Title: Impact Assessment (IA) Local TV: Implementing a new framework IA No: DCMS005 Lead department or agency: DCMS Date: 28/06/2011 Other departments or agencies: Stage: Final Ofcom, HMT, BBC Source of intervention: Domestic Type of measure: Secondary legislation Contact for enquiries: Ruth John - 020 7211 6977
[email protected] Summary: Intervention and Options What is the problem under consideration? Why is government intervention necessary? Research (see para 34) shows high demand from audiences for local news and content, some of which is available through newspapers, radio and online. However, the UK market has been unable to support sustainable commercially viable local TV, as it is hampered by market barriers with limited regulatory incentives. Despite television being the media platform with the greatest household use, these barriers limit commercial opportunities for local TV to develop. Government can incentivise the market and encourage growth by tackling the barriers to entry and creating a framework for local TV services to emerge that will bring wider economic, social, cultural and democratic benefits. Local TV will have a vital role to play in the localism agenda, in holding local institutions to account and increasing civic engagement at a local level. What are the policy objectives and the intended effects? In line with the Coalition Agreement, Government is committed to enabling local TV to emerge in the UK. The Government will create a regulatory framework to enable and support commercially sustainable local TV as part of the wider growth agenda. This will not be an imposition on existing broadcasters or create new regulatory burdens.