E432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 25, 2014 HONORING THE TRINITY VALLEY the assistant police chief for Pittston Town- Private health insurers object to today’s anti- COMMUNITY COLLEGE LADY ship. In 1950, he became the Third District Obamacare exercise. America’s Health Insur- CARDINALS Republican Chairman, and later was named ance Plans and Blue Cross BlueShield Asso- the County Republican Chairman in 1968. He ciation wrote: HON. JEB HENSARLING also served two terms as a member of the ‘‘we have deep concerns about packaging OF Pittston Township School Board. Since 1969, the Medicare physician payment bill with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Solano has worked for and advised ten legislation that would sever the link between the ACA’s individual mandate and its mar- Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Pennsylvania governors from both sides of the aisle. In 2002, he retired after 40 years of fed- ket reforms. The experience of states that Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, today I attempted this in the 1990s demonstrates eral service. that removing this important linkage will would like to recognize the outstanding Mr. Solano’s dedication to Pennsylvania achievement of the Trinity Valley Community result in more uninsured Americans, higher does not end with his work. He was a member costs, and reduced choices for individuals College Lady Cardinals as the 2014 National of the Pittston Township Bicentennial Com- and families. To avoid these outcomes, we Junior College Athletics Association (NJCAA) mittee, Assistant Scout Master for Troop 212 are asking Congress to reject efforts to re- Division I Women’s Basketball Champions. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 3rd De- peal or delay the individual mandate in the This marks the 3rd consecutive NJCAA Cham- gree Knight of Columbus, the Columbus debate on Medicare physician payment re- pionship for the Lady Cardinals, a new NJCAA League of Luzerne County, Pittston Memorial form.’’ Division 1 record. Library fundraising co-chairman, and Luzerne The American Academy of Family Physi- In a 65 to 46 victory, the Lady Cardinals County Community College trustee. cians had this to say: closed out their season with a 35–1 record. For his commitment to improving Pennsyl- ‘‘It is disturbing that work designed to ex- The success enjoyed by the team is truly re- vania, Mr. Solano has received many acco- pand access to quality health care would be markable and a testament to the hard work lades and awards. He was honored by the advanced alongside a policy that delib- and dedication of its players as well as Head Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and erately removes access to quality health Coach Elena Lovato, Assistant Coaches Ger- care coverage. Providing access to health Natural Resources, an agency he helped start care coverage for millions of Medicare bene- ald Ewing and Spencer Robertson, and Team 20 years ago. He also received the Greater Manager Scott Pellegrin. Trinity Valley Com- ficiaries while eliminating access to health Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce’s Life- care coverage for millions more is simply munity College President Dr. Glendon Forgey, time Achievement Award, the Pennsylvania poor public policy and we urge that such ap- faculty, staff, and students are also to be com- Environmental Council’s Thomas P. proach be abandoned.’’ mended for TVCC’s success both on the court Shelbourne Environmental Leadership Award, This vote today is further evidence—as if and in the classroom. a Doctor of Humane Letters from Misericordia any more were needed—that Republicans in In addition to the record breaking team per- University, and the United States Army Corps Congress simply are not serious about ad- formance of the Lady Cardinals this season, I of Engineers Commander’s Award. dressing our real challenges. We need to fix also want to recognize Adut Bulgak for being Mr. Speaker, Pat Solano has shown out- Medicare physician payments. We need to im- named the tournament’s Most Valuable Play- standing dedication to our nation, the state of prove opportunity in this country. We need to er, and Coach Lovato being named ‘‘Coach of Pennsylvania, and his local community. There- raise the minimum wage. We need to renew the Tournament.’’ fore, I commend him for his service and re- extended unemployment benefits. Currently Trinity Valley Community College Lady Car- ceipt of the 2013 Attorney Joseph Saporito Sr. dinals include: Adut Bulgak, Roddricka Patton, over two million Americans out of work Greater Pittston Lifetime of Service Award, through no fault of their own have been left in Shlonte’ Allen, Jazmine Spears, Julianne and wish him the best in his future endeavors. Anchling, Kuaneshia Baker, Deborah Meeks, the lurch by Republicans’ refusal to renew Sylvia Smith-Gatson, Leashja Grant, Kyhonta f these benefits. We were elected to this body to solve problems, not to posture endlessly. Doughty, Autummn Williams, and Dominique SGR REPEAL AND MEDICARE PRO- If Congressional Republicans were serious Brooks. VIDER PAYMENT MODERNIZA- about fixing Medicare physician payments, On behalf of the citizens of Athens and the TION ACT OF 2014 Fifth District of Texas, I am honored to be able they would not pull stunts like this. If they to recognize the Lady Cardinals in the United SPEECH OF cared more about solving problems than they States House of Representatives. do about fulfilling their anti-Obamacare fetish, HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN they would not pull stunts like this. Americans f OF MARYLAND deserve better. Medicare beneficiaries deserve PAT SOLANO, 2013 ATTORNEY JO- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES better, as do the doctors who treat them. To SEPH SAPORITO SR. GREATER Friday, March 14, 2014 the majority, I say, stop wasting everyone’s PITTSTON LIFETIME OF SERVICE time. AWARD WINNER Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, using Medicare as a political pawn in their 51st at- f tempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act is RECOGNIZING THE CELEBRATION HON. LOU BARLETTA a new low, even for House Republicans. OF NOWRUZ OF PENNSYLVANIA Americans are waiting for Congress to stop IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wasting time and start passing constructive Tuesday, March 25, 2014 HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN solutions to the real challenges this country OF CALIFORNIA faces. The broken Medicare physician pay- Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pat Solano, the recipient of the 2013 Attorney ment system is one such challenge. And there Joseph Saporito Sr. Greater Pittston Lifetime is a bipartisan, bicameral plan to reform Medi- Tuesday, March 25, 2014 of Service Award. care physician payments to promote quality Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased Mr. Solano was born on June 22, 1925 in and efficiency. with this opportunity to recognize Nowruz, a Pittston Township, Pennsylvania. In 1942, he Unfortunately, today’s vote isn’t about that traditional Persian holiday that began on graduated from Pittston Township High School plan at all. We know this because the bill in- March 20 and celebrates the arrival of spring. and immediately joined the U.S. Army Air cludes a poison pill that guarantees it will Nowruz has been observed by millions of in- Corp. During World War II, Mr. Solano flew 23 never become law. This is nothing more than dividuals of Persian descent for more than combat missions over Germany with the one more tired exercise in Republicans indulg- 3,000 years as a time of renewal health, hap- Eighth U.S. Army Corp Heavy Bombardment ing their obsessive hatred of the Affordable piness, and prosperity. The holiday’s ecumeni- Group. For his service, he received the Group Care Act. Rather than working with Democrats cal values are celebrated by adherents of Presidential Citation, the Air Force Medal with to reach agreement on how to advance Medi- many religions including Islam, Judaism, two Oak Leaf Clusters, and the European care payment reform in a fiscally responsible Zoroastrianism, and the Bahai’I faith. It is con- Combat Theatre Medal with two Bronze Stars. way, Republicans instead attached a five-year sidered a special time to share with family and Once home from the war, Mr. Solano met and delay of the Affordable Care Act’s requirement friends and to honor cultural traditions. married his wife Marie, and they had six that everyone take responsibility for having In the United States, Nowruz serves to re- daughters. health insurance. The White House has indi- mind us of the many noteworthy and lasting After serving in the Army, Mr. Solano dedi- cated the President would veto this bill if it contributions of Iranian-Americans to the so- cated his life to public service, beginning as were to reach his desk. cial and economic fabric of American society.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:56 Mar 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25MR8.008 E25MRPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E433 In Los Angeles, which is home to the largest den, a distinguished former member of the confidence and builds a foundation for suc- Iranian-American community in the United Philadelphia education and Catholic commu- cess for every student, but it also grows our States, there is great pride in the community’s nity. economy. devotion to civic activism, philanthropy, and Bishop McFadden was born in Philadelphia In Illinois, the non-profit arts and culture entrepreneurship. I ask my colleagues in join- on May 22, 1947. Attending Catholic schools sector generates 2.75 billion dollars and sup- ing me to wish all those celebrating Nowruz a for his elementary and secondary education, ports more than 78,000 full-time-equivalent happy and prosperous new year. Bishop McFadden was an involved and active jobs. Additionally, Illinois is home to nearly f student. He then enrolled in Philadelphia’s 34,000 non-profit and for-profit arts busi- Saint Joseph University, where he matricu- nesses. These creative enterprises employ RECOGNIZING ROBERT S. ‘‘BOB’’ lated with a Bachelor of Science degree in more than 140,000 people in jobs that cannot STRAUSS Politics. Bishop McFadden’s childhood and be outsourced. education prepared him well to be a life-long I continue to be a proud supporter of arts HON. advocate for education in Philadelphia. education, and I’ve consistently supported ro- OF TEXAS After teaching and coaching at West Catho- bust funding for the National Endowment for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lic Boys High School from 1969–1976, Bishop the Arts—I encourage my colleagues to do the Tuesday, March 25, 2014 McFadden entered Saint Charles Borromeo same. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Seminary. Ordained as a priest on May 16, f Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Robert 1981, Bishop McFadden continued in his pas- PERSONAL EXPLANATION S. ‘‘Bob’’ Strauss who passed away last sion of higher education. He received a Mas- Wednesday, March 19 at age 95. Strauss was ter of Divinity, graduating Summa Cum Laude, not only a fixture in Dallas and Texas, he was upon completing his studies at Saint Charles HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD nationally revered as a close advisor to presi- Seminary. OF CALIFORNIA dents of both parties, from Lyndon B. Johnson Bishop McFadden served as an Honorary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Prelate to Pope John Paul II for two years. In to George W. Bush. Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Not only was Strauss politically valuable to 1993, Cardinal Bevilacqua appointed Bishop our nation, his personality was unforgettable. McFadden as the first President of Cardinal Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I was Bob Strauss was personally influential and I O’Hara High School. As President, the Bishop absent due to illness and was not present for admire him greatly. Strauss’ weight on our po- was vital to increasing the school’s enrollment rollcall votes on Monday, March 24, 2014. Had litical world today was extremely vast. His con- to 2000 students and initiating the program I been present, I would have voted in this tributions to Dallas and to Texas will not be ‘‘Laptops for Learning.’’ manner: forgotten. Bishop McFadden began his service as a H.R. 3060—A bill to designate the facility of Strauss had early success as a graduate of pastor in Downingtown in 2001, until he was the United States Postal Service located at the University of Texas at Austin where he appointed to be an Auxiliary Bishop in Phila- 232 Southwest Johnson Avenue in Burleson, campaigned for a state-assembly candidate delphia in June 2004. He was ordained to the Texas, as the ‘‘Sergeant William Moody Post and volunteered for Lyndon B. Johnson’s first Episcopacy on July 28, 2004 and was named Office Building’’—‘‘yes.’’ congressional campaign. Strauss completed the tenth Bishop of Harrisburg on June 22, H.R. 1813—A bill to designate the facility of his law degree at the University of Texas and 2010. Unfortunately, Bishop McFadden the United States Postal Service located at worked as a special agent for the Federal Bu- passed away on March 2, 2013. His passing 162 Northeast Avenue in Tallmadge, Ohio, as reau of Investigations during World War II. At is still mourned by the Catholic community. the ‘‘Lance Corporal Daniel Nathan Deyarmin the end of the war, he and fellow FBI agent This week, Bishop McFadden will post- Post Office Building’’—‘‘yes.’’ founded the law firm Gump and Strauss which humously be given the Distinguished Catholic f later evolved into Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer, School Graduates Award by the Archdiocese RECOGNIZING THE CONSERVATION and Feld. In law school, he met former Texas of Philadelphia for his service to Catholic AND LAND PRESERVATION EF- Governor John Connally who helped Strauss School education in the state of Pennsylvania. FORTS OF EAST BRADFORD cultivate his political career. I invite you and all of my colleagues to join TOWNSHIP, CHESTER COUNTY, Strauss served as the Chairman of the me in commemorating Bishop Joseph P. PENNSYLVANIA Democratic National Committee between 1972 McFadden. May his legacy and commitment and 1977. Strauss has been credited for the be an inspiration to all of us in the years to Democratic Party’s reunification that helped to come. HON. JIM GERLACH elect President Jimmy Carter in 1976. During f OF PENNSYLVANIA the Carter Administration, Strauss served as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the United States Trade Representative and COMMEMORATING ARTS as Middle East negotiator. During the first ADVOCACY DAY Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Bush Administration, he served as the U.S. Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ambassador to the Soviet Union and subse- HON. MIKE QUIGLEY congratulate East Bradford Township, Chester quently as the U.S. ambassador to Russia. OF ILLINOIS County, Pennsylvania on receiving the Grow- Strauss played a major role for American in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing Greener Communities Award bestowed by terests during the Soviet Union’s breakdown Natural Lands Trust and the Chester County and the emergence of a democratic Russia. Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Association of Township Officials. Strauss was awarded the Presidential Medal Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, entrepreneur East Bradford Township’s 30-year-old Open of Freedom by President Carter in 1981. Steve Jobs once said, ‘‘It is in Apple’s DNA Space Initiative, designed to protect natural Strauss had the unique ability to serve that technology alone is not enough—it’s tech- areas and connect them through a trail net- presidents and political leaders on both sides nology married with liberal arts, married with work, has resulted in 6,000 acres of perma- of the aisle. His political astuteness and skill the humanities, that yields us the results that nently protected land, 16 parks, and 26 miles are rare traits and will be fondly remembered. make our heart sing.’’ of trails. In 2013 alone, the Township secured I urge my colleagues to recognize and cele- I rise today to recognize National Arts Advo- county funding for conservation easement on brate the life of Bob Strauss. cacy Day and to stress the importance of arts more than 80 acres of Township land, spear- f and arts education for advancing technology headed a volunteer effort to plant 750 trees, A TRIBUTE TO BISHOP JOSEPH P. and growing our economy. commissioned stewardship plans for three of MCFADDEN I am proud to represent the Illinois delega- its sixteen parks, constructed more than two tion of thirteen arts and cultural leaders on miles of trails, and organized the second an- Capitol Hill today, which include Ingenuity, a nual Trail Blazer Race, the proceeds of which HON. ROBERT A. BRADY group that works with Chicago Public Schools, will be used to fund trail construction and OF PENNSYLVANIA and whose mission it is to make arts edu- maintenance. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation available to every child in every school. Mr. Speaker, in light of the community’s Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Students in the arts and humanities learn long-standing commitment to conservation and Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I how to explore, discover and innovate. Arts land preservation, and on the occasion of rise today to honor Bishop Joseph P. McFad- education engages kids in school, promotes being honored with the Growing Greener

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