Use of Fruit Bait Traps for Monitoring of Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)

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Use of Fruit Bait Traps for Monitoring of Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Rev. Bio!. Trop., 46(3):697-704, 1998 Use of fruit bait traps for monitoring of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Jennifer B. Hughes, Gretchen C. Daily and Paul R. Ehrlich1 I Dept. of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA. Fax (415) 723 5920 Received 12-1-1998. Corrected 12-V-1998. Accepted 8-V1-1998. Abstrae!: There exisls great interest in using fruit-feeding adult nymphalid butterflies to monitor changes in tropical forest ecosystems. We intensively sampled the butterfly fauna of mid-elevation tropical moisl forest in southem Costa Rica with fruit bait traps to address a series of practical issues eonceming the development of a robust, efficient sam­ pling programo Variation in the number of captures and escapes of butterflies at the traps was better explained by the time of day than by the age of bait. Species' escape rates varied widely, suggesting that short term, less intensive sur­ veys aimed at determining presence or absence of species may be biased. Individuals did not appear 10 become "trap­ happy" or lO recognize the traps as food sources. Considering the tradeoff between numbers of traps and frequency of trap servicing, Ihe most efficient sampling regime appears to be baiting and sampling the traps once every other day. Key words: butterfly trapping, Costa Rica, moniloring, Nymphalidae, tropical conservation. Tropical forests are being altered and We have trapped butterflies extensively in a destroyed at rapid rate, yet the impacts on bio­ region of southern Costa Rica in primary and diversity and ecosystem services are only secondary forest and agricultural areas for over beginning to be understood (Lawton and May 2000 trap days. In previous studies, we used 1995, Pimm et al. 1995, Daily 1997). Practical, these surveys to address issues such as the reliable methods of evaluating changes in biodi­ applicability of butterflies as indicator species versity and ecosystem function are needed to of other taxa and the impact of forest fragmen­ ínform public policy (Noss 1990). There is tation on butterfly diversity (e.g., Daily and great inlerest in developing monitoring pro­ Ehrlich1995, Daily and Ehrlich 1996). We have grams of tropicalecosystems using frugivorous also begun an intensive mark-recapture study to adu!t butterfly communities sampled with bait assess the use of forest fragments as corridors traps (Holloway 1980, Lovejoy et al. 1986, by butterflies. Brown 1991, Kremen 1992, Scoble 1992, Certainly, bait trapping provides a biased Sparrow et al. 1994, Daily and Ehrlich 1995). A look at the butterfly fauna itself. First, there number of important questions about the utility are many butterfly species that are never cap­ of this approach remain open, however, includ­ tured in the traps. Second, among those cap­ ing the extent to which the samp!ing routine can tured in the traps, sorne are probably more introduce bias into a monitoring programo strongly attracted than others; thus, the relative 698 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL abundances of species caught almost certainly closed and covered by a plastic dish at the top, do not reflect the relative abundances of fruit­ open at the bottom, and with a Velcro-fastened feeding species in the region. Yet despite these slit in the side for removing trapped insects. drawbacks, bait trapping offers a useful way to Each trap had a sheet of plywood (40 x 40 cm2) monitor changes in species abundances over suspended a few centimeters below the netting, time, to comparespecies composition and abun­ with an ínverted disposable plastic dish 15 cm dances between sites, and to track the move­ in diameter in the center on which the bait was ment of individuals. placed. The bait was covered with a second Using the relatively well-known butterfly inverted dish perforated with hoJes roughly 1 fauna of mid-elevation tropical moist forest in cm in diameter and fixed into positíon with southern Costa Rica (e.g., DeVries 1987), we string to prevent robbery by birds and mammals designed a sampling regime to determine: (1) yet still permit feeding by butterflies. The bait what time of day butterflies typically enter the consisted of mashed, rotting bananas, a liberal traps; (2) the propensity of different species to dose of molasses, and a dash of rumo The bait escape; (3) the influenceof age of bait on trap­ was prepared on the afternoon prior to the ping and escape rate; (4) the tendency of indi­ morning of use and typically became well fer­ viduals to become "trap-happy;" and (5) the mented in that time. amount of informatíon lost by less intensive Trap location ami monitoring scheme: surveys. Nine traps were placed in mature second growth We hope that this preliminary study sheds of the Las Cruces forest (hereafter forest siles), light on the most obvious and easily addressed and nine traps were placed on a farm of coffee problems with the fruit-trapping method. WhiJe and overgrown pasture adjacent to the Wilson our main purpose was to provide background Botanical Garden (hereafter pasture sites). Each for refining trapping techniques, we also sam­ trap was checked three times per day: early pled in two habitat types to see if there were morning (05:30 - 08:00),midday (10:00- 13:30), striking differences in the faunas present. This and late afternoon (15:00 - 17:00). Dawn was at study is not designed to examine these potential 05:30 and dusk at 17:30. The traps were baited differences in detail, however. Many every other day during the morning check, alter­ researchers have addressed the influence of nating each day between the forest and pasture habitat type on butterfly assemblages elsewhere sites. Thetraps were open for 14 daysand baited (e.g., Brown and Hutchings 1997, DeVrieset al. seven times. AH butterflies werecleared from the 1997). trap at each baiting, but not before. Each butterfly.captured was identified to species, and all but the superabundant species MATERIALSAND METHODS in the genus Cissia (Satyrinae) were uniquely marked with a feh peno We would not have Area: The study was conducted in the vicin­ been able to check the traps as often with the ity of the Las Cruces Biological Field Station of additional time required to mark all the Cissia the Organization of Tropical Studies individuals. (OTS/OET), Coto Brus, Costa Rica in March Individuals that were capturedand had been and April 1996. The Las Cruces forest consists previously marked were noted as recaptures. of primaryPacific mid-elevation forest (211 ha) Numbers of captures inelude both newly cap­ and mature second growth (16 ha) adjacent to tured and recaptured individuals.Marked butter­ the managed Wilson Botanical Garden. flies were recorded as escapes if they disap­ Trap design: We used 18 Van Someren­ peared from the trap between trap checks; sorne Rydon traps (DeVries 1987), cylinders of grey individuals (five) escaped from the hand during nylon nettting (65 cm high and 25 cm in diam­ marking, but these were not included in the eter) sewn onto a frame of two wire hoops, analysis of escape frequencies. HUGHES et al.: Use of fruit bail traps for monitoring oC butterflies 699 After feeding on the bait, the butterflies usu­ RESULTS ally hung quietly from the top or sides of the trap. Handling often caused them to fly around A total of 337 individuals representing 43 inside the trap and sometimes escape. species of butterflieswere caught (Table 1). All Therefore, immediately after marking any species were fruit-feeding nymphalids of the newly captured butterflies, the trap was held subfamilies Charaxinae, Nymphalinae, closed until all the butterflies were resting Morphinae, Brassolinae, and Satyrinae. Nine again. Once a butterfly was marked, we did not species of Cissia were captured (Table 2), and handle it during subsequent trap checks. this genus comprised 54% of the individllals Statistical analyses: We used the Kmskal­ captured. We recorded 185 non-Cissia captures; Wallis statistic to test for differences between of these, 146 were newly captured and marked both capture and escape rates across the time of individuals, 34 were recaptured, and five day and Wi1coxon signed-rank tests to examine escaped before we could mark them. the effect of bait age. For these analyses, the Time oC day: The number of individuals data were pooled across all the days sampled (excluding Cissia species) captured by the traps and the replicates were the eighteen traps. To before the morning, midday, and afternoon test whether more individuals were recaptured observations differs significantly (Kruskal­ than expected by chance, we compared the dis­ Wallis; H=I1.092, p=O.OO4, d.f.=2) (Table 3). tribution of the number of times each individual Most of the species captured are described as was captured to the Poisson using a chi-square diurnal in the Ilterature (e.g., DeVries 1987). test distribution (combining the categories Qur results confirmed this; many more individ­ which had expected values below one). To cal­ uals arrived during the day (between morning­ culate evenness of species abundance in the dif­ midday and midday-afternoon checks), than at ferent habitats, we used the index J' = -í Pi either dusk or dawn (between the afternoon and ln(Pi )/lnS, where Pi is the proportional abun­ morning checks). The few exceptions corre­ dance of species i, and S is the total number of spond with the known periods of activity of the species (Pielou 1966).' species involved. For instance, Opsiphanes TABLE 1 Number and percent of captures by species trapped, number of captures that were recaptures,
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    Journal of the Lepidoptertsts' Society 38(2), 1984, 102-113 NATURAL HISTORY NOTES FOR TAYGETIS ANDROMEDA (CRAMER) (SATYRIDAE) IN EASTERN COSTA RICA ALLEN M. YOUNG Invertebrate Zoology Section, Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 ABSTRACT. The early stages and a larval food plant are reported for the first time for Taygetis andromeda (Cramer), as studied in eastern Costa Rica. Various aspects of larval and adult behavior, including feeding and egg-placement, are also discussed for this widespread Central American satyrid. The larval food plant is a grass, Acroceras zizanioides (Graminae). Taygetis andromeda (Cramer) is a common butterfly (Fig. 1) of forest and old secondary habitats from 0 to 1500 m on the Pacific and Caribbean watersheds of Costa Rica (A. M. Young, pers. obs.; P. J. DeVries, pers. comm.). The butterfly is also widespread throughout much of Central America and South America. It is one of four species of Taygetis reported from Central America, along with different species in Mexico, Central America, and South America which often exhibit distinctive patterns of range separation by habitat and elevation (Ross, 1976; Ebert, 1969; Lamas, 1967; P. J. DeVries, pers. comm.). While some fragmentary information on the early stages of South American Taygetis other than andromeda exist (Muller, 1886; d' Almeida, 1922), the present paper constitutes the first report of early stages and larval food plant for T. andromeda. METHODS The majority of observations were made at two localities on the Caribbean or Atlantic watershed of eastern Costa Rica: "Finca La Tigra," near La Virgen (lO0 2S'N, 84°07'W; 220 m elev.), Heredia Prov­ ince (described as "premontane tropical wet forest"); "Finca Experi­ mental La Lola," near Siquirres (100 06'N, 8soS0'W; SO m elev.), Limon Province (described as "lowland tropical wet forest").
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