DODGE PARK REST HOME & THE OASIS AT DODGE PARK A Cheerful CONNECTION Heart is Good Dodge Park Rest Home has been serving the Worcester area since 1967 with the specific purpose to be recognized by the consumer and industry as the most Medicine professional, ethical and highest quality care facility for the elderly. We are committed to listening and responding to the needs of the residents, their family members and our employees. We are committed to going the extra mile when assistance is required by the public, the residents and their family members. We will remain committed to an entrepreneurial spirit, which does not tolerate waste or bureaucracy, but rewards achievement. -Micha Shalev & Ben Herlinger, Administrators /Owners ATMemories DODGE PARK & are THE OASIS made SAVE THE DATE SEPTEMBER 13 - 4PM - 7PM DODGE PARK 50TH ANNIVERSARY + OASIS GRAND OPENING Neighborhood Connection is now digital! Email
[email protected] to get it delivered to your inbox each month. Print editions will mail out every other month only. DODGE PARK REST HOME & OASIS AT DODGE PARK COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Bringing LIFE to Those We Serve Dementia Signage, helpful advice for DODGE PARK REST HOME & people who care for people living with OASIS AT DODGE PARK Dementia. Micha Shalev MHA Executive Director/Owner
[email protected] Dementia is a syndrome that effects the ability of the brain to process Ben Herlinger Adminstrator/Owner memories, thoughts, language, understanding and also judgement.
[email protected] Many people of the 570,000 who develop dementia within England Carrie Lindberg RN, BSN Director Of Nursing have problems with controlling their behaviour and emotions as
[email protected] the structure within the brain starts to decline.