Checklist of Kansas Insects

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Checklist of Kansas Insects CHECKLIST OF KANSAS INSECTS REFERENCE: Insects in Kansas, 3rd edition, 2000 By Stephan White and Glenn Salsbury, Kansas Department of Agriculture Order of Springtails (Collembola) Three-banded Grasshopper – Hadrotettix Family Poduridae trifasciatus Water Springtail – Podura aquatica Toothpick Grasshopper – Leptysma Family Sminthuridae marginicollis Alfalfa Springtail – Sminthurus medialis Differential Grasshopper – Melanoplus differentialis Order of Bristletails and Silverfish Pictured Grasshopper – Dactylotum bicolor (Thysanura) pictum Family Machilidae Family Tridactylidae Machilid – Machilis variabilis Large Sand Cricket – Neotridactylus apicalis Family Lepismatidae Family Tettigoniidae Silverfish – Lepisma saccharina Broad-winged Katydid – Microcentrum rhombifolium Order of Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) Swordbearing Katydid – Neoconocephalus spp. Family Ephemeridae Gladiator Katydid – Orchelimum spp. Giant Mayfly – Hexagenia limbata Family Gryllacrididae Cave Cricket – Ceuthophilis spp. Order of Dragonflies and Damselflies Camel Cricket – Udeopsylla robusta (Odonata) Family Gryllidae Family Aeschnidae Field Cricket – Gryllus spp. Common Green Darner – Anax junius House Cricket – Acheta domesticus Family Libellulidae Snowy Tree Cricket – Oecanthus fultoni Green Clearwing – Erythemis simplicicollis Family Gryllotalpidae Widow – Libellula luctuosa Mole Crickets Ten Spot – Libellula pulchella Amberwing – Perithemis tenera Order of Earwigs (Dermaptera) Whitetail – Plathemis lydia Family Carcinophoridae Family Calopterygidae Earwigs Blackwinged Damselfly – Calopteryx maculata American Rubyspot – Hetaerina americana Order of Mantises (Mantodea) Family Lestidae Family Mantidae Spreadwinged Damselfly – Lestes disjunctis Mantids Family Coenagrionidae Civil Bluet – Enallagma civile Order of Cockroaches (Blattodea) Family Blattidae Order of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) Oriental Cockroach – Blatta orientalis Family Perlidae American Cockroach – Periplaneta americana Stoneflies Family Blattellidae German Cockroach – Blattella germanica Order of Walking Sticks (Phasmatodea) Wood Roach – Parcoblatta bolliana Family Heteronemiidae Walking Sticks Order of Termites (Isoptera) Family Rhinotermitidae Order of Crickets, Grasshoppers and Eastern Subterranean Termite – Reticulitermes Katydids (Orthoptera) flavipes Family Acrididae Lubber Grasshopper – Brachystola magna Order of Booklice and Barklice (Psocoptera) Four-spotted Grasshopper – Philbostroma Family Liposcelidae quadrimaculatum Booklice Slant-faced Grasshopper – Mermiria bivittata Family Psocidae Carolina Grasshopper – Dissosteira carolina Barklice Page 1 of 5 Order of Biting Lice (Mallophaga) Family Psyllidae Family Philopteridae Hackberry Nipplegall Maker – Pachypsylla Birdlice celtidismamma Family Trichodectidae Family Aphidae Mammal Chewing Lice Aphids Family Dactylopiidae Order of Sucking Lice (Anoplura) Cochineal Insect – Dactylopius coccus Family Pediculidae Family Diaspididae Head Louse – Pediculus humanus capitus Pine Needle Scale - Chionaspis pinifoliae Order of True Bugs (Hemiptera) Order of Thrips (Thysanoptera) Family Pentatomidae Family Thripidae Green Stink Bug – Acrosternum hilare Grain Thrips – Limothrips cerealium Spined Soldier Bug – Podisus maculiventris Family Coreidae Order of Nerve-winged Insects (Neuroptera) Leaf-footed Bug – Leptoglossus phyllopus Family Sialidae Boxelder Bug – Boisea trivittata Alderflies Family Lygaeidae Family Corydalidae Large Milkweed Bug – Oncopeltus fasciatus Dobsonfly – Corydalus cornutus Chinch Bug – Blissus leucopterus Family Mantispidae Longnecked Seed Bug – Myodocha serripes Mantispid – Climaciella brunnea Family Tingidae Family Chrysopidae Lace bugs Lacewings Family Phymatidae Family Myrmeleontidae Ambush Bugs. Antlions Famly Reduviidae Family Ascalaphidae Wheel Bug – Arilus cristatus Owlflies Family Gerridae Water Strider – Gerris remigis Order of Beetles (Coleoptera) Family Notonectidae Family Cicindelidae Backswimmer – Notonecta undulata Tiger Beetles Family Corixidae Family Carabidae Water Boatman – Sigara alternata Caterpillar Hunter – Calosoma scrutator Family Nepidae Bluemargined Ground Beetle – Pasimachus Water Scorpion – Ranatra fusca elongatus Family Belostomatidae Ground Beetle – Galerita janus Electric Light Bug – Lethocerus griseus Family Dytiscidae Toe Biter – Belostoma flumineum Predacious Diving Beetle – Cybister fimbriolatus Family Gelastocoridae Family Gyrinidae Toad Bug – Gelastocoris oculatus Whirligig Beetle – Dineutus assimilis Family Silphidae Order of Aphids, Leafhoppers and Cicadas Carrion Beetle – Nicrophorus marginatus (Homoptera) Family Staphylinidae Family Flatidae Rove Beetles Citrus Planthopper – Metcalfa pruinosa Family Lucanidae Family Cercopidae Stag Beetle – Pseudolucanus placidus Twolined Spittlebug – Prosapia bicincta Family Scarabaeidae Family Cicadidae Dung Beetle – Dichotomius carolinus Bush Cicada – Tibicen dorsata May Beetle – Phyllophaga spp. Dog Day Cicada – Tibicen pruinosa Tenlined June Beetle – Polyphylla decemlineata Periodical Cicada – Magicicada septendecim Green June Beetle – Cotinus nitida Prairie Cicada – Melampsalta calliope Family Elmidae Family Cicadellidae Scott’s Riffle Beetle – Optioservus phaeus Saddled Leafhopper – Coladonus clitellarius Family Buprestidae Family Membracidae Wood Borers Buffalo Treehopper – Stictocephala bisonia Page 2 of 5 Family Elateridae Family Formicidae Eyed Click Beetle – Alaus oculatus Western Harvester Ant – Pogonomyrmex Click Beetle – Neotrichophorus carolinensis occidentalis Family Lampyridae Acrobat Ant – Crematogaster lineolata Eastern Firefly – Photinus pyralis Black Carpenter Ant – Camponotus Family Cantharidae pennsylvanicus Goldenrod Soldier Beetle – Chauliognathus Family Vespidae pennsylvanicus Potter Wasp – Eumenes spp. Family Lycidae Eastern Yellowjacket – Vespula maculifrons Netwinged Beetle – Calopteron terminale Common Paper Nest Wasp – Polistes Family Coccinelidae exclamans Sevenspotted Lady Beetle – Coccinella Family Pompilidae septempunctata Tarantula Hawk – Pepsis formosa Pinkspotted Lady Beetle – Coleomegilla Family Sphecidae maculata Steelblue Cricket Hunter – Chlorion aerarium Family Tenebrionidae Black & Yellow Mud Dauber – Sceliphron Darkling Beetles caementarium Family Meloidae Great Golden Digger Wasp – Sphex Blister Beetles ichneumoneus Family Cerambycidae Great Black Wasp – Sphex pennsylvanicus Locust Borer – Megacyllene robiniae Pipe Organ Wasp – Trypoxylon politum Flowerloving Longhorn – Typocerus sinuatus Cicada Killer – Sphecius speciosus Cottonwood Borer – Plectrodera scalator Family Halictidae Red Milkweed Beetle – Tetraopes Sweat Bees tetrophthalmus Family Megachilidae Family Chrysomelidae Leafcutter Bee – Megachile parallela Threelined Potato Beetle – Lema trilineata Family Anthophoridae Dogbane Beetle – Chrysochus auratus Carpenter Bee – Xylocopa virginica Sunflower Beetle – Zygogramma exclamationis Subfamily Apinae Elm Leaf Beetle – Pyrrhalta luteola Bumble Bee – Bombus pennsylvanicus Spotted Cucumber Beetle – Diabrotica Honey Bee – Apis mellifera undecimpunctata howardi Tortoise Beetle – Deloyala guttata Order of Caddisflies (Trichoptera) Family Rhynchitidae Family Hydropsychidae Rose Curculio – Merhynchites bicolor Seinemaking Caddisflies Family Curculionidae Family Phryganeidae Acorn weevils – Curculio spp. Giant Casemaker Caddisfly – Phryganea Milkweed Curculio – Rhyssomatus lineaticollis cinerea Ironweed Curculio – Rhodobaenus Family Leptoceridae tredecimpunctatus Longhorned Casemaker – Nectopsyche candida Order of Ants, Bees and Wasps Order of Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) (Hymenoptera) Family Incurvariidae Family Siricidae Yucca Moth – Tegeticula yuccasella Pigeon Tremex – Tremex columba Family Psychidae Family Ichneumonidae Bagworm – Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Longtailed Megarhyssa – Megarhyssa atrata Family Gelechiidae Megarhyssa Wasp – Megarhyssa macrurus Redbud Leaffolder – Fascista cercerisella Family Pelecinidae Family Yponomeutidae Pelecinid Wasp – Pelecinus polyturator Ailanthus Webworm – Atteva punctella Family Chrysididae Family Sesiidae Cuckoo Wasp – Chrysis smaragdula Glorious Squashvine Borer – Melittia gloriosa Family Mutillidae Family Cossidae Velvet Ants Carpenterworm Moth – Prionoxystus robiniae Family Scoliidae Family Tortricidae Scoliid Wasp – Scolia bicincta Codling Moth – Cydia pomonella Page 3 of 5 Family Limacodidae Family Pieridae Spiny Oakslug Caterpillar – Euclea delphinii Imported Cabbageworm – Pieris rapae Family Crambidae Alfalfa Caterpillar – Colias eurytheme Grape Leaffolder – Desmia funeralis Dogface Butterfly – Zerene cesonia Family Pterophoridae Cloudless Sulphur – Phoebis sennae eubule Geranium Plume Moth – Amblyptilia pica Little Sulphur – Pyrisitia lisa lisa Family Geometridae Dwarf Yellow – Nathalis iole Buttercup Moth – Xanthotype urticaria Family Lycaenidae Chickweed Geometer – Haematopsis grataria Redbanded Hairstreak – Calycopis cecrops Family Lasiocampidae Olive Hairstreak – Mitoura gryneus Eastern Tent Caterpillar – Malacosoma Spring Azure – Celastrina argiolus ladon americanum Family Libytheidae Family Saturniidae Snout Butterfly – Libytheana bachmanii Imperial Moth – Eacles imperialis bachmanii Io Moth – Automeris io Family Heliconidae Polyphemus Moth – Antheraea polyphemus Gulf Fritillary – Agraulis vanillae Luna Moth – Actias luna Family Nymphalidae Cecropia Moth – Hyalophora cecropia Common Variegated Fritillary – Euptoieta Family Sphingidae claudia Tomato Hornworm – Manduca quinquemaculata Great Spangled Fritillary – Speyeria cybele Elm Sphinx – Ceratomia
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