CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1401 HON
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September 6, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1401 Public housing has changed because we cause of their efforts, almost all Castro Valley ities ranged from government and public af- have changed. For many years now, the Unified School District students completing fairs issues to corporate responsibilities includ- Union City Housing Authority has had a dif- third grade are at or above reading level, stu- ing equal opportunity employment and minority ferent vision of public housing; and today, that dent achievement is up, literacy attainment is development and corporate philanthropy. vision has touched countless lives, satisfying heightened, and teaching strategies are being LeBaron's impact on the entertainment indus- for many the age-old need for a real homeÐ redefined and better directed. try, however, far exceed his formal titles or po- not just a shelter from the harsh elements. I take great pride in honoring the dedication sitions within the Sony corporate structure. Today, I ask my colleagues to join me as I and professional leadership that St. Mary's From his entry in the music industry as a honor the Union City Housing Authority for its College has taken in establishing this partner- broadcast engineer as well as an on-air per- extraordinary success at providing affordable ship. The partnership has helped expand the sonality and program director at WCHB in De- housing, establishing communities, and chang- role of the public school teacher to a re- troit to a stint as station manager at WDAS in ing lives. searcher, writer, and facilitator and created a Philadelphia to his move into the record busi- f model for successful literacy teacher-training ness with the creation of Revilot Records in programs. I believe that this public-private 1967, LeBaron was a pioneer in the promotion TRIBUTE TO MS. KATHRINE SMITH partnership should serve as a model to school of Black music. He would later move to Atlan- OF MADISON COUNTY, ALABAMA districts and colleges across the country in tic Records in New York City before joining order to create higher standards of literacy CBS Records in 1974. Black Enterprise maga- HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. and literacy education at kindergarten through zine noted that LeBaron ``defined black music OF ALABAMA post-graduate collegiate levels. in the '70's.'' IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f LeBaron's unique relationships with artists led to his position with CBS Records as the Wednesday, September 6, 2000 HONORING PATTY ARAGON head of their marketing department for Black Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to music. Under his leadership, CBS Records' pay tribute to a wonderful woman in my dis- HON. SCOTT McINNIS Black music Marketing department became trict, Ms. Kathrine ``Kate'' Smith. Today Ms. OF COLORADO the model for the entire industry. Three years Smith celebrates her 94th birthday. For almost IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES later, he became the company's first vice a century, she has graced North Alabama with president of Black Music Marketing, with the her dignified presence and has shared her tal- Wednesday, September 6, 2000 added responsibility of Jazz/Progressive Music ents and gifts with her community. Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Marketing. LeBaron was recognized by Ebony Ms. Smith's community service accomplish- take this moment to celebrate the wonderful magazine as one of the ``Top 50 Black Amer- ments would fill many a page, so it will suffice life of Patricia Aragon. Mrs. Aragon recently ican Executives in Corporate America'' and, to say that she gives back to her community passed on after a courageous battle with can- most recently, as one of the top Blacks in the tenfold. Ms. Smith has been recognized for cer. entertainment industry. her service with many awards, plaques and Patty was a beloved citizen of Pagosa Throughout his career, he received numer- certificates and thus it is fitting that the United Springs where she and her husband, Ross, ous awards for his public service activities and States Congress join the many others in hon- raised their six children. And with Patty, it was his pioneering efforts in Black music mar- oring her for her full and selfless life. always childrenÐhers and others in her com- keting. A two-time recipient of the Congres- In addition to her outstanding community munityÐthat came first. She served on the sional Black Caucus Chair Award, LeBaron service, she is also a member of First Mis- local school board for over a decade where also received the Chairman's Humanitarian sionary Baptist Church, she sings in the she was proud to pass out diplomas at com- Award from TransAfrica Forum; the NAACP church choir and is a member of the Mis- mencement ceremonies. Everyone who came Corporate Image Award; and awards from the sionary Society, OES (Eastern Star) and The in contact with Patty was instantly overtaken National Urban League; the National Associa- Good Neighbor's Club. with her loving spirit. When she wasn't helping tion of Black Owned Broadcasters; The Black I join Ms. Smith's friends and family who the school system, she could be found serving Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Hall of love her dearly in wishing her a happy and patron's of her restaurant. She and her hus- Fame, the White House Conference on Small healthy 94th year. I thank her for her extraor- band owned Al's and Al's West restaurants Business and The Business Policy Review dinary contributions to our community and where Patty was famous for her chiliburgers Council among many others that are too nu- wish her a well-deserved happy birthday. and homemade tortillas. merous to mention. His civic activities included f Patty Aragon was an incredibly spirited per- board membership with organizations such as son who loved to see others smile. Through the CBC Foundation, the Joint Center for Po- TRIBUTE TO CASTRO VALLEY UNI- her business and public service, she touched litical and Economic Studies Board of Gov- FIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND ST. the lives of hundreds children and adults alike. ernors and the Rhythm & Blues Foundation. MARY'S COLLEGE SCHOOL OF It is with this, Mr. Speaker, that I say thank Characteristically, the accomplishment of EDUCATION you to this remarkable woman and great Colo- which LeBaron was most proud was his rec- radan. She will be greatly missed, but not ognition by the Black Employees Organization HON. ELLEN O. TAUSCHER soon forgotten. of CBS Inc. for mentoring and fostering the OF CALIFORNIA f growth and development of minorities within IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the company. LEBARON TAYLORÐA MAN FOR A native of Detroit, LeBaron graduated from Wednesday, September 6, 2000 ALL SEASONS Wayne State University and recently was Mrs. TAUSCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today awarded an Honorary Doctor of Law degree to honor an outstanding public-private partner- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS from Miles College in Fairfield, Alabama. He ship in my district and all the participants who OF NEW YORK was also a board member of the Grand Boule share a deep commitment for the education of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Foundation of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity and our children. Castro Valley Unified School Dis- chaired its Social Action Committee. He is sur- Wednesday, September 6, 2000 trict and St. Mary's College of California have vived by his wife, Kay Loverlace Taylor, Ed.D. developed and implemented a partnership that Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, next week the and four children: Eric and Tiffani from his first has led to a comprehensive literacy develop- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation will marriage and his stepchildren, Laura and ment program at kindergarten through post- host its 30th Annual Legislative Weekend. For Jason, from his second marriage. His first graduate collegiate levels. the first time in the history of this event, we wife, Yvonne passed away in January of 1997. I commend St. Mary's College of California will be without our beloved friend, and former The CBC Foundation's Annual Legislative for forming a public-private partnership with CBC Foundation Chairman and board mem- Weekend will be forever changed by the ab- the Castro Valley Unified School District. This ber, H. LeBaron Taylor. LeBaron died from sence of LeBaron Taylor not only because of commitment to the betterment of children and cardiac arrest on July 19th. his dedication to our Weekend's activities, but education by extending professional learning LeBaron was both Senior Vice President for also because of his lasting contributions to the experiences and teaching strategies has Corporate Affairs at Sony Music Entertainment public service work of the Foundation, his greatly increased the school district's ability to and Vice President for Corporate Affairs at friendship and support for CBC Members and deliver a comprehensive literacy program. Be- Sony Software Corporation. His responsibil- his contributions to the Black music industry. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 05:32 Sep 07, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06SE8.012 pfrm04 PsN: E06PT1.