Minutes recorded by Ray S Shaw (Deanery Administrator) Office Tel: 01909 548000 c/o Christ Church Office, Thievesdale Close, S81 0XS email: [email protected] webpage:

Minutes of Bassetlaw & Bawtry Deanery Synod Held on 18th October 2016 at Ye Olde Bell Hotel, , nr

The meeting opened at 7:30 pm with welcome from the Area Dean Rev’d Julia Jesson who with lay-Chair John Chambers jointly chaired the meeting. Prayers and worship were led by the Area Dean. Congratulations were offered to Rev Stephen Parker and Rev Luiz Lima on being offered ministerial places following curacy.

Attendance: there were 39 Synod members from both Houses present from a total membership of 77. There are 17 House of Laity places vacant.

Large sheets of paper were put on each table and members were asked to write down thoughts as they occurred on the questions: “What is your church doing / could be doing towards the Bishop’s plan” and “What for you would make deanery synod better or more affirming?”

An analysis of these comments will be forthcoming.

AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION ACTION 2. Apologies Received from or given for 17 members. 3&4. Appoint- Rev Luiz Lima (Christ Church St Luke’s designate) and Mr Harvey ments to St’d Falcon (Blyth) were both elected to Deanery Synod Standing Ctee. Committee. 4a. Diocesan Rev Julia Jesson was appointed to represent the Deanery on Synod Diocesan Synod.

5. Minutes of The minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed: Marlene meeting July Simpson (Ranskill), seconded Chris Trend (Retford parish). 16th 2016 6. Matters There were none offered. arising

7. Pastoral There were none raised. concerns. 8. Speaker: Kathy, Chair Fairtrade and Traidcraft for Bassetlaw gave a very Kathy informative talk and presentation on the work of Fairtrade and the Cowbrough way it introduces social improvement through engaging producers Fairtraid. and suppliers. She also brought along samples of products for sale and gave ideas on how churches can become more active in the initiative. Her PowerPoint presentation is available by clicking on this link: 2/deaneries/bassetlaw-bawtry-deanery/bassetlawbawtry- synod/?preview_id=5198&preview_nonce=bd371a86d5&_thumbna il_id=-1&preview=true 9. Area Julia concentrated on the Bishop’s initiative of growing disciples Dean’s younger, wider, deeper and asked PCCs to put together the three report. target strategies they are to adopt to achieve a contribution to the target of 7000 new followers. This might include community activities, nurture groups and more formal courses. These ideas should be sent to Ray Shaw, Deanery Administrator to co-ordinate and churches should look to launch the initiatives on Advent Sunday.

Page 1 of 2 10. Nurture Rev Jonathan Strickland spoke of the opportunities that courses such as Alpha, START and Pilgrim offer to grow disciples. Samples were on display. 11. Illuminate Mr Rick Brand brought Synod up to date on the activities centres 2016 on Thanksgiving 2016 and also the build up to 2020 and beyond. Full details will be circulated by means of the Deanery Weekly Bulletin. 12 Strategic 12.1 Vacancies: Plan .1 Worksop Christ Church & Shireoaks Benefice. Rev Luiz Lima has been appointed Vicar. (His licensing is on January 18th.) .2 Blyth Scrooby Ranskill. Still unclear about how this benefice is to move forward but discussion is continuing with some urgency, along with the chaplaincy post at Worksop North Notts College. .3 St John’s Carlton. The profile is complete and the post is to be advertised immediately. .4 St Michael’s Retford, Babworth, Scofton and Sutton-cum- Lound. The parish profile is complete and the post has been advertised but no applications have been forthcoming. Re- advertising nationally will be put on hold for 2-3 months. .5 St Anne’s Worksop and St Mary Norton Cuckney Vestry meeting planned for October 30th. 12.2 Reverend Canon Michael Mitton has been appointed by the Archdeacon to oversee a review of Retford Area Team Ministry. He is interviewing a selection of people across the deanery as part of the process and will take submissions. 13. Finance 12.1 Deanery funds stand at £2657 with some room hire refund awaited. Funds are still available for mission ‘pump-priming’ opportunities as are Diocesan funds for major projects. 12.2 GfM 2016. Receipts at the end of September are at 67.3% against 70.3% at the same time in 2015. This equates to £4940 less cash received. Twenty-six parishes are on target though two parishes are yet to contribute. 14. Giving for The increase to Bassetlaw and Bawtry total share next year is 0%. Ministry 2017 The new process for allocation adopted at the last Deanery Synod has resulted in each group and benefice total will be the same as 2016. If the distribution of that total between individual parishes is to be different, PCC Treasurers are asked to inform Ray Shaw latest 18th November. 15. Cor- An email was read out from Rev Simon Cash, now Team Rector at respondence Dewsbury Minster, thanking Deanery Synod for the gift of the hamper, prayers and good wishes.

Other The Younger leadership College is to be launched on November business 28th and church members are encouraged to attend. The college is also looking for Christian role models in business and other areas of secular life. Please inform Rev Jonathan Strickland if you or someone you know can offer this ministry.

Meeting closed with Prayer at 21:10 with prayer. Dates for 2017 Synod meetings will be set and advised by the end of November. Minutes of past meetings can be found at:

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