DND Language Reform
Armand Letellier (Colonel ret.) DND Language Reform: Staffing the Bilingualism Programs 1967-1977 DIRECTORATE OF HISTORY Socio-Military Series * * * No. 1 Jean-Pierre Gagnon, The 22nd (French-Canadian) Battalion, 1914-1919: Socio-military history. No. 2 Jean Pariseau and Serge Bernier, French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces, Vol. I - 1763-1969, The Fear of a Parallel Army. No. 3 Armand Letellier, DND Language Reform: Staffing the Bilingualism Pro- grams, 1967-1977. To be published No. 4 Jean Pariseau and Serge Bernier, French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces, Vol. II - 1969-1983, Official Languages: DND’s Response to the Federal Policy. Additional Reading The Memoirs of General Jean V. Allard (written in cooperation with Serge Bernier), René Morin, DND Dependants’ Schools, 1921-1983, Ottawa, NDHQ, Direc- torate of History, 1986. i © Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1987 Available in Canada through Associated Bookstores and other booksellers or by mail from Canadian Government Publishing Centre Supply and Services Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S9 Catalogue No. D63-2/3 E Canada: $13.95 ISBN 0-660-12490-4 Other Countries: $16.75 Price subject to change without notice All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sys- tem, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or oth- erwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishing Services, Canadian Govern- ment Publishing Centre, Ottawa, Canada K I A OS9. Letellier, Joseph Oscar Armand - 1915 1. Official Languages, Canada 2. Bilingualism, Canadian Government Policy on 3. National Defence, Canada, 1967-1977 4.
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