Abdali, Ahmad Shah, 7 Act for Establishing Certain Regulations For
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-65972-8 - A History of Modern India Ishita Banerjee-Dube Index More information Index Abdali, Ahmad Shah, 7 Ali, Aruna Asaf, 407 Act for Establishing certain Regulations for the better Ali, Athar, 11, 29 Management of the Affairs of the East India Ali, Haidar, 17, 24–26 Company, 51 Ali, Mohammad, 319 Adam’s Reports on Vernacular Education in Bengal and Ali, Rehmat, 409 Behar, 91 Ali, Sheik, 69 Ad-Dhar Mandal, 361 Ali, Syed Amir, 249 Advisory National Defence Council, 388 Ali, Wazir, 71 Age of Consent Aligarh Zenana Madrassa, 192 Act of 1860, 98 Ali Raja of Kannur, 25 Bill of 1891, 201–204, 240 All India Congress Committee (AICC), 286, 326 ‘Age of Discovery,’ 23 age of reform, 87–89 All-India Depressed Classes League, 358, 361, 364 Agnes, Flavia, 450 All India Kisan Sabha, 396 agrarian crisis, 9–10 All India Liberal Federation, 326 agrarian depression, 109 All India Muslim League, 198, 251, 253–255, 273,326 agrarian radicalism, 338 Foundation, 251 Agriculture, Support of Gandhi, 280 Cotton, 162–163 And Khilafat movement, 284 Cash crops, 69, 111, 152 And Hindu Mahasabha, 307 crops ‘commodified’ agriculture, 165 Communal politics, 311, 313 commercialization of agriculture, 165–166 And Morley-Minto Reforms, 253 Depeasantization in the nineteenth century, 165 See also, Muslim League Forced cultivation of cash crops, 166 All India Trade Union Committee (AITUC), 279, ahimsa, 272, 283, See also, Gandhi. 318–319, 373–374 Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam, 105–106 All India Trade Union Congress, 396 Ahmad, Nazir, 191 All India Women’s Conference, 335 Ain-i Akbari, 8 Ambedkar, B.
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