Contestant Number

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest • Answer Sheet Write your contestant number in the upper right corner, and circle your grade below.

Circle Grade Level : 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Test (circle only one answer for each question)

1. a b c d 11. a b c d

2. a b c d 12. a b c d

3. a b c d 13. a b c d

4. a b c d 14. a b c d

5. a b c d 15. a b c d

6. a b c d 16. a b c d

7. a b c d 17. a b c d

Questions a b c d a b c d 8. 18. #17- 20 only for 9. a b c d 19. a b c d Grades 4-8

10. a b c d 20. a b c d

Tiebreaker (circle only one answer for each question)

1. a b c d 5. a b c d

2. a b c d 6. a b c d

3. a b c d 7. a b c d

4. a b c d 8. a b c d


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 2 & 3

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Invitational Test for grades two and three. There are 16 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are mul - tiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers pur - posely do not indicate check, , or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each correct answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Finishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re - member that white pawns move “up” the dia - grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4 . Black has just played ... Nf6 . UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3

#1. Black to move #2. Black to move

What best describes the situation? What best describes the situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in check. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in checkmate. d) None of the above. d) None of the above.

#3. Black to move #4.

What best describes the situation? Which side has a material advantage? a) Black is in checkmate. a) White b) Black is in stalemate. b) It’s even. c) Black is in check. c) Black. d) None of the above. d) It’s not possible to tell without knowing who is to move. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3

#5. White to move #6. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move? Qxg4 e5 a) a) Nxg4 Bxf6 b) b) Nd7 Bb5 c) c) Nxc6 g4 d) d)

#7. White to move #8. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in one What move is possible for White? move, what is the right move? Qf8 a) Short Castle a) Rd8 b) Long Castle b) Re8 c) To capture the queen c) d) All of the above d) White can’t checkmate Black in one move. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3

#9. White to move #10. White to move

Black just played ... e7-e5. Does White With White to move, what is the outcome have any possible pawn captures? of the game? a) Black’s e-pawn. a) White wins. b) Black’s f-pawn. b) Black wins. c) Black’s g-pawn. c) . d) White can’t capture a pawn. d) It is not possible to tell.

#11. White to move #12. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in two What is White’s best move? moves, what is the first move? Re7 a) f7 a) To take Black’s rook. b) Rg8 b) To take Black’s bishop. c) c) To take Black’s knight. d) White can’t checkmate Black in two moves. d) To take Black’s pawn. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3

#13. White to move #14. White to move

White can checkmate Black in one White can checkmate Black in one move, what is the move? move, what is the right move? Rf6 c7 a) a) Rg8 cxb7 b) b) Qf6 Qxe7 c) c) d) White can’t checkmate Black in one move. d) White can’t checkmate Black in one move.

#15. White to move #16. White to move

What piece should White promote to? What is White’s best move?

Nf5 a) Queen a) Ne2 b) Rook b) Bf6 c) Knight c) Be3 d) White can’t promote to any piece. d)

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Invitational — Grades 2 & 3



1. a 9. a

2. b 10. b

3. c 11. c

4. c 12. a

5. c 13. b

6. a 14. a

7. c 15. c

8. b 16. d


1. a 5. a

2. a 6. b

3. a 7. b

4. c 8. c


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving TIEBREAKER - ALL GRADES

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades


This is the tiebreaker test for all grades for the Invitational UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Test.

Use the separate answer sheet to write all your answers. You have five (5) minutes to take this part of the test. There are eight (8) questions. Some questions are very difficult.

As before, the symbols for check and checkmate commonly used after moves have been omitted because they would be hints.

Each correct answer earns you one point. There is no penalty for incorrect answers or unanswered questions.

These questions are hard, but the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades

#1. White to move #2. Black to move

White can checkmate Black in two Black can checkmate White in two moves, what is the first move? moves, what is the first move? Qg8 Nh3 a) a) Re8 Be4 b) b) Qf7 N c) c) Ne6 Nfe3 4 d) d)

#3. White to move #4. White to move

How many moves should it take to White can checkmate Black in three checkmate Black? moves, what is the final move? Rh8 a) 2 a) Bxg7 b) 3 b) Qxg7 c) 4 c) Qg5 d) White can’t checkmate Black. d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades

#5. White to move #6. White to move

White can checkmate in three moves, What is the best move? what is the second move? b4 Qxb7 a) a) Bd2 Ra7 b) b) Bxb6 Re7 c) c) Bg5 Ra8 d) d)

#7. White to move #8. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in four moves, White can checkmate Black in two moves, what is the second move? what is the first move? g7 Qh7 a) a) f6 Rh8 b) b) Kg6 Qxf6 c) c) f7 Qxg7 d) d) INVITATIONAL 2016-2017 A+ ACADEMICS

University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 4 & 5

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Invitational Test for grades four and five. There are 20 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are multiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers purposely do not indicate check, checkmate, or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each correct answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Finishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” Queen R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Knight Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re - member that white pawns move “up” the dia - grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4 . Black has just played ... Nf6 . UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#1. Black to move #2. Black to move

What best describes this situation? What best describes this situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in checkmate. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in check. d) None of the above. d) None of the above.

#3. Black to move #4.

What best describes this situation? Which side has material advantage? a) Black is in checkmate. a) White b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black c) Black is in check. c) It’s even. d) None of the above. d) It’s not possible to tell without knowing who is to move. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#5. White to move #6. White to move

White can checkmate Black in one Black just played b7 to b5. Which pawn move, what is the move? can be taken? Qb8 a) Qxg7 a) Black’s b-pawn. b) Rf8 b) Black’s d-pawn. c) c) Black’s g-pawn. d) White can’t checkmate Black in one d) White can’t take a pawn. move.

#7. Black to move #8. White to move

Which move below is legal for Black? Which White piece can pin Black’s rook? a) Short Castle a) Bishop b) Long Castle b) Knight c) Capture the Rook c) King d) None of the above d) Pawn UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2015-2016 —Grades 4 and 5

#9. White to move #10. White to move

What is White’s best move? White can checkmate Black in two moves, what is the first move? Nxa4 Ra8 a) a) e5 Rh8 b) d5 b) c) Qxf8 Ng5 c) d) d) White can’t checkmate Black in two moves.

#11. White to move #12. Black to move

What is the best move? With Black to play, what is the outcome of the game? Rg5 a) Rd7 a) White wins. b) Ra7 b) Black wins. c) Rb7 c) Draw. d) d) It is not possible to tell. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#13. White to move #14. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move?

f4 Qd4 a) a) Bf4 Qd6 b) b) Qxh7 f4 c) c) Nxf7 Qb2 d) d)

#15. White to move #16. White to move

White can trap Black’s Queen, what is White can checkmate Black in one the move? move.Which piece can checkmate?

Nxd6 a) a) Queen. Ra5 b) b) Rook. Rb3 c) c) Knight. d) White can’t win Black’s Queen d) White can’t checkmate Black in one move UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#17. White to move #18. White to move

If White to move, what is the outcome White can checkmate Black in one of the game? move, what is the move? Rxd5 a) White wins. a) Rg5 b) Draw. b) Qg5 c) Black wins. c) d) It is not possible to tell. d) White can’t checkmate Black in one move.

#19. White to move #20. White to move

What is White’s best move? White can checkmate Black in two moves, what is the first move? Qf4 a) To take Black’s pawn. a) Qg7 b) To take Black’s knight. b) Rh5 c) To take Black’s bishop. c) d) To take Black’s rook. d) White can’t checkmate Black in two moves.

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Invitational — Grades 4 & 5



1. a 11. b

2. c 12. c

3. b 13. c

4. a 14. a

5. c 15. b

6. a 16. c

7. d 17. b

8. a 18. b

9. c 19. d

10. c 20. c


1. a 5. a

2. a 6. b

3. a 7. b

4. c 8. c


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 6, 7, 8

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Invitational Test for grades six through eight. There are 20 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are multiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers purposely do not indicate check, checkmate, or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each cor - rect answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Finishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” Queen R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Knight Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re - member that white pawns move “up” the dia - grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4 . Black has just played ... Nf6 . UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#1. Black to move #2. Black to move

What best describes this situation? What best describes this situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in checkmate. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in check. d) None of the above. d) None of the above.

#3. Black to move #4.

What best describes this situation? Which move is possible for Black? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Short castle. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Long castle. c) Black is in check. c) Both A and B d) None of the above. d) None of the above. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#5. White to move #6. White to move

What is White’s best move? White can checkmate Black in two moves, what’s the first move? Ra5 Bxd7 a) a) Rxa7 Qd8 b) b) Kd2 Rf8 c) c) d4 d) d) White can’t checkmate Black in two moves.

#7. #8. White to move

Which side has a material advantage? What piece should White promote to? a) White. b) It’s even. a) Queen c) Black. b) Rook d) It is not possible to tell. c) Knight d) Bishop UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#9. White to move #10. Black to move

If White can checkmate Black in one Which move is possible for Black? move, what is the move? Ne5 a) Qe6 a) Short castle. b) b3 b) Long castle. c) c) Both A and B. d) White can’t checkmate Black in one d) None of the above. move.

#11. White to move #12. Black to move

What is White’s best move? What is the best move? Qxc5 Kg4 a) a) Qb2 Kg5 b) b) Ne4 Kh5 c) c) Nh5 d) d) It is not possible to tell. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#13. White to move #14. White to move

White can checkmate Black in two Which White piece can pin Black’s rook? moves, what’s the first move? Qe5 a) a) Bishop. Qg8 b) b) Knight. Nxf7 c) Queen. c) d) Pawn. d) White can’t checkmate Black in two moves.

#15. White to move #16. White to move

White can checkmate Black in three - Black just played e7 to e5. Which pawn moves, what’s the FINAL move? can be captured? Rc8 a) Bd7 a) Black’s a-pawn. b) Bc7 b) Black’s e-pawn. c) c) Black’s g-pawn. d) White can’t checkmate Black in three moves. d) White can’t capture a pawn. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Invitational 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#17. White to move #18. White to move

White can checkmate Black in two What is White’s best move? moves, what’s the first move? Bd3 Qd4 a) a) Be6 Qd2 b) b) Bxf7 Qe5 c) c) Bxd5 Qxc5 d) d)

#19. Black to move #20. White to move

What is Black’s best move? What is White’s best move? Bxf2 Rxg6 a) a) Nxe4 Rxe7 b) b) Nxd5 Bxd3 c) c) 0-0 Rd6 d) d)

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Invitational — Grades 6, 7 & 8



1. b 11. c

2. a 12. b

3. c 13. a

4. b 14. b

5. c 15. c

6. b 16. b

7. c 17. b

8. c 18. c

9. a 19. a

10. a 20. a


1. a 5. a

2. a 6. b

3. a 7. b

4. c 8. c


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 2 & 3

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Fall/Winter District Test for grades two and three. There are 16 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are multiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers purposely do not indicate check, checkmate, or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each correct answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Finishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” Queen R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Knight Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re - member that white pawns move “up” the dia - grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4 . Black has just played ... Nf6 . UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3

#1. Black to move #2. Black to move

What best describes the situation? What best describes the situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in checkmate. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in check. d) None of the above. d) None of the above.

#3. Black to move #4.

What best describes the situation? Which side has a material advantage? a) Black is in check. a) White b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black c) Black is in checkmate. c) It’s even. d) None of the above. d) It’s not possible to tell without knowing who is to move. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3

#5. White to move #6. White to move

What is White’s best move? White can checkmate Black in two moves, what is White’s first move? Re7 Nc7 a) a) Rc7 Qb8 b) b) Rg4 Nb6 c) c) Rg1 Qc7 d) d)

#7. Black to move #8. White to move

If Black to move, what is the outcome of What is White’s best move? the game? a) White wins. a) To take Black’s queen. b) Black wins. b) To take Black’s rook. c) It is a draw. c) To take Black’s bishop. d) It is not possible to tell. d) To take Black’s pawn. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3

#9. White to move #10. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move?

Qxg4 g5 a) a) Qe8 e5 b) b) Bxa7 Nb5 c) c) Qxa7 Nd5 d) d)

#11. White to move #12. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move?

Re7 Kf4 a) a) Qxf7 c6 b) b) Qc8 f4 c) c) Re8 Kh5 d) d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 2 and 3

#13. White to move #14. White to move

What is White’s best move? What piece can pin Black’s Knight?

0-0 a) Ng5 a) Rook b) h3 b) Pawn c) Nxe5 c) King d) d) Bishop

#15. White to move #16. White to move

Black just played c7 to c5. Which pawn can be Which move is possible for White? captured? a) Short castle. a) Black’s c-pawn b) Long castle. b) Black’s d-pawn c) Capture the bishop. c) Black’s f-pawn d) All of the above. d) White can’t capture a pawn.

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Fall/Winter District — Grades 2 & 3



1. a 9. b

2. c 10. b

3. b 11. d

4. b 12. b

5. c 13. b

6. b 14. d

7. c 15. a

8. a 16. c


1. b 5. a

2. b 6. a

3. a 7. b

4. b 8. c


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving TIEBREAKER - ALL GRADES

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades


This is the tiebreaker test for all grades for the Fall/Winter District UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Test.

Use the separate answer sheet to write all your answers. You have five (5) minutes to take this part of the test. There are eight (8) questions. Some questions are very difficult.

As before, the symbols for check and checkmate commonly used after moves have been omitted because they would be hints.

Each correct answer earns you one point. There is no penalty for incorrect answers or unanswered questions.

These questions are hard, but the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades

#1. White to move #2. White to move

If White can force checkmate in three If White can force checkmate, how moves, what is White’s final move? many moves does White need? Qf6 a) a) 2 moves Rg8 b) b) 3 moves Nd6 c) c) 4 moves d) White can’t force checkmate in three d) White can’t force checkmate. moves.

#3. White to move #4. Black to move

If White can checkmate Black in two If Black can win White’s bishop, what is moves, what is White’s first move? Black’s first move? Qxc6 Qa5 a) a) Bg3 b5 b) b) Ne5 c4 c) c) Bb5 d) d) Black can’t win White’s bishop. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades

#5. White to move #6. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in two If White can force checkmate in two moves, what is White’s first move? moves, what is White’s second move? Rh8 Q 8 a) a) h Bxe7 Rxf8 b) b) Qxg6 Qg7 c) c) Rxh7 d) White can’t checkmate Black in two d) moves.

#7. Black to move #8. White to move

If Black can checkmate White in two If White can checkmate Black, what is the moves, what is Black’s second move? first move? Rb8 Qh1 a) a) Rf1 Qh2 b) b) Rg8 Rh1 c) c) d) White can’t checkmate Black. d) Black can’t checkmate White in two moves. FALL/WINTER DISTRICT 2016-2017 A+ ACADEMICS

University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 4 & 5

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Fall/Winter District Test for grades four and five. There are 20 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are multiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers pur - posely do not indicate check, checkmate, or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each correct answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Finishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” Queen R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Knight Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re - member that white pawns move “up” the dia - grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4 . Black has just played ... Nf6 . UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#1. Black to move #2. Black to move

What best describes this situation? What best describes this situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in checkmate. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in check. d) None of the above. d) None of the above.

#3 Black to move. #4.

What best describes this situation? Which side has a material advantage? a) Black is in checkmate. a) White b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black c) Black is in check. c) It’s even. d) None of the above. d) It’s not possible to tell without knowing who is to move. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#5. Black to move #6. White to move

If Black to move, what is the outcome White can checkmate Black in two of the game? moves, what is White’s first move? Nc7 a) a) White wins. Qb8 b) b) Black wins. Qc7 c) c) It is a draw. Bb7 d) It is not possible to tell. d)

#7. White to move #8. White to move

With the best move, what is the result of What is White’s best move? the game? Nd2 a) White wins. a) Ng5 b) Black wins. b) Rxa5 c) It is a draw. c) Ra4 d) It is not possible to tell. d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#9. White to move #10. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in two What is the best move? moves, what is the first move? Qxf6 Qh5 a) a) Qxc8 Qe7 b) b) Bxb7 Qg7 c) c) Qe4 Qe4 d) d)

#11. White to move #12. White to move

Black just played d7 to d5. Which pawn Which White piece can pin Black’s can be captured? bishop? a) Black’s d-pawn a) Rook b) Black’s f-pawn b) Knight c) Black’s g-pawn c) King d) White can’t capture a pawn. d) Pawn UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#13. White to move #14. White to move

If White can checkmate in one move, which Which piece should White promote to? piece ? a) Queen a) White’s Queen b) Rook b) White’s Rook c) Bishop c) White’s Bishop d) Knight d) White’s Knight

#15. White to move #16. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in two What is White’s best move? moves, what is the first move?

Bf7 a) Qf5 Qe7 a) b) Bxb5 Nc7 b) Ng5 c) c) Bxh7 d) White can’t checkmate Black in two moves. d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Fall/Winter District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#17. White to move #18. White to move

What is White’s best move? If White can win Black’s rook, what is the move? Bd8 a) Qh8 a5 a) b) Nd3 Bc5 b) c) Qf8 Bf6 c) d) d) White can’t win Black’s rook.

#19. White to move #20. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in two moves, Which move below is legal for White? what’s the first move? Rd8 a) a) Short castle. Rd7 b) b) Long castle. Bxf7 c) c) Capture the Knight d) White can’t checkmate Black in two moves. d) Capture the Queen

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Fall/Winter District — Grades 4 & 5



1. a 11. a

2. c 12. a

3. b 13. b

4. b 14. d

5. c 15. b

6. b 16. a

7. c 17. c

8. a 18. c

9. b 19. a

10. b 20. d


1. b 5. a

2. b 6. a

3. a 7. b

4. b 8. c


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 6, 7, 8

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Fall/Winter District 2016-2017—Grades 6-8 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Fall/Winter District Test for grades six through eight. There are 20 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are multiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers pur- posely do not indicate check, checkmate, or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each correct answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Fin- ishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” Queen R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Knight Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re- member that white pawns move “up” the dia- grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4. Black has just played ... Nf6. UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Fall/Winter District 2016-2017—Grades 6-8

#1. White to move #2. Black to move

Which move is possible for White? What best describes this situation? a) Short Castle. a) Black is in checkmate. b) Long Castle. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Both A and B. c) Black is in check. d) It is not possible to tell. d) None of the above.

#3. Black to move #4 Black to move.

What best describes this situation? What best describes this situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in checkmate. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in check. d) None of the above. d) None of the above. UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Fall/Winter District 2016-2017—Grades 6-8

#5. White to move #6. White to move

What is White’s best move? If White can checkmate Black in one move, what’s the right move? Qd2 Qxa7 a) a) Qxb6 Qe8 b) b) Qxg3 Bxc7 c) c) Qf7 Rd8 d) d)

#7. White to move #8.

What is White’s best move? Which side has material advantage? f6 a) h6 b) a) White fxg6 c) b) It is even. hxg6 d) c) Black d) It is not possible to tell. UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Fall/Winter District 2016-2017—Grades 6-8

#9. White to move #10. White to move

White can checkmate Black in two moves, what’s the first move? What is White’s best move? Rxg7 Rxd5 a) a) Qxh7 Bxd5 b) b) Nxg8 Bxf6 c) c) Qxg7 g5 d) d)

#11. White to move #12. White to move

With the best move, what is the outcome Which piece can pin Black’s bishop? of the game? a) White wins. a) Rook b) Black wins. b) Knight c) Draw. c) Queen d) It is not possible to tell. d) Pawn UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Fall/Winter District 2016-2017—Grades 6-8

#13. White to move #14. White to move

If White can force checkmate in two moves, What is White’s best move? what’s the first move? Nf7 Bxf7 a) a) Qg8 Qh5 b) b) Qg7 Qf3 c) c) Ng6 Nd5 d) d)

#15. White to move #16. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in three- moves, what’s the second move? What is White’s best move? Rxd8 Re3 a) a) Rxa6 Rd8 b) b) Rxh6 Nd4 c) c) Nxh6 Ba5 d) d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Fall/Winter District 2016-2017—Grades 6-8

#17. White to move #18. White to move

What is White’s best move? Black just played c7 to c5. Which pawn can be captured? Qh7 a) Qh8 a) Black’s c-pawn b) Qg6 b) Black’s e-pawn c) g6 c) Black’s g-pawn d) d) White can’t capture a pawn.

#19. White to move #20. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move? Rb5 a) Bxf6 Rb2 a) b) Bxa5 Rc8 b) c) Bd4 Re8 c) d) Be5 d)

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Fall/Winter District — Grades 6, 7 & 8



1. a 11. c

2. a 12. c

3. c 13. b

4. b 14. b

5. d 15. d

6. d 16. c

7. b 17. d

8. c 18. a

9. b 19. a

10. d 20. c


1. b 5. a

2. b 6. a

3. a 7. b

4. b 8. c


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 2 & 3

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Spring District 2016-2017—Grades 2 and 3 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Spring District Test for grades two and three. There are 16 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are mul- tiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers pur- posely do not indicate check, checkmate, or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each correct answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Finishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” Queen R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Knight Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re- member that white pawns move “up” the dia- grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4. Black has just played ... Nf6. UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Spring District 2016-2017—Grades 2 and 3

#1. Black to move #2. Black to move

What best describes the situation? What best describes the situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in check. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in checkmate. d) None of the above. d) None of the above.

#3. Black to move #4.

What best describes the situation? Which side has material advantage? a) Black is in checkmate. a) White b) Black is in stalemate. b) It’s even. c) Black is in check. c) Black. d) None of the above. d) It’s not possible to tell without knowing who is to move. UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Spring District 2016-2017—Grades 2 and 3

#5. White to move #6. White to move

Which move below is possible for White? If White can checkmate Black in one move, what is the right move? Qxg7 a) Short Castle a) Rxd8 b) Long Castle b) Rxg8 c) Capture the queen c) Nxg7 d) All of the above d)

#7. White to move #8. White to move

If White can checkmate Black in one What is White’s best move? move, what is the right move? Nxf7 Qxb7 a) a) Ne8 Qxf3 b) b) Nf5 Rc8 c) c) g3 Bd5 d) d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Spring District 2016-2017—Grades 2 and 3

#9. White to move #10. White to move

Black just played c7 to c5. Which pawn What is White’s best move? can be captured? Ba3 a) Bxg7 a) Black’s a-pawn. b) Bd4 b) Black’s b-pawn. c) Ne5 c) Black’s c-pawn. d) d) White can’t capture a pawn.

#11. White to move #12. Black to move

If White is to move, what is the outcome of What is Black’s best move? the game? Nxf3 a) White wins. a) Nd3 b) Black wins. b) Nxc4 c) It is a draw. c) Nd4 d) It is not possible to tell. d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solving—Spring District 2016-2017—Grades 2 and 3

#13. White to move #14. White to move

What is White’s best move? Which piece should White promote to?

Rh7 a) a) Queen Rd1 b) b) Rook Nf5 c) c) Knight Ne2 d) d) Bishop

#15. White to move #16. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move?

Qd3 a) Bg8 a) Capture the bishop. b) Bc2 b) Capture the rook. c) Bf5 c) Capture the knight. d) d) None of the above.

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Spring District — Grades 2 & 3



1. b 9. a

2. c 10. c

3. c 11. a

4. a 12. b

5. a 13. b

6. c 14. b

7. c 15. b

8. c 16. c


1. c 5. b

2. a 6. c

3. d 7. c

4. d 8. b


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving TIEBREAKER - ALL GRADES

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades


This is the tiebreaker test for all the grades competing in the Spring District UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Test.

Use the separate answer sheet to write all of your answers. You have five (5) minutes to complete this part of the test. There are eight (8) questions. Some of the questions will be difficult.

For each correct answer, you earn one point. There is no penalty for incorrect answers or unanswered questions.

These questions are hard, but the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades

#1. White to move #2. White to move

If White can force checkmate in two If White can force checkmate in three - moves, what is White’s final move? moves, what is White’s first move? Qg7 Qf8 a) a) Qg8 Bd6 b) b) Rh8 Rd8 c) c) Ne6 d) White can’t force checkmate in two d) moves.

#3. White to move #4. White to move

What is White’s best move? If White can checkmate Black in two moves, what is White’s first move? h4 Bb7 a) a) g4 Qd5 b) b) Kf2 Rxd8 c) c) Rb1 Rxa7 d) d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Tiebreaker, all grades

#5. White to move #6. Black to move

If White can checkmate Black in three If Black can checkmate in two moves, moves, what is White’s final move? what is Black’s first move? Ne6 Qxh6 a) a) Nf3 Qxg7 b) b) Qc1 Rxg7 c) c) Ne2 d) White can’t checkmate Black in three d) moves.

#7. White to move #8. White to move

What is White’s best move? How many moves should it take to check - mate Black in this position? Kf4 a) Three. a) Kd4 b) Four. b) f4 c) Five. c) Na4 d) White can’t checkmate Black. d) SPRING DISTRICT 2016-2017 A+ ACADEMICS

University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 4 & 5

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Spring District Test for grades four and five. There are 20 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are multiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers purposely do not indicate check, checkmate, or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each correct answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Finishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” Queen R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Knight Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re - member that white pawns move “up” the dia - grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4 . Black has just played ... Nf6 . UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#1. Black to move #2. Black to move

What best describes this situation? What best describes this situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in checkmate. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in check. d) None of the above. d) None of the above.

#3 Black to move. #4.

What best describes this situation? Which side has material advantage? a) Black is in checkmate. a) White b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black c) Black is in check. c) It’s even. d) None of the above. d) It’s not possible to tell without knowing who is to move. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#5. White to move #6. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move?

d4 Qd6 a) a) e3xf4 Qc3 b) b) Nxf4 Qc5 c) c) e4 Qc1 d) d)

#7. White to move #8. White to move

How can White checkmate Black in one Black just played d7 to d5. Which pawn move? can be captured by en passant rule? Rxa7 a) a) Black’s d-pawn Rb8 b) b) Black’s f-pawn Nb6 c) c) Black’s g-pawn Rb1 d) d) White can’t capture a pawn. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#9. White to move #10. White to move

Which move below is legal for White? What is the best move? Kd2 a) Short castle. a) Ne4 b) Long castle. b) Ne2 c) Move the King c) d7 d) Block check with the Knight. d)

#11. White to move #12. White to move

If White to move, what is the outcome What is the best move? of the game? Kd3 a) a) White wins. Kb3 b) b) Black wins. Kb2 c) c) It is a draw. Kb1 d) d) It is not possible to tell. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#13. White to move #14. Black to move

If White can checkmate Black in three If Black can checkmate White in two moves, what is the first move? moves, what is the first move? Nxf7 Qxf7 a) a) Qc3 Rh1 b) Q b2 b) Rxg2 c) c) Qd4 Re7 d) d)

#15. White to move #16. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move?

Bxg7 a) dxc6 Kd3 a) b) Nxc6 Ba5 b) Rxc6 c) c) Bd4 Bxc7 d) d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 4 and 5

#17. Black to move #18. White to move

What is Black’s best move? What is White’s best move? Bf6 Qxb8 a) a) Rd8 Qxb5 b) b) Bxa3 Bxb5 c) c) b4 Qxe6 d) d)

#19. White to move #20. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move? Kb2 a) a) Capture the Bishop. Ka2 b) b) Capture the Rook. Bc1 c) c) Capture the Pawn. Rd1 d) None of the above. d)

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Spring District — Grades 4 & 5



1. a 11. b

2. c 12. a

3. b 13. c

4. b 14. c

5. a 15. c

6. d 16. a

7. b 17. b

8. a 18. a

9. d 19. a

10. d 20. d


1. c 5. b

2. a 6. c

3. d 7. c

4. d 8. b


University Interscholastic League

Chess Puzzle Solving grades 6, 7, 8

DO NOT OPEN TEST UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: [Test-administrators, please read text in this box aloud.]

This is the UIL Chess Puzzle Solving Spring District Test for grades six through eight. There are 20 questions on this test. You have 30 minutes to complete it. All questions are multiple choice. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers. Multiple choice answers purposely do not indicate check, checkmate, or e.p. symbols. You will be awarded one point for each cor - rect answer. No deductions will be made for incorrect answers on this test. Finishing early is not rewarded, even to break ties. So use all of your time. Some of the questions may be hard, but all of the puzzles are interesting! Good luck and have fun! If you don’t already know chess notation, reading and referring to the section below on this page will help you.

How to read and answer questions on this test Piece Names Each chessman can • To answer the questions on this test, you’ll also be represented need to know how to read chess moves. It’s by a symbol, except for the pawn. simple to do. (Figurine Notation) K King Q • Every square on the board has an “address” Queen R made up of a letter and a number. Rook B Bishop N Knight Pawn a-h (We write the file it’s on.)

• To make them easy to read, the questions on this test use the figurine piece symbols on the right, above.

• When answering the puzzle questions, re - member that white pawns move “up” the dia - grams. Black pawns move “down” the diagrams.

At right are two sample moves.

If you look closely at the diagrams in the questions below, you’ll see that the frame around the diagram labels the ranks (1-8) and files (a-h) to help you.

White has just played e4 . Black has just played ... Nf6 . UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#1. Black to move #2. Black to move

What best describes this situation? What best describes this situation? a) Black is in checkmate. a) Black is in checkmate. b) Black is in stalemate. b) Black is in stalemate. c) Black is in check. c) Black is in check. d) None of the above. d) None of the above.

#3. Black to move #4 White to move.

What best describes this situation? What is White’s best move?

e8=Q a) Black is in checkmate. a) e8=R b) Black is in stalemate. b) e8=N c) Black is in check. c) Rh8 d) None of the above. d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#5. #6. Black to move

Which side has material advantage? Which move below is legal for Black? a) White a) Short Castle. b) It is even. b) Long Castle. c) Black c) Capture the Knight. d) It is not possible to tell. d) All of the above.

#7. White to move #8. Black to move

What is White’s best move? What is the outcome of the game with Nxd5 the best play? a) Rxd5 b) a) White wins. Ne4 c) b) Black wins. f4 d) c) It is a draw. d) It is not possible to tell. UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#9. White to move #10. White to move

White can checkmate Black in three moves, what’s the first move? What is White’s best move? Qf8 Rxd8 a) a) Qf7 Rxc7 b) b) Rh6 Rh7 c) c) Bc5 b3 d) d)

#11. White to move #12. White to move

Black just played d7 to d5. Which pawn White can checkmate Black in one can be captured by en passant rule? move, what’s the move? Rxe5 a) Black’s f-pawn a) f4 b) Black’s d-pawn b) Rc7 c) Black’s g-pawn c) Kh3 d) Black’s b-pawn d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#13. White to move #14. White to move

If White can force checkmate in two moves, What is White’s best move? what’s the first move? Ne7 Re3 a) a) Qf8 Rg4 b) b) Qxf3 Rxg6 c) c) Rxg2 c3 d) d)

#15. White to move #16. White to move

What is White’s best move? What is White’s best move? Qe5 Rxa7 a) a) Qb2 Rxf7 b) b) Qxe7 Qxa8 c) c) Rad1 Qxf7 d) d) UIL Chess Puzzle Solvin g— Spring District 2016-2017 —Grades 6-8

#17. White to move #18. White to move

What is White’s best move? How many moves should it take to checkmate Black in this position? Rh1 a) Kf5 a) One b) g3 b) Two c) f4 c) Three d) d) Four

#19. Black to move #20. White to move

How Black can achieve a draw? If White can force checkmate in two Rc7 moves, what’s the final move? a) Bf5 Rb3 a) b) Be7 Rxe7 b) c) Re6 Rb5 c) d) Re7 d)

University Interscholastic League A+ Chess Puzzle Contest 2016-2017 Spring District — Grades 6-8



1. c 11. b

2. a 12. b

3. b 13. b

4. d 14. b

5. a 15. b

6. b 16. d

7. c 17. c

8. c 18. b

9. b 19. c

10. c 20. b


1. c 5. b

2. a 6. c

3. d 7. c

4. d 8. b