ST. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH AUGUST 15, 2021 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE: 4:30pm (Saturday); 8:30am and 11:00am (Sunday)  DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: 7:45am (Tuesday); 9:00am (WednesdayNFriday) The celebration of all Masses occurs in the church; daily Masses and 8:30am Sunday Mass are livestreamed at their designated time, viewable live or later, on our Facebook page ( and website ( Reverend Rich Adam, Pastor; Deacons Daryl Fortin, Bill Donnelly (retired) PASTOR’S PERSPECTIVE

 The Feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother  one of my favorite days to be Catholic! A truly CATHOLIC Feast, recognizing Mary for who she is, what she has done, and continues to do M a real blessing in all our lives. And when accused by nonCatholic friends that we pray to and worship Mary, we respond automatically: “Catholics do not pray TO Mary!!! We pray THROUGH her, now and at the hour of our death!” Everything Mary ever stood for was pointing each of us toward her Son, Jesus. May our lives do the same!

 I’m thinking that for many of us, we are very concerned about our future and having the simple security that our needs will be assured and cared for. Bishop Zinkula has that same concern for our diocese and has been ascertaining a Diocesan Capital Campaign, particularly for priests, vocations, and our parishes. Our bishop realizes that, without our priests, there would be no Eucharist. St. John Vianney said, “The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of our Lord Jesus Christ.” A significant part of Bishop’s proposed campaign is for the aid of our priests as well as support for priestly vocations. Knowing the needs of each parish, the Bishop also hopes this campaign will help the needs of our own parish and our futures. Our diocese needs your (our) help as well. Starting this week, there are listening sessions to learn about this campaign and have questions answered by Bishop Zinkula. Dates for these sessions locally are:   Tuesday August 17, 7:00pm St. Paul the Apostle Parish, Davenport  Tuesday August 24, 7:00pm St. John Vianney Parish  Wednesday August 25, 7:00pm St. Joseph Parish, DeWitt  You may also read about the proposed diocesan plans at, where you can also complete the survey: Go to “Diocese of Davenport Fundraising Feasibility Study” on the home page, click on “take a survey” and enter the password: DAVDIOCESE. 

 Did you hear the bells ringing last weekend at Mass? You may be asking, “Father, why are we ringing the bells at Mass again?” I’ve always been taught that ringing the bells at the consecration of the Mass was to emphasize to the people that something really special is taking place and to grab their attention, ‘Hey, look! It’s Jesus!!’ This was particularly so when the Mass was in Latin. As we now pray the Mass in our own vernacular (a language we understand), the bells didn’t seem to be needed ... but are still appreciated! Since we are a people of senses, sounds are important in our worship, whether in the quiet of the moment, the singing of a congregation, or the sound of the organ.The sound of bells does add to the reverence and the solemnity of the Mass.Most importantly, they highlight in a sensible way the sacred action taking place on the altar.Therefore, we have a tradition that is not only practical but also beautiful. 

 Are there any other announcements? Many years ago I was chided at the end of Mass for “forgetting announcements” and not mentioning important meetings, dates, anniversaries, etc. etc. etc. Therefore, it became a habit of mine to ask at the end of every Mass “Is there anything else??” inviting anyone to add their own announcement! If there is an announcement or special event you would like to share with the congregation, please feel free to raise your hand or let us all know! We’re all family and we all share in your joys and special announcements! 

 Whew! I’m putting this bulletin together Tuesday this past week and “it is hot!” 90°+ temperatures with heat indexes above 100° makes us all thankful to God for the guy who invented air conditioning! May we thank the Lord for all his blessings and gifts, pray for rain and safety from all storms, and keep us all safe in his love! Amen?! Have a great week!        Fr. Rich 

Reconciliation is held on Saturdays, 3:304:15pm, in the Reconciliation Chapel, behind the choir loft. ORDER OF THE MASSNAssumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary The complete Order of Mass is in the Gather Hymnal starting at #166 INTRODUCTORY RITES  Gathering HymnNon right  Sign of the Cross   Greeting  Penitential Act  Glory to God Mass of Christ the Savior Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand, the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.  LITURGY OF  THE WORD  Readings can be found in  the Gather Hymnal #1206  First Reading 

(Revelation 11:19a, 12:16a, 10ab) A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.  Responsorial Psalm Second Reading (1 Corinthians 15:2027) Eucharistic Prayer

 For just as in Adam all die, so too in Christ shall all be  brought to life, but each one in proper order... Holy, Holy, Holy   Mass of Christ the Savior Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Gather #334   Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and Gospel (Luke 1:3956) earth are full, are full of your glory. Hosanna!

 My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;  Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he my spirit rejoices in God my Savior  who comes, who comes in the name of the Lord. for he has looked upon his lowly servant. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest.   Homily Memorial Acclamation   Profession of FaithNNicene Creed We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker your Resurrection until you come again.  of heaven and earth, of all things visible and  invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Amen Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father  before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, COMMUNION RITE true God from true God, begotten, not made,  consubstantial with the Father; through him all Lord’s Prayer things were made. For us men and for our  salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Sign of Peace Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and  became man.  Lamb of God   For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and world, have mercy on us. (2x) rose again on the third day in accordance with Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is world, grant us peace.  seated at the right hand of the Father. He will  come again in glory to judge the living and the Invitation to Communion dead and his kingdom will have no end.    Priest:Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of  takes away the sins of the world. life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son,  Blessed are those called to the supper of who with the Father and the Son is adored and  the Lamb. glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.    I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic All: Lord, I am not worthy that you should Church. I confess one Baptism for the  enter under my roof, but only say the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the  word and my soul shall be healed.  resurrection of the dead and the life of the world Communion MusicNnext page, left to come. Amen.   Prayer of the Faithful CONCLUDING RITES   LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Final Blessing    Offertory Litany of Mary Gather #890  Sending HymnNwords next page, left Preparation of Gifts Priest: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.  The people rise as they reply. All: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your Music is reprinted with permission under copyright license  hands for the praise and glory of His name, for OneLicense #AR703462 and CCLI #5016566  our good and the good of all His holy Church. 

Sending Hymn  Hail, Holy Queen Gather #879  1. Hail, holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria. Hail, Queen of mercy and of  love, O Maria. Triumph, all ye Cherubim; Sing with us, ye Seraphim. Heav'n  and earth resound the hymn: Salve, Salve, Salve, Regina.  2. The cause of joy to all below, O Maria. The spring through which all graces  flow, O Maria. Angels, all your praises bring; Earth and heaven, with us  sing; All creation echoing: Salve, Salve, Salve, Regina.  Text: Salve, Regina, mater misericordia; c.1080; tr. Roman Hymnal, 1884; st. 23 adapt. by M. Owen Lee, CSB, b.1930 MASS INTENTIONS

 The public celebration of all Masses takes place in the church. All daily Masses and 8:30am Sunday Mass are livestreamed at their specific time, viewable live or later on our Facebook page ( or website ( Intentions for this week:  Sunday, August 15 (8:30am): The parishioners of St. John Vianney  Sunday, August 15 (11:00am): † Barbara C. Kelly Tuesday, August 17 (7:45am): † Lynn Petkunas  Wednesday, August 18 (9:00am): † Alice SingsonNSpecial Intention

 Thursday, August 19 (9:00am): † Audreen SingsonNSpecial Intention

 Friday, August 20 (9:00am): † Teofila Bucia

 Saturday, August 21 (4:30pm): † Bradley Boyd Sunday, August 22 (8:30am): The parishioners of St. John Vianney Sunday, August 22 (11:00am): † Samuel Robert Egger INTENTION CANDLES

 Through memorial gifts of family and friends, the candles around the statue of Mary are lit for your special intentions. To offset the expense, a gift of $5 per candle is requested. Candles are lit by the staff only. Please contact the office to make your requests (5633327910 or [email protected]).

   AUGUST 15N21, 2021

Cheryl Young Julie LooseNSpecial Intention Edward Lioen Mary Haas Marilyn Freking Jeanne KohnNSpecial Intention Samuel Robert Egger Will Kohn

   FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE,    OUR PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY TO:  Tim Correy and family on the death of his wife, Terry Correy

 Jim Strieck and family on the death of his brother, Richard Strieck

 Deana Wagner and family on the death of her daughter, Nicole Wold

 Karen Madesian and family on the death of her daughter, Douglas Madesian and family on the death of his sister, John Lavelle and family on the death of his goddaughter, Diane Madesian


  Julie Ann Hromatko Daughter of Chris & Ashley IS THE VOCATION OF DEACON TAPPING YOU?  The Diocese of Davenport will hold several of information/orientation sessions across the diocese for those interested in the diaconate. Applications to the Deacon Formation Program will only be distributed at these sessions. The next class will begin formation in August 2022. For more information, or if you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please contact Deacon Frank Agnoli at 563.888.4257 or [email protected]. You may also visit: to learn more or to register for one of the sessions, as listed below.  Sunday, October 24, 1:005:00pm N St. Patrick Church, City Sunday, November 21, 1:005:00pm N St. Joseph Church, DeWitt Sunday, December 19, 1:005:00pm N Chancery (diocesan offices)  You may also reach out to our own deacon, Daryl Fortin, to ask him questions and talk more about his experience with the diaconate: 563.940.5000 or [email protected].  We have all been given spiritual gifts, or charisms, by the Holy Spirit at baptism to be used in service to others. Called and Gifted, a program designed by the Catherine of Siena Institute, covers 23 of the most common charisms and guides participants through a discernment process to help them discover their unique purpose.

 The next session will start this fall on September 13 and conclude December 6. The first five classes will meet on consecutive Monday evenings and then participants will sign up for a personal consultation with local interviewers trained by Catherine of Siena Institute to help determine which charism each might want to explore. The second part of the course, Discernment in Depth, includes small group discussion and meets every other week. All classes are on Monday nights from 6:309:00pm at St. John Vianney.

 September 13, 20, 27, October 4, 11, 25, November 8, 22, December 6

 You may register online by clicking HERE or by contacting Maureen Conrad at 563.940.5921. The $45 registration fee includes all materials. Look for more info on our website by clicking on the icon above or go to:  PRAYER SERVICE FOR HAITI

 Our SJV Haiti Committee, along with other churches in the Quad City community, will join in a prayer service for our friends living in Haiti. Everyone is invited to attend; a reception in Culemans Hall will follow the service.  Sunday, August 29, 1:00pm Sacred Heart  1307 17th Ave., Moline.  SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE  PLANS FOR THE FALL  Hello SJV … my name is Allison Ambrose. I am the new chair of our parish Social Justice Committee and want to provide you a bit of information about our committee and social justice as it relates to our lives as Catholics. As I participated in Mass on a recent Sunday, I realized how much social justice issues make themselves apparent during the liturgy.For example, just think of the intercessions we pray each week, as we focus on the hungry, the sick, the poor, the marginalized.Wanting to help in creating a better life for these categories of humans is social justice. Even the offertory hymn that day reminded me of social justice:"One Lord, one faith, one call to serve each other. One heart, one mind, one common ground; we stand all as one." We are called as Catholics to care about the quality of life of all ofGod's creation.  The mission of the Social Justice Committee is to educate parishioners on issues related to social justice and Catholic social teachings. I am excited to say that the committee will be returning toSocial Justice Thursdaysthis fall! During these events, you have the opportunity to learn about various issues and be challenged to think of ways to serve the sick, the poor, the hungry, the marginalized, not only in how to provide direct service help, but also in how to address the underlying causes that create these conditions. Please mark your calendarsNSocial Justice Thursdays will be the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm, beginning September9.  SJV MEN’S FELLOWSHIP GOLF OUTING  FORE! Back by popular demand, we will again go with the format of golf, Outdoor Mass on the Grass (OMG), and dinner. Fellow golfers from Our Lady of Lourdes will join us. There will also be an option at the new putting course, the Forge, for nongolfers and family members, including Mass and dinner.  When: Sunday, September 12 @ 1:00pm (shotgun start)  Where: Palmer Hills Golf Course, Middle Rd, Bettendorf  What: 4person scramble ~ Mass on the course ~ dinner will be at the Pavilion after Mass.  Cost: $70 per person; includes golf, two drinks, cart, dinner, and prizes  THE FORGE (PUTTING COURSE) OPTION  Start time: Approximately 3:30pm  Cost: $20 per adult, dinner, one drink, and prizes $15 per child (12 & under), dinner, one drink, and prizes  All spouses, families, and nongolfers are welcome to join us after golf to celebrate Mass and have dinner ($12) with us.  SIGN UP SHEETS ARE IN THE GATHERING SPACE ANNUAL SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE What’s better than buying new school supplies? Giving them away to local children and area agencies who wouldn’t have them otherwise, of course! This goaround, you have the opportunity to shop for themNor donate online to the cause: SJV School Supply Drive. ShoppersNplease bring items from the list to the Gathering Space by this Sunday. Thank you, SJV!

 Backpacks   Glue sticks  Pencils (#2)  Colored pencils   Kleenex  Pens (black/blue/red)  Crayons  Markers (washable)  Rulers  Dry erase markers (black only)   Notebooks (wide rule)  Scissors  Folders (w/pockets)   Pencil cases  Yellow highlighters  PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION 202122

 We have two openings in our 4yearold, statefunded program. If you have a child that will be four before September 15, 2021, they are eligible to enroll. We are also accepting applications for our 2day class. Please visit our website to obtain a printable application for either class.  Contact Karen Emard at 563.332.5308 or [email protected] for more information or to request a tour.  CONTINUING THE CONVERSATION: EVANGELIZATION, RENEWAL, AND LOOKING TO THE FUTURE

 You are invited on Wednesday, August 18, at St. Patrick Church Hall, Iowa City, 6:308:30pm, for an evening of renewal and vision as we are inspired and informed by Mike Patin. Parish mentors, evangelization committee members, and all those interested in evangelization are invited. As we continue to journey through the pandemic, living faith with intentionality has become all the more important. For more information, visit, or contact Patrick Schmadeke, Diocesan Director of Evangelization, 563.888.4394, with questions.  SUMMER WALKING PROGRAM RESULTS Everyone did a fantastic job in the summer walking program! Hats off to everyone and thank you for participating. Every step we take is another step toward improved health! The traveling trophy goes to Sacred Heart Cathedral this year. Congratulations to them! SJV’s two top steppers (with over 20,000 steps logged per day) are Paul Kowalczyk and Steve Finn. Other high steppers include: Jim Bradley, Mark VanLauwe, Jamie Sons, Mike Neff, and Lori Ellerbach. Way to go!

Sacred Heart 86,751 OLOL 80,423 SJV   83,597 OLOV 73,236 St. Paul  81,753 CHURCH ACTIVITIES: 

WEEK OF AUGUST 16N22, 2021\

Date Event Locaon Contact Informaon Mon. Aug 16 No Daily Mass  

Tue. Aug 17 7:45am: Daily Mass Church Wed. Aug 18 9:00am: Daily Mass Church Thu. Aug 19 9:00am: Daily Mass Church 11:00am: Women’s Canasta Group Vianney Room Fri. Aug 20 9:00am: Daily Mass Church Sat. Aug 21 3:30pm: Sacrament of Reconciliaon Rec Chapel 4:30pm: Mass Church

Sun. Aug 22 8:30am: Mass Church 11:00am: Mass Church


 Thank you for responding to the Diocese of Davenport’s planning study survey. If you haven’t yet, your feedback is still welcome and requested. Read about the proposed diocesan plans at and complete the survey online. Go to “Diocese of Davenport Fundraising Feasibility Study” on the home page, click on “Take the survey” and enter the password: DAVDIOCESE. You are also invited to learn more by attending one of these listening sessions prior to providing your feedback:   Tuesday, August 17 (7:00pm): St. Paul the Apostle Parish, 916 E. Rusholme St., Davenport  Wednesday, August 18 (7:00pm): St. Patrick Parish, 4330 St. Patrick Dr., Iowa City  Tuesday, August 24 (7:00pm): St. John Vianney Parish  Wednesday, August 25 (7:00pm): St. Joseph Parish, 417 6th Ave., DeWitt  Tuesday, August 31 (7:00pm): Sacred Heart Parish, 1115 S. 8th Ave. E., Newton  THANK YOU FOR YOUR FINANACIAL STEWARDSHIP

 Your financial gifts to our parish are appreciated! Whether it be via the collection basket, mail service, automatic withdrawal, or online giving … you support the work of SJV. Please contact the parish office (563.332.7910) for more info on the ease of electronic giving and skip the envelopes.


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• Fertilizing • Landscaping • Manicuring • Mowing • Planting • Sodding • Seeding and Fertilizing program 625 W. Kimberly Rd. • 563-391-8300 Applied by certified 563-359-6530 applicator IA & IL license For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. John Vianney, Bettendorf, IA. B 4C 01-0380 CHURCH CONTACTS Receptionist (pm) SACRAMENTS Karen Emard5633327910 x 116  Pastor [email protected] Baptisms Please contact Julie Mishler in Fr. Rich Adam5633327910 x115  the parish office. Firsttime parents are [email protected] Vianney Vine Newsletter  requested to attend a baptismal prep class  Office Manager Jan Touney[email protected] prior to scheduling baptism.   Julie Mishler5633327910 Prayer Chain[email protected]  [email protected]  Next class: Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021  Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator 9:0011:00am, in the Vianney Room. Liturgy and Music  5633495002[email protected] Eleanor Kiel..…...5633327910 x112 Please call/email by noon on Sept.10 to [email protected] Parish Council register, if you plan to attend.   Bob Baldes5633206022  Pastoral Associate   Finance Council Mitch Narvasa5633327910 x114 Eucharist for Sick and Confined This [email protected] Mia Frommelt5635499932   ministry is suspended until further notice Religious Education (Grades PS6) Parish Directors due to the COVID19 pandemic. and Safe Environment Coordinator Kathy Langley5633434780  Reconciliation is offered on Saturdays, Jeannie Moran5633327910 x113 Les Lipinski5632353723 from 3:304:15pm, in the Reconciliation [email protected]  Chapel (behind the choir loft). [email protected] CATHOLIC EDUCATION    Marriage Congratulations as you prepare Youth Ministry (Grades 712)   SJV Preschool to celebrate the sacrament of marriage. Jan Stevenson5633327910 x111 Karen Emard……………5633325308 Please contact the parish office at least [email protected]  [email protected] nine months prior to your wedding date to Health Ministry5633327910 x122  participate in the preparation process. Lourdes Catholic School [email protected]   (Grades K8)……………….5633593466 RCIANRite of Christian Initiation of Adults Finance Manager/Webmaster Adults interested in learning more about Colleen Evans5633327910 x117  the Catholic faith and/or becoming Assumption High School [email protected] Catholic are encouraged and invited to (Grades 912)……………...5633265313 contact the parish office.

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Insurance • Risk Solutions 324-1011 Davenport, IA Jim Wadle, Funeral Assistant Parishioner [email protected] 644 River Dr. • Bettendorf 355-1751 MICHAEL J. DOYLE, D.D.S. Paint & Repair 3-S Family Dentistry Painting Contractors • INTERIOR & EXTERIOR • SENSIBLE PRICES, SUPERIOR WORK KERI C. DOYLE, D.D.S., M.S. & SUPREME PAINT BOB & JAN EGGER 563-340-6590 Pediatric Dentistry (563) 386-8686 Parish Member 563-529-2190 #12 Oakbrook Dr. Bettendorf, IA [email protected] 3205 Ridge Pointe 355-7884 Tony Bradley - Owner

Timothy J. Smith, DDS The Pillars of Your Financial Foundation Since 1872 Kulig Accounting, Inc. 1985 Spruce Hills Dr | Bettendorf | Iowa | (563)386-3290 Benjamin R. Selden, DDS Rob H. Keech Income Taxes • Accounting UNITED-INS.NET AAA Court Family Dental Payroll Service 2820 AAA Court, Suite 2 (309) 764-4552 Bettendorf, IA 52722 (563) 449-1070 3760 41st St Suite 12, Moline, IL 61265 [email protected] THOMAS E. SHIE HALLIGAN-McCABE-DeVRIES FUNERAL HOME Gain peace of mind when you partner with us “Every Life Tells a Story. Let Us Help Share Yours.” EMMA M. SHIE 1985 Spruce Hills Dr. Bettendorf, IA Attorneys at Law Mike Chupka, Parish Member (563)386-3290 | UNITED-INS.NET Wills, Trusts, Real Estate 5333 Belle Avenue, Davenport, IA 52807 322-4438 • 614 MAIN STREET, DAVENPORT, IOWA We will help you explore: Auto Insurance | Home Insurance | Business Insurance [email protected] 324-8244 ESTABLISHED 1889 Life Insurance | Renter’s Insurance | Umbrella Insurance Kris and Tom Kellenberger For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. John Vianney, Bettendorf, IA. A 4C 01-0380