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Developments in the structural of over the last decade and their impact on hydrocarbon exploration

C. K. MORLEY Department of Petroleum Geology, University of Brunei, Gadong 3186, Brunei Darussalam

Abstract: Three different aspects of geometry and their impact on hydrocarbon exploration are examined: rift architecture, angle and basin . Rift architecture is controlled by fault geometry, which itself is heavily influenced by pre-existing fabrics. At the largest scale, rifts are divided into segments tens to hundreds of kilometres long. They can be joined along offset segments, separated by rift jumps and gaps, or terminated in splays. Rift jumps and gaps provide the entry points for large to enter rifts and create along-axis drainage systems, while rift offsets are areas where anomalous structural patterns develop in response to oblique extension. Within rift segments transfer zones between boundary faults mark important changes in rift geometry and are the preferred sites of coarse clastic . In the , for example, the structures and the syn-rift reservoir units within two major transfer zones are associated with over four billion barrels of reserves out of a total of six billion barrels. The way individual tilted fault blocks terminate include strike ramps, forced folds, rhomb-blocks, transfer faults, and major and minor cross-strike faults. In areas of relatively poor seismic data quality the choice of termination interpreted on geophysical maps can make a considerable difference to structural interpretation. There has been considerable debate as to whether rifts are composed of high-angle (45-75 ~ faults or a mixture of high- and low-angle faults. Low- angle faults occur in the sedimentary sequence of rifts, where they occur in a variety of structural settings. Such faults can have a significant economic impact in field development. The presence of low-angled faults is more problematic. They do apparently occur in rifts, both due to reactivation of older faults and as completely new faults. Rifts can evolve through a variety of low- and high-angle fault structures with time, which impacts trap creation and destruction. Rifts commonly undergo changes in their regime which may lead to basin inversion features. This affects trap development and destruction and can lead to a variable history for basins, as the basin bounding faults change their senses of motion. The recognition of inversion features in many rifts indicates that this is a very important aspect of rift history.

Prior to the late 1970s a relatively small number 1976; Rehrig & Reynolds 1980; Davis & of workers studied the of Hardy 1981; Wernicke 1981, 1985). continental rifts; these include Gregory (1921), 2. Definition of rift architecture by seismic Quennell (1956), Robson (1971), Baker et al. reflection profiles (e.g. Rosendahl et al. (1972), McConnell (1972), Illies (1974) and 1986; Cheadle et al. 1987; Ebinger et al. Garfunkel & Bartov (1977). Much of this early 1987). work focused on the surface geology and 3. Recognition of complex evolution of in the Rhine , East faulting in rifts beyond the simple models African rift system, Rift and the Gulf of domino faulting. of Suez. During the 1980s a considerable 4. Geometry of basin inversions. amount of new data, especially seismic reflec- 5. Definition of the influence of syn-rift tion data, added significantly to the under- structure on sedimentation. standing of extension ,1 provinces, although 6. Detailing of fault geometries in rifts. many of the concepts about rift structure that developed during that time existed previously in This paper concentrates on three main themes: some form. Some of the main advances and rift architecture, fault angle and basin inversion controversies that arose during the 1980s are and their impact on hydrocarbon exploration. listed below. This is a potentially large topic but it does help limit which important advances are examined, 1. Recognition of low-angle faulting in base- for example, topics dealing with rift mechanics ment rocks of the Basin-and-Range Pro- and are largely ignored. Salt vince (Wright & Troxel 1973; McDonald are also very important in some rifts, particu-

From Lambiase, J. J. (ed.), 1995, Hydrocarbon Habitat in Rift Basins, Geological Society Special Publication No. 80, pp. 1-32 Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


SW NE Kilometres

I 0









--10 +.r _11



Fig. 1. Cross-section accoss the SE Rukwa rift (see Fig. 4 for location), based on seismic line TVZ-2 (Morley et al. 1992a). beds are of Upper Miocene-Pleistocene age and Karroo is dominantly Permo- continental deposits. The following points about half-graben geometry are illustrated by the figure: (1) the major boundary fault (Lupa fault) controls the overall wedge geometry; (2) reactivation of the boundary fault (Karroo and Tertiary times); (3) minor fault, particularly antithetic faults, are best developed near the flexural margin. larly in the . However, this is not a Schlische & Olsen 1990). The two main basin fundamental structural style to rifts alone and in geometries controlled by boundary faults are the interest of space is ignored in this paper. half- and full-grabens. Some of the basic relationships between minor fault geometry and Rift architecure major fault geometry that are commonly found in these basins are listed in Table 1. Before the 1980s the basic elements of large-scale Examination of recent is impor- rift structure had been established. Half-graben tant for understanding how the individual and full-graben geometries were known both displacement increments are built up on faults from modelling and from natural examples (e.g. (Fig. 5). For large earthquakes (magnitude 6.5 Cloos 1936; Dunbar 1949), and changes in or more on the Richter scale) fault strike lengths structural style at discrete zones (hinge zones, of tens of kilometres may be activated, the active accommodation zones, transfer zones) had also surface commonly forms a series of been noted (Moustafa 1976). Variations in rift en-echelon segments (e.g. Stein & Barrientos segment geometry (offsets, jumps, gaps, splays; 1985; King et al. 1988). The instantaneous or see Nelson et al. 1992 for a summary) had been coseismic deformation associated with such examined in some detail (e.g. Baker et al. 1972; earthquakes produces absolute (not relative) Illies 1974). However, a detailed knowledge of uplift of the footwall and downdropping of the the sub-surface configuration was lacking. These hanging wall in the order of tens of centimetres. geometries are discussed in this section. The magnitude of the hanging wall displacement The investigations of the 1980s, in particular is 6-10-times larger than the footwall uplift those of Project PROBE in East , showed, (Stein & Barrientos 1985). The coseismic (elastic) through high quality seismic reflection data, the deformation introduces an isostatic imbalance details of the changes in geometry (e.g. Rosen- since lower density have replaced a dahl et al. 1986; Ebinger et al. 1987; Dunkleman similar volume of basement in the hanging et al. 1988). Some boundary faults were large, wall (Fig. 5). of the footwall uplift also displaying up to 10km of extension and up to contributes to the isostatic imbalance. The 7 km of syn-rift fill in the hanging wall (Figs 1-3, isostatic (post-seismic) response takes the form and Fig. 4 for location). Such large faults exert of a gentle vertical uplift across the fault zone a first-order control on extension, subsidence, and occurs on the time scale of tens to hundreds basin geometry and sedimentation patterns in of thousands of years. This uplift, which rifts (Rosendahl et al. 1986; Morley 1989; decreases in magnitude away from the fault Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


East-side Central Tanganyika 0 150 km 0

3 --., 4 5 6 Top Precambrian basement

km Lokichar Basin S N 0 50 km 100 km 0 -...... i i .0t Along Strike Change in ~. 2 ; Fault Activity with Time 4 "--- \ r km b

Horizon within Horizon Lower Miocene / within Upper Middle Miocene Miocene

Lake Rukwa, Lupa Fault NW 50 km 100 km 150 km SE o i i i o 1 1 2 Base Upper 2 3 Miocene Sequence 3 4 4 5 t--"-6 6 ""7 7 8 Base ,,~ ~ ~"""" 8 9 ,, Karroo . " "'" 9 10 10km T T ""''- ...... '''"" Along Strike Showing Smooth Increases and Decreases in Boundary Fault Displacement

Fig. 2. Examples of major fault geometries from rifts illustrating the displacement patterns of the faults by plotting changes in throw, derived from seismic data, along the strike of the fault (see Fig. 4 for location). The data illustrate a simple case (a) and complex cases where faults are either reactivated (c) or change timing of activity along-strike (b). (a) , east-side boundary fault, illustrating a simple decrease in displacement from a maximum at the centre. (b) Lokichar Basin, Kenya Rift, demonstrating abrupt younging of the main fault activity to the north (this may reflect linkage of younger and older faults). (c) Lake Rukwa, Lupa Fault, displaying skewed displacement maxima, similar displacement trends for both the Karroo and Tertiary age rifting and along-strike anticlines as displacement varies along the fault. Displacement variations may reflect linkage of three separate large faults (each one corresponding to a displacement maxima). zone, enhances the footwall uplift, reduces large normal faults that penetrate the upper hanging wall subsidence and gently warps the are the result of multiple earthquakes plus fault plane. The result of combined coseismic , it follows that in order to and post-seismic deformation is to produce properly model normal fault behaviour the footwall uplift that can be very significant isostatic and elastic behaviour of the incremen- (perhaps up to 50% of the hanging wall tal displacements must be taken into account. subsidence; Stein & Barrientos 1985). Since Application of flexural-isostatic models to Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Middle Miocene at surface W ~kichar Fault Upper Miocene-Pliocene at surface Napedet hills [

OIL Probable Lower Tertiary-Lower / Miocene sequence Expanslorl of probable ~ Middle Miocene-Piiocene ~ ~~ " ~ - - _ " sequence !

o 5kra

Onl~ ~ of rellections Lokichar Fault Change ha seisrmc lines onto basement Basin flit terminates in and in orier~tadon of lines ENE Surface volcanics 14-16Ma. NW Middle Miocene Ur. Oligocene ;-. Miocelae at surface SE WSW ] ~" _~:-/ .... ~ t?~on~i~c? ~

g ~

Pro13;d)lc l~)~vr Ictthu)-lowel- Nliot t'Ht, Ns ~,

Fig. 3. Seismic lines from the Northern Kenya Rift (after Morley et al. 1992b) illustrating changes in fault activity with time and along-strike. Top line shows east thickening of probable Lower Tertiary-Lower Miocene section, which is the time equivalent of most of the half-graben wedge in the section to the south (bottom line). The same fault trace at the surface (Lokichar Fault) apparently joins both basins yet the timing of activity youngs significantly to the north (see Fig 2b). The northern line shows a significant reorganization of the basin geometry with time and from two oppositely facing half-graben a composite full-graben is produced. rifts (e.g. Vening Meinesz 1950; Weissel et al. volume). The model is also conceptually useful 1987) have recently shown that some large because it links uplifted, eroded topography and permanent uplifts in rifts may also be attributed the basin geometry to the major boundary to boundary fault geometry. Modification of the faults, thus integrating structure and sedimenta- McKenzie model (McKenzie 1978) to include tion patterns (see Transfer zones). In particular, flexural-isostatic behaviour, e.g. the flexural it provides a mechanism for the creation of both cantilever model (Kusznir & Egan 1989), synchronous and diachronous unconformities indicates that these uplifts can be very signifi- commonly found at the crests of tilted fault cant, in the order of several kilometres (e.g. Fig. blocks that may be difficult to understand in 5f). The flexural cantilever model approximately terms of eustatic sea-level change. models the finite displacements on faults as Generally, rift in cross-sections products of elastic dislocations and isostatic through half-grabens evolve as wedge-shaped responses, such as those described by Stein & packages that expand into the boundary fault. Barrientos (1985). Flexural-isostatic models can With time the wedges prograde and onlap the produce good agreement between the upper flexural margin as the basin develops (Fig. 3). In crust rifted geometry on seismic lines and those map view the basin area increases and propa- on the computer model, and it is possible to gates outwards as the boundary fault grows. model the effects of the boundary faults on rift Full-grabens may display concomitant activity geometry and the stepwise evolution of rift of the boundary faults or activity may switch stratigraphy (Fig. 5; see Kusznir et al. this between the two faults with time giving rise to Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


LAKE STEPHANIE~. "1' : 6~t I:::--~G.9

~ ~ ,~


MOBILEBELT .. ,t. x ~i~,~ ~" .G. OOJ ARCHEANCRATONIC ,Gt/'~ 9 '~'% ~ ~~ ~'~'\ I n AREAS


/ ,~ "\ -...-, ~-~(~'!~ ~ t---~ /




30" 32"1 34"1 36~ 38~

Fig. 4. Regional map of the System, illustrating the controls of basement structure on the location of rift structures (compiled from Daly et al. 1989; Morley et al. 1992a; Smith & Mosley 1994.) wedging of reflectors in alternate directions, Pre-existing fabrics vertically in a basin (Fig. 3). Before going further in the description of rift Extensional faulting occurs in a relatively low structures it is necessary to discuss the effects of mean stress environment. Hence, mechanical pre-existing fabrics on fault geometry, because anistropies tend to be reactivated. Youash such effects exert a major modifying influence at (1969) has shown that the tensile strength of all scales. rocks loaded at 0-60 ~ to pre-existing disconti- Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Table 1. Differences between fault distribution in half- and full-grabens based on data from Lake Tanganyika (Morley 1988).


8oua~lltry fatllt Flext~ra! margin margin Z_a+_/

Minor faults are Minor faults are Timing between commonly abandoned commonly abandoned major and minor prior to cessation of prior to cessation of faults activity on boundary activity on boundary fault fault

Synthetic minor faults Mixture of antithetic tend to be more More even mixture and synthetic minor numerous and take up of minor faults faults the highest percentage dipping in both of extension directions

Partitioning of Relatively high Relatively low extension between percentage of percentage ( < 20%) major and minor extension (20-50%) of extension faults distributed on minor distributed on faults minor faults

Minor fault Relatively closely Relatively widely spacing spaced spaced

Minor faulting more Minor faults more Minor fault intense towards frequent in central distribution flexural margin (FM) part of rift, less Antithetic faults more frequent approaching common towards FM boundary faults

nuities is only 25-75% of that of similar samples (Robson 1971; Fig. 6). Although lineations at a loaded at 90 ~. Consequently, fabrics, even up to high angle to the main rift trend are very quite high angles (60 ~) to the extension direction, common they are rarely followed by the may be activated. Pre-existing discontinuities extensional faults (Fig. 6). One spike in the may also inhibit propagation if the general low frequency of faults at a high angle to frictional shear strength of the discontinuity is the rift trend is marked 'cross' (Fig. 6), and is a sufficiently low relative to the tensile strength of trend used by transfer faults. Trends at a lower the surrounding material (Teufel 1979). Frac- angle to the main rift trend (310-340 ~) are more tures may also be diverted by pre-existing commonly used, particularly the northwest fabrics. In low mean stress environments the oblique trend (280-310 ~) and north oblique angle between the propagation direction and trends 350.30 ~ (Fig. 6). If the 325 ~ direction is cross-tends is important. preferentially taken as the mean rift orientation then the main turn into discontinuities at low angles (30.60 ~) rift faults encompass trends that deviate from whilst propagating across them at high angles this orientation by 45 ~ in an anticlockwise (Blanton 1982). This experimental evidence direction and 65 ~ in a clockwise direction. This suggests that fault orientations up to c. 60 ~ to corresponds well with the experimental limits on the regional extension direction might frequently pre-existing influence discussed above. occur in rifts. In the Gulf of Suez the fracture Overall, the influence of pre-existing fabric does and pattern in basement is well exposed not produce one dominant direction and only a Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


0 epicentre C ~ [ 0 12~~4~ b'~O~. 0 1 2 345678~1 10 109876543210 I ~ ! r 20krn

0 lOkm 30krn iv -~--,Lokichar fault rill basins e ~ 0.2m ...... : I I.,"i'"'l":'~- :

i ii ii ".. : Coseismic fL ' "~176 deformation 04 =footwall and hanging wall geometries 0 50km V after relaxation 86


Fig. 5. Illustration of the relationships between individual earthquake displacements on faults and cumulative displacements on faults. (a) Individual earthquake represented as concentric displacement contours lying on the plane of the fault. It is assumed that displacement decreases in all directions away from the epicentre. (b) Displacement gradient on a large fault plane resulting from summing the effects of ten earthquakes similar to (a), one occurring at each of the black dots which represent an epicentre. The displacement contours are halted at the brittle-ductile transition zone and at the 's surface. Although very simplified from reality, the resulting displacement field is similar to those mapped from actual faults. The increasing displacement towards the centre of a fault can be seen in Fig. 2a. (c) Within the highly simplified displacement fields like those in (b) it is possible to vary the resulting displacement profile in the following ways: (i)-(iii) represent displacement fields of small faults with smaller associated earthquakes than in (a), e.g. diameter < 10 kin. In (i) the epicentres are high in the crust and the fault displacement gradient shows faults with displacements decreasing downwards; (ii) epicentres are located at deeper levels in the upper crust and the fault decreases in displacement in all directions; (iii) epicentres are located near the brittle-ductile transition zone, displacement gradients decrease upwards and laterally. (iv) For large faults with widths of displacement zones larger than those shown in (a) (e.g. diameters > 40km) the displacement gradients will only decrease upwards and laterally, not downwards. (d) Coseismic and relaxed deformation for a 45 ~ dipping normal fault, note that after the effects of relaxation the footwall becomes higher and the hanging wall shallower (after King et at. 1988). (e) Cross-section across the Northern Kenya Rift, the displacement on the Lokichar Fault has been modelled in (f) using the flexural cantilever model (Hendry et al. in press). In (f) footwall uplift is generated in isostatic response to movement on the fault and the infilling of the hanging wall by lower density sediments. The finite displacements modelled in (fi-fiii) approximate similar lithospheric responses to those for individual earthquakes shown in (d). (fi) Paleogene displacement; (fii) Miocene displacement; (fiii) basin geometry after erosion (note 4-times the vertical exaggeration). slight asymmetry is present in the rose diagram control where variations in crustal thickness, in Fig. 6. However, locally, the preferential use deformation style and composition can of the north oblique trends is obvious in the play their part (McConnell 1972; Fig. 4). satellite image (Fig. 6). Coming down in scale it becomes harder to Basement fabrics can control the location of predict the of the pre-existing fabric the rift (e.g. McConnell 1972; Sykes 1978), the control because of multiple competing factors. geometry of faults within the rift, the location of Commonly, foliations and ductile shear zones transfer zones and the location and geometry of exhibit complex folds which preclude large faults rift segments (Robson 1971; Illies 1974; Daly et following individual structures for long dis- al. 1989; Smith & Mosley 1994). The avoidance tances. Brittle structures occur relatively late in of the Tanzanian (Archaen) by the East the evolution of basement rocks hence they are African Rift System is an obvious large-scale less likely to be folded. Consequently reactiva- Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Fig. 6. Landsat image of the Abu Zenima area, Gulf of Suez, illustrating zigzag fault geometries that follow linear brittle fabrics in crystalline basement (Sinai ). Input of coarse clastics via fans into the gulf can also be seen associated with a synthetic . Fault orientation rose diagram from Patton in Lelek et al. (1992). tion over a large surface area is possible. The unlikley to represent the foliation geometry. One Lokichar fault for example (Fig. 7), cross-cuts at possible explanation is illustrated in Fig. 8 where an acute angle foliations in Precambrian base- initially high-angle fractures follow the foliation ment. The fault is curved in map view, but is planes in both dip and strike directions. These low-angle and planar in cross-section, and dips fractures become linked by lower-angle faults some 30-40 ~ lower than the surface foliations. which smooth out the initially jagged fault plane Often, because a fault follows foliations in map cross-sectional geometry with increasing displa- view it is mistakenly assumed that it also follows cement. This results in the final fault trace them in cross-section. The Lupa Fault (Fig. 4) following the original strike trace of the fractures follows foliations along strike, but displays a but cuts across the fabric in cross-section. listric shape in dip view (Fig. 1) that is most The zigzag fault pattern has been recognized Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


This may result in emphasis of certain trends, or deviations, in the angle between the zigzag elements from the idealized anisotropic angle / of 30 ~ . Zigzag faults are generally steeply et i I i / i dipping (60-70 ~ in the Gulf of Suez; Colletta / / i I al. 1986) and are dominated by dip-slip i I ii IiI / ,'; displacements. , /I ' / t S I The influence of pre-existing fabrics means that many faults do not display the classic and idealized convex map pattern. Commonly faults i A-- form interlocking crooked X shapes or even : // '~i ~ Lokichar convex shapes (Fig. 10). This variety can be Fault Joints attributed to smaller faults linking randomly. As the faults grow and link the smaller zigzags and ,i']i,/ /'i! {/'iff I A.'DUl~ti:eons,n displacement variations may be smoothed out Basement and certain fault branches may remain active 0 lOkm whilst others become deactivated. Consequently I i rules about fault geometry, particularly listric Fig. 7. Map, simplified from Landsat images, illus- faults, should be treated with caution. Even trating how the Lokichar Fault cross-cuts pre-existing simple inferences, such as curved surface traces foliations in crystalline Precambrian basement, north- are characteristic of listric faults, can be wrong ern Kenya (see Fig. 4 for location). (see Figs 1 and 4, where the listric Lupa fault in profile is approximately linear in map view). as a fundamental pattern of extensional faults Rift segments (e.g. Ortel 1965; Freund & Merzer 1976; Freund 1982; Krantz 1989). Such fault patterns may be Continental riffs do not usually occur as single, straight structural entities due to the very strong indicative of non-plane strain (3D strain; Reches 1978, 1983). The pattern occurs in finite element influence of pre-existing fabrics. Instead they models, anisotropic physical models (Cloos occur initially as an associated system of isolated pockets of extension called segments (along- 1936; Ortel 1965), fractured pavements and at all scales in rifts. Even the rifted coastline of Africa strike length tens to hundreds of kilometres). The axis of each segment displays a relatively has a strong zigzag shape. This natural pattern can also result from small changes in the stress- constant strike direction and a constant or smoothly changing amount of extension on state where the intermediate principal stress successive dip lines along the segment. A component parallel to the rift trend approaches segment can be composed of one or more half- the magnitude of the maximum principal stress and full-grabens. They are separated by a (Freund & Merzer 1976). This pattern is often enhanced and modified by pre-existing fabrics marked structural discontinuity or change in geometry, and may also display differing (Ramberg & Smithson 1975, Figs 6, 9 and 10).

tl i t II/ ',ill,, Fractures Short cuts Foliations Fig. 8. Possible explanation for faults that follow foliations along strike, but not down dip. (a) Initial extensional fractures follow foliations. (b) Fractures are linked by faults that cut across the foliations. (c) As displacement on the fractures increases the fault becomes smoothed. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


North Sea, ) the high areas between West-side rift segments are often very productive. They Curved ,/,\ \.~. l Lake Stephanie provide areas of structural traps for pre-rift Foliations ." ','" _| sediments, stratigraphic trap potential for syn- Reflected in ," 9 ,, , i .-;"-I,,,#*'/ rift sediments and commonly areas of antiformal Fault Pattern ,~,',, -'~ drape structures for post-rift sediments. Gaps iii i C I are areas where large rivers may penetrate the rift and form along-axis (rift parallel) drainage i11. systems. Such systems tend to be very rich (e.g. Rusizi Plain, Lake Tanganyika; Lake Rukwa). .o~ A rift offset is a basinal 'dog-leg' rift segment Pattern Reflected ~" ( i V 9 that lies oblique to the regional extension In Fault Pattern , \ ~ II~ direction and links en-echelon segments (Fig. ~ ~ Alluvial 11). Consequently the offset has a structural style different from the segments it joins. The ,,',< f result is an oblique extensional strain pattern that commonly includes anastamosing fault lOkm patterns and the dominance of certain fault I orientations that are unusual in comparison with the segments it joins. Tilted fault blocks may display less consistent dips and subsidence rates Fig. 9. Map of extensional faults in the Lake may be lower than in the adjacent segments Stephanie area, South Ethiopian Rift, illustrating (Nelson et al. 1992). The rift segments that lie zigzag faults strongly influenced by pre-existing perpendicular to the regional extension direction crystalline basement fabric. tend to display a relatively symmetrical fre- quency of fault distributions that lie within c. 30~ either side of a line normal to the regional structural histories (Nelson et al. 1992). Seg- extension direction (Fig. 12). In the East African ments grow and interact as the rift system Rift System the rift offset zones are almost matures, hence the basal sediments in rift basins certainly present due to basement heterogeneity tend to be young away from numerous minor (Fig. 2) and will, therefore, display certain trends initial basins and onlap the pre-rift surface. At not frequently used in the normal rift segments. some point in the extension history, many of the The same is probably true for other rifts. Figure segments overcome the initial influence of pre- 12 shows a comparison between fault patterns in existing fabrics and merge to form a continuous rift offset segments and normal rift segments. It rift system, though the initial segment pattern is apparent that the fault pattern in the offset can usually be discerned. The recognition of rift segments is much more asymmetric than the segments is important to regional exploration normal rift segments. The rift offsets show studies because they can represent major differing patterns between each other, for changes and discontinuities in both structural example the central Kenya rift offset zone is style and history, and in sedimentation patterns. dominated by N-S fault trends, like the normal Four main types of rift segment termination and rift segment, but also contains a strong NW-SE interaction are considered here: rift splays, gaps, trend. The Rukwa Rift displays a much reduced jumps and offsets (Fig. 11). number of N-S faults and is dominated by NW- Rift gaps are areas of no extension or reduced SE trending faults. The number of faults that extension that occur in line between propagating occupy a certain orientation does not tell the rift segments (Fig. 11). Hence, rift sedimentation whole story, certain orientations may be infre- is reduced or absent in these zones. Rift jumps quently used but contain long, important faults are similar to rift gaps except that the rift and vice versa (Fig. 12). segments lie in an en-echelon pattern (Fig. 11). Rift splays are areas where a discrete rift Both gaps and jumps are very obvious in young segment terminates into a diffuse zone of continental rift systems (Fig. 4) where basement faulting. The partitioning of extension from a or pre-rift sediments are exposed between many few discrete large faults in the segment into segments. Unfortunately, for the same reasons, numerous smaller faults allows strain to be such areas are of little exploration value in distributed throughout a larger volume of the young rifts. In more mature rift systems, capped crust, thus enabling the rift to die out over a by extensive thermal sag basin sequences (e.g. short along-strike distance. Subsidence asso- Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Convergent overlapping / transfer zone

Wadi Baba r Wadi Sidri ~lfSynthetic transfer zone October field ~#~ Wadi Feiran

El Morgan field

Belayim field pping transfer zone

Ramadan field

Sandstone isolith (in metres) of Miocene, syn-rift sequence (after Evans 1990)

- Major Miocene sand transport paths

0 50km I I

Fig. 10. Map of the Gulf of Suez illustrating the main fault trends and distribution of syn-rift . Compiled from Patton et al. (1994) and Evans (1990).


. ] Faulted f' ~ w Gap Untaulted ~ I " ~ Jump

play 0 50km Offset t i approximate scale

Fig. 11. The main geometries of rift segments interaction (modified from Nelson et al. 1992). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Y ~ o ,~ '~ o~

z ~ ~-=0

,-I= o e,-

m . ,,..~ m




o~ ~Z~ o



'-r ,e' I"-


c,e ~I

$171'1V=1 30 EI38I~II'1N HION-:]7 17ri',;;3 7V101 H10N3'l 1"If'IV=l 30VEI3AV Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


CONJUGATE SYNTHETIC boundary fault~ Convergent Divergent transfer zone ~--~ -- ! ~"~'~~" flexural margin ,~ ~ _~ I o..... ,,

Fig. 13. The three main transfer zone geometries, simplified from Morley et al. (1990). ciated with the small faults tends to be small, loss of 1 km of throw occurring over a strike and consequently plays are unlikely to be distance of 10-20 km (Fig. 2). The large, gradual associated with splays in simple continental changes in fault displacement can produce large rifts. However, once a splay is covered by a along-strike folds with wavelengths of tens of thermal sag basin the play potential amongst the kilometres (Morley et al. 1992a; Fig. 2c). Only numerous tilted fault blocks is significantly rarely do faults end abruptly at cross-strike increased. faults, suggesting that the geometry imposed on many rift systems has Transfer zones been greatly over used. Transfer zones occur at all scales, but because Changes in boundary fault configuration occur boundary faults can so strongly dominate the in a variety of ways at regions called either rift structure, transfer zones associated with accommodation or transfer zones (e.g. Gibbs major faults are commonly responsible for 1984; Bosworth 1985; Rosendahl 1987; Morley wholesale changes in rift geometry. They are et al. 1990). The term 'accommodation zone' important features for understanding the dis- (Bosworth 1985) simply describes the zone where tribution of hydrocarbon reserves since they not a change in geometry occurs between faults, only mark changes in large-scale structural style which may be of different ages. The term but can also contain structures different from 'transfer zone' implies that the faults across other parts of the rift. For example, convergent which the change in geometry occurred were overlapping transfer zones may produce an active at the same time and that extension was interfingering of faults of opposite dip and transferred from one fault, or fault system, to break up the rift into numerous small fault another. In both cases the basic geometric blocks (Figs 13 and 14). An anomalously high changes are similar: transfer can occur between number of small blocks and more faults dipping in the same direction, between numerous, but smaller, tilted blocks may faults dipping away from each other (back-to- characterize these transfer zones. Such is the back) or between faults dipping towards each case in the central Gulf of Suez where over 2.5 other (Fig. 13). In relatively low-extension rifts billion barrels of recoverable hydrocarbons have (at least up to a fl factor of 1.5) displacement been found both from tilted fault blocks (e.g. transfer commonly occurs in fairly broad zones Ramadan Field) and from horst blocks (e.g. between overlapping fault systems. Short strike- Morgan Field). The large synthetic transfer zone slip fault segments that permit faults to step (Fig. 10) that set up the traps for the Belayim backwards or forwards are also common and October Fields in the northern Gulf of Suez transfer zone features. However, it is unclear at (over two billion barrels of recoverable reserves) the moment at what point in the extension further illustrates how large reserves can be history of a rift large cross-strike oblique-slip associated with anomalous structural trends. faults dominate the transfer zone geometry. In The input points for coarse elastic rocks (i.e. the East African rift the major boundary faults potential reservoir rocks) via fluvial systems into show gradual changes in displacement with the rifts and their subsequent redistribution by Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Fig. 14. Block diagram of conjugate overlapping transfer zone illustrating the possible nature of sediment dispersal patterns along topographic lows created by interfingering fault blocks in the transfer zone.

Fig. 15. Block diagram of synthetic transfer zone illustrating the rhombic nature of the fault blocks and the distribution of sediments via intermediate fault blocks. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Fig. 16. Block diagrams illustrating the varieties of tilted fault block terminations in rifts. turbidite flows are greatly influenced by rift Suez, for example, during the periods of Nukhul, structure (Frostick & Reid 1989), in particular Lower Rudeis and Upper Rudeis deposition by the rift segment (Nelson et al. 1992) and (Miocene syn-rift deposits) large sandbodies that large-scale transfer zone geometry (Lambiase form significant reservoir units are only known 1990; Morley et al. 1990). While thermal uplift in the vicinity of the major transfer zones (Evans of the rift shoulders is also possible, the 1990; Hagras & Slocki 1982; Fig. 10). These recognition that large extensional faults them- sandbodies pass from fluvio-deltaic to shallow selves create an isostatic response that leads to marine to deep marine environments over footwall uplift is very significant because it links relatively short distances due to the strong fault together structure and drainage pattern in a control on bathymetry (Fig. 15). Outside the predictable way. Major faults generate flexural influence of the transfer zones the deposits are isostatic footwall uplifts that can cause several dominated by shales, marls and thin sands. The kilometres of relief (e.g. Kusznir & Egan 1989). transfer zones were remarkably persistent sites The footwall relief is greatest where the of coarse clastic sedimentation, and present day displacement on the fault is greatest, as the fluvial systems and alluvial fans correspond very fault dies out so the footwall topography closely with the location of Miocene marine sand becomes lower. Since transfer zones and rift depocentres (cf. Figs. 6 and 10). segments coincide with changes in structural style (i.e. the terminations of major faults) they Block terminations are also associated with major topographic breaks, which provide entry points for large As seismic data quality degrades, or lines fluvial systems (Figs 10, 14 and 15). Commonly, become widely spaced, the linkage of inter- these systems have drained off the back of the preted fault cuts becomes increasingly specula- footwall uplifts (Cohen 1990). These entry tive, especially for either deep plays or areas points may persist for a long time and can be where post-rift salt covers the rift sequence (e.g. associated with both synthetic and conjugate Gulf of Suez, offshore West Africa). Although transfer zones (Figs 14 and 15). In the Gulf of the idealized fault pattern in rifts is reasonably Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021

16 C.K. MORLEY well established (e.g. Cloos 1936; Illies 1974; fault tip (Fig. 16). Locally the beds can Freund & Merzer 1976) departures from such display very high dips of 80-90 ~. These patterns can be explained by pre-existing base- folds are most likely to form over steeply ment fabric or a complex history with phases of dipping faults. They are well developed in compressive or strike-slip deformation. Conse- parts of the onshore gulf of Suez (Patton quently, apparently anomalous aspects of a rift 1984; Jarrige et al. 1990). system may be emphasized and significantly 5. Major cross-strike faults. These faults form change the mapped sub-surface fault pattern. In at a high angle to rift parallel structures the Gulf of Suez the poor quality offshore and cut across multiple fault blocks (Fig. seismic data has meant that the working maps 16). They may be part of a very large from industry have exhibited great variation in oblique-slip transfer zone system between structural geometry, including multiple strike- major faults (e.g. Tankard & Welsink 1987) slip faults that traverse the entire rift to a and they may represent a reactivation of broken-glass fault pattern where barely more pre-existing trends independent of the emphasis was given to the rift parallel-sub- normal faults they cross-cut. Commonly, parallel faults as to the cross-rift trends. An large cross-faults are interpreted in areas of appreciation of how fault blocks terminate can poor data quality but, as more data are help resolve such problems. There are six main gathered, the fault zone may be less ways in which blocks terminate or change continuous than previously thought and geometry along-strike, they are as follows (Fig. may be composed of numerous zigzag and 16): transfer faults of different dip directions that are aligned along a pre-existing 1. Zigzag faults, rhomb-blocks. The linking of discontinuity, e.g. Tern Field, North Sea; zigzag faults of similar sizes produces areas Pahuys-Sigler et al. (1991). where the faults come together and areas 6. Minor cross-faults. These faults form the where they move away from each other, lateral terminations of fault blocks and which tends to produce isolated fault probably most commonly originate as bounded rhombic-shaped blocks (rhomb- reactivation of pre-existing trends. They blocks; Colletta et al. 1986; Fig. 16). Both differ from (3, 5) and (6) above by not fault sets have dominantly dip-slip mo- being part of a linked fault system. The tions. Frontal and oblique closure on the frontal fault may terminate into the cross- structure is by faulting (e.g. Ninian field: fault, but the cross-fault does not link to Spencer & Larsen 1990). another fault (e.g. Brent and Statfjord 2. Strike ramps. These are common in the Fields; Spencer & Larsen 1990; Fig. 16). low-extension portions of rifts where over- lapping faults slowly gain and lose The type of block termination that is commonly displacement passing along-strike (e.g. present varies considerably between individual Griffiths 1980; Fig. 16). They can form rifts, depending upon the amount of extension simple along-strike dip closures that do not and the type of pre-existing fabrics. The North have the risk of seal integrity that lateral Sea displays many simple strike ramp geometries fault closures may have. However, strike but also appears to be very heavily influenced by ramps may also exhibit a mixture of flexure pre-existing trends that promote cross-fault and faulting. terminations to block edges [types (3) and (5) 3. Transfer faults. These oblique-slip faults above]. By contrast, the Kenya Rift is domi- form the lateral or oblique boundaries to nated by strike ramps (low extension geometry). frontal faults. They are kinematically part The Gulf of Suez commonly displays types of a continuous fault trace that transfers (1)-(4). displacement from one rift parallel fault segment to another and are restricted to the Fault angle one fault block that they bound (e.g. synthetic transfer zone, Gulf of Suez; Introduction Patton et al. 1994; Figs. 6 and 16). There are transitional geometries between (1) Traditionally, faults in extensional systems were above and transfer faults. thought to have been initiated at high angles 4. Continuous folding. Narrow zones of (e.g. Anderson 1951). Present day low-angle forced folding at lateral, oblique and faults were thought to represent highly rotated, frontal block edges may occur as sedimen- originally high-angle faults (e.g. Proffett 1977). tary units are draped over a sub-surface The recognition of large, regional, low-angled Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Fig. 17. Diagrams illustrating the main models of crustal extension. (a) model (McKenzie 1978). (b) Simple shear-pure shear model. (c) Simple shear model (Wernicke 1981, 1985). Vertical scale = horizontal scale. systems in the Basin-and- ently formed in hot, abnormally thick continen- Range Province of the USA in the late 1970s, tal crust superimposed on an older thrust belt. however, suggested that some faults might Thus, the tectonic setting and great areal extent actually be initiated at low angles (e.g. Rehrig of the Basin-and-Range makes it an unlikely & Reynolds 1980; Davis & Hardy 1981; analogue for structural styles in continental rifts. Allmendinger et al. 1983). This province appar- However, the integration of field observations Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


O] ~~ted .,(.//~,/r a 1o = _.2,_._,=1/_,-3 ,.u =oc s

Simpleramp-flat geometry

Multipledetachment levels §

d c

; - + "+/ -I- + + § §247247 § §

Compaction faults Drapefold

Fig. 18. Different types of major and minor fault geometry in rifts. indicate that large, basement involved faults in rifts should typically be high angled, however, large, low-angled fault models (some formed along pre-existing structures) have been proposed (inset). These low-angle fault models may display fault bend folds and duplexes analogous to their thrust belt counterparts. Large tilted fault blocks in rifts can have their hanging walls and footwalls modified, in a variety of ways, by detachment faults within the sedimentary section (a-e) (modified from Patton 1984; Withjack et al. 1990). into the low-angle detachment model or simple shear models are probably the most appropriate shear model for extensional faults proposed by ones for continental rifts (Buck et al. 1988). Wernicke (1981, 1985) proved a popular model. The low-angled detachment model has been It helped support similar ideas about the applied to rifts, passive margins and (extensional existence of low-angled faults derived from collapse) thrust belts throughout the world (e.g. seismic data across rifted continental margins Beach 1986; Castro 1987; Tankard & Welsink (e.g. Le Pichon & Sibuet 1981). The Wernicke 1987; Selverstone 1988; Williamson et al. 1990). model suggested that high and low-angled The recognition of low-angled extensional extensional fault systems could join into one, detachments in basement and basement-cover or a series of low-angled (less than 20 ~ faults relationships was a large contributor to the (brittle faults passing into narrow ductile shear revival of (academic) interest in rifts. The impact zones) that traversed much or all of the crust. on hydrocarbon exploration is less easy to define The main zone of thinning (faulting) at the and the model may not be regarded as very surface would thus be offset tens of kilometres important to finding hydrocarbons by many from the zone of lower crustal thinning (Fig. explorationists. However, the model is impor- 17c). This contrasted with the McKenzie (pure tant in several ways, including: (1) regional shear) model of rifting (McKenzie 1978) where studies of basins; (2) models of tectonic evolu- ductile lower crustal thinning occurs below the tion in rifts. These two aspects together with surface rift (Fig. 17a). Several authors have also studies on low-angle faults in sedimentary rocks suggested hybrids of the two models where low- are discussed below. angle faults may pass into a broad zone of bulk pure shear in the lower-middle crust (e.g. Rehrig Application of low-angle fault models & Reynolds 1980; Hamilton 1982; combined simple shear-pure shear model, Fig. 17b). The Low-angle detachment faults and linked low- McKenzie and the combined simple shear-pure and high-angle fault systems within sedimentary Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Fig. 19. Application of the simple shear model to basin distribution on rifted continental margins proposed by Lister et al. (1986). Lower plate margin corresponds to the footwall of the main detachment faults. The upper plate margin is primarily composed of the hanging wall to the main . If the polarity of the detachment fault flips along-strike then the type of margin can also change along-strike. sequences had been recognized in deltaic areas (Gabrielsen 1986; Fig. 18a). Apparently these for a long time by the oil industry (e.g. faults can occur both early and late in the Woodbury et al. 1973; Bruce 1973; Harding & development of tilted blocks. If sliding occurs Lowell 1979). Consequently, the impact on when the footwall block has developed signifi- exploration of interpretations proposing the cant topographic relief, chaotic deposits are existence of low-angled, basement was relatively likely to develop in the hanging wall adjacent minor. However, it is a useful concept that ramp to the boundary fault. and flat geometries on extensional faults could Detachment faults of opposite dip to the generate broad anticlines both during exten- basement fault can also form in the footwalls of sional and inversion phases (Gibbs 1984, 1989; major tilted blocks (Fig. 18b) in response to the Fig. 18, inset). However, these are hypothesis gravitational instability of the sediments as the and have not been proven. It was also block tilts (Patton 1984). Physical experiments recognized that rifts might be composed of in multi-layered sequences suggest that layer- multiple detachment levels which considerably parallel slip associated with forced folding over a increases the potential for structural complexity deeper normal fault may initiate the formation beyond traditional rift structural models (e.g. of small graben structures over the footwall Gibbs 1984, 1989; Tankard & Welsink 1987; Fig. block (Withjack et al. 1990; Fig. 18c). This type 18 inset). of structure may be most common when very Tilted fault blocks may commonly be mod- ductile rocks (e.g. halite) are present. Also, the ified by minor detachment faults that lie within thickness contrast between syn-rift sediments the sedimentary section of the tilted fault block. across a large normal fault may cause compac- These minor detachments exploit bedding tion related faults to form on the down-thrown surfaces or rock units that possess a high side (Fig. 18e). The upper segment of the ductility contrast or low shear strength (e.g. fault may use a segment of the evaporites, overpressured shales). They can main boundary fault or activate along eroded exhibit a wide variety of geometries (Fig. 18a- surfaces (Patton 1984). e) and have a significant economic impact, since In appropriate areas regional, basement the unexpected occurrence of such faults may involved, low-angled detachment models may affect reserve calculations, field development, be conceptually very important. For example, well positioning and side-track decisions. Steeply the low-angled fault model of Lister et al. (1986) dipping faults with a zig-zag shape at depth can divides rifted continental margins into upper and pass upwards into a more shallow dipping, lower plate margins based on low-angled smooth trajectory or listric fault segments detachment fault geometry (Fig. 19). It is an within the sedimentary section, particularly if a important model for explorationists to either use thick or evaporite section is present or dismiss from regional studies of such margins. (Jarrige 1992; Fig. 18d). Well and seismic data The model defines two types of rifted margin; also show that the tops of tilted fault blocks are one composed of dominantly footwall rocks commonly affected by low-angle faults, comple- (rich in sedimentary basins) and the other tely separate from the main fault, that facilitate a composed of dominantly the hanging wall basinwards slumping of the fault block crest sequence (deficient in sedimentary basins), Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021

20 C.K. MORLEY termed lower and upper plate margins, respec- ments may also exist, and that in many rifts the tively. The model implies that considerable brittle-ductile transition lies between 20 and asymmetry in basin distribution exists between 10km, it has been noted that changing crustal the two rifted margins, hence petroliferous conditions (particularly temperature) during trends may not extend from one rifted margin extension will cause changes in rift geometry across to the opposite one. Since the detach- (e.g. Kusznir & Park 1987). This may also lead ments may change polarity (every few hundreds to an evolution from high-angle (60-70 ~) to of kilometres) passing down the continental lower-angle (30-45 ~) fault geometries with time margin, the style of rifting will change from or vice versa (e.g. Lister & Davis 1989; Morley upper plate to lower plate and hence cause 1989; Bosworth 1992; Walker et al. 1992). This regional changes in prospectivity. In the south change is independent of block rotation and Atlantic the location of major hydrocarbon represents a major change in the rift geometry, it producing areas passing from north to south is commonly accompanied by a change in switches from the Reconcavo Basin in Brazil, to subsidence rate. Higher-angle faults display a the Congo-Angolian margin, back to the larger throw:heave ratio than lower-angle on the Brazilian margin. This faults, hence, given the same strain rates, switching makes the changing detachment higher-angle faults will be regions of relatively polarity model an attractive explanation for the higher subsidence (Morley 1989). This is parti- distribution of hydrocarbons. cularly important in continental rifts where deep The Southern Atlantic margins have been the lacustrine (source rock prone) conditions may be subject of several studies that present a simple associated with high-angle boundary faults. shear model for the regional margin configura- Whilst lower-angle boundary faults may be tion (e.g. Ussami et al. 1986; Castro 1987; associated with more coarse clastic prone Etheridge et al. 1989). However, Davison sequences (Morley 1989). (1988) commenting on Castro (1987) argued Another tendency visible on seismic data in that low-angled crustal detachments were not the East African Rift System is for the initial applicable for several reasons, including incom- system of alternating half-grabens (spacing patibility between the detachment models and < 100 km) to evolve into a more regional mono- the crustal structure derived from gravity data. detachment orientation with time (several hun- Chang et al. (1992) have criticized the Etheridge dred kilometres long). In the Northern Kenya et al. (1989) model for being over simplistic and Rift deep reflections on some seismic lines not matching the existing data. Thus, the indicate the presence of eastwards- and west- detachment model is by no means universally wards-thickening basins (Fig. 3) with a spacing accepted. Nor is the detachment model the only < 100km. These eastward-thickening basins way to generate asymmetric rift margins. It is have been overprinted by dominantly west- also possible to generate similar regional ward-thickening basins as a result of the linkage changes by asymmetrically rifting a pure-shear of the east dipping major faults (Elgayo- model, it is simply a question of where the Turkwell Faults) to form a regional fault trend is initiated with respect to the rift whose extent is several hundred kilometres basins. (Fig. 4). As extension increases some fault blocks may Rift evolution become deactivated and sealed by syn-rift sediments (Fig. 3, Table 1). Active faults tend In the cold, mildly extended regions beneath to either rotate to lower angles or be initiated at portions of the East African Rift System relatively low angles. Movement of these faults earthquake focal depths are surprisingly deep creates large, highly-rotated fault blocks which (25-30km; Shudofsky et al. 1987). These data may reorganize earlier fault block orientations. suggest that in this area extensional faults are By increasing the dip of the blocks, the spill steep and have penetrated deeply within the point of trapped hydrocarbons will change and crust at the early stages of rifting (Shudofsky et the area under closure will decrease. This is seen al. 1987; Morley 1989). The main characteristics in the passage from relatively low to high of the evolution of high-angle, domino-style extension rifting passing NW to SE along the fault blocks is that they rotate to lower angles Gulf of Suez (Colletta et al. 1986; Patton et al. with increasing extension. This may cause the 1994). Footwall uplift associated with the faults to deactivate and new, higher-angle faults extension may also result in significant erosion that cross-cut the older fault set to be initiated of the crests of the tilted fault blocks. Thus, (e.g. Morton & Black 1975; Proffett 1977). rotation leaking of oil along faults, and erosion With the recognition that low-angle detach- will tend to destroy or reduce traps in highly Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Thickened 1 2

20 301~ 1 "~- ~ 50 ~" ~ I" MOHO "--" -"'-"-'------~-

6O km Core Complex

1 a bcd e 5 /1, 2 a3b \ 0

10 2O 30 40 = Lateral flow of hot lower crust km

V=H Fig. 20. Diagrams illustrating the evolution of structures associated with extensional collapse of thick, hot crust (collapsed thrust belt, core complex setting). The numbers indicate the relative ages of the faults. Early, large- displacement, high-angled faults (1 and 2) that have become rotated to low angles are shown as being cut by later low-angled faults (3 and 4) and by a late high-angled fault (5). For faults 1 and 2 the a-e lettering denotes the younging direction of deactivated fault slices - a is the oldest and e the youngest. extended rifts. However, provided a sag basin lateral flow of lower crustal material into the develops over the eroded titled fault blocks, a region where thinning associated with the upper sealing facies is deposited and petroleum migra- crustal extension would be expected (Gans 1987; tion occurred during the sag basin phase, eroded Buck 1988). Such a fluid and weak lower crust tilted fault blocks can trap large hydrocarbon would not be able to support large topographic reserves, as is the case in the North Sea (see gradients. Integrating this seismic evidence with summary in Spencer & Larsen 1990). arguments against low-angled faults, Buck (1988) proposed that the upper portions of high-angle faults became rotated by footwall Controversy of low-angle faults uplift into low-angled orientations. By successive rotation and deactivation of the normal fault a The low-angle fault model in basement rocks has whole series of low-angle fault blocks could be been the subject of considerable controversy. It created, with the lower crust flowing into the has been criticized for the following reasons: (1) region beneath the high-angle fault (Fig. 20). low angle faulting is not favoured in theoretical However, the evolution of the Basin-and-Range (Andersonian) models of extending brittle layers appears to be more complex than one single (Buck 1988); (2) low-angle normal faults are fault model permits. There is evidence for both seldom observed seismically (Jackson & McKen- late low-angle faults cross-cutting earlier high- zie 1983; Jackson 1987); (3) specifically for the angle faults and also late high-angle faults Basin-and-Range, the cooling rates of lower (Lister & Davis 1989; Fig. 20). plate rocks in the core complexes require at least Several workers have argued that the assump- 2.5cm a -1 displacement on a fault dipping at tion of Andersonian fault mechanics (one of the 10 ~ while present day estimates of the extension principal stress axes is vertical) is not necessarily rates for the entire Basin-and-Range Province correct (Lister & Davis 1989; Yin 1989; Parsons are less than 1 cm a -1 (Buck 1988); (4) in several & Thompson 1993). In order to generate low- cases in the Basin-and-Range the change in angled faults it is necessary to find a mechanism metamorphic grade along the footwall of a which will cause rotation of the vertical principal present day low-angled fault suggests that the stress direction. Such non-Andersonian condi- fault was actually initiated at a much higher tions may be caused by a basal shear stress, such angle (45 ~ (e.g. Wernicke & Axen 1988). as regional ductile flow in the lower crust or Deep seismic reflection data indicate that the between the crust and (Lister & Davis Moho is flat-lying under the Basin-and-Range 1989; Yin 1989), or by igneous intrusions (McCarthy & Thompson 1988), suggesting (Parsons & Thompson 1993). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021



E ~ - g % ,...-t I


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,...-t % 0 :] 0 7



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< Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Outside of the Basin-and-Range low-angle Rift; Ring et al. 1993; Delvaux et al. 1993), basin faults with large displacements of tens of inversion features (e.g. Cartwright 1989; Chap- kilometres have been found in the field in man 1989; Charpentier et al. 1992) and by collapsed thrust belts (e.g. Tauern , changing isopach patterns (e.g. Witch Ground ; Selverstone 1988), but not yet Graben; Boldy & Brealey 1990). Consequently, demonstrably in rifts. Deep crustal seismic data the original set of faults developed in response to across the North Sea (e.g. Cheadle et al. 1987) one stress regime may develop non-ideal orien- showed a mixture of high- and low-angle tations for extension or any type of reactivation extensional faulting. However, the low-angled as the rift evolves. Their sense of displacement faulting is apparently associated with pre- may change or the faults may be abandoned. existing Palaeozoic structures (see Review in Inversion may be triggered by modification of Klemperer & Hurich 1990). The East African regional intraplate stresses by deviatoric stresses Rift Project PROBE and industrial seismic data due to upwelling of asthenospheric convection displays a mixture of high-angled planar and cells and diapiric intrusions into the listric faulting and low-angled boundary faults. (Bott 1992). Inversion may also be caused by The low-angled boundary faults (30-40 ~) cross- changes in regional stresses as plate boundaries cut isoclinal folds in the Precambrian basement evolve (Ziegler 1982), or by areal variations in and cannot easily be explained as rotated higher the drag or shear traction forces at the base of angle faults or reactivated thrusts (Morley 1989; the lithosphere (e.g. Doglioni 1990; Bott 1992). Fig. 7). The lower-angled extensional faults are More superficial inversion may be initiated by apparently associated with regions of higher gravitational instability caused by tilting and the heat flow than the higher-angle faults. The subsequent gravity sliding of a portion of the current state of knowledge suggests that faults, basin fill sequence (commonly on a shale or salt at least with initial dips as low as 30 ~ do seem to detachment level), or by diapiric salt and shale exist in the upper and middle crust with and movements. without the influence of pre-existing trends. Basin inversion is driven by a change in the However, initially very low-angled faults do not orientation of the original extensional appear to be characteristic of continental rifts. or a change to compressive or transpressive stress regime (e.g. Cooper et al. 1989). There are Basin inversion many other possible causes of basin uplift that are distinctly different from basin inversion, The notion that basins can be inverted has including isostatic rebound after glaciation (e.g. existed for a considerable time (e.g. Lamplugh Barents Sea; Riis & Fjeldskaar 1992), mantle 1920; Stille 1924). More recently it was recog- thermal anomalies (rift shoulder elevation, nized in Indonesia that relatively minor (in terms -thermal doming; McKenzie of shortening) but significant (in terms of 1978), magmatic underplating and density structures visible on seismic data) reverse changes in the crust due to (e.g. faults, strike-slip faults and associated folds Vejbaek 1992). By themselves each mechanism is developed along reactivated normal faults likely to give rise to a different uplift geometry (Sunda folds: e.g. Mertosono & Nayoan I974; and magnitude (Table 2). However, in combina- Mertosono 1975; White & Wing 1978; Eubank tion it is often difficut to separate out the & Makki 1981). Basin inversion remained a contribution of the individual effects. topic of only minor structural interest until the The recent information on stress changes and 1980s. The recognition of inversion features in basin inversion mentioned above suggests that the North Sea (e.g. Glennie & Boegner 1981; rifts commonly do not evolve under long-lived Bally 1984; see papers in Ziegler, 1985; Cooper stable stress conditions. This has implications & Williams 1989) led to more widespread for trap destruction and creatiQn, and may also interest. The discussion of Cooper et al. (1989) help to explain the common divergence of illustrates that the definition of basin inversion is interpretations from the same seismic data set. highly debatable. They resolved the definition to Most commonly in structural mapping of rifts (p. 346) 'a basin controlled by a fault system that interpretations tend to become polarized to- has been subsequently transpressed-compressed wards wrenching and pure rifting, with the producing uplift and partial extrusion of the rhombic pattern produced by zigzag faults basin fill' being a tantalizing target for pull-apart basin The stress regime in many rifts has apparently interpretations. For example, the different changed with time, as documented by fault interpretations of Lake Tanganyika (Fig. 21) kinematic observations (e.g. Kenya Rift; Streck- are based upon applying two different tectonic er et al. 1990: western branch of the East African models to a coarse seismic data set. One model Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021

24 C. K. MORLEY a b


t r st s


0 lOOkm \

Fig. 21. Comparison of fault pattern interpreted from the same seismic data set over Lake Tanganyika; (a) assuming E-W extension (Morley 1988); (b) assuming NW-SE extension (Rosendahl et al. 1986). assumes NW-SE extension which suggests a not fit easily with the amount of extension strong wrenching component (e.g. Rosendahl et displayed on the major and minor rift bounding al. 1986; Rosendahl 1987), while the other faults and the absence of easily demonstrable assumes E-W pure to oblique extension (e.g. important wrench features (e.g. Morley et al. Morley 1988; Ebinger 1989; Morley et al. 1992a). The latest fault kinematic results 1992a). The recognition of minor anticlines on reconcile the contrasting observations by sug- seismic data (Fig. 22) and late sub-horizontal gesting that a late (2 Ma-Present) reorientation on faults suggested a strong wrench of the regional extension direction from E-W to fault component to the Tanganyika-Rukwa- NW-SE caused reactivation of some originally Malawi area (Wheeler & Carson 1989; Kilembe oblique extensional faults with a strong strike- & Rosendahl 1992). However, this evidence did slip component (e.g. Ring et al. 1993). New Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021


Possiblc mild inversion anticlines



"~ P: - ~ -~'~ -"~-~: "~:~-"~" -~ ~ --~'~ ~'r ~'" ~-"~ MIOCENE-RE=lENT FLUVIO-

I ~ "~-.~T~.~ >~'~ MIOCENE RED BEDS ~L~: ~ ""-~- "-

2 ""~"~" ~-" - ~"'-.... '"-'"~- KARROO


Fig. 22. Detail of seismic section TVZ-7, Lake Rukwa (after Morley et al. 1992) illustrating minor, late inversion anticlines.

100 a 8oo 90 ~ "- 70 IBBimMBB|


z 50 I|/////ml 80 otu IIIZ ~e 40

o~ ~ 30 IB//N/OBI go 9 30 N 20 liiJDOgBg 10 lmimldS ) 10 o immimm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ~ Pure extension Pure strike-slip Pure extension Pure strike-slip DEGREE OF OBLIQUE EXTENSION DEVIATION OF EXTENSION DIRECTION Fig. 23. Graphs illustrating the effects of oblique extension on fault displacement. (a) Change in dip of slickensides on faults of varying dips as a function oblique extension; (b) change in throw () in relation to the degree of oblique extension. Throw is shown as a percentage of the pure dip-slip throw value. The percentage value corresponds to the dip of the fault, the lines correspond to faults dipping at 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30 and 20 ~. extensional faults were also created at this time, however, since rifts are composed of segments oriented sub-perpendicular to the extension and faults of multiple orientations, such changes direction, e.g. Usangu Flats (Fig. 4). Where will display varying effects in different parts of possible, it is important to have fault stress and rifts. The natural tendency for faults to zigzag strain data from outcrop studies early on in the or the strong influence of basement structure exploration history to help minimize potential commonly causes some rift offset segments to errors and controversies over the structural form at an acute angle to the regional extension interpretation from seismic data. direction rather than perpendicular to it (Fig. 4). It is apparent that rifts commonly evolve from These oblique rift segments may exhibit much pure-extension to oblique-extension with time, more significant changes in structural style than Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021

26 C.K. MORLEY I LS 2 100 % 80 % I o 1 180 '/o % tK~IPz. Restraining ~0 "~'1~ Bend I Aband~ I I Fault 111, ~:= ~100:=3 % /80'/0 /~mentJ lo"o% 80 % /-100%% /~80% J$ Releasing o Bend

Pure Extension 3 Oblique Extension"- Wrenching

100 % = Percent of pure dip-slip throw undergone by fault segment. = Normal fault /' = Displacement direction on fault

Fig. 24. Examples, of how faults change their sense of motion and subsidence rates as a result of changing the extension direction or changing to pure strike-slip (inversion). rift parallel segments when the stress field rotates the fault trends, not just restricted to minor during rifting. Figure 23 shows how, for a fault restraining bends. plane, the degree of oblique-displacement on the fault changes the amount of subsidence that its Discussion and conclusions hanging wall undergoes per unit of heave. The effects of oblique opening vary depending upon At the beginning of the 1980s the surface the dip of the fault but the trends are similar. geology of many rifts was well known but Generally, up to 40-50 ~ divergence from exten- commonly the sub-surface geology was not. sion the percentage decrease in subsidence The North Sea, Sirte Basin and Gulf of Suez (vertical throw) from the pure extension case is were highly explored rifts, however, for reasons small (c. 20%). For higher values of obliquity of seismic data quality (Gulf of Suez), thickness the amount of subsidence drops rapidly. An of the post rift sag basin (Sirte Basin), poor or example of the effects of these changes is given in non-existent outcrop (North Sea, Sirte Basin), Fig. 24; three faults with intersections of 45 ~ are complex structural history (North Sea) or the subjected to a change of 45 ~ in the regional complex influence of pre-existing trends (North extension direction. The change in the amount of Sea), plus industrial confidentiality restrictions, subsidence on each fault as a result of this is no unifying models for rift geometry had been shown and demonstrates that the segment that derived from these rifts. The first steps by went from oblique wrenching to almost pure structural to define rift geometry strike-slip deformation experienced a much better in the early 1980s were a mixture of greater change in subsidence than the other thrust belt derived geometries (extensional two orientations. This fault segment is also the duplexes, normal fault ramps and flats, transfer only segment likley to develop basin inversion faults), deltaic gravitational tectonics (in parti- structures. True strike-slip deformation pro- cular listric, spoon-shaped faults, low-angled duces a different inversion pattern than highly detachments and roll-over anticlines) and Ba- oblique extension. The opportunities for the sin-and-Range fault geometries (domino tilted creation of extensional fault segments are fault blocks, low-angled faults in basement), reduced and inversion may be widespread along coupled with known rift geometries (zigzag Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021

STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF RIFTS 27 faults, high-angle faults bounding tilted blocks, 16). In areas of relatively poor seismic data half- and full-graben geometries). This fusion of quality the choice of fault block termination different structural styles into rift provinces interpreted on geophysical maps can make a proved to be highly controversial, particularly considerable difference to the structural inter- in the North Sea. The definition of rift basin pretation. geometries in the East African Rift by Project There has been considerable debate as to PROBE (e.g. Rosendahl et al. 1986; Ebinger et whether rifts are composed of high-angle (45- al. 1987) provided the first widely accessible data 60 ~ faults or a mixture of high- and low-angle on the regional stuctural geometry of rifts, and faults. There is little doubt that low-angle faults led to the detailing of half-graben geometries, occur in the sedimentary sequence of rifts, where how half-grabens change geometry (accommo- they occur in a variety of structural settings (Fig. dation zones; Bosworth 1985) and the influence 18). Such faults can have a significant economic of boundary fault geometry on stratigraphic impact in field development. The presence of packages. Fieldwork in the Gulf of Suez by low-angled basement faults is more problematic. French teams (e.g. Colletta et al. 1986; Jarrige et They apparently do occur in rifts, both due to al. 1990) and by GUPCO-Amoco teams (see reactivation of older faults and as completely review in Patton et al. 1994); has also provided new faults. Apparently, rifts can evolve through very important information on the detailed a variety of low- and high-angle fault structures geometries of tilted fault blocks and the with time, which impacts trap creation and relationships of structure and sedimentation destruction. Understanding fault geometry Three different aspects of rift geometry and greatly impacts the seismic mapping of pros- their impact on hydrocarbon exploration have pects and projection of regional trends. been examined in this paper: rift architecture, Two of the main structural models for rifts fault angle and basin inversion. Rift architecture that existed at the beginning of the decade (pure is controlled by fault geometry, which is itself shear and simple shear models) have changed. heavily influenced by pre-existing fabrics. At the The simple shear model has been largely largest scale rifts are divided into segments tens abandoned, although low-angle faults are a to hundreds of kilometres long. These segments viable interpretation for deformation in the are separated by rift jumps and gaps, they may brittle upper and middle crust. The pure shear be joined along offset segments or they may or combined pure shear-simple shear model terminate at rift splays. Recognition of rift remains the most frequently applicable model segment geometry is important for understand- for continental rifts. ing structural trends in basin analysis, differing Basin modelling has evolved to the point structural histories and regional sedimentation where rift basins can be modelled sequentially patterns. For example, rift jumps and gaps instead of instantaneously. Subsidence on in- provide the entry points for large rivers to enter dividual faults can be modelled, and the forward rifts and create along-axis drainage systems, modelled section is a balanced cross-section (e.g. while rift offsets are areas where anomalous Kusznir & Egan 1989). Not only do such models structural patterns develop in response to help predict basin subsidence history, extension oblique extension. Transfer zones between amount, heat flow and flexural-isostatic uplift, boundary faults within rift segments mark but they also help in understanding the important changes in rift geometry. The trans- distribution of sediments in rifts by providing a fer zones themselves are commonly broad zones model for the magnitude and distribution of of anomalous structural trends and are the uplifts associated with faulting during rifting. preferred sites of coarse clastic sedimentation. Previously the main uplift mechanisms affecting In the Gulf of Suez, for example, the structures rifts were considered to be the more regional and the syn-rift reservoir units within two major effects of thermal plumes and magmatic under- transfer zones are associated with over four plating. billion barrels of reserves out of a total of six Rifts commonly undergo changes in their billion barrels for the entire rift. Individual faults stress regime which may lead to basin inversion bound tilted blocks, the way these blocks end features. This affects trap development and laterally is highly varied, and important in destruction and can lead to a variable sub- understanding the geometry of individual traps. sidence history for basins, as the basin bounding Often the terminations are influenced by pre- faults change their senses of motion. The existing fabrics. The common block termination recognition of inversion features in many rifts geometries recognized are as follows: strike indicates that this is a very important aspect of ramps, forced folds, rhomb-blocks, transfer rift history. faults, major and minor cross-strike faults (Fig. Structural geology plays an important role in Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 29, 2021

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