Volume 1

Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd TACP BHC 29 Cathedral Road, 10 Park Grove, Suite 23 CARDIFF Coleridge House CF11 9HA CF10 3BN NW6 3QH

Tel: 029 2082 7000 Tel: 029 2022 8666 Tel: 020 7372 2600 Fax: 029 2082 7001 Fax: 029 2039 4776 Fax: 020 7372 2662



Client: Welsh Assembly Government – Transport Directorate

Project: A40 St Clears to Study – REPORT

Address: Cathays Park , CARDIFF CF10 3NQ


Name: P.R.Goddard

Position: Associate



Name: O.G.Thomas

Position: Associate



Name: O.G.Thomas

Position: Associate



Transport Directorate 2 Copies PB 1 Copy TACP 1 Copy

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2 ROUTE OPTION ASSESSMENT AND APPRAISAL PROCESS 4 2.1 THE BRIEF 4 2.2 STAGE 1 ROUTE CORRIDOR ASSESSMENT AND APPRAISAL 4 2.3 STAGE 2 ROUTE OPTION ASSESSMENT AND APPRAISAL 5 2.3.1 Route Option Identification, Assessment and Appraisal 5 2.3.2 Objectives and Basic principles 5 2.3.3 Stage 2 Assessment and appraisal 5 2.4 VALUE ENGINEERING WORKSHOP 5

3 EXISTING ROUTE DESCRIPTION 7 3.1 CHAINAGES 7 3.2 TRAFFIC AND ACCIDENT DATA 7 3.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCALITY 7 3.4 EXISTING HIGHWAY NETWORK 8 3.4.1 Sections A and B St Clears to Bypass and Whitland Bypass 8 3.4.2 Section C Whitland Bypass to 10 3.4.3 Section D Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin 11 3.4.4 Section E Penblewin to 13 3.4.5 Sections F and G Canaston Bridge to Deep Lake Farm 15 3.4.6 Sections H and I Deep Lake Farm to Scotchwell Roundabout 17 3.5 TOPOGRAPHY, LAND USE AND OWNERSHIP, PROPERTY AND INDUSTRY 18 3.5.1 Topography 18 3.5.2 Land Use 18 3.5.3 Land Ownership 18 3.5.4 Special Land. 18 3.5.5 Property 19 3.5.6 Industry 19 3.6 CLIMATE 19 3.6.1 General 19 3.6.2 Rainfall 19 3.6.3 Winds 19 3.6.4 Temperature 19 3.6.5 Snow 20 3.6.6 Visibility 20 3.7 DRAINAGE 20 3.7.1 Flooding 20 3.7.2 Water Abstraction 21 3.8 GEOLOGY 21 3.8.1 Ground Conditions 21 3.8.2 Stratigraphical Description 21

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3.8.3 Solid Geology 22 3.8.4 Superficial Geology 23 3.9 MINING AND QUARRYING 23 3.10 PUBLIC UTILITIES 23 3.10.1 General 23 3.10.2 British Telecom 24 3.10.3 Transco 24 3.10.4 (Supply) 24 3.10.5 Welsh Water (Sewerage) 25 3.10.6 Western Power Distribution 25 3.10.7 Summary 25 3.11 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS 25 3.11.1 General 25 3.11.2 Air Quality 25 3.11.3 Cultural Heritage 25 3.11.4 Ecology and Nature Conservation 26 3.11.5 Landscape 26 3.11.6 Land Use 26 3.11.7 Traffic Noise and Vibration 26 3.11.8 Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians & Community 27 3.11.9 Vehicle Travellers 27 3.11.10 Water Quality & Drainage 27 3.11.11 Geology and Soils 28 3.12 STATUTORY DESIGNATED AREAS 28 3.12.1 National Park 28 3.12.2 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 28 3.12.3 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 28 3.12.4 Candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSAC) 29 3.13 PLANNING FACTORS 29 3.13.1 Outline 29 3.13.2 Framework 29 3.13.3 Joint Unitary Development Plan (JUDP) (Deposit Version 2002). 30 3.13.4 Unitary Development Plan – (Deposit Version, November 2002) 30

4 ENGINEERING INFORMATION AND PARAMETERS FOR ROUTE OPTION DEVELOPMENT 31 4.1 HIGHWAY STANDARDS 31 4.1.1 Option types 31 4.1.2 Highway Standards 31 4.1.3 Costs 33 4.1.4 Design Principles 33 4.2 PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATION OF STRUCTURES 34 4.2.1 Survey of Existing Structures 34 4.2.2 Strength of Existing Structures 34 4.2.3 Summary of Preliminary Consideration 35 4.3 JUNCTION STRATEGY 35 4.3.1 Junction types and their properties. 35 4.3.2 Junction Strategy to be adopted 37 4.3.3 Private Means of Access 38 4.4 BUILDABILITY ISSUES 38


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6 DO SOMETHING OPTION - SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY STRATEGY 40 6.1 INTRODUCTION 40 6.1.1 Section A St Clears to Whitland Bypass 40 6.1.2 Section B Whitland Bypass 44 6.1.3 Section C Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey 44 6.1.4 Section D Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin 44 6.1.5 Section E Penblewin to Canaston Bridge 52 6.1.6 Section F Canaston Bridge to Park 63 6.1.7 Section G Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm 64 6.1.8 Section H Deep Lake Farm to Golf Club 71 6.1.9 Section I Haverfordwest Golf Club to Scotchwell Roundabout 72 6.2 OVERTAKING 72

7 DO SOMETHING OPTION - DUAL CARRIAGEWAY STRATEGY 74 7.1 INTRODUCTION 74 7.1.1 Section A St Clears to Whitland Bypass 75 7.1.2 Section B Whitland Bypass 75 7.1.3 Section C Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey 76 7.1.4 Section D Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin 77 7.1.5 Section E Penblewin to Canaston Bridge 81 7.1.6 Section F Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park 89 7.1.7 Section G Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm 90 7.1.8 Section H Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Club 95 7.1.9 Section I Haverfordwest Golf Club to Scotchwell Roundabout 97 7.2 INITIAL JUNCTION PROPOSALS 99 7.2.1 Single Carriageway Junctions 100 7.2.2 Dual Carriageway Junctions 100 7.2.3 Access to Farm and Private Properties 100

8 TRAFFIC AND ACCIDENT ANALYSIS 101 8.1 GENERAL 101 8.2 TRAFFIC DATA 101 8.2.1 Existing Conditions (2002 data) 101 8.2.2 Accident Data 101 8.3 MODELLING AND VALIDATION 103 8.4 FORECASTING 103 8.5 CONGESTION REFERENCE FLOWS 104 8.6 EFFECTS OF SCHEME OPTIONS 105 8.6.1 Journey time savings 105 8.6.2 Journey Time Reliability 107 8.6.3 Accident Savings 107 8.7 CONCLUSIONS 107

9 ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF OPTIONS 109 9.1 INTRODUCTION 109 9.2 METHODS OF ANALYSIS 109 9.2.1 Application of COBA 109 9.3 INPUT DATA 109 9.3.1 Forecasting 109

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9.3.2 QUADRO 109 9.3.3 Cost 109 9.4 OUTPUT DATA 110 9.4.1 COBA Results 110 9.4.2 Economics – COBA Analysis 111 9.5 NETWORK AND PRINTOUTS 111 9.6 DISCUSSION OF COBA RESULTS 111 9.6.1 NPV for options to be taken forward to the Technical Appraisal Report. 111 9.6.2 The valuation of accidents. 112 9.6.3 Valuation of accidents on links. 112 9.6.4 Valuation of accidents at junctions. 112 9.6.5 Link transit costs and traffic delay at roundabouts 112 9.6.6 Sensitivity testing 113 9.6.7 Programme and construction sequence 113 9.7 WIDER ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 114 9.7.1 Introduction 114 9.7.2 Key Objectives 114 9.7.3 Key Conclusions 114

10 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS 116 10.1 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY 116 10.1.1 Single Carriageway 116 10.1.2 Dual Carriageway 118 10.2 ROUTE OPTION DEVELOPMENT 120 10.2.1 Constraints 120 10.2.2 Single Carriageway Option 121 10.2.3 Dual Carriageway Options 121 10.3 SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION WITH PUBLIC BODIES 121 10.3.1 Environmental Liaison Group 121



13 PROCUREMENT OPTIONS 127 13.1 CRITERIA 127 13.1.1 ICE 5th/6th/7th Edition Form of Contract. 127 13.1.2 Design and Build (D&B) 127 13.1.3 Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) 127 13.1.4 Private Finance Initiative (PFI/DBFO) 128 13.2 PROCUREMENT OPTION 128


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14.3 ROUTE OPTIONS REPORT 130 14.4 ENVIRONMENTAL APPRAISAL 130 14.5 TRAFFIC FLOWS AND ACCIDENTS 130 14.6 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 131 14.6.1 COBA and QUADRO Analysis 131 14.6.2 Wider economic assessment 131 14.7 STAG APPRAISAL 131 14.8 ROUTES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR TAKING FORWARD TO THE TECHNICAL APPRAISAL REPORT (TAR) 131 14.8.1 Option Appraisal 131 14.8.2 Access to Farm and Private Properties 132 14.8.3 Procurement Option 133




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1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION. The A40 trunk road, together with the , the A48 trunk road and the A477 trunk road forms part of the Trans European Network-Transport (TEN-T) in South West and is a strategically important link between the national motorway network and the port of Fishguard. The A40 in southwest Wales forms the lowest standard section of the TEN-T in the United Kingdom.

The Welsh Assembly Government stated in its Trunk Road Forward Programme 2002 (TRFP 2002) that there were major problems associated with upgrading the freight carrying capacity on rail in this area, which meant that significant improvement of this mode of transport in the foreseeable future were not viable. Therefore it was satisfied that improvement to the A40 between St Clears and Haverfordwest was needed and that economic benefits would accrue.

Furthermore the Assembly Government stated that upgrading of the road to dual carriageway standard was likely to be justified, but that before a decision could be made, more information on the environmental implications associated with alternative standards was required.

The TRFP 2002 also stated that improvements on the A40 between Haverfordwest and Fishguard would be limited to discrete improvements only. In view of this, the investigation of route options undertaken by the Assembly Government and referred to in this report is confined to those on the section of the A40 between St Clears and Haverfordwest.

In August 2002 Parsons Brinckerhoff were commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government to:

· review existing information and previous studies on the A40 west of St Clears, · undertake investigations, consultations and appropriate appraisal, including technical, environmental social and economic assessment of the route corridor, · make recommendations on the standards and options for improvement of the route, including advice on environmental, social and economic effects and procurement leading to a public consultation exercise and announcement of a preferred route for a scheme. Further detail on the requirements of the Commission Brief in respect of the appraisal of acceptable route options is given in paragraph 1.2 below.

The first phase of this investigation was to report on the options considered. This is that report. In view of the fact that improvements between Haverfordwest and Fishguard would be limited to discrete improvements only, this report only considers those sections of the corridor between St Clears and Haverfordwest. It reports on the results of the assessment and appraisal of the route options that were investigated along the existing broad trunk road corridor, which was identified in the Stage 1 Corridor Appraisal Report (Ref R8) as being the corridor that best met the scheme objectives.

1.2 THE COMMISSION BRIEF The brief required the consultant to prepare a Route Options Report (ROR) to summarise the technical aspects of the existing highway problems and describe how suitable alternatives could solve them. The report should:

· identify and evaluate all suitable alternatives in terms of engineering, traffic, safety, economics and environmental impact:

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· illustrate the alternatives investigated on 1:2500 drawings noting the reasons for discarding any: · recommend alternatives for public consultation, including junction strategy and a form of procurement: · include the views of consulted bodies where instructed to do so by the Assembly Government · Provide an environmental appraisal framework for each of the suitable alternatives in accordance with Volume 11 of the Design Manual for Road and Bridgeworks (DMRB) · Rank the suitable alternatives in terms of their Net Present Value (NPV) and buildability · State, which, if any, departures and relaxations from design standards are required. · Include sections on: o existing conditions

o history and current planning factors

o traffic surveys, analysis and forecasting

o anticipated constructional difficulties

o a summary of a report on existing structures

· Include a summary of the Stage 2 Environmental Assessment (including Constraints Plan(s) 1.3 SUPPORTING REPORTS AND RELEVANT INFORMATION Throughout this report, chainages, which indicate the distance in metres from the zero point, run from west to east commencing with zero at the A40/A4076 roundabout in Haverfordwest. However, all route descriptions are written from east to west, starting with the roundabout at St Clears.

A number of other reports have been prepared and are listed and referenced below. Where appropriate, these are cross-referenced in this report.

Reports in chronological order:

R1 Report on Traffic Data and Surveys Volume 1 – February 2003

R2 Report on Traffic Data and Surveys Volume 2 – February 2003

R3 Preliminary Sources Study 1 (PSS 1) – March 2003

R4 Survey of Existing Structures Report – March 2003

R5 Desk Study Report on Condition of Existing Pavement – May 2003

R6 Initial Traffic and Accident Data Report – July 2003

R7 Local Model Validation Report – August 2003

R8 Stage 1 Corridor Appraisal Report – Sept 2003

R9 Traffic Forecasting Report - November 2003

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R10 Stage 2 Environmental Assessment Report – December 2003

R11 Economic Assessment Report – December 2003

R12 The wider Economic Impact of Improvements to the A40 Trunk Road West of St Clears – December 2003

R13 Preliminary Sources Study 2 (PSS 2) – (Internal working document)

R14 Route Options Report – (Not Used)

R15 Annex to Report on Traffic Data and Surveys Volume 1 - February 2004

R16 Annex to Report on Traffic Data and Surveys Volume 2 - February 2004

R17 Stage 2 Environmental Assessment Report – February 2004

R18 Safety of Children, Pedestrians, Equestrians and Cyclists Report – April 2004

R19 Revised Traffic and Accident Data Report –July 2004

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2.1 THE BRIEF The Brief required that the assessment and appraisal of options for the road improvement scheme should follow the process described below.

The route options were to be assessed and appraised using the Scottish Executive's draft publication STAG (Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance) published in 2001, pending the publication of an appraisal guidance document for Wales. The Welsh Assembly Government required the assessment/appraisal process to commence with the setting of scheme objectives based upon the Network and Corridor Objectives described in the Trunk Road Forward Programme under the headings of the UK Government's five transport assessment criteria of:

· Accessibility, · Safety, · Environment, · Economy and · Integration. The scheme objectives were derived from the network and corridor objectives for the trunk road as outlined in the ‘The Transport Framework for Wales’ and the ‘Trunk Road Forward Programme 2002’. The table at Appendix A of this Route Options Report shows the linkage between the sets of objectives and how the scheme objectives were derived.

2.2 STAGE 1 ROUTE CORRIDOR ASSESSMENT AND APPRAISAL The Stage 1 Corridor Appraisal Report (Ref R8) described how the route corridor options were appraised against the scheme objectives. These scheme objectives had been derived from the network and corridor objectives for the trunk road as outlined in the ‘The Transport Framework for Wales’ and the ‘Trunk Road Forward Programme 2002’. The table at Appendix A shows the linkage between the sets of objectives and how the scheme objectives were derived.

The route options that are presented in this report are those that have been developed from the initial corridor assessment carried out and reported in the Stage 1 Corridor Appraisal Report (ref R8) The Appraisal Summary Tables (AST1) have been included in Appendix B for reference purposes. See also Fig ROR 003

The Stage 1 process concluded that

"…improvement proposals should be confined to routes that are broadly within the existing trunk road corridor. Routes that would be in significantly off-line corridors are likely to involve greater environmental impact, cost more and make less use of previous investment in the trunk road network."

For the assessment and appraisal of route options within the existing route corridor a Stage 2 process is required. Section 2.3 below describes the procedural requirements of the Welsh Assembly Government for a Stage 2 assessment and appraisal.

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2.3.1 Route Option Identification, Assessment and Appraisal The following sets out the objectives and basic principles of the initial assessment and appraisal process in identifying and considering route options. The Welsh Assembly Government provided these guidelines.

2.3.2 Objectives and Basic principles Objectives: · To consider route options, within the corridor taken forward from Stage 1, at a more detailed assessment and appraisal (Stage 2) level · To assess how these route options perform against the 5 assessment criteria and the Stage 2 scheme objectives · To identify routes that the Assembly could take forward for public consultation. Principles: In order to best meet these objectives route options should, as a general principle:

· avoid impact on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park or minimise impact if avoidance is not practical; · avoid impact on statutorily designated areas such as SSSIs, SACs etc; · provide a cost effective improvement that is demonstrably value for money. Identification of Route Options Route options are to be identified which broadly meet the principles outlined above.

2.3.3 Stage 2 Assessment and appraisal Route options within the corridor brought forward from the Stage 1 assessment will be assessed principally against the assessment criteria, but also to appraise their performance against the scheme objectives. Do nothing, Do minimum, Do something single and dual carriageway options, with variants, will be considered.

When assessing route options in detail, the relative significance and magnitude of the impacts on the environment will be considered using information obtained from the Stage 2 environmental assessment and the Phase II habitat survey. The economic performance of the options will be based upon traffic survey and accident data, the initial traffic forecasting for the COBA assessment and the business and economic data gained from the initial business and ferry surveys.

It will be necessary to identify the benefits and impacts of each route option to establish whether the anticipated expenditure represents good value for money and minimises environmental impact. To do this it will be necessary to consider each route option in sections between appropriate node points (major junctions) and undertake an incremental assessment that can be presented in a matrix. This matrix will assist in comparing the costs, benefits, impacts and other features of each option and sub-option to aid the decision making process. This matrix is to be developed during the Stage 2 process.

2.4 VALUE ENGINEERING WORKSHOP As part of the assessment and appraisal process the Welsh Assembly Government required a Value Engineering/Risk Management Study and Review Workshop to be undertaken. The

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objective of the workshop would be to review all of the route options considered to date from a value-engineering viewpoint and to identify/explore further route options or variants.

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This section describes the existing features and conditions pertaining to the trunk road corridor between St Clears and Haverfordwest. It provides, for each of the sections described below a brief description of the alignment, the safe overtaking provision, the condition of the existing pavement and the traffic flow and accident data. It also identifies any departures and relaxations from standards and deficiencies and describes the study area in terms of topography, climate, geology, land use and the significant environmental features.

It should be noted that for the purposes of description and subsequent assessment and consideration of route options, the trunk road between St Clears and Haverfordwest was divided into nine sections lengths. These are:

Section A St Clears - Whitland Bypass

Section B Whitland Bypass

Section C Whitland BP - Llanddewi Velfrey

Section D Llanddewi Velfrey - Penblewin

Section E Penblewin - Canaston Bridge

Section F Canaston Bridge - Slebech Park

Section G Slebech Park - Deep Lake Farm

Section H Deep lake Farm - Haverfordwest Golf Club

Section I Haverfordwest Golf Club - Scotchwell Roundabout.

3.1 CHAINAGES Where chainages have been quoted, they run from west to east, but the scheme has been described from St Clears to Haverfordwest. See FIG ROR 004 to ROR 007

3.2 TRAFFIC AND ACCIDENT DATA Summary accident and traffic data has been included in the descriptions for each section. For the detailed analysis, reference should be made to the “Initial Traffic and Accident Data Report”

3.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCALITY (See FIG ROR 001 to 017 and Figures 1.0 to 12.0)

The section of the A40 under consideration passes through the western part of Carmarthenshire and across Pembrokeshire to Haverfordwest in . The area is rural with a variety of agricultural holdings, villages and groups of houses and farm buildings. The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park lies adjacent to a section of the trunk road. The landscape comprises rolling farmland with areas of woodland and several distant views. There are a number of small and medium sized rivers that drain the locality.

The study area runs east to west from St Clears to Haverfordwest, following the line of the existing trunk road. The overall topography is undulating, rising from St Clears to Pont-y- fenni, and then falling to Whitland and the Afon Taf valley, before climbing to Llanddewi Velfrey and Penblewin and then falling to Canaston Bridge and the Eastern Cleddau. The

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ground then climbs to Arnolds Hill before falling to Deep Lake Farm from where it remains relatively level to Haverfordwest and the Western Cleddau


3.4.1 Sections A and B St Clears to Whitland Bypass and Whitland Bypass This section is generally of high a standard having been improved in 1982 at Pontyfenni and in 1996 with the Whitland Bypass. For most of its length, it complies with current trunk road standards consisting of a 7.3m single carriageway with 1.0 metre hardstrips and grassed verges, though in some localised areas, the hardstrips narrow or disappear and the verges have become overgrown. The speed is restricted to the national limit throughout with the exception of the immediate eastbound approach to the A477 St Clears roundabout where a 40mph limit applies.

Leaving the A40/A477 roundabout junction at St Clears, the road is generally straight for the first three kilometres until the start of a long left hand curve where it crosses the main to Fishguard railway at Pont-y-Fenni (Ch. 28+900). This is followed a kilometre and a half later by a shorter right hand curve before straightening out for a further kilometre on the approach to the B4328 Llanboidy Road four arm roundabout at Pen-y-coed (Ch. 26+100) just east of Whitland. From here, it continues straight for a further kilometre before entering a long left hand curve as it approaches the Black Bridge roundabout at the western end of the Whitland Bypass. This curve is a non overtaking curve (R720) and since on the approach from the east it follows an overtaking section the warning markings have been strengthened with hatched markings in order to make clear the presence of undesirable overtaking conditions. This section is designed to current 100kph single carriageway standards.

There are a number of properties with direct access on to the Trunk Road along the section between St Clears and just west of the railway at Pont-y-Fenni and a limited number of major/minor junctions. The majority of the accesses to the trunk road are field entrances. The junctions are all simple ‘T’ junctions with the exception of continuous ghost island hatchings for three adjacent side roads in the climbing lane section between Ch. 27+700 and Ch. 27+200. In Whitland, an overbridge carries North Road over the By-pass, although there is no junction with the A40. Type A Lay-bys are provided at regular intervals at the eastern end of the section, i.e. at Ch. 31+600 (Type B), Ch. 29+600 and Ch. 28+200 westbound and at Ch. 29+300 and Ch. 30+400 eastbound, although there is no provision at the western end.

The junction at Pwll Trap and that serving the Grovelands leisure complex have a poor accident record in recent years (see further detail below).

Major structures include pedestrian underpasses at Ch. 31+900, where the old Bethlehem Road has been severed, and at Ch. 25+350, the railway Underbridge at Ch. 28+900, river crossings for the Afon Fenni at Ch. 28+600 and the Afon Gronw at Ch. 25+150, a cattle underpass at Ch. 28+500 and the North Road overbridge at Ch. 24+500.

The existing road climbs gradually from the A40/A477 roundabout junction at St Clears for a distance of approximately 600 metres; a climbing lane is provided for westbound traffic which terminates just beyond a high point at Ch. 31+600. The road then falls for a short distance before climbing again to a crest at the junction to Grovelands. From here, it falls constantly for over a kilometre until crossing the main Carmarthen to Fishguard railway and the Afon Fenni.

Beyond the river, it climbs again on a gradient of some 4%, reaching a high point at Ch. 27+250; a climbing lane is provided for westbound traffic from Ch. 28+100 to Ch. 27+300. The trunk road falls at a shallow gradient before climbing again, this time on a 3% gradient, to a crest with a high point of over 61 metres at the B4328 Llanboidy Road roundabout. With

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the exception of a short section at Penygraig, where the road crosses a stream on 10 metres of embankment (Ch. 26+850 to Ch. 26+700), this section is generally in cutting.

Beyond the crest, the road falls for almost a kilometre on a gradient of up to 4% to a low point just beyond the Afon Gronw. It then undulates gently until the Black Bridge roundabout west of Whitland. This section is generally on shallow embankment except for a 500-metre section where it goes into cutting to pass beneath the North Road overbridge. Overtaking provision This section provides good safe overtaking opportunity in both directions and complies with standards. Pavement condition The Desk Study Report on the Condition of the Existing Pavement concluded that the condition of this section of the pavement was generally good with the deflectograph readings indicating that the pavement in general had a good life expectancy with short sections in excess of 20 years or more. A small area of failed carriageway exists just east of the Pwll Trap junction. The SCRIM tests indicated that the surface texture was good.

For further detail on the pavement tests undertaken and the results refer to the above report.

The report has been drawn to the attention of the Assembly's Network Management Division so that action on any failed sections of pavement could be carried out when deemed appropriate. Traffic Flows Automatic Traffic Counter (ATC) sites are located on this section of the A40 at the following locations:

· West of St Clears (Pont-y-Fenni) · Whitland Bypass The locations are shown on Fig ROR 012 in Volume 2.

The average annual daily traffic flows in 2002 are shown for each of the above sites in the summary table below.

Eastbound (AADT) Westbound (AADT) West of St Clears 4881 5015 Whitland Bypass 4324 4329

12 hour classified turning counts were undertaken at the St Clears Roundabout and at the Whitland eastern and western roundabouts. The findings of these surveys are summarised in Figures 3.2 – 3.4 of the Report on Traffic Data and Surveys (Volume 1). Accidents Accident records over the 5-year period, 1997 to 2001 give the following accident numbers:

Fatal Serious Slight 1997 1 2 4 1998 1 1 3 1999 1 1 3 2000 0 2 2 2001 0 2 1

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There are no accident cluster sites over this section of the route. However, five personal injury accidents occurred at the Pwll Trap junction, of which four accidents involved right turn movements. The junction that serves the Grovelands leisure facility currently comprises a simple ‘T’ junction with no provision for traffic turning right off the Trunk Road. There have been two fatal and one slight accident at this junction.

3.4.2 Section C Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey This section is similar in standard to the previous sections having been upgraded in 1987 as the Pengawse Hill Diversion and comprises a 7.3 metre wide single carriageway with 1 metre hardstrips and grassed verges with no speed restriction throughout. The section of carriageway up Pengawse Hill incorporates a westbound climbing lane. The road is generally rural with little frontage development and few side roads or field accesses, most of these occurring at the eastern end. It complies with current single carriageway design standards.

Leaving Black Bridge roundabout the road is straight for the first eight hundred metres then enters a large radius right hand curve followed by a short straight and a large radius left hand curve. The final kilometre approaching Gwyndy is again straight. There are no relaxations or departures from standards over this section.

Junctions with side roads are all simple with the exception of the access to Gwyndy and Bryncoed, which is a staggered (right-left stagger) single lane dualling section at the end of the westbound climbing lane. A single Type A lay-by is provided for westbound traffic at Ch. 22+950, just inside the Pembrokeshire boundary.

The road again crosses the Carmarthen to Fishguard railway some 100m west of Black Bridge roundabout, before continuing on embankment across the floodplain of the Afon Taf, which also forms the boundary between Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, and the Afon Marlais. In addition to the railway and two river crossings, there are two pedestrian underpasses in this section, at Ch. 22+800 and Ch. 22+100.

Across the floodplain, the road is relatively flat with an elevation of some 22-24 metres before it starts to climb beyond the Afon Marlais with a gradient of almost 8.0%, levelling off on the approach to Gwyndy at an elevation slightly above 100 metres. A climbing lane is provided throughout this steep climb for westbound traffic and the road passes through a series of cuts and fills up to 12 metres in depth. Overtaking provision This section provides good safe overtaking opportunity in both directions and complies with the standard. Pavement condition The Desk Study Report on the Condition of the Existing Pavement concluded that the condition of this section of the pavement was very good with the deflectograph readings indicating that the pavement in general had a long life expectancy well in excess of 20 years or more. The SCRIM tests indicated that the surface texture was good, except at both approaches to the Llanboidy roundabout and on several short sections just west of Whitland West roundabout.

For further detail on the pavement tests undertaken and the results refer to the above report.

The report has been drawn to the attention of the Assembly's Network Management Division so that action on any failed sections of pavement could be strengthened as deemed appropriate.

H:\HHI\JOBS\43696 A40 St Clears to Fishguard\Reports\Options Report\ROR\ROR Vol1 Rev 10.doc December 2004 Page 10 A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS ROUTE OPTIONS REPORT Traffic Flows There is not an automatic traffic counter installed along this section and therefore there is no current ATC data available. . The nearest ATC is approximately 1.2km west of Gwyndy Farm at Llanddewi Velfrey. At this location the AADT for 2002 was 5634 eastbound and 5214 westbound.

Twelve hour classified turning counts were undertaken at the western roundabout at Whitland, to the east of this section, and at the A40 / A478 roundabout at Penblewin to the west. The findings of these surveys are summarised in Figures 3.4 and 3.5 of the Report on Traffic Data and Surveys (Volume 1). Accidents Accident records over the 5-year period 1997 to 2001 gave the following accident numbers:

Fatal Serious Slight 1997 0 0 4 1998 0 1 1 1999 0 0 1 2000 0 2 2 2001 0 1 3

There are no accident cluster sites over this section of the route. However, at the junction of the A40 with Gwyndy Farm five injury accidents were reported during the study period, 60% of the accidents occurred in wet conditions.

3.4.3 Section D Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin West of the junction at Gwyndy, the Pengawse Hill diversion continues for approximately 500 metres before it enters the unimproved section as it passes through the village of Llanddewi Velfrey. Hardstrips are virtually non-existent, bar the presence of carriageway edge markings. The verges are often narrow or non-existent due to high banking, hedges, property boundaries and buildings. A footway is provided on the edge of the westbound carriageway from Gwyndy junction through the village but for most of its length it is less than a metre wide. There are a number of frontage properties, accesses and side roads including a filling station and a public house; the section is lit, and a speed limit of 40mph applies throughout.

Beyond the village, close to Ch. 18+700, the speed restriction ends and the road becomes rural again with little frontage development and few side roads or farm accesses although the cross-section is essentially the same. Properties are located on either side of the road on the immediate approach to the A478 roundabout junction at Penblewin with accesses directly onto the A40.

The approach to the village is straight and in accordance with design standards. As the road enters the 40 mph zone it passes through the village on a series of short straights and sub- standard curves where forward visibility is reduced below minimum levels due to the narrow verges. On leaving the village, the road straightens as it approaches the Penblewin roundabout on gentle horizontal curves. Near Henllan Cottage and Trefangor Cottage there are two low standard curves.

Despite the number of side roads and business accesses along this section, there is currently little provision for any right turning traffic. A right turn lane for westbound traffic at Ch 19+200, within Llanddewi Velfrey, has however recently been constructed

A small lay-by is provided at Ch. 20+500 eastbound at Bethel Chapel that can be used by wedding and funeral cars and can also be used by buses although there is no sign. There is also a private car park for the chapel. At Ch. 19+200 westbound there is a bus lay-by and

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shelter and immediately opposite there is a waiting area but no lay-by. There are also other locations, either at junctions or in front of properties, where buses are able to stop off the trunk road. A lay-by is also provided at Ch.18+000 to Ch.18+400 using a section of abandoned carriageway. There is an off-highway picnic area at Ch. 17+800 westbound with access from both carriageways but again no provision for right turning traffic; there is however a short length of deceleration lane for traffic entering the site from the westbound carriageway.

There are no significant structures within this section.

From the Gwyndy junction the road climbs steeply to the village reaching a maximum gradient of 10% before levelling off and reaching an elevation of 132.5 metres just as it reaches the first few properties. The road falls gradually through the main part of the village then more steeply at a gradient of up to 5% towards the western end of the village, undulating briefly before it climbs on the approach to the A478 roundabout at Penblewin. Overtaking provision The poor horizontal alignment through this section provides no safe overtaking opportunity. Pavement condition The Desk Study Report on the Condition of the Existing Pavement concluded that the condition of this section of the pavement was generally good with the deflectograph readings indicating that the pavement in general had a good life expectancy with short sections in excess of 20 years or more. However there were several short sections within the speed restricted area in the village centre which had failed structurally. The SCRIM tests indicated that the surface texture failed the SCRIM tests through the speed restricted area from Gwyndy Farm to the west of the village. The remainder of the section through to Penblewin roundabout was satisfactory.

For further detail on the pavement tests undertaken and the results refer to the above report.

The report has been drawn to the attention of the Assembly's Network Management Division so that action on any failed sections of pavement could be actioned as deemed appropriate. Traffic Flows An ATC site is located at Llanddewi Velfrey. The 24 hour AADT for 2002 was 5634 eastbound and 5214 westbound.

12 hour classified turning counts were undertaken at the A40 / A478 roundabout at Penblewin. Figure 3.5 of the Report on Traffic Data and Surveys (Volume 1) summarises the data. Accidents Accident records over the 5-year period, 1997 to 2001 give the following accident numbers:

Fatal Serious Slight 1997 0 0 4 1998 0 2 8 1999 0 2 6 2000 0 0 4 2001 0 0 2

In terms of accidents, Llanddewi Velfrey qualifies as a town and village cluster site. There were ten reported injury accidents during the study period; 80% of which occurred during

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wet conditions. The section of trunk road through the village was found to have low skid resistance.

An improvement scheme has been undertaken at the western end of the village (near the public house) to provide right turn facilities for the road north to Llanfallteg. Footway improvements were also carried out.

3.4.4 Section E Penblewin to Canaston Bridge For the first three kilometres of this section, i.e. between Penblewin roundabout and Robeston Wathen, the road is essentially a rural 7.3 metre wide single carriageway, without hardstrips but with reasonable verges, although at some locations these have become overgrown which restricts forward visibility. There are few side roads or farm accesses and little frontage development with the exception of that at Redstone Cross and Blackmoor Hill where a few residential properties exist. Speed is derestricted throughout.

Through the village of Robeston Wathen, the problems are similar to Llanddewi Velfrey, i.e. the verges are often narrow or sometimes non-existent due to hedges, property boundaries and buildings being close to the road which narrows to some 6.5 metres within the village. There are a number of frontage properties including a filling station, agricultural trailer supplier, sand and gravel supplier, electrical contractor, accesses and side roads, farm buildings and four guesthouses/B&B’s but no provision for any right turning traffic. A bus shelter has been provided but there is no pull-in for the bus. A footway is provided on the edge of the westbound carriageway from the B4314 junction through the village and only adjacent to the eastbound carriageway in the centre of the village. The road through the village is subject to a 30mph speed limit between chainages Ch. 12+850 and Ch. 12+300. Apart from the B4314 junction and a few individual streetlights, the trunk road is effectively unlit.

Beyond the village the road again becomes rural in character with some accesses to fields and frontage properties; edge lines are introduced but without any significant hardstrips and the verges remain narrow for a further 600 metres. Beyond the Bush Inn and to the A4075 junction, the verges become wider and the road is less constrained by the adjacent field boundaries

The first 1.5 kilometres, between Penblewin Roundabout and the B4313 at Redstone Cross consists of a series of curves and short straights. Work has been carried out to replace kerbs, widen verges and generally improve the road. Beyond this, the road becomes straighter and curves are less frequent; visibility is much improved with some overtaking opportunities.

Through Robeston Wathen, the alignment consists of a number of curves with some short straights; forward visibility is generally poor due to the narrow verges and numerous obstructions. In general the alignment is generally of a poor standard.

On leaving the village, the road follows a number of short straights and tight curves and visibility remains sub-standard. Beyond the Bush Inn there is a reverse curve followed by a long straight as the road approaches the junction and visibility is greatly improved over the last kilometre.

Throughout this section, junctions with major roads, minor roads and accesses are simple with the exception of the A4075 junction at Canaston Bridge where a staggered ghost island junction (left-right stagger) is provided incorporating a minor road to on the western side of the bridge. Some improvements were undertaken in 2002 at the B4313 junction at Redstone Cross, however, this was restricted to road width and visibility improvements; the south and north legs of the B4313 are staggered left-right by only 45 metres hence there is no space to accommodate proper deceleration and turning lanes. High texture surfacing is provided at the B4314 junction in Robeston Wathen.

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Type A lay-bys are provided for eastbound traffic at the eastern end, i.e. at Ch. 15+950 and Ch.13+400, although at the latter both entry and exit tapers are sub-standard. There is no provision for westbound traffic.

Just east of the junction with the A4075, at Ch. 10+750, the Eastern Cleddau is crossed by Canaston Bridge, then 400 metres further east a tributary is crossed at Toch Bridge.

From Penblewin to Redstone Cross the gradients are flat and the trunk road undulates gently. Just beyond the B4313 junction it begins to fall relatively steeply then levels off for about 500 metres before climbing again on a gradient of almost 7% through the B4314 junction up to Robeston Wathen where it levels off at an elevation of some 82 metres. Beyond the village it falls steeply again with a gradient of almost 7.0% reaching an elevation of just 10 metres, approximately 300 metres before the A4075 junction at Canaston Bridge, continuing at this level through the junction. From the A4075 junction the road continues flat across Canaston Bridge then climbs briefly before falling to cross Toch Bridge. Overtaking provision There is limited safe overtaking provision in accordance with design standards on this section. This occurs west of Redstone Cross and on the approach to the village of Robeston Wathen where visibility is just sufficient to allow some overtaking. Pavement condition The Desk Study Report on the Condition of the Existing Pavement concluded that the condition of this section of the pavement was generally good with the deflectograph readings indicating that the pavement in general had a good life expectancy with short sections in excess of 20 years or more. There were small areas of failed carriageway within the Robeston Wathen 40mph speed restriction zone The SCRIM tests indicated that the surface texture was good generally except through Robeston Wathen where it mostly failed the test.

For further detail on the pavement tests undertaken and the results refer to the above report.

The report has been drawn to the attention of the Assembly's Network Management Division so that action on any failed sections of pavement could be actioned as deemed appropriate. Traffic Flows An ATC site is located along this section near the Bush Inn at Robeston Wathen.

The average annual daily traffic flows in 2002 were eastbound 5417 and westbound 5445.

12 hour classified turning counts were undertaken on this section at:

· Redstone Crossroads (A40 /B4313) · Robeston Wathen (A40 / B4314) The results of surveys at the above locations are summarised in Figures 3.6 – 3.7 of the Report on Traffic Data and Surveys (Volume 1).

H:\HHI\JOBS\43696 A40 St Clears to Fishguard\Reports\Options Report\ROR\ROR Vol1 Rev 10.doc December 2004 Page 14 A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS ROUTE OPTIONS REPORT Accidents Accident records over the 5-year period, 1997 to 2001 give the following accident numbers:

Fatal Serious Slight 1997 0 1 5 1998 0 0 2 1999 0 0 3 2000 0 1 4 2001 0 1 2

Both Robeston Wathen and Canaston Bridge (junction with the A4075) may be classified as town and village and accident cluster sites respectively.

At Robeston Wathen, there were five reported injury accidents in three years. The skidding resistance of the east and westbound carriageways was found to be low at this location. Traffic calming measures and resurfacing have been implemented at Robeston Wathen.

3.4.5 Sections F and G Canaston Bridge to Deep Lake Farm Most of this section consists of an acceptable standard rural 7.3m single carriageway with edge of carriageway markings and reasonable width verges, but no hardstrips. With the exception of Slebech (Ch. 7+000 to Ch. 6+400), where there is a car dealership, retail outlets, dwellings and farms, there is very little frontage development along this section and few side roads or private accesses.

The road is straight apart from some small curves, including some relaxations, most notably through Slebech. Just beyond Arnolds Hill there is a left right staggered ghost island junction. This junction is located within reverse curves of approx 510m or less radius and has a stagger distance below the required standard of 100m, although visibility is generally good.

There are several short straights presenting limited overtaking opportunities and the speed limit is derestricted throughout. Safe overtaking for eastbound vehicles is provided by the climbing lane on Arnolds Hill

Junctions are of a good standard with ghost islands provided for right turners at the two main side roads junctions at Ch. 10+250 (to Llawhaden) and Ch. 7+200 (to Wiston). Parking lay-bys are also provided at regular intervals: for westbound traffic at Ch. 9+600, Ch. 7+800 (sub-standard entry taper) and Ch. 6+400 (Type B) and for eastbound traffic at Ch. 6+200 (Type B), Ch. 8+400 to Ch. 8+600, on an abandoned section of road, and Ch. 10+250 (Type B). Bus lay-bys are provided additionally at Ch. 10+600 in both directions.

The only significant structure on this section is where the trunk road crosses the Millin Brook at Deep Lake Bridge.

From Toch Bridge the trunk road climbs continuously for almost two kilometres on a gradient of between 3 and 4 % reaching an elevation of just over 80 metres. The road then falls gradually for a further kilometre until it reaches Slebech. The road remains flat through Slebech before climbing at a gradient of some 2.0% reaching a plateau at the top of Arnolds Hill (Ch. 5+500) with an elevation of 85 metres. The road then falls steeply for a kilometre on a gradient of up to 8.0% reaching a low point where it crosses Deep Lake Bridge at an elevation of 20 metres. A climbing lane is provided for eastbound traffic throughout this section. No overtaking is available to westbound traffic as this section is now marked with a solid double white line following a number of accidents.

H:\HHI\JOBS\43696 A40 St Clears to Fishguard\Reports\Options Report\ROR\ROR Vol1 Rev 10.doc December 2004 Page 15 A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS ROUTE OPTIONS REPORT Overtaking provision There is only one length of safe overtaking provision on this section and that is the eastbound climbing lane up Arnolds Hill. Other opportunities exist but are dependant on the available forward visibility. Pavement condition The Desk Study Report on the Condition of the Existing Pavement concluded that the condition of this section of the pavement was generally good with the deflectograph readings indicating that the pavement in general had a good life expectancy with short sections in excess of 20 years or more. The SCRIM tests indicated that the surface texture was good.

For further detail on the pavement tests undertaken and the results refer to the above report.

The report has been drawn to the attention of the Assembly's Network Management Division so that action on any failed sections of pavement could be carried out when deemed appropriate. Traffic Flows There is an ATC site at Canaston Bridge. The 24-hour AADT for 2002 at Canaston Bridge was 6170 eastbound and 6177 westbound.

12 hour classified turning counts were undertaken at Canaston Bridge (A40 / A4075). The data is summarised in Figure 3.8 of the Report on Traffic Data and Surveys (Volume 1). Accidents Accident records over the 5-year period, 1997 to 2001 give the following accident numbers:

Fatal Serious Slight 1997 0 2 15 1998 0 3 9 1999 1 1 4 2000 0 4 5 2001 2 2 2

At the junction of the A40 with the A4075 at Canaston Bridge there were five reported injury accidents in three years of the study period. The road skidding resistance at this site was adequate. There has been a long history of accidents at this junction which has had numerous adjustments made in attempts to resolve the problem. Improved direction signs and road markings have been recently installed.

Slebech, to the west of Canaston Bridge, classifies as an accident cluster site with six reported injury accidents occurring over three years. Accidents included:

· Four in wet conditions · Three involving skidding · Three involving shunting · Three involving right turns The skidding resistance of the road at this site was adequate.

Accidents reported over the last five years also highlight that Wiston Junction, east of Slebech, experienced six accidents during this period.

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3.4.6 Sections H and I Deep Lake Farm to Scotchwell Roundabout At Deep Lake Farm the road cross-section is as for the previous section, i.e. an acceptable standard rural 7.3 metre single carriageway with edge of carriageway markings and reasonable width verges, but no hardstrips. There is little frontage development and few side roads or private accesses. Beyond Ch. 1+600, the edge of carriageway markings disappear and the verges become more confined by vegetation. For the last 700 metres, as the road approaches Haverfordwest, the amount of frontage development increases, particularly on the north side where there are a number of dwellings and a car dealership.

After crossing Deep Lake Bridge the road proceeds through reverse curves joined by a short straight; a staggered ghost island junction is provided for two minor roads (left right stagger) on the straight and verges have been widened to provide adequate visibility on the approaches. Beyond this there is a long straight with good visibility, permitting overtaking, followed by another reverse curve and a long straight also with overtaking. As the cross- section reduces, the alignment becomes a series of short straights and curves for the final one and a half kilometres. Several of these curves are relaxations from standards.

A ghost island junction is provided at the car dealership access (Ch. 0+400) and a further junction for a goods entrance to Haverfordwest Station (Ch. 0+150 south side). Type B parking lay-bys are provided for westbound traffic at Ch. 2+500 and 1+150 and for eastbound traffic at Ch. 1+350 with bus lay-bys at Ch. 3+400 westbound and Ch. 3+650 eastbound.

As the road approaches the roundabout junction at the A4076, it crosses the main railway just north of Haverfordwest Station via a major structure.

After crossing Deep Lake Bridge the road climbs for some 1 kilometre on a gradient of some 3% it then undulates gently for a further kilometre and a half before falling steeply at a gradient of some 5% on the approach to Haverfordwest. The final 500 metres through the built-up section is again flat. Overtaking provision There is good overtaking opportunity in both directions along this section. Pavement condition The Desk Study Report on the Condition of the Existing Pavement concluded that the condition of this section of the pavement was generally good with the deflectograph readings indicating that the pavement in general had a good life expectancy with short sections in excess of 20 years or more. The SCRIM tests indicated that the surface texture was good apart from a short section on Arnolds Hill and on the approaches to Haverfordwest which failed the test.

For further detail on the pavement tests undertaken and the results refer to the above report.

The report has been drawn to the attention of the Assembly's Network Management Division so that action on any failed sections of pavement could be actioned as deemed appropriate. Traffic Flows No ATC sites exist along this section of the A40

H:\HHI\JOBS\43696 A40 St Clears to Fishguard\Reports\Options Report\ROR\ROR Vol1 Rev 10.doc December 2004 Page 17 A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS ROUTE OPTIONS REPORT Accidents Accident records over the 5-year period 1997 to 2001 gave the following accident numbers:

Fatal Serious Slight 1997 0 1 0 1998 1 0 4 1999 0 0 3 2000 0 0 4 2001 0 0 0

There are no accident cluster sites along this section of the A40. However, at the western end of Narberth Road, there were eight accidents over a five-year study period; one involving a right turning vehicle and 60% occurred in wet conditions.


3.5.1 Topography The study area extends from St Clears in Carmarthenshire to Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire. The ground levels range from a low point of 10 metres AOD at Canaston Bridge up to a high point of some 130m AOD at Llanddewi Velfrey. The ground profile comprises a series of hills and valleys with the existing A40 Trunk Road following the contours closely to provide a series of reasonable gradients acceptable to current traffic. The valleys generally have watercourses that provide natural drainage to the area.

The Eastern and Western Cleddau and the Afon Taf are the main watercourses that drain the area. The catchment boundary between the two rivers almost follows the A478 road between and Cardigan, the Eastern and Western Cleddau to the west and Afon Taf to the east.

3.5.2 Land Use The land in the study area is predominantly agricultural, with the majority of holdings being for grazing with some small areas of land being used for arable crops. Grazing land is used for fattening stock and dairy herds. Much of the land falls into category 3b of the Agricultural Land Classification, with some areas classified as 3a. The gradients of some areas limit their use for agriculture, as machines cannot work them. The cost of land varies according to its grade, and Grade 3 land was selling for an average of £7,200/ha in 2001. For small areas, this reduces to £6,500/ha. The latter figure has been used in the estimates of land costs for the route options investigated.

3.5.3 Land Ownership A land ownership survey has been carried out to establish the extent and ownerships of the main land areas. Visiting the owners and establishing their boundaries and details of any tenancies that exist completed the survey.

From the landownership survey, no special land issues such as common or Ministry of Defence land have been identified. In the main the areas of land crossed by the options under consideration are agricultural and in private ownership.

3.5.4 Special Land. Pembrokeshire Coast National Park could be classed as special land. This is of particular relevance in terms of their policy to oppose development within the National Park. There is no further special land in the study corridor.

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3.5.5 Property The properties that adjoin the existing trunk road mainly comprise of agricultural holdings and associated buildings. Two villages straddle the existing trunk road where residential properties, two petrol filling stations and bed and breakfast accommodation have roadside frontages.

3.5.6 Industry There is no heavy industry in the study corridor. There are a limited number of retail units at Slebech, but elsewhere the businesses are agriculture related. There are also petrol filling stations, village shops and bed and breakfast accommodation.


3.6.1 General Wales is generally cloudier than most regions of the British Isles because of the hilly nature of the terrain and its proximity to the Atlantic. Even so, the southwestern coastal strip of Ceredigon and Pembrokeshire experiences an annual average total of over 1,700 hours of sunshine. Mean daily sunshine figures reach a maximum in May or June, and are at their lowest in December.

3.6.2 Rainfall Rainfall in Wales varies widely; with the highest average annual totals, being recorded in the mountainous areas of Snowdonia and the Beacons, where the yearly fall is comparable with that in the English Lake District or the western Highlands of Scotland.

The months from October to January are significantly wetter than those between February and September, unlike places in southeast Scotland or in the English where July and August are often the wettest months of the year. This is a reflection of the relatively low frequency of thunderstorms in Wales. The annual average rainfall for South-west England and is 1210 mm per year as given on the Met Office web site.

3.6.3 Winds There is a close relationship between surface isobars (lines joining pointes of equal air pressure) and wind speed and direction over open, level terrain. However, local topography also has a very significant effect, with winds tending to be aligned along well-defined valleys.

Over land, the roughness of the ground causes a decrease in the mean wind speed compared with that which occurs over the sea with the size of the decrease depending on the nature of the terrain. In major towns and cities, the buildings considerably reduce the overall mean speed but local funnelling may occur. Gales occur most frequently in the southwest of Pembrokeshire with about 30 days of gales per year on average. Other coastal areas have 15 days or more of gales with the number of days decreasing inland to five days or fewer.

3.6.4 Temperature Over Wales, the mean annual temperature at low altitudes varies from about 9.5ºC to 10.5ºC, with the higher values occurring around or near to the coasts. The mean annual temperature decreases by approximately 0.5ºC for each 100m increase in height so that, for example, Bwlchgwyn in Clwyd (at 386m) has an annual mean temperature of 7.3ºC. On this basis, Snowdon (at 1,085m) would have an annual mean temperature of about 5ºC.

In winter, the temperature of the surface of the surrounding sea influence temperatures in the British Isles largely, which reach their lowest values in late February or early March.

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Around the coasts, February is thus normally the coldest month, but inland there is little to choose between January and February as the coldest month.

July is normally the warmest month in Wales, and the highest temperatures of all have occurred furthest away from the cooling influence of the Atlantic.

The annual average temperature for South-west England and South Wales is 9.3ºC with a maximum of 12.8ºC and a minimum of 5.9ºC, as provided by the Met Office web site.

3.6.5 Snow Snow is comparatively rare near sea level in Wales, but much more frequent over the hills. The average number of days each year when sleet or snow falls in Wales varies from about 10, or less, in some southwestern coastal areas to over 40 in Snowdonia.

In heavy snowfalls there can be quite extensive drifting of the snow in strong winds, especially over the higher ground, resulting in severe dislocation of transport. Fortunately such occasions are rare, but one of the worst snowstorms this century in South Wales occurred on 7 and 8 January 1982, when depths of one metre or more were commonplace, with severe drifting and power lines brought down.

No specific details on the annual average depth of snow and the period that it remains is available for Pembrokeshire.

3.6.6 Visibility Given the distance of many parts of Wales from the industrial and populous areas of Britain and mainland Europe, much of Wales enjoys excellent visibility. The Principality’s industrial areas are all close to the coast, and are thus relatively breezy and free of serious reductions of visibility because of smoke.

Inland and over high ground in Wales, fog statistics are scarce, but given the mountainous nature of the country and its proximity to the sea, hill fog can be both extensive and frequent and is a potential hazard to be borne in mind by walkers in Snowdonia and the Brecon Beacons.

No specific details on the annual average visibility are available for Pembrokeshire.

3.7 DRAINAGE The majority of the study area drains to many small often un-named streams, which are fed by springs and flow into the Cleddau and Taf , which are Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The Cleddau , Narberth Brook and the sands in the Taf Estuary are cSAC’s

The existing Trunk Road typically does not have a positive drainage system comprising gullies, feeding surface water, sewers that discharge into watercourses. The run-off from the carriageway generally drains into nearby field ditches. The lowest elevations of the road are at the drainage crossings where the road crosses existing streams. Significant sections of the road are in cuttings or on embankments over floodplains.

3.7.1 Flooding Enquiries of the Environment Agency (EA) have indicated that there are few properties susceptible to flooding immediately downstream of the existing highway drainage discharge locations. Flooding of farmland adjoining the trunk road is reported to be of concern at the following locations: -

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· Pont-y-Fenni · Whitland · Narberth Brook · Canaston Bridge · Cartlett Brook

3.7.2 Water Abstraction

The Eastern Cleddau has a major water abstraction plant situated just downstream of Canaston Bridge. This provides water to south and west Pembrokeshire. Dwr Cymru are licensed to abstract 85Ml per day, and the river is supplemented in times of low flow by releases of water from Lys-y-fran reservoir. The study area is in the catchment area of the Eastern Cleddau.

3.8 GEOLOGY See FIG ROR 007 to 011

The sources of information reviewed for the geological study of the area include the British Geological Survey (BGS) 1:50,000 scale geological mapping, sheets 228(D) and 229(S) and associated memoirs, plus a walkover study of selected areas and a moving reconnaissance of the route. Extracts from the BGS sheets are included in Volume 2

3.8.1 Ground Conditions The proposed route corridor from St Clears to Haverfordwest crosses rocks ranging in age from Ordovician to Silurian. The majority of the route is underlain by rocks of Ordovician age. Most soils along the route have resulted from the insitu weathering of the underlying solid geology. There are isolated pockets of drift soils, while recent alluvium is confined to the river valleys.

From the beginning of the Cambrian period, extending through to the end of the Silurian, sediments were deposited in a major geosyncline formed by subsidence of the underlying Precambrian rocks. Thus, the majority of rocks along the route corridor are of sedimentary origin. The subsidence was marked by periods of up-lift, during which intense erosion took place in restricted locations. These sediments were uplifted and folded, forming St George’s Land, during the Caledonian Orogeny. They were again folded and sheared during the Hercynian Orogeny. Due to these and other earth movements, all rocks in South West Wales are folded into anticlines and synclines, and broken by faults and thrusts. The area of St George’s Land is still visible in the area, with the Caledonian folds marked by inliers of Precambrian and Ordovician igneous rocks. South West Wales was glaciated during the last ice age, when the Ice spilled over into the Bristol Channel. The glacial till deposited is rich in erratics foreign to Wales.

3.8.2 Stratigraphical Description The existing road corridor between St Clears and Haverfordwest has been sub-divided into three parts based on the underlying geology. The strata crossed are Tetragraptus Beds, the Lower Llanvirn Beds, Limestone, Dicranograptus Beds, Bala Limestones and, the Slade and Redhill Beds of Ordovician age; also the Haverford Beds and the Millin Beds of Silurian age.

The Tetragraptus Beds consist of blue-black shales and mudstones, with subsidiary grits and conglomerates. They pass without break into the lower Llanvirn Beds, which are also composed of blue-black shales and mudstones with occasional bands of sandstone and felspathic ash. The main difference between the two units is the fossil assemblage within

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them. Overlying these are the markedly contrasting Llandeilo Limestones, consisting of bluish crystalline limestone, often brown and highly weathered. The Dicranograptus Beds consist of dark grey pyritous shales, brown shales and a dark grey impure limestone, which is absent in places. Overlying these strata is the Bala Limestones; this consists of two units; a comparatively pure bluish well bedded limestone and a sandy, muddy limestone.

The highest strata of the Ordovician present are the Slade and Redhill Beds, these consist of blue grey mudstone with frequent thin grey micaceous sandstone and calcareous bands in the west, in the east they tend to consist of dark blue grey mudstones without the calcareous bands. These are followed by the Silurian strata of the Haverford Beds, consisting of a number of distinct units; a basal unit comprising shales, sandstones and conglomerates, which grade up into dark olive green mudstones, which passes upwards into a thinly bedded green mudstone with occasional sandstone bands. Overlying these are alternating thin sandstones and shales. These are overlain with the Millen Beds, recorded as consisting of greenish blue sandy mudstones.

3.8.3 Solid Geology St Clears to Pengawse Hill. From St Clears to Pengawse Hill the corridor is underlain by older strata of the Ordovician period. This section is structurally simpler, when compared to sections further west, less folded and with fewer faults recorded. The entire section runs on the southern limb of, and parallel to, the axis of an east-west trending anticline. As the route passes west from St Clears, it is initially underlain by the Lower Llanvirn Beds until it crosses onto the younger rocks of the Tetragraptus Beds. Just to the east of this boundary the route crosses the only recorded fault in this section, which lies to the south of the geological boundary just to the north of St Clears. The route is underlain by the Tetragraptus Beds until just north of Whitland, where it crosses back on to the Lower Llanvirn beds. Pengawse Hill to Canaston Bridge. From Pengawse Hill, the existing road proceeds in a south westerly direction towards Robeston Wathen and Canaston Bridge. The underlying geology of this section is comprised of rocks of the Dicranograptus Beds, Bala Limestones, the Slade and Redhill Beds and the Haverford Beds. This section is structurally complex, with strong folding and numerous faults. The initial, short, part of this section crosses the Dicranograptus Beds and on to the Bala Limestones. From just west of Pengawse Hill the route continues over strata of both the Slade and Redhill Beds and the Haverford Beds until just east of Redstone Cross. Two faults are crossed in this section; both are northeast trending, one at Llanddewi Velfrey and another at Penblewin. Just east of Redstone Cross, the route crosses a small inlier of the Dicranograptus Beds; a northwest trending fault crosses the route here. From Redstone Cross westwards, it crosses back up the succession, until just east of Robeston Wathen, where the route crosses another fault and onto the Slade and Redhill Beds. As the route descends from Robeston Wathen, it crosses from the Ordovician Slade and Redhill Beds to the Silurian Haverford Beds, which have been faulted against each other. Canaston Bridge to Haverfordwest. From Canaston Bridge to Haverfordwest, the trunk road approximately follows the axis of the Robeston Wathen Syncline. From Canaston Bridge to just east of Slebech the route runs parallel, and to the south of the axis of the syncline and is underlain by the lower parts of the Haverford Beds. Lying along the southern boundary of the route corridor, exposed on the axis of an anticline are shales and mudstones of the underlying Slade and Redhill Beds of Ordovician age. The route briefly crosses this inlier and returns to the Haverford Beds at Slebech.

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From just east of Slebech to the Millin Brook the route runs parallel and just south of the axis of the syncline, underlain by rocks of the Haverford Beds. It crosses the full sequence from the basal conglomerates to the Gasworks Sandstone, which marks the top of the sequence. Just west of the Millin Brook, the route crosses onto mudstones of the Millin Beds, which underlie the remainder of the route to Haverfordwest. The route crosses and runs parallel to faults in this area. The nature and exact course of these faults is uncertain. The Robeston Wathen fault terminates the anticline. It is believed that the valley of the Eastern Cleddau, which lies at the geographical boundary of this section, is controlled by a complicated disturbance caused by pre and post Carboniferous Faulting.

3.8.4 Superficial Geology Small, isolated areas of superficial deposits are found along the existing road corridor. There are small lobes of glacial till located to the west of St Clears and a small pocket of glacial sand and gravel is crossed to the east of Penblewin. Two small areas of glacial till are located just east of Redstone Cross, where it obscures much of the Dicranograptus Beds, and just east of Robeston Wathen. The route crosses further deposits of glacial till between Canaston Bridge and Slebech. These underlie some 600 metres of the route between Upper Toch and High Toch.

The route also passes over areas of alluvium that are associated with the rivers and streams. The route crosses a short tract of alluvium at Pont-y–fenni, with further areas of alluvium close to the north and the west of Whitland. At Canaston Bridge, the floor of the Eastern Cleddau valley is obscured by alluvium. Little information is recorded on the nature of alluvium, although it is likely that it will be made up of a sequence of clays, silts, sands and gravel. The proportions of these will depend upon the nature of the individual depositional environment.

3.9 MINING AND QUARRYING While mining has taken place at various locations throughout Pembrokeshire and western Carmarthenshire, little has taken place along or near to the line of the existing A40, which is well to the north of the outcrop of the Pembrokeshire Coalfield and therefore is unaffected by the extensive mining that took place between the late medieval period and the mid twentieth century. Only three records of mining near the A40 between St Clears and Haverfordwest have been discovered. None of these are on, or adjacent to, the A40. No quarries have been identified in this section; although it is likely, that small localised quarrying has taken place to provide building stone.


3.10.1 General A NRSWA 1991 preliminary enquiry has been made with the statutory undertakers. The responses indicate that the following statutory undertakers have apparatus within the route corridor.

· British Telecom · Western Power Distribution · Transco · Welsh Water (Supply) · Welsh Water (Sewerage) Further details of the existing apparatus are given below.

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3.10.2 British Telecom British Telecom underground apparatus lies within the existing Trunk Road for virtually it’s whole length from Haverfordwest to St Clears, the exceptions being where bypasses have been constructed at Whitland and Pwll Trap. At these locations, the apparatus has generally remained within the de-trunked section of highway.

The apparatus within the trunk road is quite extensive and consists of co-axial and/or fibre optic cables. Cables (both overhead and underground) extend from this main core network into adjacent areas via side roads and private means of access. A small telephone exchange is located alongside the trunk road at Slebech.

3.10.3 Transco Transco apparatus consists of high and low pressure gas mains at the following locations within the route corridor.

· at the western extremity of the route corridor a LP gas main crosses the trunk road in the vicinity of Narberth Road. · from Arnolds Hill to just west of Canaston Bridge and between Canaston Bridge and Robeston Wathen, two HP gas mains lie to the south of the trunk road. · north of Whitland, a LP gas main crosses the trunk road. · northeast of Whitland, two HP gas mains lie to the south of the trunk road at Haulfan and cross the trunk road at Pont-y-Fenni. Transco have held preliminary discussions with the Assembly Government concerning a proposed 1200mm diameter high pressure gas main which will cross the A40 at Deep Lake Farm and Canaston. Further discussions will be held to avoid conflict between the main and any future schemes to improve the A40 at these locations.

3.10.4 Welsh Water (Supply) Welsh Water has trunk and distribution mains at various locations within the route corridor. The mains are either located within or adjacent to the trunk road but where highway improvements have taken place they have in some instances been retained within the de- trunked section of highway. A general guide to where the water mains lie within or adjacent to the existing trunk road are given below.

· Narberth Road · Slebech to Robeston Wathen · Redstone Cross to Gwyndy · Whitland (main crosses trunk road) · Haulfan · Pwll Trap · St Clears The trunk mains, which are in the vicinity of Canaston Bridge, are of 150mm and 225mm diameter. The distribution mains are up to 150mm diameter. These mains carry potable water from the treatment works.

In addition there are two mains which carry non-potable water these mains are located just west of Canaston Bridge and north of the A40/A478 roundabout at Penblewin

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3.10.5 Welsh Water (Sewerage) Welsh Water (sewerage) apparatus is confined to only a few locations within the route corridor; the apparatus consists of foul sewers and associated facilities. The most extensive of this apparatus occurs at Llanddewi Velfrey where a sewage works is located just south of the Trunk Road. The location of the apparatus is given below.

· at the western extremity of the route corridor a short length of sewer crosses the Trunk Road. · at Llanddewi Velfrey considerable lengths of sewers connect to the sewage works. · between Pwll Trap and St Clears a short length of sewer lies within the Trunk Road.

3.10.6 Western Power Distribution Western Power Distribution have a sub-station alongside the Trunk Road approximately 2km east of Haverfordwest. In addition, there are numerous overhead cables at various locations within the route corridor. Underground cables also exist but less frequently. These are usually as spurs off the overhead lines but there are extensive lengths, most notably within the trunk road at Slebech and Robeston Wathen. The cables vary in voltage up to 132kV.

3.10.7 Summary The main apparatus to be affected by the proposals would be British Telecom, Welsh Water (supply) and Western Power Distribution. The full extent of the effects on the apparatus could only be determined at the next stage of the design process.

Transco and Welsh Water (sewerage) apparatus also exists within the route corridor; this apparatus could also be affected but to a lesser extent.

3.11 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS See Figures 1.0 to 12.0

3.11.1 General The route corridor is predominantly rural and lies within an area of richly patterned landscape. The combination of topography, vegetation cover and small scale settlement has produced an intimate landscape character characterised by agriculture, woodland, hedgerow and hedgebank.

3.11.2 Air Quality There are a number of potentially sensitive receptors within the study area considered susceptible to change. Twenty five have been identified and comprise recreation facilities, picnic areas, churches, public houses, hotels and Withybush Hospital.

3.11.3 Cultural Heritage The existing A40 follows an ancient routeway leading to the southwest. Sections of the roman road are crossed by the A40. Previous investigation of the roman road at Whitland revealed a well made structure dating from the late 1st century. There are many surviving monuments dating from the Bronze Age close to the line of the existing A40. These include round barrows and burnt mounds and suggest a well settled landscape during the Bronze Age, particularly from the middle to late Bronze Age.

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3.11.4 Ecology and Nature Conservation The Stage 2 ecological survey work undertaken October 2002 to October 2003 identified various features of the area that would constrain route option selection such as; areas of wet woodland, ancient woodland, rush pasture, species rich meadow and hedgerows which are significant in the local context. There are three hedgerow sites of major importance and priority habitat along the A40 at Toch Wood, parallel hedgerows at Bethel Chapel and parallel hedgerows along Woodford Lane south of Robeston Wathen. The route corridor also contains numbers of protected species such as bats, otters, barn owls and badgers. Signs of otter activity were found in thirteen of the twenty watercourses surveyed. The most numerous positive evidence of otters was along the Eastern Cleddau and tributaries. Badger activity occurs along the majority of the A40. Parts of the existing A40 route corridor are of national importance for bats, particularly in view of the presence of Greater & Lesser Horseshoe bats, which forage on adjacent and nearby land

3.11.5 Landscape The study area is at an elevation between approximately 10m and 130m AOD and comprises rolling landform with ridges trending approximately east/west. The vegetation pattern is defined by agricultural land use. The fields are generally pasture, bounded by hedges, mature hedgerows, hedgebanks and stock proof fences. There are numerous blocks of deciduous, conifers and mixed woodland and sparse woodland within river valleys. The main settlements within the study area are Haverfordwest, Narberth, Whitland and St Clears. Small settlements include Slebech, Robeston Wathen, Llanddewi Velfrey and Pwll Trap.

Through the consideration of landscape character and landscape quality the study area comprises four types:

· undulating farmland · wooded river valley · undulating agricultural parkland · open river valley

3.11.6 Land Use The majority of the study corridor is agricultural land on undulating ground with small scale blocks of woodland. Between St Clears and Pont-y-Fenni there are no individual properties along this section of the route corridor. However, there are a number of individual farmsteads north and south of the existing A40. Major settlement comprises St Clears, Whitland and Haverfordwest with smaller scale settlement being located at Llanddewi Velfrey, Robeston Wathen and Slebech. Associated with these settlements are Whitland Rugby and Cricket Ground, varied small businesses, Llanddewi Velfrey cricket field and local recreation area and Slebech Retail Park. Individual residential properties and farmsteads are scattered through the route corridor and there are a number of picnic sites.

3.11.7 Traffic Noise and Vibration Specific sensitive noise receptors have been highlighted as residential properties, public houses, churches, sports grounds, hotels, picnic areas, Haverfordwest Golf Club and Haverfordwest Caravan Park. More general typical receptors have been identified as Pwll Trap Housing, Pont-y-Fenni (ex A40) northern outskirts of Whitland, Gwyndy (ex A40), Llanddewi Velfrey village, Redstone Cross, Robeston Wathen, Canaston Bridge, Arnold’s Hill, Slebech and Deep Lake Farm.

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3.11.8 Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians & Community Community Facilities: The existing road corridor is predominantly rural in character throughout its length resulting in relatively few community facilities other than at the settlements of St Clears, Pwll Trap, Whitland, Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen. St Clears, Pwll Trap and Whitland have already been bypassed and the proposed routes and their options would have little effect. Pedestrians, Cyclists & Equestrians: There are thirty three footpaths, two cycleways (regional route) one cycleway (local route) and one bridleway, within the study area.

The Landsker Borderlands Trail also crosses the existing A40 at Toch Bridge (Canaston). The predominantly rural nature of the road corridor results in the majority of the paths appearing to have very little usage. Exceptions to this are where they occur within or close to settlements. In addition recognised recreational routes attract both local and wider tourist use.

3.11.9 Vehicle Travellers General views from the existing A40 are across rural farmland typical of Pembrokeshire. The most noteworthy views from the existing A40 are to the north of Llanddewi Velfrey with attractive views across rolling farmland to the . An additional significant view towards the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park landscape is views of the Cleddau estuary at Slebech.

3.11.10 Water Quality & Drainage The majority of the study area drains to many small often un-named streams, which are fed by springs and flow into the Cleddau and Taf estuaries, which are both SSSI’s. The area is generally licence exempt for private water supplies. Water used for agricultural use is licensed.

A major water abstraction is located on the Eastern Cleddau immediately downstream of Canaston Bridge. This is licensed to abstract 8500 m3/day, 60% of which is pumped northward for treatment as municipal potable water and the remainder is pumped southward as raw water for the Pembroke Industrial Area.

The presence of several springs within the area indicates the presence of shallow groundwater in the drift deposits. Groundwater quality within limestone aquifers is generally good. The groundwater in drift deposits generally has a higher concentration of metals and suspended solids. The existing baseline ground and watercourse water quality within the study area is good.

Generally impacts will be greatest from temporary works during construction as such impacts are difficult to fully mitigate against. The permanent impacts can be fully mitigated. The major impact is that of the construction activities on the Narberth Brook and mitigation for this in the form of a diversion channel is identified.

The existing carriageway typically does not have a positive drainage system i.e. no kerbs and gullies. The runoff from the carriageway generally drains into nearby field ditches. The lowest elevations of the road are at the drainage crossings where the road crosses existing streams. Enquiries to the EA have indicated that there are a few properties susceptible to flooding immediately downstream of the existing highway drainage discharge locations. Flooding is reported to be of concern at a number of locations: The EA require discharge from any new highway to be attenuated, as the increased flow will cause a small but cumulative effect on downstream flood levels. With suitable attenuation there will be minimal

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impact on flood levels. Discharge of highway drainage will generally be at existing watercourse crossings.

3.11.11 Geology and Soils The proposed route corridor from St Clears to Haverfordwest crosses rocks ranging in age from Ordovician to Silurian. The majority of the route is underlain by rocks of Ordovician age. The strata crossed are Tetragraptus Beds, the Lower Llanvirn Beds, Llandeilo Limestone, Dicranograptus Beds, Bala Limestones and, the Slade and Redhill Beds of Ordovician age; also the Haverford Beds and the Millin Beds of Silurian age.

Small, isolated areas of superficial deposits are found along the route. There are small lobes of glacial till located to the west of St Clears and a small pocket of glacial sand and gravel is crossed to the east of Penblewin. .

While mining has taken place at various locations throughout Pembrokeshire and western Carmarthenshire, little has taken place along or near to the line of the current A40, which is well to the north of the outcrop of the Pembrokeshire Coalfield and therefore is unaffected by the extensive mining that took place between the late medieval period and the mid twentieth century.


3.12.1 National Park The northern boundary of the central sector of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is located along the southern side of the existing A40 between Canaston Bridge and Arnolds Hill. The Park authority view the Canaston Bridge area as a natural gateway to the National Park, as approached from the east along the existing A40. The boundary at this point also follows the western edge of the A4075 as it proceeds southwards away from the route corridor.

3.12.2 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty There are no designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty located within the route corridor. However there is a locally designated area of Special Landscape Value north of Canaston Bridge encompassing the Eastern Cleddau River Valley.

3.12.3 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) The Stage 2 desk survey has indicated that there are eight SSSI’s within the study area. These are as follows:-

· Pontyfenni Quarry SSSI located 250m south of the existing A40 · Robeston Wathen Quarries SSSI located 190m north of the village of Robeston Wathen · Eastern Cleddau River SSSI located at Canaston Bridge and extends along the Narberth Brook · Slebech stable yard loft, cellars and tunnels SSSI located 1.4km south of the existing A40 adjacent to the Waterway SSSI · SSSI located south of Blackpool Mill along the Eastern Cleddau 500m south of the existing A40 · Western Cleddau River SSSI located along the Cartlett Brook east of Haverfordwest · Smallbrook Railway cutting & pit SSSI located 1km north of the existing A40 adjacent the Cartlett Brook

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· Taf Estuary SSSI located 600m south of the existing St Clears Roundabout

3.12.4 Candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSAC) There are two areas within the study area which are subject to cSAC designation under the EC Directive on Conservation of Natural Habitats and of wild fauna and flora 92/43/EEC.

· Eastern Cleddau River cSAC Located at Canaston Bridge which extends from Blackpool Mill to the south to the north of Canaston Bridge along the Eastern Cleddau River and eastwards along the Narberth Brook. · Western Cleddau River cSAC Located east of Haverfordwest along the Cartlett Brook. Other more remote cSAC’s are:

· Pembrokeshire Marina cSAC (which extends over the Cleddau Estuary and up to the Estuary’s tidal limit at Blackpool Mill) · Carmarthen Bay Estuary cSAC (which extends over the Taf Estuary south of the existing St Clears roundabout) The boundaries of the cSAC generally (with some exceptions) include the river banks and two metres either side.

Full details of the Stage 2 Environmental Assessment can be found in the Stage 2 Environmental Assessment Report.


3.13.1 Outline All of the planning policy for the study area follows Welsh Assembly Government guidance. The strategic framework for the area is set down by the County Structure Plan (including Alteration No 1) adopted in 1990. The structure plan identifies a number of policies concerned with development and improvement of the strategic road network, including the A40 corridor (Policy T1 and T2). In addition, it is noted that the viability of profitable agricultural enterprises are to be considered when road schemes are planned (Policy T7). Also the structures plan identifies that amenity and environmental considerations should be properly taken into account (Policy T8). A number of policies recognise the need to protect and conserve the environment (Policies EN1, EN1A, EN3, EN4, EN6 and EN7).

3.13.2 Framework The local development framework is currently established by a number of adopted local plans, namely:-

· North Pembrokeshire Local Plan (Adopted 1998) · South Pembrokeshire Local Plan (Adopted 1998) · Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Plan (Adopted 1999) · Carmarthen District Local Plan (Adopted 1999) All four of the local plans have policies concerned with strategic elements, such as infrastructure, and more specific policies relating to nature conservation, archaeology, built environment and landscape. The latter category of policies are concerned with ensuring that where development does take place, proper consideration is given to the mitigation of any impacts.

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Since local government reorganisation in 1996, the former two tier system of local government has been replaced with a single tier of unitary authorities. Each authority is charged with producing a development plan for its area, of which the following are relevant:-

3.13.3 Pembrokeshire Joint Unitary Development Plan (JUDP) (Deposit Version 2002). Currently subject to an inquiry the Pembrokeshire JUDP would provide a co-ordinated development framework for both Pembrokeshire and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. The A40 corridor is recognised as an important feature of the area, and the plan supports the dualling of the road from St Clears to Haverfordwest, subject to the outcome of this study. For specific topics – nature conservation, landscape etc. – the policies are geared to minimise the impacts of any developments, where they do not conflict with statutory designations. Within the National Park greater emphasis is placed upon protection of the landscape and environment commensurate with the national status of the parks designation.

3.13.4 Carmarthenshire Unitary Development Plan – (Deposit Version, November 2002) Only a small portion of the study area lies within Carmarthenshire. No specific policies have been developed for the A40 corridor, although the plan recognises that the road is the subject of further study and consideration. As a consequence, most of the policies relate to the protection and enhancement of specific features – ecology, landscape, heritage – and mitigating the effects of any development proposals.

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4.1.1 Option types This report describes the carriageway standard and associated route options that have been considered for improving the A40 Trunk Road west of St Clears. The options types are summarised below.

OPTION TYPE COMMENT These are effectively the same, as doing nothing is not a real option if routine and planned maintenance is considered as the Do-minimum option.

Therefore routine and planned maintenance work Do Nothing/ Do Minimum undertaken by the Assembly's maintaining agents will be considered as the Do-minimum scheme. These works are funded out of the Assembly's road maintenance budget and not out of the Major Projects capital scheme expenditure.

This will be classed as any work that is more than Do Something routine and planned maintenance works. The Do- Something options are described below: Identify where road safety is of a particular concern and · Safety Scheme consider a safety scheme to address it

Identify sections of the existing single carriageway that · Single Carriageway require on-line or off-line improvement and examine options Strategy where appropriate

Identify an on-line or off-line improvement to dual · Dual Carriageway carriageway standards and examine options where Strategy appropriate

The section of existing trunk road between St Clears and Haverfordwest has been divided into nine sections that terminate at existing junctions. This was agreed with the Transport Directorate as it would assist in the development of route options and the subsequent assessment and appraisal process. It was also agreed that community severance issues at Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen be dealt with by the inclusion of relief road options for these villages.

4.1.2 Highway Standards The standards adopted for this study are those defined in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Technical Memorandum TD9/93 and any subsequent amendments.

The standards adopted for new single and dual carriageway options are as follows:

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Single Carriageway Design Speed 100kph Carriageway Width 7.3 metre wide carriageway with 1 metre hardstrips and 2.5 metre wide verges * Note verge width may need to be increased at certain locations to provide the required visibility. Dual Carriageway Design Speed 120 kph Carriageway Width Dual 7.3 metre wide carriageways with 1 metre hardstrips 4.5 metre central reservation and 2.5 metre wide verges. * Note Verge and central reservation widths may need to be increased at certain locations to provide the required visibility.

Where options are lengths of improvement between sections of trunk road that do not have 1.00 metre wide marginal strips, the marginal strips have been omitted. The carriageway width between kerbs/white lines has been maintained at 7.30 metres for all the options considered. Verge widths would also be a minimum of 2.50 metres, except where widening is required to maintain the minimum stopping sight distance.

Where a do-minimum solution may be deemed appropriate for any section of the existing single carriageway then only routine and planned maintenance works on the existing highway would be carried out, by the maintaining agents These works would include:

· Cleaning the drainage system · Provision of extra gullies in areas where standing water is a problem · Resurfacing the carriageway · Replacing, and where necessary, amending road markings · Renewing, or provision of kerbing · Replacing damaged or faded road signs and ensuring that they are visible · Cutting of hedges and verges to maintain forward and junction visibility · Acquisition of land to set back hedges and widen verges to provide the appropriate visibility · Minor works to improve junction type and safety Certain works carried out by the maintenance organisation can involve major construction works, such as the re-construction and re-surfacing of the road pavement, structure renewal and maintenance, or renewing the drainage system. Such works are financed by the Network Management Division of the Transport Directorate and will not be included in the scheme cost estimates arising out of this study.

The pavement condition study found that over much of the length of the route the carriageway has in excess of 20 years life remaining. However, it highlighted that large sections of carriageway within the speed restricted areas of Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen had failed the surface texture SCRIM test and smaller sections of pavement had failed structurally, according to the deflectograph readings. As stated in Section 3 above, the findings of the study of the existing pavement have been forwarded to the Transport Directorate's Network Management Division to action as deemed appropriate.

The Welsh Assembly Government has an aim for the improvement of the A40 to limit direct access onto it. To achieve this, lengths of private means of access (PMA’s) are proposed to provide an alternative route to property thereby facilitating closure of existing gate accesses, and where possible providing shared accesses.

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Where use could be made of the existing trunk road, de-trunked by the improvement works, as a local alternative route or for PMA’s this would be considered This arrangement could provide an alternative route for slow moving local agricultural traffic, taking them off the high speed trunk road. Accommodation structures may need to be considered at appropriate locations to cross the new trunk road.

The above has formed the basis for the generation and consideration of the options

4.1.3 Costs All costs quoted in this report are the Gross Works Costs covering all the construction costs for the construction of each option as a stand alone scheme, but exclude the costs for Land, Preparation and Supervision and VAT. These latter costs are identified separately in the individual estimates.

4.1.4 Design Principles The Design Brief states that: -

‘The Consultants shall identify and consider alternative routes for the improvement of the trunk road… Consideration shall also be given to junction options. These route and junction options shall be evaluated in terms of engineering, traffic, safety, economics, social and environmental impact. The Consultants shall demonstrate that no fundamentally different alternative exists which is superior to any of their selected alternatives.’

In addition

‘The Consultants shall take the following into account, when considering alternatives:

· The objectives and vision of the Welsh Assembly Government · Needs of pedestrians (including children), cyclists, equestrians and other vulnerable road users · Needs of public transport and local traffic · Requirements for access to property, agricultural land and adjacent development · Location of statutory undertakers plant · Options for traffic management and safety during construction · Integration and accessibility criteria · Local transport and development plans · Environmental impact · Cost · Forms of procurement’.’ The Welsh Assembly Government issued some guiding principles for the design of the road improvement which are:

· to avoid/minimise incursion into the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park · to minimise the number of private accesses onto a single carriageway options · to permit access onto the dual carriageway options at a restricted number of road junctions · to consider a full standard dual carriageway · (120kph) design and only consider relaxations to this standard where

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· constraints required it, or significant other benefits would accrue. · to try to achieve a balanced earthworks profile · to relieve the communities of Robeston Wathen and Llanddewi Velfrey of trunk road traffic · to minimise the impact on the environment 4.2 PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATION OF STRUCTURES

4.2.1 Survey of Existing Structures One factor in deciding possible options for upgrading the A40 west of St Clears will be the condition and layout of the existing bridges, culverts and retaining walls. Information supplied by the Assembly Government was reviewed and a survey of the existing structures was carried out on 6 November 2002 to gather more information. The survey concentrated on those structures for which information was lacking and considered any constraints there may be on the method by which each structure could be extended. The results are reported in the “Survey of Existing Structures Report” dated March 2003.

4.2.2 Strength of Existing Structures Most of the structures along the route have not been assessed but, in accordance with the “Schedule of structures along A40 west of St Clears with current appraisal and ownership status” table supplied by the Welsh Assembly Government, they are assumed either to be adequate to carry 40 tonnes Assessment Live Loading, or to have been strengthened to full current design standards. However, the structures will have to be reassessed to ensure that they comply with full design (rather than assessment) standards. That is, they will have to be able to carry HA and 45 Units of HB loading to BD 37/01 and not just the 40 tonne Assessment Live Loading. Three under bridges have been assessed as being sub-standard with respect to HB loading. One retaining wall has a sub-standard parapet. These are discussed below.

Canaston Bridge (A40 960) was assessed in 1994. The parapet cantilevers and parapet upstands were found to be sub-standard with respect to accidental wheel loads and parapet collision loads. The structure was assessed as capable of carrying only 30 Units of HB loading, but the assessment report did not indicate which element of the bridge determines its strength. We were informed by the original assessors that the strength of the bridge was governed by the shear capacity of the main pre-stressed concrete beams. Their recommendations for strengthening were limited to the replacement of the parapet plinths and cantilevers; and also strengthening of the wing wall plinths in order to resist vehicle impact loads. No further work on the assessment of this bridge has been carried out to date. There is no straight forward way to increase substantially the shear strength of pre- stressed concrete beams and therefore we recommend that this bridge should be replaced by a bridge that can support the full 45 Units of HB loading.

Bethany Road over Rail Bridge (A40 990) was assessed in 1994. The precast concrete beams were assessed as capable of carrying only 25 Units of HB loading in bending and 37.5 Units of HB loading in shear. It was recommended that the aluminium P2 parapets be replaced, which has been done. Other recommendations were limited to minor maintenance, such as concrete surface repairs. The original assessors are currently revising their assessment of this bridge to the most recent assessment codes and are “optimistic that, following revisions to the assessments, a 45 HB rating will be achieved”. It can therefore be incorporated in the new scheme.

Scotchwell Road Bridge (A40 1000) was assessed in 1994. This is a reinforced concrete portal structure and the assessment found it to be sub-standard in hogging in the central part of the deck and therefore capable of carrying only 30 Units of HB loading. In all other respects the structure can carry the full 45 Units of HB loading. The original assessors are currently revising their assessment of this bridge to the most recent assessment codes and

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are “optimistic that, following revisions to the assessments, a 45 HB rating will be achieved”. It can therefore be incorporated in the new scheme.

Nant y Coy Bend Retaining Wall (A40 1120 W30). This structure is indicated as adequate as a retaining wall but with a sub-standard parapet. Therefore, if this structure is incorporated in the new scheme, the parapet will have to be replaced by one that meets modern design standards.

4.2.3 Summary of Preliminary Consideration Three existing bridge structures were originally assessed as being sub-standard. We recommend that one of these should be replaced, but the other two have been re-assessed as being capable of carrying full HB loading and they can therefore be incorporated in the new scheme. All the other existing structures, which are not being proposed for replacement, can be extended, if necessary, for incorporation in a dual carriageway scheme.

The estimated cost of the works needed for each structure incorporated into any of the route options considered has been included in the costs summary tables in Appendix C. In the tables, “E” indicates an existing structure, which can be re-used or extended to carry a dual carriageway, and “N” indicates the need for an entirely new structure.

4.3 JUNCTION STRATEGY The determination of the form of the junction is part of the iterative design process and for a scheme such as this, each junction should form part of an overall junction strategy. This is a fundamental safety requirement of the design standards thus ensuring that drivers are not faced with a variety of different types of junction along the same length of road.

The junction strategy not only has to consider the implications of connecting the classified and unclassified county roads to the trunk road network but also has to deal with a large number of private vehicle accesses that join with the trunk road.

4.3.1 Junction types and their properties. The need for any junction is determined by the interface between the primary and secondary road network. In the development of a junction strategy, consideration has also been given to the vehicle access requirements, which serve adjacent properties and developments.

Although the following extract has been taken from DMRB TD 41/95: Vehicular Access to All Purpose Trunk Roads the principle of minimising the number of direct accesses is equally applicable.

‘The primary purpose of the trunk road network is to provide for the safe and expeditious movement of long distance through traffic. That means strictly limiting the number of direct accesses to trunk roads. It means ensuring that the full implications for traffic and road safety are taken into account when proposals are made for new development in the vicinity of trunk roads. This is whether it involves new access or increased use of existing accesses, particularly onto dual carriageways where speeds are high. Limiting direct access remains a prime objective of the Overseeing Organisations’.

The main factor that has to be considered in determining the type of junction is it’s capacity and it’s ability to cope with future traffic flows and turning movements. There are other ancillary matters that have to be considered and although they could influence the choice of junction the important issue is that the junction must operate efficiently and fit the alignment and it’s surroundings. The overriding criteria, however, is that vehicle movements can be made safely.

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In junction choice, as with other decisions, it is necessary to be clear about the problem to be solved. The issue is to select a junction type from a number of alternatives and to correctly estimate future traffic volumes and economic returns. Many junction choices will, in practice, be constrained within obvious economic, environmental or topographical boundaries and can be assessed with the most cursory of traffic information.

Although the choice of junction type is determined primarily by traffic flows and turning movements, difficulties occur because estimates of traffic delays are very sensitive to future year forecasts. To minimise the effects of incorrect assessment the sensitivity of the design to changes in traffic flows will be considered.

Major/minor priority junctions are the most common form of junction control. These junctions could consist of: -

· Simple ‘T’ junction · Ghost Island junction and · Single Lane Dualling junction Simple ‘T’-Junctions are appropriate for most minor junctions on single carriageway roads. However, they shall only be used when the design flow on the minor road is not expected to exceed about 300 vehicles 2-way AADT, and that on the major road is not expected to exceed 13,000 vehicles 2-way.

Ghost Islands are used to provide a right turning facility on the major road. The approximate level of provision that such junctions could provide would be for traffic flows in the order of 17,000 to 18,000 vehicles. The maximum minor road flow would be in the order of 5,000 vehicles for major road flows less than 10,000 vehicles. Alternatively they would be suitable for minor road flows in the order of 2000 vehicles for major road flows of about 15,000 vehicles. (Refer to Fig 2/2 of TD 42). Ghost islands should not be used where overtaking opportunities on adjacent links are restricted or where traffic turning right out of the minor road would need to make this manoeuvre in two stages.

Single lane dualling junctions are a higher level of provision than ghost islands and for the same level of flow on the major road cater for additional traffic flows on the minor road of up to 2000 vehicles. Therefore the junction would be suitable for major road flows of 15,000 and corresponding minor road flows of 4,000. Single lane dualling junctions shall normally be used on rural single carriageway roads that have good overtaking opportunities on adjacent links. These junctions should be used in preference to ghost islands where overtaking opportunities on adjacent links are restricted or where traffic turning right out of the minor road would need to make this manoeuvre in two stages. Because of the detailed nature of the single lane dualling layout, it is only appropriate for roads with hard strips.

The advantage of major/minor priority junctions is that through traffic on the major road is not delayed. However, high major road speeds or the possibility of major road overtaking traffic manoeuvres should not be encouraged at major/minor priority junctions.

Major/minor road junctions are suitable for major road flows of up to 18,000 vehicles and minor road flows of 8,000 vehicles. For more heavily used junctions or where conditions are such that major/minor junctions would be inappropriate more complex forms of junction layout would be required. Such junctions could include:

· Roundabout · Traffic Signals and · Compact Grade Separated Roundabouts are the safest form of at-grade junction. However, they can impede traffic flow and cause delay and therefore do not offer the same economic benefits as the other

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junctions. Their provision should be based on operational, economic and environmental considerations. Factors to be taken into account at the design stage include, for example, the need to reduce speed at certain locations for reasons such as:

· a significant change in road standard and · to emphasise the transition from a rural to a semi-urban or urban environment Roundabouts can be used to allow the alignment to accommodate sharp changes in direction and can be used to optimise the length of straight overtaking sections either side of them.

The provision of signal control at major/minor junctions, or roundabouts, can enhance efficiency by reducing congestion and conflict between different vehicle movements, within the available road space. Signal control can also be used to introduce other strategies such as pedestrian provision etc. The design standards state that traffic signals can only be used where the 85%tile approach speeds are less than 65 mph. In the context of this improvement this should be the case, however, speeds could be at or approaching this threshold. Therefore their provision on a derestricted new highway within a rural environment on unlit roads would not be ideal. They are more suited to an urban or semi urban environment where speeds are lower and where additional provision is required i.e. pedestrian facilities.

Grade separated junctions are normally used where flows are high, normally in excess of 30,000 AADT. However, they can be used for lower design flows of 20,000 AADT on the main line, but this would be dependent on turning traffic. Compact grade separated junctions on the other hand can be justified for flows as low as 12,500 AADT on single lane dual mainline depending on traffic and more importantly accident rates. The provision of compact grade separations on single carriageways is a permitted alternative provided that the junction layout includes a section of single lane dualling on the mainline.

4.3.2 Junction Strategy to be adopted In developing the junction strategy for trunk road improvements, due consideration needs to be given not only to how the junction serves and fits in with the local roads but how it compares with other similar junctions on the network. It is important to have consistency in standards to avoid unnecessary confusion to the travelling public. On discrete route improvements difficulties arise because the standard of the improvement is likely to be higher than exists on adjacent sections of road and as a result there could be some inconsistency in standards.

The types of junction that currently exist on the A40 west of St Clears are:

· Simple ‘T’ junction · Ghost Island junction · Single Lane Dualling junction and · Roundabout Further east, on the A40 dual carriageway between Carmarthen and St Clears there are some grade-separated junctions.

Where a roundabout currently serves a junction then it is likely that it would remain as a roundabout. Where new junctions are to be provided, or existing ones upgraded, then as a general principle single lane dualling would be considered as minimum provision. However, circumstances may be such that a ghost island could be an acceptable alternative

Junction types have been assessed not only for their suitability within the localised improvement but within the context of the overall junction strategy.

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Junction types have been considered with route options but it should be noted that no decisions will be made on the type of junction that would be included within a scheme until more detailed design work is undertaken post public consultation.

4.3.3 Private Means of Access The general principle established early in the route options process was to minimise the number of direct accesses for a single carriageway strategy and restrict access onto a dual carriageway to junctions only for the dual carriageway strategy. Route options have been developed with this established principle.

With any route and junction option, the requirements for local traffic, both farm and short distance travel, were considered and the local road network developed to suit. The aim of this activity was to ensure that where ever possible, local and farm traffic could travel without using the trunk road. Slow moving agricultural and local delivery vehicles are considered a problem on the trunk road adding to delays and longer journey times.

Where widening or improving a single carriageway is being considered it can be difficult to provide separate facilities for local and, in particular, farm traffic. The options considered have included for alternative private means of access where it would be necessary to stop up existing accesses onto the trunk road. This would require a considerable amount of additional single track carriageway to provide these private means of access and continuity of a local road network. Wherever possible, additional gates and areas of hard-standing would be provided within an agricultural holding. The exact layout and location of these gates will be developed further at a later stage in the design process.

4.4 BUILDABILITY ISSUES In order to minimise construction difficulties and consequently costs, the following principles have been considered in the development and appraisal of route options.

· A balance of cut and fill material should be aimed for to minimise importation of fill material and deposition of surplus material. · Offsite haulage of material should be minimised. · Use of secondary or re-processed materials should be considered. · Traffic Management should be minimised to reduce the impact on the travelling public · Construction contracts should commence at the appropriate time of year to reduce contract duration · Designs should take into account the need for safe transition between new road and existing road, particularly where a change of standard might occur. An important factor in the consideration of improvement options will be the need to optimise the balance of earth-works and therefore costs i.e. the minimisation of import and disposal of surplus material. This will need to be assessed in more detail when better topographical survey information is obtained.

Should detailed design result in a surplus of material then consideration could be given to utilising it in landscaping. Should a surplus remain discussions will be held with the local authority to establish if it can be disposed of in existing licensed tips, or if there is a need for fill for construction or agricultural purposes within the locality. The need to minimise the importation of aggregates and fill materials into the site will be addressed in the detailed design and route selection process.

The approximate earthworks quantities for each option are detailed in Table 4.1 Single Carriageway Earthworks and 4.2 Dual Carriageway Earthworks later in this report. They are preliminary and based on limited topographical survey information.

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5.1 GENERAL See FIG ROR 019 to 022

The sections used in this report are as described earlier in Section 3 of this report

The sections were examined and options for improvement were developed to take account of the likely traffic flow, engineering standards, construction costs and environmental impacts These options were then assessed and appraised in accordance with the draft Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) methodology and the results presented in this report. In some situations this appraisal process highlighted problems that led to the development of a further option to address the problem. This process identified route options that could be discarded and recommended those to be taken forward to the Technical Appraisal Report (TAR) for further consideration.

The options described and appraised in this report are all those options that were considered as part of the STAG appraisal against the five assessment criteria. Single and dual carriageway options taken forward from this Route Options Report are listed in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2. respectively.

5.2 DO NOTHING / DO MINIMUM OPTION Do-minimum is effectively the same as doing nothing, which is not a real option if routine and planned maintenance is considered as the Do-minimum option.

Therefore routine and planned maintenance work undertaken by the Assembly's maintaining agents will be considered as the Do-minimum scheme. These works are funded out of the Assembly's road maintenance budget and not out of the Major Projects capital scheme expenditure.

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6.1 INTRODUCTION The options described in this section make use of the existing trunk roar where ever possible to minimise the severance of property and communities. Where appropriate, relief road alignments have been examined to remove trunk road traffic from a number of communities.

6.1.1 Section A St Clears to Whitland Bypass This section of existing single carriageway has been improved in recent years and complies in general with current single carriageway standards. It has capacity to cater for projected traffic growth and congestion problems are unlikely to be experienced until beyond the design year of 2024. The report identified that two existing junctions at Pwll Trap and at the junction with the unclassified road, leading to Blaencorse and the Grovelands leisure complex have had a history of personal injury accidents and improvements to these junctions is considered appropriate.

Overtaking provision on this section is good in both directions and complies with current standards. Pwll Trap Junction This simple T- junction has been identified as having 5 personal injury accidents during the five years between 1997-2001, 4 of which involved right turning manoeuvres. It serves to provide access between the trunk road and the un-classified road to the community of Pwll Trap to the west of St Clears and carries about 700 vehicles a day (two way flow - 12 hour classified count). The turning movement survey indicated that traffic turning right into and out of the junction was in the order of 250 vehicles.

Three options for improving the junction, in line with the strategy described were identified.

· Pwll Trap Junction Improvement - Option 1 · Pwll Trap Junction Improvement - Option 2 · Pwll Trap Junction Improvement - Option 3

· Pwll Trap Junction Improvement - Option 1 See FIG ROR 023

This option would close the junction and require traffic to access Pwll-trap via St Clears. The option would also provide PMA’s on both sides of the trunk road to allow the closure of up to 8 field and private accesses onto the trunk road. This option requires assessment in conjunction with the proposals for the Grovelands junction, which is located to the west of Pwll Trap.

This is a low cost solution, which limits direct access onto the trunk road. As a consequence some of the adjoining landowners may have longer journeys to access the road network and to cross the trunk road between parts of their holdings. In line with Transport Directorate advice, no direct enquiries regarding farming and or access arrangements have been made with landowners at this stage. Vehicles including emergency and public transport services would need to access Pwll Trap via the A40/A477 roundabout.

Closure of the junction would not affect overtaking opportunity and should reduce the accident rate for this section of the trunk road.

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Environmental Impacts There are no significant environmental issues.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £0.1m and the net present value is about £-1.0m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Pwll Trap Junction Improvement - Option 2 See FIG ROR 024

This option would provide a single lane dualling junction, which would give a measure of protection within a dedicated right turn lane, to right turning traffic. The option would also provide PMA’s on both sides of the trunk road to allow the closure of up to 8 field and private accesses onto the trunk road. This option requires assessment in conjunction with the proposals for the Grovelands junction.

In order to achieve a satisfactory junction layout, the Pwll Trap road has to be re-aligned for a distance of approximately 150 metres. This results in its junction with the A40 being 30 metres closer to the Oakland’s access, thereby reducing the stagger distance to 100 metres, which is the minimum for a 100kph design speed.

In addition to the junction works, the proposal includes construction of parallel access tracks for farm vehicles on both the north and south sides of the A40 to enable field accesses to be closed off between Oaklands and Grovelands.

This junction would maintain the existing access to Pwll Trap thereby ensuring that traffic to/from the east would not require lengthy detours via St Clears; this could be a significant issue for public transport services. A single lane dualling junction would be in accordance with design standards albeit at the lower ranges of the traffic flows. As traffic flows increase right turning movements would become increasingly difficult. Whilst a ghost island junction would offer a similar level of provision it would not provide protection for turning traffic and the increased width of carriageway could encourage overtaking through the junction. As a consequence a ghost island junction is not considered a viable junction option at this location.

At present overtaking lengths exist for westbound and eastbound traffic either side of the junction, however the westbound climbing lane to the east of the junction restricts overtaking for eastbound traffic. The provision of any major/minor junction would reduce overtaking opportunity and this would be the case with this option In combination with a junction improvement at Grovelands, up to 900m of overtaking length could be lost.

Environmental Impacts There are no significant environmental issues.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £1.7m and the net present value is about £-0.50m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Pwll Trap Junction Improvement - Option 3 See FIG ROR 025

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This option would change the junction to a “left in, left out” arrangement with a length of central island to prevent right turns into and out of the junction. This arrangement would also restrict access, particularly for public transport and emergency services.

The removal of right turning traffic would alleviate some of the safety problems this movement creates. This proposal would restrict access and would be a compromise between the two other options. This would be a non-standard junction; there is no similar junction on this section of the A40. The provision of a central reserve, to prevent traffic turning right, within a de-restricted single carriageway would not be ideal and might encourage traffic wishing to turn right into Pwll Trap undertaking U turns in the lay-by just west of the junction.

The option would also provide PMA’s on both sides of the trunk road to allow the closure of up to 8 field and private accesses onto the trunk road. This option requires assessment in conjunction with the proposals for the Grovelands junction.

It would also reduce overtaking opportunities but not to the same extent as Option 2, a single lane dualling junction.

Environmental Impacts There are no significant environmental issues.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £0.2m and the net present value is about £-1.6m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B Grovelands Junction This simple T- junction has been identified as having fatal accidents in 1997 and 1998. This junction serves to provide access between the trunk road and the un-classified road to the farms at Blaengors and beyond and more significantly the growing leisure complex at Grovelands. It carries about 200 vehicles a day (two way flow - 12 hour classified count). The turning movement survey indicated that traffic turning right into and out of the junction was in the order of 100 vehicles.

Two options for improving the junction, in line with the strategy for the single carriageway were identified:

· Grovelands Junction Improvement - Option 1 and · Grovelands Junction Improvement - Option 2

· Grovelands Junction Improvement - Option 1 See FIG ROR 023

This option is the provision of an at-grade roundabout on the junction of the A40 with the unclassified road to Blaencorse, at what will be known as Grovelands junction. Just east of this junction the side road from Heol Fenni joins the trunk road; this would be re-aligned to form a southern arm to the roundabout. The existing access tracks to the south of the trunk road would be stopped up. Private means of access, to replace the existing direct accesses onto the trunk road could be constructed to link with the new roundabout. This junction would provide easier access particularly for slow agricultural vehicles.

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In accordance with design standards, the traffic turning movements at this junction do not warrant a roundabout and it would introduce delay to trunk road through traffic. It would however be a safer junction than the present T-junction.

Environmental Impacts There are no significant environmental issues but the PMA crosses a Roman Road.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £1.4m and the net present value is about £-6.7m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Grovelands Junction Improvement - Option 2

See FIG ROR 024

This option is similar to the Pwll Trap Option 2 proposal and would introduce single lane dualling between the existing minor road to Bwlchydomen on the south side of the A40 and the minor road to Blaencorse on the north side to form a left/right staggered junction with a design speed of 100 kph. The stagger distance is 160 metres, which exceeds the minimum of 100 metres for this design speed.

As in Option 1 the access tracks to the south of the trunk road would be stopped up and access to the fields would be via a new private means of access from the southern side road.

A single lane dualling junction would be an appropriate form of junction for the traffic flow and turning movements albeit at the lower ranges of the traffic flows. As traffic flows increase right turning movements would become increasingly difficult. To some extent this problem would be alleviated with the stopping up of the PMA’s and the utilisation of a combined access. However this would result in slower moving agricultural vehicles having to manoeuvre through the junction.

Whilst a ghost island junction would offer a similar level of provision it would not provide protection for right turning traffic. The increased width of carriageway could encourage overtaking through the junction, particularly since there are overtaking lengths either side of the junction in both directions. As a consequence a ghost island junction is not considered to be a viable junction option at this location. The provision of any major/minor junction would reduce overtaking opportunity and in combination with a junction at Pwll Trap, up to 900m of overtaking length could be lost.

Environmental Impacts There are no significant environmental issues.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £1.3m and the net present value is about £-1.5m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B Summary – Pwll Trap and Grovelands Junctions It was recognised that to implement these junction improvements would require the provision of significant lengths of private means of access (PMA) to allow the number of field

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and private accesses to be reduced. Because of their close proximity and the potential for impact on overtaking and private accesses it was considered that the junctions needed to be assessed together.

At Pwll Trap a single lane dualling junction would be the better provision. Whilst the stopping up of the junction would have obvious benefits for trunk road traffic it would significantly affect residents of Pwll Trap and adjacent landowners. The other alternative of left in / left out would result in a non-standard junction layout, which would be undesirable.

At Grovelands the preferred junction would be single lane dualling. It would offer greater economic benefits, be compatible with the proposed junction at Pwll Trap and would be in keeping with the overall junction strategy of using such junctions where possible.

These junctions are a high level provision for low traffic flows on the minor road. However, the presence of an overtaking section either side of this junction could result in higher than average approach speeds and a wide carriageway could encourage overtaking through the junction, therefore a ghost island was not considered an appropriate solution.

Some 'economy of scale' saving may be achieved by combining the two junction improvements at Pwll Trap and Grovelands under one contract.

6.1.2 Section B Whitland Bypass See FIG ROR 026

Whitland Bypass was opened in 1996 and provides a single carriageway that is fully compliant with current standards. The projected traffic flows on this section could be adequately catered for without congestion until well beyond the design year of 2024.

Overtaking provision on this section is good in both directions and complies with current standards.

For a single carriageway strategy therefore a Do-Minimum option of routine and planned maintenance would be adequate for this section. The cost of this would be met from Network Management funding.

6.1.3 Section C Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey See FIG ROR 026

This section is the section known as Pengawse Hill and climbs in a westward direction from the western roundabout on the Whitland Bypass to Gwyndy Farm, to the east of Llanddewi Velfrey. This section is of a reasonably good standard, although there have been a number of accidents, including a fatal in 2003. These accidents are attributed to abuse of the warning lines for the westbound climbing lane. The situation is therefore being monitored.

Overtaking provision on this section is good in both directions and complies with current standards.

Notwithstanding this, it is considered that the existing carriageway with routine and planned maintenance, will be adequate as part of a single carriageway strategy and as with the preceding sections, would not experience congestion until beyond the design year of 2024.

6.1.4 Section D Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin This section commences at Gwyndy Farm and passes through the village of Llanddewi Velfrey on a sub-standard alignment on which is imposed a 40 mph speed restriction. The road width reduces to some 6.5 metres within the village. There have been a number of

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accidents in previous years at the T-junction in the centre of the village and measures have recently been taken by Network Management to address these problems. The performance of the junction will be monitored.

Beyond the village and the speed restriction zone, the alignment improves slightly and on the approach to Penblewin roundabout forward visibility is better.

Overtaking provision on this section is non-existent in both directions.

As a result of the poor alignment through this section and through the village particularly, several single carriageway route options were considered and eight were identified for consideration. These were:

· Option1 - a northern relief road passing to the north of the Blaen Pen-troydin farm from Gwyndy Farm to Ffynnon Wood. · Option2 – a short relief road for the eastern half of the village · Option3 – a minor realignment for the eastern half of the village · Option4 - a northern relief road passing to the north of the Blaen Pen-troydin farm from Bethel Chapel to east of Ffynnon Wood. · Option 5 - a northern/southern relief road, which would cross the line of the existing road in the village centre · Option 6 - a northern relief road passing to the south of the Blaen Pen-troydin woodland. · Option 7 - a northern relief road passing to the north of the Blaen Pen-troydin farm from Bethel Chapel to Ffynnon Wood and: · Option 8 - a northern relief road passing to the north of Blaen Pen-troydin woodland. The section from Ffynnon Wood to Penblewin would be a maintenance scheme.

· Llanddewi Velfrey – Option 1 See FIG ROR 028

This option would consist of a bypass of the entire village on the northern side and would be approximately 2.8km in length.

It would commence at Ch. 20+850, Gwyndy junction with a right hand curve that would take it north of the existing A40 on an uphill gradient of about 6%, then continue straight for about 300 metres behind Bethel Chapel close to existing grade. It would then enter a left hand curve on sidelong ground before straightening out and going into a cutting, running almost due west and passing beneath a minor road then north of Blaen-pen-Troydin on a short section of shallow embankment. It would then cross a localised steep wooded valley through which flows a water-course; this section would be on an embankment at a height of approximately 15 metres.

Beyond the stream crossing the route would return immediately into cutting passing beneath the minor road to Llanfallteg then enter a left hand curve taking it beneath the access road to Pen-troydin-fach. From here the road would straighten out briefly close to existing ground level joining the existing road on a short right hand curve at Ch. 18+050 at Ffynnon Chapel.

The vertical alignment would leave the existing road on a gradient of over 6%, it falls then climbs briefly at 2% to a crest in the centre of the first cutting before falling gradually for over a kilometre, then at 4½% briefly, to tie in with the existing road at the western end.

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Three over bridges would be required for this option; access to the village would be provided close to either end of the scheme via at-grade junctions with the existing A40.

Overtaking opportunities would be provided in both directions between the vertical crest curve at Ch. 19+700 and the start of the horizontal curve at Ch. 19+000.

Relaxations/Departures A one step relaxation from standards would be required at the eastern end where the scheme would tie into the existing road at a radius of 510 metres. More accurate topographical data may show that the alignment could be modified to accord with desirable standards.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of major negative significance on:

· The wet woodland at Blaen Pen Troydin, which would not be mitigatable.

There would be an impact of moderate negative significance on:

· Hedgerows north of Bethel Chapel

· Removing a large volume of surplus material off site.

There would be an impact of small positive significance on:

· 48 properties, which would benefit from a reduction in traffic noise of 5dB(A) or more.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £8.3m and the net present value is about £1m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey – Option 2 See FIG ROR 029

This option would consist of a bypass of the eastern part of the village only, on its northern side and would be approximately 1.5km in length.

It would commence at Ch. 20+700, just west of Gwyndy and leave the existing road where it would begin to curve to the south, thus taking it north of the existing A40 and into shallow cutting in front of Bethel Chapel. It would then enter a short 1020 metre radius left hand curve followed by a long straight coming out of cutting behind Glenfield Cottage and onto embankment passing over a minor road just behind Blaen-pant before entering a long 720 metre radius right hand curve which would take it back into cutting before rejoining the existing road at Ch. 19+200, just east of the Parkylan Inn Public House.

The option would rise steeply from the existing road on a gradient of almost 6%, which would be followed by a long vertical curve through the cutting to a gentle downgrade tie-in with the existing road at a localised low spot.

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A single underpass would be required for this option where it would cross a minor road east of the village centre. At-grade junctions would provide access to the village with a new link road in front of Ivy Cottage at the eastern end and at Llandaff Row, with a connection to the existing A40 at Commercial Cross, at the western end.

It would not provide any overtaking opportunities over its length and it would only be a partial bypass of the village.

Relaxation/Departures No relaxations or departures from standards would be required for this option.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be a possible impact of moderate negative significance on:

· A Bronze Age round barrow.

There would be an impact of moderate negative significance on:

· Removing a large volume of surplus material off site.

There would be an impact of small positive significance on:

· 22 properties, which would benefit from a reduction in traffic noise of 5dB(A) or more.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £4.4m and the net present value is about £4.1m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey – Option 3 See FIG ROR 030

This proposal consists of a minor re-alignment of the road through the eastern section of the village to improve the horizontal and vertical alignment, increase verge widths and improve forward visibility by providing a 7.3 metre single carriageway with 2.5 metre verges but no hardstrips. The design speed of the improvement, which is contained wholly within the 40 mph speed restricted area, is 70 kph. This value is proposed in order to minimise the effect on properties and land-take, and the existing speed limit through the village, which will be retained.

The scheme starts commences at Glenfield cottage at Ch. 19+930, on a 510 metre radius right hand curve as far as Cross Inn cottage and continues to curve to the right on a large radius in front of the filling station and finishes with further 510 metre radius curves, right then left, past Commercial Cross and tie-in with the existing road in front of the Post Office in Picton Terrace at Ch. 19+140. The vertical profile of the improvement generally follows that of the existing road.

The scheme also includes a minor realignment of Llandaff Row. This would in combination with Picton Terrace form a staggered ghost island junction. Some land is required on the north side of the existing A40. No properties are required.

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This proposal would do nothing to relieve community severance but would marginally improve the forward visibility over a short section of the trunk road.

This would be a Do-Minimum section for the single carriageway strategy.


No relaxations or departures from standards would be required for this option.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be a possible impact of small negative significance on:

· A Bronze Age round barrow.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £2.2m and the net present value is about £-0.3m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey – Option 4 See FIG ROR 031

This option is similar to Option 1 except that it is considerably shorter. It would commence and end closer to the village by the use of 85kph design speed lower radius horizontal curves when leaving and rejoining the existing A40 and to avoid existing properties. This reduces the length to 1.6km.

The route would commences at Ch. 20+300, a hundred metres to the west of Bethel Chapel, and after a short straight, follows a 510 metre radius right hand curve followed by a 510 metre radius left hand curve to join the line of Option 1 north of Blaen-pen-Troydin. Continuing on a straight alignment it would pass through woodland crossing a water course then enter a 510 metre radius left hand curve passing beneath the minor road to Llanfallteg, then a further right hand curve to rejoin the existing road at Ch. 18+650 just west of the access to Pen-troydin-fach and close to the limit of the existing 40 mph zone.

Vertically the option would climb steeply from the existing road on a gradient of almost 6%, followed by a short vertical curve (K30) leading to a steep downgrade of almost 7% before crossing a small stream valley. It would resume climbing as it enters the long cutting, which would take it beneath the minor road to Llanfallteg, reaching a gradient of almost 5% and then falling at more than 5% over the remaining two hundred metres to tie in with the existing road.

One overbridge and one underpass would be required for this option; access to the village would be provided close to either end via at-grade junctions with the existing A40.

Due to the constrained alignment, no overtaking opportunities are provided by this option but it would be a full bypass of the village

Relaxations/departures This option would be to a design speed of 85 kph standard. There would be no relaxations from that standard in horizontal alignment but the vertical alignment would incorporate a K30

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summit curve. This curve despite being a one step relaxation in standards would be in accordance with design requirements for single carriageways. Gradients in excess of 6% would be a relaxation, however topographical survey data may show that this gradient could be reduced.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of major negative significance on:

· The wet woodland at Blaen Pen Troydin; this impact would not be able to be mitigated

There would be an impact of small positive significance on:

· 43 properties, which would benefit from a reduction in traffic noise of 5dB(A) or more.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £4.9m and the net present value is about £3.9m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey – Option 5 See FIG ROR 032

The route leaves the existing A40 at Ch. 20+600, just east of Bethel Chapel, on a 1500m radius left hand curve before reversing on to a 1200m radius right hand curve and passing beneath the existing A40 in cutting through the existing junction at Commercial Cross. An overbridge, or possibly a cut and cover tunnel (“land bridge”), would be constructed at this location to maintain continuity and access for the village. From here it would pass to the south of the properties on the south side of the existing A40, running almost parallel to it, then rejoin it via a long left hand curve at Ch. 18+150, just east of Ffynnon Chapel. This western section of the route would be generally close to existing ground level although it would be in a shallow cutting behind the majority of properties. Curve radii would be constant at the desirable minimum of 1020 metres throughout.

Approximately 150 metres of cut and cover tunnel, or a skewed overbridge, would be required for this option together with one underpass. Access to the village would be provided via single lane dualling at-grade junctions at the eastern and western end of the scheme with a new link road at the eastern end and a direct connection to the existing A40 at the western end.

Commencing just east of Bethel Chapel the route would climb steeply from the existing road at a gradient of almost 6% for two hundred metres then enters a long crest curve as it proceeds into cutting, which reaches a maximum depth of 10 metres; the vertical curve is a one step relaxation from standards with a ‘k’ value of 55. Paragraph 4.9 of TD9/93 permits up to a two step relaxation in the design speed for crest curves on all-purpose Band A roads. After some 400 metres the route would exit the cutting, descending gently and enter another short cutting where it would cross beneath the existing A40. The route continues to fall at almost 4% and remains close to existing ground level for about one kilometre before levelling off at the tie-in to the existing road as it begins to climb. With the exception of the vertical relaxation described above, no further relaxations or departures from standards would be required for this option.

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An 800m overtaking section would be provided in both directions, between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 19+300, just as the road exits the overbridge/cut and cover tunnel, and the start of the horizontal curve at Ch. 18+500.

It would provide a full bypass of the village.

Relaxations/departures. The horizontal curves are based on a design speed of 85kph, resulting in a one step relaxation.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be no significant environmental issues:

There would be an impact of small positive significance on:

· 40 properties, which would benefit from a reduction in traffic noise of 5dB(A) or more.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £6m and the net present value is about £2.5m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey – Option 6 See FIG ROR 033

This option was developed as a result of discussions at the Environmental Liaison Group meetings when concerns were expressed about the sensitivity of Blaen-Pen-Troydin wet woodland. The alignment initially would follow that of Option 5 for some 600 metres from Bethel Chapel where it would swing northwest to cross under the side road to Llanfallteg north of the properties before rejoining the existing A40 just west of Ffynnon Wood. This alignment stays south of Blaen-Pen-Troydin Wood. The horizontal curves would be appropriate for a design speed of 85kph, resulting in a one step relaxation.

Due to the constrained alignment, there are no eastbound overtaking opportunities with this option. This option was not developed further.

The cost estimate for undertaking this improvement as a single works contract is £6.0m

· Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 7 See FIG ROR 034

Concern had been expressed during the Value Engineering Workshop regarding the size of the initial cutting on Option 1 and it was felt that Option 4 (85 kph) was a better alignment over this section. So the first half of Option 4 has been combined with the second half of Option 1 to form Option 7.

There would be a slight reduction in overtaking opportunity due to the use of the relaxation in design speed for a horizontal curve. The option would provide a full bypass of the village.

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Relaxations / departures This option would be to a design speed of 85 kph standard. There would be no relaxations from that standard in horizontal alignment but the vertical alignment would incorporate a K30 summit curve (as Option 4). This curve despite being a one step relaxation in standards would be in accordance with design requirements for single carriageways. Gradients in excess of 6% would be a relaxation, however topographical survey data may show that this gradient could be reduced.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of major negative significance on:

· The wet woodland at Blaen Pen Troydin. This impact would not be mitigatable.

There would be an impact of moderate negative significance on:

· Removing a large volume of surplus material off site.

There would be an impact of small positive significance in that about 42 properties would benefit from a reduction in traffic noise of 5dB(A) or more.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £6.6m and the net present value is about £3.1m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 8 See FIG ROR 035

The wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin Wood was examined in detail as part of the Environmental Assessment and it was considered it was of such importance that an option should be developed to avoid the main section of the wood as an alternative to options, which affected the northern third of it.

This option commences at Ch. 20+300, about three hundred metres to the east of Bethel Chapel, and after a short straight, follows a 510 metre radius right hand curve followed by a 510 metre radius left hand curve to take a line north of Blaen-Pen-Troydin Wood passing beneath the access to Castell. Beyond the stream crossing it returns immediately into cutting to pass beneath the road to Llanfallteg West and enters a further left hand curve, which takes it beneath the access road to Pen-troydin-fach. From this point the route straightens out briefly before joining the existing road on a short right hand curve at Ch. 18+050 in front of Ffynnon Chapel.

A total of two overbridges would be required for this option; access to the village would be provided close to either end of the scheme via at-grade junctions with the existing A40.

The route would rise steeply from the existing road at Bethel Chapel on a gradient of almost 6%, followed by a short vertical crest curve leading to a steep downgrade of almost 7.0% bottoming out as it crosses a small stream valley. It begins to climb again as it enters a 250 metre long cutting which takes it beneath the road to Llanfallteg West reaching a gradient of almost 5% briefly before peaking and falling at more than 5.0% over the remaining two hundred metres to tie in with the existing road.

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This option would be designed for a design speed of 85 kph with no relaxations. However, due to the constrained alignment, there would be limited safe overtaking opportunities with this option. The option can be considered a one step relaxation from the 100kph design speed that would normally be applied.

Relaxations/departures A one step relaxation in horizontal curvature is required to avoid the woodland completely.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of small negative significance on:

· Removing a large volume of surplus material off site.

There would be an impact of small positive significance on:

· 43 properties, which would benefit from a reduction in traffic noise of 5dB(A) or more.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £7.8m and the net present value is about £-0.8m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Ffynnon Wood to Penblewin See FIG ROR 036

Works over this section comprise routine and planned maintenance to ensure that the safety of road users would be maintained. No major works are therefore proposed for this option. The cost of this maintenance would be met from Network Management funding.

6.1.5 Section E Penblewin to Canaston Bridge This section commences at Penblewin roundabout, the junction between the A40 and A478 roads. The width of the initial three kilometres is to an acceptable standard. The verges are overgrown affecting the forward visibility on the curving alignment. There are groups of houses at Blackmoor Hill and around the junction at Redstone Cross.

Beyond this section the trunk road passes through the village of Robeston Wathen where the width of the existing road reduces to some 6.5 metres with narrow verges and a number of properties fronting the trunk road. A 30 mph speed limit is in force through the village. Beyond the village the trunk road falls towards the A4075 junction at Canaston Bridge. There is no safe overtaking provision on this section.

Three options have been considered for the section from Penblewin Roundabout to Redstone Cross:

· Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 1 · Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 2 · Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 3

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There is a current TR111 for a Robeston Wathen Bypass and this route has been followed closely for this section. Alternative junction arrangements were examined using the same alignment for the trunk road. These are discussed below.

· Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 1 See FIG ROR 038

This option includes a 1.35km diversion of the existing A40 between the roundabout junction with the A478 at Penblewin and the B4313 junction at Redstone Cross, passing to the south of the residential properties at Blackmoor Hill.

The route would leave the Penblewin roundabout at Ch. 16+350 on a 1020 metre radius right hand curve then follows a straight for half a kilometre before rejoining the existing road on a 1020 metre radius left hand curve at Ch. 14+950, some 100 metres west of the existing staggered junction at Redstone Cross. This junction would be upgraded to single lane dualling.

No new structures are required for this option. Access to the properties at Blackmoor Hill would be provided via an at-grade junction with the A40 at the eastern end of the scheme. The widening and realignment of the route through the junction requires the acquisition and demolition of the two properties known as “The Forge” on the south side of the existing junction.

On leaving Penblewin roundabout the route climbs gently before entering a vertical crest curve before falling at 2.5 % through a shallow cutting. It dips as it leaves the cutting and crosses a narrow valley formed by a tributary of the Afon Marlais at a height of some 8 metres before climbing at 2.5 %. The route continues to climb on embankment until some 100 metres before the B4313 where it converges with the existing road tie-in on a crest curve close to grade.

A 600 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the horizontal curve at Ch. 15+900 and the start of the taper for the Redstone Cross single lane dualling at Ch. 15+300.

Relaxations/departures The existing deceleration distance provided at the Redstone Cross staggered junction is 25 metres. This distance is three steps below the 80 metres required for design speeds of 100- kph. Improvement in this stagger distance could be achieved by realigning the northern arm of the junction. This would be determined at the next stage of the design process.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be a possible impact of small negative significance on:

· The Bronze Age round barrows.

· The site of the former Redstone Cross standing stone

There would be an impact of small positive significance on:

· 4 properties, which would benefit from a reduction in traffic noise of 5dB(A) or more.

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Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £4.2m and the net present value is about £-0.8m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 2 See FIG ROR 039

This option would include a minor diversion of the existing A40 east of Penblewin roundabout to improve the current alignment and move the road away from the residential properties at Blackmoor Hill, followed by a northern bypass of the existing B4313 junction and properties at Redstone Cross. The option would have a total length of approximately 2.0km.

The route would follow the existing A40 from the Penblewin roundabout then, as the A40 curves to the left, follow a 600 metre radius left hand curve north of the existing road in front of the houses at Blackmoor Hill. This first section would be generally at or close to existing ground level. It would then curve to the right with a 720 metre radius curve into cutting behind Redstone Farm, then straight crossing beneath the B4313 north of Redstone Cross. It would then follow two reverse 1020 metre radius curves, firstly left in cutting beneath the Sodston House access road, then right on embankment, to tie-in to the existing road at Ch. 14+100 three hundred metres east of Flimstone Lane.

Two over bridges could be required for this scheme. The first, at the B4313, would be on a skew of more than 45 degrees. The second is at the access to Sodston House. This bridge could be deleted if an alternative access could be provided to Sodston House. Access to the properties at Blackmoor Hill would be provided via an at-grade junction with the existing A40. A new link to Redstone Cross and the B4313 (South) would be provided via an at- grade junction with the old A40 east of Redstone Cross.

This option does not provide any overtaking opportunities.

Relaxations/departures The scheme would include three relaxations from standards, one horizontally with the R600 curve and two vertically with K55 summit curves.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be a possible impact of small negative significance on:

· The Bronze Age round barrows.

· The Redstone Cross standing stone.

There would also be an impact of moderate negative significance on:

· Redstone Farm.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £4.4m and the net present value is about £-2.9m

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The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 3 See FIG ROR 040

This option would include a minor re-alignment and improvement of 1.8km of the existing trunk road starting at Ch. 16+400, immediately west of the roundabout junction with the A478 at Penblewin and finishing at Ch. 14+600. just east of the access to Sodston House. The vertical alignment for this option closely follows the alignment of the existing A40 over it’s length.

Included within the works is the re-alignment and single lane dualling at the Redstone Cross junction and widening on the junction approaches, which would require the acquisition of the two properties known as “The Forge” on the south side of the existing junction. However the stagger distance of 50 metres would remain sub-standard for single lane dualling for design speeds in excess of 60kph as discussed above.

No new structures are required for this option. Apart from that at Redstone Cross, there are no other junctions. A disadvantage of this scheme is that the existing direct access to properties at Blackmoor Hill would remain.

Relaxations/departures The existing stagger distance if maintained would be sub-standard. However there is scope to improve this and this will be determined at the next stage of the design process. The horizontal alignment contains two R510 curves, which would be a relaxation in standards. The need to tie into the existing alignment may limit an improvement at the western end but there may be scope to improve the alignment in the vicinity of the junction. The improvement is effectively on line and on the basis of the available data it is difficult to determine the vertical alignment. However it would appear that an alignment could be achieved that would be compatible with standards appropriate to 100 kph.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of small - moderate negative significance on:

· The site of a post-medieval farmstead; some buildings would be demolished.

There may also be an impact of small negative significance on:

· Bronze Age round barrows

· The Redstone Cross standing stone.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £2.3m and the net present value is about £-1m

The results of the appraisal of this route option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Summary - Redstone Cross Junction Options

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The existing junction with the B4313 at Redstone Cross has been a problem junction for a number of years. The Transport Directorate has implemented various small scale improvements.

Along this sub-section of the trunk road there are private accesses to the properties at Blackmoor Hill, two access roads to properties to the north of Blackmoor Hill, the B4313 junction itself and access roads to Sodston House and Jacobs Park plus several field gate accesses. The strategy would be to reduce these.

The major improvement to the B4313 junction would be to introduce single lane dualling and re-arranging the configuration to remove the short stagger distance to comply with the design speed requirements. An improvement to the access to Blackmoor Hill would be achieved by Option 2. The introduction of a shared access PMA for the two properties north of Blackmoor Hill would be possible with Options 2 & 3. Option 1 would remove the direct access problem at Blackmoor Hill completely.

Access to Sodston House could be provided in Option 2 from the B4313, thereby removing the access west of Redstone Cross and access to Jacobs Park could be via the old road

A roundabout junction at Redstone Cross would not be appropriate either from a traffic flow/turning movement consideration or in view of the likely demolition required and the delay to traffic flow introduced.

· Robeston Wathen Relief Road All options considered follow the alignment of the previously published Preferred Route which is currently protected by a TR111. Single carriageway options would consist of a single 7.3 metre carriageway with 1.0 metre hardstrips and 2.5 metre verges and have a design speed of 100kph. The differences between the options are in the form of junctions used at either end of the scheme, the B4314, the alignment at the western tie-in and the provision of an eastbound climbing lane.

Leaving the existing A40 at Ch. 13+700, just east of Cotts Farm, the route crosses the B4314, before traversing the hillside south of the village of Robeston Wathen and the properties at Robeston Back before rejoining the existing road just east of Canaston Bridge at Ch. 10+750. The horizontal alignment would be generally straight except for the tie-ins at either end.

Vertically, the relief road falls gently for half a kilometre and then climbs for a short distance across the hillside behind the village and reaches a high point just before it crosses Woodford Lane; the vertical curve would be a one step relaxation from standards with a ‘k’ value of 55. From here it falls at a gradient of 4.8 % for almost a kilometre, levelling off some 200 metres before the junction with the A4075 where it reaches its lowest point. From here it would climb gently to the tie-in with the existing road just east of Canaston Bridge.

Relaxations/departures The vertical curve near Woodford Lane is a one step relaxation from standards with a ‘k’ value of 55. This would result in a one step relaxation in stopping sight distance. This may constitute a departure.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified for all the options considered for this bypass proposal.

There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane.

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· River Cleddau cSAC and environs important · Protected species (Otters, badgers and bats) · Local farms. There would be impacts of small negative significance on:

· The medieval settlement and field system at Robeston Wathen and Canaston Bridge There would be an impact of moderate positive significance:

· in that about 20 properties would benefit from a reduction in traffic noise of 5dB(A) or more. Where an option has an additional or different impact from that described above this is stated in the description of the option.

These options provide different access arrangements at the B4314 and A4075 junctions and as a result have differing construction costs and economic performance. As the alignment of each option is effectively the same as the current TR111 line and the only differences are the junction arrangements, it is proposed that the selection of junction and access types and provision is investigated further at the detailed design stage.

For costing purposes for the single carriageway strategy it is proposed that the cost of Option 10 is taken forward as representative of the options considered.

· Robeston Wathen - Option 1 See FIG ROR 041

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

· The B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge. · The re-aligned A4075 would pass over the proposed relief road via a new bridge. · Access to the village would be via a roundabout on the relief road opposite the Bush Inn west of the village and a mini roundabout on the old trunk road. · Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £9.7m and the net present value is about £-23.9m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Robeston Wathen - Option 2 See FIG ROR 042

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

· There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the B4314 with a link to provide an eastern access into the village on the north side. · There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side.

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· Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass A 1000 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the approach to the A4075 roundabout at Ch. 11+300 and the start of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+300.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £8.5m and the net present value is about £-9.0m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Robeston Wathen - Option 3 See FIG ROR 043

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) The B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge.

b) The re-aligned A4075 would intersect with the proposed relief road via a compact grade separated junction. This junction would incorporate a link from the side road to Llawhaden. Part of the works would include an enlarged bridge over the Eastern Cleddau to carry this link and provide access underneath for equestrians and cyclists to cross the trunk road. This junction was considered by the Environmental Liaison Group to be very intrusive.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £12.3m and the net present value is about £-5.4m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B.

· Robeston Wathen - Option 4 See FIG ROR 044

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) The B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge with east bound off and west bound on slip roads.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass

A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £9.1m and the net present value is about £-6.9m

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The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B.

· Robeston Wathen - Option 5 See FIG ROR 045

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) Similar to Option 4 in that the B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge but with east bound on and west bound off slip roads.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass

A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £9.1m and the net present value is about £-5.5m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Robeston Wathen - Option 6 See FIG ROR 046

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) The B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge but all direction access would be achieved with east bound and west bound on/off slip roads.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side. This junction would incorporate a link from the side road to Llawhaden.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass

A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £9.3m and the net present value is about £-4.2m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Robeston Wathen - Option 7 See FIG ROR 047

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

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a) The B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge but all direction access would be achieved with east bound and west bound on/off slip roads.

b) The re-aligned A4075 would intersect with the proposed relief road via a compact grade separated junction. This junction would incorporate a link from the side road to Llawhaden. Part of the works would include an enlarged bridge over the Eastern Cleddau to carry this link and provide access underneath for equestrians and cyclists to cross the trunk road. This junction was considered by the Environmental Liaison Group to be very intrusive.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass

A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £12.6m and the net present value is about £-3.2m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Robeston Wathen - Option 8 See FIG ROR 048

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) The B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass

A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £8.8m and the net present value is about £-6.6m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Robeston Wathen - Option 9 See FIG ROR 049

A feature of this option is the provision of an eastbound climbing lane between the junctions to improve overtaking and assist journey time reliability. This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) The B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge.

b) The re-aligned A4075 would intersect with the proposed relief road via a compact grade separated junction. This junction would incorporate a link from the side road to Llawhaden. Part of the works would include an enlarged bridge over the Eastern Cleddau to carry this link and provide access underneath for equestrians and cyclists to cross the trunk road. This junction was considered by the Environmental Liaison Group to be very intrusive.

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C) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass

A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £12.8m and the net present value is about £-2.8m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Robeston Wathen - Option 10 See FIG ROR 050

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) The B4314 would pass beneath the proposed relief road via a new bridge but all direction access would be achieved with east bound and west bound on/off slip roads.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side. This junction would incorporate a link from the side road to Llawhaden

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass

To improve the journey time reliability and provide a good overtaking opportunity an eastbound climbing lane has been provided between the junctions.

A 700 metre overtaking opportunity would be provided in each direction between the end of the vertical crest curve at Ch. 12+700 and the tie-in at Ch. 13+400.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £9.8m and the net present value is about £-3.1m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

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· Option Summary Option Brief description of road NPV +/- £M Option 1 Single carriageway with roundabout at midpoint. -23.9 Option 2 Single carriageway with roundabout at each end. -9 Option 3 Single carriageway with compact grade separated junction at -5.4 western end with bridge over the B4314 Direct access onto A40 at Llawhaden junction via new bridge and connection on compact grade separated junction. Option 4 Single carriageway with roundabout at western end with W/B -6.9 on and E/B off slip roads to B4314 Option 5 Single carriageway with roundabout at western end with E/B -5.5 on and W/B off slip roads to B4314 Option 6 Single carriageway with roundabout at western end with -4.2 bridge over the B4314 with E/B and W/B on/off slip roads to B4314 Direct access onto A40 at Llawhaden junction via new bridge and connection on roundabout. Option 7 Single carriageway with compact grade separated junction at -3.2 western end with bridge over the B4314 with E/B on and W/B off slip roads to B4314. Direct access onto A40 at Llawhaden junction via new bridge and connection on compact grade separated junction. Option 8 Single carriageway with roundabout at western end with -6.6 bridge over the B4314 Option 9 Eastbound climbing lane included with Option 3 -2.8 Option 10 Eastbound climbing lane included with Option 6 -3.1

Although the junction provision in the form of roundabouts only would be the least economic it would be beneficial to have all direction links to the adjacent road network at either end of the scheme. This would benefit not only the A4075 and the B4314, but also the village where accessibility, particularly with regard to public transport, is an important factor.

As an alternative to roundabouts, either compact grade separation or grade separation could be considered. The former would be acceptable on single carriageways provided the mainline has a section of single lane dualling, which in this case it has. Grade separation on the other hand is not recommended on single carriageways and should be treated with caution. The design standards give guidance on the appropriate usage. However, it is stated that the use of slip merges on single carriageways should not be used. Notwithstanding these issues the junction arrangements have been economically assessed and have been shown to offer an economic design.

In view of the desirability of providing an all movements junction and one, which would be in accordance with design standards it is therefore considered that the junctions should either be roundabouts or compact grade separated junctions. It would also seem appropriate that similar junctions are utilised at either end of the scheme. There is scope to consider a grade-separated junction but the layout would need to reflect design requirements and concerns.

One of the main benefits of the junction arrangements is that the locations are at either end of the relief road. This ensures that they offer reduced obstruction to overtaking opportunities.

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6.1.6 Section F Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park The existing trunk road climbs over the majority of this section to east of Slebech Park before levelling off. It forms the boundary to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park along its southern edge. There are several overtaking opportunities on this section broken up by the bendiness of the horizontal alignment. The majority of the existing pavement is in a satisfactory condition. The existing junction to Llawhaden would be improved as part of the works on this section.

· Canaston Bridge to Meadow View Climbing Lane See FIG ROR 051

The only identified option would have a westbound climbing lane to provide safe overtaking opportunities. No further ‘do something’ options have been considered.

The purpose of this improvement is to increase opportunities for vehicles to overtake slower moving heavy and agricultural vehicles on gradients. The alignment closely follows that of the existing A40, but would be widened on the northern side by a lane width to provide a westbound climbing lane. Widening on the south side would marginally encroach into the National Park at certain locations and would also affect a number of significant hedgerows along the southern boundary. This can, however, be addressed in more detail when further topographical survey information is available. A design speed of 100kph is proposed for this section.

This option also provides a significant length of safe overtaking for westbound traffic who would use the climbing lane.

Relaxations/Departures This is an online improvement and the standard of alignment is compatible with a design speed of 100 kph horizontally but possibly with one or two relaxations vertically. The level of available information makes it difficult to make a precise judgement. As part of the improvement verge widening would improve stopping sight distances.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be two significant environmental issues. There are very valuable hedgerows on south, bordering valuable woodland and any improvement should avoid incursion into the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £2.3m and the net present value is about £2.0m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Meadow View Improvement See FIG ROR 051

This improvement would comprise the routine and planned maintenance of this section of trunk road to ensure that the drainage was clear and functioning properly, surfacing and kerbs are up to standard and that the verges have been cleared and cut back to ensure that the required forward visibility is provided. No major works are proposed for this option. The cost of these works would be met from Network Management funding.

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6.1.7 Section G Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm This section of trunk road includes the junctions that serve the small retail park and residences at Slebech. Beyond Slebech, the trunk road descends Arnolds Hill on a gradient of up to 8%. This section of trunk road has an eastbound climbing lane over the length of steep gradient, which provides eastbound overtaking. This section has a poor accident due to the failure of drivers to observe the carriageway markings. At Slebech, the road forms the boundary to the Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park. The existing pavement is generally in a satisfactory condition. A total of five options were identified for examination:

· Slebech Option 1 – a southern relief road · Slebech Option 2 – a do-minimum junction improvement and · Slebech Option 3 – a northern relief road · Slebech Option 4 – a northern relief road, to the north of Arnolds Hill · Slebech Option 5 – a southern relief road, to the south of Arnolds Hill Two options to improve the existing road down Arnolds Hill were also considered,

· Arnolds Hill Option 6 – an on line improvement with embankment at Deep Lake Farm · Arnolds Hill Option 7 – an on line improvement with deep cutting on Arnolds Hill Routine maintenance to the remaining sections of trunk road on Arnolds Hill would be required

As part of the works on this section, improvements would be carried out at Deep Lake Farm Junction, in order to reduce the number of accidents that have occurred in this location. Three options have been considered:

· Deep Lake Farm Junction – Option 1 – a single lane dualling junction and · Deep Lake Farm Junction – Option 2 – a grade separated junction. · Deep Lake Farm Junction – Option 3 – a compact grade separated junction.

· Slebech - Option 1 See FIG ROR 053

This option consists of a bypass of the ‘hamlet’ on the southern side, i.e. through the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, and is approximately 2.2km in length.

The bypass commences at Ch. 7+800 leaving the existing A40 just east of Prickett’s Wood on a tangent to an existing right hand curve taking it away from and south of the existing road. This is followed by a 1020 metre left hand curve, a half kilometre straight, a short 1020 metre right hand curve then a further straight before rejoining the existing road at Ch. 5+700 three hundred metres east of Little Arnolds Hill.

The road is generally at or close to existing grade with the exception of a short length on embankment as it passes through woodland crossing a couple of minor streams behind the derelict St John the Baptist’s Church and a short cutting at Little Arnolds Hill shortly before tie-in at the western end.

No structures are required for this option; the existing A40 is retained for local access to Slebech with connections to the new scheme at either end via junctions on single lane dualling sections.

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The section of the existing A40 from the end of the new works to Deep Lake Bridge would have maintenance carried out to ensure that the appropriate visibilities, surfacing and drainage were present.

Relaxations/Departures There is a two-step relaxation in vertical curvature for the two summit curves, which have K values less than 55. Mote detailed topographical information may allow these relaxations to be designed out. However it should be noted that a one step relaxation in vertical curvature in some instances would be in accordance with desirable standards.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of moderate negative significance on:

· Hedgerows / bat flyways · Incursion into National Park · Minor land loss and severance issues Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £4.1m and the net present value is about £0.1m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Slebech - Option 2 See FIG ROR 054

This scheme includes minor re-alignment and widening of a 300 metre section of the A40 to provide a right turning facility junction for the car dealership, retail outlet and caravan dealership at Ch 6+550 by increasing the centreline radius and offsetting the kerb line on the south (opposite) side of the road. The scheme has been designed for a design speed of 85 kph, as the use of a higher design speed at this location would impact on the churchyard.

The difficulties associated with this proposal is that the properties front the trunk road and any provision to facilitate access within the context of a ghost island could lead to vehicles accessing their properties from different points within the deceleration length of the ghost island. Therefore any provision would need to ensure that access is gained at one location only. Therefore a non-standard single lane dualling junction would provide a common access point for westbound vehicles.

The improvement would improve access to private properties and although there are no side roads the traffic flows would be similar to what you expect at some of the junctions on the network. Whilst traffic flows would suggest single lane dualling it should be noted that this provision would be far in excess of what is provided at the Wiston Junction. This existing junction is a ghost island, and is a few hundred metres further east. Two other points of importance is that should facilities for private accesses be made elsewhere on the network then they would consist of ghost islands or similar. In addition it is not normal practice to provide signing for commercial properties such as garages, therefore, it is possible that the access/junction wouldn’t be signed.

One of the main disadvantages of ghost islands is that they could encourage overtaking. At this location visibility is restricted which should minimise this possibility.

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A protected right turn facility would in most cases be preferred mainly because it offers a higher standard of provision; in this instance the conditions are not ideal for such a provision. The number of accesses that abut the trunk road necessitates that the provision is both simple and effective. A single lane dualling arrangement could be quite complex.

Relaxations/Departures This is basically an on-line junction improvement. There are no departures from standard in alignment and design requirements would require no departures in stopping sight distance. However the restrictions at the site may impose constraints on the junction layout; this would need to be determined at the next stage of the design process.

Environmental Impacts No significant environmental issues.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £1.6m and the net present value is about £1.5m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Slebech - Option 3 See FIG ROR 055

This option consists of a bypass to Slebech, on its northern side, approximately 2.3km in length.

The option commences at Ch. 7+600, leaving the existing A40 just west of Prickett’s Wood by continuing on an existing straight where the existing road curves to the left taking it away from and north of the existing road. The route continues almost straight for about a kilometre then curves left around the north side of Slebech on a 720 metre radius curve before a straight until its tie-in with the existing road via a 720 metre radius right hand curve at Ch. 5+400, just west of Arnolds Hill.

No structures would be required for this option; access to Slebech would be provided at both ends of the option where single lane dualling junctions with the existing A40 would be provided.

Vertically the route climbs gently from the existing road, and then undulates briefly before falling at a maximum gradient of 4.0% to a low point beyond the village. From here it climbs again reaching a maximum gradient of over 5.0% before flattening off to tie-in with the existing road on a crest curve. With the exception of short sections of low embankment, the route would be generally at or close to existing grade throughout.

There would be a relaxation to the vertical alignment at the western tie-in, where the crest ‘k’ value is 55. Otherwise the scheme complies with standards throughout. A disadvantage of the scheme is that the location of the junction at the western end prevents any overtaking opportunities.

The section of the existing A40 from the end of the new works to Deep Lake bridge would have routine and planned maintenance carried out to ensure that the appropriate visibilities, surfacing and drainage were present to ensure consistent standards were maintained along the Trunk Road. The cost of this would be met from Network Management funding.

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Relaxations/Departures There is a relaxation to the vertical alignment at the western tie-in, where the crest ‘k’ value is 55. This results in a relaxation in stopping sight distance. Although this combination of relaxations would constitute a departure in standards the use of a K55 curve would in some instances be desirable for a single carriageway. However the location of this curve in relation to a junction would be critical because of the need to ensure that there would be no reduction in stopping sight distance. More detailed topographical information is needed to confirm these details.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of major negative significance on:

· The environmentally sensitive area to the north of Slebech, which is used as a feeding ground by bats and barn owls. · Hedgerows · Unimproved species-rich habitat. Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £4.3m and the net present value is about £-3.1m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Slebech - Option 4 See FIG ROR 056

This option deviates from the existing carriageway by continuing in a straight at a similar location to Option 3. Instead of rejoining the existing A40 east of Arnolds Hill, it continues on a straight around the north side of the hill following the line of Millin Brook and rejoining the A40 much lower down on the approach to Deep Lake Bridge.

The route leaves the existing A40 just west of Prickett’s Wood by continuing on an existing straight where the existing road curves to the left taking it away from and north of the existing road. The alignment leads into a left hand R3000 curve, which is followed by a long straight as it descends the valley running parallel with Millin Brook for about a kilometre. It then follows the edge of the hill on a 1020 metre radius left hand curve followed by a straight section then rejoins the existing A40 with a 1020 metre radius right hand curve at Ch. 3+850, a hundred metres east of Deep Lake bridge.

The route climbs gently from the existing road, and then undulates briefly before falling, first at four percent then progressively less steeply, for over two kilometres then levelling off as it follows Millin Brook. As it moves away from the brook it rises briefly then continues to fall gently all the way to Deep Lake where it ties in to the existing road with a valley curve. With the exception of a couple of short sections of low embankment, the road is generally at or close to existing grade throughout and where it runs around the edge of Arnold Hill and along Millin Brook it generally crosses sidelong ground.

No structures are required for this option; the existing A40 is retained for local access to Slebech with connections to the new scheme at either end via junctions on single lane dualling sections.

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Overtaking opportunities would be provided in both directions; a section of 1.8km eastbound and, subject to detailed design and some verge widening, two sections each 700 metres long westbound.

Relaxations/Departures There is one relaxation in standard in vertical alignment. Although a summit curve has a K value of 83 such a provision may be desirable depending on its location. However it is located at the western end of the scheme and care will be needed at the next stage of the design process to ensure that the desired stopping sight distance on the approach to the junction is achieved.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of major negative significance on:

· The environmentally sensitive area to the north of Slebech and Millin Brook, which is used as a feeding ground by bats and barn owls. · Hedgerows · Unimproved species-rich habitat. There would be an impact of moderate negative significance on:

· Workability issues and viability of farm holdings · Potential effect on Millin Brook Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £6.6m and the net present value is about £-3.3m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Slebech - Option 5 See FIG ROR 057

This option has been developed from Option 1 to avoid the problems associated with Option 4, which passes through the environmentally sensitive area alongside Millin Brook.

The alignment uses the eastern half of Option1 before swinging south westwards on a 1020 metre radius curve before swinging south round Arnolds Hill on a 1020 metre radius curve and joining back into the existing A40 with a 1020 metre radius curve.

The vertical alignment uses the eastern half of the vertical alignment of Option 1 before climbing gently at a 0.7% gradient before falling at 4% towards Deep Lake before flattening off towards Deep Lake junction.

Relaxations/Departures There are no relaxations or departures.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

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There would be an impact of major negative significance on:

· Grade 3A agricultural land. There would be an impact of moderate negative significance on:

· Hedgerows / bat flyways · Incursion into National Park · Minor land loss and severance issues Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £8.7m and the net present value is about £-10.5m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Arnolds Hill No major works are proposed for this option. Consideration would however be given to strengthening the double white line markings by hatching and coloured infill. These works are included in the costs for the Slebech options.

Two options were examined to see if it was feasible improve the vertical alignment over this section and provide dual carriageway overtaking in both directions. However the tie-ins with the single carriageway at either end were considered as being too dangerous and the options were discarded without any detailed work being carried out.

· Arnolds Hill 6 See FIG ROR 058

A section of dual carriageway with overtaking in each direction constructed on an embankment at Deep Lake Farm to reduce the overall gradient.

· Arnolds Hill 7 See FIG ROR 059

A section of dual carriageway with overtaking in each direction and a cutting on Arnolds Hill to reduce the overall gradient.

· Junction Options / Strategy Most of this section consists of a good standard rural 7.3m single carriageway. With the exception of Slebech, where there is a car dealership, retail outlets, dwellings and farms, there is very little frontage development along this section and very few side roads or private accesses.

The standard of existing junctions is comparatively high with ghost islands provided for right turners at the two main side roads junction. One occurs at Wiston (east of Slebech) and the other at Deep Lake. The junctions are not accident cluster/hotspot sites, however the Wiston Junction has recently been improved and it would appear that this has resulted in a reduction in the number of accidents. The side road at Little Arnolds Hill is served by a simple T-junction to the south of the trunk road.

Four bypass options have been considered; two options to the south and two north of the village. Two of the options extend as far west as Deep Lake. These proposals would

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necessitate access into the village being maintained. Any junction would consist of single lane dualling. A bypass to the north would cut across the Wiston side road; therefore, this access would have to be incorporated into the new junction by way of a staggered arrangement. Further consideration would need to be given to determine whether junctions are required at either end of the village.

· Deep Lake Farm Junction- Option 1 See FIG ROR 060

This scheme includes single lane dualling between the existing minor road to the Rhos at Ch. 3+585 on the south side of the A40 and the minor road to Wiston and Clarbeston Road at Ch. 3+510 on the north side to form a left/right staggered junction.

In order to achieve a satisfactory junction layout, the Wiston road has to be re-aligned for a distance of approximately 300 metres in order to bring it in at right angles to the A40, instead of the existing heavy skew, and comply with the minimum stagger distance of 100 metres for a 100kph design speed.

In addition to the junction works themselves, the proposal includes construction of an access on the south side of the A40 between Deep Lake Farm and the minor road to the Rhos in order that the existing direct access from the A40 to the farm can be closed off.

Relaxations/Departures This is on-line junction improvement; there are no relaxations or departures in standards.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of small negative significance on:

· Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40. · Watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake Bridge. Bat flyway along watercourse. Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £1.5m and the net present value is about £-1.5m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

Deep Lake Farm Junction - Option 2 See FIG ROR 061

This scheme includes a roundabout centred on the junction of the road south to Rhos with less alteration to roads on the north side of the trunk road. This option still includes the private means of access to Deep Lake Farm from the road to Rhos.

Relaxations/Departures This is on-line junction improvement; there are no relaxations or departures in standards.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

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There would be an impact of small negative significance on:

· Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40. · Small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake Bridge. Bat flyway along watercourse.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £1.3m and the net present value is about £-8.1m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Deep Lake Farm Junction - Option 3 See FIG ROR 062

This scheme includes a compact grade separated junction with an under-bridge. This layout requires that the trunk road be realigned northwards over a length of 600m. The existing road would form the westbound off and on slip roads whilst a new embankment would be formed to provide the eastbound connections to the trunk road.

Relaxations/Departures This is on-line junction improvement; there are no relaxations or departures in standards.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of small negative significance on:

· Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40. · Small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake Bridge. Bat flyway along watercourse.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £2.4m and the net present value is about £2.7m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

6.1.8 Section H Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Club See FIG ROR 060 to ROR 062

This work would comprise the routine and planned maintenance of this section of trunk road to ensure that the drainage was clear and functioning properly, that the surfacing and kerbs are up to standard and that the verges have been cleared and cut back to ensure that the required forward visibility is provided. No major works are proposed for this option. The cost of this would be met from Network Management funding. Part of this section was resurfaced in 2003.

The single carriageway option would be to retain and follow the existing alignment. This section would continue to be maintained by Network Management.

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6.1.9 Section I Haverfordwest Golf Club to Scotchwell Roundabout The final section of the route should follow the alignment of the existing road. The existing pavement is satisfactory. Further minor works are required to improve the safety of the various accesses on this section. This is not considered an overtaking section as it approaches and lies within a more built up area.

· Narberth Road Improvement See FIG ROR 060

This scheme includes a minor re-alignment and widening of a 450 metre section of the A40 to provide a combined access to residential properties and the car dealership north of the A40 via a single ghost island junction at Ch. 0+330 by replacing three consecutive curves with a single large radius curve, thereby offsetting the new centreline away from the properties. The scheme is designed for a design speed of 70 kph, as it will lie in a 40mph speed limit zone. A new access to Bethany Farm is also provided from the rear of the farm via the existing access track at Ch. 0+485 thereby reducing the overall number of direct accesses onto the A40.

The vertical profile of the improvement generally follows that of the existing road taking it into cut in front of Bethany Farm. Due to the topography of the ground, a retaining wall may be needed at this location.

Relaxations/Departures There are no relaxations or departures in alignment. However the restrictions at the site may impose constraints on the junction layout; this would need to be determined at the next stage of the design process.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of small negative significance on:

· Bat flyways across the road Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £2.2m and the net present value is about £-0.2m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

6.2 OVERTAKING See FIG ROR 004 to ROR 007

Overtaking on single carriageway roads can be hazardous as account has to be taken of oncoming vehicles in the timing of a manoeuvre. It depends on the speed of the vehicle being overtaken, the approach vehicle’s speed and the acceleration and speed that the overtaking vehicle can achieve. It requires a location with good forward visibility, as the overtaking vehicle encroaches into the oncoming vehicle’s lane. This latter condition is difficult to achieve along the existing Trunk Road and with new schemes to a certain extent. The final requirement is the overtaking driver is confident that he can complete the manoeuvre safely. Hesitate and the opportunity is lost.

The use of climbing lanes provides a dedicated lane for faster vehicles to pass the slower moving vehicles. Table 6.1 below lists the sections of existing trunk road and proposed

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improvement where climbing lanes exist or are proposed. There are also other overtaking opportunities along the Trunk Road. These sections of climbing lane can be signed in advance to reduce a drivers frustration as he would be aware that an opportunity to overtake is only say two miles ahead. This is an important part of the single carriageway strategy.

Existing Proposed Section Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound St Clears to Whitland Two sections of Bypass climbing lane (Pont-y-Fenni) Whitland Bypass Whitland Bypass to Climbing lane Climbing lane Canaston Bridge (Pengawse (Robeston Hill) Wathen Relief Road) Canaston Bridge to Climbing lane Slebech Park (Canaston Bridge to Meadow View) Slebech Park to Deep Climbing lane Lake Farm (Arnolds Hill)

Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Club Haverfordwest Golf Club to Scotchwell Roundabout

Table 6.1 Climbing lane provision Examination of the accident figures presented in Table 8.8 show that the dual carriageway solution results in a greater accident saving than the single carriageway. The use of climbing lanes is almost equivalent to providing half of a dual carriageway in one direction for a limited length. This results in a greater provision of safe overtaking, plus a reduction of journey time and accident saving. The use of advanced signing would assist in a reduction in driver frustration and risk taking.

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7.1 INTRODUCTION A number of options to provide a dual carriageway between St Clears and Haverfordwest with alternative alignments at Llanddewi Velfrey, Redstone Cross, Robeston Wathen and Slebech have been considered. These options are described below.

The 1997/98 the Howard Humphreys & Partners study proposed to use the existing carriageway for much of its length and construct a second carriageway alongside. However, this has been reviewed with the Transport Directorate and would result in sub-standard sections in places, possibly requiring the implementation of a speed restriction. When considering the large number of direct accesses, some 200 without individual residential properties, it was decided that this option would not be considered further.

Following discussions with the Transport Directorate it was agreed that the principle of no direct access onto the trunk road except at major junctions would be applied for dual carriageway options. The de-trunked road, supplemented by private means of access and where appropriate new sections of local road, would be used to provide a local road network enabling local traffic, particularly agricultural vehicles, to mostly avoid using the dual carriageway. The following options were developed following these principles.

The dual carriageway strategy ensures that there is overtaking available for the whole length of the route with the exceptions of the approaches to junctions. Clearly this is a significant improvement over the present situation.

The condition of the existing trunk road would be adequate for use by local traffic for the greater part. There may be certain short sections that on further investigation may require repair.

The reduction in the number of direct accesses and junctions would result in a reduction in the number of accidents. This would be improved further by the reduction in frustration for drivers as they would now be able to overtake slower moving vehicles.

The types of major junctions that would be appropriate are:

· Single Lane Dualling · Roundabout · Compact Grade Separated · Grade Separated Single lane dualling junctions have been deemed appropriate on the single carriageway and in accordance with design standards are an acceptable form of junction for dual carriageways. However experience of their use on the trunk road network in Wales has shown certain deficiencies in operation. Therefore they have been precluded from further consideration.

The cheapest and simplest form of junction would be a roundabout. The main and probably only disadvantage of this junction for the anticipated traffic flows is that it causes delay for through traffic and hence is a less economic proposal. On this particular route the roundabout would be provided at grade therefore it would have less environmental impact.

The descriptions that follow utilise the same section lengths that have been used for the descriptions of the single carriageway strategy.

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7.1.1 Section A St Clears to Whitland Bypass See FIG ROR 063

From St Clears roundabout to Whitland Bypass only one option was considered viable and would follow the line of the existing A40 with the existing road retained as the westbound carriageway over the greater part of its length.

The existing roundabout junction at St Clears would be retained as part of the scheme. The junction at Pwll Trap would be stopped up as a safety measure. All local traffic would have to re-route through St Clears to gain access to the trunk road. A roundabout junction would be provided at Grovelands. Additional lengths of PMA and side road would be constructed to provide suitable access to the trunk road for all road users.

Between the railway crossing at Pont-y-Fenni and the start of the Whitland Bypass the route would be located south to retain a section of the existing road to provide access to several properties on its northern side. In addition to the existing structures, which would require widening, or replacement, a new overbridge is proposed just west of Pont-y-Fenni to maintain access to properties from the minor road network together with a new private means of access.

From the A40/A477 roundabout junction at St Clears the route climbs gradually reaching an elevation of 55 metres AOD after about half a kilometre. It then undulates between 45 and 55 metres AOD for the next two kilometres reaching a high point again at the Grovelands junction. From here it falls constantly for over a kilometre until crossing the railway and the Afon Fenni. Beyond the river it starts to climb again on a gradient of some 4.0% reaching a high point at Haulfan.

Relaxations/Departures The available topographical data is minimal therefore accurate vertical alignments have not been developed. However based on visual assessment of the carriageway it is possible that there would be one relaxation in the vertical alignment. There would be one relaxation in the horizontal alignment (R720), even with wide verges and central reserves this is likely to result in at least one relaxation in stopping sight distance; this could constitute a departure if the relaxations in stopping sight distance exceed one.

Environmental Impacts There are no significant environmental issues.

The widening and private means of access at Grovelands junction crosses a Roman Road.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £13.3m and the net present value is about £-1.0m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

7.1.2 Section B Whitland Bypass See FIG ROR 064

Examination of this section identified only one viable option for dualling. The majority of the widening of the Whitland Bypass would take place on its northern side of the present A40. The existing roundabout junctions at Llanboidy Road and Black Bridge would be retained as part of the scheme, although both would require enlarging to accommodate dual carriageway approaches. The overbridge that carries the road to Cwmfelin Boeth would require reconstructing to accommodate the wider dual carriageway cross section. Other

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structures would also require widening or replacement. A property may need to be demolished at the site of the existing overbridge to accommodate the widening.

From Haulfan, after a short gentle fall, the route climbs, this time on a 3.0% gradient, to a crest with a high point of over 61 metres at the B4328 Llanboidy Road roundabout at Pen-y- coed. From the Llanboidy Road roundabout the route falls on a maximum gradient of 5% for a short distance to a low point of 25 metres at Black Bridge.

Relaxations/Departures The topographical data is minimal therefore the vertical alignments have not been developed. However based on visual assessment of the carriageway it is possible that there would be one relaxation in the vertical alignment. There would be one relaxation in the horizontal alignment (R720), even with wide verges and central reserves this is likely to result in at least one relaxation in stopping sight distance; this could constitute a departure if there is more than one relaxation in stopping sight distance.

Environmental Impacts There are no significant environmental issues.

Extensive important grassland would be marginally affected.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £8.4m and the net present value is about £2.4m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

7.1.3 Section C Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey

· Pengawse Hill See FIG ROR 065

It was found that there was only a single option for improving this section. Between Black Bridge roundabout and the crossing of the Afon Marlais, one kilometre to the west, the dual carriageway would run north of the existing A40, which would be retained for access to local properties and would be linked back to the Trunk Road via a new Black Bridge roundabout. Between Pont Frolic and Gwyndy the route would be on the line of the existing trunk road utilising the alignment of the Pengawse Hill Improvement. The old road would be available for local traffic movements. A new underpass would be required at Pont Frolic to connect the retained A40, to the south, with the old road to the north and a new overbridge would be provided at Gwyndy linking properties to the north and south. The horizontal and vertical alignments would closely follow the existing alignment.

West of Gwyndy the proposed dual carriageway would be off-line with the existing A40 retained for local traffic movements. Between Gwyndy and the eastern end of Llanddewi Velfrey the proposed route lies to the south of the A40, therefore crossing it just west of Bethel Chapel; a further roundabout is proposed at this location.

From Black Bridge the route undulates gently between 25 and 35 metres for two and a half kilometres before commencing the long climb up Pengawse Hill. Here it would reach a maximum gradient of 7.7% over a distance of some 400 metres before reaching the highest point on the route of some 130 metres near Gwyndy.

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· Junction Strategy This is an on-line dual carriageway improvement with widening mainly on the south side. Even though there are a number of side roads and a single lane dualling junction to Gwyndy and Bryncoed there will be no at grade junctions other than the roundabout at Whitland West, which has already been mentioned, and a roundabout to the east of the bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey. In keeping with the principle of no direct access, underpasses would be extended and /or accommodation bridges provided.

A roundabout at Llanddewi Velfrey would be an appropriate level of provision for the anticipated traffic flows. Whilst some delay to traffic would occur any higher provision such as grade separation would be unsuitable. The roundabout would maintain the present access arrangements and would be in keeping with other junctions on the network.

There would be some slight change to the accessibility for public transport but the route would be maintained either on the new carriageway or the existing. Other public service vehicles could be affected to a greater extent. Further investigation is required to determine if any lay by provision is required for buses.

Relaxations/Departures The topographical data is minimal therefore the vertical alignments have not been developed. However based on visual assessment of the carriageway it is possible that there would be one relaxation in the vertical alignment. There would be two locations with one relaxation in the horizontal alignment (R720), even with wide verges and central reserves this is likely to result in at least one relaxation in stopping sight distance; this could constitute a departure if the relaxations in stopping sight distance exceed one.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be no to moderate negative significant environmental issues.

The main issues are: · Potential impact on Banc Season Woodland. · Significant floodplain area. · Bat flyways Afon Taff & Afon Marlais valleys. · Potential environmental impact of Afon Marlais diversion. Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £16.2m and the net present value is about £0.3m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

7.1.4 Section D Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Several options were developed for this section mostly as alternative alignments around the village of Llanddewi Velfrey, based on the alignments for the single carriageway options and as a result of the investigations into the environmental significance of the wet woodland at Blaen–Pen-Troydin. From Gwyndy, the road falls gradually for over two kilometres to a low point of 80 metres, reaching a maximum gradient of 4% as it bypasses Llanddewi Velfrey. For the next three kilometres it undulates gently between 80 and 90 metres until it reaches Redstone Cross at an elevation of 93 metres.

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Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 1 – a relief road passing to the north and then south of the village

Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 2 – a relief road passing to the north

Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 3 – a relief road passing to the north and then crossing and re- crossing the existing road at Ffynnon Wood

Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 4 – a relief road passing to the south of Blaen Pen Troydin then crossing and re-crossing the existing road at Ffynnon Wood

Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 5 – a relief road to the north of the village and Blaen Pen Troydin wood

· Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 1 See FIG ROR 067

This option would follow the line of the single carriageway Option 5, crossing under the existing A40 at Commercial Cross, where an overbridge, or a land bridge, would be provided. Instead of rejoining the A40 at Ffynnon Chapel, the route would continue alongside the existing A40 and cross it between Trefangor Cottage and Trefangor Farm. The route would terminate at a new roundabout at Penblewin. In addition to the major crossing at Commercial Cross, there may be a requirement for three accommodation overbridges and one Underbridge along this option to maintain access to private property.

Relaxations/Departures There would be no relaxations in the horizontal alignment and two vertically with K55 summit curves. At the summit curves there would be a two-step relaxation in stopping sight distance; this combination of relaxations would constitute a departure.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be impacts of neutral to moderate negative significance.

There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Bronze age round barrow possible affected · Landscape and visual impact south of Llanddewi Velfrey Other environmental issues include:

· Significant disruption to trunk road traffic during construction. · Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent. · Potential impact on bat flyways Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £18.7m and the net present value is about £-2.7m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

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· Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 2 See FIG ROR 068

Option 2 follows single carriageway Option 8 bypassing the village on the northern side but then precedes on a line some 200 metres north of the A40 before converging at Penblewin. The route will have an adverse impact on the wet woodland north of Blaen–Pen-Troydin.

Relaxations/Departures There would be one relaxation in horizontal alignment with the use of a R720 curve. There would also be a two-step relaxation vertically with a K55 summit curve. This would result in a two-step relaxation in stopping sight distance. The combination of the relaxations would constitute a departure.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be impacts of major negative significance on:

· Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin · Broadleaved woodland, rush pasture, and species rich grassland north of Ffynnon Wood There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Landscape · Farms and holdings · Private property There would be impacts of moderate positive significance:

· In that 35 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey would benefit from a reduction in traffic of 5 dBA or more. Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £20.5m and the net present value is about £-4.4m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 3 See FIG ROR 069

This Option follows the eastern half of the northern bypass, Option 2, back to the A40, crossing just east of Ffynnon Bridge. It then follows the southern route Option 1 to join a new roundabout at Penblewin. As with Option 2, the route will have an adverse impact on the wet woodland north of Blaen-Pen-Troydin.

Relaxations/Departures There would be one relaxation in horizontal alignment with the use of a R720 curve. There would also be one two-step relaxation vertically with a K55 summit curve. This would result in a two relaxation in stopping sight distance. The combination of the relaxations would constitute a departure.

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Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be an impact of major negative significance on:

· Important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin There would be an impact of moderate positive significance:

· In that 35 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey would benefit from a reduction in traffic of 5 dBA or more. · Other environmental issues may include: · Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent. · Bat flyways. Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £18.1m and the net present value is about £-2.4m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 4 See FIG ROR 070

This is the dual carriageway version of the single carriageway Option 6 and was developed following comments from the Environmental Liaison group to avoid Blaen-Pen-Troydin wood; the route lies to the south of this wood.

Relaxations/Departures The alignment incorporates two R510 curves in the horizontal alignment, which would mean a two-step relaxation in design standards. There would also be two-step relaxation vertically with a K55 summit curve. This would result in a two-step relaxation in stopping sight distance. The combination of the relaxations would constitute a departure.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There are no to moderate negative environmental issues.

There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Landscape. Other environmental issues may include:

· Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent. · Bat flyways · Bronze age round barrow Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £17.1m and the net present value is about £-3.3m

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The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 5 See FIG ROR 071

This route is a development of the single carriageway Option 8 that was prepared in order to avoid the sensitive wet woodland at Blaen–Pen–Troydin. The alignment would leave the existing alignment at the roundabout west of Bethel Chapel and proceed in a north-westerly direction to skirt north of Blaen–Pen–Troydin wood on a 510m radius curve ( two steps below desirable minimum radius ) to swing south westwards passing south of Pen–Troydin- fach. Just west of this point it would cross the existing trunk road near Ffynnon Wood. The proposed line would remain south of the existing road for a further kilometre, at which point it would cross the existing A40 before rejoining the existing road and the A478 via a new roundabout at Penblewin.

The initial downhill gradient from the roundabout would be 2.0%, which would steepen to 5.0% before flattening off and climb out of the valley at 3.0% to pass Pen–Troydin-fach. From this point it would follow close to existing ground level to the Penblewin roundabout.

Five overbridges and one Underbridge would be required for this option with a number of lengths of side road and PMAs, to maintain the local road network.

Relaxations/Departures There would be one relaxation in horizontal alignment with the use of a R720 curve. There would also a two-step relaxation vertically with a K55 summit curve. This would result in a two-step relaxation in stopping sight distance. The combination of the relaxations would constitute a departure.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There are no to moderate negative environmental issues.

There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Landscape. Other environmental issues may include:

· Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent. · Bat flyways · Bronze age round barrow Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £19.1m and the net present value is about £-2.8m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

7.1.5 Section E Penblewin to Canaston Bridge In view of the extant protected line (TR111) for a single carriageway relief road to the south of Robeston Wathen, following detailed investigation and public consultation, the Transport

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Directorate directed that there was no justification for investigating other routes around Robeston Wathen. This was particularly relevant for a dual carriageway strategy as the TR111 route had been designed so that dualling in the future could be achieved relatively simply, if required. Consideration of junction options was therefore the only requirement of this study for the section of route around Robeston Wathen. This report considered in addition options for dual routes around Redstone Cross. Redstone Cross Two options have been considered; one is an offline improvement to the south of the trunk road the other is partially on line but lies to the south of the trunk road at the western end. Even though there is an existing staggered junction at Redstone Cross, which serves Narberth, this improvement would not have any at grade junctions other than the roundabout at Penblewin. However, this improvement connects into the Robeston Wathen Relief Road, which maintains an access to Narberth at its eastern end. From Redstone Cross to Robeston Wathen the improvement lies to the south of the trunk road, which could be utilised for access.

The main difference between the two options is that access arrangements are significantly better with the off-line option to the south of the trunk road. The trunk road would be unaffected and would be used to facilitate access to the A40/A478 Roundabout at Penblewin. The Robeston Wathen Relief Road is also south of the trunk road therefore a similar provision would be made. This feature significantly affects the arrangements at Redstone Cross. Since direct access onto the dual carriageway at Penblewin and Robeston Wathen would be possible, access across the dual carriageway for properties south of Redstone Cross could be provided by way of a bridge. No such provision would be made for the on line option since access to the east would not be possible.

Although there are no junctions on this section the off line option facilitates better access and retains the existing B4313 junction at Redstone Cross albeit off-line. Two options were examined:

Redstone Cross - Option 1 – passing south of Blackmoor Hill

Redstone Cross - Option 2 – following the existing road.

· Redstone Cross - Option 1 See FIG ROR 072

Properties on the southern side of the existing A40 at Redstone Cross would need to be acquired with this option. An overbridge is required at Redstone Cross to maintain the local road network

From Penblewin the route would follow Redstone Cross single carriageway Option 1, i.e. south of Blackmoor Hill, but on a more southerly direct line. Instead of rejoining the existing A40 west of Redstone Cross it would run parallel with and close to it as far as Cotts Farm before joining the published route for the Robeston Wathen Bypass. The vertical alignment would closely follow that of the single carriageway Option 1.

Relaxations/Departures There would be no relaxations or departures.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

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There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· private dwellings (demolished) · adjoining garage business There would be an impact of small (moderate) negative significance on:

· farms (severance) Other environmental issues may include:

· Route passes close enough to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on any surviving archaeological remains. Significance unknown. Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £6.3m and the net present value is about £-1.4m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Redstone Cross - Option 2 See FIG ROR 073 The second option runs alongside the existing road to the north of the properties at Blackmoor Hill then crosses the existing road mid-way between Blackmoor Hill and Redstone Cross and joins Option 1 just before Redstone Cross. This option requires longer route diversions to some local traffic.

Relaxations/Departures There would be one relaxation horizontally with the use of a R720 curve. There would be no relaxations vertically. Verge/central reserve widening would be required to prevent any relaxations in stopping sight distance.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· demolition of private dwellings · adjoining garage business There would be impacts of small (moderate) negative significance on:

· severance of farms Other environmental issues may include:

· Route passes close to the Bronze Age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone. There could be potential impact, especially of new secondary road link, on any surviving archaeological remains – significance unknown. · Potential disruption to trunk road traffic during construction.

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· Robeston Wathen Relief Road General

The dual carriageway options all have a common horizontal alignment that is based on the previous Preferred Route for the Robeston Wathen Bypass (Relief Road)

From Redstone Cross it falls over 40 metres to Robeston Wathen, first steeply on grades of up to six percent then at 0.7 percent over the last kilometre reaching a low point of 50 metres just before the village. It then rises 10 metres as it traverses the hill in sidelong ground before falling all the way to Canaston Bridge, the lowest point of the route with an elevation of just 10 metres; the maximum gradient on this latter section is 4.8 percent.

The junction types are those considered for the single carriageway options, All options require a combined accommodation overbridge to maintain access from the existing A40 to Flimstone Lane and Jacobs Park.

The Robeston Wathen Improvement is a southern relief road with different junction arrangements at either end of the scheme. Within the limits of the scheme the relief road crosses the B4314 at the east, a private access midway and at the west the relief road joins with the A4075. From the Redstone Cross Improvement to the western end of the relief road the alignment is virtually similar for all options; it lies to the south of the existing trunk road thereby ensuring that it could be retained for access if required. This is of significant importance because as stated in the previous section it allows access to be maintained for properties to the south of Redstone Cross.

Whilst there are engineering issues associated with each junction the determining criterion initially has been to achieve the most economically viable scheme.

The design traffic flows for the minor road indicate that an appropriate junction provision where the A40 interfaces with either the B4314 or the A4075 would be a roundabout. However, such a provision results in greater economic dis-benefits due to the delays to through traffic as confirmed by the economic analysis.

To minimise the economic dis-benefits associated with the provision of roundabouts alternative junctions and layouts have been investigated. Traffic signals have not been considered because they do not exist elsewhere on the trunk road and there are more suitable alternatives. A total of eight options were examined

Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 1

Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 2

Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 3

Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 4

Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 5

Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 6

Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 7

Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 8

Relaxations/Departures The horizontal alignment has on e relaxation with a R720 curve on the approach to the A4075. The vertical curve near Woodford Lane is a two-step relaxation from standards with

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a ‘k’ value of 55. This would also result in a two-step relaxation in stopping sight distance. This would constitute a departure.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. There would be impacts of small (moderate) significance on:

· Medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. There would be impacts of moderate positive significance:

· In that 26 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey would benefit from a reduction in traffic of 5 dBA or more. Other environmental issues may include the following because route:

· Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. · Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. The options are described below

· Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 1 See FIG ROR 074

This option comprises the following junction arrangements.

a) Overbridge for the B4314, which would pass beneath the relief road.

b) The re-aligned A4075 would pass over the proposed relief road via a new bridge.

c) Access to the village would be via a roundabout on the relief road opposite the Bush Inn west of the village and a roundabout on the old trunk road.

d) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £22.7m and the net present value is about £-24.8m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

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· Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 2 See FIG ROR 075

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) re would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the B4314 with a link to provide an eastern access into the village on the north side.

b) re would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side.

c) ess along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £20.9m and the net present value is about £-9.3m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B.

· Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 3 See FIG ROR 076

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) Overbridge for the B4314, which would pass beneath the relief road.

b) The re-aligned A4075 would intersect with the proposed relief road via a compact grade separated junction. This junction would incorporate a link from the side road to Llawhaden. Part of the works would include an enlarged bridge over the Eastern Cleddau to carry this link and provide access underneath for equestrians and cyclists to cross the trunk road. This junction was considered by the Environmental Liaison Group to be very intrusive.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £20.7m and the net present value is about £-2.5m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B.

· Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 4 See FIG ROR 077

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) Overbridge for the B4314 with east bound off and west bound on slip roads linking the relief road with the B4314.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

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Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £20.8m and the net present value is about £-6.8m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST1) at Appendix B.

· Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 5 See FIG ROR 078

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) Similar to Option 4 in that there would be an overbridge for the B4314 but with east bound on and west bound off slip roads linking the relief road with the B4314.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £20.6m and the net present value is about £-7.1m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B.

· Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 6 See FIG ROR 079

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) Overbridge for the B4314 but all direction access would be achieved with east bound and west bound on/off slip roads linking the relief road and the B4314 forming a “diamond” junction, which will cater for all movements.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side. This junction would incorporate a link from the side road to Llawhaden.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £20.9m and the net present value is about £-5.4m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B.

· Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 7 See FIG ROR 080

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

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a) Overbridge for the B4314 but all direction access would be achieved with east bound and west bound on/off slip roads linking the relief road and the B4314 forming a “diamond” junction, which will cater for all movements

b) The re-aligned A4075 would intersect with the proposed relief road via a compact grade separated junction. This junction would incorporate a link from the side road to Llawhaden. Part of the works would include an enlarged bridge over the Eastern Cleddau to carry this link and provide access underneath for equestrians and cyclists to cross the trunk road. This junction was considered by the Environmental Liaison Group to be very intrusive.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £22.7m and the net present value is about £-1.1m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B.

· Robeston Wathen Relief Road - Option 8 See FIG ROR 081

This option comprises the following junction arrangements:

a) Overbridge for the B4314, which would pass beneath the relief road.

b) There would be a roundabout at the intersection of the relief road and the A4075 with a link to provide a western access into the village on the north side.

c) Access along Woodford Lane would be maintained via a new underpass.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £20.9m and the net present value is about £-9.2m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B. Section Summary A summary of the various options and the results of the economic analysis are tabulated below. Some options have not been assessed because by inspection it can be seen these options would have worse NPV than other options.

Although the analysis shows that junction provision in the form of roundabouts only would be the least economic it would be beneficial to have all direction links to the adjacent road network at either end of the scheme. This would benefit not only the A4075 and the B4314 but also the village where retaining access is of significant importance particularly with regard to public transport.

As an alternative to roundabouts, either grade separation or compact grade separation could be considered. Option 7, which incorporates such junctions has been economically assessed and would offer an economic design. The main disadvantage of this proposal is that the compact grade separated junction is quite significant and not only would it have a major negative environmental impact, the junction type on the A40 would be unique. The grade-separated junction on the other hand would not have such an impact and environmentally would be comparable to a roundabout.

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Options 6 and 7 would provide an all direction junction at each end of the relief road. Although Option 6 with its roundabout at the western end shows a slightly negative NPV, it would be far more acceptable in terms of its layout and environmental impact.

An overbridge would maintain the private access in the centre of the relief road. This provision would also allow access to be gained to land severed by the scheme.

Option Brief description of road NPV +/- £M** Option 1 Dual carriageway with roundabout at midpoint and bridges over -24.8 A4076 and B4314. Left in - Left out at Llawhaden junction. Option 2 Dual carriageway with roundabout at each end. Left in - Left out -9.3 at Llawhaden junction. Option 3 Dual carriageway with compact grade separated junction at -2.5 western end with bridge over the B4314. Direct access onto A40 at Llawhaden junction via new bridge and connection on compact grade separated junction. Option 4 Dual carriageway with roundabout at western end with W/B on -6.8 and E/B off slip roads to B4314. Left in - Left out at Llawhaden junction. Option 5 Dual carriageway with roundabout at western end with E/B on -7.1 and W/B off slip roads to B4314. Left in - Left out at Llawhaden junction. Option 6 Dual carriageway with roundabout at western end with bridge -5.4 over the b4314 with e/b and w/b on/off slip roads to b4314.direct access onto a40 at Llawhaden junction via new bridge and connection on roundabout. Option 7 Dual carriageway with compact grade separated junction at -1.1 western end with bridge over the B4314 with E/B and W/B on/off slip roads to B4314. Direct access onto A40 at Llawhaden junction via new bridge and connection on compact grade separated junction. Option 8 Dual carriageway with roundabout at western end with bridge -9.2 over the B4314. Left in - Left out at Llawhaden junction.

7.1.6 Section F Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park See FIG ROR 082

West of Canaston Bridge the scheme follows the line of the existing road, which is extinguished in all but a few locations. Parallel service roads are provided to maintain access to properties where required. The widening to accommodate the dual carriageway will on the whole be carried out on the northern side of the existing A40. The last 800m of this option encroaches into the National Park. To widen on the north side would affect the farm complex at Clerkenhill, with its associated leisure park. This is a matter that will require further discussions with Pembrokeshire National Parks to develop the details.

From Canaston Bridge the route rises gradually on grades of up to five percent, reaching a high point of 83 metres AOD at Clerkenhill, a kilometre or so east of Slebech. There is one brief sag curve on the approach to Slebech.

· Junction Strategy This is principally an on-line improvement with no junctions being provided.

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Within the length of this improvement there are only a few side roads. The side roads and accesses would be catered for by the provision of secondary roads/accesses. The side roads would cross under the dual carriageway by way of an overbridge.

The junction strategy would be in keeping with the general principle of providing major/minor junctions only at key locations with no other direct access onto the trunk road. Whilst this proposal is reasonable it can be seen on improvements such as this that a significant length of secondary access has to be provided.

Relaxations/Departures There would be one relaxation in the horizontal alignment with the use of a R720 curve. This would result in one relaxation in stopping sight distance depending on the extent of verge/central reserve widening. There are no relaxations in the vertical alignment

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be no to negative environmental issues.

There would be impacts of major negative significance on:

· Important hedgerows There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· National Park · Property (one to be demolished). Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £9.7m and the net present value is about £4.7m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

7.1.7 Section G Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm With the exception of Slebech, where there are commercial units and numerous dwellings, there is very little frontage development along this section and very few side roads or private accesses. The main side junction, which is a ghost island, occurs at Wiston to the east of Slebech. The side road at Little Arnolds Hill is served by a simple T-junction to the south of the trunk road.

One major/minor junction is proposed to the east of Slebech. It would serve Slebech to the west and Wiston to the north.

A roundabout would be an appropriate level of provision for the anticipated traffic flows. Whilst some delay to traffic would occur any higher provision such as grade separation would be unsuitable. The roundabout would maintain the present access arrangements.

There would be a slight change to the accessibility for public service vehicles because a slight detour through the village would be required. Whilst the effect would be minimal it would affect journey times, however this would be more than compensated with the overall improvement.

Four options were proposed for consideration over this section of dual carriageway :

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Slebech Option 1 – an option passing to the north of Slebech and Arnolds Hill,

Slebech Option 2 – an option passing to the north of Slebech and parallel to Arnolds Hill,

Slebech Option 3 – an option passing south of Slebech and parallel to Arnolds Hill and

Slebech Option 4 – an option passing south of Slebech and Arnolds Hill

The various options considered are described below:

· Slebech - Option 1 See FIG ROR 084

This option continues on as far as the minor road to Wiston. A roundabout is to be provided at this location. West of this junction the proposed scheme stays north of the existing road passing north of Slebech and Little Arnolds Hill and following single carriageway Option 4 along Millin Brook then, instead of rejoining the A40 beyond Arnolds Hill, it crosses Millin Brook north of the Deep Lake bridge meeting the existing A40 and the minor roads to Wiston and the Rhos at the location of the existing Deep Lake junction where a roundabout is proposed.

This option passes over an area of grassland and hedges that is used by bats for feeding. Alternative alignments have been considered for this section of the project.

Relaxations/Departures There would be no relaxations in the horizontal or vertical alignment.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be impacts of major negative significance on:

· Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech and Millin Brook · Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) · Unimproved species-rich habitat There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Workability issues and viability of the holding for farms · Potential effect on Millin Brook There would be impacts of positive moderate significance with:

· General decrease in noise levels Arnolds Hill and Slebech. Other environmental issues may include:

· Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £15.1m and the net present value is about £0.9m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

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· Slebech - Option 2 See FIG ROR 085

This option follows a very similar line to Option 1 as far as north of Slebech where it continues to swing south westwards to run parallel with the existing A40 down Arnolds Hill to the Deep Lake junction. This is similar to the single carriageway Option 3. This reduces the impact on the bat feeding area but does not eliminate the impact.

Relaxations/Departures There would be no relaxations in the horizontal and vertical alignment.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would impacts of major negative significance on:

· Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech. · Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) · Unimproved species-rich habitat There would impacts of major (moderate) significance on:

· Affect on grade 3A agricultural land There would be impacts of small positive significance with:

· Slight decrease in noise levels Other environmental issues may include:

· Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £16.4m and the net present value is about £0.2m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Slebech - Option 3 See FIG ROR 086

Option 3 follows the line of single carriageway Option 1 in that it cuts through a section of National Park land. It would use the same alignment as Option 2 for the first 350 metres before curving westwards to pass south of Slebech Church to then join the line for Option 2 to Deep Lake junction. This option crosses a bat flyway that links into the feeding grounds along Millin Brook. The flyway would be accommodated by providing an appropriate sized culvert under the embankment south of the church. The route has been discussed with the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and the Countryside Council for Wales via the Environmental Liaison Group meetings, in particular the relative significance of the encroachment into the park and the impact on bat feeding grounds. It is clear that further discussions on this matter will be needed should a dual carriageway strategy be adopted

Relaxations/Departures There would be no relaxations in the horizontal or vertical alignment.

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Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There are some no to moderate negative environmental issue.

There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) · Incursion into National Park · Minor land loss and severance issues Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £15.9m and the net present value is about £1.6m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Slebech - Option 4 See FIG ROR 087

This option has been developed in an attempt to minimise the effects on the bat feeding areas and the flyways. It follows the basic line of Option 3 to the south of Slebech Church where it then swings south west to follow the contours round the southern side of Arnolds Hill before turning to rejoin the existing A40 at Deep Lake Junction. Again the bat flyway would need to be accommodated in a culvert under the embankment. The valley and following steep sidelong ground has resulted in substantial earthworks on this route. Discussions are on going with Pembrokeshire National Parks regarding the route through the park and the bat issues.

Relaxations/Departures There would be no relaxations in the horizontal or vertical alignment.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There are no to major negative environmental issues.

There would be impacts of major negative significance on:

· Effect on grade 3A agricultural land There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) · Incursion into National Park · Minor land loss and severance issues · Major cuttings and embankments Other environmental issues may include:

· Potential effect on unnamed brook to the south of Arnolds Hill

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· Potential effect of farm business Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £16.5m and the net present value is about £-2.7m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B Deep Lake Farm Junction In addition, an improvement to the junction near Deep Lake Farm was identified as being necessary. The improvement to the Deep Lake Farm junction would be designed to cater for the approach gradients. The existing downhill gradient of Arnolds Hill from the west is about 8.0%, which reduces to 3.1% on the immediate approaches. This is steeper than the maximum allowable 2.0% gradient for the approaches to a roundabout as detailed in TD16/93, as such a grade-separated layout is proposed.

The existing junction is a left right staggered ghost island. The dual carriageway is basically on-line at this location; the junction proposals consist of either a roundabout or a compact grade separated junction.

In keeping with the principle adopted elsewhere on the network a roundabout would be an appropriate provision and would accommodate the anticipated traffic flows.

A compact grade separated junction would only be compatible with a provision that could be made at Robeston Wathen. Whilst the economics would show a positive NPV it would have greater environmental impact. The properties around Deep Lake would be significantly affected.

Both junctions are online and since they offer all direction access there would be no accessibility issues and they would cater for the side roads and private accesses either side of the junction.

Two options have been considered for this location:

Deep Lake Farm Junction Option 1 – a roundabout and

Deep Lake Farm Junction Option 2 – a compact grade separated junction.

The options are described below:

· Deep Lake Farm Junction- Option 1 See FIG ROR 088

Option 1 is a roundabout with a maximum approach gradient of 2%, and it is proposed for use with Slebech Options 1 and 4 where the approach gradient will be slacker than the existing.

Relaxations/Departures This is on-line junction improvement; there are no relaxations or departures in standards.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be impacts of small (moderate) negative significance on:

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· Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected Other environmental issues may include:

· Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake Bridge. · Bat flyway along watercourse. Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £1.0m and the net present value is about £-4.3m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Deep Lake Farm Junction- Option 2 See FIG ROR 089

This junction comprises a compact grade separated junction, with the side road passing over the trunk road. It is intended that this layout be used with Slebech Options 2 and 3. It would incorporate parallel deceleration lanes that would allow vehicles to leave the main flow of traffic before slowing down to leave the trunk road. This is particularly important as the down hill approach speeds from the east are likely to be close to the design speed of 120kph (70mph).

Relaxations/Departures This is on-line junction improvement; there are no relaxations or departures in standards.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be impacts of small (moderate) negative significance on:

· Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected · Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake Bridge. · Bat flyway along watercourse Other environmental issues may include:

· Potential landscape effect · Potential impact on Millin Brook Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £2.6m and the net present value is about £2.4m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

7.1.8 Section H Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Club General There are basically three options for this section. They all have similar alignments; the only difference between them is their western termination and how they link into the adjacent improvement. Options 1 and 3 have a three and four arm roundabout respectively at the

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western end. These roundabouts allow a changeover in design standards for the adjacent links. Option 2 would be continuous with the adjacent link i.e. Narberth Road Option 2.

Beyond Deep Lake the proposed scheme crosses to the south of the existing A40, then runs south of it until 300m west of the access to Haverfordwest Golf Club where the roads are joined at a roundabout (Options 1 and 3) on the existing road. Between Deep Lake junction and Deep Lake Farm the existing road is re-aligned to the south of the new route to cater for local traffic; it is connected to the retained section on the north via a new overbridge west of the farm. The existing trunk road forms the main part of the local road network.

Beyond the Deep Lake Bridge the route climbs for a kilometre on gradients up to 4% to a level of 52 metres. It then dips briefly, climbing again to a plateau at the new junction by Haverfordwest Golf Course.

This is virtually an online improvement, which terminates at a roundabout west of Haverfordwest Golf Club. The roundabout has been used to allow a changeover in design

Relaxations/Departures This is on-line junction improvement; there are no relaxations or departures in standards.

Environmental Impacts There would be no significant environmental issues.

Three options were considered but the differences relate to the western tie-in arrangements. The options are described below.

· Option 1 See FIG ROR 090

Beyond Deep Lake the option would cross to the south of the existing A40, then run south of it until 300m west of the access to Haverfordwest Golf Club where the new and existing road would join at a roundabout on the existing road. Between Deep Lake junction and Deep Lake Farm the existing road would be re-aligned to the south of the new route to cater for local traffic. It would be connected to the retained section on the north via a new overbridge near the farm.

Beyond Deep Lake Bridge the route would climb for a kilometre on gradients of up to 4.0% to a level of 52 metres. It would then fall briefly, climbing again to a plateau at the proposed junction west of Haverfordwest Golf Club.

The estimated cost of this option is £10.5m and the net present value is about £-5.3m

· Option 2 See FIG ROR 091

Beyond Deep Lake the option would cross to the south of the existing A40, then run south of it until 300m west of the access to Haverfordwest Golf Club where it would join Narbeth Road Option 2. Between Deep Lake junction and Deep Lake Farm the existing road would be re-aligned to the south of the new route to cater for local traffic. It would be connected to the retained section on the north via a new overbridge near the farm.

Beyond Deep Lake Bridge the route would climb for a kilometre on gradients of up to 4.0% to a level of 52 metres. It would then fall briefly, climbing again to a plateau at the proposed junction west of Haverfordwest Golf Club.

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This option can only be constructed with Narbeth Road Option 2.

The estimated cost of this option is £10.2m and the net present value is about £4.7m

· Option 3 See FIG ROR 092

This option is the same as Option 1 except that the final roundabout has four arms for a future extension.

The estimated cost of this option is £10.5m and the net present value is about £-5.6m

7.1.9 Section I Haverfordwest Golf Club to Scotchwell Roundabout This last section of the route has a number of properties with direct access on to the existing trunk road. The options considered would reduce the number of accesses on to the road and provide a single lane dualling junction with associated service roads. The third option is a possible solution to provide additional capacity should either of the first two options become congested in the future.

Narberth Road - Option 1 – an online improvement

Narberth Road - Option 2 – a dual carriageway

Narberth Road - Option 3 – a single carriageway link

Narberth Road - Option 4 – a maintenance only option

· Narberth Road - Option 1 See FIG ROR 090

West of Haverfordwest Golf Club the route reverts to single carriageway rejoining the existing A40 a hundred metres or so east of White lodge and incorporating the Narberth Road Do Minimum scheme. This is a scheme to reduce the number of properties that have direct access on to the trunk road, by providing a length of single lane dualling.

Relaxations/Departures There are no relaxations or departures in alignment. However the restrictions at the site may impose constraints on the junction layout; this would need to be determined at the next stage of the design process.

Environmental Impacts There would be no significant environmental issues.

However there are flight paths for bats across the road.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £1.7m and the net present value is about £-0.3m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

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· Narberth Road - Option 2 See FIG ROR 091

Other options include continuing the dual carriageway beyond the roundabout to the south of the existing A40. This southern route requires a complicated curved crossing of the railway line immediately north of Haverfordwest Station tie-in in to the existing A40/A4076 roundabout. This structure would be very complicated and would require the cooperation of Network Rail in its design and construction. This option has therefore not been pursued further.

Relaxations/Departures There would be a departure in standards at the bridge crossing / approach to the roundabout at Haverfordwest.

Environmental Impacts There would be no significant environmental issues.

However there are flight paths for bats across the road and there would be a need to demolish one property.

Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £12.4m and the net present value is about £-7.8m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Option 3 (Future additional link to Haverfordwest Bypass) See FIG ROR 092

The northern route involves a crossing of the railway and a major stream and ties in to the Haverfordwest eastern bypass via a new roundabout. It is proposed that this option, which is a single carriageway proposal, would only be constructed when Option 4 had reached its maximum capacity.

Relaxations/Departures There would be no relaxations in standards for the horizontal alignment but the vertical alignment would incorporate a K55 curve, which would be a one step relaxation; this would also result in a one step relaxation in stopping sight distance.

Environmental Impacts From the assessment work recorded in the Worksheet Summary Tables (WST2) the following impacts were identified.

There would be impacts of moderate negative significance on:

· Bat flyway · Important wet woodlands · Other woodland There would be impacts of moderate positive significance on:

· Properties adjacent to the A40, which would benefit from a decrease in noise levels. Other environmental issues include an important sSAC watercourse and hedgerows.

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Cost / NPV The estimated cost of this option is £6.0m and the net present value is about £4.5m

The results of the appraisal of this option are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) at Appendix B

· Narberth Road - Option 4 See FIG ROR 093

West of Haverfordwest Golf Club the route would revert to a new single carriageway rejoining the existing A40 a hundred metres or so east of White Lodge. This option would comprise maintenance works and minor improvements to ensure safe access from the group of properties that border the north of the trunk road.

The cost of this would be met from Network Management funding.

7.2 INITIAL JUNCTION PROPOSALS The junction strategy was developed with the objective of trying to achieve some consistency along the route, thereby avoiding the travelling public having to negotiate too many differing junction types. This is difficult to achieve on single carriageways where discrete improvements result in new junctions being to a higher standard. Therefore on each improvement the type of junction has been considered within the context of the whole route with the objective of providing similar junctions/accesses type where possible. This particular problem does not arise with the dual carriageway options as the new junctions do not have to take into account existing junction layouts. They are generally off line and would be provided over the whole length. The existing junctions are listed in Table 7.1 below

Location Junction Type Comments EXISTING JUNCTIONS St Clears Roundabout Fully to standard Pwll Trap ‘T’ Junction Has a poor accident record Grovelands ‘T’ Junction Has a poor accident record Haulfan Ghost Island These are three adjacent ghost island junctions at the start of the Whitland Bypass. Pen y Coed Roundabout On the Whitland Bypass - good standard Whitland West Roundabout On the Whitland Bypass - good standard Gwyndy Single Lane Staggered junction. Below standard Dualling A 478 Penblewin Roundabout Reasonable standard B4313 Redstone Single Lane Sub Standard Cross Dualling B4314 ‘T’ Junction Problematic junction with poor exit visibility A4075Canaston Ghost Island Has a long history of accidents Bridge Llawhaden Ghost Island Close to A4075 Wiston Ghost Island Could be upgraded as part of Slebech Improvement. The Rhos ‘T’ Junction Basic junction Deep Lake Farm Ghost Island On reversed curves Cotts Park ‘T’ Junction Basic junction Haverfordwest A Ghost Islands The existing ghost island serves private accesses.

Table 7.1 Existing Junctions

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7.2.1 Single Carriageway Junctions The junction types proposed are those used to carry out the economic analysis and would be reviewed as the individual scheme designs are developed.

The existing junctions on the A40 are either simple T, ghost islands or roundabouts except the Gwyndy Junction and Redstone Cross junctions, which are, staggered single lane dualling. The layout of the Gwyndy junction, which is located at the end of the climbing lane, up Pengawse Hill. This junction does not comply with current design standards in terms of its location within the length of a climbing lane; the junction is also located beyond the brow of the hill.

Existing junctions that lie within the limits of any single carriageway improvement scheme would either be improved or an alternative provided.

Existing roundabout junctions would probably be retained as such and maybe modified to accommodate new routes.

Where side road traffic flows would not justify a roundabout, but a significant number of right turn movements was anticipated, single lane dualling would be considered as a minimum improvement provision.

Ghost islands would be considered for lightly trafficked accesses, however this provision would be dependent on the specific circumstances.

At present there are only two single lane dualling junctions on the route, however, this number would probably increase as part of a single carriageway improvement scheme and it would become the dominant junction type between St Clears and Haverfordwest.

7.2.2 Dual Carriageway Junctions The junction strategy for dual carriageway is more straightforward than for single carriageway because it does not require the junctions to fit in with an existing trunk road junction layout as they are generally off the existing trunk road alignment.

Roundabouts would be proposed and would be the dominant junction type for use in the dual carriageway strategy with grade separation being considered at two possible locations. The junctions would be provided at strategic locations and access onto the dual carriageway would only be provided at these junctions. All secondary accesses whether public or private would link into these junctions. Where possible, the existing trunk road would be utilised for this purpose. The distance between junctions would necessitate that some provision is made to cross the dual carriageway and this would be achieved via bridges and/or underpasses.

The use of roundabouts as the terminal junction for any section of improvement caters for the change in standards from existing single carriageway to dual carriageway.

7.2.3 Access to Farm and Private Properties In accordance with the route strategy, direct access onto the trunk road would be limited, particularly for a dual carriageway improvement. Access to private property and the local road network would be maintained by the provision of access tracks and where appropriate bridges or underpasses. Sections of de-trunked road would be utilised as part of this local road network with the overall aim of trying to provide a local road for local traffic and in particular agricultural vehicles, to reduce their dependency on the trunk road for local access.

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8.1 GENERAL See FIG ROR 013 to 018

Traffic and accident baseline data was provided by the Welsh Assembly Government from information obtained from automatic traffic counters (ATC) and Dyfed- Police. This was compiled and reported upon in the Initial Traffic and Accident Data Report submitted to the Welsh Assembly Government in July 2003.

This report was updated in July 2004 to provide more current data and this is reported in the Revised Traffic and Accident Data Report.

Traffic surveys were undertaken in October and November 2002 and August 2003 to establish turning movements at junctions, current journey times, origin and destination information and summer traffic flows. 12 hour classified turning counts were undertaken at the major junctions along the route. In addition, roadside interviews and a summer count were carried out to supplement the basic ATC data. The results of these surveys are reported in the Report on Traffic Data and Surveys Volume 1 & 2 (February 2003) and the Annex to the Report on Traffic Data and Surveys Volumes 1 & 2 (February 2004).

A traffic model was developed to enable forecasts to be generated for the opening (2009) and design (2024) years and validated. The validation process and results are described in the Local Model validation Report (LMVR) dated August 2003.

The results of the traffic forecasting based upon this validated model are reported in the Traffic Forecasting Report dated November 2003

This information was then used to undertake a cost benefit analysis procedure using COBA11 (Version 4) and the results of this analysis are reported in the Economic Assessment Report dated December2003.


8.2.1 Existing Conditions (2002 data) The Welsh Assembly Government provided the monthly Automatic Traffic Count (ATC) data from which the basic data shown in Table 8.1 below was compiled. See also Fig ROR 012.

Location on A40 24 hour AADT for 2002 Eastbound Westbound Total West of St Clears (Pont-y- 4,881 5,015 9,896 Fenni) Whitland Bypass 4,324 4,329 8,653

Llanddewi Velfrey 5,634 5,214 10,848

Robeston Wathen 5,417 5,445 10,862

Canaston Bridge 6,170 6,177 12,347

Table 8.1 24 hour AADT flows for 2002

8.2.2 Accident Data During the five year study period 1997 to 2001, a total of 149 Personal Injury Accidents (PIA’s) involving 300 casualties occurred between St Clears and Haverfordwest. These

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took place throughout the year, with no obvious seasonal or daily variations. The accident data is given in Table 8.2 below.

PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENTS 1997-2001 No. of PIA’s Fatal (PIA’s) Serious (PIA’s) Slight (PIA’s) inclusive Total 149 7 32 110 Percentage 100% 4.7% 21.5% 73.8% CASUALTIES 1997-2001 No of Fatal Serious Slight inclusive Casualties Total 300 8 56 236 Percentage 100% 2.6% 18.7% 78.7%

Table 8.2 Personal Injury Accidents and Casualties A number of accident cluster sites have been identified. As defined in the Welsh Office Trunk Road Safety Plan (1997),(un-published) an accident cluster site is one that suffers 4 or more personal injury accidents in three years within 100 metres, and a town or village cluster is one that suffers 4 or more personal injury accidents in three years within 500 metres. Accident concentrations with 5 or more personal injury accidents within a five-year period are also identified. It is notable that a number of junctions have been identified as cluster sites.

Full details of the accidents and the relevant sites are given in the Revised Traffic and Accident Data Report, however, a brief summary is given below.

Accident cluster sites (over three years)

· Llanddewi Velfrey · Robeston Wathen · Canaston Bridge, (junction with A4075) · Slebech (junction to retail park) Accident concentrations (over five years)

· A40 junction with Pwll Trap · A40 junction with Gwyndy · Llanddewi Velfrey (cluster site) · Canaston Bridge, Junction with A4075 (cluster site) · East of Slebech (Wiston Junction) · Slebech, junctions to retail park (cluster site) A number of junctions have a high number of accidents involving right turning vehicles. As part of the overall junction strategy these sites would be investigated. If these junctions fall outside the limits of the do-something improvements the site would be assessed.

A review of the latest accident data available for 2002 indicated that there were:

1 fatal accident 6 serious accidents 22 slight accidents

This indicated that the trend identified in the study period continued in 2002.

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8.3 MODELLING AND VALIDATION A traffic model was developed to include the significant roads in the study area. The traffic model area includes the A40 from St Clears to Fishguard and other routes from which there is potential for diversion of traffic to an improved A40. These routes are the A477, A478, A4075, A4076 and B4313.

An “Induced Traffic Appraisal” assessment has been carried out which indicates that induced traffic effects are considered to be not significant. A fixed trip matrix approach has therefore been adopted for the traffic assignment and the cost benefit models.

The traffic model was built using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. This model presents the analysis results in the form of a route map linked to traffic flows. Separate sheets store information on base data, traffic growth, new developments etc.

The base model was developed using existing traffic flows on the A40 obtained from junction counts and Road Side Interviews (RSI) link counts supplemented by ATC data. The traffic effects of improving the A40 have been taken into account by estimating the diversion of existing journeys from other routes to an improved A40. This was established by analysing the origin-destination data obtained from the RSI surveys.

There are few routes within the main transport corridor that offer any real alternative to the A40. The flow east of St Clears roundabout splits approximately 60% to the A40 and 40% to the A477. As such, existing flows generally have been assigned to the model using a fixed assignment. This is based on local knowledge of the area, and data obtained from journey time surveys.

The model was validated using data from traffic count surveys for the accuracy of the traffic assignment, and the journey time surveys for the road network and diversion model. Details of the validation are contained in the Local Model Validation Report (August 2003)

8.4 FORECASTING The Welsh Assembly Government’s Advice Note TD46/97 “Traffic Flow Ranges for Use in the Assessment of New Rural Roads” sets out carriageway standard options for use as starting points in the assessment of new rural trunk roads. These options relate to opening year flow ranges expressed as 24-hour annual average daily traffic (AADT).

In the assessment, the following key dates have been assumed:

· Start of construction 2007 · Opening year 2009 (for comparison purposes on all options) NRTF growth is based on forecasts made by government experts. Forecasts include changes in population, household size and composition, land use, structure and growth of the economy, road fuel price and rates of duty. The forecasts assume real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increasing by 2.5% per annum between 1996 and 2001, and 2.25% per annum from 2001 to 2031.Local traffic growth for the period 1997 to 2002 was obtained from automatic traffic counters located at West of St Clears, Whitland bypass, Llanddewi Velfrey, Robeston Wathen and Canaston Bridge. With the exception of West of St Clears, local growth was lower than low growth NRTF. However, the Desktop Feasibility Study prepared by Howard Humphreys Consulting Engineers in 1998 showed that traffic growth at Canaston during the eight year period 1994 to 2002 was higher than national growth on non-built-up trunk roads. Over the same eight-year period, traffic growth at Robeston Wathen was 0.5% below national growth for this type of road.

Using AADT flows from the automatic traffic count (ATC) sites for the year 2002 and growthed to the opening year using the National Road Traffic Forecasts (NRTF 97), the forecast traffic flows are given in Table 6.4.

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Between 2002 and 2009 the low growth factor is 1.093 and the high growth factor is 1.143, and from 2002 to 2024 is 1.251 and 1.444 respectively for low and high growth.

The recommended flow ranges for new rural roads are given in the Advice Note and are reproduced in Table 8.3 below.

Carriageway Standard Opening Year AADT Minimum Maximum S2 Up to 13,000 WS2 6,000 21,000 D2AP 11,000 39,000 D3AP 23,000 54,000 D2M Up to 41,000 D3M 25,000 67,000 D4M 52,000 90,000

Table 8.3 Recommended Flow Ranges The flow ranges given above do not provide any indication of the ultimate flow that a road can carry but are used to ensure that the carriageway standard to be adopted is most likely to be economically and operationally acceptable.

Site Flow Opening Year Flow Design Year Flow (2002) (2009) (2024) Two Way LG Factor HG Factor LG Factor HG Factor Flow 1.093 1.143 1.251 1.444 St. Clears - 9,896 10,816 11,311 12,380 14,290 Whitland Whitland 8,653 9,458 9,890 10,825 12,495 Bypass Whitland – 10,848 11,857 12,399 13,571 15,665 Penblewin Penblewin - Canaston 10,862 11,872 12,415 13,588 15,685 Bridge Canaston Bridge - 12,347 13,495 14,113 15,446 17,829 Haverfordwest

Table 8.4 Flow Forecasts for opening / design years (AADT) 8.5 CONGESTION REFERENCE FLOWS The congestion reference flow (CRF) of a link is an estimate of the annual average daily traffic (AADT) flow at which the carriageway is likely to be congested in the peak periods on an average day. For interpretation of CRF values, the congestion is defined as the situation when the hourly traffic demand exceeds the maximum sustainable hourly through put of the link. Likely effects of this may be:

· Flows break down with speeds varying considerably · Average speed drops considerably · Sustainable through-put of vehicles is reduced · Queues are likely to form. The CRF value considers the performance of links only in the network. Junctions and any delay associated with them are considered separately.

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It is generally accepted that congestion effects may begin when AADT reaches about 80% of CRF. With traffic flows at this level and further growth forecast it may be necessary to plan remedial action, whether that be demand management or providing additional capacity. Journey time reliability is likely to be adversely affected at such traffic levels and as it is an Assembly objective to reduce journey times and improve journey time reliability, there is a case for planning to take action at this point.

Where ATC data was available, CRF was calculated for the existing road and the results given in Table 8.5. These results have been compared with the projected average of the 2024 NRTF high and low growth AADT.

ATC Location Estimated CRF 2024 Forecast Traffic Flows 12% HGV’s 8% HGV’s AADT’s

Pontyfenni 22,500 23,700 13,300 (60% of CRF)

Whitland Bypass 23,300 24,500 11,700 (50% of CRF)

Llanddewi Velfrey 21,000 22,000 14,600 (70% of CRF)

Robeston Wathen 19,000 19,800 14,600 (80% of CRF)

Canaston 19,800 20,800 16,600 (85% of CRF)

Notes a) All flows have been rounded to nearest 50. b) The Forecast Traffic flows have been determined using the projected average of High and Low Growth NRTF factors and applied to recorded 2002 ATC traffic flows c) CRF calculations were based upon road widths of 6.5m at Robeston Wathen & Llanddewi Velfrey and 7.3m at Pontyfenni, Whitland Bypass and Canaston d) % of CRF is based upon that for 12% HGV’s and rounded to nearest 5%

Table 8.5 - Congestion Reference Flows (CRF) and 2024 Forecast Traffic Flows at ATC locations on the Existing A40 Trunk Road between St Clears and Haverfordwest Where ATC data was available, CRF were calculated for the existing road and compared with the projected average of the 2024 NRTF high and low growth AADT. The 2024 forecast AADT flows at two locations on the existing road west of A478 Penblewin roundabout, namely Robeston Wathen and Canaston would be at 80% and above of their respective estimated CRF. It follows therefore that this section of the A40 would see the onset of peak period congestion and reduced journey time reliability first. However operational capacity is unlikely to be a problem until post 2020. Table 6.5 illustrates this. Between A478 Penblewin Roundabout and Canaston Bridge the existing A40 trunk road through Robeston Wathen is a constraint on traffic capacity, especially during peak periods. Due to the reduced width of carriageway the existing road in the village only has a CRF of 19,000 vehicles, the lowest between St Clears and the outskirts of Haverfordwest. There is a case to improve the quality of life and reduce traffic severance for the community of Robeston Wathen by providing a relief road. The provision of a relief road around the village would remove the aforementioned constraint and improve the section’s CRF value. With a single carriageway improvement the CRF value would increase to 21,300 thereby improving journey time reliability and deferring the onset of peak period congestion. 8.6 EFFECTS OF SCHEME OPTIONS

8.6.1 Journey time savings Predicted journey time savings for each of the options have been calculated by extracting the journey times from COBA on links within a scheme both before and after improvements to the links and calculating the difference. The complete journey time savings can be found

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in the matrices in Appendix F for the single and dual carriageway options respectively (including the “Do Minimum” schemes).

With the exception of the Deep Lake Option 3 - Do Minimum scheme, (a grade separated interchange), the Do Minimum options, which incorporated single carriageway improvements, resulted in no journey time saving. A grade separated junction at this location saved 6 seconds on the “Do Nothing”. The Do Minimum schemes comprise on-line and junction improvements. Roundabout proposals resulted in a negative journey time saving i.e. an increase in journey time on the existing situation. Examples of such options are:

· Single Carriageway – Grovelands Improvement Option 1 · Single Carriageway – Deep Lake Improvement Option 2 The remainder of the “Do Something” schemes for the single and dual carriageways resulted in various journey time savings. The greatest journey time saving with each of the sections of the single and dual carriageway routes investigated is given in Table 6.6. The full set of results for each option is given in the matrices in Appendix F.

It was found that roundabouts introduce delays to traffic flows, in the form of queuing and geometric delays, and hence increase the journey time over that of the Do Nothing option. These delays equate to approximately 20 seconds per roundabout. Conversely, it was also identified from COBA runs that grade separated and compact grade separated interchanges, resulted in no queuing or geometric delays on any of the links associated with these types of junction. Hence, these generate a journey time saving.

OPTION NAME GREATEST JOURNEY TIMESAVING (SECS) SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY Llanddewi Velfrey Option 5 37 Redstone Cross Option 1 8 Robeston Wathen Option 9 25 Meadow View to Canaston Bridge Climbing Lane 6 Slebech Park Option 4 3

DUAL CARRIAGEWAY St Clears to Whitland Bypass 13 Whitland Bypass 19 Whitland West to Llanddewi Velfrey 31 Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road Option 5 36 Penblewin to Redstone Cross Option 1 17 Robeston Wathen Option 7 59 Canaston Bridge to Slebech park 23 Slebech Park to Deep Lake Option 3 20 Deep Lake Option 2 5 Deep Lake to Haverfordwest Golf Club Option 2 25 Narberth Road Option 2 7

Table 8.6 Greatest journey time savings with all do something options investigated The above tables indicate that for a single carriageway strategy the likely journey time saving over the 32 km between St Clears and Haverfordwest would be of the order of one minute whilst a dual carriageway would save about 3 minutes. The current journey time is approximately 30 minutes. Hence a dual carriageway may achieve a 10% reduction in journey time over this relatively short length.

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8.6.2 Journey Time Reliability The Welsh Assembly Government wish to improve journey time reliability as well as shorten journey times as this can be a significant factor for businesses and travellers who use the trunk road network regularly. Journey time reliability is affected by roadworks, slow moving vehicles, lack of safe overtaking and delays at junctions.

An improvement to road alignment, providing better forward visibility and thereby greater opportunity for safe overtaking and reducing delay from slow vehicles. A dual carriageway would offer greater journey time reliability than a single carriageway improvement.

8.6.3 Accident Savings Accident savings are generated by COBA from a reduction in the number and severity of accidents. The observed accident data was entered into COBA for Do Nothing schemes as obtained from the Welsh Assembly Government’s database of accidents along the A40 between St Clears and Haverfordwest. The data covered the five years between 1997 and 2001, as compiled from STATS 19 reports. Accidents are ranked as fatal, serious or slight and entered into the database.

Each of the accidents recorded has been plotted on a GIS map base according to year and these have then been used, in conjunction with the node-link network, to assign the accidents to either links or nodes. Accidents have been aligned to nodes if their coordinates fall at, or within 20 metres, of a junction. See FIG, ROR 014 to 018

The savings in the number of accident with various options are shown in Table 8.8 and 8.9. The savings are broken down by severity; fatal, serious and slight based on observed and default accident rates. Negative accident savings indicate an increase in accidents with particular options.

In summary therefore, the savings, if the single or dual carriageway were completed, would be of the order of those shown in Table 8.7 below:

No scheme Single c’way strategy Dual c'way strategy Predicted Saving Predicted Saving Fatal casualties 142 132 10 104 38 Serious casualties 750 705 45 592 158 Slight casualties 4225 3924 301 3697 528

PIAs 3210 2988 222 2782 428

Table 8.7 Accident savings for Single and Dual Carriageway Strategies 8.7 CONCLUSIONS The following is a summary of the existing road condition and what is predicted as likely to happen between now and the design year of 2024 in a Do Nothing situation.

Current peak hour traffic volumes in August can and occasionally do exceed 80% of the Congestion Reference Flow (CRF) for the road west of Penblewin roundabout. For the three days of the County Show in Haverfordwest, peak hour flows increase and on two occasions in 2002 the hourly flow in one direction peaked at a level that exceeded the theoretical maximum sustainable throughput of the single lane and congestion occurred. However this was a short term condition and is of infrequent occurrence at present.

· Assuming central NRTF traffic growth and the level of GDP growth necessary to meet the Assembly's aspirations for Wales and south west Wales in particular, traffic flows will increase and the effects of congestion will be noticeable more frequently. Congestion effects, when flow breaks down and average speeds vary and drop

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considerably, leading to queues, will occur when flows reach 80% CRF. It is likely that as peak hour flows increase year on year there will be an increasing number of occasions when congestion effects will be experienced. Summer traffic flows are likely to reach 80% CRF over the whole of this length of the A40 by about the year 2010, leading to limited congestion during peak hours. By about the year 2017 and with central NRTF traffic growth, congestion is likely to be frequently experienced in peak hours during August on the section west of Canaston Bridge. If high growth traffic conditions are realised this level of congestion in August may occur by the year 2013. There will therefore be a need to consider whether these conditions are unacceptable and what measures may be appropriate to relieve them. However, average annual daily traffic flows (AADT) are unlikely to reach 80% CRF levels until the year 2016 for the section west of Canaston Bridge and there is unlikely to be any significant congestion (100% CRF) until after the design year of 2024. The Table 8.5 illustrates the possible timescale for congestion effects · Traffic growth will continue to be monitored by the Welsh Assembly Government to predict when such conditions would become unacceptable and appropriate action can be planned. · The existing trunk road west of St Clears has a poor accident record with a higher number of killed and serious injury accidents than the UK national average. Contributing to the cause of these accidents is the lack of safe overtaking provision west of Pengawse Hill, the proportion of heavy goods and agricultural vehicles that use the road and the large number of direct accesses and junctions with the trunk road. · The condition of the existing pavement is generally good and most of it has a remaining life of 20 years or more. The condition of the road through the villages of Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen is not good and surface texture and load carrying capacity tests indicated that the road needed resurfacing and reconstruction in place. A copy of this report has been forwarded to the Network Management Division of the Transport Directorate. · As traffic flows increase there is likely to be increasing adverse impact on journey time reliability. In a Do Something situation and comparing a single carriageway strategy with a dual carriageway strategy the following are relevant:

· An improvement of the single carriageway to include relief roads to Robeston Wathen and Llanddewi Velfrey and climbing lanes would provide adequate operational capacity until 2020-24 with only limited congestion by 2020, mostly in the summer months. A dual carriageway would achieve the same relief from community severance, provide additional operational capacity and avoid congestion effects until probably well beyond 2030. · Both strategies would reduce the number of accidents and resulting casualties. A dual carriageway would reduce the number of personal injury accidents considerably more than a single carriageway. · Journey time reliability would be greatly improved by a dual carriageway with its increased safe overtaking provision and limited junctions. However the reduction in journey time, whilst likely to be about 10% on the present journey, is relatively small at 3-4 minutes. A single carriageway improvement would improve journey times and reliability, but less effectively.

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9.1 INTRODUCTION The methodology employed to undertake the COBA analysis was based on a fixed trip matrix. Observed 12 hour traffic flows from October 2002 were used and growthed in COBA using the National Road Traffic Forecast 1997 (NRTF ‘97). This is discussed further in the Traffic Forecasting Report -November 2003. COBA files were run using both high and low growth over a 30-year assessment period, for observed and default accident rates.


9.2.1 Application of COBA COBA 11 Rev 4, as given in DMRB 13.1 “Economic Assessment of Road Schemes” has been used for the economic assessment of the improvement options investigated. Results are presented in full in the matrices in Appendix F of this report. It should be noted that each set of results represents a comparison of a “Do Something” with the “Do Nothing”, hence the figures generated are more favourable than those which would result from a comparison between a “Do Something” and a “Do Minimum”.

The traffic flows used in COBA were generated using a fixed trip matrix. Flows used in the model are based on 12 hour observed flows at October 2002 (base year). All flows were assigned manually to routes where appropriate.


9.3.1 Forecasting For detailed information on the traffic forecasting, reference should be made to the Traffic Forecasting Report (November 2003)

The forecast of traffic flows is based on NRTF 97 low and high growth for a thirty-year period.

The seasonality index (SI) was calculated from 3 sets of data from ATC’s, which gives an SI of 1.29. The M-factor was derived from 16-hour flows taken at Llanddewi Velfrey, which was 388 in 2002. The E-factor was also calculated by means of 2002 data. An average of the eastbound and westbound E-factors was taken, resulting in an E-factor of 1.13.

9.3.2 QUADRO QUADROs have not been undertaken at this stage in the study. They can only be carried out once the individual scheme details are fixed, such as terminal points and junction type, programmed construction period and sequence for the construction of the different schemes. This is dependent on the Welsh Assembly Government’s programme and availability of funding.

9.3.3 Cost All options considered, including safety improvements and do-minimum schemes, have been costed based on rates that reflect current Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) contract rates and also include for aggregate and landfill tax.

The gross works cost for all options are given in Appendix C and also the matrices included in Appendix F. They are summarised in Tables 9.1 and 9.2 of this report.

It can be seen from the matrices that the range of gross works costs for all schemes between St Clears and Haverfordwest is as follows:-

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· Single Carriageway Improvements £25 to £43 million · Dual Carriageway Improvements £121 to £140 million The capital costs inputted into COBA for the options investigated include construction costs, land costs, preparation and administration and on-site supervision and testing. All benefits and costs were discounted at 3.5% to the year 1998.

Default values were used for non-traffic related maintenance costs.

User cost changes during maintenance and construction will be assessed via QUADRO once the improvement strategy has been agreed by the Welsh Assembly Government and the preferred Do Minimum, Do Something Single and Dual carriageway options have emerged. QUADRO assesses the economic impact of roadworks (maintenance and construction) on road users. These will naturally be more significant for any online improvements compared with offline improvements, as offline improvements will only affect existing users at tie-in points.

Due to the large number of options, it was felt that a QUADRO analysis need not be undertaken at this stage. When this analysis is carried out, its effect will be to reduce the Net Present Value (NPV) of online improvements, where roadworks will be carried out on the A40. Offline improvements (dual carriageway options) will not be affected significantly by roadworks.


9.4.1 COBA Results The COBA Net Present Value results are summarised in Tables 9.1 and 9.2. The main results presented in the Options Report Matrices include the present value of costs (PVC), present value of benefits (PVB) and the net present value (NPV), which is derived from: -

Present Value of Benefits (PVB)– Present Value of Costs (PVC) = Net Present Value (NPV)

The components of the PVB value include: -

· Transport Economic Efficiency (TEE) benefits o Consumer user benefits – these include travel time and vehicle operator benefits. They also incorporate benefits during maintenance and construction.

o Business Benefits – as for consumer benefits but calculated on a different rate relating to “working time”.

o Private Sector Provider Impacts

· Accident benefits · Maintenance Benefits The components of the PVC value include: -

· Scheme Costs · Government Funding · Operating costs · Investment costs · Indirect tax revenues

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9.4.2 Economics – COBA Analysis The PVC’s PVB’s and NPV’s for all options are given in the matrices and Stage 2 Appraisal Summary Tables 2(AST2’s) in Appendices F and E and summarised in Tables 9.1 and 9.2 of this report.

The following options to be taken forward to the Technical Appraisal Report (TAR) give a positive NPV.

SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY OPTIONS Section Option NPV Llanddewi Velfrey to Pemblewin Roundabout 5 £4.3m 6 £2.5m Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park Climbing Lane £2.0m Deep Lake Junction 2 £1.5m 3 £2.7m

Table 9.3 Single Carriageway positive NPV’s The NPVs for the remaining options are either negative or have a value less than £1m

DUAL CARRIAGEWAY OPTIONS Section Option NPV Whitland Bypass £2.4m Penblewin to Redstone Cross 1 £1.9m Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park £4.7m Slebech Improvement 3 £1.6m Deep Lake - Junction 2 £2.4m Narberth Road 3 £4.5m** ** Scheme for future consideration

Table 9.4 Dual Carriageway positive NPV’s The NPVs for the remaining options are either negative or have a value less than £1m In view of the approximate nature of the option costs and the small quantum of the resulting NPVs, these small positive and negative NPVs that are generated by the majority of the options and are within the band +£5m to -£5m could be considered as 'neutral' in economic benefit terms.

9.5 NETWORK AND PRINTOUTS Detailed network drawings and sample COBA printouts for the 74 options examined for both default and observed accident rates and high and low growth are contained in the Economic Assessment Report. The Works Costs at November 2002 rates and the NPV for each option are reported in Tables 9.1 and 9.2.


9.6.1 NPV for options to be taken forward to the Technical Appraisal Report. The NPV of the options to be taken forward to the TAR, based on a 50/50 weighting for high and low growth traffic , generally have either a small positive or negative value.(<£5m) These results have therefore been considered as “COBA neutral”. All options were assessed on a common start of works date (2007) and a common opening year (2009). As these two dates are only likely to be achieved for the dual carriageway strategy if a Private Finance Initiative procurement is used, some caution should be adopted in using the COBA output data for any purpose other than for ranking route options.

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9.6.2 The valuation of accidents. Benefits may be achieved from a reduction in the number and severity of accidents.

COBA incorporates a method of separating out the effects of links and junctions on accidents. The total cost of accidents on the network is calculated by multiplying the number of accidents predicted to occur on the network by the cost per accident.

Determinants that govern the number of accidents include: -

· Length · Flow level · Type of junction · Type of links

9.6.3 Valuation of accidents on links. The preferred method of evaluating accidents is to separate link and junction accidents using local accident data to define the do minimum and do nothing rate and the default rate for new links and junction in the do something.

Local data was made available in this case via the Welsh Assembly Government database.

Accident data for the five years 1997 to 2001 was compiled, by year, on GIS plots. These were then used to assign accidents to either the appropriate link or junctions (nodes).

9.6.4 Valuation of accidents at junctions. COBA incorporates two models that relate accidents at junctions to given flow configurations. These allow forecasts of future accident numbers to be derived for existing and new junctions.

For existing junctions, observed local accident data is used (the number of accidents at or within 20 metres of a junction recorded by the police and provided by the Welsh Assembly Government).

The classification of junctions distinguishes three broad categories. These are major/minor, roundabouts and traffic signals.

9.6.5 Link transit costs and traffic delay at roundabouts Changes in the time taken by traffic to pass along links and through junctions in the COBA network are the major items of the calculated benefit resulting from a road improvement.

COBA distinguishes two distinct purposes for travel, that in the course of work “working- time” and all other, which is “non-working time” and includes commuting.

The valuation of this time is based on certain assumptions: -

· The valuation uses average pay · It assumes that in time, employers would adjust to a savings in work time by increasing their output · Levels of employment are maintained · Assumes that the employee uses any time saving during work hours to benefit the employer

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Both link transit and junction delay costs are calculated by COBA through the product of the ‘flow of people’ and the ‘ value of their time’.

COBA associated with the A40 West of St Clears has shown that roundabout delays amount to approximately 20 seconds in terms of time. The analysis has also shown that grade separated interchanges with merge lanes, result in no delays.

9.6.6 Sensitivity testing Sensitivity tests were carried out on the A40 COBA files to assess the effects of alterations to the coding. In Test 1, the dual carriageway link between Penblewin Roundabout and Redstone Cross was shortened by 100m. In Test 2, the traffic flow on the same link was reduced by 1,000 vehicles, i.e. from 7877 to 6877 vehicles. In Test 3 the scheme opening year was delayed by 10 years.

The results showed that reducing the length of the new road by 100m improved the NPV by £1.3M. Reducing the traffic flow on the new road by 1,000 vehicles reduced the NPV by £0.6M and delaying the opening year by 10 years improved the NPV by £1.5M.

Further sensitivity tests were carried out on the Penblewin to Redstone Cross Option 1 section of the dual carriageway improvement. In Test 1, the dual carriageway link between Penblewin Roundabout and Redstone Cross was lengthened by 100m. In Test 2, the traffic flow on the existing road was increased by 1,000 vehicles, from 7,877 to 8,877 vehicles. In the do-something, this increased flow was split between the new road (8,303 vehicles) and the old road (574 vehicles). This preserved the COBA fixed trip matrix assumption, which stipulates that the number of trips before and after improvement should remain unchanged. In Test 3, the scheme opening year was delayed by 5 years.

The results of the tests showed that a length increase of 100m reduced the NPV by £1.3M. A 1,000 vehicle increase in traffic flow improved the NPV by £0.7M. Delaying the opening year by five years improved the NPV by £0.85M. With delayed opening, the PVB was slightly improved because the COBA junction time dis-benefits reduced gradually from the year 2009 onwards. Consumer user and business benefits improved marginally when the scheme opening was delayed by five years.

Test Parameter changed PVB PVC NPV (£000s) (£000s) (£000s) Original 4,325 5,322 -996 Option 1 1 Length reduced by 100m 5,830 5,541 289 Length increased by 100m 2,820 5,102 -2,282 2 Traffic flow reduced by 1,000 vehicles 3,825 5,422 -1,597 on existing and proposed roads Traffic flow increased by 1,000 vehicles 4,898 5,224 -325 on existing and proposed roads 3 Opening year delayed by 10 years 4,294 3,802 491 Opening year delayed by 5 years 4,349 4,494 -145

Table 9.5 Summary results of all sensitivity tests The conclusion drawn from the sensitivity tests is that the NPV’s derived from COBA Rev 4 is sensitive to relatively small changes in input data, in particular scheme length as indicated in Table 9.5. In view of the relatively small (<£5m) NPV output data for route options, this sensitivity information supports that caution should be used in comparing NPV data.

9.6.7 Programme and construction sequence A balance has to be struck between the economic, environmental and engineering issues on each option investigated. The above COBA results suggest that there is no over-riding

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transport economic reason for any particular carriageway standard or route option as they are generally 'neutral'

Once the Transport Directorate have determined the carriageway standard to be adopted and the preferred route options a more detailed review of the scheme phasing will be required. This is necessary to take account of the junctions at the terminal points of each construction phase and the effect on the overall economic performance. From sensitivity tests carried out, roundabouts give a large negative benefit on any option. This form of junction however is ideal for terminating phased construction as they slow traffic and can be used as a clear indication of a change of standard between sections of dual and single road.


9.7.1 Introduction Economic Consultants - Berkeley Hanover Consulting (BHC) were engaged to examine the implications and likely benefits to west Wales as a consequence of the construction of an improved A40 Trunk Road. The conclusions of their study are in their report “The Wider Economic Impact of Improvements to the A40 Trunk Road west of St Clears”.

9.7.2 Key Objectives The key objective of the study into the wider economic benefits of a road improvement was to provide an economic assessment of potential improvements to the A40 on the study area comprising Pembrokeshire and part of Carmarthenshire. The wider economic benefits of major road infrastructure improvements have to be discussed within a broader framework of resource allocation and value for money. Even if such investments generate local economic benefits – leaving aside the issues of displacement and regional/national net benefits – it is vitally important to address whether such significant infrastructure projects are (i) affordable, (ii) appropriate and (iii) value for money for local and national economies.

BHC research carefully followed the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) methodology and focused upon a detailed review of existing economic literature and extensive economic analysis of the area, assisted by many interviews and surveys with relevant organisations as well as individuals from the private and public sector. Overall, the research demonstrated that there would only be limited wider economic benefit from major A40 improvements. BHC were unable to identify any significant commercial expansion and/or inward investment that has been constrained, or deterred, by the present single carriageway standard of the existing A40 west of St Clears..

BHC reviewed possible packages of economic support that could be linked into potential improvements to help ‘anchor’ any benefits in the study area. The Welsh Assembly Government is responsible for government spending in the whole of Wales and must therefore ensure that any expenditure it undertakes is value for money. It is important to address alternative packages of economic support that could bring economic development with less cost. BHC believes that it would be more effective for Pembrokeshire to concentrate on its comparative advantages rather than trying to address factors that are inherently difficult to improve, such as peripherality.

9.7.3 Key Conclusions · Roads can be a facilitator but not necessarily a generator of growth. Research by BHC shows that the study area is already relatively accessible given its population base and economic size. · The road improvement might generate a low level of job creation and limited journey time savings, but overall the dualling of the A40 would not bring a significant change in economic behaviour since there would be no significant change in accessibility to the study area.

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· It is evident that local unemployment is higher than national average, but the actual numbers of unemployed people is small in the national context. To achieve the national average some 750 jobs would have to be created from the project. · Time savings of 3 minutes that could be achieved by dualling the A40 may influence marginal decisions upon local expansion and relocation. The study has been unable to identify any major expansion or inward investment decisions that were affected by the lack of dualling the A40. · Packages of economic support are of more relevance in terms of regeneration and could be introduced alongside more modest road infrastructure investments. · The Welsh Assembly Government should investigate the opportunity costs of making such an investment very thoroughly, although the likely level of costs per job already implies that the project is unlikely to be value for money. · In economic terms, it is necessary to address whether an investment of some £155m is appropriate to the local economic situation and affordable in national budgetary terms. The economic problems of Pembrokeshire are undoubtedly significant at a local and sub-regional level, but it is unlikely that they justify such expenditure, with little economic gain · The wider economic benefits of online improvements involving specific bypass and safety schemes costing some £35m are limited, but probably would generate the same level of wider economic benefits as a full dualling.

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The study area is predominantly rural and lies within an area of richly patterned landscape. A section of the route corridor adjoins the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park between Canaston Bridge and Arnolds Hill. The combination of topography, vegetation cover and small scale settlement has produced an intimate landscape character characterised by agriculture, woodland, hedgerow and hedgebank.

A Stage 2 Environmental Assessment has been prepared which identifies the baseline conditions over the relevant study area and assesses the environmental effects of the routes selected and their various route options on the baseline features. The assessment also includes a description of mitigation measures aimed at avoiding , reducing or offsetting the various adverse environmental effects.

Consideration of the route corridor has generated a series of options for both single and dual carriageway routes. Potential impacts of the single and dual carriageway routes are perceived as follows:

10.1.1 Single Carriageway

· St Clears to Pont-y-Fenni (Whitland Bypass) The improvement along this section would consist of limited resurfacing and remarking of the existing carriageway and two junction improvements at Pwll Trap and Grovelands. There would be no significant environmental issues along this section of the route corridor.

· Pont-y-Fenni to Llanddewi Velfrey - Gwyndy Farm The improvement along this section would consist of very minimal resurfacing and re- marking if anything is needed at all. . As such, there would be no significant environmental issues along this section of the route corridor.

· Llanddewi Velfrey - Gwyndy Farm to Penblewin There were eight route options considered in the vicinity of the village of Llanddewi Velfrey. Environmental issues along this section are related to

· impact on the important hedgerows north of Bethel Chapel · impact on the wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin · impact on the properties within the village of Llanddewi Velfrey · impact on the bronze age round barrows in the vicinity · impact on protected species (Otters, Bats and Badgers). · Impact on farm accesses · effect of the excavation of large volumes of surplus earthworks materials on the landscape fabric. The significance of the effect on the options being considered range from major negative significance, due to the loss of the wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin, to small positive significance due to the reduction of traffic noise at the properties within the village of Llanddewi Velfrey

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· Penblewin to Flimstone Lane Environmental issues along this section include effects on farm holdings, the bronze age round barrow and the former site of the Redstone Cross standing stone. The significance of the possible effect on the archaeological features is unknown. However it is considered that the significance of the options affecting these features would be small (moderate) negative.

· Flimstone Lane to Canaston Bridge There are a number of junction options for the Robeston Wathen Relief Road being considered within this section of the study area. Environmental issues along this section are related to

· impact on ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane · impact on River Cleddau cSAC and environs · impact on protected species (otters, bats and badgers) · impact on farm accesses · impact on medieval settlement and field system · impact on properties of Robeston Wathen · impact on the floodplain · impact on National Park Boundary · impact on water quality at Narberth Brook and Eastern Cleddau.

Significance of the impacts range from moderate positive to moderate negative.

· Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park The improvements along this section would consist the provision of a westbound climbing lane between Canaston Bridge and Meadow View. The improvement proposed would be close to the National Park Boundary at Toch Wood and there is a very valuable hedgerow on the south side of the road.

· Slebech Park to Deep Lake Improvement There are a number of options being considered in the vicinity of Slebech and three options for a junction improvement at Deep Lake Farm. Environmental issues along this section relate to:

· impact on hedgerows/bat flyways · incursion into the National Park · impact on an important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech · impact on unimproved species rich habitat · impact on Millin Brook · impact on prehistoric enclosure · impact on unnamed brook south of Arnolds Hill · impact on Grade 3A agricultural land · effect on workability and viability of farm holdings · land loss and severance issues

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· impact on other protected species (Otters and Badgers)

Significance of impacts range from none to major negative significance.

· Deep Lake Improvement to Haverfordwest (including Narberth Road) The improvement along this section would consist of single lane dualling to provide protected right turn facilities. There are bat flyways across the existing road between White Lodge and Bethany Farm, which would need careful consideration.

10.1.2 Dual Carriageway

· St Clears to Pont-y-Fenni The improvement along this section would consist of widening the existing single carriageway on the south side. There would be no significant environmental issues. However widening and the construction of a private means of access at the new Grovelands junction would result in crossing the Roman Road.

· Pont-y-fenni to Llanddewi Velfrey - Gwyndy Farm The improvement along this section would consist of widening the existing single carriageway and there would be limited environmental issues along the Whitland Bypass section. However important grassland would be marginally effected. Environmental issues along the section of route west of Whitland would relate to

· impact on Banc Saeson woodland · impact on floodplain · impact on bat flyways at Afon Taff and Afon Marlais Valleys · potential impact of Afon Marlais diversion · impact on protected species (Otters, bats and badgers) · impact on access to adjacent land and property · impact on North Road properties at Whitland Significance of the impacts ranges from none to moderate negative.

· Llanddewi Velfrey - Gwyndy Farm to Penblewin A number of options are being considered within the Llanddewi Velfrey area. Environmental issues along this section relate to

· impact on bronze age round barrow · landscape & visual impact south of Llanddewi Velfrey · impact on Fynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent · impact on bat flyways and other protected species (Badgers) · impact on wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin · impact on broadleaved woodland, rush pasture and species rich grassland north of Fynnon Wood · impact on properties at Llanddewi Velfrey · impact on farms and holdings

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· impact on private property Significance of the impacts ranges from moderate positive to major negative.

· Penblewin to Flimstone Lane There is one option being considered within this section. The environmental issues relate to

· demolition of private dwellings and adjoining garage business · severance of farms · proximity to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone · impact on protected species (Otters, bats and badgers) Significance of the impacts ranges from small positive to moderate negative.

· Flimstone Lane to Canaston Bridge There is only one alignment option being considered within this section i.e. a relief road to Robeston Wathen with junction options. Environmental issues relate to :

· impact on ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane · impact on River Cleddau cSAC and environs · impact on protected species (otters, bats and badgers) · impact on farm accesses and farm business viability · impact on medieval settlement and field system · impact on properties of Robeston Wathen · impact on floodplain · impact on National Park Boundary · impact on water quality at Narberth Brook and Eastern Cleddau. Significance of the impacts ranges from moderate positive to major negative.

· Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park The improvement option along this section would consist of widening the existing A40 to dual carriageway. The environmental issues relate to :

· impact on important hedgerows · demolition of one property · possible encroachment into the National Park · impact on protected species (Otters, bats and badgers) · impact on farm access and farm business viability Significance of impacts range from none to major negative.

· Slebech Park to Deep Lake Improvement There are a number of options being considered along this section of route corridor and junction improvement at Deep Lake. The environmental issues relate to :

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· impact on feeding areas for bats and barn owls north of Slebech · impact on hedgerows/bat flyways · incursion into the National Park · impact on unimproved species rich habitat · impact on Millin Brook · impact on prehistoric enclosure · impact on unnamed brook south of Arnolds Hill · impact on grade 3A agricultural land · effect on workability and viability of farm holdings · land loss and severance issues Significance of impacts range from positive major to negative major.

· Deep Lake Improvement to Haverfordwest The improvements along this section would include, dualling between Deep Lake junction and Haverfordwest Golf Club and an improvement to Narberth Road. The environmental issues relate to :

· impact on Deep Lake woodland, water course and hedgerows · impact on bat flyway along Deep Lake water course · impact on flight paths for bats across Narberth Road · impact on Cartlett Brook bat flyways, important wet woodland and other woodland · impact on protected species (Otters, bats and badgers) · impact on farm access and farm business viability Significance of impacts range from moderate positive to moderate negative.


10.2.1 Constraints Throughout the route option development process the principal constraints have been environmental issues such as ecology, landscape intrusion etc identified on the Environmental Constraints Plan. The Environment Liaison Group (ELG) have been consulted on these matters and their comments have been influential in the route option development process.

An area of particular concern is at Llanddewi Velfrey, where northern route options would have an impact on an area of significant wet woodland. This has been mitigated by aligning a route option to the north of the woodland - Option 8 single carriageway and Option 5 dual carriageway. The ELG also proposed a route Option 6 single carriageway and option 8 dual carriageway, which would be south of Blaen-pen Troydin and avoids any encroachment into or close to the woodland.

Canaston Bridge is also an area where route options have been guided by environmental constraints, the Eastern Cleddau and Narberth Brook being cSAC’s. In addition there are major natural and conservation issues in the area.

At Slebech there is the issue of encroachment into the National Park with Option 3 against the loss of significant bat feeding grounds with Option 2 for the dual carriageway strategy.

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10.2.2 Single Carriageway Option The investigation and appraisal of single carriageway options, including do-minimum and safety schemes, are detailed in the Matrices that are included in Appendix F, together with the AST2 appraisals, Appendix E of this report

10.2.3 Dual Carriageway Options Similarly the investigation and appraisal of the dual carriageway options, are detailed in the matrices and the AST2 sheets included in Appendices E and F of this report.


10.3.1 Environmental Liaison Group A programme of consultation has been undertaken throughout the assessment process. This commenced with a series of informal meetings between Environmental Consultants - TACP and Pembrokeshire County Council, Carmarthenshire County Council, Countryside Council for Wales (Haverfordwest and Llandeilo), Environment Agency and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss their requirements for the Stage 2 environmental assessment (reference section 9.0 page 93 Environmental Scoping Report. Issue 2 February 2003). In December 2002 a stage 2 environmental scoping workshop was held at the Hotel, . The workshop enabled the environmental team to present the scoping proposals and explain the proposed assessment process. (Reference EC Harris environmental scoping workshop report).

At the Stage 2 environmental scoping workshop it was agreed that ELG meetings would be set up at three monthly intervals. The ELG would comprise representatives of all the relevant statutory bodies (reference appendix 3 Volume C: Attendee List).

Consultations with ELG will continue through the further development of improvement options.

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11.1 SUMMARY OF THE STAG APPRAISAL PROCESS TO DATE. An Environmental Workshop was held in late 2002 to explain the STAG assessment process and to solicit the views of the Environment Liaison Group (ELG). The Group were content for STAG to be used for the appraisal.

The initial approach in defining improvement options was to investigate possible route corridors between St Clears and Fishguard. These corridors were appraised against the scheme objectives, and the results of the appraisal presented in Appraisal Summary Tables (AST1) This identified that certain corridors did not perform as well as others and those poor performing corridors were discarded

From the appraisal process a corridor that follows the existing trunk road between St Clears and Haverfordwest emerged as the option which performed best against the appraisal criteria and scheme objectives. The findings were reported in the Stage 1 Corridor Appraisal Report. The ELG agreed with the conclusion.

The Stage 2 appraisal began with the identification of possible on and off line routes for both single and dual carriageway standard improvements within the existing road corridor.

A set of principles to be used as guidance in the initial design of route options was provided by the Transport Directorate and these were:

· to avoid/minimise incursion into the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park · to minimise the number of private accesses onto a single carriageway options · to permit access onto the dual carriageway options at a restricted number of road junctions · to consider a full standard dual carriageway (120kph) design and only consider relaxations to this standard where constraints required it, or significant other benefits would accrue. · to try to achieve a balanced earthworks profile · to relieve the communities of Robeston Wathen and Llanddewi Velfrey of trunk road traffic · to minimise the impact on the environment All single and dual carriageway options were costed and a COBA analysis carried out.

The potential impact of each route option on each of the environmental criteria in Volume 11 of the DMRB was considered by TACP and the impact recorded on the AST2 in terms of the previously agreed significance and magnitude criteria. Information from the Stage 2 Environmental Assessment and the Phase II habitat survey provided the baseline data for this appraisal.

11.2 APPRAISAL OF OPTIONS Engineering data, such as the improvement in overtaking opportunity, the journey time saving and the reduction in accidents presented by each option was also calculated.

The relevant facts associated with all the options investigated were presented in a matrix for easier comparison and appraisal of the options.(see Appendix F of this report).

The Stage 2 assessment and appraisal of route options commenced with a pre-public consultation value-engineering workshop held in July 2003, during the option development process. The primary objectives of the workshop were:

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· to brainstorm and review route options to determine if all viable options had been considered

· to seek views from the attendees on the options developed to date and

· to undertake a broad based risk assessment

The findings of the workshop are reported in the Post Workshop Report (Corderoy – October 2003)

Once all the route options had been identified and assessed in terms of their cost, economic performance, environmental impact and other relevant criteria, the appraisal process could begin.

A second workshop was held in October 2003 with the members of the design team and the Transport Directorate to commence the appraisal process. The information that had been gathered for all the route options and their performance against the five assessment criteria of Accessibility, Safety, Environment, Economy and Integration was inserted into a matrix on an Excel spreadsheet. This was considered to be the most appropriate and useful means of comparing options.

Separate matrices were developed for both the single carriageway and dual carriageway strategies and these can be found at Appendix F

The results of the route option appraisal process were recorded on the Stage 2 Appraisal Summary tables (AST2) and a table was produced for each route option considered. These can be found at Appendix E. The Summary lines from the AST2’s have been presented in Table 5.1 for single carriageway options and Table 5.2 for dual carriageway options. Further more detailed information can be found in support of the appraisal in the Worksheet Summary tables (WST2), which are presented in a separate Annex to this report.

The outcome of this appraisal process was that certain route options were discarded and others were recorded as to be taken forward for further consideration. Route options that were discarded did not perform as well as other route options but that does not mean that they could not be re-considered in the future should other factors come into play.

To summarise the outcome the following tables identify the options that were discarded and those to be taken forward for further consideration.

The Single Carriageway options to be discarded or taken forward are tabulated below.

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SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY STRATEGY OPTIONS Section OPTION Comment 1. St Clears to Whitland BP Pwll Trap Option 1 DISCARDED Pwll Trap Option 2 Taken forward Pwll Trap Option 3 DISCARDED Grovelands Option 1 DISCARDED Grovelands Option 2 Taken forward 2. Whitland BP Do Nothing - Routine Maintenance only 3 Whitland BP - Llanddewi Velfrey Do Nothing - Routine Maintenance only 4. Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey Option 1 DISCARDED Llanddewi Velfrey Option 2 DISCARDED Llanddewi Velfrey Option 3 DISCARDED Llanddewi Velfrey Option 4 DISCARDED Llanddewi Velfrey Option 5 Taken forward Llanddewi Velfrey Option 6 Taken forward Llanddewi Velfrey Option 7 DISCARDED Llanddewi Velfrey Option 8 Taken forward 5. Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Redstone Cross option 1 Taken forward Redstone Cross Option 2 DISCARDED Redstone Cross Option 3 Taken forward ROBESTON WATHEN DISCARDED OPTION 1 Robeston Wathen Option 2 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 3 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 4 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 5 Taken forward Robeston Wathen Option 6 Taken forward Robeston Wathen Option 7 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 8 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 9 Taken forward Robeston Wathen Option 10 Taken forward 6. Canaston Bridge to Slebech Canaston Bridge to Meadow Taken forward Park View Climbing Lane Meadow View Do Nothing - Routine Maintenance only 7. Slebech Park to Deep Lake Slebech Option 1 Taken forward Slebech Option 2 Taken forward Slebech Option 3 Taken forward Slebech Option 4 DISCARDED Slebech Option 5 DISCARDED Deep Lake Option 1 Taken forward Deep Lake Option 2 DISCARDED Deep Lake Option 3 Taken forward Arnolds Hill Do Nothing - Routine Maintenance only 8. Deep Lake to Haverfordwest Do Nothing - Routine Golf Club Maintenance only 9. Haverfordwest Golf Club to Do Nothing - Routine Scotchwell Roundabout Maintenance only

Table 11.1 Single Carriageway Options to be taken forward or discarded

The Dual Carriageway options to be discarded or taken forward are tabulated below.

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DUAL CARRIAGEWAY STRATEGY OPTIONS Section Option Comment 1. St Clears to Whitland BP Taken forward 2. Whitland BP Taken forward 3 Whitland BP - Llanddewi Velfrey Taken forward 4. Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey Option 1 Taken forward Llanddewi Velfrey Option 2 DISCARDED Llanddewi Velfrey Option 3 DISCARDED Llanddewi Velfrey Option 4 DISCARDED Llanddewi Velfrey Option 5 Taken forward 5. Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Redstone Cross Option 1 Taken forward Redstone Cross Option 2 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 1 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 2 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 3 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 4 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 5 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 6 Taken forward Robeston Wathen Option 7 DISCARDED Robeston Wathen Option 8 DISCARDED 6. Canaston Bridge to Slebech Taken forward Park 7. Slebech Park to Deep Lake Slebech Option 1 DISCARDED Slebech Option 2 Taken forward Slebech Option 3 Taken forward Slebech Option 4 DISCARDED Deep Lake Option 1 DISCARDED Deep Lake Option 2 Taken forward 8. Deep Lake to Haverfordwest Taken forward Golf Club 9. Haverfordwest Golf Club to Narberth Road Option 1 Taken forward Scotchwell Roundabout Option 2 DISCARDED Link to Haverfordwest Taken forward Option 3 Narberth Road Option 4 Taken forward

Table 11.2 Dual Carriageway Options to be taken forward or discarded 11.3 OPTIONS TO BE TAKEN FORWARD The options identified in the above table that are to be taken forward will be considered further as part of the technical appraisal process. This will identify the options for each strategy that may form part of the recommendations to the Welsh Assembly Government to be reported in the Technical Appraisal Report (TAR) and the Scheme Assessment Report (SAR)

11.4 DISCARDED OPTIONS This assessment has found that there are a number of options whose combined overall performance was not as good as other similar options that would provide the same facilities. These are given in Table 11.3 They have, as a result, been discarded from the list of those schemes that it is proposed should be taken forward for further review in the TAR. A Similar review of the dual carriageway options resulted in the discarding of a number of options for the same reasons and they are detailed in Table 11.4.

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12.1 BASIS OF PROGRAMME This section describes a possible programme for the procurement of either improvement strategy and the route options to be taken forward to a public consultation exercise. The timings and construction sequence are dependent on the availability of funding from the National Assembly for Wales

These programmes for the improvement of the A40 Trunk Road have been based on the following assumptions that apply to both single and dual carriageway options:

· Robeston Wathen relief road would be constructed first to take through traffic out of the village (village initiative) with an eastbound climbing lane to improve journey time and journey reliability on the single carriageway option. It was previously a preferred route and the subject of the Public Consultation exercise in 1994 and a TR111 line is still current · Llanddewi Velfrey relief road would be considered next, to take through traffic out of the village (Villages Initiative) hence improving journey time and safety for all road users and non-motorised users · Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park single carriageway climbing lane to aid overtaking and improve journey time and reliability · Slebech Park to Deep Lake to improve safety and journey time · Deep Lake to Haverfordwest to improve safety and journey time · A budget constraint assumed as £20 million per financial year · Wherever possible works are limited to one scheme at any one time to limit delays and disruption to road users and communities.

Likely contract periods are shown in Table 12.1 for single carriageway options and Table 12.2 for the dual carriageway options. A design preparation time of eighteen months has been used for the preparation of the majority of the schemes to allow for the necessary statutory processes.

The result of this exercise is that it is considered that an improved single carriageway strategy would take some 6 years and a dual carriageway strategy some 13 years to complete. These times are, however, dependent on the combination of schemes. This analysis is based on the construction of each option as a stand-alone scheme, aiming to avoid having more than one scheme under construction at any one time to minimise traffic delay along the route. The combination of schemes, whilst reducing the number of construction contracts, could also affect the economic performance as discussed in the section describing the economic performance of the options.

Further work would need to be carried out to develop the construction strategy once the relevant standards and budget constraints are fixed.

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13.1 CRITERIA The form of procurement to be adopted for an improvement of the A40 between St Clears and Haverfordwest should aim to meet the following criteria:-

· Value for money especially in terms of whole life costs · Certainty of out-turn costs. · Affordability · Comply with the Welsh Assembly Governments procurement strategy The procurement options available are as follows.

13.1.1 ICE 5th/6th/7th Edition Form of Contract. This form of procurement is no longer favoured for highway projects.

13.1.2 Design and Build (D&B) The D&B form of procurement provides a lump sum price for the detailed design and construction of the Works with Contract award being based upon quality and price. Whilst it gives better value for money than the 5th/6th Edition Form of Contract, Contractors are constrained in terms of bringing innovation to a scheme and hence value for money, particularly if the Scheme Orders are made prior to tender invitation. This gives the Contractor little scope for amending and/or improving the design. In view of the Lump Sum price for the Works the Contractor would wish to minimise his costs, which can compromise quality.

In terms of certainty of out-turn costs the D&B form of procurement is better than the 5th/6th Edition. This benefits clients in terms of greater certainty with future budget requirements.

Being a Lump Sum Contract, Clients can better determine, prior to award, the affordability of a scheme.

13.1.3 Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) Of the options for procurement discussed the ECI form is the most favourable. It should, however, be noted that it is a new form of procurement and as such is unproven in terms of value for money and out-turn costs. Potentially it should give good value for money as there is early involvement of the Contractor in the design and planning process. This gives greater scope for innovation and hence value for money. In addition, risks are allocated to those parties best able to deal with them.

The form of contract is based upon a target cost with a pain/gain mechanism. This gives Contractors and their team incentives for producing a value for money scheme.

In terms of certainty of out-turn costs Clients are able to better determine these as the target-cost is determined prior to Start of Works. This would assist them with future budget constraints.

In consideration of affordability, as the target cost is determined at the scheme development stage Clients should have a greater certainty over affordability and hence future budget constraints.

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13.1.4 Private Finance Initiative (PFI/DBFO) The Private Finance Initiative and Design, Build, Finance and Operate forms of procurement are more appropriate if the scheme is constructed in one phase and the maintenance of existing sections of A48 and A40 included as part of the overall project.

The Assembly Government have, however, indicated that this is unlikely given the high costs, especially for a dual carriageway improvement. The range of costs being £121 million to £140 million.

In the case of a single carriageway improvement it is doubtful whether construction as one phase is appropriate because of the lack of continuity between sections to be improved.

Affordability is an important factor in the decision making process with the PFI/DBFO form of procurement. Clients have to make regular payments over the 30 year concession period, which can make heavy demands on their future budgets. This could be to the detriment of other financial requirements in terms of the overall programme for highway schemes.

13.2 PROCUREMENT OPTION It is concluded that the form of procurement to be pursued further for either a dual or single carriageway improvement is Early Contractor Involvement with schemes phased and programmed over a number of years. This is in line with the Welsh Assembly Government’s procurement strategy.

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14.1 EXISTING TRUNK ROAD The existing A40 Trunk Road between St Clears and Haverfordwest is some 32km in length and for much of its length is a single 7.3m wide carriageway. Various improvements have been carried out in the last 20 years i.e. Pont y fenni Improvement, Pengawse Hill and Whitland Bypass. Local safety improvements have also been undertaken on the remainder of the route under consideration. Some sections of the road do not comply with current alignment standards, particularly in Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen where road widths are narrow and the alignment poor. .

The length of trunk road under consideration passes through the communities of Llanddewi Velfrey, Robeston Wathen and Slebech. There are some 200 accesses and field gates, which join with the trunk road. A number of side roads also join the trunk road.

Overtaking is limited by the standard of the existing road, which leads to driver frustration and possibly accidents. The percentage overtaking length in each direction for 100 kph design speed is 23% eastbound and 26% westbound, which is below the design standard of 30% in each direction.

Junctions along the route comprise 5 roundabouts at St Clears, east and west of Whitland, Penblewin and Haverfordwest. The remaining junctions are priority ‘T’ junctions i.e. staggered and simple ‘T’ junctions with local dualling and ghost islands.

Automatic Traffic Count (ATC) data, as provided by the Welsh Assembly Government, gives the following 24 hour AADT for 2002.

Location 24 hr AADT Flow West of St Clears (Pont-y-Fenni) 9,896 Whitland Bypass 8,653 Llanddewi Velfrey 10,848 Robeston Wathen 10,862 Canaston Bridge 12,347

The number of fatal and serious road accidents along this section of trunk road is higher than the UK National Average and accident cluster sites have been identified at the following locations:-

· Llanddewi Velfrey · Robeston Wathen · Canaston Bridge (junction with A4075) · Slebech (junction to retail park) In addition, certain accident “hotspot” sites exist at:

· A40 junction with Pwll Trap · A40 junction with Gwyndy Farm · East of Slebech (Wiston Junction) 14.2 OPTIONS CONSIDERED This report describes the various options that have been considered for improving the A40 trunk road west of St Clears. The option types that have been considered for the improvements between St Clears and Haverfordwest are summarised below.

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These are effectively the same, as doing nothing is not a real option if routine and planned maintenance is considered as the Do-minimum option. Therefore routine and planned maintenance work ‘Do Nothing’ / ‘Do undertaken by the Assembly's maintaining agents will Minimum’ be considered as the Do-minimum scheme. These works are funded out of the Assembly's road maintenance budget and not out of the Major Projects capital scheme expenditure. This will be classed as any work that is more than ‘Do Something’ routine and planned maintenance works. The Do- Something options are described below: · Safety Scheme Identify where road safety was a particular concern and consider a safety scheme to address it · Single Carriageway Identify sections of the existing single carriageway that Strategy required on-line or off-line improvement and examine options where appropriate · Dual Carriageway Identify on-line or off-line improvement to dual carriageway Strategy standards and examine options where appropriate

These ‘Do Something’ and ‘Do Minimum’ strategies form the basis of this report.

14.3 ROUTE OPTIONS REPORT This report, the Route Options Report examined all the options that were prepared as part of the Stage 2 STAG appraisal and identified those routes that should be discarded for environmental, economic or engineering reasons. The remaining routes are those that would be discussed further in the Technical Appraisal Report.

14.4 ENVIRONMENTAL APPRAISAL A Stage 2 Environmental Assessment and associated surveys have been carried out and used in the STAG process to refine route options and discard those where there were better environmental alternatives. The results of consultation with the Environmental Liaison Group are also included in this process.

14.5 TRAFFIC FLOWS AND ACCIDENTS ATC data from the Welsh Assembly Government’s automatic traffic counters has been used as the base data for 2002 flows. This has been supplemented by data from turning count surveys carried out at the junctions on the existing road backed up by roadside interview surveys. This data has then been growthed using NRTF97 factors to give the predicted flows for an opening year of 2009 and design year of 2024.

Congestion Reference Flows (CRF) were calculated. CRF is an estimate of the AADT flow at which the carriageway is likely to become “congested” in peak periods on an average day. A40 CRFs indicate that there is adequate capacity in the design year if a single carriageway were adopted. There is significant spare capacity if a dual carriageway were adopted. . However, at Robeston Wathen and Canaston, flow levels would be at 80% and above of their estimated CRFs.

Accident data was obtained from the Transport Directorate and supplemented by data from the West Wales Trunk Road Agency. Analysis of this data demonstrated that there were a number of accident cluster sites as well as hotspots. The accident rate for the existing road was more severe than the national average for this class of road.

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14.6.1 COBA and QUADRO Analysis COBA 11 Rev 4 was used to carry out the economic analysis of each of the options presented in this report. This demonstrated that there were small economic benefits for some options while others had dis-benefits. Overall the results for the study are considered to be neutral. Certain combinations of schemes would produce a small positive benefit overall.

A QUADRO analysis has not been carried out. It is dependent on the sequence and combination of schemes that are proposed. These in turn depend upon the availability and timing of funding, so a QUADRO program run is inappropriate at this stage.

14.6.2 Wider economic assessment Overall, the study indicates there is only a limited wider economic justification for major A40 improvements. Possible packages of economic support that could be linked into potential A40 road improvements to help ‘anchor’ any benefits in the study area have been reviewed and revised. It is important to address alternative packages of economic support that could bring economic development with less cost. It would be more effective for Pembrokeshire to concentrate on its comparative advantages rather than trying to address factors that are inherently difficult to improve, such as peripherality.

In economic terms, it is necessary to address whether an investment of some £155m for a dual carriageway improvement is appropriate to the local economic situation and affordable in national budgetary terms. The economic problems of Pembrokeshire are undoubtedly significant at a local and sub-regional level, but it is unlikely that they justify such expenditure. The wider economic benefits of online improvements involving specific bypass and safety schemes costing some £35m are limited, but probably generate the same level of wider economic benefits as a full dualling.

Overall, a dualling of the A40 cannot be justified in terms of economic generation potential, since it is concluded that the new job creation would be too small to justify the capital expenditure.

14.7 STAG APPRAISAL The options brought forward from the Stage 1 Corridor Appraisal Report for consideration have been appraised using the draft Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) methodology and the Scheme Objectives. The conclusions of the appraisal are recorded on the Appraisal Summary Table (AST2) forms and identify the options to be considered for further review. The AST2 forms are included in Appendix C of this report.


14.8.1 Option Appraisal The Stage 1 Route Corridor concluded that the existing corridor best met the scheme objectives

The Stage 2 appraisal considered all possible route options for single or dual carriageway improvements within the existing route corridor and identified those options which performed best against the five assessment criteria of Accessibility, Safety, Environment, Economy and Integration. The route options identified by this appraisal are to be taken forward for further technical appraisal.

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The options to be considered for taking forward to the Technical Appraisal Report for further review are listed in Tables 14.1 and 14.2 below. The combination of options is dependent on three decisions

· whether the improvement is to be to single or dual carriageway standard · the availability and timing of funding for construction of the options and · the form that the public consultation should take,

14.8.2 Access to Farm and Private Properties In accordance with the route improvement strategy to limit the number of direct accesses onto the trunk road, alternative means of providing access from private property to the road network have been included. Private Means of Access (PMA) tracks are included where justified and where possible redundant lengths of the existing road would be used to form a local road network that caters for local and slow moving agricultural vehicles.

Section Scheme Type Option Gross NPV No. Works Cost £M £M St Clears to Pwll Trap – Junction Improvement, 2 1.73 -0.5 Whitland Bypass Grovelands – Junction Improvement 2 1.3 -1.5 Llanddewi Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road 5 6.6 4.3 Velfrey to Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road 6 6.0 2.5 Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road 8 7.8 -0.8 Redstone Cross Improvement 1 4.2 -0.8 Redstone Cross Improvement 3 2.3 -1.0 Penblewin to Robeston Wathen Relief Road 5 9.1 -5.5 Canaston Bridge Robeston Wathen Relief Road 6 9.3 -4.2 Robeston Wathen Relief Road 9 12.8 -2.8 Robeston Wathen Relief Road 10 9.8 -3.1 Canaston Bridge Canaston Bridge to Meadow View 2.3 -2.0 to Slebech Park Climbing Lane Slebech Improvement. 1 4.1 0.1 Slebech Park to Slebech Improvement. 2 1.6 1.5 Deep Lake Slebech Improvement. 3 4.3 -3.1 Improvement Deep Lake – Junction Improvement 1 1.5 -1.5 Deep Lake – Junction Improvement 3 2.4 2.7

Table 14.1 Single Carriageway Options

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Section Scheme Type Optio Gross NPV n No. Works Cost £M £M St Clears to Dual existing Trunk Road - 13.3 -1.0 Whitland Bypass Whitland Bypass Dual existing Trunk Road - 8.4 2.4 Whitland Bypass to Dual existing Trunk Road - 16.2 0.3 Llanddewi Velfrey Llanddewi Velfrey Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road 1 18.7 -2.78 to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road 5 19.1 -2.8 Penblewin to Redstone Cross Improvement 1 6.3 1.9 Canaston Bridge Robeston Wathen Relief Road 6 20.9 -5.4 Canaston Bridge to Dual close to or on existing Trunk - 9.7 4.7 Slebech Park Road Bypass to Slebech 2 16.4 0.2 Slebech Park to Bypass to Slebech 3 15.9 1.6 Deep Lake Farm Deep Lake Junction Improvement 2 2.6 2.4 Deep Lake to Haverfordwest Golf Dual Close to existing Trunk Road 1 10.5 -5.3 Club Single carriageway link to Haverfordwest Golf Haverfordwest Bypass (future long 3 6.0 4.3 Club to Scotchwell term scheme) Roundabout Narberth Road Improvement 4 0.3 -

Table 14.2 Dual Carriageway Options

14.8.3 Procurement Option It is suggested that the form of procurement to be pursued further for either a dual or single carriageway improvement is Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) with schemes phased and programmed over a number of years.

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The route options study has shown that the existing single carriageway A40 Trunk Road between St Clears and Haverfordwest has the following problems:

· The accident record is poor, with a higher proportion of fatal and serious injury casualties than the UK national average. · Safe overtaking opportunity west of Penblewin roundabout is very limited. · There are a large number of agricultural and other private accesses onto the trunk road · During the summer months, in particular in August at the time of the Pembrokeshire County Show, traffic flows are high and congestion occurs in a very small number of peak periods. · The communities of Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen suffer from the effects of severance and trunk road traffic is delayed by the imposed speed restriction through these villages. The study investigated a number of options for addressing these issues, of both single and dual carriageway standard, and the Stage 2 appraisal of the options identified a number of options that would be considered further in the technical appraisal.

A total of 44 single carriageway and 31 dual carriageway alignments were examined for the 10 sections of trunk road between StClears and Haverfordwest. The outline designs were prepared using limited digital topographical information, data from the desktop geotechnical review, existing structures records, environmental and ecological survey results and assessment, plus input from the Environmental Liaison Group.

Historical traffic data was obtained from the Transport Directorate, which was supplemented by data from the County Councils and two traffic counts in October 2002 and August 2003. This data was used for capacity predictions and economic analysis.

The condition data for the existing pavement was examined and found to show that generally the pavement had a significant useful remaining life. Where possible the existing pavement would form part of the improvement options or be retained as part of a local traffic network.

The options were prepared using current design standards in accordance with TD9/93 . Preliminary junction layouts are based on TD16,TD40 and TD42.

The preliminary examination of junction types found that single lane dualling and roundabouts would be the most appropriate type for single carriageway options. Roundabouts would be used for dual carriageway options. The large number of farm and field gates would require careful design to ensure that they were minimised and those remaining made safe for users and trunk road traffic. The dual carriageway options would permit local traffic to be separated from trunk road traffic.

The route options were assessed using STAG and the five Government Criteria, to take account of all the various inputs to the study. These assessments have then been used to identify a number of options that would be taken forward for further examination in the Technical Appraisal Report. A total of 39 options have been put forward for further consideration. The assessment of the options did not reveal any significant geotechnical problems that would prevent any of the options being constructed. Similarly there appears to be no difficulty in providing suitable drainage provided the appropriate consents are obtained. Care would need to be taken at Canaston Bridge as Welsh Water/Dwr Cymru has a major intake works that would require protection from possible pollution.

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Information obtained from the utility companies shows that there are no services that require unusual methods for re-routing or diversion. BT use the trunk road as a communications corridor and as such would be affected by any on line improvement. Transco are currently investigating the route for a 1200mm high pressure gas main, but are prepared to provide appropriate protection at crossing points to accommodate any future road improvement.

There are a number of large agricultural holdings along the trunk road, but severance would be limited. Appropriate works could be needed to deal with matters of access to any severed portions of fields.

The study has identified that whilst there are a number of important environmental features in the study area, which would require careful design and mitigation measures, there are no issues, which would prevent the options considered being taken further and if appropriate, constructed.

The study has also found that the provision of an improved road between St Clears and Haverfordwest, whether to single or dual carriageway standard, would be of only marginal economic benefit in COBA terms. Furthermore the impact of a major road improvement on the wider economy of the area would be limited and previous predictions about the number of job opportunities that would be created as a result of this investment, are now considered to be optimistic. Pembrokeshire County Council's view that the congestion effects on the A40 and the consequential delays to traffic are and will continue to be a deterrent to business expansion and economic growth, has not been substantiated by the study.

Recent traffic growth on the A40 in particular, and on the network in general, indicates that the high growth of the 1990s is not being maintained and central NRTF growth predictions are now more appropriate.

A more detailed analysis of future traffic flows has indicated that even if high growth NRTF predictions were to be realised, then it would probably be beyond the year 2030 before congestion effects were experienced throughout the year. During the summer months, however, limited congestion and the effects of congestion are already experienced at some peak hours. This will increase in time such that by about the year 2018, in a central NRTF growth scenario, congestion could occur during most of the peak periods of the summer on the A40 west of Penblewin roundabout. Proposals to address this will need to be considered if such congestion and the effects of congestion are considered unacceptable.

There is therefore no economic justification for the provision of a dual carriageway between St Clears and Haverfordwest at an estimated gross cost of £165m. If this conclusion is accepted, and a single carriageway is acknowledged as being appropriate in the short to medium term, then the section between St Clears and Whitland West roundabout needs little further improvement other than to specific junctions. However, an improvement of the sections west of Whitland Bypass is recommended to provide relief from the effects of trunk road traffic in Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen, more safe overtaking opportunity and improved road safety. This would also contribute to reducing journey times and improving journey time reliability. A single carriageway improvement scheme would have a gross cost of about £35m.This could be procured using an ECI contract for single or multiple contracts as budget and disruption due to construction permits.

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Table 4.1 Single Carriageway Earthworks

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Table 4.1 SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY EARTHWORKS t s l l e t u i f n b f F C e t t o f f f o n n t m o o o d a a l s

SECTION Option Name k e c c e e e a g i i n i s f f r n a m m m i i o i e t n n b u u u p t t l l l e g g a s t u i i m o o o i i S C S E V V V m d s

St Clears to Whitland St Clears to Whitland N N - - - Pwll Trap Junction N N 11700 0 11700 Improvement 1 Pwll Trap Junction N N - - - Improvement 2 Pwll Trap Junction N N 1300 200 1300 Improvement 3 Grovelands Junction N N 7100 3400 7100 Improvement 1 Grovelands Junction N N 14900 2800 14900 Improvement 2 Whitland Bypass Whitland Bypass N N - - - Whitland West to Llanddewi Velfry Pengawse Hill (No o/t down Y Y hill) Widening of existing road Pengawse Hill (o/t down Y Y hill) Llanddewi Velfry to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey Y Y 237000 107100 129900 Relief Road Improvement Option 1 Llanddewi Velfrey Y N 132700 9800 122900 Improvement Option 2 Llanddewi Velfrey N N 600 500 100 Improvement Option 3 Llanddewi Velfrey Y Y 52800 25700 26900 Improvement Option 4 Llanddewi Velfrey Y N 149500 18400 131100 Improvement Option 5 Llanddewi Velfrey Y Y 90600 54300 36300 Improvement Option 6 Llanddewi Velfrey Y Y 126900 50000 76800 Improvement Option 7 Llanddewi Velfrey Y Y 292200 150800 141400 Improvement Option 8 Llanddewi Velfrey to N N - - - Penblewin Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Redstone Cross N N 20100 16000 5900 Improvement Improvement Option 1 Redstone Cross Y N 52300 8000 44300 Improvement Option 2 Redstone Cross N N 8400 4300 8400 Improvement Option 3 Robeston Wathen Option 1 Y Y 91300 43700 47600 Robeston Wathen Option 2 Y Y 91300 43700 47600 Robeston Wathen Option 3 Y Y 111300 89100 22300 Robeston Wathen Option 4 Y Y 94900 43700 53600 Robeston Wathen Option 5 Y Y 94900 43700 53600 Robeston Wathen Option 6 Y Y 91300 43700 47600 Robeston Wathen Option 7 Y Y 117300 93900 39700 Robeston Wathen Option 8 Y Y 92500 43700 48800 Robeston Wathen Option 9 Y Y - - - Robeston Wathen Option Y Y - - - 10 Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park Canaston Bridge to N N Meadow View Climbing 5400 2800 5400 Lane Meadow View N N - - -

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SECTION Option Name k e c c e e e a g i i n i s f f r n a m m m i i o i e t n n b u u u p t t l l l e g g a s t u i i m o o o i i S C S E V V V m d s

Slebech Park to Deeplake Slebech Improvement N Y 36100 28500 7600 Improvement Option 1 Slebech Improvement N N 2800 1300 2800 Option 2 Slebech Improvement N N 22600 8700 14000 option 3 Slebech Improvement Y Y 114300 21200 93100 Option 4 Slebech Improvement Y Y 223800 53900 169900 Option 5 Deeplake Junction N N 14900 2800 14900 Improvement 1 Deeplake Junction N N 7500 1800 5700 Improvement 2 Deeplake Junction N N 7500 1800 5700 Improvement 3 Arnolds Hill Improvement Arnolds Hill Improvement Y Y 114300 21200 93100 Option 6 Arnolds Hill Improvement Y Y 181700 136200 45400 Option 7 Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Deeplake to Haverfordwest - - - - - Club Golf Club Narberth Road Improvement Narberth Road N N 11900 5300 7300 Improvement 1

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Table 4.2 Dual Carriageway Earthworks

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Table 4.2 DUAL CARRIAGEWAY EARTHWORKS e t t l s i l e t u i s t t f b n F C f n n s o e f f o f a a g t o e o c c o m l n i i i k f f d e m a t e SECTION Option Name i i i t n e u r n n m l m a u s e g g u o t u i i b o C l l a V p S S o o m s m V i V E d

St Clears to Whitland St Clears to Whitland N N 42500 108500 10600 Whitland Bypass Whitland Bypass Y Y 120100 100400 30000 Whitland West to Llanddewi Velfrey Pengawse Hill Y Y 89700 204500 22400 Llanddewi Velfry to Penblewin Relief Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Y Y 185700 85000 90700 Road Option 1 Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Y Y 450600 150700 299900 Option 2 Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Y Y 447600 225400 222200 Option 3 Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Y Y 344200 126400 217800 Option 4 Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Y Y 571300 349200 222100 Option 5 Penblewin to Redstone Cross Penblewin to Redstone Cross Y Y 146000 37300 108700 Improvement Option 1 Penblewin to Redstone Cross Y Y 106600 106200 26700 Option 2 Robeston Wathen Relief Road Robeston Wathen Option 1 Y Y 318500 122200 196300 Robeston Wathen Option 2 Y Y 318500 122200 196300 Robeston Wathen Option 3 Y Y 318500 122200 196300 Robeston Wathen Option 4 Y Y 318500 122200 196300 Robeston Wathen Option 5 Y Y 318500 122200 196300 Robeston Wathen Option 6 Y Y 318500 122200 196300 Robeston Wathen Option 7 Y Y 318500 122200 196300 Robeston Wathen Option 8 Y Y 318500 122200 196300 Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park Canaston Bridge to Slebech N N 130700 74400 56300 Park Slebech Park to Deeplake Slebech Improvement Option 1 Y Y 215200 60500 154700 Improvement Slebech Improvement Option 2 Y Y 323400 50600 272800 Slebech Improvement Option 3 Y Y 315700 139000 178000 Slebech Improvement Option 4 Y Y 403100 264900 142400 Deeplake Improvement Deeplake Junction Improvement N N 5500 0 5500 1 Deeplake Junction Improvement N N 5700 0 5700 2 Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Y N 231600 43900 187700 Club Club 1 Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Y N 231600 43900 187700 Club 2 Narberth Road Improvement Narberth Road Option 1 N N 9000 8000 2300 Narberth Road Option 2 Y N 322700 22700 300100 Narberth Road Option 3 Y Y 4500 132700 900

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Table 5.1 Single Carriageway Options

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Table 5.1 Single Carriageway Options

Option Taken Section Option Type Comment Forward to TAR St Clears to Option to be considered as a maintenance Maintenance Scheme Y Whitland scheme Closing junction will affect bus routes and Pwll Trap 1 Junction safety scheme N emergency access Option to be considered as a maintenance Pwll Trap 2 Junction safety scheme Y St Clears to Whitland Bypass scheme Closing junction will affect bus routes and Pwll Trap 3 Junction safety scheme N emergency access Grovelands 1 Junction safety scheme N Discarded due to delays to trunk road traffic Option to be considered as a road safety Groveland 2 Junction safety scheme Y improvement scheme Option to be considered as a maintenance Whitland Bypass Maintenance Scheme Y scheme Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Pengawse Hill Safety and Maintenance Options to be considered as a road safety Y Velfrey Options Schemes improvement scheme High cost, full bypass to village with good Llanddewi Velfrey 1 Relief road option N overtaking opportunities. Loss of important Woodland Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Marginal environmental benefit, only partial Llanddewi Velfrey 2 Relief road option N bypass to village with no overtaking improvement. No significant community benefits, not a Llanddewi Velfrey 3 Relief road option N bypass of village, no overtaking improvement.

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Option Taken Section Option Type Comment Forward to TAR Medium cost, major negative environmental Llanddewi Velfrey 4 Relief road option N impact, full bypass to village, reduced design standard with no overtaking improvement. Medium cost, moderate negative environmental impact, not a true bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey 5 Relief road option Y village, small increase in overtaking opportunities. Medium cost, full bypass to village, reduction Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey 6 Relief road option Y in eastbound overtaking opportunities. Medium cost, full bypass to village, slight Llanddewi Velfrey 7 Relief road option N reduction in overtaking opportunities.Major negative environmental impact. Medium cost, full bypass to village, slight Llanddewi Velfrey 8 Relief road option Y reduction in overtaking opportunities. Llanddewi Velfrey to Option to be considered as a maintenance Maintenance Scheme Y Penblewin scheme Redstone Cross High cost with good overtaking opportunities, Improvement Option Y Improvement 1 but demolishes two properties Redstone Cross Highest cost option with low economic return. Improvement Option N Improvement 2 Highest potential archaeological impact Redstone Cross Low cost with slight increase in overtaking Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Improvement Option Y Improvement 3 opportunities, but demolishes two properties Medium cost, but very poor economic Robeston Wathen 1 Relief road option N performance Low cost, but very poor economic Robeston Wathen 2 Relief road option N performance

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Option Taken Section Option Type Comment Forward to TAR High cost. Major visual and landscape impact of grade separated junction. Improved Robeston Wathen 3 Relief road option N accessability for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge. Robeston Wathen 4 Relief road option N Medium cost, but poor economic performance Robeston Wathen 5 Relief road option Y Medium cost, but poor economic performance Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Robeston Wathen 6 Relief road option Y Medium cost, but poor economic performance Highest cost. Major visual and landscape Robeston Wathen 7 Relief road option N impact of grade separated junction. Medium cost, but poor economic Robeston Wathen 8 Relief road option N performance. Reduces accessability to village Robeston Wathen 9 Relief road option Y Highest cost, best economic return. Robeston Wathen10 Relief road option Y High cost, second best economic return. Canaston Bridge to Option to be considered as a maintenance Meadow View Improvement Option Y scheme, positive economic return, improved Canaston Bridge to Slebech Climbing Lane westbound overtaking Park Option to be considered as a maintenance Meadow View Maintenance Scheme Y scheme Medium cost, moderate negative environmental impact, but requires incursion Slebech 1 Improvement Option Y Slebech Park to Deep Lake into National Park. Improves trunk road safety Farm and overtaking opportunities Do-minimum junction Option to be considered as a low cost Slebech 2 Y improvement maintenance/safety scheme

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Option Taken Section Option Type Comment Forward to TAR Medium cost, major negative environmental impact, but avoids incursion into National Slebech 3 Improvement Option Y Park. Improves trunk road safety but slightly reduces overtaking opportunities High cost, major negative environmental impact. Improves trunk road safety and Slebech 4 Improvement Option N overtaking opportunities. Bypasses Arnolds Hill. High cost, major negative environmental impact. Improves trunk road safety and Slebech 5 Improvement Option N overtaking opportunities. Bypasses Arnolds Hill. Poor economic return. Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm Considered unsafe. No further assessment Arnolds Hill 6 Improvement Option N carried out. Considered unsafe. No further assessment Arnolds Hill 7 Improvement Option N carried out. Low cost option, with poor economic Deep Lake Farm Junction safety scheme Y return.Minor improvement scheme, no delay Junction 1 to trunk road traffic Lowest cost. Delays trunk road traffic, Deep Lake Farm Junction safety scheme N potential safety hazard. Very poor economic Junction 2 return Deep Lake Farm Highest cost. No delays trunk road traffic. Best Junction safety scheme Y Junction 3 economic return. Deep Lake Farm to Option to be considered as a maintenance Maintenance Scheme Y Haverfordwest GC scheme Option to be considered as a road Narberth Road Improvement Junction safety scheme Y safety/maintenance scheme

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Table 5.2 Dual Carriageway Options

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Table 5.2 Dual Carriageway Options

Option Taken Section Option Comment Comment Forward to TAR Provides continuity of dual carriageway, but could be St Clears to Whitland Bypass Dual Existing Y delayed. Termination point to be reviewed if phased construction. No alternatives considered. Economically justified but could be delayed. No Whitland Bypass Dual Existing Y alternatives considered Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Economically neutral, low priority but improves Pengawse hill Dual Existing Y Velfrey safety. No alternatives considered Dual carriageway relief Poor economic return. Not a true by-pass Llanddewi Velfrey 1 Y road Lowest cost. Best economic return, but still negative. Major environmental impact, particularly on wet Llanddewi Velfrey 2 Junction Improvement N woodland. Further additional cost for mitigation viaduct £2.0m. Provides a true by-pass Llanddewi Velfrey to Poor economic return, but a true by-pass. Major Penblewin Dual carriageway relief Llanddewi Velfrey 3 N environmental impact, particularly on wet woodland. road Further additional cost for mitigation viaduct £2.0m Dual carriageway relief Poor economic return. Avoids wet woodland. Non Llanddewi Velfrey 4 N road preferred horizontal alignment. Dual carriageway relief Poor economic return. Avoids wet woodland. Llanddewi Velfrey 5 Y road Needs to be built as part of Robeston Wathen Relief Dual carriageway Redstone Cross 1 Y Road. Easier buildability. Maintains local road Penblewin to Canaston junction improvement network. Bridge Dual carriageway Needs to be built as part of Robeston Wathen Relief Redstone Cross 2 N junction improvement Road. More difficult to build.

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Option Taken Section Option Comment Comment Forward to TAR Dual carriageway relief High cost. Poor economic performance. Robeston Wathen 1 N road Dual carriageway relief High cost. Poor economic performance. Reduced Robeston Wathen 2 N road journey time saving High cost. Major visual and landscape impact of grade separated junction. Improved accessability for Dual carriageway relief walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Robeston Wathen 3 N road Bridge. Restricted access to village causing major dis-benefit to public transport. Needs to be built with Redstone cross improvement.

Dual carriageway relief High cost. Poor economic performance. Needs to be Penblewin to Canaston Robeston Wathen 4 N Bridge road built with Redstone cross improvement. Dual carriageway relief High cost. Poor economic performance. Needs to be Robeston Wathen 5 N road built with Redstone cross improvement. High cost. Poor economic performance. Needs to be Dual carriageway relief Robeston Wathen 6 Y built with Redstone cross improvement. Does not road impinge on National Park. Major visual and landscape impact of grade Dual carriageway relief Robeston Wathen 7 N separated junction. Needs to be built with Redstone road cross improvement. Dual carriageway relief High cost. Very poor economic performance. Robeston Wathen 8 N road Consider as part of phasing with adjacent scheme. Canaston Bridge to Slebech Canaston Bridge to Dual carriageway Good economic return. Major negative Y Park Slebech Park improvement environmental impact. Improved trunk road safety. Difficult to build.

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Option Taken Section Option Comment Comment Forward to TAR Lowest cost option. Economically neutral. Major Dual carriageway negative environmental impact. Improves trunk road Slebech Improvement 1 N improvement safety. By-passes Arnolds Hill. Needs to be combined with Deep Lake Farm Improvement. High cost option. Major negative environmental Dual carriageway Slebech Improvement 2 Y impact. Improves trunk road safety. improvement

Medium cost option. Moderate negative Dual carriageway environmental impact, including incursion into Slebech Improvement 3 Y National Park. Improves trunk road safety. Slebech to Deep Lake Farm improvement Improvement Highest cost option. Moderate negative Dual carriageway environmental impact, including incursion into Slebech Improvement 4 N improvement National Park. Improves trunk road safety. By- passes Arnolds Hill. Poor economic performance

Low cost option. Needs to be built as part of Slebech Dual carriageway Junction Improvement 1 N scheme. Delays trunk road traffic. Potential safety junction improvement hazard. Very poor economic return. Dual carriageway Higher cost option. Good economic return. No delay Junction Improvement 2 Y junction improvement to trunk road traffic. Deep Lake Farm to Dual carriageway Haverfordwest Golf Club Y Poor economic return improvement Deep Lake Farm to 1 Haverfordwest Golf Club Deep Lake Farm to Only option to complete dual carriageway. Dual carriageway Haverfordwest Golf Club N Combined cost with Narbeth Road Option 2 is improvement 2 £23.0m, with negative NPV. Dual carriageway Narberth Road Improvement Narberth Road 1 Y Low cost. Economically neutral. improvement

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Option Taken Section Option Comment Comment Forward to TAR High cost. Poor economic return. This would have to Dual carriageway Narberth Road 2 N be constructed with Deep Lake Farm to improvement Narberth Road Improvement Haverfordwest Golf Club option 2 Narberth Road 3 Future option Y Medium cost. Good economic return. Narberth Road 4 Maintenance scheme Y Low cost. Maintenance scheme.

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Table 8.8 Single Carriageway Options Accident Savings

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Table 8.8 Single Carriageway Options Accident Savings over 30 years

Observed Default Section Option Fatal Serious Slight Fatal Serious Slight St Clears to Whitland Pwll Trap 1 0.7 5.6 39.4 0.2 1.7 8.4 Pwll Trap 2 0.5 4.2 34.5 0.8 3.9 18.7 St Clears to Whitland Bypass Pwll Trap 3 0.5 3.7 26.7 0.0 -0.4 -6.0 Grovelands 1 0.3 2.5 17.4 0.2 1.6 10.2 Groveland 2 -0.2 -0.6 -0.1 0.2 0.9 4.0 Whitland Bypass Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey Pengawse Hill Options Llanddewi Velfrey 1 -1.1 -0.9 41.7 -0.6 1.4 50.0 Llanddewi Velfrey 2 -0.7 1.7 57.1 -0.5 1.9 50.1 Llanddewi Velfrey 3 0.7 7.4 74.0 0.1 1.0 7.5 Llanddewi Velfrey 4 -1.4 -1.0 49.0 -1.3 -2.1 34.3 Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey 5 -0.7 2.3 65.0 -0.6 1.5 51.1 Llanddewi Velfrey 6 -1.1 -0.9 40.1 -0.7 1.3 50.2 Llanddewi Velfrey 7 -1.0 -0.3 44.8 -0.6 1.5 51.1 Llanddewi Velfrey 8 -1.2 -1.5 38.5 -0.7 1.0 48.5 Llandewi Velfrey to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Redstone Cross Improvement 1 -0.7 -4.9 -33.9 1.2 5.6 24.9 Redstone Cross Improvement 2 -1.4 -8.1 -50.4 1.0 5.0 22.9 Redstone Cross Improvement 3 -1.9 -10.7 -60.0 0.1 1.0 7.5 Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Robeston Wathen 1 0.6 9.9 84.6 1.3 9.1 47.6 Robeston Wathen 2 1.2 16.8 129.1 1.8 12.4 72.5 Robeston Wathen 3 1.2 9.1 93.7 1.4 8.7 59.0

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Observed Default Section Option Fatal Serious Slight Fatal Serious Slight Robeston Wathen 4 1.1 15.0 122.4 1.5 10.4 63.7 Robeston Wathen 5 1.6 14.0 106.6 1.6 10.5 57.0 Robeston Wathen 6 1.5 14.0 113.1 1.5 9.7 56.6 Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Robeston Wathen 7 1.1 10.7 106.5 1.4 9.3 63.9 Robeston Wathen 8 1.3 16.0 122.0 1.5 10.7 63.6 Robeston Wathen 9 1.3 10.5 100.8 1.7 10.2 66.3 Robeston Wathen10 1.4 15.4 119.9 1.8 11.1 63.4

Canaston Bridge to Meadow View Climbing Lane Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park 1.0 5.1 24.3 1.6 7.7 36.9 Meadow View Slebech 1 1.7 6.5 22.8 0.6 -0.8 -24.1 Slebech 2 1.2 10.1 82.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Slebech 3 1.5 5.8 23.0 0.8 0.5 -16.4 Slebech 4 1.8 7.5 31.6 1.8 5.7 9.0 Slebech 5 2.0 10.2 54.5 2.1 8.8 33.5 Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm Arnolds Hill 6 Arnolds Hill 7 Deep Lake Farm Junction 1 -0.6 -5.7 -45.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Deep Lake Farm Junction 2 0.3 1.6 5.9 0.8 7.3 51.8 Deep Lake Farm Junction 3 -1.9 -10.7 -59.3 1.0 6.2 40.1 Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest GC Narberth Road Improvement 0.1 0.4 2.0 0.5 2.5 11.8

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Table 8.9 Dual Carriageway Options Accident Saving s

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Table 8.9 Dual Carriageway Options Accident Savings over 30 years Observed Default Section Option Fatal Serious Slight Fatal Serious Slight St Clears to Whitland bypass 3.9 19.9 73.3 6.1 27.8 82.2 Whitland Bypass 2.1 8.7 21.8 3.5 15.6 53.6 Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Velfrey Pengawse hill 3.0 14.2 66.9 3.5 18.1 89.3 Llanddewi Velfrey 1 3.0 19.9 135.4 2.7 16.0 92.9 Llanddewi Velfrey 2 3.0 19.8 135.0 2.7 16.0 92.5 Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey 3 3.0 19.8 135.0 2.7 16.0 92.5 Llanddewi Velfrey 4 3.0 19.7 134.2 2.7 15.9 91.7 Llanddewi Velfrey 5 3.0 19.9 135.3 2.5 15.0 87.0 Redstone Cross 1 0.3 0.1 -31.6 1.9 10.6 55.9 Redstone Cross 2 0.3 -0.1 -32.4 1.8 10.5 55.2 Robeston Wathen 1 2.3 15.8 84.5 4.4 22.5 84.5 Robeston Wathen 2 3.2 22.1 126.7 5.3 27.8 118.6 Robeston Wathen 3 2.3 16.4 111.3 4.3 22.2 107.1 Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Robeston Wathen 4 2.9 19.7 118.1 4.9 25.2 108.5 Robeston Wathen 5 2.3 15.5 85.0 4.3 21.5 82.4 Robeston Wathen 6 2.5 15.8 90.2 4.5 21.5 82.1 Robeston Wathen 7 2.0 12.6 81.0 4.0 18.4 74.4 Robeston Wathen 8 2.6 18.2 106.3 4.5 23.8 100.9 Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park 1.7 6.5 12.0 3.3 14.5 50.7 Slebech Improvement 1 5.9 29.1 126.8 5.8 26.9 101.5 Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm Slebech Improvement 2 5.9 29.1 127.3 5.8 27.0 102.0 Slebech Improvement 3 5.7 27.6 105.0 5.7 25.5 80.1 Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm Slebech Improvement 4 5.7 27.4 103.0 5.6 25.3 77.7

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Observed Default Section Option Fatal Serious Slight Fatal Serious Slight Junction Improvement 1 0.8 3.4 6.3 1.5 9.5 54.2 Junction Improvement 2 0.7 2.4 3.7 1.3 8.5 51.6 Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Club 1 0.9 2.1 -29.6 3.1 12.8 21.9 Club Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Club 2 1.1 4.0 -0.1 3.2 14.4 50.4 Narberth Road 1 0.1 -0.2 -7.4 0.5 2.6 13.1 Narberth Road 2 0.7 2.2 -7.6 1.1 4.8 12.5 Narberth Road Improvement Narberth Road 3 -0.5 -1.6 6.3 0.4 4.0 63.1 Narberth Road 4

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Table 9.1 Single Carriageway Options Costs and NPV

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Table 9.1 Single Carriageway Options

Section Option Cost £m NPV £m

St Clears to Whitland 1.1 or 1.4

Pwll Trap 1 0.1 -1.0 St Clears to Whitland Bypass Pwll Trap 2 1.7 -0.5 Pwll Trap 3 0.2 -1.6 Grovelands 1 1.4 -6.7 Groveland 2 1.3 -1.5 Whitland Bypass 0.9 Whitland Bypass to Llanddewi Pengawse Hill Options 0.8 Velfrey Llanddewi Velfrey 1 8.3 1.0 Llanddewi Velfrey 2 4.4 4.1 Llanddewi Velfrey 3 2.2 -0.3 Llanddewi Velfrey 4 4.9 3.9 Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey 5 6.6 4.3 Llanddewi Velfrey 6 6 2.5 Llanddewi Velfrey 7 6.6 3.1 Llanddewi Velfrey 8 7.8 -0.8 Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin 0.4 Redstone Cross Improvement 1 4.2 -0.8 Redstone Cross Improvement 2 4.4 -2.9 Redstone Cross Improvement 3 2.3 -1.0 Robeston Wathen 1 9.7 -23.9 Robeston Wathen 2 8.5 -9.0 Robeston Wathen 3 12.3 -5.4 Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Robeston Wathen 4 9.1 -6.9 Robeston Wathen 5 9.1 -5.5 Robeston Wathen 6 9.3 -4.2 Robeston Wathen 7 12.6 -3.2 Robeston Wathen 8 8.8 -6.6 Robeston Wathen 9 12.8 -2.8 Robeston Wathen10 9.8 -3.1 Canaston Bridge to Meadow View 2.3 Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park Climbing Lane 2.0 Meadow View 0.2 Slebech 1 4.1 0.1 Slebech 2 1.6 1.5 Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm Slebech 3 4.3 -3.1 Slebech 4 6.6 -3.3 Slebech 5 8.7 -10.5

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Section Option Cost £m NPV £m

Arnolds Hill 6 10.5 Arnolds Hill Improvement Arnolds Hill 7 13.1 Deep Lake Farm Junction 1 1.5 -1.5 Deep Lake Farm Junction 2 1.3 -8.1 Deep Lake Farm Junction 3 2.4 2.7 Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest 0.7 GC Narberth Road Improvement 2.2 -0.2

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Table 9.2 Dual Carriageway Options Costs and NPV

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Table 9.2 Dual Carriageway Options

Section Option Cost £m NPV £m St Clears to Whitland Bypass 13.3 -1.0 Whitland Bypass 8.4 2.4 Whitland By pass to Llanddewi Pengawse hill 16.2 Velfrey 0.3 Llanddewi Velfrey 1 18.7 -2.7 Llanddewi Velfrey 2 20.5 -4.4 Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin Llanddewi Velfrey 3 18.1 -2.4 Llanddewi Velfrey 4 17.1 -3.3 Llanddewi Velfrey 5 19.1 -2.8 Redstone Cross 1 6.3 1.9 Redstone Cross 2 7.3 0.1 Robeston Wathen 1 22.7 -24.8 Robeston Wathen 2 20.9 -9.3 Robeston Wathen 3 20.7 -2.5 Penblewin to Canaston Bridge Robeston Wathen 4 20.8 -6.8 Robeston Wathen 5 20.6 -7.1 Robeston Wathen 6 20.9 -5.4 Robeston Wathen 7 22.7 -1.1 Robeston Wathen 8 20.9 -9.2 Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park 9.7 4.7 Slebech Improvement 1 15.1 0.9 Slebech Improvement 2 16.4 0.2 Slebech Park to Deep Lake Farm Slebech Improvement 3 15.9 1.6 Slebech Improvement 4 16.5 -2.7 Junction Improvement 1 1.0 -4.3 Deep Lake Farm Improvement Junction Improvement 2 2.6 2.4 Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf 10.5 Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Club 1 -5.3 Golf Club Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf 10.2 Club 2 4.7 Narberth Road 1 1.7 -0.3 Narberth Road 2 12.4 -7.8 Narberth Road Improvement Narberth Road 3 6.0 4.5 Narberth Road 4 0.3

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Table 11.3 Single Carriageway Options Discarded

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Table 11.3 Single Carriageway Options discarded

Section Option Type AST 2 Summary Reason for not taking forward to TAR St Clears to Whitland Closing junction will affect bus routes and Other options serve the bus route and Pwll Trap 1 Junction safety scheme Bypass emergency access emergency access better St Clears to Whitland Closing junction will affect bus routes and Other options serve the bus route and Pwll Trap 3 Junction safety scheme Bypass emergency access emergency access better St Clears to Whitland Delays the trunk road traffic Grovelands 1 Junction safety scheme Discarded due to delays to trunk road traffic Bypass High cost, full bypass to village with good High cost and loss of woodland Llanddewi Velfrey to Llanddewi Velfrey 1 Relief road option overtaking opportunities. Loss of important Penblewin Woodland Llanddewi Velfrey to Marginal environmental benefit, only partial bypass No improvement in overtaking Llanddewi Velfrey 2 Relief road option Penblewin to village with no overtaking improvement. Llanddewi Velfrey to No significant community benefits, not a bypass of No improvement in overtaking and not a Llanddewi Velfrey 3 Relief road option Penblewin village, no overtaking improvement. bypass of the village No improvement in overtaking, reduced Medium cost, major negative environmental impact, Llanddewi Velfrey to design standards and environmental Llanddewi Velfrey 4 Relief road option full bypass to village, reduced design standard with Penblewin impact no increase in overtaking opportunities.

Medium cost, full bypass to village, slight reduction Major negative environmental impact. Llanddewi Velfrey to Llanddewi Velfrey 7 Relief road option in overtaking opportunities.Major negative Penblewin environmental impact. Penblewin to Canaston Redstone Cross Highest cost option with low economic return. High cost with low economic return and Improvement Option Bridge Improvement 2 Highest potential archaeological impact environmental impact. Penblewin to Canaston Poor economic performance Robeston Wathen 1 Relief road option Medium cost, but very poor economic performance Bridge Penblewin to Canaston Poor economic performance Robeston Wathen 2 Relief road option Low cost, but very poor economic performance Bridge High cost. Major visual and landscape impact of High cost Penblewin to Canaston grade separated junction. Improved accessability Robeston Wathen 3 Relief road option Bridge for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge.

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Section Option Type AST 2 Summary Reason for not taking forward to TAR Penblewin to Canaston Poor economic performance Robeston Wathen 4 Relief road option Medium cost, but poor economic performance Bridge Penblewin to Canaston Highest cost. Major visual and landscape impact of Highest cost Robeston Wathen 7 Relief road option Bridge grade separated junction. Penblewin to Canaston Medium cost, but poor economic performance. Poor economic performance and Robeston Wathen 8 Relief road option Bridge Reduces accessability to village reduced access to village High cost, major negative environmental impact. High cost and major environmental Slebech Park to Deep Slebech 4 Improvement option Improves trunk road safety and overtaking impact Lake Farm opportunities. Bypasses Arnolds Hill. High cost, major negative environmental impact. High cost and major environmental Slebech Park to Deep Improves trunk road safety and overtaking impact with poor economic return Slebech 5 Improvement option Lake Farm opportunities. Bypasses Arnolds Hill. Poor economic return. Slebech Park to Deep Considered unsafe. No further assessment carried Considered unsafe. Arnolds Hill 6 Improvement option Lake Farm out. Slebech Park to Deep Considered unsafe. No further assessment carried Considered unsafe. Arnolds Hill 7 Improvement option Lake Farm out. Slebech Park to Deep Deeplake Junction Lowest cost. Delays trunk road traffic, potential Safety hazard and poor economic Junction safety scheme Lake Farm 2 safety hazard. Very poor economic return return.

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Table 11.4 Dual Carriageway Options Discarded

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Table 11.4 Dual Carriageway Options discarded

Section Option Type AST 2 Summary Reason for not taking forward to TAR Poor economic return, but a true by-pass. Major Llanddewi Velfrey to Dual carriageway environmental impact, particularly on wet Major environmental impact and Llanddewi Velfrey 2 Penblewin relief road woodland. Further additional cost for mitigation mitigation costs. viaduct £2.0m Lowest cost. Best economic return, but still negative. Major environmental impact, particularly Llanddewi Velfrey to Dual carriageway Major environmental impact and Llanddewi Velfrey 3 on wet woodland. Further additional cost for Penblewin relief road mitigation viaduct £2.0m. Provides a true by-pass mitigation costs.

Poor economic return. Avoids wet woodland. Non Llanddewi Velfrey to Dual carriageway Llanddewi Velfrey 4 preferred horizontal alignment. Poor economic return, low standards. Penblewin relief road

Penblewin to Canaston Dual carriageway Needs to be built as part of Robeston Wathen Difficult to build, requires more new side Redstone Cross 2 Bridge junction improvement Relief Road. More difficult to build. roads. Penblewin to Canaston Dual carriageway High cost. Poor economic performance. Robeston Wathen 1 Bridge relief road Penblewin to Canaston Dual carriageway High cost. Poor economic performance. Reduced Robeston Wathen 2 High cost with poor economic return. Bridge relief road journey time saving High cost. Major visual and landscape impact of grade separated junction. Improved accessability for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Penblewin to Canaston Dual carriageway High cost with major visual impact and Robeston Wathen 3 Bridge. Restricted access to village causing major Bridge relief road dis-benefit to public transport. Needs to be built poor access to village with Redstone cross improvement.

High cost. Poor economic performance. Needs to Penblewin to Canaston Dual carriageway Robeston Wathen 4 be built with Redstone cross improvement. High cost with poor economic return. Bridge relief road

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Section Option Type AST 2 Summary Reason for not taking forward to TAR High cost. Poor economic performance. Needs to Penblewin to Canaston Dual carriageway Robeston Wathen 5 be built with Redstone cross improvement. High cost with poor economic return. Bridge relief road

Major visual and landscape impact of grade Penblewin to Canaston Dual carriageway Major visual impact close to National Robeston Wathen 7 separated junction. Needs to be built with Bridge relief road Redstone cross improvement. Park. Penblewin to Canaston Dual carriageway High cost. Very poor economic performance. Robeston Wathen 8 High cost with poor economic return. Bridge relief road Lowest cost option. Economically neutral. Major negative environmental impact. Improves trunk Slebech to Deep Lake Slebech Dual carriageway road safety. By-passes Arnolds Hill. Needs to be Major environmental impact. Farm Improvement 1 improvement combined with Deeplake Improvement.

Highest cost option. Moderate negative environmental impact, including incursion into High cost option. Moderate negative Slebech to Deep Lake Slebech Dual carriageway National Park. Improves trunk road safety. By- environmental impact, including incursion Farm Improvement 4 improvement passes Arnolds Hill. Poor economic performance into National Park.

Low cost option. Needs to be built as part of Slebech to Deep Lake Deep Lake Farm Dual carriageway Slebech scheme. Delays trunk road traffic. Delays trunk road traffic with poor Farm Junction 1 junction improvement Potential safety hazard. Very poor economic economic return. return. Deep Lake Farm to Deeplake to Only option to complete dual carriageway. Dual carriageway Haverfordwest Golf Haverfordwest Golf Combined cost with Narbeth Road Option 2 is High cost with poor economic return. improvement Club Club 2 £23.0m, with negative NPV.

High cost. Poor economic return. This would have Narberth Road Dual carriageway Narberth Road 2 to be constructed with Deeplake to Haverfordwest High cost with poor economic return. Improvement improvement Golf Club Option 2

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Table 12.1 Construction Periods Dual Carriageway

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Table 12.2 Construction Periods Dual Carriageway

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Appendix A – Objectives

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To improve strategic (national and To improve links with west To improve links with west Wales, international) and regional Wales, Ireland, the English Ireland, the English trunk road accessibility and mobility trunk road network and network and Europe Europe To improve regional accessibility and mobility.

To reduce community severance To reduce severance caused To reduce severance caused by ACCESSIBILITY by traffic for communities on traffic for communities on the A40 the A40 west of St Clears west of St Clears

To meet the needs of disabled To meet the needs of disabled people people

To give priority to the core To give priority to the core network network

To contribute towards safer To contribute towards safer communities including managing communities including managing the speed of traffic to appropriate the speed of traffic to appropriate levels levels

To make a positive contribution to To improve safety generally To improve safety generally but national road safety targets but particularly on the A40 particularly on the A40 west of west of Carmarthen Carmarthen SAFETY To provide or encourage To provide or encourage appropriately spaced appropriately spaced stopping/resting places and stopping/resting places and facilities on the network facilities on the network

To improve the detection, To improve the detection, response and management of response and management of incidents on the trunk road incidents on the trunk road network network

To improve the quality of life for To improve the quality of life for people in communities close to people in communities close to the trunk road network the trunk road network

To promote cycling and walking To promote cycling and walking and provide opportunities for and provide opportunities for healthy lifestyles. healthy lifestyles.

To minimise any adverse effects To minimise any adverse effects on the environment generally; to on the environment generally ENVIRONMENT conserve and enhance, where appropriate, landscapes, To conserve and enhance, where townscapes and historic and appropriate, landscapes, cultural resources. townscapes and historic and cultural resources.

To conserve and enhance, where To conserve and enhance, where appropriate, bio-diversity on the appropriate, bio-diversity on the network through the Bio-diversity network through the Bio-diversity Action Plan. Action Plan.

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To bring up to standard and maintain To bring up to standard and the function of the trunk road network maintain the function of the trunk and to improve and maintain the road network. trunk road asset. To improve and maintain the trunk road asset

To preserve and enhance the To preserve and enhance the operational efficiency of the trunk operational efficiency of the trunk road network and help meet Wales’ road network. wider economic needs in a cost effective manner. ECONOMY Help meet Wales’ wider economic needs in a cost effective manner.

To monitor and reduce journey time To improve journey time To improve journey time reliability variability on the trunk road network. reliability on the A40 on the A40 between St Clears and between St Clears and Haverfordwest. Haverfordwest.

To improve journey time To improve journey time reliability reliability on the A40 on the A40 between St Clears and between St Clears and Haverfordwest by at least 10%. Haverfordwest by at least 10%.

To facilitate improved interchanges To facilitate improved between transport modes for people interchanges between transport and freight. modes for people and freight.

To improve integration To improve integration with the with the Celtic Trail Cycle (National Route (National Cycle Cycle Network), to Network), Swansea to Fishguard Fishguard

To take account of the To take account of the interface interface between the between the network and the network and the strategy strategy and plans of the and plans of the SWSWITCH consortia and other SWSWITCH consortia transport authorities. INTEGRATION and other transport authorities.

To improve and develop travel and To make available To make available information transport information systems information about the about the current and predicted current and predicted level of service on the M4 level of service on the M4 motorway and associated roads motorway and associated and to facilitate the delivery of roads and to facilitate the integrated transport solutions delivery of integrated transport solutions.

To take into account the needs for To take into account the needs for local and national planning and local and national planning and agriculture. agriculture

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Appendix B -- AST 1 Forms

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CORRIDOR OPTION - Existing corridor between St Clears and Pengawse Scheme: A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Hill

Brief Description: This is a narrow corridor from St Clears to west of the existing Whitland Bypass only, following closely the existing trunk road corridor from St Clears to Pengawse Hill. This is a corridor that can make use of the already substantially improved single carriageway.

Corridor length 9 km

Cost Likely to be slight or moderate - depending upon standard of improvement

Advantages · Would make full use of existing improved corridor · Cost would be minimal for this section of the trunk road, compared with other corridors. · Would have minimal environmental impact.

Disadvantages · Little opportunity to improve alignment significantly. · Significant lengths of private means of access (PMA) likely to be required for land access.

Technical feasibility Corridor would present few technical difficulties, with opportunities for several contracts. Technically feasible.

Sustainability Significant use of existing road, likely small earthworks and disposal problem. Little additional land required. A very sustainable option therefore.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland improved marginally. · No additional reduction in severance to communities. SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved marginally. · Community of Pwll Trap would be safer through closure of access onto A40 ENVIRONMENT · Possible adverse impact on the landscape and environment in Avon Taf flood plain, · Impact on the environment minimised generally;

ECONOMY · Would improve standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would assist in meeting Wales's wider economic needs in a more cost effective manner as costs likely to be lower than off-line options. · Would improve journey time reliability, but little journey time saving between St Clears and Haverfordwest. INTEGRATION · Minimal land taken · Some possibility for integrating with other transport modes, particularly rail · Would integrate with local development plans. CONCLUSION This corridor is based upon the existing trunk road, which is of a good standard for a single carriageway, much of it having been improved in recent years and it could be widened to accommodate a dual carriageway without undue difficulty. Alternative corridors for this section have not been investigated as a result.


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CORRIDOR OPTION - Existing corridor between Pengawse Hill and Scheme: A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Canaston Bridge

Brief Description: This is a narrow corridor from the bottom of Pengawse Hill to the area just west of Canaston Bridge. This route follows the existing A40 corridor and comprises the possibilities of improvement to the existing A40 with bypasses at Llanddewi Velfrey, Robeston Wathen and Redstone Cross

Corridor length 19.0km

Cost Likely to be significant

Advantages · Would make full use of existing corridor, which will minimise the environmental impact and cost. · Bypasses of Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen could be closer to villages than other corridors could provide and would provide significant community benefit. · De-trunked road could be local road for agricultural vehicles and provide access to fields, minimising lengths of PMAs required. · Properties on de-trunked road would benefit from significant traffic reduction

Disadvantages · Some adverse environmental impact where route would go off-line at Llanddewi Velfrey, Redstone Cross and Robeston Wathen. · Retaining former trunk road as local road would incur additional costs.

Technical feasibility Options available for phased construction. Traffic management would be required in places close to existing road. Several rail and river bridges would be required along with extensive earthworks at Llanddewi Velfrey and Redstone Cross. Areas of technical difficulty but feasible.

Sustainability Could utilise the carriageway of the existing A40 for much of its length, minimising future maintenance costs. Costs would be significant but overall environmental benefit likely, so sustainability may be positive

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard, Ireland and West Wales improved. · Reduction in severance to 2 communities on existing A40. · New severance caused to a small number of agricultural interests

SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved. · Communities on existing A40 would be safer.

ENVIRONMENT · Quality of life improved for 2 existing A40 communities. · Improved conditions for cycling and walking in Llandewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen. · Moderate negative impact on landscape and nature conservation for off-line sections but this is minimal compared with other off-line options and there is potential to create new habitat corridors and features.. · Use of existing road would minimise earthworks requirements · Bio-diversity of existing corridor varied; conservation and enhancement opportunities.

ECONOMY · Would improve standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would meet Wales's wider economic needs in a more cost effective manner than other options · Would improve journey time reliability. · Journey times improved by over 10%.

INTEGRATION · Minimises land take but up to 15 hectares would be taken. · Limited provision for integrating other transport modes could be made. · Integrates with local development plans.

CONCLUSION This corridor, whilst inhibiting a more radical alignment, avoids major new severance, which would be a feature of other corridors, keeps costs lower and would provide an opportunity for maintaining a local road nearby for agricultural vehicles and field access. Environmental impact would probably be lower than that associated with other off-line corridors. THIS CORRIDOR WILL BE TAKEN FORWARD FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION AT STAGE 2

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CORRIDOR OPTION - Existing corridor between Canaston Bridge · Scheme: A40 WEST and Haverfordwest OF ST CLEARS

Brief Description: This is a wide corridor from Canaston Bridge area to Haverfordwest, following closely the existing trunk road corridor but largely to north of it, as the National Park boundary is a constraint to the south. The corridor includes any approaches to Haverfordwest from the north and south of Arnold's Hill. This is a corridor that could utilise as much as possible of the existing corridor.

Corridor length 10 km

Cost Likely to be moderate - depending upon standard and extent of improvement

Advantages · Could make full use of existing corridor · Cost likely be minimum for this section of the trunk road by utilisation of existing corridor. · Gives opportunity to bypass communities.

Disadvantages · Slightly limited opportunities for improvements due to constraint of National Park boundary

Technical feasibility Corridor would present some technical difficulties, but not significant. Provision of a new route into Haverfordwest may present some problems. Opportunities for several phased contracts. Technically feasible.

Sustainability Significant use of existing road, likely large earthworks and disposal problem. Little additional land required. On balance likely to be a sustainable option.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland would be improved. · Reduction in severance to communities possible.

SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be considerably improved.

ENVIRONMENT · Possible adverse impact on the landscape, ecology and environment in off-line options, particularly near Arnold’s Hill. · Likely difficulties in minimising impact at Canaston Bridge and along National Park boundary · Improved conditions possible within corridor for cycling and walking.

ECONOMY · Would improve standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would assist in meeting Wales's wider economic needs in a more cost · effective manner as costs likely to be lower than totally off-line options.

INTEGRATION · Up to 12 hectares of land taken · Little possibility for integrating with other transport modes, particularly rail · Would integrate with local development plans.

CONCLUSION This could be a cost effective corridor option as it could make some use of existing road investment. Possibility of adverse environment impact on off-line improvement sections but likely to be less than other off line corridors. This wide corridor encompasses all possible route options within the section length.


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Brief Description : Existing trunk road corridor from St Clears to Pengawse Hill. Corridor then turns to the north of existing trunk road from Pengawse Hill sweeping around to the north and east to Fishguard with a southerly spur to Haverfordwest. Corridor takes most direct route to Fishguard avoiding PCNP and Llys-y-Fran reservoir. Corridor length 45 km

Cost Likely to be high - in excess of £150m Advantages · Would provide more direct route to Fishguard with greatest journey time saving. · Would provide opportunity for integration with other transport modes, particularly rail. · De-trunked existing road could provide a local road from St Clears to H’West and H’West to Fishguard. · Construction would have minimal interference with existing trunk road traffic. · Several small communities on A40 would be bypassed.

Disadvantages · Expensive option making little use of existing trunk road investment. · Construction would have to be via one or two phases only. · Would achieve only minimal community severance relief for existing A40 communities from reduced traffic load, but would introduce new severance to rural communities. · Existing road could be a busy, preferred route to H’west for local traffic due to remote line of new road. · Would be significant impact on landscape and environment generally by introduction of new corridor.

Technical feasibility Corridor would present a number of technical difficulties with extensive earthworks, several major river crossings and rail bridges. Technically feasible, but only in no more than one or two contracts.

Sustainability Little use of existing road, doubling road maintenance costs, likely large earthworks and disposal problem, opens up new corridor in rural landscape - not a sustainable option therefore.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland improved. · Only a relatively small reduction in severance to communities on existing A40 · New severance caused to rural communities. SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved. · Communities on existing A40 would be safer but traffic flows likely to remain high ENVIRONMENT · Quality of life improved for some existing A40 communities, made worse for others. · Environment of existing A40 improved, especially for cycling and walking. · Adverse impact on the environment generally; numerous crossings of Cleddau Rivers cSAC, ancient woodland and historic monuments. · Adverse impact on the landscape and nature conservation · Large earthworks implications and major procurement of new materials required. ECONOMY · Would improve standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would not meet Wales's wider economic needs in a cost effective manner as costs likely to be highest of all options considered. · Would improve journey time reliability, but little journey time saving between St Clears and Haverfordwest but journey time to Fishguard significantly improved. INTEGRATION · 150 200 hectares of land taken. · Limited provision for integrating other transport modes. · Would not integrate with local development plans. CONCLUSION The would not a cost effective option and limits the procurement option. Adverse environment impact and environmental objectives not met due to sensitive location, impact on cSAC and extent of new land take. Emphasis on route to Haverfordwest, Little opportunity for integration with other transport modes. THIS OPTION SHOULD BE DISCARDED AND NOT CONSIDERED FURTHER AT THIS STAGE.

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Brief Description: This is a corridor for St Clears to Haverfordwest only, following the existing trunk road corridor from St Clears to Pengawse Hill. Corridor then goes to the north of the existing trunk road from Pengawse Hill to the west of Canaston Bridge. From this point the corridor follows the existing trunk road to Haverfordwest.

Corridor length 35 km

Cost Likely to be moderately high - in excess of £100m

Advantages · De-trunked existing road could provide a local road from St Clears to H’West. · Construction would have minimal interference with existing trunk road traffic between Pengawse Hill and Canaston Bridge · Communities of Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen would be bypassed Disadvantages · Would introduce new severance to rural communities in rural areas to north of existing trunk road. · Would take bypass of Robeston Wathen to north of village contrary to previous preferred route · Significant impact on landscape and environment generally by introduction of new corridor.

Technical feasibility Corridor would present few technical difficulties, but length off line would probably be in one contract . Technically feasible.

Sustainability Significant use of existing road, likely moderate earthworks and disposal problem, opens up relatively short section of new corridor in rural landscape - not a very sustainable option therefore.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland improved. · Reduction in severance to communities of Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen · New section of severance caused to rural communities. SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved. · 2 communities on existing A40 would be safer. ENVIRONMENT · Quality of life improved for some existing A40 communities, made worse for others. · Environment of existing A40 improved, especially for cycling and walking. · Adverse impact on the environment generally; crossings of Cleddau Rivers cSAC, ancient woodland and historic monuments. · Adverse impact on the landscape and nature conservation. ECONOMY · Would improve standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would not meet Wales's wider economic needs in a very cost effective manner as costs likely to be higher than existing corridor with little additional benefit.. · Would improve journey time reliability, but little journey time saving between St Clears and Haverfordwest. INTEGRATION · 65-85 hectares of land taken · Little provision for integrating other transport modes · Would not integrate with local development plans. CONCLUSION This would not be a very cost effective option and limits slightly the procurement options. Adverse environment impact and environmental objectives not met due to sensitive location, impact on cSAC and extent of new land take. Route to north of Robeston Wathen inconsistent with previous Preferred Route. Little opportunity for integration with other transport modes..


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Brief Description: This is a corridor for St Clears to Haverfordwest only, following the existing trunk road corridor from St Clears to Pengawse Hill. Corridor then goes to the south of the existing trunk road from Pengawse Hill to the west of Canaston Bridge. From this point the corridor follows the existing trunk road to Haverfordwest.

Corridor length 35km

Cost Likely to be moderately high - in excess of £100m

Advantages · De-trunked existing road could provide a local road from St Clears to H’West · Construction would have minimal interference with existing trunk road traffic between Pengawse Hill and Canaston Bridge · Communities of Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen would be bypassed. · Utilises existing transport corridor of Lampeter Vale rail line. Disadvantages · Would introduce new road severance to rural communities in rural areas to south of existing trunk road, despite use of existing rail corridor · Possibly take bypass of Robeston Wathen further to the south, contrary to previous preferred route · Significant impact on landscape and environment generally by introduction of new corridor. · Likely adverse effect on Narberth.

Technical feasibility Corridor would present few technical difficulties, but length off line would probably be in one contract Technically feasible.

Sustainability Significant use of existing road, likely moderate earthworks and disposal problem, opens up relatively short section of new corridor in a sensitive, rural landscape - not a very sustainable option therefore.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland improved marginally. · Reduction in severance to communities of Llanddewi Velfrey and Robeston Wathen · New section of severance caused to rural communities. SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved. · 2 communities on existing A40 would be safer. ENVIRONMENT · Quality of life improved for some existing A40 communities, made worse for others. · Environment of some of existing A40 improved, especially for cycling and walking. · Adverse impact on the environment generally; road corridor in Lampeter Vale, crossings of Avon Marlais and Narberth Brook. · Adverse impact on the landscape and nature conservation, ECONOMY · Would improve standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would not meet Wales's wider economic needs in a very cost effective manner as costs likely to be higher than existing corridor with little additional benefit. · Would improve journey time reliability, but little journey time saving between St Clears and Haverfordwest. INTEGRATION · 65-85 hectares of land taken · Possibility for integrating with other transport modes, particularly rail · Would not integrate with local development plans. CONCLUSION This would not be a particularly cost effective option as not making best use of existing road investment and limits slightly the procurement options. Adverse environment impact and environmental objectives not met due to sensitive location, impact on cSAC and extent of new land take. Likely adverse impact on community of Narberth. Opportunity for integration with other transport modes.


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Scheme: A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS CORRIDOR OPTION - Existing Corridor between Haverfordwest and Kilbarth Brief Description: This is the existing A40 corridor between Haverfordwest to Kilbarth. It comprises the already improved single carriageway eastern bypass of Haverfordwest to Withybush and beyond through Tangiers, past the aerodrome and on to Kilbarth.

Corridor length 5.40km

Estimate of Cost Likely to be minimal.

Advantages · Would make use of existing corridor. · Would minimise environmental impact · Would comply with policy of discrete improvements only. Disadvantages · Minimal improvement possible, due to constraints of existing development.

Technical feasibility No technical difficulty in undertaking minor improvements.

Sustainability Utilises the existing route of the A40 and would require little improvement to comply with policy of discrete improvements only so should be a sustainable option.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland improved marginally

SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved marginally .

ENVIRONMENT · No communities or townscapes affected. · No change to walking or cycling. · Adverse affects on environment minimised generally. · Minimal landscape impact and earthworks requirement. · Bio-diversity of existing corridor relatively poor; impact therefore minimal with opportunities for enhancement. ECONOMY · Would improve marginally the standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. INTEGRATION · Minimises land take. · Limited provision for integrating other transport modes could be made. CONCLUSION The stated policy of discrete improvements only on the trunk road between Haverfordwest and Fishguard would best be met by utilising this already improved and good standard existing road corridor. Other corridor options for this section up to Kilbarth have not been considered therefore.


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CORRIDOR OPTION - Existing corridor between Kilbarth and Scheme: A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS

Brief Description: This is a corridor from Kilbarth to Letterston following closely the existing A40 corridor through the Gorge. There have been a number of improvements over the last 25 years to this section of carriageway.

Corridor length 10 km

Cost Likely to be minimal

Advantages · Would make full use of existing corridor · Cost likely be minimum for this section of the trunk road by utilisation of existing corridor. · Minimal environmental impact if discrete improvements only. Disadvantages · 'Discrete improvements only' would not relieve Treffgarne Gorge and Wolf's Castle of trunk road traffic. · Little improvement in journey time or reliability

Technical feasibility Do minimum improvements constructed in phases but no major works. The Treffgarne Gorge and Tors SSSI limits opportunities for realignment, as does the village of Wolfs Castle. Difficult to thread a new road alignment through this sensitive and difficult terrain.

Sustainability Utilises much of the existing route of the A40. Limiting works to discrete safety improvements only in this sensitive area would achieve sustainability objective but major works would be problematic in terms of sustainability.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland improved marginally

SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved marginally.

ENVIRONMENT · Existing communities and townscape unaffected. · No change to walking or cycling opportunity · High quality landscape elements deter road improvements. · Adverse affects on environment minimised generally.. · Bio-diversity of existing corridor is maintained. ECONOMY · Would improve marginally the standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency · Would do little to meet Wales's wider economic needs. INTEGRATION · Minimises land taken if discrete improvements only · No realistic provision for integrating other transport modes could be made. CONCLUSION Using this corridor would best achieve the 'discrete improvements only' proviso referred to in the TR Forward programme, but the problems with trunk road traffic within the Gorge would not be removed. Improvements related to safety and accessibility will be possible however


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Scheme: A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS CORRIDOR OPTION - Existing corridor between Letterston and Fishguard Brief Description: This is a corridor from Letterston to Fishguard, following closely the existing trunk road. This is a corridor which could utilise as much as possible of the existing trunk road.

Corridor length 7 km

Cost Likely to be minimal if improvements are ‘discrete’ only.

Advantages · Would make full use of existing corridor · Cost likely be minimum for this section of the trunk road by utilisation of existing corridor. · Minimal environmental impact if discrete safety improvements only Disadvantages · None Technical feasibility No technical problems anticipated.

Sustainability Significant use of existing road, likely to be a sustainable option with minimal adverse impact.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland would be improved slightly.

SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved.

ENVIRONMENT · Existing communities and townscape unaffected. · No change to walking or cycling opportunities. · Adverse affects on environment minimised generally. · Minimal landscape impact and earthworks requirement. · Bio-diversity of existing corridor relatively poor; impact therefore minimal with minor opportunities for enhancement

ECONOMY · Would improve marginally standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would not assist in meeting Wales's wider economic needs. · Would improve marginally journey time reliability and reduce journey time slightly.

INTEGRATION · Minimal land taken · Little possibility for integrating with other transport modes. CONCLUSION Using this corridor would best achieve the discrete improvements only policy and would be a cost effective option as it would make some use of existing road investment and improve road safety with little adverse environment impact. This corridor encompasses all possible route options within the section length.


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Brief Description: This is a corridor from Kilbarth to Letterston to the east of the Treffgarne Gorge, crossing three tributaries of the Western Cleddau and passing through Little Treffgarne Mountain.

Corridor length 10 km

Cost Likely to be large due to earthworks requirement.

Advantages · Would provide an improved route to Fishguard · De-trunked existing road could provide a local road through the tourist area of Treffgarne and Wolf’s Castle. · Construction would have minimal interference with existing trunk road traffic. · Would improve trunk road safety Disadvantages · Would be more expensive option than on-line corridor, with extensive earthworks and mitigation required. · Would have significant impact on landscape and environment generally by introduction of new corridor in very sensitive area. · 3 crossings required of tributaries of Western Cleddau cSAC. · Corridor passes through Little Treffgarne Mountain and would have significant earthworks requirements · Would not comply with policy of 'discrete improvements only'

Technical feasibility Difficult construction involved in crossing Little Treffgarne Mountain in cutting and the steep valley between Spittal and Treffgarne, the Cleddau tributaries and possibly the rail line at Wolf’s Castle. Feasible but likely to be expensive but probably not as much as Corridor F.

Sustainability Improved road safety but high cost and environmental impact make this likely to be a non- sustainable option.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland would be improved slightly. · Community severance reduced at Wolf's Castle and Treffgarne Gorge. SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved. · Communities of Wolf's Castle and Treffgarne Gorge on existing A40 would be safer ENVIRONMENT · Neutral effect to communities, some benefit, some lose. · Improved conditions on existing A40 for cycling & walking · Adverse affects on the environment generally, particularly landscape, ecological and historic features. · A number of ecological features affected, but potential to create new habitat corridors & features ECONOMY · Would improve marginally standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would not assist in meeting Wales's wider economic needs in a cost effective manner. · Would improve journey time reliability and reduce journey time by avoiding the Gorge section. INTEGRATION · 35-45 hectares of land taken · Unlikely to fully integrate with local development plans or other modes of transport. CONCLUSION This would be a costly option with adverse environment impact and environmental objectives not met due to sensitive location, impact on cSAC and extent of new land take. Would be more than a ‘discrete’ improvement but would provide opportunity to bypass Treffgarne Gorge, albeit at high cost.


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Brief Description: This is a corridor from Kilbarth to Letterston to the west side of the Treffgarne Gorge, crossing the Western Cleddau and passing through Great Treffgarne Mountain.

Corridor length 9 km

Cost Likely to be significant due to earthworks requirement or tunnel.

Advantages · Would provide an improved route to Fishguard · De-trunked existing road could provide a local road through the tourist area of Treffgarne and Wolf’s Castle and provide a local route for agricultural vehicles. · Construction would have minimal interference with existing trunk road traffic. · Would improve trunk road safety Disadvantages · Would be more expensive option than on-line corridor, with extensive earthworks and mitigation required. · Would have significant impact on landscape and environment generally by introduction of new corridor in very sensitive area. · Crossing required of Western Cleddau cSAC. · Corridor passes through Great Treffgarne Mountain and would have significant earthworks or tunnel requirements..

Technical feasibility Difficult construction involved in crossing Great Treffgarne Mountain in deep cutting or tunnel, the Cleddau and the rail line at Wolf’s Castle. Feasible but likely to be expensive.

Sustainability Improved road safety but high cost and environmental impact make this likely to be a non- sustainable option.

The 5 Transport Assessment Criteria and the scheme objectives

ACCESSIBILITY · Access to Fishguard and Ireland would be improved slightly. · Community severance reduced at Wolf's Castle and Treffgarne Gorge SAFETY · Safety for the road user would be improved. · Communities of Wolf's Castle and Treffgarne Gorge on existing A40 would be safer. ENVIRONMENT · Improvements for A40 communities · Improved conditions on existing A40 for cycling & walking · Adverse affects on the environment generally, particularly cSAC, landscape and ecology. · A number of ecological features affected, but potential to create new habitat corridors & features ECONOMY · Would improve marginally standard of network, trunk road asset and operational efficiency. · Would not assist in meeting Wales's wider economic needs. · Would improve journey time reliability and reduce journey time by avoiding the Gorge section. INTEGRATION · 40 hectares of land taken · Some possibility for integrating with other transport modes. Particularly railway at Wolf’s Castle. CONCLUSION This would be a costly option with adverse environment impact and environmental objectives not met due to sensitive location, impact on cSAC and extent of new land take. Would be more than a ‘discrete’ improvement but would provide opportunity to bypass Treffgarne Gorge, albeit at high cost.


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Appendix C – Detailed Cost Estimates

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Schedule of estimating rates

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A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Rates Based on second Quarter 2002

RATES Index Nov-01 Proposed Rate for RCTPI Estimates 2003 Index = 121 Provisional Item Unit 117 121

Traffic safety and control km £198,545.30 £205,333.17 Site clearance hect £1,654.60 £1,711.17 Demolition Sum £0.00

Safety fencing lin m £35.40 £40.00 Safety fencing - central reserve lin m £61.80 £69.00

Drainage lin m £275.80 £330.00 Culverts lin m £772.20 £798.60

Removal of disused drainage(inc manholes etc) lin m £13.30 £13.75 Topsoil strip cu m £1.20 £1.24 Excavate suitable cu m £2.30 £2.38 Excavate unsuitable cu m £2.80 £2.90 Excavate unsuitable (below ogl) cu m £5.60 £5.79 E.O.Excavate rock cu m £8.50 £15.00 Deposition of suitable cu m £2.30 £2.38 Deposition of suitable in verges cu m £2.30 £2.38 Deposition of rock cu m £2.30 £2.38

Dispose of suitable cu m £4.50 £4.65 Dispose of unsuitable cu m £4.50 £4.65 Imported suitable cu m £8.90 £9.20 Imported rock cu m £16.60 £17.17 Imported rock below ogl cu m £17.70 £18.31 Imported granular material cu m £13.30 £19.00 Imported capping layer cu m £16.60 £22.00 Compact suitable cu m £1.20 £1.24 Compact verges cu m £1.20 £1.24 Compact rock cu m £1.20 £1.24 Compact rock below ogl cu m £1.20 £1.24 Compact granular material cu m £1.20 £1.24 Compact capping layer cu m £1.20 £1.24 Soil and seed verges sq m £0.80 £0.83 Soil and seed side slopes and bunds sq m £0.80 £0.83 Formation on suitable(sub formation) sq m £0.60 £0.62 Formation on capping layer sq m £0.60 £0.62 Formation on rock sq m £1.20 £3.75

Sub-base cu m £22.10 £23.50 Road base 180mm sq m £16.60 £17.17 Surfacing - base course 60mm sq m £11.10 £11.48 Surfacing - wearing course 40mm sq m £6.70 £6.93 Scarify sq m £0.60 £2.00 Saw cut lin m £1.20 £1.24 Kerbs lin m £8.90 £9.20 Footway sq m £16.60 £20.00 Road base (side road) sq m £13.30 £13.75

Fencing lin m £13.30 £13.75

Accommodation works (inc footpaths) lin m £22.10 £25.00

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RATES Index Nov-01 Proposed Rate for RCTPI Estimates 2003 Index = 121 Provisional Item Unit 117 121

Road markings lin m £13.30 £13.75 Road signs km £22,060.60 £22,814.81 Sign gantries No. £77,212.10 £150,000.00 Soil nailing in cuttings (4.1.m cut slope) lin m £904.50 £935.42 Soil nailing on embankment slopes sq m £149.00 £154.09 Soil nailing and Geogrids on embankments lin m £772.20 £798.60

Structures - demolition No. £33,090.90 £34,222.21 Structures - re-construct bridges sq m £772.20 £798.60 Structures - retaining walls sq m £551.60 £570.46 Structures - bridge modifications Sum £0.00 Bored pile wall lin m £377.30 £390.20

Lighting lin m £132.40 £136.93 Communications lin m £22.10 £22.86

Basic land cost ha £2,500.00 £6,500.00 Land suitable for development ha £4,000.00 Land with development approval ha £80,000.00

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Structures Summary

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SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY STRUCTURES Section Section Option New / Description Type Estimated No. Existing cost 1 St Clears to Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement all Options E re-use existing structures 2 Llanddewi Velfrey Bethel Chapel Bridge - Improvement Option 1 N accommodation Underbridge £ 153,000 N Blaen-pen-troydin - minor road Overbridge £ 270,000 Llanddewi Velfey valley - N culvert for stream Underbridge £ 93,600 N Awel Deg - local road Overbridge £ 360,000 Pen-troydin-fach - N accommodation Overbridge £ 196,000 2 Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Option 2 N Blaen-pen-troydin - minor road Underbridge £ 153,000 2 Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Option 3 - no structure 2 Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Option 4 N Blaen-pen-troydin - minor road Underbridge £ 153,000 Llanddewi Velfey valley - N culvert for stream Underbridge £ 93,600 N Awel Deg - local road Overbridge £ 360,000 2 Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement Option 5 N Blaen-pen-troydin - minor road Underbridge £ 137,700 Llanddewi Velfrey - either 63o skew on existing N line Overbridge £ 1,071,000 or cut and cover Overbridge £ 1,033,200 2 Llanddewi Velfry Improvement Option 6 N Blaen-pen-troydin - minor road Overbridge £ 270,000 N Awel Deg - local road Overbridge £ 360,000 Pen-troydin-fach - N accommodation Overbridge £ 196,000 2 Llanddewi Velfry Improvement Option 7 N Blaen-pen-troydin - minor road Underbridge £ 153,000 Llanddewi Velfey valley - N culvert for stream Underbridge £ 93,600 N Awel Deg - local road Overbridge £ 360,000 Pen-troydin-fach - N accommodation Overbridge £ 196,000 2 Llanddewi Velfry Improvement Option 8 N Blaen-pen-troydin - minor road Overbridge £ 270,000 Llanddewi Velfey valley - N culvert for stream Underbridge £ 93,600 N Awel Deg - local road Overbridge £ 360,000 3 Blackmore Hill culvert (small Redstone Cross Improvement Option 1 N catchment) Underbridge £ 52,000 3 Redstone Cross Improvement Option 2 N Redstone Cross - side road Overbridge £ 280,000 Sodston House Bridge - N accommodation Overbridge £ 196,000 3 Redstone Cross Improvement Option 3 - no structures 4 B4314 Robeston Wathen Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 1 N Underbridge Underbridge £ 183,600 N Woodford Lane culvert Underbridge £ 24,000 N Woodford Lane Underbridge Underbridge £ 137,700 N A4075 - Overbridge Overbridge £ 573,750 N A4075 - River Bridge Underbridge £ 114,750 4 Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 2 N Woodford Lane culvert Underbridge £ 24,000 N Woodford Lane Underbridge Underbridge £ 137,700 N A4075 - River Bridge Underbridge £ 114,750 4 B4314 Robeston Wathen Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 3 N Underbridge Underbridge £ 183,600 N Woodford Lane culvert Underbridge £ 24,000 N Woodford Lane Underbridge Underbridge £ 137,700 N A4075 - Underbridge Underbridge £ 267,750 N A4075 - River Bridge East Underbridge £ 114,750

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SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY STRUCTURES Section Section Option New / Description Type Estimated No. Existing cost N A4075 - River Bridge West Underbridge £ 114,750 4 B4314 Robeston Wathen Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 4 N Underbridge Underbridge £ 183,600 N Woodford Lane culvert Underbridge £ 24,000 N Woodford Lane Underbridge Underbridge £ 137,700 N A4075 - River Bridge Underbridge £ 114,750 4 Robeston Wathen Relief Road Options These are all variations on the 5 to 10 N above and therefore can be found from them 5 Canaston Bridge - single span Canaston Bridge N p.c. beam bridge Underbridge £ 573,750 5 Canaston Bridge, with side Canaston Bridge - single span road N p.c. beam bridge Underbridge £ 623,438 6 Toch Bridge E No change, on same alignment Underbridge 7 Slebech Improvement Options 1 N Slebech culvert Underbridge £ 31,200 7 Slebech Improvement Options 2 - 4 - No structures 7 Slebech Improvement Option 5 N Slebech culvert Underbridge £ 31,200 8 Arnolds Hill Improvement Option 1 to 5 - No structures 8 Arnolds Hill Improvement Option 6 N New Deeplake River Bridge Underbridge £ 81,300 N Deeplake Local Road Bridge Underbridge £ 271,000 8 Arnolds Hill Improvement Option 7 N The Square - accommodation Underbridge £ 280,000 N New Deeplake River Bridge Underbridge £ 81,300 N Deeplake Local Road Bridge Underbridge £ 271,000 9 Narberth Road Improvement E Bethany culvert Underbridge £ 24,000 N Retaining wall wall £ 150,000 E Bethany road/rail bridge Underbridge £ 646,000 E Scotchwell Road bridge Underbridge £ 158,472

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DUAL CARRIAGEWAY STRUCTURES Section Section Option New / Description Type Estimated No. Exisiting Cost 1 St Clears to Whitland Bypass - E St Clears Culvert nr Culvert £ 4,800 Roundabout E Pwll Trap Passby culvert Culvert £ 4,800 E Pont y fenni road / rail Underbridge £ 500,000 E Pont y fenni diversion Underbridge £ 52,000 E Pont y fenni Underbridge £ 103,500 E Pont y fenni culvert Culvert £ 54,000 N Pont y fenni accommodation Overbridge £ 301,000 Overbridge 2 Whitland Bypass - E Penygraig underpass Culvert £ 80,000 E Nany yr Allwyn culvert Culvert £ 8,000 E Whitland pedestrian / animal Underbridge £ 84,000 subway E Afon Gronw culvert Culvert £ 9,600 E Afon Gronw Underbridge £ 324,000 N Whitland North Road Overbridge £ 540,000 Overbridge 3 Whitland West to - E Whitland Road / Rail Underbridge £ - Llanddewi Velfry N New Whitland Road / Rail Underbridge £ 894,300 E Pont Loerig Underbridge £ - N New Pont Loerig Underbridge £ 711,375 N Henglos culvert Culvert £ 9,600 E Pont Frolic cattle underpass Underbridge £ 101,625 N Pont Frolic Underbridge Underbridge £ 500,000 E Afon Marlais Bridge Underbridge £ 61,250 N New - Pont Fadog Underbridge £ 105,000 E Pengawse Farm Underpass Underbridge £ 72,000 N Gwndy Overbridge Overbridge £ 450,000 N Gwndy retaining wall Retaining £ 220,000 Wall 4 Llanddewi Velfry Relief Road Option 1 N Blaen-pen-troydin Overbridge £ 315,000 accommodation N either Llanddewi Velfrey cut Cut and £ 2,275,000 and cover tunnel Cover N or Llanddewid Velfrey Overbridge £ 1,230,000 Overbridge N Dyffryn accommodation Overbridge £ 315,000 N Ffynnon Wood Culvert Culvert £ 64,000 N Henllan local roads Overbridge £ 450,000 N Trefangor Farm Underbridge - Underbridge £ 1,140,000 is this needed? N Bounty Farm accommodation Overbridge £ 315,000 4 Llanddewi Velfry Relief Road Option 2 N Blaen-pen-troydin Overbridge £ 315,000 accommodation N either Llanddewi Velfrey 3 Viaduct £ 2,032,500 span (25m) Viaduct N or Llanddewi Velfrey Culvert Culvert £ 108,000 N Awel Deg Overbridge Overbridge £ 540,000 N Pen-troydlin-fach Overbridge Overbridge £ 315,000 N Parc-y-delyn Overbridge Overbridge £ 315,000 N Beili-bach culvert Culvert £ 80,000 N Pen-ca'r-maenau Overbridge £ 315,000 accommodation N Bounty Farm accommodation Overbridge £ 315,000 4 Llanddewi Velfry Relief Road Option 3 N Blaen-pen-troydin Overbridge £ 315,000 accommodation

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DUAL CARRIAGEWAY STRUCTURES Section Section Option New / Description Type Estimated No. Exisiting Cost N either Llanddewi Velfrey 3 Viaduct £ 2,032,500 span (25m) Viaduct N or Llanddewi Velfrey Culvert Culvert £ 108,000 N Awel Deg Overbridge Overbridge £ 540,000 N Pen-troydlin-fach Overbridge Overbridge £ 315,000 N Ffynnon Overbridge Overbridge £ 450,000 N Henllan local roads Overbridge £ 450,000 N Trefangor Farm Underbridge - Underbridge £ 1,140,000 is this needed? N Bounty Farm accommodation Overbridge £ 315,000 4 Llanddewi Velfry Relief Road Option 4 N Blaen-pen-troydin Overbridge £ 315,000 accommodation N Awel Deg Overbridge Overbridge £ 540,000 N Pen-troydlin-fach Overbridge Overbridge £ 315,000 N Ffynnon Overbridge Overbridge £ 450,000 N Henllan local roads Overbridge £ 450,000 N Trefangor Farm Underbridge - Underbridge £ 1,140,000 is this needed? N Bounty Farm accommodation Overbridge £ 315,000 4 Llanddewi Velfry Relief Road Option 5 Structures substantially the same as option 3 5 Pen Blewyn to Redstone Option 1 N Blackmoor Hill Culvert Culvert £ 72,000 only Cross Improvement Options 1 & N B4313 Redstone Cross road Overbridge £ 475,000 2 bridge 6 Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 1 N Flimstone / Jacob's Park road Overbridge £ 315,000 bridge N B4314 Robeston Wathen Underbridge £ 325,200 Underbridge N Woodford Lane Culvert Culvert £ 32,000 N Woodford Lane Underbridge Underbridge £ 271,000 N Sunnyside Wood Culvert Culvert £ 32,000 N Bush Inn Culvert Culvert £ 36,000 N Road bridge A4075 Underbridge £ 382,500 N River bridge A4075 Underbridge £ 114,750 6 Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 2 Similar to option 1, but without d.6.1.g 6 Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 3 Similar to option 1 except at west end N A4075 Underbridge Underbridge £ 474,250 N A4075 river bridge east Underbridge £ 114,750 N A4075 river bridge west Underbridge £ 114,750 6 Robeston Wathen Relief Road Options 4 Variations on the above to 8 7 Canaston Bridge to Slebech - N Canaston Bridge - new river Underbridge £ 1,350,000 bridge Park Improvement E Toch Bridge Underbridge £ 180,000 N Toch Wood local roads Underbridge £ 271,000 N High Toch local roads Underbridge £ 271,000 N Prickett's Gate local roads Underbridge £ 271,000 8 Slebech Park to Deeplake Option 1 N Deeplake Bridge Underbridge £ 81,300 8 Slebech Park to Deeplake Option 2 N Arnolds Hill accomodation Overbridge £ 315,000 N Deeplake Bridge Underbridge £ 81,300 N Deeplake minor road bridge Underbridge £ 30,000 N Deeplake Local Road Overbridge £ 450,000 Overbridge 8 Slebech Park to Deeplake Option 3 N Rosehill Local road under Underbridge £ 271,000 bridge Otherwise as option 2

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DUAL CARRIAGEWAY STRUCTURES Section Section Option New / Description Type Estimated No. Exisiting Cost 8 Slebech Park to Deeplake Option 4 N Rosehill Local road Overbridge Overbridge £ 530,000 Otherwise as option 2 9 Deeplake to Haverfordwest All options N Overbridge - Clarboro Overbridge £ 430,000 9 Deeplake to Haverfordwest Option 1 E Bethany Culvert Culvert £ 22,400 N Retaining wall Retaining £ 150,000 Wall E Bethany Road / Rail Underbridge £ 176,000 E Scotchwell Road / Road Underbridge £ 12,800 9 Deeplake to Haverfordwest Option 2 N Bethany Overbridge Overbridge £ 315,000 N Bethany Culvert Culvert £ 32,000 N Scotchwell Road & Rail Bridge Underbridge £ 3,048,750 9 Deeplake to Haverfordwest Option 3 As option 1, but include N Bowen's Wood Rail & River Underbridge £ 2,400,000 Bridge

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Single Carriageway options

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Section Name Pwll Trap Improvement 1 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 15,000 b) Site Clearance 0 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 15,000 e) Drainage 0 f) Surfacing 2,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 6,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 34,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers Contingencies (10%) 7,200


2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.2 km £40,700.00 8,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 1,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities

Contingencies (25%) 0


4 Land

a) Land purchase 0 hect 0 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 0


5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 8,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 6,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 93,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 107,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 126,000 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 126,000 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Pwll Trap Improvement 2 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 300,000 b) Site Clearance 3,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 202,000 e) Drainage 231,000 f) Surfacing 464,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 26,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 64,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 17,500

Contingencies (10%) 131,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 1,438,500

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.7 km 40,700 28,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 3,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 190,000 Contingencies (25%) 47,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 1.8 hect 11,700 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 5,850 LAND TOTAL (4) 17,550

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 133,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 88,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 1,712,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 1,951,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 2,291,850 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 2,291,850

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Pwll Trap improvement 3 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 61,000 b) Site Clearance 0 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 20,000 e) Drainage 17,000 f) Surfacing 20,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 7,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 35,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers Contingencies (10%) 16,000


2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 23,278 b)Landscaping 0.2 km £40,700.00 8,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 4,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities

Contingencies (25%) 0


4 Land

a) Land purchase 0.1 hect 1,175 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 588

LAND TOTAL (4) 1,763

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 19,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 13,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 216,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 250,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 293,588 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 293,588

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Grovelands Junction Improvement 1 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 255,000 b) Site Clearance 4,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 194,000 e) Drainage 198,000 f) Surfacing 332,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 22,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 10,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 102,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 1,122,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 82,156 b)Landscaping 0.6 km £40,700.00 24,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 11,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 47,500

Contingencies (25%) 11,875


4 Land

a) Land purchase 0.5 hect 3,250 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 1,625

LAND TOTAL (4) 4,875

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 112,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 75,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 1,304,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 1,495,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 1,756,625 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 1,756,625

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Grovelands Junction Improvement 2 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 245,000 b) Site Clearance 2,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 144,000 e) Drainage 198,000 f) Surfacing 384,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 22,000 ROADWORKS SUB-TOTAL 995,000

h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 21,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 15,000 Contingencies (10%) 103,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 1,134,000

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.6 km 40,700 24,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 3,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 37,500

Contingencies (25%) 9,375


4 Land

a) Land purchase 1 hect 6,500 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 3,250 LAND TOTAL (4) 9,750

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 105,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 70,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 1,213,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 1,398,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 1,642,250 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 1,642,250

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement - Option 1 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,468,000 b) Site Clearance 20,000 c) Safety Barriers 35,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,958,000 e) Drainage 1,072,000 f) Surfacing 975,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 104,000


h)Structures 1,501,000 i) Accommodation works 88,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 12,500 Contingencies (10%) 723,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 7,956,500

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.85 km £40,700.00 116,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 12,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 197,500

Contingencies (25%) 49,375


4 Land

a) Land purchase 11.4 hect 74,100 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 37,050

LAND TOTAL (4) 111,150

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 728,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 485,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 8,336,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 9,661,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 11,345,050 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 11,345,050

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement - Option 2 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 710,000 b) Site Clearance 8,000 c) Safety Barriers 5,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,127,000 e) Drainage 539,000 f) Surfacing 572,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 57,000


h)Structures 129,000 i) Accommodation works 51,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 52,500 Contingencies (10%) 325,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 3,575,500

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 1.55 km £40,700.00 63,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 7,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 287,500

Contingencies (25%) 71,875


4 Land

a) Land purchase 4.65 hect 30,225 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 15,113

LAND TOTAL (4) 45,338

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 329,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 219,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 4,010,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 4,603,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 5,406,113 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 5,406,113

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement - Option 3 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 338,000 b) Site Clearance 3,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 261,000 e) Drainage 281,000 f) Surfacing 327,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 31,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 26,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 127,200

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 1,399,200

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 116,388 b)Landscaping 0.85 km £40,700.00 35,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 16,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 40,000

Contingencies (25%) 10,000


4 Land

a) Land purchase 2 hect 13,000 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 6,500

LAND TOTAL (4) 19,500

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 141,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 94,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 1,622,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 1,876,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 2,203,500 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 2,203,500 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement - Option 4 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 817,000 b) Site Clearance 8,000 c) Safety Barriers 11,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 549,000 e) Drainage 600,000 f) Surfacing 582,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 60,000


h)Structures 1,226,000 i) Accommodation works 52,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 31,000 Contingencies (10%) 393,600 ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 4,329,600

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 1.65 km £40,700.00 67,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 7,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 155,000

Contingencies (25%) 38,750


4 Land

a) Land purchase 4.95 hect 32,175 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 16,088

LAND TOTAL (4) 48,263

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 397,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 265,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 4,602,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 5,313,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 6,240,088 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 6,240,088 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement - Option 5 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,153,000 b) Site Clearance 14,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,390,000 e) Drainage 771,000 f) Surfacing 1,034,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 84,000


h)Structures 1,008,000 i) Accommodation works 71,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 65,000

Contingencies (10%) 559,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 6,149,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.3 km 40,700 94,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 10,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 310,000

Contingencies (25%) 77,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 8 hect 52,000 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 26,000 LAND TOTAL (4) 78,000

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 563,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 375,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 6,646,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 7,662,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 8,998,000 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 8,998,000

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a- 2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement - Option 6 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,095,000 b) Site Clearance 14,000 c) Safety Barriers 8,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 916,000 e) Drainage 795,000 f) Surfacing 792,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 84,000


h)Structures 1,376,000 i) Accommodation works 72,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 515,700

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 5,672,700

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.3 km 40,700 81,400 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 9,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 170,000

Contingencies (25%) 42,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 8 hect 52,000 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 26,000

LAND TOTAL (4) 78,000

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 519,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 346,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 5,981,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 6,924,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 8,131,000 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 8,131,000 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey Improvement - Option 7 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,138,000 b) Site Clearance 14,000 c) Safety Barriers 23,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,134,000 e) Drainage 743,000 f) Surfacing 1,062,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 82,000


h)Structures 1,261,200 i) Accommodation works 70,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 21,750 Contingencies (10%) 554,895

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 6,103,845

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.25 km £40,700.00 92,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 10,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 176,250

Contingencies (25%) 44,063


4 Land

a) Land purchase 8.2 hect 53,300 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 26,650

LAND TOTAL (4) 79,950

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 559,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 373,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 6,431,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 7,443,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 8,740,650 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 8,740,650 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 8 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,372,000 b) Site Clearance 34,000 c) Safety Barriers 63,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,370,000 e) Drainage 962,000 f) Surfacing 1,384,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 99,000


h)Structures 410,000 i) Accommodation works 95,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 17,500 Contingencies (10%) 680,650

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 7,487,150

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.63 km 40,700 107,041 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 11,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 152,500 Contingencies (25%) 38,125


4 Land

a) Land purchase 19.75 hect 128,375 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 64,188

LAND TOTAL (4) 192,563

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 685,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 457,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 7,801,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 9,135,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 10,722,188 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 10,722,188 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 704,000 b) Site Clearance 59,000 c) Safety Barriers 19,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 969,000 e) Drainage 559,000 f) Surfacing 714,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 57,000


h)Structures 65,000 i) Accommodation works 54,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 320,500

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 3,525,500

Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 1.55 km 40,700 63,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 7,000


Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 105,000

Contingencies (25%) 26,250



a) Land purchase 5.4 hect 243,000 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 121,500

LAND TOTAL (4) 364,500

Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 324,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 216,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 3,732,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 4,636,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 5,426,500 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 5,426,500 Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 2 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 854,000 b) Site Clearance 11,000 c) Safety Barriers 18,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 653,000 e) Drainage 743,000 f) Surfacing 915,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 82,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 77,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 17,500 Contingencies (10%) 337,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 3,707,500

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.25 km £40,700.00 92,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 10,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 152,500

Contingencies (25%) 38,125


4 Land

a) Land purchase 6.4 hect 41,600 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 20,800

LAND TOTAL (4) 62,400

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 343,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 229,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 4,005,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 4,640,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 5,448,800 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 5,448,800

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Redstone Cross Improvement - Option 3 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 440,000 b) Site Clearance 52,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 178,000 e) Drainage 416,000 f) Surfacing 793,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 55,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 27,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 197,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 2,163,000

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.8 km 40,700 33,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 4,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 95,000 Contingencies (25%) 23,750


4 Land

a) Land purchase 1 hect 200,000 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 100,000 LAND TOTAL (4) 300,000

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 198,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 132,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 2,324,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 2,954,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 3,453,000 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 3,453,000

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based on Total (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement 1 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,626,000 b) Site Clearance 49,000 c) Safety Barriers 41,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,036,000 e) Drainage 1,186,000 f) Surfacing 1,291,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 106,000


h)Structures 2,825,000 i) Accommodation works 118,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000 Contingencies (10%) 830,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 9,133,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 68,463 b)Landscaping 2.9 km £40,700.00 118,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 19,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 190,000

Contingencies (25%) 47,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase hect 56,550 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 28,275

LAND TOTAL (4) 84,825

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 841,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 561,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 9,581,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 11,068,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 13,000,275 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 13,000,275

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement 2 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,489,000 b) Site Clearance 49,000 c) Safety Barriers 33,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 985,000 e) Drainage 1,021,000 f) Surfacing 1,120,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 106,000


h)Structures 2,325,000 i) Accommodation works 103,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000 Contingencies (10%) 726,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 7,982,000

Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 68,463 b)Landscaping 2.9 km £40,700.00 118,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 19,000


Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 190,000

Contingencies (25%) 47,500



a) Land purchase 8.7 hect 56,550 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 28,275

LAND TOTAL (4) 84,825

Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 737,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 492,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 8,430,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 9,744,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 11,444,275 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 11,444,275

Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement 3 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,985,000 b) Site Clearance 90,000 c) Safety Barriers 168,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,546,000 e) Drainage 1,238,000 f) Surfacing 2,051,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 124,000


h)Structures 3,121,000 i) Accommodation works 135,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 37,500 Contingencies (10%) 1,049,550

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 11,545,050

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 136,926 b)Landscaping 3.25 km £40,700.00 132,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 27,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 375,000

Contingencies (25%) 93,750


4 Land

a) Land purchase 12.7 hect 82,550 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 41,275

LAND TOTAL (4) 123,825

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,066,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 711,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 12,315,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 14,216,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 16,696,275 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 16,696,275 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement Options 4 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,559,000 b) Site Clearance 52,000 c) Safety Barriers 39,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,074,000 e) Drainage 1,021,000 f) Surfacing 1,313,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 106,000


h)Structures 2,454,000 i) Accommodation works 110,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000 Contingencies (10%) 775,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 8,528,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 109,541 b)Landscaping 2.9 km £40,700.00 118,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 23,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 190,000

Contingencies (25%) 47,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 10.2 hect 66,300 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 33,150

LAND TOTAL (4) 99,450

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 791,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 527,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 9,021,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 10,438,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 12,259,150 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 12,259,150

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement Option 5 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,559,000 b) Site Clearance 52,000 c) Safety Barriers 39,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,074,000 e) Drainage 1,021,000 f) Surfacing 1,313,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 106,000


h)Structures 2,454,000 i) Accommodation works 110,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000 Contingencies (10%) 775,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 8,528,000

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 109,541 b)Landscaping 2.9 km 40,700 118,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 23,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 190,000 Contingencies (25%) 47,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 10.2 hect 66,300 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 33,150

LAND TOTAL (4) 99,450

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 791,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 527,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 9,021,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 10,438,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 12,259,150 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 12,259,150

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement 6 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,583,000 b) Site Clearance 53,000 c) Safety Barriers 39,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,114,000 e) Drainage 1,021,000 f) Surfacing 1,428,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 106,000


h)Structures 2,453,700 i) Accommodation works 110,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000 Contingencies (10%) 793,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 8,725,700

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 109,541 b)Landscaping 2.9 km 40,700 118,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 23,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 190,000 Contingencies (25%) 47,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase hect 72,800 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 36,400

LAND TOTAL (4) 109,200

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 808,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 539,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 9,219,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 10,675,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 12,536,400 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 12,536,400

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement 7 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 2,049,000 b) Site Clearance 94,000 c) Safety Barriers 168,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,581,000 e) Drainage 1,238,000 f) Surfacing 2,363,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 119,000


h)Structures 3,121,000 i) Accommodation works 142,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 37,500 Contingencies (10%) 1,091,250

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 12,003,750

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 212,236 b)Landscaping 3.25 km £40,700.00 132,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 35,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 350,000

Contingencies (25%) 87,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 15.2 hect 98,800 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 49,400

LAND TOTAL (4) 148,200

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,115,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 743,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 12,825,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 14,832,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 17,419,400 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 17,419,400 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Improvement Option 8 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,516,000 b) Site Clearance 50,000 c) Safety Barriers 39,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,011,000 e) Drainage 1,021,000 f) Surfacing 1,162,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 106,000


h)Structures 2,454,000 i) Accommodation works 110,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000 Contingencies (10%) 749,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 8,243,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 34,232 b)Landscaping 2.9 km £40,700.00 118,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 16,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 190,000

Contingencies (25%) 47,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 9 hect 58,500 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 29,250

LAND TOTAL (4) 87,750

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 757,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 505,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 8,654,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 10,003,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 11,748,250 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 11,748,250

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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A40 West of St Clears

Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement 9 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 2,040,000 b) Site Clearance 91,000 c) Safety Barriers 168,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,712,000 e) Drainage 1,238,000 f) Surfacing 2,249,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 124,000


h)Structures 3,121,000 i) Accommodation works 135,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 37,500 Contingencies (10%) 1,091,550

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 12,007,050

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 136,926 b)Landscaping 3.25 km 40,700 132,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 27,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 375,000

Contingencies (25%) 93,750


4 Land

a) Land purchase 13.2 hect 85,800 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 42,900

LAND TOTAL (4) 128,700

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,108,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 738,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 12,777,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 14,751,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 17,324,900 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 17,324,900 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Improvement 10 Including Climbing lane 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,662,000 b) Site Clearance 54,000 c) Safety Barriers 39,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,257,000 e) Drainage 1,054,000 f) Surfacing 1,889,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 121,000 0 ROADWORKS SUB-TOTAL 6,076,000 0 h)Structures 2,190,000 i) Accommodation works 110,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,001 0 Contingencies (10%) 841,000 0 ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 9,242,001 0 2 Ancillary Works 0 0 a) Lighting 109,541 b)Landscaping 2.9 km 40,700 118,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 0 Contingencies (10%) 23,000 0 ANCILLARY WORKS TOTAL (2) 255,541 0 3 Works by Other Authorities 0 0 a) Statutory Authorities 190,000 Contingencies (25%) 47,500 0 OTHER WORKS TOTAL (3) 237,500 0 4 Land 0 0 a) Land purchase hect 76,050 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 38,025 LAND TOTAL (4) 114,075 0 5 Preparation and Supervision 0 0 a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 855,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 570,000 0 PREPARATION AND SUPERVISION TOTAL (5) 1,425,000 0 GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 9,735,000 0 GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 11,274,000 0 GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 13,240,025 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) 0 Add CPF estimate 0 0 TOTAL 13,240,025

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based on Total (1+2)

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Section Name Canaston Bridge Climbing Lane Improvement - Option 1 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 668,000 b) Site Clearance 0 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 322,000 e) Drainage 594,000 f) Surfacing 865,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 45,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 25,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 60,000 Contingencies (10%) 258,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 2,837,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 1.8 km £40,700.00 73,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 8,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 160,000

Contingencies (25%) 40,000


4 Land

a) Land purchase 1.8 hect 11,700 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 5,850

LAND TOTAL (4) 17,550

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 263,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 175,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 3,123,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 3,579,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 4,203,850 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 4,203,850

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Canaston Bridge Climbing Lane Improvement - Option 2 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 477,000 b) Site Clearance 0 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 125,000 e) Drainage 454,000 f) Surfacing 661,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 63,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 25,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 60,000

Contingencies (10%) 187,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 2,052,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 1.8 km 40,700 73,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 8,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 160,000 Contingencies (25%) 40,000


4 Land

a) Land purchase hect b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 0 LAND TOTAL (4) 0

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 192,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 128,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 2,338,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 2,658,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 3,123,000 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 3,123,000

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Meadow View 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 35,000 b) Site Clearance 0 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 3,000 e) Drainage 58,000 f) Surfacing 62,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 10,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 0 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers Contingencies (10%) 17,000


2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0 km £40,700.00 0 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 1,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 10,000

Contingencies (25%) 2,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 0 hect 0 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 0


5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 17,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 11,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 204,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 232,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 273,000 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 273,000

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Slebech Improvement - Option 1 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 879,000 b) Site Clearance 11,000 c) Safety Barriers 28,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 453,000 e) Drainage 884,000 f) Surfacing 923,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 107,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 66,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 15,000 Contingencies (10%) 336,600

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 3,702,600

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.2 km 40,700 81,400 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 9,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 269,200

Contingencies (25%) 67,300 OTHER WORKS TOTAL (3) 336,500

4 Land

a) Land purchase 6.6 hect 42,900 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 21,450

LAND TOTAL (4) 64,350

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 342,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 228,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 4,135,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 4,769,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 5,599,450 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 5,599,450 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a- 2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Slebech Improvement - Option 2 (Junction Only) 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 125,000 b) Site Clearance 1,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 57,000 e) Drainage 58,000 f) Surfacing 166,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 9,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 5,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 43,000


2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 47,924 b)Landscaping 0 km 40,700 0 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 5,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 55,000 Contingencies (25%) 13,750


4 Land

a) Land purchase 0.5 hect 3,250 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 1,625 LAND TOTAL (4) 4,875

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 47,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 32,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 596,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 680,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 798,625 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 798,625

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a- 2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Slebech Improvement - Option 3 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 934,000 b) Site Clearance 10,000 c) Safety Barriers 5,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 405,000 e) Drainage 909,000 f) Surfacing 941,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 109,000


h)Structures 247,000 i) Accommodation works 68,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 12,500 Contingencies (10%) 364,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 4,004,500

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.3 km £40,700.00 94,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 10,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 118,200 Contingencies (25%) 29,550


4 Land

a) Land purchase 5.75 hect 37,375 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 18,688

LAND TOTAL (4) 56,063

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 370,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 247,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 4,261,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 4,934,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 5,793,688 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 5,793,688

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a- 2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Slebech Improvement Option 4 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,456,000 b) Site Clearance 20,000 c) Safety Barriers 5,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,262,000 e) Drainage 1,303,000 f) Surfacing 1,338,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 143,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 123,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 12,500 Contingencies (10%) 566,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 6,228,500

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 3.9 km £40,700.00 159,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 16,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 110,000

Contingencies (25%) 27,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 11.7 hect 76,050 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 38,025

LAND TOTAL (4) 114,075

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 577,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 385,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 6,546,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 7,622,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 8,949,025 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 8,949,025

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Slebech Improvement - Option 5 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,749,000 b) Site Clearance 33,000 c) Safety Barriers 69,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,217,000 e) Drainage 1,558,000 f) Surfacing 1,467,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 155,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 139,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 27,500

Contingencies (10%) 741,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 8,155,500

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 4.25 km £40,700.00 173,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 18,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 280,000

Contingencies (25%) 70,000


4 Land

a) Land purchase 19.1 hect 124,150 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 62,075

LAND TOTAL (4) 186,225

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 752,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 501,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 8,702,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 10,141,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 11,905,075 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 11,905,075

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake Improvement 1 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 263,000 b) Site Clearance 4,000 c) Safety Barriers 3,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 168,000 e) Drainage 198,000 f) Surfacing 454,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 22,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 37,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 18,750

Contingencies (10%) 117,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 1,284,750

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.6 km 40,700 24,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 3,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 118,750 Contingencies (25%) 29,688


4 Land

a) Land purchase 2.1 hect 13,650 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 6,825 LAND TOTAL (4) 20,475

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 119,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 79,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 1,465,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 1,684,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 1,977,825 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 1,977,825

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a- 2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake Improvement 2 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 255,000 b) Site Clearance 4,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 194,000 e) Drainage 198,000 f) Surfacing 332,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 22,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 10,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 102,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 1,122,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 82,156 b)Landscaping 0.6 km £40,700.00 24,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 11,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 47,500

Contingencies (25%) 11,875


4 Land

a) Land purchase 0.5 hect 3,250 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 1,625

LAND TOTAL (4) 4,875

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 112,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 75,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 1,304,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 1,495,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 1,756,625 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 1,756,625

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake Improvement 3 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 377,000 b) Site Clearance 5,000 c) Safety Barriers 13,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 213,000 e) Drainage 198,000 f) Surfacing 618,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 22,000


h)Structures 527,000 i) Accommodation works 47,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 18,750 Contingencies (10%) 204,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 2,242,750

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.6 km 40,700 24,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 3,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 118,750 Contingencies (25%) 29,688


4 Land

a) Land purchase 3.1 hect 36,425 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 18,213

LAND TOTAL (4) 54,638

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 205,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 136,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 2,423,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 2,819,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 3,309,213 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 3,309,213

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a- 2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 118,000 b) Site Clearance 0 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 10,000 e) Drainage 198,000 f) Surfacing 210,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 33,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 0 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 57,000


2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0 km £40,700.00 0 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 1,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 20,000

Contingencies (25%) 5,000


4 Land

a) Land purchase 0 hect 0 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 0


5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 57,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 38,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 662,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 757,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 889,000 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 889,000

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Narberth Road Improvement - Option 1 1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 692,000 b) Site Clearance 0 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 297,000 e) Drainage 198,000 f) Surfacing 789,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 33,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 0 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 201,400

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 2,215,400

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0 km 40,700 0 c) Noise Insulation sum 5000 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 1,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 20,000

Contingencies (10%) 2,000


4 Land

a) Land purchase 0 hect 0 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 0


5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 200,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 133,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 2,243,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 2,576,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 3,027,000 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 3,027,000 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Dual carriageway options

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Section Name St Clears to Whitland

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 2,682,000 b) Site Clearance 20,000 c) Safety Barriers 351,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,067,000 e) Drainage 2,215,000 f) Surfacing 2,526,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 238,000


h)Structures 1,019,000 i) Accommodation works 294,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 58,750 Contingencies (10%) 1,147,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 12,617,750

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 6.52 km 25,000 163,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 17,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 431,250 Contingencies (25%) 107,813


4 Land

a) Land purchase 11.55 hect 75,075 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 37,538

LAND TOTAL (4) 112,613

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,152,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 768,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 13,342,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 15,374,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 18,057,538 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 18,057,538

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Whitland Bypass

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,655,000 b) Site Clearance 9,000 c) Safety Barriers 252,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,345,000 e) Drainage 1,371,000 f) Surfacing 1,254,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 141,000


h)Structures 1,032,000 i) Accommodation works 144,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 101,000

Contingencies (10%) 730,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 8,034,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 3.86 km 25,000 97,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 10,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 195,000 Contingencies (25%) 48,750


4 Land

a) Land purchase 5.35 hect 34,775 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 17,388

LAND TOTAL (4) 52,163

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 733,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 489,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 8,390,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 9,664,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 11,352,388 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 11,352,388

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Pengawse Hill

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 2,899,000 b) Site Clearance 24,000 c) Safety Barriers 268,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,136,000 e) Drainage 2,019,000 f) Surfacing 2,771,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 222,000


h)Structures 3,069,000 i) Accommodation works 289,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 75,000

Contingencies (10%) 1,377,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 15,149,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 6.06 km 25,000 152,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 16,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 660,000 Contingencies (25%) 165,000


4 Land

a) Land purchase 14.2 hect 92,300 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 46,150

LAND TOTAL (4) 138,450

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,379,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 919,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 16,147,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 18,583,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 21,827,150 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 21,827,150

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 1

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,094,000 b) Site Clearance 27,000 c) Safety Barriers 292,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,800,000 e) Drainage 1,749,000 f) Surfacing 3,546,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 187,000


h)Structures 4,591,000 i) Accommodation works 268,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 51,000

Contingencies (10%) 1,660,500

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 18,265,500

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 5.1 km £25,000 128,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 13,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 212,500 Contingencies (25%) 53,125


4 Land

a) Land purchase 16 hect 104,000

b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 52,000

LAND TOTAL (4) 156,000

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,657,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,105,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 18,677,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 21,595,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 25,365,000 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 25,365,000 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Penblewyn to Llandewi Velfry - Option 2

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,321,000 b) Site Clearance 31,000 c) Safety Barriers 289,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,643,000 e) Drainage 1,768,000 f) Surfacing 3,510,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 188,000


h)Structures 4,266,000 i) Accommodation works 270,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 7,500 Contingencies (10%) 1,829,350

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 20,122,850

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 5.14 km £25,000 129,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 13,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 147,500

Contingencies (25%) 36,875


4 Land

a) Land purchase 18.1 hect 117,650

b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 58,825

LAND TOTAL (4) 176,475

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,824,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,216,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 20,454,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 23,671,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 27,802,825 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 27,802,825 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llandewi Velfrey - Option 3

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 2,442,000 b) Site Clearance 31,000 c) Safety Barriers 299,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,546,000 e) Drainage 1,509,000 f) Surfacing 3,116,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 157,000


h)Structures 379,000 i) Accommodation works 226,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 17,500 Contingencies (10%) 1,272,250

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 13,994,750

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 4.3 km £25,000.00 108,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 11,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 215,000 Contingencies (25%) 53,750


4 Land

a) Land purchase 18.2 hect 118,300 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 59,150

LAND TOTAL (4) 177,450

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,271,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 847,000 PREPARATION AND SUPERVISION TOTAL (5) 2,118,000

GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 14,388,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 16,683,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 19,592,150 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 19,592,150 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llandewi Velfrey - Option 4

1 Main works a) Preliminaries 2,877,000 b) Site Clearance 33,000 c) Safety Barriers 289,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 3,957,000 e) Drainage 1,456,000 f) Surfacing 3,134,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 151,000


h)Structures 4,150,000 i) Accommodation works 217,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 17,500 Contingencies (10%) 1,628,150

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 17,909,650

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 4.14 km £25,000.00 104,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 11,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 215,000

Contingencies (25%) 53,750


4 Land a) Land purchase 19.5 hect 126,750 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 63,375

LAND TOTAL (4) 190,125

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,623,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,082,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 18,298,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 21,194,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 24,891,375 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 24,891,375 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Llanddewi Velfrey - Option 5

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,032,000 b) Site Clearance 33,000 c) Safety Barriers 305,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 5,327,000 e) Drainage 1,557,000 f) Surfacing 3,188,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 161,000


h)Structures 3,260,000 i) Accommodation works 231,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 7,500

Contingencies (10%) 1,710,150

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 18,811,650

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 5.14 km 25,000 129,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 13,000


3 Works by Other Authorities a) Statutory Authorities 147,500

Contingencies (25%) 36,875


4 Land

a) Land purchase 19.2 hect 124,800

b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 62,400

LAND TOTAL (4) 187,200

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,706,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,138,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 19,143,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 22,174,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 26,043,400 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 26,043,400 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Penblewin to Redstone Cross Option 1

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,083,000 b) Site Clearance 148,000 c) Safety Barriers 97,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,561,000 e) Drainage 739,000 f) Surfacing 1,229,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 69,000


h)Structures 624,000 i) Accommodation works 100,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 1,500

Contingencies (10%) 565,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 6,216,500

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 1.9 km 25,000 48,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 1,200 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 5,000


3 Works by Other Authorities a) Statutory Authorities 43,525

Contingencies (25%) 10,881


4 Land

a) Land purchase 6.5 hect 42,250 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 21,125

LAND TOTAL (4) 63,375

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 564,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 376,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 6,325,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 7,328,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 8,607,125 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 8,607,125

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Penblewin to Redstone Cross - Option 2

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,342,000 b) Site Clearance 150,000 c) Safety Barriers 102,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,518,000 e) Drainage 931,000 f) Surfacing 1,466,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 99,000


h)Structures 774,000 i) Accommodation works 142,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 1,500 Contingencies (10%) 653,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 7,178,500

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 2.7 km £25,000.00 68,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 1,200 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 7,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 43,525

Contingencies (25%) 10,881


4 Land

a) Land purchase 7.44 hect 48,360 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 24,180

LAND TOTAL (4) 72,540

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 653,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 435,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 7,309,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 8,470,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 9,948,180 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 9,948,180

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Option 1

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,953,000 b) Site Clearance 103,000 c) Safety Barriers 383,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,297,000 e) Drainage 2,526,000 f) Surfacing 4,424,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 269,000


h)Structures 3,510,000 i) Accommodation works 386,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 26,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,988,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 21,865,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 204,020 b)Landscaping 6.3 km £25,000.00 158,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,800 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 37,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 335,975

Contingencies (25%) 83,994


4 Land

a) Land purchase 20.35 hect 132,275 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 66,138

LAND TOTAL (4) 198,413

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 2,004,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,336,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 22,690,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 26,228,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 30,806,138 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 30,806,138

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Option 2

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,725,000 b) Site Clearance 101,000 c) Safety Barriers 383,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,285,000 e) Drainage 2,499,000 f) Surfacing 4,352,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 266,000


h)Structures 2,250,000 i) Accommodation works 382,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 2,600 Contingencies (10%) 1,825,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 20,070,600

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 167,050 b)Landscaping 7.27 km £25,000.00 182,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 3,800 d) Communications 5,800 Contingencies (10%) 36,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 335,975

Contingencies (25%) 83,994


4 Land

a) Land purchase 18.8 hect 122,200 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 61,100

LAND TOTAL (4) 183,300

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,842,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,228,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 20,885,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 24,139,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 28,353,100 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 28,353,100

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Option 3

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,746,000 b) Site Clearance 103,000 c) Safety Barriers 383,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,287,000 e) Drainage 2,582,000 f) Surfacing 2,959,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 275,000


h)Structures 3,300,000 i) Accommodation works 395,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 26,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,806,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 19,862,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 201,282 b)Landscaping 6.47 km £25,000.00 162,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,800 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 37,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 335,975

Contingencies (25%) 83,994


4 Land

a) Land purchase 20.27 hect 131,755 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 65,878

LAND TOTAL (4) 197,633

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,824,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,216,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 20,688,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 23,926,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 28,101,878 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 28,101,878

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Option 4

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,642,000 b) Site Clearance 102,000 c) Safety Barriers 383,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,219,000 e) Drainage 2,377,000 f) Surfacing 4,236,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 252,000


h)Structures 2,610,000 i) Accommodation works 362,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 26,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,821,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 20,030,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 115,977 b)Landscaping 5.85 km £25,000.00 146,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,800 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 27,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 335,975

Contingencies (25%) 83,994


4 Land

a) Land purchase 19.65 hect 127,725 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 63,863

LAND TOTAL (4) 191,588

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,829,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,219,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 20,745,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 23,984,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 28,169,863 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 28,169,863

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Option 5

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,630,000 b) Site Clearance 102,000 c) Safety Barriers 383,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,224,000 e) Drainage 2,394,000 f) Surfacing 4,177,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 254,000


h)Structures 2,610,000 i) Accommodation works 365,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 26,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,817,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 19,982,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 5.9 km £25,000.00 148,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,800 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 15,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 335,975

Contingencies (25%) 83,994


4 Land

a) Land purchase 19.7 hect 128,050 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 64,025

LAND TOTAL (4) 192,075

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,814,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,209,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 20,571,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 23,786,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 27,937,025 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 27,937,025

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen Option 6

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,689,000 b) Site Clearance 102,000 c) Safety Barriers 383,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,249,000 e) Drainage 2,417,000 f) Surfacing 4,219,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 257,000


h)Structures 2,610,000 i) Accommodation works 369,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 26,000

Contingencies (10%) 1,832,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 20,153,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 168,009 b)Landscaping 7.02 km 25,000 176,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,800 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 35,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 335,975 Contingencies (25%) 83,994


4 Land

a) Land purchase 19.77 hect 128,505 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 64,253

LAND TOTAL (4) 192,758

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,848,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,232,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 20,958,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 24,231,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 28,460,253 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 28,460,253

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen - Option 7

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 4,051,000 b) Site Clearance 104,000 c) Safety Barriers 383,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,326,000 e) Drainage 2,697,000 f) Surfacing 4,520,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 288,000


h)Structures 3,300,000 i) Accommodation works 413,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 26,000 Contingencies (10%) 2,011,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 22,119,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 6.82 km £25,000.00 171,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,800 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 18,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 335,975

Contingencies (25%) 83,994


4 Land

a) Land purchase 20.62 hect 134,030 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 67,015

LAND TOTAL (4) 201,045

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 2,008,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,339,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 22,734,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 26,282,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 30,870,015 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 30,870,015

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based on Total (1+2)

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Section Name Robeston Wathen - Option 8

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 3,644,000 b) Site Clearance 102,000 c) Safety Barriers 383,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,213,000 e) Drainage 2,354,000 f) Surfacing 4,387,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 250,000


h)Structures 2,610,000 i) Accommodation works 359,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 26,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,833,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 20,161,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 106,392 b)Landscaping 5.78 km £25,000.00 145,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,800 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 26,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 335,975

Contingencies (25%) 83,994


4 Land

a) Land purchase 19.58 hect 127,270 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 63,635

LAND TOTAL (4) 190,905

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,840,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 1,227,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 20,864,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 24,122,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 28,332,635 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 28,332,635

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Canaston Bridge to Slebech

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,648,000 b) Site Clearance 53,000 c) Safety Barriers 172,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,829,000 e) Drainage 1,056,000 f) Surfacing 2,176,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 117,000


h)Structures 900,000 i) Accommodation works 168,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 52,500

Contingencies (10%) 817,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 8,988,500

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 3.2 km 25,000 80,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 3,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 8,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 472,500

Contingencies (25%) 118,125


4 Land

a) Land purchase 10.75 hect 69,875 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 34,938

LAND TOTAL (4) 104,813

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 817,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 545,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 9,670,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 11,137,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 13,079,938 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 13,079,938

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Slebech Improvement Option 1

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 2,650,000 b) Site Clearance 34,000 c) Safety Barriers 311,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 3,396,000 e) Drainage 1,937,000 f) Surfacing 3,678,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 178,000


h)Structures 1,065,000 i) Accommodation works 256,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 5,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,351,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 14,861,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 4.88 km £25,000.00 122,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 13,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 70,000

Contingencies (25%) 17,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 19.98 hect 129,870 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 64,935 LAND TOTAL (4) 194,805

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,350,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 900,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 15,089,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 17,533,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 20,589,935 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 20,589,935

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Slebech Improvement Option 2

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 2,757,000 b) Site Clearance 42,000 c) Safety Barriers 317,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,159,000 e) Drainage 1,631,000 f) Surfacing 3,671,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 178,000


h)Structures 1,255,000 i) Accommodation works 256,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 47,500

Contingencies (10%) 1,431,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 15,744,500

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 27,385 b)Landscaping 4.87 km 25,000 122,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 15,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 360,000 Contingencies (25%) 90,000


4 Land

a) Land purchase 24.36 hect 159,640 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 79,820

LAND TOTAL (4) 239,460

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,432,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 955,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 16,364,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 18,990,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 22,298,820 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 22,298,820

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Slebech Improvement Option 3

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 2,682,000 b) Site Clearance 39,000 c) Safety Barriers 328,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,051,000 e) Drainage 1,562,000 f) Surfacing 3,679,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 170,000


h)Structures 1,255,000 i) Accommodation works 245,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,404,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 15,440,000

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 27,385 b)Landscaping 4.66 km 25,000 117,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 15,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 250,000 Contingencies (25%) 62,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 22.5 hect 146,250 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 73,125

LAND TOTAL (4) 219,375

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,404,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 936,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 15,917,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 18,476,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 21,696,125 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 21,696,125

Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Slebech Improvement - Option 4

1 Main works a) Preliminaries 2,719,000 b) Site Clearance 46,000 c) Safety Barriers ` 371,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 4,579,000 e) Drainage 1,509,000 f) Surfacing 3,687,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 165,000


h)Structures 1,200,000 i) Accommodation works 236,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,454,000

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 15,991,000

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 27,385 b)Landscaping 4.5 km £25,000.00 113,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 5,000 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 15,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 250,000

Contingencies (25%) 62,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 27 hect 175,500 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 87,750

LAND TOTAL (4) 263,250

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,454,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 969,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 16,464,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 19,150,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 22,485,750 (No VAT on Part 1 claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 22,485,750 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based on Total (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake Junction Improvement 1

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 229,000 b) Site Clearance 4,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 125,000 e) Drainage 215,000 f) Surfacing 220,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 24,000


h)Structures 0 i) Accommodation works 34,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 0 Contingencies (10%) 85,100


2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.648 km £25,000 16,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 0 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 2,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 0

Contingencies (25%) 0


4 Land

a) Land purchase 2.46 hect 15,990 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 7,995

LAND TOTAL (4) 23,985

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 86,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 57,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 954,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 1,121,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 1,315,995 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 1,315,995 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake Junction Improvement 2

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 550,000 b) Site Clearance 2,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 178,000 e) Drainage 426,000 f) Surfacing 391,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 49,000


h)Structures 500,000 i) Accommodation works 68,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 0

Contingencies (10%) 216,400

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 2,380,400

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 183,482 b)Landscaping 1.34 km £25,000 34,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 0 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 22,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 0 Contingencies (25%) 0


4 Land

a) Land purchase 1.34 hect 8,710 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 4,355

LAND TOTAL (4) 13,065

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 236,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 157,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 2,620,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 3,026,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 3,554,355 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 3,554,355 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 1

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,890,000 b) Site Clearance 25,000 c) Safety Barriers 189,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,713,000 e) Drainage 1,247,000 f) Surfacing 2,408,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 138,000


h)Structures 360,000 i) Accommodation works 198,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 27,500 Contingencies (10%) 919,550

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 10,115,050

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 20,539 b)Landscaping 3.78 km £25,000 95,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 3,050 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 12,000


3 Works by Other Authorities a) Statutory Authorities 177,500

Contingencies (25%) 44,375


4 Land

a) Land purchase 14.83 hect 96,395 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 48,198

LAND TOTAL (4) 144,593

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 922,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 615,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 10,468,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 12,149,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 14,266,198 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 14,266,198 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 2

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,825,000 b) Site Clearance 24,000 c) Safety Barriers 189,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,713,000 e) Drainage 1,191,000 f) Surfacing 2,299,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 132,000


h)Structures 360,000 i) Accommodation works 190,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 27,500 Contingencies (10%) 895,050

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 9,845,550

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 3.78 km £25,000 95,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 3,050 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 10,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 177,500

Contingencies (25%) 44,375


4 Land

a) Land purchase 14.83 hect 96,395 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 48,198

LAND TOTAL (4) 144,593

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 896,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 597,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 10,175,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 11,813,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 13,872,198 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 13,872,198 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Deep Lake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 3

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,890,000 b) Site Clearance 25,000 c) Safety Barriers 189,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,713,000 e) Drainage 1,247,000 f) Surfacing 2,408,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 138,000


h)Structures 360,000 i) Accommodation works 198,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 27,500 Contingencies (10%) 919,550

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 10,115,050

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 20,539 b)Landscaping 3.78 km £25,000 95,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 3,050 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 12,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 177,500

Contingencies (25%) 44,375


4 Land

a) Land purchase 14.83 hect 96,395 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 48,198

LAND TOTAL (4) 144,593

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 922,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 615,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 10,468,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 12,149,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 14,266,198 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 14,266,198 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Narberth Road - Option 1

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 332,000 b) Site Clearance 2,000 c) Safety Barriers 0 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 155,000 e) Drainage 319,000 f) Surfacing 197,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 33,000


h)Structures 189,000 i) Accommodation works 47,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 15,000 Contingencies (10%) 128,900

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 1,417,900

2 Ancillary Works a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.9 km £25,000 23,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 1,950 d) Communications 0

Contingencies (10%) 2,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 235,000

Contingencies (25%) 58,750


4 Land

a) Land purchase 1.25 hect 8,125 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 4,063

LAND TOTAL (4) 12,188

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 130,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 87,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 1,739,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 1,968,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 2,312,063 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 2,312,063 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Narberth Road Option 2

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 1,620,000 b) Site Clearance 110,000 c) Safety Barriers 123,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 2,638,000 e) Drainage 355,000 f) Surfacing 710,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 36,000


h)Structures 5,363,000 i) Accommodation works 51,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 45,000 Contingencies (10%) 1,105,100

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 12,156,100

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 0 b)Landscaping 0.98 km £25,000 25,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 1,950 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 3,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 167,500

Contingencies (25%) 41,875


4 Land

a) Land purchase 4.51 hect 29,315 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 14,658

LAND TOTAL (4) 43,973

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 1,097,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 731,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 12,395,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 14,267,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 16,761,658 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 16,761,658 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based onTotal (1+2)

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Section Name Narberth Road Option 3

1 Main works

a) Preliminaries 862,000 b) Site Clearance 9,000 c) Safety Barriers 24,000 d) Earthworks (including soil nailing) 1,539,000 e) Drainage 330,000 f) Surfacing 313,000 g) Signs and Road Markings 33,000


h)Structures 2,153,000 i) Accommodation works 40,000 j) Works for Statutory Undertakers 25,000

Contingencies (10%) 532,800

ROADWORKS TOTAL (1) 5,860,800

2 Ancillary Works

a) Lighting 20,539 b)Landscaping 0.9 km £25,000 23,000 c) Noise Insulation sum 1,950 d) Communications 0 Contingencies (10%) 5,000


3 Works by Other Authorities

a) Statutory Authorities 70,000 Contingencies (25%) 17,500


4 Land

a) Land purchase 5 hect 32,500 b) Land Compensation Act Part 1 Claims 16,250

LAND TOTAL (4) 48,750

5 Preparation and Supervision

a)Scheme Preparation (9%) 532,000 b) Supervision and Testing (6%) 355,000


GROSS WORKS COST (1+2+3) 5,999,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (1+2+3+4+5) 6,935,000

GROSS SCHEME COST (inc v.a.t.) 8,146,250 (No VAT on Part 1 Claims) Add CPF estimate 0

TOTAL 8,146,250 Note Preliminaries based on items 1b-1j &2a-2e Items 5a and 5b based on Total (1+2)

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Appendix D – Engineering Data

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This is not a checklist and it is not comprehensive. It is designed to prompt early decisions on design aspects and avoid the repetition of work. A comment should be entered in the ACTION boxes to show that the item has at least been considered. If there are other items that this raises, then they should be added to the individual Project Aid Memoir. All design elements should be cost effective and the client given value for money. Consultants have been criticised for over designing. Adopt a “horses for courses” strategy. Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 1 Traffic 1.1 Surveys 1.2 Analysis and prediction 1.3 Economic analysis 1.4 Junction and Roundabout Capacities 1.5 Turning movements. 1.6 Accidents Refer to TD document “Reducing Accidents and Making Life Better” 2 Cross sections 2.1 Typical cross sections Varies, but aim for 7.3m as a standard 2.2 Verge widths Varies, but aim for minimum of 2.5m with reasonable local widening for visibility and junctions 2.3 Drainage locations Utilise the existing outfalls 2.4 Stats locations Data obtained from stats authorities. Avoid Major diversions where possible. 2.5 Geotechnical Geotechnical Risk assessment has been carried measures out and no major problems identified. 2.6 Fence lines Work within present landtake where ever possible, otherwise set fence line 5.000m back from edge of the earthworks. 2.7 Hedges As fence lines, but to take account of Accommodation Works and Environmental requirements. 2.8 Maintenance See revisions to TD27 and consider future maintenance Consider use of marginal strips both sides to allow traffic to flow during gully cleaning. Ensure space is provided for access to BT chambers 2.8 Health and Safety Use relaxations where safety will not be compromised. 3 Horizontal Use relaxations where safety is not Alignment compromised 3.1 Main Line Aim for 100kph design speed 3.2 Side Roads Aim to retain rural character of side road.Treat each case on its own merit and traffic flow if significant. 3.3 T Junctions Where possible remove the right turns from the trunk road. If possible then local single lane dualling is preferred to ghost islands.

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 3.4 Roundabouts Use where reasonably balanced flows exist and good approach visibility is present. The size of the central island should be large to avoid over running by HGV and similar large vehicles. The gyratory carriageway should allow for the ‘cut in’ of any trailer. 3.5 Slip Roads N/A 3.6 Over-bridges TBA 3.7 Under-bridges TBA 3.8 Vehicle types Is this a Heavy, High or Wide Load route? 3.9 Main Line Visibility For 100kph – Stopping and overtaking distances 3.10 Junction Visibility For 100 kph 3.11 Temporary Diversions TBA 3.12 Cycle ways To be developed as part of a larger scheme except where there is an identified need 3.13 Footways Provide in hamlets where appropriate 3.14 Bridleways Check with counties for any existing that have to be taken into account 3.15 Private Access Link up where possible to limit direct access to the trunk road. See TD41/95 for layouts 3.16 Add visibility splays to drawings 4 Vertical Use relaxations where safety is not Alignment compromised 4.1 Main Line 100 kph 4.2 Side Roads Design speed as appropriate 4.3 T Junctions Consider location carefully, taking account of the main line geometry and visibility. 4.4 Roundabouts Consider location carefully, taking account of the main line geometry and visibility. Also take account of long vehicles with limited ground clearance 4.5 Slip Roads N/A 4.6 Over-bridges TBA 4.7 Under-bridges TBA 4.8 Vehicle types Heavy Load/High/Wide load? 4.9 Main Line Visibility For 100 Kph – Stopping and overtaking distances 4.10 Junction Visibility For 100 Kph 4.11 Temporary Diversions TBA 4.12 Cycle ways TBA 4.13 Footways TBA 4.14 Bridleways TBA 4.15 Private Access Ensure that where provided the gradients are not too steep (max 8%) and appropriate visibility is provided 4.16 Add visibility splays to TBA drawings 4.17 Climbing lanes Use climbing lanes where gradients are steep. 5 Tie Ins 5.1 Main Line Detailed design 5.2 Side Roads Detailed design 5.3 Temporary Diversions Detailed design 5.4 Cycle ways Detailed design

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 5.5 Footways Detailed design 5.6 Bridleways Detailed design 5.7 Private Access Detailed design 5.8 All visibilities Consider at this stage as it could cause problems at detailed design stage. 5.9 6 Pavement 6.1 Traffic Figures 6.2 Geotechnical input Obtain CBR’s and establish if capping layer is required 6.3 Design SMA for surfacing to trunk road with DBM on side roads. Consider the use of ‘long life pavements’ 6.4 Re use of existing Re-shape and surface. Refer to existing pavement pavement report. 7 Drainage (Surface Water) 7.1 Prepare SW drainage Detailed design strategy/brief 7.2 Outfalls Identify locations of existing 7.3 Catchment areas and Identify culvert and bridge locations permeability 7.4 Rainfall intensity Detailed design 7.5 Vertical profile Allow for structures at stream crossings, and ensure that there are no cuts at stream crossings 7.6 Attenuation Detailed design 7.7 Superelevation Detailed design 7.8 Gully locations Detailed design, but allow at 1 per 30m of carriageway for estimating purposes 7.9 Low-spots Ensure that adequate crossfall is present in valley curves 7.10 High-spots -- 7.11 Flat-spots Consider the location of any change in crossfall and ensure that the area can be drained. When using “Beany Blocks” bear in mind the cost. 7.12 Maintenance Provide lay-bys for any interceptor emptying 7.13 Crossing/clashing of Detailed design, but limit carriageway crossings pipes and always cross at 45 degrees. 7.14 8 Drainage (Foul Water) 8.1 Prepare foul drainage N/A strategy/brief 8.2 Outfalls 8.3 Vertical profile 8.4 Capacity 8.5 Storage 8.6 Pumping 8.7 Treatment 8.8 Maintenance 8.9 Crossing/clashing pipes

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 8.10 Local Authority/Dwr Cymru approvals 9 Earthworks 9.1 Geotechnics Review results of geotechnical risk document 9.2 Cut 1:2 slopes, but may be steeper depending on geotechnics. 9.3 Fill 1:2 slopes, 1:3 from 1.5m above any flood levels 9.4 Balance Try to obtain a balance 9.5 Processing Detailed design 9.6 Imported Limit import, aggregate tax, source has to be identified. 9.7 Disposal Limit disposal, landfill tax, disposal location has to be identified. 9.8 Soiling and Seeding Detailed design 9.9 Storage of Materials Detailed design, but land areas have to be designated. 9.10 Landscaping Detailed design. Consider where bunding and regarding may be required. See 9.7 above. 9.11 Earthworks Drg. Detailed design 9.12 Earthworks schedule Detailed design 10 Statutory Refer to the individual stats plans and make Utilities appropriate allowances 10.1 Gas 10.2 Water 10.3 Electricity 10.4 Telecoms 10.5 Sewerage 10.6 Cable Services 10.7 Future access Provide facilities for stationary vehicles on carriageway or lay bys. Ensure that safety fencing does not block access to manholes or other service facilities. 10.8 Oil 10.9 Others 11 Environmental REFER TO CONSTRAINTS PLAN

11.1 SSSI 11.2 CADW 11.2 CCW 11.4 Surveys 11.5 Habitat Regulations 11.6 Protected Species 11.7 Environmental Impact Milestone 4 Statement 11.8 Environmental Action Milestone 4 Plan 11.9 12 Street Furniture 12.1 Traffic Signs Detailed design 12.2 Road Markings Detailed design

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 12.3 Safety Fences Detailed design, but consider requirements where verge widths may require increasing to maintain visibility. Ensure space is provided for access to BT chambers and drainage Manholes. 12.4 Check clashes with Detailed design manhole covers and access. 12.5 Street Lighting Allow for replacement of existing 12.6 Clearances Detailed design 12.7 Maintenance Detailed design 12.8 12.9 13 Risk / Hazard To be prepared and developed in a Risk Assessment Register 13.1 Surveys 13.2 Design 13.3 Construction 13.4 Maintenance 13.5 Environmental 14 Road Safety Audit 14.1 Stage 1 Milestone 2 14.2 Stage 2 Milestone 4 14.3 Stage 3 15 Structures 15.1 Overbridges Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle ways, cycle ways and footpaths. Underbridges Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle ways, cycle ways and footpaths. Accommodation Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle Bridges ways, cycle ways and footpaths.

Prepared by………P.R.Goddard………………………………………Date………23/04/03………….. Reviewed by PM……O.G.Thomas…………………………………… Date………24/04/03…………. Design Reviewed by…………………………………………………….Date……………………………..

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This is not a checklist and it is not comprehensive. It is designed to prompt early decisions on design aspects and avoid the repetition of work. A comment should be entered in the ACTION boxes to show that the item has at least been considered. If there are other items that this raises, then they should be added to the individual Project Aid Memoir. All design elements should be cost effective and the client given value for money. Consultants have been criticised for over designing. Adopt a “horses for courses” strategy. Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 1 Traffic 1.1 Surveys 1.2 Analysis and prediction 1.3 Economic analysis 1.4 Junction and Roundabout Capacities 1.5 Turning movements. 1.6 Accidents Refer to TD document “Reducing Accidents and Making Life Better” 2 Cross sections 2.1 Typical cross sections 7.3M AS A STANDARD WITH 1.0M HARD STRIPS. 2.2 Verge widths Minimum of 3.5m (including hard strips) with reasonable local widening for visibility and junctions 2.3 Drainage locations Utilise the existing outfalls 2.4 Stats locations Data obtained from stats authorities. Avoid Major diversions where possible. 2.5 Geotechnical Geotechnical Risk assessment has been carried measures out and no major problems identified. 2.6 Fence lines Work within present landtake where ever possible, otherwise set fence line 5.000m back from edge of the earthworks. 2.7 Hedges As fence lines, but to take account of Accommodation Works and Environmental requirements. 2.8 Maintenance See revisions to TD27 and consider future maintenance Consider use of marginal strips both sides to allow traffic to flow during gully cleaning. Ensure space is provided for access to BT chambers 2.8 Health and Safety Use relaxations where safety will not be compromised. 3 Horizontal Use relaxations where safety is not Alignment compromised 3.1 Main Line Aim for 100kph design speed 3.2 Side Roads Aim to retain rural character of side road. Treat each case on its own merit and traffic flow if significant. 3.3 T Junctions Where possible remove the right turns from the trunk road. If possible then local single lane dualling is preferred to ghost islands.

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 3.4 Roundabouts Use where reasonably balanced flows exist and good approach visibility is present. The size of the central island should be large to avoid over running by HGV and similar large vehicles. The gyratory carriageway should allow for the ‘cut in’ of any trailer. 3.5 Slip Roads Ensure that alignments provide necessary visibility for joining traffic 3.6 Over-bridges Allow for 1.5m deep deck + 5.3 headroom 3.7 Under-bridges Allow for 1.5m deep deck + 5.3 headroom 3.8 Vehicle types Is this a Heavy, High or Wide Load route? 3.9 Main Line Visibility For 100kph – Stopping and overtaking distances 3.10 Junction Visibility For 100 kph 3.11 Temporary Diversions TBA 3.12 Cycle ways To be developed as part of a larger scheme except where there is an identified need 3.13 Footways Provide in hamlets where appropriate 3.14 Bridleways Check with counties for any existing that have to be taken into account 3.15 Private Access Link up where possible to limit direct access to the trunk road. See TD41/95 for layouts 3.16 Add visibility splays to drawings 4 Vertical Use relaxations where safety is not Alignment compromised 4.1 Main Line 100 kph 4.2 Side Roads Design speed as appropriate 4.3 T Junctions Consider location carefully, taking account of the main line geometry and visibility. 4.4 Roundabouts Consider location carefully, taking account of the main line geometry and visibility. Also take account of long vehicles with limited ground clearance 4.5 Slip Roads N/A 4.6 Over-bridges Allow for 1.5m deep deck + 5.3 headroom 4.7 Under-bridges Allow for 1.5m deep deck + 5.3 headroom 4.8 Vehicle types Heavy Load/High/Wide load? 4.9 Main Line Visibility For 100 Kph – Stopping and overtaking distances 4.10 Junction Visibility For 100 Kph 4.11 Temporary Diversions TBA 4.12 Cycle ways TBA 4.13 Footways TBA 4.14 Bridleways TBA 4.15 Private Access Ensure that where provided the gradients are not too steep (max 8%) and appropriate visibility is provided 4.16 Add visibility splays to TBA drawings 4.17 Climbing lanes Use climbing lanes where gradients are steep. 5 Tie Ins 5.1 Main Line Detailed design 5.2 Side Roads Detailed design 5.3 Temporary Diversions Detailed design

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 5.4 Cycle ways Detailed design 5.5 Footways Detailed design 5.6 Bridleways Detailed design 5.7 Private Access Detailed design 5.8 All visibilities Consider at this stage as it could cause problems at detailed design stage. 5.9 6 Pavement 6.1 Traffic Figures 6.2 Geotechnical input Obtain CBR’s and establish if capping layer is required 6.3 Design SMA for surfacing to trunk road with DBM on side roads. Consider the use of ‘long life pavements’ 6.4 Re use of existing Re-shape and surface. Refer to existing pavement pavement report. 7 Drainage (Surface Water) 7.1 Prepare SW drainage Detailed design strategy/brief 7.2 Outfalls Identify locations of existing 7.3 Catchment areas and Identify culvert and bridge locations permeability 7.4 Rainfall intensity Detailed design 7.5 Vertical profile Allow for structures at stream crossings, and ensure that there are no cuts at stream crossings 7.6 Attenuation Detailed design 7.7 Superelevation Detailed design 7.8 Gully locations Detailed design, but allow at 1 per 30m of carriageway for estimating purposes 7.9 Low-spots Ensure that adequate crossfall is present in valley curves 7.10 High-spots -- 7.11 Flat-spots Consider the location of any change in crossfall and ensure that the area can be drained. When using “Beany Blocks” bear in mind the cost. 7.12 Maintenance Provide lay-bys for any interceptor emptying 7.13 Crossing/clashing of Detailed design, but limit carriageway crossings pipes and always cross at 45 degrees. 7.14 8 Drainage (Foul Water) 8.1 Prepare foul drainage N/A strategy/brief 8.2 Outfalls 8.3 Vertical profile 8.4 Capacity 8.5 Storage 8.6 Pumping 8.7 Treatment 8.8 Maintenance 8.9 Crossing/clashing pipes

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 8.10 Local Authority/Dwr Cymru approvals 9 Earthworks 9.1 Geotechnics Review results of geotechnical risk document 9.2 Cut 1:2 slopes, but may be steeper depending on geotechnics. 9.3 Fill 1:2 slopes, 1:3 from 1.5m above any flood levels 9.4 Balance Try to obtain a balance 9.5 Processing Detailed design 9.6 Imported Limit import, aggregate tax, source has to be identified. 9.7 Disposal Limit disposal, landfill tax, disposal location has to be identified. 9.8 Soiling and Seeding Detailed design 9.9 Storage of Materials Detailed design, but land areas have to be designated. 9.10 Landscaping Detailed design. Consider where bunding and regarding may be required. See 9.7 above. 9.11 Earthworks Drg. Detailed design 9.12 Earthworks schedule Detailed design 10 Statutory Refer to the individual stats plans and make Utilities appropriate allowances 10.1 Gas 10.2 Water 10.3 Electricity 10.4 Telecoms 10.5 Sewerage 10.6 Cable Services 10.7 Future access Provide facilities for stationary vehicles on carriageway or lay bys. Ensure that safety fencing does not block access to manholes or other service facilities. 10.8 Oil 10.9 Others 11 Environmental REFER TO CONSTRAINTS PLAN

11.1 SSSI 11.2 CADW 11.2 CCW 11.4 Surveys 11.5 Habitat Regulations 11.6 Protected Species 11.7 Environmental Impact Milestone 4 Statement 11.8 Environmental Action Milestone 4 Plan 11.9 12 Street Furniture 12.1 Traffic Signs Detailed design 12.2 Road Markings Detailed design

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 12.3 Safety Fences Detailed design, but consider requirements where verge widths may require increasing to maintain visibility. Ensure space is provided for access to BT chambers and Drainage Manholes 12.4 Check clashes with Detailed design manhole covers and access. 12.5 Street Lighting Allow for replacement of existing 12.6 Clearances Detailed design 12.7 Maintenance Detailed design 12.8 12.9 13 Risk / Hazard To be prepared and developed in a Risk Assessment Register 13.1 Surveys 13.2 Design 13.3 Construction 13.4 Maintenance 13.5 Environmental 14 Road Safety Audit 14.1 Stage 1 Milestone 2 14.2 Stage 2 Milestone 4 14.3 Stage 3 15 Structures 15.1 Overbridges Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle ways, cycle ways and footpaths. Underbridges Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle ways, cycle ways and footpaths. Accommodation Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle Bridges ways, cycle ways and footpaths.

Prepared by………P.R.Goddard………………………………………Date………23/04/03………….. Reviewed by PM……O.G.Thomas…………………………………… Date……...24/04/03………….. Design Reviewed by…………………………………………………….Date……………………………..

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This is not a checklist and it is not comprehensive. It is designed to prompt early decisions on design aspects and avoid the repetition of work. A comment should be entered in the ACTION boxes to show that the item has at least been considered. If there are other items that this raises, then they should be added to the individual Project Aid Memoir.

Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 1 Traffic 1.1 Surveys 1.2 Analysis and prediction 1.3 Economic analysis 1.4 Junction and Roundabout Capacities 1.5 Turning movements. 1.6 2 Cross sections 2.1 Typical cross Dual 7.3m as standard with 1.0m hard strips, and sections 4.5m central reserve that includes the hard strip. See TD27/96 2.2 Verge widths Minimum of 2.5m with reasonable local widening for visibility and junctions 2.3 Drainage locations Utilise the existing outfalls 2.4 Stats locations Data obtained from stats authorities 2.5 Geotechnical Geotechnical Risk assessment has been carried measures out and no major problems identified. 2.6 Fence lines Work within present landtake where ever possible, otherwise set fence line 5.000m back from edge of the earthworks. 2.7 Hedges As fence lines, but to take account of Accommodation Works and Environmental requirements. 2.8 Maintenance The two lanes make maintenance easier and safer. See revisions to TD27 and consider future maintenance Consider use of marginal strips both sides to allow traffic to flow during gully cleaning. Ensure space is provided for access to BT chambers 2.9 Health and Safety Use relaxations where safety will not be compromised. 3 Horizontal Use relaxations where safety will not be Alignment compromised. 3.1 Main Line 120kph design speed 3.2 Side Roads Aim to retain rural character of side road. Treat each case on its own merit and traffic flow if significant and where ever possible link up side roads to minimise connections with the trunk road 3.3 T Junctions Minimise the right turns from the trunk road. Where ever possible use a compact grade separated junction as this is a high speed option

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 3.4 Roundabouts Use where reasonably balanced flows exist and good approach visibility is present. The size of the central island should be large to avoid over running by HGV and similar large vehicles. The gyratory carriageway should allow for the ‘cut in’ of any trailer. 3.5 Slip Roads Ensure that alignment provide necessary visibility for joining traffic 3.6 Over-bridges Allow for 1.5m deep deck + 5.3 headroom 3.7 Under-bridges Allow for 1.5m deep deck + 5.3 headroom 3.8 Vehicle types Is this a Heavy, High or Wide Load route? 3.9 Main Line Visibility For 120kph – Stopping and overtaking distances 3.10 Junction Visibility For 120 kph 3.11 Temporary TBA Diversions 3.12 Cycle ways To be developed as part of a larger scheme except where there is an identified need 3.13 Footways Provide in hamlets where appropriate 3.14 Bridleways Check with counties for any existing that have to be taken into account 3.15 Private Access Link up where possible to limit direct access to the trunk road via side road diversions. . See TD41/95 for layouts 3.16 Add visibility splays to drawings 4 Vertical Alignment 4.1 Main Line 120 kph– Stopping and overtaking distances 4.2 Side Roads Design speed as appropriate for the flows and use. 4.2 Side Roads Design speed as appropriate for the flows and use. 4.3 T Junctions Consider location carefully, taking account of the main line geometry and visibility. 4.4 Roundabouts Consider location carefully, taking account of the main line geometry and visibility. Also take account of long vehicles with limited ground clearance 4.5 Slip Roads Try to utilise down hill for ON and uphill for OFF 4.6 Over-bridges Allow for 1.5m deep deck + 5.3 headroom 4.7 Under-bridges Allow for 1.5m deep deck + 5.3 headroom 4.8 Vehicle types Heavy Load/High/Wide load ? 4.9 Main Line Visibility For 120 Kph 4.10 Junction Visibility For 120 Kph 4.11 Temporary TBA Diversions 4.12 Cycleways TBA 4.13 Footways TBA 4.14 Bridleways TBA 4.15 Private Access Ensure that where provided the gradients are not too steep (max 8%) and appropriate visibility is provided 4.16 Add visibility splays TBA to drawings

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 4.17 Climbing lanes Use climbing lanes where gradients are steep. 5 Tie Ins 5.1 Main Line Detailed design 5.2 Side Roads Detailed design 5.3 Temporary Detailed design Diversions 5.4 Cycleways Detailed design 5.5 Footways Detailed design 5.6 Bridleways Detailed design 5.7 Private Access Detailed design 5.8 All visibilities Consider at this stage as it could cause problems at detailed design stage. 5.9 6 Pavement 6.1 Traffic Figures 6.2 Geotechnical input Obtain CBR’s and establish if capping layer is required 6.3 Design SMA for surfacing to trunk road with DBM on side roads. Consider the use of ‘long life pavements’ 6.4 Re use of existing Re-shape and surface. Refer to existing pavement pavement report. 7 Drainage ( Surface Water) 7.1 Prepare SW drainage Detailed design strategy/brief 7.2 Outfalls Identify locations of existing 7.3 Catchment areas and Identify culvert and bridge locations permeability 7.4 Rainfall intensity Detailed design 7.5 Vertical profile Allow for structures at stream crossings, and ensure that there are no cuts at stream crossings 7.6 Attenuation Detailed design 7.7 Superelevation Detailed design 7.8 Gully locations Detailed design, but allow at 1 per 30m of carriageway for estimating purposes 7.9 Low-spots Ensure that adequate cross-fall is present in valley curves 7.10 High-spots -- 7.11 Flat-spots Consider the location of any change in crossfall and ensure that the area can be drained. When using “Beany Blocks” bear in mind the cost. 7.12 Maintenance Provide lay-bys for any interceptor emptying 7.13 Crossing/clashing of Detailed design, but limit carriageway crossings pipes and always cross at 45 degrees. 7.14 8 Drainage (Foul Water) 8.1 Prepare foul drainage N/A strategy/brief 8.2 Outfalls 8.3 Vertical profile 8.4 Capacity 8.5 Storage 8.6 Pumping

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 8.7 Treatment 8.8 Maintenance 8.9 Crossing/clashing pipes 8.10 Local Authority/Dwr Cymru approvals 9 Earthworks 9.1 Geotechnics Review results of geotechnical risk document 9.2 Cut 1:2 slopes, but may be steeper depending on geotechnics. 9.3 Fill 1:2 slopes, 1:3 from 1.5m above any flood levels 9.4 Balance Try to obtain a balance 9.5 Processing Detailed design 9.6 Imported Limit import, aggregate tax, source has to be identified. 9.7 Disposal Limit disposal, landfill tax, disposal location has to be identified. 9.8 Soiling and Seeding Detailed design 9.9 Storage of Materials Detailed design, but land areas have to be designated. 9.10 Landscaping Detailed design. Consider where bunding and regarding may be required. See 9.7 above. 9.11 Earthworks Drg. Detailed design 9.12 Earthworks schedule Detailed design 10 Statutory Utilities Refer to the individual stats plans and make appropriate allowances 10.1 Gas 10.2 Water 10.3 Electricity 10.4 Telecoms 10.5 Sewerage 10.6 Cable Services 10.7 Future access Provide facilities for stationary vehicles on carriageway or lay bys. Ensure that safety fencing does not block access to manholes or other service facilities. 10.8 Oil 10.9 Others 10.9 11 Environmental REFER TO CONSTRAINTS PLAN

11.1 SSSI 11.2 CADW 11.2 CCW 11.4 Surveys 11.5 Habitat Regulations 11.6 Protected Species 11.7 Environmental Impact Milestone 4 Statement 11.8 Environmental Action Milestone 4 Plan 11.9 12 Street Furniture

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Primary Design Secondary Element ACTION Element (Proposed / Actual) 12.1 Traffic Signs Detailed design 12.2 Road Markings Detailed design 12.3 Safety Fences Detailed design, but consider requirements where verge widths may require increasing to maintain visibility. Ensure space is provided for access to BT chambers and Drainage Manholes 12.4 Check clashes with Detailed design manhole covers and access. 12.5 Street Lighting Allow for replacement of existing 12.6 Clearances Detailed design 12.7 Maintenance Detailed design 12.8 12.9 13 Risk / Hazard To be prepared and developed in a Risk Assessment Register 13.1 Surveys 13.2 Design 13.3 Construction 13.4 Maintenance 13.5 Environmental 14 Road Safety Audit 14.1 Stage 1 Milestone 2 14.2 Stage 2 Milestone 4 14.3 Stage 3 14.4 15 Structures 15.1 Overbridges Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle ways, cycle ways and footpaths. Underbridges Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle ways, cycle ways and footpaths. Accommodation Consider in conjunction with side roads, bridle Bridges ways, cycle ways and footpaths.

Prepared by………P.R.Goddard………………………………………Date………23/04/03………….. Reviewed by PM……O.G.Thomas…………………………………… Date………24/04/03………….. Design Reviewed by…………………………………………………….Date……………………………..

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Appendix E – AST2 Sheets

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H:\HHI\JOBS\43696 A40 St Clears to Fishguard\Reports\Options Report\ROR\ROR Vol1 Rev 10.doc December 2004 Page 316 STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

ST CLEARS TO WHITLAND BYPASS St Clears to Whitland Bypass

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Resurface and re-mark Maintenance scheme

Option length 2.48km or 3.18km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)


No change

SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over section length; 74% westbound 48% eastbound

No change

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost: £1.1 or 1.4m

Maintenance scheme – no economic assessment.


CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a maintenance scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

ST CLEARS TO WHITLAND BYPASS Grovelands Improvement 1

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Provide Roundabout and PMA’s at Grovelands Junction


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -22 seconds/vehicle Roundabout will cause a delay (typically –20 seconds per vehicle) Improved access. Provides better access to old road. Provides access for agricultural vehicles.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 0.2 fatal 1.6 serious 10.2 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 74% westbound 48% eastbound Safer than staggered crossroads. 2 fatalities recorded (1997 & 1998)

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues. PMA crosses Roman Rd.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 1.4m COBA 11 Net present value £ -6.7m PVC: £ 1.2m PVB: £-5.5m Roundabout delays main road traffic.

INTEGRATION No significant change.



Section: Route Option

ST CLEARS TO WHITLAND BYPASS Grovelands Improvement 2

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Change Grovelands Junction to single lane dualling and provide new PMA’s.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicle

No delay to through traffic.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 0.2 fatal 0.9 serious 4.0 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 74% westbound 48% eastbound Less safe than roundabout option. 2 fatalities recorded (1997 & 1998).

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues. PMA crosses Roman Road.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 1.30m COBA 11 Net present value £ -1.5m PVC: £ 1.1m PVB: £ -0.4m No delays to main road traffic.

INTEGRATION No significant change

CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a road safety improvement scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

ST CLEARS TO WHITLAND BYPASS Pwll Trap Option 1 (5.08km)

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Close Pwll Trap Junction and provide new PMA’s.

Option length 1.3km (including PMAs) Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicle

Increased traffic through St Clears. Increased journey time for trips to Pwll Trap from west. Potential impact on emergency services, and bus routes. Retain proposed regional cycle route.

SAFETY Facts: 5 personal injury accidents recorded in 5 years at Pwll Trap junction. Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 0.7 fatal 5.6 serious 39.4 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 78% westbound 51% eastbound Improved junction safety by preventing right turns. Provides greatest overtaking opportunity over section length. ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 0.1m COBA 11 Net present value £ -1.0m PVC: £ -0.2m PVB: £ -1.2m Possible disadvantage to some Pwll Trap businesses

INTEGRATION Closure of junction will affect bus routes and emergency vehicle access.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED Closing junction will affect bus routes and emergency access. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

ST CLEARS TO WHITLAND BYPASS Pwll Trap Option 2 (5.08km)

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Change Pwll Trap Junction to single lane dualling and provide new PMA's

Option length 1.3km (including PMAs) Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicle

All movements catered for by junction.

SAFETY Facts: 5 personal injury accidents recorded in 5 years at Pwll Trap junction. Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 0.5 fatal 4.2 serious 34.5 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 74% westbound 48% eastbound Improved safety at junction.

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 1.7m COBA 11 Net present value £ -0.5m PVC: £ 1.5m PVB: £ 1.0m No significant change

INTEGRATION No significant change

CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a road safety improvement scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Change Pwll Trap Junction to left in left out and provide new private means of access

Option length 1.3km (including PMAs) Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicle

No right turns at junction. Increased traffic through St Clears. Increased journey time for trips to/from Pwll Trap from east/ to west. Potential impact on emergency services, and bus routes. Retain proposed regional cycle route.

SAFETY Facts: 5 personal injury accidents recorded in 5 years at Pwll Trap junction. Predicted accident savings over 30 years; 0.5 fatal 3.7 serious 26.7 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 74% westbound 48% eastbound Removing right turns improves safety.

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £0.2m COBA 11 Net present value £ -1.6m PVC: £ 0.0m PVB: £ -1.6m

INTEGRATION Affects public transport and emergency vehicles.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Closing junction will affect bus routes and emergency access. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Re-surface and re-mark maintenance scheme.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: No journey time saving

No change

SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over section length; 56% westbound 50% eastbound

No change

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 0.9m


CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a maintenance scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

WHITLAND WEST TO LLANDDEWI Pengawse Hill (no o/t downhill) VELFREY

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Re-surface and re-mark to prevent eastbound (down hill) overtaking. Safety / maintenance scheme.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: No journey time saving

No change

SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over Section length 94% westbound 28% eastbound

Improves safety by removing eastbound overtaking over part of section length

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 0.8m

Maintenance scheme – no economic assessment

INTEGRATION No significant change

CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a road safety improvement scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Re-surface and re-mark. Maintenance scheme.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: No journey time saving

No change

SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over Section length 94% westbound 80% eastbound

Provides significant overtaking opportunity for eastbound traffic

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 0.8m

Maintenance scheme – no economic assessment


CONCLUSION Option to be considered as maintenance scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway alignment to the north of the village complex with substantial earthworks providing a bypass. Single lane dualling junctions at eastern and western ends of scheme.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 35 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; -1.1 fatal -0.9 serious 41.7 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 35% westbound 30% eastbound Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improved overtaking opportunity and improves safety on trunk road. ENVIRONMENT Small positive to moderate negative significance.

Major negative significance · Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin not mitigatable. Moderate negative significance · Loss of important hedgerows North of Bethel Chapel not mitigatable. · Large volumes of surplus earthworks material to dispose of.

Small positive significance · 48 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 8.3m COBA 11 Net present value £ 1.0m PVC: £ 7.8m PVB: £ 8.9m Highest cost option. Potential geotechnical problems eastern end of option. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Full bypass of village. Good overtaking opportunities. Loss of important woodland STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway alignment to the north and east of the village providing a partial bypass


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 28 seconds/vehicle

Lowest journey-time savings for trunk road traffic. Improves accessibility for eastern part of village. No improvement for western part of village.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; - 0.7 fatal 1.7 serious 57.1 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 18% westbound 18% eastbound Improving existing staggered junction in center of village. Increased speed of traffic approaching village square junction from the east. Reduced number of direct accesses onto trunk road. No increase in overtaking opportunity ENVIRONMENT No to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Bronze age round barrow possibly affected.

Small positive significance · 22 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

Significant disruption to trunk road traffic during construction.

Surplus earthworks material to be disposed of.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 4.4m COBA 11 Net present value £ 4.1m PVC: £ 4.1m PVB: £ 8.2m Low cost option. Good economic return Loss of passing trade to eastern side of village. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from eastern part of village.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Marginal environmental benefit. Only partial bypass of village. No overtaking improvement. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Do-Minimum single carriageway alignment improvement to eastern part of the village. Improvements to the junction with a ghost island


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicle

No change.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 0.7 fatal 7.4 serious 74.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 18% westbound 18% eastbound Improved forward visibility in eastern part of village No increase in overtaking opportunity ENVIRONMENT No to small negative significance on most environmental topics. · Bronze age round barrow possibly affected.

Significant disruption to trunk road traffic during construction. No community severance relief. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 2.2m COBA 11 Net present value £ -0.3m PVC: £ 1.9m PVB: £ 1.6m Lowest cost option. Minimum impact on passing trade. INTEGRATION No change.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. No significant community benefits. Not a bypass of village. No improvement to overtaking. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description 85kph design speed single carriageway alignment to the north of the village providing a bypass


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 34 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; - 1.4 fatal - 1.0 serious 49.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 18% westbound 18% eastbound Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. 85 kph design speed (relaxation). Undesirable change to design standard within the context of the overall route. No increase in overtaking opportunity ENVIRONMENT Small positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance · Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Trodyn not mitigatable

Small positive significance · 43 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 4.9m COBA 11 Net present value £ 3.9m PVC: £ 4.7m PVB: £ 8.6m Medium cost option with good economic return Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Medium cost. Major negative environmental impact. Full bypass of village. Reduced design standard with no increase in overtaking opportunities. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway alignment to the north of eastern half of village and south of western half of village, passing under existing road in village centre via new overbridge.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 37 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; - 0.7 fatal 2.3 serious 65.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 18% westbound 32% eastbound Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improves safety on trunk road, but small increase in overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Small positive to small (moderate) negative significance.

small (moderate) negative significance · Two bronze age round barrows: east and west of village · Landscape and visual impact south of Llanddewi Velfrey

Small positive significance · 42 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

Significant disruption to trunk road traffic and disturbance to community during construction. Slight community severance relief ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 6.6m COBA 11 Net present value £ 4.3m PVC: £ 6.2m PVB: £ 10.5m Medium cost option. Good economic return Potential loss of passing trade.

INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village but not a true bypass.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Medium cost. Moderate negative environmental impact. Not a true bypass of village. Small increase in overtaking opportunities. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway alignment to the north of the village. 85kph design standard to avoid major environmental constraints.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 32 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; - 1.1 fatal -0.9 serious 40.1 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 26% westbound 0% eastbound Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improves safety on trunk road but reduction in eastbound overtaking opportunity. 85 kph design speed (relaxation). Undesirable change to design standard within the context of the overall route. ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues

Small positive significance · 40 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

ECONOMY Facts: Cost £ 6.0m COBA 11 Net present value £ 2.5m PVC: £5.6m PVB: £ 8.2m Medium cost option. With good economic return Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Medium cost. Full bypass of village. Reduction in eastbound overtaking opportunities. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway alignment to the north of the village complex with significant earthworks providing a full bypass. Single lane dualling junctions at eastern and western ends of scheme. 85kph design speed single carriageway alignment to the eastern end of the option.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 35 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; - 1.0 fatal -0.3 serious 44.8 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 18% westbound 15% eastbound Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improves safety on trunk road. 85 kph design speed (relaxation) is change to design standard within the context of the overall route. Slight reduction in overtaking opportunity ENVIRONMENT Small positive to moderate negative significance.

Major negative significance · Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin not mitigatable

Moderate negative significance · Surplus earthworks material to be disposed of.

Small positive significance · 42 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 6.6m COBA 11 Net present value £ 3.1m PVC: £ 6.3m PVB: £ 9.4m Medium cost option but good economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Medium cost. Full bypass of village. Slight reduction in overtaking opportunities. Major negative environmental impact. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway alignment to the north of the village complex with significant earthworks providing a full bypass. Single lane dualling junctions at eastern and western ends of scheme. 85kph design speed single carriageway alignment to the eastern end of the option. Scheme avoids wet woodland area.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 28 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; - 1.2 fatal -1.5 serious 38.5 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 20% westbound 20% eastbound Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improves safety on trunk road. 85 kph design speed (relaxation) is change to design standard within the context of the overall route. Slight reduction in overtaking opportunity ENVIRONMENT Small positive to small negative significance.

Small positive significance · 43 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

Small negative significance · Surplus earthworks material to be disposed of.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 7.8m COBA 11 Net present value £ -0.8m PVC: £ 7.1m PVB: £ 6.3m Medium cost option neutral economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Medium cost. Full bypass of village. Slight reduction in overtaking opportunities. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

LLANDDEWI VELFREY TO PENBLEWIN Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Resurface, kerb and markings, minor realignment of kerbs. Maintenance scheme.



No change

SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over section length 0% westbound 0% eastbound

No change

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 0.4m

Maintenance scheme – no economic assessment


CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a maintenance scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

REDSTONE CROSS IMPROVEMENT Improvement at Redstone Cross Option 1

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Offline single carriageway scheme south of houses and then on-line to the west of Redstone Cross. Single lane dualling at Redstone Cross, including demolition of two properties.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 8 seconds/vehicle

Reduced access to five properties to the northeast of Redstone Cross. (Blackmoor Hill)

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years 1.2 fatal 5.6 serious 24.9 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over Section length 71% westbound 64% eastbound Improved trunk road safety. Improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Small positive to small negative significance

Small negative significance · Route passes close enough to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on any surviving archaeological remains. Significance unknown.

Small positive significance · 4 properties at Redstone Cross will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 4.2m COBA 11 Net present value £ -0.8m PVC: £ 4.2m PVB: £ 3.4m High cost option. Loss of local business (small garage). INTEGRATION No change

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. High cost but with very good overtaking opportunities and demolition of 2 properties. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

REDSTONE CROSS IMPROVEMENT Improvement at Redstone Cross Option 2

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Online single carriageway improvement past Blackmoor Hill going offline to the northwest of Redstone Cross.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 5 seconds/vehicle

Indirect access to Sodstone House from the trunk road.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accidents saving over 30 years 1.0 fatal 5.0 serious 22.9 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over Section length 38% westbound 32% eastbound Reduced number of direct accesses onto trunk road at Blackmoor Hill. Improved safety on trunk road and marginally improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT No to moderate negative significance

Moderate negative significance · Redstone Farm rendered non-viable. Other holdings affected.

Small negative significance · Route passes closest to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on any surviving archaeological remains. Significance unknown.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 4.4m COBA 11 Net present value £ -2.9m PVC: £ 4.0m PVB: £ 1.1m Highest cost option. Lowest benefit option. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION No change.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Highest cost option. Low economic return. Highest potential archaeological impact. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

REDSTONE CROSS IMPROVEMENT Improvement at Redstone Cross Option 3

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description On-line single carriageway scheme with single lane dualling at Redstone Cross, including demolition of two properties.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicle

No change

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 0.1 fatal 1.0 serious 7.5 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 37% westbound 30% eastbound Improvement of Redstone Cross junction. Reduced number of direct accesses at Blackmoor Hill. ENVIRONMENT No to small (moderate) negative significance.

Small (moderate) negative significance · Option crosses site of post-mediaeval farmstead, requiring demolition of the present buildings, which may retain some original fabric.

Small negative significance · Route passes close enough to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on any surviving archaeological remains. Significance unknown.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 2.3m COBA 11 Net present value £ -1.0m PVC: £ 2.0m PVB: £ 1.0m Lowest cost option. Loss of local business (small garage). INTEGRATION No change.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Low cost option. Slight increase in overtaking opportunity but 2 properties demolished. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

ROBESTON WATHEN RELIEF ROAD Robeston Wathen Option 1 Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with single roundabout at mid point of scheme. Canaston Bridge not affected. No changes at Llawhaden junction. Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -1 second/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314 and Oakwood A4075. Bus routes have to loop into village, increasing journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 0.6 fatal 9.9 serious 84.6 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 63% westbound 55% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 9.7m COBA 11 Net present value £ -23.9m PVC: £7.3m PVB: £ -16.5m Medium cost option. Very poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade.

INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Medium cost. Very poor economic performance. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with single roundabout at each end of scheme. Canaston Bridge not affected. No changes at Llawhaden junction. Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -24 seconds/vehicle due to delays at roundabouts Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. No significant change in terms of accessibility to the village. Facilities for buses maintained. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.2 fatal 16.8 serious 129.1 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 43% westbound 43% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic and side road traffic. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance. Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedge banks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues Small (moderate) significance · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 8.5m COBA 11 Net present value £ -9.0m PVC: £ 8.2m PVB: £-0.8m Lowest cost option. Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED Low cost. Poor economic performance. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)

Scheme: A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Section: Route Option

ROBESTON WATHEN RELIEF ROAD Robeston Wathen Option 3 Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with compact grade separated junction at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314. Replaces Canaston Bridge with new high level structure, incorporating diversion of Llawhaden side road. Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2) ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 22 seconds/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314. Bus routes have to loop into village, significantly increasing journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. Improved accessibility for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.2 fatal 9.1 serious 93.7 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 59% westbound 58% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to major negative significance. Major negative significance · Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedge banks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 12.3m COBA 11 Net present value £ -5.4m PVC: £ 11.0m PVB: £ 5.6m High cost option poor economic return. High cost structure requiring detailed environmental consideration. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED High cost. Major visual and landscape impact of grade-separated junction. Improved accessibility for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge.. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with single roundabout at west end of scheme with W/B on and E/B off slip road connections to B4314. Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -2 seconds/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314 from/to East. Bus routes have to loop into village, significantly increasing journey time. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.1 fatal 15.0 serious 122.4 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 50% westbound 44% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance. Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 9.1m COBA 11 Net present value £ -6.9m PVC: £ 8.2m PVB: £ 1.3m Medium cost option poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade.

INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with single roundabout at west end of scheme with E/B on and W/B off slip road connections to B4314. Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -1 seconds/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.6 fatal 14.0 serious 106.6 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 59% westbound 58% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedge banks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 9.1m COBA 11 Net present value £ -5.5m PVC: £ 8.5m PVB: £ 3.0m Medium cost option. Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade.

INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD Medium cost, poor economic return. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with single roundabout at west end of scheme and 4 slip road connection to B4314.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -1 second/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Facilities for buses maintained. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.5 fatal 14.0 serious 113.1 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 59% westbound 58% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic and side road traffic. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedge banks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost £ 9.3m COBA 11 Net present value £ -4.2m PVC: £ 8.9m PVB: £4.7m Medium cost option. Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Medium cost, poor economic return. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with compact grade separated junction at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314 and 4 slip roads. Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 21 seconds/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.1 fatal 10.7 serious 106.5 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 59% westbound 58% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic and side road traffic. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to major negative significance. Major negative significance · Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedge banks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues Small (moderate) significance · Major archaeological impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 12.6m COBA 11 Net present value £ -3.2m PVC: £ 11.4m PVB: £ 8.2m High cost option, poor economic return High cost structure requiring detailed environmental consideration. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED Highest cost. Major visual and landscape impact of grade-separated junction. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with roundabout at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314. Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314. Bus routes have to loop into village, significantly increasing journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. Improved accessibility for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.3 fatal 16.0 serious 122.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 59% westbound 58% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 8.8m COBA 11 Net present value £ -6.6m PVC: £ 7.8m PVB: £1.2m Medium cost option. Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade.

INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED Medium cost. Reduces accessibility to village. Poor economic performance. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with compact grade separated junction at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314. Replaces Canaston Bridge with new high level structure, incorporating diversion of Llawhaden side road. Includes eastbound climbing lane. Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 25 seconds/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314. Bus routes have to loop into village, significantly increasing journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. Improved accessibility for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.3 fatal 10.5 serious 100.8 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 10% westbound 59% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. Significantly improved eastbound overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to major negative significance. Major negative significance · Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 12.8m COBA 11 Net present value £ -2.8m PVC: £ 11.5m PVB: £ 8.7m Highest cost option. Best economic return., but still negative NPV. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village.



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY Brief Description Single carriageway scheme with single roundabout at west end of scheme and 4 slip connections with the B4314. Includes eastbound climbing lane. Additional bridge and link to Llawhaden junction Option length 3.41km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 25 seconds/vehicle

Removes trunk road traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314. Bus routes have to loop into village, significantly increasing journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. Improved accessibility for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.4 fatal 15.4 serious 119.9 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 10% westbound 51% eastbound Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. Significantly improved eastbound overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 9.8m COBA 11 Net present value £ -3.1m PVC: £ 9.2m PVB: £ 6.0m Highest cost option. 2nd best economic return., but still negative NPV. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village.



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Resurface, kerb and markings, minor realignment of kerbs. Maintenance scheme.



No change

SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over Section length 0% westbound 0% eastbound

No change

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 0.2m

Maintenance scheme – no economic assessment


CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a maintenance scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

CANASTON BRIDGE TO SLEBECH PARK Canaston Bridge to Meadow View Climbing Lane IMPROVEMENT

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Resurface, kerb and markings, minor realignment of kerbs and provide westbound climbing lane. Widening on north side to avoid encroaching into National Park.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 6 seconds/vehicle

No change

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accidents saving over 30 years 1.6 fatal 7.7 serious 36.9 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over Section length 59% westbound 0% eastbound Improved westbound overtaking opportunity

ENVIRONMENT National Park constraints. Very valuable hedgerow on south, bordering valuable woodland.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost: £ 2.3m COBA 11 Net present value £ 2.0m PVC: £ 1.9m PVB: £ 3.9m Positive economic return


CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a maintenance scheme. Positive economic return. Improved westbound overtaking. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway scheme south of Slebech Church, utilizing existing road down Arnolds Hill. Should be considered with Deep Lake improvement. Option length 4.06km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 9 seconds/vehicle

No significant change to access to Slebech. Bus facilities maintained. SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.7 fatal 6.5 serious 22.8 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 25% westbound 60% eastbound Improve safety by removing trunk road traffic from Slebech. Significantly improved overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT No to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) · Incursion into National Park · Minor land loss and severance issues

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 4.1m COBA 11 Net present value £ 0.1m PVC: £ 3.9m PVB: £ 4.0m Medium cost option. Neutral economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. Cost implication in providing bat mitigation measures. INTEGRATION Reduces severance for community.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Medium cost. Moderate negative environmental impact, but requires incursion into National Park. Improves trunk road safety and overtaking opportunities.. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single lane dualling Do-Minimum scheme at Slebech, including resurfacing on Arnolds Hill. Maintenance / safety scheme. Should be considered in conjunction with Deep Lake scheme.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicle

No change

SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.2 fatal 10.1 serious 82.7 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 0% westbound 35% eastbound Improved safety. Reduction in number of trunk road accesses.

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues. Adjacent to National Park.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 1.6m COBA 11 Net present value £ 1.5m PVC: £ 1.4m PVB: £ 2.9m Lowest cost. Best economic return.


CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Low cost maintenance / safety scheme (stand alone). Retain. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway scheme North of Slebech, including resurfacing of Arnolds Hill. Should be considered with Deep Lake improvement.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicles

No significant change to access to Slebech. Bus facilities maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.5 fatal 5.8 serious 23.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 0% westbound 32% eastbound Improve safety by removing trunk road traffic from Slebech. Slightly reduced overtaking opportunity. ENVIRONMENT Small positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance · Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech. · Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) · Unimproved species-rich habitat

Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown. Option avoids incursion into National Park

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 4.3m COBA 11 Net present value £ -3.1m PVC: £ 3.9m PVB: £ 0.8m

Medium cost scheme. Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces severance for community.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Medium cost, poor economic return. Major negative environmental impact. Improves trunk road safety but slightly reduces overtaking opportunities. Avoids incursion into National Park. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Offline single carriageway scheme north of Slebech and Arnolds Hill. Should be considered with Deep Lake improvement. Option length 4.06km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 3 seconds/vehicle

No significant change to access to Slebech. Bus facilities maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.8 fatal 7.5serious 31.6 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 30% westbound 30% eastbound Improve safety by removing trunk road traffic from Slebech and Arnolds Hill. Improved overtaking opportunity overall. No conflict with crossing farm traffic. ENVIRONMENT No to major negative significance.

Major negative significance · Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech and Millin Brook · Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) · Unimproved species-rich habitat

Moderate negative significance · Workability issues and viability of the holding for farms · Potential effect on Millin Brook

Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 6.6m COBA 11 Net present value £ -3.3m PVC: £ 6.5m PVB: £ 3.2m High cost option with poor economic return Potential loss of passing trade. Poor economic return. INTEGRATION Reduces severance for community.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Major negative environmental impact. Improves trunk road safety and overtaking opportunities. Bypasses Arnolds Hill. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Offline single carriageway scheme south of Slebech and Arnolds Hill. Should be considered with Deep Lake improvement. Option length 4.24km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -11 seconds/vehicle

No significant change to access to Slebech. Bus facilities maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 2.0 fatal 10.2 serious 54.5 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over section length; 18% westbound 21% eastbound Improve safety by removing trunk road traffic from Slebech and Arnolds Hill. Slightly improved overtaking opportunity overall. No conflict with crossing farm traffic. ENVIRONMENT No to major negative significance.

Major negative significance · Effect on grade 3A agricultural land

Moderate negative significance · Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) · Incursion into National Park · Minor land loss and severance issues · Major cuttings and embankments Potential effect on unnamed brook to the south of Arnolds Hill ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 8.7m COBA 11 Net present value £ -10.5m PVC: £ 8.1m PVB: £ -2.4m High cost scheme. Very poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces severance for community.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Poor economic return. Major negative environmental impact. Slightly improves trunk road safety and overtaking opportunities. Bypasses Arnolds Hill. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE IMPROVEMENT Deeplake Improvement Option 1

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single lane dualling to provide protected right turn facilities.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 0 seconds/vehicles

No delay to trunk road traffic

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years 0.0 fatal 0.0 serious 0.0 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over Section length 0% westbound 0% eastbound Safer junction layout. Improvement to horizontal alignment of trunk road.

ENVIRONMENT Small (moderate) significance · Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected · Watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake bridge. Bat flyway along watercourse

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 1.5m COBA 11 Net present value £ -1.5m PVC: £ 1.3m PVB: £ -0.2m Low cost option. Poor economic return.


CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE DEALT WITH AS PART OF JUNCTION STRATEGY CONSIDERATION. Low cost option. Poor economic return. Potential minor improvement scheme. No delay to trunk road traffic. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE IMPROVEMENT Deeplake Improvement Option 2

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Roundabout to improve junction safety.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -23 seconds/vehicles

Delay to trunk road traffic

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years 0.8 fatal 7.3 serious 51.8 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over Section length 0% westbound 0% eastbound Potentially safer junction, although high speed approaches. Improvement to horizontal alignment of trunk road.

ENVIRONMENT Small (moderate) significance · Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected · Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake bridge. Bat flyway along watercourse

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 1.3m COBA 11 Net present value £ -8.1m PVC: £ 1.2m PVB: £ -6.9m Lowest cost option. Very poor economic return.


CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Lowest cost. Delays trunk road traffic. Potential safety hazard. Very poor economic return. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE IMPROVEMENT Deeplake Improvement Option 3

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Grade separation to improve junction safety and maintain flow of trunk road traffic.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 6 seconds/vehicle

No delay to trunk road traffic.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years 1.0 fatal 6.2 serious 40.1 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Overtaking value over Section length 0% westbound 0% eastbound Safer junction

ENVIRONMENT Small (moderate) significance · Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected · Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake Bridge. Bat flyway along watercourse

Landscape effects.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 2.4m COBA 11 Net present value £ 2.7m PVC: £ 2.4m PVB: £ 5.1m Highest cost option. Best economic return. Potential additional cost of reconstruction of bridge at Mellin Brook. INTEGRATION No change



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Online section of Dual carriageway down Arnolds Hill and including Deeplake Improvement and a 300m length of Deeplake to H’west Golf Club.



SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over Section length 41% westbound 41% eastbound

Section of dual carriageway will cause termination point design problems which may reduce traffic safety ENVIRONMENT Impact on group tree preservation order at Deeplake.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 10.5m


CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Considered unsafe. No further assessment carried out. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Offline section of Dual carriageway down Arnolds Hill and including Deeplake Improvement and a 300m length of Deeplake to H’west Golf Club..



SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over Section length 41% westbound 41% eastbound

Provision of on-line section of dual carriageway between sections of single may reduce traffic safety ENVIRONMENT Impact on group tree preservation order at Deeplake.

Small positive significance · Proposed farm underpass

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 13.1m


CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Considered unsafe. No further assessment carried out. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE TO HAVERFORDWEST GOLF Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club CLUB

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Resurface, kerb and markings, minor realignment of kerbs. Maintenance scheme.



No change

SAFETY Facts: Overtaking value over Section length 69% westbound 57% eastbound

No change

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 0.7m

Maintenance scheme – no economic assessment


CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a maintenance scheme. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

NARBERTH ROAD Narberth Road Option 1 (0nline)

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single lane dualling to provide protected right turn facilities.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 2 seconds/vehicles

No change

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years 0.5 fatal 2.5 serious 11.8 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Protected right turn facility provided Overtaking value over Section length 0% westbound 0% eastbound

ENVIRONMENT No to small significance. · Bat flyways across the road

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 2.2m COBA 11 Net present value £ -0.2m PVC: £ 1.3m PVB: £ 1.0m


CONCLUSION Option to be considered as a road safety improvement/maintenance scheme STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

ST CLEARS TO WHITLAND BYPASS St Clears to Whitland Bypass

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Widen dual carriageway predominantly on the south side. Pwll Trap junction closed. Roundabout at Grovelands. Railway bridge to be extended.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 13 seconds/vehicle

Closure of Pwll Trap; · Increased traffic through St Clears. · Increased journey time for trips to Pwll Trap from west. · Significant impact on emergency services, and bus routes. · Retain proposed regional cycle route. Grovelands roundabout; · Improved access. · Provides better access to old road. · Provides access for agricultural vehicles. Closure at Haulfan, access via local road network. Closure of existing field and farm accesses.

SAFETY Facts: 5 personal injury accidents recorded in 5 years at Pwll Trap junction. Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 6.1 fatal 27.8 serious 82.2 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) 2 fatalities recorded (1997 & 1998) Improved junction safety by closing Pwll Trap and Haulfan junctions. Improved safety by provision of new private means of access linked to roundabouts and existing secondary road network. Improved safety by providing roundabout at Grovelands.

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues. Widening and private means of access at Grovelands Junction crosses Roman Road.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £13.3m COBA 11 Net present value £ -1.0m PVC£10.4m PVB £ 9.4m

Roundabout delays main road traffic. Potential loss of trade in Pwll Trap. INTEGRATION Closure of Pwll Trap junction will affect bus routes and emergency vehicles.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Provides continuity of dual carriageway, but could be delayed. Termination point to be reviewed if phased construction. No alternatives considered STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Widen dual carriageway predominantly on the north side. Replacement of North Road bridge crossing existing bypass.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 19 seconds/vehicle

No change.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.5 fatal 15.6 serious 53.6 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Significant improved overtaking.

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues. Extensive important grassland marginally affected.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost £ 8.4m COBA 11 Net present value £ 2.4m PVC£6.7m PVB £9.1m Economically justified.


CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Economically justified but could be delayed. . No alternatives considered STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Widen dual carriageway predominantly on the south side. Potential diversion of Afon Marlais.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 31 seconds/vehicle

Closure of direct accesses and providing links to the secondary road network via new private means of access.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.5 fatal 18.1 serious 89.3 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Improved safety by provision of new private means of access linked to roundabouts and existing secondary road network.

ENVIRONMENT No to moderate negative significant environmental issues. Potential impact on Banc Season Woodland.

Significant floodplain area. Bat flyways Afon Taff & Afon Marlais valleys. Potential environmental impact of Afon Marlais diversion.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £16.2m COBA 11 Net present value £ 0.3m PVC£13.6m PVB £13.9m Economically neutral.


CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Economically neutral, low priority but improves safety. . No alternatives considered STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway alignment to the north of eastern half of the village and south of western half of village. Between the western end of the village and Penblewin roundabout, route follows a line initially south and then north of existing trunk road.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 35 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained. Accessibility to weighbridge reduced.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.0 fatal 19.9 serious 135.4 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improved safety on trunk road.

ENVIRONMENT Neutral to moderate negative environmental significance.

Moderate negative significance · Bronze age round barrow possible affected · Landscape and visual impact south of Llanddewi Velfrey

Significant disruption to trunk road traffic during construction.

Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent.

Potential impact on bat flyways

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 18.7m COBA 11 Net present value £ -2.7m PVC£16.2m PVB £13.5m Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway alignment to the north of the village complex with substantial earthworks providing a bypass.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 35 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained. Accessibility to weighbridge reduced.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.0 fatal 19.8 serious 135.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improved safety on trunk road. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to major negative environmental significance.

Major negative significance · Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin · Broadleaved woodland, rush pasture, and species rich grassland north of Ffynnon Wood

Moderate positive significance 35 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

Moderate negative significance · Impact on landscape · Impact on farms and holdings · Impact on private property

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 20.5m COBA 11 Net present value £ -4.4m PVC£17.6m PVB £13.1m Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED Poor economic return, but a true bypass. Major negative environmental impact particularly wet woodland. Further additional cost for mitigation viaduct £2m. Provides true bypass. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway alignment to the north of the village on eastern side with substantial earthworks. Between the western end of the village and Pen-blewyn roundabout, route follows a line initially south and then north of existing trunk road.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 34 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained. Accessibility to weighbridge reduced. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.0 fatal 19.8 serious 135.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improved safety on trunk road. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to major negative environmental significance.

Major negative significance · Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-troydin Moderate positive significance · 35 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent. Potential impact on bat flyways.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £18.1m COBA 11 Net present value £ -2.4m PVC£15.5m PVB £13.1 Option with best economic return, but still negative. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED Lowest cost. Best economic return but still negative. Major negative environmental impact particularly wet woodland. Additional cost for mitigation viaduct to reduce impact on woodland £2m. Provides a true bypass. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway alignment to the north of the village. Between the western end of the village and Penblewin roundabout, route follows a line initially south and then north of existing trunk road. 85 kph design speed with two step relaxation on horizontal curve.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length= 29 seconds

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained. Accessibility to weighbridge reduced. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.0 fatal 19.7 serious 134.2 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improved safety on trunk road. ENVIRONMENT No to moderate negative significant environmental issues.

Moderate negative significance. · landscape impact

Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent.

Potential impact on bat flyways. Bronze age round barrow possibly affected.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £17.1m COBA 11 Net present value £-3.3m PVC£14.7m PVB £11.4m Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED Poor economic return. Avoids wet woodland. Non-preferred horizontal alignment STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway alignment to the north of eastern half of village and south of western half of village. Scheme avoids wet woodland.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length= 36 seconds

No significant change in terms of accessibility to village. Facilities for buses maintained. Accessibility to weighbridge reduced. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 9 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.0 fatal 19.9 serious 135.3 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improved safety in village by removing trunk road traffic. Improved safety on trunk road. ENVIRONMENT No to moderate negative significant environmental issues.

Moderate negative significance. · landscape impact

Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent.

Potential impact on bat flyways. Bronze age round barrow possibly affected.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £19.1m COBA 11 Net present value £-2.8m PVC£16.5m PVB £13.7m Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removal of trunk road traffic from village.



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Offline dual carriageway improvement.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 17 seconds/vehicle

No change.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years; 1.9 fatal 10.6 serious 55.9 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Improved trunk road safety.

ENVIRONMENT Small positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance. · demolition of private dwellings · adjoining garage business

Small (moderate) negative significance · severance of farms

Route passes close enough to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on any surviving archaeological remains. Significance unknown.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 6.3m COBA 11 Net present value £1.9m PVC£5.4m PVB £7.2m (Using COBA default accidents) Loss of local business (small garage).


CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Needs to be built as part of Robeston Wathen Relief Road. Easier buildability. Maintains local road network. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Part online and offline dual carriageway improvement.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 14 seconds/vehicle

Need to build new highway to maintain accessibility.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years 1.8 fatal 10.5 serious 55.2 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Improved trunk road safety.

ENVIRONMENT No to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance. · demolition of private dwellings · adjoining garage business

Small (moderate) negative significance · severance of farms

Route passes closest to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone. Potential impact, especially of new secondary road link, on any surviving archeological remains – significance unknown.

Potential disruption to trunk road traffic during construction.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £7.3m COBA 11 Net present value £0.1m PVC£6.1m PVB £6.2m (Using COBA default accidents)


CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Needs to be built as part of Robeston Wathen Relief Road. More difficult to build. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with roundabout at mid point of scheme and bridges over A4076 and B4314.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 38 seconds/vehicle

Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314 and Oakwood A4075. Bus routes have to loop into village, increasing journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 2.3 fatal 15.8 serious 84.5 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £22.7m COBA 11 Net present value £-24.8m PVC£17.7m PVB £-7.0m High cost option. Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade.

INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Poor economic performance. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with roundabouts at A4075 and B4314. Option length 4.57km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over section length = 13 seconds/vehicle

No significant change in terms of accessibility to the village. Facilities for buses maintained. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.2 fatal 22.1 serious 126.7 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic and side road traffic. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badger). · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues

Small (moderate) significance · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 20.9m COBA 11 Net present value £-9.3m PVC: £17.7m PVB: £8.3m High cost option, poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Poor economic performance reduced journey time saving STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

ROBESTON WATHEN RELIEF ROAD Robeston Wathen Option 3 Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * Dual carriageway Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with compact grade separated junction at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314 and link to Llawhaden junction Option length 4.81km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2) ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 59 seconds/vehicle

Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314. Bus routes have to loop into village, significantly increasing journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. Improved accessibility for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 2.3 fatal 16.4 serious 111.3 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to major negative significance. Major negative significance · Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 20.7m COBA 11 Net present value £-2.5m PVC: £ 17.1m PVB: £ 14.6m High cost option, poor economic return. High cost structure requiring detailed environmental consideration. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village. CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Major visual and landscape impact of grade-separated junction. Improved accessibility for walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge. Restricted access to village causing major dis-benefit to public transport. Needs to be built with Redstone Cross improvement. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with roundabout at west end of scheme with W/B on and E/B off slip road connections to B4314. Option length 4.57km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 37 seconds

No significant change in terms of accessibility to the village. Facilities for buses maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 2.9 fatal 19.7 serious 118.1 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic and side road traffic.

ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance. Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 20.8m COBA 11 Net present value £-6.8m PVC: £ 17.1m PVB: £ 10.3m High cost option, poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Poor economic performance. Needs to be built with Redstone Cross improvement. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with roundabout at west end of scheme with E/B on and W/B off slip road connections to B4314.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 37 seconds/vehicle

Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 2.3 fatal 15.5 serious 85.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 20.6m COBA 11 Net present value £-7.1m PVC: £ 17.6m PVB: £ 10.5m High cost option. Poor economic return. INTEGRATION No change.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Poor economic return. Needs to be built with Redstone Cross improvement. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with roundabout at west end of scheme and 4 slip road connections to B4314 including bridge and link to Llawhaden Junction


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 36 seconds/vehicle

Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen, provides separate link to Llawhaden Junction SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 2.5 fatal 15.8 serious 90.2 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 20.9m COBA 11 Net present value £-5.4m PVC: £17.7m PVB: £12.4m High cost option. Poor economic return. INTEGRATION No change. CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. High cost. Poor economic return. . Needs to be built with Redstone Cross improvement. Does not impinge on National Park. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with roundabout at west end of scheme and 4 slip road connections to B4314, with single carriageway west of A4075 roundabout. No improvement to Llawhaden Junction. Option length 4.57km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 34 seconds/vehicle

Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.8 fatal 12.2 serious 72.8 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 17.2m COBA 11 Net present value £-3.9m PVC: £14.6m PVB: £10.7m THESE ARE BASED ON DEFAULT ACCIDENT FIGURES Lowest cost option. Poor economic return. INTEGRATION No change. CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Lowest cost. Poor economic return. Needs to be built with Redstone Cross improvement. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)

Type * Dual carriageway

Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with staggered crossroads at western end, with single carriageway west of Canaston Bridge.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = ? seconds/vehicle

Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.3 fatal 8.8 serious 38.3 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 15.2m COBA 11 Net present value £-3.0m PVC: £12.8m PVB: £9.7m Lowest cost option. Poor economic return. INTEGRATION No change. CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Lowest cost. Poor economic return. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with compact grade separated junction at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314 and 4 slip roads. Option length 4.59km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 59 seconds/vehicles

Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen.

SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 2.0 fatal 12.6 serious 81.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA)

ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to major negative significance. Major negative significance · Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 22.7m COBA 11 Net present value £-1.1m PVC£19.2m PVB £18.1m High cost, neutral economics INTEGRATION No Change

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Needs to be built with Redstone Cross improvement. Major visual and landscape impact from grade separated junction STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme with roundabout at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 37 seconds/vehicle

Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth B4314. Bus routes have to loop into village, significantly increasing journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. SAFETY Facts: Village accident cluster site - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 500m Accident cluster site (A4075 Canaston Bridge Junction) - 5 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 2.6 fatal 18.2 serious 106.3 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety. Improves safety in village by removing through trunk road traffic. ENVIRONMENT Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. · River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. · Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) · Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Small (moderate) significance. · Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance · 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 20.9m COBA 11 Net present value £-9.2m PVC: £17.4m PVB: £8.2m High cost option. Very poor economic return.

INTEGRATION Reduces community severance by removing trunk road traffic from village.



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway scheme predominately following existing road. Three bridges required to maintain local road network.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 23 seconds/vehicle

Maintaining local road network.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 3.3 fatal 14.5 serious 50.7 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Improved trunk road safety

ENVIRONMENT No to major negative environmental significance

Major negative significance · Impact on important hedgerows Moderate negative significance · Incursion into National Park · One property to be demolished

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 9.7m COBA 11 Net present value £4.7m PVC£ 7.9m PVB £ 12.6m

Good economic return.


CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Consider as part of phasing with adjacent scheme Good economic return. Major negative environmental impact. Improved trunk road safety. Difficult to build. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway improvement to the north of Arnolds Hill with existing trunk road forming the main part of the local road network.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 15 seconds/vehicle

No significant change to access to Slebech. Bus facilities maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 5.9 fatal 29.1 serious 126.8 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improve safety by removing trunk road traffic from Slebech and Arnolds Hill. No conflict with crossing farm traffic. ENVIRONMENT Positive to moderate major negative significance.

Major negative significance · Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech and Millin Brook · Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) · Unimproved species-rich habitat

Moderate negative significance · Workability issues and viability of the holding for farms · Potential effect on Millin Brook

Positive moderate significance General decrease in noise levels Arnolds Hill and Slebech.

Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown. ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £ 15.1m COBA 11 Net present value £0.9m PVC£11.8m PVB £12.6m Lowest cost option. Potential loss of passing trade. Economically neutral. INTEGRATION Reduces severance for community.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED Lowest cost option. Economically neutral. Major negative environmental impact. Improves trunk road safety. Bypasses Arnolds Hill. Needs to be combined with Deeplake improvement. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway improvement to the north of Slebech and then parallel to Arnolds Hill with existing trunk road forming the main part of the local road network.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 16 seconds/vehicle

No significant change to access to Slebech. Bus facilities maintained. SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 5.9 fatal 29.1 serious 127.3 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improve safety by removing trunk road traffic from Slebech.

ENVIRONMENT Small positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance · Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech. · Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) · Unimproved species-rich habitat

Major (moderate) significance · Affect on grade 3A agricultural land

Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown.

Small positive significance Slight decrease in noise levels ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £16.4m COBA 11 Net present value £0.2m PVC£13.1m PVB £13.2m High cost option. Economically neutral. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces severance for community.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. High cost option. Major negative environmental impact. Improves trunk road safety.. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway improvement to the south of Slebech and then parallel to Arnolds Hill with existing trunk road forming the main part of the local road network.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 20 seconds/vehicle

No significant change to access to Slebech. Bus facilities maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 5.7 fatal 27.6 serious 105.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improve safety by removing trunk road traffic from Slebech.

ENVIRONMENT No to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance · Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) · Incursion into National Park · Minor land loss and severance issues

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £15.9m COBA 11 Net present value £1.6m PVC£12.6m PVB £14.6m Medium cost option. Best economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. Cost implication in providing bat mitigation measures. INTEGRATION Reduces severance for community.

CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Medium cost. Moderate negative environmental impact, including incursion into National Park. Improves trunk road safety. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual carriageway improvement to the south of Arnolds Hill and Slebech joining Option 3 with existing trunk road forming the main part of the road network.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 12 seconds/vehicle

No significant change to access to Slebech. Bus facilities maintained.

SAFETY Facts: Accident cluster site (Slebech) - 6 personal injury accidents in 3 years (1999 to 2001) within 100m Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 5.7 fatal 27.4 serious 103.0 slight (Using observed accidents in COBA) Improve safety by removing trunk road traffic from Slebech and Arnolds Hill. No conflict with crossing farm traffic. ENVIRONMENT No to major negative significance.

Major negative significance · Effect on grade 3A agricultural land

Moderate negative significance · Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) · Incursion into National Park · Minor land loss and severance issues · Major cuttings and embankments Potential effect on unnamed brook to the south of Arnolds Hill Potential effect of farm business ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £16.5m COBA 11 Net present value £-2.7m PVC£13.3m PVB £10.6m Highest cost scheme. Poor economic return. Potential loss of passing trade. INTEGRATION Reduces severance for community.

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Highest cost. Major negative environmental impact, , including incursion into National Park. Improves trunk road safety. Bypasses Arnolds Hill. Poor economic performance STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE IMPROVEMENT Deeplake Improvement Option 1

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Roundabout junction.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = -18 seconds/vehicle

Delay to trunk road traffic

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident saving over 30 years; 1.5 fatal 9.5 serious 54.2 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Potentially safer junction, although high speed approaches. Improvement to horizontal alignment of trunk road.

ENVIRONMENT Small (moderate) significance · Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected · Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake Bridge. Bat flyway along watercourse

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £1.0m COBA 11 Net present value £-4.3m PVC£0.8m PVB £-3.6m Low cost. Very poor economic return.


CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Low cost option. Needs to be built as part of Slebech scheme. Delays trunk road traffic. Potential safety hazard. Very poor economic return. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE IMPROVEMENT Deeplake Improvement Option 2

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Grade Separated junction includes new crossing of Millin Brook.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 5 seconds/vehicle

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years 1.3 fatal 8.5 serious 51.6 slight (Using default accidents in COBA)

ENVIRONMENT Small (moderate) significance · Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected · Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake bridge. Bat flyway along watercourse

Potential landscape effect Potential impact on Millin Brook

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £2.6m COBA 11 Net present value £2.4m PVC£2.3m PVB £4.7m Higher cost option. Good economic return


CONCLUSION OPTION TO BE TAKEN FORWARD. Higher cost option. Good economic return. No delay to trunk road traffic. STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE TO HAVERFORDWEST GOLF Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 1 CLUB

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual Carriageway improvement with four arm roundabout at western end. Existing trunk road forms the main part of the local road network Option length 2.36km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 2 seconds/vehicle

Maintains local road network.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years 3.1 fatal 12.8 serious 21.9 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety.

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £10.5m COBA 11 Net present value £-5.3m PVC£8.6m PVB £3.3m Poor economic return.




Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE TO HAVERFORDWEST GOLF Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 2 CLUB

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual Carriageway improvement. Existing trunk road forms the main part of the local road network. Needs to be constructed with Narberth Road Option 2 Option length 2.34km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 25 seconds/vehicle

Maintains local road network. Closure of junction to Cotts Park. SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years 3.2 fatal 14.4 serious 50.4 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety.

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £10.2m COBA 11 Net present value £4.7m PVC£8.3m PVB £13.1m Lowest cost option BUT CANNOT BE BUILT WITHOUT NARBERTH ROAD OPTION 2 Good economic return. INTEGRATION No change

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. Only option to complete dual carriageway. Combined cost with Narberth Road Option 2 is £23M, with negative NPV STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option

DEEPLAKE TO HAVERFORDWEST GOLF Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 3 CLUB

Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Dual Carriageway improvement with four-arm roundabout at western end to tie into Narberth Road Option 3. Existing trunk road forms the main part of the local road network Option length 2.35km Transport Assessment SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT COMMENTS Criteria FROM STAGE 2 WORKSHEET SUMMARY TABLES (WST2)

ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 1 seconds/vehicle

Maintains local road network.

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years 3.1 fatal 12.3 serious 12.0 slight (Using default accidents in COBA) Improves trunk road safety.

ENVIRONMENT No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £10.5m COBA 11 Net present value £-5.6m PVC£8.7m PVB £3.0m Poor economic return.




Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single lane dualling to provide protected right turn facilities. Includes retaining wall.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 1 seconds/vehicle

No change

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years; 0.5 fatal 2.6 serious 13.1 slight (Using default accidents in COBA)

ENVIRONMENT Flightpath for bats across the road. No significant environmental issues.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £1.7m COBA 11 Net present value £-0.3m PVC£1.6m PVB £1.3m Lowest cost option. Economically neutral. INTEGRATION



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Offline dual carriageway improvement. This would have to be constructed with Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club Option 2


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = 7 seconds/vehicle

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years; 1.1 fatal 4.8 serious 12.5 slight (Using default accidents in COBA)

ENVIRONMENT Flightpath for bats across the road. No significant environmental issues. Demolition of one property.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £12.4m COBA 11 Net present value £-7.8m PVC£10.8m PVB £2.9m Highest cost option. . This would have to be constructed with Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club Option 2 Poor economic return. INTEGRATION

CONCLUSION OPTION DISCARDED. High cost. Poor economic return. . This would have to be constructed with Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club Option 2 STAGE 2 APPRAISAL SUMMARY TABLE (AST 2)


Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Single carriageway link to Haverfordwest BP to be built when Option 1 reaches capacity.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = ? seconds/vehicle

SAFETY Facts: Predicted accident savings over 30 years; 0.4 fatal 4.0 serious 63.1 slight (Using default accidents in COBA)

ENVIRONMENT Important sSAC watercourse, hedgerows and woodlands. Moderate positive to moderate negative environmental significance.

Moderate negative significance.

· Bat flyway · Important wet woodlands · Other woodland

Moderate positive decrease in noise levels for properties along the A40.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £6.0m COBA 11 Net present value £4.5m PVC£4.2m PVB £8.7m Medium cost option. Good economic return. INTEGRATION



Section: Route Option


Sub-Section (if applicable)


Brief Description Re-surface and re-mark; maintenance scheme only.


ACCESSIBILITY Facts: Journey time saving over Section length = - seconds/vehicle


ENVIRONMENT Important sSAC watercourse, hedgerows and woodlands. Moderate positive to moderate negative environmental significance.

Moderate negative significance.

· Bat flyway · Important wet woodlands · Other woodland

Moderate positive decrease in noise levels for properties along the A40.

ECONOMY Facts: Cost. £0.3m

Maintenance scheme - no COBA analysis.



Appendix F – Options Matrices

H:\HHI\JOBS\43696 A40 St Clears to Fishguard\Reports\Options Report\ROR\ROR Vol1 Rev 10.doc December 2004 Page 317 A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Options Matrix - combination of observed & default accidents in COBA

SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY ECONOMICS SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL Accessibility Option Present % reduction in PIA's over 30 PROPOSED OVERTAKING VALUES Observed/Def Present NPV (PVB - Journey time EXISTING OVERTAKING VALUES Number of properties affected by:- Route Options Proposed for Consultation Length on Improved WORKS Value of yrs 100 kphFOSD=580m Brief description of road New Works ault Value of PVC) +/- saving Environmental Observations Existing road COST £M Benefits EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Noise reduction of Noise increase of 5dB(A) Section Option Accidents Costs (PVC) £M ** (secs/vehicle) ** Fa Se Sl EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Road (PVB) (30%) (30%) 5dB(A) or more or more Re-surface and re-mark. Maintenance 2.48 or £1.1 or St Clears to Whitland Bypass 5.08 0.00 ------48% 74% No significant environmental issues. 0 0 No change. Scheme 3.18 £1.4 Improved access. Provides better access to old Provide roundabout at Grovelands No significant environmental issues. Grovelands Improvement 1 0.59 0.20 0.39 Default £1.4 -£5.5 £1.2 -£6.7 -22 0.2 1.6 10.2 48% 74% road. Junction. PMA crosses Roman Rd. Provides access for agricultural vehicles. Change Grovelands Junction to single No significant environmental issues. Grovelands Improvement 2 0.59 0.45 0.14 Default £1.3 -£0.4 £1.1 -£1.5 0 0.2 0.9 4.0 48% 74% No delay to through traffic. lane dualling and provide new PMA's PMA crosses Roman Road. Increased traffic through St Clears. Increased journey time for trips to Close Pwll Trap Junction and provide Pwll Trap from west. Pwll-Trap Option 1 1.30 0.00 1.30 Observed £0.1 -£1.2 -£0.2 -£1.0 0 0.7 5.6 39.4 51% 78% No significant environmental issues. new PMA's Potential impact on emergency St Clears to Whitland Bypass services, and bus routes. 48% 74% 0 0 Retain proposed regional cycle route. Change Pwll Trap Junction to single lane All movements catered for by Pwll-Trap Option 2 1.30 0.30 1.00 Observed £1.7 £1.0 £1.5 -£0.5 0 0.5 4.2 34.5 48% 74% No significant environmental issues. dualling and provide new PMA's junction. No right turns at junction. Increased traffic through St Clears. Increased journey time for trips Change Pwll Trap Junction to left in left to/from Pwll Trap from east/ to Pwll-Trap Option 3 1.30 0.00 1.30 Observed £0.2 -£1.6 £0.0 -£1.6 0 0.5 3.7 26.7 48% 74% No significant environmental issues. out and provide new PMA's west. Potential impact on emergency services, and bus routes. Retain proposed regional cycle route. Re-surface and re-mark maintenance Whitland Bypass Whitland Bypass 3.47 0.00 3.47 - £0.9 ------50% 56% 50% 56% No significant environmental issues. 0 0 No Change. scheme Re-surface and re-mark to prevent Pengawse Hill (no o/t downhill) eastbound (down hill) overtaking. Safety 2.75 0.00 2.75 - £0.8 ------28% 94% No significant environmental issues. 0 0 No Change. Whitland West to Llandewi Velfrey / maintenance scheme. 80% 94% Re-surface and re-mark. Maintenance Pengawse Hill (o/t downhill) 2.75 0.00 2.75 - £0.8 ------80% 94% No significant environmental issues. 0 0 No Change. scheme. Small positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Loss of important hedgerows North of Bethel Chapel not mitigatable. Single carriageway alignment to the - Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen- north of the village complex with No significant change in terms of Troydin not mitigatable. Llanddewi Velfrey Option 1 substantial earthworks providing a 2.93 2.75 0.13 Observed £8.3 £8.9 £7.8 £1.0 35 -1.1 -0.9 41.7 30% 35% 48 0 accessibility to village. - Large volumes of surplus earthworks material to bypass. Single lane dualling junctions at Facilities for buses maintained. dispose of. eastern and western ends of scheme. Small positive significance - 48 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater No to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Bronze age round barrow possibly affected. Lowest journey-time savings for Single carriageway alignment to the Small positive significance trunk road traffic.Improves Llanddewi Velfrey Option 2 north of the village providing a partial 2.93 1.50 1.36 Observed £4.4 £8.2 £4.1 £4.1 28 -0.7 1.7 57.1 18% 18% - 22 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will 22 0 accessibility for eastern part of bypass experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or village.No improvement for greater western part of village.

Significant disruption to trunk road traffic during construction. Surplus earthworks material to be disposed of. No to small negative significance on most Do-Minimum single carriageway environmental topics. alignment improvement to eastern part Llanddewi Velfrey Option 3 2.93 0.65 2.29 Observed £2.2 £1.6 £1.9 -£0.3 0 0.7 7.4 74.0 18% 18% Bronze age round barrow possibly affected. 0 0 No Change. of the village. Improvements to the Significant disruption to trunk road traffic during junction with a ghost island construction.

Moderate positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance

85kph design speed single carriageway - Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen- No significant change in terms of Llanddewi Velfrey Option 4 alignment to the north of the village 2.93 1.63 1.21 Observed £4.9 £8.6 £4.7 £3.9 34 -1.4 -1.0 49.0 18% 18% Trodyn not mitigatable 43 0 accessibility to village. providing a bypass Facilities for buses maintained. Small positive significance - 43 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will 18% 18% experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewyn greater Relief Road Small positive to small (moderate) negative significance.

Small (moderate) negative significance - Two bronze age round barrows: east and west of village Single carriageway alignment to the - Landscape and visual impact south of Llanddewi No significant change in terms of north of eastern half of village and south Velfrey Llanddewi Velfrey Option 5 2.93 2.40 0.45 Observed £6.6 £10.5 £6.2 £4.3 37 -0.7 2.3 65.0 32% 18% 42 0 accessibility to village. of western half of village, passing under Facilities for buses maintained. existing road in village centre Small positive significance - 42 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

Significant disruption to trunk road traffic and disturbance to community during construction. No significant environmental issues. Single carriageway alignment to the No significant change in terms of north of the village. 85kph design Small positive significance Llanddewi Velfrey Option 6 2.93 2.28 0.65 Observed £6.0 £8.2 £5.6 £2.5 32 -1.1 -0.9 40.1 0% 26% 40 0 accessibility to village. standard to avoid major environmental - 40 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will Facilities for buses maintained. constraints. experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

43696/Reports/Options report 09/11/2015 1 of 6 SINGLE COMBINED MATRIX REV 26.11.03.xls A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Options Matrix - combination of observed & default accidents in COBA

SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY ECONOMICS SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL Accessibility Option Present % reduction in PIA's over 30 PROPOSED OVERTAKING VALUES Observed/Def Present NPV (PVB - Journey time EXISTING OVERTAKING VALUES Number of properties affected by:- Route Options Proposed for Consultation Length on Improved WORKS Value of yrs 100 kphFOSD=580m Brief description of road New Works ault Value of PVC) +/- saving Environmental Observations Existing road COST £M Benefits EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Noise reduction of Noise increase of 5dB(A) Section Option Accidents Costs (PVC) £M ** (secs/vehicle) ** Fa Se Sl EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Road (PVB) (30%) (30%) 5dB(A) or more or more Small to moderate negative significance.

Single carriageway alignment to the Moderate negative significance north of the village complex with - Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen- significant earthworks providing a full Troydin not mitigatable No significant change in terms of Llanddewi Velfrey Option 7 bypass. Single lane dualling junctions at 2.93 2.22 0.65 Observed £6.6 £9.4 £6.3 £3.1 35 -1.0 -0.3 44.8 15% 18% - Surplus earthworks material to be disposed of. 42 0 accessibility to village. eastern and western ends of scheme. Facilities for buses maintained. 85kph design speed single carriageway Small positive significance alignment to the eastern en - 42 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater Subject to environmental assessment taking place:- Single carriageway alignment to the Small positive significance. north of the village complex with substantial earthworks providing a Small positive significance Llanddewi Velfrey Option 8 2.93 2.74 0.31 Observed £7.8 £6.3 £7.1 -£0.8 28 -1.2 -1.5 38.5 20% 20% Data not yet availableData not yet available bypass. Single lane dualling junctions at - x properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will eastern and western ends of scheme. experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or Scheme avoids Wet Woodland. greater Surplus earthworks material to be disposed of. Resurface, kerb and markings, minor Llanddewi Velfrey to Penblewin realignment of kerbs.Maintenance 1.60 0.00 1.60 £0.4 - - - 0 - - - 0% 0% 0% 0% No significant environmental issues. 0 0 No Change. scheme. Small positive to small negative significance

Route passes close enough to the bronze age Offline single carriageway scheme south round barrows and the former site of Redstone of houses and then on-line to the west of Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on Reduced access to five properties Improvement at Redstone Cross Redstone Cross. Single lane dualling at 2.62 1.37 1.25 Default £4.2 £3.4 £4.2 -£0.8 8 1.2 5.6 24.9 64% 71% any surviving archaeological remains. 4 0 to the northeast of Redstone Option 1 Redstone Cross, including demolition of Significance unknown. Cross. (Blackmoor Hill) two properties. Small positive significance - 4 properties at Redstone Cross will experience reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater No to moderate negative significance

Moderate negative significance

- Redstone Farm rendered non-viable. Other Online single carriageway improvement Improvement at Redstone Cross holdings affected. Indirect access to Sodstone past Blackmoor Hill going offline to the 2.62 2.30 0.30 Default £4.4 £1.1 £4.0 -£2.9 5 1.0 5.0 22.9 32% 38% 30% 37% 1 0 Option 2 House from the trunk road. northwest of Redstone Cross. Route passes closest to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on any surviving archaeological remains. Significance unknown. No to small (moderate) negative significance.

Small (moderate) negative significance - Option crosses site of post-mediaeval farmstead, requiring demolition of the present On-line single carriageway scheme with Improvement at Redstone Cross buildings, which may retain some original fabric. single lane dualling at Redstone Cross, 2.62 2.32 0.30 Default £2.3 £1.0 £2.0 -£1.0 0 0.1 1.0 7.5 30% 37% 1 0 No Change Option 3 including demolition of two properties. Route passes close enough to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on any surviving archaeological remains. Significance unknown. Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers.) Removes trunk road traffic from - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to Robeston Wathen. access issues. Increased journey time for trips Single carriageway scheme with single to/from Narberth B4314 and roundabout at mid point of Small (moderate) significance. Robeston Wathen Option 1 3.38 3.25 0.16 Observed £9.7 -£16.5 £7.3 -£23.9 -1 0.6 9.9 84.6 55% 63% 20 0 Oakwood A4075. scheme.Canaston Bridge not affected. - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, Bus routes have to loop into No changes at Llawhaden junction. possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston village, increasing journey time. Bridge. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. Moderate positive significance - 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

43696/Reports/Options report 09/11/2015 2 of 6 SINGLE COMBINED MATRIX REV 26.11.03.xls A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Options Matrix - combination of observed & default accidents in COBA

SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY ECONOMICS SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL Accessibility Option Present % reduction in PIA's over 30 PROPOSED OVERTAKING VALUES Observed/Def Present NPV (PVB - Journey time EXISTING OVERTAKING VALUES Number of properties affected by:- Route Options Proposed for Consultation Length on Improved WORKS Value of yrs 100 kphFOSD=580m Brief description of road New Works ault Value of PVC) +/- saving Environmental Observations Existing road COST £M Benefits EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Noise reduction of Noise increase of 5dB(A) Section Option Accidents Costs (PVC) £M ** (secs/vehicle) ** Fa Se Sl EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Road (PVB) (30%) (30%) 5dB(A) or more or more Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues Removes through traffic from Single carriageway scheme with single Robeston Wathen. roundabout at each end of Small (moderate) significance Robeston Wathen Option 2 3.38 3.25 0.16 Observed £8.5 -£0.8 £8.2 -£9.0 -24 1.2 16.8 129.1 43% 43% 20 0 No significant change in terms of scheme.Canaston Bridge not affected. - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, accessibility to the village. No changes at Llawhaden junction possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Facilities for buses maintained. Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Moderate positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance - Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. Removes trunk road traffic from - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. Robeston Wathen. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and Increased journey time for trips badgers). Single carriageway scheme with to/from Narberth B4314. - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to compact grade separated junction at Bus routes have to loop into access issues. western end of scheme with bridge over village, significantly increasing Robeston Wathen Option 3 3.38 3.41 0.00 Observed £12.3 £5.6 £11.0 -£5.4 22 1.2 9.1 93.7 58% 59% 20 0 B4314. Replaces Canaston Bridge with journey time. Small (moderate) significance. new high level structure, incorporating Reduced accessibility to village - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, diversion of Llawhaden side road. from trunk road.Improved possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston accessibility for walkers, cyclists Bridge. and equestrians at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance - 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to Removes trunk road traffic from access issues. Robeston Wathen. Single carrigeway scheme with single Increased journey time for trips roundabout at west end of scheme with Small (moderate) significance. to/from Narberth B4314 from/to Robeston Wathen Option 4 3.38 3.25 0.16 Observed £9.1 £1.3 £8.2 -£6.9 -2 1.1 15.0 122.4 44% 50% 20 0 Penblewyn to Canaston Bridge W/B on and E/B off slip road - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, East. Improvement. connections to B4314 possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bus routes have to loop into Bridge. village, significantly increasing journey time. Moderate positive significance - 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

43696/Reports/Options report 09/11/2015 3 of 6 SINGLE COMBINED MATRIX REV 26.11.03.xls A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Options Matrix - combination of observed & default accidents in COBA

SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY ECONOMICS SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL Accessibility Option Present % reduction in PIA's over 30 PROPOSED OVERTAKING VALUES Observed/Def Present NPV (PVB - Journey time EXISTING OVERTAKING VALUES Number of properties affected by:- Route Options Proposed for Consultation Length on Improved WORKS Value of yrs 100 kphFOSD=580m Brief description of road New Works ault Value of PVC) +/- saving Environmental Observations Existing road COST £M Benefits EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Noise reduction of Noise increase of 5dB(A) Section Option Accidents Costs (PVC) £M ** (secs/vehicle) ** Fa Se Sl EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Road (PVB) (30%) (30%) 5dB(A) or more or more Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Single carriageway scheme with single Removes trunk road traffic from roundabout at west end of scheme with Small (moderate) significance. Robeston Wathen Option 5 3.38 3.25 0.16 Observed £9.1 £3.0 £8.5 -£5.5 -1 1.6 14.0 106.6 58% 59% 20 0 Robeston Wathen. E/B on and W/B off slip road - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, Facilities for buses maintained. connections to B4314. possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance 0% 0% - 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Single carrigeway scheme with single Removes trunk road traffic from Small (moderate) significance. Robeston Wathen Option 6 roundabout at west end of scheme and 3.38 3.25 0.16 Observed £9.3 £4.7 £8.9 -£4.2 -1 1.5 14.0 113.1 58% 59% 20 0 Robeston Wathen. - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, 4 slip road connections to B4314 Facilities for buses maintained. possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Moderate positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance - Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers). - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to Single carrigeway scheme with compact access issues Removes trunk road traffic from grade separated junction at western end Robeston Wathen Option 7 3.38 3.41 0.00 Observed £12.6 £8.2 £11.4 -£3.2 21 1.1 10.7 106.5 58% 59% 20 0 Robeston Wathen. of scheme with bridge over B4314 and 4 Small (moderate) significance Facilities for buses maintained. slip roads. - Major archaeological impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

43696/Reports/Options report 09/11/2015 4 of 6 SINGLE COMBINED MATRIX REV 26.11.03.xls A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Options Matrix - combination of observed & default accidents in COBA

SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY ECONOMICS SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL Accessibility Option Present % reduction in PIA's over 30 PROPOSED OVERTAKING VALUES Observed/Def Present NPV (PVB - Journey time EXISTING OVERTAKING VALUES Number of properties affected by:- Route Options Proposed for Consultation Length on Improved WORKS Value of yrs 100 kphFOSD=580m Brief description of road New Works ault Value of PVC) +/- saving Environmental Observations Existing road COST £M Benefits EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Noise reduction of Noise increase of 5dB(A) Section Option Accidents Costs (PVC) £M ** (secs/vehicle) ** Fa Se Sl EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Road (PVB) (30%) (30%) 5dB(A) or more or more Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and Removes trunk road traffic from badgers) Robeston Wathen. - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to Increased journey time for trips access issues. to/from Narberth B4314. Bus routes have to loop into Single carrigeway scheme with Small (moderate) significance. village, significantly increasing Robeston Wathen Option 8 roundabout at western end of scheme 3.38 3.25 0.16 Observed £8.8 £1.2 £7.8 -£6.6 0 1.3 16.0 122.0 58% 59% 20 0 - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, journey time. with bridge over B4314 possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Reduced accessibility to village Bridge. from trunk road. Improved accessibility for walkers, Moderate positive significance· cyclists and equestrians at - 20 properties within Robeston Wathen will Canaston Bridge. experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Removes trunk road traffic from Landscape impacts as it passes to south of village Robeston Wathen.Increased and west end. Ecologically valuable hedgebanks journey time for trips to/from and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. River Narberth B4314.Bus routes have Eastbound Climbing lane included with Cleddau cSAC and environs important. Careful to loop into village, significantly Robeston Wathen Option 9 3.38 3.41 0.00 Observed £12.8 £8.7 £11.5 -£2.8 25 1.3 10.5 100.8 59% 10% 20 0 Option 3 ecological mitigation is possible. Major increasing journey time.Reduced archaeological impact on medieval settlement and accessibility to village from trunk field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) road.Improved accessibility for at Canaston Bridge. walkers, cyclists and equestrians at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues.

Small (moderate) significance. Robeston Wathen Option 10 Option 6 plus climbing lane 3.38 3.25 0.16 Observed £9.8 £6.0 £9.2 -£3.1 25 1.4 15.4 119.9 51% 10% Data not yet available - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. Resurface, kerb and markings, minor Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park Meadow View realignment of kerbs. Maintenance 0.70 0.00 0.70 £0.2 - - - 0 - - - 0% 0% No significant environmental issues. 0 0 No Change. Improvement scheme Resurface, kerb and markings, minor 0% 0% realignment of kerbs and provide National Park constraints. Meadow View to Canaston Bridge westbound climbing lane. Widening on 2.48 1.79 0.69 Default £2.3 £3.9 £1.9 £2.0 6 1.6 7.7 36.9 0% 59% Very valuable hedgerow on south, bordering 0 0 No Change. Climbing Lane north side to avoid encroaching into valuable woodland. National Park. No to moderate negative significance. Single carrigeway scheme south of No significant change to access to Slebech Church, utilising existing road Moderate negative significance Improvement at Slebech Option 1 4.12 2.02 2.04 Observed £4.1 £4.0 £3.9 £0.1 9 1.7 6.5 22.8 60% 25% 0 0 Slebech. down Arnolds Hill. Should be considered - Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) Bus facilities maintained. with Deep Lake improvement. - Incursion into National Park - Minor land loss and severance issues

Single lane dualling Do-Minimum scheme at Slebech, including No significant environmental issues. Improvement at Slebech Option 2 resurfacing on Arnolds Hill.Maintenance 4.12 0.33 3.80 Observed £1.6 £2.9 £1.4 £1.5 0 1.2 10.1 82.7 35% 0% 0 0 No Change. Adjacent to National Park. / safety scheme.Should be considered in conjunction with Deep Lake scheme. Small positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance Single carriageway scheme North of - Important feeding area for bats and barn owls No significant change to access to Slebech, including resurfacing of north of Slebech. Improvement at Slebech Option 3 4.12 2.62 1.56 Observed £4.3 £0.8 £3.9 -£3.1 0 1.5 5.8 23.0 32% 0% 0 0 Slebech. Arnolds Hill. Should be considered with - Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) Bus facilities maintained. Deep Lake improvement. - Unimproved species-rich habitat

Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown.

43696/Reports/Options report 09/11/2015 5 of 6 SINGLE COMBINED MATRIX REV 26.11.03.xls A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Options Matrix - combination of observed & default accidents in COBA

SINGLE CARRIAGEWAY ECONOMICS SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL Accessibility Option Present % reduction in PIA's over 30 PROPOSED OVERTAKING VALUES Observed/Def Present NPV (PVB - Journey time EXISTING OVERTAKING VALUES Number of properties affected by:- Route Options Proposed for Consultation Length on Improved WORKS Value of yrs 100 kphFOSD=580m Brief description of road New Works ault Value of PVC) +/- saving Environmental Observations Existing road COST £M Benefits EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Noise reduction of Noise increase of 5dB(A) Section Option Accidents Costs (PVC) £M ** (secs/vehicle) ** Fa Se Sl EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Road (PVB) (30%) (30%) 5dB(A) or more or more No to major negative significance.

35% 0% Major negative significance - Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech and Millin Brook - Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) Offline single carriageway scheme north - Unimproved species-rich habitat No significant change to access to of Slebech and Arnolds Hill.Should be Improvement at Slebech Option 4 4.12 4.06 0.00 Observed £6.6 £3.2 £6.5 -£3.3 3 1.8 7.5 31.6 30% 30% 0 0 Slebech. considered with Deep Lake Moderate negative significance Bus facilities maintained. improvement. - Workability issues and viability of the holding for farms Slebech Park to Deeplake - Potential effect on Millin Brook Improvement Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown. No to major negative significance.

Major negative significance - Effect on grade 3A agricultural land Offline single carriageway scheme south No significant change to access to of Slebech and Arnolds Hill.Should be Moderate negative significance Improvement at Slebech Option 5 4.12 4.24 0.00 Observed £8.7 -£2.4 £8.1 -£10.5 -11 2.0 10.2 54.5 21% 18% 0 0 Slebech. considered with Deep Lake - Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) Bus facilities maintained. improvement. - Incursion into National Park - Minor land loss and severance issues - Major cuttings and embankments - Potential effect on unnamed brook to the south of Arnolds Hill Small (moderate) significance - Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of Single lane dualling to provide protected A40 affected Deeplake Improvement Option 1 0.46 0.42 0.00 Default £1.5 -£0.2 £1.3 -£1.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0% 0% 1 0 No delay to trunk road traffic. right turn facilities - Watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake bridge. - Bat flyway along watercourse Small (moderate) significance - Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected Deeplake Improvement Option 2 Roundabout to improve junction safety 0.46 0.42 0.00 Default £1.3 -£6.9 £1.2 -£8.1 -23 0.8 7.3 51.8 0% 0% 0 0 Delay to trunk road traffic. - Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake bridge. - Bat flyway along watercourse

Small (moderate) significance - Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of Grade separation to improve junction A40 affected Deeplake Improvement Option 3 safety and maintain flow of trunk road 0.46 0.60 0.00 Default £2.4 £5.1 £2.4 £2.7 6 1.0 6.2 40.1 0% 0% 2 2 No delay to trunk road traffic. - Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and traffic hedgerows at Deep Lake bridge. - Bat flyway along watercourseLandscape effect. Online section of Dual carriageway down Arnolds Hill and including Deeplake Impact on group tree preservation order at Arnolds Hill Option 6 2.92 2.85 0.00 Default £10.5 £0.0 £0.0 £0.0 - - - - 41% 41% 0 0 No Change. Improvement and a 300m length of Deeplake. Deeplake to H'west Golf Club Arnolds Hill Improvement 35% 0% Impact on group tree preservation order at Offline section of Dual carriageway Deeplake. down Arnolds Hill and including Arnolds Hill Option 7 2.92 2.85 0.00 Default £13.1 £0.0 £0.0 £0.0 - - - - 41% 41% 0 0 No Change. Deeplake Improvement and a 300m Small positive significance length of Deeplake to H'west Golf Club - Proposed farm underpass Resurface, kerb and markings, minor Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club realignment of kerbs. Maintenance 2.51 0.00 2.50 £0.7 - - - 0 - - - 57% 69% No significant environmental issues. 0 0 No Change. Club scheme Single lane dualling to provide protected No to small significance Narberth Road Narberth RoadOption 1(online) 0.81 0.00 0.81 Default £2.2 £1.0 £1.3 -£0.2 2 0.5 2.5 11.8 0% 0% 0 0 No Change. right turn facilities - Bat flyways across the road

Existing A40(100kph FOSD=580m) 23% 26% Existing A40 Existing A40(85kph FOSD=490m) 52% 56% Maintenance schemes **NOTES: Journey time savings are compared do something against do nothing for the best options and at HG only. NPV values are given as do something versus do nothing. Do Min. Schemes

43696/Reports/Options report 09/11/2015 6 of 6 SINGLE COMBINED MATRIX REV 26.11.03.xls A40 WEST OF ST CLEARS Options Matrix - combined observed & default accident data in COBA


ROUTE OPTIONS PROPOSED FOR Option Accidents saved over Present value Present value NPV = (PVB - Journey time Number of properties affected by:- Length on New Improved Observed/Default WORKS 30 yrs CONSULTATION Brief description of road benefit (PVB) costs (PVC) PVC) +/- £M saving (secs) Environmental Observations Existing Works road Accidents COST £M £000s £000s ** ** Road Noise reduction of Noise increase of Section Option Fa Se Sl 5dB(A) or more 5dB(A) or more Closure of Pwll Trap; - Increased traffic through St Clears. - Increased journey time for trips to Pwll Trap from west. - Significant impact on emergency services, and bus routes. No significant environmental issues. - Retain proposed regional cycle route. Widen to dual carriageway predominantly on the south St Clears to Whitland Bypass 5.10 0.00 5.10 St Clears to Whitland Bypass side Default £13.3 £9.4 £10.4 -£1.0 13 6.1 27.8 82.2 Widening and private means of access at Grovelands 0 40 Junction crosses Roman Road. Grovelands roundabout; - Improved access. - Provides better access to old road. - Provides access for agricultural vehicles.

Closure at Haulfan, access via local road network. Closure of existing field and farm accesses.

Widen to dual carriageway predominantly on the north No significant environmental issues. Whitland Bypass Whitland Bypass 3.69 0.00 3.69 Default £8.4 £9.1 £6.7 £2.4 19 3.5 15.6 53.6 0 10 No change. side Extensive important grassland marginally affected.

No to moderate negative significant environmental issues. Potential impact on Banc Season Woodland. Closure of direct accesses and providing links to Whitland West to Llanddewi Widen to dual carriageway predominantly on the south Pengawse Hill 3.60 0.00 3.60 Default £16.2 £13.9 £13.6 £0.3 31 3.5 18.1 89.3 Significant floodplain area. 0 0 the secondary road network via new private Velfrey side Bat flyways Afon Taff & Afon Marlais valleys. means of access. Potential environmental impact of Afon Marlais diversion.

Neutral to moderate negative environmental significance.

Moderate negative significance - Bronze age round barrow possible affected No significant change in terms of accessibility to - Landscape and visual impact south of Llanddewi Velfrey Dual carriageway alignment to the north of eastern half of village. Llanddewi Velfrey Option 1 3.72 3.71 0.00 Observed £18.7 £13.5 £16.2 -£2.7 35 3.0 19.9 135.4 40 0 village and south of western half of village. Facilities for buses maintained. Significant disruption to trunk road traffic during Accessibility to weighbridge reduced. construction. Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent. Potential impact on bat flyways Moderate positive to major negative environmental significance.

Major negative significance - Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen-Pen-Troydin - Broadleaved woodland, rush pasture, and species rich grassland north of Ffynnon Wood No significant change in terms of accessibility to Dual carriageway alignment to the north of the village village. Llanddewi Velfrey Option 2 3.72 3.75 0.00 Observed £20.5 £13.1 £17.6 -£4.4 35 3.0 19.8 135.0 48 10 complex with substantial earthworks providing a bypass Moderate positive significance Facilities for buses maintained. - 35 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience Accessibility to weighbridge reduced. reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

Moderate negative significance - Impact on landscape - Impact on farms and holdings - Impact on private property Moderate positive to major negative environmental significance. Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road Major negative significance - Loss of important wet woodland at Blaen Penttroydin No significant change in terms of accessibility to Dual carriageway alignment to the north of the village village. Llanddewi Velfrey Option 3 3.72 3.74 0.00 Observed £18.1 £13.1 £15.5 -£2.4 34 3.0 19.8 135.0 Moderate positive significance 40 14 complex with substantial earthworks joining Option 1 Facilities for buses maintained. - 35 properties within Llanddewi Velfrey will experience Accessibility to weighbridge reduced. reduced noise levels of 5 dBA or greater

Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush pasture adjacent. Potential impact on bat flyways. No to moderate negative significant environmental issues.

Moderate negative significance. No significant change in terms of accessibility to - landscape impact Dual carriageway alignment to the north of the village village. Llanddewi Velfrey Option 4 3.72 3.82 0.00 Observed £17.1 £11.4 £14.7 -£3.3 29 3.0 19.7 134.2 30 10 complex joining Option1. Facilities for buses maintained. Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush Accessibility to weighbridge reduced. pasture adjacent. Potential impact on bat flyways. Bronze age round barrow possibly affected.

No to moderate negative significant environmental issues.

Moderate negative significance - landscape impact Dual carriageway alignment to the north of eastern half of Data not yet Data not yet Llanddewi Velfrey Option 5 village and south of western half of village. Scheme avoids 3.72 3.71 0.00 Observed £19.1 £13.7 £16.5 -£2.8 36 3.0 19.9 135.3 wet woodland. Potential negative impact on Ffynnon Wood and rush available available pasture adjacent.

Potential impact on bat flyways. Bronze age round barrow possibly affected.

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ROUTE OPTIONS PROPOSED FOR Option Accidents saved over Present value Present value NPV = (PVB - Journey time Number of properties affected by:- Length on New Improved Observed/Default WORKS 30 yrs CONSULTATION Brief description of road benefit (PVB) costs (PVC) PVC) +/- £M saving (secs) Environmental Observations Existing Works road Accidents COST £M £000s £000s ** ** Road Noise reduction of Noise increase of Section Option Fa Se Sl 5dB(A) or more 5dB(A) or more Small positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance. - demolition of private dwellings - adjoining garage business

Penblewyn to Redstone Cross Option 1 Offline dual carriageway improvement 1.35 1.48 0.00 Default £6.3 £7.2 £5.4 £1.9 17 1.9 10.6 55.9 Small (moderate) negative significance 8 0 No change. - severance of farms

Route passes close enough to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone to have a potential impact on any surviving archaeological remains. Significance unknown. No to moderate negative significance. Penblewyn to Redstone Cross Improvement Moderate negative significance - demolition of private dwellings - adjoining garage business

Small (moderate) negative significance - severance of farms Need to build new highway to maintain Penblewyn to Redstone Cross Option 2 Part online and offline dual carriageway improvement 1.35 1.55 0.00 Default £7.3 £6.2 £6.1 £0.1 14 1.8 10.5 55.2 4 0 accessibility. Route passes closest to the bronze age round barrows and the former site of Redstone Cross standing stone. Potential impact, especially of new secondary road link, on any surviving archeological remains – significance unknown. Potential disruption to trunk road traffic during construction. Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth Dual carrigeway scheme with roundabout at mid point of Small (moderate) significance. B4314 and Oakwood A4075. Robeston Wathen Option 1 4.49 4.57 0.00 Observed £22.7 -£7.0 £17.7 -£24.8 38 2.3 15.8 84.5 scheme and bridges over A4076 and B4314 - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly Bus routes have to loop into village, increasing also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. journey time. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badger). - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues No significant change in terms of accessibility to Dual carrigeway scheme with roundabout each end of Small (moderate) significance Robeston Wathen Option 2 4.49 4.57 0.00 Observed £20.9 £8.3 £17.7 -£9.3 13 3.2 22.1 126.7 the village. scheme - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly Facilities for buses maintained. also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

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ROUTE OPTIONS PROPOSED FOR Option Accidents saved over Present value Present value NPV = (PVB - Journey time Number of properties affected by:- Length on New Improved Observed/Default WORKS 30 yrs CONSULTATION Brief description of road benefit (PVB) costs (PVC) PVC) +/- £M saving (secs) Environmental Observations Existing Works road Accidents COST £M £000s £000s ** ** Road Noise reduction of Noise increase of Section Option Fa Se Sl 5dB(A) or more 5dB(A) or more

Moderate positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance - Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access B4314. issues. Dual carrigeway scheme with compact grade separated Bus routes have to loop into village, significantly Robeston Wathen Option 3 4.49 4.81 0.00 Observed £20.7 £14.6 £17.1 -£2.5 59 2.3 16.4 111.3 junction at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314 increasing journey time. Small (moderate) significance. Reduced accessibility to village from trunk road. - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly Improved accessibility for walkers, cyclists and also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge. equestrians at Canaston Bridge. Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. No significant change in terms of accessibility to Dual carrigeway scheme with roundabout at west end of Small (moderate) significance. Robeston Wathen Option 4 scheme with W/B on and E/B off slip road connections to 4.49 4.57 0.00 Observed £20.8 £10.3 £17.1 -£6.8 37 2.9 19.7 118.1 the village. - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly B4314 Facilities for buses maintained. also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Moderate positive to moderate negative significance. Robeston Wathen Relief Road 30 0 Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues. Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. Dual carrigeway scheme with roundabout at west end of Small (moderate) significance. Robeston Wathen Option 5 scheme with E/B on and W/B off slip road connections to 4.49 4.57 0.00 Observed £20.6 £10.5 £17.6 -£7.1 37 2.3 15.5 85.0 Increased journey time for trips to/from Narberth - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly B4314 B4314. also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

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ROUTE OPTIONS PROPOSED FOR Option Accidents saved over Present value Present value NPV = (PVB - Journey time Number of properties affected by:- Length on New Improved Observed/Default WORKS 30 yrs CONSULTATION Brief description of road benefit (PVB) costs (PVC) PVC) +/- £M saving (secs) Environmental Observations Existing Works road Accidents COST £M £000s £000s ** ** Road Noise reduction of Noise increase of Section Option Fa Se Sl 5dB(A) or more 5dB(A) or more

Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues.

Dual carrigeway scheme with roundabout at west end of Small (moderate) significance. Robeston Wathen Option 6 4.49 4.57 0.00 Observed £20.9 £12.4 £17.7 -£5.4 36 2.5 15.8 90.2 Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. scheme and 4 slip road connections to B4314 - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Dual carrigeway scheme with roundabout at west end of Robeston Wathen 6A scheme and 4 slip road connections to B4314, with single 4.49 4.07 0.50 Observed £17.2 £10.7 £14.6 -£3.9 1.8 12.2 72.8 carriageway west of Canaston Bridge Dual carrigeway scheme with staggered crossroads at Robeston Wathen 6B western end of scheme, with single carriageway west of 4.49 4.07 0.50 Observed £15.2 £9.7 £12.8 -£3.0 1.3 8.8 38.3 Canaston Bridge

Moderate positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance - Landscape and visual impact of grade separated junction

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access Dual carrigeway scheme with compact grade separated issues. Robeston Wathen Option 7 junction at western end of scheme with bridge over B4314 4.49 4.59 0.00 Observed £22.7 £18.1 £19.2 -£1.1 59 2.0 12.6 81.0 Removes through traffic from Robeston Wathen. and 4 slip roads. Small (moderate) significance. - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation.

Moderate positive to moderate negative significance.

Moderate negative significance - Ecologically valuable hedgebanks and hedgerows at Woodford Lane. - River Cleddau cSAC and environs important. - Protected species issues (Otters, bats and badgers) - Farms rendered less effective, mainly due to access issues.

Dual carrigeway scheme with roundabout at western end Small (moderate) significance. Robeston Wathen Option 8 4.49 4.57 0.00 Observed £20.9 £8.2 £17.4 -£9.2 37 2.6 18.2 106.3 of scheme with bridge over B4314 - Impact on medieval settlement and field system, possibly also (of lesser significance) at Canaston Bridge.

Moderate positive significance - 26 properties within Robeston Wathen will experience reduced noise levels of 5dBA or greater

Adjoins and does not physically impinge on the National Park. Impinges on floodplain; highly significant potable water intake dependent upon complete mitigation. No to major negative environmental significance.

Major negative significance Canaston Bridge to Slebech - Impact on important hedgerows Canaston Bridge to Slebech Park Dual carrigeway scheme that follows the existing road. 2.48 2.48 0.00 Default £9.7 £12.6 £7.9 £4.7 23 3.3 14.5 50.7 0 0 Maintaining local road network. Park Improvement Moderate negative significance - National Park constraints - One property to be demolished

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ROUTE OPTIONS PROPOSED FOR Option Accidents saved over Present value Present value NPV = (PVB - Journey time Number of properties affected by:- Length on New Improved Observed/Default WORKS 30 yrs CONSULTATION Brief description of road benefit (PVB) costs (PVC) PVC) +/- £M saving (secs) Environmental Observations Existing Works road Accidents COST £M £000s £000s ** ** Road Noise reduction of Noise increase of Section Option Fa Se Sl 5dB(A) or more 5dB(A) or more

Positive to moderate major negative significance.

Major negative significance - Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech and Millin Brook - Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable) - Unimproved species-rich habitat Dual Carriageway improvement to the north of Arnolds Hill No significant change to access to Slebech. Improvement at Slebech Option 1 with existing trunk road forming the main part of the local 4.12 4.20 0.00 Observed £15.1 £12.6 £11.8 £0.9 15 5.9 29.1 126.8 Moderate negative significance 1 2 Bus facilities maintained. road network - Workability issues and viability of the holding for farms· - Potential effect on Millin Brook

Positive moderate significance - General decrease in noise levels Arnolds Hill and Slebech. - Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown. Small positive to major negative significance.

Major negative significance - Important feeding area for bats and barn owls north of Slebech. - Important hedgerows affected (mitigatable)· Unimproved species-rich habitat Dual Carriageway improvement to the north of Slebech No significant change to access to Slebech. Slebech Park to Deeplake Improvement at Slebech Option 2 and then parallel to Arnolds hill with existing trunk road 4.12 4.17 0.00 Observed £16.4 £13.2 £13.1 £0.2 16 5.9 29.1 127.3 6 2 Major (moderate) significance Bus facilities maintained. Improvement forming the main part of the local road network - Affect on grade 3A agricultural land

Possible impacts on prehistoric enclosure, archaeological significance unknown.

Small positive significance - Slight decrease in noise levels No to moderate negative significance.

Dual Carriageway improvement to the south of Slebech Moderate negative significance No significant change to access to Slebech. Improvement at Slebech Option 3 and then parallel to Arnolds hill with existing trunk road 4.12 4.05 0.00 Observed £15.9 £14.6 £12.6 £1.6 20 5.7 27.6 105.0 0 0 forming the main part of the local road network - Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) Bus facilities maintained. - Incursion into National Park - Minor land loss and severance issues No to major negative significance.

Major negative significance - Effect on grade 3A agricultural land

Moderate negative significance Dual Carriageway improvement to the south of Arnolds hill No significant change to access to Slebech. Improvement at Slebech Option 4 and Slebech joining Option 3 with existing trunk road 4.12 4.21 0.00 Observed £16.5 £10.6 £13.3 -£2.7 12 5.7 27.4 103.0 - Effect on hedgerows / bat flyways (mitigatable) 3 0 Bus facilities maintained. forming the main part of the local road network - Incursion into National Park - Minor land loss and severance issues - Major cuttings and embankments - Potential effect on unnamed brook to the south of Arnolds Hill - Potential effect of farm business Small (moderate) significance - Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected Deeplake Improvement Option 1 Roundabout Junction 0.61 0.61 0.00 Default £1.0 -£3.6 £0.8 -£4.3 -18 1.5 9.5 54.2 0 0 Delay to trunk road traffic. - Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows at Deep Lake bridge. - Bat flyway along watercourse

Deeplake Improvement Small (moderate) significance - Group Tree Preservation Order on north side of A40 affected - Valuable small woodlands, watercourse and hedgerows Deeplake Improvement Option 2 Grade separated Junction 0.61 0.61 0.00 Default £2.6 £4.7 £2.3 £2.4 5 1.3 8.5 51.6 0 0 at Deep Lake bridge. - Bat flyway along watercourse - Potential landscape effect - Potential impact on Millin Brook

Dual Carriageway improvement with four arm roundabout Maintains local road network. Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 1 at western end. Existing trunk road forms the main part of 2.36 2.36 0.00 Default £10.5 £3.3 £8.6 -£5.3 2 3.1 12.8 21.9 No significant environmental issues 4 0 the local road network Closure of junction to Cotts Park.

Deeplake to Haverfordwest Dual Carriageway improvement. Existing trunk road forms Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 2 the main part of the local road network. Needs to be 2.36 2.34 0.00 Default £10.2 £13.1 £8.3 £4.7 25 3.2 14.4 50.4 4 0 Golf Club constructed with Narberth Road Option 2 Dual Carriageway improvement with four arm roundabout at western end to tie into Narberth Road Option 3. Deeplake to Haverfordwest Golf Club 3 2.36 2.35 0.00 Existing trunk road forms the main part of the local road Default £10.5 £3.0 £8.7 -£5.6 1 3.1 12.3 12.0 4 0 network Flightpath for bats across the road. Narberth Road Option 1(online) Single lane dualling to provide protected right turn facilities 0.81 0.00 0.80 Default £1.7 £1.3 £1.6 -£0.3 1 0.5 2.6 13.1 0 0 No change. No significant environmental issues.

Flightpath for bats across the road. Narberth Road Option 2 Off-line dual carriageway improvement 0.81 0.85 0.00 Default £12.4 £2.9 £10.8 -£7.8 7 1.1 4.8 12.5 No significant environmental issues. 10 0 Demolition of one property.

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ROUTE OPTIONS PROPOSED FOR Option Accidents saved over Present value Present value NPV = (PVB - Journey time Number of properties affected by:- Length on New Improved Observed/Default WORKS 30 yrs CONSULTATION Brief description of road benefit (PVB) costs (PVC) PVC) +/- £M saving (secs) Environmental Observations Existing Works road Accidents COST £M £000s £000s ** ** Road Noise reduction of Noise increase of Section Option Fa Se Sl 5dB(A) or more 5dB(A) or more Moderate positive to moderate negative environmental significance.

Moderate negative significance Single carriageway link to Haverfordswest BP to be built - Bat flyway Narberth Road Option 3 when Option 1 reaches capacity. (Assumes Option1 0.81 0.80 0.00 Default £6.0 £8.7 £4.2 £4.5 0.4 4.0 63.1 0 0 already opened in 2009. Opening Year for Option 3 2019) - Important wet woodlands - Other woodland Haverfordwest Golf Club to Moderate positive decrease in noise levels for properties Haverfordwest along the A40. Important sSAC watercourse, hedgerows and woodlands.

Moderate positive to moderate negative environmental significance.

Moderate negative significance Narberth Road Option 4 Re surface and re mark (Maintenance scheme) 0.81 0.00 0.80 Default £0.3 ------0 0 - Bat flyway - Important wet woodlands - Other woodland

Moderate positive decrease in noise levels for properties along the A40.



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Appendix G – Figures and Traffic Diagrams to be found in Volume 2

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Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road Option 6 FIG ROR 034 LLANDDEWI VELFREY TO PENBLEWIN Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road Option 7 FIG ROR 035 LLANDDEWI VELFREY TO PENBLEWIN Llanddewi Velfrey Relief Road Option 8 FIG ROR 036 LLANDDEWI VELFREY TO PENBLEWIN Ffynonn Wood to Penblewin FIG ROR 037 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Redstone Cross Options FIG ROR 038 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Redstone Cross Option 1 FIG ROR 039 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Redstone Cross Option 2 FIG ROR 040 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Redstone Cross Option 3 FIG ROR 041 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 1 FIG ROR 042 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 2 FIG ROR 043 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 3 FIG ROR 044 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 4 FIG ROR 045 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 5 FIG ROR 046 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 6 FIG ROR 047 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 7 FIG ROR 048 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 8 FIG ROR 049 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 9 FIG ROR 050 PENBLEWIN TO CANASTON BRIDGE Robeston Wathen Relief Road Option 10 FIG ROR 051 CANASTON BRIDGE TO SLEBECH PARK Canaston Bridge to Meadow View FIG ROR 051 CANASTON BRIDGE TO SLEBECH PARK Meadow View FIG ROR 052 SLEBECH PARK TO DEEP LAKE FARM Slebech Options FIG ROR 053 SLEBECH PARK TO DEEP LAKE FARM Slebech Option 1 FIG ROR 054 SLEBECH PARK TO DEEP LAKE FARM Slebech Option 2 FIG ROR 055 SLEBECH PARK TO DEEP LAKE FARM Slebech Option 3 FIG ROR 056 SLEBECH PARK TO DEEP LAKE FARM Slebech Option 4 FIG ROR 057 SLEBECH PARK TO DEEP LAKE FARM Slebech Option 5 FIG ROR 058 SLEBECH PARK TO DEEP LAKE FARM Arnolds Hill Option 6 FIG ROR 059 SLEBECH PARK TO DEEP LAKE FARM Arnolds Hill Option 7 FIG ROR 060 DEEP LAKE FARM TO HAVERFORDWEST GOLF CLUB Deep Lake Option 1 and Narberth Road FIG ROR 061 DEEP LAKE FARM TO HAVERFORDWEST GOLF CLUB Deep Lake Option 2

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Road Option 2 FIG ROR 092 DEEP LAKE FARM TO HAVERFORDWEST GOLF CLUB Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Club 1 and Narberth Road Option 3 FIG ROR 093 DEEP LAKE FARM TO HAVERFORDWEST GOLF CLUB Deep Lake Farm to Haverfordwest Golf Club 1 and Narberth Road Option 4

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Appendix H – Statutory Undertakers layouts to be found in Volume 2

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FIG ROR 101 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 102 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 103 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 104 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 105 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 106 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 107 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 108 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 109 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus FIG ROR 110 Existing Statutory Undertakers Apparatus

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