“The BABES stir the heart as well as “Part serious song craft, the funny bone.” part free form therapy… TM -BBillboard funny, smart, tuneful LL and sophisticated” -Augusta Chronicle AA !! ee!! NN vvuu e ee rre O ALL O A iicc MM ccuuss RR mm HOO gg H n nniin g iinng aaSSww lloooodd The estrogen fueled ...AA MM IImbbaa... hilarious new show that m m ak celebrates the best of e i “babes, boys and botox” t a ho t n “They tell humorously igh observant tales of modern t o f m urban life and harmonize us ic like a heavenly chorus” an d -Chicago Tribune l a u g h s t ! n i l F e r d iR De n & ra ! Mo SRO FOR ALL BOOKINGS cy CONTACT an EMAIL:
[email protected] N : 608/664.8160 sroartists.com th, PHONE WEB: i Smi tt, Deb Fingere STARRING Sally Grandmother’s your This Ain’t MMOONNAALL Glee Club, It’s... HHOORR bbaallaanncc TM m od swinging Mus e m mo ica e I ...A l R I evu !! e! After eight recordings and 19 years as “The Four Bitchin’ Babes,” these indestructible Divas are hotter than ever. Literally! Always evolving, witty and charming, the Babes welcome in a new era with a new cast, and a new show entitled... Sally Fingerett This second-chance-newly-wed, turning 49 for the second time, is “Changing.” Her daughter Hormonal leaves for college, her new husband and stepsons leave the seat up, and with her nest and body in Imbalance transition, she laments “Is it hot in here or is it A Mood Swinging me?” while sticking her head in the freezer.