6th Annual UW-PKU Workshop on Higher Education

ORGANIZERS: Adam Nelson, University of Wisconsin-Madison Shen Wenqin, Peking University

SPONSORS: Global Engagement Office, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for East Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School of Education, Peking University Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

DATE: May 26-27, 2020

LOCATION: Wisconsin Idea Room, Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall, UW-Madison

HOTEL: Lowell Center, 610 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53703


Shen Wenqin, Associate Professor and Associate Director, Institute for Higher Education, Peking University

Ha Wei, Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Graduate School of Education, Peking University

Zhang Ran, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Peking University

Wen Wen, Associate Professor, Institute for Higher Education, Tsinghua University and Fulbright Scholar, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University

Mok Ka Ho, Vice President and Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Comparative Policy, Lingnan University

Wang Chen, Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

Kan Yue, Professor and Deputy Dean for Graduate and Undergraduate Education, College of Education, Zhejiang University

Mei Weihui, Associate Professor, College of Education, Zhejiang University

Yang Rui, Professor and Associate Dean for International Engagement, University of

Zhao Shikui, Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, Beihang University

Xie Ailei, Associate Professor and Executive Vice President, University

Sun Bi, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, South Normal University


Zhong Jingxun, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, South China Normal University

Mei Li, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University

Zhu Jiani, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Shanghai Jaio Tong University

Cao Fan, University, and Ed.D. candidate, Peking University


Diana Hess, Dean, School of Education, UW-Madison

Adam R. Nelson, Departments of Educational Policy Studies and History, UW-Madison

Kris Olds, Department of Geography, UW-Madison

Christof Mauch, Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic Languages and Literatures, UW-Madison and Ludwig-Maximilien Universitüt-Munich

Michael Apple, Departments of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies, UW-Madison

Mitchell Stevens, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University

Nick Hillman, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, UW-Madison

John Rudolph, Departments of Curriculum and Instrution and History of Science, UW-Madison

Lesley Bartlett, Departments of Educational Policy Studies and Anthropology, UW-Madison

Walter Stern, Departments of Educational Policyc Studies and History, UW-Madison

Nancy Kendall, Departments of Educational Policy Studies and Gender and Women’s Studies, UW-Madison

Ran Liu, Department of Educational Policy Studies, UW-Madison

Jordan Conwell, Departments of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology, UW-Madison

Lou Jingjing, Department of Education, Beloit College

Liu Qing, Department of Educational Policy Studies, UW-Madison

Matt Hora, Department of Liberal Arts and Applied Studies, UW-Madison

John Zumbrunnen, Department of Political Science, UW-Madison

Jeremy Foltz, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, UW-Madison


Monday, May 25

6:00pm PRE-WORKSHOP DINNER: Taste of Sichuan, 515 State St., Madison, WI, 53705

*Meet student assistants at the information desk in the lobby at the Lowell Center to walk together to the restaurant


DAY 1: Tuesday, May 26: All events take place in the Wisconsin Idea Room, 159 Education Building

7:30am Guests at Lowell Center: * Meet student assistants at the information desk in the hotel lobby to walk together to the Wisconsin Idea Room in the Education Building

8:00am Light breakfast in the Wisconsin Idea Room

8:30am Welcome Remarks

Adam NELSON, Chair, Department of Educational Policy Studies, UW-Madison Diana HESS, Dean, School of Education, UW-Madison


Chair: Adam NELSON, UW-Madison

9:00am Paper 1: MOK Ka Ho, Lingnan University

“A Critical Review of the History, Achievements, and Impacts of China’s Quest for World-Class University Status”

Discussant: Kris OLDS, UW-Madison

9:45am Tea break

10:00am Paper 2: ZHU Jiani, Shanghai Jiaotong University

“In Search of University Excellence: A Comparative Study of Building World-Class Universities Programs in Germany and China”

Discussant: Christof MAUCH, UW-Madison/LMU-Munich

10:45am Tea break


11:00am Paper 3: YANG Rui, University of Hong Kong

“Pressing Forward in Global Knowledge Asymmetries: Findings from the Human and Social Sciences at Fudan University”

Discussant: Michael APPLE, UW-Madison

11:45am LUNCH


Chair: KAN Yue, Zhejiang University

1:00pm Paper 4: WEN Wen, Tsinghua University

“A Historical Study of Urban/Rural Disparities in Elite Higher-Education Opportunities in China: A Case Study of the Regional Origins of Tsinghua University Students (1928-2018)”

Discussant: Mitchell STEVENS, Stanford University

1:45pm Tea break

2:00pm Paper 5: XIE Ailei, Guangzhou University

“Cultural Capital and Rural Students’ Integration into Chinese Elite Universities”

Discussant: Nick HILLMAN, UW-Madison

2:45pm Tea Break


Chair: John RUDOLPH, UW-Madison

3:00pm Paper 6: XIONG Weiyan, Lingnan University

“Two Roads to Equal Higher Education for Indigenous and Ethnic Peoples: A Comparative Review of the Development of Tribal Colleges and Universities in the and Ethnic-Minority-Serving Institutions in China”

Discussant: Lesley BARTLETT, UW-Madison

3:45pm Tea break

4:00pm Paper 7: ZHONG Jingxun, South China Normal University


“Perceptions of Disadvantaged Undergraduates on Relational Justice in College Culture: The ‘Cumulative Inequality Effect’ in the Chinese Context”

Discussant: Walter STERN, UW-Madison


5:00pm Adjourn/Rest/Campus Tours

6:00pm DINNER: Ichiban Sichuan, 610 S Park St., Madison, WI 53715


DAY 2: Wednesday, May 27: All events take place in the Wisconsin Idea Room, 159 Education Building

7:30am Guests at Lowell Center: * Meet student assistants at the information desk in the hotel lobby to walk together to the Wisconsin Idea Room in the Education Building

8:00am Light breakfast in the Wisconsin Idea Room


Chair: WU Bin, Beihang University

8:30am Paper 8: ZHANG Ran, Peking University

“Sexual Harassment, Gender Equity, and Chinese Higher Education”

Discussant: Nancy KENDALL, UW-Madison

9:15am Tea break

9:30am Paper 9: SHEN Wenqin, Peking University

“A Fair Chance? Class, Gender, and International Mobility of Doctoral Students”

Discussant: Ran LIU, UW-Madison

10:15am Tea break


Chair: Cao Fan, , and Ed.D. candidate, Peking University

10:30am Paper 10: LI Mei and WU Hantian, East China Normal University


“Moving from Periphery to Center: Roles and Challenges of China’s Research Universities in Hosting International Students”

Discussant: Jordan CONWELL, UW-Madison

11:15am Tea break

11:30am Paper 11: ZHAO Shikui, Beihang University

“Diversity among Graduate Students Who Go Abroad: Motivations, Impediments, and Gains—Qualitative Research from Beihang University”

Discussant: LOU Jingjing, Beloit College

12:15pm LUNCH


Chair: LIU Qing, UW-Madison

1:30pm Paper 12: MEI Weihui, Zhejiang University

“University-Wide Entrepreneurship Education in Chinese Universities: Issues and Challenges”

Discussant: Matt HORA, UW-Madison

2:15pm Tea break

2:30pm Paper 13: WANG Chen, Beijing Normal University

“The Common Good of Individuals and Communities: Education and the Search for a Socially Just Life”

Discussant: John ZUMBRUNNEN, UW-Madison

3:15pm Tea Break

3:30pm Paper 14: SUN Bi, South China Normal University

“‘Men of Business or Men of Culture’: The Conflict between William Rainey Harper and John Dewey at the University of Chicago, 1894-1904”

Discussant: Adam NELSON, UW-Madison

4:15pm Tea break

4:30pm Paper 15: HA Wei and Daniel BENSON, Peking University


“The Race to the Top: Competition between the West and China on Official Direct Assistance to Africa”

Discussant: Jeremy FOLTZ, UW-Madison

5:15pm Adjourn

6:00pm DINNER: Memorial Union Terrace, UW-Madison