IEEE History Center ISSUE 91, March 2013 Static from the Director........2 Staff Notes ....................3 Nipper Visits IEEE History Center Center Activities ...............3 Locating the Sceptical Chymist New Search Engine for GHN IEEE Institutional History Videos Milestones ....................6 Things to See and Do .........6 Antique Wireless Museum National Museum of Mathematics Grants and Fellowships........8 Donors and Supporters........8 Bibliography .................12 Pictured Right: Wheeler Gift Book Plate IEEE History Center STATIC FROM THE DIRECTOR The newsletter reports on the activities By Michael Geselowitz, Ph.D. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, is of the IEEE History Center and on up for renewal, and we are exploring with new resources and projects in electrical As you will see in this issue, our regular activ- and computer history. It is published them and with other potential partners ways ities, such as Milestones, oral histories, the three times each year—once in hard copy to enhance our capabilities. All of the parties (March) and twice electronically (July and archives, and the IEEE Global History Network at the table agree that public history of tech- November) by the IEEE History Center. (GHN), continue to roll along. However, 2013 nology is an important component in chang- is also looking to be a key year for the IEEE IEEE History Center ing the conversation about engineering, in 39 Union St History Center from a broader strategic per- enhancing STEM education, and in raising New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8538 USA spective. Firstly, the results from our survey of Telephone: +1 732 562 5450 technological literacy. Like the respondents to engineering educators is in, and they suggest Fax: +1 732 932 1193 our on-line course survey, however, they also E-mail:
[email protected] that we should push ahead with our initiative agree that such outreach efforts should not be URL: to develop an on-line history of engineering limited to narrow disciplines.