E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1998 No. 118 Senate The Senate met at 8:59 a.m. and was now and 9:45 will be equally divided for Protection Act. That motion was not called to order by the President pro debate on that motion. I will be pleased successful. The vote was 59 in favor and tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. to control the time on the Republican 41 against. Therefore, we fell one vote side of the aisle and the distinguished short of invoking cloture so the Senate PRAYER Senator from Michigan, Senator LEVIN, could proceed to debate the American The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John will control the time on the other side Missile Protection Act. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: in opposition. We have another chance today, Mr. Almighty God, infinite and eternal, The leader intends to resume consid- President, to go on record in favor of in Your being, wisdom, holiness, good- eration, after this issue is completed, considering this bill. So it should be ness, truth, and grace, we praise You of the Interior appropriations bill and, put in context what we are voting for for Your providential care of this Na- further, at 4:30 p.m. today, the Senate and what we are not voting for. We are tion. We humbly accept Your sov- will begin 30 minutes of debate prior to not voting to pass the bill without any ereignty over us and commit ourselves a cloture vote on the motion to proceed debate. That is not the issue. We are to emulate Your justice and truth. You to the bankruptcy bill. That vote is ex- voting to proceed to consider the bill. know each of us completely. Your light pected to occur at 5 p.m. Therefore, Now let us put in context what the of truth exposes our inner selves: our Members should expect rollcall votes facts are today as compared with last thoughts, feelings, and memories. We throughout today’s session, with the May when we fell just one vote short of can be unreservedly honest with You first vote occurring, as I said, at 9:45 voting to consider this bill. for You know everything. Now, Father, this morning. At the time we voted in May, India help us to be as open and honest with f had just tested—that very day—for the each other. We commit ourselves to CONGRATULATING MARK McGWIRE second time, a nuclear weapons device. mean what we say and to say what we ON HIS HISTORIC 62ND HOME RUN We were not aware that India was mean. going to conduct that test. Our intel- Thank You for the Senate and the Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I ligence community was surprised. All mutual trust the Senators share. Bless think before we start debate on that the world was surprised. them today as they work together. cloture motion, we should recognize the tremendous accomplishment of We used that example to urge the May their differences be debated but Senate to change our current policy on never divide them as people. Strength- Mark McGwire who just broke Babe Ruth’s home run record, Roger Maris’ national missile defense, because the en their love for You and their loyalty current policy is that we will make a to America, enabling a oneness that home run record and any other record that anyone has had for hitting home decision to deploy a national missile will inspire the citizens of this great defense system if we learn that some Nation. Through our Lord and Savior. runs. The fact is that this is something we are all very happy to celebrate nation has developed the capacity to Amen. put us at risk, to threaten the security f today, and we join with all Americans in congratulating Mark McGwire on of American citizens with a ballistic RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING this magnificent accomplishment. missile system. MAJORITY LEADER f So the assumption is that our intel- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ligence community and our resources able acting majority leader, the Sen- AMERICAN MISSILE PROTECTION for learning things like this are so so- ator from Mississippi, is recognized. ACT OF 1998—MOTION TO PROCEED phisticated and so reliable that we will f The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. AL- be able to detect this, that we will have LARD). Under the previous order, there an early warning, that we will be able SCHEDULE will now be 45 minutes of debate on the to know well in advance of any nation Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, at the motion to proceed to S. 1873, the Amer- having the capability of inflicting dam- request of the majority leader, I am ican Missile Protection Act of 1998. age or destruction on America’s soil, pleased to announce that at 9:45 a.m. Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, the through a system, in this morning there will be a vote on issue we are debating this morning is enough time that we could deploy a na- the cloture motion on the motion to not new to the Senate. In May of this tional missile defense system. proceed to the consideration of the year, the Senate voted on a motion to Another consideration is that we missile defense bill, the American Mis- invoke cloture so that we could pro- have not yet developed a national mis- sile Protection Act. The time between ceed to consider the American Missile sile defense system. We have various

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.


. S10046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 9, 1998 programs that are being tested in var- ka. According to press reports, the ple who are cooperating in right ious stages of development—theater Taepo Dong II would have the capacity now, and have in the past, to develop ballistic missile defense systems—that to destroy that area, as well as strik- systems that could inflict great dam- can defend us against regional attacks, ing Hawaii. age not only in that region but beyond. shorter-range attacks. But this bill is Now, the issue is, do we proceed with Now, some are saying that we al- talking about a national ballistic mis- the wait-and-see policy of this adminis- ready have authorization and funds in sile defense system and whether or not tration, or do we today vote to proceed the pipeline to develop these missile our policy should be to wait and see if to consider legislation that will change systems to protect us—interceptor mis- other countries develop the capability that policy, that will say as soon as siles—and we read about the testing to put us at risk and then decide—then technology permits, the United States that is going on of theater systems. decide—whether we should work to de- will deploy a national missile defense But we have no program that has as its ploy a system to protect against that system that will protect it against bal- goal the development and deployment kind of threat. listic missile attack, whether unau- of a missile defense that will protect What has changed since the vote in thorized or accidental or intentional. the United States against unauthor- May is that not only did Pakistan pro- We have all worried about accidental ized, accidental, or intentional ballis- ceed to test a nuclear device—we were and unauthorized launches from China tic missile attack. not sure they were going to do that— and Russia. We know those countries That is what this legislation address- they also had just recently tested a have the capability of striking us. But es. It has two parts. The first is recita- missile system that we did not know think about this other fact: What else tion of all of the facts that we have they had. We had been told a few has changed recently? been able to gather through hearings months earlier that they had a missile The United States has observed the over the last 2 years in our Sub- system that was in the 180 mile range. Russian Government slowly deterio- committee on International Security, They tested one that had a range of rate to the point that the command Proliferation, and Federal Services. We about 900 miles without our knowing and control structure of the military is have had hearings. We have published a they had the capability to do that, seriously in question. Who really con- report called Proliferation Primer. It without our knowing that they had trols the armed forces of Russia to the has been widely distributed. It docu- that missile. But they had acquired ei- point that you can rely upon the good ments the fact that throughout the ther the missile, the component parts, intentions of the Yeltsin government world there is a growing capability for or the design from other countries or not to target U.S. sites with their mis- the use of ballistic missiles. another country—according to press sile systems, their intercontinental We talk about how it is happening reports, was involved in ballistic missiles, the most lethal and and what people are saying who are in that—and they were able to actually accurate of any other country in the charge of those countries who are in- launch that across that distance, and it world, with multitudes of warheads, volved in this. It clearly, in our view, was a surprise to our intelligence com- nuclear-tipped warheads? We are sit- justified our asking this Congress to munity, to our country and to the ting here hoping and assuming that we legislate a change in our policy to world. can continue to work with Russia and carry out now the express rec- Those events occurred about the time whatever government does come out of ommendations of the Rumsfeld Com- we voted in May. Since then, look what the struggle for power there to con- mission, which has, since our vote in has happened. Iran has tested a longer- tinue to destroy nuclear weapons under May, given its report on the state of af- range missile than we expected them to Russian control rather than to build fairs regarding the ballistic missile have. North Korea has tested and has them up and make them more accurate threat to the United States. It was con- fired a multiple-stage ballistic missile. and lethal. cluded in that report that our intel- We had discussed the fact that that By the way, it is not like they have ligence community does not have the was possibly under development, the dismantled the nuclear weapon sys- capacity for making the early warning Taepo Dong missile. We are calling it tems in Russia. They exist. They are assessment that is contemplated under the Taepo Dong I because we are told lethal. They are capable of striking current administration policy. that there is a Taepo Dong II under de- anywhere in the United States they The Director of Central Intelligence velopment. That has been publicly re- might decide to strike, and we are glad has admitted in previous statements to ported in the press. that they don’t have any intention of the Senate that there are gaps and un- The missile that was tested the other doing that. But they have the capabil- certainties in the information that his day by North Korea, the multiple-stage ity of doing that and there could be an agency can obtain in making decisions missile, was fired over Japan. There unauthorized or accidental launch and about whether or not countries are de- was evidence that the missile actually we have absolutely no defense against veloping or have the capacity to deploy crossed the territory of Japan. Do you that kind of attack. We have been oper- ballistic missile systems that put our realize, Mr. President—I know Mem- ating under the assumption that we Nation at risk. Now that assessment bers of the Senate are aware—that we can assure them we will retaliate—we and that description of the situation have some 37,000 Americans deployed in have the capacity to—and we will de- has been borne out by those recent de- South Korea as a part of a defense sta- stroy any country who attempts to velopments. bility effort in that region, and we strike us in that way. That has been Admiral Jeremiah made a recent have more than that in Japan, in the the system for defense that we have study of our intelligence agencies in Okinawa area? had. the wake of some of these events, and The whole point is that if you con- We have had no defense. The defense he reported a similar problem. sider all of that, we have 80,000 Ameri- is that we will destroy you if you at- Given those facts, Mr. President, it cans who are at risk now because of the tack us in that way. That doesn’t work seems clear to me, the cosponsors of proven capability of North Korea and with North Korea or Iran or some other this legislation, and 59 Senators, that its new advanced missile capability. rogue states, leaders, and terrorists the time has come to change the policy We have gone to great lengths in the who have announced that it is their from wait and see to proceed as soon as last few years to dissuade North Korea stated goal to kill Americans and to technologically possible to deploy a na- from proceeding to develop nuclear destroy America and to build missile tional missile defense system to pro- weapons. We were very concerned that systems to do that or to sell missile tect the security interests of the they were proceeding to do just that. systems to those who want to do that. United States and its citizens. There is Some think that they have made sub- North Korea said just that. An official no higher responsibility that this Gov- stantial progress in doing just that. stated publicly that they are in the ernment has—no higher responsibility, Incidentally, the Taepo Dong II that business of selling missile systems. no priority any greater—than the secu- I just mentioned has the capacity of They need the money. That was the ex- rity of U.S. citizens. We are putting striking the territory of the United planation. We know that is true. They that security at risk, Mr. President, States. Many troops and military as- have sold missile systems; they have under the current policy. It is as clear sets and resources are located in Alas- sold component parts. Russia has peo- as anything can be. September 9, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10047 The time has come today—this morn- on Wednesday, as well as in an unclassified ‘‘operational’’ by the Pentagon, which puts ing at 9:45 a.m.—to vote to proceed to 27-page version, said the American intel- it in a position to threaten U.S. troops consider this proposal, which simply ligence community was wrong in relying on throughout that region. In April, Pakistan for the first time also calls for the deployment, as soon as the much-longer warning times. Rumsfeld said rogue nations, such as Iran tested a Nodong-design missile called the technology permits, of a national mis- and , had obtained sensitive missile Ghauri. sile defense system. technology, in part because of loosened ex- A congressional report released last week Mr. President, I urge Senators to port controls among industrialized nations. by a commission set up to assess the missile vote in support of the motion to invoke ‘‘Foreign assistance is not a wildcard,’’ threat said, ‘‘Iran is making very rapid cloture. Rumsfeld said. ‘‘It is a fact of our relaxed progress in developing the Shahab–3 me- I ask unanimous consent that several post-Cold-War world.’’ dium-range ballistic missiles. articles pertaining to this subject be Rumsfeld also said that these suspect ‘‘This missile may be flight tested at any countries had become more adept at conceal- time and deployed soon thereafter,’’ said the printed in the RECORD. ing their missile programs, making it more report by the commission, headed by former There being no objection, the mate- difficult for Western intelligence analysts to Defense Secretary . rial was ordered to be printed in the gauge a country’s progress and intentions. Iran also is building a longer-range RECORD, as follows: In a hastily called briefing for reporters, Shahab–4, which is expected to have a range [From the New York Times, July 16, 1998] senior intelligence officials said Wednesday of up to 1,240 miles—long enough to hit Cen- tral Europe. PANEL SAYS U.S. FACES RISK OF A SURPRISE that the commission had examined the same The Shahab—which means ‘‘meteor’’ in MISSILE ATTACK information available to government ana- lysts, but had come to different conclusions. Farsi—was first disclosed by The Times last (By Eric Schmitt) These intelligence officials said that they year. WASHINGTON—Rogue nations or terrorists tended to focus on specific evidence to reach ‘‘The development of long-range ballistic could develop and deploy ballistic missiles their conclusions, assigning various degrees missiles is part of Iran’s effort to become a for an attack against the United States with of certainty to each assessment. major regional military power,’’ a Pentagon ‘‘little or no warning,’’ an independent com- The intelligence officials said the panel, of- official said recently. mission announced Wednesday. ficially titled the Commission to Assess the A second U.S. official said data on the mis- But senior American intelligence officials Ballistic Missile Threat to the United sile test are being evaluated by U.S. spy disputed the finding, which challenges a States, took the same information and, in agencies to determine in more detail its esti- longstanding intelligence estimate that no essence, assumed the worst about what was mated range, payload capacity and other country except Russia and China, which al- known for a particular country’s missile pro- characteristics. ready possess ballistic missiles, could hit gram, and drew its conclusions. ‘‘This is something that was anticipated by American targets, and that North Korea Rumsfeld concurred: ‘‘We came at this sub- the intelligence community,’’ this official could perhaps field long-range missiles be- ject as senior decision-makers would, who said. fore 2010. have to make difficult judgments based on The Shahab missile program has benefited The unanimous conclusions of the biparti- limited information.’’ greatly from Russian technology and mate- san commission, headed by former Defense For that reason, the report, even though it rials, as well as Chinese and North Korean Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, provide fresh was praised in particular by Republicans, is assistance, according to a CIA report on pro- ammunition for supporters of a national mis- likely to stoke the debate over ballistic mis- liferation released Tuesday. sile defense, and sharpen an election-year sile threats rather than be viewed as the de- The report said companies and agencies in issue that Republicans want to wield against finitive conclusion. Russia, China and North Korea ‘‘continued the administration and Democrats in Con- to supply missile-related goods and tech- gress. [From the Washington Times, July 23, 1998] nology to Iran’’ throughout last year. ‘‘It’s a very sobering conclusion,’’ said ‘‘Iran is using these goods and technologies IRAN TESTS MEDIUM-RANGE MISSILE Speaker , a strong supporter to achieve its goal of becoming self-suffi- of national missile defenses, who called on (By Bill Gertz) cient in the production of medium-range bal- the administration to work with Congress in Iran conducted its first test flight of a new listic missiles,’’ the report said. A medium- the next several months to address the medium-range missile Tuesday night, giving range missile is one with a range between 600 heightened threat as described in the report. the Islamic republic the capability of hitting and 1,800 miles. The United States has spent more than $40 Israel and all U.S. forces in the region with Russian assistance to Iran’s missile pro- billion since the Reagan administration to chemical or biological warheads, The Wash- gram has meant Tehran could deploy a me- build a space- or land-based defense against ington Times has learned. dium-range missile ‘‘much sooner than oth- ballistic missile strikes, but has yet to con- ‘‘It is a significant development because it erwise expected,’’ the CIA said. struct a workable network. puts all U.S. forces in the region at risk,’’ A U.S. intelligence official said recently Indeed, a report Wednesday by the General said one official familiar with the test. that Shahab–3 deployment was about one Accounting Office, the auditing arm of Con- U.S. intelligence agencies detected and year away and that before Russian help it gress, concluded that it is unlikely that a monitored the launch, which took place at a had been estimated to be up to three years program to develop a national missile de- missile range over land in northern Iran late from being fielded. fense will meet an important deadline in Tuesday night, said officials familiar with The Iranian Shahab program has been a 2000. intelligence reports. target of intense diplomatic efforts by the The commission did not address the merit The missile was identified as Iran’s new Clinton administration, which has been seek- of any particular defensive system, focusing Shahab–3 missile, which is expected to have ing to curtail Russian technology and mate- instead on the ballistic missile threat to the a range of 800 to 930 miles, far longer than rial assistance. United States. any of Iran’s current arsenal of short-range Asked to comment on the test, Rep. Curt ‘‘The major implication of our conclusions Scud-design and Chinese missiles. Weldon, Republican, said it is that warning time is reduced,’’ said Rums- Data on the test are still being analyzed, was ‘‘devastating news.’’ He said the test feld, who was defense secretary under Presi- but the missile appeared to be a modified confirms the findings of a bipartisan con- dent Gerald Ford. ‘‘We see an environment of North Korean Nodong missile, which Iran is gressional panel that emerging missile little or no warning of ballistic missile using as the basis for its Shahab–3 design. threats are hard to predict. threats to the U.S. from several emerging The launch has raised new fears that Iran ‘‘We now have evidence that Iran has al- powers.’’ has acquired more Nodongs, which have a ready tested a missile system that the intel- The commission singled out North Korea, range of about 620 miles, from North Korea. ligence community said would not be tested Iran and Iraq for scrutiny. For example, the Intelligence officials said the Shahab–3 is a for 12 to 18 months,’’ he said. ‘‘That means panel’s report said, ‘‘We judge that Iran now liquid-fueled system carried on a road-mo- the threat to Israel, to our Arab friends in has the technical capability and resources to bile launcher. Mobile launchers are ex- the region and to our 25,000 troops in the re- demonstrate an ICBM-range ballistic mis- tremely difficult to detect and track. gion is imminent, and we have no deployed sile’’ similar to a North Korean model. The Shahab is believed by U.S. intelligence system in place to counter that threat.’’ But in a letter sent to Congress on Wednes- agencies to be inaccurate and thus is ex- Mr. Weldon, a member of the House Na- day, , the director of Central pected to be armed with chemical or biologi- tional Security Committee and an advocate Intelligence, said the government stood by a cal warheads. Iran is developing nuclear war- of missile defenses, said Iran would most threat assessment first made in 1995 and re- heads but is believed to be years away from likely deploy chemical or biological weapons affirmed most recently in March. having them. on the Shahab–3, depending on what types of The government assessments, Tenet said in Officials said the test’s success is signifi- advanced guidance systems it may have ob- his letter, ‘‘were supported by the available cant because U.S. military planners must re- tained from Russia. evidence and were well tested’’ in an internal gard the weapon as capable of being used ‘‘There is evidence Iran is aggressively pur- review. even though it was only fired once. suing nuclear weapons and within a short pe- But the commission, in its 300-page classi- North Korea’s Nodong also was flight-test- riod of time—months not years—will have a fied report delivered to the House and Senate ed only once and recently was declared nuclear warhead,’’ Mr. Weldon said. S10048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 9, 1998 Henry Sokolski, director of the Non- leader or government determined to operate and of itself it doesn’t give much new capa- proliferation Policy Education Center, said outside civilized norms. What do hoary no- bility to North Korea. the test firing shows that long-range mis- tions of ‘‘arms control’’ have to do with ‘‘The accuracy of these missiles is very siles are likely to be the threat of the future. these realities? Is anyone seriously going to low,’’ he told Agence France-Presse, adding ‘‘This stuff is moving a lot faster than we propose that the way to keep more Iranian that they would most likely be used to carry thought five years ago in the Bush adminis- Shehab-3s from being produced is to invite biological or chemical weapons. tration,’’ said Mr. Sokolski, a former defense the ayatollahs for a stay at Geneva’s finest Japan reacted to the test by abruptly with- official. hotels and a long meeting of the minds drawing plans to extend $1 billion in aid to across a green baize table? build two civilian nuclear reactors. North EARLY WARNING What prospect is there at all that Iran will Korea agreed to shut down its nuclear-weap- ons program in exchange for the two plants When the history books on the 21st century ‘‘agree,’’ much less comply with any com- mitment to give up what it now has? What it and U.S. deliveries of fuel oil. are written, the Shehab–3 may show up on a Japanese analysts saw the missile launch list of early warning signs that school- has is a medium-range missile that can reach U.S. allies Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia as a ploy in winning concessions from the children memorize about great catastrophes. West during ongoing nuclear-disarmament The medium-range ballistic missile that Iran and Egypt. And if similar minds somewhere in the world get hold of a missile capable of talks in New York. tested last week is just that—a warning that Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, reaching San Francisco or Honolulu or New the missile threat is here and now, not years visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, said, York, what ‘‘agreement’’ could induce them away. The coming catastrophe is a ballistic ‘‘This is something that we will be raising to give that up? missile attack on an undefended U.S. or U.S. with North Koreans in the talks that are The fact that the U.S. has absolutely no ally by a rogue nation. currently going on,’’ the Associated Press re- defenses against ballistic-missile-attack is You can’t say we haven’t been warned. The ported. week before the launch of the Shehab–3, an unacceptably large negative incentive to A South Korean Cabinet meeting of 15 min- made from a North Korean design, a biparti- this country’s enemies. The way to deter isters said North Korea’s ‘‘reckless’’ test-fir- san panel headed by former Defense Sec- them is not by signing more archaic arms- ing of a missile over Japanese territory poses retary Donald Rumsfeld issued a report to control agreements but by researching and a direct threat to the region. Congress on the ballistic missile threat. The deploying a national missile-defense system North Korea is the world’s largest exporter unanimous finding? Ballistic missiles from as quickly as possible after the next Presi- of ballistic missiles. It has been helping Iran rogue nations could strike American cities dent takes office. develop a missile arsenal that can reach de- with ‘‘little or no warning.’’ ployed American forces, moderate Arab The security and defense experts on the [From the Washington Times, Sept. 1, 1998] states and Israel. A North Korean envoy told Rumsfeld Commission noted that North N. KOREA FIRES MISSILE OVER JAPAN congressional aides last week the motive for Korea is developing missiles with a 6,200- [By Rowan Scarborough and Bill Gertz] exporting missile technology is simple: badly mile range, capable of reaching as far as Ari- North Korea yesterday conducted the first needed hard currency for the famine-ridden zona or even Wisconsin, and that Iran is test launch of an extended-range ballistic country. Intelligence officials said Iranian techni- seeking missile components that could re- missile in a provocative flight that crossed cians observed yesterday’s test, underscoring sult in weapons with similar range, able to Japan and signaled the hard-line regime is the close ties between Pyongyang and hit Pennsylvania or Minnesota. That infor- now able to threaten more neighboring coun- Tehran, which tested its own medium-range mation is from the unclassified version of tries. missile, the Shahab-3, with a range of about the report. The general public doesn’t get to The Taepo Dong–1 and its dummy warhead 800 miles, last month. hear about the really scary stuff. The bipar- traveled about 1,000 miles, surpassing by 380 North Korea, which boasts a 5-million-man tisan Rumsfeld Commission report, or miles the reach of North Korea’s operational army and stocks of chemical and biological course, received little play in the general medium-range missile, the No Dong. weapons, is also developing the intermediate media, which seems to have concluded some- Taepo Dong’s debut was predicted by range Taepo Dong-2. Scheduled for operation how that this issue is no big deal. Washington. The flight was tracked by U.S. in 2002, the weapon is designed to travel up Earlier this year, Senator Thad Cochran’s Navy ships and by surveillance aircraft as to 3,700 miles, putting it within range of Subcommittee on International Security the missile left northern North Korea, Alaska. Eventually, Pyongyang wants to de- reached many of the same conclusions. Using dropped its first stage in the Sea of Japan ploy an intercontinental ballistic missile ca- open-source materials, the committee pub- and then crossed Japan’s Honshu island be- pable of reaching the continental United lished ‘‘The Proliferation Primer,’’ which fore falling in the Pacific Ocean. States. lists in detail the progress being made by a The test of the medium-range missile im- host of countries toward the development The U.S. has 37,000 troops stationed in mediately raised security fears not only in South Korea, where they are already vulner- and deployment of weapons of mass destruc- Asia, but in the Middle East and the United tion. ‘‘The Proliferation Primer’’ didn’t able to North Korea’s arsenal of short-range States as well. missiles and thousands of artillery pieces. make it into the headlines either. Republicans in Congress renewed demands The forces enjoy limited protection through As the Shehab–3 drama was being staged in for President Clinton to accelerate develop- Patriot interceptors used in the 1991 Persian Iran, Vice President Gore found himself in ment of a national missile defense that could Russia, playing another scene in the absurd Gulf war to knock down Iraqi Scud missiles. intercept incoming ballistic missiles. Mr. Maj. Bryan Salas, a Pentagon spokesman, theater of arms control. This is a form of Clinton has put off a decision until 2000 de- said, ‘‘We were not surprised by the launch- diplomatic drama that employs repetitious spite a blue-ribbon commission’s finding ing. We’re still evaluating all the specifics in and meaningless dialogue and plots that lack that a rogue nation, such as North Korea, the matter and we consider it a serious de- logical or realistic development. Over the could launch a ballistic missile onto U.S. velopment.’’ past 30 years, every act in this ongoing show soil within the next five years without warn- The missile test comes as Mr. Clinton and has been structured around the same ludi- ing. Republicans are at odds on national missile crous theme: arms control works. ‘‘The test of the Taepo Dong indicates that defense. And so it goes in Moscow, where Mr. Gore, a North Korean threat to the continental The GOP got a boost this summer when a reading from the usual script, expressed U.S. United States is just around the corner,’’ congressionally appointed panel of experts, concern last week about the transfer of Rus- said Richard Fisher, an Asia expert at the led by former Defense Secretary Donald sian missile technology to Iran and other Heritage Foundation. ‘‘It is now long past Rumsfeld, stated the United States could be rogue states, and signed two agreements on overdue for the administration to finally blindsided by a missile attack within the the peaceful uses of nuclear technology. wake up, smell the coffee and get serious next five years from North Korea or another President Clinton voiced similar concerns in about missile defense.’’ rogue nation. Beijing last month. By flying the missile directly over Japan, But the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a letter Meanwhile, two-dozen countries are hard Mr. Fisher said, North Korea is showing it disclosed last week by The Washington at work on improvements to their ballistic- has the ability to hit U.S. military facilities Times, rejected the finding and continued to missile capabilities and North Korea is ex- there and can eventually field a missile ca- support a 2003 deployment date at the earli- porting do-it-yourself Nodong missile kits pable of hitting bases farther south in Oki- est for a national system. like the one that Iran used to build Shehab- nawa. ‘‘Okinawa is the military reserve area ‘‘The administration needs to wake up,’’ 3. In addition to all this there is the so-called for the United States in any potential Ko- said Rep. , Pennsylvania Repub- loose-nukes problem, by which it is feared rean peninsula conflict,’’ he said. lican and a leading missile defense advocate. that a Russian missile might find its way David Wright, a physicist at the Massachu- ‘‘From what we know about this missile, it into the hands of a terrorist group. setts Institute of Technology in Cambridge can even reach U.S. soil with a range that No arms-control agreement can provide and researcher at the Union of Concerned can strike U.S. citizens in Guam.’’ the necessary protection against such Scientists, said of utmost concern is ‘‘that Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas Repub- threats. Not so long ago the threat was a this is a two-state missile.’’ lican, added: ‘‘The administration’s decision massive Soviet missile attack, but today it Creating a multiple-stage missile is ‘‘one to block development and deployment of is more likely to be one or two ballistic mis- of the more complicated hurdles . . . in de- missile defenses means we are unable to pro- siles in the hands of a calculating national veloping a longer range,’’ he said. ‘‘But in tect either our important allies . . . or the September 9, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10049 thousands of American troops stationed weapons on its soil—which are then States, including a threat by weapons of there.’’ subject to being stolen, or pilfered, or mass destruction, through unconventional, North Korea has the expertise to mount sold—it will have many more thou- terrorist-style delivery means. The Chiefs chemical and biological warheads on its bal- sands of nuclear weapons. and I believe all these threats must be ad- listic missiles. It also has been attempting to dressed consistent with a balanced judgment develop nuclear weapons, but promised to It is not in the security interests of of risks and resources. end the program in return for economic aid. this Nation to trash the START II Based on these considerations, we reaffirm ‘‘When you begin to feed the wolf, the wolf agreement by threatening another our support for the current NMD policy and just gets hungrier and hungrier,’’ Mr. Fisher treaty called the Antiballistic Missile deployment readiness program. Our program said. ‘‘The aid to North Korea since 1995 can Treaty upon which START II is based, represents an unprecedented level of effort be said to have indirectly assisted the North upon which START I is based, and upon to address the likely emergence of a rogue Korean missile program because it allowed hopefully START III will be based. ICBM threat. It compresses what is normally them to spend less money on feeding their Can we negotiate a modification in a 6–12 year development program into 3 years people and sustain their missile develop with some additional development concur- budgets.’’ that ABM Treaty? I hope so. Might it rent with a 3-year deployment. This empha- The Rumsfeld panel dismissed a CIA con- be desirable for both sides to move to sis is indicative of our commitment to this clusion the United States faces no ballistic defenses against long-range missiles? I vital national security objective. The tre- missile threat from a rogue nation for 15 think so. Should we develop defenses mendous effort devoted to this program is a years. The panel was particularly leery of against long-range missiles but not prudent commitment to provide absolutely North Korea and its ally, Iran. commit to violate the ABM Treaty by the best technology when a threat warrants Its report said: ‘‘The extraordinary level of committing to deploy those missiles? deployment. resources North Korea and Iran are now de- Yes. We should develop those defenses. Given the present threat projections and voting to developing their own ballistic mis- the potential requirement to deploy an effec- sile capabilities poses a substantial and im- And we are at a breakneck speed—by tive limited defense, we continue to support mediate danger to the U.S., its vital interest the way, a very high-risk speed. the ‘‘three-plus-three’’ program. It is our and its allies. . . . In light of the consider- This bill, which would change our view that the development program should able difficulties the intelligence community policy, will not speed up the develop- proceed through the integrated system test- encountered in assessing the pace and scope ment of national missile defenses by 1 ing scheduled to begin in late 1999, before the of the No Dong missile program, the U.S. day. We are already developing those subsequent deployment decision consider- may have very little warning prior to the de- defenses as fast as we possibly can. ation in the year 2000. While previous plus- ployment of the Taepo Dong-2.’’ Mr. President, I want to just read ups have reduced the technical risk associ- Mr. LEVIN addressed the Chair. ated with this program, the risk remains briefly—if my 4 minutes are up, I ask high. Additional funding would not buy back The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- for an additional 2 minutes. ator from Michigan is recognized. any time in our already fast-paced schedule. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without As to the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I yield objection, it is so ordered. Treaty, the Chiefs and I believe that under myself 6 minutes. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, the Chair- current conditions continued adherence is Mr. President, this bill will not con- man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff wrote still consistent with our national security tribute to our national security. As a Senator INHOFE a letter on August 24, interests. The Treaty contributes to our matter of fact, it will weaken and jeop- which I ask unanimous consent to be strategic stability with Russia and, for the ardize our national security. immediate future, does not hinder our devel- printed in the RECORD. That is not just me saying it and opment program. Consistent with US policy There being no objection, the mate- that NMD development be consistent with those of us who oppose this bill. The rial was ordered to be printed in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the ABM Treaty, the Department has an on- RECORD, as follows: going process to review NMD tests for com- has written us a very, very strong let- pliance. The integrated testing will precede ter supporting the current national CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF, a deployment decision has not yet gone missile defense policy, which is to de- Washington, DC, August 24, 1998. through compliance review. Although a final velop defenses against these long-range Hon. JAMES M. INHOFE, determination has not been made, we cur- missiles but not to commit to deploy U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. rently intend and project integrated system such defenses, since such a commit- DEAR SENATOR INHOFE: Thank you for the testing that will be both fully effective and ment will violate an agreement that we opportunity to provide my views, together treaty compliant. A deployment decision have with Russia which has made it with those of the Joint Chiefs, on the Rums- may well require treaty modification which feld Commission Report and its relation to would involve a variety of factors including possible for us to reduce the number of the emerging ballistic missile threat to the nuclear weapons in this world. national missile defense. We welcome the contributions of this distinguished panel to United States (both capability and intent), Committing to break out of a treaty our understanding of ballistic missile threat and the technology to support an effective which has allowed us to reduce the assessments. While we have had the oppor- national missile defense. number of nuclear weapons will result tunity to review only the Commission’s pre- Again, the Chiefs and I appreciate the op- in Russia—they have told us this—not publication report, we can provide answers portunity to offer our views on the assess- ratifying START II, and then, indeed, to your questions subject to review of the ment of emerging ballistic missile threats deciding to reverse the START I reduc- final report. and their relation to national missile de- While the Chiefs and I, along with the In- fense. tions. START I reductions, START II Sincerely, reductions, and hopefully START III telligence Community, agree with many of the Commission’s findings, we have some dif- HENRY H. SHELTON. reductions are based on an agreement ferent perspectives on likely developmental Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, part of that we have with Russia that neither timelines and associated warning times. the Joint Chiefs’ letter is the follow- party will deploy defenses against long- After carefully considering the portions of ing: range missiles. the report available to us, we remain con- If we violate that agreement—this fident that the Intelligence Community can * * * we reaffirm our support for the cur- provide the necessary warning of the indige- rent [National Missile Defense] policy and bill commits us to a position which deployment readiness program. would violate that agreement—if we nous development and deployment by a of an ICBM threat to the United Those are the key words. violate that agreement, we are going to States. For example, we believe that North Based on these considerations, we reaffirm see Russia reverse the direction in Korea continues moving closer to the initi- which it is going—reduction of nuclear our support for the current [National Missile ation of a Taepo Dong I Medium Range Bal- Defense] policy and deployment readiness weapons. Indeed, there will be a much listic Missile (MRBM) testing program. That program. greater threat of the proliferation of program has been predicted and considered Then General Shelton wrote the fol- nuclear weapons, because thousands of in the current examination. The Commission lowing: additional weapons will then be on points out that through unconventional, Russian soil. high-risk development programs and foreign Our program represents an unprecedented This bill is a pro-proliferation of a assistance, rogue nations could acquire an level of effort to address the likely emer- ICBM capability in a short time, and that gence of a rogue ICBM threat. It compresses nuclear weapons bill. That is not the the Intelligence Community may not detect what is normally a 6–12 year development intent, obviously. But that is the effect it. We view this as an unlikely development. program into 3 years with some additional of this bill, because instead of Russia I would also point out that these rogue na- development concurrent with a 3-year de- just having a few thousand nuclear tions currently pose a threat to the United ployment. This emphasis is indicative of our S10050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 9, 1998 commitment to this vital national security are talking about the lives of American An earlier secret test of the ‘Ghauri’ mis- objective. The tremendous effort devoted to citizens. sile in January was reported by the this program is a prudent commitment to As one who is from Oklahoma and Islamabad News, which said that further provide absolutely the best technology when can see what type of terrorist devasta- tests would be made before a public dem- a threat warrants deployment. tion can take place, and realizing that onstration of the missile on 23 March. The Given the present threat projections and ‘‘secret’’ test probably refers to a static the potential requirement to deploy an effec- the devastation in Oklahoma was one- motor firing and systems check-out, and is tive limited defense, we continue to support thousandth of the power of the small- unlikely to have been a flight test. the ‘‘three-plus-three’’ program. It is our est nuclear warhead known, it is a very The ‘Ghauri’ missile was not displayed dur- view that the development program should scary thing. ing Pakistan’s National Day parade on 23 proceed through the integrated system test- I believe right now—I don’t think March. A missile similar to the Hatf 1 short- ing scheduled to begin in late 1999, before the there is a Senator here who doesn’t be- range missile was the only ballistic missile subsequent deployment decision consider- lieve this—that there could very well displayed. ation in the year 2000. be a missile headed our direction as we Pakistani official statements are limited Then he points out that: to the maximum range, payload and launch speak. It is not a matter of a rogue na- weight. From the pictures released, the mis- Additional funding would not buy back any tion learning how to make missiles to sile is similar in shape to the earlier Hatf 1 time in our already fast-paced schedule. deliver the weapons of mass destruc- design, which is also similar to the Chinese Finally, General Shelton said the fol- tion that we know they have. It is a M–9 (CSS–6/DF–15). The launch weight of lowing: matter of just getting that technology 16,000kg makes ‘Ghauri’ much heavier than The [ABM] Treaty contributes to our stra- and those systems from a country that the M–9, which has a launch weight of tegic stability with Russia and, for the im- already does. China is such a country. 6,000kg. This would appear to support the mediate future, does not hinder our develop- China fully has missiles that can payload weight quoted for ‘Ghauri’ of 700kg ment program. over the maximum range of 1,500km. reach Washington, DC, from any place It appears to be a scaled-up Hatf 1 single or Mr. President, our program now calls in the world. We have no way in the two-stage solid-propellant missile that may for the development of defenses against world of knocking them down. We use some Chinese technologies. The missile long-range missiles. Let no one mis- know that China is trading technology shown does not bear any resemblance to the understand that, or misstate that. systems with countries like Iran— Chinese CSS–2 (DF–3), which uses liquid pro- That is our current program. countries that would not hesitate to pellants and has a launch weight of 64,000kg. We are moving as quickly as possible. use missiles against us. An alternative option might be that Indeed, it is a high-risk move that we I wish I were speaking last, because ‘Ghauri’ is based on the Chinese CSS–5 (DF– there are going to be some things said 21) and CSS–N–3 (JL–1) ballistic missile de- are making because we have collapsed sign, which has a launch weight of 15,000kg, this development schedule so much. We about the exorbitant costs of such a a payload of 600 kg and a maximum range of are not going to speed up this schedule system. We can complete a system to between 1,700km and 1,800km. The CSS–N–3 1 day by threatening to destroy the protect us against a limited missile at- SLBM version entered service in 1983 and the ABM Treaty. All we will do, if this bill tack for about $4 billion. In the case of CSS–5 in 1987. passes, is to contribute to the threat of our AEGIS ship system, we have 22 The Iranian ‘Shahab 3’ ballistic missile the proliferation of nuclear weapons on AEGIS ships that have the capability project has a similar range and payload to the soil of Russia. That is not in our se- of knocking down a missile, but not an ‘Ghauri’, and, although the Iranians have ICBM. We have a $50 billion investment never quoted a launch weight for ‘Shahab 3’, curity interest. I hope we do not pro- it might be in the 16,000kg bracket. ceed to the consideration of this bill. in that system, and for only $4 billion ‘Shahab 3’ is believed to be an Iranian-de- I yield the floor. more we could have that system to pro- veloped single-stage liquid-propellant ballis- Mr. COCHRAN addressed the Chair. tect Americans. tic missile, based on North Korea’s ‘Nodong The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I hope that people will give consider- 1’ design, and a series of motor tests were re- ator from Mississippi. ation to this resolution. I think it is ported last year. Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I yield the most significant resolution we will It is not clear whether Pakistan and Iran 1 minute to the distinguished chairman be considering this year. have shared missile technologies, but their of the Senate Armed Services Commit- I ask unanimous consent that three development approaches appear to have fol- items pertaining to this matter be lowed relatively similar lines and in similar tee, the distinguished Senator from timescales. South Carolina, Mr. THURMOND. printed in the RECORD. Unconfirmed reports have suggested that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- There being no objection, the mate- Pakistan and Iran may have received either ator from South Carolina is recognized. rial was ordered to be printed in the missiles or technologies associated with the Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I am RECORD, as follows: Chinese solid-propellant M–11 (CSS–7/DF–11) a cosponsor of this amendment. I be- [April 15, 1998] and M–9 programmes, and it is to be expected that there might have been some assistance lieve that it is a very important PAKISTAN’S FIRST TEST OF ITS NEW BALLISTIC given both ways. amendment. Other countries are going MISSILE (By Rahul Bedi, New Delhi and Duncan forward and developing missile sys- [From the Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 8, 1998] tems. Can we afford not to do it? For Lennox, London) VULNERABLE AND AT RISK the sake of our people and the sake of The first test of Pakistan’s new ballistic missile, the Hatf 5 or ‘Ghauri’, took place on Recently, U.S. Sen. James Inhofe, R-Tulsa, this Nation, we should seize this oppor- asked Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of tunity to go forward on this matter 6 April. Statements from the Pakistani gov- ernment said that the missile has a maxi- the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to comment on a promptly. It is in the interest of our mum range of 1,500km, a payload of 700kg new report questioning U.S. readiness to deal Nation and the people of this country and a launch weight of 16,000kg. with a long-range missile attack. The gen- that we take that step. Some earlier statements had implied that eral’s response was illuminating, particu- I thank the Senator, very much, for the ‘Ghauri’ might also be used as the basis larly so in light of North Korea’s subsequent yielding to me. for a satellite launch vehicle. test of a missile capable of carrying nuclear Mr. COCHRAN addressed the Chair. Currently described by government offi- warheads. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- cials as ‘‘a research effort for the time Inhofe raised the issue after release of the being’’, its indigenous development and re- Rumsfeld Commission Report, warning a ator from Mississippi is recognized. search status means that ‘‘no international missile threat may come sooner than many Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I yield sanctions or regimes apply to its develop- in the U.S. government think. The panel said 2 minutes to the distinguished Senator ment or production’’. it’s possible an enemy could develop a ballis- from Oklahoma, Senator INHOFE. Claims that the missile was tested over tic missile program in a way that would give The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- land are confusing as the length of Paki- the United States little or no warning before ator from Oklahoma. stan’s territory does not allow for the range an attack. Mr. INHOFE. Thank you, Mr. Presi- attributed to ‘Ghauri’. Other reports have in- In fairness, Shelton and the joint chiefs an- dent. dicated that the missile was test launched swer to , so it’s not surprising from a location near Jhelum in northeast they echo his administration’s soft-line on I regret that we are on such a tight Pakistan to the area southwest of Quetta, a missile defense. constraint, because I think this is the range of about 800km to 1,000km, which Shelton reiterated to Inhofe that the chiefs most significant issue this Senate will would agree with the reported flight time of don’t think a real threat is near. They be- be addressing certainly this year. We around eight minutes. lieve the United States should continue to September 9, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10051 comply with the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile siles; Saddam Hussein has forced U.N. in- tional missile defense that I have in- Treaty and they support Clinton’s ‘‘3-plus-3’’ spectors to a standstill; and bin Laden blew troduced legislation promoting na- plan for a national missile defense. The pol- up two American embassies in Africa. tional missile defense that has passed icy calls for three years of development with Indeed, it has lent a prophetic tone to the the U.S. Senate. another three years for deployment—if a findings of the Rumsfeld Commission, a missile threat is identified. ‘‘We remain con- team of defense experts which in July I support national missile defense be- fident that the Intelligence Community can warned that America’s enemies could deliver cause we have an unpredictable and provide necessary warning of . . . an ICBM a ballistic missile threat to the U.S. within rapidly emerging ICBM threat to this threat,’’ Shelton wrote. five years of any decision to acquire such a country from the so-called rogue Inhofe points out that U.S. intelligence capability. More ominously, the Rumsfeld states. The Rumsfeld Commission re- was surprised by India’s nuclear testing this report warns that ‘‘during several of those cently alerted us to the growing need summer and considered attacks on embassies years, the U.S. might not be aware that such for national missile defense. As I have in Africa unlikely. As for the ABM treaty, a decision has been made.’’ said many times on the Senate floor, Inhofe says it ‘‘reinforces the discredited In face of these tangible threats, the con- policy of mutual-assured destruction at a tinued Democratic preference for arms con- we must be prepared before we are sur- time when the U.S. is being targeted by nu- trol agreements in the bush over real defense prised. merous potentially undeterrable rogue states capabilities in the hand is baffling. And our But the bill before us is fatally and terrorists.’’ guess is that an American public that has flawed because it does not include the Inhofe’s ally on missile defense, U.S. Rep. now watched North Korea and seen for itself correct criteria for a decision to de- Floyd Spence, R-S.C., cut to the dangers of some of bin Laden’s handiwork also would be ploy. It says that we should deploy ‘‘as the Clinton administration’s ostrich-like ap- a hard sell. We wouldn’t be surprised, then, if soon as technologically possible.’’ Mr. proach to missile defense in an interview these developments, coupled with a Presi- President, that isn’t the right test. with Frank Gaffney, director of the Center dent suffering from a severe loss of moral au- Let’s make sure that we deploy the for Security Policy. thority, might lead some of these Democrats ‘‘The first warning of a heart attack is a to consider whether they want to continue to best initial system, not simply the first heart attack,’’ Spence said. ‘‘The Clinton ad- block debate about ways to protect Ameri- one off the shelf. The first one off the ministration’s response to all this is that we cans—especially the 13 Democratic Senators shelf may be significantly inferior to are working on a system and we are going to up for re-election which follow: one that follows soon thereafter that experiment for about three years. And if the UP FOR RE-ELECTION would be a far more effective system of threat arises, we will decide at that time Democratic senators who voted against national missile defense. whether or not to deploy. My God, the threat closure on the American Missile Protection Further, the Cochran bill is also seri- is right now here, this minute, this moment, Act of 1998. ously flawed because it has only one not some time in the future.’’ Barbara Boxer, California. The Oklahoman urges Inhofe, Spence and criterion—‘‘as soon as technologically John Breaux, Louisiana. other patriots in Congress to hold hearings possible.’’ It completely disregards Thomas A. Daschle, S. Dakota. highlighting America’s vulnerability to mis- three other vital criteria for national Christopher J. Dodd, Connecticut. sile attack. Byron L. Dorgan, N. Dakota. missile development: Bold action is needed to counter Clinton’s Russell D. Feingold, Wisconsin. No. 1, treaty compliance. As the idle approach to defending the U.S. against a Bob Graham, Florida. Joint Chiefs have said in several let- grave and growing threat. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont. ters, the ABM Treaty and START ac- Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland. cords must not be endangered. Mr. [From the Wall Street Journal, Sept. 8, 1998] Carol Moseley-Braun, Illinois. President, I direct my colleagues’ at- SHOOTING STARS Patty Murray, Washington. tention to a statement by General ‘‘Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be Harry Reid, Nevada. Henry Shelton, the current Chairman shot at without success,’’ Winston Churchill Ron Wyden, Oregon. of the Joint Chiefs. He said that the ef- once famously said. Perhaps. But the Japa- Source: Coalition to Defend America. nese might have a different take, having now fect that ‘‘NMD deployment would Bill Clinton might have his own second had North Korea fire a missile over their have on arms control agreements and thoughts. It is worth asking whether Mr. heads. In a world where Pathan tribesmen nuclear arms reductions should be in- Clinton could even have taken the limited with rifles have been replaced by rogue action he did against sites in Afghanistan cluded in any bill on national missile states with ballistic missiles, Churchill and the Sudan had bin Laden somehow man- defense.’’ would have been the first to argue that the aged to buy a missile of his own—or pay the Are we going to listen to the top leader of the free world needs more going for North Koreans or Iranians to shoot one off military leadership of our country on him then the other guy’s bad aim. To wit, a for him. this question? I hope so. I hope we are missile defense. Likewise, could George Bush have pros- If the events of the past few weeks have going to listen to the Chairman of the ecuted the Gulf War if Saddam Hussein had taught us anything, it is that the bad guys Joint Chiefs of Staff. had a missile capability? As Mr. Clinton has out there—Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong II, The second key criterion is cost. A had impressed on him, just four or five war- Osama bin Laden and the like—are not kid- system we can’t afford, such as one heads in hands like Kim Jong II’s pose a far ding when they threaten to blow up Ameri- more immediate and practical threat to with space-based weapons, is a fantasy cans. What we don’t yet know is just how American lives and interests than the 2,000 in the short run and protects no one. many of them have the capability to follow or so in the Russian arsenal. Especially We need to have a system that we can through on their threats, though recent tests given North Korea’s willingness to sell its afford. by both North Korea and Iran confirm that missiles to anyone with cash. some are not that far away. We shouldn’t The third criterion is use of proven Providing an American President with the have to wait until a missile lands in Times technology to ensure performance and wherewithal to shoot down a ballistic missile Square to find out. contain costs. We ought to use tech- on its way to an American city shouldn’t be Unfortunately that is precisely what nology we know will work. Again, a partisan issue. But if the Democrats decide Democratic Senators have been doing. Back again to make it one in the coming vote, rushing to failure will not protect one in March, GOP Senator Thad Cochran intro- that would be a persuasive Republican argu- single American family. duced a bill calling for the U.S. ‘‘to deploy as ment for a filibuster-proof Republican Sen- Mr. President, we are in a develop- soon as is technologically possible an effec- ate. If we ever get a missile defense system ment stage on national missile defense, tive National Missile Defense System capa- this country needs, we may owe more to and that is where our efforts must be. ble of defending the territory of the United Monica Lewinsky and Osama bin Laden than States against limited ballistic missile at- I applaud our colleagues on the Appro- we do to our Democratic Senators. tack.’’ When the motion to move it to the priations Committee and Armed Serv- floor for debate and amendments came up, it Mr. CONRAD addressed the Chair. ices Committee for fully funding ag- fell just one vote shy of the 60 needed. All 41 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- gressive development of national mis- opposed were Democrats. While bin Laden ator from Michigan. sile defense. However, the Cochran bill, bombs, the Democrats filibuster. Mr. LEVIN. I yield Senator CONRAD 4 at this point, is counterproductive be- They have a chance to redeem themselves minutes. cause it applies the wrong criteria to when the reintroduced petition comes up for Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I rise as a vote tomorrow. Events since the March 13 the decision to deploy. The Senate filibuster have tragically underscored just a strong supporter of national missile should again vote no on cloture. how irresponsible a move it was: India and defense. But I also rise as a strong op- I thank the Chair. I yield the floor Pakistan have exploded nuclear bombs; Iran ponent of the Cochran bill that is be- and give back the remainder of my and North Korea have tested ballistic mis- fore us. I believe so strongly in na- time. S10052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 9, 1998 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who control. I want to hold up a chart of are familiar with; it is the THAAD Pro- seeks time? unclassified pictures to try and show gram, Theater High Altitude Area De- Several Senators addressed the what arms control means. This is a fense Program. In that case, again, we Chair. photo from March 26, 1997. It shows the were anxious to get this program field- Mr. LEVIN. I yield 4 minutes to Sen- launching of an SSN–20 missile from a ed. The Congress put increased pres- ator DORGAN. Russian submarine in the Barents Sea. sure on the Department of Defense to Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, this de- The submarine launched a missile, and move ahead. Accordingly, we have had bate and this vote are not about wheth- within minutes the missile was de- disaster. In that case, the program is 4 er we support research on a missile de- stroyed. And the last picture here years behind schedule. There have been fense system. I am on the Appropria- shows the missile’s pieces falling into five consecutive flight test failures of tions Committee. I am on the Defense the sea. the THAAD interceptor. The cost of Appropriations Subcommittee. The De- Why was that missile destroyed? Be- the program has risen from $10 billion fense appropriations bill has over $3 cause of arms control agreements that to $14 billion today. billion for research and development of we have reached with Russia. There General Larry Welch, who reviewed theater and national missile defense was a whole series of these ‘‘launch-to- this missile defense program and other programs. I expect all Members of the destruction’’ launches, because they programs indicated that one reason is Senate support that. I do. were an inexpensive way for Russia to that there was a very high level of risk, But this bill presents us with a dif- destroy its submarine-launched mis- that we were, in fact, engaged in what ferent question. This bill would put the siles and for us to verify their destruc- he called a ‘‘rush to failure’’ in the Senate on record saying there must be tion. That is the way to deal with these THAAD Program. We do not need a a deployment of a national missile de- rush to failure in the national missile threats—a reduction of nuclear weap- fense system—there must be a deploy- defense program to follow onto the ons, reduction of delivery vehicles. ment as soon as ‘‘technologically fea- rush to failure in the THAAD Program. This is the kind of thing, with Nunn- sible.’’ And we must then deploy. We need a program that the Depart- Lugar and other efforts, especially Well, 25 years ago, we had an anti- ment of Defense can develop on an ur- ballistic missile system in North Da- arms control agreements, that results gent basis, but on a reasonable basis. I kota. I guess that particular system in a real reduction of threat. believe they are on that course. I be- The question is, What will the vote was technologically feasible then. Of lieve when General Shelton asks us to course, that system would have used today do to arms control? Will it mean refrain from this kind of a legislative nuclear bombs to intercept and destroy more delivery systems, more nuclear proposal, I think we should take his ad- incoming missiles. But it was built, at weapons? A greater arms race? I don’t vice. I hope we will defeat the proposal the cost of over $20 billion in today’s think anybody in this Chamber has by the Senator from Mississippi. terms. Thirty days after it was de- that answer. My colleague, Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mi- CONRAD, put it well. To those who sup- 1 clared operational, it was mothballed. nority has 3 ⁄2 minutes. That system was too expensive and too port—and I think almost all of us do— Mr. LEVIN. I yield 3 minutes to Sen- controversial. theater missile defenses and the re- ator BIDEN. Let’s keep that cautionary tale in search on national missile defense, it Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, whatever mind as we consider this bill. doesn’t make any sense to say that our views on a nationwide ballistic If this bill were to pass, the question notwithstanding any other consider- missile defense, it seems to me that we is, What is technologically feasible? ation we must deploy as soon as tech- should reject S. 1873. What kind of technology? At what nologically feasible. That is not, in my Were that bill to pass, deploying a cost? Does cost have any relevance at judgment, the right thing or the national missile defense system could, all? How will the bill affect arms con- thoughtful thing to do in order to de- in my view, break the back of the econ- trol? Will this bill crowd out spending fend this country. omy at a moment when we finally have on other ways of dealing with terror- Mr. LEVIN addressed the Chair. gotten a handle on things. ism? What other defense programs that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- A week ago, General Lyles warned respond to terrorist threats or rogue ator from Michigan. that our current programs are over nations will then lack funding because Mr. LEVIN. I yield Senator BINGA- budget and ‘‘may not be all afford- we forced deployment of a system when MAN 3 minutes. able.’’ We spent years getting some budget someone said we now have the tech- Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I discipline. We have finally achieved nology, and we forced deployment not- thank the Senator from Michigan for yielding me time. I want to join my that. We must not throw that all away. withstanding costs? This bill would require deployment Frankly, a rogue nation or a terror- colleagues in resisting S. 1873, this pro- even without a threat of new strategic ist state is much more likely to pose a posal. In my view, what this proposal missiles; and it would throw taxpayers’ threat to us with a suitcase nuclear would do is to put our Defense Depart- money at the first available tech- bomb planted in the trunk of a rusty ment in an untenable position. It es- nology, rather than the best tech- Yugo car at a dock in New York City. sentially says that, in this case, in the case of national missile defense, as dis- nology. The threat is much more likely to be a As Dr. Richard L. Garwin warns, the tinguished from all other cases, they nuclear weapon put on top of a cruise first technology will be vulnerable to should ignore the criteria that they use missile—not an ICBM, but a cruise mis- missiles with penetration aids, which sile. There is far greater proliferation for deciding which programs to go Russia surely has and others can easily of cruise missiles and greater access to ahead and deploy. Those criteria are develop. Missile defense is expensive; them. Will this defend against cruise that they maintain a sensible balance penetration aids are cheap. missiles? No. Will it do anything about among cost, schedule, and performance This bill will also guarantee what the suitcase bomb? No. What about a considerations, given affordability con- General Welch calls a ‘‘rush to fail- fertilizer bomb in a truck parked in straints. ure.’’ Five test failures with the front of a building? No. What about a Now, that is the criteria the Depart- THAAD theater defense system are a vial of the most deadly biological ment of Defense has set up. This pro- reminder of how difficult it is to de- agents? Again, no. posal by my colleague from Mississippi velop any missile defense. A policy of There are a lot of terrorist and rogue would have them ignore those provi- deploying the first ‘‘technologically nation threats that we ought to be con- sions and rush ahead to develop this as possible’’ system is almost bound to cerned about, and we ought to worry soon as it is technologically feasible. fail. about developing missile defense—and We have some experience with efforts Finally, this bill does not even per- we are. But rushing to say we must de- by Congress to turn up the political mit consideration of the negative con- ploy now, as soon as it is techno- pressure on the Department of Defense sequences of deployment. S. 1873 would logically feasible, notwithstanding any and to urge them to rush ahead with destroy the Anti-Ballistic Missile Trea- other consideration, makes no sense. development of programs before they ty, and thus end any hope of imple- The Senator from Michigan was ask- can be safely deployed. The most re- menting START Two or of achieving ing what this bill would do to arms cent example is one that many of us START Three. September 9, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10053 ‘‘Star Wars’’ may seem easier than tions with Russia have rendered such According to intelligence sources, the hard, patient work of reducing defensive capabilities unnecessary, this the light-weight alloys as well as great power armaments and stabilizing view is naive. I believe that in many equipment for testing these Iranian our forces. But the ‘‘easier’’ path can respects the threat has actually in- missiles came from Russia. also be the dangerous path. creased. If we assume the predictions about Last week, Presidents Clinton and The increased threat results from othe5r countries; lack of technological Yeltsin agreed to share real-time data several interrelated factors. The col- capacities are accurate and postpone on third-country missile launches, to lapse of the bipolar geopolitical order implementation of our own defensive reduce the risk of accidental nuclear defined by U.S.-Soviet confrontation capabilities based on these assump- war. That is a good, sensible initiative. has ushered in multipolar instability. tions, the U.S. will be rendered vulner- But what happens if we say we will The threats we confront today as a na- able while we test the accuracy of deploy a national missile defense? We tion are diffuse. Moreover, our poten- these predictions. If these assumptions may call it just a defense, but others tial enemies are abundant in a world are proven false, the results would be will see it as a second-strike defense where interstate relations are no devastating. that enables us to mount first-strike longer delineated according to mem- This is a risk to U.S. security and a nuclear attacks. Russia and China will bership in one of two ideological risk to U.S. civilians that I personally adopt a hair-trigger, ‘‘launch on warn- camps. am not willing to take. ing’’ posture to overwhelm that de- I would like to emphasize a further It has been an enduring objective of fense, and the risk of nuclear war will change brought about by changes in U.S. defense policy to achieve the capa- rise. the international environment. An ad- bility to defend our country from bal- Now, some day we may need a na- ditional aspect of the post-cold-war listic missiles, whether the threat be tion-wide ballistic missile defense. world is the rapid and, in some cases, from deliberate, accidental or unau- That is why the Defense Department uncontrollable diffusion of advanced thorized launch. has the ‘‘3+3’’ policy of developing technologies. While earlier non-pro- A further reality we confront under changed circumstances is the steady technology that would permit deploy- liferation efforts relied heavily on deterioration of Russia’s system of ment within three years of finding an stringent export control regimes, command and control over its nuclear actual threat on the horizon. heavy reliance on multilateral controls Some of my colleagues believe we warheads. is insufficient to protect U.S. interests. Although the Russian situation pre- cannot wait for that. But Iran’s mis- The U.S. continues to maintain a sents a potential threat now and de- siles will hit the Middle East and parts complex and multi-layered system of ployment is not slated for another sev- export controls as a deterrent to of Europe. North Korea’s missiles will eral years, no one can assume that the would-be proliferators or rogue na- hit Japan and Okinawa. Despite recent command-and-control elements in any missile tests, these countries are sev- tions. However, an export control re- state possessing weapons of mass de- eral years away from threatening even gime is only as strong as its weakest struction and long-range delivery capa- the far western portions of Alaska and link. Furthermore, rogue nations— bility will remain impenetrable and se- Hawaii, as General Shelton made clear such as North Korea—who already pos- cure. This is one more reason that de- in his letter of August 24. sess threatening capabilities, are more vising and deploying missile defense And should a real threat materialize, than willing to sell their know-how to makes sense. there are far cheaper alternatives to others. There has been sufficient debate as to fielding a national missile defense. So, I am aware of others’ predictions whether this bill is necessary in addi- while sensible policy on ballistic mis- that ballistic missile capability will tion to the Defense Department’s sile defense is perfectly feasible, S. 1873 not present a threat for more than an- three-plus-three program. I believe it is is not such a sensible policy. other decade. I believe, however, that for the following reasons: Mr. President, the Senate has real these predictions rely too heavily on First, although the three-plus-three work to do. Americans deserve a Pa- the assumption that export controls program provides for development of tient’s Bill of Rights; we can enact will keep rogue nations at bay. With- national missile defense (NMD) tech- campaign finance reform that even the out the technology, our potential en- nology, it does not commit to deploy- House of Representatives had enough emies are presumably impotent. I ment. sense to pass; and we must stop the think this is an overly optimistic view. Under the Administration’s program, slaughter of our teenagers by Big To- More than 15 nations already possess the U.S. would achieve the means to bacco. short-range ballistic missiles. Many of deploy an NMD system, but would Let us get back to legislation that these same nations are pursuing weap- await an imminent threat to do so. Ca- meets real, current needs and that will ons of mass destruction to accompany pability that is not deployed opens a not destroy the balanced budget. Let these missile capabilities. Several of window of vulnerability. Certainly the us reject cloture on the motion to de- these same countries are hostile to plans of an attack on the U.S. by a hos- bate S. 1873, and get this Senate back U.S. interests. tile nation are not going to include a to work. Any country with the know-how to great deal of advanced warning. By not Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, as a launch low-orbit satellites is also capa- providing a commitment to deploy- cosponsor of the legislation before the ble of achieving long-range delivery of ment, as is the objective of this legisla- Senate, I rise in strong support of the a nuclear or other type of warhead. In tion, we are deliberately creating an objectives set forth in this bill. As we contrast to the CIA’s earlier pre- indefinite phase of vulnerability. all know, this legislation would estab- diction, the recently released Rumsfeld Second, opponents to this legislation lish a policy for the U.S. to develop and Report stated that the threat is only firmly believe that by committing to deploy a national missile defense as five years away. Moreover, the Rums- deployment we may end up with an in- soon as technologically possible. This feld Commission determined that the adequate or faulty system. This bill system will defend all 50 states against U.S. may not be able to identify the neither prematurely locks the U.S. any limited ballistic missile threats. source of a threat, thus having little or into specific technological solutions Mr. President, allow me to offer a no warning. nor does it freeze our missile defense couple of observations about the Let me simply offer one concrete ex- options. changed international and national se- ample why the Administration’s cur- We already are deploying systems, curity environment which directly im- rent policy is dangerous. The Adminis- even though the technologies involved pact U.S. defense needs. The original tration assumes it will have three continue to evolve. The specific tech- impetus for a national missile defense years warning of a ballistic missile nologies utilized and the defense capa- system was the perceived threat from threat to the U.S. Although U.S. intel- bilities achieved are in no way deter- the during the cold war. ligence previously believed that Iran mined by this legislation. Further de- Although some assume that the col- could not field a medium-range missile velopment and improvements to the lapse of the Soviet Union and the con- until 2003, this system was flight-tested system are anticipated, and this legis- tinued thaw in previously frosty rela- in July. lation allows for that. S10054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 9, 1998 An additional strategic consideration President, the North Korean Govern- membership in the United States federation; is that the lack of a U.S. NMD system ment continues to defy the odds—but, and may actually provide an additional in- what concerns me is the old adage that Whereas the United States plans to field a national missile defense, perhaps as early as centive to would-be rogues. If the U.S. ‘‘desperate times often call for des- 2003; this national missile defense plan will implements an NMD system early perate measures.’’ If North Korea is provide only a fragile defense for Alaska, the enough, this may serve as a deterrent truly desperate, to what extent will it state most likely to be threatened by new to these states. go to try to hold on to its grasp of missile powers that are emerging in North- As mentioned, I believe that pre- power? east Asia; dictions regarding the technical medi- We have almost 80,000 American Be it resolved, That the Alaska State Legis- ocrity of hostile nations are exces- troops in the Asia/Pacific Theater. lature respectfully requests the President of sively optimistic. However, I also firm- Most of these troops are already in the the United States to take all actions nec- essary, within the considerable limits of the ly believe that a national missile de- range of current North Korean missile resources of the United States, to protect on fense system undoubtedly raises the technology. As their missile develop- an equal basis all peoples and resources of bar on the technological capability ment program advances, we can expect this great Union from threat of missile at- necessary to inflict damage. more American lives and territory to tack regardless of the physical location of Any nation hostile to the U.S. would be at risk. We cannot stand idly by and the member state; and be it not only have to achieve long-range ca- wait! We need to be prepared so that we Further resolved, That the Alaska State pability, but they would also have to can protect our citizens and our terri- Legislature respectfully requests that Alas- be sophisticated enough in their deliv- tory from such a reckless or accidental ka be included in every National Intelligence Estimate conducted by the United States ery system to defeat a defensive shield. strike by North Korea or some other joint intelligence agencies; and be it The financial and technical means nec- nation. Further resolved, That the Alaska State essary to accomplish this goal does, in- Alaskans have been justifiably con- Legislature respectfully requests the Presi- deed, comprise a substantial deterrent. cerned with this issue for some time. I dent of the United States to include Alaska More importantly, a missile defense ask unanimous consent to have printed and Hawaii, not just the contiguous 48 system places strategic stability on a in the RECORD at this time a resolution states, in every National Intelligence Esti- more reliable and less adversarial foun- passed by the Alaska State Legislature mate of missile threat to the United States; dation. The cold war deterrence relied and be it which calls on the Administration to Further resolved, That the Alaska State on vulnerability and threats of retalia- include Alaska and Hawaii in all future Legislature urges the United States govern- tion. Missile defenses create a shield of assessments of the threat of a ballistic ment to take necessary measures to ensure protection, while the maintenance of a missile attack on the United States. that Alaska is protected against foreseeable reliable stockpile underpins our credi- More than 20 percent of our domestic threats, nuclear and otherwise, posed by for- bility in threats of retaliation if at- oil comes from Alaska, all of it eign aggressors, including deployment of a tacked. through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. ballistic missile defense system to protect Arms reductions can only achieve ob- Alaskans are concerned, as should the Alaska; and be it jectives of stable U.S.-Russian rela- Further resolved, That the Alaska State rest of the country be concerned, that Legislature conveys to the President of the tions if these reductions are accom- a strike at the pipeline could have dire United States expectations that Alaska’s panied by national missile defense de- consequences to our domestic energy safety and security take priority over any ployment. With such a system in place, production. international treaty or obligation and that possible non-compliance and third There being no objection, the resolu- the President take whatever action is nec- party threats are not as pertinent. This tion was ordered to be printed in the essary to ensure that Alaska can be defended would provide the confidence necessary RECORD, as follows:’ against limited missile attacks with the same degree of assurance as that provided to to achieve even greater reductions. STATE OF ALASKA—LEGISLATIVE RESOLVE NO. Mr. President, based on these con- all other states; and be it 36 Further resolved, That the Alaska State cerns about U.S. national security in Whereas Alaska is the 49th State to enter Legislature respectfully requests that the conjunction with my commitment to the federal union of the United States of appropriate Congressional committees hold disarmament objectives I cosponsored America and is entitled to all of the rights, hearings in Alaska that include defense ex- and fully support the legislation before privileges, and obligations that the union af- perts and administration officials to help us today. fords and requires; and Alaskans understand their risks, their level National missile defense will provide Whereas Alaska possesses natural re- of security, and Alaska’s vulnerability. the necessary additional security req- sources, including energy, mineral, and Copies of this resolution shall be sent to human resources, vital to the prosperity and uisite in an unstable and transitional the Honorable Bill Clinton, President of the national security of the United States; and United States; the Honorable Al Gore, Jr., global environment where hostile na- Whereas the people of Alaska are conscious Vice-President of the United States and tions are rapidly amassing threatening of the State’s remote northern location and President of the U.S. Senate; the Honorable and sophisticated weapons capability. proximity to Northeast Asia and the Eur- Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the U.S. House of The objectives set forth in this legisla- asian land mass, and of how that unique lo- Representatives; the Honorable Ted Stevens, tion achieve that goal. cation places the state in a more vulnerable Chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Ap- Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I position than other states with regard to propriations; the Honorable Bob Livingston, rise today in support of S. 1873, the missiles that could be launched in Asia and Chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Europe; and Committee on Appropriations; the Honorable American Missile Protection Act. This Whereas the people of Alaska recognize the bill is simple, but extremely impor- Strom Thurmond, Chair of the U.S. Senate changing nature of the international politi- Committee on Armed Services; the Honor- tant. It makes it clear that it is the cal structure and the evolution and pro- able Floyd Spence, Chair of the U.S. House of policy of the United States to deploy, liferation of missile delivery systems and Representatives Committee on National Se- as soon as technologically possible, a weapons of mass destruction as foreign curity; and to the Honorable Frank Murkow- national missile defense system which states seek the military means to deter the ski, U.S. Senator, and the Honorable Don is capable of defending the entire terri- power of the United States in international Young, U.S. Representative, members of the tory of the United States against lim- affairs; and Alaska delegation in Congress. Whereas there is a growing threat to Alas- ited ballistic missile attack. ka by potential aggressors in these nations Mr. MURKOWSKI. Last year North We voted on cloture earlier this and in rogue nations that are seeking nu- Korean defectors indicated that the year—the motion fell one vote shy. clear weapons capability and that have spon- North Korean missile development pro- Well, as is common in this business, we sored international terrorism; and gram already poses a verifiable threat are dealing with changed cir- Whereas a National Intelligence Estimate to American forces in Okinawa and cumstances. North Korea continues to to assess missile threats to the United seems on track to threaten parts of defy rational behavior. As we all know, States left Alaska and Hawaii out of the as- Alaska by the turn of the Century. The it recently fired a multi-stage missile sessment and estimate; and Taepodong missile, which is under de- Whereas one of the primary reasons for over Japan! Starvation in North Korea joining the Union of the United States of velopment, would have a range of is rampant, and many North Korea America was to gain security for the people about 3,100 miles. From certain parts of watchers have long predicted that gov- of Alaska and for the common regulation of North Korea, this weapon could easily ernment’s imminent collapse. Well, Mr. foreign affairs on the basis of an equitable target many of the Aleutian islands in September 9, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10055 western Alaska, including the former the threat the United States and our smoldering disputes—is now perched on Adak Naval Air Base. allies face from rogue and terrorist the edge of a nuclear arms race. The Washington Times reported ear- states, and non-state actors. The following month, in June, North lier this year that the Chinese have 13 Beyond these, the future of Russia Korea blatantly announced that it was of 18 long-range strategic missiles and China remains unclear. While we selling, and would continue to sell, bal- armed with nuclear warheads aimed at wait to see if the forces of freedom and listic missiles to any and all comers. American cities. This is incredible, Mr. democracy prevail in the internal The only requirement is cash on the President. Opponents to the motion to struggles happening in these countries, barrel-head. invoke cloture somehow fail to under- we must remember that they maintain In July, the Congress received stark stand that this threat is real and that the capability to launch weapons of warning of our under-preparedness we have a responsibility to protect the mass destruction. Other states con- from the Rumsfeld Commission. This United States from attack, be it delib- tinue efforts to develop destructive ca- distinguished, bi-partisan, group of ex- erate or accidental. Without question, pabilities. Recently, Iran has made dra- perts concluded that our assessment of the threat of an attack on the United matic progress in its missile develop- the missile threat to America was in- States is increasingly real, and we ment. We know that China’s prolifera- adequate, and that hostile countries must act now to make certain that it tion has aided the development of were closer to developing and deploy- is the policy of the United States to Pakistan’s nuclear program, adding to ing ballistic missiles than we thought. construct a national missile defense the instability of South Asia. As if to prove the Rumsfeld Commis- system with the capability of inter- My primary concern with the Admin- sion right, Iran test-launched its cepting and deterring an aggressive istration’s ‘‘plan’’ on deploying an Shahab-3 missile that same month. strike against American soil from all anti-ballistic missile defense system is This weapon was based on a North Ko- parts of the United States—as soon as that it is premised on deploying a sys- rean design and updated with Russian possible. tem within three years of clearly iden- and Chinese assistance. It is capable of Finally, Mr. President, I would men- tifying an emerging threat. I believe striking U.S. allies and troops in the tion for a moment that S. 1873 is not, the Administration greatly overesti- Middle East. Iran also continues its and I repeat not, in any way a strike at mates its intelligence gathering capa- work on the Shahab-4, which will be Russia. The ABM treaty was crafted bility. able to reach central Europe. and agreed to when the United States In early 1997, a CIA official testified Then, just a few weeks ago, North and the Soviet Union were the only nu- that Iran was not expected to have the Korea test-launched its Taepo-Dong 1 clear powers. The mutually assured de- capability to field a medium range bal- missile—and they shot it right over our struction system was agreed to under listic missile until 2007. Less than a key ally, Japan. The Taepo-Dong 1 is a the understanding that we were dealing year later, that nine year time frame huge breakthrough for North Korea. It with the Soviet Union, and not third was significantly reduced by the CIA, is a multi-stage rocket that puts North parties. Times have changed; there are and another Administration official Korea over a critical technology countless more players that have com- predicted Iran could have the capabil- threshold. Their next missile, already plicated the issues. We have a respon- ity in as early as one-and-a-half years. under development, is the Taepo-Dong sibility to protect ourselves, and we Similarly, in 1997 the Department of 2 which will be capable of striking must act now to do so. Defense only credited Pakistan with a American shores. Mr. President, I support the motion 300 km capability. However, less than When I spoke on this subject in May, to proceed to the bill and hope that my six months later Pakistan launched a I cautioned that developments such as colleagues will vote overwhelmingly in missile capable of traveling 1,500 km. these were on the horizon. Indeed, I favor of this legislation this morning Based on past performance, I am very noted a few of them specifically. But I and pass it in the near future. hesitant to base the fielding of a mis- truly did not expect to stand here this Mr. MACK. Mr. President, I am sile defense system on the Administra- soon and recount that so many dan- pleased to be a cosponsor of S.1873, the tion’s determination of the existence of gerous developments actually oc- American Missile Protection Act of an emerging threat. I believe such a curred. My friends, the past few 1998 drafted by Senators COCHRAN and plan is grossly inadequate and could months demonstrate that the threats INOUYE. While I have been an ardent have catastrophic consequences for the from weapons of mass destruction and supporter of a vigorous missile defense American people. missiles with increasingly greater program with a specific architecture Mr. THOMPSON. Mr. President, last range are an imminent threat. We have and under a specific deployment sched- May, in the wake of India’s nuclear consistently underestimated that ule, a sufficient minority of members weapons tests, the Senate rejected by threat and must proceed with develop- has been able to derail this effort over one vote a motion to allow us to con- ment and deployment of a national the last few years. Therefore, the mod- sider the need for a national missile de- missile defense as soon as possible. est proposal under consideration today, fense. At that time I came to the floor I do not know if there will be another is an attempt to compromise by affirm- and urged my colleagues to support de- proliferation development to report atively establishing as U.S. policy the fending our nation against missile at- this month. Given the recent track deployment of an effective National tack. I recalled how the President, in record, it’s very likely there will be. Missile Defense (NMD) system as soon his address, under- It’s certain that missile development as technologically possible. scored the importance of foresight and in hostile countries will continue I have long argued that such a sys- the need to prepare ‘‘for a far off apace. Moreover, world events are be- tem is both necessary and prudent be- storm.’’ The President wasn’t talking coming more and more chaotic each cause the threat of an attack or an in- about weapons proliferation and na- day. The instability in Russia and Asia advertent launch did not end with the tional missile defense, but I suggested and the continuing proliferation activi- termination of the cold war, but is real he should have been—and that the ties of countries like China and North and continues to grow. In fact, the thunder clouds of proliferation were Korea only heightens the prospect that threat is greater today than any time gathering. dangerous weapons technology will be in United States history. The tech- Since that vote in May, the storm sold to rogue actors. nology revolution aids equally those has picked up force and is not so ‘‘far President Clinton was recently who want to bring good into the world, off.’’ That weapons proliferation is a quoted in the press that requiring cer- as well as those who would do harm. serious threat to our nation is more ob- tification regarding other countries’ Recent activities in Africa, namely vious today that even a few month ago. actions only creates the need for the the bombing of our embassies in Kenya Allow me to remind my colleagues of Administration to ‘‘fudge’’ its report- and Tanzania, and the launch of ballis- a few developments since the Senate ing. More recently, it appears the Ad- tic missiles (or a satellite) by North last considered missile defense: ministration took an active role to Korea, as well as the shoot-down of two Following India’s nuclear tests, Paki- limit weapons inspections in Iraq, de- unarmed American aircraft in the Flor- stan conducted six of its own tests. The spite all its rhetoric to the contrary. ida straits two years ago, reminds us of South Asian subcontinent—rife with Mr. President, events like these are S10056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 9, 1998 highly worrisome because they suggest crease the nuclear threats this country affect existing and future arms control the President is less than forthcoming faces. treaties. It should be clear to every one to the American people, to our allies Quoting from S. 1873, ‘‘the United in this chamber that if the United and to our foes on issues of national de- States should deploy as soon as is tech- States unilaterally abrogates the ABM fense and foreign policy. Perhaps even nologically possible an effective na- Treaty, which is what S. 1873 states we more worrisome, however, is the possi- tional missile defense system.’’ In the will do, the Russians will effectively bility that Administration policy mak- eyes of the sponsors of this bill, the end a decades-long effort to reduce ers may be fooling themselves. In the only standard that must be met in de- strategic nuclear weapons. They will case of missile defense, this appears to ciding whether to deploy defenses is back out of START I. They will not be so. Their defense policy is based on that they be technologically possible. ratify START II. And they will not ne- hollow rhetoric and delusion. It is Mr. President, I cannot find a clear gotiate START III. In other words, a based on the hope of a three-year ad- definition of effective defenses in S. unilateral U.S. deployment of national vanced warning. My friends, we’re re- 1873. That troubles me greatly, though missile defenses could end the prospect ceiving our warnings now—over and it apparently doesn’t trouble the bill’s for reducing Russia’s strategic nuclear over again. It’s time to act. supporters. They are strangely silent arsenal from its current level of 9,000 It’s time to wake up and it’s time to when it comes to establishing even the weapons down to as few as 2,000. act. The technology to develop nuclear most minimal performance require- I find it hard to believe that many of and other weapons of mass destruction ments for missile defenses. Many of my colleagues are willing to forego the is widely available. If we do not pre- these bill supporters are the same peo- opportunity to eliminate thousands of pare today, when the day arrives that ple who reject important domestic pro- Russian nuclear weapons today in ex- America is paralyzed by our vulner- grams such as health care and school change for the possibility that we might some day be able to deploy a ability to ballistic missile attack, or construction because they fail to meet system that can intercept a few mis- when an attack actually occurs, we their stringent—sometimes logically siles. This is much too steep a price to will be reduced to telling the American impossible—set of conditions. pay for a course of action that at people—and history—that we had This irony is not lost on me, nor present is unproven, unaffordable, and hoped this would not happen. We will should it be lost on the rest of the Sen- ate. As I noted in May when we last de- unnecessary. have to say we had ample evidence of a Supporters of S. 1873 have argued bated this bill, the attitude displayed growing threat, but did not act for that the Senate should reconsider its by the proponents of S. 1873 is cavalier whatever reason. position on this issue as a result of even by military spending standards. Mr. President, if we’re going to err three major developments since May— Some research by the Department of on this issue, we should err on the side the nuclear weapons tests in India and Defense shows that S. 1873 would make of caution. If our choices are to deploy Pakistan, the Rumsfeld Commission a missile defense either too early or history. For the first time ever, we report on the threat posed by ballistic too late, let’s make it early. The first would be committing to deploy a weap- missiles, and North Korea’s test of a step in raising our guard is to pass S. ons system before it had been devel- medium-range ballistic missile. In re- 1873, the American Missile Protection oped, let alone thoroughly tested. ality, none of these events suggests we An additional irony is that most ex- Act, and commit the United States to should go forward with premature de- perts believe that a rush to judgment a policy of deploying national missile ployment of national missile defenses. on ballistic missile defenses will not defenses. The tests of nuclear weapons by India Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, as I necessarily lead to the deployment of and Pakistan as well as the larger issue listen to the debate on S. 1873, two ob- the most effective system. According of proliferation of nuclear weapons can servations come to my mind. First, it to General John Shalikashvili, the best and most directly be addressed by appears that a rigid adherence to ideol- former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of swift consideration and ratification of ogy seems to be trumping the judg- Staff, ‘‘if the decision is made to de- the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. ment of this nation’s most senior mili- ploy a national missile defense system Adoption of S. 1873 does not directly tary leaders. Second, advocates of S. in the near term, then the system field- address this situation and will, in fact, 1873 apparently lack confidence in their ed would provide a very limited capa- lead to more, not less, nuclear weap- own publicly stated position. They are bility. If deploying a system in the ons. Unfortunately, the majority side insisting that the critical and costly near term can be avoided, the Defense of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- decision about whether we deploy a na- Department can continue to enhance mittee has not seen fit to conduct a tional missile defense should be based the technology base and the commen- single hearing on this issue, let alone on a single criterion—technological surate capability of the missile defense report out this treaty for consideration feasibility—a simplistic test that the system that could be fielded on a later by the full Senate. bill’s supporters are unwilling to use deployment schedule.’’ As for the remaining two events, I for any other federal program. In addition to its silence on the effec- commend to all members of the Senate The Senate should act as it did in tiveness issue, there is not a word in S. an excellent letter from General May. We should oppose cloture and 1873 about the costs of this system. The Shelton, this nation’s most senior mili- move on to the Patients’ Bill of Rights, Congressional Budget Office estimates tary leader. General Shelton and the campaign finance reform, education, that the deployment of even a very rest of the service chiefs take issue agricultural relief, and the environ- limited system could cost tens of bil- with the Rumsfeld Commission’s find- ment—all issues of greater urgency for lions of dollars. And given that so ings and reaffirm their support for the working families in this country. much of the necessary technology re- Clinton Administration’s current mis- The proponents of this latest attempt mains unproven, history tells us the sile defense policy and deployment to deploy ballistic missile defenses at real cost could be much, much more. readiness program. As for the recent all costs have entitled this bill the Despite the hefty price tag and the Korea missile test, although the letter American Missile Protection Act. But questionable technology, proponents of was written prior to the test, the let’s be clear, enactment of this bill this bill essentially say, ‘‘the costs be Chairman’s conclusions were explicitly will provide precious little if any addi- damned, full speed ahead.’’ Yet when it based on the assumption that North tional protection. If the Senate were to comes to proven proposals to improve Korea would continue the development immediately adopt this bill, we would our nation’s schools, increase the qual- and testing of their missile program. not be a single day closer to actually ity of health care, or enhance the envi- Quoting General Shelton, the North having a national missile defense. In ronment, the first question out of the Korean missile program, ‘‘has been pre- fact, as stated by the Secretary of De- mouths of the proponents of S. 1873 is, dicted and considered in the current fense and the Chairman of the Joint ‘‘how much does it cost?’’ examination.’’ Chiefs of Staff in recent letters to Con- Mr. President, S. 1873 also says abso- Mr. President, I ask my colleagues to gress, deployment of national missile lutely nothing about how a U.S. dec- reflect on the advice of the Secretary defenses at this time is unnecessary, laration that it plans to unilaterally of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff premature, and could effectively in- deploy national missile defenses will and vote against cloture on S. 1873. September 9, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10057 Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, I rise as mits to testing and selling missiles in nologically possible. To do anything a cosponsor and strong supporter of S. an effort to help build the arsenals of less would be to shirk our duties to 1873, the American Missile Protection Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Again, despite provide for the common defense of the Act, and I urge all my colleagues to the threats and pleadings of the Ad- United States and all its citizens. vote in favor of this much needed legis- ministration, North Korea has refused Mr. FAIRCLOTH. Mr. President, how lation. to stop developing, testing, and deploy- we vote is not always clear to Ameri- Let me begin by being blunt—the ing missiles. cans. For the average citizen it is not United States cannot defend its borders Lastly, opponents of a missile de- easy to keep straight whether a ‘‘yea’’ against a single ballistic missile at- fense system point to the Administra- is for or against something—whether it tack. This leaves all fifty states, espe- tion’s 1995 National Intelligence Esti- is a vote to pass a bill or table it. It cially Alaska and Hawaii, defenseless mate which stated that the United also can be difficult to sort out where against any country that wants to States would not face a threat of a mis- their senators stand when a particular threaten the U.S. with ballistic mis- sile attack for at least 15 years. How- vote covers many provisions in one siles. ever, to come to this conclusion, they ‘‘package.’’ Which provision was the We will hear that there is no need for had to exclude any threat to Alaska ‘‘yea’’ vote for or the ‘‘no’’ vote a national missile defense because the and Hawaii. This intentional omission against? Soviet Union is gone. This is true, but is deceptive at best. We must not sac- But, Mr. President, the vote on clo- the USSR’s demise has given rise to rifice the protection of U.S. citizens ture of the American Missile Protec- many nations ready to take their living in Alaska and Hawaii just to tion Act (S. 1873) this morning is not at place. Russia has 25,000 nuclear war- score political points. By leaving one all one of those ‘‘confusing’’ votes. I heads and recent reports show that state vulnerable, we leave the country can think of no vote where it can be their technology and warheads are vulnerable. This is unacceptable. seen more clearly exactly where each readily available. Just as problematic While I am a strong supporter of the senator stands. This morning’s vote is that 25 nations have or are develop- capability of our intelligence commu- was black and white. This morning’s ing nuclear, biological and chemical nity, they are not perfect. In May, the vote shows who takes the most impor- weapons. Over 30 nations have ballistic U.S. intelligence community was tant function of the Federal Govern- missiles, with many more attempting caught by surprise when India con- ment—national security—seriously. to strengthen their weapon of mass de- ducted a series of nuclear tests on the The Senate failed for a second time struction capability. 11th and 13th of that month. In another this year to invoke cloture on the bill. Until just recently, China, with its surprise, despite intelligence estimates Forty-one Senators, all Democrats, over 400 warheads, had strategic nu- that Iran could not field its medium voted against protecting American clear missiles targeted at the United range ballistic missile until 2003, Iran families from the greatest threat to our homeland. States. However, these missiles could flight-tested this system on July 22nd Nothing can be more frightening be red-targeted within minutes if so de- of this year. Also, it has been reported than the thought of an attack on our sired. Just last week, North Korea that Iran is developing a longer-range homes by another nation using nu- placed all of South Asia on high alert version capable of reaching Central Eu- clear, biological, or chemical weapons. due to their missile test. They now rope. Not thinking about it or pretending have demonstrated the capability to Again, the Administration believes that it won’t happen are absolutely not build two-stage missiles, which is sig- that we will have at least 3 years warn- grownup ways to deal with this reality. nificant because adding stages in- ing before any missile attack would be Opponents of the American Missile creases missile range. While the Ad- feasible. However, on July 15th, the Protection Act claim concern with the ministration plays down the threat, I Congressionally mandated bipartisan fact that the bill mandates deployment cannot. This leaves the region and our Rumsfeld Commission concluded that of a National Missile Defense system. over 80,000 troops in the area vulner- the United States could get little to no They claim that this bill ties our hands able to attack. Also, according to warning of ballistic missile deploy- because when we finally do develop the ‘‘Jane’s Strategic Weapons Systems,’’ ments from several emerging powers. capability to deploy a system, there North Korea is developing long-range The Commission stated that ‘‘The might not be a need for it. missile capability that could threaten threat to the U.S. posed by these Might not be a need?? Let me be com- southern Alaska and with additional emerging capabilities is broader, more pletely up-front. It’s a myth that we assistance from Russia could later de- mature and evolving more rapidly than have plenty of time to build a missile velop missiles with ranges which could has been reported in estimates and re- defense capability and hold off deploy- threaten the west coast of the U.S. ports by the intelligence community.’’ ment until some potential future Opponents will also argue that a mis- It also warns that, ‘‘The warning times threat develops. The American people sile defense system cannot defend the the U.S. can expect of new, threatening need to get that scenario out of their United States against suitcase nukes ballistic missile deployments are being minds. The system is needed today, or terrorist attacks on our own soil. reduced. . . . the U.S. might well have right now, and it is time for this Ad- They are right, and we need to do more little or no warning before operational ministration to get off its slow-track to detect this form of terrorism, but it deployment.’’ development program. should not be done at the risk of a bal- While it may be difficult, we must Just two months ago, the Rumsfeld listic missile attack. To quote William admit that we live in an era of unstable Commission to Assess the Ballistic Safire, ‘‘. . . nations like China, Iran, international politics. The U.S. should Missile Threat to the United States Iraq, North Korea, India, and Pakistan never initiate a ballistic missile at- concluded that ‘‘ballistic missiles have not been investing heavily in suit- tack, but we cannot be sure that other armed with WMD payloads pose a stra- cases.’’ These countries are spending nations are like-minded. The United tegic threat to the United States.’’ The money on long range missiles. While States must be able to defend itself. I commission did not say there might be many of these countries may never believe the world would be a better a future threat, it said there is a threaten the United States, we should place without these weapons. In the present threat. Further, India and not base all of our future threats on meantime though, we must live with Pakistan have conducted nuclear tests, the present. the reality that they do exist and in North Korea just launched a two-stage Opponents also point out that non- the wrong hands will be used. missile over Japan, and we don’t know proliferation agreements will end the The bottom line is that if the United Iraq’s chemical weapons capability be- need for a missile defense. The problem States is on the receiving end of a mis- cause the inspectors have not been al- is that not all countries abide by these sile attack, we are defenseless. I be- lowed to look. If these events do not agreements, or even sign at all. Pres- lieve it is wrong to understate the dan- convince my colleagues on the other ently, China, North Korea, and Russia ger still lurking in the world. We must side of the aisle of our need for a Na- are all engaged in the transfer of mis- do all that is possible to protect all tional Missile Defense system, what sile components and technologies. De- Americans. We must develop a true na- will it take to convince them? Do they spite past denials, North Korea now ad- tional missile defense as soon as tech- actually have to see a missile strike? S10058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 9, 1998 So, Mr. President, I do not take seri- But I have other concerns as well. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ously this criticism that S. 1873 is These relate to the potential cost of ator from Texas is recognized. flawed because it mandates deploy- the policy enshrined in this bill. And Mrs. HUTCHISON. Thank you, Mr. ment of a missile defense system that they focus on the dubious techno- President. I thank the Senator from may not be needed. This sounds more logical objective that lies at the heart Mississippi for his leadership. like a smoke screen. I believe that the of what is known as ‘‘National Missile Which of these actions would be the Democrat’s real hope is to try and re- Defense.’’ I think it is certainly appro- act of a strong and powerful nation led suscitate the Anti-Ballistic Missile priate to ask some tough questions—as by men and women of vision and fore- Treaty, which was voided by the break- the Rumsfeld Commission did—about sight: a nation that constantly reas- up of the Soviet Union. Getting back the foreign missile threat to determine sesses its security threats and tailors the ABM Treaty seems to be all con- if this threat is so grave or so immi- its defense to meet those threats, or a suming for some senators, and a U.S. nent that it requires throwing twin ba- nation that sits back and says let’s see National Missile Defense system gets bies out with the bath water: first, by what the threat is, then we will assess in the way of their goal. abandoning standard US government it and then we will address it? Mr. President, after today’s vote it is procurement laws and procedures when Mr. President, it was the latter very clear to American families that it comes to acquiring major techno- thinking that caused us to go to a hol- their senators either support real na- logical systems, and second by setting low military after World War II, and we tional security action or are trying to America on a course that is contary to paid the price with thousands of lives convince the citizens that a paper trea- our nation’s arms control treaty obli- in the Korean war—lives of our men ty will be sufficient to protect them— gations. And with respect to the con- and women, because we hadn’t planned there is no middle ground. sideration of what is actually possible, for the future. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mi- I also want to call my colleagues’ at- Mr. President, we have gotten the nority has 15 seconds remaining; the tention to an article in the New York wake-up call. It is the Rumsfeld report majority a minute and a half. Times dated July 28 by Richard that Congress commissioned, which Mr. GLENN addressed the Chair. Garwin, a member of the Rumsfeld said that we have failed to estimate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Commission. The article makes a per- how long it would take rogue nations ator from Ohio. suasive point: that we cannot—must to develop ballistic missiles. That is Mr. GLENN. Mr. President, I rise not—depend on a system for our de- the wake-up call. Are we going to meet today to oppose cloture on the Cochran fense which, even under the best cir- the security threats of this country? bill. cumstances, cannot accomplish its The greatest security threat we have is I will agree at the outset that the mission. In fact, it is not at all clear incoming ballistic missiles. If we put many cosponsors of this bill, though that any system we design could ever our mind to the technology, we can haling overwhelmingly from a single deal with all of the varied threats from prioritize our defense spending to say party, probably believe they have the different quarters. to the American people that we will best interests of the nation in mind by Mr. President, the American people protect you from incoming ballistic giving their support to this bill. So I are not dummies. I am convinced that missiles to our shores, or to any thea- am not here today to challenge their when they listen carefully to both sides ter where our Armed Forces are motives or to impugn their character. I on this issue, they will recognize that present. We can do no less if we are am here instead to state as concisely nobody has yet come up with an im- men and women of vision and foresight and sincerely as I can how and why I provement on existing US policy for for the greatest Nation on Earth. believe they are simply wrong. missile defense. They will come to this I urge your support for the Cochran This bill is fatally flawed because it conclusion precisely because our cur- visionary amendment that would pro- bases a profound national security de- rent policy is premised upon all of the tect our country at the earliest oppor- cision—that is, the decision to deploy a many considerations I have just sum- tunity. missile defense system spanning the marized . . . not just one. Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I ask entire territory of the United States— Americans understand that it makes unanimous consent that Senator COATS upon one single consideration . . . its sense not to force the government to be added as a cosponsor of S. 1873. technological possibility. buy costly, high-risk technologies that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Voters across the land sent us here to simply have the possibility of being ef- objection, it is so ordered. Washington because here is where the fective. CLOTURE MOTION tough decisions are made that face all They understand that America’s na- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- Americans. They are tough decisions tional security decisions must not be imous consent, pursuant to rule XXII, precisely because they rarely if ever in- made without considering the impacts the Chair lays before the Senate the volve only one consideration. They are of these decisions on the defense pending cloture motion, which the tough because they often entail tough choices that will be left open to other clerk will report. trade-offs in the pursuit of goals that countries. The assistant legislative clerk read our country simply cannot achieve all They understand that in an age of as follows: at once. As members of Congress, we balanced budgets, large new public sec- CLOTURE MOTION have to consider politics, economics, tor commitments will jeopardize fund- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- short-term and long-term effects, im- ing prospects for a multitude of other ance with the provision of rule XXII of the pacts on other policies, legal issues, precious national goals. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby and other factors. We have to weigh all They will know how to assess the in- move to bring to a close debate on the mo- these considerations and reach a judg- correct claim so frequently made by tion to proceed to Calendar No. 345, S. 1873, the Missile Defense System legislation. ment on what will serve the interests missile defense advocates that America Trent Lott, Thad Cochran, Strom Thur- of the nation. is allegedly ‘‘defenseless’’ against the mond, Jon Kyl, Conrad Burns, Dirk Yet here we are today, deliberating a foreign missile threat. The closer they Kempthorne, Pat Roberts, Larry E. decision that could well lead to the ex- look at the $270-plus billion that we are Craig, Ted Stevens, Rick Santorum, penditure of tens or potentially hun- spending each year on the nation’s de- Judd Gregg, Tim Hutchinson, Jim dreds of billions of dollars solely on the fense (not to mention the additional Inhofe, Connie Mack, Robert F. Ben- basis of a wish on a star. And that star billions that we are investing in our nett, and Jeff Sessions. is Star Wars. diplomatic and intelligence capabili- CALL OF THE ROLL This is my main objection to the ties), the sooner they will see the fal- The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- bill—I just do not think it is wise to lacy in the idea of a defensless Amer- imous consent, the mandatory quorum base fundamental national security de- ica. call has been waived. cisions on simply one criterion, espe- Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I yield VOTE cially one so notoriously ill-defined as the time remaining on our side to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the notion of a ‘‘technological possibil- distinguished Senator from Texas, Sen- question is, Is it the sense of the Sen- ity.’’ ator HUTCHISON, for closing our debate. ate that debate on a motion to proceed September 9, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10059 to Senate bill 1873, the missile defense that some people must file for bank- I yield the floor. bill, shall be brought to a close? ruptcy. Some people fall on hard times The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The yeas and nays are required under and have financial problems that dwarf ator from Hawaii is recognized. the rule. The clerk will call the roll. their financial means. They need to Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, I rise to The assistant legislative clerk called have the debts that they cannot pay speak during morning business for 5 the roll. forgiven under chapter 7. minutes. The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 59, However, other people who file for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nays 41, as follows: bankruptcy have assets or have the objection, it is so ordered. [Rollcall Vote No. 262 Leg.] ability to repay their debts over time. f YEAS—59 These people should reorganize their NEW WORLD ALTITUDE RECORD debts under chapter 13. Bankruptcy Abraham Frist Mack BREAKING FLIGHT Akaka Gorton McCain should not be an avenue for someone to Allard Gramm McConnell avoid paying their debts when they Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, I rise Ashcroft Grams Murkowski have the ability to do so. People should today to recognize and celebrate the Bennett Grassley Nickles pay what they can. world record breaking achievements of Bond Gregg Roberts the National Aeronautics and Space Brownback Hagel Roth Unfortunately, too many people Burns Hatch Santorum today who file for bankruptcy choose Administration’s (NASA) Unmanned Campbell Helms Sessions to discharge their debts rather than re- Aerial Vehicle (UAV) program con- Chafee Hollings Shelby organize them and pay what they can. ducted at the Pacific Missile Range Fa- Coats Hutchinson Smith (NH) cility (PMRF) on Kauai. This exem- Cochran Hutchison Smith (OR) The reason may be because filing for Collins Inhofe Snowe bankruptcy does not have the moral plary program is part of NASA’s Envi- Coverdell Inouye Specter stigma it once had. It may be because ronmental Research Aircraft and Sen- Craig Jeffords Stevens sor Technology (ERAST) program, D’Amato Kempthorne Thomas the person needs to be educated on how DeWine Kyl Thompson to better manage their money. Maybe which first gained national recognition Domenici Lieberman Thurmond attorneys do not encourage enough for record breaking Pathfinder flights Enzi Lott Warner people to reorganize their debts. What- last year. Faircloth Lugar ever the reason, it is a big problem Mr. President, on December 10, 1997, I NAYS—41 today. was proud to participate in a ceremony Baucus Feingold Levin The problem is becoming more seri- dedicating the previous record break- Biden Feinstein Mikulski ous because more and more people are ing flight that reached an altitude of Bingaman Ford Moseley-Braun 71,500 feet in memory of Hawaii’s be- Boxer Glenn Moynihan filing for bankruptcy every year. In Breaux Graham Murray fact, more Americans filed for bank- loved hero, Colonel Ellison Onizuka. Bryan Harkin Reed ruptcy last year than ever before, This was a most fitting tribute to Bumpers Johnson Reid about 1.35 million people. honor Colonel Onizuka and inspire our Byrd Kennedy Robb S.1301 addresses the issue by making youth to excellence. Cleland Kerrey Rockefeller Since that time, the Pathfinder solar Conrad Kerry Sarbanes it easier for judges to transfer cases Daschle Kohl Torricelli from chapter 7 discharge to chapter 13 electric powered remotely piloted air- Dodd Landrieu Wellstone reorganization, based on the income of craft has undergone design upgrades Dorgan Lautenberg Wyden which have allowed the ERAST Team Durbin Leahy the debtor and other factors. The bill permits creditors to be involved if they to once again set a new world altitude The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this believe the debtor has the ability to record for unmanned solar-powered air- vote, the yeas are 59, the nays are 41. repay. However, if a creditor abuses craft. This landmark was accomplished Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- that power and brings such motions when the solarplane climbed to 80,200 sen and sworn not having voted in the without substantial justification, the feet above PMRF on August 6, 1998. I affirmative, the motion is rejected. creditor is penalized. Also, the legisla- am particularly proud of the students Mr. GORTON. I move to reconsider tion places more responsibility on at- and faculty of Kauai Community Col- the vote. torneys to steer individuals toward lege and the talented personnel at Mr. LEVIN. I move to lay that mo- paying what they can. PMRF who assisted NASA’s ERAST tion on the table. The bill makes reforms without jeop- Team in attaining this monumental The motion to lay on the table was ardizing the truly needy. For example, achievement. agreed to. the bill has special provisions to pro- The success of Pathfinder and Path- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ROB- tect mothers who depend on child sup- finder Plus has opened new doors to ERTS). The distinguished Senator from port by making these payments the top possible educational, scientific, and Washington is recognized. priority for payment in bankruptcy. technological applications that were Mr. GORTON. Mr. President, the dis- Mr. President, it is too easy to file not imaginable a few years ago. There tinguished President pro tempore has for bankruptcy. It is too easy to get are countless implications for advances asked for 5 or 10 minutes to speak as in the slate wiped clean. We recognize in the fields of aviation, satellite de- morning business. I ask unanimous that some people need a fresh start. ployment, solar energy technology, consent that you recognize him for But a fresh start should not mean a oceanic and atmospheric research and that purpose. free ride. We must stop this type of monitoring, and environmental protec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without abuse. tion. objection, it is so ordered. It is important to note that we are Mr. President, I commend NASA’s The distinguished Senator from only attempting to proceed to the bill. ERAST Team, the students and faculty South Carolina is recognized. It is only appropriate that we consider of Kauai Community College and the f this legislation on the merits this year. personnel at PMRF for demonstrating Under the outstanding leadership of that through our imagination, we can CONSUMER BANKRUPTCY REFORM Senator GRASSLEY, we held numerous reach unimagined realms in space and ACT hearings during this Congress in the near space. Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I Judiciary Committee on bankruptcy PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR rise today in support of cloture on the and on this bill in particular. We have Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, I motion to proceed to S.1301, the Con- considered and debated this legislation ask unanimous consent that Deanna sumer Bankruptcy Reform Act, which at the subcommittee and full commit- Caldwell and Jennifer Gaib be allowed will be voted on later today. This legis- tee, where it was reported out on a bi- to be on the floor during the debate on lation is urgently needed to address partisan vote of 16 to 2. Much work has campaign finance reform. abuses of our bankruptcy laws and help been invested in this complex issue, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without make sure bankruptcy is reserved for and it would be a mistake not to act on objection, it is so ordered. those who truly need it. this important reform proposal this Mr. GORTON addressed the Chair. We have had Federal bankruptcy year. It deserves our consideration and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dis- laws for 100 years, and no one disputes our support. tinguished Senator from Washington.