Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Mar. 28

Sr., of Mississippi. A tape was not available for verification of the content of these re- marks.

Remarks at a Fundraiser for Senatorial Candidate in Dallas, March 28, 2002

Thank you very much. Thank you all. finder for Republican Governors. I appre- Please be seated. Thanks. Everybody in ciate my friend for taking Crawford says hello—[laughter]—starting on the Texas Victory 2002 committee. It with Laura. I wish she’d have come with is important we send Henry back to the me today, but—[applause]—she is doing a United States House of Representatives. I fabulous job. I tell people it’s because she’s know from Fort Worth is from Midland, Texas. But I send her best. here, and I appreciate so very much work- She’s got a lot of friends here. And the ing with Kay. She is a great friend, a reli- country now realizes why I asked her to able voice for sound and commonsense pol- marry me. [Laughter] A lot of people are icy in Washington, DC. still wondering why she said yes, but never- I’m so glad to see Greg Abbott, the next theless, she’s doing great, and she sends attorney general of Texas, here. I know that her love. And I want to thank you all for Wallace Jefferson and Mike Schneider are coming here today as well. here. Thank you all for coming. I know It is my honor to come and campaign that Jeb Hensarling, the next United States for the next United States Senator from Congressman from the 5th Congressional the State of Texas. I’m going to miss Phil District, is here as well. Congratulations on Gramm. He is a close friend. He is a your primary win, Jeb. Charles Matthews strong, strong advocate for principles that is here. Our party chairman, Susan are sound for our freedom. He has been Weddington, is here. I want to thank Susan a great United States Senator from Texas. for her longtime service to the Republican I was disappointed he chose not to run Party of Texas. I see Tommy Craddick is again. I understand, but I was disappointed. here, other members of the house and the But my disappointment waned when I real- State senate. I miss you. I wish I could ized my friend John Cornyn was running count on your votes in Washington, like to take his place. I know John. I’ve seen I could have in Austin. But thanks for com- him work. I’ve seen him in action. I’ve ing by to see your old buddy. And thank not only seen him as a campaigner but you all for being here as well. somebody who does in office what he said This is an important election for Texas. he is going to do. There is no question And it’s an important election for the coun- in my mind that he can do the job and try. We’ve got to have a man like John bring a standard of excellence to the Cornyn representing our State in Wash- . And there’s no ques- ington. And there are a lot of reasons why. tion in my mind we need him in the First, we’ve got to get good, conservative United States Senate to make sure our judges appointed to the bench and ap- agenda moves forward. proved by the United States Senate. I want I want to thank Bill and Rita Clements people on the bench who don’t try to use for being here. I like to call Bill the path- their position to legislate from the bench.


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We want people to interpret the law, not will demand more goods and services. And try to make law and write law. And I sent if they demand more goods and services, such a man up from Mississippi the other somebody will help produce those goods day, a good, honest, honorable man, who and services. And if somebody else pro- had been approved unanimously by the duces those goods and services, it makes United States Senate earlier and yet did it easier for somebody to find work. And not get a vote on the floor of the United so we cut the taxes on the people. Right States Senate. We need people like John in the middle of a recession, we cut the Cornyn in the United States Senate, who taxes, which is the right thing to do. will work with the White House to have Now, there are some people up there a solid judiciary, to make sure that the who read a different textbook. See, they judges do what they’re supposed to do in advocate raising your taxes. They get caught the United States and not overstep their in that Washington trap. They forget whose bounds. money we’re spending. John Cornyn under- We need somebody like John, who is stands we spend the people’s money, not going to take a tough position, tough stand the Government money, and he’ll be a reli- on issues like energy. I don’t need to be able ally when it comes to making sure telling my friends in Texas that we’ve got that tax relief that we passed is permanent an energy problem, but we do. We need and long lasting and real. to do a better job of conservation, no ques- And I’ll tell you an issue that’s coming tion about it. And we will. As technology up where we’re going to need his support, advances, we will conserve more. But for if they don’t get it done this year. We put the sake of our national security, we need the death tax on its way to extinction. But to be finding more energy at home. We because of a quirk—but because of a Sen- need to be less dependent on foreign ate rule, after 10 years that death tax can sources of crude oil. John Cornyn will be come back to life. I proposed, Phil has a steady vote and a steady voice when it proposed, that we make the death tax— comes to good, sound energy policy in getting rid of the death tax permanent. I Washington, DC. guarantee he’ll vote for that. You know, one of the interesting issues You know, when I was campaigning in that always faces us in Washington is what Chicago in the general election, somebody to do with the people’s money. The tend- said, ‘‘Would you ever deficit spend?’’ I ency, of course, is to overpromise and then said, ‘‘Well, only if we were at war or there overspend. We need fiscal sanity in Wash- was a national emergency or we were in ington. I want to thank Phil and his leader- recession.’’ Little did I realize we’d get the ship on the issue of taxation. As you may trifecta. [Laughter] remember—I think it was in this room— We’ve dealt with the recession with good I said, ‘‘If you give me a chance to be fiscal policy, a budgeting process that holds your President, I will make sure the people the line on spending, and at the same time, get to keep a substantial amount of their let people have more of their own money own money.’’ I reminded people that we back. And it’s important for us to make weren’t dealing with the Government’s sure that those actions we took to stimulate money; we were dealing with the people’s the private sector remain in place. money. John understands that. And we’re also dealing with the other And we passed tax relief in Washington two issues. Today I had the opportunity exactly at the right time. You see, we un- of going to the Dallas Fire Department’s derstand—Phil understands, I understand, training center to thank Texas Task Force and John understands—that if you let peo- 1 for going to New York City on September ple keep more of their own money, they the 16th, to be there at Ground Zero to


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help rescue those who were trapped in the rehabilitated. They hate what America rubble. I went by there because I wanted stands for. They hate our religious toler- to highlight one of the key initiatives in ance. They hate our freedom of speech. the homeland defense strategy, which is to They hate freedom of the press. They de- make sure we’ve got a coordinated effort spise freedom. They despise freedom. And with our first-responders, to respond to any therefore, the best way to secure the home- emergency that may come up from this land, and the only way to secure the home- point forward. land for the long term, is to hunt them The reason I bring that up to you is down one by one and bring them to justice. that my most important job as your Presi- And that’s exactly what I intend to do. dent is to defend the homeland, is to pro- I don’t know what was on their mind tect American people from further attacks. when they attacked America. They must Not only are we working on a first-respond- have thought we were so self-absorbed and ers initiative, we’ve got a good, fine bioter- materialistic that all we were going to do rorism initiative as to how to respond if was file a lawsuit. [Laughter] But they there were a bioterrorist attack. found out we think differently here in this We’re beefing up our border security. country. They now know we love freedom, It’s important for this country to under- and we will defend our freedom with all stand who’s coming in and who’s going out. our might. And we know we’ve got a lot of work to I laid down a doctrine early. It said, ‘‘Ei- do with the INS. It’s a troubled agency ther you’re with us, or you’re against us.’’ that needs reform, and we will reform it. And fortunately, most of the world said I want to assure you all that we’re doing they’re with us. And we’ve put together a much better job in Washington of coordi- a vast coalition of freedom-loving nations nating intelligence and information between to defend not only America but our friends jurisdictional boundaries, and we’re sharing and allies. information in a much better way with I also said that if you harbor a terrorist, State and local authorities. If we get any if you hide a terrorist and feed a terrorist, kind of hint that there’s an Al Qaida cell you are just as guilty as the murderers who in America, we’re moving on it. If we get killed thousands of innocent Americans. any whisper that somebody wants to harm And the Taliban found out exactly what us again, I can assure you, we’re moving we meant. I unleashed the mighty United quickly. States military and other coalition forces, Every morning in the Oval Office, and thanks to the bravery of U.S. soldiers George Tenet of the CIA comes in and the Taliban has been routed out of exist- gives me a briefing about what he knows. ence. And then the Director of the FBI, Robert It is so important for young Americans Mueller, comes in. I ask him every single to know that our Nation does not seek re- day, ‘‘What do you know, and what have venge; we seek justice. And we’ll do what- you done about it? If you’ve got any hint, ever it takes to defend freedom. We view Mr. Director, for the good of the American freedom as nonnegotiable. It is precious. people, I want you and over 4,000 agents It’s also important for Americans to under- dedicated to protecting the homeland to stand that we went into Afghanistan not move quickly.’’ as a conquering nation but as liberators. I’m proud of the way we’re responding Last Saturday, many young girls went to as a nation. The Nation is on alert; we’re school for the first time in Afghanistan, prepared, because we understand that we thanks to the United States of America. fight an enemy that are nothing but a We’ve got a lot more to do. And that’s bunch of coldblooded killers. They can’t be what I want to share with you, and that’s


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what John understands. Even though we’ve I believe that out of this incredible evil upheld the doctrine, if you hide a terrorist, that has been done to our country will you’re just as bad as a terrorist, there are come great good, though. I do. When the other countries that might not get the mes- United States remains firm and strong and sage. And there are a lot of people still determined, we can achieve peace in parts on the loose that want to hurt America. of the world where people never thought And that’s why I’ve submitted the largest peace could happen. increase in the defense budget during the Oh, I know the Middle East is—looks last 20 years. Because here’s what I know: like there will never be peace, but I can If we put our soldiers at risk, they deserve assure you we’re not giving up. We’re not the best equipment, the best training, the going to let murderers disrupt a march to best pay. Oh, some of them are talking peace. My heart breaks for those who were in Washington about it’s too high a price. celebrating Passover in the hotel, when a Listen, there is never too high a price for coldblooded killer came in and destroyed freedom, as far as I’m concerned. innocent life, to derail the attempts of And I submitted this budget because it’s peaceful-loving people for coming together. a clear signal to the American people and, But they’re not going to stop us as a just as importantly, to our enemy, that nation for longing for peace and working we’re in this for the long pull. I have no for peace. And the best way to achieve calendar on my desk that says this must the peace is to be strong and steadfast end by a certain date and I’ll feel better. against terror. I see a peaceful world. I It doesn’t matter how long it takes, as far do. The rest of the world watches us very as I’m concerned. So long as I’m the Presi- carefully. I like to say, if the United States dent, we will treat these killers as inter- blinks, they’ll go to sleep. We’re not going national terrorists and get them on the run to blink. and keep them on the run until we bring I also believe at home we can achieve each and every one of them to justice. And incredible good too. People often say, that’s what we’re going to do. ‘‘Well, what can I do to help in the war This fight on the war against terror is against terror?’’ My answer is, love a neigh- larger than any single individual or any sin- bor like you’d like to be loved yourself. gle network. There are other nightmare If you want to fight evil, do some good. scenarios that our Nation must be worried I look around the room and see a lot of about. One such scenario would be for a my friends who I know have been doing terrorist killer organization to team up with good for a long, long number of years here some of the world’s worst leaders who har- in Texas. And I want to thank you for that. bor and develop the world’s worst weapons. But it’s important you keep doing it. It’s I’ve told this to a lot of world leaders, important you give of your time and your that I’m just not going to let that happen. money to help people in need. History has called us into action. We can’t This Nation is based upon some great look back after our time in Washington, principles: our love for freedom, our love DC, and say, ‘‘How come we let this hap- for democracy. But our real strength is the pen?’’ For the good of our children and hearts and souls of the American people. our grandchildren, we must deny the We’re a tough nation; we’re a courageous world’s most dangerous leaders from having nation. But we’re also a compassionate na- and harboring the world’s most dangerous tion. And in order to fight terror, in order weapons. We’ll be deliberate; we’ll be to stand squarely in the face of evil, we thoughtful; we will consult with our friends must help people in need. Just walking and allies. But when I said ‘‘axis of evil,’’ across the street to see a shut-in and saying, I meant it. ‘‘I care about you,’’ is part of fighting evil.


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Mentoring a child, telling your own child Thank you for helping John Cornyn. May you love him every single day, going to God bless you all. a church or a synagogue or a mosque and developing a program to help feed the hun- gry or clothe those who need clothes and NOTE: The President spoke at 12:15 p.m. in help, that’s all part of not only defining the Landmark Ballroom at the Hyatt Re- our Nation but fighting against evil. gency Hotel. In his remarks, he referred to And that’s why I’m such an optimistic former Gov. William P. Clements, Jr., of soul, because not only do I know that we’ve Texas and his wife, Rita; Greg Abbott, can- got what it takes to achieve the peace, didate for Texas attorney general; Justice we’ve got the determination, the will, and Wallace Jefferson, Texas Supreme Court; the strength to have a more peaceful world. Chief Justice Michael Schneider, Texas First I know we’ve got the heart and compassion Court of Appeals; Jeb Hensarling, candidate to show the world the true definition of for Texas House of Representatives; Charles our Nation. And it’s happened. It’s the R. Matthews, commissioner, Texas Railroad gathering momentum of millions of acts of Commission; Tom Craddick, Texas State rep- kindness and compassion which show the resentative; and Charles W. Pickering, Sr., world the true worth of the greatest coun- nominee for U.S. Circuit Judge for the Fifth try on the face of the Earth. Circuit.

Statement on the Klamath River Basin Federal Working Group March 29, 2002

I am pleased with the progress being The times are still difficult for many in made by the Klamath River Basin Federal the region, and much work remains to be Working Group in addressing the problems done. It is essential that the citizens of facing the people of this region. Under the Oregon and California in the Klamath River leadership of Secretary Norton, the working Basin—whether farmer, rancher, tribe group is providing water to farmers who member, fisherman, or environmental activ- depend on it for a living, while taking care- ist—embrace compromise and seek under- ful steps to protect and enhance the health standing. The working group’s rapid of fish populations in the Klamath River progress, combined with the efforts of Sen- Basin. The working group is undertaking ator Gordon Smith and Representative new environmental restoration projects in Greg Walden, give me great hope for a the area and has initiated a dialog with lasting solution to the challenges of the native tribes about long-term solutions to Klamath River Basin. the natural resource and native rights issues in the basin.

The President’s Radio Address March 30, 2002

Good morning. Almost 7 months have the shock and sadness of that day are still passed since the attack on our country, and with us. For many, the grief and sense of


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