Royal Army Medical Corps
J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-14-01-17 on 1 January 1910. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. (torps, 'lRews. Protected by copyright. JANUARY, 1910., ARMY MEDICAL SERYICE. Surgeon-General William Donovan, C.B., retires on retired pay, dated November 17, 1909. , Colonel Owen E. P. Lloyd V.C., to' be Surgeon-General, vice W. Donovan, C.B., retired, dated November 17,1909. Brevet-Colonel Tom P. Woodhouse, from the Royal Army Medical Corps, 'to be Colonel, vice O.E. P. Lloyd. V.C., dated November 17, 1909. , , Surgeon-General William L. Gubbins, C..B., lILV.O., M,B., Deputy-Director General, Army Medical Service, to be an Honorary Surgeon to the King, vice Brigade. Surgeon-Lieutenant. Colonel and Brevet-Colonel C. E. Harrison, C. V.O.,M.B.• retired, dated October 19, 1909. ' ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant Colin Cassidy is seconded for Service with the Egyptian Army, dated October 14, 1909. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert D. Hodson is placed on retired pay, dated December 14, 1909. The undermentioned Quartermasters, 'Royal Army Medical Corps, are placed on retired pay: Honorary Captain Edward Percy 1\'[oss, dated November 20, 1909; Honorary Lieutenant John Glennon, dated December 13, 1909. Serjeant-Major John Wilson to be Quartermaster, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, vice Honorary Captain E. P. Moss, dated November 20, 1909. The undermentioned Quartermasters and' Honorary Lieutenants are granted the on September 26, 2021 by guest. honorary rank of Captain: Alfred J. Chalk, John Green, William J. C.
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