Approved on “ 30 ” October 20 12 Registered on “ ” 20 . State Registration Number ------Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro - - - (the body of the Issuer that approved the Prospectus shall (the State Registration Number assigned to the issue (additional issue) of the be specified) securities shall be specified)

Minutes No. 164 FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of dated “ 30 ” October 20 12 . (name of the registering authority)

(name of the position and signature of the authorized representative of the registering authority) Seal of the registering authority


Open Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-Generating Company – RusHydro

(Issuer’s full corporate name (name of a non-commercial organization))

non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds of series 07 with mandatory centralized storage, to the number of 10,000,000 (ten million) bonds with face value of 1,000 (one thousand) roubles each, with a total value of 10,000,000,000 (ten billion) roubles with maturity term falling on the 3,640 th (three thousand six hundred and fortieth) day from the commencement date of bond offering being placed through public offering with a possibility of early redemption at holders’ request and upon Issuer’s discretion

non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds of series 08 with mandatory centralized storage, to the number of 10,000,000 (ten million) bonds with face value of 1,000 (one thousand) roubles each, with a total value of 10,000,000,000 (ten billion) roubles with maturity term falling on the 3,640 th (three thousand six hundred and fortieth) day from the commencement date of bond offering being placed through public offering with a possibility of early redemption at holders’ request and upon Issuer’s discretion

non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds of series 09 with mandatory centralized storage, to the number of 10,000,000 (ten million) bonds with face value of 1,000 (one thousand) roubles each, with a total value of 10,000,000,000 (ten billion) roubles with maturity term falling on the 3,640 th (three thousand six hundred and fortieth) day from the commencement date of bond offering being placed through public offering with a possibility of early redemption at holders’ request and upon Issuer’s discretion

non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds of series 10 with mandatory centralized storage, to the number of 10,000,000 (ten million) bonds with face value of 1,000 (one thousand) roubles each, with a total value of 10,000,000,000 (ten billion) roubles with maturity term falling on the 3,640 th (three thousand six hundred and fortieth) day from the commencement date of bond offering being placed through public offering with a possibility of early redemption at holders’ request and upon Issuer’s discretion


(class, category (type), form and other identification attributes of securities)

(face value (if available) and number of securities, for bonds and options of the Issuer redemption period is also provided)


Hereby, the credibility of the following documentation is confirmed: – Issuer’s accounting statements for 2009 and 2010 prepared in accordance with regulations established in the Russian Federation with due account of information on retroactive adjustments outlined in Clause 3.1 of this prospectus; – Issuer’s financial statements for 2009 prepared in accordance with International accounting standards (hereinafter referred to as IAS) except for circumstances having influenced these statements and outlined in Clause 8.3 b) of this prospectus; – Issuer’s consolidated financial statements for 2010 prepared in accordance with IAS with due account of circumstances outlined in clause 8.3 b) of this prospectus; – Issuer’s consolidated financial statements for 2011 prepared in accordance with IAS.

Other information on the Issuer’s financial status contained in Sections III, IV, V and VIII of this Prospectus has been inspected for its compliance in all the material aspects with the data of financial (accounting) statements for 2009 prepared in accordance with regulations generally accepted in the Russian Federation, in respect of which the audit has been conducted. Closed Joint-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit (full corporate name of an audit organization (audit organizations) and surname, name and patronymic of an individual auditor who audited the issuer’s accounting (financial) statements) Director acting on the basis of letter of authority No. GA-01295- 0711-zao dated July 1, 2011 T. V. Sirotinskaya (position of a manager or another person who signed the prospectus on behalf of (signature) (Name, patronymics, the issuer’s auditor, name and details of the document that authorized this person to Stamp here surname) sign the prospectus on behalf of the issuer’s auditor) Date “ ” 2012 .


Hereby, the credibility of the Issuer’s accounting statements for 2011 prepared in accordance with regulations generally accepted in the Russian Federation is confirmed. Other information on the Issuer’s financial status contained in Sections III, IV, V and VIII of this Prospectus has been inspected for its compliance in all the material aspects with the data of financial (accounting) statements for 2011 prepared in accordance with regulations generally accepted in the Russian Federation, in respect of which the audit has been conducted , as well as in terms of comparative data for year 2010, as this information is disclosed in Clause 3.1 of the current Prospectus and with regard to the explanations provided in Section 2.17 of the explanatory note to Issuer’s account ing statement for year 2011 prepared in accordance with the regulations established in the Russian Federation.

Closed Joint-Stock Company HLB Vneshaudit (full corporate name of an audit organization (audit organizations) and surname, name and patronymic of an individual auditor who audited the issuer’s accounting (financial) statements) Director General L. M. Mitrofanov (position of a manager or another person who signed the prospectus on behalf of (signature) (Name, patronymics, the issuer’s auditor, name and details of the document that authorized this person to Stamp here surname) sign the prospectus on behalf of the issuer’s auditor) Date “ ” 2012 .

Acting Chairman of the Board E. V. Dod (name of the issuer ’s head position) (signature) (Name, patronymics, surname) Date “ ” 2012 . Chief Accountant D. V. Finkel (name of a person performing the functions of the issuer’s chief accountant) (signature) (Name, Stamp here patronymics, surname) Date “ ” 2012 .


INTRODUCTION ...... 8 I BRIEF INFORMATION ON MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BODIES OF THE ISSUER, INFORMATION ON BANK ACCOUNTS, AUDITOR, APPRAISER AND FINANCIAL ADVISER OF THE ISSUER, AND OTHER SIGNATORIES HERETO ...... 17 1.1 MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT BODIES OF THE ISSUER ...... 17 1.2 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S BANK ACCOUNTS ...... 18 1.3 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S AUDITOR (S) ...... 24 1.4 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S APPRAISER ...... 31 1.5 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S ADVISORS ...... 31 1.6 INFORMATION ON OTHER SIGNATORIES TO THE PROSPECTUS ...... 31 II SUMMARY ON NUMBER, PERIOD, PROCEDURE AND CONDITIONS OF OFFERING FOR EACH TYPE AND CATEGORY OF ISSUE SECURITIES OFFERED ...... 32 2.1 TYPE , CATEGORY AND FORM OF SECURITIES OFFERED ...... 32 2.2 NOMINAL VALUE OF EACH TYPE , CATEGORY AND SERIES OF ISSUE SECURITIES OFFERED ...... 34 2.3 ESTIMATED ISSUE AMOUNT IN MONETARY TERMS AND NUMBER OF EQUITY SECURITIES TO BE ISSUED ...... 34 2.4 OFFERING PRICE (P ROCEDURE FOR DETERMINATION OF THE OFFERING PRICE ) ...... 35 2.5 OFFERING TERM AND PROCEDURE ...... 35 2.6 PROCEDURE AND CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT FOR EQUITY SECURITIES OFFERED ...... 39 2.7 PROCEDURE AND CONDITIONS OF ENTERING INTO AGREEMENTS DURING THE OFFERING OF ISSUE SECURITIES ...... 40 2.8 TARGET GROUP OF SUBSCRIBERS FOR EQUITY SECURITIES OFFERED ...... 45 2.9 PROCEDURE FOR DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON THE RESULTS OF THE EQUITY SECURITIES ISSUE ...... 46 III DISCLOSURE IN RESPECT OF THE FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL POSITION OF THE ISSUER ...... 57 3.1 FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE ISSUER ...... 57 3.2 MARKET CAPITALIZATION OF THE ISSUER ...... 59 3.3 ISSUER ’S LIABILITIES ...... 59 3.3.1 Borrowed funds and accounts payable ...... 59 3.3.2 Credit History of the Issuer...... 62 3.3.3 Liabilities of the Issuer under Security Provided to Third Parties ...... 67 3.3.4 Other Liabilities of the Issuer ...... 68 3.4 PURPOSES OF ISSUE AND UTILIZATION OF PROCEEDS FROM ISSUE OF EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 68 3.5 RISKS RELATED TO ACQUISITION OF OFFERED (I SSUED ) EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 69 3.5.1 Industry risks ...... 69 3.5.2 Country and Regional Risks ...... 70 3.5.3 Financial Risks ...... 70 3.5.4 Legal Risks ...... 71 3.5.5 Risks Related to the Issuer’s Operations ...... 71 3.5.6 Bank Risks ...... 72 IV ISSUER’S DETAILED INFORMATION ...... 73 4.1 ISSUER ’S ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRACK RECORD ...... 73 4.1.1 Information on the Issuer’s Corporate Name (Denomination) ...... 73 4.1.2 Information on the Issuer’s State Registration ...... 74 4.1.3 Information on the Issuer’s Establishment and Development...... 74 4.1.4 Contact Information ...... 74 4.1.5 Taxpayer Identification Number ...... 75 4.1.6 The Issuer’s Subsidiaries and Representative Offices ...... 75 4.2 THE ISSUER ’S CORE BUSINESS ACTIVITY ...... 75 4.2.1 The Issuer’s Sector ...... 75 4.2.2 The Issuer’s Core Business Activity ...... 76 4.2.3 The Issuer’s Materials, Goods and Suppliers ...... 78 4.2.4 The Issuer’s Markets of Sale of Goods (Works, Services) ...... 78 4.2.5 Information on Availability of Permissions (Licenses) or Access to Performance to Separate Types of Works ...... 79 4.2.6 Information on Activity of Separate Categories of Issuers of Equity Securities ...... 85 4.2.7 Additional Information on the Issuers whose Core Business Activity is Extraction of Mineral Resources ...... 85 4.2.8 Additional Information on the Issuers whose Core Business Activity is Rendering Communication Services ...... 85 4.3 THE ISSUER ’S PLANS FOR FUTURE ACTIVITY ...... 85 4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER ’S PLANS IN RELATION TO ITS FUTURE ACTIVITIES ...... 85 4.4 THE ISSUER ’S PARTICIPATION IN INDUSTRIAL , BANKING AND FINANCIAL GROUPS , HOLDING COMPANIES , CONCERNS AND ASSOCIATIONS ...... 86 4.5 THE ISSUER ’S SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES ...... 86 4.6 COMPOSITION , STRUCTURE AND VALUE OF THE ISSUER ’S FIXED ASSETS , INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S PLANS TO ACQUIRE , REPLACE OR RETIREMENT OF FIXED ASSETS , AS WELL AS ON ANY ENCUMBRANCES OF THE ISSUER ’S FIXED ASSETS ...... 101 4.6.1 Fixed assets ...... 101 4.7 THE ISSUER ’S DEPENDENT COMPANIES BEING OF SIGNIFICANT IMPORTANCE ...... 102 V INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER’S FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ...... 114 5.1 ISSUER ’S FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE ...... 114 5.2 ISSUER ’S LIQUIDITY , ADEQUACY OF CAPITAL AND CURRENT ASSETS ...... 116 5.3 SIZE AND STRUCTURE OF THE ISSUER ’S CAPITAL AND CURRENT ASSETS ...... 117 5.3.1 Size and Structure of the Issuer’s Capital and Current Assets ...... 117 5.3.2 Issuer’s Financial Investments ...... 119 5.3.3 Issuer’s Intangible Assets ...... 121 5.4 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S POLICIES AND EXPENDITURE IN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY WITH REGARD TO LICENSES AND PATENTS , NEW DEVELOPMENTS AND RESEARCH ...... 123 5.5 ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN THE ISSUER ’S CORE ACTIVITY ...... 126 5.5.1 Analysis of Factors and Conditions Affecting the Issuer’s Activity ...... 127 5.5.2 Issuer’s Competitors ...... 129 VI DETAILS OF THE PERSONS INCLUDED IN THE ISSUER’S MANAGEMENT AND AUDIT BODIES AND BRIEF DATA ON THE ISSUER’S PERSONNEL (STAFF) ...... 131 6.1 STRUCTURE AND COMPETENCE OF THE ISSUER ’S MANAGEMENT BODIES ...... 131 6.2 DETAILS OF THE PERSONS INCLUDED IN THE ISSUER ’S MANAGEMENT BODIES ...... 131 6.3 INFORMATION ON THE FEE , BENEFITS AND /OR COMPENSATION FOR EXPENSES FOR EACH MANAGEMENT BODY OF THE ISSUER ...... 132 6.4 INFORMATION ON THE STRUCTURE AND COMPETENCE OF THE AUDIT BODIES CONTROLLING ISSUER ’S FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ...... 134 6.5 DETAILS OF THE PERSONS INCLUDED IN THE ISSUER ’S INTERNAL AUDIT BODIES ...... 137 6.6 INFORMATION OF THE AMOUNT OF FEE , BENEFIT AND /OR COMPENSATION OF EXPENSES TO THE ISSUER ’S INTERNAL AUDIT BODY ...... 152 6.7 DATA ON THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SUMMARY DATA ON EDUCATION AND COMPOSITION OF EMPLOYEES (PERSONNEL ) OF THE ISSUER AS WELL AS THOSE ON CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (PERSONNEL ) OF THE ISSUER ...... 153 6.8 DATA ON ANY LIABILITIES OF THE ISSUER TO EMPLOYEES , CONCERNING THEIR POTENTIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE ISSUER ’S AUTHORISED (R ESERVE ) CAPITAL (S HARE FUND ) ...... 153 VII INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER’S SHAREHOLDERS (PARTICIPANTS) AND ON THE INTERESTED PARTY TRANSACTIONS EFFECTED BY THE ISSUER ...... 155 7.1 INFORMATION ON THE TOTAL NUMBER OF THE ISSUER ’S SHAREHOLDERS (P ARTICIPANTS ) ...... 155 7.2 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S SHAREHOLDERS (P ARTICIPANTS ) HOLDING AT LEAST FIVE PER CENT OF ITS AUTHORISED (R ESERVE ) CAPITAL (S HARE FUND ) OR AT LEAST FIVE PER CENT OF ITS ORDINARY SHARES , AND INFORMATION ON THE PERSONS SUPERVISING THEM , AND IN THE CASE OF THEIR ABSENCE – INFORMATION ON SHAREHOLDERS (P ARTICIPANTS ) HOLDING AT LEAST 20 PER CENT OF THE AUTHORISED (R ESERVE ) CAPITAL (S HARE FUND ) OR AT LEAST 20 PER CENT OF THEIR ORDINARY SHARES ...... 155 7.3 INFORMATION ON THE GOVERNMENT OR A MUNICIPAL UNIT PARTICIPATORY SHARE HELD IN THE ISSUER ’S AUTHORISED (R ESERVE ) CAPITAL (S HARE FUND ), EXISTENCE OF A SPECIAL RIGHT (“G OLDEN SHARE ”) ...... 157 7.4 INFORMATION ON PARTICIPATION RESTRICTIONS TO THE ISSUER ’S AUTHORISED (R ESERVE ) CAPITAL (S HARE FUND ) ...... 158 7.5 INFORMATION ON CHANGES TO THE STRUCTURE AND THE SHARES OF THE ISSUER ’S SHAREHOLDERS (P ARTICIPANTS ) OWNING AT LEAST FIVE PER CENT OF ITS AUTHORISED (R ESERVE ) CAPITAL (S HARE FUND ) OR AT LEAST FIVE PER CENT OF ITS ORDINARY SHARES ...... 159 7.6 INFORMATION ON INTERESTED PARTY TRANSACTIONS CARRIED OUT BY THE ISSUER ...... 162 7.7 INFORMATION ON ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ...... 163 VII THE ISSUER’S ACCOUNTING (FINANCIAL) STATEMENTS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION ...... 169 8.1 THE ISSUER ’S ANNUAL ACCOUNTING (F INANCIAL ) STATEMENTS ...... 169 8.2 THE ISSUER ’S QUARTERLY ACCOUNTING (F INANCIAL ) STATEMENTS ...... 170 8.3 THE ISSUER ’S CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTING (F INANCIAL ) STATEMENTS ...... 170 8.4 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S ACCOUNTING POLICY ...... 172 8.5 INFORMATION ON THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF EXPORTS AND ON THE EXPORTS SHARE IN TOTAL SALES ...... 172 5 8.6 INFORMATION ON SIGNIFICANT CHANGES HAVING TAKEN PLACE WITHIN ISSUER ’S PROPERTY AFTER THE DATE OF THE END OF THE MOST RECENTLY LAPSED FINANCIAL YEAR ...... 172 8.7 INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ’S INVOLVEMENT IN LITIGATIONS IF SUCH INVOLVEMENT MAY HAVE A MATERIAL EFFECT ON THE ISSUER ’S FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE ...... 173 IX DETAILED INFORMATION ON THE PROCEDURE AND TERMS FOR PLACEMENT OF EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 174 9.1 INFORMATION ON THE PLACED SECURITIES ...... 174 9.1.1 General ...... 174 9.1.2 Additional Information on the Placed Bonds ...... 187 9.1.3 Additional Information on Convertible Securities ...... 227 9.1.4 Additional Information on the Issuer’s Placed Options...... 227 9.1.5 Additional Information on the Placed Bonds Secured by Mortgage ...... 227 Information on a Specialized Depositary Maintaining the Mortgage Register ...... 227 Information on Issues of Bonds Whose Liabilities Are Secured (May Be Secured) by Pledge of This Mortgage Pool ...... 227 Information on Insurance of Responsibility Risk to Holders of Bonds Secured by Mortgage ...... 227 Information on the primary servicer authorized to receive satisfaction from debtors to whom requirements secured by mortgage comprise the mortgage for securing bonds ...... 227 Information on composition, structure and amount of mortgage ...... 227 9.1.6 Additional Information on the Placed Russian Depositary Receipts ...... 227 Additional information on represented Securities, title to which is certified by Russian depositary receipts ...... 228 Information on the Issuer of represented Securities, title to which is certified by Russian depositary receipts ...... 228 9.2 OFFERING PRICE (P ROCEDURE FOR DETERMINATION OF THE OFFERING PRICE ) ...... 228 9.3 EXISTENCE OF PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS TO ACQUISITION OF THE PLACED EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 228 9.4 EXISTENCE OF RESTRICTIONS TO ACQUISITION AND CIRCULATION OF THE PLACED EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 229 9.5 INFORMATION ON THE DYNAMICS OF PRICES FOR THE ISSUER ’S EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 229 9.6 INFORMATION ON THE PERSONS PROVIDING SERVICES RELATED TO ORGANIZATION OF PLACEMENT AND /OR PLACEMENT OF EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 232 9.7 INFORMATION ON THE PROSPECTIVE BUYERS OF THE EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 234 9.8 INFORMATION ON ORGANIZERS OF TRADE IN SECURITIES MARKETS , INCLUDING INFORMATION ON STOCK EXCHANGES AT WHICH PLACEMENT AND /OR CIRCULATION OF THE PLACED EQUITY SECURITIES IS PLANNED ...... 234 9.9 INFORMATION ON THE POSSIBLE CHANGE OF THE SHAREHOLDERS PARTICIPATORY SHARE IN THE ISSUER ’S AUTHORIZED CAPITAL AS A RESULT OF PLACEMENT OF EQUITY SECURITIES ...... 236 9.10 INFORMATION ON THE EXPENSES RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF SECURITIES ...... 236 9.11 INFORMATION ON METHODS AND PROCEDURE FOR REFUNDING OF AMOUNTS RECEIVED IN PAYMENT FOR PLACED EQUITY SECURITIES IN CASE THE ISSUE (A DDITIONAL ISSUE ) OF EQUITY SECURITIES IS INVALIDATED OR VOIDED , AS WELL AS IN OTHER CASES PROVIDED FOR BY THE LAWS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ...... 237 X ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER AND EQUITY SECURITIES PLACED THEREBY 240 10.1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ...... 240 10.1.1 Information on the Amount and Structure of the Issuer’s Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund) .... 240 10.1.2 Information on Change of the Amount of the Issuer’s Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund) ...... 241 10.1.3 Information on the Formation and Utilization of the Reserve Fund and Other Funds of the Issuer ...... 242 10.1.4 Procedure Established for Calling and Holding Meetings of the Issuer Overall Management Body ...... 243 10.1.5 Information on the business entities where the Issuer holds at least five per cent of the authorized (reserve) capital (share fund) or at least five per cent of ordinary shares ...... 244 10.1.6 Information on Material Transactions Carried out by the Issuer ...... 245 10.1.7 Information on Credit Ratings of the Issuer ...... 245 10.2 INFORMATION ON EACH CATEGORY OF THE ISSUER ’S SHARES ...... 246 10.3 INFORMATION ON THE PREVIOUS ISSUES OF THE ISSUER ’S SECURITIES , EXCEPT FOR THE SHARES OF THE ISSUER ...... 247 10.3.1 Information on Issues With All Securities Redeemed...... 247 10.3.2 Information on issues where securities are not redeemed ...... 247 10.4 INFORMATION ON A PERSON (PERSONS ) WHO PROVIDED THE SECURITY FOR THE ISSUER ’S BONDS WITH SECURITY , AS WELL AS ON THE CONDITIONS FOR ENSURING FULFILLMENT OF LIABILITIES ON THE ISSUER ’S BONDS WITH SECURITY ...... 252 10.4.1 Conditions for Ensuring Fulfillment of Obligations on the Bonds with Mortgage Pool ...... 252 10.5 INFORMATION ON ORGANIZATIONS MAINTAINING THE REGISTER OF RIGHTS TO THE ISSUED SECURITIES OF THE ISSUER ...... 252 10.6 INFORMATION ON LEGISLATIVE ACTS REGULATING THE ISSUES OF CAPITAL IMPORT AND EXPORT THAT MAY AFFECT REPAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS , INTEREST AND OTHER AMOUNTS TO NON -RESIDENTS ...... 253 10.7 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE FOR TAXATION OF INCOMES DERIVED FROM THE ISSUER ’S SECURITIES PLACED /TO BE PLACED ...... 254 6 10.8 INFORMATION ON THE DECLARED (A CCRUED ) AND PAID DIVIDENDS ON THE ISSUER ’S SHARES AND ON INCOMES GENERATED FROM THE ISSUER ’S BONDS ...... 260 10.8.1 Information on Declared and Paid Dividends on the Issuer’s Shares ...... 261 10.8.2 Information on accrued and paid bond yields on the Issuer’s bonds ...... 263 10.9 OTHER INFORMATION ...... 263 APPENDIX 1 Annual accounting statements of JSC RusHydro for 2009, 2010, 2011 prepared in compliance with RAS and Quarterly statements for 6 months of 2012 prepared in compliance with RAS ……………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………...298 APPENDIX 2 Consolidated financial statements of JSC RusHydro for 2009, 2010, 2011 and the first half of 2012 prepared in compliance with IFRS ..…………………………………………………..…..…………………………………………………………....523 APPENDIX 3 Accounting policy of JSC RusHydro… …………………………………...…………………...779 APPENDIX 4 Samples of bonds issue certificates of series 07, 08, 09, 10……… ………………………….. 1001

7 Introduction

Open Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-Generating Company – RusHydro (hereinafter in the text of this Prospectus – the Issuer, JSC RusHydro, the Company).

In the Introduction the Issuer includes brief information provided further on in this Prospectus, in particular: а) Particulars of the securities to be issued by the Issuer in respect of which the Prospectus is registered: Bonds Series 07 Type of the placed securities: Bearer bonds Series: 07 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 07 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro

Quantity of securities to be offered: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The face value of each security: 1,000 (One thousand) roubles The amount of securities offered at the face value: 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) roubles

Offering procedure and terms (start date, end date of offering or determination procedure):

The offering opening date shall be determined as follows: Commencement date of bond offering is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body and disclosed to all interested persons in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. At that commencement date of bonds offering may not be settled earlier than after 2 (Two) weeks from publishing notice on state registration of issue of securities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The above mentioned two-week period starts from the date following the date of publication of notice of state registration of bonds issue in the news bulletin of one of the information agencies authozied by the federal executive power body in the securities market for disclosure of information in securities market (hereinafter – the News Bulletin) Where at the time of occurrence of the event which the Issuer shall disclose in accordance with applicable federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market, other procedure and timeline for disclosure of such fact is prescribed than the procedure and timeline provided for in the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus, disclosure of such fact shall be made using the procedure and timeline stipulated by federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market as effective at the time of occurrence of the event.

Notice of commencement date of bonds placement is published by the Issuer in the form of a notice on commencement date of placement within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the commencement date of securities placement;

8 – On the Internet webpage 1 – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the commencement date of securities placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of the placement date not later than 5 (Five) days prior to commencement of placement. Commencement date of bonds placement determined by the authorized management body of the Issuer may be changed by the decision of the same management body of the Issuer provided the requirements of disclosure procedure of information on the change of commencement date of bonds placement determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Resolution on Issuer of Securities and the Prospectus are met. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of change of date of securities placement on the day the corresponding decision is made. Closing date of securities placement or the procedure for its determination: Closing date of bonds placement is the earliest of the following: a) 5 (Fifth) working day from the commencement date of Bonds placement; b) last Bond placement date. At that closing date of Bonds placement may not fall later than 1 (One) year from the date of state registration of Bonds issue.

Bonds are not placed in tranches.

Other information concerning the procedure of placement is given in Clause 8.3 of the Resolution on issue of bonds and in Clause 9.1.2 of this Prospectus.

Placement Price or Procedure for its Determination: Bonds placement price is established to equal 1,000 (One thousand) roubles per Bond (100 per cent of face value). Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation:

ACI = Nom * C * (T – T0) / 365)/ 100 %, where

ACI is the accumulated coupon income, rub.; Nom is a nominal value of one bond, rub.; С is the size of interest rate of coupon for the first coupon period, per cent per year; T is the date of bond placement; T0 is the commencement date of bond placement. The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules. In this case the mathematical rounding rule shall be understood to mean a round-off method, which does not change the value of a whole kopeck (whole kopecks), if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 0 to 4 and it increases per unit if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 5 to 9).

1 To disclose information on the webpage the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage provided by one of securities market information distributors, and if the securities of the Issuer are included on the list of securities allowed for trade, the organizer of trade on the securities market provided the information is published on any webpage beyond the Internet webpage provided by one of the information distributors on the securities market, the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage whose address includes domain name owned by the Issuer – Disclosure of information on the Internet webpage is carried out in compliance with the requirements set forth by the federal executive authority on securities market. Here and further on the information disclosure “on the Internet webpage” means disclosure of information on the Internet webpage, provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market –, and on the Internet webpage, whose address includes the domain name owned by the Issuer – 9

Terms of security (for bonds with security): No security is provided for bonds in the current issue

Conversion terms (for convertible securities): Bonds in the current issue are non-convertible

Bonds Series 08 Type of the placed securities: Bearer bonds Series: 08 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 08 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro

Quantity of securities to be offered: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The face value of each security: 1,000 (One thousand) roubles The amount of securities offered at the face value: 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) roubles

Offering procedure and terms (start date, end date of offering or determination procedure):

The offering opening date shall be determined as follows: Commencement date of bond offering is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body and disclosed to all interested persons in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. At that commencement date of bonds offering may not be settled earlier than after 2 (Two) weeks from publishing notice on state registration of issue of securities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The above mentioned two-week period starts from the date following the date of publication of notice of state registration of bonds issue in the news bulletin of one of the information agencies authorized by the federal executive power body in the securities market for disclosure of information in securities market (hereinafter – the News Bulletin) Where at the time of occurrence of the event which the Issuer shall disclose in accordance with applicable federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market, other procedure and timeline for disclosure of such fact is prescribed than the procedure and timeline provided for in the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus, disclosure of such fact shall be made using the procedure and timeline stipulated by federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market as effective at the time of occurrence of the event.

Notice of commencement date of bonds placement is published by the Issuer in the form of a notice on commencement date of placement within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the commencement date of securities placement;

10 – On the Internet webpage 2 – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the commencement date of securities placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of the placement date not later than 5 (Five) days prior to commencement of placement. Commencement date of bonds placement determined by the authorized management body of the Issuer may be changed by the decision of the same management body of the Issuer provided the requirements of disclosure procedure of information on the change of commencement date of bonds placement determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Resolution on Issuer of Securities and the Prospectus are met. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of change of date of securities placement on the day the corresponding decision is made. Closing date of securities placement or the procedure for its determination: Closing date of bonds placement is the earliest of the following: a) 5 (Fifth) working day from the commencement date of Bonds placement; b) last Bond placement date. At that closing date of Bonds placement may not fall later than 1 (One) year from the date of state registration of Bonds issue.

Bonds are not placed in tranches.

Other information concerning the procedure of placement is given in clause 8.3 of the Resolution on Issue and Clause 9.1.2. of the Prospectus.

Placement Price or Procedure for its Determination: Bonds placement price is established to equal 1,000 (One thousand) roubles per Bond (100 per cent of face value). Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation:

ACI = Nom * C * (T – T0) / 365)/ 100 %, where

ACI is the accumulated coupon income, rub.; Nom is a nominal value of one bond, rub.; С is the size of interest rate of coupon for the first coupon period, per cent per year; T is the date of bond placement; T0 is the commencement date of bond placement. The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules. In this case the mathematical rounding rule shall be understood to mean a round-off method, which does not change the value of a whole kopeck (whole kopecks), if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 0 to 4 and it increases per unit if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 5 to 9).

Terms of security (for bonds with security): No security is provided for bonds in the current issue

Conversion terms (for convertible securities): Bonds in the current issue are non-convertible

2 To disclose information on the webpage the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage provided by one of securities market information distributors, and if the securities of the Issuer are included on the list of securities allowed for trade, the organizer of trade on the securities market provided the information is published on any webpage beyond the Internet webpage provided by one of the information distributors on the securities market, the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage whose address includes domain name owned by the Issuer – Disclosure of information on the Internet webpage is carried out in compliance with the requirements set forth by the federal executive authority on securities market. Here and further on the information disclosure “on the Internet webpage” means disclosure of information on the Internet webpage, provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market –, and on the Internet webpage, whose address includes the domain name owned by the Issuer – 11 Bonds Series 09 Type of the placed securities: Bearer bonds Series: 09 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 09 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro

Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The face value of each security: 1,000 (One thousand) roubles The amount of securities offered at the face value: 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) roubles

Offering procedure and terms (start date, end date of offering or determination procedure):

The offering opening date shall be determined as follows: Commencement date of bond offering is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body and disclosed to all interested persons in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. At that commencement date of bonds offering may not be settled earlier than after 2 (Two) weeks from publishing notice on state registration of issue of securities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The above mentioned two-week period starts from the date following the date of publication of notice of state registration of bonds issue in the news bulletin of one of the information agencies authorized by the federal executive power body in the securities market for disclosure of information in securities market (hereinafter – the News Bulletin) Where at the time of occurrence of the event which the Issuer shall disclose in accordance with applicable federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market, other procedure and timeline for disclosure of such fact is prescribed than the procedure and timeline provided for in the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus, disclosure of such fact shall be made using the procedure and timeline stipulated by federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market as effective at the time of occurrence of the event.

Notice of commencement date of bonds placement is published by the Issuer in the form of a notice on commencement date of placement within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the commencement date of securities placement; – On the Internet webpage 3 – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the commencement date of securities placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of the placement date not later than 5 (Five) days prior to commencement of placement. Commencement date of bonds placement determined by the authorized management body of the Issuer may be changed by the decision of the same management body of the Issuer provided the requirements of disclosure procedure of information on the change of commencement date of bonds placement determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Resolution on Issuer of Securities and the Prospectus are met.

3 To disclose information on the webpage the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage provided by one of securities market information distributors, and if the securities of the Issuer are included on the list of securities allowed for trade, the organizer of trade on the securities market provided the information is published on any webpage beyond the Internet webpage provided by one of the information distributors on the securities market, the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage whose address includes domain name owned by the Issuer – Disclosure of information on the Internet webpage is carried out in compliance with the requirements set forth by the federal executive authority on securities market. Here and further on the information disclosure “on the Internet webpage” means disclosure of information on the Internet webpage, provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market –, and on the Internet webpage, whose address includes the domain name owned by the Issuer – 12 The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of change of date of securities placement on the day the corresponding decision is made. Closing date of securities placement or the procedure for its determination: Closing date of bonds placement is the earliest of the following: a) 5 (Fifth) working day from the commencement date of Bonds placement; b) last Bond placement date. At that closing date of Bonds placement may not fall later than 1 (One) year from the date of state registration of Bonds issue.

Bonds are not placed in tranches.

Other information concerning the procedure of placement is given in Clause 8.3 of the Resolution on issue of bonds and in Clause 9.1.2 of this Prospectus.

Placement Price or Procedure for its Determination: Bonds placement price is established to equal 1,000 (One thousand) roubles per Bond (100 per cent of face value). Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation:

ACI = Nom * C * (T – T0) / 365)/ 100 %, where

ACI is the accumulated coupon income, rub. Nom is a nominal value of one bond, rub.; С is the size of interest rate of coupon for the first coupon period, per cent per year; T is the date of bond placement; T0 is the commencement date of bond placement. The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules. In this case the mathematical rounding rule shall be understood to mean a round-off method, which does not change the value of a whole kopeck (whole kopecks), if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 0 to 4 and it increases per unit if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 5 to 9).

Terms of security (for bonds with security): No security is provided for bonds in the current issue

Conversion terms (for convertible securities): Bonds in the current issue are non-convertible

Bonds Series 10 Type of the placed securities: Bearer bonds Series: 10 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 10 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro

Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The face value of each security: 1,000 (One thousand) roubles The amount of securities offered at the face value: 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) roubles

Offering procedure and terms (start date, end date of offering or determination procedure):

The offering opening date shall be determined as follows: Commencement date of bond offering is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body and disclosed to all interested persons in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. At that commencement date of bonds offering may not be settled earlier than after 2 (Two) weeks from publishing notice on state registration of issue of securities in accordance with the legislation of the 13 Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The above mentioned two-week period starts from the date following the date of publication of notice of state registration of bonds issue in the news bulletin of one of the information agencies authorized by the federal executive power body in the securities market for disclosure of information in securities market (hereinafter – the News Bulletin) Where at the time of occurrence of the event which the Issuer shall disclose in accordance with applicable federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market, other procedure and timeline for disclosure of such fact is prescribed than the procedure and timeline provided for in the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus, disclosure of such fact shall be made using the procedure and timeline stipulated by federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market as effective at the time of occurrence of the event.

Notice of commencement date of bonds placement is published by the Issuer in the form of a notice on commencement date of placement within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the commencement date of securities placement; – On the Internet webpage 4 – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the commencement date of securities placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of the placement date not later than 5 (Five) days prior to commencement of placement. Commencement date of bonds placement determined by the authorized management body of the Issuer may be changed by the decision of the same management body of the Issuer provided the requirements of disclosure procedure of information on the change of commencement date of bonds placement determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Resolution on Issuer of Securities and the Prospectus are met. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of change of date of securities placement on the day the corresponding decision is made. Closing date of securities placement or the procedure for its determination: Closing date of bonds placement is the earliest of the following: a) 5 (Fifth) working day from the commencement date of Bonds placement; b) last Bond placement date. At that closing date of Bonds placement may not fall later than 1 (One) year from the date of state registration of Bonds issue.

Bonds are not placed in tranches.

Other information concerning the procedure of placement is given in Clause 8.3 of the Resolution on issue of bonds and in Clause 9.1.2 of this Prospectus.

Placement Price or Procedure for its Determination: Bonds placement price is established to equal 1,000 (One thousand) roubles per Bond (100 per cent of face value). Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation:

4 To disclose information on the webpage the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage provided by one of securities market information distributors, and if the securities of the Issuer are included on the list of securities allowed for trade, the organizer of trade on the securities market provided the information is published on any webpage beyond the Internet webpage provided by one of the information distributors on the securities market, the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage whose address includes domain name owned by the Issuer – Disclosure of information on the Internet webpage is carried out in compliance with the requirements set forth by the federal executive authority on securities market. Here and further on the information disclosure “on the Internet webpage” means disclosure of information on the Internet webpage, provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market –, and on the Internet webpage, whose address includes the domain name owned by the Issuer – 14

ACI = Nom * C * (T – T0) / 365)/ 100 %, where

ACI is the accumulated coupon income, rub. Nom is a nominal value of one bond, rub.; С is the size of interest rate of coupon for the first coupon period, per cent per year; T is the date of bond placement; T0 is the commencement date of bond placement. The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules. In this case the mathematical rounding rule shall be understood to mean a round-off method, which does not change the value of a whole kopeck (whole kopecks), if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 0 to 4 and it increases per unit if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 5 to 9).

Terms of security (for bonds with security): No security is provided for bonds in the current issue

Conversion terms (for convertible securities): Bonds in the current issue are non-convertible

b) Essentials of issued securities of the Issuer in respect of which the Prospectus is registered (in case of registration of the Prospectus hereafter (after the state registration of the (additional) placement report): Class, category (type), series (for bonds) and other identification attributes of securities, quantity of securities to be offered, nominal value (if this nominal value is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation), terms of security (for bonds with security), terms of conversion (for convertible securities):

Bonds Series 07: Not applicable to the bonds of the current issue Bonds Series 08: Not applicable to the bonds of the current issue Bonds Series 09: Not applicable to the bonds of the current issue Bonds Series 10: Not applicable to the bonds of the current issue

c) Main purposes of issue and utilization of proceeds from the issue of equity securities, if registration of the Prospectus is achieved in relation to securities placed by way of public or private placement: Bonds Series 07 Purpose of the issue: Raising additional funds. Utilization of proceeds from the issue of securities: The Issuer intends to use the proceeds from the issue of bonds to finance its current and investment activity. The Issuer does not offer securities for the purpose of financing a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or any other operation (acquisition of assets necessary to manufacture certain products (goods, works, services); acquisition of partnership interests in the authorized capital (Joint-Stock) (shares) of any other company; reduction or redemption of payables or any other liabilities of the Issuer).

Bonds Series 08 Purpose of the issue: Raising additional funds. Utilization of proceeds from the issue of securities: The Issuer intends to use the proceeds from the issue of bonds to finance its current and investment activity. The Issuer does not offer securities for the purpose of financing a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or any other operation (acquisition of assets necessary to manufacture certain products (goods, works, services); acquisition of partnership interests in the authorized capital (Joint-Stock) (shares) of any other company; reduction or redemption of payables or any other liabilities of the Issuer).

Bonds Series 09 Purpose of the issue: Raising additional funds. Utilization of proceeds from the issue of securities: The Issuer intends to use the proceeds from the issue of bonds to finance its current and investment activity. The Issuer does not offer securities for the purpose of financing a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or any other operation (acquisition of assets necessary to manufacture certain products (goods,

15 works, services); acquisition of partnership interests in the authorized capital (Joint-Stock) (shares) of any other company; reduction or redemption of payables or any other liabilities of the Issuer).

Bonds Series 10 Purpose of the issue: Raising additional funds. Utilization of proceeds from the issue of securities: The Issuer intends to use the proceeds from the issue of bonds to finance its current and investment activity. The Issuer does not offer securities for the purpose of financing a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or any other operation (acquisition of assets necessary to manufacture certain products (goods, works, services); acquisition of partnership interests in the authorized capital (Joint-Stock) (shares) of any other company; reduction or redemption of payables or any other liabilities of the Issuer).

d) Other information that the Issuer may consider necessary to be included in the Introduction: None

This Prospectus contains evaluations and forecasts of the Issuer’s management for future events and/or actions, development perspectives for the industry in which the Issuer carries out its principal business, and Issuer’s operating results, including Issuer’s plans, probability of certain events and actions. Investors should not totally rely upon evaluations and forecasts of the management bodies of the Issuer, for actual performance results of the Issuer in the future may differ from expected results due to various reasons. Acquisition of the Issuer’s securities is associated with risks described herein.

16 I Brief Information on Members of the Management Bodies of the Issuer, Information on Bank Accounts, Auditor, Appraiser and Financial Adviser of the Issuer, and Other Signatories Hereto

1.1 Members of the Management Bodies of the Issuer

Indication of surname, name, patronymic, year of birth of a member included in each management body of the issuer in accordance with statutory documents of the issuer except for general shareholders’ meeting including the information on members of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the issuer with indication of its chairman, collective executive body of the issuer (management board, directorate) as well as information on a person holding the position (acting as) of sole executive body of the issuer (director, director general, president) (hereinafter referred to as the management bodies).

The management bodies of the Issuer pursuant to Clause 9.1 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association are as follows: • The supreme management body is the General Shareholders’ Meeting; • The Board of Directors; • The collective executive body is the Management Board; • The sole executive body – Chairman of the Management Board.

Members of the Board of Directors of the Issuer: Surname, first name, patronymic Year of birth Boris Ilyich Ayuev 1957 Viktor Ivanovich Danilov -Danilyan 1938 Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Dod 1973 Victor Mikhailovich Zimin 1962 Boris Yuryevich Kovalchuk 1977 Grigory Markovich Kurtser 1980 Andrey Borisovich Malyshev 1959 Mikhail Igorevich Poluboyarinov 1966 Tatsy Vladimir Vitalyevich (Chairman of the Board of Directors) 1960 Evgeny Aleksandrovich Tugolukov 1970 Rashid Ravelevich Sharipov 1968 Mikhail Evgenyevich Shelkov 1968 Sergey Vladimirovich Shishin 1963

Members of the Management Board of the Issuer: Surname, first name, patronymic Year of birth Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Dod (Chairman of the Management Board) 1973 Sergey Nikolaevich Abrashin 1959 Rakhmetulla Shamshievich Alzhanov 1950 Konstantin Valeryevich Bessmertny 1973 Boris Borisovich Bogush 1952 Yury Vasilyevich Gorbenko 1958 Evgeny Evgenyevich Gorev 1975 Mikhail Alekseevich Mantrov 1965 Aleksey Victorovich Maslov 1975 George Ilyich Rizhinashvili 1981 Stanislav Valeryevich Savin 1972 Sergey Petrovich Tsoy 1957 Sergey Modestovich Voskresensky 1956

17 The sole executive body – Chairman of the Management Board: Surname, first name, patronymic Year of birth Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Dod 1973

In case any of the Issuer’s management bodies has not been formed (elected), this fact is indicated and the reason for such situation is provided: All management bodies of the Issuer set forth by the Articles of Association have been formed

In the event when authority of sole executive body of the Issuer are transferred to a commercial organization (management company) or an individual entrepreneur (manager), such circumstance is described, as well as full and abbreviated corporate names of the management company, surname, name, patronymic, year of birth of each person member of each management body of the management company in compliance with the charter documents of the management company, except for the general shareholders’ meeting (members meeting) of the management organization, or surname, name, patronymic and year of birth of the manager. If the management company possesses a license (licenses) for property management, including management of securities, management of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds, additionally indicate the number, date of issue, duration of the correspondent license and the issuing authority: was not the case

1.2 Information on the Issuer’s Bank Accounts

Full and abbreviated corporate names, registered office, taxpayer identification number of each credit organization where settlement and any other accounts of the issuer are opened, numbers and types of these accounts as well as BIC and number of correspondent account of a credit organization are provided. The above mentioned information is disclosed in relation to all settlement and other accounts of the Issuer, and if their number is greater than 3, – in relation to not less than 3 settlement and other accounts of the Issuer, which it holds as major accounts.

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: VTB Bank (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC VTB Bank Location: 190000, Saint Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya Str., 29 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7702070139 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525187 Account No.: 40702810700030003502 Correspondent’s account: 30101810700000000187 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Sberbank of Russia Location: 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 19 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7707083893 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525225 Account No.: 40702810400020107810 Correspondent’s account: 30101810400000000225 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Sberbank of Russia Location: 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 19 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7707083893 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525225 18 Account No.: 40702840800020007810 Correspondent’s account: 30101810400000000225 Account category: USD current account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Sberbank of Russia Location: 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 19 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7707083893 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525225 Account No.: 40702840100021007810 Correspondent’s account: 30101810400000000225 Account category: USD transit account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Sberbank of Russia Location: 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 19 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7707083893 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525225 Account No.: 40702826400020007810 Correspondent’s account: 30101810400000000225 Account category: GBP current account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Sberbank of Russia Location: 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 19 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7707083893 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525225 Account No.: 40702826700021007810 Correspondent’s account: 30101810400000000225 Account category: GBP transit account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Affiliate Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia – Moscow Bank Abbreviated corporate name: Moscow Bank of JSC Sberbank of Russia Location: 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 19 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7707083893 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525225 Account No.: 40702810438090001390 Correspondent’s account: 30101810400000000225 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC JSCB EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK Location: 121099, Moscow, Novy Arbat Str., 29 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7703115760 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525204 Account No.: 40702978100205771198 Correspondent’s account: 30101810900000000204 Account category: EUR current account 19

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC JSCB EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK Location: 121099, Moscow, Novy Arbat Str., 29 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7703115760 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525204 Account No.: 40702978000205771188 Correspondent’s account: 30101810900000000204 Account category: EUR transit account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC JSCB EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK Location: 121099, Moscow, Novy Arbat Str., 29 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7703115760 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525204 Account No.: 40702840600005771191 Correspondent’s account: 30101810900000000204 Account category: USD settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC JSCB EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK Location: 121099, Moscow, Novy Arbat Str., 29 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7703115760 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525204 Account No.: 40702840500005771181 Correspondent’s account: 30101810900000000204 Account category: USD transit account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC JSCB EUROFINANS MOSNARBANK Location: 121099, Moscow, Novy Arbat Str., 29 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7703115760 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525204 Account No.: 40702810800205771190 Correspondent’s account: 30101810900000000204 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Joint-Stock Commercial Interregional Fuel and Energy Bank MEZHTOPENERGOBANK (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Mezhtopenergobank Location: 107078, Moscow, Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya Str., 6 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7701014396 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044585237 Account No.: 40702810500026122417 Correspondent’s account: 30101810900000000237 20 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Gazprombank (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: GPB (JSC) Location: 117418, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya Str., 63 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7744001497 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525823 Account No.: 40702810400000003242 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000823 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Gazprombank (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: GPB (JSC) Location: 117418, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya Str., 63 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7744001497 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525823 Account No.: 40702810500000013242 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000823 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Gazprombank (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: GPB (JSC) Location: 117418, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya Str., 63 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7744001497 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525823 Account No.: 40702840700000003242 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000823 Account category: USD current account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Gazprombank (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: GPB (JSC) Location: 117418, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya Str., 63 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7744001497 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525823 Account No.: 40702840800007003242 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000823 Account category: USD transit account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Gazprombank (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: GPB (JSC) Location: 117418, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya Str., 63 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7744001497 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525823 Account No.: 40702978300000003242 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000823 Account category: EUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Gazprombank (Open Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: GPB (JSC) 21 Location: 117418, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya Str., 63 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7744001497 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525823 Account No.: 40702978400007003242 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000823 Account category: EUR transit account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ALFA-BANK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC ALFA-BANK Location: 107078, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya Str., 27 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7728168971 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525593 Account No.: 40702810701200001242 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000593 Account category: master

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ALFA-BANK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC ALFA-BANK Location: 107078, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya Str., 27 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7728168971 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525593 Account No.: 40702810001200001243 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000593 Account category: trading

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ALFA-BANK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC ALFA-BANK Location: 107078, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya Str., 27 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7728168971 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525593 Account No.: 40702810501200005150 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000593 Account category: trading

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ALFA-BANK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC ALFA-BANK Location: 107078, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya Str., 27 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7728168971 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525593 Account No.: 40702810101200005149 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000593 Account category: master

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ALFA-BANK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC ALFA-BANK Location: 107078, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya Str., 27 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7728168971 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525593 Account No.: 40702810601200002066 Correspondent’s account: 30101810200000000593 22 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Bank VTB 24 (Closed Joint-Stock Company) Abbreviated corporate name: VTB 24 (CJSC) Location: 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya Str., 35 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710353606 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525716 Account No.: 40702810462004202837 Correspondent’s account: 30101810100000000716 Account category: corporate card settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: State Corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank) Abbreviated corporate name: Vnesheconombank Location: 107996, Moscow, Akademika Sakharova Prospect, 9 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7750004150 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525060 Account No.: 40702810709635801511 Correspondent’s account: 30101810500000000060 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company UniCredit Bank Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC UniCredit Bank Location: 119034, Moscow, Prechistenskaya Emb., 9 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710030411 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525545 Account No.: 40702810900014487603 Correspondent’s account: 30101810300000000545 Account category: RUR settlement account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company UniCredit Bank Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC UniCredit Bank Location: 119034, Moscow, Prechistenskaya Emb., 9 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710030411 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525545 Account No.: 40702978100014487604 Correspondent’s account: 30101810300000000545 Account category: EUR current account

Information on credit organization Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company UniCredit Bank Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC UniCredit Bank Location: 119034, Moscow, Prechistenskaya Emb., 9 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710030411 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044525545 Account No.: 40702978400014487605 Correspondent’s account: 30101810300000000545 Account category: EUR transit account

23 1.3 Information on the Issuer’s Auditor(s)

In respect of the auditor (auditors) who conducted an independent audit of the issuer’s accounting (financial) statements as well as the issuer’s consolidated accounting (consolidated financial) statements and (or) a group of organizations controlling and controllable entities or having to compile these statement for some other reasons and according to the procedure that are provided for by federal laws if the Issuer is one of the abovementioned organizations (hereinafter referred to as the issuer’s consolidated accounting (consolidated financial) statements) included in the prospectus for the last three completed financial year or for each completed financial year, if the Issuer operates for less than three years, and if the deadline for presentation of accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer for the first reporting year has not yet expired – the auditor having performed independent audit of beginning accounting (financial) statements а the Issuer or quarterly accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer (if on the date of approval of the Prospectus the established deadline for presentation of quarterly accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer has expired or if such quarterly accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer have been drawn up prior to expiry of such deadline), and having drafted the corresponding auditor’s opinions included in the Prospectus, are identified:

1 Full and abbreviated corporate name, INN, OGRN, location of the audit organization or surname, name, patronymic of individual auditor; Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC PwC Audit Location: 125047, Russian Federation, Moscow, Butyrsky Val, 10 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7705051102 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027700148431

Telephone number and fax number, e-mail address: Telephone: +7 (495) 967-6000 Fax: +7 (495) 967-6001 Email – none

The name of a self-regulatory auditor organization, a member of which is the Issuer’s Auditor:

Full name: Self-regulatory auditor organization – Noncommercial partnership Audit Chamber of Russia (NP APR). Address 105120, Russia, Moscow, 3 rd Syromyatnichesky Lane, 3/9, bld. 3 Additional information: registration number 870 in the membership register of NCP ACR; Main registration record number (MRRN) in the register of auditors and audit organizations – 102010003683

The financial year(s) or any other reporting period(s) for which the Auditor performed an independent audit of accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer: The Auditor performed an independent audit of financial statements of the Issuer prepared in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) for financial years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. CJSC PwC Audit also performed an audit of consolidated and combined financial statements prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for three years ended on December 31 2008, 2007 and 2006 and consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for 2009 till 2011 financial years. CJSC PwC Audit also performed an observation check of the Shortened Consolidated Intermediate Financial Information (not been fully audited) prepared in compliance with IFRS for six months ended on June 30, 2012. CJSC PwC Audit was selected to be the Issuer’s auditor for 2012 to audit the Issuer’s accounting statements prepared in accordance with RAS and to audit the issuer’s consolidated statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. There were no procedures and no opinion on credibility of these statements made by the Auditor in respect of the Issuer’s reporting statements for the 9 months of 2012 drawn up in compliance with RAS and attached to this Prospectus. Type of accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer (accounting (financial) statements, entrance accounting (financial) statements, consolidated accounting reports, consolidated financial reports) in respect of which independent audit has been performed.

24 The Auditor performed an independent audit of financial statements of the Issuer prepared in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) for financial years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. CJSC PwC Audit also performed an audit of consolidated and combined financial statements prepared according to IFRS for three years ended on December 31 2008, 2007 and 2006 and consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for 2009 till 2011 financial years. CJSC PwC Audit also performed an observation check of the Shortened Consolidated Intermediate Financial Information (not been fully audited) prepared in compliance with IFRS for six months ended on June 30, 2012. CJSC PwC Audit was selected to be the Issuer’s auditor for 2012 to audit the Issuer’s accounting statements prepared in accordance with RAS and to audit the issuer’s consolidated statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. There were no procedures and no opinion on credibility of these statements made by the Auditor in respect of the Issuer’s reporting statements for the 9 months of 2012 drawn up in compliance with RAS and attached to this Prospectus.

Factors that may affect the independence of the Auditor from the Issuer, including information on existence of material interests that make the Auditor (Auditor’s officers) affiliated with the Issuer (Issuer’s officers) are described: The Auditor, is not affiliated with the Issuer.

Factors that may affect the independence of the Auditor from the Issuer, including information on existence of material interests that make the Auditor (Auditor’s officers) affiliated with the Issuer (Issuer’s officers): none

existence of partnership interests of the Auditor (Auditor’s officers) in the registered capital (Joint-Stock) of the Issuer: The Auditor has no partnership interests in the authorized capital of the Issuer; granting of loans to the Auditor (Auditor’s officers) by the Issuer: the Issuer has granted no loans to the Auditor (Auditor’s officers); existence of close business relationships (participation in promotion of the Issuer’s products (services), participation in joint business, etc.), or close relations: the Issuer has neither business relationships nor close relations with the Auditor; Information about the Issuer’s officers concurrently holding executive positions in the Auditor’s company: the Issuer’s officers concurrently hold no executive positions in the Auditor.

Indication of measures taken by the Issuer and the Auditor to mitigate the above specified factors. The Issuer and Auditor (acted) and will act in accordance with the applicable laws, including, but not limited to the Federal Law on Auditing Activity No. 307-FZ dated 30.12.2008, Article 8 of which prescribes that an audit may not be performed by: 1) auditors that are the audited companies’ founders (partners), executive officers, accountants or other persons responsible for managing and keeping the company’s business accounting and preparing financial (accounting) statements; 2) auditors that are in close relations with the audited companies’ founders (partners), officers, accountants and other persons responsible for managing and keeping the company’s business accounting and preparing financial (accounting) statements (parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, children and brothers, sisters, parents and children in law); 3) audit companies where managers and other officers are the audited companies’ founders (partners), officers, accountants and other persons responsible for managing and keeping the company’s accounting and preparing financial (accounting) statements; 4) audit companies where managers and other officers are in close relations (parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, children, and brothers, sisters, parents and children in law) with audited companies’ founders (partners), officers, accountants and other persons responsible for managing and keeping the company’s business accounting and preparing financial (accounting) statements; 5) audit companies that control, are controlled by, or together with any other company are under common control of audited companies, or that are subsidiaries, affiliates or branches of such audited companies; 6) audit companies and individual auditors that rendered services for recovery and keeping of book records and preparation of financial (accounting) statements to individual or legal entities for three years immediately preceding the audit, when performing an audit of such entities; 7) Audit companies in respect of audited persons representing insurance organizations with which liability insurance contracts for these audit companies have been concluded.

25 The principal measure implemented by the Issuer for the purpose of mitigating the dependence on each other, is the process of thorough examination of the proposed Auditor for its not being affiliated with the Issuer. The Auditor is completely independent of the Issuer’s statutory organs in accordance with the requirements of Article 8 of the Federal Law on Auditing Activity; the amount of the Auditor’s consideration is not subject to the results of audit.

Procedure for selecting the Auditor of the Issuer is described: Availability of tender procedure for selection of the Auditor and its basic requirements: 2009 (RAS) In accordance with the Federal Law dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activity”, the competitive selection of the Auditor of the Company for 2009 was performed under the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On Contracting of Suppliers of Goods, Works or Services for Public and Municipal Entities”. The tender documentation for the open tender for the right to be contracted as the Auditor of accounting statements of JSC RusHydro in compliance with the Russian Accounting Standards for year 2009 (hereinafter referred to as the Tender Documentation) was prepared pursuant to the Federal Law No. 94-FZ on Contracting of Suppliers of Goods, Works and Services for Public and Municipal Entities dated July 21, 2005. The tender documentation for the open tender for the right to be contracted as an Auditor of the financial statements of JSC RusHydro in compliance with the Russian Accounting Standards for 2009 and the composition of the Tender Committee were approved by the Resolution of the Audit Committee dated January 22, 2009. Based on the approved tender documentation the Tender Committee carried out appropriate procedures during the period from February till March 2009 to select the Auditor of the Company for 2009, which resulted in defining the winner of the open tender, namely: Closed Joint-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit (CJSC PwC Audit).

2010 (RAS) In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activity”, an agreement to conduct mandatory audit of the accounting (financial) statements of the company, with the state-owned share in its authorized (joint-stock) capital amounting to at least 25 per cent, is concluded based on the outcome of placing an order effected by means of bidding in the form of an open tender, according to the procedure stipulated in Federal Law No. 94-FZ on Contracting of Suppliers of Goods, Works or Services for Public and Municipal Entities dated July 21, 2005. In order to meet the above specified requirement JSC RusHydro approved the composition of the tender committee for selection of the Auditor of the Company (Minutes of the Audit Committee for the Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro dated February 5, 2010 No. 17/1). In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the Tender Committee for evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the tender for the right to be contracted to provide services to audit financial (accounting) statements of JSC RusHydro under the Russian Accounting Standards for 2010 (Minutes No. 13-rg dated April 9, 2010 (100305/901806/1/3)), the contract was awarded to Closed Joint-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit.

2011 (RAS) In accordance with the Federal Law dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activity”, the competitive selection of the Auditor of the Company for 2011 was performed under the Federal Law dated July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On Contracting of Suppliers of Goods, Works or Services for Public and Municipal Entities”. The tender documentation for the open tender for the right to perform audit of the accounting statements of JSC RusHydro in compliance with the Russian Accounting Standards for 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Tender Documentation) was prepared pursuant to Federal Law No. 94-FZ on Contracting of Suppliers of Goods, Works or Services for Public and Municipal Entities dated July 21, 2005. By the Resolution of the Audit Buying Commission dated March 3, 2011 the Tender Documentation of the open tender for audit of accounting (financial) statements of JSC RusHydro according to Russian Accounting Standards for year 2011. Based on the approved tender documentation the Tender Committee carried out appropriate procedures during April 2011 to choose the Auditor of the Company for year 2011, which resulted in defining the winner of the open tender, namely: Closed Joint-Stock Company HLB Vneshaudit (CJSC HLB).

2012–2014 (RAS)

26 In accordance with Federal Law No. 307-FZ on Auditing Activity dated December 30 , 2008, the competitive selection of the Auditor of the Company for 2012–2014 was performed under Federal Law No. 94-FZ on Contracting of Suppliers of Goods, Works or Services for Public and Municipal Entities dated July 21, 2005 . The tender documentation for the open tender for the right to conclude the agreement to perform audit of accounting statements of JSC RusHydro in compliance with the Russian Accounting Standards for 2012–2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Tender Documentation) was prepared pursuant to Federal Law No. 94-FZ on Contracting of Suppliers of Goods, Works or Services for Public and Municipal Entities dated July 21, 2005. The tender documentation for the open tender for the right to be contracted as an Auditor of the financial statements of JSC RusHydro in compliance with the Russian Accounting Standards for 2012 was approved by the Resolution of the Audit Committee dated December 9, 2011. Based on the approved tender documentation the Tender Committee carried out appropriate procedures during the period from January to February 2012 to select the Auditor of the Company for 2012–2014, which resulted in defining the winner of the open tender namely: Closed Join-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit (CJSC PwC Audit).

2009–2011 (IFRS) For the purpose of efficient and economical allocation of monetary assets of JSC RusHydro as well as in accordance with the Provision on the procedure of performing scheduled purchase of products, works, services approved by a resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors, the company set up and conducted a scheduled tender to obtain the right to make a service contract to audit the consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group prepared in accordance with IAS for 2009, 2010 and 2011 and to conduct an observation audit of the shortened intermediate consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group for six months ended on June 30, 2009, 2010 and 2011 prepared in accordance with IAS 34 in the form of closed proposals request. In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the Buying Commission (dated August 18, 2009 No. 4), Closed Joint-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit was declared the winner of this closed proposals request.

2012–2014 (IFRS) For the purpose of efficient and economical allocation of monetary assets of JSC RusHydro as well as in accordance with the Provision on the procedure of performing scheduled purchase of products, works, services approved by a resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors and pursuant to resolution No. 241 dated August 30, 2011 of adopted by the Central Buying Commission of JSC RusHydro, the company the company set up and conducted a scheduled tender to obtain the right to make a service contract to audit (review) the consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group, RAO East Energy Systems Group, Yakutskenergo Group, Far East Energy Company and separate financial statements of JSC Far East Distribution Company, JSC Far East Generating Company, CJSC NBO Financial Clearing Center prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS, IAS) for 2012–2014 by way of an open, single-stage, multi-lot request for proposals without preliminary qualification selection of bidders. By its resolution dated November 16, 2011 the Audit Buying Commission approved the Tender documentation for an open single-stage, multi-lot Request of Proposals without preliminary qualification selection of bidders for the right to make a service contract to audit (review) the consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group, RAO East Energy Systems Group, Yakutskenergo Group, Far East Energy Company and separate financial statements of JSC Far East Distribution Company, JSC Far East Generating Company, CJSC NBO Financial Clearing Center prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS, IAS) for 2012–2014. In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the Buying commission (dated December 22, 2011 No. 2), Closed Joint-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit was declared the winner of this open single-stage, multi-lot proposals request.

The procedure for recommending a candidate for approval by the shareholders’ (participants) meeting, including the management body adopting a respective resolution: The Board of Directors of the Issuer recommends a candidate Auditor for approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of the company. In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, the Issuer shall conduct annual audit of financial statements. For the purposes of verification and approval of the annual financial statements the Annual General Meeting appoints Auditor of the company once a year.

Appointment of CJSC PwC Audit as Auditor of the Issuer for 2009 was approved by the Annual General Meeting of the company (Minutes dated June 10, 2009 No. 4). 27 Appointment of CJSC PwC Audit as Auditor of the Issuer for 2010 was approved by the Annual General Meeting of the company (Minutes dated June 30, 2010 No. 5). While CJSC PwC Audit was not Issuer’s Auditor in year 2011 to audit the statements prepared in compliance with RAS, approval of CJSC PwC Audit as Issuer’s Auditor in year 2011 to audit the statements prepared in compliance with IAS in year 2011 is not required, CJSC PwC was not approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting. In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the Buying commission (dated August 18, 2009 No. 4), Closed Joint-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit was declared the winner of the closed proposals request to make a service contract to audit the consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group prepared in accordance with IFRS for 2009–2011 and to review the shortened intermediate consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group ended on June 30, 2009, 2010 and 2011 prepared in accordance with IAS 34.

Appointment of CJSC PwC Audit as Auditor of the Issuer for 2012 was approved by the Annual General Meeting of the company (Minutes dated June 29, 2009 No. 8). The Auditor of the Issuer performs audit of finances and business operations of the Issuer in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation under a contract entered into by and between the Issuer and the Auditor.

Information on work carried out by the Auditor as part of special audit engagement is specified. No work has been carried out by the Auditor as part of special audit engagement. Procedure for determining the amount of consideration to the Auditor is described, actual amount of consideration is included, paid to the Auditor by the Issuer at the end of each financial year or another reporting period, for which the Auditor conducted independent audit of accounting records and financial (accounting) statements of the Issuer, information on availability of deferred or late payments for services rendered by the Auditor. The payment procedure and amount of money paid as consideration to audit companies and individual auditors in return for audit (including compulsory audit) and incidental services shall be specified in contracts for audit services and may not be made subject to meeting any requirements whatsoever put forward by audited persons in respect of conclusions that may be made as a result of the audit. The amount of the consideration paid by the Issuer in return for the Auditor’s services as approved by the Annual General Meeting of the Issuer for the annual compulsory audit and approval of the annual financial statements of the Issuer shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Issuer. The amount of the Auditor’s fee shall be determined depending on the results of the company’s Auditor selection tender. Actual consideration amount paid by the Issuer to the Auditor for conducting audit of accounting statements of the Issuer prepared in compliance with RAS for year 2009 and for conducting audit of consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group prepared in compliance with IFRS for year 2009 amounts to 83,780,000 roubles (incl. VAT).

Actual consideration amount paid by the Issuer to the Auditor for conducting audit of accounting statements of the Issuer prepared in compliance with RAS for year 2010 and for conducting audit of consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group prepared in compliance with IFRS for year 2010 amounts to 60,180,000 roubles (incl. VAT). Actual consideration amount paid by the Issuer to the Auditor for conducting audit of consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group prepared in compliance with IFRS for year 2011 amounts to 67,260,000 roubles (incl. VAT).

Actual consideration amount paid by the Issuer to the Auditor for conducting observation audit of consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group prepared in compliance with IFRS for six months ended on June 30, 2012 amounts to 57,967,500.00 roubles (incl. VAT).

There are no deferred or late payments for the services provided by the Auditor.

2 Full and abbreviated corporate names, INN, OGRN, location of the audit organization or surname, name, patronymic of individual auditor: Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company HLB Vneshaudit 28 Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC HLB Vneshaudit Location: 109180, Russian Federation, Moscow, B. Yakimanka Str., 25–27/2 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7706118254 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739314448

Telephone number and fax number, e-mail address: Telephone: (495) 967-0495 Fax: (495) 967-0497 E-mail: [email protected]

The name of a self-regulatory auditor organization, a member of which is the Issuer’s Auditor: Full name: Noncommercial Partnership Institute of Professional Auditors Address 109180, Russia, Moscow, Nametkina, 14, bld. 1 Additional information: Main registration record number in the register of auditors and audit organizations – 10202000095

The financial year(s) or any other reporting period(s) for which the Auditor performed an independent audit of accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer: The Auditor conducted independent audit of accounting statements of the Issuer prepared in compliance with RAS for year 2011. Type of accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer (accounting (financial) statements, entrance accounting (financial) statements, consolidated accounting reports, consolidated financial reports) in respect of which independent audit has been performed by the Auditor. The Auditor conducted independent audit of accounting statements of the Issuer prepared in compliance with RAS for year 2011.

Factors that may affect the independence of the Auditor from the Issuer, including information on existence of material interests that make the Auditor (Auditor’s officers) affiliated with the Issuer (Issuer’s officers) are described: Factors that may affect the independence of the Auditor from the Issuer, including information on existence of material interests that make the Auditor (Auditor’s officers) affiliated with the Issuer (Issuer’s officers): none

existence of partnership interests of the Auditor (Auditor’s officers) in the registered capital (Joint-Stock) of the Issuer: The Auditor has no partnership interests in the authorized capital of the Issuer; granting of loans to the Auditor (Auditor’s officers) by the Issuer: The Issuer has granted no loans to the Auditor (Auditor’s officers); existence of close business relationships (participation in promotion of the Issuer’s products (services), participation in joint business, etc.), or close relations: the Issuer has neither business relationships nor close relations with the Auditor; Information about the Issuer’s officers concurrently holding executive positions in the Auditor’s company: the Issuer’s officers concurrently hold no executive positions in the Auditor.

Indicate measures taken by the Issuer and the Auditor to mitigate the above specified factors. The Issuer and Auditor (acted) and will act in accordance with the applicable laws, including, but not limited to the Federal Law “On Auditing Activity” No. 307-FZ dated December 30, 2008, Article 8 of which prescribes that an audit may not be performed by: 1) auditors that are the audited companies’ founders (partners), executive officers, accountants or other persons responsible for managing and keeping the company’s business accounting and preparing financial (accounting) statements; 2) auditors that are in close relations with the audited companies’ founders (partners), officers, accountants and other persons responsible for managing and keeping the company’s business accounting and preparing financial (accounting) statements (parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, children and brothers, sisters, parents and children in law); 3) audit companies where managers and other officers are the audited companies’ founders (partners), officers, accountants and other persons responsible for managing and keeping the company’s accounting and preparing financial (accounting) statements; 4) audit companies where managers and other officers are in close relations (parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, children, and brothers, sisters, parents and children in law) with audited companies’ 29 founders (partners), officers, accountants and other persons responsible for managing and keeping the company’s business accounting and preparing financial (accounting) statements; 5) audit companies that control, are controlled by, or together with any other company are under common control of audited companies, or that are subsidiaries, affiliates or branches of such audited companies; 6) audit companies and individual auditors that rendered services for recovery and keeping of book records and preparation of financial (accounting) statements to individual or legal entities for three years immediately preceding the audit, when performing an audit of such entities. 7) audit companies in respect of audited persons representing insurance organizations with which liability insurance contracts for these audit companies have been concluded. The principal measure implemented by the Issuer for the purpose of mitigating the dependence on each other, is the process of thorough examination of the proposed Auditor for its not being affiliated with the Issuer. The Auditor is completely independent of the Issuer’s statutory organs in accordance with the requirements of Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Auditing Activity”; the amount of the Auditor’s consideration is not subject to the results of audit.

Describe procedure for selecting the Auditor of the Issuer: Availability of tender procedure for selection of the Auditor and its basic requirements: In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activitiy” dated December 30, 2008, an agreement to conduct mandatory audit of the accounting (financial) statements of the company, with the state-owned share in its authorized (joint-stock) capital amounting to at least 25 per cent, is concluded based on the outcome of placing an order effected by means of bidding in the form of an open tender, according to the procedure stipulated in Federal Law No. 94-FZ on Contracting of Suppliers of Goods, Works or Services for Public and Municipal Entities dated July 21, 2005.

In order to meet the above specified requirement JSC RusHydro approved the composition of the tender committee for selection of the Auditor of the Company (Minutes of the Audit Committee for the Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro dated February 5, 2010 No. 17/1).

In accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the Tender Committee for evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the tender for the right to be contracted to provide services to audit financial (accounting) statements of JSC RusHydro under the Russian Accounting Standards for 2011 (Minutes No. 628/4 dated April 8, 2011 (0419000000111000001)), the contract was awarded to Closed Joint-Stock HLB Vneshaudit.

The procedure for recommending a candidate for approval by the shareholders’ (participants) meeting, including the management body adopting a respective resolution: The Board of Directors of the Issuer recommends a candidate Auditor for approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of the company. In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, the Issuer shall conduct annual audit of financial statements. For the purposes of verification and approval of the annual financial statements the Annual General Meeting appoints Auditor of the company once a year. Approval of CJSC HLB Audit as Auditor of the Issuer for 2011 took place upon Resolution of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company (Minutes No. 7 dated July 4, 2011).

Specify information on work carried out by the Auditor as part of special audit engagement: No work has been carried out by the Auditor as part of special audit engagements. Procedure for determining the amount of consideration to the Auditor is described, actual amount of consideration is included, paid to the Auditor by the Issuer at the end of each financial year or another reporting period, for which the Auditor conducted independent audit of accounting records and financial (accounting) statements of the Issuer, information on availability of deferred or late payments for services rendered by the Auditor. The payment procedure and amount of money paid as consideration to audit companies and individual auditors in return for audit (including compulsory audit) and incidental services shall be specified in contracts for audit services and may not be made subject to meeting any requirements whatsoever put forward by audited persons in respect of conclusions that may be made as a result of the audit. The amount of the consideration paid by the Issuer in return for the Auditor’s services as approved by the Annual General Meeting of the Issuer for the annual compulsory audit and approval of the annual financial statements of the Issuer shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Issuer. 30 The amount of the Auditor’s fee shall be determined depending on the results of the company’s Auditor selection tender. Actual consideration amount paid by the Issuer to the Auditor for conducting audit of accounting statements of the Issuer prepared in compliance with RAS for year 2011 amounts to 14,950,000 roubles (incl. VAT).

There are no deferred or late payments for the services provided by the Auditor. 1.4 Information on the Issuer’s Appraiser

In respect of the appraiser (appraisers) engaged by the Issuer on the basis of the appraisal contract, to determine: market value of securities offered: Has not been engaged. market value of property that may be used to pay for equity securities: Has not been engaged. market value of property representing property pledged for Issuer’s bonds with security: Has not been engaged. As well as in respect of the appraiser of the Issuer representing a joint-stock investment fund: is not the case. The Issuer is not a joint-stock investment fund.

1.5 Information on the Issuer’s Advisors

Financial securities market advisors or other persons rendering consultancy services to the Issuer in relation to the issue of securities and those who signed the prospectus shall be specified: For the purposes of preparation of the current Prospectus, and for rendering other consulting services involved in offering of bonds of current issues, financial consultant in securities market and other consultants have not been engaged by the Issuer.

1.6 Information on Other Signatories to the Prospectus

In respect of the person having secured the issue of bonds and other persons-signatories to the Prospectus and not listed in the previous paragraphs of this section:

The Prospectus has been signed by Chief Accountant of the Issuer: Surname: Finkel First name: Dmitry Patronymic: Vladimirovich Year of birth: 1977 Information on principal workplace and position of this individual: Chief Accountant – Head of Corporate Accounting and Reporting Department, JSC RusHydro

There are no other signatories to the Prospectus not mentioned in the above Clauses of this Section.

31 II Summary on Number, Period, Procedure and Conditions of Offering for Each Type and Category of Issue Securities Offered

2.1 Type, Category and Form of Securities Offered

Bonds Series 07

Include: Type of offered securities (shares, bonds, Issuer’s options, Russian depositary receipts): Bearer bonds Series: 07 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 07 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro (hereinafter – the Issuer).

Maturity: The 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Form of placed securities (registered uncertified, registered bearer securities without mandatory centralized storage, registered bearer securities with mandatory centralized storage): Documentary bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage.

Bonds Series 08

Include: Type of offered securities (shares, bonds, Issuer’s options, Russian depositary receipts): Bearer bonds Series: 08 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 08 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro (hereinafter – the Issuer).

Maturity: The 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Form of placed securities (registered uncertified, registered bearer securities without mandatory centralized storage, registered bearer securities with mandatory centralized storage): Documentary bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage. 32

Bonds Series 09

Include: Type of offered securities (shares, bonds, Issuer’s options, Russian depositary receipts): Bearer bonds Series: 09 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 09 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro (hereinafter – the Issuer).

Maturity: The 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Form of placed securities (registered uncertified, registered bearer securities without mandatory centralized storage, registered bearer securities with mandatory centralized storage): Documentary bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage.

Bonds Series 10

Include: Type of offered securities (shares, bonds, Issuer’s options, Russian depositary receipts): Bearer bonds Series: 10 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 08 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro (hereinafter – the Issuer).

Maturity: The 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Form of placed securities (registered uncertified, registered bearer securities without mandatory centralized storage, registered bearer securities with mandatory centralized storage): Documentary bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage.

33 2.2 Nominal Value of Each Type, Category and Series of Issue Securities Offered

Nominal value of securities offered: For convertible securities or Issuer’s options attach nominal value of securities, into which the offered convertible securities or Issuer’s options are converted. For Bonds Series 07: 1,000 (One thousand) roubles For Bonds Series 08: 1,000 (One thousand) roubles For Bonds Series 09: 1,000 (One thousand) roubles For Bonds Series 10: 1,000 (One thousand) roubles

2.3 Estimated Issue Amount in Monetary Terms and Number of Equity Securities to Be Issued

For Bonds Series 07:

Include: Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The amount of securities offered at the nominal value: 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) roubles

For convertible securities or Issuer’s options attach nominal value of securities and stockholdings at nominal value, into which the offered convertible securities or Issuer’s options are converted: Bonds are not convertible.

If concurrently with placement of securities the offering for purchase, including transactions beyond the borders of the Russian Federation through placement of corresponding depositary securities of a foreign issuer is planned, the previously placed (circulating) securities of the Issuer of the same type, category, the planned number of placed (circulating) securities of the Issuer is indicated that is anticipated to be offered for purchase and their number at nominal value: Not planned.

For Bonds Series 08:

Include: Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The amount of securities offered at the nominal value: 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) roubles

For convertible securities or Issuer’s options attach nominal value of securities and stockholdings at nominal value, into which the offered convertible securities or Issuer’s options are converted: Bonds are not convertible.

If concurrently with placement of securities the offering for purchase, including transactions beyond the borders of the Russian Federation through placement of corresponding depositary securities of a foreign issuer is planned, the previously placed (circulating) securities of the Issuer of the same type, category, the planned number of placed (circulating) securities of the Issuer is indicated that is anticipated to be offered for purchase and their number at nominal value: Not planned.

For Bonds Series 09:

Include: Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The amount of securities offered at the nominal value: 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) roubles

For convertible securities or Issuer’s options attach nominal value of securities and stockholdings at nominal value, into which the offered convertible securities or Issuer’s options are converted: Bonds are not convertible.

34 If concurrently with placement of securities the offering for purchase, including transactions beyond the borders of the Russian Federation through placement of corresponding depositary securities of a foreign issuer is planned, the previously placed (circulating) securities of the Issuer of the same type, category, the planned number of placed (circulating) securities of the Issuer is indicated that is anticipated to be offered for purchase and their number at nominal value: Not planned.

For Bonds Series 10:

Include: Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The amount of securities offered at the nominal value: 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion) roubles

For convertible securities or Issuer’s options attach nominal value of securities and stockholdings at nominal value, into which the offered convertible securities or Issuer’s options are converted: Bonds are not convertible.

If concurrently with placement of securities the offering for purchase, including transactions beyond the borders of the Russian Federation through placement of corresponding depositary securities of a foreign issuer is planned, the previously placed (circulating) securities of the Issuer of the same type, category, the planned number of placed (circulating) securities of the Issuer is indicated that is anticipated to be offered for purchase and their number at nominal value: Not planned.

2.4 Offering Price (Procedure for Determination of the Offering Price) For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

In the event of placement of securities through offering the price (prices) or the procedure for definition of placement price (prices) is disclosed. Bonds placement price is established to equal 1,000 (One thousand) roubles per Bond (100 per cent of face value). Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation:

ACI = Nom * C * (T – T0) / 365) / 100 %, where

ACI is the accumulated coupon income, rub.; Nom is a nominal value of one bond, rub.; С is the size of interest rate of coupon for the first coupon period, per cent per year; T is the date of bond placement; T0 is the commencement date of bond placement. The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules. In this case the mathematical rounding rule shall be understood to mean a round-off method, which does not change the value of a whole kopeck (whole kopecks), if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 0 to 4 and it increases per unit if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 5 to 9).

In the event when at placement of securities of the issue (additional issue) the preemptive right for their purchase is granted, the price of procedure for definition of placement price of securities is disclosed to persons to whom such preemptive right is granted. The pre-emptive right to acquire securities is not provided.

2.5 Offering Term and Procedure

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Include: Offering opening and closing dates or procedure for determining the terms of the offering: 35 The offering opening date shall be determined as follows: Commencement date of bond offering is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body and disclosed to all interested persons in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. At that commencement date of bonds offering may not be settled earlier than after 2 (Two) weeks from publishing notice on state registration of issue of securities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The above mentioned two-week period starts from the date following the date of publication of notice of state registration of bonds issue in the news bulletin of one of the information agencies authorized by the federal executive power body in the securities market for disclosure of information in securities market (hereinafter – the News Bulletin). Where at the time of occurrence of the event which the Issuer shall disclose in accordance with applicable federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market, other procedure and timeline for disclosure of such fact is prescribed than the procedure and timeline provided for in the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus, disclosure of such fact shall be made using the procedure and timeline stipulated by federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market as effective at the time of occurrence of the event.

Notice of commencement date of bonds placement is published by the Issuer in the form of a notice on commencement date of placement within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the commencement date of securities placement; – On the Internet webpage 5 – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the commencement date of securities placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of the placement date not later than 5 (Five) days prior to commencement of placement. Commencement date of bonds placement determined by the authorized management body of the Issuer may be changed by the decision of the same management body of the Issuer provided the requirements of disclosure procedure of information on the change of commencement date of bonds placement determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Resolution on Issuer of Securities and the Prospectus are met. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of change of date of securities placement on the day the corresponding decision is made. Closing date of securities placement or the procedure for its determination: Closing date of bonds placement is the earliest of the following: a) 5 (Fifth) working day from the commencement date of Bonds placement; b) last Bond placement date. At that closing date of Bonds placement may not fall later than 1 (One) year from the date of state registration of Bonds issue.

Bonds are not placed in tranches.

5 To disclose information on the webpage the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage provided by one of securities market information distributors, and if the securities of the Issuer are included on the list of securities allowed for trade, the organizer of trade on the securities market provided the information is published on any webpage beyond the Internet webpage provided by one of the information distributors on the securities market, the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage whose address includes domain name owned by the Issuer – Disclosure of information on the Internet webpage is carried out in compliance with the requirements set forth by the federal executive authority on securities market. Here and further on the information disclosure “on the Internet webpage” means disclosure of information on the Internet webpage, provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market –, and on the Internet webpage, whose address includes the domain name owned by the Issuer – 36

Method of securities placement: Public offering.

Availability of the preemptive right to purchase securities offered and the date of the list of holders of such preemptive right: The pre-emptive right to acquire securities is not provided.

If securities placement through public offering is effected with a possibility of acquiring them outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including way of purchasing foreign securities – availability of such opportunity: No such opportunity is available.

Other requirements deemed by the Issuer to be material for issue of the securities: none.

In the event when placement of securities is effected by the Issuer involving persons providing services in relation to placement and/or organization of placement of securities in respect of each such person indicate the following:

Organizations that may provide to the Issuer the services in relation to placement and organization of placement of Bonds (hereinafter – the Organizers) are Closed Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB, Closed Joint-Stock Company VTB Capital, Sviaz-Bank (Open Joint-Stock Company, Interregional Commercial Bank for Development of Communication and Information Technology). Persons mentioned herein may act in capacity of Underwriter at placement.

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Sberbank CIB INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710048970 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739007768 Location: Russian Federation, 125009, Moscow, Romanov Lane, 4 Postal address: Russian Federation, 125009, Moscow, Romanov Lane, 4 License number: No. 177-06514-100000 (for broker activity) Date of issue: April 8, 2003 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FCSM of the Russian Federation

Full corporate name: Sviaz-Bank (Open Joint-Stock Company, Interregional Commercial Bank for Development of Communication and Information Technology) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC JSCB Sviaz-Bank INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710301140 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027700159288 Location: 125375, Moscow, Tverskaya Str., 7 Postal address: 125375, Moscow, Tverskaya Str., 7 License number: No. 177-10817-100000 (for broker activity) Date of issue: December 6, 2007 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia License number: No. 177-10820-010000 (for dealer activity) Date of issue: December 6, 2007 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company VTB Capital Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC VTB Capital INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7703585780 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1067746393780 Location: Moscow, Presnenskaya Embankment, 12 Postal address: 123100, Moscow, Presnenskaya Embankment, 12 License number: No. 177-11463-100000 (for broker activity) 37 Date of issue: July 31, 2008 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia License number: No. 177-11466-010000 (for dealer activity) Date of issue: July 31, 2008 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Major functions of such persons, including: – Development of recommendations regarding the concept (structure and parameters) of the bond loan; – Provision of advisory support concerning issues attributed to the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the procedure of issue of bonds, their placement, circulation and redemption, including provision of advisory support at disclosure of information at the stages of securities issue procedure and assistance in preparation of corresponding information statements; – Preparation of issuing documents based on the information provided by the Issuer and required for issue, placement and circulation of Bonds, which are subject to approval by the Issuer; – Preparation of advertising, presentation and other materials, including investment memorandum of bond loan aimed at distribution of the above mentioned materials among potential buyers; – Management of negotiations and representation for the Issuer during such negotiations with potential buyers; – Management of marketing events of bonds issue; – All other necessary measures aimed at successful placement of Bonds.

Any of the Organizers may act as an Underwriter. Prior to bonds placement start date the Issuer appoints Closed Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB or Sviaz-Bank (Open Joint-Stock Company, Interregional Commercial Bank of Development of Communication and Information Technology) or Closed Joint-Stock Company VTB Capital as the person to take up functions of Underwriter at placement.

Prior to placement start date the Issuer discloses information of the person appointed Underwriter, to whom the Participants of tender of SE MICEX shall address their requests for purchase of bonds in the course of bookbuilding for Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for first coupon period on bonds placement start date. The Issuer discloses such information within the following terms:

– in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement;

– on the Internet webpage – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the opening date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange on the decisions made not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement.

Major functions of the Underwriter: – Satisfaction of requests for purchase of Bonds for and at the costs of the Issuer in compliance with the terms of the contract and the procedure stipulated by the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus; – Notification of the Issuer on the number of actually placed Bonds, and on the amount of monetary funds received from sale of Bonds; – Transfer of monetary funds received by the Underwriter from the purchasers of Bonds in payment for them at the Issuer’s settlement account in compliance with the terms of the contract concluded; – Performance of other actions required for fulfillment of obligations regarding placement of Bonds in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the contract between the Issuer and the Underwriter.

Obligation of such a person to acquire securities which have not been offered in time, and if this obligation is in place – the number (a procedure to determine the number) of the securities that have not been offered in time and which shall be acquired by the said person or entity, and the period (procedure for period

38 determination) within which the said person shall purchase such quantity of securities: No such obligation of the Organizers is established.

Obligations of such a person to maintain the prices for securities being offered at a certain level during a certain period after completion of their offering (stabilization), including the obligations associated with providing market making services and if such an obligation is enforced – also the period (a procedure for determining such a period) during which the said person shall stabilize or provide services of a market maker: Obligation of the Organizers regarding maintaining prices of Bonds at a certain level in the course of a certain period after completion of their placement (stabilization) is not established. If the Bonds are put on SE MICEX “B” Quotation List, the Underwriter expects to conclude an agreement on fulfillment of market- maker obligations in relation to the Bonds in the course of the whole period of their presence on SE MICEX “B” Quotation List. Market-maker undertakes to render support of Bonds circulation in SE MICEX throughout the period of Bonds presence on SE MICEX B Quotation List by presenting and maintaining two-side quotations for purchase and sale of Bonds.

The right of such a person to acquire an additional quantity of the Issuer’s securities out of the Issuer’s placed (outstanding) securities of the same type and category as the securities being offered, which may be exercised or not exercised depending on the results of securities placement, and if such a right is enforced – an additional quantity (a procedure for determining the quantity) of the securities which may be purchased by such a person and a period (procedure for determining the period) during which this person can exercise the right to acquire an additional quantity of securities: The Organizers possess no right to acquire additional amounts of securities of the Issuer from those offered (circulating).

Consideration amounts to person providing to the Issuer services for placement and/or arranging the placement of securities: Consideration amounts to Organizers shall not exceed 1 % (One per cent) of face value of Bonds issue. Consideration for services of market-maker shall not exceed 10,000 (Ten thousand) roubles.

Previously placed (circulating) shares of the Issuer of the same type and category as the securities placed are not intended to be placed for purchase, including outside the Russian Federation, concurrently with this issue of securities by means of placement of respective foreign securities: Not planned.

2.6 Procedure and Conditions of Payment for Equity Securities Offered For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

If securities are placed through offering, the period, form (moneys, non-monetary assets) and procedure for payment for placed securities is indicated.

Bonds are paid for in monetary form by non-cash transfer in the currency of the Russian Federation in compliance with the regulations for clearing established by the Clearing Organization. The cash payments within Bonds purchase and sale transactions at their placement are carried out based on the conditions of delivery versus payment transaction via NSD in compliance with the Regulations for clearing activity of the Clearing Organization in the securities market. Monetary funds received due to bonds offering at Stock Exchange are placed to Underwriter’s account in NSD. Credit Institution: Full corporate name: Non-Banking Credit Institution Closed Joint-Stock Company National Settlement Depository Abbreviated name: NBCI CJSC NSD Location: 125009, Moscow, Sredny Kislovsky Lane, 1/13, bld. 8 Postal address: 105066, Moscow, Spartakovskaya Str., 12 BIC (Bank Identification Code): 044583505 Corr. acc. 30105810100000000505

Information on Underwriter’s account where monetary funds shall be transferred as payment for the Bonds is disclosed by the Issuer simultaneously with disclosure of information on the person appointed Underwriter to whom the participants of tender of SE MICEX shall have to send requests for purchase of 39 Bonds in the course of bookbuilding for Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate on the date of Bonds placement.

Payment for securities with nonmonetary assets is not supported. The Underwriter transfers the funds acquired as a result of placement of Bonds to Issuer’s account established by the Agency contract for securities placement at the Stock Exchange.

Indicate currency of payment if monetary funds are used: Bonds are paid for with monetary funds by non-cash transfer using national currency of the Russian Federation.

In case payment for shares and bonds is effected with nonmonetary assets (securities, items or property rights or other rights with monetary value), provide the list of property that may be used to pay for placed securities and information on the appraiser (list of possible appraisers) being involved to determine the market value of such property: Such form of payment is not supported.

Indicate the fact, that the information on the appraiser (appraisers) involved in determining the market value of property are provided in Clause 1.4 of the Prospectus, or the following information on each of such appraisers is given: No appraiser is involved.

In case the procedure for payment for placed securities enables payment by installments, add indication of amount and terms for each payment. Payment for Bonds by installments is not supported.

Other requirements deemed by the Issuer to be material for issue of the securities: none.

2.7 Procedure and Conditions of Entering into Agreements during the Offering of Issue Securities

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

In case of placement of securities by offering the description of procedure and conditions for conclusion of contracts in the course of securities placement, including the form and method of conclusion of contracts, place and moment of their conclusion is provided. Placement of Bonds may be effected with inclusion or without inclusion of Bonds into Quotation List “B”. At that inclusion of Bonds in Quotation List Be will be performed in compliance with the Regulations for Listing, Admission to Placement and Circulation of Securities in the Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICEX. Placement of Bonds is effected by conclusion of purchase and sale transaction at Bonds placement price provided in Clause 8.4 of the Resolution for Issue of Securities and Clause 2.4 of the Prospectus (hereinafter – Placement Price). Transactions at placement of Bonds are concluded in the Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICEX (hereinafter the Stock Exchange, SE MICEX) by satisfying address applications for purchase of Bonds applied for using the Stock Exchange trading system (hereinafter – the Trading System) in compliance with Securities Trading Regulations in Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICEX (hereinafter Securities Trading Regulations and Stock Exchange Regulations). Organizations that may provide to the Issuer the services in relation to placement and organization of placement of Bonds (hereinafter – the Organizers) are Closed Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB, Closed Joint-Stock Company VTB Capital, SviazBank (Open Joint-Stock Company, Interregional Commercial Bank for Development of Communication and Information Technology). Persons mentioned herein may act in capacity of Underwriter at placement. Trading is effected in compliance with Stock Exchange Regulations registered in compliance with the procedure set forth by the Federal executive authority on securities market. At that placement of Bonds may be performed in the form of tender for determination of coupon rate for first coupon period (hereinafter – the Tender) or by way of bookbuilding by buyers of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period in compliance with the procedure predetermined by the Issuer and based on the conditions established by the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus. Resolution on the procedure for Bonds placement is adopted by the sole execution body of the Issuer and is

40 disclosed in compliance with the Procedure set forth in Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange on the Resolution on issue of Bonds not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement. Resolution on approval of the Bonds purchase and sale transaction concluded in the course of placement of Bonds which represents an interested party transaction shall be taken prior to its conclusion in accordance with the procedure set forth by federal laws.

1) Placement of Bonds in the form of Tender for definition of coupon rate for first coupon period:

Conclusion of transactions for placement of Bonds starts on the Start Date of Bonds Placement after announcement of the results of the Tender and ends on the end date of Bonds placement. Coupon rate for first coupon period of the Bonds is determined in the course of Tender at the Stock Exchange among potential buyers of Bonds on the start date of Bonds placement. In case the potential buyer is not Stock Exchange Bidder (hereinafter – the Bidder), the buyer shall conclude the corresponding agreement with any of the Bidders and may entitle such bidder to purchase the Bonds. Potential buyer of Bonds who is not the Bidder, acts independently. On the day of the Tender the Bidders supply address applications to buy the Bonds at the Tender using the Trading System either at their own cost, or at the cost of the clients. Time and procedure to apply for participation in the Tender is set forth by the Stock Exchange as agreed with the Issuer and/or Underwriter. Applications for purchase of Bonds are addressed by the Bidders to the Underwriter. The application for purchase shall include the following significant conditions: – Price of purchase (100 per cent of face value); – number of Bonds; – Value of coupon rate for first coupon period; – Calculation key used at conclusion of transaction with securities subject to inclusion in clearing pool of clearing company on the basis of multiparty or simple clearing and determining, that at settlement of the transaction the procedure for material control is performed, and the due date for execution of the transaction with securities is the transaction conclusion date; – Other parameters in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations. Purchase price shall be indicated as the Bonds placement price established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. Number of Bonds shall be placed as the number of Bonds potential buyer desires to purchase in the case, if the Issuer’s authorized management body establishes interest rate for first coupon period greater or equal to that set forth in the application. Coupon interest rate for the coupon period is indicated as the value (in numerical form with accuracy to two decimal numbers to the right of the decimal) of the coupon interest rate for the coupon period, at announcement of which by the Issuer the potential buyers was ready to purchase the number of Bonds listed in the application at 100 % of face value. Value of coupon rate shall be represented in per cents per year with an accuracy of 0.01 per cent. At that monetary assets shall be reserved at the trading accounts of the participants of trading in NSD in the amount sufficient for full repayment of Bonds indicated in the applications for purchase of Bonds with respect to all the necessary commission fees. The applications that do not meet the requirements specified above are not allowed to participate in the tender. Upon completion of the application filing period of the tender the Stock Exchange draws up the summary register of applications for purchase of securities (hereinafter – the Summary register of applications) and passes it to the Underwriter. The summary register of applications contains all the significant conditions of each application – purchase price, number of securities, date and time of receipt of application, number of application, reasonable coupon interest rate for the first coupon period, as well as other details in compliance with the Stock Exchange regulations. Based on the analysis of applications received for the tender the authorized management body of the issuer takes a decision on the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period and the issuer notifies the Stock Exchange on the decision taken in writing not later than 30 minutes prior to sending the information on the decision made in the news bulletin. After the information agency publishes the notice on the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period, the Issuer notifies the Underwriter of the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period.

41 The notice on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period is published by the Underwriter with the aid of the trading system by sending an email message to all the bidders. After the information on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period, the Underwriter closes transactions in compliance with the Stock Market regulations by way of fulfilling applications pursuant to the procedure set forth by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus, at that only the applications with interest rate value lower or equal to the value of the established coupon interest rate for the first coupon period are fulfilled. Priority in fulfillment of applications for purchase of bonds submitted in the course of the tender is granted to the applications with minimum value of coupon interest rate. If applications with identical coupon interest rate for the first coupon period the priority in fulfillment is granted to applications submitted earlier in time. Unfulfilled applications of the bidders are rejected by the Underwriter. After the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period determined and the applications submitted in the course of the tender fulfilled, bidders acting at their own charges and at the charge of and under instructions of potential buyers may during the placement period submit address applications for purchase of Bonds at the placement price to the Underwriter in case of incomplete placement of Bonds issue in the course of the tender procedure. Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation: The application submitted for purchase of bonds are completely fulfilled by the Underwriter in case the number of Bonds in the application of purchase of Bonds does not exceed the number of unplaced Bonds (within the bulk of bonds proposed for placement). In case the volume of the application for purchase of bonds exceeds the quantity of Bonds remaining unplaced, such application for purpose of Bonds is fulfilled to the amount of unplaced balance. In case the Underwriter places full volume of Bonds proposed for placement, fulfillment of further applications for purchase of Bonds is not effected. Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation: Purchase of Bonds of the Issuer in the course of their placement may not be performed at the Issuer’s costs.

2) Placement of Bonds by way of bookbuilding from the buyers’ side for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period:

In case of Bonds placement by way of bookbuilding on the buyers’ part for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period, the Issuer’s authorized management body prior to start date of Bonds placement makes a decision on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period not later than 1 (One) day prior to the start date of Bonds placement. Information on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period is disclosed by the Issuer in compliance with Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange of coupon rate for the first coupon period not later than 1 (One) day prior to start date of Bonds placement. Placement of Bonds by way of bookbuilding on the buyers’ part for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate of the first coupon period involves an invitation addressed to an indefinite range of persons to submit proposals (offers) for purchase of placed securities. Address applications from buyers are offers from bidders for purchase of placed bonds. The reply on acceptance of proposals (offers) on acquisition of placed Bonds is sent to the bidders determined at Issuer’s discretion from the number of bidders having submitted such proposals (offers) by submitting address counter-applications. At that the bidder agrees, that the application submitted may be rejected, accepted fully or partially. On the start date of bonds placement the bidders during the period of submission of applications for purchase of bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period submit their address applications for purchase of Bonds using the trading system both at their own costs and at the costs of their clients. Time and procedure for submission of address applications during the period for submission of applications at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period are established by the Stock Exchange as agreed upon by the Issuer and/or the Underwriter. Upon completion of the application filing period for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period the Stock Exchange draws up the summary register of applications for purchase of securities (hereinafter – the Summary register of applications) and passes it to the Underwriter.

42 The summary register of applications contains all the significant conditions of each application – purchase price, number of securities, date and time of receipt of application, number of application, as well as other details in compliance with the Stock Exchange regulations. Based on analysis of the summary register of applications the Issuer determines buyers to whom the bonds shall be sold, as well as the number of bonds that are intended for sale to these buyers, and transfers this information to the Underwriter. After the Underwriter receives from the Issuer the information regarding buyers to whom the issuer plans to sell the bonds and the number of bonds for sale to these buyers, the Underwriter closes transactions with the buyers, to whom the Issuer wishes to sell the bonds, by submitting address counter-applications in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations indicating the number of securities the Issuer wishes to sell to this buyer in compliance with the procedure established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. After filling the applications submitted during the application filing period, in case of incomplete placement of bonds issue in compliance with its results, the bidders acting at their own account and at the account and on behalf of potential buyers, may in the course of placement period submit address applications for purchase of bonds at placement price to the Underwriter. The Issuer analyses such applications and determines the buyers to whom the bonds shall be sold, as well as the number of bonds that are intended for sale to these buyers, and transfers this information to the Underwriter. After the Underwriter receives from the Issuer the information regarding buyers to whom the issuer plans to sell the bonds and the number of bonds for sale to these buyers, the Underwriter closes transactions with the buyers, to whom the Issuer wishes to sell the bonds, by submitting address counter-applications in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations indicating the number of securities the Issuer wishes to sell to this buyer in compliance with the procedure established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. In case the potential buyer is not the Bidder, the buyer shall conclude the corresponding agreement with any of the Bidders and may entitle such bidder to purchase the Bonds. Potential buyer of Bonds who is not the Bidder, acts independently. Applications for purchase of Bonds are addressed by the Bidders to the Underwriter. The application for purchase shall include the following significant conditions: – Price of purchase (100 per cent of face value); – Number of Bonds; – Calculation key used at conclusion of transaction with securities subject to inclusion in clearing pool of clearing company on the basis of multiparty or simple clearing and determining, that at settlement of the transaction the procedure for material control is performed, and the due date for execution of the transaction with securities is the transaction conclusion date; – Other parameters in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations. Purchase price shall be indicated as the Bonds placement price established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. Number of Bonds shall be indicated as the number of bonds the potential buyer wishes to acquire at a certain coupon rate for the first coupon period prior to start date of placement. At that monetary assets shall be reserved at the trading accounts of the participants of trading in NSD in the amount sufficient for full repayment of Bonds indicated in the applications for purchase of Bonds with respect to all the necessary commission fees. Applications that do not comply with the above listed requirements are not accepted. Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation: Purchase of Bonds of the Issuer in the course of their placement may not be performed at the Issuer’s costs. At placement of bonds by way of bookbuilding from buyers for purchase of bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period the issuer and/or the underwriter intend to conclude preliminary contracts with potential buyers of bonds containing an obligation to conclude with them or with the bidder acting on their behalf major contracts aimed at carve-out of placed securities to them in the future. Conclusion of such preliminary contracts is performed by way of acceptance by the Issuer and/or the Underwriter of offers from potential buyers for conclusion of preliminary contracts in compliance with such the potential buyer and the Issuer undertake to conclude major bonds sale and purchase contracts on the start date of bonds placement (hereinafter – the Preliminary Contracts). At that any offer with a proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract at issuer’s discretion, may be rejected, accepted fully or partially.

43 Accumulation of offers with proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contracts begins not earlier than the date of state registration of bonds and ends not later than 1 (One) day prior to the start date of bonds placement.

Procedure for disclosure of information concerning the time period for making an offer from potential buyers of bonds with a proposal to conclude Preliminary Contracts. The Issuer discloses the information on the time period for sending offers with proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract in the form of corporate action notice within the following period from the date of adoption of such decision by the authorized management body of the Issuer: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The information provided shall include the form of offer from potential buyer with a proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract and the procedure and term for sending such offers. The offers containing proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract sent by potential buyer, the maximum sum the buyer prepared to purchase bonds is indicated as well as minimum coupon rate for the first coupon period on bonds, at which the buyer is ready to purchase Bonds for the given maximum sum. By submitting an offer with a proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract the potential buyer agrees, that it may be rejected, accepted fully or partially. Acceptance of offers from potential buyers with proposals to conclude a Preliminary Contract is only allowed starting from the date of disclosure of information on sending offers from potential buyers with proposals to conclude Preliminary Contracts in the news bulletin. The end date of period for sending offers from potential buyers for conclusion of Preliminary Contracts initially established by the resolution of the Issuer’s management authority may be changed by the Issuer’s Management authority. The information on this fact is disclosed in the form of corporate action notice within the following period from the date of adoption of the resolution of change of period for sending offers from potential buyers for conclusion of Preliminary Contracts: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

Procedure for disclosure of information on expiry of period for sending offers from potential buyers of bonds with a proposal to make a Preliminary Contract. Information on expiry of period for sending offers from potential buyers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of corporate action notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than the day following the date of expiry of the period for sending offers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract; – On the Internet web page not later than 2 (Two) days following the date of expiry of the period for sending offers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. Main contracts of sale and purchase of bonds are concluded at bonds placing price indicated in Clause 8.4 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.4 of the Prospectus by submitting address applications in the trading system under the procedure established by this subparagraph.

As the securities are placed in the form of offering by way of tender, provide additional information on the person organizing the tender.

Name of person organizing the trading (market maker): Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICE (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange) Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC SE MICEX Location: 125009, Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovsky Lane, house 13 Postal address: 125009, Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovsky Lane, house 13 State registration date: December 2, 2003 Registration number: 1037789012414 Name of authority performing state registration: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. 46, city of Moscow No. of License of the stock exchange: 077-10489-000001 Date of issue: August 23, 2007 Validity term: unlimited 44 Licensing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

The issuer supposes to address the Stock Exchange to ensure admission of Bonds to secondary circulation in the Stock Exchange. Potential buyer of Bonds may act independently if such buyer has access to training at the Stock Exchange. In case the potential buyer has no access to trading at the Stock Exchange, such buyer shall conclude a correspondent agreement with any broker having access to trading at the Stock Exchange and entitle such buyer to purchase the Bonds or to gain access to trading at the Stock Exchange and act independently. Express condition for purchase of Bonds at the Stock Exchange at their placement is the preliminary reservation of a sufficient amount of buyer’s monetary assets for purchase of Bonds on the account of the bidder on whose behalf the application for purchase of Bonds is made, in NSD in the amount sufficient for full payment for Bonds indicated in Bonds purchase applications with account of all the necessary commission fees. The potential buyer of Bonds shall set up a correspondent depot account in NSD or in a Depositary. Procedure and period of opening of depot accounts are determined by the provisions of correspondent depositary charters. At that the monetary assets shall be previously reserved in the amount sufficient for full payment for the quantity of Bonds listed in the Bonds purchase applications with account of all the necessary commission fees (starting from the second day of placement additionally with account of accumulated ACI). At placement of Bonds in a tender, in case the conditions of the applications meet the above listed requirements, such applications are registered at the Stock Exchanged and then satisfied (or rejected) by the Underwriter at the Stock Exchanged (as stipulated above). If Bonds are placed by way of bookbuilding for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period determined by the Issuer before the Bonds placement start date, provided the conditions of the applications meet the requirements listed above they are registered at the Stock Exchange and then satisfied (or rejected) by the Underwriter at the Stock Exchange in compliance with Issuer’s resolution (as stipulated above). Bonds sold at placement are transferred by NSD to depot accounts of bonds buyers on the date of Bonds sales and purchase transaction. For completion of Bonds sales and purchase transaction at their placement the potential buyer shall open a correspondent depot account in NSD performing centralized storage of Bonds or in a Depositary in advance (prior to Bonds placement start date). Procedure and period of opening of depot accounts are determined by the provisions of correspondent depositary charters. Change and/or termination of contracts concluded at Bonds placement is effected on the grounds and according to the procedure set forth by Chapter 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

For documentary securities with mandatory centralized storage the procedure for making a credit entry on depot accounts of first holders in the depositary performing centralized storage of such securities. Credit entry on depot account of first buyer in NSD is made as based on the information received from clearing company servicing the payments under transactions in the process of Bonds placement by the market-maker (the Stock Exchange) (hereinafter – the Clearing Company), the Bonds placed are attributed by NSD to depot accounts of buyers of Bonds in compliance with the terms of clearing activities of the Clearing company and the terms of depositary activity of NSD. First holders of bonds shall bear all expenses connected with credit entries of placed bonds to the depot accounts of the Depositary (providing centralised storage of Bonds).

2.8 Target Group of Subscribers for Equity Securities Offered For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Information on the Prospective Buyers of the Securities being placed. Bonds are placed through public offering. Target group of potential buyers of Bonds is not limited. Non-residents may purchase Bonds in compliance with the current legislation and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.

45 2.9 Procedure for Disclosure of Information on the Results of the Equity Securities Issue

Indicate form, procedure and terms for disclosure of information by the Issuer on start and end of securities placement, the placing price (procedure for determining the price) of securities, state registration of the report on results of issue (additional issue) of securities or presentation of notification on the results of issue (additional issue) of securities to the registering authority.

The Issuer discloses information at each stage of securities issue according to the procedure set forth by the Federal Law on Securities Market, Federal Law on Joint-Stock companies, and the regulatory acts of the federal body of executive power on securities market in compliance with the procedure and within the terms established by the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus. Where at the time of occurrence of the event which the Issuer shall disclose in accordance with applicable federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market, other procedure and timeline for disclosure of such fact is prescribed than the procedure and timeline provided for in the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus, disclosure of such fact shall be made using the procedure and timeline stipulated by federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market as effective at the time of occurrence of the event. To disclose information on the webpage the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage provided by one of securities market information distributors, and if the securities of the Issuer are included on the list of securities allowed for trade, the organizer of trade on the securities market provided the information is published on any webpage beyond the Internet webpage provided by one of the information distributors on the securities market, the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage whose address includes domain name owned by the Issuer – Disclosure of information on the Internet webpage is carried out in compliance with the requirements set forth by the federal executive authority on securities market. Here and further on the information disclosure “on the Internet webpage” means disclosure of information on the Internet webpage, provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market – http://www.e- ,, and on the Internet webpage, whose address includes the domain name owned by the Issuer –

a) Information concerning adoption of resolution on placement of bonds by the Issuer’s authorized body is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice in compliance with regulatory acts of the federal executive authority for securities market. Disclosure of information is effected within the following terms: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (one) day from the date of the minutes of Issuer’s authorized body meeting where the decision on placement of bonds is made; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the date of the minutes of Issuer’s authorized body meeting where the decision on placement of bonds is made. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

b) Information concerning approval of resolution on placement of securities by the Issuer’s authorized body is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice in compliance with regulatory acts of the federal executive authority for securities market. Disclosure of information is effected within the following terms: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (one) day from the date of the minutes of Issuer’s authorized body meeting where the decision on approval of the decision on issue of securities is made; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the date of the minutes of Issuer’s authorized body meeting where the decision on approval of decision on issue of securities is made. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

a) Information concerning state registration of issue of bonds is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice in compliance with regulatory acts of the federal executive authority for securities market. Disclosure of information is effected within the following terms from the date of publication of information on state registration of the issue of securities of the Issuer on the Internet webpage of the registration authority or receipt of written notification by the Issuer from the registration authority concerning state registration of the issue of securities by post, fax or electronic communication, or delivery by hand, whichever date occurs earlier: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day;

46 – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days; At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

d) Not later than 2 (two) days from the date of publication of information on state registration of the issue of securities of the Issuer on the Internet webpage of the registration body or from receipt by the Issuer of written notification from the registration body concerning state registration of the issue of securities by mail, fax or electronic communication, delivery by hand, depending on which date comes earliest, the Issuer shall publish the text of registered Prospectus and the decision on issue of securities on the Internet webpage. On posting the information on the Resolution on issue of securities on the Internet webpage, the state registration number of the issue of securities, date of its state registration and name of the registration body, that has performed state registration of the issue of securities shall be included. Text of registered Resolution on issue of securities shall be available in the Internet from the date of expiry of the period set forth by regulatory legal acts of the federal body of executive power on securities market for its publication in the Internet and if it was published in the Internet after the expiry of such period – from the date of its publication in the Internet and prior to redemption of Bonds. When publishing the text of the Prospectus of Securities on the Internet page one should indicate the state registration number of the additional issue of securities in relation to which the Prospectus of Securities is registered, the date of its registration and the name of the registering authority that has conducted the registration of the Prospectus of Securities. Text of registered Prospectus shall be available in the Internet from the date of expiry of the period set forth by regulatory legal acts of the federal body of executive power on securities market for its publication in the Internet and if it was published in the Internet after the expiry of such period – from the date of its publication in the Internet and prior to redemption of Bonds.

e) All interested persons may familiarize themselves with the Resolution on Issuer of Securities and the Prospectus and acquire their copies at a price not exceeding the costs of their production at the following address: 117393, Russia, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51. Telephone number: (495) 225-32-32, Fax number: (495) 225-37-37 Address of the Internet webpage presented by one of the distributors of information at the securities market: Address of Issuer’s webpage: The Issuer shall provide copies of above mentioned documents to the owners of securities of the Issuer and other interested persons upon their request at a price not exceeding the costs of production of such copy within not more than 7 (Seven) days from the date of such request specified. The bank details of current account (accounts) of the Issuer used to pay the costs of production of copies of the documents mentioned herein and amount (method of determining the amount) of such costs shall be posted by the Issuer on the Internet webpage.

f) disclosure of information on early redemption of Bonds upon Issuer’s discretion: A) The possibility of early redemption of Bonds during their circulation period upon Issuer’s discretion is determined by the decision of the issuer prior to the date of Bonds placement. 1 The notification on adoption of decision by the Issuer on the possibility of early redemption of Bonds upon Issuer’s discretion is disclosed in the form on corporate action notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from date of adoption of the decision on the possibility of early redemption of Bonds and not later than 1 (One) day precedent to the start date of Bonds placement; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) day from date of adoption of the decision on the possibility of early redemption of Bonds and not later than 1 (One) day precedent to the start date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. This notification among other information shall also include the procedure for adoption of decision on early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer; terms and procedure for disclosure of information on adoption of the decision on early redemption of Bonds; number of coupon period on the end date of which early redemption of Bonds upon Issuer’s discretion is possible. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange and NSD about the decision on the possibility of early redemption not later than 2 (the second) working day after the date of adoption of such decision.

47 2 Information on adoption of decision by the Issuer on early redemption of Bonds is published by the Issuer in the form of corporation action notice within the following terms from the date of decision on early redemption the Bonds: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. This notice among other information shall also include the redemption cost, terms, procedure for early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer. The Issuer shall inform the Stock Exchange and NSD on the decisions made, including the possibility, date and conditions of early redemption of Bonds upon Issuer’s discretion not later than on the 2 (second) working day from the date of the corresponding decision.

B) The notice on adoption by the Issuer of the decision on partial early redemption of Bonds on the end date of the next coupon bond period(s) is published in the form of corporate action notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from date of adoption of the decision on partial early redemption of Bonds on the end date of the next coupon bond period(s) and not later than the day precedent to the start date of Bonds placement; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (One) day from date of adoption of the decision on partial early redemption of Bonds on the end date of the next coupon bond period(s) and not later than the day precedent to the start date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. This notice among other information shall include the number of coupon bond period on the end date of which the Issuer performs early redemption of a certain part of face value of Bonds, as well as Percentage of face value subject to redemption on the end date of the given coupon bond period(s). The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange and NSD about the decisions adopted not later than 2 (the second) working day after the date of adoption of such decision.

C) The Issuer has the right to make a decision on early redemption of Bonds on the date of i-coupon period (i < 20), precedent to coupon period with interest rate to be determined after state registration of the Report on the results of securities issue or presentation of the Notice on the results of securities issue in the registration authority. The information on adoption of Issuer’s decision on early redemption of Bonds is published by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following terms: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the date of adoption of the decision on early redemption of Bonds and not later than 14 days precedent to the date of Bonds early redemption; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (two) days from the date of adoption of the decision on early redemption of Bonds and not later than 14 days precedent to the date of Bonds early redemption; At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. This notice among other information shall also include the redemption cost, terms, procedure for early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange about the decisions adopted not later than the 2 (second) working day after the date of adoption of such decision. The Issuer shall also send a notification to NSD on the Issuer’s decision on early redemption of Bonds on the end date of this coupon period not later than 14 (fourteen) days prior to end date of coupon period on the end date of which early redemption of Bonds is performed upon Issuer’s discretion.

g) Information on commencement date of bonds placement is published by the Issuer in the form of a notice on commencement date of placement within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the opening date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. Commencement date of bonds placement determined by the authorized management body of the Issuer may be changed by the decision of the same management body of the Issuer provided the requirements of disclosure procedure of information on the change of commencement date of bonds placement determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Resolution on Issuer of Securities and the Prospectus are met. In case the Issuer has decided to change the start date of securities placement disclosed in compliance with the procedure specified above, the Issuer is obliged to publish a report concerning the alteration of the start date of securities placement in the news bulletin and on the Internet page not later than 1 (one) day prior to such date.

48 The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange of the decisions made not later than 1 (one) day from the date of adoption of the decision on the procedure for Bonds placement by the Issuer’s sole executive body and not later than five days prior to start date of Bonds placement.

h) Disclosure of information on the placement procedure and election of Underwriter: 1) Before start date of Bonds placement the Issuer makes a decision on the procedure for securities placement (placement of Bonds in the form of tender or placement by way of bookbuilding for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period). Notice on adoption of decision on the procedure of securities placement by the Issuer is published in the form of corporate action notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the date of adoption of the decision on the procedure for Bonds placement by the Issuer’s sole executive body and not later than one day prior to start date of Bonds placement; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the date of adoption of the decision on the procedure for Bonds placement by the Issuer’s sole executive body and not later than one day prior to start date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange of the decisions made not later than 1 (one) day from the date of adoption of the decision on the procedure for Bonds placement by the Issuer’s sole executive body and not later than five days prior to start date of Bonds placement.

2) Prior to placement start date the Issuer discloses information of the person appointed Underwriter, to whom the Participants of tender of SE MICE shall address their requests for purchase of bonds in the course of bookbuilding for Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for first coupon period on bonds placement start date. The Issuer discloses such information within the following terms:

– in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement;

– on the Internet webpage – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the opening date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange on the decisions made not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement.

i) If the Issuer and/or Underwriter intends to conclude preliminary contracts with potential buyers of Bonds including the liability to conclude main contract aimed at carve-out of placed securities to them in the future, with them or with a bidder acting for them, the Issuer discloses the following information:

On the time period for sending an offer from potential buyers of bonds with a proposal to make Preliminary Contracts The Issuer discloses the information on the time period for sending offers with proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract in the form of corporate action notice within the following period from the date of adoption of such decision by the authorized management body of the Issuer: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The information provided shall include the form of offer from potential buyer with a proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract and the procedure and term for sending such offers. The end date of period for sending offers from potential buyers for conclusion of Preliminary Contracts initially established by the resolution of the Issuer’s management authority may be changed by the Issuer’s Management authority. The information on this fact is disclosed in the form of corporate action notice within the following period from the date of adoption of the resolution of change of period for sending offers from potential buyers for conclusion of Preliminary Contracts: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

On expiry of period for sending offers from potential buyers of bonds with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract 49 Information on expiry of period for sending offers from potential buyers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of corporate action notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than the day following the date of expiry of the period for sending offers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract; – On the Internet web page not later than 2 (Two) days following the date of expiry of the period for sending offers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

j) If the Issuer adopts a decision on placement of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period, the Issuer also adopts the decision on establishing the coupon rate for the first coupon period. Value of coupon rate for first coupon period is determined by the Issuer not later than 1 (One) day prior to start date of Bonds placement. Notice of coupon rate for first coupon period established by the Issuer is published in the form of corporate actions notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the date of establishment of coupon rate of first coupon period by the sole executive body of the Issuer and not later than one day prior to start date of Bonds placement; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (One) day from the date of establishment of coupon rate of first coupon period by the sole executive body of the Issuer and not later than one day prior to start date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange of coupon rate for first coupon period not later than 1 (One) day prior to start date of Bonds placement.

k) In case the Issuer takes a decision on placement of Bonds in the Tender – the information concerning the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period of Bonds established by the Issuer’s authorized management body as a result of tender is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice in compliance with regulatory acts of the federal executive authority for securities market. Disclosure of information is effected within the following terms: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the date of approval of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period of the Bonds by the authorized management body of the Issuer; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the date of approval of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period of the Bonds by the authorized management body of the Issuer; At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. In addition the Underwriter publishes the notice on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period on the start date of placement using the trading system by sending an email message to all bidders.

l) Information on beginning and end of securities placement is disclosed as follows: 1) The notice on beginning of Bonds placement is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the start date of Bonds placement: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. In case the Issuer discloses a notice on start date of placement (change of start date of placement) of securities in compliance with the requirements of the Regulation on disclosure of information by issuers of equity securities approved by the Order of FSMC of Russia No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011, the disclosure on corporate action notice on the beginning of placement of securities is not required.

2) The notice regarding the end of Bonds placement is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the end date of Bonds placement: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

m) Information on state registration of the report on securities issue results is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the period from the date of publication of the information on state registration of the report on securities issue results on the Internet webpage of the registering authority or from the date of receipt of written notification of the registration authority by the Issuer regarding state registration of the report on the results of securities issue by means of post, fax, electronic communication, delivery by hand, whichever is earlier: 50 – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

n) Information on presentation of notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority is disclosed in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the date of presentation (sending) of notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the date of presentation (sending) of notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

In case the Bonds were included in the quotation list at placement, the Issuer shall provide to SE MICEX a copy of notification on the results of issue of Bonds in the issue not later than on the next day from the moment of presentation of such notification to the federal executive authority on securities market.

o) Within the period of not more than 2 (Two) days from the date of publication of information on state registration of the report on the results of securities issue by the Issuer on the Internet webpage of the registration authority or from the date of receipt of written notice from the registration authority on state registration of the report on the results of securities issue by the Issuer or presentation of a notification on the results of securities issue, the Issuer shall publish the text of registered report on the results of securities issue/ text of notification on the results of securities issue presented to the registration authority, on the Internet webpage. The text of the registered report on securities issue/notification on the results of securities issue presented to the registration authority, shall be available on the Internet webpage from the date of its disclosure on the Internet webpage to the expiry of Bonds circulation period.

p) All interested persons may familiarize themselves with the report on the results of securities issue or the notification on the results of securities issue presented to the registration authority and acquire a correspondent copy at the following address: 117393, Russia, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51.

Telephone number: (495) 225-32-32, Fax number: (495) 225-37-37 Address of Issuer’s webpage: Address of the Internet webpage provided by one of the distributors of information at the securities market:

q) Information on fulfillment of Issuer’s liabilities concerning redemption/early redemption/partial early redemption of face value of Bonds and/or payment of income on them is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the date of fulfillment by the Issuer of the liability for redemption/early redemption/partial early redemption of face value of Bonds and/or payment of interest on them; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the date of fulfillment by the Issuer of the liability for redemption/early redemption/partial early redemption of face value of Bonds and/or payment of interest on them; At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

r) In case of failure to fulfill or inadequate fulfillment of liabilities on the Bonds by the Issuer (including default or technical default), the Issuer publishes information on failure to fulfill or inadequate fulfillment of liabilities to holders of Bonds, which includes: – Scope of outstanding commitments; – Cause of failure to fulfill the liabilities; – List of possible actions for holders of Bonds to satisfy their requirements. The information specified is published by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of failure to fulfill or inadequate fulfillment of the Issuer’s liabilities on Bonds: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

51 s) The information on appointment of paying agents and/or Bonds purchasing agents and cancelling such appointments is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of making such appointments or their cancellation: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. In the notice on appointment/cancellation of bonds purchasing agents full and abbreviated corporate names, locations and postal address of the appointed Bonds purchasing agent, number and date of license authorizing performance of such functions of Bonds purchasing agent, and licensing authority, as well as start (end) date for performance of agent’s functions by this person.

t) Prior to Bonds placement start date the Issuer may make a decision on rates or order to determine coupon rates in the form of a formula with variables with values changing at Issuer’s discretion, from one coupon period to another beginning with the second and until the i-coupon period (i = 2, 3...20). In case the Issuer takes no such decision in respect of some coupon period (j-coupon period), the Issuer shall undertake to purchase Bonds at requests of their holders filed in the course of the last 5 (Five) days of the coupon period last preceding to j-coupon period, where coupon value or the procedure for determining the coupon interest rate in the form of formula with variables, whose values may not change upon Issuer’s own discretion are determined by the Issuer after state registration of the report on results of securities issue or presentation of a notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority. If the value of coupon rates or the procedure for determining coupon value is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body after state registration of the results of securities issue or presentation of a notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority simultaneously over several coupon periods, the issue shall purchase Bonds at requirements of their holders filed over the last 5 (Five) days of the coupon period precedent to the coupon period over which the Issuer determines the above mentioned coupon rates or the procedure for determining the coupon rates simultaneously with other coupon periods, whichever is earlier. Purchase of bonds prior to other coupon periods over which such value or the procedure to determine the value of coupon interest on Bonds, is not required in this case. This information, including serial number of bonds, interest rate or the procedure for determining interest rate for which is established by the Issuer prior to start date of Bonds placement, as well as serial number of coupon period (j-1) in which the holders of Bonds can request purchase of Bonds by the Issuer, is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice not later than 1 (One) day prior to Bonds placement start date and within the following period from the moment of adoption of the correspondent decision by the authorized management body of the Issuer which has adopted such decision: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The issuer notifies the stock exchange of the decisions adopted, including the rates determined or the procedure for determining the rates not later than 1 (One) day prior to start date of Bonds placement.

The information on the rates or the order of the coupon rates calculation determined by the Issuer after state registration of the report on bond issue results or submission of a notice on bond issue results to the registering authority beginning from the second is disclosed in the form of action notice not later than 5 (Five) days before the date of the beginning of the j-coupon bond period and within the following periods of time from the date of adoption of the Resolution on the Percentage rate (rates) or the order of coupon rate (rates) calculation: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days; The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange on decisions adopted, including the established rates or the procedure for determining rates not later than 5 (Five) days from the end date (j-1)-coupon period (period over which the interest rate of j-coupon and other coupons is determined).

u) In case the decision on purchase of bonds is taken by the Issuer as agreed upon with their holder (holders), including purchase based on irrevocable public offers, the notification on the corresponding decision is disclosed in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of drawing up the minutes of the Issuer’s authorized body meeting, where the Issuer takes a decision on purchase of Bonds, but not later than 7 (Seven) days prior to the start date of period of acceptance of proposal to purchase Bonds: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. 52

Such notice includes the following information: – Date of decision on purchase (redemption) of Bonds; – Series and form of Bonds, state registration number and date of state registration of Bonds issue; – number of Bonds purchased; – Period during which the holder of Bonds may transfer to the agent of the Issuer the written notification indicating its intention to transfer to the Issuer a certain number of Bonds based on the terms established in the Issuer’s decision to purchase Bonds and provided in the notice published regarding purchase of Bonds. – Start date of Bonds purchase by the Issuer; – End date of Bonds purchase; – Price for purchase of Bonds or procedure for determining this price; – Procedure for purchase of Bonds; – Form and time of payment; – Name of authorized agent of the Issuer to purchase (redeem) the Bonds, its location, information on details of its license of professional securities market participant. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

v) Information on performance of liabilities for purchase of Bonds by the Issuer (including the number of purchase Bonds) is disclosed in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the date of purchase of Bonds/end date of the established period for purchase of Bonds; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the date of purchase of Bonds/end date of the established period of Bonds purchase. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

w) Not later than 10 (Ten) working days prior to date of bonds purchase upon request from the holders the Issuer may take a decision on appointment of another person to fulfill the functions of the purchasing agent.

The issuer discloses this information in the form of a corporate action notice within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange on the decisions made not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase. The notice shall include full and abbreviated corporate names, locations and postal address of the appointed Bonds purchasing agent, number and date of license authorizing performance of such functions of Bonds purchasing agent, and licensing authority, as well as start (end) date for performance of agent’s functions by this person.

y) disclosure of information on early redemption of Bonds upon request from holders: The Issuer shall publish the following information during 1 (One) day in the news bulletin and during 2 (Two) days on the Internet webpage from the date of the event enabling holders of Bonds to submit Bonds for early redemption: – Name of event enabling the holders of Bonds to request early redemption of Bonds; – Date of the event; – Possible actions to be taken by holders of Bonds to fulfill their requests for early redemption of Bonds. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. After early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer the correspondent information on redemption of Bonds is published by the Issuer.

The above mentioned information (including the number of Bonds redeemed) is published in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the end date of early redemption deadline: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. 53

The Issuer publishes information on origin and (or) termination of the right for holders of issuer’s bonds to request early redemption of their held Bonds in the form, following the procedure and within the terms established by the regulatory legal acts for the procedure of information disclosure in securities market applicable as of the date of such event.

y) In case during the period of placement the Issuer takes a decision to introduce changes and/or amendments to the Resolution on securities issue and/or the Prospectus and/or in case the Issuer receives a written request (instruction, decisions) from the state authority authorized in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to take a decision to close securities placement (hereinafter – the Authority), the issuer shall close Bonds placement and publish a Notice on closing of Bonds placement. Notice on closing of Bonds placement shall be published by the Issuer within the following period from the date of drawing up the minutes (date of expiry of the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for drawing up the minutes of the session (meeting) of the authorized management body of the Issuer, where the decision on introduction of changes and/or supplements to the Resolution on securities issue and/or the Prospectus, and if the conditions established by the decision on securities placement are changed, – from the date of drawing up the minutes (date of expiry of the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for drawing up the minutes) of the session (meeting of the authorized management body of the Issuer or on the date the Issuer receives a written request (instruction, order) of the authorized body on closing Bonds placement by way of post, fax, electronic communication, delivery by hand, whichever is earlier: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the above mentioned date; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the above mentioned date. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

z) After registration of changes and/or amendments to the Resolution on securities placement and/or the Prospectus during the period of securities placement, adoption of the decision on refusal to register such changes and/or amendments, or receipt within the securities placement period of a written notice (instruction, resolution) of the authorized body on permission to resume placement of securities (termination of grounds for closing the placement of securities), the Issuer shall publish the notice on resumed placement of securities. The notice of resumed offering for securities shall be published by the Issuer within the following timeline from the date of the disclosure in respect of registration of amendments and/or alterations to the Resolution on the Additional Issue of Securities and/or the Prospectus or refusal to register such amendments and/or alterations on the website of the registering authority, or from the date of Issuer’s receipt of registering body’s written notice of registration of such amendments and/or alterations to the Resolution on the Additional Issue of Securities and/or the Prospectus or notice of refusal to register such amendments and/or alterations, or from the date of Issuer’s receipt from the Competent Authority of a written notice (order, ruling) authorizing the Issuer to resume the offering of the securities (notice of termination of causes for suspension of offering of securities) by post, fax or electronic communication, or delivery by hand, whichever is earlier: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the above mentioned date; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the above mentioned date. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

a1) In case of registration of amendments to the Resolution on issue of securities and (or) Prospectus, the Issuer shall publish the text of registered amendments to the Resolution on issue of securities and (or) Prospectus on the Issuer’s website within a period of 2 days maximum from the date of posting the information on registration of these amendments on the website of the registering authority, or from the date of Issuer’s receipt of a written notice from the registering authority on registration of these amendments by post, fax or e-mail, or delivery by hand, whichever is earlier. With the text of amendments to the Resolution on issue of securities and (or) Prospectus posted on the Internet webpage, the date of state registration of these amendments and the registering authority’s name that has performed their state registration shall be also included therein. The text of registered amendments to the Resolution on issue of securities shall be made available on the Internet website from the expiry date of the period provided for by the Provision on Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Securities approved by order of FSFM of Russia No. 11-46/pz-n dated 04.10.2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Provision) for its posting on the Internet, or if this text is posted in the Internet after the expiry of this period – from the date of its posting in the Internet and before the expiry of the period

54 provided for by the Provision on access to the text of the registered Resolution on issue of securities on the Internet. The text of registered amendments to the Prospectus shall be made available on the Internet website from the expiry date of the period provided for its posting on the Internet, or, if the Prospectus is posted after the expiry of this period, from the date of its posting on the Internet and before the expiry of the period provided for by the Provision on access to the registered Prospectus text on the Internet.

b1) 1) If placement of securities of the Issuer closes due to adoption of the decision by the registration authority to close issue of securities, the information on closing the placement of securities will be disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice. Notification on closing the placement of Bonds shall be published by the Issuer within the following period from the date of publication of information regarding closing of securities issue on the Internet webpage of the registration authority or the date of receipt of written notice from the registration authority on closing the issue of securities by the Issuer by way of post, fax, electronic communication, delivery by hand, depending on which is earlier: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the above mentioned date; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the above mentioned date. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

2) If placement of securities of the Issuer resumes due to adoption of the decision by the registration authority to resume issue of securities, the information on resuming the placement of securities will be disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice. Notification on resuming the placement of securities shall be published by the Issuer within the following period from the date of publication of information regarding resuming of securities issue on the Internet webpage of the registration authority or the date of receipt of written notice from the registration authority on resuming the issue of securities by the Issuer by way of post, fax, electronic communication, delivery by hand, depending on which is earlier: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from the above mentioned date; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from the above mentioned date. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. Issue of securities shall not be resumed prior to publication of a notice on resuming issue of securities in the news bulletin and on the Internet webpage.

c1) In case of change of market maker on securities market the transactions on purchase of Bonds to be concluded over, the Issuer shall publish the information on the new market maker on securities market the transactions on purchase of Bonds to be concluded over. This information shall include: – Full and abbreviated name of the market maker on securities market; – Location, telephone number, fax number; – License details: Number, date of issue, validity term, issuing authority; – Procedure of purchase of Bonds in compliance with market maker regulations. Disclosure of information is achieved by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of adoption of the decision to change the market maker on securities market the transactions on purchase of Bonds to be concluded over: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

Texts of the aforementioned notices shall be available on the Internet during the period established by the regulatory legal acts of the federal executive authority on securities market applicable as of the date of the event, and if it is published on the Internet following the expiration of such period – from the date of its publication on the Internet.

If the Issuer shall make disclosures by means of a quarterly report and notices on material facts (events, actions) that have an effect on its financial and business activity, such circumstance is indicated: The Issuer shall make disclosures by means of a quarterly report and notices on material facts (events, actions) that have an effect on its financial and business operations.

The Issuer shall provide copies of above mentioned documents to the owners of securities of the Issuer and other interested persons upon their request at a price not exceeding the costs of production of such copy within not more than 7 (Seven) days from the date of such request specified. 55 The bank details of current account (accounts) of the Issuer used to pay the costs of production of copies of the documents mentioned herein and amount (method of determining the amount) of such costs shall be posted by the Issuer on the Internet webpage.

In case the securities are placed by the joint-stock company by way of offering, where the preemptive right to purchase the placed securities arises for some persons, indicate the procedure for disclosure of information by the Issuer on the results of exercising of preemptive right to acquire securities. is not the case.

56 III Disclosure in Respect of the Financial and Operational Position of the Issuer

3.1 Financial and Economic Performance of the Issuer

Dynamics of indicators characterizing financial and economic activity of the Issuer over the 5 last completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years, as well as over the last completed reporting period before the date of approval of the Prospectus (the information is provided in tabular form, the indicators are calculated as of the end date of each completed financial year and as of the end date of the last completed reporting period before the Prospectus approval date). If the issuer draws up accounting (financial) statements in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS, calculation of the parameters characterizing liquidity of the issuer at issuer’s discretion is performed in compliance with IFRS or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS with indication of standards (rules) used as guidance for calculation of the above mentioned parameters. In case besides the accounting (financial) statement the issuer draws up accounting (consolidated financial) report, the dynamics of parameters characterizing liquidity of the issuer may be attached, calculation of which is based on accounting (consolidated financial) report of the issuer, and this circumstance shall be indicated. The issuers that are not credit companies provide the following parameters of their financial and economic activity:

In connection with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 186n dated December 24, 2010, some amendments that came into force in 2011 and lead to amendments of the company’s accounting policy in 2011, were introduced into regulatory acts of the accounting policy. Detailed description of these amendments to the Issuer’s accounting policy for 2011 is given in clause 2.17, section II “Accounting policy” of the Explanatory note to the Issuer’s accounting statements prepared in accordance with RAS for 2011 (see Appendix No. 1 to this Prospectus).

After preparation of the annual accounting statements for 2011, the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 66n dated July 2, 2010 On Forms of the Accounting Statements of the Companies, in accordance with which the Company’s accounting indicators are reflected for the three reporting dates (December 31, 2011, December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009) and the indicators of the profit and loss report are reflected for the two periods (2010 and 2011) Thus, some indicators of the company’s accounting balance as of December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009 as well as the profit and loss report for 2010 were represented with retrospective adjustments caused by amendments in the Issuer’s accounting policy for 2011. Detailed description of these amendments to the Issuer’s accounting policy for 2011 is given in clause 2.17, section II “Accounting policy” of the Explanatory note to the Issuer’s accounting statements prepared in accordance with RAS for 2011 (see Appendix No. 1 to this Prospectus).

In connection with this fact, the data of the audited accounting statements for the corresponding period are used herein for the purpose of analyzing the Issuer’s financial and economical activity for 2007– 2009. At the same time the comparative date for 2010 included in the audited accounting statements of the Issuer prepared in accordance with RAS for 2011 were used for 2010. Thus the basis for calculation of analytical indicators for 2007–2009 differ from the basis for calculation of respective indicators for 2010– 2011. Correspondingly, the information on the Issuer’s financial position contained in sections III, IV, V and VIII of this Prospectus for 2010 and as of December 31, 2010 corresponds in all essential aspects to the comparative data for 2010 reflected in the Issuer’s audited accounting statements prepared in accordance with RAS for 2011 since they were prepared on the basis of comparative data for 2010 and as of December 31, 2010 contained in the Issuer’s accounting statements prepared in accordance with RAS for 2011.

57 Indicator 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 half* 2012 Workforce productivity, thousands of roubles per worker 137,719 11,744 15,203 16,955 16,441 7,724 Debt ratio to equity capital 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.23 0.27 Ratio of the amount of long- term debt to the sum of long- term debt and equity capital 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.14 Debt coverage by current earnings (profit)

–0.05 0.27 0.21 0.15 0.42 0.98 Overdue debt, per cent

0 0 0 0 0 0 *within the current Prospectus “half” is also used to indicate “half year” time period

If an indicator is calculated using a method different from the recommended one, description of such method is provided. If calculation of any of the given indicators, according to issuer’s opinion, has no evident economic sense, such indicator may be replaced by another indicator characterizing financial and economic activity of the issuer, including description of the corresponding calculation method. Besides the given indicators the issuer may use additional indicators characterizing its financial and economic activity, including description of corresponding calculation methods for such indicators. Analysis of financial and economic activity of the issuer based on economic analysis of behaviour of the given indicators is provided.

Workforce productivity indicator shows the amount of earnings per worker. Over the periods being considered the highest level of the indicator was reached in 2007 and it was equal to 137,719 thousand roubles per worker. A significant decrease in the indicator was due to reorganization of the Issuer in the form of takeover of subsidiaries and affiliates (S&A) as of January 9, 2008 (manpower growth). In 2009 the indicator grew 1.3 times as compared to 2008, in 2010 the indicator grew 1.1 times as compared to 2009, and in 2011 the indicator was practically equal to that in 2010, in the first half of 2012 it equaled 7,724 thousand roubles per worker. The indicator for 1 st half of 2012 is nonrepresentational in comparison with annual indicators since the earnings received for the half-year period is accounted for. Compared to 1 st half of 2012 the indicator value decreased (8,482 thousand roubles per worker in 1 st half of 2011) due to insignificant decrease of earnings and growth of average manpower. Decrease of earnings from sale (and as a result decrease of net profit) occurred due to absence of investment component in capacity price in 2012. Growth of average manpower resulted from expansion of activity.

Debt-to-Capital ratio and long-term debt to the sum of long-term debt and equity capital ratio indicate the share of raised borrowed funds in the total amount of funds invested in the company. The share of borrowed funds in 2008 as against 2007 decreased. A significant decrease in the indicator was due to reorganization of the Issuer: the equity capital increased as a result of acquisition of subsidiaries and affiliates. The share of borrowed funds in 2009 also decreased as compared to 2008. The share of borrowed funds in 2010, 2011 and first half of 2012 increased as compared to 2009. The growth was stipulated by issuing euro bonds and bonded loans for financing of the Issuer’s investment program.

The debt coverage by current earnings (profit) indicates what volume of current obligations can be covered by available or anticipated monetary assets. This indicator sustainably grows over the period under consideration which is caused by increasing the issuer’s debt (with coverage of part of short-term obligations by monetary assets). The Short-term obligations o increased in 2008 due to reorganization of the Issuer through takeover of subsidiaries and affiliates (SA), the merger of both assets and liabilities occurred in that moment (including short-term and long-term liabilities). However over the period under consideration this 58 indicator does not exceed 0.45. The indicator for 1st half of 2012 is nonrepresentational in comparison with annual indicators since the earnings received for the half-year period is accounted for.

Over the entire period of the analysis the level of overdue debt of the Issuer equals to zero.

On the whole, the analysis of solvency indicators proves that the financial position of the Issuer during the period under consideration appeared stable. The Issuer is capable of covering its liabilities by due dates.

3.2 Market Capitalization of the Issuer

For the issuers representing open Joint-Stock companies whose ordinary shares are included in the list of securities admitted for trading with the market maker at the securities market, the information on market capitalization of the Issuer over the 5 last completed financial years or per each completed financial year is the issuer has been active for less than 5 years, indicating the corresponding market maker at the securities market and information on market capitalization as of the end date of each financial year and as of the end date of the last completed reporting period prior to Prospectus approval date. The market capitalization is calculated as a sum of the number of shares with corresponding category (type) by the market value of one share disclosed by the organizer of trade in the securities market and determined in compliance with Procedure for Determining Market Price of Securities, Estimated Price of Securities, as well as the Limit of Fluctuations of the Market Price of Securities under Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 10- 65/pz-n dated November 9, 2010 (registered in Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation on November 29, 2010, registry No. 19062). If market price of share may not be determined in compliance with the above mentioned procedure, the Issuer shall describe the method of determination of market price of shares chosen. If the issuer’s share are included in the list of securities admitted to trading with two or more market makers of securities market, the issuer chooses the market maker on the securities market to calculate the market value of shares at its own discretion. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly report for the 1 st quarter of 2008, Quarterly report for Quarter 1, 2009, Quarterly report for Quarter 1, 2010, Quarterly report for Quarter 1, 2011, Quarterly report for Quarter 1, 2012, Quarterly report for Quarter 2, 2012, clause 2.2 of each document

3.3 Issuer’s Liabilities

3.3.1 Borrowed funds and accounts payable

Disclose information on total sum of Issuer’s accounts payable with separate indication of total sum of overdue accounts payable for the last 5 completed financial years, or per each completed financial year if the Issuer has been operating for less than 5 years. This information may be provided in tabular form with values of indicators provided as of the end date of each completed financial year.

59 Indicator 31.12.2007 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.12.2010 31.12.2011 Total amount of burrowed funds 16,265,254 18,636,408 18,048,430 37,210,428 69,206,763 (thousand roubles)

Total amount of overdue accounts 0 0 0 0 0 payable (thousand roubles)

Additionally disclose the structure of Issuer’s accounts payable for the last completed financial year and the last accounting period before the date of approval of the Prospectus. The issuers not representing credit institutions provide information in tabular form, where values of indicators are provided as of end date of the corresponding reporting period.

As of 31.12.2011 Indicator Value, thousands of roubles Long-term borrowed funds 66,687,570 including: credits 31,687,570 Loans excepted for bonded loans 20,000,000 Bonded loans 15,000,000 Short-term borrowed funds 2,519,193 including: credits 2,014,974 Loans excepted for bonded loans 280,719 Bonded loans 223,500 Total amount of overdue accounts payable – including: – credits – Loans excepted for bonded loans – Bonded loans –

As of 30.06.2012 Indicator Value, thousands of roubles Long-term borrowed funds 82,118,707 including: Credits 47,118,707 Loans excepted for bonded loans 20,000,000, Bonded loans 15,000,000 Short-term borrowed funds 4,979,939 including: credits 4,480,789 Loans excepted for bonded loans 275,650 Bonded loans 223,500 Total amount of overdue accounts payable – including: – credits – Loans excepted for bonded loans – Bonded loans –

Disclose information on total sum of Issuer’s accounts payable with separate indication of total sum of overdue accounts payable for the last 5 completed financial years, or per each completed financial year if the Issuer has been operating for less than 5 years. This information may be provided in tabular form with values of indicators provided as of the end date of each completed financial year.

60 Total sum of short-term and long-term accounts payable (with account of other long-term obligations) Indicator 31.12.2007 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.12.2010 31.12.2011

Amount of accounts payable, thousands 1,020,728 12,377,054 11,230,830 8,417,264 52,159,492 of roubles

Total amount of overdue accounts 0 0 0 0 0 payable (thousand roubles)

Additionally disclose the structure of Issuer’s accounts payable for the last completed financial year and the last accounting period before the date of approval of the Prospectus. The issuers not representing credit institutions provide information in tabular form, where values of indicators are provided as of end date of the corresponding reporting period. As of 31.12.2011 Indicator Value, thousands of roubles Over 1 year Under 1 year Total Total amount of accounts payable 754,432 51,405,060 52,159,492 Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0,00 including: Accounts payable to the budget and state non- 0 1,424,896 1,424,896 budgetary funds Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0 Accounts payable to suppliers and contractors 483,694 5,221,289 5,704,983 Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0 Debt to the company’s employees 0 742,468 742,468 Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0 other 270,739 44,016,407 44,287,145 Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0

As of 30.06.2012 Indicator Value, thousands of roubles Over 1 year Under 1 year Total Total amount of accounts payable 755,763 56,336,432 57,092,195 Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0 including: Accounts payable to the budget and state non- 0 2,450,019 2,450,019 budgetary funds Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0 Accounts payable to suppliers and contractors 460,773 5,563,881 6,024,654 Overdue accounts payable 0 0 Debt to the company’s employees 0 202,286 202,286 Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0 other 294,990 48,120,245 48,415,235 Overdue accounts payable 0 0 0

If overdue accounts payable exist, including those for borrowed funds, indicate the reasons for default of payment and the consequences that have resulted or may result in the future for the Issuer from non- performance of the correspondent obligations, including sanctions applied to the Issuer and the period (expected period) of satisfaction of accounts payable. There are no overdue accounts payable.

If Issuer’s accounts payable over the last completed reporting period prior to Prospectus approval date include creditors with a share of not less than 10 per cent of total sum of accounts payable or not less than 10 per cent of the total amount of borrowed (long-term and short-term) funds, the following information describing each of such creditors is provided: Full and abbreviated corporate names (for non-commercial organizations – the name), location, INN (if applicable), OGRN (if applicable) or surname, name, patronymic; Outstanding amount; 61 The amount and terms of overdue accounts payable (interest rate, penalties, fines).

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Sberbank of Russia Location: 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 19 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7707083893 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027700132195 The amount of accounts payable: 40,577,049 thousand roubles Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): None When a Creditor having a share of at least 10 per cent of the total amount of accounts payable or a share of at least 10 per cent of the total amount of borrowed funds (long-term and short-term) is an affiliated entity of the issuer then this circumstance shall be indicated: No, it is not.

Full corporate name: RusHydro Finance Limited Abbreviated corporate name: RusHydro Finance Limited Location: 53 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland The creditor is not a resident of the Russian Federation. The amount of accounts payable: 20,275,410 thousand roubles Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): None When a Creditor having a share of at least 10 per cent of the total amount of accounts payable or a share of at least 10 per cent of the total amount of borrowed funds (long-term and short-term) is an affiliated entity of the issuer then this circumstance shall be indicated: No, it is not.

Full corporate name: Federal Agency for State Property Management Abbreviated name: Rosimuschestvo Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, Nikolsky Lane, 9 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994 The amount of accounts payable: 39,397,711 thousand roubles The amount and terms of overdue accounts payable (interest rate, penalties, fines): none When a Creditor having a share of at least 10 per cent of the total amount of accounts payable or a share of at least 10 per cent of the total amount of borrowed funds (long-term and short-term) is an affiliated entity of the issuer then this circumstance shall be indicated: No, it is not.

As of June 30, 2012 other creditors having a share of at least 10 per cent of the total amount of accounts payable were not available

3.3.2 Credit History of the Issuer

Description of the Issuer’s obligations under credit facility agreements and/or loan agreements effective for the last five completed financial years from the date of Issuer’s state registration in the case, if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years and during the last completed reporting period prior to the date of Prospectus approval with the principal under such agreements being over 5 per cent of the balance sheet assets of the Issuer as of the end date of the latest completed reporting period (quarter, year) preceding the conclusion of the respective agreement in relation of which the submission term of accounting (financial) statements is expired, and obligations under any other credit facility agreements and/or loan agreements which the Issuer deems significant. For each of the obligations stipulated by this item the information on its terms and execution is disclosed in tabular form.

62 Type and identification attributes of a liability Loan Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a JSC MC HydroOGK creditor (lender) Russia, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51 The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 5,000,000 thousand roubles creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last – reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 29.06.2006/ 27.06.2011 (5 years) Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 8.23 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods: 11 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 27.06.2011 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 27.06.2011 Other information on the liability to be designated by the – Issuer at its own discretion

Type and identification attributes of a liability Credit Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a European Bank for Reconstruction and creditor (lender) Development One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN, United Kingdom The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 6,300,000 thousand roubles creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 4,227,273 thousand roubles reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 08.09.2006/ 08.10.2020 (14 years) Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 10.02 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods: 57 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 08.10.2020 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the – Issuer at its own discretion

63 Type and identification attributes of a liability Credit Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a EM Falcon Limited (legal successor of Morgan creditor (lender) Stanley Bank International Limited) 11/12, Warrington Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 3,000,000 thousand roubles creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 1,384,615 thousand roubles reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 13.12.2006/ 13.12.2013 (7 years) Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 8.70 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods: 28 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 13.12.2013 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the The liability arose as a result of assignment of Issuer at its own discretion obligations of the acquired JSC Saratovskaya HPP

Type and identification attributes of a liability Loan notes Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a CF Structured Products B.V. creditor (lender) Locatellikade 1, 1076 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 60,000,000 US Dollars creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 60,000,000 US Dollars reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 15.02.2007/ 15.02.2013 (6 years) Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 10.5 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods: 12 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 15.02.2013 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the The liability arose as a result of assignment of Issuer at its own discretion obligations of the acquired JSC Kaskad NCh HPP

64 Type and identification attributes of a liability Credit Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a EM Falcon Limited (legal successor of Morgan creditor (lender) Stanley Bank International Limited) 11/12, Warrington Place, Dublin 2, Ireland The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 1,500,000 thousand roubles creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 1,500,000 thousand roubles reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 27.04.2007/ 25.04.2014 (7 years) Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year: 8.435 (with due account of concluded transactions, interest swap) Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods 14 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 25.04.2014 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the – Issuer at its own discretion

Type and identification attributes of a liability Loan Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a Rushydro Finance Limited creditor (lender) 53 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 20,000,000 thousand roubles creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 20,000,000 thousand roubles reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 27.10.2010/ 28.10.2015 (5 years) Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 7.875 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods: 10 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 28.10.2015 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the – Issuer at its own discretion

Type and identification attributes of a liability Bonds Series 01 (state registration number and date of registration: 4-01-55038-Е dated September 23, 2010) Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a Bond holders creditor (lender)

65 The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 10,000,000 thousand roubles creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 10,000,000 thousand roubles reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 10 years/ 12.04.2021 Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 8 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods: 20 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 12.04.2021 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the Maturity term of JSC RusHydro’s bonds is Issuer at its own discretion 10 years. These securities can be bought back by a bond acquisition offer at the request of their holders within 5 years from the date of their placement

Type and identification attributes of a liability Bonds Series 02 (state registration number and date of registration: 4-01-55038-Е dated September 23, 2010 Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a Bond holders creditor (lender) The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 5,000,000 thousand roubles creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 5,000,000 thousand roubles reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 10 years/ 12.04.2021 Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 8 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods 20 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 12.04.2021 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the Maturity term of JSC RusHydro’s bonds is Issuer at its own discretion 10 years. These securities can be bought back by a bond acquisition offer at the request of their holders within 5 years from the date of their placement

Type and identification attributes of a liability Credit Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of creditor (lender) Russia, 117997, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 19

66 The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 40,000,000 thousand roubles creation, rub./foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 40,000,000 thousand roubles reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 2 Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 8.25 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods 8 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 12.11.2013 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the – Issuer at its own discretion:

Type and identification attributes of a liability Credit Liability terms and conditions and information on its execution Name and address or surname, name, patronymic name of a Unicredit Bank Austria AG, 1010 Wien, creditor (lender) Schottengasse 6–8, Austria The amount of principal debt as of the date of liability 127,796,550 Euro creation, rub/ foreign currency The amount of principle debt as of the closing date of the last 42,566,769 Euro reporting period until the Prospectus approval date, rub./foreign currency Credit (loan) Term, years 15 years Average interest rate under credit, loan, per cent per year 3.18 % Number of interest-bearing (coupon) periods 60 Presence of delays in payments of credit (loan) interests, if – these are available – the total number of specified delays and their amount in days Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption 28.08.2026 Scheduled term (maturity date) of credit (loan) redemption Has not become due Other information on the liability to be designated by the This credit will be drawn in a period from Issuer at its own discretion: 2012 to 2017

3.3.3 Liabilities of the Issuer under Security Provided to Third Parties

Information on the total amount of the issuer’s liabilities based on provided security and on the total amount of third parties’ liabilities under security provided by the issuer including in the form of pledge or guarantee with due consideration of the issuer’s limited liability under such a third party’s liability basing on the security terms and actual debt balance under this third party’s liability. This information is provided as of the end date of the 5 last completed financial years or as of the end date of each completed financial year, if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years, as well as of the end date of the last completed reported period prior to Prospectus approval date. Thousands of roubles Indicator As of As of As of As of As of As of 31.12.2007 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.12.2010 31.12.2011 30.06.2012 Total amount of liabilities of the Issuer under provided security 15,639,972 19,731,712 23,927,220 14,299,965 38,858,027 42,929,166 Total amount of third persons’ liabilities for which the Issuer 15,639,972 19,731,712 23,927,220 14,299,965 38,858,027 42,929,166 67 Indicator As of As of As of As of As of As of 31.12.2007 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.12.2010 31.12.2011 30.06.2012 provided security to third persons including liens 0 0 0 0 0 0 including surety 15,639,972 19,731,712 23,927,220 14,299,965 38,858,027 42,929,166

Separately disclosed is the information on each of the liabilities of the Issuer under security provided to third persons over the last completed financial year and over the last completed reporting periods prior to the Prospectus approval date, which are at least five per cent of the balance sheet assets of the Issuer as of the end of the latest completed reporting period (quarter, year) preceding the provision of the security, with the indication of: The amount of secured liability of the Issuer (third person) and maturity; Security method, its amount and terms, including the subject of pledge and value, if pledge is chosen as security method, security period; Assessment of risks of failure to perform or improper performance of secured liabilities by third persons with indication of factors that may cause such failure to perform or improper performance, and probability of such factors. No such liabilities arose.

3.3.4 Other Liabilities of the Issuer

Agreements entered into by the Issuer including future transactions and not recorded in its accounting (financial) statements, which may have a material effect on the Issuer’s financial position, liquidity, sources of finance and terms of utilization thereof, operating results and costs. Information on circumstances under which the abovementioned liabilities may cause the said changes and their probability. Information on reasons for Issuer’s entering into such agreements, Issuer’s expected return from such agreements and reasons for not reporting such agreements in the Issuer’s accounting (financial) balance sheet. There are no other liabilities, unreported in the accounting statements of the Issuers prepared in accordance with RAS, which may have a material effect on the Issuer’s financial position, liquidity, sources of finance and terms of utilization thereof, operating results and costs. 3.4 Purposes of Issue and Utilization of Proceeds from Issue of Equity Securities

In case of placement of securities by way of offering the aims of emission and directions for use of the funds received as a result of securities placement are indicated. In case of placement of securities by the issuer aimed at financing of a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or another operation, the following information is provided: Description of the transaction or another operation which the issue of securities is aimed at; Aims of usage of funds received from securities placement; Contemplated price (value) of the transaction (interrelated transactions) or another operation; Returns on investments made on the basis of anticipated financial flows throughout the period of securities circulation. In case of borrowings by state or municipal unitary enterprise provide information on coordination of the volume and direction of usage of funds received as a result of securities placement, with the authorized government body indicating the name of such government body, date and number of the correspondent decision. Bonds Series 07 Purpose of the issue: Raising additional funds. Utilization of proceeds from the issue of securities: The Issuer intends to use the proceeds from the issue of bonds to finance its current and investment activity. The Issuer does not offer securities for the purpose of financing a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or any other operation (acquisition of assets necessary to manufacture certain products (goods, works, services); acquisition of partnership interests in the authorized capital (Joint-Stock) (shares) of any other company; reduction or redemption of payables or any other liabilities of the Issuer).

Bonds Series 08 68 Purpose of the issue: Raising additional funds. Utilization of proceeds from the issue of securities: The Issuer intends to use the proceeds from the issue of bonds to finance its current and investment activity. The Issuer does not offer securities for the purpose of financing a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or any other operation (acquisition of assets necessary to manufacture certain products (goods, works, services); acquisition of partnership interests in the authorized capital (Joint-Stock) (shares) of any other company; reduction or redemption of payables or any other liabilities of the Issuer).

Bonds Series 09 Purpose of the issue: Raising additional funds. Utilization of proceeds from the issue of securities: The Issuer intends to use the proceeds from the issue of bonds to finance its current and investment activity. The Issuer does not offer securities for the purpose of financing a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or any other operation (acquisition of assets necessary to manufacture certain products (goods, works, services); acquisition of partnership interests in the authorized capital (Joint-Stock) (shares) of any other company; reduction or redemption of payables or any other liabilities of the Issuer).

Bonds Series 10 Purpose of the issue: Raising additional funds. Utilization of proceeds from the issue of securities: The Issuer intends to use the proceeds from the issue of bonds to finance its current and investment activity. The Issuer does not offer securities for the purpose of financing a certain transaction (interrelated transactions) or any other operation (acquisition of assets necessary to manufacture certain products (goods, works, services); acquisition of partnership interests in the authorized capital (Joint-Stock) (shares) of any other company; reduction or redemption of payables or any other liabilities of the Issuer).

3.5 Risks Related to Acquisition of Offered (Issued) Equity Securities

Provide detailed analysis of risks related to acquisition of offered equity securities, including, but not limited to: industry risks, country and regional risks, financial risks, legal risks, operations risks. Description of Issuer’s Risk Mitigation Policy.

As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 2.4.

3.5.1 Industry risks

Impact of potential deterioration of the situation in the Issuer’s industry on its operations and performance of obligations in respect of the securities are described. Potential changes deemed by the Issuer to be most important in the industry (separately for domestic and foreign markets), and expected measures to be taken by the Issuer in case of such changes.

69 Risks related to potential fluctuations of prices for raw materials, services used by the Issuer in its business (separately for the internal and external markets) and their effect on the Issuer’s business and performance of obligations in respect of the securities. Risks related to potential fluctuations of prices for products and/or services of the Issuer (separately for the internal and external markets) and their impact on the Issuer’s business and performance of obligations in respect of the securities. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 2.4.1.

3.5.2 Country and Regional Risks

Describe risks related to political and economic situation in the country (countries) and in the region where the Issuer is registered as a taxpayer and/or carries out its main activity provided that the Issuer’s main activity in such country (region) yields over 10 per cent of revenues for the latest complete reporting period preceding the Prospectus approval date. Indicate proposed actions of the Issuer in case of adverse impact of changes in the situation in the country (countries) and region on its operations. Describe risks related to potential military conflicts, imposing a state of emergency and strikes in the country (countries) and region where the Issuer is registered as a taxpayer and/or carries out its main activity. Describe risks related to specific geographic position of the country (countries) and region where the Issuer is registered as a taxpayer and/or carries out its main activity, including higher risk of natural disasters, potential disruption of transportation due to remote and/or hard-to-reach locations, etc. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 2.4.2.

3.5.3 Financial Risks

Describe sensitivity of the Issuer to risks related to variation of interest rates, exchange rates, the Issuer’s operations or hedging by the Issuer for the purpose of mitigating adverse impact of the above mentioned risks. Describe exposure of Issuer’s financial position, liquidity, financial sources, operating results, etc to exchange rate variation (exchange risks).

70 Indicate proposed actions for the Issuer to minimise the adverse impact of exchange and interest rate variation on the Issuer’s operations. Indicate the impact of inflation on repayments on securities, critical to Issuer’s opinion inflation values, and proposed actions of the Issuers aimed at minimising such risks. Indicators of the Issuer’s financial accounting, which are most subject to variation due to the impact of the mentioned financial risk are specified. Risks, their probability and description of changes in financial statements are also indicated. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 2.4.3.

3.5.4 Legal Risks

Describe legal risks related to the Issuer’s operations (separately for internal and external markets) including risks related to: Changes in currency regulation; Changes in tax legislation; Changes in customs regulations and duties; Change in requirements for licensing of the issuer’s core activity or licensing of the rights to use property with restricted transferability (including natural resources); Changes in court practices in respect of issues related to the Issuer’s operations (including licensing issues) that may have an adverse impact on its operating results and outcome of the existing court proceedings in which the Issuer is involved: As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 2.4.4.

3.5.5 Risks Related to the Issuer’s Operations

Describe risks related to the issuer exclusively or risks related to the issuer’ core (financial and economical activities) business, including risks related to: Current court proceedings in which the Issuer is involved; Inability to renew the Issuer’s license for a certain activity or for right to use property with restricted transferability (including natural resources): 71 Potential liability of the Issuer for debts of third parties, including subsidiaries of the Issuer: Potential loss of consumers’ transaction with which provide at least 10 per cent of the total proceeds from sale of products (works, services) of the Issuer. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 2.4.5.

3.5.6 Bank Risks:

Issuers representing credit institutions shall supply detailed analysis of bank risks related to acquisition of offered equity securities instead of risks provided in Clauses 3.5.1–3.5.5 of the Prospectus: The Issuer is not a credit organization.

72 IV Issuer’s Detailed Information

4.1 Issuer’s Establishment and Development Track Record

4.1.1 Information on the Issuer’s Corporate Name (Denomination)

Indicate full and abbreviated corporate names of the Issuer (for non-commercial organization – the name), and date (dates) of introduction of current names.

Full name of the Issuer: Open Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-Generating Company – RusHydro – in English: Open Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-Generating Company – RusHydro Date of introduction of the current full corporate name: July 13, 2011 The Issuer’s abbreviated corporate name: JSC RusHydro – in English: JSC RusHydro

Date of introduction of the current abbreviated corporate name: July 13, 2011

In case full or abbreviated corporate name of the Issuer (name for non-commercial organization) is similar to the name of another legal entity, this clause shall also include indication of the name of such legal entity and description required to avoid confusion between such names. Limited Liability Company Rushydro (OGRN 1103459004417, INN 3442111016) In official contracts and documents the Issuer identifies itself with a full corporate name, location, INN and/or assigned individual registration numbers OGRN.

If the corporate name of the Issuer (for non-commercial organization – the name) is registered as a trade or service mark, information on their registration is provided. Certificate for the trade mark (service mark): No. 454339, registered in the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks of the Russian Federation on February 20, 2012; registration expiry date: July 2, 2019; No. 454053, registered in the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks of the Russian Federation on February 16, 2012; registration expiry date: February 16, 2021; No. 440951, registered in the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks of the Russian Federation on July 13, 2011; registration expiry date: February 16, 2021; No. 453894, registered in the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks of the Russian Federation on February 15, 2012; registration expiry date: February 16, 2021.

If in the course of Issuer’s operation its corporate name has changed (for non-commercial organization – the name), all of its previous full and abbreviated corporate names (the names) and legal organizational forms with indication of date and cause for change are provided. Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-Generating Company – RusHydro Abbreviated corporate name: JSC RusHydro Corporate name adoption date: July 13, 2011 Corporate name adoption basis: State registration on July 13, 2011 of the new version of the Issuer’s Articles of Association approved by the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of the Issuer’s shareholders dated June 30, 2011 . (Minutes No. 7 dated 04.07.2011) and Regulation of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 1322-r dated June 17, 2011

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-Generating Company Abbreviated corporate name: JSC RusHydro Corporate name adoption date: July 14, 2010 Corporate name adoption basis: State registration on July 14, 2010 of the new version of the Issuer’s Articles of Association approved by the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of the Issuer’s shareholders dated June 30, 2010

73 (Minutes No. 5 dated June 30, 2010) and Regulation of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 5006-r dated June 28, 2010

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company RusHydro Abbreviated corporate name: JSC RusHydro Corporate name adoption date: July 4, 2008 Corporate name adoption basis: State registration on July 4, 2008, of the new version of the Issuer’s Articles of Association approved by the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of the Issuer’s shareholders dated June 25, 2008 (Minutes No. 1 dated June 26, 2008).

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-Generating Company Abbreviated corporate name: JSC HydroOGK Corporate name adoption date: December 26, 2004 Corporate name adoption basis: State registration of legal entity on December 26, 2004

4.1.2 Information on the Issuer’s State Registration

For legal entities registered after July 1, 2002 indication of primary state registration number (OGRN) of the legal entity shall be provided: 1042401810494 Date of its state registration (date of entry on creation of legal entity into the unified state register of legal entities): December 26, 2004. Name of registration body having made the entry on creation of legal entity into the unified state register of legal entities. the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation for the Zheleznodorozhny District of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

4.1.3 Information on the Issuer’s Establishment and Development

Indicate expected life of the Issuer if the Issuer was created for a certain period of time or until a certain goal is achieved, or indicate the fact, that the Issuer is created for an undefined period of time: Issuer created for an undefined period.

Brief description of the Issuer’s establishment and development track record. Issuer’s purpose, mission (if any), and other information concerning Issuer’s business activity material to decision making concerning purchase of Issuer’s securities. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly report for the 1 st Quarter of 2012, Clause 3.1.3.

4.1.4 Contact Information

Issuer’s address: 660075, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Respubliki str., 51 Another address of the Issuer for delivery of correspondence (if available): 117393, Russia, Moscow, Architectora Vlasova Street, 51, 127006, Russia, Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka Str., 7

74 Telephone number: +7 (495) 225-32-32 Fax number: +7 (495) 225-37-37 e-mail. [email protected] URL address of the page (pages) containing information on the Issuer, securities that have been issued and/or in the process of issuing:

Also indicate location, telephone number, fax number, email address, Internet webpage address of the special subdivision of the Issuer (third person) for work with the Issuer’s shareholders and investors (if any). Name of the Issuer’s special subdivision for work with the Issuer’s shareholders and investors: IR Directorate (Directorate for shareholder and investor relations) Principal place of business of the subdivision: 127006, Russia, Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka Str., 7 Telephone: +7 (495) 225-32-32 Fax: +7 (495) 225-37-37 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

4.1.5 Taxpayer Identification Number

Taxpayer identification number attributed to the Issuer by tax authorities. 2460066195

4.1.6 The Issuer’s Subsidiaries and Representative Offices

Provide name, opening date, location of all subsidiaries and representative offices of the Issuer in compliance with its Articles of Association (foundation documents), and surnames, names and patronymics of heads of all subdivisions and representative offices of the Issuer, including validity periods of authorization issued by the Issuer. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly report for the 1 st quarter of 2012, Quarterly report for Quarter 2, 2012, Clause 3.1.6.

4.2 The Issuer’s Core Business Activity

4.2.1 The Issuer’s Sector

Indicate the code of major industrial sector of Issuer’s activity in compliance with OKVED. Other OKVED codes assigned to the Issuer may be indicated in addition. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:


Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 3.2.1.

4.2.2 The Issuer’s Core Business Activity

Indicate core types of business activity (types of activity, types of products (works, services) having provided for at least 10 per cent of revenue for the Issuer over the 5 last completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the Issuer has been operating for less than 5 years, and for each last completed reporting period prior to Prospectus approval date.

Type of business activity: generation and sales of electricity (capacity).

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 half of year 2012 Type (types) of business activity: Revenue from this type of business 41,671,969 61,623,114 78,694,337 88,672,144 92,136,214 43,901,040 activity, thousands of roubles Share of sales revenue from this particular type of business activity 99.7 99.6 99.6 99.7 99.6 99.4 in the overall amount of sales revenue of the issuer, per cent

Changes in the amount of Issuer’s revenue from core business activity by 10 per cent or greater compared to the corresponding reporting period of the preceding year and reasons for such changes. The Percentage of revenue from sales of electric power (capacity) has remained practically at the same level during all reporting periods. In compliance with the Order No. 96-e/7 dated April 25, 2006 of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia the Issuer assigned the status of the Subject of Wholesale Market of Electric Power (Capacity) (hereinafter – WMEP). In compliance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 2006 the financing of construction of strategic hydropower facilities in 2007 was effected by way of transfer to the Issuer of the investment component of tariff (hereinafter – TIC), formed as part of user fee of JSC RAO UES of Russia. Volume of TIC transferred to the Issuer in 2007 amounts to 5.86 bln roubles. In 2008 the volume of TIC amounted to 16.773 bln roubles, in 2009 – 26.020 bln roubles. Inclusion of the investment component into Issuer’s tariff for supply to WEM was adopted as the mechanism for transfer of TIF to Minpromenergo and FTS of Russia. At that in compliance with the resolution of Minpromenergo TIF may be distributed only in respect of groups of supply points registered with the Issuer, distribution of TIF to investment components of tariffs established for Joint-Stock Company HPPs representing Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates is not allowed. In compliance with Paragraphs 16, 17 of the WEM Regulations the indispensable condition for establishing FTS supply tariff at WEM for the Issuer is the ownership or other type of legal holding of generating equipment meeting the requirements placed on the subjects of WEM for quantitative characteristics. Meeting the aforementioned requirements became possible by way of serial conclusion of lease and power equipment operation contracts with subsidiary and affiliated HPPs by the Issuer since April 2006. In compliance with these contracts the ownership rights for generated electricity (capacity) were assigned to the Issuer. From May 1, 2006 the Issuer has been producing and selling electric power (capacity) in groups of delivery points of Verkhnevolzhskaya HPP Cascade, Nizhegorodskaya HPP, Saratovskaya HPP; from October 1, 2066 in addition to the aforementioned – in groups of delivery points (subsidiary and affiliated HPP) JSC Volzhskaya HPP, Zhigulevskaya HPP, Zeyskaya HPP, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Electricity Generation Company. Thus in the course of year 2006 JSC RusHydro rented power equipment from 8 different subsidiary and affiliated HPPs. Starting January 1, 2007 the Issuer has concluded lease and services contracts with 15 subsidiary and affiliated HPPs: JSC Cascade of Verkhnevolzhskiye HPPs, JSC Nizhegorodskaya HPP, JSC Volzhskaya HPP, JSC Zhigulevskaya HPP, JSC Cheboksarskaya HPP, JSC Saratovskaya HPP, JSC Votkinskaya HPP, 76 JSC Kamskaya HPP, JSC Stavropol Electricity Generating Company, JSC Sulakenergo, JSC Zelenchukskiye HPP, JSC Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, JSC Bureyskaya HPP, JSC Zeyskaya HPP, JSC Dagestan Regional Generation Company. From the date of conclusion of contracts for lease and operation of power equipment all the aforementioned 15 companies have terminated their participation at WEM. Since January 1, 2007 the Issuer has become participant of WEM under DPCs registered in respect of the leased property. Reason for change of revenue (income) of the Issuer from core business activity in 2007 as compared to 2006: – Conclusion of lease contracts and operation of power equipment from 15 subsidiary and affiliated HPPs from the beginning of the year compared to 8 from mid-2006. – Excess of actual generation over the similar parameters in the previous periods of operation do to irregular warm weather conditions in the European part of Russian and winter flood at the Volzhsko- Kamsky Cascade. Growth of revenue from sales of electricity (capacity) in 2008 compared to 2007 was due to: – Inclusion of greater volume of investment component into regulated tariffs: 2008 – 16,772.7 mln roubles; 2007 – 5,864 mln roubles. – Market liberalization: 2008 – 20 %; 2007 – 7.5 %. Revenue in year 2009 amounted to 78,694,337 thousand roubles. The growth resulted from: – Inclusion of greater volume of investment component into regulated tariffs: 2009 – 26,020 mln roubles; 2008 – 16,772.7 mln roubles; – Market liberalization: 2009 – 40 %; 2008 – 20 %. Main factor of revenue growth in 2010 compared to 2009 was the increase of sale volume unit at unregulated prices in accordance with wholesale market of electricity and capacity liberalization schedule (liberalization of wholesale electricity market amounted to 70 per cent (compared to 40 per cent in 2009). In 2011 compared to 2010 revenue growth amounted to less than 10 per cent. By 01.01.2011 a target model of a competitive wholesale market of electricity and capacity had been completely developed. Liberalization process was not applied to the wholesale market of electricity and capacity in the Far East where the company has several power plants that continue trading of electricity and capacity at regulated tariffs, as well as to the volumes of electricity consumed by population and other categories of consumers equated to population.

At the end of 1 st quarter of 2012 the volume of revenue from core activity amounted to 43,901 mln roubles. At the end of 1 st quarter of 2011 the volume of revenue from core activity amounted to 46,840 mln roubles. Decrease of earnings from sales (and as a result decrease of net profit) occurred due to absence of investment component in capacity price in 2012.

In case the issuer carries out its core activity in several countries, indicate, which of the geographical areas bring 10 or more per cent of revenue per each reporting period and provide description of the change of volume of revenue for the issuer as per these geographical areas by 10 and more per cent compared to the previous correspondent reporting period and causes for such changes. The only geographical area bringing 10 and more per cent of revenue is the Russian Federation.

Seasonal character of the Issuer’s core business activity. The Issuer carries out its core business activity all year round. However, it has been noted that during the spring-summer period (melting period) generation and electricity sales are significantly higher than during the autumn-winter time.

The general structure of the Issuer’s cost for the last completed financial year, as well as for the last completed reporting period before the date of approval of the Prospectus under these clauses in Percentage of total cost:

Name of the cost item 2011 1 half of year 2012 Raw materials and supplies, per cent 1.1 0.8 Purchased components, half-finished products, per cent 0 0 Production-related works and services rendered by third 8.9 7 parties, per cent Fuel, per cent 0 0 Power, per cent 20.8 29.9 Labour costs, per cent 13.8 9.8 77 Name of the cost item 2011 1 half of year 2012 Interest rates, per cent 0 0 Rental fee, per cent 0.8 3.5 Allocations for social needs, per cent 1.9 2.1 Depreciation of fixed assets, per cent 20.6 20.3 Taxes included into the production cost, per cent 13.0 12.1 Other costs (to be clarified), per cent 19.1 14.5 Depreciation of intangible assets, per cent 0 0.2 Remunerations for innovation proposals, per cent 0 0 Obligatory insurance payments, per cent 3.0 3.3 Entertainment allowance, per cent 0.1 0.1 Expenses under finance lease agreements, per cent 3.1 3.5 Expenses to support the functioning of the electricity and capacity market, per cent 5.2 4.5 Other, per cent 7.7 2.9

Total: costs to produce and sell goods/service (cost), per cent 100.0 100

For reference: Revenue from sales of products (works, 210.2 171.8 services) per cent in relation to cost value

New types of goods (works, services) having priority importance and offered by the Issuer in the market of its core business activity to the extent of available general information on such types of goods (works, services). Development status of such types of goods (works, services) is indicated. The Issuer is not offering in the market of its core business activity any new types of goods (works, services) having the priority importance. No developments are carried out in this respect.

Information on standards (rules) in accordance with which the accounting (financial) statements were prepared and calculations were made that are reflected in this Clause of the Prospectus. The Issuer’s financial statements have been formed basing on the effective accounting and reporting standards accepted in the Russian Federation and established by the Federal Law No. 129-FL “On financial statements” dated November 21, 1996 and “Provision on accounting practices and financial statements in the Russian Federation” approved by the decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 34n dated July 29, 1998 as well as in accordance with other regulatory acts incorporated into the accounting and financial statement regulation and preparation system being in effect in the Russian Federation.

4.2.3 The Issuer’s Materials, Goods and Suppliers

Provide the name, location, INN (if available), OGRN (if available) of the Issuer’s suppliers that accounted for at least 10 per cent of all supplies of materials and goods and their share in the total amount of delivery over the last completed financial year, as well as over the last completed reporting period from the date of Prospectus approval. There are no suppliers that account for at least 10 per cent of all supplies of materials and goods (raw materials).

Provide information on change of prices for basic materials and goods or absence of such change over the last completed financial year, as well as for the last completed reporting period before the date of approval of the Prospectus. No change in the prices over 10 per cent for basic materials and goods (raw materials) within the corresponding reporting period took place. Change of prices remained within the limits of inflation.

Provide separate indication of the share of import in issuer’s supplies over the given periods. Provide information provided by Issuer regarding possible availability of these sources in the future as well as alternative sources. There are no imported supplies.

4.2.4 The Issuer’s Markets of Sale of Goods (Works, Services)

78 Key markets where the Issuer effects its activity. Among the factors that could adversely impact sales of the Issuer’s products (work, services) and the Issuer’s actions to mitigate such impact are the following. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 3.2.4.

4.2.5 Information on Availability of Permissions (Licenses) or Access to Performance to Separate Types of Works

Information of permissions (licenses) for performance of certain types of works owned by the Issuer: Banking operations; Insurance activity; Activity of professional participants of securities market; Activity of joint-stock investment fund; Types of activities that are of strategic importance for defense support of the country and security of the state in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on foreign investments in business companies that are of strategic importance for defense support of the country and security of the state; The Issuer possesses no licenses for activities listed above.

Information on licenses for performance of other types of activities of significant financial and economic importance of the Issuer.

Name of the issuing authority: Agency for Subsurface Use for the Amur Region Number: No. 02268 Series BLG Name of a type(s) of activity: Construction and operation of underground facilities not connected to mining operations for operation of cable tunnel with a mine and approach cutting and two galleries of Bureyskaya HPP Date of issue: May 3, 2011 Expiration date: December 31, 2036

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region Number: LO-50-01-001954 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of medical activity Date of issue: August 18, 2010 Expiration date: August 20, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Usage Number: 077197 Name of a type(s) of activity: Activities aimed at deactivation and storage of hazardous wastes Class I–IV Date of issue: October 16, 2012 Expiration date: permanent The license was extended due to change of licensed types of activities. The process of license conversion is currently carried out while performance of new works comprising the licensed type of activity is planned.

Name of the issuing authority: Federal Service on Environmental, Technology and Nuclear Supervision Number: VP-00-009772 Name of a type(s) of activity: Maintenance of explosion and fire hazardous industrial facilities

79 Date of issue: September 22, 2011 Expiration date: March 25, 2014

Name of the issuing authority: Federal Service on Transport Supervision Number: ASS-24-032935 Name of a type(s) of activity: Passenger transportation by motor vehicles in the territory of the Russian Federation Date of issue: November 24, 2008 Expiration date: November 24, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Number: 2/27546 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work related to assemblage, repair and service of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures . Date of issue: October 9, 2008 (extended on October 27, 2011) Expiration date: October 9, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Number: 8-B/00144 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work related to assemblage, repair and service of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures Date of issue: March 26, 2012 Expiration date: permanent

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Number: 2/27954 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work related to assemblage, repair and service of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures Date of issue: November 1, 2008 (extended on October 27, 2011) Expiration date: November 1, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Number: 2/27930 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work related to assemblage, repair and service of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures Date of issue: November 1, 2008 (extended on November 2, 2011) Expiration date: November 1, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Number: 2/27931 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work related to assemblage, repair and service of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures Date of issue: November 1, 2008 (extended on November 2, 2011) Expiration date: November 1, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Number: 2/28336 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work related to assemblage, repair and service of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures Date of issue: November 25, 2008 (extended on November 2, 2011) Expiration date: November 25, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and 80 Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Number: 2/21902 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work related to assemblage, repair and service of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures Date of issue: October 30, 2007 (extended on October 27, 2011) Expiration date: October 30, 2012 The license has expired. Work on acquisition of permanent license are performed.

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Regional Development of the Russian Federation Number: GS-1-77-01-1027-0-2460066195-037084-1 Name of a type(s) of activity: Construction of buildings and structures except for seasonal and auxiliary structures Date of issue: December 12, 2008 Expiration date: December 12, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Number: 004289-Р Name of a type(s) of activity: Repair of measuring equipment Date of issue: January 24, 2008 Expiration date: January 24, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Subsurface Resources Management State Office for the Krasnoyarsk Region (Krasnoyarsknedra) Number: KRR No. 02312PD Name of a type(s) of activity: Construction and operation of a spillway of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP on the right bank of the Enisey Date of issue: January 16, 2012 Expiration date: December 31, 2030

Name of the issuing authority: Subsurface Resources Management State Office for the Republic of Khakassia (Khakassnedra) Number: ABN 00489 PG Name of a type(s) of activity: Construction and operation of underground facilities not linked with extraction of mineral resources (a motorway tunnel equipped with a Class 5 Civil Defence facility and drainage cemented drift) on the left bank of the Enisey Date of issue: November 28, 2008 Expiration date: March 28, 2033 Conversion of license is planned.

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of Health for the Republic of Khakassia Number: LO-19-01-000197 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of medical activity Date of issue: August 13, 2010 Expiration date: March 7, 2013

Name of the issuing authority: Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Number: 3/07778 Name of a type(s) of activity: Maintenance of explosion and fire hazardous industrial facilities Date of issue: December 29, 2007 Expiration date: December 29, 2012

Name of the issuing authority: Subsurface Resources Management State Office for the Republic of Dagestan Number: MAH 00573VE Name of a type(s) of activity: Exploration and extraction of fresh underground waters from well No. 505 for technical needs Date of registration: October 28, 2011 Expiration date: December 1, 2017 License converted due to change of name of legal entity and change of limit of water taking.

81 Name of the issuing authority: Subsurface Resources Management State Office for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Number: NAL 00640VE Name of a type(s) of activity: subsurface use (extraction of potable water at Basovy Section of the Nalchik Deposit for the needs of domestic water supply) Date of issue: April 26, 2012 Expiration date: December 31, 2013 License converted due to change of name of legal entity.

Name of the issuing authority: Subsurface Resources Management State Office for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Number: NAL 00641VE Name of a type(s) of activity: subsurface use (extraction of potable water from water wells Nos. 27-M 81096 to feed HPP-3 on the steep canal between Baksan and Malka) Date of issue: April 26, 2012 Expiration date: December 31, 2013 License converted due to change of name of legal entity.

Name of the issuing authority: Subsurface Resources Management State Office for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Number: NAL 00656PP Name of a type(s) of activity: Construction and further operation of a diversion tunnel at the Kashkhatau HPP Date of issue: July 15, 2012 Expiration date: December 31, 2015 License converted due to change of name of legal entity.

Name of an issuing authority: Licensing, Certification and State Secret Non-Disclosure Centre of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia Number: GT No. 0040434, registration number: 3875 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: September 2, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Licensing, Certification and State Secret Non-Disclosure Centre of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia Number: GT No. 0040438, registration number: 3877 Name of a type(s) of activity: Activities and (or) services related to state secret protection Date of issue: September 2, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Amur Region Number: GT No. 0033414 , registration number: 3875/319 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: November 29, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Vologda Region Number: GT No 0023304, registration number: 3875/859-LZ Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: September 24, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan Number: GT No. 0033816 , registration number: 3875/367 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: September 28, 2010 82 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan Number: GT No. 0033832 , registration number: 3875/385 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: May 16, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Samara Region Number: GT No. 0041158 , registration number: 3875/1743 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: December 1, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Amur Region Number: GT No. 0033415 , registration number: 3875/320 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: December 7, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Stavropol Region Number: GT No. 0031497, registration number: 3875/632 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: October 26, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Novosibirsk Region Number: GT No. 0040180, registration number: 2440 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: December 13, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Republic of Khakassia Number: GT No. 0012413 , registration number: 3875/283 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: September 2, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Saratov region Number: GT No. 0027422, registration number: 3875/1325 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: November 17, 2010 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region Number: GT No. 0028265, registration number: 3875/1154 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: January 17, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Yaroslavl region Number: GT No. 0001154 , registration number: 3875/662 83 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: January 26, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Karachaevo-Cherkessian Republic Number: GT No. 0014721 , registration number: 3875/07 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: January 21, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Perm region Number: GT No. 0024286, registration number: 3875/1129 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: January 25, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Perm region Number: GT No. 0024287, registration number: 3875/1130 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: February 1, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Number: GT No. 0006944, registration number: 3875/208 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: March 31, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia for the Chuvash Republic Number: GT No. 0015180 , registration number: 3875/495 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: February 9, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

Name of an issuing authority: Administration of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow Region Number: GT No. 0036535, registration number: 3875/19616 Name of a type(s) of activity: Performance of work with the use of government classified information Date of issue: June 14, 2011 Expiration date: September 2, 2015

In case the validity period of permit (license) received by the Issuer or access to separate types of works is not permanent, additionally disclose Issuer’s forecast for the extension of such permit: At the end of validity period of these permits (licenses) the Issuer intends to extend such permits if necessary. Probability of extending is high. Impossibility to receive or extend validity of the existing licenses may not have negative effects on the Issuer, however the historical experience shows that probability of such event is not high. At the expiration of the aforementioned licenses the Issuer shall make all the possible steps to prolong their validity period or to get new licenses. Impossibility of prolonging the licences or getting new ones may have a significant negative impact on the Issuer’s activity and financial performance. The probability of this scenario is low.

If Issuer’s core business activity is extraction of mineral resources or rendering communication services, the information on the corresponding licenses is indicated in clauses of the current section of the Prospectus

84 containing additional details of the Issuers carrying out these types of activity: Core business activity of the Issuer is extraction of mineral resources and rendering of communication services.

As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 3.2.5.

4.2.6 Information on Activity of Separate Categories of Issuers of Equity Securities

Issuers representing joint-stock funds, insurance or credit entities, mortgage agents, shall disclose information established under this clause instead of the information established under clauses 4.2.2–4.2.4 of the Prospectus. The Issuer is not an incorporated investment fund, insurance or lending company, mortgage agent.

4.2.7 Additional Information on the Issuers whose Core Business Activity is Extraction of Mineral Resources

The Issuer whose core business activity is extraction of mineral resources including extraction of precious metals and stones, and the Issuer whose controlled organization is engaged in extraction of such mineral resources shall provide the following information: Extraction of mineral resources, including extraction of precious metals and stones is not the Issuer’s core business activity, or that of its controlled organizations.

4.2.8 Additional Information on the Issuers whose Core Business Activity is Rendering Communication Services

The Issuer whose core business activity is provision of communication services shall provide the following information: Communication services does not represent core business activity of the Issuer.

4.3 The Issuer’s Plans for Future Activity

Brief description of Issuer’s plans in respect of future activity and sources of future income, including the plans regarding organization of new production, expanding or limiting production, development of new types of products, enhancement and reconstruction of material assets, possible change of core activity.

Brief description of the Issuer’s plans in relation to its future activities: In accordance with the Articles of Association, the purposes of the Issuer’s activity are: – to create the conditions for ensuring reliability and safety of power generating facilities; – to implement state policy in the hydro power sector; – to create the conditions for efficient functioning of the wholesale electricity (capacity) market; 85 – to carry out efficient maintenance and centralized process management of hydro power facilities; – to implement the uniform strategy in the sphere of investments and raising capital to solve general system tasks of the hydro power sector development; – to develop and implement scientific and technical policy and to implement new advanced types of machinery and technologies, including development of renewable sources of electricity; – to gain profit.

Sources of future income: In the future, the Issuer plans to gain profit from income generated by its core business activity -generation and sale of electricity and capacity in retail and wholesale markets of electricity and capacity, as well as from rendering services to electricity consumers. Plans concerning the setting up of new production, expanding or downsizing existing production, developing new kinds of products, upgrading and revamping fixed assets: The 2012–2014 Investment Programme of JSC RusHydro validated by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 201 dated April 28, 2012 envisages the following activities in 2012: Target indicators in 2012 1 Commissioning of additional capacity 2,444.10 MW. 2 Financing of JSC RusHydro’s investment project for the total amount of 98,338.19 million roubles, including: • technical upgrading and reconstruction: 26,129.55 mln roubles; • restoration of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP: 8,500.00 mln roubles; • restoration of the Baksanskaya HPP: 1,281.14 mln roubles; • facilities under construction: 53,654.09 mln roubles; • renewable energy sources projects: 3,158.91 mln roubles; • facilities under engineering, including those meant for construction: 870.03 mln roubles; • other: 4,744.47 million roubles.

Information on possible change of core activity: The Issuer plans to introduce no changes to core activity.

4.4 The Issuer’s Participation in Industrial, Banking and Financial Groups, Holding Companies, Concerns and Associations

Indicate banking groups, bank holdings, holdings and associations, that the Issuer participates in, role (position), functions and period of participation of the Issuer in such organizations. If the results of financial and economic activity of the Issuer significantly depends on other members of the banking group, bank holding, holding or association, indicate such circumstance and provide detailed description of the character of such dependency.

As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly report for the 1 st quarter of 2012, Clause 3.4. 4.5 The Issuer’s Subsidiaries and Affiliates

If the Issuer has subsidiary and/or affiliated companies, provide the following information on each of such companies: Full and abbreviated corporate name, location, INN (if applicable), OGRN (if applicable); Location; 86 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer; The issuer’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the subsidiary and/or affiliated company, and in case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also stake of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliated company owned by the Issuer; The subsidiary’s and/or affiliated company’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the issuer, and in case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also stake of ordinary shares of the Issuer owned by the subsidiary or affiliated company.

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Location: Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Sergievo-Posadskiy Municipal District, Bogorodskoe, 101 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 5042086312 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1065042071137 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems Abbreviated corporate name: JSC RAO Eastern Energy Systems Location: 675000 Russia, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Shevchenko 28 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2801133630 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087760000052 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 65.75 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 65.63 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0.0153 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0.0153 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Gidroremont-VKK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Gidroremont-VKK Location: Russia, Moscow, Vernadskogo Prospect, 8a INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 6345012488 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1036301733005 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP Location: Russia, Amur Region, Bureysky District, Novobureysky, Sovetskaya Str., 49 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2813006299 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1062813007817

87 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Nizhne-Zeyskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Nizhne-Zeyskaya HPP Location: 225/3, Zeiskaya Street, Blagoveshensk, Amur Region, Russia INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2801112479 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1062801070331 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Zaramagskiye HPPs Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Zaramagskiye HPPs Location: Russia, Alanya, Alagirsky District, , Energetikov, 2 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1505008701 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1021500822001 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 98.35 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 98.35 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0.0854 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0.0854 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Turboremont-VKK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Turboremont-VKK Address Russia, Volgograd Region, Volzhskiy, Lenina Prospect, 1a INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 3435060057 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1033400007992 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Elektroremont-VKK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Electroremont-VKK Address Russia, Samara Region, Zhigulevsk, Zhigulevskaya HPP 88 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 6345012470 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1036301732994 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Management Company HydroOGK Abbreviated corporate name: JSC MC HydroOGK Address Russia, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 5260096381 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1025203040136 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sayano-Shushenskaya Transportation Company RusHydro Abbreviated corporate name: JSC SShTK RusHydro INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1902018248 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1031900676356 Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Khakassia, Sayanogorsk, Cheremushki Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Karachaevo-Cherkessian Hydro-Generating Company Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Karachaevo-Cherkessian Hydro-Generating Company Location: Russian Federation, Karachaevo-Cherkessian Republic, Cherkessk, Lenina Prospect, 34 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 0917001661 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1050900973177 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company HydroEngineering Siberia Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC HydroEngineering Siberia 89 Location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, Lenina Str., 86, bld. 1 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7804328940 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1057813314525 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Leningradskaya PSHPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Leningradskaya PSHPP Location: Russian Federation, Leningrad Region, Lodeinopolsky District, Yanega, Pionerskaya, 4 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7804328926 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1057813313315 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Research and Development Institute of Energy Facilities Abbreviated corporate name: JSC NIIES Location: Russian Federation, Moscow, Stroitelny Dr., 7a INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7733021533 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739536868 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company All Russian Research and Development Institute of Hydraulic Engineering of B. E. Vedeneev Abbreviated corporate name: JSC B. E. Vedeneev VNIIG Location: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Gzhatskaya 21 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7804004400 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027802483400 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %


Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Plants Constructing complex UES Abbreviated corporate name: JSC ESKO UES Location: Russian Federation, Moscow, Vavilova Str., 91, bld. 2 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7729540430 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1067746217373 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Private Joint-Stock Limited Company HYDROOGK POWER COMPANY LIMITED Abbreviated corporate name: HYDROOGK POWER COMPANY LIMITED Location: 16 Kyriakos Matsis Avenue EAGLE HOUSE, 10 th floor, Ayoi Omoloyites, 1082 Nicosia, Cyprus INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): Not assigned OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): Not assigned Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Private Joint-Stock Limited Company HYDROOGK ALUMINIUM COMPANY LIMITED Abbreviated corporate name: HYDROOGK ALUMINIUM COMPANY LIMITED Location: 16 Kyriakos Matsis Avenue EAGLE HOUSE, 10 th floor, Ayoi Omoloyites, 1082 Nicosia, Cyprus INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): Not assigned OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): Not assigned Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Organizer of Construction of Boguchanskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Organizer of Construction of Boguchanskaya HPP Location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kezhemsky District, Kodinsk, Leninskogo Komsomola Prospect, bld. 10/1 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2420070942 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1072420000135 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 51 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 51 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % 91 In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Customer of Construction of Boguchanskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Customer of Construction of Boguchanskaya HPP Location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kezhemskiy District, Kodinsk, Leninskogo Komsomola Prospect, bld. 10/1 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2420070910 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1072420000168 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 49 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 49 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Organizer of Construction of Boguchansky Aluminum Smelter Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Organizer of Construction of Boguchansky Aluminum Smelter Location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kezhemskiy District, Kodinsk, Leninskogo Komsomola Prospect, bld. 10/1 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2420070928 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1072420000157 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 49 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 49 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Customer of Construction of Boguchansky Aluminum Smelter Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Customer of Construction of Boguchansky Aluminum Smelter Location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kezhemskiy District, Kodinsk, Leninskogo Komsomola Prospect, bld. 10/1 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2420070935 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1072420000146 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 51 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 51 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Geotherm Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Geotherm Location: Russian Federation, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Ak. Koroleva Str., 60 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 4101023932 92 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1024101023429 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 92.80 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 92.80 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company OP Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC OP Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP Address Russian Federation, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Ak. Koroleva Str., 60 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 4101100400 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1054100011668 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 48.04 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 48.04 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Gidroinvest Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Gidroinvest Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Sovetsky District, Pr. Oktyabrya, 4/3 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7814388285 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1077847558381 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 1.12 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 1.12 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Regional-Energy Marketing and Investment Corporation Abbreviated corporate name: JSC REMIK Location: Russian Federation, Amur Region, Zeysky District, Zeya, Promyshlenny Lane, 11 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710050665 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 103773934555 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %


Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sayano-Shushensky Hydroenergoremont Abbreviated corporate name: JSC SShGER Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Khakassia, Sayanogorsk, Cheremushki, PO Box 31 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1902018209 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1031900676169 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company South Yakutia Hydro Generating Complex Abbreviated corporate name: JSC South Yakutia HGC Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Aldan, Dzerzhinskogo Str., 29 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1402046840 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1061402006126 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sulaksky HydroPower Cascade Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Sulakskiy HydroCascade Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Dagestan, Kizilyurt District, Komsomolskoye, Magomed Gadzhieva 10 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 0516009712 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1070546001173 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Chirkeigesstroy Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Chirkeigesstroy Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Dagestan, Untsukulsky District, Shamilkala INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 0533001760 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1020501741523 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 75 per cent minus 1 share In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 75 per cent minus 1 share Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0.009 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0.009 % 94

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Zharki Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Zharki Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Khakassia, Sayanogorsk, Sovetsky Microdistrict, 41 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1902017734 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1031900671780 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 25.001 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 25.001 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Glavny Vichislitelny Centr Energetiki Abbreviated corporate name: JSC GVC Energetiki Location: Russian Federation, Moscow, Bersenevskaya Embankment, 16, bld. 2 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7705020880 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739064858 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company . Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 42.54 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 42.54 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Ural Energy Management Company Abbreviated corporate name: JSC UEMC Location: Russian Federation, Moscow, Vernadskogo Prospect, 37, bld. 2 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 8602066780 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1028600586838 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 20.67 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 20.67 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: RusSUNHydro Limited Abbreviated corporate name: RusSUNHydro Ltd Location: 42 Nestoros, Kaimakli, 1026 Nicosia, Cyprus INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): Not assigned OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): Not assigned Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 50 %

95 In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 50 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro Abbreviated corporate name: JSC ESC RusHydro Location: Russian Federation, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7804403972 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1089848039973 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 per cent minus 1 share In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 per cent minus 1 share Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Nizhne-Kureyskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Nizhne-Kureyskaya HPP Location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Region, Krasnoyarsk, Respubliki str., 51 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2460215591 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1092468017751 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Far East Wind Power Plant Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Far East WPP Location: Russian Federation, Primorsk Territory, Vladivostok, Verkhneportovaya, 46, Office 404 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2536217601 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1092536005297 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company Gidroservice Abbreviated corporate name: LLC Gidroservice Location: Russia, Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka Street, 7 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1902022558 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1091902000772 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % 96 In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: This is not a joint-stock company Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Malaya Dmitrovka Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Malaya Dmitrovka Location: Russia, Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka Street, 7 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7727685303 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1097746103905 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Malye HPPs of Dagestan Abbreviated corporate name: JSC MHPP of Dagestan Address Russian Federation, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Rasula Gamzatova Prospect, 39 А INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 0562068208 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1042401810494 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company Verkhnebalkarskaya Malaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: LLC Verkhnebalkarskaya MHPP Location: 361800, Russain Federation, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Chereksky District, Urban Settlement Kashkhatau, Mechieva, 1A INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 0706004536 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1090720000370 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: This is not a joint-stock company Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company Fiagdonskaya Malaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: LLC Fiagdonskaya MHPP Location: Russian Federation, 363240, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Alagirsky District, Alagir, Kodoeva 45 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1514005915 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1091514000467 97 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: This is not a joint-stock company Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company Malye HPPs of Karachaevo-Cherkessia Abbreviated corporate name: LLC MHPP KChR Location: 369000, Russian Federation, Karachaevo-Cherkessian Republic, Cherkessk, Lenina Prospect, 34 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 0917014406 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1090917001867 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: This is not a joint-stock company Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: RusHydro International B. V. Abbreviated corporate name: RusHydro International B. V. Location: Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): Not assigned OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): Not assigned Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Kolymaenergo Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Kolymaenergo Address Russian Federation, Magadan, Proletarskaya Str., 84, bld. 2 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2460215591 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1092468017751 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 98.76 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 98.76 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP Location: Russian Federation, Magadan, Proletarskaya Str., 84, bld. 2 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2460215591 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1092468017751 98 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 35.21 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 35.21 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP Service Support Center Abbreviated corporate name: JSC SSHPP SSC Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Khakassia, Sayanogorsk, Cheremushki INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1902018368 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1031900677324 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Renewable Energy Engineering Center Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Renewable Energy Engineering Center Location: Russian Federation, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7728638105 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1077762186633 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Yakutskenergo Abbreviated corporate name: JSC AK Yakutskenergo Location: 677000, Russian Federation, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Fedora Popova Str., 14 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1435028701 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1021401047260 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 29.0029 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 29.8 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0.000018 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0.000018 %

99 Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Trest Hydromontazh Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Trest Hydromontazh Location: 123423, Russian Federation, Moscow, Karamyshevskaya Embankment, 37 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2801133630 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087760000052 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is the dependent company of the Issuer: the right to control over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 33.54 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 31.98 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Pavlodolskaya Hydropower Plant Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Pavlodolskaya HPP Location: Russian Federation, Republic of North Ossetia-Alaniya,363750, Mozdok, Mira Street, 38 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1510012774 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1041500751016 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Kamchatka Gas and Energy Complex Abbreviated corporate name: JSC KamGEK Location: 683003, Russian Federation, Kamchatka Territory, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kluchevskaya Street, 40 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 4101047002 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1024101019469 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 96.58 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 96.58 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Malye HPPs of Altai Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Malye HPPs of Altai Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Altai, Gorno-Altaisk, Choros-Gurkina Str., 73 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 0411151856 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1100411007674 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % 100

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Lenhydroproject Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Lenhydroproject Location: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Ispytateley Prospect, 22 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7814159353 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1077763382597 Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is an affiliated company: the right to control over 50 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 100 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 100 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Verkhne-Narynskiye Hydropower Plants Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Verkhne-Narynskiye HPPs Location: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, pr. Zhibek Zholu, 326 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 02510201210033 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): Not assigned Grounds for recognizing the company as subsidiary or affiliate to the Issuer: The company is associated: the right to administer over 20 per cent of votes in the highest management body of the company. Issuer’s stakes in authorized capital of affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 50 % In case the subsidiary or affiliate company represents a joint-stock company – also the stakes of ordinary shares of subsidiary or affiliate company owned by the issuer: 50 % Stakes in authorized capital of the issuer held by affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 % In case the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the share of issuer’s ordinary shares held by the affiliate and/or subsidiary company: 0 %

4.6 Composition, Structure and Value of the Issuer’s Fixed Assets, Information on the Issuer’s Plans to Acquire, Replace or retirement of Fixed Assets, as well as on any Encumbrances of the Issuer’s Fixed Assets

4.6.1 Fixed assets

Information on initial (reinstatement) costs of fixed assets and the amount of accumulated depreciation shall be disclosed in tabular form. This information is provided over the period of 5 last completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years. The values are given as of the date of the end of the relevant financial year, and grouping of the fixed assets objects shall be executed according to the accounting data.

According to the Issuer’s accounting, made as per RAS for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. The Issuer has the following groups of fixed assets on its balance sheet:

Name of fixed assets group Original (replacement) asset Accrued depreciation value, value, thousands of roubles thousands of roubles Reporting date: 31.12.2007 Buildings 434,983 12,757 Facilities 1,765,612 50,080 Equipment 989,297 76,673 Others 16,546 4,162 101 Name of fixed assets group Original (replacement) asset Accrued depreciation value, value, thousands of roubles thousands of roubles Total: 3,206,438 143,672 Reporting date: 31.12.2008 Buildings 34,774,138 570,106 Facilities 171,013,442 3,023,706 Equipment 45,222,120 3,773,600 Others 840,497 142,021 Total: 251,850,197 7,509,433 Reporting date: 31.12.2009 Buildings 34,561,878 1,153,053 Facilities 174,626,726 6,295,600 Equipment 45,710,198 7,463,554 Others 942,771 293,049 Total: 255,841,574 15,205,256 Reporting date: 31.12.2010 Buildings 35,714,281 1,742,568 Facilities 186,383,270 9,612,616 Equipment 52,233,631 11,709,275 Others 1,012,401 396,171 Total: 275,343,583 23,460,630 Reporting date: 31.12.2011 Buildings 36,815,002 2,367,054 Facilities 205,889,601 13,178,544 Equipment 63,773,506 16,155,280 Others 1,566,188 551,114 Total: 308,044,297 323232,32 ,,,251251251,,,,992992

Information on methods for accruing depreciation charges for groups of fixed assets. Depreciation for groups of fixed assets shall be accrued by a straight-line method, based on the initial value of the fixed assets objects and depreciation regulations calculated based on useful life of these objects. Results of the last fixed assets and long-term leased fixed assets revaluation undertaken in the last 5 completed financial years specifying the date of revaluation, full and depreciated reproduction cost before the revaluation and full and depreciated reproduction cost after the revaluation are disclosed. This information is provided by fixed assets groups. No revaluation of the fixed assets took place in the given period. The method of fixed assets revaluation (by the ratio of the federal executive power authority on statistics, by the market value of the corresponding fixed assets, confirmed by the documents or expert reports) shall be provided. With expert opinion available method of revaluation shall be provided). No revaluation of fixed assets took place in the given period.

Data on the Issuer’s plans to acquire, replace, dispose of fixed assets, whose value constitutes 10 or more per cent of the Issuer’s fixed assets, or any other fixed assets at the Issuer’s discretion: Acquisition, replacement, disposal of fixed assets, whose value constitutes 10 or more per cent of fixed assets of the Issuer is not planned.

Data on any actual encumbrances on the Issuer’s fixed assets (specifying the nature of an encumbrance, the moment of imposing an encumbrance, its maturity terms and any other terms and conditions at the Issuer’s discretion): no encumbrances available.

4.7 The Issuer’s dependent companies being of significant importance

In case the Issuer has dependent companies of significant importance (hereinafter in this Clause – dependent companies), for each of these companies the following information is provided:

102 The Issuer has dependent companies of significant importance (hereinafter referred to in this Clause as – dependent companies). At least 5 per cent of consolidated assets value and at least 5 per cent of consolidated income accrues to each of the following companies, determined by the last consolidated financial statement of the Issuer, made in accordance with the International standards of financial statements for 6 months of 2012 and given in Attachment No. 2 of this Prospectus.

Other Issuer’s dependent companies each that in his opinion have a significant influence on the financial standing, financial results of core activity and effect changes to the financial standing of the group of companies a part of which is the Issuer and his dependent companies (hereinafter referred to as the Issuer’s dependent company being of significant importance) as of the date of this Prospectus approval are not available.

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Location: Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Sergievo-Posadskiy Municipal District, Bogorodskoe, 101 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 5042086312 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1065042071137

Type of control of the Issuer’s dependent company, in which relation the Issuer is a controller (direct control, indirect control): Direct control Characteristic of control the Issuer executes over the dependent company, (the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company controlled by the Issuer, the right to appoint (select) a sole management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control, the right to appoint (select) more than 50 per cent of the collective management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control): the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company being under the Issuer’s control The Issuer’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the dependent company: 100 % In case the company being under control is a joint-stock company, the fractions of the ordinary shares of the company being under control belong to the Issuer: 100 % In case of indirect control, successively all companies being under the Issuer’s control (companies’ chain being under direct or indirect Issuer’s control) used by the Issuer to perform control over the dependent companies. In this case it is required to specify full corporate name, location, INN (if available), OGRN (if available): not applicable due to a direct control The dependent company’s share in the authorized capital of the Issuer: 0 % Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the dependent company: 0 % description of the dependent company’s core business activity: Carrying out the functions of a construction customer on projects related to technical upgrading and construction of power generation and distribution facilities as well as the other industrial and civil facilities For each company being under the Issuer’s control it is required to specify:

Personal composition of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the dependent company, indicating the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) and for each member of the board of directors (supervisory board) – the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the board of directors (supervisory board) of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Sergey Alekseevich Shmanenkov (Chairman) 0 0 Yanina Eduardovna Stanyulenayte 0 0 Vladimir Ivanovich Magruk 0.000048 0.000048 Vasily Vasilyevich Suzdalev 0 0 Sergey Yuryevich Yanson 0 0

Personal composition of the collective executive authority (board of directors, management) of the dependent company, indicating for each member of the collective executive authority the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – 103 commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the collective executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances; Collective executive body is not provided for by the Articles of Association

A person holding an office (executing the functions) of the sole executive authority of the dependent company, indicating the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the sole executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

The company’s sole executive body Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Vladimir Ivanovich Magruk 0.000048 0.000048

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems Abbreviated corporate name: JSC RAO Eastern Energy Systems Location: 675000 Russia, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Shevchenko 28 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2801133630 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087760000052 Type of control of the Issuer’s dependent company, in which relation the Issuer is a controller (direct control, indirect control): Direct control Characteristic of control the Issuer executes over the dependent company, (the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company controlled by the Issuer, the right to appoint (select) a sole management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control, the right to appoint (select) more than 50 per cent of the collective management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control): the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company being under the Issuer’s control The Issuer’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the dependent company: 65.75 % In case the company being under control is a joint-stock company, the fractions of the ordinary shares of the company being under control belong to the Issuer: 65.63 % In case of indirect control, successively all companies being under the Issuer’s control (companies’ chain being under direct or indirect Issuer’s control) used by the Issuer to perform control over the dependent companies. In this case it is required to specify full corporate name, location, INN (if available), OGRN (if available): not applicable due to a direct control The dependent company’s share in the authorized capital of the Issuer: 0.0153 % Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the dependent company: 0.0153 % description of the dependent company’s core business activity: management over the energy companies to ensure that electricity and heat energy demands are met efficiently in the Far-east federal region and adjoining territories.

For each company being under the Issuer’s control it is required to specify:

Personal composition of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the dependent company, indicating the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) and for each member of the board of directors (supervisory board) – the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the board of directors (supervisory board) of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Dod (Chairman) 0.13 0.13 104 Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Sergey Nikolaevich Tolstoguzov 0.000109 0.000109 Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako 0 0 Pavel Olegovich Shatsky 0 0 Ivan Vyacheslavovich Savelyev 0 0 Irina Olegovna Posevina 0 0 Sergey Anatolyevich Kirov 0 0 Yanina Eduardovna Stanyulenayte 0 0 Remes Seppo Yukha 0 0

Personal composition of the collective executive authority (board of directors, management) of the dependent company, indicating for each member of the collective executive authority the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the collective executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Sergey Nikolaevich Tolstoguzov (Chairman) 0.000109 0.000109 Lada Aleksandrovna Linker 0 0 Valery Aleksandrovich Vasilyev 0 0 Alla Petrasovna Vainilavichute 0.0000002 0.0000002 Aleksey Aleksandrovich Kaplun 0 0 Stanislav Vladimirovich Linetsky 0 0 Nina Lipatovna Zapryagayeva 0 0 Viktor Nikolayenich Borodin 0 0 Semen Viktorovich Krut’ 0 0 Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov 0 0

A person holding an office (executing the functions) of the sole executive authority of the dependent company, indicating the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the sole executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

The company’s sole executive body Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Sergey Nikolaevich Tolstoguzov 0.000109 0.000109

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Far East Energy Company Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Far East Energy Company Location: 690091, Russia, Primorsk Territory, Vladivostok, Tigrovaya, 19 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2723088770 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1072721001660

105 Type of control of the Issuer’s dependent company, in which relation the Issuer is a controller (direct control, indirect control): indirect control Characteristic of control the Issuer executes over the dependent company, (the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company controlled by the Issuer, the right to appoint (select) a sole management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control, the right to appoint (select) more than 50 per cent of the collective management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control): the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company being under the Issuer’s control The Issuer’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the dependent company: 1.037643 % In case the company being under control is a joint-stock company, the fractions of the ordinary shares of the company being under control belong to the Issuer: 1.037643 % in case of indirect control, successively all companies being under the Issuer’s control (companies’ chain being under direct or indirect Issuer’s control) used by the Issuer to perform control over the dependent companies. In this case it is required to specify full corporate name, location, INN (if available), OGRN (if available): Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems Russian Federation, 675000, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Shevchenko Str., 28 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2801133630 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087760000052 Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems is the Issuer’s dependent company (direct control). Data on the Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems are given above in this clause of the Prospectus. Open Joint-Stock Company Far East Energy Company is a dependent company of the Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems (direct control). Share of the Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems in the authorized capital of the dependent company – JSC Far East Energy Company , %: 51.03 Percentage of the ordinary shares of the JSC Far East Energy Company , owned by JSC RAO East Energy Systems %: 51.03

The dependent company’s share in the authorized capital of the Issuer: 0.023 % Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the dependent company: 0.023 % description of the dependent company’s core business activity: – purchase of electricity on the wholesale and retail electricity (capacity) markets; – sale of electricity on the wholesale and retail electricity (capacity) markets to the consumers (including the citizens); – rendering services to third parties, including collection of payments for the goods sold and services rendered; – diagnostics, operation, repair, replacement and testing the measuring and accounting devices of electrical and thermal power.

For each company being under the Issuer’s control it is required to specify:

Personal composition of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the dependent company, indicating the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) and for each member of the board of directors (supervisory board) – the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the board of directors (supervisory board) of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Stanislav Sergeevich Koptyakov 0 0 Aleksey Evnenyevich Bay 0 0 Andrey Nikolaevich Bolshakov 0 0 Valentin Gennadyevich Kudryashov 0 0 Sergey Nikolaevich Mironosetsky 0 0 Ilya Yuryevich Lishanskiy 0 0 Svetlana Viktorovna Suvorova 0 0 Aleksey Dmitrievich Yakovlev 0.000011 0.000011 German Olegovich Mustafin 0 0 106 Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Pavel Viktorovich Barilo 0 0 Maria Gennadyevna Tikhonova 0 0 Aleksey Valeryevich Vlasov (Chairman) 0 0 Alesksey Anatolyevich Udalov 0 0 Dmitry Viktorovich Churilov 0 0 Igor Yuryevich Sorokin 0 0

Personal composition of the collective executive authority (board of directors, management) of the dependent company, indicating for each member of the collective executive authority the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the collective executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Viktor Vladimirovich Milush (Chairman) 0 0 Svetlana Yuryevna Guseva 0 0 Aleksandr Sergeevich Efremov 0 0 Elena Yuryevna Tyurina 0 0 Sergey Andreevich Khitun 0.000013 0.000013

A person holding an office (executing the functions) of the sole executive authority of the dependent company, indicating the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the sole executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

The company’s sole executive body Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Viktor Vladimirovich Milush 0 0

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Far East Generating Company Abbreviated corporate name: JSC DGK Location: 680000, Khabarovsk, Frunze Str., 49 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1434031363 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1051401746769

Type of control of the Issuer’s dependent company, in which relation the Issuer is a controller (direct control, indirect control): indirect control Characteristic of control the Issuer executes over the dependent company, (the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company controlled by the Issuer, the right to appoint (select) a sole management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control, the right to appoint (select) more than 50 per cent of the collective management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control): the right to appoint (select) more than 50 per cent of the collective management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control 107 The Issuer’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the dependent company: 0 % In case the company being under control is a joint-stock company, the fractions of the ordinary shares of the company being under control belong to the Issuer: 0 % In case of indirect control, successively all companies being under the Issuer’s control (companies’ chain being under direct or indirect Issuer’s control) used by the Issuer to perform control over the dependent companies. In this case it is required to specify full corporate name, location, INN (if available), OGRN (if available): Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems, Russian Federation, 675000, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Shevchenko Str., 28, INN 2801133630, OGRN 1087760000052.

Open Joint-Stock Company Far East Energy Company, 690091, Russian Federation, Primorsk Territory, Vladivostok, Tigrovaya Str., 19, INN 2723088770, OGRN 1072721001660

Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems is the Issuer’s dependent company (direct control). Data on the Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems are given above in this clause of the Prospectus.

Open Joint-Stock Company Far East Energy Company is the Issuer’s dependent company (indirect control). Data on JSC Far East Energy Company are given above in this clause of Prospectus.

Share of the Open Joint-Stock Company Far East Energy Company in the authorized capital of the dependent company – JSC DGK, %: 100 Fraction of the ordinary shares of the JSC DGK, being owned by JSC Far East Energy Company %: 100

The dependent company’s share in the authorized capital of the Issuer: 0 % Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the dependent company: 0 % description of the dependent company’s core business activity: – delivery (sale) of electricity and thermal energy at fixed tariffs in accordance with the dispatching schedule of electrical and thermal loads; – production of electrical and thermal power; – energy-efficient operation modes of power plant equipment, electricity supply in accordance with concluded contracts; – sale of thermal power on the wholesale markets to the consumers (including the citizens).

For each company being under the Issuer’s control it is required to specify:

Personal composition of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the dependent company, indicating the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) and for each member of the board of directors (supervisory board) – the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the board of directors (supervisory board) of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Stanislav Sergeevich Koptyakov 0 0 Aleksey Evgenyevich Bay 0 0 Artem Sergeevich Korablev 0 0 Andrey Nikolaevich Bolshakov 0 0 Sergey Vasilyevich Tikhomirov 0 0 Aleksey Nikolaevich Pipko 0 0 German Olegovich Mustafin 0 0 Igor Nikolaevich Nekrasov 0 0 Olga Vladimirovna Belovol 0 0 Andriyan Valeryevich Shamayko 0 0 Semen Viktorovich Krut’ 0 0

108 Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Evgeny Yuryevich Konev 0 0 Aleksey Dmitrievich Yakovlev (Chairman) 0.000011 0.000011

Personal composition of the collective executive authority (board of directors, management) of the dependent company, indicating for each member of the collective executive authority the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the collective executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances; Collective executive body is not provided for by the Articles of Association

A person holding an office (executing the functions) of the sole executive authority of the dependent company, indicating the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the sole executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

The company’s sole executive body Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Mikhail Innokentyevich Shukaylov 0.000002 0.000002

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Krasnoyarskenergosbyt Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt Address 660017, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Dubrovinskogo Str., 43 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2466132221 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1052460078692

type of control of the Issuer’s dependent company, in which relation the Issuer is a controller (direct control, indirect control): indirect control Characteristic of control the Issuer executes over the dependent company, (the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company controlled by the Issuer, the right to appoint (select) a sole management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control, the right to appoint (select) more than 50 per cent of the collective management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control): the right to cast over 50 per cent in the highest management body of the company being under the Issuer’s control the Issuer’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the dependent company: 0 % in case the company being under control is a joint-stock company, the fractions of the ordinary shares of the company being under control belong to the Issuer: 0 % In case of indirect control, successively all companies being under the Issuer’s control (companies’ chain being under direct or indirect Issuer’s control) used by the Issuer to perform control over the dependent companies. In this case it is required to specify full corporate name, location, INN (if available), OGRN (if available): Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro, Russian Federation, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51, INN 7804403972, OGRN 1089848039973

Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro is a subsidiary of the Issuer. Data on the Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems are given in clause 4.5 above. of Prospectus above.

109 Share of the Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro in the authorized capital of the dependent company – JSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt, %: 51.75 Fraction of the ordinary shares of the JSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt, being owned by JSC Energy Sales Company RusHydro %: 66,33

the dependent company’s share in the authorized capital of the Issuer: 0 % share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the dependent company: 0 % description of the dependent company’s core business activity: Sale of electricity in the Krasnoyarsk territory

For each company being under the Issuer’s control it is required to specify:

Personal composition of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the dependent company, indicating the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) and for each member of the board of directors (supervisory board) – the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the board of directors (supervisory board) of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary shares capital, % held by the person, % Aleksandr Yuryevich Arkhipchenko 0 0 Sergey Anatolyevich Kirov 0 0 Evgeny Valeryevich Desyatov 0 0 Dyachenko Oleg Vladimirovich 0 0 Ivan Vyacheslavovich Savelyev 0 0 Aleksey Aleksandrovich Zotov 0 0 Maksim Valentinovich Zavalko 0 0 Aleksey Sergeevich Shakhmatov (Chairman) 0 0 Aleksandr Vladimirovich Zhdanov 0 0

Personal composition of the collective executive authority (board of directors, management) of the dependent company, indicating for each member of the collective executive authority the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the collective executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances; Collective executive body is not provided for by the Articles of Association

a person holding an office (executing the functions) of the sole executive authority of the dependent company, indicating the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the sole executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

The company’s sole executive body

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Oleg Vladimirovich Dyachenko 0 0

110 Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company Energy Sales Company of Bashkortostan Abbreviated corporate name: ESKB LLC Address Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Stepana Zlobina Str., 31/4 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 0275038496 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1020202770642

Type of control of the Issuer’s dependent company, in which relation the Issuer is a controller (direct control, indirect control): indirect control Characteristic of control the Issuer executes over the dependent company, (the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company controlled by the Issuer, the right to appoint (select) a sole management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control, the right to appoint (select) more than 50 per cent of the collective management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control): the right to cast over 50 per cent in the highest management body of the company being under the Issuer’s control The Issuer’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the dependent company: 0 % In case the company being under control is a joint-stock company, the fractions of the ordinary shares of the company being under control belong to the Issuer: This is not a joint-stock company In case of indirect control, successively all companies being under the Issuer’s control (companies’ chain being under direct or indirect Issuer’s control) used by the Issuer to perform control over the dependent companies. In this case it is required to specify full corporate name, location, INN (if available), OGRN (if available): Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro, Russian Federation, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51, INN 7804403972, OGRN 1089848039973

Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro is a subsidiary of the Issuer. Data on the Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro is given above in Clause 4.5 of the Prospectus.

Share of the Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro in the authorized capital of the dependent company – ESKB LLC , %: 100 Fraction of the ordinary shares of the ESKB LLC , being owned by JSC Energy Sales Company RusHydro %: This is not a joint-stock company

The dependent company’s share in the authorized capital of the Issuer: 0 % Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the dependent company: 0 % Description of the dependent company’s core business activity: Sale of electricity on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan For each company being under the Issuer’s control it is required to specify:

Personal composition of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the dependent company, indicating the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) and for each member of the board of directors (supervisory board) – the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the board of directors (supervisory board) of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Aleksey Sergeevich Shakhmatov 0 0 Evgeny Valeryevich Desyatov 0 0 Maksim Valentinovich Zavalko 0 0 Sergey Anatolyevich Kirov 0 0 Mikhail Yuryevich Shirunov – Director General 0 0

Personal composition of the collective executive authority (board of directors, management) of the dependent company, indicating for each member of the collective executive authority the last name, name and 111 patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the collective executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances; Establishment of Collective Executive Body is not provided for by the Articles of Association of the company

A person holding an office (executing the functions) of the sole executive authority of the dependent company, indicating the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the sole executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

The company’s sole executive body Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Mikhail Yuryevich Shirunov – Director General 0 0

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Yakutskenergo Abbreviated corporate name: OAO AK Yakutskenergo Address 677000, Russian Federation, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Fedora Popova Str., 14 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 1435028701 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1021401047260

Type of control of the Issuer’s dependent company, in which relation the Issuer is a controller (direct control, indirect control): indirect control Characteristic of control the Issuer executes over the dependent company, (the right to cast over 50 votes in the highest management body of the company controlled by the Issuer, the right to appoint (select) a sole management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control, the right to appoint (select) more than 50 per cent of the collective management authority of the company being under the Issuer’s control): the right to cast over 50 per cent in the highest management body of the company being under the Issuer’s control The Issuer’s participatory share in the authorized capital of the dependent company: 29.80 % In case the company being under control is a joint-stock company, the fractions of the ordinary shares of the company being under control belong to the Issuer: 29.00 % In case of indirect control, successively all companies being under the Issuer’s control (companies’ chain being under direct or indirect Issuer’s control) used by the Issuer to perform control over the dependent companies. In this case it is required to specify full corporate name, location, INN (if available), OGRN (if available): Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems, Russian Federation, 675000, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Shevchenko Str., 28, INN 2801133630, OGRN 1087760000052.

Share of the Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems in the authorized capital of the dependent company – JSC AK Yakutskenergo, %: 47.39 Percentage of ordinary shares of JSC AK Yakutskenergo, owned by JSC RAO East Energy Systems %: 55.32

The dependent company’s share in the authorized capital of the Issuer: 0 % Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the dependent company: 0 % description of the dependent company’s core business activity: Production, delivery and sale of electrical and thermal power.

For each company being under the Issuer’s control it is required to specify:

Personal composition of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the dependent company, indicating the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) and for each member of the board of directors (supervisory board) – the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – 112 the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the board of directors (supervisory board) of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Vasily Andreevich Belosevich (Chairman) 0.000002 0.000002 Yury Aleksandrovich Andreychenko 0 0 Artem Sergeevich Korablev 0 0 Semen Viktorovich Krut’ 0 0 Valentin Gennadyevich Kudryashov 0 0 Oleg Andreevich Morozov 0 0 Ilya Igorevich Postnikov 0 0 German Viktorovich Tyutyukov 0.0000015 0.0000015 Alesksey Anatolyevich Udalov 0 0

Personal composition of the collective executive authority (board of directors, management) of the dependent company, indicating for each member of the collective executive authority the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the collective executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances; Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Oleg Vladimirovich Tarasov (Chairman) 0 0 Sergey Yuryevich Gavrilov 0 0 Aleksandr Stepanovich Sloik 0 0 Irina Petrovna Sysolyatina 0 0 Yury Stepanovich Savchuk 0 0 Oksana Leonidovna Sologub 0 0 Olga Nikolayevna Fedorova 0 0

A person holding an office (executing the functions) of the sole executive authority of the dependent company, indicating the last name, name and patronymic as well as the share of such a person in the authorized (share) capital (reserve) of the Issuer – commercial company, and in case the Issuer is a joint-stock company – the share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares owned by such a person, or indication that the sole executive authority of this dependent company is not selected (not formed), specifying the relevant circumstances;

Full name Person’s share Share of the in the Issuer’s Issuer’s registered ordinary capital, % shares held by the person, % Oleg Vladimirovich Tarasov 0 0

113 V Information on the Issuer’s Financial and Economic Activity

5.1 Issuer’s Financial and Economic Performance

Disclosed is the dynamics of parameters characterizing the Issuer’s financial and economic performance of the Issuer, including its profitability and losses over the 5 last completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years. This information is provided in tabular form per each reporting period. If the issuer draws up accounting (financial) statements in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS, calculation of the parameters characterizing financial and economic performance of the issuer, including profitability and losses at issuer’s discretion is performed in compliance with IFRS or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS with indication of standards (rules) used as guidance for calculation of the above mentioned parameters. In case besides the accounting (financial) statement the issuer draws up accounting (consolidated financial) report, the dynamics of parameters characterizing financial and economic performance of the issuer may be attached, including profitability and losses calculation of which is based on accounting (consolidated financial) report of the issuer, and this circumstance shall be indicated. The issuers that are not credit companies supply the following parameters to characterize financial and economic performance of the issuer, including profitability and losses:

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Net profit margin, per cent 20.61 26.59 13.08 42.50 33.10 Asset turnover ratio, times 0.22 0.14 0.17 0.16 0.14

Return on assets, per cent 4.44 3.73 2.17 6.86 4.64

Return on equity, per cent 4.87 4.01 2.32 7.49 5.72

Uncovered loss amount as of 0 0 0 0 0 the reporting date, roubles Correlation of uncovered loss 0 0 0 0 0 as of the reporting date and assets book value, per cent

If an indicator is calculated using a method different from the recommended one, description of such method is provided. If calculation of any of the given indicators, according to issuer’s opinion, has no evident economic sense, such indicator may be replaced by another indicator characterizing financial and economic performance of the issuer, including profitability and losses and description of the corresponding calculation method. Besides the above listed parameters the issuer may use additional parameters to characterize financial and economic performance of the issuer, including profitability and losses with an indication of a calculation method for such parameters. The given indicators have been calculated using the procedure recommended in the Regulation on Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Securities approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets dated October 4, 2011 No. 11-46/pz-n.

In addition economic analysis of the Issuer’s profitability based on dynamics of the given indicators is attached. Net profit ratio reflects share of profit in total business receipts of the Issuer and characterizes rate of return on business activity of the organization. From 2007 to 2010 this indicator has shown stable growth (except for year 2009, when the decline in net profit in year 2009 was due to the loss resulting from revaluated financial investment of 21,711.1 million roubles (revaluation of financial investment (JSC OGK-1, JSC Krasnoyarskaya HPP) having a market value, as of December 31, 2009, based on the official quotation 114 of securities at the MICEX Stock Exchange). The indicator reached its maximum value in 2010 due to growth of net profit. The main reason for net profit growth in 2010 was the revaluation of JSC OGK-1 block of shares at market value with recognition of revenue from revaluation amounting to 4,691 million roubles, whereas in 2009 due to negative trends developing on financial markets and slashing of market value of shares of JSC OGK-1 the loss of 21,683 million roubles was recognized.

In 2011 this indicator has decrease insignificantly due to lower net profit in 2011 compared to 2010. Decrease of net profit resulted from growth of required costs for further increase of effectiveness of Issuer’s activity. In 2011 the Issuer adopted the new Innovative Development Programme. In accordance with this programme it is planned to substantially increase financing of all R&D work and innovative projects. So, for example, R&D expenditure was 10 times higher in 2011 than in 2010. Asset turnover ratio shows how many times per period, usually per year, full production and turnover cycle is completed bringing effect in the form of profit. Characterizes effectiveness of using all the available resources by the firm, despite their sources. In 2008 the value of this indicator was rather stable, which signals effectiveness of Issuer’s activity, and stays at 0.14–0.17. Profitability ratio representing the relation between the profit (net income) and ways to gain such profit characterize effectiveness of company’s activity – capacity or return on financial resources. The return on equity indicator shows effectiveness of use of Issuer’s owned capital. The indicator reached its maximum value in 2010 due to growth of net profit as a result of the cause mentioned above. Decrease in profit in 2011 caused decrease of this indicator.

Return on assets for the period of 2007–2011 is of relatively low value respectively due to some significant use of borrowed assets by the Issuer to finance the current activities. The dynamics of this indicator are influenced by the net profit flow described above. Despite the decrease in return on assets at the end of years 2008, 2009 and 2011, in general the profitability indices remained high throughout the period under review, which indicates operational efficiency. No uncovered loss has taken place. Throughout the period under review (2007–2011) the Issuer has had no losses resulting from financial and economic activity. The analysis of indicators provided shows profitability and adequate financial stability of the Issuer. The Issuer’s management bodies have similar opinions as to the above specified factors and/or their effects on the Issuer’s financial and economic performance indicators.

The information on the causes which, according to the Issuer’s management bodies’ opinion have caused losses/profits for the Issuer, reflected in the accounting (financial) statements over the 5 completed financial years precedent to the date of approval of the Prospectus.

Throughout the period under review (2007–2011) the Issuer has had no losses resulting from financial and economic activity. The following factors enabled the Issuer to derive net profit in 2007–2010: The Issuer’s net profit is: adequate level of electric power (capacity) tariffs; Issuer’s effective operation in the wholesale electric power and capacity market; efficient cost management; optimized labor management. In 2009 the decline in net profit was due to the loss resulting from revaluated financial investment of 21,711.1 million roubles (revaluation of financial investment (JSC OGK-1, JSC Krasnoyarskaya HPP) having a market value, as of December 31, 2009, based on the official quotation of securities at the MICEX Stock Exchange). The main reason for net profit growth in 2010 was the revaluation of JSC OGK-1 block of shares at market value with recognition of revenue from revaluation amounting to 4,691 million roubles, whereas in 2009 due to negative trends developing on financial markets and slashing of market value of shares of JSC OGK-1 the loss of 21,683 million roubles was recognized. Decrease of net profit in 2011 resulted from growth of required costs for further increase of effectiveness of Issuer’s activity. In 2011 the Issuer adopted the new Innovative Development Programme. In accordance with this programme it is planned to substantially increase financing of all R&D work and innovative projects. So, for example, R&D expenditure was 10 times higher in 2011 than in 2010. 115 5.2 Issuer’s Liquidity, Adequacy of Capital and Current Assets

This dynamics of parameters characterizing issuer’s liquidity is provided over the period of 5 last completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years. If the issuer draws up accounting (financial) statements in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS, calculation of the parameters characterizing liquidity of the issuer at issuer’s discretion is performed in compliance with IFRS or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS with indication of standards (rules) used as guidance for calculation of the above mentioned parameters. In case besides the accounting (financial) statement the issuer draws up accounting (consolidated financial) report, the dynamics of parameters characterizing liquidity of the issuer may be attached, calculation of which is based on accounting (consolidated financial) report of the issuer, and this circumstance shall be indicated. The issuers that are not credit companies provide the following liquidity parameters:

Indicator 31.12.2007 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.12.2010 31.12.2011

Net working capital, thousands 57,564,653 76,138,376 110,838,093 119,815,431 93,053,373 of roubles

Current liquidity ratio 39.74 6.70 9.95 8.51 2.71

Quick liquidity ratio 39.64 6.63 9.81 8.37 2.67

If an indicator is calculated using a method different from the recommended one, description of such method is provided. If calculation of any of the given indicators, according to issuer’s opinion, has no evident economic sense, such indicator may be replaced by another indicator characterizing liquidity of the issuer, including description of the corresponding calculation method. Besides the given indicators the issuer may use additional indicators characterizing its liquidity, including description of corresponding calculation methods for such indicators.

The given indicators have been calculated using the procedure recommended in the Regulation on Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Securities approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets dated October 4, 2011 No. 11-46/pz-n.

Economic analysis of liquidity and financial solvency of the Issuer, adequacy of equity capital to meet short-term liabilities and cover current operating expenses based on the economic analysis of dynamics of adjusted indicators including description of factors which, according to Issuer’s management bodies, have asserted most significant influence over the liquidity and financial solvency of the Issuer in the reporting period. Working capital reflects the value, by which the total sum of current assets exceeds the total amount of liabilities (accounts payable). The indicator means that current liabilities represent accounts payable within a certain time period, and the current assets are assets either representing cash liquidity or shall be mobilized or spent. The indicator characterizes supply of Issuer’s owned current assets. Net working capital indicates what amount of current assets is financed from own funds of the organization, and what amount is financed through banking credit. Net working capital is required to support financial stability of the enterprise, for equity in assets means, that the enterprise is not only incapable of discharging its short-term obligations, but also possesses reserves to expand its activity. Over the period under review the indicator shows positive dynamics except for year 2011 due to increase in current liabilities. The current liquidity ratio is used to evaluate the amount of current assets per rouble of current liabilities. Current liquidity ratio characterizes overall supply of short-term liability of the Issuer with current assets for economic activity and timely discharge of advance commitments. Recommended values of such indicator: 116 from 1 to 2. The lower value of the indicator corresponds to the amount of current assets which shall at least suffice to discharge the accounts payable. Over the period under review this indicator tends to decrease due to significant growth of short-term liabilities of the Issuer compared to current assets. However the value of the indicator remains within standard limits.

The quick liquidity ratio is similar to the current liquidity ratio, helping evaluate asset liquidity. It is calculated from a narrower group of current assets, such calculation excludes inventories, the least liquid part. The quick liquidity ratio characterizes the Issuer’s solvency provided accounts receivable are settled in time. Optimal value of this indicator – 0.8–1. Behavior of this indicator with the Issuer in 2007–2011 is similar to behavior of current liquidity indicator over the same period. This ratio shows positive characteristics of Issuer’s solvency and reflects the Issuer’s ability to repay debts, characterizes stable assets and liabilities due.

The company’s performance in 2007–2011 allows the Issuer’s management to estimate its financial standing as solvent. The management also believes that the Insurer is capable of meeting its short-term liabilities within the period established. Issuer’s equity capital is adequate to fulfill short-term liabilities and cover the current operating expenses. Based on the above given analysis a conclusion can be drawn that liquidity indicators are at a level or close to recommended values and show the company’s high solvency.

If opinions of the given management bodies of the issuer regarding the specified factors and/or degree of their impact on the parameters of financial and economic performance of the Issuer do not concur, opinion of each of such management bodies of the issuer is provided with argumentation of their opinions. If the member of the board of directors (supervisory council) of the issuer or member of the collective executive body of the issuer has a special opinion regarding the above mentioned factors and/or degree of their impact on the parameters of financial and economic performance of the issuer reflected in the minutes of the meeting (session) of the board of directors (supervisory council), of the issuer of the collective executive body, where the corresponding issues were reviewed, and insists on reflection of such opinion in the Prospectus, indicate this special opinion and argumentation of the member of the management body of the issuer describing this opinion. The Issuer’s management bodies have similar opinions as to the above specified factors and/or their effects on the Issuer’s financial and economic performance indicators. Members of the Issuer’s management bodies have no dissenting opinion as to the above specified factors and/or their effects on the Issuer’s financial and economic performance indicators, entered in the minutes of the Issuer’s management body’s meeting that considered relevant issues, and do not insist that such a dissenting opinion be included in this Prospectus. 5.3 Size and Structure of the Issuer’s Capital and Current Assets

5.3.1 Size and Structure of the Issuer’s Capital and Current Assets

Issuers that are not credit companies provide the following information over the period of 5 last completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years: thousand roubles 31.12.2007 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.12.2010 31.12.2011 a) Amount of Issuer’s authorized capital 156,864,374 245,014,059 269,695,431 288,695,431 290,302,702 Compliance of the size of Issuer’s authorized capital provided herein with Issuer’s constituent documents Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant b) For the Issuer representing a 0 0 0 0 0 business entity, – total price of Issuer’s shares (stakes) bought by the Issuer for resale (transfer) with indication of Percentage of such shares (stakes) 117 among placed shares (authorized capital) of the Issuer c) Size of the Issuer’s reserve capital built up by deductions from the Issuer’s profit 106,453 970,610 1,793,122 2,309,572 4,207,720 d) Size of the Issuer’s additional capital showing the asset value increment that is defined by revaluation, as well as the amount of difference between selling price (placement price) and par value of the company’s shares due to sales of shares at a price in excess of par value 12,005,098 92,369,450 91,178,074 93,839,842 94,638,966 e) Size of the Issuer’s retained net profit 7,779,260 71,749,820 82,495,878 119,848,553 146,252,147 f) Total amount of Issuer’s capital 176,755,185 410,103,939 445,162,505 504,693,398 535,401,535

Indicate size and structure of the Issuer’s current assets in accordance with the Issuer’s accounting (financial) statements. In thousands of roubles 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 % % % % %

Reserves 104,651 0.16 717,039 0.72 933,865 0.65 884,550 0.46 1,524,259 0.64

Value added tax on acquired valuables 36,788 0.06 300,497 0.30 800,934 0.55 1,324,323 0.69 358,263 0.15

Long-term accounts receivable 5,564,265 8.61 9,767,197 9.84 21,512,833 14.86 55,440,188 28.99 89,269,354 37.69

Short-term accounts receivable 42,885,503 66.37 60,258,419 60.71 70,269,272 48.55 104,098,683 54.44 113,565,958 47.95

Short-term financial investments 14,117,927 21.85 23,036,307 23.21 49,209,152 34.00 21,081,935 11.03 1,499,775 0.63

Monetary funds 1,905,766 2.95 5,179,445 5.22 2,005,535 1.39 8,369,224 4.38 30,628,182 12.93

Other current assets 0 0.00 134 0.00 372 0.00 14,572 0.01 10,237 0.00 TOTAL 64,614,900 100.0 99,259,038 100.0 144,731,963 100.0 191,213,475 100.0 236,856,028 100.0

Sources of financing of the Issuer’s current assets (own funds, borrowed funds, loans). Current asset financing sources: – own sources, – accounts payable, – short-term loans.

Describe Issuer’s current asset financing policy, and factors that may entail a change in the current asset financing policy and their occurrence probability estimation. Current assets are financed both through the Issuer’s own funds and borrowed funds. Factors that may entail a change in current asset financing policy: The Issuer’s current asset financing policy is based on the principle of the Issuer’s maximum reliability. The Issuer’s business is funded through equity capital, short-term loans and accounts payable.

118 The bulk of the Issuer’s own funds have been invested into current assets. Improved collection of payments for sold electricity (capacity) may become a factor that may entail a change in the current asset financing policy. Occurrence probability estimation: According to Issuer’s opinion, probability of occurrence of factors that may entail significant changes in the current asset financing policy is remote.

5.3.2 Issuer’s Financial Investments

Provide the list of Issuer’s financial investments that account for 10 per cent or more of all of its financial investments as of the end of the last financial year until the date of approval of the Prospectus: This list is provided separately for equity securities, non-issuance securities and other financial investments of the Issuer (investments in authorized capitals of the limited liability companies, originated loans, etc.) For investments in securities the following information is provided:

Type of securities: ordinary registered shares full and abbreviated corporate names (for non-profit organizations – the name) of the issuer (person liable for non-issuance securities), location, INN (if applicable), OGRN (if applicable):

Full name of the Issuer: Open Joint-Stock Company Kolymaenergo The Issuer’s abbreviated corporate name: JSC Kolymaenergo Issuer’s registered office: Russia, Magadan, Proletarskaya Str., 84, bld. 2 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 4908000718 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1024900959467

State registration numbers of the securities issues: 1-01-00335-A State registration date: August 29, 2003 The registering authority which performed state registration of the securities issues: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia Number of securities at the disposal of the Issuer: 12,063,052,613 Total nominal value of securities at the disposal of the Issuer: 12,063,052,613 roubles For bonds and other promissory equity securities, as well as Issuer’s options – maturity: Not applicable for shares Total balance value of securities owned by the Issuer (balance value of securities of Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates is given separately): 13,186,556,857.15 roubles Amount of principal debt and accrued interest (interest paid) on notes, certificates of deposits or other non-issuance promissory securities, maturity: Not applicable for shares Amount of fixed interest or other yield on bonds and other promissory equity securities or procedure for determining of the above, maturity: Not applicable for shares Amount of dividends on preferred shares or procedure for determining of the above provided such is defined in the joint-stock company – Issuer charter, maturity: Shares are not preferred shares The size of declared dividend on ordinary shares (if there are no data on the size of declared dividend on ordinary shares in the current year then the size of dividend declared in the previous year is indicated), maturity: Size of declared dividends per share – 0.0008 roubles, payment date of dividends declared upon Issuer’s shares – During 60 days from dividends payment decision

If the size of Issuer’s equity investment to joint-stock company shares increases due to growth of joint- stock company authorized capital on account of joint-stock company’s property, the number and share denomination (denomination sum addition) for such shares received by the Issuer: was not the case

Type of securities: ordinary registered shares full and abbreviated corporate names (for non-profit organizations – the name) of the issuer (person liable for non-issuance securities), location, INN (if applicable), OGRN (if applicable): 119

Full name of the Issuer: Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems The Issuer’s abbreviated corporate name: JSC RAO Eastern Energy Systems Issuer’s registered office: 675000, Russian Federation, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Shevchenko str., 28 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2801133630 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087760000052

State registration numbers of the securities issues: State registration date: The registering authority which performed state registration of the securities issues: State registration date Registration number Registration authority of the issue (issues) 29.07.2008 1-01-55384-E FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Number of securities at the disposal of the Issuer: 28,454,763,282 Total nominal value of securities at the disposal of the Issuer: 14,227,381,641 roubles For bonds and other promissory equity securities, as well as Issuer’s options – maturity: Not applicable for shares Total balance value of securities owned by the Issuer (balance value of securities of Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates is given separately): 14,793,988,920.72 roubles Amount of principal debt and accrued interest (interest paid) on notes, certificates of deposits or other non-issuance promissory securities, maturity: Not applicable for shares Amount of fixed interest or other yield on bonds and other promissory equity securities or procedure for determining of the above, maturity: Not applicable for shares Amount of dividends on preferred shares or procedure for determining of the above provided such is defined in the joint-stock company – Issuer charter, maturity: Shares are not preferred shares

The size of declared dividend on ordinary shares (if there are no data on the size of declared dividend on ordinary shares in the current year then the size of dividend declared in the previous year is indicated), maturity: No decisions on payment of dividends were taken by the Issuer If the size of Issuer’s equity investment to joint-stock company shares increases due to growth of joint- stock company authorized capital on account of joint-stock company’s property, the number and share denomination (denomination sum addition) for such shares received by the Issuer: was not the case

Type of securities: Preferred registered shares Full and abbreviated corporate names (for non-profit organizations – the name) of the issuer (person liable for non-issuance securities), location, INN (if applicable), OGRN (if applicable):

Full name of the Issuer: Open Joint-Stock Company RAO East Energy Systems The Issuer’s abbreviated corporate name: JSC RAO Eastern Energy Systems Issuer’s registered office: 675000, Russian Federation, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Shevchenko str., 28 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2801133630 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087760000052

State registration numbers of the securities issues: State registration date: The registering authority which performed state registration of the securities issues: State registration date Registration number Registration authority of the issue (issues) 08.12.2009 1-02-55384-E FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Number of securities at the disposal of the Issuer: 1,416,245,040 Total nominal value of securities at the disposal of the Issuer: 708,122,520 roubles For bonds and other promissory equity securities, as well as Issuer’s options – maturity: Not applicable for shares Total balance value of securities owned by the Issuer (balance value of securities of Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates is given separately): 736,323,589.25 roubles

120 Amount of principal debt and accrued interest (interest paid) on notes, certificates of deposits or other non-issuance promissory securities, maturity: Not applicable for shares Amount of fixed interest or other yield on bonds and other promissory equity securities or procedure for determining of the above, maturity: Not applicable for shares Amount of dividends on preferred shares or procedure for determining of the above provided such is defined in the joint-stock company – Issuer charter, maturity: No decisions on payment of dividends were taken by the Issuer

The size of declared dividend on ordinary shares (if there are no data on the size of declared dividend on ordinary shares in the current year then the size of dividend declared in the previous year is indicated), maturity: Shares are not ordinary shares If the size of Issuer’s equity investment to joint-stock company shares increases due to growth of joint- stock company authorized capital on account of joint-stock company’s property, the number and share denomination (denomination sum addition) for such shares received by the Issuer: was not the case

Information on the established reserves for depreciation of securities. If a reserve for depreciation of securities is set up, the reserve amount as of the beginning and end of the last completed financial year until the date of approval of the Prospectus is indicated. Reserve As of December 31, 2012 – 77 thousand roubles As of December 31, 2011 – 31,739 thousand roubles As of June 30, 2011 – 31,739 thousand roubles

Investments in non-issuance securities: There are no investments in non-issuance securities, accounting for 5 or more per cent of all financial investments.

For other financial investments the following indicators are provided: Other financial investments: There are no financial investments in non-issuance securities, accounting for 5 per cent or more of all financial investments.

Information on the amount of potential losses related to bankruptcy of organizations (enterprises) in which investments have been made, for each type of such investments. Information on the amount of potential losses related to bankruptcy of organizations (enterprises) in which investments have been made, for each type of such investments:

If the Issuer’s funds have been placed in deposit and other accounts in banks and other credit institutions whose licenses have been suspended or revoked or it has been decided to reorganize, wind up or declare such organizations bankrupt or initiate bankruptcy proceedings against them, information on the amount of losses (potential losses) due to such events shall be indicated: was not the case Information on losses is provided in Issuer’s evaluation of financial investments reflected in accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer over the period from the beginning of the reporting year to the Prospectus approval date: was not the case

Accounting standards (requirements) under which the Issuer has performed calculations included in this clause of the Prospectus are indicated separately. PBU 19/02 Accounting Regulations on Financial Investments Management, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 126n dated December 10, 2002.

5.3.3 Issuer’s Intangible Assets

If intangible assets are available, the issuer discloses information on their composition, initial (replacement) cost of intangible assets and the amount of accumulated depreciation over the last 5 completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years, if such information is not reflected in accounting (financial) statements of the issuer for the correspondent year.

121 Description of intangible asset Initial (replacement) Accrued depreciation value, cluster cost, thousands of roubles thousands of roubles Reporting date: 31.12.2006 Organization’s intangible assets N/A

Description of intangible asset Initial (replacement) Accrued depreciation value, cluster cost, thousands of roubles thousands of roubles Reporting date: 31.12.2007 Organization’s intangible assets N/A

Description of intangible asset Initial (replacement) Accrued depreciation value, cluster cost, thousands of roubles thousands of roubles Reporting date: 31.12.2008

Organization’s intangible 0 0 assets R&D and technological 45,833 0 work expenses Patents 183 (67) R&D 6,561 0 Others 4,206 (1,621) Total: 56,783 (1,688)

Description of intangible asset Initial (replacement) Accrued depreciation value, cluster cost, thousands of roubles thousands of roubles Reporting date: 31.12.2009

Organization’s intangible assets 10,677 (4,360) R&D and technological work expenses 21,892 0 Patents 183 (75) Total: 32,751 (4,435)

Description of intangible asset Initial (replacement) Accrued depreciation value, cluster cost, thousands of roubles thousands of roubles Reporting date: 31.12.2010

Organization’s intangible assets 185,740 (6,215) Patents 183 (82) Purchase and creation of intangible assets 117,245 0 Total: 303,167 (6,297)

Description of intangible asset Initial (replacement) Accrued depreciation value, cluster cost, thousands of roubles thousands of roubles Reporting date: 31.12.2011

Organization’s intangible assets 196,505 (95,411) Patents 183 (89) Purchase and creation of 233,546 0 intangible assets Total: 430,234 (95,500)

In case of contribution of intangible assets to authorized (reserve) capital (unit fund) or uncompensated receipts, the information on methods of evaluation of intangible assets and their appraised value is provided: was not the case

122 Accounting standards (regulations) under which the Issuer provides data on its intangible assets are indicated. PBU 4/99 Accounting Statements of an Organization (approved by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Finance No. 43n dated July 6, 1999); Accounting Regulation Intangible Asset Accounting PBU 14/2000 (approved by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Finance No. 91n dated October 16, 2000).

5.4 Information on the Issuer’s Policies and Expenditure in Research and Technology with Regard to Licenses and Patents, New Developments and Research

Include information on Issuer’s policies regarding research and technological development over the last 5 completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years, including disclosure of expenditures in research and technology at the issuer’s own costs per each reporting period. The Issuer has regularly conducted research to identify ways of improving the production process (investigations of material properties and equipment status, testing etc.), aimed at enhancing reliability, safety and efficiency of HPP operation. The following research efforts in the research and technology area were undertaken in 2008: Substantiation of hydropower engineering development levels in Russia’s energy strategy. Investigation of stability conditions of unconventional electrical power plants in the power system. Determination and substantiation of a possible and appropriate specific weight of unconventional electrical power plants in the generating capacity structure. Mathematic simulation of unconventional electrical power plants and simulation results Formalization of the task of integrated optimization and operation of various generating capacities (HPP, NPP, TPP) within the UES of Russia and development of its mathematical formulation and solution algorithm. In 2008, the research and technology expenditure through the Issuer’s own funds amounted to 92,748 thousand roubles, including VAT. The following research efforts in the research and technology area were undertaken in 2009: Investigation of stability conditions of unconventional electrical power plants in the power system. Determination and substantiation of a possible and appropriate specific weight of unconventional electrical power plants in the generating capacity structure. Formalization of the task of integrated optimization and operation of various generating capacities (HPP, NPP, TPP) within the UES of Russia and development of its mathematical formulation and solution algorithm.

In 2010 the Issuer concluded contracts for execution of the following research, development and experimental works:

1 Optimize double regulation hydro monitoring taking into consideration group operation and energy losses at water course of the HPP (Stage 1). 2 Development of a concept and pilot project of pumped storage hydro power plant with underground placement of the building and the lower reservoir (PSHPPUR).

In 2011 the Issuer concluded contracts for execution of the following research, development and experimental works: 1 Development of technical solutions which prevent inadvertent loosening of nuts for hydro-turbine covers attachment. 2 Development of corrosion protection technology for pipelines and equipment of GeoPP. 3 Development of technology and equipment set to carry out instrumental inspection of underwater basements and construction elements of hydro technical facilities and HPP facilities. 4 Development of recommendations for implementation of asynchronous and high-voltage generators aimed at enhancing reliability for HPP. 5 Development of technical solutions (project) to create electricity storage unit with the capacity of selecting the main economic parameters.

123 6 Development of the automated system of turbine flow metering at HPP. 7 Development of a uniform diagnostic complex for main equipment of HPPs and pumped storage plants (UDC for ME of HPP/PSP). 8 Development of effective protection measures against formation of zebra mussel in the HPP flow sections. 9 Development of concrete work technology, joint application of self-compacting concrete and coupling joints of construction fixtures to construct dams for medium-head power plants. 10 Development of new structures for ground hydraulic structures with the use of up-to-date geotechnical materials (filtering, seepage-control, reinforcing). 11 Research into a possible way of extending the life of main power equipment at HPP. 12 Development of power equipment and structures of wave power plants. 13 Research of hydropower potential on the Northern Caucasus region and development of an area planning scheme including location of hydro-electric sites. 14 Research of hydropower potential: North-East European part of Russia. 15 Development of optimal construction solutions of seepage-control reinforced concrete screens of rockfill high-head dams constructed in severe climatic conditions. 16 Efficiency evaluation of waste flow aeration in order to increase overhaul period. 17 Development and pilot testing of a uniform diagnostic complex to control safety and reliability of hydrotechnical facilities. 18 Development of 3D models for HPP with maximum height of retaining works over 80 meters (Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Chirkeyskaya HPP, Bureyskaya HPP, Zeyskaya HPP, Kolymskaya HPP, Miatlinskaya HPP, Irganayskaya HPP) State 1. 19 Research and development in the area of technical regulation, including development of STO 2011–2012 in compliance with the list (first stage – 10 STO). 20 Research and development in the area of technical regulation, including development of STO 2011–2012 in compliance with the list (second stage – 19 STO).

In 2009, the research and technology expenditure through the Issuer’s own funds amounted to 52,392 thousand roubles, including VAT. In 2010, the research and technology expenditure through the Issuer’s own funds amounted to 19,516 thousand roubles, including VAT. In 2011, the research and technology expenditures through the Issuer’s own funds amounted to 332,708.67 thousand roubles, including VAT.

In 2007 no research efforts in the research and technology area were undertaken.

Information on creation and acquisition of legal protection of major items of intellectual property by the Issuer (including information on the dates of issuance and duration of patents for the invention, the useful model and the industrial sample, on state registration of trademarks and service marks, names of places of origin of the goods), major directions and results of using Issuer’s major objects of intellectual property. In 2007–2009, The Issuer did not develop intellectual properties liable to legal protection (including patents for invention, useful model and production prototype; state registration of trademarks and service trademarks; name of product’s place of origin). By way of legal succession, however, JSC RusHydro has received the following patents from JSC Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP: Patent for Invention No. 2224226 Device for monitoring of laminated deformations in solid mass (date of issue – April 8, 2002; validity – 20 years; registration body – the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks; product’s place of origin – Open Joint-Stock Company Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP). Name of product’s place of origin – Russian Federation. Patent for Invention No. 2226678 Pipeline pressure measuring device (date of issue – July 23, 2001, validity – 20 years; registration body – the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks; product’s place of origin – Open Joint-Stock Company Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP). Name of product’s place of origin – Russian Federation. Patent for Invention No. 2263744 Deep soil freezing device (date of issue – August 18, 2003, validity – 20 years; registration body – the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks; product’s place of origin – Open Joint-Stock Company Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP). Name of product’s place of origin – Russian Federation.

124 Patent for Invention No. 2172801 Method of improving service properties of the hydraulic structure foundation (date of issue – August 9, 2000, validity – 20 years; registration body – the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks; product’s place of origin – Open Joint-Stock Company Neporozhny Sayano- Shushenskaya HPP). Name of product’s place of origin – Russian Federation. Patent for Invention No. 2224067 Concrete dam, erection and operation methods and a device for concrete temperature control at the external dam face (date of issue – November 9, 2001, validity – 20 years; registration body – the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks; product’s place of origin – Open Joint- Stock Company Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP). Name of product’s place of origin – Russian Federation. Patent for Invention No. 2263741 Dam from rolled low-cement concrete (date of issue – August 18, 2003, validity – 20 years; registration body – the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks; product’s place of origin – Open Joint-Stock Company Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP). Name of product’s place of origin – Russian Federation.

4 Quarter 2011 – The Issuer received a patent for useful model No. 111139 Corrosion Protection System for Geothermal Power Plant Outline dated July 6, 2011, expiry date: July 6, 2021.

The Issuer’s corporate name is registered as a trade or service mark. Certificate for the trade mark (service mark): No. 454339, registered in the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks of the Russian Federation on February 20, 2012; registration expiry date: July 2, 2019; No. 454053, registered in the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks of the Russian Federation on February 16, 2012; registration expiry date: February 16, 2021; No. 440951, registered in the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks of the Russian Federation on July 13, 2011; registration expiry date: February 16, 2021; No. 453894, registered in the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks of the Russian Federation on February 15, 2012; registration expiry date: February 16, 2021.

Basic areas and results of use of the Issuer’s primary intellectual properties: Intellectual properties are used to enhance efficiency of primary processes throughout the life cycle of the technical system of JSC RusHydro. Because of their uniqueness and the narrow area of undertaken research and technology efforts and investigations, intellectual properties are not currently in commercial use.

Risk factors related to possible expiry of the Issuer’s basic patents and trademark licenses are disclosed separately: There are no risk factors related to possible expiry of the Issuer’s basic patents and trademark licenses.

Additional information on this item is provided as follows: As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 3 rd and 4 th Quarter of 2007, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–4, 2008, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–4, 2009, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–4, 2010, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–4, 2011, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–2, 2012, Clause 4.5 of the correspondent documents

125 5.5 Analysis of Development Trends in the Issuer’s Core Activity

Indicate basi с trends in development of the sphere of economics where the issuer carries out its core activity, over the last 5 completed financial years of per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years and major factors affecting the industry’s status. General evaluation of the results of Issuer’s activity in the given industry is performed. Evaluation of compliance of the Issuer’s performance with the industry’s development trend is performed. Causes of the achieved performance results (satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance, in the Issuer’s opinion). The above mentioned information is provided in compliance with the opinions expressed by the Issuer’s management bodies. If the opinions of the above mentioned management bodies of the Issuer do not concur according to the information provided, provide the opinion of each of such management bodies of the issuer and argumentation describing their opinions. If the member of the board of directors (supervisory council) of the issuer or member of the collective executive body of the issuer has a special opinion regarding the information reflected in the minutes of the meeting (session) of the board of directors (supervisory council), of the issuer of the collective executive body, where the corresponding issues were reviewed, and insists on reflection of such opinion in the Prospectus, indicate this special opinion and argumentation of the member of the management body of the issuer describing this opinion. Key factors affecting the industry’s status

– GDP growth rates that determine electricity demand and impose requirements on electricity quality and consumption schedule and the level of investment in new facilities; – legal framework determining the power project payback time, sources and structure of energy companies’ investment portfolio, level of competition etc; – level of state encouragement of individual generation types; – condition of basic production assets of the industry’s enterprises; – cross-subsidy level; – socio-economic situation in the country; – availability of capital markets, including credit resources; – level of power consumers’ payment discipline. Basic trends in the industry where the Issuer conducts its core activities: 1 Growth prospects for the power industry are uncertain: a recovery of capital markets providing investment processes in the industry will take time; b the government has reduced its support to the power industry through state sources. At the same time: 2 The Government of the Russian Federation promotes technologies for long-term predictions and planning in the energy sphere (Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 was designed; General Layout of Power Engineering Facilities until 2020, Concept for Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation until 2020 and regional development strategies were adopted). 3 Reorganisation of the sector and transition to the industry’s target structure resulted in a reduced cross- subsidy level and intensified investment processes. 4 The state is placing more emphasis on energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) and has adopted a number of policy documents. Yet, to achieve the established RES development levels, it is necessary to promptly adopt regulatory documents providing RES project payback (primarily, establishing the market price increment for RES generators). 5 A number of regulatory documents were adopted to provide support to the Russian economy, including the energy sector. The Issuer was included in the list of the nation’s strategic enterprises, which means state support may be expected, etc. 6 The reforming of RAO UES of Russia and new investors in the power industry allowed large-scale work to be started aiming at re-equipping energy companies and upgrading their primary equipment (electricity plants, power grids etc.). The total evaluation of the Issuer’s activities in the field of economy where it carries out its core activities, evaluation compliance of the Issuer’s performance to the industry’s development trends: The total evaluation of the Issuer’s activities in the given industry is satisfactory. The results of the Issuer’s activities correspond to the industry’s development trends. Causes of the achieved performance (satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance, in the Issuer’s 126 opinion): The main causes of the achieved satisfactory performance are effective activities of the Issuer on the wholesale electricity and capacity market, electricity tariff growth, efficient cost management, Issuer's merger with affiliates and subsidiaries, optimal labor management.

The opinion of the Issuer’s supreme management body is:

The Issuer’s management bodies have similar opinions as to the information furnished. Members of the Issuer’s management bodies have no dissenting opinion as to the above specified factors and/or their effects on the Issuer’s financial and economic performance indicators, entered in the minutes of the Issuer’s management body’s meeting that considered relevant issues, and do not insist that such a dissenting opinion be included in this Prospectus.

5.5.1 Analysis of Factors and Conditions Affecting the Issuer’s Activity

Indicate factors and conditions (impact of inflation, foreign currency rates variations, resolutions of governmental bodies, other economic, financial, political and other factors) that have affected the amount of the issuer’s revenue from sales of goods, products, works and services by the issuer, and of the issuer’s profit (loss) from the core business activity. Forecast for duration of the above factors and conditions is provided. Description of steps which are currently taken and will be taken by the Issuer for effective use of the above factors and conditions. Methods which are currently used and will be used by the Issuer in the future to reduce an adverse effect of the factors and conditions with an impact on the Issuer’s activity are described. Describe significant events and factors that may have the most adverse effect on the Issuer’s ability to achieve similar or higher performance compared to the results achieved in the previous reporting period prior to Prospectus approval date, as well as the possibility of such events (factors). Describe significant events and factors that may improve the Issuer’s performance, their probability and duration of their effect. The following factors and conditions affect the Issuer’s activity and performance:

1 Reliability and safety of equipment and hydraulic structures Wear and obsolescence of fixed assets, more stringent requirements for reliable and fault-free operation of UES of Russia, increased demand for regulating capacity of the daily consumption schedule in the European UES of Russia, increased threat of severe technical accidents caused by destruction of hydraulic structures and generating equipment and increased level of standardization of seismic activity in the Issuer’s HPP locations emphasize critical importance of reliability and safety of assets and funds.

2 Seasonality The Issuer’s power output is largely dependent on the existing inflows into the rivers on which its generating capacities are located, on the forecasting potential and resolutions by authorities regulating water use relations in the Russian Federation. 3 Tariff mechanisms Part of the Issuer’s facilities are located in the Far East where no liberalization of power and capacity markets can be expected in the foreseeable future. Given the national policy aimed at rapid socio-economic development of the Far East, the tariff mechanisms for the region may fail to ensure profitable operation of Issuer’s generating capacities in the region. Besides the tariff standard currently working in the region does not create economic motivation to raise effectiveness. At the same time, liberalization of the wholesale market in other regions will not necessarily guarantee the Issuer a profit sufficient for cross-subsidy of the Far East region. 4 Russia’s hydro potential development rates Russia’s undeveloped hydro potential is concentrated in the areas that feature no major consumers, lack adequate infrastructure and use a tariff model that fails to provide the required return on investment. Meanwhile, development of these territories is one of the key areas of Russia’s regional policies. 5 State participation in the Issuer’s capital The Issuer’s business depends and will depend on two primary sectors: the need to achieve state-set objectives and to ensure growth of the Issuer’s business value at the same time. 6 The Emerging Market Model. The emerging market model will in the long term determine efficient and reliable operation of RES power plants, RES HPP use development rates and a degree of compensation for 127 HPPs’ unique contribution to providing system reliability. The regulatory documents defining the market rules (capacity market, system services market, retail markets) are currently under development. 7 Participation in Formation of Securities Market. Inclusion of Issuer’s securities in the listing of leading stock exchanges places high demands in terms of disclosure of information in compliance with the requirements of stock exchanges and market regulators, both Russian and international. 8 Promotion of power generation based on other RES (wind, tidal, geothermal etc.) Attention given worldwide to the promotion of RES-based power generation, assistance by developed nations in promoting renewable power engineering, the need to diversify energy sources and ease the load on the environment alongside the considerable undeveloped RES potential in Russia predetermine the development of power generation using this type of primary energy sources. 9 Potential of interrelated industries The research, design and survey and construction complexes have over the last decades sustained substantial losses resulting from low demand for their products and services. In the near future the Issuer will need great scopes of design and survey work, construction services and delivery of equipment and materials. Restrictions caused by the shortage of goods and services in these markets may have a dramatic effect on the Issuer’s development rates. 10 Staffing The most pressing problems hindering the large-scale development of the hydropower industry include a shortage of engineering personnel, broken occupational continuity and degraded personnel training for the industry. 11 Global climate change The problem of climate change has a continuously increasing direct impact on the Issuer’s activity making it more difficult to forecast water conditions as a result of increased deviations of long-term average annual hydrographs and weather conditions. Forecast for duration of the above factors and conditions These factors and conditions will have a dramatic effect on the Issuer’s activity during the next few years. Steps which are currently taken and will be taken by the Issuer for effective handling of the above factors and conditions: – overcoming the trends for intensifying obsolescence and wear of equipment and improvement of reliability and safety of hydraulic structures through upgrades and renovation programs; – identifying a strategy for balanced development that serves the interests of all shareholder groups, determining new, adequate financing and property distribution packages as well as forms and procedures for state participation in implemented projects, – providing the state and regions with opportunities and industrial, infrastructural and social development projects that would necessitate the use of hydro power plants and create ongoing demand; – assistance in developing a market model providing for energy effectiveness of construction of RES an adequate compensation to the Issuer for its contribution to system reliability; – developing competence in operation in the conditions of openness, meeting the requirements of investment professionals and minority shareholders as well as application of best corporate management practices; – building an effective system of interaction with key resource market players, risk mitigation through diversification of businesses, providing support to research and innovative technologies in the sector; – building an effective system of engineering personnel training, comprising a system of interaction with field-oriented educational institutions; creation recruitment mechanisms into the industry and professional skill development; – Methods which are currently used and will be used by the Issuer in the future to reduce an adverse effect of the factors and conditions with an impact on the Issuer’s activity: – strategic planning, – investment planning, – business planning, – budget planning, – tax planning, – corporate management, – application of modern motivation systems;

128 – increasing financial control and implementing a cost reduction system. Significant events and factors that may have the most adverse effect on the Issuer’s ability to achieve similar or higher performance than in the previous reporting period: The following significant events and factors may have the most adverse effect on the Issuer’s ability to achieve high performance in the future: – Unfavourable tariff decisions including the establishment of tariff levels that are insufficient for financing required costs of technical upgrades, reconstruction and further construction of the company’s facilities; – High capital intensity and long implementation periods of HPP projects. HPP projects provide the basis for the Issuer’s development. However, they are capital intensive and take a long time to implement. Furthermore, the cost of building HPP supply grids is normally extremely high. So such projects have low economic efficiency parameters; – Uncertainty of the forecast power demand both through decreased investment in new facilities and closure of existing but inefficient facilities that have previously been consumers of the existing generating capacities; – Lack of required regulations for power and capacity markets. At present, the hydropower industry may be regarded as one of the ways of restraining the growth of power tariffs and prices in the context of crisis; – Lack of operating RES state-support mechanisms. Because of high capital investment required to produce power units for RES-based power plants and lack of mechanisms for state support for the use and promotion of RES generation technologies in Russia, at present RES-based power plants are cost ineffective (except for large HPPs). The currently existing regulatory and legal framework holds down the development of this direction in the Russian Federation. The probability of the above event and factors is estimated by the Issuer as medium. Significant events and factors that may improve the Issuer’s performance, their probability and duration: Significant events and factors that may improve the Issuer’s performance are those influencing the industry as a whole. To ensure more efficient operation in new conditions, the Issuer should: – implement the elaborated Integrated long-term upgrade/renovation programmes, including those providing an increase in the installed capacity, flexibility and controllability of equipment operating conditions, process automation and use of new technologies, which will help avoid risks related to equipment wear and obsolescence, reducing the likelihood of accidents and enhancing the efficiency of existing operating facilities; – solve the tasks faced by the Issuer’s management: Concerning operational efficiency, quality of corporate management in order to meet the requirements specified by the investment professionals to public companies; – encourage demand for HPP power from major consumers, enter into strategic alliances with federal-level companies interested in cluster development projects; – assist in developing organisation plans for management of regional development – region development corporations and adopting a market model allowing bilateral power purchase contracts to be signed in non- price areas, including export contracts; – assist in adopting capacity/system service market regulations providing adequate compensation to PSHPPs for contribution to system reliability and safety; – assist in adopting legal acts aimed at providing state support for use of RES, and use economic mechanisms provided for in the current international agreements on the prevention of climatic change. The probability of the first two events/factors is estimated by the Issuer as high, the probability of the remaining ones is estimated by as medium.

5.5.2 Issuer’s Competitors

Principal existing and probable competitors of the Issuer in the core activities, including foreign competitors. List of the Issuer’s competitive capacity factors, describing how they may affect competitiveness of products (works, services). As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information: 129

Quarterly Report for 1–2 Quarters of 2012, Clause 4.6.2.

130 VI Details of the persons included in the Issuer’s management and audit bodies and brief data on the Issuer’s personnel (staff)

6.1 Structure and Competence of the Issuer’s Management Bodies

Full description of the structure and competence of the Issuer’s management bodies in accordance with the Issuer’s Articles of Association (foundation documents). As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 1–2 Quarters of 2012, Clause 5.1.

Information on the Code of Corporate Conduct (Governance) of the Issuer or any other similar document. Information on internal documents of the Issuer regulating the activity of its management bodies. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 1–2 Quarters of 2012, Clause 5.1.

Address of the Internet webpage containing publicly available complete text of effective version of Issuer’s Articles of Association and internal documents regulating activities of Issuer’s bodies, as well as Issuer’s Code of Corporate Governance if available.

6.2 Details of the Persons Included in the Issuer’s Management Bodies

For each of the management bodies of the issuer mentioned in Clause 6.1 of the Proespectus (excuding Shareholders’ (Participants’) General Meeting), list of members of the management body is disclosed. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information: 131

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 5.2.

Taking into account shares in the Issuer’s authorized capital held by the members of the Issuer’s management bodies: Surname, first name, patronymic Year of birth Evgeny Evgenyevich Gorev, Member of the Management Board 1975

this person’s participatory shares in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer, that is a commercial organization: 0.007870 % Percentage share held by such person in the Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0.007870 % number of the Issuer’s shares of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none

Surname, first name, patronymic Year of birth Yury Vasilyevich Gorbenko, Member of the Management Board 1958 this person’s participatory shares in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer, that is a commercial organization: 0.006579 % Percentage share held by such person in the Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0.006579% number of the Issuer’s shares of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none

Surname, first name, patronymic Year of birth Konstantin Valeryevich Bessmertny, Member of the Management Board 1973 this person’s participatory shares in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer, that is a commercial organization: 0.007871 % Percentage share held by such person in the Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0.007871 % number of the Issuer’s shares of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none

Surname, first name, patronymic Year of birth Mikhail Alekseyevich Mantrov, Member of the Management Board 1965 this person’s participatory shares in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer, that is a commercial organization: 0.029411 % Percentage share held by such person in the Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0.029411 % number of the Issuer’s shares of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none

Surname, first name, patronymic Year of birth Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Dod, Chairman of the Board of JSC RusHydro, Member of the 1973 Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro this person’s participatory shares in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer, that is a commercial organization: 0.116083 % Percentage share held by such person in the Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0.116083 % number of the Issuer’s shares of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none

6.3 Information on the Fee, Benefits and/or Compensation for Expenses for Each Management Body of the Issuer

Provide information on all kinds of fees for each management body of the Issuer (other than individual holding the position (exercising functions) of sole executive body of the Issuer), including the salaries of the members of the Issuer’s management bodies, which are (were) the Issuer’s employees, including those who

132 works (worked) part-time, bonuses, commissions, benefits, and/or compensation for expenses as well as other types of fees paid by the Issuer over the last completed financial year and the last completed reporting period to the date of approval of the Prospectus. Disclose information on the existing agreements concerning such payments in the current financial year.

Information on the fees paid to the members of the Board of Directors in 2011: Fee, RUB 5,876,307.69 Salary, RUB 0 Bonuses, RUB 0 Commission, RUB 0 Benefits, RUB 0 Compensation for expenses, RUB 0 Other advancements, RUB 0 Other, RUB 0 TOTAL, RUB 5,876,307.69

Information on the existing agreements concerning such payments in the current financial year:

Information on the fees paid to the members of the Board of Directors for 6 months in 2012:

Fee, RUB 0 Salary, RUB 0 Bonuses, RUB 0 Commission, RUB 0 Benefits, RUB 0 Compensation for expenses, RUB 0 Other advancements, RUB 0 Other, RUB 0 TOTAL, RUB 0

Payment of fees to the members of the Board of Directors is subject to the JSC RusHydro Regulations for Payment of Fees to the Members of the Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro approved by the JSC RusHydro Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Minutes No. 5 of June 30, 2010). As regards to the payment of fees, the Regulations do not apply to a member of the Board of Directors who is the company’s sole executive body or a member of the company’s Board or a member of the company’s Board of Directors, occupying public and civil service positions. As far as members of the company’s Board of Directors are concerned: – they are paid a lump fee after their powers are terminated (subject to how they perform in the Board of Directors); – basic part of fee established for each member of the Board of Directors: 900,000 roubles; – the amount of fee depends on the number of meetings attended by a member of the Board of Directors; – the amount of fee is increased if a member of the Board of Directors is the Chairman of the Board of Directors (by 30 per cent), Chairman of the Board of Directors committee (by 20 per cent) or a member of the Board of Directors committee (by 10 per cent). The total amount of fee including the increments established in the Regulations may not exceed one 1,000,000 (million) roubles.

Information on the fees paid to the members of the Management Board in 2011: Fee, RUB 0 Salary, RUB 112,589 511.18 Bonuses, RUB 899,850,150.00 Commission, RUB 0 Benefits, RUB 0 Compensation for expenses, RUB 0 Other advancements, RUB 0 Other, RUB 0 TOTAL, RUB 1,012,439,661.18 133

Information on the existing agreements concerning such payments in the current financial year:

Information on the fees paid to the members of the Management Board for 6 months in 2012: Fee, RUB 0 Salary, RUB 51,713,990 Bonuses, RUB 161,969,530 Commission, RUB 0 Benefits, RUB 0 Compensation for expenses, RUB 0 Other advancements, RUB 0 Other, RUB 0 TOTAL, RUB 213,683,520

Payment of fees and compensation to the Issuer’s Management Board members was under the terms and conditions of employment contracts and the Procedure of payment of fees and compensation to the members of Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro approved by the resolution the company’s Board of Directors of November 16, 2010 (Minutes No. 111 of November 19, 2010). In the current financial year, the Issuer has entered into no supplementary agreements with the Management Board members, regarding payment of fees and other advancements.

6.4 Information on the Structure and Competence of the Audit Bodies Controlling Issuer’s Financial and Business Activities

Full description of the structure and competence of the Issuer’s Internal Audit bodies in accordance with the Issuer’s Articles of Association (foundation documents) and the internal documents of the Issuer. In accordance with clause 20.1 of Article 20 of the Articles of Association of the Company the Audit commission is elected annually by the General shareholders’ meeting to monitor the financial and economic activities of the company. The Audit commission is elected at the General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company annually and comprises 5 (five) members. The Audit commission of the Issuer makes decisions by majority of votes of its members. The Audit Committee of the Issuer acts within the power established by the Federal Law on Joint-Stock Companies, the Company’s Articles of Association, and the Regulations for the Audit Committee of the Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydrogenerating Company approved by the resolution of the Management Board of JSC RAO UES of Russia acting as the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (Minutes No. 1187pr/3 dated April 6, 2005).) Competence of the Audit Commission includes: 1) verification of reliability of data contained in the company’s annual report, accounting balance sheet and profit and loss account; 2) analysis of the company’s financial standing, identification of reserves for improvement and drawing up recommendations for the company’s management body; 3) audit of the company’s financial and economic activities, including: – An inspection (an audit) of financial, accounting, payment calculation documents of the company associated with company’s financial/business activities to confirm that the documents are in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, these Articles of Association and Company’s other internal documents; – monitoring over preservation and proper use of fixed assets; – Monitoring over the established procedure for writing off accounts receivable as Company’s losses; – monitoring over paying out company’s monetary funds in accordance with approved financial documents of the company; – monitoring over the formation and allocation of reserve and other specific funds of the company; – check that dividends for shares, yields of bonds and profits for other securities are due and payable properly and timely; – check that earlier issued instructions on elimination of breaches and shortfalls revealed by previous inspections (audits) are strictly adhered to; – other actions (measures) related to Company’s financial/business activities.

134 In accordance with Article 16 of the Article of Association of JSC RusHydro the Committees attached to the Board of Directors are formed to review issues falling under the competence of the Board of Directors or those reviewed by the Board of Directors in order to control the company’s executive bodies and to develop required instructions for the Board of Directors and the company’s executives bodies. Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro is elected by the Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro on July 25, 2012 (Minutes No. 157). The Audit Committee acts under the Provision on the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors (approved by the Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro on July 25, 2012, Minutes No. 157). The main purpose of the creation of the Committee is to provide efficient work of the company’s Board of Directors in solving the issues related to its competence and ensuring that the Board of Directors of the company directly controls the company’s financial and economic activity.

Information on management of the Issuer’s Internal Audit system of the issuer’s financial and economic activity is provided, including: Information on Internal Audit service (different from Audit commission (Auditor) body performing internal control over financial and economic activity of the Issuer), its size and work period; The Issuer created the Internal Audit Service (different from the Audit Commission (the Auditor), the agency ensuring internal audit of financial and economic activity of the Issuer). Internal control and audit functions in the Company have been carried out for over 5 years. Functions of conducting internal audits within the company are performed by the Internal Control and Risk Management Unit. The following structural subdivisions are included in the Unit: – Internal Audit Department; – Internal Control Department; – Risk Management Directorate. The head of the Internal Control and Risk Management Unit is Irina Olegovna Posevina – Director of Internal Supervision and Risk Management. Internal control and risk management director directly reports to the Chairman of the Management Board (administratively) and to the Audit Committee (functionally).

The organisational structure and staff of the Internal Control and Risk Management Unit are approved by the Issuer’s Board Chairman. As of 30.09.2012, the Internal Control and Risk Management Unit consists of 26 persons.

The main functions of the Internal Audit service (the body other than Audit Commission (Auditor)), its accountability and interaction with the Issuer’s executive management bodies and the Issuer’s Board of directors (Supervisory Board); According to the effective Regulations on Internal Audit Department as of 30.09.12 (hereinafter – Regulations), approved by Order No. 209 dated March 16, 2011 the following are set forth as major tasks and functions of internal audit service: – audit of financial and economic transitions conducted by the company, its branches and structural units for compliance with the company’s interests; – audit of the company’s accounting and current information furnished by subdivisions of the executive office and branches of the company; – company’s property auditing; – evaluation and analysis of the company’s financial standing in general, its branches and structural units by an order of the company’s Board Chairman; – supervision of interested party transactions and major transactions; – monitoring of the company’s internal audit procedures and assessment of efficiency of the company’s internal audit system; – elaboration and implementation of methodologies for management of the internal audit system in the company, its branches and structural units; – identification, classification and analysis of financial and economic risks and working out proposals to reduce them; – interaction with the company’s Internal Audit Commission and external auditors, – prompt notification of the company’s Board Chairman about deviations and violations discovered in the company’s operations, submission of proposals to eliminate violations and drawbacks revealed by audits and monitoring, and recommendations for enhancing management efficiency; – analysis and development of measures to enhance efficiency and productivity of the company’s financial and economic operations, evaluation of applicability of the approved standards, regulations and procedures currently effective at the company; 135 – conducting internal audits at subsidiaries and affiliates (SA) through SA’s Audit Committees; – management of interaction with the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation as well as with other financial monitoring bodies; – interaction with the Audit Committee at the company’s Board of Directors; – control of compliance by the members of the company’s Board of Directors, executive bodies and other personnel with applicable laws and special requirements specified in the company’s internal documents to prevent a conflict of interests and minimize abuse of insider information.

According to the effective Regulations on Internal Audit Department as of September 30, 2012, approved by Order No. 209 dated March 16, 2011, the Internal Audit Department’s functions within the Company are methodological support to the process of organization and management; appraisal of efficiency of Internal Audit system and its processes; monitoring of the Company’s and its S&A’s operations for compliance with the RF legislation, approved plans and shareholder’s interests; development of recommendations for improvement of the Internal Audit system and its processes; participation in the projects of improving of the Internal Audit system and its processes. In accordance with clause 20.9, article 20 of the Company’s Articles of Association the company’s Auditor shall audit the company’s finance/business activities in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation and on the basis of a contract concluded between the company with the Auditor. General Shareholders’ Meeting annually approves the company’s Auditor who is not connected with the Company or its shareholders by any property interests. The size of fee for Auditor’s services is determined by the company’s Board of Directors. Information on the Auditor of JSC RusHydro is provided in Clause 1.3. Interaction between the Internal Audit service (the body other than Audit Commission (Auditor)) and the Issuer’s external auditor. As per the Regulations, one of the major functions of the Internal Audit Service is to interact with the Issuer’s external auditor. The Internal Audit Department analyzes the results of audits of the Issuer and supervises the development and progress of measures aimed at eliminating violations revealed by audits. Director of Internal Control and Risk Management ensures that the Issuer Auditors guidelines are followed.

Information on availability of the Issuer’s internal document that specifies the rules for preventing illegal use of confidential and insider information. The Issuer’s internal document that specifies the rules for preventing the illegal use of confidential and insider information is approved (affirmed) by the Issuer. The Regulations for the Issuer’s insider information was approved by the company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 129 of August 1, 2011). URL address containing publicly available text of the Regulations: OJ_INFORMACzII1.pdf

Other information: As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 5.4.

136 6.5 Details of the Persons Included in the Issuer’s Internal Audit Bodies

Includes information on the Auditor or the members of the Audit Commission and other bodies of the issuer engaged in control of its financial and economic activities indicating the following details for each member of such agency of the Issuer: 1) Audit Commission

Full name: Alan Fedorovich Khadziev (Chairman of the Audit Commission) Year of birth: 1981

Education: Higher education All positions held by the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity: Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2007 2007 Legal and Tax Consulting, LLC Deputy Director General 2007 2008 Collegium of Tax Consultants, LLC Lawyer 2008 2008 Sameta – Corporate Consulting, LLC Lawyer 2008 2009 Sameta – Tax and Legal Consulting, LLC Lawyer 2009 2010 JSC Mosenergoremont Deputy Director General 2011 Present time Ministry of Energy of Russia Head of Department Section 2012 Present time JSC RusHydro Member of the Internal Audit Commission

Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of the issuer representing a business entity, and for issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of subsidiary and affiliated companies of the issuer, and for subsidiary and affiliated companies of the issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the options of subsidiary or affiliated company he / she owns: none Any kinship between the member of the Issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity and other members of the issuer’s agencies for control of its financial and economic activity, members of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the issuer, members of collective executive body of the issuer, a person holding the position of issuer’s sole executive body: Absence of kinship Data on administrative prosecution of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities Data on positions held by the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activities in the management bodies of profit-making organisations during a period when, with regard to such organisations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

137 Full name: Adilya Inskanderovna Vyaseleva Year of birth: 1980

Education: Higher education All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2006 2007 CJSC Energy Consulting/Audit Deputy Head of Evaluation Branch 2007 2011 Nexia Pacioli Consulting, LLC Deputy Head of Evaluation Branch 2011 Present time Ministry of Economic Development Normative Legal of Russia Regulation of Valuati on Activities, Department Officer 2012 Present time JSC RusHydro Chairman of the Internal Audit Commission

Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of the issuer representing a business entity, and for issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of subsidiary and affiliated companies of the issuer, and for subsidiary and affiliated companies of the issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the options of subsidiary or affiliated company he/she owns: none Any kinship between the member of the Issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity and other members of the issuer’s agencies for control of its financial and economic activity, members of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the issuer, members of collective executive body of the issuer, a person holding the position of issuer’s sole executive body: Absence of kinship Data on administrative prosecution of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities Data on positions held by the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activities in the management bodies of profit-making organisations during a period when, with regard to such organisations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

Full name: Dmitry Mikhailovich Gorevoy Year of birth: 1982

Education: Higher education All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2007 2007 JSC Krupskaya Confectionery Manager Factory 2007 2008 CJSC Neva-Karat Manager 2008 2008 CJSC Neva-Karat Commercial Manager 138 Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2009 2009 CJSC Neva Line Specialist 2009 2010 Ministry of Economic Development Principal expert of the of Russia Department of Power Engineering Development 2010 Present time Ministry of Economic Development Senior adviser, Head of Russia of the Power Engineering Development Department of the State Tariff Regulation, Infrastructural Reforms and Energy Efficiency Agency 2012 Present time JSC RusHydro Member of the Internal Audit Commission

Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of the issuer representing a business entity, and for issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of subsidiary and affiliated companies of the issuer, and for subsidiary and affiliated companies of the issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the options of subsidiary or affiliated company he/she owns: none Any kinship between the member of the Issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity and other members of the issuer’s agencies for control of its financial and economic activity, members of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the issuer, members of collective executive body of the issuer, a person holding the position of issuer’s sole executive body: Absence of kinship Data on administrative prosecution of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities Data on positions held by the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activities in the management bodies of profit-making organisations during a period when, with regard to such organisations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

Full name: Anna Valeryevna Drokova Year of birth: 1985

Education: Higher education All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2007 2008 Quality Pack LLC Sales Department Specialist 2008 2009 JSC AlfaStrakhovanie Sales Manager 2009 Present time Rosimuschestvo Deputy Head of Depart ment, Adviser, Senior Specialist – Expert, Leading Specialist – Expert 2012 Present time JSC RusHydro Member of the Internal Audit Commission


Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of the issuer representing a business entity, and for issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of subsidiary and affiliated companies of the issuer, and for subsidiary and affiliated companies fo the issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the options of subsidiary or affiliated company he/she owns: none Any kinship between the member of the Issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity and other members of the issuer’s agencies for control of its financial and economic activity, members of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the issuer, members of collective executive body of the issuer, a person holding the position of issuer’s sole executive body: Absence of kinship Data on administrative prosecution of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities Data on positions held by the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activities in the management bodies of profit-making organisations during a period when, with regard to such organisations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

Full name: Elena Yuryevna Litvina Year of birth: 1987

Education: Higher, State Management Institute, major in public and municipal management, year of graduation – 2009 All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2009 Present time Federal Agency for State Property Head of Corporate Management Management Department 2012 Present time JSC RusHydro Member of the Internal Audit Commission

Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of the issuer representing a business entity, and for issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the Issuer’s options he/she owns: none Participatory share of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of financial and economic activity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of subsidiary and affiliated companies of the issuer, and for subsidiary and affiliated companies fo the issuers representing joint-stock companies: none Share fraction of ordinary shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer held by this person and number of shares of the subsidiary or affiliated company of the issuer of each category (type), which may be bought by this person through exercising the rights to the options of subsidiary or affiliated company he/she owns: none Any kinship between the member of the Issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity and other members of the issuer’s agencies for control of its financial and economic activity, members of the

140 board of directors (supervisory board) of the issuer, members of collective executive body of the issuer, a person holding the position of issuer’s sole executive body: Absence of kinship Data on administrative prosecution of the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activity for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities Data on positions held by the member of the issuer’s agency for control of its financial and economic activities in the management bodies of profit-making organisations during a period when, with regard to such organisations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

2) Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Audit Committee at the company’s Board of Directors

Full name: Viktor Ivanovich Danilov-Danilyan (Chairman of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors) Year of birth: 1938

Education: Higher, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, year of graduation – 1960 Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Science All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2003 Present time Federal State Budgetary Institution Director, Chairman of of Science, Institute of Water Problems the Academic Council attached to the Russian Academy of Science 2005 Present time Peoples’ Friendship University of Head of Ecology and Russia Water Resources Management Chair, Member of the Academic Council 2007 Present time Encyclopedia Publishing House, Chief Editor LLC 2009 Present time M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State Head of Sectoral and University, Faculty of State Management Natural Resources Management Chair, Member of the Academic Council 2011 Present time JSC RusHydro Ch airman of Audit Committee under the Board of Directors

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/ ordinary shares none This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship Information on administrative prosecution against such person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues, securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

141 Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

Full name: Grigory Markovich Kurtser Year of birth: 1980

Education: Higher, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Taxes and Taxation Faculty, 2003. All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2007 2008 Open Joint-Stock Company Manager, Resource Vneshtorgbank Management Service, Financial Department Treasury; Deputy Treasure Director – Manager, Resource Management Service, Financial Department Treasury 2008 Present time Open Joint-Stock Company INTER Chairman of the RAO UES Board of Directors, Member of the Board of Directors 2008 2009 Open Joint-Stock Company Foreign Deputy Head of the Trade Bank Treasury – Head of Resources Mangement Administration of the Treasure of Finance Department 2009 Present time Open Joint-Stock Company Russian Member of the Regional Development Bank Supervisory Board 2010 Present time Open Joint-Stock Company Far East Member of the Bank Supervisory Board 2010 2010 Open Joint-Stock Company Russian Director Regional Development Bank 2010 2012 Open Joint-Stock Company RAO Member of the Board East Energy Systems of Directors 2010 2012 Open Joint-Stock Company Russian President Regional Development Bank 2010 Present time Closed Joint-Stock Company Member of the Board Depositary-Clearing Company of Directors 2011 Present time Open Joint-Stock Company TRUST Member of the Board National Bank of Directors 2011 Present time Open Joint-Stock Company Federal Member of the Board Hydro-Generating Company – RusHydro of Directors 2011 Present time RUSENERGO FUND LIMITED Member of th e Board of Directors 2012 Present time JSC Rosneft OC Advisor to Vice- President – Head of Security Service (Distressed Assets Management) 2012 Present time JSC RusHydro Member of Audit Committee under the Board of Directors

142 Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/ ordinary shares none This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship Information on administrative prosecution against such person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues, securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

Full name: Andrey Borisovich Malyshev Year of birth: 1959

Education: Higher, Moscow Power Engineering Institute awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution, 1982, qualification – Automation of Heat and Power Processes All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2006 2007 Federal Atomic Energy Agency Deputy Head of Federal Atomic Energy Agency 2007 2011 SC Rosnanotech Member of the Board, Deputy General Director of SC Rosnanotech 2008 Present time JSC FGC UES Member of the Board of Directors 2009 Present time JSC FGC UES Chairman of the Investment Committee 2009 Present time CJSC Prepreg-SKM Chairman of the Board of Directors 2009 Present time CJSC TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors 2010 Present time CJSC Compozit HC Member of the Board of Directors 2010 Present time SITRONIKS-Nano LLC Chairman of the Boar d of Directors 2010 Present time CJSC Compozit HC Member of the Board of Directors 2010 Present time Lithium-Ion Technologies LLC Chairman of the Board of Directors 2010 Present time CJSC Plakart Chairman of the Board of Directors 2010 Present time Hematological Corporation LLC Chairman of the Board of Directors 2010 Present time NTFarma LLC Chairman of the Board of Directors 2010 Present time CJSC Fiber-Optic Systems Member of the Board of Directors 2011 Present time SinBio LLC Chairman of the B oard of Directors 2011 Present time CJSC Novomet-Perm Member of the Board of 143 Period Name of the organization Job position since till Directors 2011 Present time NPP NANOELECTRO LLC Chairman of the Board of Directors 2011 Present time PET-Technology LLC Chairman of the Board of Directors 2011 2012 OJCS ROSNANO Deputy Chairman of the Management Board 2012 Present time JSC E4 Group President 2012 Present time JSC Ruspolymet Member of the Board of Directors 2012 Present time JSC RusHydro Member of Audit Committee under the Board of Directors

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/ordinary shares none This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship Information on administrative prosecution against such person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues, securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

If the Issuer features an Internal Audit service or other body controlling its financial and economic activities other than the Issuer’s Audit Commission consists of more than 10 persons, the information provided in this Clause shall include detail for at least 10 persons, that are members of the relevant Issuer’s Audit body, including the head of such a body.

3) Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit.

Full name: Irina Olegovna Posevina Year of birth: 1970 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order

Period Name of the Job position organization since till 2008 2010 JSC INTER RAO Deputy manager of Internal Supervision – Head of UES Internal Auditing, Supervision and Risk Management Unit 2010 Present time JSC RusHydro Director for Internal Control and Risk Management 144

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Azhimov Oleg Evgenyevich Year of birth: 1977 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order

Period Name of the Job position organization since till 2004 2008 LLC ADK audit Head of Tax Audit and IFRS Department 2008 2010 JSC MRSK Ural Head of Internal Control and Audit Department 2010 Present time JSC RusHydro Head of Internal Audit Department

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none

This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken such positions

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Chigirin Ivan Ivanovich Year of birth: 1975

145 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2007 2010 JSC INTER RAO UES Head of Operational Audit Directorate 2010 2012 JSC RusHydro Head of Operational Audit Administration of Internal Audit Department 2012 Present JSC RusHydro Head of Internal Control time Department

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none

This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Nadezhda Borisovna Maksimova Year of birth: 1955 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order

Name of the Period Job position organization since till 2007 2007 JSC RusHydro Head of Administration

2007 2008 JSC MC HydroOGK Head of Administration

2008 2010 LLC Fineart-Audit Vice-President for Investment projects

2010 Present JSC RusHydro Head of Investment Audit Administration time of the Internal Audit Department

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none

This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares 146

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Olga Vladimirovna Rokhlina Year of birth: 1974 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity:

Period Name of the Job position organization since till 2004 2008 JSC RAO UES of Leading expert of Internal Audit Department Russia Corporate Centre 2008 2010 JSC IDGC Holding Senior expert of Internal Audit Department

2010 2011 JSC RusHydro Senior expert of Internal Audit Department

2011 Present JSC RusHydro Head of Financial Audit Administration of time Internal Audit Department

Participatory share of the person in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none

This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates: The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Marina Petrovna Boyko 147 Year of birth: 1977 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2006 2008 JSC MRSK Ural Head of Accounting Methodology 2009 2010 LLC Fineart-Audit Senior Manager of Accounting and IFRS Department 2010 Present time JSC RusHydro Senior Expert of Financial Audit Administration of Internal Audit Department

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Kartsev Dmitry Alekseevich Year of birth: 1975 Education: higher, Ph.D. in economics

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order

Period Name of the Job position organization since till 2004 2008 JSC RAO UES of Leading expert of Internal Audit Department Russia 2008 2010 JSC RusHydro Senior expert, Internal Audit and Risk Management Department 2010 2012 JSC RusHydro Senior expert of Internal Audit Department 2012 Present JSC RusHydro Head of Internal Control Methodology Administration of time Internal Control Department

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates 148 The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Roman Sergeevich Kosarev Year of birth: 1980 Education: Higher education All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the Job position organization since till 2007 2007 GOUVPO MSPU Provost Assistant for Administrative work 2007 2008 CJSC INTER RAO Leading Expert of Investment Programme UES Department 2008 2010 JSC INTER RAO UES Senior Expert of Investment Programme Department 2010 Present time JSC RusHydro Senior Expert of Investment Audit Administration of Internal Audit Department

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none

This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Kseniya Sergeevna Listrova Year of birth: 1985 149 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2006 2007 LLC Contrast-2 Quantity Surveyor 2007 2009 JSC UOKIS Design engineer 2009 2009 LLC Management Company MVKS Quantity Surveyor Senior Expert of Investment 2010 Present time JSC RusHydro Audit Administration of Internal Audit Department

Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none

This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Safonov Evgeny Petrovich Year of birth: 1963 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order Period Name of the Job position organization since till 2005 2010 JSC INTER RAO Senior expert of Internal Audit Department UES 2010 Present time JSC RusHydro Senior Expert of Operational Audit Administration of Internal Audit Department

Participatory share of the person in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none

This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates: The person has no such shares

150 Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Full name: Vladimir Vasilyevich Serkin Year of birth: 1985 Education: Higher education

All positions held by this person at the Issuer’s company and other organizations over the last five years and at present in chronological order, including part-time activity

Period Name of the organization Job position since till 2008 2010 CJSC KPMG Auditor 2010 2011 CJSC KPMG Expert of Forenzik Department 2011 Present time JSC RusHydro Senior Expert of Operational Audit Administration

Participatory share of the person in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: Participatory share in the Issuer’s authorised capital/of ordinary shares: none

This person’s participation interest in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the Issuer’s subsidiaries and affiliates: The person has no such shares

Any kinship with other persons who are members of the Issuer’s management and/or internal audit bodies: Absence of kinship

Information on administrative prosecution of this person for offences in the area of finance, taxes and dues and securities market or criminal prosecution (criminal record) for economic crimes or those against public authorities: The person was not made accountable for these types of liabilities

Data on positions filled by this person in management bodies of profit-making organizations during a period when, with regard to such organizations, bankruptcy proceedings were initiated and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures was applied under the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation: The person has not taken positions on the specified bodies

151 6.6 Information of the Amount of Fee, Benefit and/or Compensation of Expenses to the Issuer’s Internal Audit Body

Provide information on all kinds of fees for each Audit body of the Issuer (other than individual holding the position (exercising functions) of auditor of the Issuer), including the salaries of the members of the Issuer’s Audit bodies, which are (were) the Issuer’s employees, including those who works (worked) part-time, bonuses, commissions, benefits, and/or compensation for expenses as well as other types of fees paid by the Issuer over the last completed financial year and the last completed reporting period to the date of approval of the Prospectus. Disclose information on the existing agreements concerning such payments in the current financial year. This information may not be subject of confidential information agreement hindering disclosure of such information in the Prospectus.

Fee to Audit Commission:

As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly report for the 1 st Quarter of , 2012, Clause 5.6.

Name of the Issuer’s internal audit body: Internal Control and Risk Management Unit

Fee for participation in the work of audit body Units of measurement: roubles

Indicator 2011 2012, six months

Fees for participating in the work of the Issuer’s Audit body* Salary 31,679,495.78 17,124,648.49 Bonuses 21,857,697.00 7,510,644.00 Commissions – – Benefits – – Compensation of expenses – – Other types of fees – – TOTAL 53,537,192.78 24,635,292.49 * Fees are specified total for the two subdivisions of the Issuer – the Internal Audit Department and the Internal Control Department carrying out the functions of control over financial and economic activity approved by the Issuer’s Board of Directors in compliance with the risk control and management policy, which is published on the Issuer’s website ( .pdf )

Information on the existing agreements concerning such payments in the current financial year: Payment of fees to Internal Control and Risk Management Unit for participation in the work of the Issuer’s internal audit body is effected in compliance with the employment contracts.


6.7 Data on the number of employees and summary data on education and composition of employees (personnel) of the Issuer as well as those on changes in the number of employees (personnel) of the Issuer

Specify average number of employees (personnel) of the Issuer, including the employees (personnel) working in its subsidiaries and affiliates, and also the amount of deductions to salary and social service for the last 5 completed financial years or for each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years.

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Average personnel number, people 303.5 5,269 5,196.20 5,247.90 5,626.40 Share of Issuer’s personnel with higher education, 78 56.8 60.4 64.2 66.8 per cent Gross payroll fund of the employees for the 286,318 3,150,601 3,812,966 5,092,824 6,445,253 reporting period, thousand roubles Social benefits of the employees for the reporting 2,201 327,772 987,271 1,261,849 1,821,734 period, thousand roubles

If the change in the number of staff (employees) of the issuer over the disclosed period is significant to the issuer, indicate the factors that, according to issuer’s opinion, have caused such changes and the consequences of such changes to the financial and economic activity of the issuer. The increase in indices in 2008 versus 2007 is due to the restructuring of the Issuer by SA merger that resulted in SA turning to RusHydro JSC branches and their employees becoming RusHydro JSC staff. There were no other significant changes in the number of employees.

If composition of the staff (personnel) of the issuer includes employees exerting significant influence on the financial and economic activity of the issuer (key employees), add information on such key employees of the issuer. – Board Chairman, Board of Directors member – Dod, Yevgeny Vyacheslavovich (personal details are provided in cl.6.2 of the Prospectus); – Chief Accountant – Finkel, Dmitry Vladimirovich (personal details are provided in cl.1.6 of the Prospectus).

In case the staff (employees) of the issuer set up a trade committee, such circumstance is indicated. In the period from registration of the Issuer as a legal entity through the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer’s personnel did not set up a trade committee. After S&A merger into the Company being restructured SA personnel, who are presently members of trade organizations set up before the merger, became the Issuer’s staff.

6.8 Data on Any Liabilities of the Issuer to Employees, Concerning Their Potential Participation in the Issuer’s Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund)

This clause is disclosed by the issuers representing business entities. In case any agreements or liabilities of the issuer regarding the possibilities of participation of staff (employees) of the issuer in its authorized (reserve) capital (mutual funds), such agreements or liabilities, as well as participatory share in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual funds) of the issuer (number of ordinary shares of the issuer – joint-stock company), which may be purchased under such agreements or liabilities by the staff members (employees) of the issuer, or absence of such agreements or liabilities shall be indicated. The Issuer has neither liabilities to its employees nor agreements concerning their possible participation in the Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) (purchase of the Issuer’s shares).

153 For issuers representing joint-stock companies the information on provision or possibility of provision of issuer’s options to the staff (employees) of the issuer is additionally disclosed. On December 22, 2010 the company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 115) approved a new Option Programme of the company that covers the Management Board and other key personnel of the company. Progress term of the second Option Programme is 2 years, i. e. from December 22, 2010 till December 21, 2012.

154 VII Information on the Issuer’s Shareholders (Participants) and on the Interested Party Transactions Effected by the Issuer

7.1 Information on the Total Number of the Issuer’s Shareholders (Participants)

For issuers representing joint-stock companies the total number of persons with non-zero balance on personal accounts, registered in the registrar of issuer’s shareholders as of the date of Prospectus approval shall be indicated: 306023

In case the list of persons registered in the registrar of issuer’s shareholders includes nominee holders of issuer’s shares, provide total number of nominee holders of issuer’s shares. 30 Total number of persons included in the drawn up by the latter list of persons entitled (having had the right) to participate in the General Shareholders’ Meeting of the issuer (other list of persons drawn up in order to implement (exercise) the rights under issuer’s shares and in the process of drawing up of which the holders of issuer’s shares provided data on persons, on whose behalf they held (hold) issuer’s shares) with indication of categories (types) of shares of the issuer, whose holders were subject to inclusion in such list shall be disclosed: 359642 Date of such list: October 11, 2012

7.2 Information on the Issuer’s Shareholders (Participants) Holding at Least Five Per cent of Its Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund) or at Least Five Per Cent of Its Ordinary Shares, and Information on the Persons Supervising Them, and in the Case of their Absence– Information on Shareholders (Participants) Holding at Least 20 Per Cent of the Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund) or at Least 20 Per Cent of their Ordinary Shares

This clause is disclosed by the issuers representing business entities. Information on persons being the Issuer’s shareholders (participants) owning at least five per cent of its authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) or at least five per cent of its ordinary shares: Full and abbreviated corporate names (for non-profit organizations – the name), location, INN (if applicable), OGRN (if applicable) or surname, name, patronymic of the individual; Percentage share of the participant (shareholder) of the issuer in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual funds) of the issuer and Percentage share of ordinary shares of the issuer held.

Name: The Russian Federation represented by the Federal Property Management Agency

Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, Nikolskiy Lane, 9 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994 Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 60.4952 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 60.4952

Information on supervisors of such participants (shareholders), and in the absence of such supervisors – on their participants (shareholders), owning at least 20 per cent of authorized (reserve) capital (mutual funds) or at least 20 per cent of ordinasy shares. there are no such persons.

If there are no persons supervising the Issuer’s shareholder (participant) owning at least five per cent of its authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) or at least five per cent of its ordinary shares, such circumstance is

155 indicated. There are no persons supervising the Issuer’s shareholder (participant) owning at least five per cent of its authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) or at least five per cent of its ordinary shares.

In case Issuer’s shares make at least 5 per cent of Issuer’s authorised capital and at least 5 per cent of Issuer’s ordinary shares registered in the Issuer’s Register of Shareholders in the name of the nominee holder, such circumstance is indicated. For each of these nominee holders indicate: Full and abbreviated corporate name, location, INN, OGRN of the nominee holder: Contact telephone number and fax number, e-mail; Number, date of issue and effective term of the license issued to the professional participant of securities market, name of the issuing authority; Quantity of Issuer’s ordinary and preferred shares registered in the Register of Shareholders in the name of the nominee holder.

Nominee holder information: Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Depositary-Clearing Company Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC DCC Location: 125009, Russia, Moscow, Vozdvizhenka, 4/7, bld. 1 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710021150 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739143497 Telephone: +7 (495) 956-0999 Fax: +7 (495) 956-0999 E-mail: [email protected] Information on license of professional stock market participant Number: 177-06236-000100 Date of issue: October 9, 2002 Expiration date: Unlimited license Name of the issuing authority: FCSM of the Russian Federation Quantity of Issuer’s ordinary shares registered in the Register of Shareholders in the name of the nominee holder: 24,791,936,858 Quantity of Issuer’s preferred shares registered in the Register of Shareholders in the name of the nominee holder: 0

Nominee holder Nominee holder information: Full corporate name: Non-Banking Credit Institution, Closed Joint-Stock Company National Settlement Depository Abbreviated corporate name: NBCI CJSC NSD Location: 129009 Russia, Moscow, Sredniy Kislovskiy Lane, 1/13, bld. 8 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7702165310 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739132563 Telephone: +7 (495) 234-4827 Fax: +7 (495) 956-0938 E-mail: [email protected] Information on license of professional stock market participant Number: 177-03431-000100 Date of issue: February 19, 2009 Expiration date: Unlimited license Name of the issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia Quantity of Issuer’s ordinary shares registered in the Register of Shareholders in the name of the nominee holder: 28,840,092,656 Quantity of Issuer’s preferred shares registered in the Register of Shareholders in the name of the nominee holder: 0

Nominee holder Nominee holder information: Full corporate name: ING BANK (EURASIA) CJSC (CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY) 156 Abbreviated corporate name: ING BANK (EURASIA) CJSC (CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY) Location: 127473, Russia, Moscow, Krasnoproletarskaya Str., 36 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7712014310 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739329375 Telephone: +7 (495) 755-5400 Fax: +7 (495) 755-5499 E-mail: [email protected] Information on license of professional stock market participant Number: 177-03728-000100 Date of issue: December 7, 2000 Expiration date: Unlimited license Name of the issuing authority: FCSM of the Russian Federation Quantity of Issuer’s ordinary shares registered in the Register of Shareholders in the name of the nominee holder: 41,275,853,087 Quantity of Issuer’s preferred shares registered in the Register of Shareholders in the name of the nominee holder: 0

7.3 Information on the Government or a Municipal Unit Participatory Share Held in the Issuer’s Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund), Existence of a Special Right (“Golden Share”)

Information on the Government (Municipal Unit) Participatory Share Held in the Issuer’s Authorized (reserve) Capital (Share Fund) and on Special Rights: Amount of Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) being in the state (federal,constituent entities of the Russian Federation) municipal ownership: 60.6191 % Full corporate name (for legal entity – commercial organization) or name (for legal entity – non-commercial organization), location or name, patronymic, surname (for individual person) managing the state, municipal block of shares as well as of a person who performs the Issuer’s shareholder (participant) functions on behalf of the Russian Federation, constituent entity within the Russian Federation or municipal unit;

Federal Property Name: The Russian Federation represented by the Federal Property Management Agency Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, Nikolskiy Lane, 9 Amount of Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) being in the state (federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation) municipal ownership: 60.4952 %

Federal Property Full corporate name: FSUE Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) Location: 125993, Moscow, Tverskoy Bulevard, 10–12 Amount of Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) being in the state (federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation) municipal ownership: 0.0001 %

Federal Property Full corporate name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Transport Company” Russia Location: 196210, Saint Petersburg, Pilotov Str., 18, bld. 4 Amount of Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) being in the state (federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation) municipal ownership: 0.0023 %

Share owned in the Issuer’s authorized capital by the subjects of the Russian Federation: The name of the person managing the block Location of the person managing the block of Share of the of shares owned by the Russian Federation shares owned by the constituent entity of the Issuer’s authorised constituent entity and of the person who Russian Federation, and that of the person capital, per cent performs functions of the Issuer’s performing the functions of the Issuer’s Shareholder on behalf of the Russian shareholder on behalf of the constituent Federation constituent entity entity of the Russian Federation. Ministry of Property Relations of the Amur Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, Lenina str., 135 0.0079 Region The Chukotka Autonomous District represented 689000 The Chukotka Autonomous District, the 0.0040 157 The name of the person managing the block Location of the person managing the block of Share of the of shares owned by the Russian Federation shares owned by the constituent entity of the Issuer’s authorised constituent entity and of the person who Russian Federation, and that of the person capital, per cent performs functions of the Issuer’s performing the functions of the Issuer’s Shareholder on behalf of the Russian shareholder on behalf of the constituent Federation constituent entity entity of the Russian Federation. by the Department of Finance, Economy and city of Anadyr, Otke Str., 2 Property Relations of the Chukotka Autonomous District Total share in the Issuer’s authorized capital owned by the constituent entities of the Russian 0.0119 Federation

Share in the Issuer’s authorized capital owned by the municipal authorities: The name of the person managing the Location of the person managing the Share of the municipal block of shares, and also the name municipal block of shares, and that of the Issuer’s authorised of the person performing the functions of the person performing the functions of the capital, per cent Issuer’s shareholder on behalf of the Issuer’s shareholder on behalf of the municipal unit municipal unit Administration of Bureysky District, the Amur 676701, Amur Region, Novobureysk, 0.0005 Region Sovetskaya Str., 49 Administration of Zubutli-Miatlinskiy Rural Russia, the Republic of Dagestan, the Kizilyurt Council municipal unit of the Kizilyurt District District, the settlement of Zubutli-Miatli, Lenin 0.0001 of the Republic of Dagestan Str. Administration of Miatlinskiy Rural Council Russia, the Republic of Dagestan, the Kizilyurt municipal unit of the Kizilyurt District of the 0.001 District, the settlement of Miatli Republic of Dagestan 368240, the Republic of Dagestan. THE THE SETTLEMENT OF ASHILTA UNTSUKUL DISTRICT, THE SETTLEMENT 0.0021 ADMINISTRATION OF ASHILTA 368100, the Republic of Dagestan, THE THE SETTLEMENT OF VERKHNIY KIZILYURT DISTRICT, THE SETTLEMENT 0.0123 CHIRYURT-GELBAKH ADMINISTRATION OF VERKHNIY CHIRYURT. 368250, the Republic of Dagestan. THE THE SETTLEMENT OF GERGEBIL GERGEBIL DISTRICT, THE SETTLEMENT 0.0068 ADMINISTRATION OF GERGEBIL 368240 the Republic of Dagestan. THE THE SETTLEMENT OF UNTSUKUL UNTSUKUL DISTRICT, THE SETTLEMENT 0.0035 ADMINISTRATION OF ASHILTA 368933, the Republic of Dagestan. THE THE SETTLEMENT OF CHIRKATA GUMBETOV DISTRICT, THE SETTLEMENT 0.0142 ADMINISTRATION OF CHIRKATA 368114, the Republic of Dagestan. THE THE SETTLEMENT OF CHIRKEY BUINAKSK DISTRICT, THE SETTLEMENT 0.0619 ADMINISTRATION OF CHIRKEY 368258, Republic of Dagestan, Gergebilskiy Khvartikuni Rural Council Rural Administration 0.0068 District, the settlement of Khvartikuni Committee for managing of municipal property, 676246, Amur region, Zeya, Mukhina Str., 217 0.0004 the city of Zeya Total share of the Issuer’s authorised capital held by the municipal units 0.1096

Availability of special right for participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal units in management of the Issuer – the Joint-Stock company (“golden share”), special right validity period (“golden share”) No such right is foreseen 7.4 Information on Participation Restrictions to the Issuer’s Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund)

This clause is disclosed by the issuers representing business entities. In case the Issuer’s Articles of Association establish restrictions on the quantity of shares held by a single shareholder, and/or on their total nominal value, and/or maximal number of votes vested in a single shareholder, such limitations or the absence of the above limitations is indicated.

158 Issuer’s Articles of Association do not establish any restrictions on the quantity of the shares held by a single shareholder, and/or on their total nominal value, and/or maximal number of votes vested in a single shareholder. The legislation of the Russian Federation or other statutory acts of the Russian Federation do not establish any restrictions to participatory share of foreign nationals in the Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (share fund).

In case the legislation of the Russian Federation or other statutory acts of the Russian Federation establish any restrictions to participatory share of foreign nationals in the Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital, such limitations or the absence of the above limitations is indicated. According to Part II Article 9 of the Federal Law dated March 26, 2003 No. 36-FZ “On Specifics of Functioning of Electric Power Industry in the Transition Period and on Amendments to Some Particular Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Invalidation of Some Particular Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry” during Transformation of the Russian Open Joint-Stock Company for Power Engineering and Electrification United Power System of Russia” it is not allowed to decrease a participatory share of the Russian Federation (if the said share makes over 50 per cent) in the authorized capital of Joint-Stock companies that on a legal basis established by the federal laws own or otherwise hold hydropower plants put into operation as of the date of entry into force of the said Federal Law, of organizations (or their assignees) in relation to which the said Joint-Stock companies are affiliated companies.

Other restrictions connected with participation in the Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (mutual fund): No other restrictions for participation in the Issuer’s authorized (reserve) capital. 7.5 Information on Changes to the Structure and the Shares of the Issuer’s Shareholders (Participants) Owning at Least Five Per cent of its Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund) or at Least Five Per cent of its Ordinary Shares

This clause is disclosed by the issuers representing business entities. Lists of the Issuer’s Shareholders (Participants) having owned at least five per cent of the Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (share fund), and for the Issuers that are joint-stock companies – also at least five per cent of Issuer’s ordinary shares, established as of the date of preparation of the list of persons entitled to participate in each General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders (Participants), which was held for the recent five lapsed financial years, prior to the end date of the reporting period, if the Issuer has been operating for at least five years, and for the last quarter according to the list of persons entitled to participate in each of such meetings.

In 2006 JSC RAO UES of Russia was the only participant of the Issuer, and in accordance with Clause 3 Article 47 of the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” the list of the persons that were entitled to participate in he General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders were not established by the Issuer in that period. Functions of the Issuer’s General Meeting of Shareholders were performed by the Board of JSC RAO UES of Russia, and from July 1, 2005 By JSC RAO UES of Russia. The list of individuals entitled to participate in the Issuer’s General Shareholders’ Meeting was first compiled by the Issuer as of August 27, 2007.

Date of compiling Full and abbreviated corporate names Share of the above Share of the the list of (for non-profit organizations – the mentioned person Issuer’s ordinary individuals entitled name), location, INN (if applicable), in the Issuer’s shares held by the to participate in OGRN (if applicable) or surname, authorised capital, above mentioned each General name, patronymic of the individual per cent person, per cent Meeting Russian Open Joint-Stock Company for Power Engineering and Electrification UES of Russia (JSC RAO UES of Russia) Location: 119526, Moscow, August 27, 2007 Vernadskogo Prospect, 101, 3 96.27 96.27 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7705018828 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027700043293 159

In January 2008 the first stage of the transformation was completed, and as a result 20 JSC HPPs were reorganized in the form of take-over to JSC RusHydro, therewith the share of JSC RAO UES of Russia in the authorized capital of JSC RusHydro reduced to 77.93 %. The list of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders was established by the Issuer as of May 15, 2008.

Date of compiling Full and abbreviated corporate names Share of the above Share of the the list of (for non-profit organizations – the mentioned person Issuer’s ordinary individuals entitled name), location, INN (if applicable), in the Issuer’s shares held by the to participate in OGRN (if applicable) or surname, authorised capital, above mentioned each General name, patronymic of the individual per cent person, per cent Meeting Russian Open Joint-Stock Company for Power Engineering and Electrification UES of Russia (JSC RAO UES of Russia) Location: 119526, Moscow, May 15, 2008 Vernadskogo Prospect, 101, 3 77.93 77.93 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7705018828 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027700043293

In July 2008 the final stage of reform liquidating JSC RAO UES of Russia as a separate legal entity and JSC Irganayskaya HPP, as well as reorganizing the companies separated from JSC RAO UES of Russia: JSC HydroOGK Minority Holding and JSC HydroOGK State Holding Company in the form of affiliation to JSC RusHydro. At that the share of the Russian Federation (represented by Rosimuschestvo) in the authorised capital of JSC RusHydro increased up to 60.37 %.

The lists of individuals entitled to participate in the Issuer’s extraordinary general shareholders’ meetings were compiled by the Issuer as of October 8, 2008 and as of October 16, 2008.

Date of compiling Full and abbreviated corporate names Share of the above Share of the the list of (for non-profit organizations – the mentioned person Issuer’s ordinary individuals entitled name), location, INN (if applicable), in the Issuer’s shares held by the to participate in OGRN (if applicable) or surname, authorised capital, above mentioned each General name, patronymic of the individual per cent person, per cent Meeting Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo) Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, October 08, 2008 Nikolskiy Lane, 9 60.37 60.37 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994 Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo) Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, October 16, 2008 Nikolskiy Lane, 9 60.37 60.37 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994

The list of the persons entitled to participate in the annual General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders was established by the Issuer as of April 30, 2009.

160 Date of compiling Full and abbreviated corporate names Share of the above Share of the the list of (for non-profit organizations – the mentioned person Issuer’s ordinary individuals entitled name), location, INN (if applicable), in the Issuer’s shares held by the to participate in OGRN (if applicable) or surname, authorised capital, above mentioned each General name, patronymic of the individual per cent person, per cent Meeting Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo) Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, April 30, 2009 Nikolskiy Lane, 9 61.93 61.93 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994

The list of the persons entitled to participate in the annual General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders was established by the Issuer as of May 19, 2010. Date of compiling Full and abbreviated corporate names Share of the above Share of the the list of (for non-profit organizations – the mentioned person Issuer’s ordinary individuals entitled name), location, INN (if applicable), in the Issuer’s shares held by the to participate in OGRN (if applicable) or surname, authorised capital, above mentioned each General name, patronymic of the individual per cent person, per cent Meeting Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo) Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, May 19, 2010 Nikolskiy Lane, 9 60.2664 60.2664 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994

The list of the persons entitled to participate in the extraordinary General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders was established by the Issuer as of September 14, 2010. Date of compiling Full and abbreviated corporate names Share of the above Share of the the list of (for non-profit organizations – the mentioned person Issuer’s ordinary individuals entitled name), location, INN (if applicable), in the Issuer’s shares held by the to participate in OGRN (if applicable) or surname, authorised capital, above mentioned each General name, patronymic of the individual per cent person, per cent Meeting Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo) Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, September 14, 2010 Nikolskiy Lane, 9 57.9664 57.9664 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994

The list of the persons entitled to participate in the annual General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders was established by the Issuer as of May 23, 2011.

161 Date of compiling Full and abbreviated corporate names Share of the above Share of the the list of (for non-profit organizations – the mentioned person Issuer’s ordinary individuals entitled name), location, INN (if applicable), in the Issuer’s shares held by the to participate in OGRN (if applicable) or surname, authorised capital, above mentioned each General name, patronymic of the individual per cent person, per cent Meeting Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo) Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, May 23, 2011 Nikolskiy Lane, 9 57.9664 57.9664 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994

The list of the persons entitled to participate in the annual General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders was established by the Issuer as of May 24, 2012. Date of compiling Full and abbreviated corporate names Share of the above Share of the the list of (for non-profit organizations – the mentioned person Issuer’s ordinary individuals entitled name), location, INN (if applicable), in the Issuer’s shares held by the to participate in OGRN (if applicable) or surname, authorised capital, above mentioned each General name, patronymic of the individual per cent person, per cent Meeting Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo) Location: 109012, Russia, Moscow, May 24, 2012 Nikolskiy Lane, 9 60.38 60.38 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710723134 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746829994

7.6 Information on Interested Party Transactions carried out by the Issuer

Information on the number and amounts (in money terms) of the transactions effected by the Issuer that were recognized in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation as interested party transactions that required approval of the Issuer’s authorised management body, at the end of each completed financial year for the five last completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than five years.

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total number and total amount of interested party transactions (in money terms) that were effected by the Issuer 27/ 68/ 39/ 5/ 11/ for the reporting period and required 839,543 451,048 6,476,646 1,345,163 17,809,567 approval of the issuer’s authorized managing body, transactions/thousand roubles

162 Indicator 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Number and amount (in monetary terms) of interested party transactions that were effected by the Issuer for the 2/ reporting period and approved by the 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 10,856,206 General Meeting of the Issuer’s Participants (Shareholders), transactions/thousand roubles Number and amount (in monetary terms) of interested party transactions that were effected by the Issuer for the 27/ 68/ 39/ 5/ 9/ reporting period and approved by the 839,543 451,048 6,476,646 1,345,163 6,953,361 Issuer’s Board of Directors (Supervisory Board), transactions/thousand roubles Number and amount (in monetary terms) of interested party transactions that were effected by the Issuer for the reporting period and had to be approved 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 but were not approved by the Issuer’s authorized management body, transactions/thousand roubles

Information on each transaction (a group of mutually connected transactions) with a price making 5 (five) per cent and more of the Issuer’s assets book value calculated on the basis of the figures reflected in its accounting statements prepared as of the last reporting date prior to the appropriate transaction made by the Issuer for the last 5 completed financial years or for every completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than five years, as well as over the period from the Prospectus approval date: No such transactions were effected for the said period.

Information on every interested party transaction (groups of mutually connected transactions) required approval on which no decision for approval was taken by the Issuer’s Board of Directors (by Supervisory Board) or by the Shareholders’ (Participants’) General Meeting of the Issuer in cases when such approval was mandatory under the laws of the Russian Federation: Such transactions were effected.

7.7 Information on Accounts Receivable

Disclose information on total sum of Issuer’s accounts receivable with separate indication of total sum of overdue accounts receivable for the last 5 completed financial years, or per each completed financial year if the Issuer has been operating for less than 5 years. This information may be provided in tabular form with values of indicators provided as of the end date of each completed financial year.

As of Indicator 31.12.2007* 31.12.2008* 31.12.2009* 31.12.2010* 31.12.2011* Total amount of accounts recei vable (thousand roubles) 48 ,449 ,768 70 ,025 ,616 91,782,105 159,538,871 202,835,312 Amount of overdue accounts receivable (thousand roubles) 0 0 0 2,050,415 150,687 * Accounts receivable is indicated by deducting the doubtful debt reserve.

Structure of Issuer’s accounts receivable for the last completed financial year and the last completed reporting period before the date of approval of the Prospectus. The issuers not representing credit institutions provide information in tabular form, where values of indicators are provided as of end date of the corresponding reporting period.

163 As of December 31, 2011 In thousands of roubles Indicator Value, thousands of roubles Under 1 year Over 1 year TOTAL Accounts receivable of buyers and customers 6,058,394 36,849 6,095,243 including overdue liabilities 123,829 0 123,829 Accounts receivable on notes receivable – – – including overdue liabilities – – – Accounts receivable of participants (founders) on – – – contributions payable to the authorized capital including overdue liabilities – – – Other accounts receivable 107,507,564 89,232,506 196,740,070 including overdue liabilities 26,858 – 26,858 Total amount of accounts receivable 113,565,958 89,269,354 202,835,312 Including total amount of overdue accounts receivable 150,687 0 150,687

As of the date of June 30, 2012 In thousands of roubles Indicator Value, thousands of roubles Over 1 year Under 1 year TOTAL Accounts receivable of buyers and customers 149,781 5,211,785 5,361,566 including overdue liabilities 0 2,338,607 2,338,607 Accounts receivable on notes receivable 0 0 0 including overdue liabilities 0 0 0 Accounts receivable of participants (founders) on 0 0 0 contributions payable to the authorized capital including overdue liabilities 0 0 0 Other accounts receivable 98,322,354 112,695,442 211,017,796 including overdue liabilities 0 131,311 131,311 Total amount of accounts receivable 98,472,135 117,907,227 216,379,362 Including total amount of overdue accounts receivable 0 2,469,918 2,469,918

In case of availability of Issuer’s accounts receivable for the five last completed financial years or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years, the debtors owing at least 10 per cent of the total amounts of accounts receivable, for each of such debtors the following information is provided: Full and abbreviated corporate names (for non-commercial organizations – the name), location, INN (if applicable), OGRN (if applicable) or surname, name, patronymic; Total accounts receivable; Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines). If the debtor owing at least 10 per cent of the total amount of accounts receivable is affiliated to the issuer, such circumstance is indicated. For each of such debtors provide the following additional information: Issuer’s participatory stake in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of the affilited person – business entity, and in case this affiliated person is a joint-stock company – also the participatory stake of ordinary shares of the affiliated company held by the Issuer; Participatory stake of affiliated person in the authorized (reserve) capital (mutual funds) of the issuer, and if the issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the participatory stake of ordinary shares of the issuer held by the affiliated company; For the affiliated company representing an individual – position held by such person in the issuer organization, its subsidiaries or dependent companies, parent company, management company.

As of December 31, 2007:

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Bureyskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Bureyskaya HPP

164 Location: Russian Federation, Amur Region, Bureysky District, INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2813004541 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1022800873688 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 12,529,552 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none The debtor was the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 15.91 % Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 19.9 % Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0 In 2008 reorganization of the Issuer was performed in the form of JSC Bureyskaya HPP take-over by the Issuer, as of the date of the present Prospectus approval the debtor is not the Issuer’s affiliated person.

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Location: The Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Sergiev-Posadsky Municipal District, Bogorodskoye urban settlement, Bogorodskoye worker’s housing estate, 101 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 5042086312 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1065042071137 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 5,781,493 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none The debtor as of December 31, 2007 was the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 50.9 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 50.9 Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0 As of the date of the Prospectus approval the debtor is the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company EZOP Abbreviated corporate name: LLC EZOP Location: 119435, Moscow, M. Pirogovskaya Square, 14, building 1 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7704528880 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1077746641543 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 5,252,584 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none The debtor as of December 31, 2007 was not the Issuer’s affiliated person. As of the date of the Prospectus approval the debtor is the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 0 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: This is not a joint-stock company Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0.987873 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0.987873

As of December 31, 2008: Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Location: The Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Sergiev-Posadsky Municipal District, Bogorodskoye urban settlement, Bogorodskoye worker’s housing estate, 101 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 5042086312 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1065042071137 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 12,228,403 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none The debtor as of December 31, 2008 was the Issuer’s affiliated person. 165 Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0 As of the date of the Prospectus approval the debtor is the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company Index of Energy HydroOGK Abbreviated corporate name: LLC Index of Energy HydroOGK Location: Russia, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7729601355 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746560131 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 13,841,781 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none The debtor as of December 31, 2008 was not the Issuer’s affiliated person. As of the date of the Prospectus approval the debtor is the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 0,11 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: This is not a joint-stock company Person’s share in the Issuer’s authorized capital, per cent: 0,494876 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0,494876

As of December 31, 2009: Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Boguchanskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Boguchanskaya HPP Location: Kodinsk, Kezhemskiy district, Krasnoyarsk Territory INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2420002597 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1022400828119 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 11,816,894 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none The debtor as of December 31, 2009 was not the Issuer’s affiliated person. As of the date of Prospectus approval the debtor is not the Issuer’s affiliated person:

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company Index of Energy HydroOGK Abbreviated corporate name: LLC Index of Energy HydroOGK Location: Russia, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str., 51 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7729601355 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1087746560131 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 13,841,781 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none The debtor as of December 31, 2009 was the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 0.01 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 0 Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0.58 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0.58 As of the date of the Prospectus approval the debtor is the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 0.11 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: This is not a joint-stock company Person’s share in the Issuer’s authorized capital, per cent: 0.494876 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0.494876

As of December 31, 2010: Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Boguchanskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Boguchanskaya HPP Location: Kodinsk, Kezhemskiy district, Krasnoyarsk Territory 166 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2420002597 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1022400828119 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 21,027,455 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none As of December 31, 2010 and as of the date of Prospectus approval the debtor was not the Issuer’s affiliated person.

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Location: The Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Sergiev-Posadsky Municipal District, Bogorodskoye urban settlement, Bogorodskoye worker’s housing estate, 101 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 5042086312 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1065042071137 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 22,743,546 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none As of December 31, 2010 and as of the date of Prospectus approval the debtor is the Issuer’s affiliated person. Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Gidroinvest Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Hydroinvest Location: Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Sovetsky District, Oktyabrya Str., 4/3 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7814382859 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1077847558381 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 20,014,368 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): overdue accounts receivable – none As of December 31, 2010 and as of the date of Prospectus approval the debtor is the Issuer’s affiliated person.

As of December 31, 2010: Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 Person’s share in the Issuer’s authorized capital, per cent: 1.23 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 1.23

As of the date of the Prospectus approval: Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 Person’s share in the Issuer’s authorized capital, per cent: 1.124260 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 1.124260

As of 31.12.2011

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Boguchanskaya HPP Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Boguchanskaya HPP Location: The Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kezhemskiy district, Kodinsk, Construction Depot of the Left Bank, United Depot No. 1, bld. 1 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2420002597 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1022400828119 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 4,540,681 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): None 167 As of December 31, 2011 and as of the date of Prospectus approval the debtor was not the Issuer’s affiliated person.

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Gidroinvest Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Gidroinvest Location: The Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Sovetskiy district, Oktyabrya Prospect, 4/3 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7814382859 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1077847558381 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 16,670,580 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): None The debtor is the affiliated person of the Issuer: Yes

As of December 31, 2011 Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 Person’s share in the Issuer’s authorized capital, per cent: 1.23 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 1.23

And as of the date of the Prospectus approval: Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 Person’s share in the Issuer’s authorized capital, per cent: 1.124260 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 1.124260

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company “Boguchansky Aluminum Smelter” Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Boguchansky Aluminum Smelter Location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Pogranichnikov Str., 35 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 2465102746 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 10624650707 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 3,277,535 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): None The debtor is the affiliated person of the Issuer: None

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Energy Sales Company RusHydro Abbreviated corporate name: JSC ESC RusHydro 142 Location: Russian Federation, Moscow, Arkhitektora Vlasova Str, 51 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7804403972 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1089848039973 Amount of accounts receivable, thousands of roubles: 8,420,227 Amount and terms of overdue accounts receivable (interest rate, penalties, fines): None The debtor is the affiliated person of the Issuer: Yes Issuer’s share in the person’s registered capital, per cent: 100 per cent minus 1 share Share of the person’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 100 per cent minus 1 share Person’s share in the Issuer’s registered capital, per cent: 0 Share of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the person, per cent: 0

168 VIII The Issuer’s Accounting (Financial) Statements and Other Financial Information

8.1 The Issuer’s Annual Accounting (Financial) Statements

The structure of the Issuer’s annual accounting (financial) statements enclosed to the Prospectus is as follows: a) annual accounting (financial) statements of the issuer in respect of which the established period for presentation has expired, or drawn up prior to expiry of such prior to expiry of such period, over the last three completed financial years precedent to the Prospectus approval date or per each completed financial year of the issuer has been active for less than 3 years, drawn up in compliance wtih the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, with attached auditor’s (auditors’) opinion in respect of the above mentioned accounting (financial) statements. If in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on audit activity the accounting (financial) statements are not subject to mandatory audit, annual accounting (financial) statements of the issuer subject to inclusion in the Prospectus, shall be audited by the auditor, and the correspondent auditor’s opinion shall be attached to the annual accounting (financial) statements;

The structure of the Issuer’s annual accounting statements attached to the present Prospectus (Appendix No. 1 to the present Prospectus):

The Issuer’s accounting statements for 2009 include the following documents: – Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2009 (Form No. 1); – Profit and Loss Statement for 2009 (Form No. 2); – Changes in Equity Statement for 2009 (Form No. 3); – Cash Flow Statement for 2009 (Form No. 4 ); – Supplement to the Balance Sheet for 2009 (Form No. 5); – Explanatory Notes to the Accounting Statements for 2009; – Auditor Opinion.

The Issuer’s accounting statements for 2010 include the following documents: – Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2010 (Form No. 1); – Profit and Loss Statement for 2010 (Form No. 2); – Changes in Equity Statement for 2010 (Form No. 3); – Cash Flow Statement for 2010 (Form No. 4 ); – Supplement to the Balance Sheet for 2010 (Form No. 5); – Explanatory Notes to the Accounting Statements for 2010; – Auditor Opinion.

The Issuer’s accounting statements for 2011 include the following documents: – Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2011; – Statement of Profit and Loss for 2011; – Statement of changes in equity for 2011; – Cash Flow Statement for 2011; – Explanatory Notes to the Accounting Statements for 2011; – Auditor’s Opinion.

b) If the issuer possesses annual accounting (financial) statements drawn up in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or other internationally accepted regulations, such accounting (financial) statements of the issuer are presented additionally in the over the period set forth in item (a) of this clause. At that provide standards (regulations) which the accounting (financial) statements correspond to. In case the period for presentation of Issuer’s accounting (financial) statements has not expired, the Prospect shall include entrance accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer, and is on the date of Prospectus approval the period for presentation of quarterly accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer has not expired, the entrance accounting (financial) statements shall be audited by the auditor involved for such purposes, and

169 the correspondent auditor’s opinion shall be attached to the presented entrance accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer. The Issuer does not prepare individual annual financial statement in compliance with IFRS or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS. The Issuer draws up the consolidated financial statement of JSC RusHydro and the subsidiaries (hereinafter – the Group) in compliance with IFRS. 8.2 The Issuer’s Quarterly Accounting (Financial) Statements

The structure of the Issuer’s annual accounting (financial) statements attached to the Prospectus is as follows: a) quarterly accounting (financial) statements of the issuer over the last completed reporting quarter (reporting period, comprising 3, 6, or 9 months of the reporting financial year) precedent to the approval date of the Prospectus, in respect of which the established period for its presentation has expired or which is drawn up prior to expiration of such period in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation; The components of unaudited accounting statements for the 1 st Quarter of 2012 attached to this Prospectus (Appendix No.1) are as follows: – Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2012; – Profit and Loss Statement for the 1 st Quarter of 2012.

There were no procedures and no opinion on credibility of these statements made by the Auditor in respect of the Issuer’s reporting statements for the 6 months of 2012 drawn up in compliance with RAS and attached to this Prospectus.

be) provided the issuer has quarterly accounting (financial) statements drawn up in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IF RS) or other than IF RS internationally recognized regulations, such quarterly accounting (financial) statements of the Issuer shall be additionally provided in the Russian language over the last completed reporting quarter (reportin period consisting of 3, 6, or 9 months of the reporting financial year) precedent to the date of Prospectus approval. At that provide standards (regulations) which the accounting (financial) statements correspond to. If on the date of Prospectus approval the period for presentation of annual accounting (financial) statement of the issuer over the first reporting year has not fallen due, quarterly accounting (financial) statements of the issuer shall be audited by the auditor involved for these purposes, and the correspondent auditor’s opinion shall be attached to the quarterly accounting (financial) statements of the issuer submitted. The Issuer does not prepare individual quarterly financial statement in compliance with IFRS or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS.

8.3 The Issuer’s Consolidated Accounting (Financial) Statements

The structure of the Issuer’s annual accounting (financial) statements enclosed to the Prospectus is as follows: a) annual consolidated accounting (financial) statements of the issuer in respect of which the established period for presentation has expired, or drawn up prior to expiry of such period, over the last three completed financial years precedent to the Prospectus approval date or per each completed financial year of the issuer has been active for less than 3 years, drawn up in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, with attached auditor’s (auditors’) opinion in respect of the above mentioned consolidated accounting (financial) statements. If in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on audit activity the annual consolidated accounting (financial) statements are not subject to mandatory audit, annual accounting (financial) statements of the issuer subject to inclusion in the Prospectus, shall be audited by the auditor involved for these purposes, and the correspondent auditor’s opinion shall be attached to the annual consolidated accounting (financial) statements presented; The Issuer does not prepare aggregated financial (reporting) statements in accordance with the Russian Federation laws in connection with the circumstance that the Issuer prepares consolidated financial statements in accordance with the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), which complies with the criteria established in Clause 8 of the Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Aggregate Reporting Statements, as approved by the Order of the RF Ministry of Finance dated December 30, 1996 No. 112.

170 b) with annual consolidated financial statement of the issuer available drawn up in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS, the issuer provides such consolidated financial statement in the Russian language over the last three completed financial years precedent to the date of Prospectus approval or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than three years. The annual consolidated financial statement shall be accompanied by auditor’s (auditors’) opinion. At that provide standards (regulations) which consolidated financial statements correspond to. In case of presentation of annual consolidated financial statement drawn up in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or other internationally recognized regulations other than IFRS, presentation of consolidated accounting statement for the correspondent periods drawn up in compliance with the requirements set forth by the legislation of the Russian Federation may be omitted. If the issuer does not draw up consolidated accounting (consolidated financial) statements, provide reasons why the issuer need not draw up consolidated accounting (financial) statements. Consolidated financial statements of the Group drawn up in compliance with IFRS, for years 2009, 2010, and 2011 are provided in Appendix No. 2 to the current Prospectus.

Consolidated financial statement of the Group drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2009 and attached to the current Prospectus, includes: Independent Auditor’s Opinion; Consolidated Report on Financial Status as of December 31, 2009; Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement for the years ended on December 31, 2009; Consolidated Report on the Total Income for the years ended on December 31, 2009; Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on December 31, 2009; Consolidated Change in Equity Statement for the year ended on December 31, 2009; Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended on December 31, 2009; In 2011 the Issuer purchased enterprises from the Parties under common control, which were reflected in consolidated financial statements of the Issuer drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2011, as subsidiaries. Effect of these purchases on the assets, liabilities and minority shareholding in the Report on Financial Status of the Issuer as of December 31, 2009 is disclosed in Appendix No. 3, Brief Summary of Main Provisions of Accounting Policy – Purchase of Subsidiary Companies from Enterprises under Common Control to consolidated financial statements of the Issuer drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2011. We also would like to point out that for the purposes of this Prospectus no retroactive adjustments of consolidated financial statements of the Issuer drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2009 were performed due to absence of regulatory requirements in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities markets.

Consolidated financial statement of the Group drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2010 and attached to the current Prospectus, includes: Independent Auditor’s Opinion; Consolidated Report on Financial Status as of December 31, 2010; Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement for the years ended on December 31, 2010; Consolidated Report on the Total Income for the years ended on December 31, 2010; Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on December 31, 2010; Consolidated Change in Equity Statement for the year ended on December 31, 2010; Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended on December 31, 2010. In 2011 the Issuer purchased enterprises from the Parties under common control, which were reflected in consolidated financial statements of the Issuer drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2011, as subsidiaries. Effect of these purchases is disclosed in Appendix No. 3, Brief Summary of Main Provisions of Accounting Policy – Purchase of Subsidiary Companies from Enterprises under Common Control to consolidated financial statements of the Issuer drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2011. The Issuer also introduced changes to like data for year 2010 in the above mentioned statements. We also would like to point out that for the purposes of this Prospectus no retroactive adjustments of consolidated financial statements of the Issuer drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2010 were performed due to absence of regulatory requirements in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities markets.

Consolidated financial statement of the Group drawn up in compliance with IFRS for year 2011 and attached to the current Prospectus, includes: Independent Auditor’s Opinion; 171 Consolidated Report on Financial Status as of December 31, 2011; Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement for the year ended on December 31, 2011; Consolidated Report on the Total Income for the year ended on December 31, 2011; Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on December 31, 2011; Consolidated Change in Equity Statement for the year ended on December 31, 2011; Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended on December 31, 2011.

In addition to the current Prospectus please find attached the Abbreviated Consolidated Intermediate Financial Information (not been audited) prepared in compliance with IFRS, and the Auditor’s Opinion on the Results of Review Engagement over the six months period ended on June 30, 2012 (Appendix No. 2). 8.4 Information on the Issuer’s Accounting Policy

Major provisions of the Issuer’s accounting policy established solely by the Issuer in compliance with the Accounting Legislation of the Russian Federation and approved by the order or the instruction of the person responsible for Issuer’s accounting status and administration. Information on major provisions of the accounting policy adopted by the issuer is provided in respect of the current financial year, quarterly accounting (financial) statements for which are included in the Prospectus, and in respect of each completed financial year, annual accounting (financial) statements for which are included in the Prospectus. Accounting policy for years 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 is provided in Appendix No. 3 to the current Prospectus.

8.5 Information on the Total Amount of Exports and on the Exports Share in Total Sales

If the issuer sells products and goods and/or performs works, provides services outside the Russian Federation, total sum of issuer’s income, received from export of products (goods, works, services), as well as Percentage of such income in the revenue from sales, calculated separately per each of the last three completed financial years precedent to the date of approval of the prospectus, or per each completed financial year precedent to the date of approval of the prospectus, is the issuer has been active for less than three years, as well as over the last completed reporting period from the date of approval of the prospectus. If the issuer does not export products (goods, works, services), such circumstance is indicated. The Issuer does not export products (goods, works, services). 8.6 Information on Significant Changes Having Taken Place within Issuer’s Property after the Date of the End of the Most Recently Lapsed Financial Year

Indicate details on significant changes in the property of the issuer having taken place after the end date of last completed financial year, annual accounting (financial) statements for which are included in the Prospectus and prior to Prospectus approval date. In respect of each such change the following information is disclosed: Contents of change (disposals of issuer’s property; acquisitions of issuer’s property); type and brief description of property (object of immovable property) disposed of (acquired) as part of issuer’s property; Reason for disposal of (acquisition) as part of issuer’s property and date of such event; Balance value of disposed property, and in case of alienation for compensation (acquisition) – the price of alienation (acquisition) of such property.

No significant changes to the property composition have taken place.

172 8.7 Information on the Issuer’s Involvement in Litigations if such Involvement may have a Material Effect on the Issuer’s Financial and Business Performance

Provide information on court proceedings the issuer participated in as claimant or defendant (indicating orders inflicted upon the defendant by the court authority) in case such participation may have significant effect on financial and business activity of the issuer. The information is disclosed for the three last completed financial years preceding the date of Prospectus approval or per each completed financial year if the issuer has been active for less than three years. There are no court proceedings involvement which in 3 year period preceding the date of approval of the Prospectus may have a significant impact of financial and operating performance of the Company.

173 IX Detailed Information on the Procedure and Terms for Placement of Equity Securities

9.1 Information on the Placed Securities

9.1.1 General

Bonds Series 07

Include: Type of offered securities (shares, bonds, Issuer’s options, Russian depositary receiptsx): Bearer bonds Series: 07 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 07 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro (hereinafter – the Issuer)

Maturity: the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Face value of each placed security (if rated value securities placed is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation): 1,000 (One thousand) roubles

Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The amount of securities placed at face value (in case face value securities placed is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation): 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion)

Form of placed securities (registered uncertified, registered bearer securities without mandatory centralized storage, registered bearer securities with mandatory centralized storage): Documentary bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage

Bonds Series 08

Include: Type of offered securities (shares, bonds, Issuer’s options, Russian depositary receiptsx): Bearer bonds Series: 08 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 08 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro (hereinafter – the Issuer) 174

Maturity: the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Face value of each placed security (if rated value securities placed is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation): 1,000 (One thousand) roubles

Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The amount of securities placed at face value (in case face value securities placed is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation): 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion)

Form of placed securities (registered uncertified, registered bearer securities without mandatory centralized storage, registered bearer securities with mandatory centralized storage): Documentary bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage

Bonds Series 09

Include: Type of offered securities (shares, bonds, Issuer’s options, Russian depositary receiptsx): Bearer bonds Series: 09 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 09 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro (hereinafter – the Issuer)

Maturity: the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Face value of each placed security (if rated value securities placed is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation): 1,000 (One thousand) roubles

Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The amount of securities placed at face value (in case face value securities placed is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation): 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion)

175 Form of placed securities (registered uncertified, registered bearer securities without mandatory centralized storage, registered bearer securities with mandatory centralized storage): Documentary bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage

Bonds Series 10

Include: Type of offered securities (shares, bonds, Issuer’s options, Russian depositary receiptsx): Bearer bonds Series: 10 Identification attributes: Non-convertible interest bearing documentary bearer bonds series 08 with mandatory centralized storage (hereinafter in the text jointly referred to as Bonds and separately as the Bond), with a possibility of early redemption by holders’ request and upon discretion of JSC RusHydro (hereinafter – the Issuer)

Maturity: the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Face value of each placed security (if rated value securities placed is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation): 1,000 (One thousand) roubles

Number of actually placed securities: 10,000,000 (Ten million) The amount of securities placed at face value (in case face value securities placed is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation): 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion)

Form of placed securities (registered uncertified, registered bearer securities without mandatory centralized storage, registered bearer securities with mandatory centralized storage): Documentary bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage

For securities payable to bearer with mandatory centralized storage indicate full and abbreviated corporate name, location of the depositary to perform centralized storage of placed securities, number, date of issue and validity period of depositary license for performance of depositary activity, as well as the issuing authority: For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Mandatory centralized storage of Bonds is stipulated. Depositary providing centralized bonds storage: Full corporate name: Non-Banking Credit Institution Closed Joint-Stock Company National Settlement Depository Abbreviated corporate name: NBCI CJSC NSD Location: 125009, Moscow, Sredny Kislovsky Lane, 1/13, bld. 8 Postal address: 105066, Moscow, Spartakovskaya Str., 12 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7702165310 Telephone: (495) 956-27-89, (495) 956-27-90 Depositary license number: 177-12042-000100 176 Date of issue: February 19, 2009 Validity term: unlimited Licensing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Issuer of bonds is documented with one certificate (hereinafter – the Certificate, Bond Certificate) subject to mandatory centralized storage in NBCI CJSC NSD Prior to start date of bonds placement the issuer transfers the Certificate for storage in NSD. Individual bond certificates are not handed out to holders of bonds. Holders of bonds may not require for the certificates to be handed out. In case of discrepancy between the text of the Resolution on issue of securities and the data provided in the Bond Certificate the holder has the right to require execution of rights formalized by this security to the extent certified by the Bond Certificate. Accounting for and certification of rights for bonds, accounting for and certification of transfer of bonds, including events of encumbrances of bonds by liabilities are achieved in NSD and other depositaries accounting for bonds rights except for NSD (hereinafter – Depositaries). Bonds ownership is certified by credit entries on depot accounts issued by NSD and Depositaries to holders of bonds. Bonds ownership right is transferred from one person to another the moment the credit entry on depot account of the acquiring party in NSD or the corresponding Depositary is made. The potential buyer of Bonds shall set up a depot account in NSD or in a Depositary. Procedure and period of opening of depot accounts are determined by the provisions of correspondent depositary charters. Writing off of bonds from depot accounts at redemption is performed after fulfillment of all liabilities of the Issuer to holders of bonds in respect of payment of coupon interest and face value of bonds. Withdrawal of Bond Certificate from storage is performed after writing off all bonds from the accounts of NSD. Procedure for accounting and transfer of ownership rights for documentary equity securities with mandatory centralized storage is regulated by the Federal Law on Securities Market No. 39-FZ dated April 22, 1996, Provision on Depositary Activity in the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of Russian FSMC No. 36 dated October 16, 1997 and other regulatory legal acts of the executive authority on securities market and internal documents of the Depositary. In compliance with Federal Law on Securities Market No. 39-FZ dated April 22, 1996: – In case of storage of certificates of bearer’s documentary securities and/or accounting for ownership rights for such securities in the depositary, the ownership right for bearer’s documentary security is transferred to the buyer the moment the credit entry on depot account of the buyer is made. The rights assigned by equity security are transferred to their buyer from the moment the ownership rights for this security are transferred. In compliance with the Provision on Depositary Activity in the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of FSMC No. 36 dated October 16, 1997: The Depositary shall ensure separate storage of securities and (or) accounting for ownership rights on securities of each client (bailor) from securities of other clients (bailors) of the depositary, particularly by setting up a separate depot account for each client (bailor). Credit entries for securities made by the depositary certify the ownerhsip rights for securities, if not otherwise judicially stated. The Depositor shall operate with securities of the clients (bailors) only on instructions from these clients (bailors) or their authorized persons, including account protectors, and within the terms established by the depositary contract. The Depositary shall make entries on client’s (bailor’s) depot account only upon availability of documents that represent ground for making such entries in compliance with the Provision other regulatory legal acts and the depositary contract. Grounds for making credit entries on depot account of the client (bailor): – Instructions from client (bailor) or their authorized person, including account protector, that correspond to the requirements set forth in the depositary contract;

177 – In case of transfer of ownership right for securities other than as a result of civil-law transactions – documents confirming transfer of ownership rights on securities in compliance with applicable laws and other regulatory legal acts. The depositary shall register facts of loan lien of securities held by clients (bailors), as well as other third party rights in compliance with the procedure set forth by the depositary contract. Ownership rights for securities that are stored and (or) the rights accounted for in the depositary are considered to be transferred from the moment the depositary makes a correspondent credit entry on the depot account of the client (bailor). However in the absence of credit entry on depot account the interested person is not deprived of the opportunity to establish ownership of security referring to other evidence. In case of change of applicable legislation and/or regulatory documents of the federal executive authority on securities market, the procedure for accounting and transfer of bonds ownership rights shall be regulated with respect to the changes of requirements stipulated by the legislation and/or regulatory documents of the federal executive authority on securities market. The Depositary accounting for ownership rights for equity securities with mandatory centralized storage shall provide services related to acquisition of income on such securities in monetary form and other monetary payments due to holders of such securities. Holders and Trustees of Bonds receive payments on bonds via depositary maintaining the register of rights for bonds which they are bailors of. Depositary contract between the depositary accounting for the title of securities, and the bailor, shall contain the procedure for transfer of payments on bonds to the bailor. The Issuer fulfills liability on performance of payments on Bonds by transferring monetary funds to NSD performing their mandatory centralized storage. The aforementioned liability is considered fulfilled by the Issuer from the date of receipt of monetary funds at NSD account. NSD shall transfer payments on Bonds to its bailors not later than the next working day from the day of their receipt. The Issuer bears subsidiary responsibility before NSD bailors for performance of the aforementioned liability by NSD. At that transfer of payments on Bonds by NSD to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. Depositaries accounting for the rights for bonds shall transfer the payments on bonds to their bailoers not later than three working days from the day of their receipt, but not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date for which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer to its bailors of payments on bonds entitled to them. At that transfer of payments on securities to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. After expiry of the given ten-day period the bailors have the right to require performance of payments on securities from the Depositary with whom they have concluded a depositary contract, independently of receipt of such payments by the Depositary. The requirement concerning Depositary’s liability to transfer payments on securities to its bailors not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date on which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer of due payments on bonds to its bailors, is not applied to the Depositary that became bailor of another Depositary in compliance with the written instructions from its bailor and not having received due for transfer payments on bonds from another Depositary. Transfer of payments on bonds is addressed by the depositary to the person that is its bailor: 1) as of the date determined in compliance with the Resolution on issue of securities as the date of due fulfillment of liability to execute payments on bonds by the Issuer; 2) As of the date following the date on which NSD has disclosed (presented) information on transfer of due payment on bonds to its bailors, if liability for performance of last payment on bonds within the established period is not fulfilled by the Issuer or is fulfilled inadequately. The depositary transfers to its bailors the payments on securities proportional to the quantity of bonds that were accounted for on their depot accounts as of the date determined in the aforementioned paragraph.

178 NSD shall disclose (provide) information on transfer of payments on bonds, including the amount of payment per one bond, in compliance with the procedure, terms and volume established by the federal executive authority on securities market. Writing off of bonds from depot accounts at redemption is performed after fulfillment of all liabilities of the Issuer to holders of bonds in respect of payment of coupon interest and face value of bonds.

Rights conferred by each security of the issue: For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Each bond provides similar scope of rights to its holder compared to other holders of bonds. The documents certificating the rights conferred by the bond are the Bond Certificate and the Resolution of Securities Issue. 1 The bond holder has the right to obtain the face value of Bond (outstanding part of face value if the decision on early redemption is made by teh issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus) at redemption of bond within the stipulated period. 2 The bond holder has the right to obtain a coupon income (as a Percentage from outstanding part of face value of the bond) on the end date of each coupon period, the procedure for calculation of the amount of which is stated in paragraph 9.3 of the Resolution on the Issue of Securities, paragraph 9.1.2 of the Prospectus, and the terms of repayment are stated in paragraph 9.4 of the Resolution on the Issue of Securities, paragraph 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. 3 The bond holder has the right to require acquisition of bonds by the Issuer in cases and under conditions provided under the Resolution on securities issue and the Prospectus. 4 Holders of bonds shall acquire the right to submit the bonds for early redemption in case of delisting of bonds at all stock exchanges having included the bonds in quotation lists, provided such bonds were previously included in Quotation list “B” at any stock exchange. 5 In case of liquidation of the issuer the holder of bond has the right to receive the due monetary funds according to the priority stipulated in compliance with Clause 64 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 6 The bonds’ holder has the right to sell or otherwise alienate the bonds. The bonds’ holder who acquired the bonds at the first offer has no right to trade the bonds until they are fully repaid and a notice on bond issue results is submitted to the registering authority under the Laws of the Russian Federation. 7 The bonds’ holder has the right to exercise other rights stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. All indebtedness of the Issuer on bonds of the issue will be legally equal and obligatory to be repaid. The issuer undertakes to ensure return on investment funds to the holders of bonds in case of recognition of the issue of bonds as rejected or invalid in compliance with the legislation. The issuer shall secure the rights of the shareholders subject to their compliance with the procedure of exercising such rights specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Method of securities placement: For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 – public offering

Procedure for securities placement, and in case the placement of securities is planned to be achieved outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including by way of placement of corresponding foreign securities – indication of such circumstance: For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Offering opening and closing dates or procedure for determining the terms of the offering: The offering opening date shall be determined as follows: 179 Commencement date of bond offering is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body and disclosed to all interested persons in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. At that commencement date of bonds offering may not be settled earlier than after 2 (Two) weeks from publishing notice on state registration of issue of securities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and information disclosure procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on Issue of Securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The above mentioned two-week period starts from the date following the date of publication of notice of state registration of bonds issue in the news bulletin of one of the information agencies authozied by the federal executive power body in the securities market for disclosure of information in securities market (hereinafter – the News Bulletin) Where at the time of occurrence of the event which the Issuer shall disclose in accordance with applicable federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market, other procedure and timeline for disclosure of such fact is prescribed than the procedure and timeline provided for in the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus, disclosure of such fact shall be made using the procedure and timeline stipulated by federal laws, and regulatory acts issued by the federal executive authority for securities market as effective at the time of occurrence of the event.

Notice of commencement date of bonds placement is published by the Issuer in the form of a notice on commencement date of placement within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the commencement date of securities placement; – On the Internet webpage 6 – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the commencement date of securities placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of the placement date not later than 5 (Five) days prior to commencement of placement. Commencement date of bonds placement determined by the authorized management body of the Issuer may be changed by the decision of the same management body of the Issuer provided the requirements of disclosure procedure of information on the change of commencement date of bonds placement determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Resolution on Issuer of Securities and the Prospectus are met. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange of change of date of securities placement on the day the corresponding decision is made. Closing date of securities placement or the procedure for its determination: Closing date of bonds placement is the earliest of the following: a) 5 (Fifth) working day from the commencement date of Bonds placement; b) last Bond placement date. At that closing date of Bonds placement may not fall later than 1 (One) year from the date of state registration of Bonds issue.

6 To disclose information on the webpage the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage provided by one of securities market information distributors, and if the securities of the Issuer are included on the list of securities allowed for trade, the organizer of trade on the securities market provided the information is published on any webpage beyond the Internet webpage provided by one of the information distributors on the securities market, the Issuer shall use the Internet webpage whose address includes domain name owned by the Issuer – Disclosure of information on the Internet webpage is carried out in compliance with the requirements set forth by the federal executive authority on securities market. Here and further on the information disclosure “on the Internet webpage” means disclosure of information on the Internet webpage, provided by one of the distributors of information on the securities market –, and on the Internet webpage, whose address includes the domain name owned by the Issuer – 180

Bonds are not placed in tranches.

If securities placement through public offering is effected with a possibility of acquiring them outside the territory of the Russian Federation,including way of purchasing foreign securities – availability of such opportunity: No such opportunity is available.

The procedure and conditions for conclusion of contracts (procedure and conditions for submission and filling the applications, if conclusion of contracts is achieved by way of submitting and filling of applications), aimed at disposal of securities by the first holder in the course of placement; Placement of Bonds may be effected with inclusion or without inclusion of Bonds into Quotation List B. At that inclusion of Bonds in Quotation List Be will be performed in compliance with Listing, Admission to Placement and Circulation of Securities in the Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICEX. Placement of Bonds is effected by conclusion of purchase and sale transaction at Bonds placement price provided in Clause 8.4. of the Resolution for Issue of Securities and Clause 2.4 for the Prospectus (hereinafter – Placement Price). Transactions at placement of Bonds are concluded in the Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICEX (hereinafter the Stock Exchange, SE MICEX) by satisfying address applications for purchase of Bonds applied for using the Stock Exchange trading system (hereinafter – the Trading System) in compliance with Securities Trading Regulations in Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICEX (hereinafter Securities Trading Regulations and Stock Exchange Regulations). Organizations that may provide to the Issuer the services in relation to placement and organization of placement of Bonds (hereinafter – the Organizers) are Closed Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB, Closed Joint-Stock Company VTB Capital, SviazBank (Open Joint-Stock Company, Interregional Commercial Bank for Development of Communication and Information Technology). Persons mentioned herein may act in capacity of Underwriter at placement. Trading is effected in compliance with Stock Exchange Regulations registered in compliance with the procedure set forth by the Federal executive authority on securities market. At that placement of Bonds may be performed in the form of tender for determination of coupon rate for first coupon period (hereinafter – the Tender) or by way of bookbuilding by buyers of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period in compliance with the procedure predetermined by the Issuer and based on the conditions established by the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus. Resolution on the procedure for Bonds placement is adopted by the sole execution body of the Issuer and is disclosed in compliance with the Procedure set forth in Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange on the Resolution on issue of Bonds not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement. Resolution on approval of the Bonds purchase and sale transaction concluded in the course of placement of Bonds which represents an interested party transaction shall be taken prior to its conclusion in accordance with the procedure set forth by federal laws.

1) Placement of Bonds in the form of Tender for definition of coupon rate for first coupon period:

Conclusion of transactions for placement of Bonds starts on the Start Date of Bonds Placement after announcement of the results of the Tender and ends on the end date of Bonds placement. Coupon rate for first coupon period of the Bonds is determined in the course of Tender at the Stock Exchange among potential buyers of Bonds on the start date of Bonds placement. In case the potential buyer is not Stock Exchange Bidder (hereinafter – the Bidder), the buyer shall conclude the corresponding agreement with any of the Bidders and may entitle such bidder to purchase the Bonds. Potential buyer of Bonds who is not the Bidder, acts independently.

181 On the day of the Tender the Bidders supply address applications to buy the Bonds at the Tender using the Trading System either at their own cost, or at the cost of the clients. Time and procedure to apply for participation in the Tender is set forth by the Stock Exchange as agreed with the Issuer and/or Underwriter. Applications for purchase of Bonds are addressed by the Bidders to the Underwriter. The application for purchase shall include the following significant conditions: – Price of purchase (100 per cent of face value); – number of Bonds; – Value of coupon rate for first coupon period; – Calculation key used at conclusion of transaction with securities subject to inclusion in clearing pool of clearing company on the basis of multiparty or simple clearing and determining, that at settlement of the transaction the procedure for material control is performed, and the due date for execution of the transaction with securities is the transaction conclusion date; – Other parameters in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations. Purchase price shall be indicated as the Bonds placement price established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. Number of Bonds shall be placed as the number of Bonds potential buyer desires to purchase in the case, if the Issuer’s authorized management body establishes interest rate for first coupon period greater or equal to that set forth in the application. Coupon interest rate for the coupon period is indicated as the value (in numerical form with accuracy to two decimal numbers to the right of the decimal) of the coupon interest rate for the coupon period, at announcement of which by the Issuer the potential buyers was ready to purchase the number of Bonds listed in the application at 100 % of face value. Value of coupon rate shall be represented in per cents per year with an accuracy of 0.01 per cent. At that monetary assets shall be reserved at the trading accounts of the participants of trading in NSD in the amount sufficient for full repayment of Bonds indicated in the applications for purchase of Bonds with respect to all the necessary commission fees. The applications that do not meet the requirements specified above are not allowed to participate in the tender. Upon completion of the application filing period of the tender the Stock Exchange draws up the summary register of applications for purchase of securities (hereinafter – the Summary register of applications) and passes it to the Underwriter. The summary register of applications contains all the significant conditions of each application – purchase price, number of securities, date and time of receipt of application, number of application, reasonable coupon interest rate for the first coupon period, as well as other details in compliance with the Stock Exchange regulations. Based on the analysis of applications received for the tender the authorized management body of the issuer takes a decision on the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period and the issuer notifies the Stock Exchange on the decision taken in writingnot later than 30 minutes prior to sending the information on the decision made in the news bulletin. After the information agency publishes the notice on the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period, the Issuer notifies the Underwriter of the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period. The notice on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period is published by the Underwriter with the aid of the trading system by wending an email message to all the bidders. After the information on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period, the Underwriter closes transactions in compliance with the Stock Market regulations by way of fulfilling applications pursuent to the procedure set forth by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus, at that only the applications with interest rate value lower or equal to the value of the established coupon interest rate for the first coupon period are fulfilled. Priority in fulfillment of applications for purchase of bonds submitted in the course of the tender is granted to the applications with minimum value of coupon interest rate.

182 If applications with identical coupon interest rate for the first coupon period the priority in fulfillment is granted to applications submitted earlier in time. Unfulfilled applications of the bidders are rejected by the Underwriter. After the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period determined and the applications submitted in the course of the tender fulfilled, bidders acting at their own charges and at the charge of and under instructions of potential buyers may during the placement period submit address applications for purchase of Bonds at the placement price to the Underwriter in case of incomplete placement of Bonds issue in the course of the tender procedure. Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation: The application submitted for purchase of bonds are completely fulfilled by the Underwriter in case the number of Bonds in the application of purchase of Bonds does not exceed the number of unplaced Bonds (within the bulk of bonds proposed for placement). In case the volume of the application for purchase of bonds exceeds the quantity of Bonds remaining unplaced, such application for purpose of Bonds is fulfilled to the amount of unplaced balance. In case the Underwriter places full volume of Bonds proposed for placement, fulfillment of further applications for purchase of Bonds is not effected. Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation: Purchase of Bonds of the Issuer in the course of their placement may not be performed at the Issuer’s costs.

2) Placement of Bonds by way of bookbuilding from the buyers’ side for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period:

In case of Bonds placement by way of bookbuilding on the buyers’ part for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period, the Issuer’s authorized management bod’ prior to start date of Bonds placement makes a decision on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period not later than 1 (One) day prior to the start date of Bonds placement. Information on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period is disclosed by the Issuer in compliance with Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange of coupon rate for the first coupon period not later than 1 (One) day prior to start date of Bonds placement. Placement of Bonds by way of bookbuilding on the buyers’ part for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate of the first coupon period involves an invitation addressed to an indefinite range of persons to submit proposals (offers) for purchase of placed securities. Address applications from buyers are offers from bidders for purchase of placed bonds. The reply on acceptance of proposals (offers) on acquisition of placed Bonds is sent to the bidders determined at Issuer’s discretion from the number of bidders having submitted such proposals (offers) by submitting address counter-applications. At that the bidder agrees, that the application submitted may be rejected, accepted fully or partially. On the start date of bonds placement the bidders during the period of submission of applications for purchase of bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period submit their address applications for purchase of Bonds using the trading system both at their own costs and at the costs of their clients. Time and procedure for submission of address applications during the period for submission of applications at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period are established by the Stock Exchange as agreed upon by the Issuer and/or the Underwriter. Upon completion of the application filing period for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period the Stock Exchange draws up the summary register of applications for purchase of securities (hereinafter – the Summary register of applications) and passes it to the Underwriter.

183 The summary register of applications contains all the significant conditions of each application – purchase price, number of securities, date and time of receipt of application, number of application, as well as other details in compliance with the Stock Exchange regulations. Based on analysis of the summary register of applications the Issuer determines buyers to whom the bonds shall be sold, as well as the number of bonds that are intended for sale to these buyers, and transfers this information to the Underwriter. After the Underwriter receives from the Issuer the information regarding buyers to whom the issuer plans to sell the bonds and the number of bonds for sale to these buyers, the Underwriter closes transactions with the buyers, to whom the Issuer wishes to sell the bonds, by submitting address counter-applications in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations indicating the number of securities the Issuer wishes to sell to this buyer in compliance with the procedure established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. After filling the applications submitted during the application filing period, in case of incomplete placement of bonds issue in compliance with its results, the bidders acting at their own account and at the account and on behalf of potential buyers, may in the course of placement period submit address applications for purchase of bonds at placement price to the Underwriter. The Issuer analyses such applications and determines the buyers to whom the bonds shall be sold, as well as the number of bonds that are intended for sale to these buyers, and transfers this information to the Underwriter. After the Underwriter receives from the Issuer the information regarding buyers to whom the issuer plans to sell the bonds and the number of bonds for sale to these buyers, the Underwriter closes transactions with the buyers, to whom the Issuer wishes to sell the bonds, by submitting address counter-applications in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations indicating the number of securities the Issuer wishes to sell to this buyer in compliance with the procedure established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. In case the potential buyer is not the Bidder, the buyer shall conclude the corresponding agreement with any of the Bidders and may entitle such bidder to purchase the Bonds. Potential buyer of Bonds who is not the Bidder, acts independently. Applications for purchase of Bonds are addressed by the Bidders to the Underwriter. The application for purchase shall include the following significant conditions: – Price of purchase (100 per cent of face value); – Number of Bonds; – Calculation key used at conclusion of transaction with securities subject to inclusion in clearing pool of clearing company on the basis of multiparty or simple clearing and determining, that at settlement of the transaction the procedure for material control is performed, and the due date for execution of the transaction with securities is the transaction conclusion date; – Other parameters in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations. Purchase price shall be indicated as the Bonds placement price established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. Number of Bonds shall be indicated as the number of bonds the potential buyer wishes to acquire at a certain coupon rate for the first coupon period prior to start date of placement. At that monetary assets shall be reserved at the trading accounts of the participants of trading in NSD in the amount sufficient for full repayment of Bonds indicated in the applications for purchase of Bonds with respect to all the necessary commission fees. Applications that do not comply with the above listed requirements are not accepted. Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation: Purchase of Bonds of the Issuer in the course of their placement may not be performed at the Issuer’s costs. At placement of bonds by way of bookbuilding from buyers for purchase of bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period the issuer and/or the underwriter intend to conclude preliminary contracts with potential buyers of bonds containing an obligation to conclude with them or with the bidder acting on their behalf major contracts aimed at carve-out of placed securities to them in the future. 184 Conclusion of such preliminary contracts is performed by way of acceptance by the Issuer and/or the Underwriter of offers from potential buyers for conclusion of preliminary contracts in compliance with such the potential buyer and the Issuer undertake to conclude major bonds sale and purchase contracts on the start date of bonds placement (hereinafter – the Preliminary Contracts). At that any offer with a proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract at issuer’s discretion, may be rejected, accepted fully or partially. Accumulation of offers with proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contracts begins not earlier than the date of state registration of bonds and ends not later than 1 (One) day prior to the start date of bonds placement.

Procedure for disclosure of information concerning the time period for making an offer from potential buyers of bonds with a proposal to conclude Preliminary Contracts The Issuer discloses the information on the time period for sending offers with proposal to conclude the Preliminary Congract in the form of corporate action notice within the following period from the date of adoption of such decision by the authorized management body of the Issuer: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The information provided shall include the form of offer from potential buyer with a proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract and the procedure and term for sending such offers. The offers containing proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract sent by potential buyer, the maximum sum the buyer prepared to purchase bonds is indicated as well as minimum coupon rate for the first coupon period on bonds, at which the buyer is ready to purchase Bonds for the given maximum sum. By submitting an offer with a proposal to conclude a Preliminary Contract the potential buyer agrees, that it may be rejected, accepted fully or partially. Acceptance of offers from potential buyers with proposals to conclude a Preliminary Contract is only allowed starting from the date of disclosure of information on sending offers from potential buyers with proposals to conclude Preliminary Contracts in the news bulletin. The end date of period for sending offers from potential buyers for conclusion of Preliminary Contracts initially established by the resolution of the Issuer’s management authority may be changed by the Issuer’s Management authority. The information on this fact is disclosed in the form of corporate action notice within the following period from the date of adoption of the resolution of change of period for sending offers from potential buyers for conclusion of Preliminary Contracts: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

Procedure for disclosure of information on expiry of period for sending offers from potential buyers of bonds with a proposal to make a Preliminary Contract Information on expiry of period for sending offers from potential buyers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of corporate action notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than the day following the date of expiry of the period for sending offers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract; – On the Internet web page not later than 2 (Two) days following the date of expiry of the period for sending offers with a proposal to conclude the Preliminary Contract. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. Main contracts of sale and purchase of bonds are concluded at bonds placing price indicated in Clause 8.4 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.4 of the Prospectus by submitting address applications in the trading system under the procedure established by this subparagraph.

As the securities are placed in the form of offering by way of tender, provide additional information on the person organizing the tender.

185 Name of person organizing the trading (market maker): Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICE (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange) Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC SE MICE Location: 125009, Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovskiy Lane, house 13 Postal address: 125009, Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovskiy Lane, house 13 State registration date: December 2, 2003 Registration number: 1037789012414 Name of authority performing state registration: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. 46, city of Moscow No. of License of the stock exchange: 077-10489-000001 Date of issue: August 23, 2007 Validity term: unlimited Licensing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

The issuer supposes to address the Stock Exchange to ensure admission of Bonds to secondary circulation in the Stock Exchange. Potential buyer of Bonds may act independently if such buyer has access to training at the Stock Exchange. In case the potential buyer has no access to trading at the Stock Exchange, such buyer shall conclude a correpondent agreement with any broker having access to trading at the Stock Exchange and entitle such buyer to purchase the Bonds or to gain access to trading at the Stock Exchange and act individually. Express condition for purchase of Bonds at the Stock Exchange at their placement is the preliminary reservation of a sufficient amount of buyer’s monetary assets for purchase of Bonds on the account of the bidder on whose behalf the application for purchase of Bonds is made, in NSD in the amount sufficient for full payment for Bonds indicated in Bonds purchase applications with account of all the necessary commission fees. The potential buyer of Bonds shall set up a correspondent depot account in NSD or in a Depositary. Procedure and period of opening of depot accounts are determined by the provisions of correspondent depositary charters. At that the monetary assets shall be previously reserved in the amount sufficient for full payment for the quantity of Bonds listed in the Bonds purchase applications with account of all the necessary commission fees (starting from the second day of placement additionally with account of accumulated ACI). At placement of Bonds in a tender, in case the conditions of the applications meet the above listed requirements, such applications are registered at the Stock Exchanged and then satisfied (or rejected) by the Underwriter at the Stock Exchanged (as stipulated above). If Bonds are placed by way of bookbuilding for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period determined by the Issuer before the Bonds placement start date, provided the conditions of the applications meet the requirements listed above they are registered at the Stock Exchange and then satisfied (or rejected) by the Underwriter at the Stock Exchange in compliance with Issuer’s resolution (as stipulated above). Bonds sold at placement are transferred by NSD to depot accounts of bonds buyerson the date of Bonds sales and purchase transaction. For completion of Bonds sales and purchase transaction at their placement the potential buyer shall open a correspondent depot account in NSD performing centralized storage of Bonds or in a Depositary in advance (prior to Bonds placement start date). Procedure and period of opening of depot accounts are determined by the provisions of correspondent depositary charters. Change and/or termination of contracts concluded at Bonds placement is effected on the grounds and according to the procedure set forth by Chapter 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

186 Possibility of preemptive acquisition of placed securities, including possibility to execute preemptive right to acquire securities set forth by Articles 40 and 41 of the Federal Law on Joint-Stock Companies: Possibility of preemptive acquisition of placed securities is not defined.

For documentary securities with mandatory centralized storage the procedure for making a credit entry on depot accounts of the first holder in the depositary enabling centralized storage: Credit entry on depot account of first buyer in NSD is made as based on the information received from clearing company servicing the payments under transactions in the process of Bonds placement by the market-maker (the Stock Exchange) (hereinafter – the Clearing Company), the Bonds placed are attributed by NSD to depot accounts of buyers of Bonds in compliance with the terms of clearing activities of teh Clearing company and the terms of depositary activity of NSD. First holders of bonds shall bear all expenses connected with credit entries of placed bonds to the depot accounts of the Depositary (providing centralised storage of Bonds).

the Issuer’ management body that approved the resolution on issu (additional issue) of securities and the prospectus thereof, as well as the date (dates) of adopting the resolution on approval of each of the indicated documents, the date (dates) of making and number (numbers) of minutes of the meeting (session) of the Issuer’s management body where the resolution was adopted: Resolution on issue of Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 and the Prospectus of Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 are approved by the Board of Directors as of October 30, 2012, Minutes No. 164 dated October 30, 2012

In case the resolution on issue (additional issue) of securities establishes a share of securities, which invalidates the issue of the securities if unplaced, the size of such a share shall be: Such a share is not defined for Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Previously placed (circulating) shares of the Issuer of the same type and category as the securities placed are not intended to be placed for purchase, including outside the Russian Federation, concurrently with this issue of securities by means of placement of respective foreign securities: Not planned for Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

9.1.2. Additional Information on the Placed Bonds For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

In case of bonds placement the following information is disclosed: a) bond yield

Coupon yield is charged on the outstanding part of face value. The outstanding part of face value is determined as the difference between face value of one bond and its part redeemed at early redemption of Bonds (if the decision on early redemption of bonds is taken by the Issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on securities issue). Coupon (interest) period Amount of coupon (interest) yield Start date End date 1 Coupon: Interest rate of the first coupon (C1) may be determined: A) in the course of tender at the stock exchange between potential buyers of Bonds on the start date of Bonds placement. On the day of the Tender the Bidders supply address applications to buy the Bonds at the Tender using the Trading System either at their own cost, or at the cost of the clients. Time and procedure to apply for participation in the Tender is set forth by the Stock Exchange as agreed with the Issuer and/or Underwriter. Applications for purchase of Bonds are addressed by the Bidders to the Underwriter. The application for purchase shall include the following significant conditions: – Price of purchase (100 per cent of face value); 187 – number of Bonds; – Value of coupon rate for first coupon period; – Calculation key used at conclusion of transaction with securities subject to inclusion in clearing pool of clearing company on the basis of multiparty or simple clearing and determining, that at settlement of the transaction the procedure for material control is performed, and the due date for execution of the transaction with securities is the transaction conclusion date; – Other parameters in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations. Purchase price shall be indicated as the Bonds placement price established by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. Number of Bonds shall be placed as the number of Bonds potential buyer desires to purchase in the case, if the Issuer’s authorized management body establishes interest rate for first coupon period greater or equal to that set forth in the application. Coupon interest rate for the coupon period is indicated as the value (in numerical form with accuracy to two decimal numbers to the right of the decimal) of the coupon interest rate for the coupon period, at announcement of which by the Issuer the potential buyers was ready to purchase the number of Bonds listed in the application at 100 % of face value. Value of coupon rate shall be represented in per cents per year with an accuracy of 0.01 per cent. At that monetary assets shall be reserved in the amount sufficient for full repayment of Bonds indicated in the applications for purchase of Bonds with respect to all the necessary commission fees. The applications that do not meet the requirements specified above are not allowed to participate in the tender. Upon completion of the application filing period of the tender, the stock exchange draws up consolidated register of applictions and delivers it to the Underwriter. The summary register of applications contains all the significant conditions of each application – purchase price, number of securities, date and time of receipt of application, number of application, reasonable coupon interest rate for the first coupon period, as well as other details in compliance with the Stock Exchange regulations. Based on the analysis of applications received for the tender the authorized management body of the

issuer takes a decision on the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period and the issuer notifies the

Stock Exchange on the decision taken in writingnot later than 30 minutes prior to sending the

information on the decision made in the news bulletin. After the information agency publishes the notice

on the coupon interest rate for the first coupon period, the Issuer notifies the Underwriter of the coupon

interest rate for the first coupon period.

The notice on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period is published by the Underwriter with the aid of the trading system by wending an email message to all the bidders. Information on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period is disclosed in compliance with Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. B) by the Issuer’s management authority not later than 1 (One) day prior to start date of bonds placement. Information on the value of coupon interest rate for the first coupon period is disclosed in compliance with Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange of the decision on coupon rate for first coupon period not later than 1 (One) day prior to start date of Bonds placement.

In both of the above listed cases: Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the first coupon per one Bond period of first coupon is period of first coupon is is determined from the following formula: the start date of Bonds the 182 (One-hundred- CY = C1 * Nom * (T1 – T0) / (365 * 100 %), placement and-eighty-second) day Where from the start date of CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; Bonds placement Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; C1 – size of interest rate for the first coupon, annual interest; 188 T0 – start date of first coupon period of Bonds; T1 – end date of first coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place after the decimal point is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 2 Coupon: Interest rate for the second coupon (C2) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the second coupon per one period of the second period of the second Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 182 (One- coupon is the 364 CY = C2 * Nom * (T2 – T1) / (365 * 100 %), hundred-and-eighty- (Three-hundred-and- Where second) day from the start sixty-fourth) day from CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; date of Bonds placement the start date of Bonds Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; placement C2 – size of interest rate for the second coupon, annual interest; T1 – start date of the second coupon period of Bonds; T2 – end date of the second coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 3 Coupon: Interest rate for the third coupon (C3) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the third coupon per one Bond period of the third coupon period of the third is determined from the following formula: is the 364 (Three- coupon is the 546 (Five- CY = C3 * Nom * (T3 – T2) / (365 * 100 %), hundred-and-sixty-fourth) hundred-and-fourty- Where day from the start date of sixth) day from the start CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; Bonds placement date of Bonds placement Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; C3 – size of interest rate for the third coupon, annual interest; T2 – start date of the third coupon period of Bonds; T3 – end date of the third coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 4 Coupon: Interest rate for the fourth coupon (C4) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the fourth coupon per one Bond period of the fourth period of the fourth is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 546 (Five- coupon is the 728 CY = C4 * Nom * (T4 – T3) / (365 * 100 %), hundred-and-fourty-sixth) (Seven-hundred-and- Where day from the start date of twenty-eighth) day from CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; Bonds placement the start date of Bonds Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; 189 placement C4 – size of interest rate for the fourth coupon, annual interest; T3 – start date of the fourth coupon period of Bonds; T4 – end date of the fourth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 5 Coupon: Interest rate for the fifth coupon (C5) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the fifth coupon per one Bond period of the fifth coupon period of the fifth is determined from the following formula: is the 728 (Seven- coupon is the 910 CY = C5 * Nom * (T5 – T4) / (365 * 100 %), hundred-and-twenty- (Nine-hundred-and- Where eighth) day from the start tenth) day from the start CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; date of Bonds placement date of Bonds placement Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; C5 – size of interest rate for the fifth coupon, annual interest; T4 – start date of the fifth coupon period of Bonds; T5 – end date of the fifth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 6 Coupon: Interest rate for the sixth coupon (C6) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the sixth coupon per one Bond period of the sixth period of the sixth is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 910 (Nine- coupon is the 1092 CY = C6 * Nom * (T6 – T5) / (365 * 100 %), hundred-and-tenth) day (One-thousand-and- Where from the start date of ninety-second) day from CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; Bonds placement the start date of Bonds Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; placement C6 – size of interest rate for the sixth coupon, annual interest; T5 – start date of the sixth coupon period of Bonds; T6 – end date of the sixth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 7 Coupon: Interest rate for the seventh coupon (C7) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the seventh coupon per one period of the seventh period of the seventh Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 1092 (One- coupon is the 1274 CY = C7 * Nom * (T7 – T6) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-and-ninety- (One-thousand-two- Where second) day from the start hundred-and-seventy- CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; 190 date of Bonds placement fourth) day from the Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; start date of Bonds C7 – size of interest rate for the seventh coupon, annual placement interest; T6 – start date of the seventh coupon period of Bonds; T7 – end date of the seventh coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 8 Coupon: Interest rate for the eighth coupon (C8) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the eighth coupon per one Bond period of the eighth period of the eighth is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 1274 (One- coupon is the 1456 CY = C8 * Nom * (T8 – T7) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-two-hundred- (One-thousand-four- Where and-seventy-fourth) day hundred-and-fifty-sixth) CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; from the start date of day from the start date Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; Bonds placement of Bonds placement C8 – size of interest rate for the eighth coupon, annual interest; T7 – start date of the eighth coupon period of Bonds; T8 – end date of the eighth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 9 Coupon: Interest rate for the nineth coupon (C9) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the nineth coupon per one Bond period of the nineth period of the nineth is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 1456 (One- coupon is the 1638 CY = C9 * Nom * (T9 – T8) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-four-hundred- (One-thousand-six- Where and-fifty-sixth) day from hundred-and-thirty- CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; the start date of Bonds eighth) day from the Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; placement start date of Bonds C9 – size of interest rate for the nineth coupon, annual placement interest; T8 – start date of the nineth coupon period of Bonds; T9 – end date of the nineth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 10 Coupon: Interest rate for the tenth coupon (C10) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the tenth coupon per one Bond period of the tenth period of the tenth is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 1638 (One- coupon is the 1820 CY = C10 * Nom * (T10 – T9) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-six-hundred- (One-thousand-eight- Where 191 and-thirty-eighth) day hundred-and-twentieth) CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; from the start date of day from the start date Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; Bonds placement of Bonds placement C10 – size of interest rate for the tenth coupon, annual interest; T9 – start date of the tenth coupon period of Bonds; T10 – end date of the tenth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 11 Coupon: Interest rate for the eleventh coupon (C11) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the eleventh coupon per one period of the eleventh period of the eleventh Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 1820 (One- coupon is the 2002 CY = C11 * Nom * (T11 – T10) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-eight-hundred- (Two-thousand-and- Where and-twentieth) day from second) day from the CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; the start date of Bonds start date of Bonds Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; placement placement C11 – size of interest rate for the eleventh coupon, annual interest; T10 – start date of the eleventh coupon period of Bonds; T11 – end date of the eleventh coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 12 Coupon: Interest rate for the twelfth coupon (C12) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the twelfth coupon per one period of the twelfth period of the twelfth Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 2002 (Two- coupon is the 2184 CY = C12 * Nom * (T12 – T11) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-and-second) (Two-thousand-one- Where day from the start date of hundred-and-eighty- CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; Bonds placement fourth) day from the Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; start date of Bonds C12 – size of interest rate for the twelfth coupon, annual placement interest; T11 – start date of the twelfth coupon period of Bonds; T12 – end date of the twelfth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 13 Coupon: Interest rate for the thirteenth coupon (C13) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon Start date of coupon The sum of payment for the thirteenth coupon per one period of the thirteenth period of the thirteenth Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 2184 (Two- coupon is the 2366 CY = C13 * Nom * (T13 – T12) / (365 * 100 %), 192 thousand-one-hundred- (Two-thousand-three- Where and-eighty-fourth) day hundred-and-sixty- CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; from the start date of sixth) day from the start Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; Bonds placement date of Bonds placement C13 – size of interest rate for the thirteenth coupon, annual interest; T12 – start date of the thirteenth coupon period of Bonds; T13 – end date of the thirteenth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 14 Coupon: Interest rate for the fourteenth coupon (C14) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the fourteenth coupon per one period of the fourteenth period of the fourteenth Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 2366 (Two- coupon is the 2548 CY = C14 * Nom * (T14 – T13) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-three-hundred- (Two-thousand-five- Where and-sixty-sixth) day from hundred-and-fourty- CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; the start date of Bonds eighth) day from the Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; placement start date of Bonds C14 – size of interest rate for the fourteenth coupon, placement annual interest; T13 – start date of the fourteenth coupon period of Bonds; T14 – end date of the fourteenth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 15 Coupon: Interest rate for the fifteenth coupon (C15) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the fifteenth coupon per one period of the fifteenth period of the fifteenth Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 2548 (Two- coupon is the 2730 CY = C15 * Nom * (T15 – T14) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-five-hundred- (Two-thousand-seven- Where and-fourty-eighth) day hundred-and-thirtieth) CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; from the start date of day from the start date Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; Bonds placement of Bonds placement C15 – size of interest rate for the fifteenth coupon, annual interest; T14 – start date of the fifteenth coupon period of Bonds; T15 – end date of the fifteenth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 16 Coupon: Interest rate for the sixteenth coupon (C16) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. 193 Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the sixteenth coupon per one period of the sixteenth period of the sixteenth Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 2730 (Two- coupon is the 2912 CY = C16 * Nom * (T16 – T15) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-seven-hundred- (Two-thousand-nin— Where and-thirtieth) day from hundred-and-twelfth) CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; the start date of Bonds day from the start date Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; placement of Bonds placement C16 – size of interest rate for the sixteenth coupon, annual interest; T15 – start date of the sixteenth coupon period of Bonds; T16– end date of the sixteenth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 17 Coupon: Interest rate for the seventeenth coupon (C17) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the seventeenth coupon per one period of the seventeenth period of the Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 2912 (Two- seventeenth coupon is CY = C17 * Nom * (T17 – T16) / (365 * 100 %), thousand-nine-hundred- the 3094 (Three- Where and-twelfth) day from the thousand-and-ninety- CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; start date of Bonds fourth) day from the Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; placement start date of Bonds C17 – size of interest rate for the seventeenth coupon, placement annual interest; T16– start date of the seventeenth coupon period of Bonds; T17 – end date of the seventeenth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 18 Coupon: Interest rate for the eighteenth coupon (C18) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the eighteenth coupon per one period of the eighteenth period of the eighteenth Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 3094 coupon is the 3276 CY = C18 * Nom * (T18 – T17) / (365 * 100 %), (Three-thousand-and- (Three-thousand-two- Where ninety-fourth) day from hundred-and-seventy- CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; the start date of Bonds sixth) day from the start Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; placement date of Bonds placement C18 – size of interest rate for the eighteenth coupon, annual interest; T17– start date of the eighteenth coupon period of Bonds; T18 – end date of the eighteenth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased 194 by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 19 Coupon: Interest rate for the nineteenth coupon (C19) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the nineteenth coupon per one period of the nineteenth period of the nineteenth Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 3276 coupon is the 3458 CY = C19 * Nom * (T19 – T18) / (365 * 100 %), (Three-thousand-two- (Three-thousand-four- Where hundred-and-seventy- hundred-and-fifty- CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; sixth) day from the start eighth) day from the Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; date of Bonds placement start date of Bonds C19 – size of interest rate for the nineteenth coupon, placement annual interest; T18 – start date of the nineteenth coupon period of Bonds; T19 – end date of the nineteenth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) 20 Coupon: Interest rate for the twentieth coupon (C20) is determined in compliance with the procedure provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on securities issue and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Start date of coupon End date of coupon The sum of payment for the twentieth coupon per one period of the twentieth period of the twentieth Bond is determined from the following formula: coupon is the 3458 coupon is the 3640 CY = C20 * Nom * (T20 – T19) / (365 * 100 %), (Three-thousand-four- (Three-thousand-six- Where hundred-and-fifty-eighth) hundred-and-fortieth) CY – amount of coupon yield for each Bond; day from the start date of day from the start date Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond; Bonds placement of Bonds placement C20 – size of interest rate for the twentieth coupon, annual interest; T19 – start date of the twentieth coupon period of Bonds; T20– end date of the twentieth coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules: If the third decimal place is greater or equals to 5, the second decimal place value is increased by one, if the third decimal place is less than 5, the second decimal place value does not change) If the end date of any of the twenty coupon periods for Bonds is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

The order of calculation the size of Percentage rate of coupons, beginning from the second coupon: a) Prior to Bonds placement start date the Issuer may make a decision on rates or order to determine coupon rates in the form of a formula with variables with values changing at Issuer’s discretion, from one coupon period to another beginning with the second and until the i-coupon period (i = 2, 3...20). In case the Issuer takes no such decision in respect of some coupon period (j-coupon period), the Issuer shall undertake to purchase Bonds at requests of their holders filed in the course of the 195 last 5 (Five) days of the coupon period last preceding to j-coupon period, where coupon value or the procedure for determining the coupon interest rate in the form of formula with variables, whose values may not change upon Issuer’s own discretion are determined by the Issuer after state registration of the report on results of securities issue or presentation of a notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority. If the value of coupon rates or the procedure for determining coupon value is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body after state registration of the results of securities issue or presentation of a notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority simultaneously over several coupon periods, the issue shall purchase Bonds at requirements of their holders filed over the last 5 (Five) days of the coupon period precedent to the coupon period over which the Issuer determines the above mentioned coupon rates or the procedure for determining the coupon rates simultaneously with other coupon periods, whichever is earlier. Purchase of bonds prior to other coupon periods over which such value or the procedure to determine the value of coupon interest on Bonds, is not required in this case. This information, including serial number of bonds, interest rate or the procedure for determining interest rate for which is established by the Issuer prior to start date of Bonds placement, as well as serial number of coupon period (j-1) in which the holders of Bonds can request purchase of Bonds by the Issuer, is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice not later than 1 (One) day prior to Bonds placement start date and within the following period from the moment of adoption of the correspondent decision by the authorized management body of the Issuer which has adopted such decision: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The issuer notifies the stock exchange of the decisions adopted, including the rates determined or the procedure for determining the rates not later than 1 (One) day prior to start date of Bonds placement. In case if prior to the start date of Bonds placement the Issuer takes a decision on the rate or procedure to determine second coupon rate, the Issuer will have to make a decision on the second coupon interest rate not later than 5 (Five) days prior to the payment date of the 1st coupon. In this case the Issuer shall secure the right of holders of Bonds to request the Issuer to purchase the Bonds at a price equal to 100 (One hundred) per cent of the outstanding part of face value not including the coupon income with no consideration of the accumulated coupon income as of the date of purchase, which is paid to the holders of bonds in addition to acquisition price, within the last 5 (Five) days of the 1 st coupon period. The outstanding part of face value is determined as the difference between face value of one bond and its part redeemed at early partial redemption of Bonds (if the decision on early partial redemption of bonds is taken by the Issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on securities issue). b) Interest rate or procedure to determine coupon interest rate, amount (procedure to determine the amount) of which is not established by the issuer prior to start date of bonds placement (j = (i + 1)…20), is determined by the issuer after state registration of the report on the results of securities issue or presentation to the registration authority of the notification on the results of securities issue on the j-coupon fixing date, which occurs not later than 5 (Five) days prior to payment date of (j-1)-coupon (hereinafter – j-coupon fixing date). The Issuer has the right to determine on the j-coupon fixing date the interest rate or procedure to determine interest rate of any number of unfixed coupons following the j-coupon (at that k-number of the last defined coupon). с) Provided that after the announcement of the rates and the order of the coupon rates calculation (in compliance with the subparagraphs above) there will be left the bonds with no rates and no order of calculation of the rate of at least one of the ordinal coupons, then together with the announcement on the rates or the order of the i-coupon rate calculations and other related coupons the Issuer is obliged to secure the right of the Bonds holders to request from the Issuer the acquisition of bond at the price equal to 100 (one hundred) per cent of the nominal value with no consideration of the accumulated coupon income which is to be paid to the bond seller in addition to 196 acquisition price in the last 5 (Five) days of k-coupon period (if the Issuer calculated the rate for only i-coupon, then i=k). The outstanding part of face value is determined as the difference between face value of one bond and its part redeemed at early redemption of Bonds (if the decision on early redemption of bonds is taken by the Issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on securities issue). The information on the rates or the order of the coupon rates calculation determined by the Issuer after state registration of the report on bond issue results or submission of a notice on bond issue results to the registering authority beginning from the second is disclosed in the form of action notice not later than 5 (Five) days before the date of the beginning of the j-coupon bond period and within the following periods of time from the date of adoption of the Resolution on the Percentage rate (rates) or the order of coupon rate (rates) calculation: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange on decisions adopted, including the established rates or the procedure for determining rates not later than 5 (Five) days from the end date (j-1)-coupon period (period over which the interest rate of j-coupon and other coupons is determined).

b) procedure and conditions for redemption of bonds and payments of interest (coupon) on them

Include: Procedure and period of bonds redemption:

Bonds redemption period (date) or procedure to determine such period: the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and-fortieth) day from the starting date of the bonds placement (hereinafter also – the Maturity Date). If the bond maturity date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayment.

End date: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

Other terms and procedures of bonds redemption: Redemption of Bonds is attributed to outstanding part of face value. The outstanding part of face value is determined as the difference between face value of one bond and its part redeemed at partial early redemption of Bonds (if the decision on partial early redemption of bonds is taken by the Issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on securities issue). The repayment of outstanding part of face value of bonds at redemption is performed in roubles of the Russian Federation by non-cash transfer.

The repayment of outstanding part of face value of the bonds is performed as follows: Payment is effected by non-cash transfer in the currency of the Russian Federation.

The Issuer fulfills liability on redemption of Bonds by transferring monetary funds to NSD. The aforementioned liability is considered fulfilled by the Issuer from the date of receipt of monetary funds at NSD account. NSD shall transfer payments on Bonds to its bailors not later than the next working day from the day of their receipt. The Issuer bears subsidiary responsibility before NSD bailors for performance of the aforementioned liability by NSD. At that transfer of payments on Bonds by NSD to the bailor that is

197 a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. NSD shall disclose (provide) information on transfer of payments on bonds, including the amount of payment per one bond, in compliance with the procedure, terms and volume established by the federal executive authority on securities market. Depositaries accounting for the rights for bonds shall transfer the payments on bonds to their bailoers not later than 3 (Three) working days from the day of their receipt, but not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date for which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer to its bailors of payments on bonds entitled to them. At that transfer of payments on Bonds to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. After expiry of the given ten-day period the bailors have the right to require performance of payments on Bonds from the Depositary with whome they have concluded a depositary contract, independently of receipt of such payments by the Depositary. The requirement concerning Depositary’s liability to transfer payments on bonds to its bailors not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date on which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer of due payments on bonds to its bailors, is not applied to the Depositary that became bailor of another Depositary in compliance with the written instructions from its bailor and not having received due for transfer payments on bonds from another Depositary. The depositary transfers to its bailors the payments on bonds proportional to the quantity of bonds that were accounted for on their depot accounts as of the date determined above. Redemption of Bonds is attributed to outstanding part of face value. The coupon income for the last coupon period is paid while bonds are being redeemed. Writing off of bonds from depot accounts at redemption is performed after fulfillment of all liabilities of the Issuer to holders of bonds in respect of payment of coupon interest and face value of bonds. Withdrawal of Certificate from storage is performed after writing off all bonds from the accounts of NSD.

Form of redemption of bonds (monetary funds, property, convertion, etc.): Bonds are repaid with monetary funds by non-cash transfer in the currency of the Russian Federation. The possibility for the bond holders to select the bond redemption method is not provided. Bonds are repaid by the Issuer by transfer of monetary assets to NSD.

Procedure and period for payment of interest (coupon) on bonds, including period of payment for each coupon: Coupon (interest) period Period (date) of Date of list of bonds repayment of coupon holders for coupon (interest) yield: (interest) yield repayment Start date End date 1 Coupon: 1 Start date of Bonds 182 day from start date 182 day from start date of Payment is performed in placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period Procedure of coupon yield repayment: Payment of coupon yield on bonds is effected by non-cash transfer in roubles of the Russian Federation. 198 If the end date of coupon period of bonds is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayments. Payment of coupon yield is performed as follows: Coupon yield is repaid by the Issuer by transfer of monetary assets to NSD. Holders and Trustees of Bonds receive payments of coupon yield on bonds via depositary maintaining the register of rights for bonds which they are bailors of. Payment is performed in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period. Transfer of payments in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees is performed by NSD and Depositaries to nominee holders being their bailors as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of the coupon period. In case if within the period from the end of the operation day preceding the end date of the coupon period to the beginning of the operation day on which the end date of the coupon period falls, the depositaries do not conduct transactions on depot accounts of their bailors, the depositaries may use information on holders of Bonds as of the end of operating day of the correspondent depositary preceding the end date of the coupon period in order to determine the persons that are bailors for the purpose of transfer of payments on Bonds.

The Issuer fulfills liability on repayment of coupon yield of Bonds by transferring monetary funds to NSD. The aforementioned liability is considered fulfilled by the Issuer from the date of receipt of monetary funds at NSD account. NSD shall transfer payments on Bonds to its bailors not later than the next working day from the day of their receipt. The Issuer bears subsidiary responsibility before NSD bailors for performance of the aforementioned liability by NSD. At that transfer of payments on Bonds by NSD to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. NSD shall disclose (provide) information on transfer of payments on bonds, including the amount of payment per one bond, in compliance with the procedure, terms and volume established by the federal executive authority on securities market. Depositaries accounting for the rights for bonds shall transfer the payments on bonds to their bailoers not later than 3 (Three) working days from the day of their receipt, but not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date for which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer to its bailors of payments on bonds entitled to them. At that transfer of payments on Bonds to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. After expiry of the given ten-day period the bailors have the right to require performance of payments on Bonds from the Depositary with whome they have concluded a depositary contract, independently of receipt of such payments by the Depositary. The requirement concerning Depositary’s liability to transfer payments on bonds to its bailors not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date on which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer of due payments on bonds to its bailors, is not applied to the Depositary that became bailor of another Depositary in compliance with the written instructions from its bailor and not having received due for transfer payments on bonds from another Depositary. The depositary transfers to its bailors the payments on bonds proportional to the quantity of bonds that were accounted for on their depot accounts as of the date determined above. Coupon yield on outstanding bonds or on bonds transferred to Issuer’s account in NSD, is not accrued and not paid off. 2 Coupon: 2 182 day from start date of 364 day from start date 364 day from start date of Payment is performed in Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the 199 correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the second coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 3 Coupon: 3 364 day from start date of 546 day from start date 546 day from start date of Payment is performed in Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the third coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 4 Coupon: 4 546 day from start date of 728 day from start date 728 day from start date of Payment is performed in Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the fourth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 5 Coupon: 5 728 day from start date of 910 day from start date 910 day from start date of Payment is performed in Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the fifth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 6 Coupon: 6 910 day from start date of 1092 day from start date 1092 day from start date of Payment is performed in Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the sixth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 7 Coupon: 7 1092 day from start date 1274 day from start date 1274 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being 200 such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the seventh coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 8 Coupon: 8 1274 day from start date 1456 day from start date 1456 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the eighth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 9 Coupon: 9 1456 day from start date 1638 day from start date 1638 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the nineth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 10 Coupon: 10 1638 day from start date 1820 day from start date 1820 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the tenth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 11 Coupon: 11 1820 day from start date 2002 day from start date 2002 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the eleventh coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon.

201 12 Coupon: 12 2002 day from start date 2184 day from start date 2184 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the twelfth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon 13 Coupon: 13 2184 day from start date 2366 day from start date 2366 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the thirteenth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 14 Coupon: 14 2366 day from start date 2548 day from start date 2548 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the forteenth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 15 Coupon: 15 2548 day from start date 2730 day from start date 2730 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the fifteenth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 16 Coupon: 16 2730 day from start date 2912 day from start date 2912 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period

202 The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the sixteenth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 17 Coupon: 17 2912 day from start date 3094 day from start date 3094 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the seventeenth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 18 Coupon: 18 3094 day from start date 3276 day from start date 3276 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the eighteenth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 19 Coupon: 19 3276 day from start date 3458 day from start date 3458 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the nineteenth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. 20 Coupon: 20 3458 day from start date 3640 day from start date 3640 day from start date of Payment is performed in of Bonds placement of Bonds placement Bonds placement favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period The order of coupon (Percentage) income repayment: Procedure for repayment of yield for the twentieth coupon is similar to the procedure for repayment of yield for the first coupon. The yield on the twentieth coupon is paid together with the redemption of the outstanding part of face value of Bonds. The outstanding part of face value is determined as the difference between face value of one bond and its part redeemed at early redemption of Bonds (if the decision on early redemption of bonds is taken by the Issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on securities issue).

203 Sources intended to be used in order to fulfill liabilities on issuer’s bonds, as well as issuer’s estimations regarding availability of these sources throughout the period of circulation of bonds: Operating income is viewed by the Issuer as the source of funds for fulfilling liabilities on securities. The Issuer expects the results of financial and economic activity to allow timely and full performance of obligations of the Issuer on bonds throughout the period of circulation of bonds.

In case of placement of registered bonds or bonds with mandatory centralized storage the following information shall be provided: Date of list of bond holders for performance of obligations on bonds (bond (coupon) service, redemption): Redemption Holders and Trustees of Bonds receive payments on bonds via depositary maintaining the register of rights for bonds which they are bailors of. Payment is performed in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the date of redemption. Transfer of payments in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees is performed by NSD and Depositaries to nominee holders being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the date of redemption.

In case if within the period from the end of the operation day preceding the Date of redemption to the beginning of the operation day on which the Date of redemption falls, the depositaries do not conduct transactions on depot accounts of their bailors, the depositaries may use information on holders of Bonds as of the end of operating day of the correspondent depositary preceding the Date of redemption in order to determine the persons that are bailors for the purpose of transfer of payments on Bonds.

Disbursement of Coupon Yield Coupon yield is repaid by the Issuer by transfer of monetary assets to NSD. Holders and Trustees of Bonds receive payments of coupon yield on bonds via depositary maintaining the register of rights for bonds which they are bailors of. Payment is performed in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of coupon period. Transfer of payments in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees is performed by NSD and Depositaries to nominee holders being their bailors as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the end date of the coupon period. In case if within the period from the end of the operation day preceding the end date of the coupon period to the beginning of the operation day on which the end date of the coupon period falls, the depositaries do not conduct transactions on depot accounts of their bailors, the depositaries may use information on holders of Bonds as of the end of operating day of the correspondent depositary preceding the end date of the coupon period in order to determine the persons that are bailors for the purpose of transfer of payments on Bonds.

Indication of the fact that fulfillment of obligation towards the holder included in the bond holders list is acknowledged proper, including the event of disposal of bonds after the date the list of bond holders is drawn up: In compliance with the requirements of Federal Law on introduction of changes to the Federal Law on securities market No. 122-FZ and Articles No. 214.1 and No. 310 of Part II of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – Federal Law No. 122-FZ) the transfer of payments on bonds aimed at fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is achieved without drawing up the list of bond holders.

Indication of the fact that in case the information required for fulfillment of liabilities on bonds by the issuer is not provided (late filing) to the registrar (depositary, performing centralized storage), liabilities are addressed to the person having requested performance of such liabilities and being holder of bonds on the date of drawing up the list of bond holders for performance of correspondent liabilities. In compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 122-FZ the transfer of payments on bonds aimed at fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is achieved without drawing up the list of holders of bonds.

с) procedure and conditions for early redemption of bonds

204 Early redemption of bonds is permitted only after state registration of the report on the results of bonds issue and submission of a notice on the results of bonds issue to the registration authority. The Issuer may not reissue the earlier redeemed bonds. Information on state registration of the report on the results of bonds issuer or presentation of the notice on the results of bonds issue to the registration authority is disclosed in the form, in compliance with the terms and the procedure established in Clause 11 of the Resolution on bonds issue and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus.

Early redemption at holder’s request Holders of bonds shall acquire the right to submit the bonds for early redemption in case of delisting of bonds at all stock exchanges having included the bonds in quotation lists, provided such bonds were previously included in Quotation list “B” at any stock exchange. Early redemption of Bonds is performed at face value (outstanding part of face value). At that ACI calculated as of the date of early redemption of bonds is repaid.

Procedure for early redemption of bonds at holders’ request: Early redemption of bonds is achieved with monetary funds by non-cash transfer in the currency of the Russian Federation. Payment of face value (outstanding part of face value) of bonds and coupon interest at redemption of bonds are performed by the Issuer. The possibility for the bond holders to select the bond redemption method is not provided.

Procedure to determine accumulated coupon interest on bonds: On any day between the start date of bonds placement and the date of redemption of face value (outstanding part of face value) of bonds the value of ACI on bonds is calculated from the following formula: ACI = Со * Nom * (T – T (j-1)) / 365 / 100 %, Where j – ordinal number of the coupon period, j = 1, 2, 3…20; ACI – accumulated coupon income, rub.; Nom – outstanding part of face value of one Bond, roubles; Cj – the size of Percentage rate of j-coupon, in per cents per year; T (j -1) – start date of j-coupon period (for the case of first coupon period Т (j-1) is the start date of bonds placement); T – calculation date of accumulated coupon income within j-coupon period.

The value of accumulated coupon income is calculated with an accuracy down to one kope сk. (Figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules. In this case the mathematical rounding rule shall be understood to mean a round-off method, which does not change the value of a whole kopeck (whole kopecks), if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 0 to 4 and it increases per unit if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 5 to 9).

Disbursement of face value (outstanding part of face value) of bonds and accumulated coupon yield at early redemption is performed by non-cash transfer in roubles of the Russian Federation.

Period (procedure for determining the period) within which the bonds may be redeemed early by the issuer or bond holders may send (make) claims containing request for early redemption of bonds: The Issuer shall send to NSD: – A notification on occurrence of event entitling the holder of bonds to request disbursement of face value (outstanding part of face value) of bonds and repayment of due accumulated coupon yield on bonds, and that the issuer accepts claims containing requests on early redemption of bonds (hereinafter – Claim (request) on early redemption of bonds, Claim (request)); – Notification of bonds early redemption date. The claim (request) on early redemption of bonds is submitted to the Issuer against signature from 09.00 a.m. till 05.00 p.m. MSK within 30 (Thirty) days from origin of holder’s right to require early redeption of bonds, or by registered mail with delivery notification at the Issuer’s postal address. Bonds are redeemed early upon request from their holders submiteed within the above mentioned period, during 90 (ninety) working days (hereinafter – Bonds early redemption period) from disclosure of information on occurence of event enabling holders of bonds to request early redemption of bonds in compliance with the procedure established in Clause 9.5 and Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities or from the date when bond holders found out or were supposed to find out about occurence of such event.

205 Procedure for disclosure of information by the Issuer on early redemption of bonds: The Issuer shall publish the following information during 1 (One) day in the news bulletin and during 2 (Two) days on the Internet webpage from the date of the event enabling holders of Bonds to submit Bonds for early redemption in the form of a corporate action notice: – Name of event enabling the holders of Bonds to request early redemption of Bonds; – Date of the event; – Possible actions to be taken by holders of Bonds to fulfill their requests for early redemption of Bonds. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

After early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer the correspondent information on redemption of Bonds is published by the Issuer. The above mentioned information (including the number of Bonds redeemed) is published in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the end date of early redemption deadline: • in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; • on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

The Issuer publishes information on origin and (or) termination of the right for holders of issuer’s bonds to request early redemption of their held Bonds in the form, following the procedure and within the terms established by the regulatory legal acts for the procedure of information disclosure in securities market applicable as of the date of such event.

At early redemption of Bonds upon request from their holders the transfer of bonds from depot account set up in NSD for the holder or its authorized representative to the equity account set up in NSD for the issuer and transfer of corresponding amount of monetary funds from bank account set up in NSD for the issuer or its authorized representative to the bank account set up in NSD for the Issuer or the person authorized by the issuer to receive amounts of early redemption on bonds is performed in compliance with the regulations stipulated by NSD for performance of transfers of securities under counter-orders of the sender and recipient with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds. The holders of bonds agree, that mutual settlements at early redemption of bonds upon request of their holders are performed in compliance with NSD regulations for transfers of securities under counter-orders of the sender and recipient with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds. For these purposes the Bond Holder or the person authorized by the Bond Holder to receive the amounts of early redemption on bonds shall have an open bank account in NSD. Procedure and terms for setting up a bank account in NSD are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, and conditions of the contract concluded with NSD. At that the holders of bonds – individuals – agree to settlement of mutual payments at early redemption of bonds upon request from their holders only through bank account of the legal entity authorized by the holder of bonds – the individual to receive payments from early redemption of bonds.

The holder of bonds or the person authorized by the holder to perform actions aimed at early redemption of bonds submits to the issuer a written claim (request) for early redemption of bonds with the following documents attached: – Copy of statement of depot account of the holder of bonds; – Documents confirming authority of persons having signed the claim on behalf of the holder of bonds (if the claim is filed by the representative of the holder of bonds).

Claim (request) for early redemption of bonds shall contain the name of the event having qualified the holder of bonds to get early redemption, as well as:

a) Full name (surname, name, patronymic of the holder – for an individual person) of a person authorised to receive the bonds early redemption sums; b) Number of bonds posted on depot account of bonds holder or its authorized persons; c) Location and postal address of the person having submitted the Claim (request) on early redemption of Bonds; d) Name and details of bank account of the person authorized to receive payments of early redemption on Bonds (details of the bank account are provided under NSD regulations for transfers of securities under counter orders with management of settlements in respect of monetary assets); 206 e) Taxpayer identity number (INN) of the person authorised to receive the bonds redemption sums; f) Taxation status of the person authorized to receive payments of bonds early redemption sums (resident, non-resident with permanent representative office in the Russian Federation, non-resident without representative office in the Russian Federation, etc.); g) Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) of the person authorised to receive the bonds redemption sums. h) OKPO Code; i) OKVED Code; j) BIC (for credit institutions); k) details of depot account opened in NSD for the bonds holder or its authorized person required for transfer of bonds under counter orders with management of settlements in respect of monetary assets under the regulations set forth by NSD.

If the holder of bonds is a non-resident and (or) an individual, the Claim (request) of early redemption of bonds shall additionally include the following information: – location (or registration – for individual persons) and address including postal code of the holder of bonds; – taxpayer identification number of the holder of bonds; – taxation status of the bonds’ holder. In case the holder of bonds is a non-resident legal person the following additional information is provided: – code of foreign organization (CFO) – if applicable.

In case the holder of bonds is an individual the following additional information is provided: – Type, number, date and place of issue of the document of the holder of bonds; – Name of issuing authority; – Day, month and year of the holder’s date of birth. Request (claim) for early redemption of Bonds containing positions on cash payment is not satisfied. The issuer incurs no liabilities concerning early redemption of bonds in respect of: – Persons that have not presented their requests within the given time period; – Persons having presented their requests not meeting the established requirements.

In addition to the Claim (request) and to the information in respect of individuals and legal entities – non- residents of the Russian Federation that are holders of Bonds, the holder of Bonds or the person authorized by the holder to perform actions aimed at early redemption of Bonds, shall submit to the Issuer the following documents required for application of the correspondent tax rates for taxation of bonds yield:

a) In case the holder of bonds is a legal entity – a non-resident, the following information is provided:

– Confirmation of the fact that the legal entity – non-resident has a permanent location in the country with which the Russian Federation has an international contract (agreement) regulating the issues of taxation (in case of conclusion of such agreement), which has to be certified by a competent authority of the relevant foreign country. In case the above mentioned confirmation is provided in a foreign language, a translation into the Russian language shall also be provided;

b) in case the return on bonds receiver is a permanent representative of a legal entity-non-resident: – a notarized copy of the certificate on registration at the tax authorities of the Russian Federation arranged not earlier than in the previous taxation period (if the paid income is related to the permanent representative of the income receiver in the Russian Federation);

a) In case the holder of bonds is an individual – non-resident, the following information is provided:

– an official approval that the individual is the resident of the state with which the Russian Federation has concluded an agreement valued during the related taxation period (or its part) on avoidance of double taxation;

– an official approval that the foreign individual person has lived more than 183 days on the territory of the Russian Federation (notarized copy of the certificate on registration of this individual person at the tax authorities of the Russian Federation) and that the person is a tax resident of the Russian Federation for the purpose of the taxation of income.

d) Russian citizens – holders of bonds living outside the territory of the Russian Federation, or the authorized person entitled by the holder to perform actions aimed at early redemption of Bonds having previously requested the following from the Russian citizen, shall submit to the Issuer a request in any form regarding adoption by the 207 Russian citizen of his status of the tax non-resident in compliance with Article 207 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation as of the correspondent payment date.

If the above mentioned documents are not provided or are not provided on time, the Issuer has no responsibilities to the holders for failure to apply the related taxation rates. The claim (request) on early redemption of bonds is submitted to the Issuer against signature from 09.00 a.m. till 05.00 p.m. MSK within 30 (Thirty) days from origin of holder’s right to require early redeption of bonds, or by registered mail with delivery notification at the Issuer’s postal address. During 7 (Seven) days from the date of receipt of the aforementioned documents the Issuer performs their analysis. The issuer shall not later than on the 5 (Fifth) working day from the date of expiration of time taken to consider the Claim (request) on early redemption of Bonds notify the holder or the person authorized by the holder to perform the actions aimed at early redemption of Bond having submitted the Claim (request) on early redemption of Bonds of rejection of the Claim (request) (indicating the reasons for rejection). Receipt of notification on rejection of the Claim (request) on early redemption of Bonds does not deny the right of the holder of Bonds to refile the Claim (request) on early redemption of Bonds. If the Issuer makes a decision to satisfy Claims on early redemption of Bonds, transfer of bonds from depot account set up in NSD to Bond Holder or its authorized representative at equity account of the Issuer set up in NSD is performed under counter-orders with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds. In order to perform this transfer the issuer shall not later than on the 5 th (Fifth) working day from the date of expiration of time taken to consider the Claim (request) on early redemption of Bonds notify the holder of the person authorized by teh holder to perform actions aimed at early redemption of bonds having submitted the Claim (request) about early redemption of bonds and indicate the details required for fillint-out the depot order in compliance with the form established for transfer of bonds with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds in the Notification on satisfaction of Claim (request).

After filing such notifications the issuer submits depot counter-order to NSD for transfer of bonds (in compliance with the form stipulated by NSD for transfer of bonds with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds) from depot account set up in NSD for the holder of Bonds or its authorized representative for its equity account in compliance with the details provided in the Claim (request) on early redemption of bonds; herewith the Issuer or its authorized representative submits to NSD the order for transfer of monetary funds from its bank account ot the bank account of the holder of bonds or its authorized representative to receive payments on bonds with details indicated in the correspondent Claim (request) on early redemption of bonds.

Upon receipt of notification on satisfaction of Claim the holder of bonds or its authorized representative file an order to NSD in compliance with the form established by NSD for transfer of securities with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds for transfer of bonds from its depot account in NSD to the equity account of the issuer in compliance with the details provided in the notification on satisfaction of Claim (request) on early redemption of bonds. The parties shall provide the same due date in depot orders for transfer of securities with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds and in the money order (hereinafter – the Due Date). The Due Date shall not fall on a legal public holiday or day-off – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations in the Russian Federation. Early redemption is fulfilled in respect of all submitted Claims (requests) on early redemption of bonds meeting the requirements stipulated above in this paragraph. The Issuer may not reissue the earlier redeemed bonds for circulation. The Issuer publishes information on redemption of Bonds (including the quantity of bonds redeemed early) in compliance with the form, terms and procedure stipulated in Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Cluase 2.9 of the Prospectus.

Other conditions and procedure for early redemption of bonds set forth in the Standards of securities issue and registration of Prospectus established by the Order of FSFM of Russian No. 07-4/pz-n dated January 25, 2007 depending on whether early redemption is performed at Issuer’s discretion or at the request of holders of bonds: Other conditions are not applicable.

Early Redemption at Issuer’s Discretion

A) Possibility of early redemption of bonds within the period of their circulation at Issuer’s discretion is determined by decision of the Issuer prior to start date of bonds placement (except for events of early redemption described in Clause 9.5.2 C) of the Resolution on Issue of Securities). At that if the Issuer makes 208 a decision on possible early redemption of Bonds at its discretion, the Issuer by way of such decision determines the ordinal number of coupon period, on the end date of which early redemption of bonds at Issuer’s discretion is possible. Such decision is taken by the Issuer’s sole executive body. If the decision on possible early redemption of Bonds at Issuer’s discretion is adopted, purchase of Bonds shall mean the buyer of Bonds agrees with the possibility of their early redemption at Issuer’s discretion.

Procedure for disclosure of information on adoption of the decision on possible early redemption of bonds at issuer’s discretion: The notification on adoption of decision by the Issuer on the possibility of early redemption of Bonds upon Issuer’s discretion is disclosed in the form on corporate action notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from date of adoption of the decision on the possibility of early redemption of Bonds and not later than 1 (One) day precedent to the start date of Bonds placement; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) day from date of adoption of the decision on the possibility of early redemption of Bonds and not later than 1 (One) day precedent to the start date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

This notification among other information shall also include the procedure for adoption of decision on early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer; terms and procedure for disclosure of information on adoption of the decision on early redemption of Bonds; number of coupon period on the end date of which early redemption of Bonds upon Issuer’s discretion is possible. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange and NSD about the decision on the possibility of early redemption not later than 2 (the second) working day after the date of adoption of such decision.

Procedure for early redemption of bonds at issuer’s discretion If adoption of decision on possible early redemption of bonds at Issuer’s discretion takes place, the Issuer may make a decision on early redemption of bonds not later than 20 (Twenty) working days before the end date of coupon period established in the Issuer’s decition on possible early redemption of Bonds at Issuer’s discretion (hereinafter – Early Recemption Date). If the bond early redemption date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayments.

Such decision is taken by the Issuer’s sole executive body.

If the Issuer makes no decision on early redemption of bonds earlier than 20 (Twenty) working days before end date of the coupon period determined in the Issuer’s decision on possible early redemption of Bonds at Issuer’s discretion, the possibility of early redemption at Issuer’s discretion established in Item A) of Clause 9.5.2 of the Resolution on issue of securities is considered outstanding (unused) by the Issuer, and the Issuer may not perform early redemption of the issue of bonds in compliance with Item A) of Clause 9.5.2 of the Resolution on issue of securities.

Early redemption of bonds is achieved with monetary funds by non-cash transfer in the currency of the Russian Federation. The possibility for the bond holders to select the bond redemption method is not provided. Early redemption of Bonds at Issuer’s discretion is achieved in respect of all Bonds. The Issuer may not reissue the earlier redeemed bonds for circulation. If the bond early redemption date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayments. Early redemption of Bonds is carried out by the Issuer by transfer of monetary assets to NSD. Holders and Trustees of Bonds receive payments on bonds via depositary maintaining the register of rights for bonds which they are bailors of. Payment is performed in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the date of early redemption.

209 Transfer of payments in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees is performed by NSD and Depositaries to nominee holders being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the date of early redemption. In case if within the period from the end of the operation day preceding the Date of early redemption to the beginning of the operation day on which the Date of partial early redemption falls, the depositaries do not conduct transactions on depot accounts of their bailors, the depositaries may use information on holders of Bonds as of the end of operating day of the correspondent depositary preceding the Date of early redemption in order to determine the persons that are bailors for the purpose of transfer of payments on Bonds.

The Issuer fulfills liability on early redemption of Bonds by transferring monetary funds to NSD. The aforementioned liability is considered fulfilled by the Issuer from the date of receipt of monetary funds at NSD account. NSD shall transfer payments on Bonds to its bailors not later than the next working day from the day of their receipt. The Issuer bears subsidiary responsibility before NSD bailors for performance of the aforementioned liability by NSD. At that transfer of payments on Bonds by NSD to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. NSD shall disclose (provide) information on transfer of payments on bonds, including the amount of payment per one bond, in compliance with the procedure, terms and volume established by the federal executive authority on securities market. Depositaries accounting for the rights for bonds shall transfer the payments on bonds to their bailoers not later than 3 (Three) working days from the day of their receipt, but not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date for which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer to its bailors of payments on bonds entitled to them. At that transfer of payments on Bonds to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. After expiry of the given ten-day period the bailors have the right to require performance of payments on Bonds from the Depositary with whome they have concluded a depositary contract, independently of receipt of such payments by the Depositary. The requirement concerning Depositary’s liability to transfer payments on bonds to its bailors not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date on which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer of due payments on bonds to its bailors, is not applied to the Depositary that became bailor of another Depositary in compliance with the written instructions from its bailor and not having received due for transfer payments on bonds from another Depositary. The depositary transfers to its bailors the payments on bonds proportional to the quantity of bonds that were accounted for on their depot accounts as of the date determined above. Early redemption of Bonds is attributed to outstanding part of face value. At that coupon income on n- coupon period is repaid, where n is the progressive number of coupon period as of the payment date of which early redemption of bonds in the issue is carried out. Writing off of bonds from depot accounts at early redemption is performed after fulfillment of all liabilities of the Issuer to holders of bonds in respect of payment of coupon interest and face value of bonds. Withdrawal of Certificate from storage is performed after writing off all bonds from the accounts of NSD.

Period during which the bonds may be redeemed early by the issue In case of adoption of decision on early redemption at Issuer’s discretion the bonds shall be redeemed early on the end date of coupon period established by the Isseur in the Issuer’s decision on possible early redemption of bonds at issuer’s discretion.

Start date of early redemption: End date of coupon period established by the Issuer in Issuer’s decision on possible early redemption of bonds at Issuer’s discretion.

End date of early redemption: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide. 210

Procedure for disclosure of information on early redemption of bonds: Information on adoption of decision by the Issuer on early redemption of Bonds is published by teh Isseur in the form of corporation action notice within the following terms from the date of decision on early redemption theBonds: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. This notice among other information shall also include the redemption cost, terms, procedure for early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer. The Issuer shall inform the Stock Exchange and NSD on the decisions made, including the possibility, date and conditions of early redemption of Bonds upon Issuer’s discretion not later than on the 2 (second) working day from the date of the corresponding decision.

After early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer the Issuer publishes information on early redemption of equity securities of the Issuer. The above mentioned information (including the number of Bonds redeemed) is published in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of early redemption: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

B) Before the start date of Bonds placement the Issuer may make a decision on partial early redemption of Bonds on the end date of the coupon bond period(s). At that the Issuer shall indicate the number(s) of coupon period(s) on the end dage of which the Issuer performs early redemption of a certain part of face value of Bonds (hereinafter – the Date(s) of partial early redemption), as well as Percentage of face value subject to redemption on the end date of the given coupon bond period. Such decision is taken by the Issuer’s sole executive body. In case of adoption of decision on partial early redemption of Bonds acquisition of Bonds shall signify consent of the holder of Bonds to the possibility of their partial early redemption at Issuer’s discretion

Procedure for disclosure of information on adoption of the decision on partial early redemption of bonds on the end date of the next coupon bond period(s)

The notice on adoption by the Issuer of the decision on partial early redemption of Bonds on the end date of the next coupon bond period(s) is published in the form of corporate action notice as follows: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from date of adoption of the decision on partial early redemption of Bonds on the end date of the next coupon bond period(s) and not later than the day precedent to the start date of Bonds placement; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days from date of adoption of the decision on partial early redemption of Bonds on the end date of the next coupon bond period(s) and not later than the day precedent to the start date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. This notice among other information shall include the number of coupon bond period on the end dage of which the Issuer performs early redemption of a certain part of face value of Bonds, as well as Percentage of face value subject to redemption on the end date of the given coupon bond period(s). The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange and NSD about the decisions adopted not later than 2 (the second) working day after the date of adoption of such decision.

Procedure for partial early redemption of bonds at issuer’s discretion Partial early redemption of Bonds at Issuer’s discretion is carried out in similar Percentage of face value of bonds in respect of all bonds. If the bond partial redemption date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it will be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then the due sum will be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayments. Partial early redemption of bonds is carried out in Percentage of face value of one bond determined by the Issuer prior to placement of bonds. At that coupon income on n-coupon period is repaid, where n is the progressive number of coupon period as of the payment date of which partial early redemption of bonds is carried out. 211 Partial early redemption of bonds and repayment of coupon income on bonds at their partial early redemption is carried out in roubles of the Russian Federation by non-cash transfer. Partial early redemption of Bonds is carried out by the Issuer by transfer of monetary assets to NSD. Holders and Trustees of Bonds receive payments on bonds via depositary maintaining the register of rights for bonds which they are bailors of. Payment is performed in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the date of early partial redemption. Transfer of payments in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees is performed by NSD and Depositaries to nominee holders being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the date of early partial redemption. In case if within the period from the end of the operation day preceding the Date of partial early redemption to the beginning of the operation day on which the Date of partial early redemption falls, the depositaries do not conduct transactions on depot accounts of their bailors, the depositaries may use information on holders of Bonds as of the end of operating day of the correspondent depositary preceding the Date of partial early redemption in order to determine the persons that are bailors for the purpose of transfer of payments on Bonds.

The Issuer fulfills liability on partial early redemption of Bonds by transferring monetary funds to NSD. The aforementioned liability is considered fulfilled by the Issuer from the date of receipt of monetary funds at NSD account. NSD shall transfer payments on Bonds to its bailors not later than the next working day from the day of their receipt. The Issuer bears subsidiary responsibility before NSD bailors for performance of the aforementioned liability by NSD. At that transfer of payments on Bonds by NSD to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. NSD shall disclose (provide) information on transfer of payments on bonds, including the amount of payment per one bond, in compliance with the procedure, terms and volume established by the federal executive authority on securities market. Depositaries accounting for the rights for bonds shall transfer the payments on bonds to their bailoers not later than 3 (Three) working days from the day of their receipt, but not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date for which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer to its bailors of payments on bonds entitled to them. At that transfer of payments on Bonds to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. After expiry of the given ten-day period the bailors have the right to require performance of payments on Bonds from the Depositary with whome they have concluded a depositary contract, independently of receipt of such payments by the Depositary. The requirement concerning Depositary’s liability to transfer payments on bonds to its bailors not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date on which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer of due payments on bonds to its bailors, is not applied to the Depositary that became bailor of another Depositary in compliance with the written instructions from its bailor and not having received due for transfer payments on bonds from another Depositary. The depositary transfers to its bailors the payments on bonds proportional to the quantity of bonds that were accounted for on their depot accounts as of the date determined above.

Period during which the bonds may be redeemed early and partially by the issuer if the Issuer adopts a decision on partial early recemption of Bonds before the start date of bonds placement, the bonds shall be redeemed partially and early on the end date of coupon period(s) established by the issuer in such decision. Start date of partial early redemption: End date of coupon period(s) determined by the Issuer before the start date of bonds placement in the decision on partial early redemption of bonds.

End date of partial early redemption: The commencement and end dates of bond partial early redemption coincide. 212

The Issuer publishes information on partial early redemption of bonds in compliance with the form, terms and procedure set forth in Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue, Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus.

C) The Issuer has the right to make a decision on early redemption of Bonds on the end date of i- coupon period (i < 20) (hereinafter – early redemption date), precedent to the coupon period with interest rate to be determined after state registration of the Report on the results of securities issue or presentation of the Notice on the results of securities issue in the registration authority. Such decision is taken by the Issuer’s sole executive body. Acquisiton of bonds means consent of the buyer of bonds with the possibility of their early redemption at issuer’s discretion.

Procedure for disclosure of information on adoption of the decision on early redemption of bonds at issuer’s discretion: The information on adoption of Issuer’s decision on early redemption of Bonds is published by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following terms: – In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day from date of adoption of the decision on early redemption of Bonds and not later than 14 days precedent to the date of Bonds early redemption; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (two) days from the date of adoption of the decision on early redemption of Bonds and not later than 14 days precedent to the date of Bonds early redemption; At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. This notice among other information shall also include the redemption cost, terms, procedure for early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer. The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange about the decisions adopted not later than the 2 (second) working day after the date of adoption of such decision. The Issuer shall also send a notification to NSD on the Issuer’s decision on early redemption of Bonds on the end date of this coupon period not later than 14 (fourteen) days prior to end date of coupon period on the end date of which early redemption of Bonds is performed upon Issuer’s discretion.

After early redemption of Bonds by the Issuer the Issuer publishes information on early redemption of equity securities of the Issuer. The above mentioned information (including the number of Bonds redeemed) is published in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of early redemption: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

Procedure for early redemption of bonds at issuer’s discretion Early redemption of bonds is achieved with monetary funds by non-cash transfer in the currency of the Russian Federation. The possibility for the bond holders to select the bond redemption method is not provided.

Early redemption of Bonds at Issuer’s discretion is achieved in respect of all Bonds. The Issuer may not reissue the earlier redeemed bonds for circulation. If the bond early redemption date is due on a legal public holiday or weekend – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations – then a due sum shall be paid on the first working day following such a holiday or day-off. The bond holder does not have a right to demand interest accrual or any other compensation for such a delay in repayments. Early redemption of Bonds is attributed to outstanding part of face value. At that coupon income on i- coupon period is repaid, where i is the progressive number of coupon period as of the payment date of which early redemption of bonds is carried out. Early redemption of Bonds is carried out by the Issuer by transfer of monetary assets to NSD. Holders and Trustees of Bonds receive payments on bonds via depositary maintaining the register of rights for bonds which they are bailors of. Payment is performed in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the date of early redemption. Transfer of payments in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees is performed by NSD and Depositaries to nominee holders being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary falling on the date of early redemption. In case if within the period from the end of the operation day preceding the Date of early redemption to 213 the beginning of the operation day on which the Date of partial early redemption falls, the depositaries do not conduct transactions on depot accounts of their bailors, the depositaries may use information on holders of Bonds as of the end of operating day of the correspondent depositary preceding the Date of early redemption in order to determine the persons that are bailors for the purpose of transfer of payments on Bonds.

The Issuer fulfills liability on early redemption of Bonds by transferring monetary funds to NSD. The aforementioned liability is considered fulfilled by the Issuer from the date of receipt of monetary funds at NSD account. NSD shall transfer payments on Bonds to its bailors not later than the next working day from the day of their receipt. The Issuer bears subsidiary responsibility before NSD bailors for performance of the aforementioned liability by NSD. At that transfer of payments on Bonds by NSD to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. NSD shall disclose (provide) information on transfer of payments on bonds, including the amount of payment per one bond, in compliance with the procedure, terms and volume established by the federal executive authority on securities market. Depositaries accounting for the rights for bonds shall transfer the payments on bonds to their bailoers not later than 3 (Three) working days from the day of their receipt, but not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date for which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer to its bailors of payments on bonds entitled to them. At that transfer of payments on Bonds to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. After expiry of the given ten-day period the bailors have the right to require performance of payments on Bonds from the Depositary with whome they have concluded a depositary contract, independently of receipt of such payments by the Depositary. The requirement concerning Depositary’s liability to transfer payments on bonds to its bailors not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date on which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer of due payments on bonds to its bailors, is not applied to the Depositary that became bailor of another Depositary in compliance with the written instructions from its bailor and not having received due for transfer payments on bonds from another Depositary. The depositary transfers to its bailors the payments on bonds proportional to the quantity of bonds that were accounted for on their depot accounts as of the date determined above. Writing off of bonds from depot accounts at early redemption is performed after fulfillment of all liabilities to holders of bonds in respect of payment of coupon interest and face value of bonds. Withdrawal of Certificate from storage is performed after writing off all bonds from the accounts of NSD.

Period during which the bonds may be redeemed early by the issue If the Issuer adopts the decision on early redemption of Bonds at Issuer’s discretion the bonds shall be redeemed early on the end date of i-coupon period (i < 20), precedent to coupon period with interest rate to be determined after state registration of the Report on the results of securities issue or presentation of the Notice on the results of securities issue in the registration authority.

Start date of early redemption: End date of i-coupon period (i < 20), precedent to coupon period with interest rate to be determined after state registration of the Report on the results of securities issue or presentation of the Notice on the results of securities issue to the registration authority. End date of early redemption: The commencement and end dates of bond redemption coincide.

d) procedure and conditions for purchase of Bonds by the issuer with possibility of their further circulation

The Issuer may acquire Bonds upon agreement with their holder (holders) and at the holder’s (holders’) request with a possibility of their firther circulation. Acquisition of bonds by the Issuer is possible 214 only after the date of state registration of the report on the results of issue of securities and submission of a notice on bond issue results and full payment for Bonds to the registering authority. The issuer has the right to acquire bonds by closing purchase and sale transactions with holders of bonds in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including those based on public irrevocable offers of the issuer published in the mass media. Information on state registration of the report on the results of bonds issuer or presentation of the notice on the results of bonds issue to the registration authority is disclosed in the form, in compliance with the terms and the procedure established in Clause 11 of the Resolution on bonds issue and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus. For the purposes of this clause the following indications are introduced: Agent – bidder, authorized by the issuer to acquire bonds. Underwriter is the agent authorized to acquire bonds.

1 Purchase of Bonds by the Issuer upon Request from their Holder (Holders): The Issuer shall ensure the right of the holders of bonds to require the issuer to acquire bonds within the last 5 (five)days of the coupon period for which the value of coupon is determined by the issuer after state registration of the report on the results of securities issue or presentation of the notice on the results of securities issue to the registration authority (hereinafter – Period for presentation of bonds for purchase by Issuer). Holders of bonds have the right to request purchase of bonds by the issuer in the cased described in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus.

If the value of coupon rates or the procedure for determining coupon rates is determined by the Issuer’s authorized management body after state registration of the report on results of securities issue or presentation of a notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority simultaneously over several coupon periods, the issuer shall purchase Bonds at the requests of their holders filed over the last 5 (Five) days of the coupon period precedent to the coupon period over which the Issuer determines the above mentioned coupon rates or the procedure for determining the coupon rates simultaneously with other coupon periods, whichever is earlier. Purchase of bonds prior to other coupon periods over which such value or the procedure to determine the value of coupon interest on Bonds, is not required in this case.

Information on acquisition of Bonds at the request of their holders is disclosed simultaneously with the information on determined coupon rates: Information on coupon rates of Bonds determined by the Issuer, starting from the second, is brought to potential buyers by disclosing such information in the form of a corporate action notice in compliance with the procedure and within the time period established by Clause 11 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 2.9 of the Prospectus.

Not later than 10 (Ten) working days prior to date of bonds purchase upon request from the holders (holder) (defined below) the Issuer may take a decision on appointment of another person to fulfill the functions of the purchasing agent.

The issuer discloses this information in the form of a corporate action notice within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange on the decisions made not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase. The notice shall include full and abbreviated corporate names, locations and postal address of the appointed Bonds purchasing agent, number and date of license authorizing performance of such functions of Bonds purchasing agent, and licensing authority, as well as start (end) date for performance of agent’s functions by this person.

For the purposes of this clause the following indications are introduced: (j-1) – number of the coupon period where the holders have the right to request purchase of bonds by the Issuer. j – number of the coupon period where the coupon is set by the issuer after state registration of the report on results of securities issue or presentation of the notice on the results of securities issue in the registration body.

215 Procedure and conditions for purchase of bonds by the issuer upon request of the holders of bonds: 1) Holder of Bonds who is the Bidder, acts independently. In case the holder of bonds is not the Bidder, the holder concludes a corresponding agreement with any broker who is a bidder and entitles such bidder to perform the necessary actions to sell the Bonds to the issuer. The bidder acting on account and on behalf of the holders of securities, and acting on its behalf and for its own account, hereinafter referred to as Holder or Bond Holder.

2) In the course of the period for presentation of bonds for purchase by the Issuer the Bond Holder shall hand to the Agent of the issuer a written notification of the intention to sell a certain number of bonds (hereinafter – the Notification). The Notification shall be signed by Bond Holder’s authorized representative.

The Notification shall be drawn up on the company’s headed paper of the Holder as follows:

“Herewith ______(full name of Bond Holder) notifies of the intention to sell to JSC RusHydro the nonconvertible documentary interest-bearing bonds payable to bearer series __ JSC RusHydro, state registration number of the issue ______, owned by ______(full name of Bond Holder) in compliance with the stipulations of the Prospect and the Resolution on Issue of Securities.

______Full corporate name of the Holder: ______Number of Bonds proposed for sale (in figures and words) ______

Signature, Stamp of Holder”

Only duly formalized Notifications received by the Agent of the issuer within the Period for presentation of bonds for purchase by the Issuer are subject to satisfaction. The Notification is considered received by the Agent of the Issuer: When sent via registered mail or handed over personally – from the date of stamping with mark on handing over the original Notification to the addressee or refusal of the addressee to accept, confirmed by the correspondent document; when sent by fax – the moment the sender receives confirmation on the fax machine on receipt of the Notification by the addressee. The Issuer undertakes to purchase of bonds, Notifications on purchase of which were received from Holders of Bonds within the established time period. The Issuer bears no liability to purchase bonds in respect of holders of bonds that failed to present their notifications within the established time period or presented the notifications that do not comply with the requirements listed above.

3) After transfer of Notification the Bond Holder submits address application for sale of bonds to the quantity not greater than that indicated in the Notification, to the trading system in compliance with the Stock Exchange Regulations and other regulatory documents controlling trading of securities at the stock exchanage (hereinafter – Securities Trading Regulations), addressed to the Issuer’s Agent representing a bidder, with an indication of the acquisition price of bonds (as defined below). This application shall be submitted by the Holder to the trading system from 11.00 a.m. through 01.00 p.m. MSK on the Date of Bonds Purchase by the Issuer. Date of Bonds Purchase is determined as the third working day from the start date of the j-coupon period on bonds (hereinafter – Date of Purchase); Date of Bonds Purchase is determined as 100 (One hundred) per cent of the outstanding part of face value of Bonds. At that the accumulated coupon interest is repaid calculated as of the Date of Bonds Purchase;

4) Transactions including purchase of bonds by the Issuer from Bonds Holders are closed at the Stock Exchange in compliance with the Trading Regulations. The Issuer undertakes to submit counter address applications against application sof the holders of bonds from whom the Issuer (Issuer’s Agent) received Notifications filed in compliance with Item 2) of Clause 10.1 of the Resolution on issue of securities and present in the trading system as of the moment of closing the transaction within the period from 04.00 p.m. through 06.00 p.m. MSK on the date of acquisition of bonds by the issuer. 216

Procedure for adoption of the decision on purchase of bonds by the authorized body of the issuer: The Issuer shall purchase bonds upon requests from their holders filed within 5 (Five) calendar days of the coupon period directly precedent to the j-coupon period, where coupon value or the procedure for determining the coupon interest rate in the form of formula with variables, whose values may not change upon Issuer’s own discretion are determined by the Issuer after state registration of the report on results of securities issue or presentation of a notification on the results of securities issue to the registration authority. Procedure for distribution of interest rate for coupons is provided in Clause 9.3.1 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus. Adoption of a separate decision by the Issuer’s authorized body on purchase of bonds upon request from their holders is not required.

2 Purchase of Bonds by the Issuer upon Agreement with their Holder (Holders):

Purchase of bonds by the issuer upon agreement with their holder (holders) with a possibility of their further circulation until the due date for redemption under the conditions stipulated by the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus is possible. The issuer has the right to acquire bonds by concluding purchase and sale contracts with holders of bonds in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including those based on public irrevocable offers of the issuer published in the mass media. The decision on purchase of bonds, including that based on public irrevocable offers, is made by the authorized body of the issuer. When the above mentioned decision is adopted by the authorized body of the issuer, the conditions, procedure and terms for purchase of bonds shall be established that will be published in the news bulletin and on the Internet webpage. At that term of acquisition of bonds by the Issuer is possible only after the date of state registration of the report on the results of issue of securities and submission of a notice on bond issue results and full payment for Bonds to the registering authority. Purchase of bonds under agreement with their holder (holders) with a possibility of their further circulation under proposal of the issuer is performed as follows: a) Decision on purchase of bonds is taken by the authorized body of the Issuer with respect of the stipulations of the Resolution on issue of securities and the Prospectus. Repeated decision making on purchase of bonds is possible. The decision of the authorized body of the issuer on purchase of bonds under agreement with the holders of bonds shall include:  Number of Bonds to be purchased;  Term of acceptance by the holders of bonds of proposal from the issuer for purchase of bonds;  Date of purchase of Bonds;  Price for purchase of Bonds or procedure for determining this price;  Full and abbreviated corporate name, location of the agent to purchase bonds upon agreement with their holders; number, date of issue, duration of license for broker activity, issuing authority.

b) In compliance with the terms, conditions and procedure for purchase of Bonds published in the news bulletin and on the Internet webpage, the Issuer acquires Bonds from holders of Bonds by completing sales and purchase transactions using the trading system. Holder of bonds being a bidder and willing to sell bonds to the Issuer acts independently. In case the potential buyer is not the Bidder, the buyer shall conclude a corresponding agreement with any of the Bidders and may entitle such bidder to purchase the Bonds. Holder of bonds shall transfer to the agent o а the issuer the written notification indicating its intention to sell to the Issuer a certain number of bonds based on the terms established in the issuer’s decision to purchase bonds on the terms and in compliance with the procedure of purchase of bonds published in the news bulletin and on the Internet webpage. The notification is send at the legal address of the purchasing Agent by registered mail against confirmation and list of enclosures or handed against receipt to the authorized representative of the purchasing Agent. The notification shall be signed by the authorized representative of the holder of bonds and contain information on full name of the holder, series and quantity of bonds proposed for sale, correspondence address of the holder, telephone and fax number. The notification is accompanied by a letter of attorney or other documents confirming the authorities of the authorized representative of the owner of bonds, including the nominee holder to sign the notification.

217 The notification is considered received by the purchasing agent from the date of handing it over to the addressee provided the notification meets all the requirements set forth by the corporate action notice on the fact of purchase of bonds. The notice is considered received by the Purchasing Agent, if: – The delivery confirmation of postal correspondence contains an indication of receipt of postal correspondence by the Purchasing Agent; – The delivery confirmation of postal correspondence contains an indication of receipt of postal correspondence by the Purchasing Agent; – Notification sent via registered mail at the postal address of the purchasing agent is not received by the purchasing agent due to his absence at the given address. The notice is considered served to the Purchasing Agent, if: – The copy of the Notice kept by the holder of Bonds or the person authorized by the holder to handle the Bonds is signed by the authorized person of the purchasing agent indicating reception of the Notice; – The Notice carries an indication signifying that the authorized person of the purchasing agent refused to collect the Notice, and truthfulness of such indication is witnessed by independent persons. The issuer incurs bonds purchase liabilities in respect of: – Persons that have not presented their Notices within the given time period; – Persons having presented the Notice not meeting the established requirements.

c) From 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. MSK on the correspondent date of Bonds purchase by the Issuer listed in the message the holder having previously transferred the Notice to the Agent, submits an address application (hereinafter – the Application) for sale of a certain number of Bonds not greater than that listed in the Notice, to the Trading System in compliance with the Rules of Trade, addressed to the Agent of the Issuer with an indication of price per bond determined in the corporate action notice on purchase of Bonds. The quantity of bonds in the Application shall be not greater than the number of bonds indicated in the Notice. Extract from the applications register drawn up in compliance with the form described in the correspondent Appendix to the Securities Trading Regulations at the Stock Exchange signed by the authorized official of the Stock Exchange is admitted as sufficient evidence of drawing an application for sale of bonds by the Holder. The issuer undertakes within the period from 04.00 p.m. till 06.00 p.m. MSK on the corresponding date of bonds purchase established in the corporate action notice on purchase of bonds to submit via purchasing agent the address counter-applications to the Applications submitted in compliance with the conditions published in the notice on bonds purchase and remaining in the Trading System as of the moment of submission of counter-applications. If the holders of Bonds accept the proposal on purchase by the issuer in respect of a greater number of bonds than that indicated in such proposal, the Issuer acquires bonds from the holders proportionally to the claimed requirements provided only integral bonds are purchased.

3 Bonds purchased by the Issuer may be issued again to circulate in the secondary market (provided the Issuer meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation). Bonds purchase period or procedure to determine such period: • In cases when acquisition of Bonds by the Issuer is performed upon request from Bonds holders, the Date of Acquisition of Bonds by the Issuer is determined in compliance with Clause 10.1 of the Resolution on securities issue. • In case the decision on acquisition of Bonds upon agreement with their holders is taken in compliance with Clause 10.2 of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 9.1.2 of the Prospectus, particularly based on irrevocable public offers of the Issuer published in the media, terms and other conditions for purchase of Bonds are established by the Issuer and published in the news bulletin and on the Internet webpage.

Procedure for disclosure of information on purchase of bonds: 1 The information on the rates or the order of the coupon rates calculation determined by the Issuer after state registration of the report on bond issue results or submission of a notice on bond issue results to the registering authority beginning from the second is disclosed in the form of action notice not later than 5 (Five) days before the date of the beginning of the j-coupon bond period and within the following periods of time from the date of adoption of the Resolution on the Percentage rate (rates) or the order of coupon rate (rates) calculation: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days; 218 The Issuer informs the Stock Exchange on decisions adopted, including the established rates or the procedure for determining rates not later than 5 (Five) days from the end date (j-1)-coupon period (period over which the interest rate of j-coupon and other coupons is determined).

2 In case the decision on purchase of bonds is taken by the Issuer as agreed upon with their holder (holders), including purchase based on irrevocable public offers, the notification on the corresponding decision is disclosed in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of drawing up the minutes of the Issuer’s authorized body meeting, where the Issuer takes a decision on purchase of Bonds, but not later than 7 (Seven) days prior to the start date of period of acceptance of proposal to purchase Bonds: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days.

Such notice includes the following information: – Date of decision on purchase (redemption) of Bonds; – Series and form of Bonds, state registration number and date of state registration of Bonds issue; – number of Bonds purchased; – period during which the holder of Bonds may transfer to the agent of the Issuer the written notification indicating its intention to sell to the Issuer a certain number of Bonds based on the terms established in the Issuer’s decision to purchase Bonds and provided in the notice published regarding purchase of Bonds. – Start date of Bonds purchase by the Issuer; – End date of Bonds purchase; – Price for purchase of Bonds or procedure for determining this price; – Procedure for purchase of Bonds; – Form and time of payment; – name of authorized agent of the Issuer to purchase (redeem) the Bonds, its location, information on details of its license of professional securities market participant. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

3 At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

4 Information on fulfillment of liabilities concerning purchase of Bonds by the Issuer (upon request from their holders/ upon agreement with the holders) is disclosed in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period: • In the news bulletin – not later than 1 (one) day from the date of purchase of Bonds/end date of the established period for purchase of Bonds; • On the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (two) days from the date of purchase of Bonds/end date of the established period of Bonds purchase. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

Disclosure of information is performed independently by the Issuer.

5 Not later than 10 (Ten) working days prior to date of bonds purchase upon request from the holders the Issuer may take a decision on appointment of another person to fulfill the functions of the purchasing agent. The issuer discloses this information in the form of a corporate action notice within the following time period: – in the news bulletin – not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase; – On the Internet webpage – not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange on the decisions made not later than 10 (Ten) working days before the date of Bonds purchase. The notice shall include full and abbreviated corporate names, locations and postal address of the appointed Bonds purchasing agent, number and date of license authorizing performance of such functions of Bonds purchasing agent, and licensing authority, as well as start (end) date for performance of agent’s functions by this person.

219 6 The information on appointment of Bonds purchasing agent by the Issuer and cancelling such appointments is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of making such appointments or their cancellation: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. In the notice on appointment/cancellation of bonds purchasing agents full and abbreviated corporate names, locations and postal address of the appointed Bonds purchasing agent, number and date of license authorizing performance of such functions of Bonds purchasing agent, and licensing authority, as well as start (end) date for performance of agent’s functions by this person.

7 Acquisition of Bonds by the Issuer is achieved via market maker stipulated in Clause 8.3. of the Resolution on issue of securities and Clause 9.8. of the Prospectus in compliance with regulatory documents governing the activities of the market maker. If acquisition of Bonds is impossible due to reorganization, liquidation of the market maker or due to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the issuer makes a decision on a different market maker on securities market that the transactions for acquisition of Bonds shall be concluded with. Acquisition of Bonds in this case shall be performed in compliance with the regulatory and internal documents regulating the activities of such market maker on securities market. In case of change of market maker on securities market the transactions on purchase of Bonds to be concluded over, the Issuer shall publish the information on the new market maker on securities market the transactions on purchase of Bonds to be concluded over. This information shall include: – Full and abbreviated name of the market maker on securities market; – Location, telephone number, fax number; – License details: Number, date of issue, validity term, issuing authority; – Procedure of purchase of Bonds in compliance with market maker regulations. Disclosure of information is achieved by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of adoption of the decision to change the market maker on securities market the transactions on purchase of Bonds to be concluded over: • in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; • on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

e) Information on paying agents on bonds

If redemption and/or repayment of yield on bonds is performed by the issuer with paying agents involved, the following information is provided additionally for each paying agent: As of the date of approval of the Resolution on issue of securities the paying agent is not appointed.

Possibility of appointing additional paying agents and cancelling such appointments by the Issuer, and the procedure for disclosure of information on such activities.

The Issuer may appoint paying agents and cancel such appointments. • At execution of early redemption of Bonds upon request from their holders in compliance with Clause 9.5.1 of the Resolution of Bonds issue; • At execution of payments in favor of bond holders in the events described in Clause 9.7.4 of the Resolution on Bonds issue

It is presumed that the Issuer may not appoint several paying agents simultaneously.

The information on appointment of paying agents and/or Bonds purchasing agents and cancelling such appointments is disclosed by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of making such appointments or their cancellation: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

220 f) actions of bond holders in case of failure to fulfill or inadequate fulfillment of issuer’s liabilities on bonds

1 In accordance with Article 809 and Article 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the Issuer shall return to bonds holders the face value (outstanding part of face value) and repay coupon income on bonds in time and according to the procedure set forth by the requirements of the Resolution on securities issue and the Prospectus. Default obligations of the issuer on bonds represent significant violation of the conditions of the concluded loan contract (Default) in case of: – Delay in fulfillment of obligations on repayment of coupon income on bonds according to the procedure and within the time period established in the Resolution on securities issue and the Prospectus for the period of over 7 days or refusal to fulfill this obligation; – Delay in fulfillment of liabilities on repayment of face value/correspondent part of face value on bonds (if the decision on partial early redemption is made by the issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on issue of securities) according to the procedure and within terms indicated in the Resolution on issue of securities and in the Prospectus for the period of over 30 days or refusal to fulfill such liability. Execution of correspondent liabilities with delay, however within the terms stipulated in this paragraph, represents technical default.

2 Procedure for Handling Requests to the Issuer In case of default of technical default of the Issuer on Bonds the holders of bonds, their authorized person may address the issuer with a request to pay: 1) In case of default – face value – correspondent part of face value of bond (if decision on partial early redemption is made by the issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on issue of securities) and/or pay the revenue stipulated by it, as well as repay the interest for late redemption of bonds and/or repayment of revenue on bonds in compliance with Article 395 and 811 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 2) In case of technical default – interest for late fulfillment of liabilities on bonds in compliance with Clauses 395 and 811 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Claim to Issuer shall be filed in writing, entitled The Claim and signed by the holder of bonds, its authorized representative, including authorized representative of nominee holder of bonds. The Holder of bonds or its authorized representative presents the Claim to the Issuer with the following documents attached: – Copy of statement of depot account of the holder of bonds; – Documents confirming authority of persons having signed the claim on behalf of the holder of bonds (if the claim is filed by the representative of the holder of bonds).

The Claim shall include the following mandatory information: – Full name (full personal name) of the holder of Bonds and the person authorized by the holder of bonds to receive payments on bonds; – State registration number of the issue of bonds and date of state registration of the issue of bonds; – Number of bonds (numbers and words) owned by the holder of bonds; – Name of the event having entitled the holder of bonds to address the Issuer with such request – Location and postal address of the person having filed the Claim; – Details of bank account of the holder of Bonds or the person authorized to receive payments on bonds; – Taxpayer identity number (INN) of the person authorised to receive payments on bonds; – Taxation status of the person authorised to receive payments on bonds (resident, non-resident with permanent representative office in the Russian Federation, non-resident without representative office in the Russian Federation, etc.); – Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) of the person authorized to receive payments on bonds; – OKPO Code; – OKVED Code; – BIC (for credit institutions).

If the holder of bonds is a non-resident and (or) an individual, the Claim shall additionally include the following information: – location (or registration – for individual persons) and address including postal code of the holder of bonds; – taxpayer identification number of the holder of bonds; – taxation status of the bonds’ holder. 221 In case the holder of bonds is a non-resident legal person the following additional information is provided: – code of foreign organization (CFO) – if applicable. In case the holder of bonds is an individual the following additional information is provided: – Type, number, date and place of issue of the document of the holder of bonds; – Name of issuing authority; – Day, month and year of the holder’s date of birth.

In addition to the Claim (request) and to the information in respect of individuals and legal entities – non-residents of the Russian Federation that are holders of Bonds, the holder of Bonds or the person authorized by the holder to perform actions aimed at early redemption of Bonds, shall submit to the Issuer the following documents required for application of the correspondent tax rates for taxation of bonds yield:

a) In case the holder of bonds is a legal entity – a non-resident, the following information is provided:

– Confirmation of the fact that the legal entity – non-resident has a permanent location in the country with which the Russian Federation has an international contract (agreement) regulating the issues of taxation (in case of conclusion of such agreement), which has to be certified by a competent authority of the relevant foreign country. If this confirmation is drawn up in a foreign language, the translation into Russian shall be provided 7;

b) in case the return on bonds receiver is a permanent representative of a legal entity-non-resident: – a notarized copy of the certificate on registration at the tax authorities of the Russian Federation arranged not earlier than in the previous taxation period (if the paid income is related to the permanent representative of the income receiver in the Russian Federation);

c) In case the holder of bonds is an individual – non-resident, the following information is provided:

– an official approval that the individual is the resident of the state with which the Russian Federation has concluded an agreement valued during the related taxation period (or its part) on avoidance of double taxation;

– an official approval that the foreign individual person has lived more than 183 days on the territory of the Russian Federation (notarized copy of the certificate on registration of this individual person at the tax authorities of the Russian Federation) and that the person is a tax resident of the Russian Federation for the purpose of the taxation of income.

d) Russian citizens – holders of bonds living outside the territory of the Russian Federation, or the authorized person entitled by the holder to perform actions aimed at early redemption of Bonds having previously requested the following from the Russian citizen, shall submit to the Issuer a request in any form regarding adoption by the Russian citizen of his status of the tax non-resident in compliance with Article 207 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation as of the correspondent payment date.

If the above mentioned documents are not provided or are not provided on time, the Issuer has no responsibilities to the holders for failure to apply the related taxation rates.

7 Article 312 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation foresees presentation of confirmation certified by a competent body of the foreign country to the tax agent. Procedure for execution of formal documents from competent bodies of foreign countries is stipulated by the Hague Convention dated October 5, 1961 which according to Article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation represents constituent part of the legal system of the Russian Federation. Pursuant to Article 1 of the Convention the Convention covers formal documents drawn up on the territory of one of the contracting states and have to be presented on the territory of another contracting state. Pursuant to Article 3 of the Convention the only formality, observance of which may be required for confirming validity of signature, standing of the person signing the document and, if required, validity of stamp or seal attached to this document, is the application of apostil by the competent government body where this document was executed, stipulated by Article 4 of the Convention. As the Convention covers the formal documents, including those received from an authority or an administrative official under jurisdiction of the state, including documents coming from prosecutor’s office, court secretary or bailiff, such documents shall comply with the requirements of the Convention, and contain an apostil. Thus to apply preferential tax treatment the foreign person shall present a confirmation issued by the competent state authority and containing the apostil. 222 The claim is sent by registered mail with delivery notification and list of enclosures at the issuer’s postal address or handed against receipt to the representative of the Issuer. The claim is reviewed by the Issuer during 5 (Five) days.

3 If in case of technical default of payment of regular interest (coupon) of the Issuer within 7 (Seven) days from the date on which the liability was to be executed, paid the due amount of main debt, however did not pay the interest for late payment of the sum of main debt in compliance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the holders of bonds or their authorized persons have the right to file a claim to the issuer on payment of such interest. In this case the issuer within 3 (three) working days from the date of acceptance of the claim transfers the due sums to holders of bonds.

If in case of technical default of payment of the sum of main debt the Issuer, within 30 (Thirty) days from the date on which the liability was to be executed, paid the due amount of main debt, however did not pay the interest for late payment of the sum of main debt in compliance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the holders of bonds or their authorized persons have the right to file a claim to the issuer on payment of such interest. In this case the issuer within 3 (three) working days from the date of acceptance of the claim transfers interest for late payment of the sum of main debt to holders of bonds.

4 If a claim containing requerement on payment of sums indicated below in the current subparagraph is filed due to default of payment of regular interest (coupon) on bonds – the correspondent part of face value of the bond (if the decision on partial early redemption is made by the issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the resolution on securities issue) or due to default on payment of face value of bonds, the claim shall include the following additional information: – Name and details of bank account of the person authorized to receive payments on Bonds provided under NSD regulations for transfers of securities under counter orders with management of settlements in respect of monetary assets; – details of depot account opened in NSD for the bonds holder or its authorized person required for transfer of bonds under counter orders with management of settlements in respect of monetary assets under the regulations set forth by NSD.

In case of execution of payments to holders of bonds having claimed payments of sums indicated below in the current subparagraph, due to default on payment of regular interest (coupon) on bonds/the correspondent part of face value of bond (if the decision on partial early redemption is made by the issuer in compliance with Clause 9.5 of the Resolution on issue of securities) or due to default on payment of face value of Bonds, payment of sums provided further herein is executed by the issuer with settlement of payments under the regulations of NSD for transfer of securities under counter orders with management of settlements in respect of monetary assets: • The outstanding part of face value, fulfillment of liabilities on payment of which in compliance with the Resolution on issue of securities has not yet become due; • Accumulated coupon interest on bonds for uncompleted coupon period from the start time of such coupon period to the date of actual payment by the issuer of the outstanding part of face value of bonds calculated in compliance with the Resolution on issue of securities.

To ensure the transfer of securities the issuer shall not later than on the 10 th (tenth) working day from the expiration date of Claim review duration period notifies the holder of bonds of the person authorized by the holder of bonds to perform actions aimed at collecting payments of bonds and having filed the Claim on the decision madeand in such notification on satisfaction (acceptance) of Claim provides the details required for filling out the depot order in compliance with the form stipulated by NSD for transfer of bonds with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds. After filing such notifications the issuer submits depot counter-order to NSD for transfer of bonds (in compliance with the form stipulated by NSD for transfer of bonds with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds) from depot account set up in NSD for the holder of Bonds or its authorized representative for its equity account in compliance with the details provided in the Claim; herewith the Issuer or its authorized representative submits to NSD the order for transfer of monetary funds from its bank account ot the bank account of the holder of bonds or its authorized representative to receive payments on bonds with details indicated in the correspondent Claim. Upon receipt of notification on satisfaction (acceptance) of Claim the holder of bonds and its authorized representative file an order to NSD in compliance with the form established by NSD for transfer of securities with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds for transfer of bonds from its depot account in NSD

223 to the equity account of the issuer in compliance with the details provided in the notification on satisfaction (acceptance) of Claim. The parties shall provide the same due date in depot orders for transfer of securities with control of settlements in respect of monetary funds and in the money order (hereinafter – the Due Date). The Due Date shall not fall on a legal public holiday or day-off – regardless of whether it be a state public holiday or day-off for settlement operations in the Russian Federation.

5 In other cases of default (technical default) Holders and Trustees of Bonds receive payments on bonds via depositary maintaining the register of rights for bonds which they are bailors of. Payment is performed in favor of the holders of Bonds or trustees being such as of the beginning of the trading day of the correspondent depositary: 1) as of the date determined in compliance with the Resolution on issue of securities as the date of due fulfillment of liability to execute payments on bonds by the Issuer; 2) As of the date following the date on which the depositary performing mandatory centralized storage of Bonds in compliance with Paragraph 7 of Clause 7.1 of the Federal Law on securities market No. 39-FZ dated April 22, 1996 disclosed information on transfer to its bailors of due payments on bonds in the event when liability on performance of the last payment on bonds within the established period is not fulfilled or is fulfilled inadequately by the issuer. The Issuer fulfills liability on performance of payments on Bonds by transferring monetary funds to NSD. The aforementioned liability is considered fulfilled by the Issuer from the date of receipt of monetary funds at NSD account. NSD shall transfer payments on Bonds to its bailors not later than the next working day from the day of their receipt. The Issuer bears subsidiary responsibility before NSD bailors for performance of the aforementioned liability by NSD. At that transfer of payments on Bonds by NSD to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. NSD shall disclose (provide) information on transfer of payments on bonds, including the amount of payment per one bond, in compliance with the procedure, terms and volume established by the federal executive authority on securities market. Depositaries accounting for the rights for bonds shall transfer the payments on bonds to their bailors not later than 3 (Three) working days from the day of their receipt, but not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date for which NSD has disclosed information on transfer to its bailors of payments on bonds entitled to them. At that transfer of payments on Bonds to the bailor that is a nominee holder is achieved at its special depositary account or the account of the bailor – nominee holder, representing a credit institution. After expiry of the given ten-day period the bailors have the right to require performance of due payments on Bonds from the Depositary with whom they have concluded a depositary contract, independently of receipt of such payments by the Depositary. The requirement concerning Depositary’s liability to transfer payments on bonds to its bailors not later than 10 (Ten) working days from the date on which NSD has disclosed (provided) information on transfer of due payments on bonds to its bailors, is not applied to the Depositary that became bailor of another Depositary in compliance with the written instructions from its bailor and not having received due for transfer payments on bonds from another Depositary. The depositary transfers to its bailors the payments on bonds proportional to the quantity of bonds that were accounted for on their depot accounts as of the date determined above.

6 If the Issuer’s authorized representative refuses to accept the Claim (request) against signature or the registered mail with the Claim (request), or the Claim (request) sent at the postal address of the issuer is not handed due to absence of the Issuer at this address, or the issuer refuses to satisfy the Claim (request), holders of bonds, their authorized representatives may go to court or court of arbitration with a claim against the Issuer on recovery of correspondent sums. If the sums due to holders of Bonds in respect of main debt on bonds and interest for late redemption of bonds in compliance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are not transferred or not fully transferred within 30 (Thirty) days from the date, on which the liability on payment of main debt sum was due, holders of bonds or their authorized representatives may go to court or court of arbitration with a claim against the issuer on recovery of correspondent sums.

Procedure for judicial recourse in court or court of arbitration. If requests from holders in respect of their Bonds submitted to the issuer cannot be satisfied, holders of bonds may go to court (court of arbitration or regular court) with action against the issuer. 224 At that holders of bonds – individuals may go to regular court according to the territory jurisdiction, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs – holders of bonds may go to court of arbitration according to the territory jurisdiction. General period of limitations in compliance with Article 196 of the Civis set to three years. In compliance with Article 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation validity period of limitation begins upon completion of execution of liabilities by the Issuer. Court juristiction of civil actions is established by Article 22 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. In compliance with the above mentioned article regular courts entertain and rule actions involving individuals, organizations, state authorities, local government bodies concerning protection of violated or challenged rights, degree of freedom and legitimate interests, on disputes arising from civil, family, labor, housing, land, ecological and other types of relationships. Court juristiction of actions in court of arbitration is established by Article 27 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. In compliance with this article the court of arbitration rules actions concerning economic disputes and other matters in respect of business and other types of economic activity. Courts of arbitration rule economic disputes and review other cases with legal entities, individuals engaged in business activity without formation of a legal entity and enjoying the status of individual entrepreneurs acquired in accordance with the procedure established by legislation (hereinafter – individual entrepreneurs), and in cases stipulated by the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws concerning the Russian Federation, constituent territories of the Russian Federation, municipal units, state authorities, local government bodies, other authorities, officials, entities not bearing the status of legal entities, and individuals not bearing the status of self-employed entrepreneurs (hereinafter – organizations and individuals).

Procedure for information disclosure In case of failure to fulfill or inadequate fulfillment of liabilities on the Bonds by the Issuer (including default or technical default), the Issuer publishes information on failure to fulfill or inadequate fulfillment of liabilities to holders of Bonds, which includes: – Scope of outstanding commitments; – Cause of failure to fulfill the liabilities; – List of possible actions for holders of Bonds to satisfy their requirements.

The information specified is published by the Issuer in the form of a corporate action notice within the following period from the date of failure to fulfill or inadequate fulfillment of the Issuer’s liabilities on Bonds: – in the news bulletin – not later than 1 (One) day; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 2 (Two) days. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin.

g) information on person providing security

If fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is secured by third person (persons) the following information on such person shall be indicated: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person (persons)

h) Terms for securing the fulfillment of obligations on bonds In case of placement of bonds with security for each event of provision of security indicate: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person (persons)

i) information on referring acquisition of bonds to the category of investments with high risk Calculation of a sum of parameters set forth in items 1–5 of Clause 3.15 of this Provision, and in case such sum is lower than the total value of Issuer’s liabilities on bonds, provide an indication that acquisition of such bonds refers to category of high risk investments. In case the sum of parameters set forth in items 1–5 of Clause 3.15 of this Provision is greater or equals to the total value of Issuer’s liabilities on bonds, provide an indication that acquisition of such bonds does not refer to category of high risk investments.

For the bonds series 07: 1) Issuer’s Net Asset Value: 546,226,640.797 thousand roubles. 2) Amount (sum) of security provided to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 225 3) Sums of bank guarantees provided to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 4) Price of property as pledge to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds, determined by the appraiser: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 5) Amount of state and (or) municipal guarantee for loan: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person

Sum of parameters includes the values of net assets of the Issuer, which amounts to 546,226,640.797 thousand roubles and, thus, is greater than the total value of liabilities on bonds series 07, including the interest. Therefore acquisition of bonds series 07 is not a high risk operation.

For the bonds series 08: 1) Issuer’s Net Asset Value: 546,226,640.797 thousand roubles. 2) Amount (sum) of security provided to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 3) Sums of bank guarantees provided to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 4) Price of property as pledge to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds, determined by the appraiser: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 5) Amount of state and (or) municipal guarantee for loan: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person

Sum of parameters includes the values of net assets of the Issuer, which amounts to 546,226,640.797 thousand roubles and, thus, is greater than the total value of liabilities on bonds series 08, including the interest. Therefore acquisition of bonds series 08 is not a high risk operation.

For the bonds series 09: 1) Issuer’s Net Asset Value: 546,226,640.797 thousand roubles. 2) Amount (sum) of security provided to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 3) Sums of bank guarantees provided to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 4) Price of property as pledge to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds, determined by the appraiser: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 5) Amount of state and (or) municipal guarantee for loan: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person

Sum of parameters includes the values of net assets of the Issuer, which amounts to 546,226,640.797 thousand roubles and, thus, is greater than the total value of liabilities on bonds series 09, including the interest. Therefore acquisition of bonds series 09 is not a high risk operation.

For the bonds series 10: 1) Issuer’s Net Asset Value: 546,226,640.797 thousand roubles. 2) Amount (sum) of security provided to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 3) Sums of bank guarantees provided to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 4) Price of property as pledge to secure fulfillment of liabilities on bonds, determined by the appraiser: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person. 5) Amount of state and (or) municipal guarantee for loan: Fulfillment of liabilities on bonds is not secured by third person

Sum of parameters includes the values of net assets of the Issuer, which amounts to 546,226,640.797 thousand roubles and, thus, is greater than the total value of liabilities on bonds series 10, including the interest. Therefore acquisition of bonds series 10 is not a high risk operation.

226 9.1.3 Additional Information on Convertible Securities For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

The placed Shares are not convertible securities.

9.1.4 Additional Information on the Issuer’s Placed Options

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

No information shall be indicated for this type of securities issue.

9.1.5 Additional Information on the Placed Bonds Secured by Mortgage For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 The placed Shares are not bonds secured by mortgage. Information on a Specialized Depositary Maintaining the Mortgage Register

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 The placed Shares are not bonds secured by mortgage. Information on Issues of Bonds Whose Liabilities Are Secured (May Be Secured) by Pledge of This Mortgage Pool

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 The placed Shares are not bonds secured by mortgage. Information on Insurance of Responsibility Risk to Holders of Bonds Secured by Mortgage

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 The placed Shares are not bonds secured by mortgage. Information on the primary servicer authorized to receive satisfaction from debtors to whom requirements secured by mortgage comprise the mortgage for securing bonds

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 The placed Shares are not bonds secured by mortgage. Information on composition, structure and amount of mortgage For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 The placed Shares are not bonds secured by mortgage.

9.1.6 Additional Information on the Placed Russian Depositary Receipts

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

227 No information shall be indicated for this type of securities issue. Additional information on represented Securities, title to which is certified by Russian depositary receipts

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

No information shall be indicated for this type of securities issue. Information on the Issuer of represented Securities, title to which is certified by Russian depositary receipts

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

No information shall be indicated for this type of securities issue.

9.2 Offering Price (Procedure for Determination of the Offering Price)

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Price (prices) or procedure for determination of price (prices) for each placed security: Bonds placement price is established to equal 1,000 (One thousand) roubles per Bond (100 per cent of face value). Beginning from the second day of bonds placement the buyer shall at bonds purchase/sale transaction pay the accumulated coupon income on bonds (ACI) determined from the equation:

ACI = Nom * C * (T – T0) / 365)/ 100 %, where

ACI is the accumulated coupon income, rub.; Nom is a nominal value of one bond, rub.; С is the size of interest rate of coupon for the first coupon period, per cent per year; T is the date of bond placement; T0 is the commencement date of bond placement. The value of accumulated coupon income per Bond is calculated with an accuracy down to one kopeck (figures are rounded off in accordance with mathematic rounding rules. In this case the mathematical rounding rule shall be understood to mean a round-off method, which does not change the value of a whole kopeck (whole kopecks), if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 0 to 4 and it increases per unit if the first figure located after the rounded off one is within a range of 5 to 9).

In the event when at placement of securities of the issue (additional issue) the preemptive right for their purchase is granted, the price of procedure for definition of placement price of securities is disclosed to persons to whom such preemptive right is granted: The pre-emptive right to acquire securities is not provided.

9.3 Existence of Preemptive Rights to Acquisition of the Placed Equity Securities For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

The pre-emptive right to acquire securities is not provided.

228 9.4 Existence of Restrictions to Acquisition and Circulation of the Placed Equity Securities For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

According to the Federal Law “On Securities Market” and the Federal Law “On Protection of Rights and Legal Interests of Investors in the Securities Market” the following is stated: a) Circulation of securities whose issue (additional issue) subject to the state registration is prohibited until they are fully repaid and a report (a notice) on security issue (additional issue) results is submitted to the registering authority unless otherwise stated by the federal law; b) public circulation of securities whose issue (additional issue) subject to the state registration is allowed when the following conditions are simultaneously met: registration of the Prospectus (an equity security prospectus, a privatization plan registered as an equity security prospectus); disclosure of the information by the Issuer in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law; c) it is prohibited to put securities into public circulation, advertise and offer them in any different form to an unlimited circle of persons if the public circulation of such securities is prohibited or not stipulated by the federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Restrictions imposed by the Issuer in accordance with its Articles of Association on the maximum quantity of shares owned by one shareholder or on the share face value. Restrictions stipulated in the Issuer’s Articles of Association and in the legislation of the Russian Federation for prospective buyers being non-residents, including restrictions on the Percentage size of a share held by foreign persons in the Issuer’s authorized capital: Not applicable.

Any other restrictions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and by the foundation documents (Articles of Association) of the Issuer on the circulation of the placed securities. Bonds are admitted to free circulation at stock exchange and over-the-counter markets. Non-residents may purchase Bonds in compliance with the current legislation and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation. Circulation of Bonds at secondary securities market starts on the first day following the date of registration of the report on results of securities issue by the registration authority/presentation of notice on results of issue to the registration authority, and ends on the date of bonds redemption. At the over-the-counter market the Bonds circulate without limitations until the Bonds redemption date. At the stock exchange market the Bonds circulate with withdrawals established by the trade organizers on securities market. After the redemption date the holder of bonds bears the risk of unnotification of the Issuer on change of holder of bonds and risk of payment of monetary funds on bonds to the initial holder. In cae the Issuer was not notified of the change of holder after the redemption date, fulfillment of liabilities on bonds in respect of the person included in the List of holders and/or nominee holders of bonds for payment of redemption, is recognized appropriate. Other restrictions for issue of Bonds and restrictions in respect of possible buyers of placed bonds are not provided for.

9.5 Information on the Dynamics of Prices for the Issuer’s Equity Securities

If Issuer’s securities are of the same type as securities issued, and are included in the list of securities allowed for trading on the market maker at the securities market, for each quarter during which at least 10 transactions were performed through the marketk maker at securities market, but for not more than 5 last completed years or per each completed financial year, if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years, provide:


1) Class, category (type), form and other identification attributes of securities: Class, category (type), form and other identification documentary unconvertible interest bearing bonds attributes of securities issued to bearer on the terms of mandatory centralized custody, serial code 01, with possible early redemption upon request of the holders and at the discretion of the Issuer State registration number of securities issue and the 4-01-55038-E as of September 23, 2010 state registration date of this issue (issue identification number and the date of its assignment in case there was no state registration of this securities issue) The registering authority which performed state FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of registration of the securities issue (the organization Russia which assigned the identification number to the securities issue in case it was not subject to the state registration) Quantity of issue securities 10,000,000 The amount of securities issued at nominal value or 10,000,000 thousand roubles the reference to the fact that, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, nominal value is not provided for this type of securities

Information on prices: Bonds Series 01 are placed and started circulation in the 2 nd Quarter of 2011 In Percentage of Second Quarter 2011 3 Quarter 2011 4 Quarter 2011 face value The highest price 101.6 102.6 102.9 for one security under the transactions effected with the securities in the reporting quarter through market maker in the securities market The lowest price 99.5 96.7 94.04 for one security under the transactions effected with the securities in the reporting quarter through market maker in the securities market Market price of 100.52 97.21 98.99 one security* *market value of one security disclosed by the organizer of trade in the securities market and determined in compliance with Procedure for Determining Market Price of Securities, Estimated Price of Securities, as well as the Limit of Fluctuations of the Market Price of Securities under Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 10-65/pz-n dated November 9, 2010 (registered in Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation on November 29, 2010, registry No. 19062).

Full corporate name, location of the market maker in the securities market through whom the transactions were effected on the basis of which the information on dynamics of changing prices for securities is stated. Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICE (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange) Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC SE MICEX Location: 125009, Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovskiy Lane, house 13

2) Class, category (type), form and other identification attributes of securities:

230 Class, category (type), form and other identification documentary nonconvertible interest bearing bonds attributes of securities issued to bearer on the terms of mandatory centralized storage, serial code 02, with possible early redemption upon request of the holders and at the discretion of the Issuer State registration number of securities issue and the 4-02-55038-E as of September 23, 2010 state registration date of this issue (issue identification number and the date of its assignment in case there was no state registration of this securities issue) The registering authority which performed state FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of registration of the securities issue (the organization Russia which assigned the identification number to the securities issue in case it was not subject to the state registration) Quantity of issue securities* 5,000,000 The amount of securities issued at nominal value or 5,000,000 thousand roubles the reference to the fact that, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, nominal value is not provided for this type of securities* *the registered number of issue securities amounted for 10,000,000 shares with the total nominal value of 10,000,000,000 roubles, 5,000,000 bonds were placed, their total nominal value was 5,000,000,000 roubles

Information on prices: Bonds Series 02 are placed and started circulation in the 2 nd Quarter of 2011. In Percentage of Second Quarter 2011 3 Quarter 2011 4 Quarter 2011 face value The highest price 100.7 102.5 102.9 for one security under the transactions effected with the securities in the reporting quarter through market maker in the securities market The lowest price 99.01 96.97 94.04 for one security under the transactions effected with the securities in the reporting quarter through market maker in the securities market Market price of 100.34 100.00 97.42 one security* *market value of one security disclosed by the organizer of trade in the securities market and determined in compliance with Procedure for Determining Market Price of Securities, Estimated Price of Securities, as well as the Limit of Fluctuations of the Market Price of Securities under chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 10-65/pz-n dated November 9, 2010 (registered in Ministry of Justice of Russian Federation on November 29, 2010, registry No. 19062).

Full corporate name, location of the market maker in the securities market through whom the transactions were effected on the basis of which the information on dynamics of changing prices for securities is stated. Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICE (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange) Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC SE MICEX Location: 125009, Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovskiy Lane, house 13

231 9.6 Information on the Persons Providing Services Related to Organization of Placement and/or Placement of Equity Securities

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

In the event when placement of securities is effected by the Issuer involving persons providing services in relation to placement and/or organization of placement of securities in respect of each such person indicate the following:

Organizations that may provide to the Issuer the services in relation to placement and organization of placement of Bonds (hereinafter – the Organizers) are Closed Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB, Closed Joint-Stock Company VTB Capital, SviazBank (Open Joint-Stock Company, Interregional Commercial Bank for Development of Communication and Information Technology). Persons mentioned herein may act in capacity of Underwriter at placement.

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC Sberbank CIB INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710048970 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739007768 Location: Russian Federation, 125009, Moscow, Romanov Lane, 4 Postal address: Russian Federation, 125009, Moscow, Romanov Lane, 4 License number: No. 177-06514-100000 (for broker activity) Date of issue: April 8, 2003 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FCSM of the Russian Federation

Full corporate name: SviazBank (Open Joint-Stock Company, Interregional Commercial Bank for Development of Communication and Information Technology) Abbreviated corporate name: JSC JSCB SviazBank INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7710301140 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027700159288 Location: 125375, Moscow, Tverskaya Str., 7 Postal address: 125375, Moscow, Tverskaya Str., 7 License number: No. 177-10817-100000 (for broker activity) Date of issue: December 6, 2007 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia License number: No. 177-10820-010000 (for dealer activity) Date of issue: December 6, 2007 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company VTB Capital. Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC VTB Capital INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7703585780 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1067746393780 Location: Moscow, Presnenskaya Embankment, 12 Postal address: 123100, Moscow, Presnenskaya Embankment, 12 License number: No. 177-11463-100000 (for broker activity) Date of issue: July 31, 2008 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia License number: No. 177-11466-010000 (for dealer activity)

232 Date of issue: July 31, 2008 Validity term: unlimited Issuing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Major functions of such persons, including: – Development of recommendations regarding the concept (structure and parameters) of the bond loan; – Provision of advisory support concerning issues attributed to the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the procedure of issue of bonds, their placement, circulation and redemption, including provision of advisory support at disclosure of information at the stages of securities issue procedure and assistance in preparation of correponsing information statements; – Preparation of issuing documents based on the information provided by the Issuer and required for issue, placement and circulation of Bonds, which are subject to approval by the Issuer; – Preparation of advertising, presentation and other materials, including investment memorandum of bond loan aimed at distribution of the above mentioned materials among potential buyers; – Management of negotiations and representation for the Issuer during such negotiations with potential buyers; – Management of marketing events of bonds issue; – All other necessary measures aimed at successful placement of Bonds.

Any of the Organizers may act as an Underwriter. Prior to bonds placement start date the Issuer appoints Closed Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB or Sviaz-Bank (Open Joint-Stock Company, Interregional Commercial Bank of Development of Communication and Information Technology) or Closed Joint-Stock Company VTB Capital as the person to take up functions of Underwriter at placement.

Prior to placement start date the Issuer discloses information of the person appointed Underwriter, to whom the Participants of tender of SE MICE shall address their requests for purchase of bonds in the course of bookbuilding for Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for first coupon period on bonds placement start date. The Issuer discloses such information within the following terms: – in the news bulletin – not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement; – on the Internet webpage – not later than 4 (Four) days prior to the opening date of Bonds placement. At that publication on the Internet webpage follows publication in the news bulletin. The Issuer shall notify the Stock Exchange on the decisions made not later than 5 (Five) days before the opening date of Bonds placement.

Major functions of the Underwriter: – Satisfaction of requests for purchase of Bonds for and at the costs of the Issuer in compliance with the terms of the contract and the procedure stipulated by the Resolution on Issue of Securities and the Prospectus; – Notification of the Issuer on the number of actually placed Bonds, and on the amount of monetary funds received from sale of Bonds; – Transfer of monetary funds received by the Underwriter from the purchasers of Bonds in payment for them at the Issuer’s settlement account in compliance with the terms of the contract concluded;

233 – Performance of other actions required for fulfillment of obligations regarding placement of Bonds in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the contract between the Issuer and the Underwriter.

Obligation of such a person to acquire securities which have not been offered in time, and if this obligation is in place – the number (a procedure to determine the number) of the securities that have not been offered in time and which shall be acquired by the said person or entity, and the period (procedure for period determination) within which the said person shall purchase such quantity of securities: No such obligation of the Organizers is established.

obligations of such a person to maintain the prices for securities being offered at a certain level during a certain period after completion of their offering (stabilization), including the obligations associated with providing market making services and if such an obligation is enforced – also the period (a procedure for determining such a period) during which the said person shall stabilize or provide services of a market maker: Obligation of the Organizers regarding maintaining prices of Bonds at a certain level in the course of a certain period after completion of their placement (stabilization) is not established. If the Bonds are put on SE MICEX “B” Quotation List, the Underwriter expects to conclude an agreement on fulfillment of market-maker obligations in relation to the Bonds in the course of the whole period of their presence on SE MICEX “B” Quotation List. Market-maker undertakes to render support of Bonds circulation in SE MICEX throughout the period of Bonds presence on SE MICEX “B” Quotation List by presenting and maintaining two-side quotations for purchase and sale of Bonds.

The right of such a person to acquire an additional quantity of the Issuer’s securities out of the Issuer’s placed (outstanding) securities of the same type and category as the securities being offered, which may be exercised or not exercised depending on the results of securities placement, and if such a right is enforced – an additional quantity (a procedure for determining the quantity) of the securities which may be purchased by such a person and a period (procedure for determining the period) during which this person can exercise the right to acquire an additional quantity of securities. The Organizers possess no right to acquire additional amounts of securities of the Issuer from those offered (circulating).

Consideration amounts to person providing to the Issuer services for placement and/or arranging the placement of securities: Consideration amounts to Organizers shall not exceed 1 per cent (One per cent) of face value of Bonds issue. Consideration for services of market maker shall not exceed 10,000 (Ten thousand) roubles.

9.7 Information on the Prospective Buyers of the Equity Securities For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Information on the Prospective Buyers of the Securities being placed. Bonds are placed through public offering. Circle of potential purchases of placed securities is unlimited. Non-residents may purchase Bonds in compliance with the current legislation and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.

9.8 Information on Organizers of Trade in Securities Markets, Including Information on Stock Exchanges at Which Placement and/or Circulation of the Placed Equity Securities Is Planned For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

If securities are placed by offering by way of trading with stock exchange or another market maker as organizer of trading in securities market, such circumstance is indicated.

234 As the securities are placed in the form of offering by way of tender, provide additional information on the person organizing the tender.

Name of person organizing the trading (market maker): Full corporate name: Closed Joint-Stock Company Stock Exchange MICEX Abbreviated corporate name: CJSC SE MICEX Location: 125009, Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovskiy Lane, house 13 Postal address: 125009, Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovskiy Lane, house 13 State registration date: December 2, 2003 Registration number: 1037789012414 Name of authority performing state registration: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. 46, city of Moscow No. of License of the stock exchange: 077-10489-000001 Date of issue: August 23, 2007 Validity term: unlimited Licensing authority: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

The issuer supposes to address the Stock Exchange to ensure admission of Bonds to secondary circulation in the Stock Exchange. Potential buyer of Bonds may act independently if such buyer has access to training at the Stock Exchange. In case the potential buyer has no access to trading at the Stock Exchange, such buyer shall conclude a correpondent agreement with any broker having access to trading at the Stock Exchange and entitle such buyer to purchase the Bonds or to gain access to trading at the Stock Exchange and act individually. Express condition for purchase of Bonds at the Stock Exchange at their placement is the preliminary reservation of a sufficient amount of buyer’s monetary assets for purchase of Bonds on the account of the bidder on whose behalf the application for purchase of Bonds is made, in NSD in the amount sufficient for full payment for Bonds indicated in Bonds purchase applications with account of all the necessary commission fees. The potential buyer of Bonds shall set up a correspondent depot account in NSD or in a Depositary. Procedure and period of opening of depot accounts are determined by the provisions of correspondent depositary charters. At that the monetary assets shall be previously reserved in the amount sufficient for full payment for the quantity of Bonds listed in the Bonds purchase applications with account of all the necessary commission fees (starting from the second day of placement additionally with account of accumulated ACI). At placement of Bonds in a tender, in case the conditions of the applications meet the above listed requirements, such applications are registered at the Stock Exchanged and then satisfied (or rejected) by the Underwriter at the Stock Exchanged (as stipulated above). If Bonds are placed by way of bookbuilding for purchase of Bonds at fixed price and coupon rate for the first coupon period determined by the Issuer before the Bonds placement start date, provided the conditions of the applications meet the requirements listed above they are registered at the Stock Exchange and then satisfied (or rejected) by the Underwriter at the Stock Exchange in compliance with Issuer’s resolution (as stipulated above). Bonds sold at placement are transferred by NSD to depot accounts of bonds buyerson the date of Bonds sales and purchase transaction. For completion of Bonds sales and purchase transaction at their placement the potential buyer shall open a correspondent depot account in NSD performing centralized storage of Bonds or in a Depositary in advance (prior to Bonds placement start date). Procedure and period of opening of depot accounts are determined by the provisions of correspondent depositary charters. Amendments to and/or termination of agreements concluded at Bonds placement shall be effected on the grounds and pursuant to the procedure stipulated by Chapter 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

235 If securities in the issue in respect of which the placed securities represent an additional issue are circulated through the stock exchange or another market maker in the securities market, such circumstance is indicated: Not applicable.

If the issuer plans to apply to the stock exchange or another security market maker for admission of placed securities to circulation via this security market maker, such circumstance is indicated alongside with supposed maturity of Issuer’s securities: The Issuer plans to apply to CJSC SE MICEX for admission of placed securities to circulation via this security market maker, supposed maturity of Issuer’s securities – until end of bonds redemption

9.9 Information on the Possible Change of the Shareholders Participatory Share in the Issuer’s Authorized Capital as a Result of Placement of Equity Securities For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 Shareholders’ stakes in Issuers authorized capital will not change as a result of bonds placement.

9.10 Information on the Expenses Related to the Issue of Securities

For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10 – description provided for each individual issue

Include: The total amount of the Issuer’s expenses related to the issue of securities: not more than 103,999,850 roubles (not more than 1.04 % of face value of the bonds issue)

Amount of state duty paid that is charged under the Laws of the Russian Federation on taxes and charges in the course of the securities issue:

State duty for the registration of securities issue and the Prospectus (in compliance with Article 333.33 of the Tax Code (VAT excluded)): 200,000 roubles (0.002 % of face value of the Bonds)

State duty for the report on the results of issue (in compliance with Article 333.33 of the Tax Code (VAT excluded): 20,000 roubles (0.0002 % of face value of the Bonds)

The amount of Issuer’s expenses associated with payment of fees to consultants participating (having participated) in the securities preparation and issue and also to the persons providing services to Issuer in relation to placement and/or the organization of placement of securities: not more than 100,000,000 (One hundred million) roubles (not more than 1 % of face value of the bonds issue) Consideration for services of market maker shall not exceed 10,000 (Ten thousand) roubles. (0.0001 % of face value of bonds issue) Expenses of the Issuer related to admission of the Issuer’s securities to trading sessions by the securities market maker and expenses related to inclusion of the Issuer’s securities into quotation list of the stock exchange (listing of securities):

In roubles In Percentage of face value

MICEX charges for admission to placement and trade (incl. 354,000 0.00354 VAT 18 %)

MICEX charges for placement (0.015 per cent of face value) 1,500,000 0.015 (incl. VAT 18 %)

236 In roubles In Percentage of face value

MICEX charges for inclusion in quotation list A1 70,800 0.000708 (incl. VAT 18 %)

MICEX charges for sustention in quotation list A1 17,700 0.000177 (incl. VAT 18 %)

MICEX charges for expertise of securities A1 (incl. VAT 18 %) 106,200 0.001062

Charges for market maker services (if required) (with VAT 70 000 0.0007 18%)

The Issuer’s expenses related to disclosure of information in the process of the securities issue, including costs of fabrication of brochures or other printed items associated with the securities issue: 177,000 roubles (0.00177 % of face value of the Bonds issue)

The Issuer’s expenses associated with advertising of placed securities, securities market research (marketing), organization and holding of meetings with investors, presentation of placed securities (road-show): 177,000 roubles (0.00177 % of face value of the Bonds issue)

other Issuer’s expenses related to the securities issue: NSD charges under the depositary account contract (certificates storage) (incl. VAT 18 %) – 1,297,150 roubles (0.013 % of face value of Bonds)

If the expenses of the Issuer related to issue of securities are paid for by third persons, such circumstance is indicated and the information on such persons and Issuer’s expenses that were paid for (are being paid for) is disclosed: is not the case

9.11 Information on Methods and Procedure for Refunding of Amounts Received in Payment for Placed Equity Securities in Case the Issue (Additional Issue) of Equity Securities Is Invalidated or Voided, as Well as in Other Cases Provided for by the Laws of the Russian Federation For Bonds Series 07, Bonds Series 08, Bonds Series 09, Bonds Series 10

Methods and procedure for refunding of amounts received in payment for placed securities in case the issue (additional issue) of securities is invalidated or voided, as well as in other cases provided for by the Laws of the Russian Federation shall be indicated, including: In case the issue is invalidated or voided and in other cases provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation, monetary funds shall be returned to the purchasers in accordance with the procedure established by the Regulation of the Russian Federal Commission for Securities “On the Procedure for Return to the Holders of Securities of Funds (Other Property) Received by the Issuer

237 in Payment for the Securities the Issue of Which is Invalidated or Voided” (approved by the Order of the Federal Commission for Securities of Russia dated September 8, 1998 No. 36). Prior to end of day 3 (three) from the date of receipt of written notice from Russian FSFM on termination of state registration of the current issue of Bonds, the Issuer shall create a Commission to arrange return of funds used for purchase of Bonds to the holders of Bonds. Such Commission shall: – send notices to holders/nominee holders of Bonds on the procedure for return of the funds used for purchase of Bonds; – organize the return of the funds used for purchase of the Bonds to the holders/ nominee holders of Bonds; – determine the amount of the funds to be returned to each holder/ nominee holder of Bonds that were used for purchase of Bonds; – draw up the sheet of funds to be returned to the holders/ nominee holders and used to purchase the Bonds. The Commission shall, not later than within 45 days of receipt of the written notice on termination of state registration of the securities issue, draw up the sheet of investment funds (hereinafter referred to as the Sheet) to be returned to the holders of securities. The said Sheet shall be drawn up on the basis of the list of the holders of securities the state registration of which has been cancelled. Upon request of the holder of securities which are subject to withdrawal, or upon request of other interested parties (including the heirs of the securities owners) the Issuer shall deliver the Sheet to them for examination after approval of the Sheet. The funds used for purchase of Bonds are returned to the buyers in monetary assets. Not later than within 2 months as of the date of receipt of the written notice on cancelling the state registration of the securities issue the Commission shall be obligated to send notices to the securities owners and to the nominee holders of securities (hereinafter referred to as the Notice to the Holders and Nominee Holders). Such Notice to Holders and Nominee Holders shall include the following data: • full company name of the securities Issuer; • name of the registration authority which resolved to void the issue of securities; • name of court, date of the judicial act rendered for the securities issue to be voided, the effective date of the judicial act rendered for the securities issue to be voided; • full corporate name of the Registrar, its postal address (in case the Register of the Holders of Securities is maintained by the Registrar); • class, category (type), serial code, form of securities, state registration number of their issue and the date of state registration, name of the registering authority which performed the state registration of the voided or invalidated securities issue; • date of cancellation of the state registration of securities issue; • surname, name, patronymic (full corporate name) of the securities holder; • place of residence (postal address) of the securities holder; • category of the securities holder (the first and (or) other subscriber); • quantity of securities that is subject to be withdrawn from the holder, with indication of the class, category (type), serial code; • amount of the investment funds that shall be refunded to the securities holder; • procedure and deadlines for withdrawal of the securities from circulation and for return of the investment funds; • provision prohibiting transactions with securities the state registration of which is cancelled; • Indication of the fact that payback of investment funds shall only be effected after presentation of certificates by the holder of securities (with hard copies of securities); • address for sending the application for repayment of investment funds and the Issuer’s contact telephones. The form of application to be submitted by the securities holder for the investment funds to be repaid shall be enclosed with the Notice to Holders and Nominee Holders. 238 Not later than within 2 (Two) months as of receipt of the written notice on cancelling the securities issue state registration the Commission shall publish the notice on the procedure for withdrawal of the securities from circulation and for return of the investment funds. Such notice shall be published in a periodic printed medium available to a majority of owners of securities subject to withdrawal from circulation – the news bulletin. Additional information is published on the Internet webpage). The application of the holder/nominee holder of bon вы for return of funds used for purchase of bonds shall contain the following information: • surname, name, patronymic (full corporate name) of the holder of Bonds; • place of residence (mailing address) of the holder of Bonds; • amount in roubles which is subject to be returned to the holder of Bonds. The application shall be signed by the holder of the Bonds that are subject to withdrawal from circulation or by such holder’s representative. The documents confirming the powers of such holder’s representative shall be attached to the application in case it is signed by a representative of the holder. The application for return of amounts shall be delivered to the Issuer by the holder of the shares subject to withdrawal from circulation not later than within 10 (Ten) days from receipt of the notice by the holder of Bonds. The holder of bonds, if objecting to the returned amount specified in the Notice to the Holders and Nominee Holders, may send the appropriate application to the Issuer within the period indicated in this Clause. The application shall contain the reasons and legal basis for such holder’s objections and shall be supplemented by the documents supporting arguments thereof. The holder of Bonds may file a claim with court to collect the amounts from the Issuer without a prior application with objections against the amount and the terms of return of the amount. Not later than within 10 (Ten) days as of receipt of the application with objections against the returned amount, the Commission shall be obligated to review such application and to send a repeated notice to the holder of Bonds. The holder of security, if objecting to the terms of return of the investment funds, as indicated in the repeated notice, may go to the law to claim the amounts to be recovered from the Issuer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. After withdrawal of Bonds from circulation the Issuer shall return the funds to hoders of Bonds. Therewith, the period for return of the funds may not exceed 1 (One) month. The funds shall be returned by transfer to the account of the holder of bonds or by another method provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation, or as stated in the agreement between the Issuer and the holder of Bonds.

The method and the procedure for return of the monetary resources in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is similar to the said procedure for return of the monetary resources in case of invalidated or voided issue, or unless an alternative method and/or procedure is stipulated by the laws or other statutory acts.

Return of monetary funds is effected by the Issuer.

Consequences of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by the Issuer regarding the return of funds received as payment for placed securities and penalties the Issuer may be subjected to: In case of non-fulfillment/improper fulfillment by the Issuer of its obligations related to return of the funds received in payment for the placed Bonds, the Issuer simultaneously with payment of the overdue amounts shall pay the interest to the holders of Bonds as provided for in Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Other material information related to methods and return of the funds received in payment for the placed Bonds is not available .

239 X Additional Information on the Issuer and Equity Securities Placed thereby

10.1 Additional Information on the Issuer

10.1.1 Information on the Amount and Structure of the Issuer’s Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund)

In case securities are placed by the Issuer representing a business entity, the following information is provided: Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital (mutual fund) as of the date of Prospectus approval: 317,637,520,094 (three hundred and seventeen billion, six hundred thirty-seven million, five hundred and twenty thousand, ninety four) roubles. The breakdown of the Issuer’s authorised capital into ordinary and preferred shares with the total nominal value of any share category indication and the indication of each share category ownership interest in the Issuer’s authorised capital:

Ordinary shares Total nominal value: 317,637,520,094 roubles Share in AC, per cent: 100

Preferred shares Total nominal value: 0 roubles Share in AC, per cent: 0

If the Issuer’s shares circulate outside the Russian Federation by means of circulation of depositary securities (foreign Issuer’s securities certifying the rights in respect of these shares of the Russian issuer), this circumstance shall be indicated and the following additional information is disclosed: Some shares of the Issuer are circulating outside the Russian Federation by way of circulation under the foreign laws on securities of foreign Issuers certificating the rights to the said shares of the Issuer.

Category (type) of shares circulating outside the territory of the Russian Federation: ordinary registered shares

Percentage of shares circulating outside the territory of the Russian Federation in the total quantity of the corresponding category (type) shares: 10.6650 %

The name, location of the foreign Issuer which securities certify the rights concerning the Issuer’s shares of a certain category (type): The Bank of New York Mellon, One Wall Street and 101 Barclay Street, New York City, New York

Brief description of the programme (programme type) for issue of foreign Issuer’s depositary securities certifying the rights concerning the shares of a relative category (type): Types of programmes GDR under 144А Regulation and Tier 1 ADR Depositary Bank The Bank of New York Mellon Ratio 1 GDR, 1 ADR = 100 ordinary shares Ticker HYDR No. CUSIP GDR 144A 466294204 No. CUSIP ADR of Tier 1 466294105 Opening date of the programme: GDR under 144 А Regulation June 17, 2008 Tier 1 ADR August 7, 2009 Maximum possible volume of the facility, shares 832,131,000


Information on permit obtained from the securities market federal executive body for placement and /or circulation of the Issuer’s shares of a relative category (type) outside the Russian Federation. permit of the Federal Service for Financial Markets of the Russian Federation No. 08 ЕК 03/10335 dated May 23, 2008, permit of the Russian Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 09-ЕК -03/27137 dated November 19, 2009, permit of the Russian Federal Service for financial markets No. 11-СХ -03/350 dated January 17, 2011, permit of the Federal Service for Financial Markets of the Russian Federation No. 11-СХ -03/21348 dated August 18, 2011. foreign trade organizer (trade organizers) name, through which the Issuer’s shares (depository securities certifying the rights concerning the Issuer shares are traded) (if such trading exists): London Stock Exchange, Main Market (trade with listing the participants) and in the USA electronic off-exchange trade OTCQX, 304 Hudson Street, 2 nd Floor, New York, NY 10013, USA.

Other information on the Issuer’s shares circulation outside the Russian Federation, disclosed by the Issuer at its discretion: none.

10.1.2 Information on Change of the Amount of the Issuer’s Authorised (Reserve) Capital (Share Fund)

If change in the amount of authorized (reserved) capital (mutual fund) of the Issuer occured within the 5 last completed financial years precedent to the Prospectus approval date and if the Issuer has been active for less than 5 years – for each completed financial year precedent to the Prospectus approval date, each fact of such changes shall be accompanied with the following information: The information in this clause may be provided in tabular form.

Size and Name of the Date and Date of Size and structure of the Issuer’s number of execution of change of the structure of the Issuer’s authorised Management Body the Minutes of the Issuer’s authorised Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital having adopted the Issuer’s Management (reserve) capital (reserve) capital (share fund) before resolution for the Body meeting (session) (share fund) (share fund) after the respective Issuer’s authorised where the resolution on amount the respective change was made (reserve) capital change of the Issuer’s change was made (share fund) to be authorised (reserve) changed capital (share fund) was adopted As of January 1, 2006 January 1, 2006 As of 103,951,322,702 Board of Directors of December 1, 2006 roubles, 100 % of the JSC RAO UES of 140,954,759,856 authorized capital is Russia that performed Minutes No. 207 dated roubles, 100 % of the made up by the the functions of the October 28, 2005 authorized capital is Issuer’s ordinary Issuer’s extraordinary made up by the shares General Meeting Issuer’s ordinary shares November 1, 2007 As of As of January 1, 2007 Board of Directors of November 1, 2007 140,954,759,856 JSC RAO UES of 156,864,373,776 roubles, 100 % of the Russia that performed Minutes No. 252 dated roubles, 100 % of the authorized capital is the functions of the May 25, 2007 authorized capital is made up by the s extraordinary ’Issuer made up by the Issuer’s ordinary General Meeting Issuer’s ordinary shares shares Minutes without January 29, 2008 As of January 29, As of January 1, 2008 General meeting of number dated 2008 156,864,373,776 the Issuer’s October 16, 2007 195,860,496,735 roubles, 100 % of the shareholders roubles, 100 % of the authorized capital is authorized capital is made up by the made up by the Issuer’s ordinary Issuer’s ordinary shares shares

241 Size and Name of the Date and Date of Size and structure of the Issuer’s number of execution of change of the structure of the Issuer’s authorised Management Body the Minutes of the Issuer’s authorised Issuer’s authorised (reserve) capital having adopted the Issuer’s Management (reserve) capital (reserve) capital (share fund) before resolution for the Body meeting (session) (share fund) (share fund) after the respective Issuer’s authorised where the resolution on amount the respective change was made (reserve) capital change of the Issuer’s change was made (share fund) to be authorised (reserve) changed capital (share fund) was adopted July 24, 2008 As of July 24, 2008 195,860,496,735 245,014,059,191 roubles, 100 % of the General meeting of roubles authorized capital is Minutes No. 1 dated the Issuer’s The authorized capital made up by the June 26, 2008 shareholders is made up to 100 % Issuer’s ordinary by the Issuer’s shares ordinary shares As of January 1, 2009 General meeting of Minutes No. 2 dated March 19, 2009 As of March 19, 2009 245,014,059,191 the Issuer’s November 20, 2008 255,014,018,667 roubles shareholders roubles The authorized capital The authorized capital is made up to 100 % is made up to 100 % by the Issuer’s by the Issuer’s ordinary shares ordinary shares September 24, 2009 As of 255,014,018,667 September 24, 2009 roubles, 100 % of the 269,695,430,802 General meeting of authorized capital is Minutes No. 2 dated roubles the Issuer’s made up by the shareholders November 20, 2008 The authorized capital Issuer’s ordinary is made up to 100 % shares by the Issuer’s ordinary shares September 30, 2010 As of As of January 1, 2010 September 30, 2010 269,695,430,802 288,695,430,802 roubles General meeting of Minutes No. 4 dated roubles The authorized capital the Issuer’s June 10, 2009 The authorized capital is made up to 100 % shareholders is made up to 100 % by the Issuer’s by the Issuer’s ordinary shares ordinary shares As of January 1, 2011 April 1, 2011 As of April 21, 2011 288,695,430,802 290,302,702,379 roubles General meeting of roubles Minutes No. 6 dated The authorized capital the Issuer’s The authorized capital October 27, 2010 is made up to 100 % shareholders is made up to 100 % by the Issuer’s by the Issuer’s ordinary shares ordinary shares As of January 1, 2012 General meeting of Minutes No. 7 dated September 6, 2012 As of 06.09.2012 290,302,702,379 the Issuer’s July 4, 2011 317,637,520,094 roubles shareholders roubles The authorized capital The authorized capital is made up to 100 % is made up to 100 % by the Issuer’s by the Issuer’s ordinary shares ordinary shares

10.1.3 Information on the Formation and Utilization of the Reserve Fund and Other Funds of the Issuer

For the 5 last completed financial years precedent to the Prospectus approval date and if the Issuer has been active for less than 5 years – for each completed financial year precedent to the Prospectus approval date, for the reserve fund and for each other fund of the Issuer formed at the cost of net profit the following information is provided: Name of fund; 242 Amount of the fund established in accordance with foundation documents; Amount of the fun in monetary terms as of the end date of each completed financial year and in Percentage of authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund); Transfers to the fund during each completed financial year; Amount of the funds utilized in the course of each completed financial year and directions of application of these funds. Legal name Indicators As of As of As of As of As of of the fund 31.12.2007 31.12.2008 31.12.2009 31.12.2010 31.12.2011 Reserve fund Amount of the fund established in accordance 5 p er cent of the 5 per cent of the 5 per cent of the 5 per cent of the 5 per cent of the with foundation documents company’s company’s company’s company’s company’s authorised authorised authorised authorised authorised (reserve) capital (reserve) capital (reserve) capital (reserve) capital (reserve) capital (share fund) (share fund) (share fund) (share fund) (share fund) Amount of the fund as of the closing date of 106,453 970,610 1,793,122 2,309,572 4,207,720 the period, thousand roubles, in Percentage of thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand the authorized capital value roubles/0.068 % roubles/0.40 % roubles/0.66 % roubles/0.8 % roubles/1.44 % Contributions to the fund 75,212 864,157 822,512 516,450 1,898,148 during the reporting period, thousand roubles Amount of the fund resources utilized within 0 0 0 0 0 the reporting period Accumulation Amount of the fund established in accordance Not Not fund with foundation documents, Not established Not established Not established established established thousand roubles Amount of the fund as of the closing date of 0 405,177 3,300,273 4, 2,443,288 the period, thousand roubles Contributions to the fund in the reporting 282,530 7,065,944 15,627,727 9,812,545 33,567,934 period, thousand roubles Amount of the fund resources utilized within 282,530 6,660,767 12,732,631 13,112,814 31,124,650 the reporting period and the areas of utilization including investment funds 0 5,864,033 12,732,631 13,112,814 26,364,932 acquisition of equipment 0 0 0 0 0 other 282,530 796,734 0 0 4,759,718

The accumulation fund is not indicated in a separate line of the balance sheet. It is included into the retained profit of the previous years. The Issuer formed no other funds. In accordance with Clause 8.3 of the Article 8 of the Issuer’s Articles the company has the right to form other funds ensuring its economic and financial activity as a business entity in accordance with the requirements of legislation of the Russian Federation. As of the date of the Prospectus approval the Issuer has not formed other funds out of its net profits.

10.1.4 Procedure Established for Calling and Holding Meetings of the Issuer Overall Management Body

Include: Name of the Issuer’s supreme management body; Procedure established for notices to be delivered to the shareholders (participants) on meetings (sessions) of the Issuer’s supreme management body; Individuals and organisations entitled to call (to request the holding of) an extraordinary meeting of the Issuer’s supreme management body and also the procedure for delivery of such requests; Procedure established for deciding on the date of the meeting (session) of the Issuer’s supreme management body; Persons entitled to propose issues to be included in the agenda of the meeting of the Issuer’s supreme management body, and the procedure established for such propositions to be made; Persons entitled to familiarize themselves with the information (materials) provided for preparation for and holding of a meeting (session) of the Issuer’s supreme management body, and also the procedure established for familiarization with such information (materials);

243 Procedure established for disclosing to shareholders (participants) the resolutions adopted by the Issuer’s supreme management body and the results of voting. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly Report for 2 nd Quarter of 2012, Clause 8.1.3.

10.1.5 Information on the business entities where the Issuer holds at least five per cent of the authorized (reserve) capital (share fund) or at least five per cent of ordinary shares

List of business entities where the Issuer holds at least five per cent of authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) or at least five per cent of ordinary shares as of the date of the Prospectus approval: For each of these business entities provide: Full and abbreviated corporate name, location, INN (if applicable), OGRN (if applicable): Issuer’s participatory share in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of the business entity, and in case this organization is a joint-stock company – also the participatory stake of ordinary shares of such joint-stock company held by the Issuer; Stake of business entity in authorized (reserve) capital (mutual fund) of the Issuer – the business entity, and if the Issuer represents a joint-stock company – also the participatory stakes of ordinary shares of the Issuer held by the business entity.

For the Issuer, these entities are subsidiaries and affiliates stated in the Clause 4.5 of this Prospectus, and the following companies:

Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Sakhalin Energy Company Abbreviated corporate name: JSC CEK TIN (if applicable): 6501210088 OGRN (if applicable): 1096501006030 Location: Russian Federation, 683003, Russia, Kamchatka Region, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kluchevskaya Str., 40 Issuer’s participatory stake in the business entity’s authorised capital, per cent: 17.77 Percentage of the business entity’s ordinary shares held by the Issuer, per cent: 17.77 Participatory stake of the business entity in the Issuer’s authorised capital, per cent: 0 Percentage of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the business entity, per cent: 0

Full corporate name: Limited Liability Company IT Energy Service Abbreviated corporate name: LLC IT Energy Service Ltd. TIN (if applicable): 7729403949 OGRN (if applicable): 1037700018751 Location: Russian Federation, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky Dr., 7 Issuer’s participatory stake in authorised capital of the business entity, per cent: 19.99 Participatory stake of the business entity in the Issuer’s authorised capital, per cent: 0 Percentage of the Issuer’s ordinary shares held by the business entity, per cent: 0


10.1.6 Information on Material Transactions Carried out by the Issuer

For each material transaction (group of mutually connected transactions) with the scope of liabilities being at least 10 per cent of the Issuer’s assets book value according to the figures reflected in its accounting statements of the last completed reporting period prior to the date of transaction carried out by the Issuer for the last 5 completed financial years prior to the date of the Prospectus approval provide the following: Date of transaction effected; Subject-matter and other material terms of transaction; Information on compliance with the requirements on state registration and/or notarization of transaction in cases provided for under the laws of the Russian Federation; Price of transaction in money terms and in Percentage of the book value of the Issuer’s assets as of the closing date of the most recent lapsed reporting period preceding the date of transaction effected; Deadline for fulfillment of obligations under the transaction and information on fulfillment of the said obligations; In case of delayed fulfillment of obligation from the part of the counteragent or from the part of the Issuer under the said transaction, the reasons of such delay shall be indicated (if such reasons are known to the Issuer), including consequences for the counteragent or the Issuer with indication of penalties provided for by the terms of the transaction; Information on referring of the effected transaction to the major transactions, and also information on the approval of the transaction by the Issuer’s management entity; Other information on the effected transaction to be indicated by the Issuer at its own discretion.

No such transactions were made in this period.

10.1.7 Information on Credit Ratings of the Issuer

In case credit rating (ratings) assigned to the Issuer and/or securities of the Issuer for the last 5 completed financial years, and if the Issuer effects its activity during less than 5 years – for each completed financial year the following information is provided: Object of credit rating assignment (Issuer, Issuer’s securities); Value of credit rating as of the date of Prospectus approval; Credit rating value alteration history throughout the five lapsed financial years preceding the end date of the reporting quarter, and if the Issuer has been operating for less than five years – per each lapsed financial year preceding the end date of the reporting period and an indication of credit rating value and the date of credit rating assignment (alteration); Full and abbreviated corporate names (for non-commercial organization – the name), location of the organization assigning the credit rating; The description of the technique for assignment of the credit rating or address of the webpage on which the information on the credit rating assignment is published; Other information on the credit rating to be specified by the Issuer at its own discretion. In case Issuer’s securities are the object to which the credit rating is attributed, the following additional information is provided: type, category, serial code, form and other identification attributes of securities; State registration number of the securities issue and date of state registration. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

245 Quarterly Report for 3rd and 4th Quarter of 2007, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–4, 2008, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–4, 2009, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–4, 2010, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–4, 2011, Quarterly report for Quarters 1–2, 2012, Clause 8.1.6.

10.2 Information on Each Category of the Issuer’s Shares

This clause is disclosed by the Issuers representing joint-stock companies and is repeated in full measure for each category (type) of outstanding shares of the Issuer. For each category (type) of shares indicate: Shares category (ordinary, preferred), type for preferred shares: registered ordinary shares nominal value of each share: 1 (one) rouble quantity of shares in circulation (quantity of outstanding shares which are not redeemed): 317,637,520,094 shares (primary issue amounts to 290,302,702,379 shares, additional issue amounts to – 27,334,817,715 shares) quantity of additional shares which may be placed or which are undergoing this process (the quantity of shares of additional issue which state registration has been executed, but the state registration of the report on additional issue results has not been executed or the notification on additional issue results has not been provided when the state registration of the report on additional shares issue results is not performed, according to the Federal Law on Securities Market): 0 shares quantity of authorised shares: 122,665,182,285 shares quantity of shares transferred into the possession (maintained on the inventory register) of the Issuer: 0 shares quantity of additional shares which may be placed as a result of conversion of the placed securities convertible into shares, or as a result of fulfillment of the obligations on the Issuer’s options: 0 shares state registration number of the Issuer’s shares issue and its state registration date; and the state registration number and state registration date of each Issuer’s additional shares issue (if there are any) which individual number (code) has not been cancelled by the registration body: Primary issue: 1-01-55038-E Date of the issue state registration: February 22, 2005 Date of the state registration of the report on the issue results: February 22, 2005 An authority which performed the issue state registration and the report on the issue results: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Additional issue: 1-01-55038-Е-040D Date of the additional issue state registration: August 16, 2011 Date of the state registration of the report on the issue results: September 6, 2012 An authority which performed state registration of the additional issue: FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of Russia

Holder’s rights conferred by the shares: These rights are provided for in clause 6.2. Article 6 of the Issuer’s Articles of Association: “Each ordinary share of the company provides its holder with equal measure of rights. The shareholders that own ordinary registered shares of the company have the right to: 1) participate in the General shareholders’ meeting personally or through his or her representative with voting right on all the issues within his or her competence; 2) make propositions on the agenda items for the General shareholders’ meeting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Articles of Association; 3) Receive information on the company’s activities and become familiar with the company’s documents in accordance with article 91 of Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”; 4) receive dividends declared by the company; 5) have pre-emptive rights to purchase additional shares and equity securities placed by way of subscription and converted into shares to the number of shares of this category (type) being in their possession. 6) receive a part of the company’s assets in case of its liquidation; 246 7) exercise other rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Articles of Association”.

No preferred shares were issued by the Issuer.

Other information on the shares to be provided by the Issuer at its own discretion: none

10.3 Information on the Previous Issues of the Issuer’s Securities, Except for the Shares of the Issuer

Information on the previous issues of the Issuer’s securities, except for its shares, is separately disclosed for each issue with all securities redeemed, and each issue with not redeemed securities (they may be placed, being placed, placed and/or in circulation).

10.3.1 Information on Issues With All Securities Redeemed

For each issue where securities redemption occurred within 5 last completed financial years, and if the Issuer operates for less than 5 years – in the course of the whole active period of the Issuer, the following information is provided in tabular form:

The Issuer’s Equity Securities were not redeemed (not voided).

10.3.2 Information on issues where securities are not redeemed

Provide information on total quantity and amount at nominal value (if there is nominal value for this type of securities) of all Issuer’s securities of each type, except for shares for the issue (issues) of which the state registration has been performed (the identification number has been attributed in case the state registration was not required for the securities issue (issues), according to the Federal law On Securities Market), and these shares are not redeemed (they may be placed, being placed, placed and/or in circulation). Total number: 15,000,000 shares Total amount at nominal value: 15,000,000,000 roubles

Provide the following information for the issue of securities in relation to which the state registration has been performed (the identification number has been attributed in case the state registration was not required for the securities issue according to the Federal Law on Securities Market), and these securities are not redeemed (they may be placed, are being placed, appear placed and/or in circulation). The information shall be provided in tabular form:

Class, category (type), form and other identification documentary unconvertible interest bearing bonds attributes of securities issued to bearer on the terms of mandatory centralized custody, serial code 01, with possible early redemption upon request of the holders and at the discretion of the Issuer State registration number of securities issue and the 4-01-55038-E as of September 23, 2010 state registration date of this issue (issue identification number and the date of its assignment in case there was no state registration of this securities issue) The registering authority which performed state FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of registration of the securities issue (the organization Russia which assigned the identification number to the securities issue in case it was not subject to the state registration) Quantity of issue securities 10,000,000 247 The amount of securities issued at nominal value or 10,000,000,000 roubles the reference to the fact that, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, nominal value is not provided for this type of securities The state of the issue securities (the placement has not in circulation started, they are being placed, the placement is complete; they are in circulation) The date of state registration of the report on the May 31, 2011, notices on the securities issue securities issue results (the date of presentation of the results were presented to the FSFM of Russia (the notices on securities issue results) Federal Service for Financial Markets)

The number of Percentage (coupon) periods when the 20 yield payments (coupons, interests) on issue securities (for bonds) are made Term (maturity date) of securities redemption April 12, 2021 The webpage address where the text of Resolution on securities emission and Prospectus (if there is any) is published

Class, category (type), form and other identification documentary nonconvertible interest bearing bonds attributes of securities issued to bearer on the terms of mandatory centralized storage, serial code 02, with possible early redemption upon request of the holders and at the discretion of the Issuer State registration number of securities issue and the 4-02-55038-E as of September 23, 2010 state registration date of this issue (issue identification number and the date of its assignment in case there was no state registration of this securities issue) The registering authority which performed state FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of registration of the securities issue (the organization Russia which assigned the identification number to the securities issue in case it was not subject to the state registration) Quantity of issue securities* 5,000,000 The amount of securities issued at nominal value or 5,000,000,000 roubles the reference to the fact that, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, nominal value is not provided for this type of securities* The state of the issue securities (the placement has not in circulation started, they are being placed, the placement is complete; they are in circulation) The date of state registration of the report on the May 31, 2011, notices on the securities issue securities issue results (the date of presentation of the results were presented to the FSFM of Russia (the notices on securities issue results) Federal Service for Financial Markets)

The number of Percentage (coupon) periods when the 20 yield payments (coupons, interests) on issue securities (for bonds) are made Term (maturity date) of securities redemption April 12, 2021 The webpage address where the text of Resolution on securities emission and Prospectus (if there is any) is published *the registered number of issue securities amounted for 10,000,000 shares with the total nominal value of 10,000,000,000 roubles, 5,000,000 bonds were placed, their total nominal value was 5,000,000,000 roubles

248 Class, category (type), form and other identification documentary nonconvertible interest bearing bonds attributes of securities issued to bearer on the terms of mandatory centralized storage, serial code 03, with possible early redemption upon request of the holders and at the discretion of the Issuer State registration number of securities issue and the 4-03-55038-E dated October 6, 2011 state registration date of this issue (issue identification number and the date of its assignment in case there was no state registration of this securities issue) The registering authority which performed state FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of registration of the securities issue (the organization Russia which assigned the identification number to the securities issue in case it was not subject to the state registration) Quantity of issue securities 10,000,000 The amount of securities issued at nominal value or 10,000,000,000 roubles the reference to the fact that, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, nominal value is not provided for this type of securities The state of the issue securities (the placement has not Placement not started. Bonds were not placed during started, they are being placed, the placement is 1 year from date of state registration of issue and complete; they are in circulation) may not be placed in compliance with legislative requirements The date of state registration of the report on the October 16, 2012, Report on the securities issue securities issue results (the date of presentation of the results was presented to the FSFM of Russia (the notices on securities issue results) Federal Service for Financial Markets). As of the date of approval of this Prospectus the Report on securities issue results was not registered.

The number of Percentage (coupon) periods when the 20 yield payments (coupons, interests) on issue securities (for bonds) are made Term (maturity date) of securities redemption the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and- fortieth) day as of the starting date of placement The webpage address where the text of Resolution on securities emission and Prospectus (if there is any) is published

Class, category (type), form and other identification documentary nonconvertible interest bearing bonds attributes of securities issued to bearer on the terms of mandatory centralized storage, serial code 04, with possible early redemption upon request of the holders and at the discretion of the Issuer State registration number of securities issue and the 4-04-55038-E dated October 6, 2011 state registration date of this issue (issue identification number and the date of its assignment in case there was no state registration of this securities issue) The registering authority which performed state FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of registration of the securities issue (the organization Russia which assigned the identification number to the securities issue in case it was not subject to the state registration) Quantity of issue securities 10,000,000 The amount of securities issued at nominal value or 10,000,000,000 roubles the reference to the fact that, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, nominal value is not provided for this type of securities

249 The state of the issue securities (the placement has not Placement not started. Bonds were not placed during started, they are being placed, the placement is 1 year from date of state registration of issue and complete; they are in circulation) may not be placed in compliance with legislative requirements The date of state registration of the report on the October 16, 2012, Report on the securities issue securities issue results (the date of presentation of the results was presented to the FSFM of Russia (the notices on securities issue results) Federal Service for Financial Markets). As of the date of approval of this Prospectus the Report on securities issue results was not registered

The number of Percentage (coupon) periods when the 20 yield payments (coupons, interests) on issue securities (for bonds) are made Term (maturity date) of securities redemption the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and- fortieth) day as of the starting date of placement The webpage address where the text of Resolution on securities emission and Prospectus (if there is any) is published

Class, category (type), form and other identification documentary nonconvertible interest bearing bonds attributes of securities issued to bearer on the terms of mandatory centralized storage, serial code 05, with possible early redemption upon request of the holders and at the discretion of the Issuer State registration number of securities issue and the 4-05-55038-E dated October 6, 2011 state registration date of this issue (issue identification number and the date of its assignment in case there was no state registration of this securities issue) The registering authority which performed state FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of registration of the securities issue (the organization Russia which assigned the identification number to the securities issue in case it was not subject to the state registration) Quantity of issue securities 10,000,000 The amount of securities issued at nominal value or 10,000,000,000 roubles the reference to the fact that, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, nominal value is not provided for this type of securities The state of the issue securities (the placement has not Placement not started. Bonds were not placed during started, they are being placed, the placement is 1 year from date of state registration of issue and complete; they are in circulation) may not be placed in compliance with legislative requirements The date of state registration of the report on the October 16, 2012, Report on the securities issue securities issue results (the date of presentation of the results was presented to the FSFM of Russia (the notices on securities issue results) Federal Service for Financial Markets). As of the date of approval of this Prospectus the Report on securities issue results was not registered

The number of Percentage (coupon) periods when the 20 yield payments (coupons, interests) on issue securities (for bonds) are made Term (maturity date) of securities redemption the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and- fortieth) day as of the starting date of placement The webpage address where the text of Resolution on securities emission and Prospectus (if there is any) is published

250 Class, category (type), form and other identification documentary nonconvertible interest bearing bonds attributes of securities issued to bearer on the terms of mandatory centralized storage, serial code 06, with possible early redemption upon request of the holders and at the discretion of the Issuer State registration number of securities issue and the 4-02-55038-E dated October 6, 2011 state registration date of this issue (issue identification number and the date of its assignment in case there was no state registration of this securities issue) The registering authority which performed state FSFM (Federal Service for Financial Markets) of registration of the securities issue (the organization Russia which assigned the identification number to the securities issue in case it was not subject to the state registration) Quantity of issue securities 10,000,000 The amount of securities issued at nominal value or 10,000,000,000 roubles the reference to the fact that, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, nominal value is not provided for this type of securities. The state of the issue securities (the placement has not Placement not started. Bonds were not placed during started, they are being placed, the placement is 1 year from date of state registration of issue and complete; they are in circulation) may not be placed in compliance with legislative requirements The date of state registration of the report on the October 16, 2012, Report on the securities issue securities issue results (the date of presentation of the results was presented to the FSFM of Russia (the notices on securities issue results) Federal Service for Financial Markets). As of the date of approval of this Prospectus the Report on securities issue results was not registered

The number of Percentage (coupon) periods when the 20 yield payments (coupons, interests) on issue securities (for bonds) are made Term (maturity date) of securities redemption the 3,640 th (Three-thousand-six-hundred-and- fortieth) day as of the starting date of placement The webpage address where the text of Resolution on securities emission and Prospectus (if there is any) is published

If in respect of securities in the issue state registration of additional issue of securities has been performed (identification code has been attributed to additional issue of securities) for each such issue of securities the following information is provided in tabular form: was not the case

If securities in the issue represent bonds with securities, the following information is additionally provided in tabular form: was not the case

If securities in the issue represent convertible securities, the following information is additionally provided in tabular form: was not the case

If securities in the issue represent issuer’s options, the following information is additionally provided in tabular form: was not the case

251 If securities in the issue represent Russian depositary receipts, the following information is additionally provided in tabular form: was not the case

If the issuer’s liabilities on securities in the issue which have fallen due were not fulfilled or were unduly fulfilled particularly through issuer’s fault (debtor’s delay) or through fault of the holder of securities (creditor’s fault), the following information is additionally provided in tabular form: was not the case

10.4 Information on a person (persons) who provided the security for the Issuer’s bonds with security, as well as on the conditions for ensuring fulfillment of liabilities on the Issuer’s bonds with security

In case of placement of bonds with security with liabilities not fulfilled, information on a person (persons) having provided security for the placed bonds, as well as on the conditions for ensuring fulfillment of liabilities on the bonds with security placed by the Issuer shall be provided: was not the case

10.4.1 Conditions for Ensuring Fulfillment of Obligations on the Bonds with Mortgage Pool

If the issuer places bonds with mortgage pool, the obligations on such bonds not fulfilled, the following information is provided: The Issuer has not placed the issues of bonds with mortgage pool.

10.5 Information on Organizations Maintaining the Register of Rights to the Issued Securities of the Issuer

For the issuers representing joint-stock companies, as well as for other issuers of registered securities indicate the person keeping the register of holders of registered securities of the Issuer (Issuer, registrar). In case the register of holders of securities of the Issuer is maintained by the registrar, additionally indicate: Full and abbreviated corporate name, location, INN, OGRN of the registrar: Full corporate name: Open Joint-Stock Company Registrar R. О.S. Т. Abbreviated corporate name: JSC Registrar R. О.S. Т. Location: Moscow, Stromynka Str., 18, bld. 13 INN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 7726030449 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1027739216757

Number, issue date, validity period of recorder’s license for keeping the register of securities register, the authority which issued the license: Number: 10-000-1-00264 Date of issue: December 3, 2002 Expiration date: Unlimited license Name of the issuing authority: Russian Federal Commission for the Securities Market (Federal Service for Financial Markets (FSFM)) Date when the Registrar started keeping the register of Issuer’s registered securities owners: November 2, 2010

Other information on the Register of the Holders of the Issuer’s Registered Securities, as may be specified by the Issuer at its own discretion: none

252 In case documentary securities of the Issuer with mandatory centralized storage are in circulation, this circumstance shall be indicated, and full and abbreviated corporate names, location of the depositary (depositaries) shall also be included: Documentary nonconvertible interest-bearing bonds payable to bearer with mandatory centralized storage, series 01, with an option for early redemption at the request of the owners and at the discretion of the Issuer, as well as documentary inconvertible interest-bearing bonds payable to bearer with obligatory centralized storage, series 02, with an option for early redemption at the request of the owners and at the discretion of the Issuer are in circulation. Full company name of depository: Non-Banking Credit Institution Closed Joint-Stock Company National Settlement Depository (nominee holder) Abbreviated corporate name: NBCI CJSC NCD Location: 125009, Moscow, Sredny Kislovsky Lane, 1/13, bld. 8

Number, issue date, validity period of the license of the professional member of securities market for depositary business on securities market, the authority, which issued the license. License No. 177-12042-000100 of a securities market professional participant for depositary business issued on 19.02.2009 by the FSFM of Russia. The license validity term is not limited.

10.6 Information on Legislative Acts Regulating the Issues of Capital Import and Export that May Affect Repayment of Dividends, Interest and Other Amounts to Non-residents

For issuers of securities representing joint-stock companies indicate names and details of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation which are valid as of the date of Prospectos approval for the securities which regulate the issues of capital import and export and may affect the dividends on the Issuer’s shares to be paid to non-residents, as well as the payment of interests and other amounts to non-residents, the owners of such securities if the Issuer owns other securities in circulation. For issuers of securities operating in another form of legal entity’s incorporation, indicate the name and details of legislative acts of the Russian Federation valid as of the date of Prospectus approval that regulate the issues of capital import and export and may affect the payment of interest and other amounts to non-residents, the owners of securities of the Issuer. • Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Cyprus Republic for the avoidance of double taxation concerning taxes on incomes and capital, dated December 5, 1998 (hereinafter also referred to as Agreement); • Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 1, No. 146-FZ dated July 31, 98; • Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 2, No. 117-FZ dated August 5, 00; • Federal Law On Securities Market No. 39-FZ dated April 22, 96; • Federal Law On Fighting Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism dated August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ; • Federal Law on Foreign Investment in Russian Federation as of July 9, 1999, No. 160-FZ; • Federal Law Concerning Investment Activities Carried Out in the Russian Federation in the Form of Capital Investments dated February 25, 1999, No. 39-; • Federal Law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, No. 86-FZ, dated July 10, 02; • Federal Law on Joint-Stock Companies No. 208-FZ dated December 26, 1995; • Approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Regulation on the Procedure for the Documents and Information Submission by Residents to the Authorized Banks, With These Documents and Information Confirming the Performance of Currency Transactions Based on Foreign Trade Transactions With non-residents , and Confirming the Control Performed by the Authorized Bank over These Currency Transactions, dated June 1, 2004, No. 258-P. • Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2004, No. 117-I The procedure for submitting the documents and information by residents and non-residents to the authorized banks when performing currency transactions, during the procedure of currency 253 transactions registration and registration of transaction passports by authorized banks (as revised: Instruction of CB RF dated August 6, 06, No. 1713-U); • Instruction of the bank of Russia On Mandatory Sale Of The Currency Earnings Share On The Domestic Market Of Russian Federation, dated March 30, 2004 (as revised March 29, 06 No. 1676-U); • International Agreements of the Russian Federation On the Avoidance of Double Taxation; • Other legislative acts.

10.7 Description of the Procedure for Taxation of Incomes Derived from the Issuer’s Securities Placed/to be Placed

Taxation of incomes from the Issuer’s securities placed and to be placed, including corresponding tax rates for different categories of securities owners (individuals, legal entities, residents, non-residents), the procedure and terms for taxes payments, including: Procedure and conditions of individuals taxation (both the Russian Federation residents and non-residents (those receiving income from the sources located in the Russian Federation)) concerning taxes on dividends income and income in the form of interests received from the securities Issuer, and on incomes from sale of the Issuer’s shares or other securities in and outside the Russian federation; Procedure and conditions on legal entities taxation (both Russian and foreign organizations conducting their business in the Russian Federation by means of permanent representations and/or receiving income from the sources in the Russian Federation) in terms of profit taxes with the profit calculated taking into account revenues the organization receives from security sales, as well as dividends and interests paid out on the Issuer’s securities.

Taxation of incomes from the Issuer’s securities placed/to be placed is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the TC) and by other statutory acts of the Russian Federation adopted under the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.


Type of income Legal entities Individuals Non-residents Residents Non-residents Residents

20 % (including: Federal Coupon income budget: 2 %; 20 % 13 % 30 % Budget of the subject: 18 %) Income from 20 % (including: sale of securities Federal budget: 2 %; 20 % 13 % 30 % Budget of the subject:18 %) Dividend income 9 % * 15 % 9 % 15 %

* or 0 per cent: on income received by Russian organizations in the form of dividends provided that the organization receiving dividends has during at least 365 calendar days as of the date of the resolution adopted on the dividends to be paid, been in title of at least 50 per cent interest bearing deposit (share) in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the dividend payer or the depositary receipts entitling to receiving of dividends in the amount of at least 50 per cent of the total amount of dividends paid by the organization.

PROCEDURE OF TAXATION OF INDIVIDUALS Type of tax: individual income tax (NDFL). Incomes derived from sources in the Russian Federation include: – dividends and interest received from a Russian organization, and also interest received from a Russian individual entrepreneur and/or a foreign entity in connection with activities of its permanent establishment in the Russian Federation; – incomes from sales in the Russian Federation of shares, other securities, including participatory interest in authorised capital of organizations. 1) Incomes in the form of dividends received by individuals who are the RF tax residents 1: 1 The RF tax residents are individuals who have been staying in RF for at least 183 calendar days within 12 sequential months. (Reason: Clause 207 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In order to define the individual’s taxation status, the continuous 12-months period is taken into consideration, including the situation when this period started in one tax period (calendar year) and continued in another one. All tax residents’ incomes obtained from any source are taxed in Russia The tax status is defined taking into account the contracts (agreements) provisions on avoidance of double taxation. 254 According to the Article 208 of the RF Tax Code, the dividends received from a Russian organization are incomes derived from sources in the Russian Federation, and they are taxed in accordance with personal income tax (hereinafter referred to as TIPI). The Article 214 of the RF Tax Code defines the taxation details of individuals (both tax residents of the RF and tax non-residents receiving incomes from sources in the RF) receiving incomes from the equity participation in the organization. The Clause 2 of Article 214, the RF Tax Code states that in case a Russian company is the source of taxpayer’s income received in the form of dividends, this company is recognized as a tax agent and defines the tax sum for each taxpayer separately in relation to every payment of these incomes with the rate as provided by the Clause 4 of Article 214, the RF Tax Code, and according to the procedure outlined in the Clause 2 of Article 215, the RF Tax Code. In this case, the TIPI amount which is to be withheld from the dividends recipient income, is calculated by the tax agent based on the total tax, calculated in accordance with the Clause 2 of the Article 275, the RF Tax Code, and based on the each taxpayer share of the total amount of dividends. Using the formula provided below, the tax agent (the Issuer) calculates the tax amount withheld from the incomes of individuals being the shareholders and the tax residents: T = C * 9 % * (d – D), Where, T is the amount of TIPI to be withheld, C is a ratio of the amount of dividends to be distributed to the benefit of a shareholder, an individual being the RF tax resident, to the total amount of dividends to be distributed by the tax agent; d is the total amount of dividends to be distributed by the tax agent (the Issuer) to the benefit of all dividends recipients; D is the total amount of dividends having been received by the tax agent (the Issuer) in the current reporting (tax) period and in the previous reporting (tax) period (except for dividends taxed at a rate of 0 per cent in accordance with Subclause 1, Clause 3, Art. 284 of the RF Tax Code) by the date of dividends distribution to the benefit of taxpayers, or dividends recipients, (if these amounts of dividends have not been considered in the calculation earlier). 2) Incomes in the form of dividends received by individuals who are not the RF tax residents 2: 2 Individuals, who have been actually staying in RF for less than 183 calendar days within 12 sequential months, are not the RF tax residents. The tax status is defined taking into account the international treaties’ provisions on avoidance of double taxation. Such individuals are taxed in the RF in respect of incomes from Russian sources alone. Articles 214 and 275 of the RF Tax Code set the specific requirements to calculation of the tax base on incomes from the equity participation in Russian organizations, with these incomes received by individuals who are not the RF tax residents. According to the Clause 3, Article 275 of the RF Tax Code, Russian organization (a tax agent during the process of the dividends payment to an individual who is not a tax resident) calculates the taxpayer’s (dividends recipient) tax base on each similar payment as an amount of dividends paid; the organization applies the rate of 15 per cent set by the Clause 3 Article 224 of the RF Tax Code. Dividends received by such individuals from Russian organizations may not be taxed in the RF (or may be taxed at reduced rate) in case it corresponds with the RF international treaty on the avoidance of double taxation concluded between the RF and a state where this individual is a tax resident. In order this treaty could be applied, the confirmation of the taxpayer’s (individual who is not the RF tax resident) residency of the state, which has concluded the treaty with the RF on the avoidance of double taxation, shall be submitted to the tax authorities. Such confirmation shall be certified by a competent authority of the corresponding foreign state, and in case this confirmation is provided in the foreign language, the translation into Russian is required. If the taxpayer’s right for exemption from the tax (for taxation at reduced rate) is confirmed by the corresponding tax authority before the payment of incomes in the form of dividends, the tax authority performs taxation of incomes in the form of dividends, as specified by the international treaty. If the confirmation of the individual, who is not a tax resident of the RF, being the resident of other state is not submitted as specified above, the tax agent (the Issuer) deducts the tax at a rate of 15 per cent; however, the taxpayer retains the right to claim for deducted tax refund or apply other relative treaty’s provisions governing the procedure of double taxation elimination.

3) Taxation of incomes derived from transactions with securities. For the purpose of calculating the tax base for incomes derived from securities trading it is necessary to take into account the incomes derived from the following transactions: – with securities traded in the formal market of securities; – with securities which are not traded in the formal market of securities. Securities traded in the formal market of securities include, inter alia, securities admitted to trade organizes by the Russian organizer of trade in the securities market, including trade at a stock exchange. The said securities are referred to the securities traded in the formal market of securities if the market quotation for securities is calculated on the basis of such securities. Market quotation of securities is understood to be: – a weighted average price of securities on transactions effected within one trade day through the Russian organizer of trade in the securities market, including a stock exchange: for securities admitted for trade of such organizer of trade in securities market and at a stock exchange; – a closing price for a security calculated by a foreign stock exchange on transactions effected during one trade day through such exchange: for securities admitted for trade at a foreign stock exchange. 255 Securities for the purposes of taxation of individuals incomes (TIPI) shall be also recognized to be sold (purchased) in case of terminated taxpayer’s obligations to transfer (to accept) the appropriate securities by offsetting counter homogeneous claims, inter alia, in case of clearing transactions under the laws of the Russian Federation. Homogeneous claims shall be understood as claims for transfer of securities of a single Issuer, having an equal scope of rights, referred to a common class, category (type). Therewith the offset of counter homogeneous claims shall be confirmed according to the legislation of the Russian Federation by documents evidencing termination of obligations for transfer (acceptance) of securities, inter alia, by reports of the clearing organizations, reports of the persons engaged in broker operations, or reports by managing directors, who provide the taxpayer with the appropriate clearing, brokerage services or act as trustees for the taxpayer under the Russian Federation laws. The following incomes shall be recognized as the incomes derived from transactions with securities: incomes from sale and purchase (redemption) of securities, received in the tax period. Incomes in the form of interest (coupon, discount), received in a tax period from securities shall be included into incomes derived from transactions with securities unless otherwise provided for in Article 214.1 of the RF Tax Code. Incomes from transactions with securities that are traded and not traded in the formal market of securities, effected by a trustee (except for the managing company which performs trustee services in relation to property included into a mutual investment fund) to the benefit of a beneficiary who is an individual, shall be included into the beneficiary incomes from the appropriate transactions with securities. Expenses related to transactions with securities shall be understood as expenses supported by documents and actually incurred by a taxpayer in connection with purchase, sale, custody and redemption of securities. Such expenses include: amounts paid to the Issuer of securities in payment for placed securities, and also the amounts paid in accordance with the agreement of purchase and sale of securities, including the amounts of coupon; payment for services rendered by a professional market participants and by exchange intermediaries and clearing centres; exchange duty (fee); fee payable to persons performing services related to maintaining of register; tax paid by a taxpayer upon receipt of securities by way of inheritance; tax paid by a taxpayer upon receipt of shares, shares of stock as a gift in accordance with Clause 8.1 Article 217 of the RF Tax Code; 217 of the RF Tax Code. amounts of interest paid by a taxpayer on credits and loans obtained to effect transactions with securities (including interest on credits and loans for margin-related transactions), within the limits of the amounts calculated on the basis of the Russian Federation CB refinancing rate, which is applicable as of the date of the interest payment and is increased 1.1 times – for credits and loans denominated in roubles, and at 9 per cent rate – for credits and loans denominated in foreign currency; other expenses directly associated with transactions effected with securities. Financial result of transactions with securities shall be calculated as incomes from transactions minus appropriate expenses referred to above. Therewith, expenses that can neither be directly referred to increased income from transactions with securities both traded and not traded in the formal market, nor to decrease of the appropriate type of income, shall be allocated prorate to share of each type of income. Financial results shall be calculated for each transition and for each series of transactions with securities trading. Financial results shall be calculated upon the expiry of the tax period unless otherwise established by Article 214.1 of the RF Tax Code. A negative financial result obtained in the tax period on some particular transactions with securities decreases the financial result obtained in the tax period on series of appropriate transactions. Therewith on transactions with securities traded in the formal market of securities, the amount of negative financial result reducing the financial result on transactions with securities traded in the formal market shall be calculated with allowance for the limit of the fluctuations of the market price for securities. The negative financial result obtained in the tax period on some particular transactions with securities that are not traded in the formal market of securities that as of the date of their purchase were referred to securities traded in the formal market of securities, may decrease the financial result obtained in the tax period on transactions with securities traded in the formal market of securities. A negative financial result on each series of transactions with securities shall be recognized as loss. Losses from transactions with securities shall be accounted for in accordance with the procedure established in Articles 214.1 and 220.1 of the RF Tax Code. For the purpose of sale of securities costs in the form of the purchasing cost of securities shall be recognized in the amount of the cost of the first purchased securities (FIFO). In case the Issuer entity effected an exchange (conversion) of shares, for the purpose of sale of the shares received by the taxpayer as a result of the exchange (conversion), the taxpayer costs supported by documents shall be understood to be costs related to acquisition of shares that were owned by the taxpayer prior to their exchange (conversion). In case of sale of shares (shares of stock, participatory interest) received by the taxpayer in case of reorganization of entity, the acquisition-related expenses shall be recognized as the cost calculated in accordance with Clauses 4–6 Articles 277 of the RF Tax Code, under condition that the taxpayer has presented the appropriate supporting documents to evidence the costs of acquisition of shares (shares of stock, participatory interest) of the reorganized entities.

256 If a taxpayer has acquired on an ownership basis (inter alia, received as a gift or for a partial payment, by way of donation or inheritance) securities, for the purpose of taxation of incomes derived from transactions of purchase and sale (redemption) of securities the documented costs of purchase (acquisition) of such securities shall be recognized as the amounts on which the tax has been charged and paid upon purchase (acquisition) of the given securities, and the amount of tax paid by the taxpayer. If upon acquisition of securities by taxpayer by way of donation or inheritance no tax is charged under Clause 18 and Clause 18.1 Article 217 of the RF Tax Code, for the purpose of taxation of incomes from transactions of purchase and sale (redemption) of securities received by the taxpayer in the form of donation or inheritance, the documented costs of the donator (testator) for acquisition of such securities shall be also taken into account. Amounts paid by the taxpayer for purchase of securities subject to a partial payment of the nominal value during circulation period, shall be recognized as expenses upon such partial retirement prorate to the share of the incomes derived from the partial redemption in the total amount payable. Tax base for a series of transactions with securities shall be recognized as a positive financial result from a series of appropriate transactions calculated for the appropriate tax period. Tax base on each series of transactions (transactions with securities traded in the formal market and with securities that are not traded in the formal market) shall be calculated separately. Taxpayers having incurred losses in the previous tax periods from transactions with securities traded in the formal market of securities, shall be entitled to reduce the tax base on transactions with securities traded in the formal market of securities, in the current tax period by total amount of loss incurred by them or by a part of such amount (refer the loss to future periods). Therewith, the tax base for the current tax period shall be calculated with allowance for specifics stipulated in Articles 214.1 and 220.1 of the RF Tax Code. The amounts of loss obtained from transactions with securities traded in the formal market of securities, when referred to future period, shall decrease the tax base of the appropriate tax periods on such transactions. Carrying forward the losses obtained from transactions with securities which are traded in the formal market of securities is not allowed. A taxpayer may carry forward a loss within 10 years following the tax period in which such loss was obtained. A taxpayer may refer the amount of losses obtained in previous tax periods to a current tax period. Therewith, the loss which is not carried forward to the nearest subsequent year may be carried forward fully or partly to any one of subsequent nine years. If a taxpayer suffered losses in more than one tax period, such losses shall be carried forward in the same sequence in which they were created. The taxpayer shall keep the documents confirming the volume of the suffered loss throughout the whole period in which the taxpayer decreases the tax base of the current tax period by the amounts of the earlier incurred losses. Losses shall be reflected in the accounting books in accordance with Article 220.1 of the RF Tax Code by the taxpayer upon filing a tax return with a tax authority after expiry of the tax period. Amounts paid under trust deed to a trustee in a form of compensation and indemnity for the expenses incurred by the trustee on the transactions effected with securities shall be recorded as expenses decreasing the incomes from the appropriate transactions. Therewith, if the trustor is not a beneficiary under the trust deed, such expenses shall be taken for calculation of the financial result solely for the beneficiary. If under the trust deed several beneficiaries exist, then the incomes from transactions with securities effected by the trustee to the benefit of the beneficiary shall be distributed on the basis of the terms and conditions of the trust deed. In case in the process of the trustee services being performed some transactions with securities take place, and these securities are traded and (or) not traded in the formal securities market, as well as in case in the process of the trustee services being performed some types of incomes are generated (including dividends income and income in the form of interest), the tax base shall be calculated separately for transactions with securities traded and not traded in the formal market of securities, and on each type of income. Therewith, the expenses that are not directly attributable to decrease of the income from transactions with securities traded or not traded in the formal market of securities, or to decrease of the appropriate type of income, shall be distributed prorate to the share of each type of income. A negative financial result from particular transactions with securities performed by the trustee in the tax period decreases the financial result from a series of appropriate transactions. Therewith, a financial result shall be calculated separately on transactions with securities traded in the formal market of securities, and on transactions with securities that are not traded in the formal market of securities. The trustee shall be recognized as a tax agent in relation to the person in whose interests the trust management is performed under the trust deed. The tax base on transactions with securities shall be calculated upon expiry of the tax period. A tax agent (a trustee, a broker, a person who performs the transactions under the contract of commission or agency, a brokerage contract in favour of the taxpayer, or some other person recognized as a tax agent under the RF Tax Code) shall calculate the taxpayer tax base on all types of incomes from transactions effected by the tax agent in favour of the taxpayer. Therewith, the trustee, the broker, or the person effecting transactions under the contract of agency or commission, a brokerage contract in favour of the taxpayer, or some other person recognized as a tax agent under the RF Tax Code shall be recognized as a tax agent with regard to the amounts of tax which is not fully withheld by the Issuer of the securities, also including the cases when transactions are effected in favour of the taxpayer, and the tax base on such transactions is calculated in accordance with Articles 214.3 and 214.4 of the RF Tax Code. Calculation, deduction and payment of the amount of tax shall be performed by the tax agent upon expiry of the tax period, and also prior to expiry of the tax period or before the expiry of the effective term of the trust deed. 257 Payment of money shall be understood to be payment of an amount in cash by the tax agent to the taxpayer or to a third party upon request of the taxpayer, and also transfer of funds to the bank account of the taxpayer or to the account of the third party upon request of the taxpayer. Payment of income in specie for the purposes of this clause shall be understood as a transfer of securities by the tax agent to the taxpayer from a depositary account (personal account) of the tax agent of from the depositary account (personal account) of the taxpayer whose accounts the tax agent is authorised to use. Transfer of securities by the tax agent upon request of the taxpayer in connection with the transactions effected with securities by the taxpayer shall not be recognized as payment of income in specie, if the funds on the appropriate transactions have been fully transferred to the account (also including a bank account) of the taxpayer opened with the given tax agent. In case the tax agent transfers the funds (income in specie) prior to expiry of the tax period or prior to expiry of the effective term of the trust deed, the tax shall be charged on the tax base calculated in accordance with Article 214.1 of the RF Tax Code. For calculation of the tax base the tax agent shall calculate the financial result for the taxpayer to whom the cash funds or the income in specie shall be paid, as of the date of payment of income. Therewith, if the amount of cash payable to the taxpayer does not exceed the amount calculated for the taxpayer as equal to the financial result from the transactions with regard to which the trustee (the broker, the person effecting transactions under a contract of agency, a contract of commission or a brokerage contract in favour of the taxpayer, or some other person recognized as a tax agent under the RF Tax Code) acts as a tax agent, the tax shall be payable on the amount of the payment. In case the income is paid in the specie, the amount of payment shall be determined in the form of the actually incurred expenses that shall be supported by documents as incurred for acquisition of the securities transferred to the taxpayer. If the amounts payable to the taxpayer exceed the amount of the financial result calculated for the taxpayer on the transactions with regard to which the trustee (the broker, the person effecting transactions under a contract of agency, a contract of commission or a brokerage contract in favour of the taxpayer, or some other person recognized as a tax agent under the RF Tax Code) acts as a tax agent, the tax shall be paid on the total amount equal to the amount of financial result calculated for the given taxpayer on the transactions, on which the trustee (the broker, the person effecting transactions under a contract of agency, a contract of commission or a brokerage contract in favour of the taxpayer, or some other person recognized as a tax agent under the RF Tax Code) acts as a tax agent. Where the tax agent pays to the taxpayer amounts (income in specie) more than once within the tax period the amount of tax shall be calculated by accruing total with set-off of the earlier paid amounts of tax. In case the taxpayer has multiple types of incomes (including the incomes taxable at different rates) from the transactions effected by the tax agent in favour of the taxpayer, the sequence for payment of such incomes to the taxpayer in case of cash payment (payment of income in specie) prior to the expiry of the tax period (prior to the expiry date of the trustee deed) shall be established under the agreement between the taxpayer and the tax agent. In case it is impossible to withhold the calculated amount of tax (in full or in part) from the taxpayer the tax agent (the broker, the person effecting transactions under a contract of agency, a contract of commission or a brokerage contract in favour of the taxpayer, or some other person recognized as a tax agent under the RF Tax Code), within a month after the occurrence of such circumstance, shall notify in writing the tax authority in the location where such person maintains its accounting books, on the impossibility to make the said deduction and on the amount of the taxpayer’s indebtedness. In such case the tax shall be paid in accordance with Article 228 of the RF Tax Code. Tax agents shall calculate, withhold and transfer the withheld tax from the taxpayer not later than within a month from the date of expiry of the tax period or from the date of payment effected in money form (transfer of securities). The deduction in the amount of the actually incurred expenses supported by documents shall be provided to the taxpayer, while the tax shall be calculated and paid by the tax agent (the broker, the trustee, the managing company performing trust management of property referred to investment mutual fund, or by some other person effecting transactions under a contract of agency, a contract of commission, a brokerage contract or under other similar agreement in favour of the taxpayer) or upon expiry of the tax period when filing a tax return with a tax authority. Specific requirements to calculation of the tax base on REPO transactions with securities and for transactions with securities are established by Articles 214.3 and 214.4 of the RF Tax Code, respectively.

PROCEDURE FOR TAXATION OF LEGAL ENTITIES. Type of tax: profit tax. Incomes shall include the following: non-sale incomes in the form of interest on securities and other debt obligations and/or from participation in other entities. The tax rates for incomes in the form of dividends (Article 284 of the RF Tax Code): – 0 per cent: on income received by Russian organizations in the form of dividends provided that the organization receiving dividends has during at least 365 calendar days as of the date of the resolution adopted on the dividends to be paid, been in title of at least 50 per cent interest bearing deposit (share) in the authorised (reserve) capital (share fund) of the dividend payer or the depositary receipts entitling to receiving of dividends in the amount of at least 50 per cent of the total amount of dividends paid by the organization. This provision is applied taking into consideration the features established by the RF Tax Code; – 9 per cent: on income received from Russian organizations in the form of dividends when the criteria set by the RF Tax Code on the taxation at a rate of 0 per cent are not met. – 15 per cent: on income received in the form of dividends by foreign organizations from Russian organizations. 3. Taxation details of the income in the form of dividends with these details set by the Tax Code.

258 1) Incomes in the form of dividends received by Russian organizations. Clause 2 Article 275 of the RF Tax Code sets the specific requirements to calculation of the tax base on incomes received by Russian organizations from the equity participation in other Russian organizations. A tax agent, source of income payment, carries out the taxation of Russian organizations incomes received in the form of dividends. The Issuer calculates the tax amount to be withheld from the taxpayer’s (Russian organization which receives dividends) income. This procedure is similar to the procedure of calculating the tax amount to be withheld from the taxpayer’s income when a taxpayer is an individual who is a tax resident of the RF and the recipient of the dividends. Precisely, this calculation in based on the total tax amount calculated in accordance with the Clause 2 Article 275 of the RF Tax Code, and based on the each taxpayer, dividends recipient, share of the total amount of dividends. The rate 0 per cent is applied to the incomes in the form of dividends if the conditions stipulated in the Subclause 1, Clause 1, Article 284 of the RF Tax Code are met. Acting as a tax agent, the Issuer transfers the taxes, withhold from dividends paid to Russian organizations, to the budget not later than the day after the income payment (Clause 4, Article 287 of the RF Tax Code).

Specific requirements to the calculation of the tax base of the trust deed market players. The property (including proprietary rights) submitted in compliance with the trust deed is not recognized as the Trustee’s income. Fee paid to the Trustee during the effective period of the trust deed is its sales income taxed as appropriate. Costs for the trustee services are recognized as the Trustee’s expenses if the trust deed does not provide the reimbursement of the costs by the Trustor. The tax base calculation does not take into account the incomes in the form of income amounts received from investment of pension accruals accumulated in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, and received by the organisations acting as insurance companies providing compulsory pension insurance.

2) Incomes in the form of dividends received by Russian organizations: If a Russian organization (tax agent) pays dividends to a foreign organization, which is non-resident of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer’s (the dividends recipient) tax base of each payment is calculated as a sum of paid dividends at a rate, specified in the Subclause 3, Clause 3, Article 284 of the RF Tax Code (15 %). If the head company (company which permanent residency is located in a foreign state, which has an agreement (convention) with the Russian Federation on the avoidance of double taxation) is the dividends recipient, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the permanent residency of this organization in a certain state in accordance with the provisions of the Clause 1, Article 312 of the RF Tax Code, regardless of presence or absence of the company’s permanent establishment on the territory of the Russian Federation. The confirmation is submitted to the tax agent before the income payment.. According to the Issuer’s Dividends policy, such documents shall be submitted within 30 days after the General shareholders’ meeting makes a decision to pay the dividends. In case the dividends recipient is the permanent establishment, which is the intermediary agent for the company’s activity on the territory of the Russian Federation, the procedure of dividends taxation is similar with the procedure of taxation of dividends paid to a Russian organization. In order to refund the deducted tax, the foreign income recipient shall submit the application and the confirming documents to the tax authority, where the tax agent is registered, within 3 years after the expiry of tax period when the income was paid (Clause 2, Article 312 of the RF Tax Code). The Article 310 of the RF Tax Code sets special requirements to calculation and payment of tax (withheld by the tax agent) from incomes received by a foreign organization from the sources in the Russian Federation; these special requirements are also applied to the tax calculation and payment by Russian organizations, which are the members of a consolidated taxpayers group, and which pay the income to the foreign organization. The calculation, withhold and transfer to the budget of the respective tax amounts is performed organizations independently and without the mediation of a liable partner (except for the cases when such liable partner is the tax agent according to the rules stipulated in the Article 310 of the RF Tax Code) of the taxpayers consolidated group, which these organizations are members of.

3) Taxation of incomes derived from transactions with securities. Incomes derived by the taxpayer from sale transactions or from other disposal of securities (also from redemption of securities) shall be calculated on the basis of the selling price or price of other disposal of a security, and also on the basis of the amount of the accrued interest (coupon) yield, which is paid by the purchaser to the taxpayer, and the amount of the interest (coupon) income, which was paid to the taxpayer by the Issuer. Therewith the taxpayer’s income from sale or other disposal of securities shall not include the amounts of interest (coupon) income earlier recorded for taxation purposes. Costs related to sale (or other disposal) of securities shall be calculated on the basis of the acquisition price of a security (including the purchasing costs), expenses related to sale of the security, amount of discounts on the settlement value of investment shares, amount of accrued interest (coupon) income paid by the taxpayer to the seller of the security. Therewith, the expenses shall not include the amounts of accrued interest (coupon) income that were earlier recorded for taxation purposes. Securities shall also be recognized as sold (acquired) in case of termination of the taxpayer’s obligations to transfer (to accept) the appropriate securities by off-setting the counter homogeneous claims, also in case of such obligations terminated in the course of clearing transactions in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. 259 Securities shall be recognized as traded in the formal market of securities solely when all the following conditions are met: – if they are admitted for trade at least by one organizer of trade entitled to do so under the national laws; – if the information on their prices (quotations) is published in mass media outlets (including electronic media) or may be presented by the organizer of trade or by some other authorised person to any interested party within three years after the date of the transactions effected with the securities; – if within the most recent three months preceding the date of the transaction effected by the taxpayer with the given securities, the market quotation was calculated on such securities, if that is provided for under the applicable legislation. The applicable legislation shall be understood as legislation of the country in the territory of which the securities are circulated (conclusion by the taxpayer of civil-law transactions that entail a transfer of title to the securities). In cases when it is impossible to clearly establish the territory of the country where transactions with securities were effected outside of the formal market of securities, including the transactions effected via electronic trade systems, the taxpayer shall be entitled, at its own discretion and in accordance with the accounting policy adopted by the taxpayer for taxation purposes, to select the location of the seller or the purchaser of the securities. The market quotation of the securities for taxation purposes shall be understood as the weighted average price of securities under the transactions effected during a trade day through the Russian organizer of trade in the securities market, including stock exchange – for securities admitted for trade of such organizer of trade in the securities market, such stock exchange, or the closing price of a security which is quoted by a foreign stock exchange on the transactions effected during a trading day through such exchange – for securities admitted for trade of such stock exchange. If on one and the same security transactions were effected through two and more organizers of trade the taxpayer shall be entitled to choose at its own discretion a market quotation which is set by any one of the organizers of trade. In case the weighted average price is not quoted by the organizer of trade, then for the purposes of this chapter the weighted average price shall be a half of the amount of top and bottom prices of the transactions effected during the trading day through such organizer of trade. The accrued interest (coupon) income shall be understood as part of the interest (coupon) income the payment of which is provided for by the terms and conditions of the issue of such securities, to be calculated prorate to the quantity of the calendar days lapsed from the date of the issue of the security or from the date of payment of the previous coupon income to the date of the transaction effected (the date of transfer of the securities). The market price of the securities traded in the formal market of securities, for taxation purposes shall be recognized as the actual selling price or price of other disposal of the securities if this price is in the interval between the bottom and top prices of the transactions (interval of the prices) effected with the specified security registered by the organizer of trade in the securities market as of the effective date of the appropriate transition. In case a transaction is effected through the organizer of trade the date of transaction effected shall be understood as the date of the trade at which the appropriate transaction was concluded with the given security. In case a security is sold outside the formal market of securities, the effective date of transaction shall be the date of all material terms established for transfer of the security, i. e. the signature date of the agreement. If transactions were effected on one and the same security on the specified date through two or several organizers of trade in securities market the taxpayer shall be entitled at its own discretion to choose the organizer of trade the values of prices interval of which will be used by the taxpayer for taxation purposes. In case information on the prices interval is not available from the organizers of trade in the securities market as of the date of a transaction effected, the taxpayer shall take the prices interval effective for sale of such securities as per the information of the trade organizers in the securities market as of the date of the trade most recently held prior to the date of the appropriate transaction, if the trade on such securities was held by the organizer of trade at least once within the most recent three months. If the taxpayer has complied with the aforesaid procedure, the actual selling price or the price of some other disposal of securities, which is within the interval of the prices, shall be taken for taxation purposes as a market price. In case of sale (purchase) of the securities traded in the formal market of securities at a price below the minimal (above the maximal) price of transactions in the formal market of securities, for calculation of the financial result the minimal (maximal) price of transaction in the formal market of securities shall be taken. For the securities which are not traded in the formal market of securities, the actual price of the transaction shall be taken for taxation purposes if such price is within the interval between the minimal and maximal prices calculated on the basis of the estimated price of the securities and the maximum price variation. A maximum price variation for securities which are not traded in the formal market of securities is established as 20 per cent towards increase/decrease of the estimated price of securities. In case of sale (purchase) of securities which are not traded in the formal market of securities, at a price below the minimal (above the maximal) price calculated on the basis of the estimated price of the security and the maximal variation of prices, for the purpose of calculating the financial result the minimal (maximal) price shall be taken, to be calculated on the basis of the estimated price of the securities and the maximum price variation.

10.8 Information on the Declared (Accrued) and Paid Dividends on the Issuer’s Shares and on Incomes Generated from the Issuer’s Bonds

260 Information provided in this clause is given separately for declared and paid dividends on the Issuer’s shares, and for accrued and paid bond yields on the Issuer’s bonds.

10.8.1 Information on Declared and Paid Dividends on the Issuer’s Shares

For the issuers that are joint-stock companies over the last 5 completed financial years or per each completed financial year, if the issuer has been operating for less than 5 years, under each category (type) of issuer’s shares the following information on declared and/or paid dividends on issuer’s shares is provided: 2007

Indicator Shares category, type for preferred shares: Ordinary shares The Issuer’s management body made a decision on General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Issuer declaring the dividends, the date of making this (Board of Directors of JSC RAO UES of decision, drawing date and number of Minutes of the Russia), Date of Decision – June 22, 2007, Issuer’s Management body meeting (session) where the Minutes date and number: June 22, 2007, decision was made No. 254

The amount of declared dividends per share, roubles 0.007939 roubles Overall amount of declared dividends on all shares of 1,119,000,371 this category (type), roubles: Date of drawing the list of persons endowed with the June 22, 2007 right to receive dividends Reporting period (year, quarter), for which (by results 3 months, 2007 of which) the declared dividends are (were) paid out The specified period (date) of declared dividends 60 days payment The form of declared dividends payment (monetary In monetary form assets, other property) A source of declared dividends payment (net profit of Net profit of the reporting year the reporting year, retained net profit of the previous years, special fund) Declared dividend payout ration in the reporting year, 12.9 % per cent Total amount of dividends paid on all shares of this 1,119,000,371 category (type), roubles Dividend payout in a certain Percentage of declared 100 % dividends from shares of this category (type), per cent In case the declared dividends are not paid or not fully – paid by the Issuer – the reasons for failure to pay the declared dividends shall be specified Other information on the declared and/or paid None dividends, disclosed by the Issuer at its discretion

During 2008 no dividends were accrued or paid by the Issuer. By the results of 2009 no dividends were accrued or paid by the Issuer.

261 Indicator Shares category, type for preferred shares Ordinary shares The Issuer’s management body made a decision on General Shareholders’ Meeting of the declaring the dividends, the date of making this Issuer, Date of Decision – June 30, 2011, decision, drawing date and number of Minutes of the Minutes dated July 4, 2011 No. 7 Issuer’s Management body meeting (session) where the decision was made The amount of declared dividends per share, roubles 0.00860091 roubles Overall amount of declared dividends on all shares of 2,496,867,415.91 this category (type), roubles Date of drawing the list of persons endowed with the May 23, 2011 right to receive dividends Reporting period (year, quarter), for which (by results 2010 of which) the declared dividends are (were) paid out The specified period (date) of declared dividends 60 days payment The form of declared dividends payment (monetary In monetary form assets, other property) A source of declared dividends payment (net profit of Net profit of the reporting year the reporting year, retained net profit of the previous years, special fund) Declared dividend payout ration in the reporting year, 6.577 % per cent Total amount of dividends paid on all shares of this 2,480,661,854.92 roubles category (type), roubles as of September 30, 2012 Dividend payout in a certain Percentage of declared 99.35 % dividends from shares of this category (type), per cent In case the declared dividends are not paid or not fully Dividends are paid to all individuals listed in paid by the Issuer – the reasons for failure to pay the the dividend list at year-end of 2010, except declared dividends shall be specified for individuals who have not provided the reliable and full details necessary for dividends payment Other information on the declared and/or paid None dividends, disclosed by the Issuer at its discretion

Indicator Shares category, type for preferred shares Ordinary shares The Issuer’s management body made a decision on General Shareholders’ Meeting of the declaring the dividends, the date of making this Issuer, Date of Decision – June 29, 2012, decision, drawing date and number of Minutes of the Minutes dated June 29, 2012 No. 8 Issuer’s Management body meeting (session) where the decision was made The amount of declared dividends per share, roubles 0.00789317 roubles Overall amount of declared dividends on all shares of 2,500,000,051.36 roubles this category (type), roubles Date of drawing the list of persons endowed with the May 24, 2012 right to receive dividends Reporting period (year, quarter), for which (by results 2011 of which) the declared dividends are (were) paid out The specified period (date) of declared dividends 60 days payment

262 The form of declared dividends payment (monetary In monetary form assets, other property) A source of declared dividends payment (net profit of Net profit of the reporting year the reporting year, retained net profit of the previous years, special fund) Declared dividend payout ration in the reporting year, 8.16 % per cent Total amount of dividends paid on all shares of this 2,475,455,587.94 as of September 30, 2012 category (type), roubles Dividend payout in a certain Percentage of declared 99.02 % dividends from shares of this category (type), per cent In case the declared dividends are not paid or not fully Dividends are paid to all individuals listed in paid by the Issuer – the reasons for failure to pay the the dividend list at year-end of 2011, except declared dividends shall be specified for individuals who have not provided the reliable and full details necessary for dividends payment, or those who have not received the dividends in the pay-office of the paying agent Other information on the declared and/or paid None dividends, disclosed by the Issuer at its discretion

10.8.2 Information on Accrued and Paid Bond Yields on the Issuer’s Bonds

For the issuers having executed issue of bonds, where bond yield was paid per each issue of bonds over the 5 last completed financial years and if the issuer has been active for less than 5 years – per each completed financial year precedent to the Prospectus approval date, the following information is provided in tabular form:

If the issuer has not issued bonds or over the indicated period no bond yield has been paid on issuer’s bonds, such circumstances are indicated. As on the date of approval of the Prospectus the Issuer shall disclose the information in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation on securities and the Regulations on Information Disclosure (Order of FSFM No. 11-46/pz-n dated October 4, 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on information disclosure), instead of the information set forth by the current clause, the Prospectus shall include information in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3.13 of the Regulations on Information Disclosure, and a link to such information disclosed by the Issuer is included indicating the webpage address, where this information is disclosed, as well as names and other identification features of the document (reporting period, covered by the corresponding quarterly report), which discloses such information:

Quarterly report for the 1 st Quarter of 2012, Clause 8.8.2.

10.9 Other Information

Other information on the Issuer and its securities provided for by the Federal Law on Securities Market or other federal laws is disclosed. Other information on the Issuer and its securities, not mentioned in previous clauses of the Prospectus is provided at the Issuer’s discretion. None