Reproductive Status Assessments and Restoration Recommendations for Ashy Storm-Petrels, Scripps’s Murrelets, and Cassin’s Auklets breeding on Anacapa Island, Channel Islands National Park Chapter 1: Ashy Storm-Petrel, Scripps’s Murrelet, and Cassin’s Auklet reproductive status assessments and restoration recommendations in 2011-2012 A. Laurie Harvey1,2, David M. Mazurkiewicz2, Matthew McKown3, Kevin W. Barnes2,4, Mike W. Parker1, and Sue J. Kim1 Chapter 2: Passive acoustic surveys for Ashy Storm-Petrel vocal activity on Anacapa Island in 2011 and 2012 Matthew McKown3, Bernie Tershy3, Don Croll3 1Current address: California Institute of Environmental Studies 3408 Whaler Avenue Davis, CA 95616
[email protected] 2Channel Islands National Park 1901 Spinnaker Drive Ventura, CA 93001 3Conservation Metrics, Inc. 100 Shaffer Rd. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 4Current address: Ball State University 2000 West University Avenue Muncie, IN 47306 Final Report 1 November 2013 Suggested Citations: Chapter 1: Harvey, A. L., D.M. Mazurkiewicz, M. McKown, K.W. Barnes, M.W. Parker, and S.J. Kim. 2013. Ashy Storm-Petrel, Scripps’s Murrelet, and Cassin’s Auklet reproductive status assessments and restoration recommendations in 2011-2012. Unpublished report, California Institute of Environmental Studies. 55 pages. Chapter 2: McKown, M.W., B. Tershy, and D. Croll. 2013. Passive acoustic surveys for Ashy Storm-Petrel vocal activity on Anacapa Island in 2011 and 2012. Unpublished report, Conservation Metrics Inc. 14 pages. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • We conducted a two year study at Anacapa Island to assess current breeding distribution of Ashy-Storm Petrels (Oceanodroma homochroa; ASSP), Cassin’s Auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus; CAAU), and Scripps’s Murrelets (Synthliboramphus scrippsi; SCMU).