City Council Meeting Monday, May 2, 2016 Council Chamber

Civic Administration Complex 50 Centre Street South, 6:30 p.m.


Notice to Correspondents: The personal information contained in your correspondence to Oshawa City Council or its committees is collected under the Municipal Act, 2001. Any personal information you choose to disclose in your correspondence will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the City to make its decision on the matter. This information will become part of the public record.

The City of Oshawa is committed to providing services as set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats or other accommodations please contact Kim Bressan, Council Meeting Co-ordinator; Tel: 905-436-3311 extension 2433; email: [email protected] or in-person.

Agendas and Minutes can be found at:

Council Composition

The Council of the City of Oshawa is comprised of eleven members - one Mayor, seven Regional Councillors and three City Councillors.

Members of Council

The members of the Council of the City of Oshawa are:

Mayor John Henry Regional Councillor John Aker Regional Councillor Dan Carter Regional Councillor Bob Chapman Regional Councillor City Councillor Rick Kerr Regional Councillor Amy McQuaid-England Regional Councillor John Neal Regional Councillor Nester Pidwerbecki City Councillor Doug Sanders City Councillor John Shields

City Council Meetings

City Council meetings are held on the following Mondays commencing at 6:30 p.m. and the public is welcome to attend: February 1 and 22, March 21, April 11, May 2 and 24 (Tuesday), June 13 and 27, September 26, October 17, November 7 and 28, and December 19, 2016.

City Council will take a 15 minute break at 8:30 p.m. during every regular City Council meeting, or at the next opportunity after 8:30 p.m. upon the completion of the item being discussed.

There are four Standing Committees of Council: Development Services Committee, Corporate Services Committee, Community Services Committee and Finance Committee. A calendar of all Standing Committee meeting dates is available on the City of Oshawa website at

For inquiries about this agenda please contact Kim Bressan, Council Meeting Co-ordinator, at 905-436-3311 ext. 2433 or by email at [email protected]. Members of the public may address Council concerning an item on the agenda, provided they have appeared before the appropriate Standing Committee, by submitting a written request to the City Clerk before 1:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the Monday Council meeting. Speakers are generally limited to 5 minutes.

Please Note:

• Cellular phones/pagers must be switched to the non-audible function during this meeting.

• Video recording and photography during Council meetings are permitted in the area designated in the Council Chamber.

• The City of Oshawa maintains a scent free policy. Please refrain from wearing/using perfumes, colognes or other scented products at this meeting.

Food and drinks are not permitted in the Council Chamber.

Section One City Council Agenda May 2, 2016 Page 100

City Council will not hold a Closed Meeting at 3:30 p.m.

City Council’s Public Meeting is scheduled to begin in the Council Chamber, Civic Administration Complex, 50 Centre Street South at 6:30 p.m.

Public Agenda

Announcements from Council Members

(As may be presented by Council members)

Declarations of Pecuniary Interest

(As may be presented by Council members)


Mayor Henry to acknowledge the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators’ Long Service Recognition Award given to Beverly Hendry, Commissioner, Corporate Services for ten years of municipal service in a management capacity.

Delegations/Delegation Requests


1. Bill Longworth requesting to address City Council regarding Item 1 of the Twenty-third Report of the Corporate Services Committee concerning the implementation of Ward Elections.

2. Rosemary McConkey requesting to address City Council in opposition to Item 2 of the Twenty-third Report of the Corporate Services Committee recommending Council’s Procedural By-law remain status quo.

3. Rosemary McConkey requesting to address City Council in opposition to Item 5 of the Twenty-third Report of the Corporate Services Committee recommending the timelines for submissions and delegations for placement on Committee and Council meeting agendas be received for information.

Delegation Requests (requires 2/3 vote)


City Council Agenda - 101 - May 2, 2016

Correspondence Requests

1. Laurie Scott, M.P.P. (Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock) and P.C. Critic for Women’s Issues requesting the Province take immediate steps to combat human trafficking in and raise public awareness by supporting Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 to enact the Human Trafficking Awareness Day Act, 2016 and the Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Act, 2016 and to amend Christopher’s Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000; and, requesting support for a multi-jurisdictional and coordinated task force of law enforcement agencies, Crown prosecutors, judges, victims’ services and frontline agencies to take significant action; and, forwarding a resolution for Council’s consideration. (Placed on Council’s Agenda at the request of Councillor Sanders.)

Additional Agenda-Related Correspondence

(As may be presented at the meeting.)

Public Consent Agenda

That all items listed under the heading of Public Consent Agenda for the May 2, 2016 Council meeting be adopted as recommended.

Adoption of Minutes

That the minutes of the April 11, 2016 City Council meeting be adopted.


Correspondence – Received and Filed

That correspondence listed in Appendix A to the Public Agenda for the May 2, 2016 Council meeting be received and filed.

City Council Agenda - 102 - May 2, 2016


31. Oshawa Folk Arts Council, Diane MacLeod, Pavilion Chairperson requesting Fiesta Week from June 19 to June 25, 2016 be declared an event of municipal significance and they be permitted to sell liquor and beer at Memorial Park on June 19, 2016 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and at the following 18 pavilions from June 20 to 25, 2016


That City Council declare the Fiesta Week event from June 19 to June 25, 2016 an event of municipal significance and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission be advised the City has no objection to the sale of liquor and beer at Memorial Park on June 19, 2016 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and at the following 18 pavilions throughout the week of June 20 to 25, 2016 subject to the necessary approvals concerning zoning, health, police, fire protection and licensing requirements:

• Acropolis Pavilion, 399 Farewell Street • Africa Pavilion, Harman Community Centre, 799 Douglas Street • Belgrade-Serbian Pavilion, Fernhill Club House (Fernhill-Nipigon), 144 Fernhill Boulevard • Budapest-Hungarian Pavilion, 64 Albany Street • Caribbean Nights - Club Carib Pavilion, 600 Wentworth Street East • Team Canada, 171 Harmony Road South • Odesa Pavilion, 142 Athol Street East • French–Canadian Pavilion, 384 Hillside Avenue • Italian Pavilion, 245 Simcoe Street South • Krakow Pavilion, General Sikorski Hall, 1551 Stevenson Road North • Legion Branch 43, Western Pavilion, 471 Simcoe Street South • Loreley-Schnitzel Haus Pavilion, 389 Dean Avenue • Lviv Pavilion, 38 Lviv Boulevard • Northern Portugal Pavilion, 40 Albany Street • Oshawa Portuguese Pavilion, 520 Simcoe Street South • Poznan Pavilion, 219 Olive Avenue • Romanian Pavilion, 261 Bloor Street East • Durham Filipino, 91 Centre Street South.

Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

61. Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee


That the minutes of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee meeting of April 5, 2016 be received for information.

City Council Agenda - 103 - May 2, 2016

62. Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee


That the minutes of the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting of April 19, 2016 be received for information.

Standing Committee Reports

Report of the Development Services Committee

The Development Services Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Thirtieth Report.

1. Airport Capital Implementation Plan Related to the Reconstruction of Runway 12/30 at the Oshawa Executive Airport (DS-16-67)

(See Page 402 and Pages 1 to 7)


That, pursuant to Report DS-16-67, Total Aviation & Airport Solutions (T.A.A.S.), the City’s airport contract management firm, be authorized to retain two qualified independent engineering firms to support the quality control and quality assurance provisions of the airport safety management system relating to the preparation of the drawings and construction documents for the work related to the reconstruction of Runway 12/30 project and the extension of the Runway End Safety Areas at the Oshawa Executive Airport in a total amount not to exceed $55,000 excluding H.S.T.

2. Province's 2014 Analysis of Results and Trends from the Provincial Air Quality Index Monitoring Station in Oshawa (DS-16-63)

(See Page 404 and Pages 26 to 30)


That Report DS-16-63 dated April 14, 2016 concerning the Province's 2014 Analysis of Results and Trends from the Provincial Air Quality Index Monitoring Station in Oshawa be received for information.

City Council Agenda - 104 - May 2, 2016

Report of the Corporate Services Committee

The Corporate Services Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Twenty-third Report.

1. Bill Longworth – Implementation of Ward Elections

(See Pages 500 to 501)


That the delegation of Bill Longworth concerning the implementation of Ward Elections be received for information.

2. Rosemary McConkey – Suggested Amendments to the Council Procedural By-law (CORP-16-33)

(See Pages 501 to 502 and Pages 6 to 12)


That Report CORP-16-33 dated April 14, 2016 concerning Rosemary McConkey’s suggested amendments to the Council Procedural By-law be received for information and Council’s Procedural By-law remain status quo.

3. Downtown Oshawa Business Improvement Area – Requesting Assistance to Deal with People Sleeping on the Streets in the Downtown and Blocking Entrances to Businesses (CORP-16-34)

(See Page 502 and Page 1)


That Correspondence CORP-16-34 from the Downtown Oshawa Business Improvement Area requesting assistance to deal with people sleeping on the streets in the downtown and blocking entrances to businesses be received for information.

4. Adam White – Requesting a Change to Council’s Procedural By-law to Allow Delegations to Speak for 10 Minutes (CORP-16-37)

(See Page 502 and Page 2)


That Correspondence CORP-16-37 from Adam White requesting a change to Council’s Procedural By-law to allow delegations to speak for 10 minutes at Council meetings be received for information.

City Council Agenda - 105 - May 2, 2016

5. Rosemary McConkey – Council’s Procedural By-law - Timelines for Submissions and Delegations for Placement on Committee and Council Meeting Agendas (CORP-16-38)

(See Page 503 and Pages 3 to 4)


That Correspondence CORP-16-38 from Rosemary McConkey expressing concern with the timelines for submissions and delegations for placement on Committee and Council meeting agendas be received for information.

6. Second Report of Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee (CORP-16-35)

(See Page 504 and Agenda Page 2)


That the Second Report of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee be endorsed:

“1. Tree Planting Working Group Report – April 2016 (OEAC-16-30)


That City Council authorize the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee to approach Veridian for additional funding as a corporate sponsor for the fall Tree Planting event and the associated public contest to cover costs for student and/or school prizing.”

Report of the Community Services Committee

The Community Services Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Twenty-first Report.

1. John Jones Requesting Speed Limiting Measures on Thomas Street

(See Page 600)


That the delegation of John Jones requesting speed limiting measures on Thomas Street be referred to staff to work directly with Mr. Jones and the Durham Regional Police Service.

City Council Agenda - 106 - May 2, 2016

2. P.F.L.A.G. Canada Durham Region Submitting Comments In Opposition to the Recommendation Contained in Report CS-16-36 concerning Rainbow Crosswalks in the Downtown (CS-16-42)

(See Pages 603 and Handout)


That Correspondence CS-16-42 dated April 18, 2016 from P.F.L.A.G. Canada Durham Region submitting comments in opposition to the recommendation contained in Report CS-16-36 concerning rainbow crosswalks in downtown Oshawa be received for information.

3. Proposal by P.F.L.A.G. to Paint Rainbow Crosswalks on Select Crosswalks in Downtown Oshawa (CS-16-36)

(See Page 603 and Pages 1 to 4)


1. That based on Report CS-16-36, dated April 15, 2016 concerning a request from P.F.L.A.G. to paint rainbow crosswalks in downtown Oshawa, staff contact P.F.L.A.G. to advise the City will not be undertaking a Rainbow Flag Crosswalk project; and,

2. That staff continue work with P.F.L.A.G. to support their activities, programs and services.

4. Standardized Parade Routes (CS-16-37)

(See Page 604 and Pages 5 to 12)


1. That the three standardized parade routes identified as the Short Route, the Medium Route, and the Memorial Route as identified on Page 3 of Report CS-16-37 dated April 15, 2016 be approved as preferred routes for parades in Oshawa; and,

2. That staff forward a copy of Report CS-16-37 to event organizers and external stakeholders to notify them of the standardization of parade routes.

City Council Agenda - 107 - May 2, 2016

5. Response to CS-14-81 Request to Honour Eli Edmondson (CS-16-38)

(See Page 603 and Pages 13 to 15)


1. That based on Report CS-16-38, dated April 15, 2016, Cathrine McKeever be encouraged to nominate Eli Edmondson for the Oshawa Community Legend recognition program; and,

2. That staff work with the Oshawa Community Museum and Cultural Leadership Council to investigate and develop a program to recognize and honour past municipal political leaders and their contributions to the City of Oshawa as part of the Culture Counts plan’s current action items.

Report of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Eighth Report.

1. Special Olympics Ontario Requesting the Waiving of Fees for the Use of the Legends Centre and Civic Recreation Complex for the 2016 Provincial Championships (FIN-16-36)

(See Page 701 and Handout)


Whereas the request from Special Olympics Ontario to waive the fees for the use of the Legends Centre and the Civic Recreation Complex exceeds the maximum grant allowable under the current policy,

1. Therefore Special Olympics Ontario be given a Partnership Grant in the amount of $5,000 to assist in covering the costs associated with their use of the Legends Centre and the Civic Recreation Complex for their events on June 1 and 2, 2016; and,

2. That staff work with Special Olympics Ontario to facilitate their events on June 1 and 2, 2016 within the approved Partnership Grant.

2. 2016 Final Tax Billing By-law (FIN-16-34)

(See Page 702 and Handout)


That in accordance with Report FIN-16-34, dated April 15, 2016, the 2016 Final Tax Billing By-law providing for the billing and collection of the 2016 final tax levy for all property classes be approved.

City Council Agenda - 108 - May 2, 2016

3. Award of Contract O 16-02 Road Reconstructions to Hardco Construction Ltd. (FIN-16-35)

(See Page 702 and Handout)


Whereas the City allots annual funding towards the reconstruction of roads that have reached the end of their active lifecycles and the construction of infrastructure to meet anticipated level of service of City residents;

Whereas the City has approved and committed $1,680,818.02 to the reconstruction of Cubert Street, Sinclair Avenue, Park Road South, Hibbert Avenue, the construction of a cul-de-sac at Trick Avenue, the rehabilitative road work on Cadillac Avenue South and the extension of roadway storm sewer on Hortop Street; and,

Whereas the Region of Durham will be replacing Regional services in conjunction with City of Oshawa road work and the value of the Region of Durham work is $943,261.67; and,

Whereas the Region of Durham is also confirming the availability of funding for the Region’s portion of the subject contract; and,

Whereas Hardco Construction Ltd., as the lowest bidder, has submitted a bid of $2,445,532 exclusive of H.S.T. to perform this work; and engineering, contingency and non-rebateable H.S.T. costs are $575,807.05 for a total project cost of $3,021,339.05; and,

Whereas this has resulted in an increase of $397,259.36 more than the approved budget allocation; and,

Whereas the Director of Finance Services/Treasurer has confirmed that these funds are available in the 2016 Asphalt Preservation and Rehabilitation Project, funded through Federal Gas Tax and Tax Levy, and can be transferred to advance this Road Reconstruction Contract;

Therefore, be it resolved that $397,259.36 in funding be transferred from the 2016 Asphalt Preservation and Rehabilitation project to the capital projects for Road Reconstructions, Trick Avenue and Hortop Street and that the subject contract be awarded to Hardco Construction Ltd. as the lowest and compliant bid received in accordance with Purchasing By-Law 17-2010.

4. Corporate Payments for the Month of March 2016 (FIN-16-28)

(See Page 703 and Pages 1 to 35)


That Report FIN-16-28 dated April 15, 2016 concerning corporate payments for the month of March 2016 be received for information.

City Council Agenda - 109 - May 2, 2016

5. Internal Audit - Quarterly Implementation Status Report (FIN-16-30)

(See Page 705 and Pages 90 to 94)


That Report FIN-16-30, dated April 15, 2016, concerning a first quarter 2016 status update of internal audits, be received for information.

6. 2016 First Quarter Members of Council Expense Report (FIN-16-31)

(See Page 703 and Pages 95 to 97)


That Report FIN-16-31 dated April 15, 2016 concerning the 2016 First Quarter Members of Council Expense Report be received for information

7. First Intake - Additional Requests for Waiving of Fees (FIN-16-32)

(See Page 705 and Pages 98 to 100)


That in accordance with Report FIN-16-32 First Intake – Additional Requests for Waiving of Fees, dated April 15, 2016:

1. The request for waiving of fees from the North Oshawa Lions Club be approved as it meets the Council approved criteria for waiving of fees.

8. Request for Tender, C2016-024 Supply and Delivery of 2016 Thirteen Light Duty Vehicles (FIN-16-33)

(See Page 703 and Pages 101 to 103)


That based on Report FIN-16-33 dated April 15, 2016, concerning Request for Tender of the Supply and Delivery of Thirteen Light Duty Vehicles, the Manager of Purchasing Services be authorized to award a contract for the supply and delivery of thirteen light duty vehicles in the amount of $797,700 to Alex Williamson Motors being the lowest compliant bid received.

Committee of the Whole Reports


City Council Agenda - 110 - May 2, 2016


“That the City of Oshawa proclaim:

May 9 to 15, 2016 as ‘Nursing Week’;

May 15 to 21, 2016 as ‘Public Works Week’;

May 27, 2016 as ‘Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi™ Day’;

May 29 to June 4, 2016 as ‘Victims and Survivors of Crime Week’; and,

June 2016 as ‘Italian Heritage Month’ and the Italian Flag be raised at City Hall on June 2, 2016 and flown for the month.”

“That the ‘Walk for Values Flag’ be raised at City Hall on May 13, 2016 and flown through to May 17, 2016.”

“That City Council ratify the proclamation issued on April 13, 2016 proclaiming May 2016 as ‘Huntington Disease Awareness Month’ and the Huntington Disease Awareness Flag by flown at City Hall for the month.”


32-2016 A By-law to Adopt Tax Estimates and Establish Tax Rates. (Implements direction of May 2, 2016 through Item 2 of the Eighth Report of the Finance Committee to adopt the estimates of all sums required by taxation for the year 2016 and to establish the tax rates necessary to raise those sums.)

33-2016 A By-law to Amend Zoning By-law 60-94. (Implements direction of April 18, 2016 through DS-16-68 to remove the ‘h-14’ holding symbol from the lands located west of Harmony Road North and north and south of the future extension of Greenhill Avenue for Phase 6 of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-94025 to facilitate the development of single detached dwellings and community institutional uses, F.K.T. Co-Tenancy.)

34-2016 A By-law to Designate and Repeal Certain Lands as a Community Improvement Project Area. (Implements direction of March 21, 2016 through Item 1 of the Joint Report of the Development Services and Finance Committees to repeal By-law 47-2001 which designated the Central Business District Renaissance Community Improvement Project Area and By-law 137-2006 which designated the Downtown Shoulder Area Renaissance Community Improvement Project Area and Related By-laws and to designate certain lands as a Community Improvement Project Area, all to take effect on September 1, 2016.)

City Council Agenda - 111 - May 2, 2016

35-2016 A By-law to Adopt an Urban Growth Centre Community Improvement Plan and to Repeal Certain Community Improvement Plans. (Implements direction of March 21, 2016 through Item 1 of the Joint Report of the Development Services and Finance Committees to repeal By-law 48-2001 which adopted the Central Business District Renaissance Community Improvement Plan and By-law 138-2006 which adopted the Downtown Shoulder Area Renaissance Community Improvement Plan and to adopt a Community Improvement Plan for the Urban Growth Centre Community Improvement Area, all to take effect on September 1, 2016.)

36-2016 A By-law to Amend Development Charges By-law 80-2014, as amended. (Implements direction of March 21, 2016 through Item 1 of the Joint Report of the Development Services and Finance Committees to provide an exemption for street townhouses, block townhouses, stacked townhouses and apartment dwellings within the Downtown Shoulder Area, effective September 1, 2016.)

Discussion Agenda

Matters Excluded From Consent Agenda

Matters Tabled

1. Report CORP-14-97 concerning a Core Service Review Inventory tabled until the appointment of a City Manager and the completion of the Strategic Financial Plan. (April 14, 2015)

Notice of Motion Previously Given

Councillor McQuaid-England provided the following notice of motion on April 11, 2016:

“That Council reconsider its decision of March 26, 2010 to not implement electronic voting to allow for staff to investigate and report back to the Corporate Services Committee on the cost and logistics of electronic voting as well as including how municipalities like Toronto, London, Guelph and North Vancouver have incorporated it in their municipalities.”

Notices of Motion None.

City Council Agenda - 112 - May 2, 2016

Confirming By-Law

A by-law to confirm the City Council meeting of May 2, 2016.


City Council Agenda Appendix A May 2, 2016 Page 113

For your information, the following correspondence received by the City Clerk will be filed following City Council’s meeting of May 2, 2016:

1. Oshawa Public Libraries, Frances Newman, Chief Executive Officer advising Greg Reid has resigned from the Oshawa Public Library Board, and, forwarding a sample Library Board applicant evaluation form and offering to assist in the Board Member recruitment process.

2. Regional Municipality of Durham, Debi Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services forwarding Regional Council’s resolution to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing authorizing Regional staff to consult with area municipalities, the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, the farming community and other interested stakeholders on the Durham Regional Official Plan Policy Review of Surplus Farm Dwelling Severance Policies Discussion Paper, and, forwarding Regional Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development Report 2016-P-18.

3. Regional Municipality of Durham, Debi Wilcox, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services forwarding Regional Council’s response to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change concerning the proposed Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Economy Act, 2016 (Bill 172, Environmental Bill of Rights Posting 012-6844), the related Cap-and-Trade Regulatory Proposal, and the Revised Guideline for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Environmental Bill of Rights Posting 012-6837); and, forwarding Regional Commissioner of Finance Report 2016-F-22.

4. Downtown Oshawa Board of Management, Angela Mittoni forwarding the resignation of Julie Lamers as a member of the Downtown Oshawa Board of Management and advising they will start the process to fill the position.

5. Regional Municipality of Durham, D. James, Committee Clerk advising that Oshawa Council’s resolution to the Province requesting the Ontario Building Code restrict the permitted use of wired glass was received for information by the Works Committee of Durham Regional Council.

6. Township of Scugog, Nicole Wellsbury, Clerk, forwarding Scugog’s General Purpose and Administration Committee’s endorsement of Oshawa Council’s resolution to the Province requesting the Ontario Building Code restrict the permitted use of wired glass.

7. Canadian Pacific, Geoff Gordon, Vegetation Management Specialist advising of their 2016 annual vegetation control program within the City including grass and weed control using herbicides to maintain the safety of public infrastructure pursuant to Ontario Regulation 63/09; and, providing a link to Ontario’s Spray Schedules for 2016. (CP - Ontario Spray Schedules - 2016)

City Council Agenda - 114 - May 2, 2016

8. New Life Neighbourhood Centre thanking Oshawa City Council for its 2016 Partnership Grant.

9. Municipality of Trent Lakes, Kari Stevenson, Acting Clerk/Planning Technician forwarding Trent Lakes Council’s resolution endorsing M.P.P. Laurie Scott’s motion in support of Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 and a multi-jurisdictional and coordinated task force of law enforcement agencies, Crown prosecutors, judges, victims’ services and frontline agencies.

10. Town of Prescott, Kimberley Casselman, Clerk/Manager, Administrative Services forwarding Prescott Council’s resolution endorsing M.P.P. Laurie Scott’s motion in support of Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 and a multi-jurisdictional and coordinated task force of law enforcement agencies, Crown prosecutors, judges, victims’ services and frontline agencies.

11. Township of South Stormont, Loriann Harbers, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk forwarding South Stormont Council’s resolution endorsing M.P.P. Laurie Scott’s motion in support of Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 and a multi-jurisdictional and coordinated task force of law enforcement agencies, Crown prosecutors, judges, victims’ services and frontline agencies.


1. Michael McDougall requesting City Council create a 0.3 metre reserve within the Ripley Crescent road allowance abutting the rear of 707 Harmony Road North. (CM-16-07)