JAX JAGUARS GO BIG WITH BORTLES, SPORTS B1 LEESBURG, FLORIDA Saturday, May 10, 2014 www.dailycommercial.com LAWSUIT: Despite will of voters, legislators NATO: As Russia rises, coalition drew state districts favoring incumbents, A3 has to decide next steps, A6 LEESBURG Ladder now the focus in tragic pool drowning MILLARD K. IVES | Staff Writer able to climb the pool’s
[email protected] ladder and ended up in the water. Noticing his Detectives preparing sister was in “distress,” a case for the State At- the boy ran to another torney’s Office are try- nearby home for help. ing to determine how The girl was taken a ladder was situated to Leesburg Regional on an above-ground Medical Center, where swimming pool where a she was pronounced 3-year-old girl drowned dead. last month while her Police said the moth- BRETT LE BLANC / DAILY COMMERCIAL mother slept. er, who was sleeping at Lake County Fire Rescue workers in Clermont are stationed in the Value Place hotel off State Road 50 on Wednesday. Jayonna Brown and the time of the drown- her 4-year-old brother ing, awoke after hear- CLERMONT apparently snuck out of ing the commotion of their house on Bonaire the emergency vehi- Drive on April 24 and cles responding to the went two doors down, New home found for firefighters scene. where neighbors had Capt. Rob Hicks, po- a pool in an unfenced lice spokesman, would LIVI STANFORD | Staff Writer HARTLE ROAD EXTENSION the engineer for the site design backyard. With nobody
[email protected] The Lake County Commission has agreed to extend and right of way acquisition is home, Jayonna was SEE POOL | A2 Hartle Road, which will allow Senniger Irrigation to a plus for all parties involved, lans to relocate six Lake expand, while the company will donate land for a said Paul Simmons, the coun- County Fire Rescue Sta- new fire station.