World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2012, 2, 174-180 Published Online October 2012 (

New Method for Diagnostics of Ion Implantation Induced Charge Carrier Traps in Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices

Mukhtar Ahmed Rana1,2 1Physics Department, International Islamic University, Kashmir Highways, Islamabad, . 2Physics Division, Directorate of Science, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Received August 14, 2012; revised September 15, 2012; accepted September 25, 2012

ABSTRACT An important problem of defect charging in electron-hole plasma in a semiconductor electronic device is investigated using the analogy of dust charging in dusty plasmas. This investigation yielded physical picture of the problem along with the mathematical model. Charging and discharging mechanism of charge carrier traps in a semiconductor elec- tronic device is also given. Potential applications of the study in semiconductor device technology are discussed. It would be interesting to find out how dust acoustic waves in electron-hole plasma in micro and nanoelectronic devices can be useful in finding out charge carrier trap properties of impurities or defects which serve as dust particles in elec- tron-hole (e-h) plasma. A new method based on an established technique “deep level transient spectroscopy” (DLTS) is described here suggesting the determination of properties of charge carrier traps in present and future semiconductor devices by measuring the frequency of dust acoustic waves (DAW). Relationship between frequency of DAW and properties of traps is described mathematically proposing the basis of a technique, called here, dust mode frequency deep level transient spectroscopy (DMF-DLTS).

Keywords: Semiconductors; Ion Implantation; Defects; Dust Acoustic Waves; Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy; Electron-Hole Plasma; Nanoelectronics

1. Introduction rier traps, and their electronic implications in Ge and similar materials have not been understood with suffici- During the fabrication, defect or particulate contamina- ent details, so a comprehensive understanding of proper- tion of microelectronic device structures is a serious con- cern. It can be due to unwanted growth on growth reactor ties of defects (vacancies and self-interstitials) in Ge and walls or impurities in supply of atomic species in the related materials, and their interactions with impurity reactor. Extended defect structures are also formed in atoms is still required [4-7]. These elemental defects join different semiconductors used in electronic devices dur- impurities in implanted/doped semiconductors to form ing ion implantation. Extended structures in ion implan- defect clusters which act as charge carrier traps. A gen- ted Sb doped Ge (Ge: Sb) form extended defect struc- eralized model for charging and discharging of defects in tures which show high thermal stability and also trans- semiconductor electronic devices is presented here along form to other defect phases rather than repair. These de- with its perspective applications. fects have fatal effects on transport of charge carriers in semiconductor thin films used in electronic devices, 2. A Model of Defect/Impurity Charging which makes knowledge about them important [1-4]. 2.1. Physical Picture Due to limitation of carrier mobility in Si, Ge has emerged as a key ingredient material for fabrication of a new gen- In a perfect crystal of, say, Ge or Si, all the atoms are at eration of ultrafast devices in the regime of tens of giga- their lattice sites and do not have ability to trap additional hertz. Ion implantation can be used to write a network of charge carriers. If impurities are introduced in a perfect devices on a semiconductor wafer due to possibility of crystal, they get ability to trap charge carriers. It may be controlled implantation beam size and energy, and mask- noted that self interstitial and vacancies are also defects ing of the target wafer. and can trap charge carriers. In real crystalline structure Elemental implantation defects, especially charge car- grown for use in devices, contain a variety of defects and

Copyright © 2012 SciRes. WJNST M. A. RANA 175 sometimes form defect clusters. These clusters are nor- becomes lower than de Broglie wavelength of any spe- mally composed of vacancy-dopant or interstitial-dopant cific specie which assures that that the case e-h plasma clusters. These extended clusters can trap a considerable being discussed here is of classical nature. If we take fraction of electrons or holes present in the active volume charge of electron as –e, hole as +e and defect or dust of a device. grain s – Zd·e, the well-known condition of charge neu- It is thought that these types of extended defect clus- trality can be written as below: ters are present in N-type Ge and prevent the feasibility ne ne n Z e 0 (1) of high speed electronic devices. Depending upon crystal ehdd and dopant, preset defect clusters can trap electrons or Using simple algebra, holes depending on the coulomb potential around defect, nned 1 Zd (2) impurities or a defect cluster. Electron-hole plasmas are nnhh found in electronic devices crystals exposed to optical excitations etc. Defect clusters are exposed to electron For any practical device, defect grain density is much and hole currents due to which they are charged. Defect lower than densities of electrons and holes, so the number n charging in semiconductors is quite complex. After charg- d Zd  1 ing processes end, charged defects start discharging na- nh turally. Charging/discharging of defect clusters in semi- which is the case of isolated dust or defect grains [8-11]. conductor devices are important and affect performance It may also be noted that in present devices defect grains of devices. Charging and discharging of defects can be can be only up to a few nanometer size. Maximum charge used for characterization of charge carrier traps in micro on defect depends upon defect structure and its size. A and nanoelectronic devices. Behaviour of deep level isolated defect or dust grain in e-h plasma attains a float- traps, which forms the basis for DLTS technique, is de- ing potential  p which is determined by electron repul- scribed by a schematic in Figure 1 showing electron and sion and hole collection in case of net negative charging hole traps in a semiconductor. Capture & emission by of defects. The electron current responsible for deposit- deep-level traps in a semiconductor. DLTS makes use of ing electrons on the defect is given by, the measurement of the depletion region of a simple 12 semiconductor electronic device, normally, a Schottky 2 kT e p  Iaen4e  Be xp (3) diode. In such a measurement, the regular reverse polari- ee 2mkeBTe zation of the diode is modified by the probing voltage pulse, resulting in the flow of carriers from the bulk to where me and Te are electron effective mass and tem- the measurement region, charging the defects or traps. perature, and a is the radius of the equivalent sphere of After the pulse ends, thermal emission of carriers from defect grain. The hole current compensating electron the traps produces the capacitance transient in the device, charging of a defect is given by, called the DLTS signal. 12 2 kTBh e p  Iaenhh4e  xp (4) 2mkT 2.2. Mathematical Model hBh Suppose an electron-hole plasma is generated in an elec- where mh and Th are hole effective mass and temperature. tronic device with electron density as n and hole density For further details of Equations (3), (4), please see Refs. e [8-12]. The charging equation of a negatively charged n For simplicity, we assume here extended defect clus- h grain can be written as below, [8-10]. ters capable of trapping a considerable number of elec- dZ II trons. We consider a case of net electron trapping or de h (5) negatively charged defects in a semiconductor device. dte The model situation resembles the typical case of ion implanted Ge:Sb. For the simplicity, we assume that at the time of generation of electron-hole plasma, ne – nh. In implanted Ge:Sb, highly stable vacancy-antimony-Ge clusters (VSlmb Ge n) are present which are thought to be electron traps in this n-type Ge. These extended defect clusters get charged like dust particles and grains in elec- tron-ion plasma. Let the density of defect cluster or dust grain in e-h plasma, generated in the above mentioned device, is nd. Figure 1. Energy band diagram for a semiconductor with We further assume here that densities of electrons and deep-level traps. EC is lower edge of the conduction band holes are below the limit at which inter particle distance while EV is the upper edge of the valence band.

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Case of hole or positive charging of defects can be de- Here, following questions about e-h-dust plasma in scribed using a simple analogy and comparison between semiconductor devices are investigated. What can be the electrons and holes. nature of dust modes in e-h-dust plasma in semiconduc- tor devices? Can these dust modes be useful in diagnos- 2.3. Mechanism of Charging and Discharging of tics of present or future micro or nanoelectronic devices? Electron Traps in an Electronic Device What can be the practical method of utilizing dust modes in diagnostics of semiconductor devices? Electron traps are centers in a semiconductor capable of Dust particles (impurities or defects) in a semiconduc- trapping electrons with a certain binding energy. Traps tor device act as electron or hole traps depending upon its cause power dissipation and reduce conductivity of the electronic structure. If a pulse of electrons or holes is device. When electrons and holes are present in the form injected into a semiconductor device, as in a charge car- of a plasma in an electronic device, dust or defect grains rier trap characterization technique DLTS [13-15], these are exposed to both electron (T ) and hole (T ) currents. e h dust particles will be charged with electrons are holes. These currents simultaneously charge and discharge de- After the charge carrier feeding pulse ends, charged de- fect grains. When e-h plasma is first generated (t = 0) in fects or dust particles will start discharging and it will an electronic device, a charging transient is produced continue until dust particles or defects reach their equi- after which charging and discharging perturbation con- librium charge. Dust mode frequency will also change as tinues until the device operation ends (end of e-h pair dust charge changes with time. This changing mode fre- generation). After this, a discharging transient is pro- quency with time is given by the following, duced in which electrons are released due to thermal agi- –1 2 tation and thermally generated holes. UV light can also 12 12  nkTTdBhh0 Ztndd 0 produce discharging through photoelectron emission.  tkZtd 11 nmhd00 T e n h 3. New Method for the Diagnostics of Charge (8) Carrier Traps in a Micro- and a In DLTS technique, the device is biased at a reverse Nanoelectronic Device bias VR at which the bias is pulsed by a trap filling pulse The frequency ω of dust acoustic mode in electron ion VP for a time tp. Filled defect states start emptying, when plasma, with dust charged as negative, is given by [8-10], bias returns back to VR, and that results in a capacitance transient. Filling pulse is applied in a series and the vary- –1 2 12 12 ing capacitance of the diode CtT, is given by [16], nkTTZndBiidd0 0    kZd 11   (6) nm Tn id00 ei   CtT ,e  C C0 xp  etp  (9) where k is the wavenumber, k is the Boltzman constan, B where C is the equilibrium capacitance value at reverse Z is charge on the dust, n and n are, respectively, d d0 i0 voltage, C0 is the lowering of C at t = 0 and ep is equilibrium dust and ion densities, mi and md are, respec- the hole emission coefficient. The above equation will be tively, ion and dust masses, Te and Ti are electron and ion valid for electron traps with ep replaced with en (the elec- temperatures respectively and e is the electronic charge. tron emission coefficient) and C0 is the rise of C With take the case of semiconductor device working at at t = 0. DLTS spectrum is generated by applying a room temperature and having low electron and hole den- sine-function correlation with period P to CtT, as, sities (due to low doping level) so that plasma behavior is P classical. With charge traps or dust in the device, the 12 t ST() sin  C tT , d t (10) above equation the following form by replacing ion pa- PP0  rameters with hole parameters, The above procedure is applied to determine funda- 12 12 –1 2 mental Fourier component of the transient, CtT ,  . For nkTTZndBhhdd0 0   kZd 11   (7) exponential transients, the period P, the emission coeffi- nmhd0 Tn eh 0  cient ep and Tmax for which ST() shows a maximum,

Now, mh and nh0 are, respectively, hole mass and equi- are related as [17] librium density. Dust particles in e-h plasma are impuri- 1eT   0.42435P (11) ties or defect clusters which can be positively charged, p max negatively charged or neutral. Dust particles in e-h plas- By choosing different appropriate values of period P, ma can have a range of mass and mobility coefficient as corresponding values of ep and Tmax can be determined they can be free or loosely or strongly bound to the host for a specific transient CtT ,  corresponding to a par- lattice structure. So, dust model in e-h plasma in elec- ticular hole trap. tronic devices can be of quite complex nature. As clear from Equation (3), the frequency of dust

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would depend on varying charge Zd of dust particles in 4. Potential Applications and Discussion the same way as CtT, during dust or trap discharge  The present investigation provides the essential informa- after the application of the filling pulse. So, dust mode tion for understanding charging/discharging of defects frequency transient  tT, for the same hole trap as in  in semiconductor electronic devices using transient and Equation (4), an analogue to capacitance transient steady state conditions of operation. It is well known that CtT, , can be defined as,  switching on and off of a range of electronic devices af-

tT,e 0 xp etp  (12) fects their life. Charging and discharging currents pro- duced, respectively, in switching on and off of an elec- where  and 0 are, respectively, equilibrium dust tronic devices affect its quality life. mode frequency and full magnitude of the frequency Deep level transient spectroscopy [13-15] makes use transient at t = 0. In the same way as in Equation (5), dust of charging and discharging capacitance transients for mode frequency DLTS or DMF-DLTS signal, ST   , characterization of charge carrier traps in a semiconduc- can be generated by applying the correlation sine-func- tor electronic device. According to this study small scale tion as in Equation (5), charging and discharging perturbations continue even 12P t during steady state operation of devices. These perturba- STsin( )   tTt , d (13)  PP tions would have higher magnitude and intensity if an 0 electronic devices operation different operational stages.

DMF-DLTS will show a set of peaks of ST   sig- These perturbations produce a fluctuating filed in the nal, each corresponding to a particular dust specie. This device. Fluctuating fields can have more deleterious ef- spectrum of peaks will be similar to a DLTS spectrum fects on the operating device, especially if the fluctuation (Figure 2) with different DLTS peaks, with peak para- frequency is high. meters carrying finger prints of dust species. Once dust Here, we classify defects in a semiconductor electronic mode frequency  and change 0 are measured, device into three classes which are electronically inactive further details of experimental and analysis aspects of defects, electronically static defects and electronically implementation of this new DLTS can be seen by a se- dynamic defects. Electronically dynamic defects con- lected studies available in the common literature [13-19]. tinue producing charging and discharging transients in an operating device and are most undesirable. Electronically inactive defects only decrease active volume of the de- vice and have minimum undesirable effects whereas electronically static defects trap charge carriers but do not produce negligible charging and discharging tran- sients after getting charged at start up of the device. The work presented here in conjunction with the fundamental plasma work [20,21] may lead to applications in the field of Nanotechnology [22,23] and nuclear instruments and methods [24-27]. Figure 3 is a pictorial view of findings of the paper. Physical significance of charge carrier traps in a semi- conductor is shown graphically at the right bottom of the figure. Immediately above it shown is a physical process of bending of a crystal (as a pictorial view) which can Figure 2. DLTS signal showing traps caused by the electron introduce charge carrier traps in a crystal. irradiation induced in Sb-doped (  20 cm) Ge sample for the filling pulse of –0.5 V. Reverse bias –5 V and filling 5. Conclusion pulse duration of 10ms were used. As a simple rule, each peak represents an electronically active trap. Measurements Defects are charged due to electron and hole currents. of the same sample annealed for 30 m at temperatures of Meaningful charging/discharging continues until IIeh  0 . 100˚C - 220˚C are also shown which reduction or evolution Start up of a device and in some conditions the condi- of traps due to thermal treatment. The inset shows the tion IIeh  0 is not fulfilled, so charge fluctuations measurement system at Microelectronics & Nanostructures continue casing energy dissipation which is undesirable Group, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UMIST, due to the problem of decreased efficiency. Energy dis- University of Manchester, Manchester M60 1QD, UK Uni- versity of Manchester, UK. These results were collected sipation also limits life of the device. Using this investi- with the help of A. R. Peaker, V. P. Markevich and I. D. gation, defects in semiconductor electronic devices are Hawkins. classifieds into three groups, electronically inactive defects,

Copyright © 2012 SciRes. WJNST 178 M. A. RANA

hamed Missous at the University of Manchester, UK, are gratefully acknowledged. Revealing discussion with Dr. Waqas Masood, Prof. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Mr. Haidar Rizvi, Sughra, Mother Teresa, Haseeb Hasnain, Qamarul Haq and Dr. Nawab Ali about geomagnetic field, solar winds, and Saturn’s rings in links with the space plasma ought to be thanked. Thanks are also for Mr. Asif Osman for morality motivated and philosophical healthy discus- sions. Helpful and dedicated thoughts sharing of Dr. Shoaib Ahmad (presently at CASP, Church Road, GCU, Lahore) about micro and nanoelectronic devices are re- spectfully appreciated. This work started as composing Crystal Potential of knowledge from distant fields of plasma physics and Virtual Symmetry (CPVS) nanoelectronics which later achieved to be a mature draft/manuscript. The financial help from the HEC, Is- Regular Ions Trap Ions lamabad (Pakistan) is heart-feelingly acknowledged. The help/discussion with Ms. Ee Jin Teo, Ms. Halen (Phil- pine), Markus Zmeck, Andrew Bettiol (Australia), Ong Yiew Leung, Abdullah Al Mamun, Abdullah Al Mamun,

Regular Potential

Real Crystal Shazib Pervaiz, at the National University of Singapore, Electrons Trapped Electrons are appreciated. Thanks are also due for G. Giacomelli, L. Patrizii, V. Togo from the Bologna University; and Vin- Figure 3. This is a pictorial view of the findings reported in the paper. For the better apprehension of the reader, some cenzo Guidi, Andrea Mazzolari, the University of Ferrara; aesthetic/geometric Visualization of traps are shown. Right Sara Maria Carturan, INFN—Laboratori Nazionali di bottom (RB) is geometric visualization of charge carrier Legnaro (Italy); G. Schiwietz (Helmholtz-Zentrum Ber- traps (here electrons shown) in the form of a plot. These lin f. Materialien u. Energie, Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1, traps have an analogy with massive dust particles in tradi- 14109 Berlin, Germany) and P. L. Grande (Uni. Federal tional and fullerene plasma [9,10]. Above RB plot, a picto- do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, rial view of bending crystal model is show. Bending of a crystal can possibly create traps in it. Other than RB plot, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil), Sandro Guedes, typical mounty or mounted pictures are taken freely avail- Julio Hadler and Eduardo Curvo (Instituto de Fisica Gleb able on the web. Leading sources of the pictures are web- Wataghin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNI- pages of FermiLab Today (US), CERN (Switzerland), Dawn CAMP, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil) have been News (Pakistan), OGRA (Pakistan), PINSTECH/SID Li- helpful; Nidal Dwaikata, Ghassan Safarinib, Mousa brary (PAEC, Islamabad, Pakistan). El-hasanb (An-najah National University, Nablus, Jeru-

salem, Palestine); Shoji Hashimoto, Shin Ugawa, Kazuki electronically static defects and electronically dynamic Nanko & Koji Shichi (Soil Resources Laboratory, De- defects. Electronically dynamic defects are most harmful partment of Forest Site Environment, Forestry and Forest for semiconductor electronic devices. A new technique Products Research Institute, 1 Matsunosato, Tsukuba, DMF-DLTS is proposed here by describing measurement Ibaraki, 305-8687, Japan); K. Stübner, R. C. Jonckheere, principle of the technique. This new technique combined L. Ratschbacher (Institut für Geowissenschaften, Tech- with conventional and Laplace DLTS techniques can nische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Sachsen, serve as a combination of carrier trap characterization Germany); Xiangdong Ji (Institute of Nuclear, Particle, techniques capable of extracting further advanced infor- Astronomy and Cosmology Offic: Physics Building Rm. mation about carrier traps in semiconductor devices. 606 (Shanghai Jiatong University, Shanghai, PRC; MIT, USA); Fatih Gerçekcioğlu (Kirikkale University, Tur- 6. Acknowledgements key); Laureline Bourcier (Institute for Reference Materi- Generous help regarding “deep level transient spectros- als and Measurements, Joint Research Center, European copy” (DLTS) and discussions with Prof. Tony Peaker, Commission, B-2440 Geel, Belgium); Prof. Man Gyun Dr. Vladimir Markevich, Dr. Ian Hawkins, Prof. Aimin Na (Chosun University, Korea (South)), S. Mostafa Song, Miss Sam Aldean, Miss Kerry Plant, Dr. Leszek Ghiaasiaan Editor, Editor ANE at G. W. Woodruff Majewski, Prof. Bruce Hamilton, Ms. Marie Davies, Dr. School of Mechanical Engineering Erskine Love Manu- Huda El mubarek (Royal Academy of Engineering and facturing Building Georgia Institute of Technology, At- EPSRC Research Fellow), Dr. Ahmed El-makadema, Ms. lanta. Katy Woolfenden (the Central library) and Prof. Mo- This paper marks the concurrent occurrence of 4 events

Copyright © 2012 SciRes. WJNST M. A. RANA 179 including Islamic Conference 2012 at the Makkah, Saudi Foundation, PIMS, Islamabad, Urba, Abdullah, Ghannia, Arabia, the Pakistan’s Independence Day Celebrations Asad, Iqra, Dar-ul-Amman, Naat Khawan Rabeya, Ashiq (Mubarek), the 2012 Olympics, London, UK, and NASA’s Anjum, Sana, Tandoori, Lavish Dine, Tariq Dogar, Pak Mars Mission which benefitted me in further shaping my Continental, Gourmet Cola (Lahore), Mukhtar Maseeh, mind. Participation in 2 workshops: 1) Pakistan’s Strate- Adnan, Saima, Mohsin, Lubna, A. R. Peaker, University gic Needs; 2) The Role of China in Nuclear Power in of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa: M Diale, T Hlat- Pakistan), at NAFDEP, the Pitfalls Waterlanes, the Nee- swayo, J. Janse van Rensburg, D. Langa, W. Meyer, C. lam Silk Route, Islamabad, were beneficial. Moji, J. Nel, Claudia Zander, E. A. Meyburgh, P. Chak- Discussion/help/inspiration from individuals/places/ raborty, J. van der Merwe; Fauzi, Manzoor Hussain, Nu- concepts/institutions (local or at places mentioned above, clear Decommissioning Authority (NDA): John Mathi- mentioned otherwise) Ahmed Raza Brailvi, Shah Ahmed esen, Easton Murray, Elizabeth Atherton; Shahid, Azhar, Noorani, Mufti Mahmood, Hussain Ahmad, Liaqat Ba- Dar-us-Salaam (Singapore), Al-Huda Quran & Hadees lauch, Tahir-ul-Qadri, Haji Abdul Wahab, Pir Pagaro, Ray Academy, Islamabad, Khalid, Jameel, Hafiz, Faisal, Wind, Shaukat-Khanum, Naseer-ud-Din Shah, Qari Khushi Saeed, Riffat, Fasih, Mano, Umar, Farah, Saima, Sidra, Muhammad Al-Azahari, Data Nagari, Haroon Rashid, Showkat (Sahiwal), Aftab Iqbal (Okara). Javed Chaud- Adnan Kayani, Naheed, Saad Sajid Bashir, Shahid Bilal hary, Hamid Mir, Irfan Siddiqi, Asma Shirazi, Saleem Butt, Ishtiaq Kashmiry, Razia Butt, Atta-ul-Haq Qasmi, Safi, R. U. Yusufzai, Shah Rukh Khan, Shehzad Roy, Skill Development Initiative (KINPOE & KANUPP, Kareena Kapoor, Baba Nanak, Kabeer, K. K. Khattak, Karachi), Zafar Shuttle Service, Faiz-ul-Hassan, Khalid Dr. Karishma (Gujraat), Azhar Mehmood Kayani (AFIC, Minhas, Nafeesa Nazali, Farhat, Ayesha, Shazia, Serwat, Rawalpindi), Kamila, LCWU, Lahore:Yasmin Ali, Shafaq Kanwal, Rahat Bakers, Kalabagh, Nadra, Ada Kidman, Arif, Lubna Mustafa, Rehana Zia; Dalda and Meezan Military College , Sarai Alamghir; Pakistan Naval Cook-books, Sardar , Azad Kashmir, Academy, Karachi; Academy, Risal- PTCL, OGDCL, Daak Khana, Madina Cash & Carry, pur: Iqbal, Karsaz, Rashid Minhas, M. M. Alam, Mehran, Makkah Traders, RanaAcademy, Saqib Osman, Muham- Bahadur, Maj Aurangzeb, Brig (R) Muhammad Afzal mad Akhtar, Mushtaq Ahmad. Inspiration from the mind Malik, Lt Col Abdul Qayyum Satti, Capt Shahbaz Anjum, awakening Hamd & Naat writers & reciters/movies/ Miss Shazia Tabassum, Miss Aneela Malik, Miss Amber characters/dramas/books/singers/newpapers/channels/web- Amin, Mr. Sajjad; Balqis Kaur, Ameer Chak, Bashir, sites, Altaaf Hussain Hali, A Beautiful Mind, The Ugly Bajwa, Gujjar, University of Balauchistan, Quetta: Abdul Truth, Pearl Harbor, Black Rain (Hiroschima, Nagasaki), Manan Bazai, Zahid Ali Marwat, Mr. Muhammad Arif, The Message, Un-Kahe, Ghazi Ilam Din Shaheed, Tere Ms. Faiqa Abdul Hayee, Ms. Faiza Mir. Fida Mu- Naam, Shabana, Ram Chand Pakistani, Tere bin Laden, hammad Bazai; Faisal, Hina Jeelani, McDonald, KFC, Banjaran, Silsila, Kabhi Kabhi, Heer, Cleopatra, Vizon- NIM, Asma Jahangir, Veena Malik, Mahreen A. Raja, tele, Tears of Gaza, Downfall, Mr. Bean, My Fair Lady, Naseeb (Narowal), Matiullah/Shafiq, Babar, Rashid, Arshi, Das Leben der Anderen, Tokio Hotel, Half Plate, Devils Maulvi Malik Mushtaq (Master Teddi, Shakargarh), Aziz, on the Doorstep, Dess, Waqt, Time, BBC (Hard talk), Sorruyya Deendar, Prof. Zaka Ullah, Belal Baaquie, Newweek (Fareed Zakaria), Fatmire Bajramaj (Kosovo Murray Barrett, Meng Hau Kuok, Nidhi Sharma, Kuldip & Germany), Marco Soggetto (Eni, Milano, Italy), CNN Singh, Edward Teo, Xuesen Wang, Artur Ekert, B. V. R. (Christiane Amanpour), Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Chowdary, Ms. Teo Hoon Hwee, Ms. Zhou Weiqian, Dutsche Welle, VoA, Beijing Radio, Radio Masco, Faiza, Fariha Pervez, Sajjad Ali, Komal Rizvi, Abrar- Ranghun, Bol, Radio Pakistan, FM 92.5, ARY Qur’an ul-Haq. Ali Haider, Alamgir, Aman, Yasin Malik, Zaid TV, Geo, Dunya, Dawn, Express News, PTV. 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