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(L The Best in Scholarship from Cambridae The Idea of Europe From Antiquity to the European Union ~1~~ Anthony Pogden, Editor Thisbook addresses the questionof whatit means,and has meant, to be "European," covering the period from Antiquity to the end of the ~~I twentieth century. ~~~~W~~~I Woodrow Wilson Center Press Series Copublished with the Woodrow Wilson Center 0-521-79171-5, Hardback, $65.00 0-521-79552-4. Paperback. $23.00 O)lii) ~I Second Metropolis Pragmatic Pluralism in Gilclecl Age Chicago, Q%~) Silver Age Moscow, and Meiji Osalta BlairA.Ruble By comparing North America's, Russia's, and Japan's "second cities"-- Chicago, Moscow, and Osaka--Second Merl-opol~sdiscloses the extent to which social fragmentation, frequently viewed as an obstacle to democratic development, actually fostered a "pragmatic pluralism" that nurtured pluralistic public policies. Woodrow Wilson Center Press Series 0-521-80179-6 Hardback 835.00 Books in the Woodvow Wilson Centev Press Series ave available to Woodvow Wilson Associates at a 20% discount. s~ · ·ru ~s~:cclla: Booksfor Insightand Understanding ;:~he P~~ed~States 2 nnd ~i:at~ ( 1~~000~ ~l)gnniggii(~~ TheUnited States and Originsof Terrorism RogueStates and Pclkiston,1947-2000 I'1~·,~~~,~·i~··'n,~~'~~···?s,~,,~~, U,S,Foreign Policy Diro,c-l~n,~tctl .-i Ilies C~,~,tni~l,ilc~~,clfie~·,l~e C~,ltl 1·I~1,· DennisKux editedby Wolter Reich RobertS.Litwak ~,c·~~~~l;,,·cll,~onl(,)~CI~ll,c·~· Lngl,clc~· "A nlust-rcnd for anyone who "l~aises the I-i$]lt qllcstions "l'ul-suels] the patholo~n~ of seeks to ~lnderstand the comples I·egarding;l tl-uly complrs anci terrorisln throug]l tile cencurics U.S.-l'akistan relatiollship." yet vrl-y timely sul?ject." ...A f~scinating amount of --AmbassadorThomas 1~.
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