A Look at Tesnière’s Éléments through the Lens of Modern Syntactic Theory Timothy Osborne 615 6th Street Apt. 110 Kirkland, WA 98033 USA
[email protected] Abstract nent theoretician to have rejected the binary di- vision of the clause into a subject and predicate A recent project to produce a much belated and to have replaced this division with verb cen- English translation of Lucien Tesnière’s trality. The placement of the verb as the root of Éléments de syntaxe structurale has provided all syntactic structure was the all-important nov- the opportunity for an in depth look at elty (and the main act of genius) in his theory. Tesnière’s theory of syntax. This contribu- Given verb centrality, the theory of syntax that tion examines a few aspects of Tesnière’s Tesnière was proposing could not help but be work through the lens of modern syntactic theory. Tesnière’s understandings of constit- construed as a DG. uents and phrases, auxiliary verbs, preposi- Despite the fact that Tesnière is widely tions, gapping, right node raising, proposi- acknowledged as the father of an entire stream tional infinitives, and exocentric structures of syntactic theory, most syntacticians and are all briefly considered. Concerning some grammarians lack exposure to his work. Few of these areas, we see that Tesnière was vi- grammarians have actually read Tesnière’s Élé- sionary with his analysis, whereas in other ments de syntaxe structurale, largely because an areas, modern syntactic theory now rejects English translation of the Éléments is absent his account. Of particular interest is the fact from the world of linguistics.