full exor. Wit. Willm. Sharpe. J ohnne Andrie. J ohnne Graie. Proved at Lincoln, 28th January 1565-6, by the Eior.

From the Lincoln Registry. Reference, 1570, fo. 54. Dated 24 August 1570. I FRANCIS HoNINGE, of Algarkirk, yeoman. To Agnes Barfote my sister's daughter my house ... with all the howses orchards gardenes and other easements thereupon buylded and four acres of pasture and one acre arrable called Martin acre &c. to her and to the heyres of her body ... and for default of such issue to remayne to Margaret Eger my goddaughter and her heirs for ever. To Jennett my Wife two long tables &c. during her life and after her decease to Edmond Barfoote my Sister's son To Francis Pasmore my godson a burliuge. To Robert Hochinson. To Roger Hcchinson my best cote. To Willm Storre my next best cote. To Robert Boston a cow &c. To Walter Rust my dublett. To John N ewdick 20d. To Richard Pasmore the son of John Pasmore my gray yerill:ge fillie. To Margarett Sewell a sowe. Residue to Jen nett my Wife (Exrix ). I make Mr. Antonie Egar my cosen supervisor. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 31

,vits. Thomas Thewe. Thomas Pasmore. John Cal wood. Robt Boston. Richd Boston. Tho8 Frauncis. Proved at Lincoln, 7 Sept. 1570, by the Eirix.

From the Lincoln Registry. Reference, 1570, fo. 62. Dated 6 July 1570. I THOMAS HuNINGE of Kirton Hol~e. To Margarett Role one ewe. To A vis Role two ewes &c. To Alice Role two ewes &c. To Thomas Andrie one wether shepe. Residue to Rose my Wief (Exrix. ). Wit. William Trobucke. J ohnne ....4..lben. Richar~ pssonne. Proved at Lincoln 20 July 1570, by the Executrix.

From the Lincoln Registry. Reference, 1570, fo. 204. Dated 10 Deer 1570. I THOMAS HuNINGE of Algarkirk. To Margrett Smarte 10 ewes . . . one quie calf. To Thomas ffoxe Susannes ffoxe and Annys ffoxe everie of them an ewe. To William Tirbacke the yr one ewe. To Jane Stoward two ewes. To Jone Stoward do. do. To Thomas Stoward do. do. To Gabriell Walker £6 13. 4. To Cassander n1y daughter two 1nylch kine and one black

From the Lincoln Registry.

Reference, 1597 -8, fo. 4. NICHOLAS HUNNINGE of Allgarkirke Yeoman. \Vill dated 13 Januarv., 1597 . My bodie to the earth from whence it came. 30/- amongst the neediest & poorest people of Allgarkirke. To Thomas Andrie my kinsman 8 weather sheepe. To Humfrey Looke ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, To John Loke ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,vhereas John Loke n1ve., kins1nan standeth bownde to me in fortie markes of current Englishe money wth condiciou for the pay- 1nente of xxli unto Isa.bell ....\.n

From the Lincoln Registry.

Reference, 1612, fo. 195. Dated 29 Dec. 1611. I RoGER HuNINGE of Boston in the County of Lincoln gent. To John Niccoll of .c\.lgerkirk twoe ewes &c. To Alexander Nurse of Fosdicke twoe ewes. To Thomas Hunninge my son £ 14 6. 8 wch George :ffeilds oweth me for three filleys &c. To the said Thomas Hunninge .£36 . . . my cart & plough &c. To A11ne my Wife all my lyning . . . Seelinge portalls dores flores of tymber in my howse a drawing table bynches sixe buffett stooles and one wanescott cupboard &c. shall r-emayne in my howse in Boston as harelomes for ever. To ...L\..nue my Wife my houses lands and tenements wth the appurtenances in Boston for and during her natural life ... And after her decease I give the said howses &c. to Thomas Hunninge my son for & during his naturall life . . . And after his decease I give the said howses &c. to Roger Huninge the son of the said Thomas Huninge and to his heirs for ever. I give unto the said Thomas Huninge my son All those my houses lands & tenements in Algarkirk & Fosdicke ... for and during his naturall life & after his decease ... uuto the said Roger Huninge and to his heires for ever. Rest to Anne my Wife and Thomas my son equally. I appoint Nicolas Smyth of Boston & Francis Hampton of the same merchants Supervisors. Wit. Alexander Yates, Robt. Sherwood. Proved at Lincoln, 20 April 1612, by the Exors

From the Lincoln Registry.

Reference, 1660, fo. 23. I THOMAS HuNINGE of Algarkirk Co. Linc. Yeoman. I give unto Thomas Huninge my son my cottage & one acre of ground under it (which I purchased of Roger Huninge my Brother) unto him & his heires for ever. To my Son Thomas £40 of lawful English money to be paid unto him by my Eirix when he shall accomplish the age of one & twenty years. To Thomas Huninge Mary Huninge & Elizabeth Huninge children of rny Brother Roger Huninge IO/- apeice to be pd within 3 months after my decease. To Richard Huninge Roger Huninge & Willm Huninge other three children of Roger Huninge my Brother 10/- apiece (at 21 yrs. of age). D 34 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

All the rest of my goods & chattels ... I give unto Margret Huninge my wife (Exrix). Dated 30 Deer 1660. Wit. Geo. Taylor. Thomas Allaine. Proved 20 1\1arch 1660 (1660-1).

From the Lincoln Registi·y. Reference, 1703, fo. 100. Dated 3 Jany. 170f. I EDWARD HUNNINGS of Holbech in the Co. of Linc. husbandman. To my Daughter Deborah Hunnings £10 when she shall attain 21 yrs. To my Daughter ...J\.nn Hunnings do. do. To my do. Elizabeth do. do. do. To mv., Son Edward do. do. do . To my kinsman Thomas Woodburn 20/- to be pa.yd to him when he shall attain 21 yrs. All the rest of goods &c. to my dear and loving Wife Sarah Hunnings ( Eirix ). his Wit. John x Duke. mark Thomas Verley. Edward Hunings. William Pogson. Proved at Boston 16 April 1703 by Sarah Hunnings Widow and Relict the sole Eirix.

F1·om the Lincoln Registry. Reference, 1734. Dated 10 Deer 1733. I EDWARD HUNNINGS of Moulton in the County of Lincoln Grazier. I will that after my debts and rent are paid that I give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth & my Son Butter and my Daughter Elizabeth all and every of my goods chatte1ls and personal estate equally to be divided amongst them and make them joynt Exors. of this my last Will. I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my cozen John Hunnings of Holbeach Marsh and my trusty friend Samuel Howett of the same to be Guardians and Trustees for my said two children. Ed. Hunnings. 8

Jael Johnson. } W"ts1 Adlard S. Stukeley. • Proved 9 May 1734 by Elizabeth Hunnings Widow one of the Exors. Power reserved to other Exors. when they come to lawful years. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 35

From the Lincoln Regist?-y. Reference, 17 46. Dated 17 Oct. 1745. I JOHN HUNNINGS of Holbeach in the Countv., of Lincoln Grazier. To Katherine the daughter of my late Brother :O:larch Hunnings £60. To John Hunnings the son of my late Brother Thomas Hunnings £20. To Thomas Hunnings another son of my said Brother Thomas Hunnings £25 to be pai

Adlard Sq. Stukeley.1 w·ts1 John Leasing. · Proved 4th Apl. 17 46 by Ann Hunnings Widow.

From the Lincoln Registry. Reference, 1788. MARTHA HUNNINGS the Wife of Edward Hunnings of Boston in the County of Linc. Grocer. Whereas my said husband did previous to and in prospect of our marriage in and by one Bond or Obligation bearing date 12th August

1786 become bound to mv.; Brothers }.,{atthew & John Clarke both of lloulton Graziers in the penal sum of £2000 ... The condition of the said Bond . . . That in default of issue of the marriage between me and my said husband Upon trust that the said Matthew Clarke and John Clarke . . . should pay the sum of £500 . . . unto such person ... as I the said Martha Hunnings (then Martha Clarke) should ... by my last Will and Testan1ent . . . give and dispose of the same . . . And Whereas there is no issue of the said marriage . . . Now therefore I . . . give and dispose of the said sum of .£500 . . . To my dear Husband Edward Hunnings ... To my dear Mother l\'Iartha Clarke my gold enamelled cyphered ring. To my said brother John Clarke the watch he gave to me and which belonged to my late dear father Matthew Clarke Also I give and bequeath unto Mrs Hunnings my mother in law my tortoise 36 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. shell Etui with instruments And I do hereby appoint my said husband Edward Hunnings sole Exor.... Dated 12 Oct. 1787. Martha Hunnings. 8

Sam Tunnard. } w·1 tS Hanh Tunnard · Proved 17 Feby. 1788 by the Exor. Under £600.

F1·om the Lincoln Registry. Reference. 1804. BUTTER HUNNINGS of the City of Lincoln Esq. To my Sister Elizabeth Sneath the \Vidow of James Sneath of Quality Court London Gentleman one annuity or yearly sum of Forty pounds clear of all taxes ... that t.he said ...L\.nnuity of £40 shall be taken and considered as a full satisfaction for a certain Annuity of £15 heretofore given to the said Elizabeth Sneath by my late Mother Elizabeth Holland ,vidow. . . . And I do hereby charge all my estates &c. situate in . . . Whapload & Moulton Weston Spalding & Pinchbeck ... with the pay1nent of the said Annuity of £40 to the said Elizabeth Sneath ...... ~nd subject to and charged and chargeable with the payment of the said Annuity &c. I give and devise the said estates lands tenements and hereditarnents situate in "\Vhapload l\tloulton Weston Spalding and Pinchbeck aforesaid Unto and to the use of mv son Edward ol Hunnings his heirs and assigns for ever. I give and bequeath unto my Granddaughter Elizabeth Clark my watch .A..11 the rest of my plate I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Simpson "\Vife of Richard Simpson of J\f oulton aforesaid Grazier and my Daughter J\iary Banks the ,vife of the Revd. John Banks of Boston in the said County of Lincoln Clerk equally. AH my messuages lands tenements and hereditanients situate in the City of Lincoln . . . I give devise and bequeath unto Henry Swan and Henry Rutter ... Upon trust ... for sale ....A.nd as to the money to arise by the sale of the said hereditaments and premises In trust to pay and divide the same unto aud between my said two Daughters Elizabeth Simpson and Mary Bankes in equal shares . . . To my said Granddaughter Elizabeth Clarke the sum of £200 . . . All the rest and residue of my personal estate ... I give and bequeath unto my said son Edward Hunnings his exors admors and assigns. And I hereby appoint my said son Ed ward Hunnings sole Executor .•. Dated 19 J u]y 1802. Buttr Hunnings. "\Vit. J arnes Sneath. Josh Bald win. John Brown. Proved 20 Mch. 1804 by the sole Exor; personal estate £600. TI-11!1 l{oYAr, 1)1,~scgN'l' OJ? J"oIIN 1-IUNNINGS, OI•' flor~nJ,}ACH, WIIO Dll~D IN 1801, AND HIS Issuu~. TAKl~N l•'ROM 'l'HE APPJ,;NDIX TO "N O'J'li;S ON 'l'HE Fos·1·1~n, FAMILY OF DowsBY AND MouLTON."

Heury III, King of England, 1216-1272.TEleanor, dau. of Raymond Berenger, Count of Prove119e. I r 7 z. Eleanor, dan. of St. ],el'f Gloucester, Lo~·d Segrave, d. Duchess of_ Norfolk, PlantaJ 3rd Lord ~ow- z 2nd dau. ob. 1347.____ 1808. Ldau. and heu·, d. 1399. genet. bray, d. 18{H. z I-z◄ r 1 7 -- ~- Philip le Despe11cer,,Margaret1 dau. and Ralph de Stafford, ] stlMargaretde Audley, Elizabeth Sograve,TJolm M:owLray, 4th 00 4th son, d. 1313. heir of Ralph de JDarl of Stafford, ICG., clan. and heir. dau. and heir. / Lord Mowbray, slain 1-tj: Goushill. ob. I 372. 1368. > lo-.~­ I I-◄ t◄· 'l'homas, 5th Lord ltoos, of Hamtak", d. 1384.TBeatrice de Sta.fford. i<: r __J • John, 4th Lord Wellos.TMaud Roos. I r .J r------.J r------·------L--7 Philip le Despenoer,TJoan Strange. John Welles, 5th LordTEleanor :Mo·wbrn.y. John Mowbray, Duke,= ... f, d. 1329. We11es, cl. 1421. of Norfolk. c:...:i I I J -l' A n THE ROYAL DESCEN'l' OF JOHN HUNNINGS, OF HoLBEACII-continued. cc A B 00 r ...J ...... ------...J Philip le Dospencer.1 1\Iargaret Cobham. Endo "\Velles, son and beir,,Margaret, dau. of Ralph Greystook (Lord I cl. v.p. I Greystook). ,1 r------..1 r----...J Sir Philip le Despenoer, of Nettle-Tl~lizabeth, dau,. and coheir of Lionel 'Welles, 6th Lord Welles,JJoan, dau. and heir of Sir stead, co. Suffolk, Kut., d. 1428. I Robert de 'l'iptoft. slain at 'l'owton, 1461. Robert Waterton. z 0 L-7 ~ r------l:rJ Sir Rog·er V'i'entworth, of Nettle-Tl\'[n,rgery le Dcspencer, dau. MargaretTSir 'rhomas Dymoke, of Scrivelsby, champion at coro- 00 stead, d. 1452. and heir, d. 1478. Welles. uatiou of Ed wnrd IV, beheaded 1470. 0 L7 r ______j_ ____ ~ 7 Sir Robert Constable, of ll'lam-,Agnes Went- :Margaret Dymoke, d. 1463; bur.,Sir 'l'homas Fitzwilliam, of Mable- Sir LionelJ ... ~ borough, co. York, d. 14,88. I worth. in Lincoln Cathedral. I thorpe, d. 1479. Dymoke. ~ L l r------J .------Sir William 'l'yrwhitt., of Ketilby,,=Anne Con- John Fitwillium, of,Joane Britt. Alice Dymoke.TSir William d. 1522. stable. Stayne. Skipwith. ; I I I z z1-4 Sir R'.obert 1'yrwhitt,,Mand, da~. of Sir Robert Tailbois. 'l'ho~s Witzwilliam, of,Joan Gunby, dau. of ~'homns 1 Q of Ketilby. I Skiclbrook. JGunby. 00 b.;f r _____.J r----·------Sir Williu.m 'l'yrwhitt, d. v.p., ... , dau. of Sir Robert John Fitzwilliam, of Skidbrook,,Margaret Wyginsley. ~ _j 1-4 1541. Girlington. d. 1547. ___ I t-t J 1-

C D r------~ ,------.J Mary Fitzwilliam, mar. 1590.TSir Roger Halton, Kut., of Cleo, co. Lincoln. Ele:nor Newcomen.JWilliam Asfordby.

r Mary Halton, d. 1663-64.=,='l'homas Cheales, of Hagwortliingham, d. 1666. Dorothy Asfordby.TChristopher Newcomen. z 0 1-3: I I t.:c.1 L--7 r------~ 00 1\'Iary Cheales, mar. 1668.TEdward Newcomeu, of , d. v.p. before 1680. 0 ~ z Mnry 'l'ownraw, mar. 1701.JHev. William Newcomen, Hector of Covenham, d. 1720.I... , 2nd wife. 1-3: [fJ· r Edward Newc01110n, of Yarborough, co. Linc., born 1704.TMary Barnsley, widow, at Authorpe, mar. 1725. § z r------J ~ (1) 'l'homas Hunnings,of Hol-TAnn Newcomen, born at Authorpe, 1730; mar. at Sur-T(2) Joseph==(3) ... Gonld-=(4) Joseph Palmer, z beach and Whaplode, bur. at I fleet: co. Linc., 1 Jan. 1751 ; bur. at Whaplode as a ICowdray. ing, s.p. of Whaplode, s.p. ~- Whaplode 1767. widow. . 00 rr 1-tj, rT______L______'l1wo children. 7 ► '.l.1wo other Elizabeth Sanders, of Spalding, mar. at Holbeach; bur. at Whaplode asTJohn Hunnings, of Holbeaoh, attorney, bur. ~t-4· children. ____ widow of George Harvey, 1845. ------Jat Whaplode 2 Mar. 1801. •~ r ,Tohn Frotheringham Hunnings, attorney, mar. in London in 1812; bur. at Donington 13 Dec. 1822.TSltsanna Proctor, of Boston. I r T 7 Ann San-TCharles Oorothy==William Susannah Mary Hum1ings,T'fi1omas Foster, of Manor House, MargaretT N ewcomo ders Hun- Hans lip. March S.Clarke. born at Donington 1819; I Moulton, mar. at Holbeaoh 26 Mar. E. Hunn- Rogers. c,.:, nings. Hunn- bur. at Moulton 1900. 1845; bur. at Moulton 18 June 1886. ings. (CJ' -+- ings. ~ -1"- PEDIGREE OF 'l'HI~ FAMILII~S OF N EWCOMJl~N AND HUNNINGS, OF CO. LINCOLN. ~ 0

Mnrtin le Newcomeu,1 of Saltlleetliy, co. Lincoln. Will dated 6 lllay 1530, proved at Lincol~IMary, dau. of Brian Sand- 28 April 1540.2 (See Visitation of Lincolnshire 1592, Geneulogist, vol. vi, First Series, p. 271). ford, of 1.'horpe Salvin.3 z r T I I 7 0 Margaret, dau. and co-Tllrian Newcomen (men- William, ob. 1545,J ... Christopher. Elizabeth, 2nd Mary, mar. Margaret. ~ t:z:j heir of John Grenfiold. I tioned in Visita,tions). 2nd Ron (mention- - wife of Charles Robert Ul ~ ed in Visitation). George, a priest. Yarborough.4 Borough. Had male issue. 0 r-r TT TT' T z John. George. 'rl10mas. Richard le Newcomen, of Nether 'l'oynton (men-TMargaret, du.u. and heiress of 'l'homas Mayden- 1-, tioned iu Visitati(ln). \-Vill dated 8 Sept. 1540; I well, of Nother 'l'oynton, by the dau. and ~ James. ,villiam. Robert. proved at Lincoln 1541. He was the 7th son. heiress of William Bowcher. l:tj ~ r TT T7 C 'rhomas Newcomen, of Nether 'l'oynton, devisee and exor. ofTElizaboth, dau. of 'l'hos. Andrews, John. vVillia.m. Emma. z his father's will. A.clmon. granted at Lincoln 5 June 1579. of Uedclitch, co. Worcester, geut.6 z Riel.iard. 1--1z r------,-..L------17 (µ Frances, dun. of 'l'hos,TSamuel Newcomen, Charles Newcomon, of Saltfleetby, bm'.TJoan, da11. of Nicholas Edward. 00 Massingberd, M.P. for I of Nether 'l'oynton. there 20 Sept.1630. Will dated 17 Sept. I 'fhorndyke, bur. at r.rj Calais 1552. + 1630; proved at Lincoln 12 Oct. 1630.6 Saltfleetby June 1637 .7 Matthew. > Had male issue. A ~ >-I t-4 ~ 1 For earliet· pedigree of tho Newcomens. see Visitatio11s of Li11colnshire. • 2 By his will he desired to be buried in the chancel of All Hallows' Church, Saltfleetby. He left his son Brian sole executor (Lincoln vVill, 1538-40, fo. 320). Mr. lnetcher gives extracts from the wiJl, p. 3 of his history of the Newcomeus. 3 Her will proved at Lincoln 1 Sep. 1545. Neither Martin or Mary Newcomen mention any son William. 4 See Visitation of Lincolnshire, Genealogi8t, vol. vi (First Series), p. 293. 6 See Visitation of Worcester, 1534. 6 Mr. Ji'Jotchor gives on p. 7 of his history an extract from this will; see also Genealogist ( First Series), vol. vii, p. 229. 7 See Genen.l.ogist (First Series), vol. vii, p. 229, for extrac-t of her will. PNDH-au~g OF 'l'IIJ~ FAMILIES OF NgwcoMJ~N AND HUNNINGS, OF co. LINCOLN-contin:ued.

rTTTT --, ______j______A ----4 ------,-7Margery. Nicholas, Charles, rl'homas, Christopher, 6th son, of Salttleetby, g·ent.,,Dorothy, dau. of Wm. Asfordby, of Bilsb,r, Samuel, and Hobert. bap. there 7 Sept. 1600; bur. there 5 MarC'h mar. at Saltfleetby 2 Oct. 1631; she was bur. L------v-- ____....J 1681. Will dated 7 M:n\·ch 16801 ; proved there 24 Jan, 1636. Ann. All left male issue. at Lincoln 1681. (Royal descent.) z 0 l"".3 r TT 7 t?=.1 Edward Nowcomen, of Saltfleetby, hap. there,Mary Cheales, mar. at Hag·worthing·ham 31 Dec. 1668; Dorothy. Ann, mar. Wm. 00. 2 March 1632; diAcl before his father. (See I she was living a widow in 1681 at Boling-broke. Moore, of 0 father's will.) (Royal dm~cent.) Jane. Louth.2 z r -- ______.J.______7 l"".3 ~ Edward Nowcomen, of , ob. 13 April Mary Townraw, niar.,Wm.Newcomen,M.A.,JesusColl.,Cambridge;IAm1, dau. of Rev. t:z:j 1721, aged 47, s.p. \Vill dated 3 April 1721, at , co. Curate of Yarborough, 1694;Rectorof0oven- rl'hos. Westhorpe, and proved at Lincoln. He mar. Martha Linc., 2 :Mar. 1701-2. ham, 1 June 1697; bur. at Covenham 17 mar.atKeddington ~ Thory, of , 1703-4. ___ 1st wife. Sept. 1720. Will dated l Sept. 1717.3 20 Nov. 1714. 2nd d r ...J wife. z I r----,------.,-----...J 1-4z Edward Newcomen, or- Louth, gent.,,Mary, widow of . . . \Villiam, Robert, David Field, J.P., Mary, bap. at Covenham 23 March z q.) born at Covenham 25 March 1704; llarnshy,of Authorpe, died a died a High Sheriff of 1717; mar. at Lont.h 29 April 1734; 00. hap. 6 April 1704. Devis ~ See Genealogist (First 1Series), vol. v, p. 182. 1-4 t-i ~ ~ 1 See uotico of this will in Genealogist (First Series), vol. vii, p. 229. 2 Administration granted at Lincoln to widow Ann, 23 Jan. 1687. 3 Extract from will given in Mr. Fletcher's history, p. 16. 4 His will was dated 15 April 1730, and was proved at Louth by Mary Field, bis sister, executrix and residuary legatee. 6 Proved at Lincoln 21 Jan. 1782. She leaves £50 each to John "Hemmings" and Elizabeth "Hemmings." son and daughter of her niece Ann, wife of Joshua Crowder, of Whaplode, by a form..,r husband, and to Joshua Crowder, the younger, and ~ Jane Crowder, the son and daughter of her niece Ann Crowder, by her late husband. The legacies to be paid at ages of 21. ~ PEDIGREJ~ OF '1'Hg FAl\llLIES OF NEWCOMEN AND HUNNINGS, OF co. LINOOI.N-continued. ~ l:..:> B r ----,------'------·----·------7 Mary,bap. 'l1homns Hunnings, of Whaplode,TAnn Newcomen, bap. at Authorpe 6 Nov.TJoHhuaCrowder,ofWhaplode, Elizabeth, at oo. Lincoln, gent., mar. at Sur- 1780; mar. at Surfteet 1 Jan. 1753. She l22June 1768. He was dead at Authorpe 27 Oct. 20 Sept. fleet 1 Jan. 1763; bur. there 17 describes herself in the Whaplode Register the time of Mary Field's will 1732; mar.Hobert 1728. March 1767. 1st husba.ud. on her marriage with J. Crowder as '' Ann in 1777. 2nd husband. Smith,ofLincoln. Z· Hunnings, widow." 1 0 r---- 1-j ,------,-.-J ------,------7 ~ Elizabeth, bap. Aun, hap. at Vvhap- John Hunnings, of Holbeach,TElizabeth Sauders, at Spalding, Joshua Crowder, Jane Crowder, 00 at Whaplode ;2 locle2 ; bur. there 13 attorney-at-law, Whap- mar. at lI olbeaeh4 by license, she bap. at Whaplode ;2 hap. at Whap- mentioned in Sept. 1767, an in- lode~ 2 .March 1801, by torch- afterwards mar. George Har- mentioned in will lode ;2 men- 0 will of l\fnry fant. light ;3 died intestate; men- vey ;5 bur. at \Vhaplode:.i April of Mary Field. tioued in will z Field. tioned in will of Mary Field. 11844•. of Mary Field. 1-i ~ tcJ r------,---- T ------'------7 James Sauders Ji}c1ward N ewcomen John Frothcringham H mrnings, of Do11i11gton, attorney-TSusanna.h Procter, of Hos- ElizabethHun­ ~ Huuuiugs, hap. Hunnings, hap. a,nIOHEg 01•' 'l'Hl~ :FA.J\llLll~S OF NI•~WCOJ\ll~N A-SD HUNNINGS Oli' co. LINCOI,N-continued.

C ..J_ ____ r T T ,---- 7 Aun Sanders, ba,p.TCharles Hanslip, Dorothy March, bap.=William Simpson, John George Margaret Elizabeth, bap., Newcome at Donington1 23 of London, attor­ at Donington 1 15 Cfo.rke,ofl\1oulton, Harvey, btip. 10 at Donington1 1--t Sept. Rogers, of Oct. 1815; mar. u.t ney-at-ln.w (son March 1817; d. s.p. Capt in SouthLiu­ Nov. 1821 ; d., 1820; mar. at Holbeach2 Bowdon, Holbeach2 27 A.pril of Robert Hau- at Ramsgato, co. colnshire Militia; aged 12, at Wis­ 18 June 1844; d. at Leigh­ Cheshire, 1848; d. atFullutm slip); cl. at .l!,nl- Kent; bur. 26 Dee. cl. in London; bur. beach ; and bur. ton Buzzard 3 Sept. 1894; surgeon, 9 Dec. l8H7. hn.m 21 March 1859 nt Holbeaeh.2 at I-Iolbeach 4 at Donington, bur. in l~olbeach d. there 8 z 1892. April 1863. 8 June 1834.1 0emetery.2 May 1869; 0 r T T 7 bur. in Ann H unniugs Han-,-George ltuttor Charles V{illin.m Robert Han~lip, A.lice Ho.nslip, Arthur Georg-e, horn Holbench2 r.n~ slip, born 15 Fob. Fletcher, Hanslip, born 16 born 7 Oct. 184H ; born 9 Nov. 21 July 1853; mar. Cemetery. 1844; mar. 25 Ang. li1.S.A., solici- May 1845; d. living in tho 1851. ; d. at and liv.iug in Uuited 0 1873; living in Lon- tor; living in leaving issue. li'riendly Islands. Fulham 11nm. Sta.tes of America; z don. London. bas issue. 1-'.] r ------...L T ------7 Hanslip Fletcher, Savile Rutter Fletcher, ltalph Halward Fletcher, Bertram Fulke Fletcher, l;1 born 187 4. born 1876. born 1878. born 1880. r T ----,------·------___J ~ Clara Louisa Rogers, mar.=Arthur John An- li'lorence Elizabeth Edith Margaret Rogers, mar. at==J ohn Dawson, Colonel, z at Manchester 1870; liviug trobus, bur. at Rogers; residing at Aldershot 8 Feb. 1893; residing late of the Liverpool z at Fulham, without issue. Holbeach2 1871. Bowdon, Cheshire. at Windermere; },as no issue. Regiment. H ______J z r 0 Su~anna Mary Hunnings, hap. at Donhigton1 9 Jan. 1819; mar. atT'l'homas Foster, Manor House, Moulton,3 d. there 18 June 1886, and r.n 2 3 16 March 1845; cl. at Moulton 16 !\larch 1900, andlbnr. at Moulton, a~~d 75. (Seo l!,osters, of Uowsby, :Misc. Geneal. et 1-zj bur. there. ______Herald., N.S., vol. 11, p. 201.) ~ 7 ~ r · - -,------H William Edward Foster, F.S.A., London,TAlcxaudrcna Macpherson Matheson, 4th Anne Foster, born at=='l'homus IGmily Mary t:_-i Hon. Member of the Spn.lding Gentle- dau. and coheiress of Hugh Matheson, of Moulton3 and hap.there; Hawksley Foster, l,ornat ~ man's Society; born at Moulton3 14 Sept. China, merchant (seo Matheson, Bart., mar. at Gedney, Lin- Capes, Moulton ;3 re. • 1846; Solicitor and Notary Public, I and Mackenzie's "Clan Matheson") ; colnshire, Jan. 1891 ; Solicitor, siding there. Aldershot. mar. at Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, has no issue. Harrogate; 19 August 1879. (Jloya.l descent). dead.

rl'homas------.L----, Matheson Foster, of Aldershot, Hugh Matheson Foster, horn u.t Aldershot 25 Jan. 1886 ;4 Solicitor and Notary born there 3 June 1880.4 Public at Aldershot; a Captain in the Rants Territorial Force. ~ ~ 1 Donington Registers. 2 Holbeach Registers. 3 Moulton Registers. 4 Holy Trinity Church, A ldershot, Registers. PEDIGREE OF SANDEns, OF WgsTON, co. LINCOLN.

~ ~

Sanders, of Weston, co. Linc., yeoman.T ...

r , 1- William Sanders,J ... rrhomas Sauders, of '\Veston, yeoman; purchased by deed, 27 Feb. 1713, land inTElizabeth. of Weston. Spalding, Will dated 20Aug. 1736; proved ,it Lincoln; bur, in Weston Chur~ Sanders.Michao J'" z 0 r r 1-3· 'l'homas, mentioned in James Sanders, of Weston, yeoman ; cut off the entail bylMargaret Frothering­ 'l'homas, mentioned in t_tj: r.n will of uncle, 'l'liomas proceedings in Common Law Courts in 1782. Will dated 6 July ham (a descendant of will of uncle, Thomas Sanders ; dead before 1785; proved at Liucoln 5 Oct. 1786, by son, sole exor. ; bur. the founder of the Sanders; dead before 0 1780, s.p. in Weston Church. Quakers). 1780, s.p . z 1-3· r ...J IJ:t Thomas John Hunnings, of Ilolbeach, solicitor, bur. at \VhaplodeTl~lizabeth Sanders, m,u·. by licence at H.olbeach. She mar. secondly ~J Sanders, by torchlight Mar. 1801; cl. intestate. Letters of admiu. George Harvey, of H.olbeach, solicitor, and had no issue by him; bur. I 1:Q. d. s.p.; taken out at Lincoln. He was only son of Thomas . as a widow ut Whavlode 1845. By will, proved at Lincoln, she left 0 bur. at Hunnings, of Wlrnplode, by his wife Anne Newcomen. : her estate to the four daughters of her son John J.i'rotheringhn,m z Weston. (See ]'!etcher's "Fi_unily of Newcorneu, of Saltfleetby," II Hunnings, and _gave directions to be bur. with her two husbands in z in Assoc. Soc. Arclnt. Reports.) the altar tomb m Whn,plode churchyard. 1-1·z ______JI C) r T rn Several children born John Frotheringham H unuings, only surviving child and heir-at-law, solicitor atTSusanua Procter, of Boston, 1-tj· and bur. at, Donington, born at Holbeach; d. intestate; bnr. at Donington 1822; letters of mar. at St. Martin's in the > infants. adrnin: taken out at Lincoln by widow. I l!'ields, London, 1812. 1-1~- r------,------,------·------r-•------·--,--...J..___ , . ~ Ann San-TCharlesHan- Dorothy=\Yilliam ~L'homas Foster, ofTSusanna Mary, bap.. John Margaret~Kewcome •~- ders, horn slip, of Lon- March,hn,p. Simpson Manor House, Moul- at Donington; mar; George, :mlizabeth, , Rogers,Iate at Deming- don, solici- at Doning- Clarke, of ton. (See Green's at Holbeach 1845, horn and born at of Bowdon, ton; mar. tor, bur. at ton; mar. Moulton, " Foster of Dows- bur. at Moulton 1900 bur. at Donington; co. Ches.; at Hol- lt'ulham. and bur. at Capt. in S. by.") Born 1811 audlaged 81. Doning- mar. and I bur. at; Hol- beach; bur.l H.olheach. Linc. bur. 1886 at Moul- ton; Hol- beach. at ~,ulham. No issue. "Militin,hur. ton. infant. beach. I at Hol- + Issue living-. beach. lssue living. Issue living. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 45


PART II. N OTE.-For the whole of the information relating to this branch of the Hunnings family I am indebted to Mr. George Rutter Fletcher, F.S.A., of London, and it is entirely due to his careful researches that the following account has been written. I do not think it will be disputed by anyone, who has made a study of the history of the South Lincolnshire families, that almost without exception, all those of the upper and middle classes threw out branches in London during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It began almost immediately after the Wars of the Roses, and continued all through the Tudor period, when the great increase of trade and com­ mercial enterprise took place. But it was not alone the increase of trade in London, that drew the younger members to turn their attention to commerce, but the troubles consequent on the changes of religion in the Tudor period, and also the Parliamentary Wars that so im­ poverished the landowners that they were unable to make provision for the younger members of their families at home. What is more natural than that the Hunnings, who, as we have seen, were anoldmiddle­ class Lincolnshire family, should have followed the example of their neighbours and parted ,vith their cadets to seek their fortune in London, where they often acquired wealth, and a far better position in the world than their relatives who continued to reside in South Lincolnshire-in a great many cases to fight a severe battle with growing distress and often in the end to have to part with their ancestral acres, and eventually to disappear from the county they had so long resided in, and loved so well. I am unable to prove the connection between the Suffolk and London branch of the Hunnings family with those of South Lincoln­ shire, though I have little doubt in my own 1nind they were of the same stock. It may be true my reasons for arriving at that conclusion are not strong, but I would point out the following facts in confirmation of my views. Thomas Hunnings of Algarkirk, by his \\"'l.ll dated the 10th December 1570, left to bis son Richard "my house that Roger my sonne d welleth in . . . . . & three acres of pasture land, & 3 acres of pasture that I bought of l\Ir. Hunninge of London." "J\,lr. Hunninge of London" possessing land in a small and obscure fenland parish like Fosdyke, the home of the Algarkirk Hunnings, for some centuries, and selling it to one of the same family name would seem to point to the vendor and purchaser being of one and the same stock. The will of Edward Hunnings of Algarkirk, which was proved in London on 5th August 1552, seems to point to his having connection with Suffolk, as he mentions Robert Bernand of Byesam, in the county of Suffolk, clothier, owing him £4 13s. 4d. The will of William Honnyngs, of London, and of Sudbourne, Suffolk, dated 25th December 1556, mentions his kinsman, Henry Erby (Irb_y). 46 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

As is well known, the Irby family resided within a few miles of Fosdyke at that period of their history ; this, I take it, would also point to a probability of the testator being of Lincolnshire origin. By a deed dated the 6th November 30 Henry VIII, a relative of William Honnyngs, of London and Sudbourne, Roger Huning, Ci~izen of london and Fishmonger, sold to Nicholas Robertson, l\1erchant, two pieces of land at Algarlirk. I am aware that the pedigree of the Hunnings of London and Suffolk in the Davy· collection of "Suffolk Fan1ilies " gives Roger Honing, who married ~Iargaret Owleas, " of the county of War,,ick," but the pedigree in the Harleian J\iIS. gives his grandmother as the daughter and heir of John Kelke, a member of a well-known family of both Lincolnshire and Suffolk. It is possible the family may have taken their name from the parish of Hunningham, in Warwickshire, and not from Huning or. ~oning, in the county of Norfolk, but I rather incline to the Norfolk ongin. Whether the family were from Norfolk or Warwick, the first mention we find of the London branch of the Hunnings family is in the year 1511, when William Hunnyng was appointed fishmonger to King Henry VIII. Through this appointment the family acquired wealth and rendered service to the king, and acquired considerable influence at the Courts of the Tudor monarchs. William Hounyng was commissioned, 6th July, 3 Henry VIII (1511) to provide fish for the household until 6th February then next. On October 18th 1511, next presentation of Free Chapel or Priory of St. John, Ross, for William Hounynge and Wm. Burwick. Among sums owing by the monks of St. .Albans in the time of the then late Abbot, in John Killingworth's accounts, ending Michaelmas, 14 Henry VIII, was £12 to Mr. Hounyngs of London, for fish. On 26th June 1522, John Jengus wrote to Wolsey, "Ten days before I ca1ne Honyng & Weldon had sent 7 ships with victuals to the vice admiral," and among the payments of the King's Treasury from May 1st to January 1st, 14 Henry VIII, we find" J·ohn Rycroft, Edward Welldon, and William Honyng for victualling the King's ships, £100." " From l\1r. Honyng, ferjeant of the Accatry, from . . . . of oxen & sheep dead in murrain & sold, 28s. 4d." " From Honyng for salt money, £6 13s. 4d." Warrant to Sheriff of London to apprehend Robert Amadus, to answer to the charge of Mr. Honyng. The name of Robert Hounynge, fishmonger, appears among the list of esquires and gentlemen who received cloth as liveries at the funeral of Sir Thomas Lovell, K.G., who died at his manor of Elsynges in Enfield, Middlesex, on 25th ~lay 1524. Add. MSS., 12462. In 1533 it is recorded that Mr. Hounynges was sergeant of the " Accarty " (the room or place allotted to the keeping of such pro­ visions as the purveyors purchased for the King), but whether it was William, Robert, or Roger, my note does not show. Another member of the Hunnings family of London, in the earlier part of the sixteenth century, was Roger Running, who was also NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 47 fishmonger to the royal household. His epitaph was formerly in the church of St. Nicholas, Co]d Abbey, near London Bridge, and from Weever we learn it read : "Pray for the soul of Roger Running, fishmonger, sometime purveyor of seafish to our Sovereign King Henry VIII, & lVIargaret his wiff, the which Roger decessed the 3 day of l\Iay ann. dom. MCCCCCXLI (1541) whos soul Jesu pardon. Aruen." The first will in order of date of a member of the Honnyng, Running, or Honing family~ residing in London, is that of this Roger Honnyng, who was of St. Nicholas, Colde Abbey, London:- N otes of will of RoGE.R HoNNYNG, of St. Nicholas, Colde Abbey, London. Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. (31 Alenger.) Dated 2nd May 1541. Weke of body and therefore myndyng to make my selfe reddy when it shall please Almighti God to send for me. Bequeath soule unto Almightie God desyering him of his marcye and that it may please hym to give me grace to come unto hym withe an humble spirit acknowlegyng myne offences And there apon that I may have the fruission of his moste godlye presence in the everlastyng lyfe. To be buried in the ch: of St. Nycholas, Coldabbey, in Old Fysh St., in London; the manner of the same for masses for me, and all laudable customs of the church, I refer to my wife Margaret Hounyng, whom I make exor. My uncle, Master William Honnyng, and William my son, super­ vysors. Remembring that I have a wyfe and many children not able to help themselves, and intending to have them brought up in virtuous exercise, I appoint wyfe executor and give to her all goods, money, plate, and other movables praying her so to bestowe my children when it sha.ll be thought most meate for them. Also to wife for her life towards the finding & betterment of my children the three houses a.nd the shop which of late I purchased of the King lying here in Old Fish Street. And I will that after her decease the same shall come to mine eldest sonne William Honnyng, and if he die without heirs of his body, then to four of my sons, Peter, John, Edward, and Thomas, that is to say­ The house wherein I now dwell with all the shoppes, cellers, and other things as it is limited in n1y patent, to my son Peter. The house wherein now d welleth Thomas Beston, with all shoppes and other things thereunto belonging to my son John. The house wherein now dwelleth Richard Storey, with all shops and houses thereunto belonging to my son Edward. The shoppe and chamber wherein now dwelleth Thomas Bromesgrove to my son Thomas. And if any die ,v~thout heirs of the body, the houses so lett to be divided amongst them. And whereas I have a lease of 4 score & 19 years of one Thomas Bar­ well of the house adjoining the house wherei~ I now dwell, I will that my wife have the sd lease and term of years towards the bestowing of my sd children as she shall think convenient. 48 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

Unto wife, the lease of a farm at plymwell called the pillerye, with the horse, cattle, and other stuff there. And also my farme of Fyncheampsted in Bark, with all the cattle and other things there, to be by her used for the bestowing of my said children. To my uncle, Master William Honnynges, for his payne in the over­ sight of this my testament, and to myne Aunte his wife, to every of the1n a mornyng gowne of black cloth. In witness of all the premisses I have subscribed this my testament with myne own hand and set my seal this 2nd day of May 1541, being present the witness who hath likewise subscribed their names, By me, "\Villiam Honnyng. per me, Roger Honnyng. per me, Johan Joynes. per me, Steven Darrell. per me, Willia.rn Honnyng, Minor. Proved 17th June 1541. - The next will we meet with is that of William Honnyng, of London, the elder, dated 23rd February 1542, which is a very interesting one of a prosperous city tradesman of the middle of the sixteenth century. Prerogative Court of Canterbury. (19 Coode.) 23rd February, 33 Henry VIII (1542). \Vill of WILLIAM HoNNYNG, of London, the elder. Bequeath soule to God, our blessed Lady and all the Company of Heaven. To be buried in Ch: of St. Nicholas, Colde Abbey, in Old Fish Street, in the Chapel there called our Lady Chapel. Wief Jone Honnynge and my nephew William Honnynge, joyntlie and not severallie, executors. To Wief my 3 shoppes in Fish Street afsd, the lease of the house I have in the par : of Mary Magdalen belonging to the late Mon : of ... oneton (1). All my lands and tenements in Branforthe and Eling for her life, and afterwards to descend to my said nephew, William Honnyng, to the intent he may help and susteyne his brethern and sisterne, my nephews and nieces. Item, I bequeath to an yearly obbite to be kept in the sii par : ch : of St. Nicholas, the house wherein Brumsgrave dwelleth, being of the yearly rent of xxx:5 to be us~d in forme following, that is to say, To the parson of the ch : xijd. To the Clerk, viijd. To six wardens, every of them being present, xijd. The rest of the saide some in brede and drinke amongs the poor people in the parishe. Item, I will that there be spent at my burying tenne pounds and given iri allmes to the poor people, iiijli. To the high altar, iijs iiijd. Item, I forgive to Margaret Honnyng, my Kinnswoman, widowe, which she oweth me, ixli xij. To J oyes Honnyng, to her marriage tenne poundes. To Mawde my mayde, xl5, and to each of my other maydens tenne shillings. To William Easton my servant, xxvjs viijd. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 49

The rest of my goodes not before severally bequeathed, as all my money, jwells, and implements of household, and all manner of move­ ables, I will myn executores jointlie shall take a just inventorie of all the same, and that thereupon they first pay my debts, and the rest to remain to my said nephew, William Honnyng, according to the meaning of this my will; and that wife do not in any wise alyenate the same nor any parcel thereof without licence of my said nephew and executor, William Honnyng. In witness of this my testament I have subscribed the same with myne owne hande and sette my seale the day and yere abovesaid, and delivered the same so sealed to my wief in the presence of Michaell Wentworth and Edmunde Clerc, of the King's most honourable house and divers others. Per me, William Honnyng. Per me, Edm.undus Clerc. Per me, Michael Wentworth. Proved P.O., Canterbury, 5th August 1550.

Margaret, the widow of Roger Hunnynge, who at the time of her death resided at Y ardington Hall, Asheton, near Birmingham, made her will on the 27th December 1571. P.O.O., 4 ~aper. Dated 27th December 1571. Will of MARGARET HuNNYNGS, of Y ardington Hall, par. Asheton, near Birmingham, Coventry Dio : To be buried in South Chancel of Ch : of Ashton. To poor men's box. To every of my Godchildren in par. of Ashton. To Judith Higgs, my daughter's child. To Thomas Stephins the younger. To Vincent Howrelgy. To Jone Allen. To Catherin, my servant. To Mawde Yetton, my servant. To every Godchild of Wm. Honnings. Towards the mending of Chafford' s Bridge. To Elizabeth Smyth. To William Neve. To Vincent Egles' 3 children, John, Ambrose & Rose. To every of my servants in the house. To Thomas Allen. Residue unto my children (that is to say) Peter, Thomas, Joyce and Margaret, whom I make executors. Overseer, William Hone, Esquire, my dear son-in-law. Proved 7th February 1571/2 by all executors.

One of the most interesting of the Hunnings wills is that of William Honyng~ of Sudbourne, county of Suffolk, Esq., dated 25th December 1566:- E 50 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. P.C.C., 25 She:ffeld. Dated 25th December, 9 Elizabeth (1566). Will of WILLIAM HoNNYNGE, of Par : of Sudbourie (sic), co. Suffolk, Esq. To Frauncis Honnyng now my wife, manor of Carleton, Suffolk, and annual rent out of my freehold lands in the pars : of Hitchin, Kettelbstone [Kettlebaston], and Shelsworth [Chelsworth] & Bilson [Bildeston] Co : Suffolk ; for her life. To my son, Edwarde Honnynge, in Tail Male, lands in co: Gloucester, and in par. of St. Anne & Agnes: London, with remr successively in tail. To one of my younger sons called John Honnynge. To my son William Honnynge. To my son Henry. To my son Nicholas. To every of my other sons, Thomas, Francis, James, Charles &Roger. Mentions Tenements in Fish Street, late myne Uncle's, William Honnynge, Esquire. My brother, Thomas Honnynge. To my brother, Peter Honnynge. "The premises in Fish Street, descended from my father. To my sd son Edward, " all myne armour and other furniture for the warres." To my mother, vj ounces of guilte plaite. To my brother Peter, my brother Thomas, and my sister Hone. To my sister Rigge. To every of the children of my 2 brethren, Peter and Thomas, and 2 sisters, Joyce and Margaret. To my Father in law, Nicholas Cutler, Esquire. To my Lady Tyrrell, my mother-in-law, my brother-in-law Russhe and his wife. To Edward Grimstone, Esquire. To my brethren-in-law Charles and Harry Cutler. To Henry Erbye, my kynsman. Charges of funeral not to be above £20 besides £6 13s. 4d. in almes, in money and gownes to the poor people. Executors, Nicholas Cutler, Edward Grimstone, and Anthonye Russhe, Esquires. Supervisors, Sir William Peter, Sir William Criell (1), and Sir Thomas Cornwallis, Knights. To every of my Fellows of the Signet and to my Clarck of the privy seal 8 ounces of gilt plate and a ring of value of 30s. · Proved 19th December 1569.

William Hunnings appears to have been a man of considerable wealth and influence, and was useful to the King~ as is proved by the following patent (P.S. patent, p. 23, m. 13) :-William Honnyng, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council, grant in fee for his services, of the manor of Carleton, Suffolk, ,vhieh belonged to the monastery of Campsay

The next will which we have to notice is that of Peter Honinge, of London, :fishmonger, dated 20th April 1576, and he was purveyor to the Tudor monarchs :- Prerogative Court, Canterbury. 32 Langley. Dated 20th April 1576. Will of Peter Honynge, of London, Fishmonger. In hole mind and perfect strength. Agnes my wife my hole exor. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 53

To Ellen my daughter my best ring to make her a ring over and above her child's part. To Mary my d. 26/8 for ring over and above her child's part. To Jane my d., same. To Roger my s., 40/- for ring over & above his child's portion. To William my s., 40/- for ring. To Thomas my s., 40/- for ring. To Henry my s., 40/- for ring, and 20/- to his wife to buy her a ring with a death's head. To sister J oyse 26/8 for ring. To Myles my servant 20/- and my best riding cloake. To Agnes my maid 20/- to buy her a "peaticote." To Jane my maid the same. To William Fisher my son-in-law, 20/- for ring. To William Judith my son in law same, and to his wife Katherine a black gown for that the sd 2 sons hath their full portions with them at the day of marriage. Residue to wife, who is to pay debts. Thomas Hardinge, overseer, and I give him £40 for his pains. " And have written this will with my own hand and set my seal the day & year above written, By me, Peter Honynge." Proved 21st August 1578. In the Principal Registry there is a will of John Hennynge of Poxwell, in the county of Dorset, Esq. He left his son, Richard Hennynge executor, who proved his will 3rd July 1617. Will of JOHN HENNYNGE, of Poxwell, co. Dorset, Esq. Dated 14th July 1616. P.C.C., 74 Weldon. Being now aboute the age of fouer scoore fower yeres (84). To be burd yf it may convenientlie be in the chauncell of the parish Ch : of Poxwell. To Robt. Henninge my son my part in Capital Messuage in eo : Dorset, which Sir Robert & myself bought of Christopher Pawlett, Esq. Sons & daughters. Son Richard, exor. Proved 3rd July 1617. The next will in point of date which we find in the Principal Registry is that of Robert Haning, citizen and baker of London, dated 10th August 1630, and proved 20th August 1630. Will of ROBERT HANING, Citizen and Baker of London. Dated 10th August 1630. 71 Scroope. To be burd in par. Ch: of St. Mary Athill near Billingsgate, London, where I am a parishioner, near former wife. To Anne my wife. To my 6 children, Robert, John, Richard, Gwen, Mary, and Magdalen Haning, and Sarah who has not had her portion with my son in law, James Dunkin. To my brother Henry's son. To Cozen Mary Haning, my eldest brother's daur. To John Wyat, & Rd Wyat, my wife's 2 sons. 54 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

To my eldest brother, Hy. Haning. To my brother Wm. Hanning. To my sister Dorothy Bramsted. l\1y estate & intr in premes in par: of Hatherley, Co. Devon, demised by J as. I unto J as. Haning & Wm. Haning. . Goods in my trade of a baker, and my third part of the ·mills called the Gunpowder l\fills in par. Redriffe, Surrey. Exors son in law James Dunkin & Rd Caswell. Proved 20th August 1630. Admon de bonis non, July 1662. Administration was granted P.C.C., 1st April 1633 to the estate of EDWARD HuNNYNGE, of Eye, Suffolk, to Wingfeld Huninge, son of deced. He was the eldest son and heir of ,villiam Hunnynge, Clerk to the Privy Council. Edward was one of a large family, and was born at Eye, 1550, and was buried there in 1609. He was Receiver of the Crown rents for Suffolk, sat in Parliament for Darsham 21 Elizabeth, for Eye 31 Eliza­ beth, and for London 34 Elizabeth. The manor of Darsham was granted him in 1575, and he received other Crown grants in 1595 and 1598. He married Ursula Wingfield. Admon. of the estate of John Hunnings, late in the State's service in Ireland, granted by P.C.C. to Elizabeth Hunnings, w0 and relict. 1st March 1655 (52). The following will of Mary Hunnings, of London, gives no clue to her relationship with the family. Will of MARY HUNNINGS, of London (Par. St. Brides). Dated 17th February 1650. 20 Berkeley. To be buried in par : ch : of St. Brides if I die there. To daur Sandish Wakeman, wife of Rd Wakeman, of Kingston upon Thames, gent., my mesu in St. Martin's Lane, par. St. Martin in the Fields, l\fiddx., wheren the Lady Anslow now lives, for my term therein, & all goods therin. To my daur Elizabeth Norman the lease of my 2 houses in Shoe Lane. To very good friends Thos. Bradford & Anne his wife, 30/- apiece for ring. To Elizabeth Bradford, d. of Thos. Bradford, 20/-. To Elizabeth Whitmell, w0 of Sam. Whitmell, £10. To the 2 children of my daur Elizth Norman, £5 each. To the 2 children of sd Elizth. Whitmell, 20/- each. Residue to daur Sandich Wakeman, who is· appointed Exor. Proved 28th January 1653/4. Admon. of the estate of John Hennings, of par. of Loathbury, London, granted by P.C.C. to wife Susannah. 15th December 1665. There is an article on the Hunnings Family of Suffolk in the Oollec. Topo. et Genea., vol. vii (1841), with an account of a picture of a member of the Hunnings Family of the time of Elizabeth. HONINGS P1~DIGREE. Add. MSS. 19126, Davy's S1fffolk Collection vol. Ix.

Roger Honyng, 5 Edw. III. 'l'homas Homyugs.T ... z I 0 r T 7 Roger Honings,TMargaret, dau. and heir William Honings, 'l'homas Honings. Rose Lane (?), dau. of ~ of co. Warwick. \ of Robert Owle. ob. s.p. Simon Harcourt. 00 0 r----- ...L--,------7 1--·.-,- 7 z J ohn==Joyce==Robert==VVilliam \V-illiam Honings,of Carl-T l!,rances, dau. l\'f argaret==Robert Margaret Barbara==Charles Dog- Hon- Allen. Hone, a ton, son and heir, Clerk of Nicholas Honiugs. . .. , of Honings. Hon- Ludford of ~ gett. ings. 2nd lawyer. of Council or Signet 37 Cutler,ofEye, Dun- ings. Broughton, ~ 1st hus- 3rd hus- Hen. VIII, d. 12 Eliz:l.;bur. at Eye brook. Mary co. vVar­ hus- band. band. bur. at ]~ye 12 Nov. 1569. 1571. Honings. wick. band. ~ T --, --7 z 2. Hobert Honings, Joan Hon- 10. Roger Anne Charles Bridget,==Francis Honings, of Darsham==Grace, dau.of Arthur 1-1z 21 years old 19 ings, bur. Honings. Hon- Honiugs, dau. of 35 Eliz.; of London, merchant, Honings, of Ipswich, z 0 Eliz.; living 31 at Shores- ings, Capt., Edward, 40 Eliz.; and of Backton, Re- gent.; bap. at Ket- 00 Eliz.; born at Sud­ ton, Kent. born born at Duke of ceiver of Counties of Suffolk and tle-Bnrgh 2,.ii Aug. l'!rj bury. 1558. Ipswich. Bramp- Cambs., 7 Jas. I; d. s.p.; bur. at 1578. > ton. Eye 16 May 1618. Is: r------, -r-r-- 7 1-1 TT t'-4 Edward Honings, IGsq., of Carlton,,Ursula, dau. and William Jane Honings, 4. Nicholas 6. 'J.1homas Hon­ Henry Ho11--Frances, i-< son and heir, of Darsham, 21 Eliz.; heir of Antony Hon- born 4 Aug. Honings. ings, bap. at i11gs, born sister of • of Eye, 31 Eliz.; of London, 34 \Vin£'field, of ings, and died on her Lewes. 1553; living Sir Hich- Eliz.; Receiver of Crown Rents; Sibston, liJsq.; born wedding day ; 5. John Hon­ 29 l~liz.; bur. ard Dyer born 20 May 1550; bur. at Eye bur. at Eye 29 1552; bur. at Eye 19 ings, Capt., 7. James Hon­ at, ]~ye 11 and d9_u, 4 May 1609. I March 1628. living Aug. 1557. bap. at Lewes ings, living at March 1587. of Lau- 1578. 19 Jan. 1587 Eye 22 Jan. rence (? 1557). 1635. Dyer . .J c.,, r --, c.,, A Francis Honings, bap. at Eye 11 March 1587. Mary Honings, bap. at Darsham 5 June 1586. H ONINGS PEDIGHEE--contin,ued. c:.n ~ A 1 T T ,- -, Elizabeth Honings, Anthony Frances Honings, Katherine Ursula,' born 17 Jan. Mary Honings, born Elizabeth Honings, born born at Darsham Honings, born 1583; mar. Honings. 1586 at Darsham ; 30 Nov. 1588 at Dar­ 6 June 1592 in London; 1578; bur. at Clerk­ born at at lflye 14 Jan. mar. at Eye 14 ~,eb. sham ; mar. at Eye mar. John, 3rd son of enwell 12 June Barkhamp­ 1600 to Mr. John 1601 to Mr. Isaac 17 July 1606 to Mr. Sir 'l'homas Jermey, z 1590. stead 1579. Crickendale. 'l'omson. John Gray, of ... Knt., of Brightwell. 0 1-, t_,:j r 00 Wingfield Honings, ]Csq., son and heir, bap. at Eye 6 JulYT• ... , dau. of James Nowell, Joan Honings, bap. and 0 1590; Reeeiver General of Uevenue in Suffolk and Cambs.lof Sotherton, Baron of the bur. at Eye, of 7 months, jointly with his father; of Gray's Inn 1604. Exchequer, appointed 1606. 1573. z 1-, r -- --, ----·, gj John Honings, hap. at Eye 15 Jan. 1621, Edward Honings, bap. John Honings, bap. bur. there 6 Sep. 1622. at Eye 11 Mn,y 1619. at Eye 10 July 1625. ~ z z1-1 0 00 Froni .Davy's Collection. >zj ~ Katherine, dau. of .... ~oterHonings.=Anne, dau. of ... ~ Chalmeley, of Copenham, Shepherd, s.p. co. Suffolk. •~ r T ,------1 --, 7 Roger Honings, Anne Katherine Ellen Mary William Honings.TM1>ry Badley. son and heir. Honings. Honings. Honings. .Honing·s. ___...J r 'l1 homas Honings, hap. at St. James, Bury, 11 July 1591. :NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 57

INDEX. N OTE.-The names of persons and places mentioned in the various wills are not indexed, nor are the names of places mentioned in the pedigrees. A. C. F.

Albans, St., 46. Carleton (Suffolk), 50, 51. Faulkner, John, 15, 18. Albin, E. S., 24. Carlin, N., 51. Field, Rob., 5. Allen, Rob., 55. Chalmeley, Katharine, 56. Fleet, co. Linc., 13, 28. Algarkirk, co. Linc., l, 2, Chipping Faringdon, 51. Fletcher, Rev. W. G. D., 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, Charles II, 7, 8. 2. 14, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, Clarke, Dorothy, 1, 10, Fordick, 4. 31, 32, 33, 45, 46. 23 ; Eliz., 12, 24 ; Fosdyke, co. Linc., l, 2, Algarkirk Register, 12-14. John, 12 ; 1\'Iartha, 11, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 19, Amadus, Rob., 46. 12, 17, 24 ; Matt., 11, 45, 46. Authorpe, co. Linc., 23. 12, 17, 24 ; Capt. l\I., Fosdyke Registers, 14. Awmunson, E., 8; Eliz., 24 ; Capt. W. S., I, Foster, Thos., 1, 10, 23 ; 8. 10, 23. S. l\,I., l, l 0, 23. Ayli:ff, Thos., 17, 18, 23. Cock, John, 34. Fowler, Hy., 8. Colde Abbey, 47. Frampton, co. Linc., 7. Cook, Fras., 7. Franks, John, 18. Crickendale, John, 56. Friskney, co. Linc., 10. Crowdray, J., 22. Fryneheamstead, 48. B. Culzer, Simon, 6. Fulham, 23. Cust, Lady, E., 5 ; Henry, Badley, :Mary, 56. 6. Baldyng, Thos., 4. Cutler, Frances, 55 ; Nic­ Bale, Katherine, 5; Roger, holas, 55. G. 5. Banks, Rev. J ., 12, 24 ; I Gedney, co. Linc., 8. ~iary, 12, 24. , George II, 7. Barker, Chris., 51. 1 D. Goddards, The, Moulton, Barfote, Agnes, 13. 11, 24. Barwell, Thos., 47. Darrell, John, 48. Goodman, H., 15. Bennett, W., 8; :M:ary, Doggett, John, 55. Gouldray, 23. 8. . Doncaster, 12. Granmer, Ed., 4. Benson, Ed., 6; Hugh, 6. \ Donington, co. Linc., 1, Grantham, co. Linc., 11, Berghton, Rich., 5. I 10, 23. 27. Berks, 48. Duke, Ed., 8 ; Bridget, 8. Green, D., 8. Bernard, Rob., 45. Dunsby, co. Linc., 8. Gryme, Thos., 5 ; Wm., Beston, Thos., 47. Durlingdale, W., 8. 5. Bolton, Hy., 24 ; Susan, I Dyer, Sir R., 55 ; Fran- 24. ces, 55 ; Laurence, 55. Boston, Lord, 6. Boston, Lines., 1, 6, 7, H. 11, 12, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27, 33, 35, ; Friars E. Hanslip, A. S., 1, 10, 23 ; of, 6. Chas., 1, 10, 23. Bracebridge, or Brass- Edward I, 2. Harcourt, Simon, 55 brege, 7. Edward II, 1, 23. Rose, 55. Brocklespie, Jane, 8. Edward III, 3. Hardy, Geo., 24. Bromesgrove, Thos., 4 7. Edward IV, 5. Harvey, J., 10, 23. Burmote, Geo., 8. Edward VI, 5. Hatfeild, 51. Burwick, Wm., 46. Elizabeth, Queen, 51. Henry II, 2. Butter, Eliz., 9, 11, 24; Ellis, M. A., 25. Henry III, 2. Robt., 11, 24 ; Susan, Elloe Division, 23. Henry IV, 3, 4. 24. Elsynges Manor, 46. Henry VII, 5. Byesam, 45. Enfield, 46. Henry VIII, 4, 6, 51. Byker, Lines., 7. Essenden, 51. Herts, 51. F 58 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

Hiptoft, 6. 5, 15 ; Jane, 14, 15, 22 ; Dorothy l\1., 23 ; Hitcham, 51. 16 ; Jannett, 13 ; Edw. N., 23 ; Eliz., Holbeach, co. Linc:, 1, John, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 22, 23 ; George, 22 ; 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 8, 9, 10, 13; 15, 16, James S., 23 ; John, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 34, 17, 18 ; John F., 1, 23 ; John F., 23 ; 35. 10, 11, 15; John G., 10; John G., 23; :Marg. E., Holbeach Register, 8, 10, Johanna, 3, 5, 13 ; 23 ; Sus.,- 22 ; Sus. 14, 15, 16, 18. Katherine, 7, 8, 9, 11, l\iary, 23 ; Thos., 22 ; Holland Division, 1, 7. 14, 15 ; Lambert, 3, 4, Wm., 22. Holland, Chas., 11, 24 5; Lyon, 14; :March, Hunnings of Whaplode, Eliz., 12 ; Hen., 17. 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, seePedigreeoftheNew- Hone, Wm., 55. 18 ; Marg. E., 1, 14 ; comen-Hunnings fami- Honing of London and l\largery, 13 ; J\iartha, lies, and Royal Descent Suffolk. Pedigree. Ann, 11, 12, 17 ; l\'1ary, 12, of John Hunnings. 55, 56 ; Antony, 56 ; 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ; Hunnings Family of l\1oul- Barbara, 55 ; Charles, :Mary A., 16; Nicholas, ton and Boston. Pedi- 55 ; Eliz., 56 ; Ellen, 13, 14 ; Peter, 13 ; gree. Butter, 24 ; But- 56 ; Edw., 55, 56 ; Richard, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, ter J., 24 ; Edw., 24 ; Frances, 55 ; Francis, 13, 14, 15, 45; Robert, Eliz., 24 ; Frances S., 55; Grace, 55; Henry, 7, 17; Roger, 4, 5, 7, 24; John, 24; Kathe- 55 ; Jane, 55 ; Joan, 13, 14 ; Rose, 13 ; rine, 24 ; l\fary, 24 ; 55, 56 ; John, 56 ; Ruth, 9, 15, 16, 17, Sarah, 24 ; Thos., 24. Joyce, 55 ; Katherine, 18 ; Sarah, 11, 14, 15 ; Hunnings Family of Tot- 55, 56 ; l\'Iarg., 55 ; Senicla, 2, 3 ; Simon, tenham, London. Pedi- Mary, 55, 56; Nicholas, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ; Sishe, gree. Ada, 25 ; Alfred, 55 ; Peter, 56; Robert, 13 ; Susannah, 15 ; 25, 26 ; Alice, 26 ; 55 ; Roger, 55, 56 ; Sus. l\Iary, l, 11, 17 ; Arthur, 25, 26 ; Chas., Rose, 55 ; Thos., 55, Thomas, 1, 3, 4, 5, 26 ; Daisy, 26 ; Doro- 56 ; Ursula, 56 ; Wm., 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, thy, 25 ; Edith, 25 ; 55, 56 ; Wingfield, 56. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Edw., 25, 26 ; Eliz., Honing, Honings, see 45; Thomas atte Cross, 25 ; Emily F., 25 ; Hunnings. 6; Ursula, 8. Ernest F., 25 ; Flo., Roode, John, 50. Hunnings Family of Al- 26 ; Frank, 26 ; Fred., Honings, A., of Ipswich, garkirk and Fosdyke, 25, 26; Fred. W., 25; 55 ; Grace, 55. the. Pedigree. Agnes, Harriett, 26 ; Rev. Houghton, Thos., 7. 19, 20 ; Cassandra, 19 ; Henry, 25 ; Herbt., Hunnings (Honing, Hun­ Chris., 19; Cicilie, 19 ; H., 25, 2G ; Jane, 26 ; inge) Family of Al­ Edw., 20 ; Eliz., 19 ; Jessie E., 25 ; Kate, garkirk and South Lin­ Frances~ 20 ; John, 20 ; 26 ; Lea, 26 ; Lily, 26 ; colnshire, Abraham, R., 1Y.1arg., 15; :Margy., 19; :March, 25, 26 ; Mary, 12, 15, 16, 17 ; Agnes, :Mary, 19 ; :Mich., 20 ; 25 ; Olive, 26 ; Percy, 13, 14 ; Alex., 3 ; Nicholas, 19 ; Peter, 25, 26 ; Phillis, 26 ; Alicia, 3 ; Alice, 13, 19; Rich., 19; Roger, Robert, 26; Rose, 26; 14 ; Ann, 8, 9, 11, 13, 19; Thos., 19; Wm., Ruth, 26; Samuel, 25, 15, 16, 17, 18 ; Ann 19. 26; Sidney, 26; Thos., Ayliffe, 15, 16, ; Butter, Hunnings Family of Hol- 26 ; Thos., M., 26 ; 9, 11, 12, 17 ; Cassan­ beach, the. Pedigree. Violet, 26 ; Wm. A., dra, 13 ; Cecilis, 13 ; Abraham, 21 ; Ann, 25; Wm. B., 25; Wm. Chris., 13 ; Deborah, 20, 21 ; Catherine, 21 ; J., 25 ; Wm., 26. 9, 11, 14, 15; Dorothy, Dorothy, 21 ; Edw., Hunnings vVills, see Wills. 14, 16, 17 ; Dorothy, 21 ; Eliz., 21 ; Jane, Running, or Honing, of M., 1, 10, 11 ; Edward, 21 ; Jeremiah, 21 ; London and Suffolk, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, John, 21 ; Katherine, Edward, 47 ; Frances 13, 14, 15, 17 ; Eliz., 20; .March, 21; :Mary, (Hunninge), 51; John, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 21 ; Richard, 21 ; 4 7 ; Margaret, 47 ; 16, 17, 18 ; Edward N., Roger, 21 ; Ruth, 21 ; Peter, 47; Robert, 46; 15, 16; Francis, 7, 13 ; Thos., 20, 21; Will., 21. Roger, 46, 47, 48 ; George, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17 ; Hunnings Family of William, 45, 46, 47, Henry, 8 ; Hana, 17 ; Whaplode, the. Pedi- 48, 50, 51. Humphrey, 7, 14, 15 ; gree. Ann, 22, 23 ; Hunnings of London and Jeremiah, 15 ; James, Ann S., 23 ; Dorothy, l Suffolk Wills, see Wills. NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 59

Huning, co. Norfolk, 1, l\L :Matheson, A. J\L, 43 ; 46. Maydenwell, Mary, 40; Huningham, 7. Male, G., 6. Thos., 40. Hunningham, co. War­ Man tons 1VIanor, 51. ~foore, Wm., 41. wick, 46. :March, Katherine, 8, 20 ; Newcomen, Ann, 41, Hunningham, Robt., 12. Wm., 7, 8, 20. 42 ; Bryan, 40 ; Maugham, Rev. Thos., 17. Chris., 40, 41 ; Chas., Middlecott, Thos., 7. 40, 41 ; Dorothy, :Molson, Mary, 17. 41 ; Eliz., 40, 41 ; I. J\:Ioulton, 1, 3, 6, 9, 11, Edw., 41 ; Geo., 40; 12, 21, 23, 24, 25, 34. J\iargt., 40; Martin, Irby, Antony, 6 ; (or Moulton Registers, 7, 8, 40 ; Mary, 40, 42 ; Erby), Henry, 46. 17. Rich., 40 ; Rob., 41 ; Myers, Ann, 21. Saml., 40, 41 ; Thos., 40, 41 ; Wm., 40, 41. Procter, S., 42. J. N. Rogers, C. L.,43; Edith, 43; E. M., 43; F. E., James I, 7. Nevill, Thos., 5; Wm., 5. 43; N., 43. Jengus, John, 46. Newcomen, Ann, l, 10, Sanders, E., 42. Jermey, John, 56 ; Sir 11, 23; see Newcomen Sandford, B., 40 ; Mary, Thos., 56. Pedigree and Royal 40. Joynes, Joseph, 48. Descent. Smith, R., 42. Justice, Rd., 7. N ewcomen-Hunnings. Thorndyke, N., 40 ; Pedigree- Joan, 40. Antrobus, A. J., 43. Townraw, l\iary, 41. Asfordby, Dorothy, 41 ; Nowell, Jas., 56. K. Wm., 41. Ayliff, Thos., 42. Kelke, John, 46. Barnsby, Mary, 41. Kesleven Division, 7. Borough, Rd., 40. Killingworth, John, 46. Bowcher, Wm., 40. •. o. K.irketon, Thos., 5. Capes, T. H., 43. Kirton, co. Linc., 2, 3, Cheales, Mary, 41. Offord, l,iary, 25. 6, 7, 12, 29 ; Holme, Crowder, Jos., 42. Ogle, R., 6. 13, 31. Dawson, Col. J., 43. Oldershaw, E., 15. Kyme, co. Linc., 6. Fletcher, B. F., 43 ; G. Oldem, Marg., 19. Kyme Church, 6. R., 43 ; H., 43 ; R. Ordying, H., 4. B., 43 ; S. R., 43. Owle, R., 55 ; :Marg., 55. Foster, A., 43 ; E. J\L, Owleas, Mary, 46. L. 43 ; H. M., 43 ; T., 43 ; T. M., 43 ; W. Lacy, Thos., 6. E., 43. Langer, 8. Field, David, 41; Jane, P. Leake, co. Linc., 7. 42 ; Mary, 41, 42. Leighton Buzzard, 11. Grenfi.eld, John, 40 ; Parker, H., 5 ; John, 5. Lincoln City, 9, 12, 24, Mary, 40. Parkyn, Agnes, 12. 26. Hanslip, A., 43 ; A. G., Palmer, Geo., 23. Lincoln Will Registry, 3, 43 ; A. H., 43 ; A. S., Pedigrees- 12, 13, 27, 28, 30, 31, 43 ; C. W., 43 ; Honings or Hunnings of 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. Chas., 43 ; R., 43. London and Suffolk, Lincoln Churches, bequest Harvey, Geo., 42. 55. to, 6. Hunnings, Ann, 42 ; A. Hunnings Family of Lincolnshire Freeholders S., 43 ; D. M., 42 ; Algarkirk and Fos­ (1561), 7. E. H., 42 ; E. M., 42 ; dyke, 19, 20. London, l, 10, 23, 24, Eliz., 42 ; J oh...YJ., 42 ; Hunnings of Holbeach, ·45, 46, 47. JohnF., 42; J. G.,42; 20, 21. London Will Registry, J. S., 42 ; S. J\:L, 43 ; Hunnings of :Moulton 3, 13, 29. Thos., 42. and Boston, 24. Lovell, Sir Thos., 46. Massingberd, Frances, .Hunnings of Totten­ 25, 26 Ludford, Chas., 55. 41 ; Thos., 41. ham, London, • 60 NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY.

Hunnings of Whaplode, Dymoke, Alice, 38 ; Welles, Endo, 38 ; 22, 23. ::lvlarg., 38; Sir Lionel, John, 4th Lord, 38 ; Newcomen and Hun­ 38 ; Sir Thos., 38. John, 5th Lord, 38 ; nings, 40, 41, 42, 43. Edw. I, I, 37. Lionel, 6th Lord, 38 ; Royal Descent, 37, 38, Eleanor, Queen, 37. Marg., 38. 39. Fitzwilliam, George, 38; Wentworth, Agnes, 38; Sanders of Weston, 44. John, 38; lviary, 38; Sir Roger, 38. Perry, Agnes, 4 ; R., 3, Thos., 38 ; Wm., 38. Rycroft, John, 46. 4. Foster, Thos., 39. Pinchbeck, co. Linc., 5, Girlington, Sir R., 38. 6, 12. Goulding, 39. Pinchbeck Family, 3. Goushill, :Marg. de, 37 ; s. Pipe Rolls Entry, 2. Ralph de, 37. Polmeveston, R., 4. Greystock, Ralph Lord Salisbury, Church of, 51. Prest, Nicholas, 3 ; Wm., de, 38 ; :Marg. de, 38. Sanders, Eliz., I 0, 23. 3. Gunby, 38 ; Joan, 38. Sanders Family Pedigree : Procter, John, 7 ; S., 1, Halys, Alice, 37 ; Sir Clarke, Capt. W. S., 44. 10, 23. Roger, 37. Frotheringham, ~iarg., Pulvertoft Family, 3 ; Halton, Alice, 39 ; Sir 44. John, 5 ; Richard, 3-6 ; Roger, 39. Foster, Tbos., 44. Rob., 6, 7 ; Roger, 3 ; Hanslip, C., 39. Hanslip, C., 44. Thos., 3. Henry III, 3 7. Harvey, Geo., 44. Hunnings, A. S., 39 ; Hunnings, A. S., 44 ; D. i\1:., 39; E. 1',1., 39 ; D. 1\-1., 44; John, i4; J., 39 ; J. F., 39 ; J. F., 44; J. G., 44; R. S. M., 39; Thos., i\f. E., 44 ; Procter 39. s., 44. Randsom, Wm., 5. :Margaret, Queen, 37. Rogers, N., 44. Raynaldson, 3. :Mowbray, John, 37 ; Sanders, Eliz., 44 ; J as., Rich. III, 3. Eleanor, 37. 44 ; M., 44 ; Thos., Rishangles, 51. N ewcomen, Ann, 39 ; 44; "\Vm., 44. Robertson, N., 6, 4G ; Chris., 39; Edw., 39; Shepherd, Ann, 56. Thos., 6. Eleanor, 39 ; John, Simpson, Eliz., 12, 17 ; Rogers, C. L., 43 ; E. M., 38; Wm., 39. Rich., 12, 24. 43; F. E., 43; Marg. Oxenbridge, Eliz., 38; Skelton, Jos., 15, 21. E., 1, 11, 23 ; N., I, 11, Sir Thos., 38. Smith, Bishop. Register, 23. Palmer, 39. 6. . Royal Descent of John Plantagenet, Edmund, Sneath, Eliz., 11, 12 ; Hunnings of Holbeach. 37 ; Henry, 37 ; F. S., 11; James, 11. Artois, Blanche of, 37 ; Joan, 37; Margaret, Southampton, 25. Robert of, 37. 37 ; Thos., 37. Spalding, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24. Acre, Joan of, 37. Roos, :Maud, 37 , Stennett, Thos., 16. Audley, Hugh de, 37 ; Thomas Lord, 39. Storey, R., 47. l'.largt., 37. Rogers, N., 39. Stukeley, John, 7. Asfordby, Wm., 39 , Sanders, Eliz., 39. Sudbourne, 45, 46, 51. Dorothy, 39. Segrave, Eliz., 37; John, Suffolk, 50, 51. Barnsby, :Mary, 39. 37. Surfleet, co. Linc., 1, 10, Butt, Joan, 38 Skepwith, John, 38 ; 23. Cheales, Mary, 39 ; :Mary, 38 ; Sir Wm., Sutterton, co. Linc., 5. Thos., 39. 38. Swineshead, co. Linc., 3, Clare, Eleanor de, 37 ; Stafford, Ralph de, 37 ; 6; Church, 6. Gilbert de, 37; Iviarg. Beatrix, 37. de, 37. Strange, Joan, 37. Clarke, Capt. W. S., 39. Tailbois, ~'.laud, 38 ; Sir Cobham, :Marg., 38. Robert, 38. T. Constable, Sir Rob., 38; Tiptoft, Eliz., 38 ; Sir .Ann, 38. Robert, 38. Tailbois, Eliz., 6 ; Sir Cowdray, J., 39. Townraw, :Mary, 39. vVm., 6. Despencer, Hugh, 37 ; Tyrwhitt, Eliz., 38 ; Tatam, John, 24. :Margery, 37 ; Philip, Sir Robert, 38 ; Sir Thakker, Robert, 6 . 37, 38. Wm., 38. Thos., 5. ' NOTES ON THE HUNNINGS FAMILY. 61

Thompson, John, 5. Wilkinson, Roger, 6. Wills of the Honing or Tottenham, 12, 25, 26. Wills of the Lincolnshire Running Family of Tunnard, R., 13 ; Thos., Branches of the Hun­ London and Suffolk­ 14. nings Family- · Edward,Hunnynge (ad­ Butter Running$, of mon. 1630), 54. City of Lincoln, 36. FrancisHonynge (1571 ), Edward Hunnynge, of 51. w. Algarkirk, 29. John Hennynge (1616), Edw. Hunnyng, of Hol­ 53. Waltham Abbey, 25. beach, 34. John Hennings, admon. W arre, John de, 3. Edward Hunnings, of 54. Warwick, Co. of, 46 ; Moulton, 34. John Hunnings, (ad­ Earl of, 3, 4, 5. Francis Honinge, of mon. 1655 ), 54. Watson, Rob., 16. Algarkirk, 30. l\Iargaret Hunnynge Webster, Robt., 7. John Honing, of Fleet, (1571), 49. Welby Family, 3 ; Adlard, 28. Mary Running (1650), 4 ; Athelard, 3 ; l\'.Iar­ John Hunnings, of Hol­ 54. garet, 3 ; Matilda, 3 ; beach, 35. Peter Honynge (1576), Richard, 2, 5, 13 ; :Martha Hunnings, of 52. Sarra, 2 ; Thomas, 3, Boston, 35. Robert Honing (1630), 4, 5. Nicholas Hunnynge, of 53. Weldon, Ed., 46. Allgarkirke, 32. Roger Honnyng (1541), Weltham, Sir John, 51. Richard Running, of 47. Wentworth, :Michael, 49. Boston, 27. Wm. Honnyng, (1542), Westland, Rich., 7. Robert Hunningham, 48. Weston, co. Linc., 12, 23. of Kirton, 27. Wm. Honyng (1556), Westminster, 51. Roger Huning, of Bos­ 49. Whaplode, co. Linc., 1, 2, ton, 33. \Vilsford, Eliz., 16, 18. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 20, Sislie Hunyng, of Al­ Wilson, Robt., 7. 22, 23. garchurch, 30. \.-Visbech, 10. Whapl ode Register, 8, 16, Thomas Hunyng, of Winchester, 8. 17, 18. Algarkirk, 28, 31, 33. Wingfield, Antony, 55 ; Whitdale, Ann, 17. Thomas Huning, of Kit­ Ursula, 55. Wilcockson, Wm., 5. ton Holme, 31. \Voodhouse, Thcs., 15, 20