Environmental Assessment

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Environmental Assessment North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project Environmental Assessment Environmental United States Department of Assessment Agriculture Forest Service North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project February 2007 Salida Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest Chaffee County, Colorado For Information Contact: William Schuckert, District Ranger 325 West Rainbow Blvd. Salida, CO 81201 (719) 539-3591 North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project Environmental Assessment USDA Forest Service Pike and San Isabel National Forest Comanche and Cimarron National Grasslands Salida Ranger District Chaffee County, Colorado Those wishing to comment on the project should provide the following information: name, address, phone number (if possible), title of the document being commented upon, and specific facts or comments along with supporting reasons that should be considered in reaching a decision. Comments should be mailed to NORTH TROUT CREEK EA, Salida Ranger District, 325 West Rainbow Blvd., Salida, CO 81201 before March 16, 2007. You may contact Mr. Sam Schroeder at (719) 539-3591 for more information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project Environmental Assessment This page intentionally left blank. North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project Environmental Assessment CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................VI 1.0 PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR ACTION...................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................1 1.2 Purpose and Need for Action, Existing Condition, & Future Desired Condition ........................................................................................................1 1.2.1 Existing Condition ............................................................................1 1.2.2 Need for Action.................................................................................3 1.2.3 Purpose of the Project.....................................................................3 1.2.4 Future Desire Condition (0 – 10 Years Post Treatment) ...........4 1.3 Forest Plan Direction ....................................................................................6 1.3.1 Forest Plan Goals (related to this project)....................................7 1.3.2 Management Areas .........................................................................8 1.4 Key Issues...................................................................................................10 1.5 Decision Framework...................................................................................12 1.6 Public Involvement......................................................................................12 2.0 ALTERNATIVES, INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION......................... 14 2.1 Alternatives ..................................................................................................14 2.1.1 Alternative 1: No Action ...............................................................17 2.1.2 Alternative 2: Proposed Action.....................................................17 2.1.3 Alternative 3 ....................................................................................22 2.2 Comparison of Alternatives .......................................................................23 2.3 Alternatives considered but eliminated from detailed study ................23 2.4 Mitigation measures...................................................................................24 2.4.1 Soils..................................................................................................24 2.4.2 Hydrology ........................................................................................25 2.4.3 Cultural and Heritage Resources ................................................25 2.5 Monitoring plan...........................................................................................25 2.5.1 Current Monitoring .........................................................................25 2.5.2 Implementation Monitoring ...........................................................26 2.5.3 Effectiveness Monitoring...............................................................27 3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES .... 28 3.1 Forest Health, Vegetation and fire............................................................28 3.1.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................28 3.1.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................29 3.2 Air quality......................................................................................................31 3.2.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................31 3.2.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................32 3.3 Noxious weeds ............................................................................................33 i North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project Environmental Assessment 3.3.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................33 3.3.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................33 3.4 Range............................................................................................................34 3.4.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................34 3.4.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................37 3.5 Botany...........................................................................................................38 3.5.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................38 3.5.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................43 3.6 Wildlife & Fisheries .....................................................................................47 3.6.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................47 3.6.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................51 3.7 Soils...............................................................................................................71 3.7.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................71 3.7.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................73 3.8 Hydrology .....................................................................................................77 3.8.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................77 3.8.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................79 3.9 Cultural and Heritage Resources .............................................................85 3.9.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................85 3.9.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................87 3.10 Recreation Resources................................................................................88 3.10.1 Affected Environment ....................................................................88 3.10.2 Environmental Consequences of the Alternatives ....................89 3.11 Economic Analysis......................................................................................90 4.0 CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION.................................................... 91 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................... 92 GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................. 99 ii North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project Environmental Assessment APPENDIX Appendix A Temporary Roads Information Appendix B Treatment by Polygon for the Proposed Action Appendix C Treatment by Polygon for Alternative 3 i North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project Environmental Assessment MAPS Map 1.0 Vicinity Map Map 1.1 Existing Condition – Area Locations Map 1.2 Management Areas Map 2.1 Alternative 1: No Action. Map 2.2 Alternative 2: Proposed Action. Map 2.3 Alternative 2: Proposed Action with Proposed Roads Map 2.4 Alternative 3 Map 2.5 Alternative 3 with Proposed Roads ii North Trout Creek Forest Health and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project Environmental Assessment TABLES Table 1.1 Vegetation Types with Approximate Acres in the Project Area Table 2.1 Comparison of Action Alternatives by Acres Table 2.2 Comparison of Roads Needed for Each Action Alternative
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