Strengthening Sustainable Tourism

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Strengthening Sustainable Tourism Strengthening Sustainable Tourism Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Tourism Sector in Cambodia Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Tourism Sector in Cambodia The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank, or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. The Asian Development Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequences of their use. Use of the term “country” does not imply any judgment by the authors or the Asian Development Bank as to the legal or other status of any territorial entity. Copyright © 2009 Asian Development Bank Report authors: Peter King, Robert Basiuk, Bou Serey Chan and Dararath Yem Project management: Pavit Ramachandran, GMS-EOC Maps and spatial analysis: Lothar Linde, GMS-EOC Cover photos and photo credits: Stephen Griffiths, ADB; GMS-EOC Design and layout: Keen Media (Thailand) Co., Ltd. GMS Environment Operations Center The Offices at Central World, 23rd Floor 999/9 Rama I Road, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel: +66 2 207 4444 Fax: +66 2 207 4400 Email: [email protected] Web: Contents List of Tables v List of Figures vi Acronyms and Abbreviations vii Notes ix Executive Summary x 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Socio-Economic Context 1 1.2 SEA Scoping Stage 2 2. Tourism Sector in Cambodia 3 2.1 Tourism Sector and the Economy 3 2.2 National Tourism Strategy Plans and Policies 7 2.3 Tourism Laws and Regulations 16 2.4 Institutions in Cambodia with Tourism-related Responsibilities 18 2.5 Tourism Plans in Northeast Cambodia 22 2.6 Tourism Plans in Southwest Cambodia 28 3. Alternative Tourism Scenarios 43 3.1 Tourism Development Envelope 43 3.2 Three Development Scenarios 44 3.3 Growth Projections for the Three Scenarios 46 3.4 Carrying Capacity – Kampi Dolphin Pool 52 3.5 Implications of the Scenarios 54 3.6 Summary of Scenarios Analysis 58 4. Baseline Environmental Conditions 59 4.1 Physical Environment 59 4.2 Socio-economic Conditions 61 4.3 Natural Resources 62 4.4 Environmental Quality 69 5. Strategic Environmental Assessment of Tourism Impacts 79 5.1 SEA Approach 79 5.2 Impact Assessment - National Policy Level (Tourism Law) 79 5.3 Impact Assessment - National Policy and Strategy Level (Ecotourism Policy and Strategy) 82 5.4 Impact Assessment - Transboundary Area-based SEA (Northeast Triangle) 83 5.5 Impact Assessment - Area-based SEA (K4 Coastal Tourism Strategy) 90 6. Possible Mitigation and Adaptation Measures 99 6.1 National Policy Level (Tourism Law) 99 6.2 National Policy and Strategy Level (Ecotourism Policy and Strategy) 101 6.3 Transboundary Area-based SEA (Northeast Triangle) 101 6.4 Area-based SEA (K4 Coastal Tourism Strategy) 104 7. Implementation Arrangements and Monitoring 105 8. Stakeholder Participation and Capacity Building 107 8.1 Stakeholder Participation 107 8.2 Previous Capacity Building Assistance 107 8.3 Capacity Building Needs Assessment 108 8.4 Strengthening the Legal Framework 108 9. Conclusions and Recommendations 109 9.1 Finance and Investment 109 9.2 Human Resources 109 9.3 Institutional Strengthening 110 9.4 Marketing 111 9.5 Participation in Tourism Development Policy and Planning 111 9.6 Licensing and Regulations 112 9.7 Adapting to External Pressures 113 9.8 Institutional Strengthening 113 9.9 Sustainable, Pro-poor tourism 114 References 115 SEA References 116 v List of Tables 1. Average monthly income in Cambodia’s coastal zone (1999) 1 2. Typical tourist attractions and resources 5 3. Tourist arrivals in Cambodia 2006-2007 6 4. Tourism development potential from SEDP-II 9 5. Foreign visitor arrivals in Kratie 2002-2006 22 6. Foreign visitor arrivals in Kratie by region, 2005-2006 24 7. International arrivals in Stung Treng 2002-2005 25 8. Analysis of visitor numbers to Ratanakiri (MOT 2007) 27 9. Hotels and guesthouses in Ratanakiri 28 10. Market promotion plan for K4 area 30 11. Plan for development of K4 tourism sites 30 12. Transportation development plan for K4 area 32 13. Environmental protection plan for K4 area 33 14. Tourism community development plan for K4 area 33 15. Plan for facilitating and providing security for visitors to K4 area 34 16. Tourism management plan for K4 area 34 17. Investment promotion plan for K4 area 35 18. Implications of 5% growth scenario on tourism destinations 54 19. Implications of 20% growth scenario on tourism destinations 55 20. Implications of 30% growth scenario on tourism destinations 57 21. Comparison of scenarios 58 22. Total population (2005), population density (2005) and annual population growth (1998-2005) 61 23. Number of schools and students (2004) 62 24. Literate population in the northeast and southwest, 1998 62 25. Forest cover in the northeastern and southwestern areas 63 26. Protected areas in Cambodia 66 27. Protected areas of the northeastern provinces 69 28. Solid waste generated by households and markets in 2005 70 29. Greenhouse gas emissions and removal by sector 71 30. Mean composition of river waters of the world, Asia and Mekong River 71 31. Total suspended solids and total Phosphorus in the Mekong River 72 32. Environmental Impacts of (draft) National Tourism Law 80 33. Environmental Impacts of National Ecotourism Policy and Strategy 82 34. Environmental Impact Assessment of Northeast Tourism Development – Emerald Triangle Tourism Development Action Plan 83 35. Environmental Impact Assessment of Northeast Tourism Development – Master Plan for Tourism Development Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri 85 36. Environmental Impact Assessment of Northeast Tourism Development – Provincial DOT Plans 86 37. Environmental Impact Assessment of the Southern Coastal Zone Tourism Master Plan 91 38. Tourism Plans of Southern Provincial DOTs 93 vi List of Figures 1. Real GDP growth rate 2000-2011 (% change) 2 2. Travel and tourism competitive index 4 3. Tourism attractions in Cambodia 4 4. Historical and environmental assets – northeast Cambodia 23 5. Historical and environmental assets – southwest Cambodia 29 6. Projected international arrivals (5% growth) 47 7. Projected domestic visitors (5% growth) 48 8. Accommodation requirements to 2015 (5% growth) 48 9. Projected growth of international visitors (20% growth) 49 10. Projected domestic tourism growth (20% growth) 49 11. Existing hotel rooms versus projected demand (20% growth) 50 12. Projected growth of international arrivals (30% growth) 51 13. Domestic tourism growth projection (30% growth) 51 14. Projected demand for hotel rooms versus existing supply (30% growth) 52 15. Projected visitor arrivals at Kampi dolphin pool 53 16. Arrivals to Kampi and Recommended carrying capacity limits 53 17. Mean rainfall in Cambodia (1984-1998) 60 18. Mean annual rainfall in the northeast (1994-2004) 60 19. Mean annual rainfall in the southwest (1994-2004) 60 20. Change in mangrove distribution (1993-2005) 64 21. Seagrass and Coral Reefs distribution in coastal waters 65 22. Cambodia’s protected areas 68 23. Cambodia’s biodiversity regions 70 24. Marine water sampling stations in the coastal zone (2004-2007) 72 25. Total suspended solids in coastal streams (2004-2007) 73 26. Dissolved oxygen in coastal streams (2004-2007) 73 27. Biochemical Oxygen Demand in coastal streams (2004-2007) 74 28. Total Phosphorus in coastal streams (2004-2007) 75 29. Total Suspended Solids in coastal waters (2004-2007) 75 30. Dissolved Oxygen in coastal waters (2004-2007) 76 31. Biochemical Oxygen Demand in coastal waters (2004-2007) 76 32. Total Phosphorus in coastal waters (2004-2007) 77 33. Indirect Challenges to Tourism Development – Northeast 89 34. Challenges to Development – Southern Coastal Region 96 vii Acronyms and Abbreviations ACMECS Ayeyawady Chaophaya Mekong Economic Cooperation and Strategy ADB Asian Development Bank ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations AusAID Australian Agency for International Development CATA Cambodian Association of Travel Agencies CCBEN Cambodia Community-based Ecotourism Network CDC Cambodia Development Council CEP Core Environment Program DANIDA Danish Institute for Development Assistance DOT Department of Tourism DSIH Department of Small Industry and Handicrafts EIA environmental impact assessment EOC Environment Operations Center GDP gross domestic product GEF Global Environment Facility GMS Greater Mekong Subregion GTZ German Technical Cooperation Agency HIV/AIDS human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome IFC International Finance Corporation IUCN World Conservation Union JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries MDG millennium development goals MIME Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy MLMUPC Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction MOE Ministry of Environment MOP Ministry of Planning MOT Ministry of Tourism MRC Mekong River Commission MTCO Mekong Tourism Coordination Office MTDP Mekong Tourism Development Project NGO nongovernmental organization NIS National Institute of Statistics NSDP national strategic development plan PATA Pacific Area Travel Association PPP policies, plans and programmes PRC People’s Republic of China RGC Royal Government of Cambodia SEA strategic environmental assessment SEDP social and economic development plan Seila socio-economic improvement of local agencies (programme) viii SME small and medium enterprises SMI small and medium industries SNV Netherlands Development Organization TA technical assistance TAT Tourism
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