The Irish Standard. (Minneapolis, Minn. ; St. Paul

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The Irish Standard. (Minneapolis, Minn. ; St. Paul THE IRISH STANDARD, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1911. Sligo. stricken, on Monday, but seemed to scending to it, and c.vered over with second and fourth Sundays of month In P. H. McGraw, 102 Vernon St.; Med. On the motion of John O'Dowd, M. rally, until with the second attack the A. O. H. hall, at Madison Lake. Exam., Dr. Chas. H. Payette, Silvey large flag stones, and many persons CROW WING COUNTY. P., for South Sligo, the Executive of j Blk., 404 N. 55th., Meetings held on first end came. She was about 75 years old. came from long distances to partake County President, Wm. Barron, 414 4tb Tuesday of each month at Gilley's hall. Ave., Brainerd. Minn- NEWS FROM IRELAND the United Irish League adopted a res-: The remains •..were forwarded to this SCOTT COUNTY. * of its waters in honor of the Saint Division No. 1, Brainerd—Pres.. B. C. County President—F. J. Leonard, Jor­ oiution condemning several outrages! i McNamara, Columbia Block. Brainerd, city and taken to the home of her whose name it bore. In those dark dan, Minn. Minn.; Vice Pres., Hugh Breason, 609 Division No. 1, Belle Plaine—Pres., Dr. perpetrated in the Bully mote district.! daughter, Mrs. Hubert Wollmering, iKingwodd St., Brainerd, Minn.; Rec. Sec., Antrim. and evil days the land and orchard in G. R. Moloney, Belle Plaine: Vice Pres., hand, state that there is special work 30 hundredweight of hay, the property j : Gerald Barren, 414 ith Ave., Brainerd, J. P. Kelley, Belle Plaine; Rec. Sec., Marshall, and were accompanied by question did not belong to a person Minn.; Fin. Sec.. James J. Nolan. 615 Sir. A. Savage, P. L. G., Belfast, has to be got through on each day. H. B. Conlon, Belle Plaine; Fin. Sec., oi Bernard Higgins, of Drumfin, was, her son, Rev. William Redding, and :5th St., N., Brainerd, Minn.; Ins. Sec., J. H. Stratton, Belle Plaine; Ins. Sec., professing the same religion as St. • James J. Nolan, 615 Sth St. N„ Brain­ been made a presentation amounting Kerry. entirely destroyed by fire. A fewj J. H. Stratton, Belle Plaine; Treas., Miss Anna Redding of Grantsburg, Brigid, and, consequently, the well and erd, Minn.; Treas. Tim Toohey, 201 1st John Clarke, Belle Plaine: Med. Exam., A laborer named Maurice O'Connor, nights after a party of men surround-' Ave., Brainerd, Minn.; lied. Exam., Dr. Dr. G. R. Moloney. Meetings are held to 100 guineas by his supporters and Wis., and John Redding of Pierz. The its approaches were closed up, and the Secora, First National Bank Building. in the employment of Mr. J. M. Slat- ed the house of Patrick Scanlon, of | on first Sunday of month in Fraternity funeral was held from St. Mary's inhabitants were deprived of the privi­ ; Brainerd, Minn. Meetings are held on first hall at Belle Plaine, Minn. admirers to cover the cost of his elec­ tery, Tralee, received fatal injuries to ; and third Wednesday of month in Elks' Carrigngark, and, after firing several j church, New Trier, Tuesday at 10 hall, at Brainerd. STEELE COUNTY. tion expenses. lege of honoring their patron saint, to County President, Geo. C. Toher, Owa- a horse attached to a cart, which he shots, threatened him with dire pun-1 DAKOTA COUNTY. tonna, Minn. o'clock a. m. Rev. William Redding whom are dedicated both the Protes­ County President, T. P. Moran. Has- Mr. Henry Carroll. Greencastle, Bel­ was loading with goods, having bolt­ ishment if he continued to • furnish officiating. tings, Minn. Division No. 1, Owatonna—Pres., W. • ed. tant and Catholic churches here. If a ! Division No. 1, Hastings—Div. Pres., H. Kilty. Owatonna; Vice Pres., J. E. fast, has been presented with the Im­ sand for use in the erection of a Belle Plaine, Minn. — M. O'Brien's Quinn, Owatonna; Rec. Sec., J. E. Ma- few good men and true would some ; Jas. McLaughlin, Hastings, Minn. Vice lone, Owatonna; Fin. Sec., J. E. Malone, John Crowley. Denis Crowley and dwelling on a boycotted farm. • Pres., J. E. Kenney, Hastings, Minn.; perial Service Medal in recognition of home on Forest street got on fire about fine day shortly open up this stream Rec. Sec., II. L. Meyer, Hastings, Minn.; Owatonna; Ins. Sec., J. E. Malone, Nora Daly were, at Blarney Petty 1 Owatonna; Treas., John Hogan, Owa­ Tyrone. 2 o'clock Monday afternoon of last Kin. Sec., M. O'Brien, Hastings, Minn.; his long service under the Prison and re-discover as it were one of the Ins. Sec, M. O'Brien, Hastings, Minn.; tonna; Med. Exam., G. G. Morehouse. Sessions, sent to jail for two months, The Revisional Court for South Ty­ Meetings are held on first Friday of week and was partially destroyed. No holy wells for which our country is so Treas., jno. Kane; Med. Exam., Dr. L. Board. Capt. C. Munroe, Governor, and Hannah Crowley for one month rone held a session at Caledon and, D. Peck. Meetings held on second and month in I. O. O. F. hall at Owatonna, one was at home when the Are start­ famed, they would be conferring a fourth Thursday at A. O. IT. W. hall. Minn. Co. Antrim Prison, made the presen­ for assaulting two brothers named again at Ballygawley. Mr. William! ed, Mr. O'Brien was at the elevator, HENNEPIN COUNTY. SWIFT COUNTY. tation. high honor on St. Brigid's parish. County president—p. J. O'Donnell, 3500 County President—D. F. McDermott, O'Connor over a political difference. Karly, solicitor, Aughnaeloy, and Mr. I Clontarf. his wife was up town, and the chil­ —John Farrell. Longfellow Ave., Minneapolis; Vice Pres., Cavan. King's County. W. H. Donahue, 400 Temple Court; Fin. Division No. 1, Clontarf, Minn.—Dir. Michael Higgins appeared for the Na- j dren at school; and the alarm was Pres., William Kenna, Danvers, R. R, Na The Cavan Urban Cuuncil has de­ Sec., Peter Cumrnings, 2720 14th av. S.. Rev. J. Kiyiin, c. C., has presented tionalists, while the Unionists were] turned in by neighbors who discov­ Roc. Sec., J. C. Gubbins, 90S Bassett 2; Vice Pres., Cornelius Regan, Danvers; Hebrews Embrace the Faith. Place, County Treas., John Moran, 905 Kec. Sec., Jas. O'Donnell, Clontarf; Fin. cided to take steps to instal a public Master Thos. Mailer with a silver represented by J. J. Rea, instructed by ered smoke rolling out from the rear An event of unusual interest oc­ "7th ave, X. E., Chaplain, Eev. M. O'­ Sec., D. F. McDermott, Clontarf* Ins. and private electric lighting system Brien. 3115 W. 44th St. Sec., Patrick Foley. Danvers, R. R. No. 2; watch from the Trustees of the Car­ the Rev. Mr. Adderly and J. S. Ben­ upper room. When the fire depart­ Treas., Patrick Foley, Danvers, R. R. No. its that town. curred in Baltimore recently, when, in ' Division No. l, Minneapolis—Pres. M. negie Hero Fund, suitably inscribed, nett. R. M. Hennessey presided and S. ment got a stream turned upon the , W. Mogan, 2209 18th Ave. So.; Vice 2; Med. Exam., Dr. Oscar Dagnault. Ben­ Carlow. the Cathedral, Cardinal Gibbons con­ ; Pres., P. V. O'Donnell, 3500 Longfellow son. Meetings are held on the first Sun­ lor saving the life of a school com­ L. Johnston acted as Registrar. The tmilding it took but a short time to Ave.; Rec. Sec., Thomas O'Neill, 2429 day of month in A. O. H. hall. Clontarf, firmed a Hebrew and his six sons. The Minn. Carlow Urban Council has accepted panion last June. The presentation Nationalist gain was 43. Uth Ave. So.; Fin. Sec., W. P Casey, 253 extinguish the fire. The Are had mother had previously been received Fremont Ave. N.; Ins. Sec., D. J. McHugh, WINONA COUNTY. the tender of Mr. J. Walshe. Carlow, | was made before the boys of the Ban­ Tipperary. burned slowly, but the entire upper 2410 3 2th Ave. So.; Treas., E J. Owens, County President, M. Syan, 364 B. into the Church. This incident re­ 24.", set!! Ave So.; Med. Exam., Drs Hen- King St. al £ 2,846 for the erection of 16 ar-j agher N. S„ who gave their young The girls at Clceves' Condensed floor and roof will have to be entirely calls to mind the fact that many Jews . ry and Hynes. Meetings are held on Division No. 1, Winona—Pres., P. 3. tisans' dwellings and 18 cottages. | companion a hearty ovation. 1-Ie has first Sunday and third Thursday of month Barlow. 105 E. King St.; Vice Pres.. M. Milk Factory, Clonmel, again struck rebuilt. The house was fairly well i'i the United States have entered the In K. C. hall at 527 1st ave. s. D. Kelly, 609 W. 5th St.; Rec. Sec., J. A. There were eight other tenders. It; also received £ 5 and a certificate from insured. i Division Ko. 2, .Minneapolis—Pres. Fe- McMillan, 328 w Howard St.; Fin. Sec. work, on the ground of unfair treat­ Catholic Church, and a number of was agreed that the work should be; the Royal Humane Society. i ilx McNamee, 1527 iith St. S.; Vice Pres., apd Ins. Sec., Geo. A. Fitzgerald, 561 W. ment. It was later shown that they Blue Earth, Minn.—Mrs. Ann Cor­ these have become priests and nuns. I John Mason. 213 nth Ave. 14. 1£.; Rec. Sec., f,VVstv Treas., John P. Snyder, 64 W. carried out by local labor, as far as I Limerick. ID. Brennan, 3!>00 Sth SI. S.; Fin. Sec., J;abasha; Med. Exam., G. J. Tweedy, 78 did so under a misapprehension, and coran, aged 85 years, died at the home Boston is represented in the list by I Frank Koulfrer.
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    arlobtana JOURNAL OF THE OLD CARLOW S0CIE1Y IRISLEABHAIR CHUMANN SEANDA CHATHARLOCHA 1978/'79 Price 50p :;,. CONTENTS: Carlow Co-operative Marts Dr. Delaney of Kildare & Leighlin The Police in Carlow John Tyndall of Leighlin Local History and Carlow Library A Famous Laois Family Some Carlow Authors Brother John Dominic McKenna Carlow Men in Cork Ambush The Riches of Clonmore Voters List of Carlow; 1848 Leighlin Lore CEREMONIAL MACE OF THE TOWN OF CARLOW by Joseph Stoalm or Joseph Slicer, Dublin. 1656-7. ~ Offirers and Members d the Old Carlow Society 1978/79 President Carpenter, Patrick, Barrack St., Carlow. Fenlon, Mrs. M., "Riverville", Montgomery Street, Carlow. His Lordship Most Rev. Dr. Patrick Len­ Carroll, Mr. Noel, 23 Phibsboro Road, Fennell, Mrs. Eileen, Chaplestown, non, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin. Dublin 7. Carlow. Life Vice Presidents Chmelar, Edward, Rathnapish, Carlow. FitzGerald, Mrs. D., Shinrone, Offaly. Very Rev. P. MacSuibhne, M.A., St. Coen, G. & Mrs., Braganza, Athy Road, FitzMaurice, Mrs. B., Laurel Lodge, ,Patrick's College, Carlow; Mrs. M. Carlow. Carlow. O'Neill, Wilton Gardens, Cork; Mr. Liam Connolly, Mrs. T., Ballyfoyle, Mageney, FitzRoy, Miss A., Montgomery Street, D. Bergin, Editor, "Sationalist & Co. Kildare. Carlow. Leinster Times," Carlow; Mr. Alec Conroy, Miss Molly, Castle Street, Foley, Joseph, Sycamore Road, Burns, College Street, Carlow. Carlow. Rathnapish, Carlow. Corcoran, Mrs. B., 132, J.K.L. Avenue, Chairman Governey, Francis, Pollerton, Carlow. Carlow. Grecol, John L., Cleveland, Ohio, 44101, Mr. J. Moriarty Corrigan, Thomas, Knockfield, U.S.A. Vice-Chairmen Castledermot, Co. Kildare. Miss M. T. Kelly Crombie, B. & Mrs., Pembroke, Carlow. Hade, Miss P., Castle Street, Carlow.
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