TREADWALL CHALLENGE Climber: Climbing Log Hald Dome - Regular NW Face Pitch Crux Vert Feet Start Time Distance Time Date 1 5.11 160 2 5.9 100 3 5.8 105 4 5.10a 110 5 5.9 100 6 5.9 145 7 5.8 135 8 scramble 120 9 5.9 100 10 5.12c A0 80 11 5.10a 80 12 5.11c 130 13 5.7 100 14 5.9 70 15 5.9 100 16 5.9 100 17 5.9 100 18 5.12a 100 19 5.12a 120 20 5.9 40 21 5. 90 22 5.12a 90 23 5.7 120 24 scramble 200 TOTAL 2595 TREADWALL – Triple Crown Challenge

GOAL - Climb the same vertical meters of every "Pitch" of Yosemite’s Triple Crown challenge using the Source Treadwall.

Background - The Triple Crown is a challenge to climb the three biggest walls in Yosemite – El Cap, Mt. Watkins, and – in a single day. The only people that have successfully completed the linkup are some of the best climbers in the history of Yosemite.

The Triple Crown was first climbed in 2001 by and Timmy O'Neill, the speed-climbing dream team that broke and 's nine-year-old speed record on of . Unlike Honnold and Caldwell, Potter and O'Neill aided their way through difficult sections, using gear to support their weight rather than pulling on holds. Dean Potter and Timmy O’Neal completed the climb in 21 hours and 37 minutes.

More than a decade later, and made the first single-day free ascent of the Triple Crown in May of 2012. They completed the linkup in 21 hours and 15 minutes, racing up nearly 7,000 feet of sheer vertical rock face that included 77 pitches up to 5.13a in difficulty, and setting the new speed record.

Then, two weeks later Alex Honnold did it again— alone. He started up Mt. Watkins at 4pm Tuesday and topped out on Half Dome at 10:45am, less than 19 hours later. Admitting, “OK, that was a big deal.” Honnold had free-soloed (that’s no ropes, folks) 6,500 feet and aid-climbed roughly 500 feet.

Ready to take the challenge? Let’s be honest, we are not likely to put up a challenge to any of these three historical ascents, and climbing in a gym can never replicate the experience of being exposed on Yosemite granite. Still, we can’t help but feel inspired.

Our Treadwall Challenge is to complete 75 “Pitches” that correspond with the traditional lines up Mt Watkins’ South Face, El Cap’s Salathe Wall, and Half Dome’s Regular NW Route. To finish, you will need to climb more than 8,765 ft or 2,672 meters on our Treadwall. By our estimate, this will take about 7 hours and 18 minutes at an average climbing speed. But we are reasonable people… no need to do that in one day, we will give you 3 months from the day you complete your first pitch to complete the challenge.

How it works - We have provided three worksheets with the pitches, estimated vertical feet/meters, and crux grades of each route. To start, simply download and print your own worksheet. Bring that with you when you visit the Source, and follow the rules and instructions to track your progress. Turn in your worksheet to the front desk once completed. Complete all three, and your challenge is complete.

What do I get? You may just get written up in the pages of Climbing and Rock & Ice magazines right alongside the likes of Alex and Tommy. But if that doesn’t happen, we will recognize your accomplishment by giving you a free T-Shirt.

Challenge Rules

• All holds are on. (Optional extra challenge: use more difficult holds for pitches with a higher )

• To complete a pitch you must climb a vertical distance equal to or greater than what is listed in chart without stepping off of the Treadwall. Extra meters climbed do not carry over to next pitch.

• Pitches must be completed in the order listed. Complete as many individual pitches as you would like in a day.

• "Linking" or connecting two or more pitches is permitted, but you must complete the combined total of all pitches without stepping off the Treadwall.

• Resting is permitted, but climber must remain on the Treadwall in the brake position.

• Record start time, distance and time displayed on the Treadwall’s screen, and date completed.

• Record honest numbers. Suspected cheaters will be subjected to Jo Jo Siwa radio during all future climbing sessions.

• No . Please climb in control by setting the appropriate speed.