Imaging the Airways
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Rochester Institute of Technology RIT Scholar Works Theses 2008 Imaging the airways Betsy Skrip Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Skrip, Betsy, "Imaging the airways" (2008). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by RIT Scholar Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses by an authorized administrator of RIT Scholar Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of The College of Imaging Arts and Sciences In Candidacy for the Degree of MASTER OF FINE ARTS IMAGING THE AIRWAYS 3D Modeling of a Complete Respiratory Airway for Use in Computational Flow Dynamics Studies of Particle Deposition in the Lungs Creation of an Educational Animation about the Respiratory System for Use in the Human Visualization Project and CollaboRITorium ETSY SKRIP Medical Illustration Date Approved: October 7, 2008 IMAGING THE AIRWAYS 3D Modeling of a Complete Respiratory Airway for Use in Computational Flow Dynamics Studies of Particle Deposition in the Lungs Creation of an Educational Animation about the Respiratory System for Use in the Human Visualization Project and CollaboRITorium Betsy Skrip Medical Illustration, Rochester Institute of Technology ABSTRACT CONTENTS The IMAGING THE AIRWAYS thesis project is a multidiscipline and INTRODUCTION 1 multimedia endeavor consisting of two main parts: I. 3D Modeling of a Complete Respiratory Airway for Use in Computational Flow Dynamics Part I.I Bronchi/Bronchiole Model Studies of Particle Deposition in the Lungs and II. Creation of an Educational ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT 2 Animation about the Respiratory System for Use in RIT’s Human Visualization BACKGROUND 2 Project and CollaboRITorium. THE BODY OF WORK 4 CONCLUSIONS 8 Part I involved collaboration with RIT’s Mechanical Engineering Department to construct a 3D model of one complete respiratory pathway, from the Part I.2 Respiratory Membrane oral cavity to the site of gas exchange between the lungs and the blood. ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT 10 The project is a continuation of thesis work completed by Jackie Russo, MS BACKGROUND 10 Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2007 and Jessica Weisman, MFA Medical THE BODY OF WORK 12 Illustration, Class of 2007. Russo and Weisman constructed a model of the CONCLUSIONS 16 upper respiratory tract, from the oral cavity to generation 5 (as defined by Des Jardins, 2007). Weisman also constructed a model of a respiratory Part I.3 Promotional Materials acinus (generation 20-28). ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT 17 BACKGROUND 17 Part I of the IMAGING THE AIRWAYS thesis project involved creating a THE BODY OF WORK 17 Maya model of generations 6-19 to bridge the two existing models and CONCLUSIONS 38 creating a Maya model of the respiratory membrane to study nanoparticle translocation from the lungs to the blood. Part I of the project also involved Part II Respiratory System creating promotional materials that were featured in the March 17-April 9, Animation 2008 thesis show and at the 2008 Imagine RIT Innovation and Creativity ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT 39 Festival. The promotional materials consist of a 35” x 43” poster, a postcard, BACKGROUND 39 a website, and a one-minute promotional video. THE BODY OF WORK 40 CONCLUSIONS 46 Part II of the project involved creating a 5-minute animation about the respiratory system for use by RIT’s Human Visualization Project (HVP) and CollaboRITorium, as well as an HVP website. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS 50 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 50 REFERENCES 50 INTRODUCTION The IMAGING THE AIRWAYS proj- Studies of Particle Deposition in Part I.I Bronchi/Bronchiole Model ect consists of two main parts, with the Lungs Modeling of the respiratory path be- the first part further separated into The main thesis project, conducted for tween the upper tract and a respira- three sections. RIT’s Mechanical Engineering Depart- tory acinus. ment under the direction of thesis su- Part I. 3D Modeling of a Com- pervisors Dr. Risa Robinson, Jim Perkins, Part I.2 Respiratory Membrane plete Respiratory Airway for Use and Glen Hintz, as well as professors Modeling of the respiratory membrane in Computational Flow Dynamics Nancy Ciolek and Ann Pearlman. at the cellular and molecular levels in 1 IMAGING THE AIRWAYS Part I.I ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT, BACKGROUND order to visualize nanoparticle trans- el will then be meshed to the two Jackie Russo (MS Mechanical Engi- port from the lungs into the blood- existing models to form one com- neering, Class of 2007) and Jessica stream. plete model. Weisman (MFA Medical Illustration, Class of 2007)–designed their thesis Part I.3 Promotional Materials The complete model will be im- projects to model parts of the re- Creation of promotional materials for ported into two computational flow spiratory system using 3D comput- the project to educate the RIT commu- dynamic engineering software pro- er software. The models were then nity and other interested audiences. grams (Fluent and Comsol) in order analyzed using engineering compu- to study particle flow and deposi- tational flow dynamics software in Part II. Creation of an Educational tion in the lungs. order to study fluid flow and par- Animation about the Respiratory ticle deposition in the respiratory System for Use in the Human Vi- Effectiveness and accuracy of the system. model will be evaluated based on sualization Project and CollaboRI- comparisons to published data, Russo and Weisman produced the Torium such as that derived from biological following models: An animation and website created for specimens. RIT’s Human Visualization Project and 1. A model of the upper respira- CollaboRITorium under the direction of Current methods for creating an ac- tory tract thesis supervisors, as well as Dr. Rich- curate model of the respiratory air- Created by Russo (2007) and Weis- ard Doolittle, Shaun Foster, and Dr. ways include scanning and creating man (2007) Jake Noel-Storr. casts from cadavers; however, these This model consists of three mod- methods create only a static model. els, each created using different The main contribution of working methods: (1) the oral cavity, (2) the in Maya is the ability to generate a oropharynx, laryngeopharynx, and Part I.I Bronchi/Bronchiole Model modifiable model in which research- larynx, and (3) the trachea through Modeling of the respiratory path be- ers can vary different parameters of bronchi generation 5. tween the upper tract and a respira- the tract’s morphometry and exam- tory acinus. ine the effects of those variations. 2. A model of a respiratory aci- nus The ability to alter different param- Created by Weisman (2007) ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT eters of an airway model will en- This model was constructed us- hance research to better define the ing the same overall methods and The aim of this project is to create mechanics of breathing and changes consists of generations 20-28 (the a 3D computer-generated model of in particle flow and deposition respiratory bronchioles, alveolar generations 6-19 of a single respira- among different disease states, such ducts, and alveolar sacs). tory airway. as asthma and emphysema. Several systems exist for number- The model will bridge existing com- Maya also allows for the creation of a ing the structures of the respira- puter-generated models created for more organically shaped model than tory tree. Differences among these use by the Mechanical Engineer- current engineering CAD (Com- systems result in part because the ing Department: models extending puter-Aided Design) programs. number of branches beyond the from the oral cavity to generation 5 bronchi differ among individuals and and a model of a single acinus (gen- among the lungs’ regions. For this erations 20-28). BACKGROUND project, Des Jardin’s (2007) system was used, in which the structures The end product of this project will Over several years, Dr. Risa Robin- are numbered as follows: be a complete model of a respira- son in RIT’s Mechanical Engineering tory airway extending from the oral Department and Dr. Richard Doo- Generation cavity to the alveoli. little in RIT’s Allied Health Sciences Trachea 0 Department have spearheaded stu- Main stem bronchi 1 The model will be constructed in dent research to better understand Lobar bronchi 2 Maya from published data of airway the mechanics of breathing. Segmental bronchi 3 dimensions (e.g., papers authored Subsegmental bronchi 4-9 by Weibel and Horsfield). The mod- In 2006, two graduate students– Bronchioles 10-15 2 IMAGING THE AIRWAYS Part I.I BACKGROUND Terminal bronchioles 16-19 Using Gambit, Russo calculated a them with Russo and Weisman’s Respiratory bronchioles 20-23 higher air velocity and turbulence in models. This effort would thereby Alveolar ducts 24-27 the smoker model. For the particle establish a complete pathway from Alveolar sacs 28 deposition analysis, Russo injected the oral cavity (the site of gas ex- 0.1-µm (micrometer), 1-µm, 3-µm, change between the atmosphere Generations 0-19 are termed “con- 5-µm, 9-µm, and 10-µm particles and the lungs) to the respiratory ducting” structures, for they channel into both models and calculated membrane (the site of gas exchange air from the mouth and nose to the deposition in five regions: the oral between the lungs and the blood). respiratory acini (as well as in the cavity, throat (i.e, the oropharynx, To the best of our knowledge, such opposite direction from the acini laryngeopharynx, and larynx), tra- a model has never before been cre- to the atmosphere). Gas exchange chea, left main bronchi, and right ated. with the blood occurs within the main bronchi. respiratory acini, which each consist Completing the pathway would in- of generations 20-28. Russo found that over twice as many volve creating a model of genera- particles deposited in the smoker tions 6-19 (to connect the models Previous Research model than in the non-smoker of the upper respiratory tract and In her study, 3D Reconstruction of a model.