442 NANTWICB. . [KELLY'S clothing or money, as they shall from time to. time approve to the beauty of the scenery. Parkfield, about.'half a: miltJ of, the poor r{lsiding in Hospital .street to have the pre­ from the town, is tihe seat of .Al!bert ~eilson Hornby ference : the testator died in I 846, and this gift is now ~q. J.P. invested in £2 rss. per cent. .Annuities, the dividends The area. of the township is 68B acres of land 11nd I 5 amounting to £zs rs. 4d. Thomas Proudman gave 2os. of water; rateable value, £zr,7I6; the population in IBgx a year, to be distributed in bread for the poor residing was--eccles

OFFICIAL EST.ABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIO NS, &c. Post, :M. 0. & T. 0., T. ~L 0., Express Delivery, Parcel The Mayor of & the Chairmen of the Nantwich Post, S. E. & .Annuity&; Insurance Office, Pepper stree·t. Urban & Nantwich Rural District Councils, for th& --George Christopher Mynett, postmaster. time being, are ex-officio magistrates Letters arrive at Nantwich from London & all parts at Clerk to tJhe .Magistrates, Charles Edward Speakman~ 2.•15 i& ro a.m. & II.3Q & 6.5 p.m. Town deliveries Coppenhall terrace, Market street, Crewe at 7 & 10.3Q a.m. & 2 & 6 p.m. The letter box is Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, Welch row," cleared for outgoing mails at 9·4'5 a.m. 12.215, 2-45, 8 Nantwich, on the second Monday in every month at n & IQ p.m. (Extra halfpenny stamp up to IO.IS p.m) a.m. ; occasional courts are also hekl daily (wheiJ Hours of Attendance.-Sale of stamps & postal orders. & necessary) & at the Court house, road, Crewe~ registration of letters, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Money order, on the fourth Monday at II a.m savings bank & telegraph business, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The places in the division are :-Acton, .Aston-juxta-~Ion­ Sunday attendances: postal, 7 to 10 a.m. (stamps & drum, ., ., '.Alvaston, Barthocton, Has­ registration only); telegraph, 8 to IQ a.m.; sunday ford, Ba.ddington, , Blakenhall, . night despatch. as on week days Broomhall, Buerton, :, Checkley-cum-Wrineluli. The Wall Box collections are so arranged as to fall into Chorley, Chorlton, Cholmondest{)n, Coole Pilat€, Crewe,. the various outgoing mails. The hours of collection Dodcott-cum-Wilkesley, Doddington, Edleston. Faddi­ are indicated upon each box ley, , , Hatberton, Hough, Hunst€r• Parcel Despawbes.-9.45 a.m. I2.25, 8 & IQ p.m son, , , ua1 Marbury-cum-Quois­ Parcel :Delive

OOUNTY MAGISTRATF.S FOR NANTWICH PETI'Y URBAN DISTRICT COU~OIL. SESSIONAl, DIVISIO'X. Council room, Town hall. Tollemache Henry James esq. B . .A., M.P. Dorfold ball, Mef\ting day, every other friday at 7 p.m. Na.ntwich, chairman Cotton Col. The Hon. Richard Southwell George Stapl~ Members. ton-, Somerford hall, Brewood. Stafford Ohairman, Charles Edward Davenport. Broughton Sir Delves Louis bart.Dod<1ington hall,Nantwch Vice-Chairman, Edward Starkie Haighton. Atkinson James' Nq. Mirion house, Crewe Bancroft John esq. Nantwich Barony Ward. Bayley James• esq. Willaston hall, J'\antwich Retl re April Retira April Beckett Joseph esq. Belvidere, Wirswall, Whitchurch R. T. Turner ...... I9Q3 Frederick Walker ...... 1905 Bellyse Edwin Reginald esq. M.A. Oakfield, , William Lea ...... 1904 Arthur H. Hoc ken hull. 1905 Nantwich Brocklebank Ralph esq. D.L. Houghton hall, Tarporley, Weaver Ward. Chester Retire April Retire .A prii Chest€rs Philip Hale esq. Elm house, Pillory st. Nantwicb Matthew Boyer ·-······· I9Q3 I Arthur Vickers ...... 1904 Chew William Laurence esq. Hankelow Court, .Audlem, Henry Hinde ...... I9Q3 J Renben Clough ...... 19('5 Nantwich Cotton-Jodrell Edward Thomas Davenant esq. Rease• Wellington Ward. heath hall, Na.ntwich Retire April Retire April Dutton William Joseph esq. Brindley Lea hall, Nantwich James Gilbert ...... 1903 Wilfred Harlock ...... 1904 Emberton John esq. Town house, Buerton, NMJ.twich E. S. Haighton ... -····· I904 Chas.Ed. Davenport c.E IgoS Hale Surgeon-Major Thomas Egerton M.D., V.C., B..!.., F.R.Hist.S., F.R.Met.Soc. lodge, Nantwich Clerk, .Alfred Edwin Whittingham, 9 Welch row Hornby .Albert Neilson esq. Parkfield, Nantwich Treasurer, Waiter Young, Birmingham District & Coun- Kearsley Major Robert Wilson, Stapeley house, Nantwich ties Bank McNeill William esq. Herdman street, Crewe Medical Officer of Healtb,John Douglas Ross Mnnro :M.D . ., Mnnro Seymour Hugh esq. M.D. Kiltearn ho. Nantwich C.M. Hospital street Pedley Richard esq. Winterley hou~. Hasling-toa, Crewe Surveyor, William Frederick Newey, Market street. Poole Cudworth Halsted esq. MaTbury, Whitchurch,Salop Sanitary Inspector, Herbert Gentry, Marsh lane Roundell Charles Savile esq. M.A. 7 Sussex sq. Brighton Water Inspector, Wv,lter Williams, Market street Schroder The Baron Willia.m Henry Van D.L. The Collector, Joseph Parton Whittingham, Welch row Rookery, Nantwich Market Toll Collector, .Aaron Parkes, Barony Sohroder William Henry Van esq. The Cottage, Worles- School .Attendance Officer, .Aaron Parkes, The Barony ton, Nantwich Slcidmore James Stephen esq. The Crosslands, Nantwich NA.NTWICH RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Sta.rkey .Arthur esq. Wrenbury ball, Nantwich Tayleur Jn. esq. Buntingdales hall. Market Drayton,Salop Meets at Lamb hotel, on saturday, monthly, at 2.30 p.m­ Thomas John esq. Wedgwm~d villa, Crewe Chairman, Charles Brereton Davi.es, Eardswick hall, Mid­ Webb Francis William esq. Chester place, Crewe dlewich