Comal County Historic Resources Survey Partial Inventory of Zones 1, 2 and 4

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Comal County Historic Resources Survey Partial Inventory of Zones 1, 2 and 4 Final Report Comal County Historic Resources Survey Partial Inventory of Zones 1, 2 and 4 June 2013 Prepared for: Comal County Commissioners Court and Comal County Historical Commission New Braunfels, Texas Texas Historical Commission Certified Local Government Program Austin, Texas Prepared by: Hardy•Heck•Moore, Inc. Austin, Texas Final Report Comal County Historic Resources Survey Partial Inventory of Zones 1, 2 and 4 June 2013 Prepared for: Comal County Commissioners Court and Comal County Historical Commission New Braunfels, Texas Texas Historical Commission Certified Local Government Program Austin, Texas Prepared by: Hardy•Heck•Moore, Inc. Austin, Texas COMAL COUNTY HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY 2013 PARTIAL INVENTORY OF ZONES 1, 2 AND 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ 10 Project Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 12 Description of Project Area .................................................................................................................... 13 Survey Methods ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Field Methods ................................................................................................................................ 14 Research Methods ......................................................................................................................... 16 Historic Context ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Evaluation Methods and Designations .................................................................................................. 33 National Register of Historic Places ............................................................................................... 33 Criterion A: Association with Significant Themes and Patterns of History ............................. 34 Criterion B: Association with Significant Persons of the Past ................................................. 35 Criterion C: Exhibits Noteworthy Physical Attributes or Design Qualities .............................. 35 State Designation Programs .......................................................................................................... 36 Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks ........................................................................................ 37 Official Texas Historic Markers ................................................................................................ 38 Historic Texas Cemeteries ....................................................................................................... 39 State Archaeological Landmarks ............................................................................................. 39 Local Historic Designations ...................................................................................................... 40 The City of Schertz ................................................................................................................... 40 Property Types ....................................................................................................................................... 41 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 41 Agricultural Resources ............................................................................................................. 41 Commercial Resources ............................................................................................................ 42 Domestic Resources ................................................................................................................ 42 Educational Resources ............................................................................................................ 42 Funerary Resources ................................................................................................................. 43 Governmental Resources ........................................................................................................ 43 Industrial Resources ................................................................................................................ 43 1 COMAL COUNTY HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY 2013 PARTIAL INVENTORY OF ZONES 1, 2 AND 4 Landscape Resources .............................................................................................................. 43 Recreational Resources ........................................................................................................... 43 Religious Resources ................................................................................................................. 44 Community‐Based Resources .................................................................................................. 44 Transportation Resources ....................................................................................................... 44 Subtypes, Plans and Forms ............................................................................................................ 44 Vernacular Forms with Linear Plans (Two‐Room, Center Passage, Dogtrot) .......................... 44 L‐Plan (Cross‐Gable), Modified L‐Plan (Gable on Hipped)....................................................... 47 Bungalow ................................................................................................................................. 49 Ranch ....................................................................................................................................... 50 Architectural Traditions, Styles, and Movements .......................................................................... 51 German Vernacular ................................................................................................................. 51 Queen Anne ............................................................................................................................. 52 Folk Victorian ........................................................................................................................... 53 Eclectic Revivals ....................................................................................................................... 54 Craftsman ................................................................................................................................ 56 Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 56 Survey Results and Observations ........................................................................................................... 57 Individual Resources ...................................................................................................................... 58 Historic Districts ............................................................................................................................. 64 Fischer Historic District ............................................................................................................ 64 Recommendations for Future Survey and Preservation Planning ......................................................... 66 Continue the County‐Wide Survey ................................................................................................ 66 Share Survey Results with Federal, State, and Local Agencies ...................................................... 66 Prepare a Multiple‐Property National Register Nomination ......................................................... 66 Heritage Tourism/Public Access .................................................................................................... 67 Coordination with the City of New Braunfels ................................................................................ 67 Identification of Historic Trails & Archeological Investigations ..................................................... 68 List of Preparers ..................................................................................................................................... 69 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................... 70 Appendix A: Inventory of Documented Historic Properties Appendix B: Completed THC Survey Forms Appendix C: Resource Location Maps Appendix D: Documented Historic Properties by Property ID No. Order Appendix E: List of Letters Mailed with Response and Survey Outcome 2 COMAL COUNTY HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY 2013 PARTIAL INVENTORY OF ZONES 1, 2 AND 4 LIST OF ACRONYMS AMS Army Map Service CCAD Comal County Appraisal District CHC (Comal)
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