History of American Lutheranism, Vol. 2, by F. Bente
133640 CONCORD1A SERIES OF MODERN LITERATURE THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS VOLUME II The United Lutheran Church (General Synod, General Council, United Synod in the South) By F. BENTE ST. Louis, Mo. CJONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1010 PREFACE. AMERICAN LUTHERANTSM will appear in four volumes, this present second volume to be followed by the first, dealing with the early history of Lutheranism in America. The third volume will present the history of the Ohio, Iowa, Buffalo, and the Scandinavian synods. The fourth volume will contain the history and doc- trinal position of the Missouri, Wisconsin, and other synods connected with the Synodical Conference. As appears from this second volume, our chief object is to record the facts as to tho theological attitude of the various Lutheran bodies in America, with such comment only as we deemed necessary. As to the quotations from the Lutheran Observer and other English periodicals, wo frequently had to content ourselves with retranslations from the German in I/ehre und WcJire, Lutheraner* etc. Brackets found in passages cited contain additions, comments, corrections, etc., of our own, not of the respective periodicals quoted. If errors, no matter of whatever nature they may be, should have crept in anywhere, we here express our grati- tude for corrections made. Further prefatory and introductory remarks will accompany Vol. I, which, Deo volento, will go to the printers forthwith. F. BENTB, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. May 28, 1019. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE THE UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH . 1 11 Merger . 1 Constitution 5 Character . 9 THE GENEBAL SYNOD 12175 Oiganization .... 12 Character 10 Constitution 22 Evaluation 25 Doctrinal Basis 82 Basis Intel pi eted 40 Unionism 48 Union Loiter of 1845 58 Chi istian Union 63 Theology Reformed 68 Revivalism 76 "American Luthoranism" 80 Definite Platform Controversy 101 Position of District Synods toward Platform ..
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