Legend ' ! ' Biesiesfontein 0 0 ° K R403 °

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Legend ' ! ' Biesiesfontein 0 0 ° K R403 ° WWeesstteerrnn CCaappee 18°0'0"E 19°0'0"E 20°0'0"E 21°0'0"E 22°0'0"E 23°0'0"E 24°0'0"E S uffels S " B " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 ° k R357 ° 0 Sa 0 3 LK 3 latklip Gasab Rooip e t g e e l B s u o f b f u e l o t s l r B S o w o a p R e C e r a no t r st l w er l n v i P le n a a i Municipal Demarcation Board o s p r pr t k v ui j u o t W i i ls n e l s e K e g a t t e k R361 o R388 p LK Tel: (012) 342 2481 K l R355 LK e i n LK s - r N e R357/R361 g H o S N10 o n n A u a KL d a O e u d b k l g a Fax: (012) 342 2480 ra f s a p al R357 r b LK ui t i R d e LK oo n s ib a lo r Vanwyksvlei Dam m B s San lo R358 d ot email: [email protected] Sp oe LK g R386 LK LKR48 e web: www.demarcation.org.za lt ho es Bitter n t s o ui B r ot o t t l ls ers la s o l V agt e o Ap !Kliprand ril H se B s g r o e be R361 Smartt Syndrate Dam i e e oo B s b R LK r t a a n k r k e a o s H r n i G R353 u te t R355 g r a LK a e LK el d o r T n D N10 u R384 B O KL r l a R389 rom b k K a K LK LK g a h l l k n Sw a s e ar l t - a o o Do g r rin o G g t t So e e ut t N7 Kamdanie g LK e E e i l R357 e l r i g LKR K u L a t k e i s e t e g i a B la N12 h KL B g Carn rak !Rietpoort R355/R357 a arvon lb leegt u e S T S " " 0 0 Legend ' ! ' Biesiesfontein 0 0 ° K R403 ° 1 L 1 N E 3 LK la 3 a nd b s ! fo Bitterfontein e n e e gte te e t llelee R348 i b t zvi n g Reit R389 g e oring e gt K WCDMA01 D L a e T e le LK a l rm h l r la s A e e k t ken r l La p o a a o ! n k r w G l e j s Niekerkspoort Dam o e e e i e G e Main Towns - e lb W !Nuwerus B R398 in e ak e Ha Br l k nta Brak LK K s R357 ms O n nge Kleinfontei K Dassiess rs L t r !Komkans aatlaagte ep Garo Driekop Dam t - K k ou root ra S G a B V r in i Seekoei e le Stofkraal Dam K s e g Provinces b a is e t R355 r V t - u g LK n o l Kriegerspoort Dam i S e le S K a e k g e t Ro t e ! oib g Landplaas erg e le t e i ro k District Municipalities W D a Brak Dam Br V Soutpoort Dam o ls Victoria West Dam t t t ei r r u Vars Gansvl oo u o Karee Dam kp R398 is S te ra le g R63 t B aa Aspelling Dam i LK e L B LK ra g se k u Damplaas Dam t !Grootdrif ak R308 Paley Dam r e ivl p oo LK s R363 R Loxton Dam t a Local Municipalities LK g R27 s LK i V !Koekenaap G Brak K e l s f Droe e o i !Lutzville n n i o l - e t of k S n Matzikama gklo s Lan R a k o g i et Sout f f ! o o l Vanrhynsdorp g o Traditional Authority Areas G r WC011 n l o k a l s O R353 t u S d o Vredendal erts K S n nd L R362 G Lee a l G! roe e T roe - E LK T o W r i ed D !Papendorp o t A i B Spruitdrif u in ra e u k ! t r R362 n p S o f s District Management Areas o R356 e k s Ba K n kens L n u o i i klip o K e L t e ! t n Strandfontein p s K o t n sf a a d n Rietpoort Dam ! n a n o Klawer r la f G G s k E G B k r u o R381 a o s o o l W o t o B n K s i L K ! t o Doring Bay e - l t f R354 A n B r o v K a L f T S k Dams o t ou n e Kro t al k S i m a t r a o k u R N1 s ! r K r Trawal raal u L e B u k B Muis t yd loukr K n ans B r ! S r Hill Crest Dam Hillcrest l a e O i l n e Vonkfontein Dam n if d t a e g n w a Kl t a e B s y l in Modderpoort Dam uffels ! n s - Heerenlogement t R Swartbos Dam !G u ie National Roads S S !Doringbos t Murraysburg " P s " l G 0 0 ' Bulshoek Dam E S e ' N a a 0 u 0 l we k f ° v f ° a eld t 2 Van Der Merwe Dam s 2 n u 3 B 3 K d se WCDMA05 L s le n !Rosedene D ! i i Ratelfontein ! n te r Uitspankraal o - n e V e fo i w m s l a R P o D Gannakuils e !G i Main Roads !Lamberts Bay West Coast District Municipality Restvale e n W o Nelspoort n Jakkals s Doornfontein Dam ! S a t M o a e u o DC1 r r P t o l s atd rd ori e Mal ng n G! ansgat a Graafwater a r K s ts !Clanwilliam a a G G re G e B K a o m Railways Wolfhuis e Vanryneveldspasdam A ! !Renosterkop s d Ja Cederberg Twee Damme s l e ! e b n m o Leipoldtville r o D a Clanwilliam Dam a is S s n Lamber O R a WC012 t s shoek l ls r i o e k f n T a t Sandberg d ! s o u n Wuppertal o e G p l ! L t g n p an s e a s l g e v t R i le e i V l !Elands Bay E g l a Sw a t art Rivers n T a e d R355 V r s r M i a k Springfonteindam k s LK i J l a u o r o - R353 a ! r s t i G a f v a Beaufort West i T j e la i p i K s r L e K u e W f WCDMA01 a o O s r o f e n o e e t B r - s Pap Dam e n Oudebaaskraal Dam a k N r p i D K W n e ! V llei t a r Droërivier va e o m s e Berg k o r r e e i f Stolrivier Dam l n i s D o n o o De Hoopdam r n Ta e e g nk v t w Wilgerbos r e a T s le ee i Drief kl Sand i n ontein oo se Vi f S ! s s Paleisheuwel H k o ! p ui e l n Redelinghuys k Drie r hoek a T d s u wyk D u a ! i Kraai t s i g Cederberg l n s ! O a Noordkuil g l i u f t a r Beaufort West e n Brandkraal o t P t !Letjiesbos g u e e Put e K WC053 R61 l a G e K a r L e !Het Kruis !Citrusdal L e ks Central Karoo District Municipality n l oe n T i elh Leeu-Gamka Dam p a u off adko ! G Papkuil k Kn Skilp Wiegnaarspoort p DC5 a P B K oesman o R306 u sfont e s ! ein k e GMerweville LK n e L e bok m Bul a ms k J e ! L Ge Eendekuil u o e e !Dwarskersbos m k e ! s o rs u Aurora i h a R365 u t G B g t r i !Stompneus Bay r u i K a o r LK u u k e a e H K Saai r Ve K L ldm p St.Helena Bay o ans A m m S ! os Laaiplek e Port Owen ! Moutons Valley Dam b ! e Wi Leeu-Gamka s P ! G lge lessis !Velddrif Sandlaagte Dam r rf i R g on a p te e kam in k l i ! Steen e Koringplaas H ! v op GPaternoster t m s !Pools M s ! e shoek a Bergrivier Bokfontein i Frie a I n s R399 tji G r o e al ! sp kra G LK Sauer b is s la ! Mu l e a Kruidfontein WC013 y O s l se !Goedverwag P n g kraa ge l aer luks i Sw Data supplied by: R399 s W an LK D m G s r o !GVredenburg eat Berg !Piketberg Bloukloofleegte oe G rom r B ! K i !Bergrivier Witwater n S R338 g o ! ut LK De Hoek d Koeel Waterval Dam on ish a u k K S !Langebaanweg M ra S " ! T o " 0 Prince Albert Road u 0 ' Solomons Temple Dam ' 0 Porterville Dam d k 0 ° ! a ° Saldanha Koringberg ek a 3 b 3 C Saldanha Bay ! Moddervlei Dam eel 3 G A G B Kw 3 ! Misverstand Dam GPorterville d eekleegte Statistics South Africa a l WCDMA02 m ke LKN9 s in s WC014 k w R44 r ts !Dwyka g Beervleidam LK a i Prince Albert r a m s e ! !Hopefield Jakkals Dam l S ilgerbo Seekoegat G R303 ! W b Hilandale r iet e m K WC052 i al L G !G ro Rooidam P Langebaan ot Laingsburg T ! t Kommandokraal Lochlynne Dam Swartkop se Dam gehou Department: Water Affairs & Forestry Wil ! W WC051 Koup Jakkals itko G s ppi Witzenberg l es se e R Loo p p !G f R311 Rooifontein no.2- Dam o i Moorreesburg f ! l R27 Vleifontein n u Kat l K K k L a L WC022 d s Viskuil B Sand ! g t w Churchhaven a k ! w n a ! Geelbek l a i t ! e G K n a ! Baviaan G l s Laingsburg u m P rks Matjiesfontein Bobbejaan e e e Department: Provincial & Local Government da ! K !Prince Albert t r g H Boland District Municipality te ! ! ! a T R311 s Tweeside ! Whitehill la ak Y ! Oukloof Dam s a R307 Hottentotskloof ! Bantams s d LK ! Konstabel g W ! r n Oupos itbe G o P r root LK W a oo o G DC2 R46 ! f t Jan de Boers Floriskraal Dam oo e k !Rust LK ! skl t a ! d e GTulbagh Ezelsfontein lan r B M !Prince Alfred Hamlet E d a R45 Gamkapoortdam r tjiesv R329 ! k lei LK Gouda e N12 d ! l n Lushof Dam f v K a L Die Draai o o KL o S l l sk o Bakers Dam Department: Transport !Platteklip R46 G lui e G s f r Yzerfontein K ! Verkeerdevlei Dam o i Aap !Klaarstroom oo ! L Skoonvlei B s Ongegund ! ! t G Touws River - S ! Swartland Vlei ! !Voëlvlei Ceres Dam !Enduli Bokrivier o Lakenvlei Dam !Seweweekspoort G u Riebeek-WesVoelvlei Dam ! rob t WC015 ! D GSlanggat Dam !Vleiland bela k Darling i ar l G e ! Ceres ! Gants Dam s o Nouga ! Melville Dam o p Matjiesrivier ! Sandpoort O R315 !Rouxpos Raubenheimerdam f R311 !Wolseley Grootkraal LK Eselfontein Dam Oli LK fan ! Ben Etive Dam Roode Elsberg Dam G ts Hermon Kraggasrivier ! !Kruisrivier !La Plaisante ! ! Anys Matjiesvlei ! R307 G G!GMalmesbury !Bloutoring Groenfontein Droe K !Romansrivier ! Avondrust ! Buffels L G Anysberg De Doorns To Calitzdorp Dam !Schoemanshoek !Abbotsdale uw Pr ! !De Rust s ins G Ladismith !Zoar G G Gass ! ! R303 nskloof Mamre Soetendal LK Prinsrivier Dam Stompdrif Dam Raviaa !GCalitzdorp R341 !Pella R44 rg R339 Bav LK Breede Valley be iaan G e LK s G rw Oudtshoorn LK kloo Kalbaskraal f !Atlantis Patatskloof Dam Sku Kannaland e ! k ! lg R45 Bra G Dysselsdorp i G G R LK WC025 Keerom Dam !Kareevlakte !Oosgam LK R302 G WC045 !G W ! WC041 Oudtshoorn S LK Goedehoop ! ! i De Wet ! Zaaimansdal Hoopvol p R45 !Hoek van die Berg K LK Olifants amma r C ! nasie e Wilgerboomsrivier Plathuis WCDMA04 s Dagbreek !Wellington G!Worcester ! ! R318 Pietersfontein Hondewater sie Dwaa ! Windmill !Blouvlei rak !Volmoed as G! s ! K ! B an Uniondale L Pietersfontein Dam Philadelphia !Mooikelder Dam Rawsonville s Kammanassie Dam m a am G G! ! ! r K Nuy ! Keeskraal e ! R339 Voorsorg Koo Koutjie l !Steelwater !Klipheuwel ! o LK a Melkbosstrand Brandvlei Dam M a R312 Paarl Bellair Dam r ! ! Gr D ! K !Lanquedoc Dam oot o ! Buffelsdrif !Avontuur k L s G ri !Haarlem City of Cape Town Boerboonfontein n Daskop G t Nantes DGam g Speelmanskraal r Breede River/Winelands ! s ! G Van Wyksdorp e Warmwaterberg r Meu K l Ke b Bethal Dam Drakenstein ! a urb ! Kwaggaskloof Dam erde l ! oo u CPT g D a i !Noll m l s ! WC026 n p o J Suider Paarl i e Moordkuil !GMontagu r Molenrivier R339 WC023 d ! ! o Brak Bloubergstrand R45 Robertson Montagu Dam D n K N L a R45 R45 G K boom LK ing a ! s G LK LK n Eden District Municipality Die Vlug ! ! a R328 K E Table View Wemmershoek Dam Goree Miertjieskraal Dam Ko Backsberg Top Dam! ! G!Ashton LK s uga G !Durbanville R60 ! w Simondium Stettynskloof Dam LK ! G!Herold ou ! ! Klaas Voogdsrivier Sandvliet Lemoenshoek d DC4 T Kleinplaat Palmiet
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