Of Music Endowed Mary Louise Curtis

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Of Music Endowed Mary Louise Curtis CURT I S INST I T UTE of MUS I C En dowed MARY LOUISE CURTIS BOK CA TA L O G U E 1 92 8 - 1 929 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLV ANIA THE C U RTIS INS TITU TE of MU S IC WAS E TE IN 1924 CR A D , , UNDE R AN E NDOWME NT By MARY LOUISE CURTIS BOK AND I S OPE RATE D UNDE R A CHARTE R OF THE COMMONWE ALTH OF PE NNS YLVANIA PURPOSE TO HAND DOWN THROUGH CONTE MPORARY MASTE RS THE GRE AT TRADI TIONS F THE S O PA T . TO TE ACH S TUDE NTS TO BUI LD ON THI S HE RITAGE FOR THE FUTURE P age F[we THE C U RTIS INS TITU TE of MU S IC OFFERS T o STUDENTS Instruction by world famous ar tis ts who give in dividual les sons . Free tuition . Financial aid , if needed . Steinway Grands , string and wind instruments rent free , to those unable to provide such for themselves . These Stein way pianos will be placed at the disposal of students in their respective domiciles . Opportunities to attend concerts of the Philadelphia Orchestra and of important visiting artists , also performances of the Metropolitan Opera Company— as part of their musical education . U ad Summer sojourns in the nited States and Europe , to van ce d and exceptionally gifted students , under artistic supervision of their respective master teachers of the Curtis Institute . u Public appearances during the period of their st dies , when o warranted by their progress , so that they may gain pra tical stage experience . In addition to development of the student to full artistic ma turit y , financial assistance in setting out upon a public career . P age S even Director JOSEE HOEMANN i P age Nt n e THE CURTIS INS TITUTE OF M US IC OFFICERS P rea‘idenl R S E R S MRS . MA Y LOU I CU TI BOK ’ Vice P red aen l P NS PH ILI S . COLLI S ecreta ry and Tr eaJu/‘er WILLIAM CU RTI S BOK Board of Direclo m MRS R U S E U R S . MA Y LO I C TI WILLIAM CU RTI S BOK H P NS P ILI S . COLLI R U R S CY U S H . K . C TI F L R U E . E s M S . SAM L S P age Ten THE CURTIS INS TITUTE OF M US IC EXECUTIVE STAFF Director IOS E F HOFMANN S ecretary to th e Dir ector DOROTH Y LYNCH E xecutive S ecretary DAVID S A P E RTON Dean P FF R GRAC E H . S O O D Awiwtant to th e Dean E WE NS N ELIZAB TH Z . S O Regif trar R E N E R MA GARE T H . B K T Co urwelor to the S tuden t Body MCCA L L I P EMILY L . Co mptro ller S N H . W . EA TMA L ibrar ian MARJOR I E WINN P age E leven THE CURTIS INS TITUTE OF MUS IC LOCATION Of The Curtis Institute of Music , facing the green Ritten r house Square , is in the heart of the best esidential section of Philadelphia . It is within four blocks of the Academy of Music where the symphony concerts of the Philadelphia Orchestra , the conce r ts of important visiting artists and the performances of the Metropolitan Opera Company of New York are given . BUILDINGS The buildings comprise three beautiful private residences which have been remodeled :yet there has been retained their original homelike atmosphere . EQUIPMENT The equipment and furnishings combine beauty and utility . LIBRARY The library is extensive and of wide scope , embracing — over volumes books , music and scores . It includes many original and unedited editions of music of the great masters . P age Twelve E NTRANCE TO CAS I M I R HALL THE CURTIS INS TITUTE OF MUS IC HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS The various Departments of The Curtis Institute of Music a re under the personal di rection and supervision Of the follow ing members of its Faculty MARCE LLA S E MB RICH . JOS E F HOFMANN . LYNNW OOD FA RNAM LE OP OLD A U E R r fli c LOUI S BAILLY Vio la a n d Cha mbe wi FE LIX SALMOND Vio lo ncello CA RLOS S A L Z E DO . A RTU R RODZINS KI Orch eJtra ROS A R IO SCALE RO Th eory a nd Compowitio n These artists , in each instance , in addition to their duties D . as Heads of epartments , instruct students personally P age Fo urteen Jose f Hofman n Dir ector of th e I notitute H ra ti C n n e Ha e man o o o ll Richa rd g THE CURTIS INS TITUTE OF MUS IC DEPARTMENT OF VOICE R E E MB R H D MA C LLA S IC , Head of epartment I nJ‘t/‘Lt CtO/‘J‘ MARCE LLA S E MB RICH HA RR I E T V AN EMD E N EMILIO DE GOGORZA HORATIO CONNE LL Coach ing and Reper to ire RICHA RD HAG E MAN A RTUR RODZINS KI DAGMA R RYBN E R BARCLAY ILS A RE I ME S CH MA X PONS Dictio n E J E AN B . B CK EU FE MIA GIANNINI GR E GORY SAMU E L ARTH U R KING MINNA S A UME L L E E N H E RMANN I . W IGA D Operatic d oting and S tage Dep or tmen t H E M V ON WYME TA L R . WIL L , I P latform Department SAMU E L A RTH UR KING P age Fifteen THE CURTIS INS TITUTE OF MUS IC MARCELLA SEMBRICH r Ko ch an s ka Ma cella Sembrich , who was destined to ’ r r n become one of the world s greatest Ope atic sop anos , was bor ’ L . n n in emberg , Poland She adopted her mother s maide ame f r u of Sembrich to serve her professional career . Her i st m sical n r i struction was eceived fro m her father in piano and violin . A S h e t the age of twelve appeared in piano and violin recitals , and she continued her study of these in struments with Guil r r laume Stengel in the Lembe g Conservato y . When she was Old r h e r sixteen years , Marcella was sent to Vienna to pe fect musical and pianistic training under Julius Epstein , and it was here that her great possibilities as a singer were discovered . The girl was then sent to study voice with Lamper ti in Milan . A 1877 Her debut as singer was made in thens in , and . L success in opera came swiftly Engagements in ondon , D . L r Paris , resden , Berlin , St Petersburg ( ening ad) , Vienna o 1883 and Madrid followed in quick successi n , and in Madame Sembrich was engaged as leading sop rano at the r L . Metropolitan Ope a , and made her debut as ucia Concert tours and operatic engagements in Europe alternated with h e r A 1902 1909 visits to merica , and from to she was continually r r engaged by the Metropolitan Opera Company . After eti ing from operatic and concert work , Madame Sembrich devoted herself to teaching and has since developed such singers as D L ash an s ka Jeritza , usolina Giannini , Hulda and Queena Mario P age S ixteen THE CURTIS INS TITUTE OF MUS IC W M EMILIO DE GOGORZA Spain , France and England have all shared in the musical endowment bestowed upon this artist . He was born of Spanish A 1874 . merican parentage in Brooklyn , New York , in In England he undertook singing as a serious study and in France he made his first appearance on the concert stage . When Go o rza Emilio de g traveled as a child , it was in London that he became a favorite as boy soloist , singing in churches and in school choirs . He completed his studies at the Ecole Monge - - L L le . and at the ycée ouis Grand in Paris , France De Go go rza returned to America for his first serious A instruction , his teachers being Moderati and gramonte in New York . A visit to Paris resulted in his continuing his B studies with Emile ourgeois , singing master of the Opéra 18 7 o rza Comique . In 9 de Go g was heard in a concert in New York with Marcella Sembrich . From that date his appearances have been continuous both in recitals and with the leading orchestras in the United States and Europe . Go o rza With his unusual gift for languages , Emilio de g has been able to enrich his programs with the rarely heard songs and folk music of many races . He has cultivated in his audiences a taste and appreciation for the songs of the younger French composers , for Russian folk songs , and has revealed a A new world of Spanish art song in the melodies of ndalusia , B . Catalonia , and the country of the asques P age S even teen THE CURTIS INS TI TUTE OF MUS IC DEPARTME NT OF PIANOFORTE OS E F OFM NN I H A , Head of Department DIVI S ION OF PIANO SOLO OS E F OFM NN D J H A , Head of ivision I t ructorJ IOS E F HOFMANN ALE XAND E R LAMB E RT I S AB E LL E VE NGE ROV A DAVID S AP E RTON DIVI S ION OF ACCOMPANYING RRY K UFM N I t HA A A , Head of Division and nstruc or DIVI S ION OF SUP P LE M E NTARY PIANO A R M CHAS I NS B A , Head of Division I nJtructore AB RAM CHAS I NS DRU N ETH E L S .
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