| Naval Stores Review and Journal of Trade
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| NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE Weekly Paper for Naval Stores Producers, Factors, Exporters and Dealers, and Manufacturers of Soaps, Paints, Varnishes, Paper, Printing Inks, etc., efc. .— ; VOL. XXI, No. 23. a SAVANNAH, GA., Saturday, September 2, 1911. a Price, $5.00 Per Annum ‘ N\ | W- D. KRENSON. H. D. WEED. J. A. G. CARSON, President. H.L.KAYTON, Ist Vice-President. T. A. JENNINGS, 2ndVice-President. J. D. WEED & CoO.. J. A. G. CARSON, Jr., 3d Vice-President. W. L.McDOWELL,4th Vice-President. Savannah, Georgia. H. F. E. SCHUSTER, Secretary. R. T. WALLER, Jr., Treasurer. : EE sesame a a Wholesale Carson d 30 Naval Stores Company. [ \. | pamand Railroad are Spikes. | - Bar Band and Hoop Iron, | ...Factors and Wholesale Grocers... Turpentine Tools, Ftc. | . ORGANIZED IN 1879. OLDEST HOUSE IN THE BUSINESS. oo < Zz = Cm 3 Principal Office, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA ® £ mm > National Bank Building. 3 > oo g Branch Office, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, = : < g 2 Atlantic National Bank Building. 0 = > TE og = hp 2 g w@) zed With an organization unsurpassed and ample means at our 2 S ~ > 8 EB command, our facilities for handling your business are o IT S wn GET second to none. 2 CU >= r iE g 5 .... WE INVITE YOUR CORRESPONDENCE... = = rr T} 2 \ win £3 m i 5 > : — 5 = : ~~ & Fotesstetentofesrsteorofedendefeod deed detetrboby 22 90 >| ¥ ¢ CHESNUTT & O'NEILL, ’ $18: cri mm r J | i us # : NAVAL STORES FACTORS, TI 2i as oo .g| va if Cox Wholesale Grocers and C= ; a5 | A g =Xj 2 > Deters 1a all Kinds of SUIPPLT ES. : : T Oo 11 8 Im In 2 FEE 0D co; $ Ship your naval stores to us at 20 Im ® 5 er = Savannah,the Leading Market of the 2 2 AJ Z QO ge © $= World, and thus aid in keeping up 2 > wn sew} 0 y 3 Competition and maintaining High 2 tn g ee = <>: < P rices. AY Ia : 2% cS er] O = EQ § = : b : Send Us Your Orders at Savannah, Georgia. | BFE - - >. 2 dae L__2 4 Safed fected foc sfosfosfosfe desfsfosfodfesfodpifose OUR TWO PIECE ADJUSTABLE APRON CUP. OUR GUTTERLESS SYSTEM CUP We are now prepared to accept orders for the two styles of cups we are offering to producers, with prices for the various styles of cups given below OUR GUTTERLESS SYSTEM CUP Our gutterless cups are made 13 inches wide, and will hold about one quart. Our gutterless cup is a decided improvement on the turpentine cup, as the entire cup is made of one piece, and is hung on an 8d finishing nail. Hole in cup is made funnel shape from the back, which makes cup very easy to hang on tree. Our gutterless cups are the cheapest cups on the market to attach to timber, and can be moved up at the end of the season for less than $20.00 per crop. We are making this cup in No. 30 and No. 29 gauge galvanized iron, with prices as follows: No. 30 gauge galvanized iron per crop of 10,000 cups, $430. No. 29 gauge galvanized iron per crop of 10,000 cups, S460. When cups are to be crated, add $1.50 per thousand extra. These prices are f. 0. b. factory, Wheeling, W. Va. OUR TWO PIECE ADJUSTABLE APRON CUP Is the nearest perfect apron cup on the market, as it is hung on two nails which insures the cup to hang level, and is made of heavy galvanized iron. Our apron system is also very easy to remove to dip, and there is no danger of it falling or being knocked off of tree. The shape is practically the same as our other cups, which insures it against freezing. Capacity, one quart. Price, $4.75, per crop of 10,000 cups with adjust- able two piece aprons. When crated add $1.50 per thousand extra. : Prices are fo. b. factory, Wheeling, W. Va. DIP TROWELS Price of trowels per dozen {. o. b. Biloxi, Miss., 3.50 CC. TERMS.... Two per cent. off for cash if paid within ten days from date of shipment, or thirty days net to parties who are known to us, or you can have us ship cups through your commission merchant, or have your commission merchant write guaranteeing & the order, otherwise we require one-fourth cash with order, balance sight-draft, bill of lading attached. BYRD TURPENTINE CUP CO. BILOXI MISSISSIPPI 3 Gives Great Increase 8 In Spirits Turpentine Office of with the outside world suspended on WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW Monday and, to aconsiderable degreeon Tuesday, had a depressing effect on the Condenser That Makes Gallon and Half Savannah, Ga., September 2, 1911 market. No orders being received and More Spirits To Barrel of Crude the trade occupying a position of un- “For the first time since the season x C— i —o- opened the current week saw the re- certainty in general, prices went off ceipts of turpentine at Savannah less and the early receipts of the week were The attention of turpentine operators than for the corresponding week of last gobbled up at 50§@5H1¢. The last half is directed to the Bryant Turpentine year. Not only that, but the trade is of the week brought more settled con- Condenser, which is described as one impressed with the fact that this con- ditions, liberal orders were reported of the most remarkable inventions of dition is apt to continue throughou: rom lurope, mainly for near-by ship- the day with regard to the turpentine nent, indicating pressing needs, and industry. The Condenser in question the month now opening. It would sur- or prise no one if September showed a while the domestic business offering it is stated, will produce one and a half decided falling off in supplies of spirits was somewhat disappointing there was gallons more spirits from a barrel of not only at Savannah but at all the a resumption of activity among the crude dipped gum than by any other other ports. This is due to a period of large buyers and the market Thursday process known. In other words this excessive rains that set in two weeks and Friday was cleaned of offerings at Condenser gives to the operator from ago in some portions of the southern bli¢. Today the market was cleaned at seventy-five cents to one dollar or more and western territory and this week has 513 to 52¢. The demand in the United value to every barrel of crude gum he marked much of the Georgia and States has not displayed the snap that gathers for distillation purposes. Florida naval stores belt as well. Con- was expected, but the hope is still en- No turpentine operator needs to have tertained that now that fall has opened siderable of the turpentine producing the value of such an addition to his country in Alabama, Mississippi and there will be a more pronounced im- plant forced upon him. He sees it at Louisiana has suffered from continued pulse to trade and a volume of domestic once. No turpentine operator, of course, rains during the past fortnight, hamper- orders sufficient to offset any falling off can afford to deliberately discard a gal- ing operations on the naval stores farm in foreign demand that may come— lon and a half of turpentine to a barrel if come it does. The trade all concedes and, in some instances, bringing them of crude gum by refusing to avail him- practically to a elose. The more recent that the weight of the crop has been self of a patent that guarantees him rains in Georgia and the peninsula of marketed, that the minimum price for that increase in his output. ; the year was reached at 48 cents, and Florida are having the same effect. The well-known firm of McMillan that there is little reason now to antici- Brothers of Savannah and Jacksonville, Reports in the newspapers, the official pate any declines carrying the market data furnished by the weather bureau, the oldest and largest manufacturing and 'private advices coming to the below 50 cents, if that price should even house in the copper still line, and factors from the operators, all show be reached again. If September proves known to naval stores men from Wil- that the rainfalls over a large area have a month generally unfavorable for pro- mington to New Orleans, is manufac- been sufficient to interfere seriously duction a higher level of values would turing the Bryant Turpentine Con- with work in the woods for the time seem to be assured. densers exclusively. This guarantees being. The result necessarily is an that it will be manufactured in the best manner that highly skilled me- immediate curtailment of the output A strong demand for pale rosins, the of turpentine and rosin and a speedy chanics using the best materials can supplies of which are comparatively make it, and puts behind it the guar- showing on the receipts at the ports. meagre, is one of the features of the As the rains in considerable of the antee of a house that for more than a rosin situation at this time. The produe- quarter of a century has stood high Savannah district were especially heavy tion of palesfell far short of expectations this week, the effect should be quite with turpentine producers. Every tur- this year, despite the expansion of the pentine operator should write for full pronounced in receipts the next ten cup system, and as many soap makers days or two weeks. After the severe information as to this remarkable in- held off from buying, hoping for lower vention.