The Irish Standard. Saturda Y, September 5,1908

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The Irish Standard. Saturda Y, September 5,1908 THE IRISH STANDARD. SATURDA Y, SEPTEMBER 5,1908. popular men in the country. was well known In the town of Wex­ Division No. 6, Cahllltown—Pres., M. ST. LOUIS COUNTY. SWIFT COUNTY. County President, Mary O'Regan, 411 After ten years' municipal life, dur­ ford, where he had resided with his Gleeson, Edlna; Vice Pres., T. F. Darcy, County President—D. F. McDermott, Cahlll; Rec. Sec., William Gleeson, Edlna; N. 60th Ave. W., West Duluth, Minn. NEWS FROM IRELAND ing two of which he filled the office of DIRECTORY Clontarf. • Division No. 1, Duluth, Minn.—Dlv. family for a lonar number of years. Fin. Sec., j. j. buggan, Cahlll; Ins. Sec., Division No. 1, Clontarf. Minn.—Egv. T. J. Morlarlty, Cahlll; Treas., James De- Pres., Mary M. Sullivan, 323 W. 3d St.; rnayor, Aid. Marshall Tillle, D. L„ is The death has occurred at New ianey Cahlll; Med. kxam.. Dr. Blake. Pres.. William Kenna, Danvers, R. B- N°; Vice Pres.. Eliza O'Donnell, 211 W. 2d St.; 2; Vice Pres., Cornelius Regan. Danvers, Rec. Sec., Anna J. Young, 713 W. 3rd retiring from the Derry Corporation. *foss of Mr. G. Carr, B L., who was a Hopkins. Meetings are held on the sec- Rec. Sec.. John McCarthy. Hancock. Fin. Antrim °nd Sunday in the month at 2:30 p. m. at St.; Fin and Ins. Sec., Justina Hogan. Louth. fopular and much esteemed gentlo- Cahlll. Minn. Sec. D. F. McDermott, Clontarf; Ins. Sec., 113 W. 2nd St.; Treas., Mary McRae. 717 Mr. Hugh Hicks, J. P., Brisbane, Patrick Foley, Danvers, R. R. No. I, W. 3rd St.; Med. Exam., Dr. Edw. Fahey. The death is announced of Miss .gE'vision No. 6.—Pres.. M. F. Crahen, Treas., Patrick Foley, Danvers, R. B. No. las been upending a long holiday with man. l«th ave. S.; Vice Pres., Jas. E. Dr. McCulllfT. Meetings are held on the 2; Med. Exam., Dr. Oscar Dagnault, Ben­ second and fourth Tuesdays of month In hi* friends in the Not th of Ireland. Xorah Monahan, which took place at Westmeath. Jrow, 2606 18th ave. S.; Rec. Sec., J. C. son. Meetings are held on the first Sun­ Sheridan. 2451 13th ave. S.; Fin and Ins. day of month in A. O. H. hall. Clontarf. Cathedral hall. _ ••t • He is a son of the late Mr. Wm. Hicks, the residence of her father, Mr. Tim­ The Athlone No. 1 District Council p L Cummings. 2720 14th ave. S.; Minn. SCOTT COUNTY. L. Mullane. 2650 Koomtngton of Belfast. His career has been a most othy Moiiahan, Gallowstown. De­ has decided to alver the plans of labor* Med County President—Mrs. Elisabeth O'­ - Exam., Dr. J. P. Barber, 940 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Brien, Belle Plalne. ** -successful one. He is a director of ceased, who was only 16 years of age, ers' cottages so as to cheapen the out­ Division No. 1, Stillwater—County Division No. 1. Belle Plaine, Minn.—• was a great favorite throughout the f^es., p. H. Ryan_ 220 s, 2d St.; County Dlv. Pres., Miss Rose McDevltt. Belle J Mveral big companies in Queensland. lay for building, as contractors cannot Sec., Patk McDonough, 215 East Church- Plalne; Vice Pres., Mrs. Bridget Weldon, ; The death occurred at Sandymount, district, and much sympathy is felt be procured to undertake building at ill St.; Dlv. Pres., R. W. McGarry, Room Belle Plaine; Rec. Sec., Miss Evelyn Fo­ ; 1 ^ Mower Blk.; Vice Pres., T. H. Curiey, ley, Belle Plalne- Fin. Sec.. Mrs. Mary for her parents In the sad bereavement. ihe limit of price per cottage fixed iy MATTHJXST'ONAL OFFICERS. Pres.• Hugh^F&ley.' 7^9 18th Ave. N-^ 4t h v Dublin, of Frances Amelia French, late Mas? CUMMINGS, N. P.. Boston. ec- 2i2 r „ St-: Rec. Sec., Robt. McDon- Donovan, Belle Plalne; Ins. See.. Mrs. Avi' xr ' Patrick J. Cullane, 212 15th w ' South 2d St.; Fin. Sec^, Thomas Mary Donovan, Belle Plalne; Treas.. Mrs. l ead mistress Belfast Model school, in Mayo. the local government board, and as a 4on ,Fln- 8ec-i. William H. Donahue, &J J"Minrf J" RE9AN, N. V. P.. St. Paul. e n le 0 F- Welsh, Room 3, Mower Blk.: Ins- Julia Herrlck. Belle Plalne; Med. Exam., b f The death of Mis. Margaret Doris, consequence of which a large number dv Xi i £ C ""; Ins. Sec., John F. Lan- Sec., Thomaj W. Welsh, Room 3. M°wer Dr. G. R. Moloney. Meetings are held on * her Wet year. The deceased was much i V. Bradford Ave. N.; Treas.. Andrew k : T. CARROLL, N. Columbus, un| f' , Treas., John Clarey. 222 W. Cherry the first Sunday ot month in Belle Plaine, »vhich occurred ht her residenoo, of cot'ages are unbuilt in Athlone dis- 8., p" £ eavy, 715 western Ave.: Med. M e d esteemed toy a wide circle of friends, Pr" J- A- McLaughlin, PHlshury lii; , . - Exam., Dr. E. P. Ryan, Mower Minn. James' Street, Westport, the other day, irict, and also in Bpllymore and Baliy- N n Bi*. Meetings held .first and third Mon- who very much regret her death. rev ?JKJ[N£ t , DN. T.. Jollet 111. rij*"i Meetings are held on the second days, Hibernian hall. WASHINGTON COUNTT. occasions deep regret and sympathy •nahon. Coin L - KENNEDY. Danbury, Cofn S1 Monday of month In Knights County Pres., Mrs. Catherine Connor*. Clara. •• National Chaplain. ru2i .us Ha". 322 Nlc. Ave. - _ , . WINONA COUNTY. _ ... 1316 S. 1st St.. Stillwater. imonjist a wide <"!rclo of friends and Geo n Si No- •• MlnneapoUs—PrssWsat, County President. Michael J. Ryan. «6i Vice Pres., Miss Anna Carroll, 620 8. The death occurred suddenly at Kll- NAL P T Mr!D7i? DIRECTORS. ni-'-P' I?*"". Tribune ofiee; Vice P»"-: V.. - Winona, Minn. _ Main; County Sec., Miss Mary Nolan, 610 relatives. Deceased came of a well R N ,on No kee, on Friday, of Mr. Michael O'Neill, PROBATE NOTICE. ED«M D°r, i - Washington, D. C. Dennis Qulnn, Northern Transfer Co.. T nr'? - !• Winona—Dlv. Pres.. P. S. Broadway; County Treas., Miss Ann* Hnown and respected Mayo family, an! Dr w ? I- McCRYSTAL. New York. M7le» ^ood, Browning. Kin* i; ®*ri0W' 108 E. King street; Vice Pres., O'Rourke, 924 6th ave. S.; County Chap­ . of the commercial staff of Messrs. Rrv i/, O BIUEN, Philadelphia, Pa. •Co.. Fin. Sec., J. W. Vanderhoof. Cen- Frank Rice, 712 W. King street: Rec. Sec., lain, Rev. Chas. Corcoran. St. Michael* n'aa beloved by a'l for her many nob'3 STATK OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF J- BYRNE. Lafayette. Ind. T?rket: Ins. Sec.. H. E. DlckUison. McMillan. 328 W. Howard street, church, S. 3rd. Stillwater, Minn. l£ Rowson Md Co.. Limited. Deceased, HENNEPIN—PROBATE COURT. JOHN T. KELLY. Milwaukee. Wis. «jje H°ojl ft Penney. Phoenix Wdg- w 3&In»- See- Geo. A. FlUgerald. 561 and amiable qua'itios. She was th^ In the matter of the estate ot William ,"a\ John C. Sheehan. 224 Hennepin 8tr«et; Treas., John P. Snyder, Division No. 1, Stillwater, Minn.—Dlv. *ho leaves a wife and five children, Alien, Decedeiu. a wife of Robert Doiis, and mother c.? P®££JE OFFICERS—MINNESOTA, ve.;Exam. Phy.. Dr. R. P. O'Brien. 601 64 W. Wabasha street; Med. Exam.. Dr. J. Pres., Mary Nolan, 712 S. 2nd st.; Vice v/as formerly in the service of the old On receiving and filing th» petition of vw n rPalrlck Kenney, Mankato. ThuJiV." Meeting* are held on .;.^y?ch' 78 E- Third street. Meetings Pres., Mary Fltsgerald, 1803 S. 1st St.; TVilliam Doris, J. P., and P. J. Doris Elizabeth Catherine Allen, praying for i,'c® President—J. p. Coughlln, Perham. k svenlngs of each mouth to Col 5?® 5e'd on the second and fourth Thurs- Rec. Sec.. Margaret Donalds, R. F. D.; * Waterford and Limerick Railway Com- the allowance of an instrument purport­ I'-f^rer—John Sherman, Winona, • Ml Nicollet. , Fin. and Ins. Sec., Grace B. Hooley 908 iiropr'etor of the "Mayo News." The ing to be the Ijist Will and Testament on No 10 m nth ln St Th ma# * psny. p. Secretary—Robert J. Clarke, 58 denj « » - - Minneapolis—presl- WhionaT Sfinnf ° ' ° S. 4th st.; Treas., Sara Curiey, 1001 N. v funeral took plac 3 on Thursday morn­ of said Decedent and presented there­ „:• Paul, Minn. l- Molan. 1518 Jefferson St. II. 4th st.; Med. Exam., Dr. E. P. Ryan, j. Carlow. with as and for such last Will and Tes­ vllle chaPla'n—Rev. M. O'Brien, Grace- it' XT B, res., Jamta B. Bonner. 1954 B Mower Blk. Meeting* are held on the sec­ ing from Aughavale, after Requiem tament, and that Letters Testamentary rv VnrEii, Reo- Secretary, Chas. S. Bar- ond and fourth Mondays of month ln A. ' At Ballyheally there passed away, in be granted thereon. £• ®95 2'th Ave. N. E.; Fin. and In". O. H. hall, chestnut st.. 8tillwater, Minn. Mass In Westport. It Is Ordered, That said petition be Doyi<?''st" Pauf Insurance Fund-T" J' Secretary, John Moran. 905 27th Ave. N. LADIES' AUXILIARY. his 83rd vear, last week Mr. John F. heard and that all persons Interested In p< 8urer Mr. M. J. Sheridan the champion >re ,<, nt Jn0 E McGovern si' *f \S - Patrick Bonner, 19'«<_f • Lfecky, P. L., who was widely known said matter appear before this Court on Roehester " ® ~~ ' " ' nn--i. Exam. Physician, Dr. J. W discus thrower has visited his father, Monday, the 21st day of September, 1908, ! „?®j;re,ary of Insurance—John Mahoney. Wash. Ave.
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    Published by: The Irish Times Limited (Irish Times Books) © The Irish Times 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of The Irish Times Limited, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographic rights organisation or as expressly permitted by law. Contents Introduction: ............................................................................................................................... 4 Beyond heroes and villains ........................................................................................................ 4 Contributors to Stories from the Revolution .............................................................................. 6 ‘Should the worst befall me . .’ ................................................................................................ 7 ‘A tigress in kitten’s fur’ .......................................................................................................... 10 Family of divided loyalties that was reunited in grief ............................................................. 13 Excluded by history ................................................................................................................. 16 One bloody day in the War of Independence ........................................................................... 19 Millionaire helped finance War of Independence ...................................................................
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