MIDAS Museus e estudos interdisciplinares Informações Museums, Discourse and Power Call for Papers MIDAS – issue 6 Édition électronique URL : http://journals.openedition.org/midas/623 ISSN : 2182-9543 Éditeur : Alice Semedo, Paulo Simões Rodrigues, Pedro Casaleiro, Raquel Henriques da Silva, Ana Carvalho Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 1 mai 2019. Midas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License Museums, Discourse and Power 1 Museums, Discourse and Power Call for Papers MIDAS – issue 6 MIDAS – Museum Interdisciplinary Studies is launching a call for papers for issue 6 for publication in Autumn 2015. This issue will include a thematic dossier under the theme “Museums, Discourse and Power” with Paulo Simões Rodrigues (University of Évora), and Laurajane Smith (Australian National University) as guest editors. All accepted articles will undergo a double peer-review. Articles should not exceed 6 000 words (without bibliography) or ca. 40 000 characters (with spaces). It must follow the classical structure of an academic paper. Articles should include abstract, keywords and the biography of the author(s). More information at: http://midas.revues.org/390? lang=en Deadline: March 31st, 2015. Send your text to:
[email protected] Museums, Discourse and Power Throughout their History, museums have established discourses about the cultural significance of their collections through the selection, reception, classification, cataloguing, and exhibition of objects. These discourses were - and still are - determinant for the creation of collective memories as well as for establishing the ways in which societies deal with the past in the present. They also contribute actively to shape social, moral, political and ideological values.