(Communicated to C .317,. 1936,. the Council). Geneva, August 1st, 1935.


No.7 ()

Part I.

Official Number. SUBJECT

0.429(b).M.220(b ).1935.XI * Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1 9 3 6 2nd Supplement to the statement of the Opium Supervisory Bodv.

C.429(c).M.220(c).1935.XI* Estimated world requirements of dangerous' drugs in 1936.- 3rd Supplement to the statement of the Opium Supervisory Body.

C.24(1).M.16(1).1936, Erratum I. Committees and Commissions of the League.- Erratum to the list of Members. C.94.M.37.1936.IV** Assistance to indigent foreigners and execution of maintenance obligations abroad.- Report and second draft multilateral convention by the Committee of Experts (2nd Session, January- Februar-v 1936). C .128.M.67.1936.VIII,- Addendum. Uniform system of maritime buoyage.- Observations of Portugal on the report of of Pre­ paratory Committee. C.204.M.127.1936.IV*** and Erratum. Traffic in v.:omsn and Children Committee (I5th Session April 1936), Child Welfare Committee I2th Session. April-Mav 1936).- Reports and Erratum to reports.

*Confident lal. ** Redistributed with C.L.118,1936.IV, *** One copy redistributed with C .L.107.1936.IV. - 2 -

C.214.1936.IV.* Assistance to Indigent foreigners and exe- cution of maintenance obligations abroad.- Report by the Chilian Representative. C.257.M.151.1936.XI** Seizures and illicit transactions of narcotic drugs.- Index 1935. C.262.M.155.1936.*** Secretariat, League.- Staff list showing nationalities and salaries for 1936. C.262(a).M.155(a).1936.*** International Labour Office.- Staff list showing nationalities and salaries for 1936. C.266.M.158.1936.*** Secretariat, League.- List of appointments, promotions and resignations of the Higher Officials since opening of the 16th Session of the Assembly. C.277.M,167.1935 : Numerical list of documents distributed to Members of the League.- No.6 (). C .278.M.168.1936.XI Advisory Committee on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs (21st Session, May- June 1936).- Report. C.279.M.169.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Com­ munication from the Italian Government (June 27,1936), Letter and Memorandum from the President of the Italian Red Cross Committee (June 15,1936) to the Interna­ tional Red Cross Committee. C.280.M.170.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Ital^r.- Com­ mun! cat ion from the Italian Government (June 27,1936) and statement,by Belgian Officer (Frere) (June 10,1936). - • C.282.M.171.1936.VII Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq.- Report by the Committee of Council, Rules of Pro­ cedure adopted by the Trustee Board () Report by the Trustee Board (January- June 1936), Budget for 1936, Letter from the French .Government ( June 23,1936 ) and Decla­ ration b.v the French Representative on the Committee of Council (June 30,1936).

* Dist. with C .1.118.1935.IV. ** Confidential. *** Confidential. One copy onlv distributed to each Member of the League. - 3 -

C.283.M.172.1936. Dispu t e between Ethiopi a_ a_nd__I taly. - Decla­ ration from the Ethiopian Government (July 3,1936) .

0.284.M.173.1936,VII Set tlement of the Assyrians of Iraq,- Rep or t by" the Spanish Representative.

0.286.M.174.1936.Xl @ Suppression of the illicit traffic in dange­ rous drugs.- Convention [June 1936).

0.286(a).M.174(a).1936.XI & Suppression of the illicit traffic in danger­ ous drugs «- Protocol of signature to the Convention (June 193C).

C.286(b).M.174(b).1936.XI 0 Conference for the suppression of_ the- i 1 l_icit traffic in dangerous drugs.-(June 1936T . - Final Act.

C.286(c).M-.174(c).1936.XI m Date of issue of the Annual statement of estl mated world requirements of dangerous drugs drawn up by the Opium Supervisory Body.- Proces-ve: bal (June 1936).

0.288.M. 175.1936.V and .-.nnex Losinger & Co. Case.- Note by the Secret-ry- General and Order of the Permanent Court of International Justice (June 27,1936).

C.291.M.177.1936. Withdrawal of Honduras from the League.- Letter from the Government of Honduras ""[June 22,1936) and Secretary-Generalf s reply (July 10,1936).

0.293.M.178.1936.V Election of Members of the Permanent Court of International Justice.- 2nd Report by the Committee of Jurists ,note-verbale from the Brazilian Government (June 24,1936) and letter from the Japanese Government (June 29,1936),

0.297.M.180.1936.V Death of M. Rolin Jaecquemyns, .judge of the Permanent _C:)urt of _International Justice.- Letter from the Registrar.

@ Distributed with C.L.135.1936.XI Distributed with C.L.135(a).1936.XI O.P.J.I.,Series A/B, No.67 - 4 -

C.298.M.181,1936 Withdrawal of Nicaragua from the League.- Letter from the'Government of Nicaragua (July 3,1936).

C.3ô 2.M.185.1936.XI. Seizures of drugs at Rangoon (MaX .2A_%ïid June 8,1956)Reports communicated™ by the United Kingdom Governme^tr.

C.303.M.186.1936.XI Seizures of drugs in the United State s.- JMax 29>" June ~5. 22 and 24,1936) .- Reports communicat'ed by the" Unites Stated Government.

C.308.M.191.1936. Refugees from Germany.- Resolution adopted by the International Labour Conference (2oth Session). C.310.M.192.1936.XI Composition of~the Opium Supervisory Body.- Note by the Secretary-General.

C.314.M.195.1936.VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication . from Panaman Government (July 6, 1936).

A.83.1935/36 Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Draft resolution by the Ethiopian Government. A.84.1935/36 Dispute between Ethiopia and ItalyRcpott by the General Committee.

A.85.1935/36. Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- De de ­ ration by the Ethiopian Government (July 4,1936).

A.86.1935/36. Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Com­ munication from the Mexican Government (July 3,1936). A. 6.1936. Work of the League 1955/56,- Report.

A.11(a).1936.X Staff Pensions Fund.- Supplement to the 6th report of the Administrative Board.

A.12.1956.II.B Nutrition.- Interim report of the Mixed Commission .

A.12(a).1956.II.B Nutrition.- Report by the Technical Commis­ sion of the Health Committee.

A.13 » 1936. Staff Pensions Fund.- 3rd Actuarial valua­ tion by the Actuary. A.14.1936.VIII Operation of the League of Nations Wireless Station in 1935.- Report. A.15.1956. Election of Non Permanent Members of _the_ Coun- cil. - Letter from the New Zealand Government. (July 3,1936).

A.16.1936.V Composition of the Council.- Extract from the minutes of Council’s meeting of May 13,1936.

C.L.105.1936,V Optional clause_ provided in the Protocol of signature concerning the Statute of the_perma_- nent Court of International Justice (December 1920) . - Renewal of acceptance by Roumanie.-

C.L.107.1936.IV and Annex © Convention for suppressing the exploitât ion of prostitution.- Note by the Secretary- General and report of Traffic in Women and Children Committee (15th Session,April 193d ),

C.L.109.1936.V Convention concerning the c >mpulsory medical examination of' children and young _persons employed' at sea (November 1921) adopted by_ the International Labour Conference (3rd Session).- Ratification by Brazil,

C.204.M.127.1936.IV - u -

G.L.110.1936,V Convention concerning employment of women during the night _ and Convention^ concerning workmen’s compensation for occupational diseases (revised 1934) adopted by th_e International Labour Conference (18 th Session ) Ratification by Brazil.

C.L.113.1936.V Convention fixing minimum age for admission of children to employment at sea (July 1920]_ adopt e d by the Internat io na_l Labour Conf erence (2nd Session).- Ratification by Brazil.

C.L.114.1936.VIII © Agreement concerning maritime signals.(October 193ÔT.- Ratification by Finland.

C.L.118.1936.IV and annexes Assistance to indigent foreigners an d__exe eu t i on of maintenance obligations abroad.- Note by the Se ere tc.r y-General, Summary by the Secretariat of suggestions received from Governments, R=.port by the Committee of Experts () and report of the Chilian Representative.

C.L.119.1936.IV. Intern at io nal _Conven t ion for the suppress i >n of the Traffic in women of_full age ().- Accession of Cuba.

C.L.120.1936.V Convention concerning the employment of women on underground works uf all kinds TJune 1935) adopted by the_ International Labour Conference (19th Session).m Ratification by South Africa.

C.L.121.1936.XII Convention for facilitating _the^ international circulatiom of films of an educational charac­ ter (October 1933JT- Accession of Cuba.

E.L.122.1936.II.A Minimum list of commod iti es for interna t i onal_ trade statistics .- Replies from Irish Free State, China, India and Australia to the Secretary-General’s letter of October 4,1935.

@ Distributed to those Members and non Members invited to Lisbon Conference. m A.E.22, C.94.M.37.1936.IV, C.214.1936.IV. - 7 -

C.L.123.1936.XIII ® Agreement concerning maritime signals and agreement concerning manned lightships not__on their stations (October 1930).- Accession of Turkey.

C.L.124.1936.VII Application of the principles of the Covenant. Note by the Secretary-General.

C.L.125.1936.XII Convention for facilitating the international circulation of films of an educational charac­ ter "(October 1933T". - Application to Newfound­ land,

C.L.126.1936.VI Slavery.- Note by the Secretary-General.

C .L.127.1936.and Annexes ©© Co-o rdinat i on of measures unde r_ Art i c l_e 16__of the Covenant in connection with dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Nute by the Secretary-General, Joint proposal by the French and United Kingdom Delegations,(July 6,1936), Proposals of the Co-ordination Com­ mittee (July 6,1936)

C.L.128.1936.V Protocol of signature concerning the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Ju_s- tice and _0p_ti°nal Clause concerning this jPrp_- tocol (December 1920).- Signature and ratifi­ cation by B ilivia.

C.L.132.1936.V and Annex C.L,132(h.) .1936.V and Annex Election of successor to_ B»ron Rolin. Jaequemys .judga of the P r. anent Court of International Justice.- Note by the Secretary-Gc.»eral, Letter to M'i^bers ■ of National, Groups and provisions of the revised Statute of the Court.

@ Distributed" to those Mr..;bers and N>n Members represented at Lisbon Coherence. DiLvibuted to all Members except Ethiopia and Italy with Coordination Committee 129(1) and 130(1). <3@© Distributed to Members and Non Members represented on Permanent Court of Arbitration with M.L.13 and M.L.13 and 13(a) . 1936,Ai^nex. Distributed to Members not represented on Permanent Court of Arbitration with M.L.13(a) and M.L.13 and 13(a). 1936,Annex. - 8 -

C.L.135.1936.XI and Annexes © Suppression_of_the__il 1 icit traffic in danger­ ous drugs.- Note by the Secretary-General, Convention (June 1936), Protocol (June 1936) and Final Act of the Conference (June 1956).

C.L.135(a).1936. and _nnex m Date of issue of the Annual statement of estimated world requirements of dangerous dru^.s drawn up by the Opium Supervisory B'idy.- ITote by the Secretary-General and Proces- verbal (June 1936).

C.L.142.1936,XII Use of Broadcasting in the cause of peace.- Note by the•Secretary-General.



L.S.L.18 Quarterly statistics of imports and exports of drugs.- Note by the Permanent Central Opium Board and statistical firm A (GL).



C.L/0.S.B.1.1936.XI C.L/0.S.B.l(a).1936.XI @@@@ C.L/o.S.B.1(b).1936.XI @@@@@ E_stimated_ world requirements of dangerous drugc fur 1957.- Note by the Opium Supervis­ ory Body.

I~C .'286 .M. 174.1936, C . 286 (aT.M.174 (a") ".19 36 & C.286"(F]T7m . 174 ( b 1936. @@ C.286(c).M.174(c).1936. ® m Distributed to Members and Non Members parties to 1931 convention wliœhp o s s e s s no colonies. Distributed to Merabers and Non Members parties to 1931 convention which possess colonies. © m m Distributed to Members and Non Members non parties to 1931 Convention. - 9 -


C/92nd Session/P.V.4(1) C/92nd Session/P.V.5(1)

Assembly (16th Session/Verbatim Records 18th Plenary Meeting 19th Plenary Meeting 20th Plenary Meeting 21sv Plenary Meeting 22nd I", enary Meeting 23rd Plenary Meeting 24th Plenary Meeting 25th Plenary Meeting 26th Plenary Meeting.

Official Journal, 1935 Index Official Journal, 17th Year No.6 (June 1936)

Epidemiological Report ,R.E.182.- 3 5th Year, No.4-6 (April-June 1936).

Monthly list of books catalogued in the Library ,9th Year, No. 5 ( ) 1" @

Monetary Review ,1935/36 Commercial Banks , 1935/36

Bulletin of information on the work of Inter­ national Organisations, Volume VIII,No.1 (May 1936).

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics,Volume XVII, No.7 (July 1936).

Statistical Year-Book 1935/36.

Monthly list of selected articles, Volume VIII Nos.5-6 (-June 15,1936)

Chronology of International Treaties and legislative measures, Volume VII,Nos.5-6 (April 16-June 15,1936).®

Registration of Treaties No. 177 (June 1936)

Treaty Series, Volume CLVIII Treaty Series, Volume CLIX Treaty Series, Volume CLX

@ Distributed to those States only which have requested copies. - 10 -

Part II

C.249.1936.I,Addendum Minorities.-Application of the Germano- polish Convention of May 15,19 22 relating to Upper Silesia»- Addendum to the letter of the Minorities Committee concerning the petition of M. Gustav Simon,

C.265.1936.VII Participation of Danzig in the Convention of commerce between Poland and Canada of July 5,1955.- Note by the Secretary-General , letter from the High Commissioner (June 4, 1936), Letter from the Danzig Senate to the High Commissioner (March 14,1936) and text of the Convention.

C.277.1936. Numerical list of documents distributed to the Council.- No.6 (June 1936).

C.281.1956.VII Situation in Danzig.- Letter from the High Commissioner (June 30,1936) and annexes.

C.285.1936.VII Situation in Danzig.- Resolution by the Representative of the United Kingdom.

C.287.1936.X @ Financial situation of the League on June 50, 1936.- Memorandum by the Secretary-General.

C.289.1936.VII and Erratum Modification in Declaration of May 30 ,1952 of Iraqi Government.- Letter and memorandum by the Iraqi Government (June 15,1936).

C.292.1936.I Albanian minority in Greece.- Letter from the Minorities Committee concerning the petitions of , and from the Albanian Government and from a group of Tcham émigrés.

C.295.1956.I Minorities in Roumanin.- Letter from the Mino­ rities Committee concerning the petitions of June and October 1933 from M. Gustav de Koover.

© Confidential, one copy only distributed to each Member of Council and to each Council Representative. - 11 -

C.896.1936.I Minorities in Roumania.- Letter from the Minorities Committee on the petitions of October 25,1934 and March 21,1935 from Dr. Gyorgipal and other signatories

C.309.1936.I Minorities in Albania.- Letter from the Minorities Committee concerning the petitions >f May.20,1933, Sept.28,1934 and August 21, 1935 from Catholic Archbishops and Bishops of Albania and from M. Karma

C.311.1936.VII Participation of Danzig in the agreements of March 31,1936 between Poland an¥ the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on mutual recog­ nition of tonnage measurement certificates and on port dues.- Note by the Secretary- General, Letter from the High Commissioner (June 27,1936) ,Letter from the Polish Com­ missioner General to the High Commissioner (June 17,1936) and texts of the agreements


C/92nd Session/ V.R.5 @ C.92nd Session/ P.V.5 @

@ Distributed only to Cl. Representatives.