Nutrient and Water Dynamics in Rotational Woodlots

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Nutrient and Water Dynamics in Rotational Woodlots Nutrient andwate r dynamics in rotational woodlots. A case studyi nwester n Tanzania CENTRALE LANDBOUWCATALOGUS 0000 0934 0577 Promotor: Prof.Dr .Ir .O .Oenem a Hoogleraar, Management vanNutriente n enBodemvruchtbaarhei d Copromoten: Dr. Ir.B.H . Janssen Universitair Hoofddocent, sectie Bodemkwaliteit Dr. H.W.G. Booltink Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Energie enMilie u (Novem) Samenstelling promotiecommissie: Prof.Dr .C.K .Ong , University ofNottingham , UK/ World Agroforestry Centre,Nairobi , Kenya Prof.Dr .K.E .Giller , Wageningen Universiteit Prof.Dr .Ir .G.M.J .Mohren , Wageningen Universiteit Prof.Dr .Ir .O .va n Cleemput, Ghent University, Belgium Nutrient andwate r dynamics in rotational woodlots. A case study inwester n Tanzania Gerson Isaac Nyadzi Proefschrift ter verkrijging van degraa d van doctor opgeza g van derecto r magnificus van Wageningen Universiteit, Prof.Dr . Ir.L . Speelman inhe t openbaar te verdedigen opwoensda g 18februar i 2004 desnamiddag st e vier uur in deAula . Gerson Isaac Nyadzi (2004) Nutrient andwate r dynamics inrotationa l woodlots.A cas e study in western Tanzania. Ph.D.thesi s Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 18thFebruar y 2004. -with references, -with summary in English and Dutch. ISBN: 90-5808-994-0 1,1/ _, '- ' I ->—> *-- Propositions (Stellingen) 1. Sustainability of rotational woodlots is jeopardized more by depletion of nutrients than by depletion of water. This thesis 2. In the short term, Acacia crassicarpa is a good choice for rotational woodlots, but in the long term Leucaena pallida is preferred. This thesis 3. Technology development makes missions possible. Mars Exploration Rover Mission, January 2004. 4. Participatory research is more beneficial for the scientist who has no experience in farming than for the farmer who has no experience in science. 5. People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. 6. The easiest way to grow as a person, is to surround yourself with people smarter than you. Propositions belonging to the Ph.D. thesis of Gerson Isaac Nyadzi entitled: "Nutrient and water dynamics in rotational woodlots. A case study in western Tanzania". Wageningen, The Netherlands, February 18,2004 . ABSTRACT Nyadzi G.I. Nutrient and water dynamics in rotational woodlots. A case study in western Tanzania. PhDthesis . Wageningen University, TheNetherlands , 194pp . Rotations of trees and crops on farms are considered as a potential technology to overcome the shortage of wood, reverse deforestation of natural forests and improve soil fertility for food security enhancement in western Tanzania, sub-Saharan Africa. However, over- exploitation of soil water resources and depletion of soil nutrients have been suggested as possible negative effects of growing trees on farms in the semi-arid tropics. Such possible pitfalls undermine and even threaten a successful implementation of the woodlot technology at larger scale. Evidently, without proper understanding of the interactions and possible competition between trees and crops, the potential benefits of this agroforestry technology will not be realized. Therefore, this study was focused on improving the understanding of tree-soil-crop interactions by examining water and nutrient dynamics of various trees planted inrotationa l woodlots with a 5-year cycle. Field trials were established with five-year rotational woodlots. Five tree species were compared with natural fallow and continuous maize. Inter-cropping of maize between trees was possible for the first two years of tree establishment without sacrificing maize yield. There was no evidence that trees were over-exploiting the water reserves after three years. Transpiration was greatest in A. crassicarpaan d was related to stem diameter, size of the tree canopy and soil water availability. Trees depleted relatively more water than continuous maize and natural fallow, but were able to store more water after rains. Acacia trees had high litter fall but the leaves were low in P and N, which led to N and P immobilization during decomposition. Trees retrieved leached inorganic N and made better use of it than natural fallow and continuous maize. Wood production at the end of the five-year growing period ranged from 30 to 90 Mg ha_1 while C sequestered in the aboveground biomass during the same period ranged between 13 to 30 Mg ha-1. The rate of biomass production was highest for Acacia species while the foliage nutrient accumulation was highest for Leucaena species. The wood component varied greatly among species, ranging from 32 to 85%o f the total tree biomass. Maize yields were higher after growing trees than after natural fallow and continuous maize when no fertilizers were applied. The benefits of tree fallows compared to natural fallows were modest, in terms of maize yield increases. The increase in crop yields after woodlots was attributed in part to higher soil inorganic N.Maiz e responded to fertiliser N and P. The agronomic efficiency was about 30 kg grain per kg N applied at a rate of 50 kg fertilizer N, and 15k g kg-1 between 50 and 100k g N applied. Application of moretha n 20 kg ha_l of P or K did not significantly increase maize yields. The benefit of woodlots expressed in terms of maize yield was more pronounced at mid and lower slope positions than at upper slopes. The significance of rotational woodlots in improving soil fertility is limited by substantial accumulation of nutrients in wood. Nutrient mining by wood exportation is therefore a major threat for the sustainability of woodlots, when the exported nutrients are not supplemented via external sources. Medium-term rotational woodlots have the potential to meet the domestic and industrial wood needs and at the same time to reduce deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Key words: Acacia, aboveground biomass, agronomic efficiency of fertilizers, C sequestration, decomposition, deforestation, fuel-wood, harvest index, immobilization, internal nutrient utilization efficiency, land degradation, Leucaena, nutrient content, recovery efficiency of fertilizers, Senna, soil fertility, transpiration, woody fallows, wood production. PREFACE The aimo fth e project wast o improve theunderstandin g oftree-soil-cro p interactions in an agroforestry system by examining water and nutrient dynamics in rotational woodlots technology. This thesis has been possible through a sandwich PhD programme sponsored by Wageningen University andResearc h Centre (WUR) ofth e Netherlands and the Carolina MacGillavry PhD fellowships of the International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden. The research was also partly funded byth e Ministry ofAgricultur e through theTanzani a Agricultural Research Project phase two (TARP II) and the African Network for Agroforestry Education (ANAFE) of the World Agroforestry Centre (WAC).T othe m allI exten d my acknowledgement. Many people have helped mei non ewa yo rth eothe r buti twoul d be difficult to mention them all. I am particularly grateful to Professor Dr. Oene Oenema for accepting to promote my study. His critical comments and suggestions on the structure and contents of the thesis have considerably improved its quality and readability. I am also grateful to my supervisors and co-promoters, Dr. Bert Janssen and Dr. Harry Booltink for their tireless encouragement, criticisms and support that helped met o accomplish mywor k successfully. I learned a lot from all of them and would liket othan k particularly Dr. Janssen forhi s excellent guidance andavailabilit y all the time. I also really benefited from his knowledge and long experience in problems related totropica l soil fertility. Bert, I amver y proud tob eyou r last Ph.D. student before your retirement! Other scientists and technicians were very helpful during some parts ofm y research and are acknowledged in the respective thesis chapters. However, I would like to mention a few here. I am thankful to Dr. Robert Otsyina and Dr. Freddie Kwesiga whomotivate d met o undertake this PhDstudy . I am very grateful to Prof. Dr. Chin Ong forintroducin g met oa ne w area ofm yresearc h career on'wate r useb y trees'. Prof. Ong also contributed a lot to the establishment of field trials and improvement of the research proposal and for reading and commenting on several chapters ofthi s thesis. Dr. Jackson Mulatya andDr . Ahmed Khan taught meho wt o handle the 'sap flow gauges' andt o apply the 'heat-pulse techniques' for which Ia m very grateful. I am very grateful to my employer, the Ministry of Agriculture for the study leave granted to metha t gave meampl etim et oconcentrat e onm yresearch . Many thanks to everybody at the Department of Soil Quality of WUR for the friendship and hospitality you accorded to me, especially all my PhD colleagues. I thank you for the good time we shared at the department especially when singing songs for the many colleagues that were graduating in 2003! Thanks Wilkson Makumba (Dr.) for being a dependable friend and sharing agroforestry discussions that kept me on track. Monika Stachowicz and Dr. Liping Weng, it was great to share the office with you. You always accepted my queries when I was looking for either specific websites or problems related to computer use. I am indebted to Dr. Nicole Wrage for thekin d assistance inth e preparation ofth efinal versio n ofth ethesis . The good co-operation of fellow international and Dutch students made my stay at Wageningen more enjoyable for which I am grateful. Lots of thanks to all members of the ecumenical group of the Student Chaplaincy, especially Rev. Josine van der Horst, Gozien van der Schans and Christine de Jong for giving support when it was most needed. I enjoyed the company and words of encouragement from the Tanzanian community in the Netherlands, particularly those at Wageningen. Also deserving thanks are friends who took care of our children while my wife and I were away. Rev. Peter Nkungu and Deusdedit Byamungu's families were of especially helpful.
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