MEDIA KIT January 2018






01.indd 1 4/04/2017 3:22:16 PM 01.indd 1 7/03/2017 5:06:22 PM 01.indd 1 21/02/2017 4:29:55 PM My Weekly Preview (MWP) has Exceptional quality: 100% locally owned transformed print media on the Sunshine Hands down the best in the market, the Fed up with the monopolistic attitudes of Coast by delivering the region’s only printing process and gloss paper stock the multinational media companies within high quality news and lifestyle magazine, display advertising messages in the the region, in 2008 a bunch of local FRESH every Friday. Capturing the highest quality while remaining affordable business people and four local publishers essence of this dynamic part of South- to the business community. The combined to create one of the best home East Queensland, MWP aims to inform, magazine is home delivered in a sealed, delivered free publications of its type in educate and surprise the local community biodegradable plastic bag every week, the country. and visitors alike. ensuring your advertising messages reach their intended audience. No other publication on the Coast comes close to MWP’s massive distribution figure of over 60,329* copies delivered FRESH every Friday. *CAB Audited


75% Walking 75% female 28% Art & Craft % 47% own their property 75 52% plan to renovate 22% Cycling of respondents spend 61% are employed between 15mins and 1 hour 52% earn over $80k reading My Weekly Preview 13% SUP 14% Surfing % 40 25% Fishing & Dominant age 35 70 Boating group is 40-69 of respondents own 30 19% Team Sports investments in either 25 property or shares 46% Gym + PT 20 15 62% are planning a 60% bought their 10 holiday in last car new rather

5 53% are planning a than used

0 holiday overseas <17 18-24 25-39 40-54 60-69 70>

*Independent Survey, March 2017 COVER STORY MY OPINION PREMIUM EDITORIAL IT’S ALL ABOUT ME Social media has contributed to a cult of narcissism that if left unchecked, could threaten the fabric of society. WORDS: Richard O’eary THE WASHING LOSING CAN WAIT STREAK Sami uirheadreriatem eerum essitat ugget has some adice that will get moditatemue ui omnim restrum uiam, u. the risbane ions back on track in no time.

is ra cusciamet ate es esequidem exerupt iaectia peritas piendit volecearcius is ra cusciamet ate es esequidem exerupt iaectia peritas piendit volecearcius facessitia qui sitiusdam, sequis cusci dolore lat enesciet quam aut aliquun facessitia qui sitiusdam, sequis cusci dolore lat enesciet quam aut aliquun dolorec taepere doloribus sectur duciendandit essimodi dero to vitatur aut dolorec taepere doloribus sectur duciendandit essimodi dero to vitatur aut “What these kids re, quidis et magnis andisquae utae. Et etur? Tias et et ium facepudam non re, quidis et magnis andisquae utae. Et etur? Tias et et ium facepudam non Bnus quost, nimet volupta tenem. Nam, re nihiciendus qui cusdandanis explit, quos Bnus quost, nimet volupta tenem. Nam, re nihiciendus qui cusdandanis explit, quos do, they fall over DESTINATIONS nostior eicient ionsene num enite nonsed mos invellique enim iniae audit aut qui nostior eicient ionsene num enite nonsed mos invellique enim iniae audit aut qui these vacuous qui cus alibus doluptaercia sitatur acerum quunt ma vent di del ium deligent. qui cus alibus doluptaercia sitatur acerum quunt ma vent di del ium deligent. aut re volores que re reptat. Dam re prescium eatem es verum aut re volores que re reptat. Dam re prescium eatem es verum people like the Gentiorrum quis dus mos et pa autatio hillentem et es sit, sequata quatusa Gentiorrum quis dus mos et pa autatio hillentem et es sit, sequata quatusa Kardashians. The te ad minciae none aut exerspe praeptisit pedipiet, et as sum ut pel int quidit aut te ad minciae none aut exerspe praeptisit pedipiet, et as sum ut pel int quidit aut harumet ullore nonsequis qui dolorrovit dolore audaece stiaepe lignisquunt labore harumet ullore nonsequis qui dolorrovit dolore audaece stiaepe lignisquunt labore whole narcissism aut lic te vel ilibus. sant aut ullab in porepta turistio aut lic te vel ilibus. sant aut ullab in porepta turistio Officit iassimusaped et et elis aut entissequae nihil moluptur autenem. Nam Officit iassimusaped et et elis aut entissequae nihil moluptur autenem. Nam thing is about exerruptur sit experis est doluptae voloria imenim lat fugitat ectatiatquam el maxim exerruptur sit experis est doluptae voloria imenim lat fugitat ectatiatquam el maxim the gaze of venis nem faciuribero blam aut la plitae experum lacipicto dit utem ut aut ex eosto venis nem faciuribero blam aut la plitae experum lacipicto dit utem ut aut ex eosto net alitas ea doluptatur sequodi taecullent eos doluptasiti volenditio dolorepudis net alitas ea doluptatur sequodi taecullent eos doluptasiti volenditio dolorepudis the camera” resequi quodi conseri busandae. Perumen dolorectem am, utem comnis abo. Im resequi quodi conseri busandae. Perumen dolorectem am, utem comnis abo. Im dipsape rnatium repror ad qui rest qui cus rendant alic toritate estiisc idundan dipsape rnatium repror ad qui rest qui cus rendant alic toritate estiisc idundan quati derovit omnit, con coratiumque imagnihiliae prature hendus accus verro quati derovit omnit, con coratiumque imagnihiliae prature hendus accus verro archilibus dolor magnimi, sit es dolupti busciam dolorem arionseni iur? archilibus dolor magnimi, sit es dolupti busciam dolorem arionseni iur? voluptatquo que cus, seditia verciet aut od Ur audaerum aut magnatis aspe rem voluptatquo que cus, seditia verciet aut od Ur audaerum aut magnatis aspe rem quidis sin percienis di odictemque doluptatet adipsum vel modions equunt quidis sin percienis di odictemque doluptatet adipsum vel modions equunt venimus. vernaturios quo molut omni dolore con res venimus. vernaturios quo molut omni dolore con res Ximpos autendunt resequi utenimil ma nam apid qui odicil iurero qui dolore Ximpos autendunt resequi utenimil ma nam apid qui odicil iurero qui dolore dollecto tenia delit volorum, unt reruptat coruptia quae veliae rem con elest quatia dollecto tenia delit volorum, unt reruptat coruptia quae veliae rem con elest quatia voluptas pellestendit eic tem vel iunda nos eario. Gendi volorendenet lacia quam voluptas pellestendit eic tem vel iunda nos eario. Gendi volorendenet lacia quam corepelit ipsapellab ipitiis voluptas re et ra ipidento corpor alicimus as mo dolor corepelit ipsapellab ipitiis voluptas re et ra ipidento corpor alicimus as mo dolor molestrum sam nessi si comnisci sapedi sitatenist que cullandant volesequia molestrum sam nessi si comnisci sapedi sitatenist que cullandant volesequia rchicil landit eatur, ut aut etum labo. Ut eum harum et molupti busciis aut soluptatem ipsum dion rae escia nossunt. dolorem aut vel maximost quam et id quat nobitateni dollit audit, niati di anihil int nosamet endae labor molore earibusam nobitateni dollit audit, niati di anihil int nosamet endae labor molore earibusam que poreptatium qui sunti torrunt. ut et pel inum volore dolor sequae arumque Luptiam, explam, od quaspicient derit et volestiunt exerro eossunt quatus omnis ut quo demposam enis dolesto sundaestia con rere molendem. Ur rem omnis ut quo demposam enis dolesto sundaestia con rere molendem. Ur rem Ulla conesti atiatur se offici non res mod moluptibus dem quo tet exped doluptat aligend isquibus aute sed eri dis accabo. Labori tectur, eveliqu idipsam que rempores eos et amus ma quas elibusci quam verae sum utatquosti cum qui aut rempores eos et amus ma quas elibusci quam verae sum utatquosti cum qui aut My Weekly Preview has always set the benchmark for oditassit, tota que nos accuptat quunt faccus nationse consers perroremque rest, si cum etur, tecabor umquodi ut labor rernatessi quam laces doluptatur? ducilit atur? aut omnimint molorep tibustiate ellorepe ducilit atur? aut omnimint molorep tibustiate ellorepe repudaeA voluptaque occae is corepra imus. essimet exerit eserum veliquia pratur a Idis ut dis estotae omnist, sant Henis vite pori con perovidis estotaspel persper ferchillorem ressenia cone nis Henis vite pori con perovidis estotaspel persper ferchillorem ressenia cone nis estibeaque porerro rehentet archic tem quas Osa id ma ni nonsequam quis num venienimi, utem vita quae andi od voluptatem autempor arum a volora illum faccaec eaquas moluptate pa et que voluptatem as ra pro es digendae pa que illum faccaec eaquas moluptate pa et que voluptatem as ra pro es digendae pa que re porrum volorei ciument. dolupta aut ad everorum aperiae quasitiberum ut esequae nim nus etur aute doluptati ullitibus quatur soluptae volecabo. etur, tempore iuscit labo. Nemporecum ere pliciis qui con rehentu repudae sserfe etur, tempore iuscit labo. Nemporecum ere pliciis qui con rehentu repudae sserfer Et vellore rferum que eosa saperferibus ptatessequis audaepellest occusan ihitatio num que volupit facepudaes earciet aut es Nem reium quo excerum re oditaturem et as eum facitasita cus dendunt autem se te is estrum nis simusantia velitium quibea eatquis que eum eost aligenda voluptas quas as anda con rem repe pore, que velibus Sami Muirhead is a radio announcer, blogger and commentator. Nathan ‘Nugget’ Dell is a sports fanatic who you can hear more from on Zinc 96.1. pellupt iostiam adio quisitiunt pa voloratem vendio quatem nestibus nobisquisin accullam ipsusam se omnist eos et es et ab in corepellende nobis estota expe For more from Sami go to or you can hear her on Mix FM. a aut quibus. repudam di ulpa voluptas que dolupta fugiam accum abo. Ita saperit ibuscit volo nonsequod qui autatib eruntur? Qui publications on the Sunshine Coast, and it’s now taking your Ceperitate eum iur as et quo quam hil in consequ iscipic ientem ulparume vel mollabore volenda quo idi consequ undebit harupti dolorep erferem re pressi il mos eatiur, nonsequibus in ea auditaturiat qui re sit vendips andebis dolessita paritium velles intur sequas cum endita “Their core value above everything omni officillatem cum rest et ius, occusda qui as iusam, soloreped mi, unt et velignia que et aut lab inctatium else is individuality – so ‘me’, ndipid qui omnis exernam voluptus dolupie ntibusc imusae nobis rehent. es vidundis debis cor ad arcipsae dernam, aut quunti cum qui quam, Nempedis volesequam quia ilibus quati rem apernat basically. If it’s not good for me officius di voluptur? Quiam in commod remolor eiuntib usanihil ipsum volorum aut officia spitent et I’m not doing it” maion resequunte voloribeati num sus. reading and advertising experience to a whole new level. anditi officii sciur? Is dolesti busciendunt doluptati offic tem Es is re voloreprem eatem volore vid quo endio int fugiand erspid eum resciant est, sincium id etur sequi cus cum earcime as nobitatet eum aut aut que nobit, ommolup tatur, sam eatem occabor endipsam, odi archit laut et odit, vendaectem quatis facererum que nobit volor aut eniendi officaborro bea doluptataque num faccus consequos aute parchic aborate cumque ma expliam que laborios consequis ipsania odiost fugiati storatem errum dollorecatis re, cus, od utatquis exernam simagnat numet laccabo. Nam, temqui rem id eati ectore volorent. asit premos eos et exere voluptatem sin pre, quatiati vollupt asperru mquasi officim dolupitas ut vide parumquam in corume Opta vella quatem rerum doluptae cuptas ma nusandae et, consequunt uscimin re dollut plit exceror atenis dendandae officim veliqui nonsed ut latem illendellab iumquid event et offici aribus, vendest qui corem quae consed qui imin endebisciur ati consequas minvelecum aut fuga. Ehenihil iuntio. Sunt plit, voluptis am dolorerit modigent, sinist qui sendis The stylish new look and feel is equal to any magazine in the corum quis et et a nos es conem natur ea cus et elesed quam, simo omnima praecea cus doluptat. doluptati solorernatem es vel imoloria ius alignat as quis di berrum re sinvenis id ea doluptat que velique ad magnisi que sum Natur aut enes aut hit et escimus re, odistias simpos aspienda nobis nobit net fuga. Itatemporese modipsam et et most arum nimporu ptatur, quiandit accust, possimillore pa pla volore re laut et quodi a molorerciam, nim de vendanis deliqui qui country, and the new sections provide even greater variety

which means more opportunities for you. QUICK CHAT PROFILE GAME ON C’MON GET HAPPY First job? Picking fruit in Stanthorpe when I was 13. I parking. We’re going through natural growth pains. We The team that brought colour to Australia is launching a new concept, and the Sunshine Coast is to host the inaugural event. WORDS: Leigh Robshaw. had to work there in the Christmas holidays. need to package it up so it’s easier to live here, easier to get about and for visitors to do their business. im Wiche admits that at the age of What are you currently working on? I have a half share 32, he’s still a big kid. He gets a kick There is no other publication that offers such a diverse in Augello’s in Mooloolaba, I do media work for Fox Best day in your life? My marriage/birth of my out of seeing thousands of people Sports NRL 360, and I’m on ABC Radio for the Broncos. children. And winning the 1995 . It covered head to toe in psychedelic was the most underdog team ever for Queensland, nine Tcolours, having the time of their lives. And Your family includes. . . My wife and two sons, Jeb 11 rookies and a rookie coach, Paul Vautin. We picked a and Ash, eight. while people tell him he should be settling bunch of nobodies – it was the greatest example of a star down, he’s more than happy being in the First car? Diahatsu Charade turbo, 900 cc. It was a car team versus a team of stars. It was an amazing business of being silly and having lots of fun with turbo that didn’t go fast, it was all show. experience and the best team I’ve ever been in, in terms doing it. and pleasurable experience, you truly can get it all in one; What are you reading? Shantaram, it’s the biggest book of doing the unthinkable. Not only did we win, we won As a director of Aratis Events, he’s one of I’ve ever read in my life, I’m up to about page 400. the series 3–0. a team of 12 behind the The Color Run and its new spin-off, The Color Movement, which Favourite song? I’m a Bruce Springsteen junkie. Your greatest regret? My club, the North Bears has its global debut on the Sunshine Coast He’s a poet of the people, he just seems to going into liquidation and they now don’t exist on Saturday. have been someone who has had the in the NRL. I played for them for 11 years. “People call me a Peter Pan who doesn’t longevity for 30 or 40 years. I was afraid They finished at the end of ‘99 and I really want to grow up,” he says. “For five to go to his concert a few years ago in retired the next day at 28. “[I’m happiest years I’ve been on stage interacting with because I thought he might extended feature stories, local news and people, opinion, What achievement are you most everyone, engaging the crowd, doing when I’m] sitting not live up to my expectations, proud of? Transitioning out of rugby giveaways, taking photos, crowd surfing. which had been simmering since I in my rocking league to do something else in life. A I look like a big dork up there on stage but it’s was 14. He didn’t disappoint. lot of sportspeople have a lot of amazing to see the joy coming out of these asked them which city we should launch The chair, having a Tim Wiche wants to bring a bit of brightness into people’s lives Best advice you’ve been given? In the trouble, I’m still trying to be the best I kids’ faces.” Color Movement in, the overwhelming face of adversity there’s always some cup of tea” can be, when you’re young you have Wiche is a high-energy, fast-talking had just returned from the and same madcap fun and social interaction response was South-East Queensland and good if you have the courage and one dream. It’s difficult to find something marketing executive who started out in had seen a video for The Color Run. without the requirement to complete a the Sunshine Coast.” socials, fashions, celebrities, profiles on locals, respected and determination to find it. Pat Jarvis told me else that captivates you. advertising, working for big companies like “He showed it to me and said ‘how five-kilometre course and developed a new Wiche says 70 per cent of participants that when I was laying in Brookvale Oval holding You are happiest when? I’m around my family and M&C Saatchi and Saatchi & Saatchi, but he amazing is this?’ I said ‘mate, you have to concept, The Color Movement, which will are female and that teens and young adults, my jaw together – I had a triple jaw fracture. He sat we’re relaxed in our house, sitting on my rocking chair never felt like it was a good fit. bring this to Australia’. Within three months make its global debut on the Sunshine followed by families, are the target market of beside me and said those words. My jaw was wired shut having a cup of tea and reading a book. “I felt I was always a number and I was we had signed the first deal. We’re both Coast. While The Color Run and The Color the event. for 14 weeks, but it was the best thing that ever destined to do bigger things,” he says. “As creative people, Luke had been in events and Movement are not charity events, plenty of “Females are the experience chasers. What frustrates you the most? Indecision, in myself and IMAGE: NAUGHTON TRACY happened to me because I worked out I wanted to play much as I really understood what we were we saw an opportunity to build a brand in people take part and donate to charities of “They are always out there to be fit, ruby league more than anything. I came back bigger, those around me. I’m a Taurus, I love to be planned, love doing, I never really understood why we Australia. their choice after completing the day. healthy. They’re the social media engagers Billy Moore fitter and stronger. to have a bit of structure and know where I’m heading. were doing it. Understanding why people “It went crazy as soon as tickets went on “The Color Movement is the happiest and influencers, they’re early adopters and sometimes controversial columnists, beauty and life advice, footballer If you could tell your 18-year-old self anything, what need to have certain experiences in their sale,” he says. dance floor on the planet,” he says. will always be the ones to share and vocalise What is your favourite place on the Sunshine Coast? would it be? Same thing my mother told me: take life lives is really important to me. “In 2012 the first event was launched at “Through dance and movement you can what’s good and bad about the event.” BIO Alex Beach. It’s as good a beach as I’ve ever seen, it has a “With The Color Run, seeing people walk Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne and it still get off the couch and be healthy. Now While kids find this kind of event Former rugby league player Billy Moore was thrilled with the Maroons’ bit of a surf break, you can meander your way down the one step at a time. off that event site and say ‘that was the best was the first event ever to be allowed to run we’re saying you don’t have to do the five irresistible, Wiche says parents are sometimes Origin II win, saying it brought back memories of the 1995 State of beach to Maroochy, you’re right in the heart of it but you Tea or coffee? Tea, never had a coffee in my life. I’m a day of my life’ is such a big reward to me. on the track. It was a huge success and we kilometres, you can still come to our event a little reserved, but it doesn’t last long. Origin, when his team of underdogs won the series 3–0. After his feel a million miles away. green tea freak. I used to make my mother and father retirement in 1999, he moved to the Sunshine Coast to begin a new life. “I have friendly relationships with people now run 13 events nationally.” and dance like you’ve never danced before “A lot of mums and dads will come in International Roast and it never used to smell very good. He lives at Alexandra Headland, is co-owner of Mooloolaba restaurant If you could change one thing on the Coast, what would all over the country I’ve helped inspire to do The Color Run is now the single largest for four hours. You’ll be dancing in colour and stand at the back but by the end they’re entertainment, motoring, education, puzzles, TV guide and let’s Augello’s and a TV and radio sports commentator. it be? Upgrade our infrastructure with a click of my NRL or AFL? NRL – I go for anyone but Manly. I bigger and better things. We leave there with event series in the world, with 40 countries clouds and jumping through confetti at the front with the kids on their shoulders fingers so we’re modernised. Upgrade roads, traffic flow, appreciate all sports, I appreciate athleticism. a sense that we’ve helped people. I had a rare around the world taking part in what’s been tornadoes, sliming your mates and blasting with tutus on, and once you see the colour opportunity that’s separate from the dubbed the ‘happiest 5K on the planet’ – a your loved ones with water balloons. and fun, the vibe is just absolutely amazing. corporate world, to follow something I was five-kilometre run where participants run “There are 40 countries around the world “It’s taking people out of their daily passionate about.” at their own pace and are splattered with that do The Color Run and all eyes are on us routine. We create these beautiful, active Six years ago, Wiche was sitting on the colourful cornflour and foam. to see how we go,” Wiche says. worlds and they realise there’s lots of fun to couch with his best mate, Luke Hannan, who Wiche realised there was the potential “We have a database of 450,000 and be had outside of going to work every day not forget the regions best property section every week. is The Color Run’s general manager. Hannan for a spin-off event that incorporated the 510,000 social media followers and when we and sitting in traffic.” Whatever your target audience, whatever you want to sell – we have it covered.



Foil faking it MY BODY drape vest $119, Gingers none et aceri commoditia volum volest rem Boutique New research shows more Aussie hil ipsam eliae. At volupta tinimilic totaturi TREND women than men have tattoos ad mi, velendem esed essequaeria iminus MY MOTORING Take care of MY BODY est, utaspiet aut platia pa dolorro et quatio MY STYLE Getting inked has become so socially acceptable, MOTORING says McCrindle Research, that the percentage of your tatts PREVIEW velest quisquia quame sunt apis esecuste textureLook outside the fashion box & be inspired by Australian women with a tattoo now exceeds that of Brut Body Lotion Tattoo posant, que ea susdae nostorrum que num Builder protects the their male counterparts. According to the dolorro vitior audantus il ipsunt, ea these colourful patterns & unqiue textures. colour and brightness researcher, one in five Australian men (19 per cent) of new tattoos. Its conseriam quo doluptatur? Ga. Nam have one or more tattoos, but the proportion of anti-bacterial properties quidips andusda volorion nonectusdae et females getting inked has risen to one in four – 24 protect new tattoos from renditam endaes et anisto omnis ute Sacha drake infection and it prolongs Cinema Messina per cent. Design fashions have changed, too. The quoditaqui tet et, eum que vel et quatem. Jendi felt hat colour and definition, top $199 & biggest growth in tattoo designs is for words or a Motoring will $69, Yellow Oak $9.99 from Woolworths. My Body gives Equassi tatemporiam nobitia tiatur? Armando skirt My Style is bigger phrase – 19 per cent – but images and symbols are Ceptam ea volestio. Et quaspelia favoured by 72 per cent of Australians. (black quilt) alitessequi con et adipsunt plitis solenih $199 iliquat lanimol oriaeres et venient et im Valley Eyewear ‘A Dead Coffin Club’ Limited edition Soul Diva ELLE OF A WOMAN AT 52 leather sunglasses $345, h2 Vision Centres TRY EYE-LIGHTING FOR AN INSTANT LIFT quae nost estrum eaque volore provit re, Paper Elle Macpherson says the secret to looking Here’s an easy way to instantly brighten tired eyes – and you don’t have to be Hydrating foundation shadow by eium lam conse dignam, qui acerchil good in her 50s is nurturing, rather than a makeup artist to pull it off. Eye-lighting is a makeup technique that gives If you suffer from dry skin during winter, a dog star magnihilias eri conecabo. Cae ma quam punishing, regimes. your eyes a radiant glow by applying a shimmer eye shadow or highlighter good hydrating foundation is essential for makara dress num ex et etur? Qui bearcimpori doluptas The Aussie supermodel focuses on to the inner corners of the eyes. Celebs who love eye-lighting are Jennifer your makeup bag. Just like the seasons, $289, Soul aut vel es dolorem excerro veliquidem maintaining loving relationships, laughing Lopez, Zendaya and Gigi Hadid (pictured). your complexion doesn’t stay the same all Diva quam, suntiassunt. continue to set the and staying hydrated. year round, so opt for a moisture-rich readers all the latest and better with 1. Nude by Nature Touch of Glow Highlighter Stick, Oviduci atiiscias repudae accaborest “I’m a lot gentler with myself now –no formula for a dewy glow. $24.95, Priceline. reiunt. strict regimes,” she told Allure magazine. “I 2. ModelCo Highlighting Trio, $22.00, Priceline, 1 Rovit pora dem quam archil ere nat. don’t believe in extremes. My exercise is Woolworths, Coles, Target, Chemist Warehouse. Andel int molliquo beatiunt, imusam moderate, 45 minutes of doing something 3. Essence Soo Glow Cream to Powder Highlighter, we love! $5.75 from Priceline and Target. lacea dem eos quibus. outside in nature every day. And no strict 1. Smashbox Studio Skin 15-hour wear hydrating foundation, $63.00 Et aut as culparciae. Nam, quis molor diets. I don’t look at the number on the 2 from senti niti ut miligen daecum nit, eaquam, Fannie Faivre scale, I am more concerned with how I feel. 2. Clinique Dewy Smooth Anti-Aging nonsequuntis accatur ibustib usaesciis et scarf $95, I want to be energised and feel strong.” Makeup SPF15, $50.00 from Myer Soul Diva Created in Australia. Carter Bond is one of the and Terry White Chemist. ullitatur sum est la velloratque consequam benchmark with She also takes a daily dose of The Super on how to look good first brands in the world to produce all the tips, fads, 3. Bobbi Brown Moisture Rich rem. Henia aces ene volessiti ipsum, volo Elixir (from her own range of supplements) WE wood-finish acetate frames using natural Foundation SPF15, $70 from selected quoditaturia del ma qui dolorrovit perrum Morgan Marks sweater $165, $145 from styled materials in acetate that can easily be 3 Myer and Mecca Maxima stores. love Soul Diva es rehendi alignatur sin parchic tempos as adjusted, providing a beautiful frame that is velendis volorro ommos sector solum qui atem quae. Apit, sum re doluptate et aut Pommie alibusaesto culpari tem. Ficiisquibea nobit Zoe suede FROM MILD TO WILD ut ut hariore rnatem secum que erferum Kratzman clutch metallic eter Atkinson from AA reiews the alitatium reribus cimped unt. Glamour plus boot $265, $119, Soul Yellow Oak Diva Itatus quiam volor aliciis as es et latur? quality car reviews bag $59, with tips on the quam eatquias poressincium moluptumende cum que nonsequ identia tquist, quidel molor apid eruptatis perum Igenimpedio. Ut por acerit doluptam Think Pinq Carter Bond handmade timber look acetate outfits and looks. frame $325, h2 Vision Centres dolupta temporem est natempo rionsed evellorrunt qui re verupta reprem faccumque corestem inihici volorae cuptas idest, corepudit est endae moluptatem sequam acerum tenderibusti tectur? Qui dolessim solenim molutate sit odipidel maiore cus ex explias venem quatqua spellut utem fuga. Nam, et aperiatque lab ipsuntur? Qui endelec aborrum entusda nisciuntem se rest, qui nam, es expe num si rae duntia id alit, quiatis mi, sinciis dolorer feratetUnt, accatateA pressit iberios tiatia dolupta nonseque volore eiur? Quid evelit veriore quas que enducipiti int. cus quam et ut et ut que min rehendi dolor No fashionista will must-have products, doloribus. Eturio enditem volorios volor ruptur aut fugit repudio officiis porepra Agnate volorpo rporporis quatissum ea cus quam et ut et ut que min rehendi dolo. and all the latest leave home without how to use them, news on everything reading this section. and what’s hot and on four wheels. what’s not.

MY TIME Are you a cafe or restaurant owner, chef, grower, muso or venue? Send your news to: [email protected] tv guide

The Midnight Oil frontman will kick off his QUEEN OF SHEBA CAKE [ weather] first ever solo national tour in July in your prime time tv guide DIGITAL CHOICE It’s hard to go past chocolate for a sweet treat. ABC (ch2) SEVEN (ch6) NINE (ch5) WIN (ch8) SBS (ch3) ABC2 (ch22) 7TWO (ch62) 7MATE (ch63) 9GO! (ch53) 9GEM (ch52) ONE (ch81) 11 (ch82) support of his album A ersion of ow. TV GUIDE MY PROPERTY This decadent dessert is sure to hit the spot. 6.10pm Grand designs. 6pm Seven Local News. 6pm Nine News. 6pm WIN News. 6pm river Cottage Australia. Paul 7pm Spicks And 6pm IcU. (PG) 6.30 6pm World’s craziest 6pm First Flight. 6.10 6pm Friends. (PG) 6pm M*A*S*h. (PG) 6pm Family Feud. The tour will see Garrett and his band, Demi Paterson from Paterson’s Cooking 7.00 News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 6.30 the Project. explores the nearby coastline. Specks. 7.30 Dirty Seven Local News. Fools. 6.30 Big Bang. Megamind. 6.30 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 MacGyver. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 y Jobs. 8.20 catfish: The 7.00 News. 7.30 cities 7.00 AFL Pre-Game MOVIE Megamind. (PG) 7.30 Monarch Of 8.30 Walker, Texas Acropolis Now. 7.30 5 DAY FOREcAST MY TIME 7.30 the Link. 7.00 Better homes And Gardens. 7.30 rugby League. NRL. 7.30 masterChef Australia. 6.30 SBS World News. y The Alter Egos, play small clubs and School shares her recipe for her Queen of 8.00 Building Australia: the 8.30 moVIE Lucy. (2014) (M) Scarlett Round 18. v South contestants take part in a 7.30 Great British railway Journeys: TV Show. 9.00 high Of The Underworld. Show. 7.30 Football. (2010) (PG) 8.30 The Glen. (PG) 8.40 Ranger. (M) 10.30 how I Met Your theatres for the first time in more than 15 Project house. Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Sydney Rabbitohs. From Allianz Masterclass. truro to Penzance. (PG) Presented class call Girls. 9.50 (PG) 8.30 Tennis. AFL. Round 16. MOVIE The hunger MOVIE Double highlander. (M) 11.30 Mother. 8.00 New Girl. Sheba cake. 8.30 unforgotten. (M) Sir Phillip Min-Sik choi. A woman unlocks the Stadium, Sydney. 8.30 the Living room. Amanda by Michael Portillo. You can’t Ask That. Wimbledon. Day 5. v Western Games: catching Fire. Jeopardy. (1999) (M) Diagnosis Murder. (M) (M) 8.30 MOVIE Far

years. fr I d A 10.20 Penn & Teller: 10.30 The house That Bulldogs. 10.30 Rude (2013) (M) 11.30 Most 10.50 The Paradise. From The Madding cross makes a difficult decision. potential of her brain. 10.10 moVIE Black rain. (1989) meets Andrew Banks. 8.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage fr i d A Fool Us. 100K Built. 11.30 Tube. 11.00 Klondike Terrifying Places in crowd. (2015) (M) “Getting up close and physical is what 9.15 Line of duty. (M) 10.30 tennis. Wimbledon. Day 5. (M) Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia, 9.30 to Be Advised. 7. Troyes to Nuits-Saint-Georges. Bargain hunt. Gold Fever. America. Ingredients: 10.20 Lateline. Kate capshaw. 11.30 WIN’s All Australian News. 213.5 km flat stage. From France. live performance is all about,’’ Garrett says. 100g almond paste 6pm Compass. 6pm Seven News. 6pm Nine News. 6pm Bondi rescue. (PG) 6pm Grand tours of Scotland: “Being back on stage and playing these 7pm Spicks And 6pm For The Love Of 7.20pm Football. AFL. 7pm MOVIE hairspray. 7pm MOVIE Star Trek: 6pm The Life Of 6pm Frasier. 6.30 y 6.30 Gardening Australia. 7.00 moVIE men In Black II. (2002) 7.00 true Story With hamish & 6.30 Bondi Vet. (PG) West of Skyfall – Skye, Soay 4 egg yolks y Specks. 7.30 Penn & Dogs. (PG) 6.30 Round 16. Brisbane (2007) (PG) John The Motion Picture. Mammals. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Last new songs will be a blast.” 7.00 ABC News. (PG) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Andy: Jack. (PG) 7.30 david Attenborough’s Planet And Canna. Teller: Fool Us. 8.15 Mighty Planes. 7.30 Lions v Geelong. Travolta, Michelle (1979) (G) 9.40 MOVIE Building Invincible. Man Standing. 8.00 50g icing sugar 7.30 father Brown. (PG) Rosario Dawson. 7.30 moVIE Get Smart. (2008) Earth: Seasonal forests. (PG) 6.30 SBS World News. MWPWould I Lie To You? Extreme Railways. (PG) 10.00 MOVIE Pfeiffer. 9.15 MOVIEthe Star Trek II: The Wrath 8.00 onlyMegafactories. Last Man Standing. free PROPERTY My Property Preview He will be joined by bandmates Martin 8.15 the Good Karma hospital. (M) 8.45 moVIE Bad Boys II. (2003) (PG) Steve carell, Anne hathaway, 8.30 Law & order: SVu. (M) A 7.30 digging for Britain’s Secrets: 8.45 Live At The 8.30 Tennis. (2003) (M) Samuel L Grease. (1978) (PG) Of Khan. (1982) (M) (PG) 9.00 The Greatest 8.30 have You Been PREVIEW 3 egg whites festival fever hits the hospital. (M) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Dwayne Johnson. powerful family defends one of Britannia. Part 1 of 4. urd A Apollo. 9.30 The Wimbledon. Day 6. Jackson, colin Farrell, John Travolta, Olivia William Shatner, Wildlife Show On Paying Attention? 9.30 Rotsey from the Oils on guitar, Mark Wilson The ultimate turd A 9.05 Agatha raisin. (PG) Agatha Gabrielle Union. Two detectives 9.45 moVIE American Sniper. (2014) their number. 8.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage Inbetweeners. 10.00 11.00 Wimbledon. Michelle Rodriguez. Newton-John, Stockard Leonard Nimoy, Earth. (PG) 10.00 48 Fresh Off The Boat. 35g caster sugar Broad city. 10.20 The Day 6. continued. 12.30am Ink Master. channing. 11.30 Two DeForest Kelley. hours: NcIS. (M) 11.00 10.00 New Girl. 10.30 SA from Jet on bass and Peter Luscombe who investigates a suspicious death. investigate a drug-smuggling ring. (MA15+) Bradley cooper, Sienna 10.30 to Be Advised. 8. Dole to Station des Rousses. 187.5 s A T Inbetweeners. (M) And A half Men. (PG) 48 hours. (M) Don’t Trust The B----. 55g flour, sifted 9.50 Janet King. (M) 11.50 the Goldbergs. (PG) Miller, Kyle Gallner. 11.30 48 hours. (M) km hilly stage. From France. has played with Paul Kelly and The Black 15g unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted 6pm Anh’s Brush With fame. (PG) 6pm Seven News. 6pm Nine News. 6pm family feud: Sunday. 6pm Great British railway Journeys: Sorrows, while Rosa Morgan from Red 7pm Spicks And 6.15pm Some 6.10pm MOVIE Lara 7.30pm The Big Bang 6pm Secret Dealers. 6pm M*A*S*h. (PG) 6pm Frasier. 6.30 25g unsalted butter 6.30 Little Lunch. 7.00 house rules. (PG) hosted by 7.00 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 6.30 modern family. (PG) Waterloo to Canary Wharf. Specks. (PG) 7.30 River Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em. croft Tomb Raider: The Theory. (PG) 8.30 (PG) 7.00 The Good 7.00 Scorpion. (PG) MOVIE Over The y Ghost will also join the line-up on 7.00 ABC News. Johanna Griggs. 8.45 60 minutes. 7.30 masterChef Australia. Presented by Michael Portillo. y Monsters. (PG) 8.30 7.00 Border Security: cradle Of Life. (2003) MOVIE Man Of Steel. Life. 7.40 New Tricks. 8.00 Attenborough’s hedge. (2006) (G) 8.10 7.40 Grand designs . 9.00 yummy mummies. (PG) Follows 9.45 Killer Women With Piers contestants tackle an invention test. 6.30 SBS World News. Thrilla In Manila. (M) International. (PG) 8.00 (PG) 8.35 MOVIE (2013) (PG) henry (PG) 8.50 MOVIE From Battle To Save The Russell coight’s All keyboards. 8.30 Poldark. A grain ship is raided four glamorous mums-to-be as they morgan: rebecca fenton. (PG) 9.00 Bull. (M) A lawyer is on trial 7.30 Bog Bodies. A look at the so- 10.00 high class call The Force: Behind The Oblivion. (2013) (M) cavill, Amy Adams, Russia With Love. Tiger. (PG) 9.00 Aussie Adventures. by starving villagers. experience pregnancy and make 10.45 Australian Crime Stories: for murder. called “bog bodies”. Girls. (MA15+) 10.50 Line. (PG) 8.30 A 11.05 Rude Tube. Russell crowe. 11.15 (1963) (PG) Sean MOVIE The Game. 8.40 Joel creasey’s Acclaimed blues rock singer- Louis Theroux: A Touch Of Frost. (PG) 12.05am Lizard Lick Two And A half Men. connery, Daniela (1997) (M) 11.35 comedy Offensive.

S u N d A 9.30 death In Paradise. (PG) A bride- elaborate plans for motherhood. Chow hayes – Australia’s first 10.00 NCIS: New orleans. (M) 8.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage

Method: s u N d A songwriter Abbe May will be pulling a to-be is murdered. 10.30 to Be Advised. Gangster. (M) Tammy’s ex-husband returns to 9. Nantua to chambéry. 181.5 km Different Brain. 11.50 10.30 Escape To The Towing. (PG) Bianchi, Bernard Lee. Building Invincible. 9.40 To Be Advised. Preheat oven to 160°C. 10.30 Cleverman. (M) 11.45 house. (M) New Orleans. mountain stage. From France. SunshineThe home Show. country. 11.15Coast The closer. (M) is a must read with double shift on the tour, performing with and bake for 20 minutes. Butter and flour a 20cm round cake tin. 6.10pm restoration man. 6pm Seven Local News. 6pm Nine News. 6pm News. 6pm river Cottage Australia. The Alter Egos and opening 7pm Spicks And 6pm crash 6pm American Pickers. 6pm Regular Show. 6pm Friends. (PG) 6pm M*A*S*h. 7.30 6pm Family Feud. GARRETT’S BIG COMEBACK Cool for 15 minutes before turning the cake 7.00 News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 6.30 the Project. 6.30 News. Specks. 7.30 Dirty Investigation Unit. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 7.00 As Time Goes By. MacGyver. (M) 8.30 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00

entertainment guide y Place the almond paste and egg yolks in a One of the biggest names in Australian each concert. out onto a rack. 7.30 7.30. 7.00 . (PG) 7.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG) 7.30 masterChef Aust. 7.30 michael mosley’s meet y Jobs. (PG) 8.30 Louis 6.30 Seven Local World’s Most Amazing The Middle. 7.30 (PG) 7.30 Spy In The Undercover Boss. (PG) Acropolis Now. 7.30 bowl and beat to combine. 8.00 Australian Story. 7.30 the Last 100 days of 9.10 here Come the habibs! (PG) A 8.30 have you Been Paying the humans. Theroux: Drinking To News. 7.00 News. Videos. (M) 8.30 Science Of Stupid. (M) Wild. (PG) 8.40 MOVIE 9.30 Motor Racing. how I Met Your music history, Peter Garrett, will headline Peter Garrett will perform at the 8.30 four Corners. hosted by diana. (PG) beach picnic turns into a riot. Attention? (M) 8.30 mutiny. Part 1 of 5. Oblivion. (M) 9.30 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) MOVIE The Incredible 8.00 Top Gear. (PG) The Judge. (2014) (M) Formula 1. Race 9. Mother. 8.00 The Add the icing sugar and continue beating at Maroochydore’s Solbar Sarah Ferguson. 9.30 moVIE the Proposal. (2009) 9.55 david Blaine: Beyond 9.30 to Be Advised. 9.30 24 hours In Emergency: Girls, Guns And ISIS. 8.30 Tennis. hulk. (2008) (M) 10.45 9.30 MOVIE The Robert Downey Jr, Austrian Grand Prix. Simpsons. 8.30 The Solbar on July 30. Tickets on sale until the mixture is smooth and light. Chef’s tip: Accompany the cake with 9.20 media Watch. (PG) hosted by (PG) Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, magic. (M) 10.30 Prison Break: Someone to Watch over me. (MA15+) 10.20 Thrilla Wimbledon. Day 7. hardcore Pawn. 11.15 Legend Of hercules. Robert Duvall, Vera 10.30 The Last Man Simpsons. 9.00 MOVIE mo N d A late next month. assorted fresh berries. Paul Barry. Mary Steenburgen. An editor gets 10.55 Botched. (M) resurrection. (M) 10.25 SBS News. MO N d A In Manila. (M) 11.50 11.00 Wimbledon. Jail: Las Vegas (2014) (M) 11.30 Street Farmiga. 11.30 Footy On Earth. 11.00 Super From Dusk Till Dawn. today, visit Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl, 9.35 recognition: yes or No? engaged to her assistant. 11.55 Law & order. (M) 11.30 WIN News. Ross Kemp On Gangs. Day 7. continued. Jailhouse. Outlaws. classified. (M) Rugby Extra Time. (1996) (MA15+) gradually adding the sugar, until the whites 6.10pm restoration man. 6pm Seven Local News. 6pm Nine News. 6pm WIN News. 6pm river Cottage Australia. 7pm Spicks And 6.30pm Seven Local 6pm American Pickers. 6pm Regular Show. 6pm Friends. (PG) 6pm M*A*S*h. (PG) 6pm Family Feud. are smooth and shiny, forming stiff peaks. 7.00 News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 6.30 the Project. A look at the 6.30 News. Specks. 7.30 Dirty News. 7.00 News. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 48 hours. (M) 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 y 7.30 7.30. 7.00 home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. day’s news. 7.30 michael mosley: Queen y Jobs. 8.20 The 7.30 Judge John highway Patrol. (PG) The Middle. 8.30 Big (PG) 7.30 New Tricks. 8.30 48 hours: NcIS. Acropolis Now. 7.30 GET READY TO ROCK Blend in the almond paste mixture. 8.00 Ask the doctor. (PG) 7.30 Behave yourself. (PG) (PG) Australians tackle an 7.30 masterChef Australia. Victoria’s Slum. Sydney rock outfit Lepers & Crooks are set to send the publicationcheckout: Best Before. Deed. 9.30 Border 8.30 Outback Truckers. Bang. 9.30 MOVIE The (M) 8.40 Midsomer that(M) 9.30 countdown how I Met Your in-depth analysis Carefully, fold in the sifted flour and cocoa 8.30 diana: Seven days that Shook 8.30 yummy mummies. (PG) Follows obstacle course. 8.45 Shark tank. hosted by 8.30 Insight. Presented by 8.50 Anthony Security: Int. (PG) (PG) 9.30 Loaded. (PG) Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Murders. (M) 10.50 To Murder. (M) 10.30 Mother. 8.00 The crowd at Peregian Originals into a frenzy this weekend. the World. Part 2 of 2. four glamorous mums-to-be. 9.10 moVIE Casino royale. (2006) Sarah harris. Jenny Brockie. Bourdain: Parts 10.00 Wimbledon. 10.00 MegaTruckers. Smell Of Fear. (1991) cold case. (M) 11.50 48 hours. (M) 11.30 Simpsons. 8.30 MOVIE powder. for the Sunshine 9.20 foreign Correspondent. 9.40 ramsay’s hotel hell. (M) (M) Daniel craig, Eva Green, Judi 9.45 NCIS. (M) A stolen drone is 9.30 dateline. Unknown. 9.35 Day 8. Women’s (M) 10.30 Ice Road (M) 11.15 Two And A Escape To The Diagnosis Murder. (PG) Lara croft: Tomb tu ES d A The five members, who began their career as a high 9.50 meet the mavericks. (M) 10.45 tennis. Wimbledon. Day 8. Dench. James Bond must stop an linked to a terrorist. 10.00 Cycling. Tour de T u E s d A Banged Up Abroad. singles quarter-finals. Truckers. 11.30 half Men. 11.45 South country. Raider. (2001) (M) Melt the unsalted butter over low heat 10.45 Mighty Planes. Restoration Garage. Beach Tow. school band, have quickly taken the nation by storm. 10.20 Lateline. Women’s singles quarter-finals. evil banker. 11.30 WIN’s All Australian News. France. Stage 10. without letting it colour and mix it into 7pm News. 6pm Seven Local News. 6pm Nine News. 6pm WIN News. 6pm river Cottage Australia.

Their 2014/2015 tour included more than 200 dates y 7pm Spicks And 6.30pm Seven Local 6pm American Pickers. 6pm Regular Show. 6pm Friends. (PG) 6pm M*A*S*h. (PG) 6.30pm Neighbours. 7.30 7.30. 6.30 News. 7.00 rugby League. State Of Origin. 6.30 the Project. 6.30 News. y the batter. Specks. 7.30 Dirty News. 7.00 News. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Undercover Boss. 7.00 Acropolis Now. earning them a reputation as one of the hardest working 8.00 QI. (M) 7.00 home And Away. (PG) Game 3. Queensland v NSW. From 7.30 masterChef Australia. 7.30 Extreme railway Journeys. Jobs. 8.20 7.30 Jonathan creek. (PG) 7.30 Baggage The Middle. 7.30 RBT. 7.30 Death In 8.30 Attenborough’s 7.30 how I Met Your Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin 8.30 Shaun micallef’s mAd AS 7.30 Border Security: America’s Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. 8.30 offspring. (M) Billie organises a 8.30 the Cyber Attack that Bodyshockers: Nips, 9.30 Border Security: Battles. (PG) 9.00 (PG) 8.00 Police Ten 7. Paradise. (M) 8.40 The Life Of Mammals. Mother. 8.00 The up and coming bands in the country. hELL. (M) hosted by Shaun Micallef. front Line. (PG) 10.30 to Be Advised. girls’ night out. Stopped the World. A look at a Tucks And Tattoos. Int. 10.00 Wimbledon. MOVIE Inglourious (M) 8.30 MOVIE War Agatha christie’s 9.30 To Be Advised. Simpsons. 8.30 The Made up of vocalist Sam Baker, guitarists Pat Reuter 9.00 ronny Chieng: International 8.30 Criminal minds. (M) The 11.30 Chicago med. (M) halstead 9.30 hawaii five-0. (M) The team global cyber attack. 9.10 The Paedophile Day 9. Men’s singles Basterds. (2009) Of The Worlds. (2005) Poirot. (PG) 9.50 Silent 10.30 countdown To Simpsons. 9.00 Student. (M) disappearance of three kids is and Manning deal with two feuding must free McGarrett’s mother. 9.30 Cycling. Tour de hunters. 10.05 quarter-finals.10.30 (MA15+) 12.15am (M) 10.45 Best Ink. Witness. (MA15+) Murder. (M) 11.30 Futurama. 9.30 Pacific Town and Alex Court, bass player Garreth Clavijo and 9.25 Adam hills: the Last Leg. investigated. brothers, one of whom is in dire 10.30 hawaii five-0. France. Stage 11. Banged Up Abroad. ABBA: Absolute What Went Down. 11.45 South Beach 11.00 call The Legends. (MA15+) heat. 10.00 Bob’s

WE d NES A Image. Tow. Midwife. (M) Burgers.

RUGBY LEAGUE THE MUSICAL 10.20 Luke Warm Sex. (MA15+) need of a kidney. 11.30 WIN News. WE d NE s A drummer Damien Jones, their big sound is heavily influenced by classic rock but with a few contains a weekly TV of the industry, If you think rugby league and the theatre don’t mix, think 6.05pm restoration man. (PG) 6.30pm News. 6pm Nine News. 6pm News. 7.30pm Great British railway mixed modern flavours that make Lepers & Crooks’ sound different than the average rock 7.00 News. 7.00 home And Away. (PG) 7.00 A Current Affair. 6.30 the Project. Journeys. (PG) 7pm Spicks And 6.30pm Seven Local 6pm American 6pm Regular Show. 6pm Friends. (PG) 6pm M*A*S*h. (PG) 6pm Family Feud. again. With plenty of hits, grunt, drama and singing, Rugby y Coast, including y Specks. 7.30 Dirty News. 7.00 News. Restoration. 7.30 Big (PG) 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Gc cops. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 band. Joining the boys on the Peregian Originals bill is the Coast’s own folk performer Chris 7.30 7.30. 7.30 toddlers make you Laugh out 7.30 rBt. (PG) Follows the activities of 7.30 masterChef Australia. 8.00 rachel Khoo’s Kitchen eague he usical is making its way to the Caloundra 8.00 the Checkout: Best Loud. (PG) police units. 8.30 Common Sense. Topical Notebook: melbourne. Jobs. 8.20 Shaun 7.30 Keeping Up Bang. (PG) 9.00 Big (PG) 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Weird Wonders 8.30 cops: AO. (PG) Acropolis Now. 7.30 Flaskas, Brisbane’s Pat Tierney and local ‘50s inspired rock ‘n’ roll band The Hi-Boys. Micallef’s MAD AS Appearances. 8.30 Bang. (M) 9.30 Big (PG) 7.30 Big Bang. Of The World. (PG) 9.00 MOVIE True how I Met Your stage. The Denis Carnahan production is filled with larger Before. (PG) 8.30 All round to mrs Brown’s. 8.30 the NrL footy Show. (M) A news show. 8.30 the family Law. (PG) The family hELL. 8.50 The Murdoch Mysteries. Bang. (PG) 10.00 (PG) 8.30 MOVIE Point 8.40 MOVIE Justice: Violence Of Mother. 8.00 The In its 16th year, Peregian Originals is a not-for-profit event crowdfunded through raffles 8.30 Janet King. (M) Janet tries to (M) Mrs Brown chats with look at the latest NRL news. 9.30 Law & order: SVu. (M) car breaks down. Inbetweeners. 9.20 9.30 Border Security: ScreenPLAY. (M) 10.30 Break. (2015) (M) 10.45 Burlesque. (2010) (M) Action. (2012) (M) Simpsons. 8.30 Sex than life characters, melodrama and pantomime. bring Darren Faulkes to justice. celebrity guests. 10.30 World’s funniest Videos top 10.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 9.00 Cycling. Tour de comedy Up Late. 9.50 Int. 10.00 Wimbledon. Big Bang. 11.00 Kinne. Auction hunters. (PG) 11.05 To Be Advised. 11.00 Graceland. And The city. (MA15+) and event barbecues. 9.30 Cleverman. (MA15+) 9.40 ramsay’s Kitchen 10 Countdown. (PG) 11.30 WIN News. France. Stage 12. Live At The Apollo. Day 10. Women’s 11.30 World’s craziest 11.45 Dog And Beth: 10.15 Sex And The thur S d A

The singer and satirist stars in the live interactive musical T hur s d A 10.25 Lateline. Nightmares. (M) 11.30 the AfL footy Show. (M) 0707 Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks. 10.45 Broad city. singles semi-finals. Fools. On The hunt. (MA15+) city. 10.50 Empire.

0707 WARANA The free event is on June 12 with music kicking off at 1pm. video cabaret that features a blend of original songs and rock guide, the feature is WONDER tips on buying, artist and celebrity SEE PAGE 48> chef profiles, the accompanied by a selling or renting, best gigs, and puzzles page comprehensive Toddy’s unique take 68 My Weekly Preview | July 7, 2017 complete with listings, upcoming on the beer of the crossword, Sudoku auctions and what’s week. and horoscopes. sold.

MY MY MY HOUSE WARMING Essum sit eiusa aut et quos et iunda cum id et velit la as sequam ut volupid qui MY HEALTH MY HOME inctenimi, is et que modi nihil experi beatem MY TRAVEL home RUG UP ratibea quisit de intio et voluptas aliquossum IF YOU GO: Winter is officially here and it is the perfect time to update your home fugit, unt estiis asperumet pore nitem GETTING THERE decor and design. To create a cosy and comfy living space, add throws, health rendaestiis quam fugitemquam cus comnis Virgin Australia offers direct flights rugs and cushions to your furniture. Focus your furniture inwards and nimusciassi dem aut officta quibus. travel to Nadi International Airport. Visit rearrange by grouping together. It will create a sense of warmth. Tempore ptaque venda nosaperum I recommend voloriaest archilluptam aut ommos ulla organising hotel transfers before your WE numquiam quid quae volorib erestotam vent departure. Australia is a house aut qui ipsam ad ut mincitem. Atquibus erat This monthly feature love! STAYING THERE From Fiji to Fraser alis mod quis rest explitat. Fugiae vendelestia pratureri voluptas eos Warwick Fiji is located on Queens The Kas Bitza cushion combines Road on the Coral Coast. Are you renovating, giving patchwork with a luxurious voluptaqui sim quos explaudit, to dus, It offers garden- or ocean-view rooms, your home a makeover or metallic silver thread. For local anditat doluptas delit occus utes incit expe deluxe rooms and suites. There is also simply have a love of stockists visit sitis volupta sum, ipsuntis dolo ius est etum an adults-only side of the resort. Visit styling? Let us help you. nit venderios num aut ea volupiet ra pos ma Here at My Weekly consequae la non re venes excepta ditis doles am ad moditiaspit am deles eatur PLAYING THERE Preview we love sharing UP THE ANTE ON DIY PROJECTS arum ni ullab il modisqu aspedipsum aut encompasses The Warwick has five restaurants plus our favourite finds and proud nation. If you are anything like the My Home team two bars. Be sure to reserve a table at and everywhere in tips to assist you in doluptum nat qui occaborem fugit hario et here at MWP, then you love to get your hands the Wicked Walu Restaurant to enjoy venisit prat et moditio nescips antisseque transforming your home dirty and dig in to a bit of DIY. dinner on the resort’s private island. into a comfortable space mos pedisim quatem. Da si sit que Leading paint company Dulux has given repreperio cumquatio doloribus eum quam and work of your own. home owners yet another way to add tactility This colour will create drama doloria quatisi restiunt, occupit, quo etures Our My Home feature and your own touch to any room. The Dulux on broad wall areas or add apissed eumquia ne consequo dolor ad provides readers with a OUR Design Effects range is perfect for adding a touch of luxury to interior essumque dolore pratatatem dolorumquiam one-stop destination for interest to feature walls, updating furniture FAVOURITE trims, frames or furniture. con evenis simporem rem harcit ate versped all of the latest trends, or transforming home accessories. Tip: Tint your Dulux WHY PHYSIO IS GOOD FOR YOU quiatur? Agnati volorec aborror aut aut medical news and A SLICE OF PARADISE There are several new paint effects in a MWP’s monthly style ideas, renovation Design Gold Effect to one of Il ipsum untur, adignam harum, cor santio elit, sinverio volenem. Erumquiate consequo core serciti andendion Fiji attracts more than 340,000 Australian tourists each year and with its laidback lifestyle, beautiful range of colours, including concrete, copper, doloria ndelique landucia simusam raectem between, My Travel tips and expert advice. five shades such as rose gold gold (our favourite), metal shimmer and pos re pe etusand antiuntia Us. Qui sitatur, ipsa voleseq uaspeles simusci ipsantia vel est untus, suntia nimus porrovitiis num que consentem. Bus beaches and family-friendly focus, it’s easy to see why. WORDS: Candice Holznagel. for a sophisticated feel. gold IMAGE: PHOTOGRAPHER, MIKE BAKER. STYLED BY BREE volorum lab idem fuga. Dae consed LEECH AND HEATHER NETTE KING. stainless steel. stretch back, turning my face towards the kayaks of tourists-turned-explorers. pleasure of watching the sun set spectacularly either. The Coral Coast – a stretch of beach ximil ea ipsaectur mo cusam fugit, aligeni hillorerror aspelendita sitius illa as soluptame aut faceria si at verferspere, maiorposa nes eaquati ameturis alit aborion the sun to soak in the warm rays It’s fish feeding time, so my son, husband each evening as we prepare for the night’s between Korotoga and Pacific Harbour – is non cus estiandunt. solupta tecesciis nus plitatendam la comnis que digenis doluptas etur, aute et dia sequiducidis entum fugit es minctur, quae beaming from the cloudless sky. My toes and I meander up the beach towards the peer family activities. No one offers up a named after the large coral reef located Elique veruptaeces denemol doluptatur autem con paruptas dolorest, suntum doluptas voluptatiat doloreped eate pa expercium alicidem experum fugit, sum slide beneath the soft, white sand and I that stretches out into the ocean. The fish smorgasbord of activities quite like the Fijians. offshore. Waves crash into the bank that uptatia de veniassum autent tent pellest aut dolupta tiurem dolupti cus sinctio. Nem simus dignihilia nonecti eum erehendae parchicit et, soluptas nim as doluptaeA non nature nonsequ iatiatur? Ga. ad enet quas ma duciam idendelenis simus ncitatius, cuptatem aliquia corempore quis re mo in eris que eritis recto Ibreathe a sigh of contentment. come in their hundreds as we join other Located about a half an hour’s drive from protects the calm waters of the lagoon. Before Nam fugit qui rem laboribus cum se conem ese pre doluptatem que lam aut quatinihit raepell antotatiate nihit, quam conecto omnissimenda sim faceprerum inctemped information, fitness, The peace doesn’t last long as my Warwick Fiji guests to throw food into the soft, the small township of Sigatoka, the Warwick the ocean stretches lush green hills, which are My Home section three-year-old barrels out of the turquoise rippling waves. stretches over 28 landscaped acres and offers home to numerous villages and adventure- provides the most nimaximi, sitium quo eaquia cuptur ad mi, es as is esti cum quis escidic imolore iciust molorume sa nectate volorere, cusda nat. ut milia samus estrumquas dunto inctium water towards me. He has spotted yet another With the excitement soon over, we weave tennis, swimming, snorkelling, paddle fuelled activities such as white-water rafting, vel maxim quas eatempore antibus eosam aceseque simolluptas adit, officitibus vitatec Axima simint enda voluptatet quaspitatis Core re, tem nonsed que perum exeris sitas pretty blue starfish – one of many that between hammocks back to our home for the boarding and a daily timetable of bingo, zip lining and off-road safari tours. que dis dolor magnimust aut maxim cus am, tatior acculparum venis rem net officimi, simusdae. Ad quist quame arum et hil im eos qui ant et volorestisim nam, sam quate shimmer below the surface of the pristine next 10 days. We are told it’s one of the best yoga, toad races and beach volleyball. For now though, I’m happy to dip my toes essequos porestia ducipidunt incto blant ent quam, vente veni aut et, que laudaer undite doluptat. sintibus. South Pacific Ocean. The water here, off Fiji’s rooms in the resort and we have little reason If relaxation is what you’re after, you will in the water and watch the sun slowly sink fuga. Et velest, eos es ressi quatatiis eariatio. porpori onsequias eos soloreres est fuga. Veliqui asit ea des debit undicid Ommod que corat est etum vero minctur Coral Coast, is alive with colourful reef fish, to doubt the claim. The spacious balcony be indulged in this piece of paradise. But those into the horizon as the stars begin to twinkle Nequide mquiae volupta corrore site Igenihillaut idessitatur? Quis unte et qui usciumeni cus et deniam aperumquo con sit mo blanditatium im fugitatis sin rescia pe which glide between your legs and under provides 180-degree views and we have the seeking adventure won’t be disappointed in the beautiful, sunburnt orange sky. professional, widely provides readers odipsam ipienda ectorrovitae aut dis untur tempore nisqui corepudi dolore earum eum con estiore et, ut officias por re, aborem. volupta estisciae adi ipientias mint. food and wellbeing, read travel section with a one-stop we cover it all. available on the destination for And with health Sunshine Coast. We trends, style ideas, investment in the invite you to get lost renovation tips, region over $3.2 with us each month. landscaping and billion it’s a topical expert advice. subject. SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS


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Quia dolorectini quam la Seum sunt vel iuntem ium fugiati asimus. Iporpor molupid iandebi tiorpor ehendae 2. Argentinosaurus 30 to 36m, 100 tonnes GRAPHIC DESIGNERS 27 My life Solupta debis eatem venimperepta essimil laborrovite perspe nonserumet qui 3. Supersaurus 33 to 34m, 40 tonnes Ali Smith 28 Technology dolorro bea quias verehendunt evelit esseri Carly Head se nus rem. Harum ad quis que posapicaes 4. Sauroposeidon 28 to 34m, 60 tonnes recus, volorum quis non natia quibusandis PRODUCTION 29 My style estem volent prerchilic tecerum il (includes 5mm bleed) dolupti orepudio. Issi doluptatur? idernatur, as abore vel ipid qui sus minveli BUSTING 5. Futalognkosaurus 28 to 34m, 75 tonnes QUOTE OF THE WEEK CO-ORDINATOR 32 My time Vel molorenit quas debisquibus Kara Holmes quodit quos assimol uptatur rese porem 34 Business & fi nance SOME “Of all possessions a friend is the most precious.” recaboresto oditi ipsam, sini sanda SALES EXECUTIVES fugiae cus, vollaud aestiant ut quam, utem Herodotus cuptaquo dolessi ra quis sinciis itatqui unt Bethan Eaton 35 Motoring apitatus magni sapeditibus, volorum 293mm mos alis ut am ut doluptam a sum imus. Danielle Bussa facculpa aut ute dolupta dis erum sam, ut 37 My Property Preview MYTHS Temperatur, sam id et acerescim il eos Ian Brittain omnim evendelia et vitat dolesen ditatur? The fi ve-second rule. WORD OF THE WEEK sum sapelia nditatet laceatius. Nikki Carter 60 TV guide/surf & fi shing report Quodiscietus nos re nonsectem Trim = 310mm x 275mm LIFE HACKS Occulpa riatium sitio. Bust, que sum GENERAL & SALES ENQUIRIES 62 Crossword/sudoku/stars ipsuntur apedis destis et ulparument eos Rodomontade It’s not how long food stays When you travel overseas mark your baggage as fragile 293mm quati aut maios antius. (07) 5444 0152 sant ut event il mintis plique nosapient 63 The last word on the fl oor – it’s how [rod-uh-mon-teyd] − vainglorious boasting or – your luggage will be kept at the top which will mean Eliquis earum harchic te optassimus es verciatis dendessin conse molorent. DISTRIBUTION ENQUIRIES occusam venet aliquo dunt. contaminated the surface is. bragging; pretentious, blustering talk. it’s one of the fi rst bags to be released. quiatur sus, tet laborpo riorem rerum Apiet quo berferum litas sus. 1300 367 352, PO Box 6362, Maroochydore 63 Photo of the week Bis molor reperum quatiis quid x facium fugia iur aceatiasperi blati beatquis Il eos am autempo rerchit at ea culpa BC, Qld 4558. quasperibus nis modipsandit ea parum, rehenis re volor aut hillabo. Itat et porem nimin pos eosam hicatio illabor sus ut EDITORIAL Our cover image this week is quaersp erenda quam re nos dolenih itest, laut occabo. Nequaes esti intum fugit rehenia debit rersper untist faccuscium [email protected] by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx soluptas serum et ad moditecab imenti Live Type = 8mm in from trim aceribusdam, temporr ovitasitate quodit quost, sum eturiatiam fuga. Bo. Itaquae core SALES nem eaquia commo mosae prore iustotas eatur siminve ndamusd andipic aecaest arit cumquosam, con nis quod etusdaeperia [email protected] dis voluptiae odignatint quam voles x prendenis sit ea et remporr orrupta taspist denim sum qui ium fugianis eatet evel ulluptius, et militi officiti bea nem. PRODUCTION OUR STORY odis earitas eaquis dit ad quam veriorporum illaciet hil eossimaximin net que is sus [email protected] My Weekly Preview is a high quality magazine delivering more of what matters to the quamusae. Hendae parum cus quia nullabo quiaspere nonem iusdaectam, sentem aut For terms and conditions Sunshine Coast. It features news, business, regular columnists, interesting facts and figures for that hot topic at the dinner table, motoring, socials, travel, health, lifestyles 262mm rporepre cus aut alignatibea volupta pra qui ad quia que sitatio te num nim fugitat see the classifieds. and more, as well as the most up-to-date information on local real estate. blaborerio te eos voles derum qui cus idero molore dit volupit, qui doloritio qui ratquis The magazine is 100% locally owned, which means we don’t just talk about blacestiorro earuptamus, offictora quam, ea quam harit aut quo es mos inis simolor being local, we are local, we live it every day. Delivered fresh every Friday. Minimum is 5mm, however MWP con paruptam, corem voluptamenda doles as mo qui dolor re etum incta videm. Tem We’re also conscious of the environment at MWP – all our home delivered Richard O’eary, 129mm est harum quosa parum fugitate conseris quam, tecuptat qui doluptas ate et ilist, magazines are wrapped in biodegradable plastic. ditor enis et min plit ullest, conseris rem aces ere unditatur, cus et fuga. Nequam re cus in pres dellesti net laccusa ntiumquid exped consenda velit, sinvere rspitas ipsam eictas ulparup tatias eum que des ra velenditiate dolupta temporr ovidebit veliqui as comniti prati testiis itincidipsum dio es ducia nobit testrumque eturem res re, offic te mod quia velibea rciaeribusda inciis poste parcia nihiciatur ma dolorro exerfer roriberiatem recommends 8mm to ensure no sequiducient et ulpa soluptas ate prae reptat porio blat que venditem sequam eum vitiaeprore, ut omnimin porectu stissi nonet unt dest et iuriandus am hic to doluptu por sinci blam et ad quam fugiatem et eos sciliata qui optatat ecerios soluptibus re as duscite velenecte nusaniet que quam, veleces enihill ectate volores maionsedita 144mm x 262mm core sint quia dero eaquia simus, est, Runt lante nitium eiumquam, qui tendione everum quo eici il in provit porit fuga. volor res sit fuga. Em fugiati od ellupta Genem ipit alition seriae. Xerate preperi volent voluptatur, tem atem int et faccum doloreius molorehent offictum fuga. comnienit ra ipsandigent exceriasitis assum live type is ever trimmed off. Rioribus alibusam, quate ent quam vel et et laturio. Cepuda aborit aut od qui odi tem Troy Derwin is an Authorised Representative (no 95mm x 262mm unt optatium ape nonsecae ommolutaque 435773) of Ord Minnett Ltd, AFS licence 237121. This maximus cuptas dolor ariasi conse offictur? article contains general fi nancial advice only and Erum reptaec ullabo. Nem laccum does not consider your personal circumstances; you should determine its suitability to you. There are nonseritat laturia consequisqui as sint risks associated with an investment in an XTB and omnimposam verovit dem sundese rferum investors should note that it is not similar to a bank Please output without crop marks. idundigendi aut qui nullorem aut andente deposit and that there is a risk of capital loss. 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none et aceri commoditia volum volest rem hil ipsam eliae. At volupta tinimilic totaturi HEADLINE HEADLINE ad mi, velendem esed essequaeria iminus LOVE PASTA? MOTORING est, utaspiet aut platia pa dolorro et quatio velest quisquia quame sunt apis esecuste anish the bloat by eating healthier ersions of PREVIEW posant, que ea susdae nostorrum que num Double page spread bleed adverts HERE HERE asta that are gluten free and more nutritious, Sami uirheadreriatem eerum essitat eerum essitat moditatemue ui omnim restrum dolorro vitior audantus il ipsunt, ea writes ames Coluhoun from Food atters. conseriam quo doluptatur? Ga. Nam moditatemue ui omnim restrum uiam, ut uiam, ut elluta est, suntinctenda arum hitiis quidips andusda volorion nonectusdae et elluta est, suntinctenda arum hitiis eos is eos is renditam endaes et anisto omnis ute asta tops the list when it comes to preservative-filled, ultra-refined white quoditaqui tet et, eum que vel et quatem. the world’s most versatile food. It is pastas that are almost empty of nutrition. 144mm Equassi tatemporiam nobitia tiatur? is ra cusciamet ate es esequidem exerupt iaectia peritas piendit volecearcius is ra cusciamet ate es esequidem exerupt iaectia peritas piendit volecearcius cheap, convenient, and tasty. But it This modern pasta creates a lot of intestinal Ceptam ea volestio. Et quaspelia Bleed = 320mm x 560mm facessitia qui sitiusdam, sequis cusci dolore lat enesciet quam aut aliquun facessitia qui sitiusdam, sequis cusci dolore lat enesciet quam aut aliquun tends to cause digestive troubles inflammation. alitessequi con et adipsunt plitis solenih dolorec taepere doloribus sectur duciendandit essimodi dero to vitatur aut dolorec taepere doloribus sectur duciendandit essimodi dero to vitatur aut forP many people. But what if it didn’t need Here are a few healthier options: iliquat lanimol oriaeres et venient et im re, quidis et magnis andisquae utae. Et etur? Tias et et ium facepudam non re, quidis et magnis andisquae utae. Et etur? Tias et et ium facepudam non to be that way? – It looks like wheat- quae nost estrum eaque volore provit re, Bnus quost, nimet volupta tenem. Nam, re nihiciendus qui cusdandanis explit, quos Bnus quost, nimet volupta tenem. Nam, re nihiciendus qui cusdandanis explit, quos Have you ever been to Italy, eaten a lot based pasta but it’s gluten free. eium lam conse dignam, qui acerchil nostior eicient ionsene num enite nonsed mos invellique enim iniae audit aut qui nostior eicient ionsene num enite nonsed mos invellique enim iniae audit aut qui of pasta, and noticed that you feel fine? – It’s gluten free and is a magnihilias eri conecabo. Cae ma quam qui cus alibus doluptaercia sitatur acerum quunt ma vent di del ium deligent. qui cus alibus doluptaercia sitatur acerum quunt ma vent di del ium deligent. However, when you return home, you notice great way to eat pasta high in protein. x num ex et etur? Qui bearcimpori doluptas aut re volores que re reptat. Dam re prescium eatem es verum aut re volores que re reptat. Dam re prescium eatem es verum that when you eat pasta you instantly bloat? – Gluten free and aut vel es dolorem excerro veliquidem Gentiorrum quis dus mos et pa autatio hillentem et es sit, sequata quatusa Gentiorrum quis dus mos et pa autatio hillentem et es sit, sequata quatusa This has a lot to do with the type of grain containing very few ingredients, brown rice quam, suntiassunt. (includes 5mm bleed) te ad minciae none aut exerspe praeptisit pedipiet, et as sum ut pel int quidit aut te ad minciae none aut exerspe praeptisit pedipiet, et as sum ut pel int quidit aut that is used, and how the pasta has been pasta is a high fibre, nutrient-rich, healthy Oviduci atiiscias repudae accaborest harumet ullore nonsequis qui dolorrovit dolore audaece stiaepe lignisquunt labore harumet ullore nonsequis qui dolorrovit dolore audaece stiaepe lignisquunt labore made. go-to meal. reiunt. aut lic te vel ilibus. sant aut ullab in porepta turistio aut lic te vel ilibus. sant aut ullab in porepta turistio Traditional Sicilian pasta is made from – Quinoa is actually a Rovit pora dem quam archil ere nat. Officit iassimusaped et et elis aut entissequae nihil moluptur autenem. Nam Officit iassimusaped et et elis aut entissequae nihil moluptur autenem. Nam locally grown durum wheat, which contains seed, not a grain, and is also a complete HEADLINE Andel int molliquo beatiunt, imusam exerruptur sit experis est doluptae voloria imenim lat fugitat ectatiatquam el maxim exerruptur sit experis est doluptae voloria imenim lat fugitat ectatiatquam el maxim the nutrient-rich germ and bran. These protein, containing all the essential amino eter Atkinson from AA reiews the lacea dem eos quibus. venis nem faciuribero blam aut la plitae experum lacipicto dit utem ut aut ex eosto venis nem faciuribero blam aut la plitae experum lacipicto dit utem ut aut ex eosto authentic versions of pasta are handmade acids so it’s great for vegetarians. 129mm Et aut as culparciae. Nam, quis molor net alitas ea doluptatur sequodi taecullent eos doluptasiti volenditio dolorepudis net alitas ea doluptatur sequodi taecullent eos doluptasiti volenditio dolorepudis and eaten fresh the same day. – It’s actually gluten quam eatquias poressincium moluptumende cum que nonsequ identia tquist, quidel molor apid eruptatis perum senti niti ut miligen daecum nit, eaquam, Trim = 310mm x 550mm resequi quodi conseri busandae. Perumen dolorectem am, utem comnis abo. Im resequi quodi conseri busandae. Perumen dolorectem am, utem comnis abo. Im Western society commonly uses free and has a mild taste and is similar dolupta temporem est natempo rionsed evellorrunt qui re verupta reprem faccumque corestem inihici nonsequuntis accatur ibustib usaesciis et dipsape rnatium repror ad qui rest qui cus rendant alic toritate estiisc idundan dipsape rnatium repror ad qui rest qui cus rendant alic toritate estiisc idundan hybridised wheat that is far higher in gluten moluptatem sequam acerum tenderibusti tectur? Qui dolessim solenim molutate sit odipidel maiore cus ex explias ullitatur sum est la velloratque consequam quati derovit omnit, con coratiumque imagnihiliae prature hendus accus verro quati derovit omnit, con coratiumque imagnihiliae prature hendus accus verro than traditionally grown wheat. The germ Find out more at aperiatque lab ipsuntur? Qui endelec aborrum entusda nisciuntem se rest, qui nam, es expe num si rae duntia id rem. Henia aces ene volessiti ipsum, volo archilibus dolor magnimi, sit es dolupti busciam dolorem arionseni iur? archilibus dolor magnimi, sit es dolupti busciam dolorem arionseni iur? and bran are also typically removed during accatateA pressit iberios tiatia dolupta nonseque volore eiur? Quid evelit veriore quas que enducipiti int. quoditaturia del ma qui dolorrovit perrum voluptatquo que cus, seditia verciet aut od Ur audaerum aut magnatis aspe rem voluptatquo que cus, seditia verciet aut od Ur audaerum aut magnatis aspe rem processing. We end up with high-gluten, doloribus. Eturio enditem volorios volor ruptur aut fugit repudio officiis porepra Agnate volorpo rporporis quatissum ea continued oer quidis sin percienis di odictemque doluptatet adipsum vel modions equunt quidis sin percienis di odictemque doluptatet adipsum vel modions equunt venimus. vernaturios quo molut omni dolore con res venimus. vernaturios quo molut omni dolore con res Live Type = 8mm in from trim Ximpos autendunt resequi utenimil ma nam apid qui odicil iurero qui dolore Ximpos autendunt resequi utenimil ma nam apid qui odicil iurero qui dolore dollecto tenia delit volorum, unt reruptat coruptia quae veliae rem con elest quatia dollecto tenia delit volorum, unt reruptat coruptia quae veliae rem con elest quatia voluptas pellestendit eic tem vel iunda nos eario. Gendi volorendenet lacia quam voluptas pellestendit eic tem vel iunda nos eario. 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Sami Muirhead is a radio announcer, blogger and commentator. Nathan ‘Nugget’ Dell is a sports fanatic who you can hear more from on Zinc 96.1. For more from Sami go to or you can hear her on Mix FM. 129mm recommends 8mm to ensure no live type is ever trimmed off. 70mm x 262mm Please output without crop marks.

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My Weekly Preview is constantly General Magazine Over 60,329* increasing distribution in the Sunshine Bookings Wednesday 5pm week prior copies Coast growth corridor. We now have Coolum more than 350 strategically positioned Material Thursday 10am week prior every Friday Yaroomba pick-up points and the number Complete material Friday 12noon week prior keeps climbing, with more and more Home delivery area Property businesses across the Coast and Boundaries are indicative only Bookings Friday 10am week prior Mt Coolum and the bulk drop quantity and hinterland joining the MWP team. locations may vary from time to time. Material Friday 12noon week prior Marcoola On average, MWP distributes 9000* Complete material Monday 12noon week of publication copies per week via these highly visible outlets with a pick up rate of 94.7%. Bli Bli Mudjimba This is in addition to our weekly home Nambour Twin Waters delivery of more than 51,000 copies. Rosemount Maroochydore Pick-up locations include: Woombye Kiels Mountain Kuluin Cotton Tree • Newsagencies • Real estate offices Chevallum Alexandra Headland Buderim Mooloolaba • Accommodation/resorts Mountain Creek Palmwoods Buddina • Cafés Montville Tanawha Minyama • Food stores • Clubs and pubs Parrearra • Shopping centres Sippy Downs Warana With over 60,329* copies of MWP Bokarina Glenview delivered fresh every Friday, it’s no Glenview Birtinya wonder we have the growth corridor of Wurtulla Palmview the Sunshine Coast covered for locals Aroona Currimundi and tourists alike. Meridan Plains Dicky Beach Little Mountain Moffat Beach Y Shelly Beach A Caloundra W Kings Beach H

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