E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1998 No. 118 Senate The Senate met at 8:59 a.m. and was now and 9:45 will be equally divided for Protection Act. That motion was not called to order by the President pro debate on that motion. I will be pleased successful. The vote was 59 in favor and tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. to control the time on the Republican 41 against. Therefore, we fell one vote side of the aisle and the distinguished short of invoking cloture so the Senate PRAYER Senator from Michigan, Senator LEVIN, could proceed to debate the American The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John will control the time on the other side Missile Protection Act. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: in opposition. We have another chance today, Mr. Almighty God, infinite and eternal, The leader intends to resume consid- President, to go on record in favor of in Your being, wisdom, holiness, good- eration, after this issue is completed, considering this bill. So it should be ness, truth, and grace, we praise You of the Interior appropriations bill and, put in context what we are voting for for Your providential care of this Na- further, at 4:30 p.m. today, the Senate and what we are not voting for. We are tion. We humbly accept Your sov- will begin 30 minutes of debate prior to not voting to pass the bill without any ereignty over us and commit ourselves a cloture vote on the motion to proceed debate. That is not the issue. We are to emulate Your justice and truth. You to the bankruptcy bill. That vote is ex- voting to proceed to consider the bill. know each of us completely. Your light pected to occur at 5 p.m. Therefore, Now let us put in context what the of truth exposes our inner selves: our Members should expect rollcall votes facts are today as compared with last thoughts, feelings, and memories. We throughout today's session, with the May when we fell just one vote short of can be unreservedly honest with You first vote occurring, as I said, at 9:45 voting to consider this bill. for You know everything. Now, Father, this morning. At the time we voted in May, India help us to be as open and honest with f had just testedÐthat very dayÐfor the each other. We commit ourselves to CONGRATULATING MARK McGWIRE second time, a nuclear weapons device. mean what we say and to say what we ON HIS HISTORIC 62ND HOME RUN We were not aware that India was mean. going to conduct that test. Our intel- Thank You for the Senate and the Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I ligence community was surprised. All mutual trust the Senators share. Bless think before we start debate on that the world was surprised. them today as they work together. cloture motion, we should recognize the tremendous accomplishment of We used that example to urge the May their differences be debated but Senate to change our current policy on never divide them as people. Strength- Mark McGwire who just broke Babe Ruth's home run record, Roger Maris' national missile defense, because the en their love for You and their loyalty current policy is that we will make a to America, enabling a oneness that home run record and any other record that anyone has had for hitting home decision to deploy a national missile will inspire the citizens of this great defense system if we learn that some Nation. Through our Lord and Savior. runs. The fact is that this is something we are all very happy to celebrate nation has developed the capacity to Amen. put us at risk, to threaten the security f today, and we join with all Americans in congratulating Mark McGwire on of American citizens with a ballistic RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING this magnificent accomplishment. missile system. MAJORITY LEADER f So the assumption is that our intel- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ligence community and our resources able acting majority leader, the Sen- AMERICAN MISSILE PROTECTION for learning things like this are so so- ator from Mississippi, is recognized. ACT OF 1998ÐMOTION TO PROCEED phisticated and so reliable that we will f The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. AL- be able to detect this, that we will have LARD). Under the previous order, there an early warning, that we will be able SCHEDULE will now be 45 minutes of debate on the to know well in advance of any nation Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, at the motion to proceed to S. 1873, the Amer- having the capability of inflicting dam- request of the majority leader, I am ican Missile Protection Act of 1998. age or destruction on America's soil, pleased to announce that at 9:45 a.m. Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, the through a ballistic missile system, in this morning there will be a vote on issue we are debating this morning is enough time that we could deploy a na- the cloture motion on the motion to not new to the Senate. In May of this tional missile defense system. proceed to the consideration of the year, the Senate voted on a motion to Another consideration is that we missile defense bill, the American Mis- invoke cloture so that we could pro- have not yet developed a national mis- sile Protection Act. The time between ceed to consider the American Missile sile defense system. We have various · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10045 . S10046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 9, 1998 programs that are being tested in var- ka. According to press reports, the ple who are cooperating in Iran right ious stages of developmentÐtheater Taepo Dong II would have the capacity now, and have in the past, to develop ballistic missile defense systemsÐthat to destroy that area, as well as strik- systems that could inflict great dam- can defend us against regional attacks, ing Hawaii. age not only in that region but beyond. shorter-range attacks. But this bill is Now, the issue is, do we proceed with Now, some are saying that we al- talking about a national ballistic mis- the wait-and-see policy of this adminis- ready have authorization and funds in sile defense system and whether or not tration, or do we today vote to proceed the pipeline to develop these missile our policy should be to wait and see if to consider legislation that will change systems to protect usÐinterceptor mis- other countries develop the capability that policy, that will say as soon as silesÐand we read about the testing to put us at risk and then decideÐthen technology permits, the United States that is going on of theater systems. decideÐwhether we should work to de- will deploy a national missile defense But we have no program that has as its ploy a system to protect against that system that will protect it against bal- goal the development and deployment kind of threat. listic missile attack, whether unau- of a missile defense that will protect What has changed since the vote in thorized or accidental or intentional. the United States against unauthor- May is that not only did Pakistan pro- We have all worried about accidental ized, accidental, or intentional ballis- ceed to test a nuclear deviceÐwe were and unauthorized launches from China tic missile attack. not sure they were going to do thatÐ and Russia. We know those countries That is what this legislation address- they also had just recently tested a have the capability of striking us. But es. It has two parts. The first is recita- missile system that we did not know think about this other fact: What else tion of all of the facts that we have they had. We had been told a few has changed recently? been able to gather through hearings months earlier that they had a missile The United States has observed the over the last 2 years in our Sub- system that was in the 180 mile range. Russian Government slowly deterio- committee on International Security, They tested one that had a range of rate to the point that the command Proliferation, and Federal Services. We about 900 miles without our knowing and control structure of the military is have had hearings. We have published a they had the capability to do that, seriously in question. Who really con- report called Proliferation Primer. It without our knowing that they had trols the armed forces of Russia to the has been widely distributed. It docu- that missile. But they had acquired ei- point that you can rely upon the good ments the fact that throughout the ther the missile, the component parts, intentions of the Yeltsin government world there is a growing capability for or the design from other countries or not to target U.S. sites with their mis- the use of ballistic missiles. another countryÐaccording to press sile systems, their intercontinental We talk about how it is happening reports, North Korea was involved in ballistic missiles, the most lethal and and what people are saying who are in thatÐand they were able to actually accurate of any other country in the charge of those countries who are in- launch that across that distance, and it world, with multitudes of warheads, volved in this. It clearly, in our view, was a surprise to our intelligence com- nuclear-tipped warheads? We are sit- justified our asking this Congress to munity, to our country and to the ting here hoping and assuming that we legislate a change in our policy to world.
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