"NVTRAMKAIÑ KOM TAIÑ IXOFIL MOGEN" REFLECTION, LEARNING, AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING THROUGH INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY FILMMAKING FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT to the InternAtionAl Development ReseArch Centre (IDRC) CanAdiAn PArtnerships SmAll GrAnts AUTHORS ThorA HerrmAnn, DPhil | Project leAd AriellA OrbAch, MSc | Project co-leAd June 2014 PROJECT INFORMATION IDRC project number: 106616-00020699-036 IDRC project title: Nvtramkaiñ kom taiñ ixofil mogen: Reflection, leArning And knowledge shAring through indigenous community cinemA Countries: Chile (ArAucaníA region) And CAnAdA (Québec) ReseArch institution: Université de MontréAl C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville, MontréAl (QC) H3C 3J7 ReseArch teAm: Dr. ThorA HerrmAnn, leAd reseArcher, Université de Roberto ContrerAs, community reseArcher (Chile), MontréAl,
[email protected] [email protected] AriellA OrbAch, co-leAd, StrAtegic Video InitiAtive, GerArdo Berrocal, community reseArcher (Chile),
[email protected] Adkimvn,
[email protected] JuAn RAin, community reseArcher (Chile), MAnon BArbeAu, collAborAtor (Québec), WApikoni
[email protected] Mobile,
[email protected] FresiA PAinefil, community reseArcher (Chile), KArine GrAvel, collAborAtor (Québec), WApikoni
[email protected] Mobile,
[email protected] AbstrAct: Indigenous communities fAce chAllenges to preserve the ecosystems upon which locAl livelihoods And culturAl identities depend, requiring collAborAtive efforts And innovative tools. Video is An Accessible, powerful informAtion And communication technology (ICT) thAt offers new possibilities for mArginAlized communities to communicate their reAlities, to plAy An Active role in influencing policy, And to breAk down bArriers of discriminAtion. Our project used video As A tool for enAbling two Indigenous MApuche communities in Chile, And pArticulArly their youth, to ApproAch And AnAlyze local development issues And bring local perspectives to the forefront of debAtes on bioculturAl diversity conservation And equitAble development.