Kerr Electro-Optic Theory and Measurements Of
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IEEE Transactions on Pielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 5 No. 3,June 1998 421 qerr Electro-optic Theory and Measurements ~ of Electric Fields with Magnitude and 1 Direction Varying along the Light Path A. Ustundag, T. J. Gung and M. Zahn Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems Cambridge, MA ABSTRACT ntial equations that govern light propagation in Kerr media are derived when the ap- ectric field direction and magnitude vary along the light path. Case studies predict Kerr optic fringe patferns for the specific case of pointlplane electrodes. We apply the charac- irections theory of photoelasticity to understand these fringes. We also study birefrin- ia with small Kerr constant, in particular transformer oil. For this case we show that ions in the characteristic parameter theory is possible, resulting in simple integral re- s between the characteristic parameters and the applied electric field. We use these nships to extend the ac modulation method to measure the characteristic param- all Kerr constant media. Measurements of the characteristic parameters using the on method are presented for point/plane electrodes in transformer oil. The mea- ee reasonably well with space charge free theory for infinite extent electrodes for tical expressions are available. We finally employ the 'onion peeling' method to e axisymmetric electric field magnitude and direction from the measured charac- eters and compare the results to the analytically obtained electric field. z (propagation direction of light) E? 'Y 'Y tric liquids. The refractiv erence between optical electric field perpendicular to the applied trans- in the plane perpendicular to the di- Figure 1. The transverse component ET (in the xg plane) of the applied electric field E for light propagating in the +z direction and the angles II, and p where $ is the angle between the x-axis and the total electric field E and cp is the angle between the x-axis and the transverse component of the electric field ET. non-invasively determine the (tranverse) electric field direction p and magnitude ET. Measuring the electric field is necessary in the study and modeling of HV conduction and breakdown characteristics in insu- I 1070-9878/98/$3.00 0 1998 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on April 1, 2009 at 13:19 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 422 Ustiindag et al.: Kerr Electro-Optic Theory and Measurements lating liquids since the conduction laws are often unknown and the elec- 2 LIGHT PROPAGATION IN tric field cannot be found from the geometry alone by solving the Pois- ARBITRARY KERR MEDIA son equation with unknown volume and surface charge distributions. Optical measurement of high electric fields offers near-perfect electrical 2.1 GOVERNING LIGHT isolation between the measured field and the measuring instrumenta- PROPAGATION EQUATl 0N S tion, avoids interference errors and makes extensive shielding and in- When the direction of the electric field is not constant along the light sulation requirements unnecessary [2]. path, (1)indicates aninhomogeneous anisotropic medium. For Kerr me- dia An is typically very small The method is limited to transparent dielectrics. However most liq- An<1 (2) uid dielectrics, in particular the most common HV transformer oil, are in hence the anisotropy is rather weak. For this case it is possible to ob- this category, making the method very attractive. The liquid dielectrics tain a reduced set of Maxwell's equations which are simple and easy to which were investigated in past work using the Kerr electro-optic effect analyze. The derivation here is similar to that of Aben's [16]. include transformer oil [3-81, highly purified water and water/ethylene glycol mixtures [9-111 and nitrobenzene [12-141. The effect also can be We assume that light propagates in a straight line in the +z direc- used for gases (SFs) [l] and solids (polymethylmethacrylate) [15]. In tion. This assumption is not true for a general anisotropic inhomoge- this paper 'Kerr medium' refers to an electrically stressed transparent neous medium but is approximately true for Kerr media in analogy to dielectric which obeys (1). weakly inhomogeneous isotropic media. Because of (2), reflections are negligible and we also assume that the Kerr media is lossless (no ab- sorption). With no power loss or reflections in the system, the intensity Most past experimental work has been limited to cases where the of light does not change while propagating in typical Kerr media. electric field magnitude and direction have been constant along the light path such as two long concentric or parallel cylinders [I, 9,121 or parallel We begin with the source-free Maxwell equations for time harmonic plate electrodes [l,101. However, to study charge injection and break- fields in non-magnetic media which may be written in the form down phenomena, very high electric fields are necessary (=lo7 V/m) VxVxe(r')= w2pod(r') (3) and for these geometries large electric field magnitudes can be obtained V.d(F) = 0 (4) only with very HV (typically >lo0 kV). Furthermore, in these geometries Here r' is the position vector, po = 4~x10-~H/m is the magnetic the breakdown and charge injection processes occur randomly in space permeability of free space, w is the angular frequency of the light, and often due to small unavoidable imperfections on otherwise smooth elec- e(?)and d(r')are the time-harmonic complex amplitude electric field trodes. The randomness of this surface makes it impossible to localize and displacement fields respectively, related to the real time-dependent the charge injection and breakdown and the problem is complicated be- optical fields e(?, t)and d(F,t) by cause the electric field direction also changes along the light path. To cre- e(?, t)= % {e(F)eiwt} (5) ate large electric fields for charge injection at a known location and at d(F,t) = {d(F)eiwt} reasonable voltages, a point electrode is often used in HV research where 93 (6) again the electric field direction changes along the light path. Hence it where i = a, is of interest here to extend Kerr electro-optic measurements to cases For one dimensional variations with only the z coordinate we assume where the electric field direction changes along the light path, with spe- that [19,20] cific application for point/plane electrodes. aa- ax-- - ay =o (7) In this paper we present the general theory and experiments of Kerr It follows from (2), (4) and (7) that e, and d,, the z components of the electro-optic measurements of the electric field whose magnitude and electric and displacement fields are essentially zero. Thus we only have direction changes along the light path, specifically applied to point/ J: and y components of the electric and displacement fields so that (3) plane electrodes. We first derive the governing differential equations reduces to for light propagation in Kerr media and integrate them to predict bire- d2~,$z' + ,wJz[Ezz(z)ez(z) + Ezy(z)ey(z)l = o fringence patterns for a point/plane electrode geometry with specific (8) d2e,(4 parameters used for nitrobenzene, a high Kerr constant dielectric. We [q,,(z)e,(z) = dz2 + bow2 + ~~,(z)e~(z)]o introduce the characteristic parameters which have been used in pho- where we used the dielectric constitutive relation toelasticity [16]. We discuss how they can be measured and in particu- EZZ(Z) E&) lar extend the ac modulation [3,6,17] method to measure them for cases (9) when the Kerr constant is small. We present experimental values of the [w:]= [44 EdZi] Here d,(z) and dy(z)are the components of d(z),[:;::;I e,(z) and ey(z) characteristic parameters for transformer oil between point/plane elec- trodes. Utilizing the axisymmetry of the electric field distribution of the are the components of e(.) and ezj(2) are the components of the per- point/plane electrode geometry, we then use the experimental charac- mittivity tensor. For lossless Kerr media ~ij (.) are real and symmetric. teristic parameter values to recover the electric field using the 'onion Beside the fixed zyz frame it is convenient to work in the frame peeling' method [18]. Finally we compare the recovered and analytical that rotates with the applied electric field in which the Kerr effect is electric fields. expressed. This frame will be referred as the ET frame (see Figure 2) Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on April 1, 2009 at 13:19 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IEEE Transactions 01 Xelectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 5 No. 3, June 1998 423 Substituting (14) in (11) yields E,,(Z) = EL(Z) + 2Eon(z)XBE&) Eyy(Z) = El(Z) + 2Eon(z)XBE,(z) (16) \ Ezy (2) = 2Eon(z)XBE,(z)E, (2) whereE,(z) = E~(z)cosp(z)andE~(z)= ET(z)sinp(z)are the respective components of the applied transverse electric field. The isotropic permittivity E of the dielectric in the absence of any ap- plied electric field is related to EL and E,, by [21] / E&) + 2E&) = 3E (17) It follows from (2) and (17) that n(z)in (14) and (16) can be replaced (0 of the page) with the isotropic refractive index n since the introduced errors to Figure 2. ET frame of I xtions parallel and perpendicular to ET in the permittivity components are on the order of ~~[An(z)]~.Conse- the xy plane. quently where the constitutive rela inship is E&) - EL(Z) k5 2EonXBE$(z) (18) and Ez,(Z) - Eyy(Z) = 2EonXB[E3z)- E341 Ezy(.) 2E0nXBEz(z)Ey(z) (19) Subscripts /I and Iare ed to indicate the respective components of the electric field, the dis %cementfield and the permittivity tensor.