THE IRISH STANDARD. SATURDA Y, SEPTEMBER 5,1908. popular men in the country. was well known In the town of Wex­ Division No. 6, Cahllltown—Pres., M. ST. LOUIS COUNTY. SWIFT COUNTY. County President, Mary O'Regan, 411 After ten years' municipal life, dur­ ford, where he had resided with his Gleeson, Edlna; Vice Pres., T. F. Darcy, County President—D. F. McDermott, Cahlll; Rec. Sec., William Gleeson, Edlna; N. 60th Ave. W., West Duluth, Minn. NEWS FROM IRELAND ing two of which he filled the office of DIRECTORY Clontarf. • Division No. 1, Duluth, Minn.—Dlv. family for a lonar number of years. Fin. Sec., j. j. buggan, Cahlll; Ins. Sec., Division No. 1, Clontarf. Minn.—Egv. T. J. Morlarlty, Cahlll; Treas., James De- Pres., Mary M. Sullivan, 323 W. 3d St.; rnayor, Aid. Marshall Tillle, D. L„ is The death has occurred at New ianey Cahlll; Med. kxam.. Dr. Blake. Pres.. William Kenna, Danvers, R. B- N°; Vice Pres.. Eliza O'Donnell, 211 W. 2d St.; 2; Vice Pres., Cornelius Regan. Danvers, Rec. Sec., Anna J. Young, 713 W. 3rd retiring from the Derry Corporation. *foss of Mr. G. Carr, B L., who was a Hopkins. Meetings are held on the sec- Rec. Sec.. John McCarthy. Hancock. Fin. Antrim °nd Sunday in the month at 2:30 p. m. at St.; Fin and Ins. Sec., Justina Hogan. Louth. fopular and much esteemed gentlo- Cahlll. Minn. Sec. D. F. McDermott, Clontarf; Ins. Sec., 113 W. 2nd St.; Treas., Mary McRae. 717 Mr. Hugh Hicks, J. P., Brisbane, Patrick Foley, Danvers, R. R. No. I, W. 3rd St.; Med. Exam., Dr. Edw. Fahey. The death is announced of Miss .gE'vision No. 6.—Pres.. M. F. Crahen, Treas., Patrick Foley, Danvers, R. B. No. las been upending a long holiday with man. l«th ave. S.; Vice Pres., Jas. E. Dr. McCulllfT. Meetings are held on the 2; Med. Exam., Dr. Oscar Dagnault, Ben­ second and fourth Tuesdays of month In hi* friends in the Not th of Ireland. Xorah Monahan, which took place at Westmeath. Jrow, 2606 18th ave. S.; Rec. Sec., J. C. son. Meetings are held on the first Sun­ Sheridan. 2451 13th ave. S.; Fin and Ins. day of month in A. O. H. hall. Clontarf. Cathedral hall. _ ••t • He is a son of the late Mr. Wm. Hicks, the residence of her father, Mr. Tim­ The Athlone No. 1 District Council p L Cummings. 2720 14th ave. S.; Minn. SCOTT COUNTY. L. Mullane. 2650 Koomtngton of Belfast. His career has been a most othy Moiiahan, Gallowstown. De­ has decided to alver the plans of labor* Med County President—Mrs. Elisabeth O'­ - Exam., Dr. J. P. Barber, 940 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Brien, Belle Plalne. ** -successful one. He is a director of ceased, who was only 16 years of age, ers' cottages so as to cheapen the out­ Division No. 1, Stillwater—County Division No. 1. Belle Plaine, Minn.—• was a great favorite throughout the f^es., p. H. Ryan_ 220 s, 2d St.; County Dlv. Pres., Miss Rose McDevltt. Belle J Mveral big companies in Queensland. lay for building, as contractors cannot Sec., Patk McDonough, 215 East Church- Plalne; Vice Pres., Mrs. Bridget Weldon, ; The death occurred at Sandymount, district, and much sympathy is felt be procured to undertake building at ill St.; Dlv. Pres., R. W. McGarry, Room Belle Plaine; Rec. Sec., Miss Evelyn Fo­ ; 1 ^ Mower Blk.; Vice Pres., T. H. Curiey, ley, Belle Plalne- Fin. Sec.. Mrs. Mary for her parents In the sad bereavement. ihe limit of price per cottage fixed iy MATTHJXST'ONAL OFFICERS. Pres.• Hugh^F&ley.' 7^9 18th Ave. N-^ 4t h v Dublin, of Frances Amelia French, late Mas? CUMMINGS, N. P.. Boston. ec- 2i2 r „ St-: Rec. Sec., Robt. McDon- Donovan, Belle Plalne; Ins. See.. Mrs. Avi' xr ' Patrick J. Cullane, 212 15th w ' South 2d St.; Fin. Sec^, Thomas Mary Donovan, Belle Plalne; Treas.. Mrs. l ead mistress Belfast Model school, in Mayo. the local government board, and as a 4on ,Fln- 8ec-i. William H. Donahue, &J J"Minrf J" RE9AN, N. V. P.. St. Paul. e n le 0 F- Welsh, Room 3, Mower Blk.: Ins- Julia Herrlck. Belle Plalne; Med. Exam., b f The death of Mis. Margaret Doris, consequence of which a large number dv Xi i £ C ""; Ins. Sec., John F. Lan- Sec., Thomaj W. Welsh, Room 3. M°wer Dr. G. R. Moloney. Meetings are held on * her Wet year. The deceased was much i V. Bradford Ave. N.; Treas.. Andrew k : T. CARROLL, N. Columbus, un| f' , Treas., John Clarey. 222 W. Cherry the first Sunday ot month in Belle Plaine, »vhich occurred ht her residenoo, of cot'ages are unbuilt in Athlone dis- 8., p" £ eavy, 715 western Ave.: Med. M e d esteemed toy a wide circle of friends, Pr" J- A- McLaughlin, PHlshury lii; , . - Exam., Dr. E. P. Ryan, Mower Minn. James' Street, Westport, the other day, irict, and also in Bpllymore and Baliy- N n Bi*. Meetings held .first and third Mon- who very much regret her death. rev ?JKJ[N£ t , DN. T.. Jollet 111. rij*"i Meetings are held on the second days, Hibernian hall. WASHINGTON COUNTT. occasions deep regret and sympathy •nahon. Coin L - KENNEDY. Danbury, Cofn S1 Monday of month In Knights County Pres., Mrs. Catherine Connor*. Clara. •• National Chaplain. ru2i .us Ha". 322 Nlc. Ave. - _ , . WINONA COUNTY. _ ... 1316 S. 1st St.. Stillwater. imonjist a wide <"!rclo of friends and Geo n Si No- •• MlnneapoUs—PrssWsat, County President. Michael J. Ryan. «6i Vice Pres., Miss Anna Carroll, 620 8. The death occurred suddenly at Kll- NAL P T Mr!D7i? DIRECTORS. ni-'-P' I?*"". Tribune ofiee; Vice P»"-: V.. - Winona, Minn. _ Main; County Sec., Miss Mary Nolan, 610 relatives. Deceased came of a well R N ,on No kee, on Friday, of Mr. Michael O'Neill, PROBATE NOTICE. ED«M D°r, i - Washington, D. C. Dennis Qulnn, Northern Transfer Co.. T nr'? - !• Winona—Dlv. Pres.. P. S. Broadway; County Treas., Miss Ann* Hnown and respected Mayo family, an! Dr w ? I- McCRYSTAL. New York. M7le» ^ood, Browning. Kin* i; ®*ri0W' 108 E. King street; Vice Pres., O'Rourke, 924 6th ave. S.; County Chap­ . of the commercial staff of Messrs. Rrv i/, O BIUEN, Philadelphia, Pa. •Co.. Fin. Sec., J. W. Vanderhoof. Cen- Frank Rice, 712 W. King street: Rec. Sec., lain, Rev. Chas. Corcoran. St. Michael* n'aa beloved by a'l for her many nob'3 STATK OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF J- BYRNE. Lafayette. Ind. T?rket: Ins. Sec.. H. E. DlckUison. McMillan. 328 W. Howard street, church, S. 3rd. Stillwater, Minn. l£ Rowson Md Co.. Limited. Deceased, HENNEPIN—PROBATE COURT. JOHN T. KELLY. Milwaukee. Wis. «jje H°ojl ft Penney. Phoenix Wdg- w 3&In»- See- Geo. A. FlUgerald. 561 and amiable qua'itios. She was th^ In the matter of the estate ot William ,"a\ John C. Sheehan. 224 Hennepin 8tr«et; Treas., John P. Snyder, Division No. 1, Stillwater, Minn.—Dlv. *ho leaves a wife and five children, Alien, Decedeiu. a wife of Robert Doiis, and mother c.? P®££JE OFFICERS—MINNESOTA, ve.;Exam. Phy.. Dr. R. P. O'Brien. 601 64 W. Wabasha street; Med. Exam.. Dr. J. Pres., Mary Nolan, 712 S. 2nd st.; Vice v/as formerly in the service of the old On receiving and filing th» petition of vw n rPalrlck Kenney, Mankato. ThuJiV." Meeting* are held on .;.^y?ch' 78 E- Third street. Meetings Pres., Mary Fltsgerald, 1803 S. 1st St.; TVilliam Doris, J. P., and P. J. Doris Elizabeth Catherine Allen, praying for i,'c® President—J. p. Coughlln, Perham. k svenlngs of each mouth to Col 5?® 5e'd on the second and fourth Thurs- Rec. Sec.. Margaret Donalds, R. F. D.; * Waterford and Limerick Railway Com- the allowance of an instrument purport­ I'-f^rer—John Sherman, Winona, • Ml Nicollet. , Fin. and Ins. Sec., Grace B. Hooley 908 iiropr'etor of the "Mayo News." The ing to be the Ijist Will and Testament on No 10 m nth ln St Th ma# * psny. p. Secretary—Robert J. Clarke, 58 denj « » - - Minneapolis—presl- WhionaT Sfinnf ° ' ° S. 4th st.; Treas., Sara Curiey, 1001 N. v funeral took plac 3 on Thursday morn­ of said Decedent and presented there­ „:• Paul, Minn. l- Molan. 1518 Jefferson St. II. 4th st.; Med. Exam., Dr. E. P. Ryan, j. Carlow. with as and for such last Will and Tes­ vllle chaPla'n—Rev. M. O'Brien, Grace- it' XT B, res., Jamta B. Bonner. 1954 B Mower Blk. Meeting* are held on the sec­ ing from Aughavale, after Requiem tament, and that Letters Testamentary rv VnrEii, Reo- Secretary, Chas. S. Bar- ond and fourth Mondays of month ln A. ' At Ballyheally there passed away, in be granted thereon. £• ®95 2'th Ave. N. E.; Fin. and In". O. H. hall, chestnut st.. 8tillwater, Minn. Mass In Westport. It Is Ordered, That said petition be Doyi<?''st" Pauf Insurance Fund-T" J' Secretary, John Moran. 905 27th Ave. N. LADIES' AUXILIARY. his 83rd vear, last week Mr. John F. heard and that all persons Interested In p< 8urer Mr. M. J. Sheridan the champion >re ,<, nt Jn0 E McGovern si' *f \S - Patrick Bonner, 19'«<_f • Lfecky, P. L., who was widely known said matter appear before this Court on Roehester " ® ~~ ' " ' nn--i. Exam. Physician, Dr. J. W discus thrower has visited his father, Monday, the 21st day of September, 1908, ! „?®j;re,ary of Insurance—John Mahoney. Wash. Ave.
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