Stig Marlon Weston born: 1974, Oslo, Norway t: 91181588 e:
[email protected] w: //// BACKGROUND member of FFF – Norwegian Association for Fine Art Photogra#"ers$ 2014/' (orks"o# in dag+errotype with photo conservator Jens Gol* – Pre+s National m+se+m of p"otogra#"y %&&%'' !articipant at the artist collective '0osto#rimets "astelnosti in Berlin, an independent co+rse by the department of art at the Berlin-(eissensee university 1996/' (orks"o# in digital imaging with artist photogra#"er Lavasir Nordrum 1993-95/' 6ollege of photogra#"y, Strommen/7to)marknes -Norway '''' SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2019/' 87+mmerreminiscence9, Stu*io O76A:, Akers"+s - Norway 2018/' 86roisière a+ Cercle polairs, Etè.1929”, Maison Lossea+, Mons - Belgia 2018/' 8.rove9, Baerum Art"all, Akers"+s - Norway 2018/' 80ivinations9, S"oot Gallery, Oslo - Norway 2018/' 8.rove9, Lorenskog Art Society, Akers"+s - Norway 2016/' 8=oments9, Hole Artcenter, B+skeru* - Norway 2013/' 8.rove9, Baerum Ho+se of C+lture, Akers"+s - Norway 2013/' 8=oonlig"t”, SA.A photocentre, Trondelag - Norway 2011/' 87am#ling Nature9, A und V Galerie, LeipAig - Germany 2005/' 87"oreline9, Galleri Ponto#pidan, Oslo - Norway 2004/' 87+mmerreminiscence9, Galleri Elenor, Oslo - Norway %&&%'' 8Bf these walls co+l* tal)9, Dostoprimets "atjelnosti, Berlin - Germany %&&&'' 8Natural9, Te Milleni+msconference, Oslo - Norway ///// SELECTED GROU SHOWS 2019/' 8Bt came from the nort"9, Ja)arta W?6 - Indonesia 2018/' Nordic Village, Helsinki Fotofestival, Helsinki – Finland 2018/' 7+mmer market, S"oot gallery,